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fostersffff · 5 months
I'm in the "comical" phase of gunpla backlog, and wasn't planning on picking up anything new for a while until I can make a dent in it, but my local shop somehow got the G-Self?
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I'm a long way off from watching G-Reco but the G-Self really is the Littlest Guy Gundam I've ever seen.
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It's incredible that they managed to make a giant robot with static facial features look like this much of a Little Guy.
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WIP Wednesday!
It’s probably Thursday for some of you already, but oh well. Tagging the usuals @throughtrialbyfire @skyrim-forever and @trickstarbrave sorry if y’all’ve already posted!
Here’s some more crossover fun with Afonya and Tilia! Beware some weirdness probably because a lot of this was written right before bed.
“Luckily, my parents raised me to just… believe in myself. In my own value. No matter what.” The tiefling’s smile was genuine, but there was a question behind her eyes. She was trying to understand mine. After a pause, she continued, “I can’t imagine the effect it would have on me to be kicked out of my home of almost thirty years. Without that support, I mean.” Wow. Pointed.
I sighed. “Yeah. It’s not fun.” She nodded but kept silent, clearly fishing for more. “What do you want to know?” I was probably speaking to her like a child, but it was hard not to see Lucia in Tilia’s inquisitive stare and prying words.
She turned her head to think for a second, her facial scales catching the light. “What was your homeland like?”
I smiled. “Morrowind was beautiful. Maybe not if you were older and used to it pre-eruption, or lived somewhere green like this.” I paused to tear a flower out of the ground. “But it was beautiful. The ash covered everything, in this way that was always changing when the wind picked up. At night it was this beautiful dark gray color, but during the day you could see all the shades of brown and black and red coming from the mountain.” This was the point where Brelyna would usually cutely laugh at the wonder in my voice- it was smart of Tilia to start with this. “It wasn’t lifeless like some people try to pretend- unless you were in the deep ashlands, there was always some kind of mushroom or flower peeking its head out of the ground. And usually some form of bug bothering you, because it wouldn’t be Morrowind without one.” I swallowed a sound escaping my throat because I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a laugh or a sob.
Tilia gifted me with a sad smile. “It sounds nice.” I was well-versed enough in deception to know she was lying, but the thought was sweet. “When did you leave?”
“Not that long ago.” I paused to count the months, then had a sinking realization. “Nevermind. Three years ago. By Azura- Elia was only fifteen.”
Tilia drew in a sharp breath. “I’ve only been in the Gate for less than a year.” Her eyebrows furrowed, like she was trying to mentally make a timeline of our journeys. Eventually, she asked, “How do you get through everything, then? If you’re so unconfident in yourself? No offense.”
I paused to consider my answer. I thought about giving the usual I fake it, but decided to tell her the truth. I needed to be trusting with her, I could tell. “My family- my real family, that’s Elia, Brey, my kids. I still have trouble believing they love me unconditionally, but they help.” I was able to anticipate her next question, so I answered it too. “That first year though, and most of the second one, were pretty hard. I really think my faith in the gods was all that kept me together. Dunmer are very focused on change- creating it, adapting to it, taking advantage of it. And Azura feels your pain when you start to reflect your hatred inwards.” Tilia wouldn’t be able to notice, but I was quoting a common sermon from my father there. Those speeches were one of two things I learned from him- the other one being how to be a hypocrite. “You’re not religious, Tilia?”
She shook her head. “No. Never found one that worked for me. After seeing Aylin and Isobel, I wondered if I was being called to Selǔne, but…” She trailed off.
“Were you?”
“No. I think I was being called to muscular women, which… preach to the choir.” I lost my cool, at that, the urge to laugh fighting the urge to sigh and winning. The tiefling talked in a manner that almost gave the impression that she wasn’t fully aware of what was going on around her, similarly to Brelyna. She waited patiently for me to recover myself before asking, “What were we talking about?”
“Morrowind. When I left.”
“Right.” She paused to readjust her tail and run a hand through her hair. “How many times have you come back?”
I smiled. “Thank Azura, I’ve been able to return more times than I could count up to in Tamrielic.” She gave me a puzzled look. “My parents were stubborn and only spoke Dunmeri, so I’m missing some knowledge,” I explained. “But I’ve gone to Solstheim, the island that’s a lot less devastated, pretty often. Almost once a month for the past year. And then I went to Vvardenfell, the main island- not the mainland, which ks where I’m from- once. To get married to Brelyna, officially.”
She looked confused again. Or it was just her resting face. Hard to tell. “So when your sister came to Skyrim, you…”
I laughed. “We’re still pretty busy in civil war cleanup, so I hired someone from Raven Rock to escort her there.”
She looked somewhat upset at that, and opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, but closed it and resorted to a nod.
“Something you take issue with?” I ventured.
“No. I guess not.”
I raised an eyebrow at her. “No. Explain.”
“I shouldn’t be judging you for how you parent your sister. I’m an only child, I don’t- you know.” She had switched pretty quickly into an apology, which probably indicated that it was genuine.
I was tempted to point out the absurdity of the idea of me parenting Elia, but something behind Tilia drew my gaze. I stood up and drew my concentration to creating an Ebonyflesh spell in my left hand. Tilia followed my gaze, her white wings drawing out of her back as she turned her body. I extended my arm for her to pull herself up with. “We have company, Tilia.”
Tilia of Tragedy
[date in DnD system]
Afonya fought like Shadowheart. For the most part, she stayed back, whispering incantations that grew into bolts of what appeared to be both lightning and fire and ended their life cycle as explosions. She did occasionally become more reckless, though,   like a few seconds ago, when she had taken a few steps closer to the bulette to breathe fire onto it. Which was something I was quite jealous of.
As for myself, I was currently hovering just out of the creature’s reach, attempting to reposition a Cloudkill to not place the elf directly in its poison. I guessed that I probably had about a minute before my wings gave out and the cloud disappeared, quite possibly at the same time.
And as for the bulette, it was probably having the worst day of its life. I’d only seen Afonya fight once before, and briefly, but these thirty seconds were confirmation enough of Astarion’s account of her formidability. It alternated swipes at the two of us, occasionally breaking out into confused screeches.
Unfortunately, I was probably too focused on analyzing Afonya’s style and not focused enough on evading attacks. She took a break (probably to recover magical energy, given what she’d told me about Tamriel’s magic), which the bulette took as an opportunity to leap into the air, throwing me off balance and landing closer to Afonya than I was comfortable with. Right then my wings decided to disappear on me, so I took an ungraceful tumble to the ground. From the dirt I eyed Afonya, who was less than a foot from the monster’s massive snout. Far too close for a mage as, for lack of a better word, squishy as she was.
I drew in an anxious breath as she seemed to freeze with fear, fully prepared to walk back to camp alone to get Shadowheart. However, as I watched, she started to glow green around the edges. Haven’t seen that before. Raising a hand up to the sky, or whatever functioned as sky in the Underdark, she started to cast what looked like a version of Call Lightning, but more… frantic. And centered on herself. Which seemed dangerous. I pulled myself up from the ground, mouthing a small ignis and shooting a bolt of fire from my fingertips into the bulette’s back. It roared and turned to face me, but took less than a step before Afonya yelled some more draconic words and it was dead on the ground. 
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miratiwari-7 · 2 months
Brighten Your Vision and Look: Eyelid Ptosis Surgery
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Eyelid ptosis surgery is a highly effective procedure designed to correct drooping eyelids that can obstruct vision and impact your overall appearance. This is a popular solution in Mumbai for those who want to look younger and improve their vision. Ptosis caused by aging, congenital or injury can make your eyes look tired and less alert. Eyelid ptosis surgery in Mumbai means you benefit from the latest medical technology and expertise of experienced surgeons and look younger and fresher.
Mumbai has some of the best eyelid ptosis surgeons in the country with state-of-the-art facilities and personal attention. This procedure not only corrects the eyelid function but also boosts your confidence and overall life. Patients getting eyelid ptosis surgery in Mumbai can expect detailed consultations, precise surgery, and excellent post-op care. This comprehensive approach ensures the best results so you can see clearly and look fresh and ready to take on the world confidently.
What Is The Eyelid Ptosis Surgery?
Eyelid Ptosis, or as they are commonly called, drooping eyelids, can be treated by eyelid ptosis surgery. Although this eyelid surgery is intended to treat your health and prevent the onset of more serious disorders, as well as to give you better eyesight and fewer headaches, it also has a cosmetic benefit because it will typically make you seem better. Everybody sees your eyelids, and even a one-millimeter variation in the two eyelids' heights might detract from your appearance. You won't seem sleepy since your eyes won't feel fatigued anymore. Not only will your face be significantly brighter, but your appearance will be youthful and vibrant.
Eyelid Ptosis Procedure:
Eyelid ptosis, a condition characterized by the drooping of the upper eyelid, can significantly impair vision and affect facial aesthetics. Ptosis treatment is essential to restore both functionality and appearance. The primary goal of ptosis surgery is to elevate the drooping eyelid to its natural position, thereby improving the patient's field of vision and overall look. This procedure typically involves tightening the levator muscle, responsible for lifting the eyelid or using a frontalis sling to enable the forehead muscles to elevate the eyelid. By addressing the underlying muscle weakness or dysfunction, ptosis surgery can effectively enhance both vision and appearance.
Choosing the right surgeon is crucial for achieving optimal results in ptosis treatment. The best ptosis surgeon in India will have extensive experience and a track record of successful outcomes. These surgeons are adept at diagnosing the severity of ptosis and customizing the surgical approach to meet the individual needs of each patient. In India, Mumbai stands out as a hub for advanced medical care, offering access to some of the most skilled and renowned ptosis surgeons. Patients can expect a high standard of care, precision in surgical technique, and comprehensive post-operative support.
Ptosis treatment in Mumbai is highly sought after due to the city's advanced healthcare infrastructure and expertise in oculoplastic surgery. The city's top surgeons combine state-of-the-art technology with the latest surgical techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients. Whether the ptosis is congenital or acquired, the experienced surgeons in Mumbai are equipped to handle a wide range of cases. With a focus on personalized care, these specialists ensure that each patient receives a tailored treatment plan designed to achieve the best functional and aesthetic results.
Recovery After Surgery:
The recovery after this surgery is reasonably simple. While bruising, redness, and watering may persist for a week, most people can see well enough to use the computer or watch TV the very next day. The procedure is designed with the utmost care for patient safety, utilizing minimally invasive techniques to ensure a smooth recovery. Surgeons take comprehensive measures to minimize risks, including the use of advanced sterilization methods and precision instruments. Additionally, detailed pre-operative assessments and post-operative care plans are implemented to monitor healing and address any concerns promptly. There will usually be no scars left after the surgery, allowing patients to enjoy the benefits without any visible signs of the procedure.
Ptosis Surgery For Droopy Eyelid Syndrome:
Ptosis surgery for droopy eyelid syndrome is a highly effective procedure designed to correct the drooping of the upper eyelid, which can interfere with vision and impact facial aesthetics. The surgery typically involves tightening the levator muscle or using a frontalis sling to lift the eyelid. This not only restores a natural appearance but also significantly improves the patient's field of vision. Advanced techniques and minimally invasive methods ensure a smooth recovery with minimal discomfort.
In some cases, patients may be advised to use special scleral contact lenses or "crutch" glasses before or after surgery to support the eyelid and improve vision temporarily. These devices help in managing the condition while waiting for surgery or during the healing process. Ptosis surgery, combined with such supportive measures, offers a comprehensive approach to treating droopy eyelid syndrome, ensuring both functional and aesthetic benefits.
Cost of Ptosis Surgery:
The cost of eyelid ptosis surgery varies widely based on several factors, including the severity of the condition, the surgical technique used, and the choice of clinic or hospital. In India, the cost of ptosis surgery is significantly more affordable compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive option for patients seeking high-quality medical care at a reduced expense. The overall ptosis surgery cost generally covers pre-operative assessments, the surgical procedure, anesthesia, and post-operative care, ensuring a comprehensive treatment package.
India is home to some of the most skilled surgeons and advanced medical facilities, providing exceptional care at a fraction of the cost found in countries like the USA, UK, and Singapore. You can rest assured that your surgery can be carried out by an accomplished surgeon in an excellent medical facility at much lower costs than in these countries. When searching for "ptosis surgery near me," Mumbai emerges as a leading destination for cost-effective and high-quality ptosis treatment. Renowned oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Debraj Shome is one of the top specialists in Mumbai, known for his expertise and successful patient outcomes.
The ptosis treatment cost in Mumbai is particularly attractive due to the combination of advanced medical technology and the expertise of experienced surgeons like Dr. Debraj Shome. By choosing Mumbai for ptosis surgery, patients can benefit from personalized care and state-of-the-art facilities without the financial burden typically associated with such procedures abroad. Dr. Debraj Shome's reputation for excellence ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment, making Mumbai a preferred destination for those seeking effective and affordable ptosis surgery.
In conclusion, for individuals considering ptosis surgery, The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai offer a compelling option. Located conveniently for those searching "ptosis surgery near me," The Esthetic Clinics boasts a team of experienced surgeons, including Dr. Debraj Shome, known for their expertise in ptosis surgery. This renowned clinic combines advanced medical technology with a commitment to patient care, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients seeking to correct droopy eyelids. With a focus on safety, precision, and aesthetic results, The Esthetic Clinics provides a comprehensive solution for those looking to improve both their vision and appearance through ptosis surgery.
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mikyit · 6 months
💥 The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act (#AIact) will allow #law 🧑‍⚖️ enforcement to use #facial 👦 #recognition #technology📡 on recorded #video 🎥 footage without a judge’s approval. ---> Going further than what was agreed by the three #EU #institutions, according to European lawmaker Svenja Hahn.
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looklab · 9 months
Navigating the Pinnacle of Self-Care at Med Spa Scottsdale AZ for Supreme Skin Care Scottsdale AZ
Nestled in the heart of the Sonoran Desert, Scottsdale, AZ, is renowned for its vibrant culture, luxury resorts, and now, a haven of beauty and rejuvenation – the Med Spa Scottsdale AZ. This article serves as your comprehensive guide to exploring the pinnacle of self-care in the desert oasis, where advanced skincare merges seamlessly with a luxurious spa experience. Discover why the phrase Skin Care Scottsdale AZ is becoming synonymous with a new standard of beauty and well-being in this upscale Arizona city.
The Essence of Med Spa Scottsdale AZ
A Med Spa in Scottsdale, AZ transcends the boundaries of traditional spas, embodying a synergy of medical expertise and spa indulgence. This unique approach to self-care offers a diverse array of services that go beyond the surface, providing clients with a holistic and transformative experience. Let's delve into the key elements that define the essence of a Med Spa in Scottsdale:
Medical Prowess: A distinguishing factor of a Med Spa in Scottsdale is its integration of qualified medical professionals overseeing treatments. This ensures that all skincare and cosmetic procedures adhere to the highest standards of safety and effectiveness.
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Cutting-Edge Aesthetic Treatments: The Med Spa Scottsdale AZ is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, offering a suite of cutting-edge aesthetic treatments. From laser therapies to non-surgical facelifts, these treatments provide clients with innovative solutions for their cosmetic concerns.
Luxurious Spa Environment: Despite its medical focus, a Med Spa in Scottsdale doesn't compromise on luxury. The spa environment is curated to evoke relaxation and tranquility, with opulent decor, soothing music, and a serene ambiance.
Personalized Wellness Plans: Recognizing that each individual has unique skincare needs, professionals at a Med Spa in Scottsdale create personalized wellness plans. These plans are tailored to address specific concerns, ensuring that clients receive individualized care for optimal results.
Transformative Services at the Med Spa Scottsdale AZ
The Med Spa Scottsdale AZ experience is characterized by an array of transformative services that cater to diverse skincare needs. From advanced facial treatments to body sculpting, clients can indulge in a range of options to enhance their beauty and well-being:
Advanced Facial Treatments: Med Spas in Scottsdale offer a variety of advanced facial treatments tailored to address specific concerns. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and HydraFacial treatments are popular choices to revitalize and refresh the skin.
Laser Skin Rejuvenation: Laser therapies at the Med Spa in Scottsdale target various skin concerns, including sun damage, wrinkles, and pigmentation issues. These non-invasive treatments utilize advanced laser technology to achieve remarkable results with minimal downtime.
Injectables and Dermal Fillers: For those seeking non-surgical cosmetic enhancements, Med Spas in Scottsdale provide a range of injectables and dermal fillers. Botox and fillers like Juvederm are administered by skilled professionals to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and restore facial volume.
Body Contouring and Sculpting: Med Spas in Scottsdale offer advanced body contouring treatments, including CoolSculpting and SculpSure. These non-invasive procedures target stubborn fat deposits, helping clients achieve a more sculpted physique.
The Med Spa Scottsdale AZ Experience: Beyond Beauty
Visiting a Med Spa in Scottsdale is not just about beauty; it's an immersive experience that nurtures both body and soul. Here's how the Med Spa experience goes beyond the surface, providing a holistic approach to beauty and well-being:
Professional Consultations: Before any treatment, clients undergo thorough consultations with medical professionals at the Med Spa. This ensures that individual concerns are understood, and personalized recommendations are made for the most effective and suitable treatments.
Education and Awareness: Med Spas in Scottsdale prioritize educating clients about skincare and wellness. From explaining the benefits of specific treatments to providing tips for at-home care, the goal is to empower clients with knowledge for long-term skin health.
Relaxation and Tranquility: The ambiance of a Med Spa in Scottsdale is designed to evoke relaxation and tranquility. From soothing music to luxurious decor, every element is curated to create a serene environment where clients can escape the stresses of daily life.
Follow-Up and Support: The relationship between a client and a Med Spa doesn't end with the treatment. Follow-up appointments and ongoing support are integral parts of the experience. This ensures that clients receive continuous care and guidance on their wellness journey.
Choosing Excellence in Self-Care
In a city synonymous with luxury and refinement, the Med Spa Scottsdale AZ stands as a beacon of modern self-care. The fusion of medical expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to holistic wellness makes the Med Spa an unrivaled destination for those seeking elevated beauty and well-being in Scottsdale.
Whether you're looking to address specific cosmetic concerns, indulge in advanced skincare treatments, or simply escape into a realm of relaxation, the Med Spa in Scottsdale offers a sanctuary where beauty is cultivated, and well-being is celebrated. Elevate your self-care routine, embrace transformation, and discover the revitalization that awaits at the Med Spa Scottsdale AZ.
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dawnbringerjevella · 11 months
Mod recos and sources anyone? Kinda sad the facial features are exclusive per race (?) in char custom i really wanna be a tiefling. Tyyyy
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graymanbriefing · 1 year
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Censorship & Privacy Brief: National Summary  In Atlanta, GA; at Mercedes Benz Stadium, the DroneDog (4 legged autonomous robot created by Boston Dynamics and Asylon Robotics) with facial recognition technology has been deployed to routinely monitor event goers. Separately, at stadiums across the nation (Citi Field, Rose Bowl, Pechanga Arena, First Energy Stadium, Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Sun Devil, Hard Rock Stadium) facial reco...(CLASSIFIED) Elon Musk suggested that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) pressured X (formerly Twitter) to censor X acco...(CLASSIFIED) The Center for Countering Digital Hate (a foreign, UK-based lobbying firm) claimed that the "Disinformation Dozen" (group of political and online personalities including RFK) were responsible for "65% of the shares of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms". The White House echoed the center's statistics to pressure social media outlets to censor 11 of the 12 (via account suspensions). Also, Massachusetts circumvented a FOIA request b...(CLASSIFIED) Nationally, on September 8th; the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday that the Biden administration "coerced social-media platforms into censoring certain social­ media content, in violation of the First Amendment". The lawsuit filed by Missouri, Louisiana, and individuals claimed that the "White House, the CDC, the FBI, and a few other agencies— urged the platforms to remove disfavored content and accounts" fr...(CLASSIFIED) Republican Presidential Candidate Ramaswamy called for chil...(CLASSIFIED) The Firefox web browser has introduced an "email masking feature" to redu...(CLASSIFIED) YouTube, along with other social media outlets, worked to censor content that countered U.S. government narratives regarding the origins and causes of the Maui "wildfires". Microsoft and "fact checkers" claim that the Chinese Communist Party conducted a PSYOP to "sow discord and distrust" using 85 social media accounts to share "theories" on how the fire was caused b..(CLASSIFIED) The Threads app (Meta's Instagram linked social media outlet), is now blocking users from searching fo...(CLASSIFIED, see full brief at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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Detroit police address recent lawsuit involving arrest after facial reco...
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azeez-unv · 1 year
▪️How a smile makes all desirable changes by winning the hearts.
A smile is a powerful tool that can make all the desirable changes by winning the hearts of others.
➖The benefits are:
1. Creates a positive impression
2. Builds trust
3. Improves facial values
4. Improves immune system
5. Relieves stress
6. Boosts morale
7. Improves confidence
8. Strengthens relationship
9. Reduces pain
10. Reduces blood pressure
11. Increases endurance
12. Activates inactive harmones.
Smiles that convey approval, happiness, contentment, and other positive feelings.
Smiles that communicate positive intention, trustworthiness, belongingness, compassion, and social connection.
Smiles intended to convey contempt, disgust, or superiority. Such smiles have been shown to increase cortisol (stress hormone) levels in people they are directed toward.
Smiling Helps You Live Longer.
Smiling Elevates Mood.
Smiling Is Contagious
Smiling Makes You Attractive.
Smiling Suggests Success.
Smiling and Laughing Reduce Stress.
Since body language and mood are so linked, it makes sense that laughing on purpose helps us too.
Smiling relaxes the facial muscles and calms the nervous system. Laughing sends more oxygen to the brain. That triggers the release of brain chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals help us feel positive. Laughing can lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and boost mood.
➖Here's a simple exercise from a Buddhist teacher to help you tap into the benefits of smiling:
As you breathe in, say to yourself:
1. Breathing in, I calm my body and mind.
Then, as you breathe out, think:
2. Breathing out, I smile.
By repeating this simple breathing exercise several times, you're relaxing your nervous system and countering stress
➖Did you know that the simple act of smiling can boost your mood and even your immune system?
▪️It costs nothing, but creates much.
▪️It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.
▪️It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
▪️None are so rich they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.
▪️It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.
▪️It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature’s best antidote for trouble.
▪️It cannot be bought, bagged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.
▪️Nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give.
1. Babies are born with the ability to smile: Babies learn a lot of behaviors and sounds from watching the people around them, but scientists believe that all babies are born with the ability, since even blind babies smile.
2. Women smile more than men: Generally, women smile more than men, but when they participate in similar work or social roles, they smile the same amount. This finding leads scientists to believe that gender roles are quite flexible. Boy babies, though, do smile less than girl babies, who also make more eye contact.
3. There are 19 different types of smiles: UC-San Francisco researcher identified 19 types of smiles and put them into two categories: polite “social” smiles which engage fewer muscles, and sincere “felt” smiles that use more muscles on both sides of the face.
4. Only human can smile. It makes a difference from animal.
Your smile can reflect a wide range of your mood.
➖Unknown facts:
▪️Biologically smile takes 62 muscles to frown, but only 26 muscles to smile!
▪️The two muscles that create a smile are the zygomatic major and the orbicularis oculi.
▪️Other muscles can simulate a smile, but only the two above create a genuine, involuntary smile.
▪️Duchenne smiles are the scientific name for genuine smiles.
▪️The crinkling in the corner of the eyes is a tell-tale sign of a genuine smile.
▪️People who smile are more likely to get a promotion.
▪️Smiles are the most easily recognized facial expression; they can be recognized from over 300 feet away.
➖Types of smile
There are many types of smiles, each with their own unique meanings and expressions.
Here are some of the most common types of smiles:
1. Duchenne smile: A genuine smile that involves the contraction of both the zygomatic major muscle (which lifts the corners of the mouth) and the orbicularis oculi muscle (which creates crow's feet wrinkles around the eyes).
2. Fake smile: A smile that is forced or insincere, often used to hide negative emotions or to be polite.
3. Polite smile: A smile that is used to show politeness or acknowledgement, but may not be genuine.
4. Amused smile: A smile that shows amusement or mild humor, often involving a closed mouth and raised eyebrows.
5. Sarcastic smile: A smile that is used to convey sarcasm or mocking, often involving a slight sneer and raised eyebrows.
6. Nervous smile: A smile that is used to cover up nervousness or anxiety, often involving a closed mouth and a forced, tight-lipped smile.
7. Flirtatious smile: A smile that is used to show romantic or sexual interest, often involving a tilted head, eye contact, and a slight smile.
8. Smirk: A smile that is used to show smugness or superiority, often involving a raised corner of the mouth and a cocked eyebrow.
9. Grin: A broad smile that involves the entire mouth and often conveys happiness, excitement, or satisfaction.
10. Contemptuous smile: A smile that shows disrespect or disdain towards someone, often involving a raised corner of the mouth and a curled lip.
11. Sympathetic smile: A smile that shows understanding or empathy towards someone, often involving a gentle, closed-mouth smile.
12. Proud smile: A smile that shows pride or accomplishment, often involving a broad smile and an open, confident posture.
13. Icy smile: A smile that is cold and distant, often involving a tight-lipped smile and lack of eye contact.
14. Embarrassed smile: A smile that shows embarrassment or discomfort, often involving a closed mouth and a downcast gaze.
15. Sincere smile: A smile that is genuine and heartfelt, often involving a warm, open-mouthed smile and eye contact.
16. Joyful smile: A smile that shows pure joy or happiness, often involving a broad, open-mouthed smile and expressive eyes.
17. Confident smile: A smile that shows confidence or self-assurance, often involving a firm, broad smile and an upright posture.
18. Mischevious smile: A smile that shows playful or mischievous intentions, often involving a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
19. Radiant smile: A smile that is bright, glowing, and exudes happiness, often involving a wide, open-mouthed smile and twinkling eyes.
20. Compassionate smile: A smile that is warm and caring, often used to show support or kindness towards others, and involving a soft, gentle smile and attentive eye contact.
21. Apologetic smile: A smile that is used to convey apology or regret, often involving a slight, closed-lipped smile and a sincere expression.
22. Skeptical smile: A smile that is used to convey doubt or disbelief, often involving a raised eyebrow and a half-smile.
23. Contemplative smile: A smile that is used to show thoughtfulness or reflection, often involving a closed-mouth smile and a pensive expression.
24. Enthusiastic smile: A smile that is used to show excitement or enthusiasm, often involving a wide, open-mouthed smile and an animated expression.
25. Impish smile: A smile that is playful and mischievous, often involving a sly grin and a twinkle in the eye.
26. Admiring smile: A smile that is used to show admiration or appreciation, often involving a wide, open-mouthed smile and a gaze of awe.
➖Goodness of the smile:
The "goodness" of a smile depends on the intentions and emotions behind it, as well as the way it is received by others.
A smile that is used to convey kindness, humor, joy, or empathy is generally viewed as positive and attractive, while a smile that is used to convey sarcasm, insincerity, or superiority may be viewed as negative or off-putting.
➖How to improve smiling:
1. Consider teeth whitening: If you're unhappy with the color of your teeth, consider professional teeth whitening treatments to brighten your smile.
2. Address dental issues: If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, consider orthodontic treatments such as braces or Invisalign to improve their alignment.
3. Practice smiling: Spend time in front of a mirror practicing your smile, experimenting with different types of smiles and expressions until you find one that feels natural and attractive.
4. Exercise your facial muscles: Engage in exercises that can help strengthen and tone the muscles in your face and jaw, such as facial yoga or facial massage.
5. Be mindful of your posture: Sit or stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head held high to project confidence and openness.
6. Think positive thoughts: Cultivate a positive mindset and try to focus on things that make you happy or bring you joy, which can help make your smile more genuine and authentic.
Remember, the most important thing is to be comfortable and confident in your smile, and to express yourself in a way that feels true to who you are.
➖How to make others smile:
Making others smile can be a wonderful way to brighten someone's day and spread positivity and joy.
Here are some strategies that may help:
1. Use humor: Humor is a powerful tool for making others smile. Try telling a joke, sharing a funny story, or making a lighthearted observation to bring a smile to someone's face.
2. Be kind: Acts of kindness and generosity can be a great way to make others smile. Offer a helping hand, pay a compliment, or surprise someone with a thoughtful gesture to show that you care.
3. Show empathy: Sometimes simply showing empathy and understanding can help ease someone's stress or worries and bring a smile to their face. Listen attentively, offer support, and try to put yourself in their shoes.
4. Be playful: Playfulness and spontaneity can be great for making others smile. Whether it's engaging in a silly activity, telling a funny story, or just being spontaneous and adventurous, finding ways to inject a sense of fun and excitement into someone's day can be a great way to bring a smile to their face.
5. Share positive news: Sharing positive news, such as a personal accomplishment, an interesting fact, or a heartwarming story, can help lift someone's spirits and make them smile.
Remember, making others smile can be a simple yet powerful way to spread joy and positivity, and can have a lasting impact on both the giver and the receiver.
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Facial Recognition Market is Expected to Grow at a Robust CAGR of13.87% by 2023
The Facial Recognition Market report offers a comprehensive study of the current scenario of the market coupled with market dynamics includes drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with the Market Analyze and identify major trends and segments with respect to regional and countries published by Crystal Market Research Competitive Outlook The leading players in the market are Ayonix Corp, Cognitec Systems, Animetrics, Safran Identity and Security, KeyLemon, Techno Brain, Gemalto, Aware, NEC and Herta Security. The major players in the market are profiled in detail in view of qualities, for example, company portfolio, business strategies, financial overview, recent developments, and share of the overall industry. Market Trend Outlook Analysis The global Facial Recognition Market was worth USD 2.78 billion in 2014 and is expected to reach approximately USD 8.96 billion by 2023, while registering itself at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.87% during the forecast period. The development of the worldwide facial recognition market is foreseen to be driven by different components, for example, the expanding requirement for upgraded surveillance and observing at public spots and the expanding usage of facial recognition technologies in enterprises, for example, the government. The expanding reliance of end-users on sites and web applications is offering ascend to an expanding number of data and identity theft cases. Additionally, the expanding unpredictability of these attacks is driving end-users to adopt secure confirmation arrangements. This expands the usage of biometric security solutions as they are a standout amongst the most secure validation arrangements due to their capacity to consolidate the physical and behavioural highlights of the end-users that are hard to forge. Request to Get Exclusive Sample Copy At: www.crystalmarketresearch.com/report-sample/SE01544 Regional Outlook and Trend Analysis: North America is anticipated to have the biggest market measure in the facial recognition market amid the gauge time frame. The North American region has indicated expanded interests in the market, and a few sellers have advanced to take into account the quickly developing business sector. An impressive development is normal in the locale amid the conjecture time frame. Component Outlook and Trend Analysis - Facial Recognition Market Because of the developing awareness among various industries about the highlights of facial recognition advancements and the rising requirement for a more secured biometric system, the interest for facial acknowledgment framework is said to increment comprehensively. Facial recognition services play an essential part in face recognition and detection, and include consulting and training administrations and cloud-based facial recognition services. Facial recognition services are offered for governments, military, retail, homeland security, and healthcare. Market Segmentation By Product: Epoxy Urethane Acrylic Parylene Silicone By Application: Automotive Medical Aerospace & Defense Consumer Electronics Others By Region North America - U.S, Canada, Mexico Europe – Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe Asia-Pacific- Japan, China, Australia, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia Pacific Rest of the World – Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates Facial Recognition Market Offer Growth Opportunities: The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Facial Recognition Market, thereby allowing players to develop effective long term strategies. Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets. Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends. Facial Recognition Market share Market assessments, Sales and Growth Rate for the regional and country level segments. Key Factors of Facial Recognition Market: 1) An extensive research study on the Global Facial Recognition Market, and its entire ecosystem, describes the market trends, drivers, restraints and opportunities of the Facial Recognition Market. 2) We provide you the longest possible market segmentation based on type of products, procedures and geography and describe the market share region wise. 3) The report gives a bird eyes view on the competitive landscape which includes mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, market strategies, and new product launches. To Discuss Any Question About Report You Can Click On www.crystalmarketresearch.com/send-an-enquiry/SE01544 Major Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 1.1. Report Description 1.2. Research Methodology 1.2.1. Secondary Research 1.2.2. Primary Research 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Key Highlights 3. Market Overview 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1. Market Definition 3.1.2. Market Segmentation 3.2. Market Share Analysis 3.3. Market Dynamics 3.3.1. Drivers 3.2.2. Restraints 3.2.3. Opportunities Emerging Markets to Offer Lucrative Growth Opportunities 4. Market Analysis by Regions ....CONTINUED FOR TOC End User Outlook and Trend Analysis Based on end-user vertical, the facial recognition market is divided into government, enterprises, and opposite end-users. The other end-users portion incorporates automotive, casinos, mobile application, public places, and Homeland Security, out of which, the administration end-use vertical is foreseen to develop at the most astounding CAGR amid the conjecture time frame. To Avail Discount Details Please Click On The Link @ www.crystalmarketresearch.com/check-discount/SE01544 About Crystal Market Research: Crystal Offers One Stop Solution For Market Research, Business Intelligence, And Consulting Services To Help Clients Make More Informed Decisions. It Provides Both Syndicated As Well As Customized Research Studies For Its Customers Spread Across The Globe. The Company Offers Market Intelligence Reports Across A Broad Range Of Industries Including Healthcare, Chemicals & Materials, Technology, Automotive, And Energy. Contact Us: Judy S, 304 South Jones Blvd, Suite 1896, Las Vegas NV 89107, United States Toll Free: +1-888-213-4282 Email: [email protected]
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iguana-eyanna · 3 years
What Was Left Behind Pt. 10
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Summary: After the events of the Sokovia Accords, Steve is now a fugitive to the U.S. government and has left you in the worst way possible. What happens when fate reunites the two again when you are most vulnerable?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x pregnant reader
Warning: n/a
Nat was telling the truth when she said that you and Steve would be busy. Both of you barely took your hands off of the other, day and night. You bet that Steve treated your body like a goddess when he had every chance.
One day, you were both making breakfast in the kitchen. You started to make scrambled eggs as Steve made a dark roast coffee for himself. “So, I was wondering… what would you like to do for next week?” Steve said as he started to sip his coffee. You gave him a funny look as you were flipping the eggs.
“Uh… I don’t know. Maybe we can get more toilet paper in a few days.” you said mindlessly. Steve turns around, hiding his sad demeanor. You chuckle as you turn off the skillet and hug him from behind the best you could.
“I’m teasing, hon. How could I forget our second wedding anniversary?” You said, trying to hide your laughter as Steve’s facial expressions changed.
His mood changes to a bright smile, shaking his head as he turns to face you. “I swear I can’t tell when you’re dead serious or joking.” he said. You shrug as you place your hands on top of your belly.
“What can I say? It’s in my blood.” you replied, flashing him that signature Stark smile. He rolls his eyes and kisses your head, taking the prepared food to the dining table to eat. You sit down as Steve pours your favorite juice in a glass.
Steve joins you to eat, still continuing the conversation. “I’m serious though, I really want to celebrate it.” he hints as he felt guilty for missing your first anniversary as he had a recon mission around that time. You think for a bit as you take a bite of a buttered toast. “Oooo, I saw this cute park when we were out last time. It looks secluded enough to have a picnic there.” you suggested.
He nods his head enthusiastically as he drinks his coffee. “That sounds great! I’ll ask Sam to go out a few days before so we can pick up a few things.” You sip your drink, agreeing.
“Same with Nat, I promised for us to hang out before this little one makes their appearance soon.” Steve reaches out his hand and places it on your abdomen, feeling a strong kick in response to his touch, and smiles in your direction.
“We got ourselves a plan.” Steve says, coming closer to you as he reaches your lips. You kiss him back as you place your hand on top of his that was still on your belly. “Indeed we do.”
“So you’re telling me that you guys NEVER celebrated your first wedding anniversary?” Sam asked a bit harshly as he was eating some sort of treat Steve couldn’t recognize.
“I was doing recon in Cambodia. When I got back, we just got caught up with life and work. That’s why I really want to make this years’ anniversary memorable.” Steve replies quickly as they’re walking around shops that are lined on the street.
Sam finishes his snack and disposes of the wrapper in nearby trash. “Look, I know you mean well about this whole thing. But doesn’t y/n like more of a simpler celebration? And where are we going by the way?” he says, following Steve into a small pawnshop.
It was as if Steve was a regular for he knew what type of item he was looking for. “There it is.” Steve said in awe, looking through a glass display of a gold necklace.
“A locket? Can’t you just order one on Amazon or eBay?” Steve shook his head as he stared at the glass case.
“y/n never told me this, but she dreamed of having her mother’s locket ever since she was a kid. That locket is the same replica of what her mom had.”
Sam gets confused. “Wait, if y/n didn’t tell her what she’s always wanted, then who did?” Steve looks down, then turns to Sam.
When Steve was catching up on all of the music he’s missed, you brought him to a record store on one of your dates. You started picking records that had particular decades and started to describe what was so great about the music genre of that time. He noticed that there was this twinkle in your eye whenever you talked about the little details.
It was at that moment that Steve knew that he was going to marry you. The first thing he had to do was ask one final blessing from the one person you looked up to: your brother.
Steve took his motorcycle to Tony’s lab to fix a few kinks in his bike. Tony had all of the tools to fix it, so they both decided to work on it as their project. “Whew, I need a drink… What's your poison?” Tony says getting up from the ground as he inspected one of the engines.
Steve gets up as well, trying to clean his hands from the grime. “No thank you, but I was wondering if I could ask you something serious?” Steve said as his mind was freaking out. Tony gives him a funny look. “So you want my sober judgment… you must be in deep shi-” Steve shoots him a glare as Tony rolled his eyes, giving Steve the floor.
“Y/n and I have been really serious for the past three years now. I love your sister Tony, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. That’s why I wanted to ask for y/n’s hand in marriage.” Tony’s face turned to stone. He slowly walks to Steve (almost intimidating him) and breaks out a grin and goes up to Steve, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“Out of all the people in the world, I’m glad that you’re the one who’s dating my sister. If any other guy would have asked me that, I blast them before they could blink. So yes, you have my blessing.” Tony says.
Steve exhales as he slumps his shoulders in relief. “I think I do need that drink.” Tony chuckles as he takes out two beers from his mini-fridge for celebration.
“Have you gotten a ring yet?” Tony says as he swings his drink, sitting down. Steve shakes his head no as he reclines to a chair opposite Tony.
“I don’t even know where to begin. I checked a store once and I was so overwhelmed when they asked me so many questions. Any advice?” Tony ponders a bit before getting up to a shelf and taking out a small piece of paper.
“Here, this is a picture of me, y/n, and our parents when we went to France. My dad got this gold locket for my mom there.” Tony points at the necklace in the picture.
“Y/n was only three at the time, but she always wanted to wear that locket. We tried looking for the necklace after my parents’ passing. Up to this day… We still don’t know where to find it. If you could find a ring that could resemble that necklace, I guarantee you that she would say yes.”
Steve chuckles as he inspects the necklace closer, looking at the rose design on the gold. “I think I know what to do now. Thanks, Tony.” Steve says as he shoots him a smile.
“Of course, let’s finish the bike before things get too sappy.” Tony remarks, getting out of his seat. Steve could see his future brother-in-law wiping his tears from the back of his hand.
*end of flashback*
“So, what’s in the box?” Nat asked as you walked out of the store. “I don’t kiss and tell. And for being an international spy, you’re really bad at keeping secrets.” you said as you carried the semi-large item in one arm. Nat pokes out her tongue as she carries on the conversation.
"Well judging by you going to a vintage store, I'm guessing you bought something as old as Steve." Nat said, making you laugh. You suddenly hunched forward, hissing.
Nat turned to you, holding your back to steady you. You regain your breathing, looking up to Nat. "They've been kicking so hard lately, I think they knocked the air out of me." you huffed, trying to lighten the mood.
"I'm sorry, did you say LATELY?" Nat screams, taking you to a near bench to sit down. You place the box on your side as you try to soothe your active baby.
"It's probably nothing. I'm telling you I'm fi-" You stopped talking as you feel a harder kick, trying to hold back a scream. The pain you felt was almost as if your insides were on fire.
Nat wasted no time to hold your shaking figure, dialing someone on her phone. "You're ok, you're going to be ok..." Nat said, trying to calm your agonizing whimpers.
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animanightmate · 3 years
Drawing The Musketeers 22
It’s been a while. And here I am with a brand-new gadget and a steep learning curve, attempting the curls of the Comte de la Floof:
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[Image description: a digital pencil drawing of Tom Burke as Athos in BBC’s The Musketeers. He is a white man with dark, curly hair to his collar, a short, scruffy, full, dark beard, and light eyes. He has a mildly cleft lip. Image is of a three-quarters view of his head and a little of his coat collar and scarf. His expression is neutral, his eyes looking off into the distance to the right of the viewer (his left). He is bathed in strong light from the right (his left) and the other side of his head and neck are in strong shadow. End image description.]
Let the breakdown begin:
It’s not that drawing with a pen tablet is a completely new experience, but it’s significantly different enough to slow me down somewhat.
I liked that I was able to get different sizes of pencil for the big blocks of shadow.
Despite having an actual grid over both this and the source picture, he’s still somewhat disproportionate. I think it’s the crown of his head.
Being able to highlight hairs within the shadow made me do a clappity-squeee!
Tom Burke has a very difficult nose to draw.
No matter what tech I’m using, eyes continue to be an issue for me.
Knowing that greater accuracy was possible was problematic in its own way, as it stopped me from Just Doing It.
Good Enough, in other words, became a further-off target to hit.
It’s great that I can’t accidentally smudge stuff with my hand.
It’s a pain that I can’t deliberately smudge stuff with my hand.
My usual graphic package wasn’t up to the job (great for posters and cartoons - not in any way designed for this kind of drawing.
Learning curve for using Krita (thanks for the reco, Jack!) was steeper than I’d have liked, but I’m really glad I persisted.
Huion pen tablets are the fucking business, and a really good price (thanks for the reco, Eren’s friend!).
You know what? It’s not entirely accurate, but I really dig it. The texture is good, and so is the emotion.
The contrast between this and the first time I drew Athos is pretty epic. That’s a good thing to focus on, I think.
⬅Drawing 21                                                   Drawing 23➡
Progress shots beneath the cut, as is traditional, but in the form of cropped screenshots, which is a new flex for me:
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[Image description: an outline of the first image, with rough indications of where eyes, nose, hair, mouth, and beard will go. End Image Description.]
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[Image description: the above outline fleshed out slightly with more shading on the hair at the top and on the right-hand-side of the drawing. End image description.]
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[Image description: above image but with detailed shading on the hair on the right-hand side, top, and a little on left of the hair, with broader strokes there indicating the deeper shadow. The left eye is now complete. End image description.]
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[Image description: the above image but with the mouth and beard, and some of the collar on the right-hand side now given more detail. The nose and moustache are now almost complete. End image description.]
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[Image description: The drawing is almost complete. It lacks detail on the collar on the left-hand side, and the scarf is not yet complete. There is more beard, the shading on the nose and around the blank and incomplete right eye is more nuanced. The rest of the facial shading is absent. End image description.]
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nicky999doors · 3 years
does any of u guys have facial cleansing oil or toner recos???? lmao
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Beat The Sunday Scaries With These Bath Products
Beat The Sunday Scaries With These Bath Products ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ @MyTherapistSays ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ https://mytherapistsays.ca/beat-the-sunday-scaries-with-these-bath-products/
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In the midst of scrolling through your phone and being accosted with a bevy of bad choices and wrong turns you decided to make and take last night, the Sunday Scaries creep up on you. There’s really nothing you can do about the “sexy” (repulsive) photos you sent to make your ex jealous, incoherent texts to explain yourself to your friends, or the dancing that you thought made you look like Brit Brit in I’m a Slave 4 u. You know very well the only thing enslaving you last night was Patron.
The only thing to do now is to delude yourself in an atmosphere of serenity, beauty, and bath salts. You light up that amber rose scented candle, pour open the Chianti, and pretend that last night was merely an inception like dream in which you were a victim
Click on the obnoxiously large photos for more info.
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This exfoliating body scrub feels so therapeutic- the pink clay is perfect for detoxifying your skin after a weekend of one too many tequila shots. And what problem does coconut oil not solve? Dry skin? Coconut oil. Frizzy hair? Coconut oil. Boyfriend acting up? Coconut oil. *pours coconut oil over entire life*
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Weekends tend to be cheat days for me- no calorie gets left behind. So come Sunday I do my dry brushing routine which helps with lymphatic drainage, increased circulation, and removing dreaded cellulite. Dry brushing may be painful af at first, but it’s worth it. Anything I can do that can make my body look better without having to go to the gym- sign me up.
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Yes, I am telling you to use $44 pubic hair oil because it’s 2018 and nobody wants painful ingrown hairs. Not you or your manzz. Enough said.
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I’m pretty much always on the verge of an emotional breakdown so I like to always have this detox bath soak on hand. The soak includes premium Epsom and sea salts; an array of botanicals including valerian, passionflower and hops; and essential oils including sandalwood, lavender and spikenard. A Valerian soak that calm me the F down after a crazy week and helps me sleep? Dear god, living in LA really has rubbed off on me. But for realsies, this stuff keeps me from being put on a 5150.
Another exfoliating product that smells like dessert. These little cubes are perfect for travel because just one cube is large enough to exfoliate your entire body. I already overpack like 9843985 outfits when I travel so I try to keep my toiletries on the lighter side.
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This shower gel smells divine- I literally feel like I’m whisked away to a brazilian beach every time I use it and it’s antioxidant rich so it leaves you feeling incredibly smooth.
My go-to shampoo and conditioner if I want that Victoria Secret model voluminous blowout look. Also, Jennifer Aniston was the spokeswoman and involved in the creation of products, so you too can look like Jenny with the good hair.
Great for keeping color treated hair vibrant and fresh. Invest in quality shampoo and conditioner, not just the balayage.
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Finally a face mask that can take off the 10 Lindsay Lohan years I added to my face partying this weekend. This face mask energizes, brightens and tightens so say goodbye to tired, puffy skin. It’s basically a luxurious at home facial. The only thing more extra than me are my face masks.
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Because it’s not a real bath without a good glass of wine, a book, a candle and my cellphone and I need a place to put that shit.
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Now that I’m past 25 my hangovers last like 3 years so the only thing getting lit tonight is my scented candle. (Shhhh the wine doesn’t count) My fave Diptyque roses candle smells heavenly and sets a chill mood. In an attempt to make it look like I have my shit together, I have them all over my apartment. So chic.
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Now that you’ve had a relaxing bath, treat yo self to this Laura Mercier body creme that will lock in moisture and keep your skin soft and supple. Literally every time I use it I get complimented that I smell delicious. You’re welcome.
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As someone who has become a self-proclaimed robe connoisseur, (I usually can’t be bothered with clothes) this robe is by far the comfiest. It’s the perfect soft robe to lie in for 3 hours after the bath, scrolling insta and lying to your friends that you’re “on your way”. Def a lazy girl staple. Plus it comes in millennial pink (and 2 other colours) so like obvs I had to have it. Now go on and live your best life. Trust me after using all these bath products you’ll be like Monday? Susan? I don’t know her.
  A Book that I can’t put down:
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Podcast Reco:
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If you’re not in the mood to read, then we suggest enriching your minds with this amazing podcast. I’ve been listening to The History Chicks forever, and would like to thank them for helping me sound v smart on dates.
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Last but not least, our wine recos:
Chateau Miraval Rosé
Santa Margherita
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afpwestcoast · 6 years
Rialto Theatre, Tucson, AZ, 10/18/18
Amanda's dad Jack (See. Jack. Run.) recently moved from D.C. to Tucson, AZ, which occasioned a family vacation with the entire crew - husband Neil, son Ash, and even sister Alyson (who asked for a stove for her birthday). But, Amanda being Amanda, why have a nice family visit when you can sell out a 1200-seat theater for a show?
And so it was that the whole famn damily trucked over to Tucson's Rialto Theatre on a Thursday night to entertain a packed house. Though the evening was described as being "organized by imaginary muppets," things actually ran fairly smoothly and overall the show was top-notch.
Amanda put out a call for an after-show Patron meet-up, which ended up being at the Congress Hotel - a sprawling complex of bars and dance floors - literally across the street from the venue, which turned out to be a trip in itself.
Annotated Set List:
Amanda took the stage with her trusty ukulele, which was woefully out of tune, as is tradition.
Makin' Whoopee (cover; lyrics by Gus Kahn, music by Walter Donaldson). After the first verse Neil came onstage to thunderous applause and they sang alternating verses.
In My Mind - Amanda (uke)
Amanda let on that she had just approved the master recordings for her new solo record that very morning. She said it will be the saddest record she’s ever recorded and has been dubbed a “5 hanky” record by her staff. (Merch opportunity: she will be offering hankies for sale.) The record will include ...
The Thing About Things - Amanda (uke)
October Tale (from A Calendar of Tales) - Neil (spoken)
The Mushroom Hunters - Neil (spoken) This poem was commissioned by Amanda for the Universe in Verse event.
Judy Blume - Amanda (piano)
Coin-Operated Boy - Amanda (piano) She actually sang the line “Take him in the bath” as opposed to the more traditional X-rated version, explaining “there are lots of kids here.” But then, in the very next song ...
Vegemite - Amanda (piano) She explained that this song was written in response to Neil’s complaints that she had never written him a love song. The line “Refuse to kiss or touch you for a week” was replaced with “Refuse to kiss or fuck you” ... WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?!??
Freya’s Unusual Wedding (from Norse Mythology) - Neil (spoken)
You Got Me Singing (Leonard Cohen cover) - Jack on guitar and vocals, Amanda on vocals
It Is Very Difficult to Get the Train to Stop (Alexandra Petri WAPO op-ed) - Amanda (spoken)
At this point Alma Hernandez (@almaforarizona), a newly-minted member of the AZ State House, came on stage to stump for US Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema (@kyrstensinema).
The Times They Are A-changin’ (Bob Dylan cover) - Jack on guitar and vocals, Amanda on uke and vocals
If This Is Goodbye (Emmylou Harris & Mark Knopfler cover) - Jack on guitar and vocals, Amanda & Alyson on vocals. Song inspired by the events of 9/11.
What I Believe - Neil (spoken)
Sing - Jack on guitar and backing vocals, Amanda on piano and vocals, Neil, Alyson, & some friends plus the entire theater on backing vocals.
Psycho (Leon Payne Cover) - Neil on vocals, Amanda on uke (and totally deadpan facial expression)
Ukulele Anthem - Amanda (uke) accompanied by all and sundry. There was a guy 2 rows in front of me who had clearly never heard the song before and watching his reactions was one of the highlights of the evening.
After the show those in the know ambled across the street to the Hotel Congress. The event was sort of a chaotic meet and greet; Amanda didn’t have time for a more traditional signing line. The highlight was Amanda leading the assemblage in a raucous version of Radiohead’s Creep, which eventually got loud enough that they temporarily killed the blaring hiphop and the U of A students stared in befuddlement.
Photo Gallery:
The scene of the crime.
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Some combination of the lighting, distance from the stage, and my crappy phone camera conspired to thwart most of my efforts to document the event. This is one of the more recognizable images of Amanda uking it up.
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This amorphous blob is offered as evidence that Neil was, in fact, there.
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Slightly more success at the secret post-show Patron lovefest.
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