#fair trade pineapple
jaegeraether · 11 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 4)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (4)
Masterlist (other parts here)
“Nooo. You said we’d go!” YFN said to Jordan, raising an eyebrow. They’d just arrived and were still sitting in the car, however YFN had noticed that Jordan’s lower lip was beginning to quiver.
“Yes, yes alright. Let me just pull myself together.”
YFN turned in her seat to face her. “We are..?”
Jordan took a deep breath and turned to YFN. “Strong independent women.”
“Who know how to…?
“Who know how to set boundaries for our own mental health.”
“I’m honestly so proud of you for remembering that, Dory.”
Jordan grinned at that name and YFN felt more and more like she’d gained a little sibling during her trip overseas.
They high-fived and made their way to dinner. They entered the restaurant and immediately started heading for the loudest area there. Lucy spotted them first, her attention had been on the door waiting for them for the past half hour. She stood and gestured to the seats next to her. They spotted Leah further up the table and Jordan gave a polite wave. YFN noticed Leah was wondering at who she was, having been at the game with her ex and now at dinner. YFN returned a small smile to her and ducked down to whisper in Jordan’s ear.
“Safe word is pineapples. If I hear you say that, we leg it.”
Jordan turned to her and laughed heartedly at that, grabbing her new friend’s arm as they both hung off each other giggling. They reached their seats and Lucy’s heart skipped a beat as they came close, her best friend and her new friend still bantering. Before YFN could choose a seat, Jordan sat next to Lucy and she ended up between her and Jorge.
Dinner was great, YFN met most of the players and so many more friends and family members. She spoke with Jorge and his wife a lot during the night and they actually got on quite well. Half-way through dinner, Jorge’s son offered a chicken nugget to YFN in exchange for some more chips. She more than willingly made the trade and took a bite of it.
“You’re a monster.” Lucy stated across Jordan.
YFN turned to her, hiding a smile. “It was a fair trade.”
“Not that… no sauce? Just a dry nugget? Unbelievable.”
YFN laughed and Lucy was proud of herself for making her. “Oh, well I don’t have any…”
Before she could finish, the footballer was reaching over Jordan and putting condiments down in front of her. So many condiments.
“Alright you two, jeez, just switch with me YFN, I need to spend some time with Jorge and the kids anyways.”
“Thanks Dory!”
Jorge laughed loudly at that. “Dory? Ha! Perfect! Why didn’t I think of that?”
They switched seats and there was immediate tension between her and Lucy, but it wasn’t unwelcome.
“So…what do you suggest? I’m usually a big aioli girl.”
“Of course you don't know a good sauce, you Australians are so behind the times. All those pretty beaches and no care in the world.”
“Heeey don’t you start on my country. I’ll fight you if I have to.” Her eyes flicked down to Lucy’s bicep and she noticed, holding it out and flexing for her.
“Good luck, little one.”
Something shifted then…or rather it intensified. Lucy’s nickname caught her off-guard and she was suddenly forgetting how to breath.
“Try this one,” Lucy continued as she put the dip in front of her. “It’s sweet and sour.”
YFN liked it and Lucy again seemed proud of herself, giving her some more little things to try.
“Is that Lucy sharing her food?!” One of her teammates yelled across the table.
YFN was surprised and looked at Lucy who she could swear was blushing. “She’s Australian, I’m making her try different foods. Lay off it.” They tried a few different things with different condiments together, leaning in and on occasion brushing arms or legs or fingers. YFN hadn’t felt like this since she was flirting back in high school. She loved it. They spoke about the game and many other things, and when Jordan went to the bathroom, Lucy thanked her again. “I haven’t seen her so happy in so long. You two certainly made friends quickly.”
“She’s so much fun. We’ve been having a great time together, and I think she has another week off with international break so we’re going to hang out a little more.”
“Maybe I can join at some stage?” Lucy asked quietly. YFN noticed this about her when they first met. There were two Lucy’s. The quiet, intelligent one who keeps to herself and is somewhat shy even. And then there’s the loud, big child Lucy who was the most confident person in the world.
YFN made sure to catch her eye as she grinned. “I’d love that.”
Shortly after, Lucy left to get more drinks for the group and YFN left for the bathroom. Just as she was leaving the bathroom, Lucy walked in and paused when she saw her, both caught off guard.
“Hi..” YFN replied as if they hadn’t just been chatting and sharing food. “I’m just going to..” She gestured to the door. Lucy nodded but stayed where she was. YFN brushed past and Lucy was tempted to reach out. Just then the door swung open and YFN fell backwards, Lucy catching her. They both stared at the intoxicated man in the doorway. “Oh.. sorry wrong one.” He left and the door swung closed to leave them alone again.
Both women were both very aware of the fact that Lucy’s hands were still on YFN’s waist. She didn’t want her to let go and so she turned in her hands so they were face to face and at the same time they pivoted so Lucy’s back was against the wall. They were face to face and YFN’s hands were on Lucy’s biceps. Their breathing was getting heavier as their eyes flickered to each other’s mouths. Both didn’t make the first move, but they just sort of gradually drifted heads together. A shared look reassured them that they both wanted this. They didn’t kiss but their lips brushed together softly, teasingly, as they both revelled in the moment, quivering against each other. The tension was high and both women were waiting for the other to break and grab at each other in desperation. Both gave in simultaneously then, YFN grabbed the collar of Lucy’s shirt and pulled as Lucy’s hand found the side of her face, her fingers slightly in her hair. Their lips were soft at first but didn’t take long to get aggressive, and desperate. Their hands wandered all over each other and they were gasping for air in between desperate kisses. Lucy’s lips were so soft under hers, and she could tell that she was forcing herself to be patient, although they really weren’t. YFN took Lucy’s bottom lip in between her teeth and bit softly, pulling. Lucy moaned at this, “Fuck,” and bit her lip in return. Lucy’s tongue traced the lip she just bit and YFN’s hand came up to tangle itself in Lucy’s hair, grabbing it as she tilted her head for their tongues to have better access. Their desperation grew as their moans and gasping and swearing filled the empty room. YFN used her hands in Lucy’s hair and on her bicep to pull her even closer, and away from the wall. What was she doing? Was she about to drag Lucy Bronze back into a cubicle and fuck her? Lucy responded by moaning, one hand cupping her face and the other stroked down YFN’s body from her neck, over her chest and her abdomen, around her hips and then under her shirt up her back. YFN shivered at the feel of her hand on her bare skin. Lucy pressed them together. “Lucy,” YFN managed to gasp.
The door swung open then and the two jumped apart. Georgia was in the doorway, eyes wide as they flickered between YFN and Lucy. Both were breathing heavy, their lips red and swollen, their faces flushed. Lucy’s hair definitely needed to be fixed. Georgia opened and closed her mouth multiple times before she found words, “Sorry! I’ll come back.”
Before Lucy could stop her, she left the room. The two looked at each other sheepishly.
“Is that bad?” YFN asked, gesturing to where Georgia had just been standing.
Lucy shook her head. “No, she’s a good friend. She’s just a kid though, and she’s very good friends with my ex.”
“Oh…” YFN felt like she’d just started some drama.
“It’s okay, it’s not a problem at all.” Lucy stepped towards her but stopped at YFN’s unsure expression.
“We’re strangers, Luce. You don’t know me… and I don’t know you,” she whispered.
“I know everything about you that I need to know.” Lucy said softly, but confident and reassuringly. She’d spoken to Jordan a lot about YFN and that was a lot of the reason she liked the Australian so much. As well as the obvious sexual tension. “As for me, well… I’m a public figure so you know I’m not a psychopath.”
“Those two things are more likely to be in common that you realise..”
Lucy gave a little chuckle. “You got me there. Not a psychopath, at least in the daylight. But I’d really like to spend more time with you so we can get to know each other a bit better?”
YFN nodded and gave her little dimply smile as she looked at the ground. A few strands of hair fell over her face. “I’d like that.”
Lucy reached out and took her chin between her thumb and forefinger and tilted her head up. YFN fell into those playful, intelligent green eyes again and without thinking she stepped forwards and kissed her again, though this time it was the softest kiss she’d ever had. Their lips fit together and so gently as if they would break each other, and it took a little time before they broke apart.
“Fuck.” They said in unison.
YFN stepped back with a happy little smile. Her phone dinged then and she pulled it out to look.
Dory: Pineapples
“Oh…” she said. “Pineapples. I need to go.”
Lucy looked confused. “Pineapples?”
YFN grinned at her confusion. “My safe word. Pineapples.” She didn’t say anything else, leaving it and watching as Lucy thought it over.
YFN saw as soon as the realisation hit her eyes. “Jords…”
YFN nodded. “Pineapples.”
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obsidiancreates · 3 months
These Kids Are Geniuses (Against All Other Evidence) [Part 1]
Shawn’s little sneakers practically fly across the grass as he dashes through the gate, letting it SLAM! shut behind him. "Dad! Dad! We have to go save Gus!"
 "Whoa whoa, slow down Shawn.” Henry catches his son mid-run, picks him up, and sets him on the yard table bench. “Save Gus from what?"
 "He's going to a new school, the school for nerds!" Shawn’s face is red, eyes puffy, and he’s sniffling as he talks. “He’s going away!”
 "School for nerds? You mean the one he has stickers of on his backpack?"
“... Yeah.” Shawn’s voice is small, wavering.
“So it sounds to me like he wants to go there. In fact, I bet he chose he to go there himself, didn’t he? So we don’t have to ‘save’ him from anything.”
 "But if he goes, we'll never see each other again!"
 "Well that's not true, you'll have weekends still."
 "Nuh-uh! They give you enough homework for ten kids there!" Shawn throws his little arms as wide as he can.
 Henry sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Shawn, look. Gus has wanted to go to this school for a long time. You need to be supportive, even if it means spending a little less time together. Unless you suddenly turn things around grades-wise to get in yourself, you'll just have to accept it and be happy for him."
Shawn nods.
Then… Shawn perks up.
Then Shawn grins.  "... You're right! Great idea, Dad!" He dashes off into the house!
 "Wh- Shawn! Shawn, what idea!” Henry gets to his feet. “SHAWN!"
“Shawn?” Gus blinks at him in surprise. “I thought you said you weren’t eating lunch with me until I decide not to go.”
“That was yesterday, Gus.” They trade desserts, Gus’s dried pineapple slices for Shawn’s store bought cookies. “I have a new plan.”
“Please don’t sabotage my grades, Shawn.”
“What? Oh, no, that isn’t it.”
“Phew! My mom thought you would for sure.”
“I did think about it. But I have a way better plan.”
“... Can I know it?”
“Not yet. I want it to be a surprise.”
“I don’t always like your surprises, Shawn.”
“You’ll like this one! … Hopefully.”
“Alright, Shawn, let’s see what the damage is,” Henry grunts as he sits down with Shawn’s report card. “Remember what I told you with the last one?”
Shawn rolls his eyes and repeats, verbatim, “If one more teacher write that you tried to convince the class a zombie apocalypse started at lunch, you’re grounded until one actually starts.”
“Alright, good. Let’s see…”
Henry’s brows furrow. He brings the report closer to his eyes, then farther away. And Shawn grins.
Henry looks at Shawn. “All A’s.”
Shawn’s grin falters a little. “Just A’s?”
“Just A’s? Shawn, your last report card was mostly C’s!”
“Why’s it not A pluses?” Shawn reaches for the paper. “Dad, show it to me!”
“Hang on, hang on! … Okay, uh, in the notes here it says you missed a couple homework deadlines.”
“But that’s not fair! One of those was because you and I did a stakeout!”
Henry looks around. “Keep your voice down, your mom’s home!”
Shawn crosses his arms. “I need to get A pluses, Dad, before the school year is over!”
“Why do you– oh.” Henry puts down the paper. “Shawn, is this about Gus?”
“... Maybe.”
“You know– I’m glad you’re working harder at school. I really am, this is a real improvement. But I don’t think I like you trading training, for schoolwork.”
“But Dad!”
“No buts, Shawn. These are both important for your future, so if you want A pluses you’ll just have to find a way to manage your time better. Like, combining play with work. Maybe do your homework while you hang out with Gus.”
“No!” Shawn stomps his foot. “Gus doesn’t know about this yet!”
“Doesn’t kn- Shawn, why the hell are you not telling him?”
“Uh… why are you using bad words around me?”
Henry shakes his head. “Fine, just… you’ll have a lot less time for fun anyway when you’re on the force, so just think of this like practice, alright? If you want to get into Meitner, you need to give up a few little things here and there, like TV time.”
“That’s just not fair.”
“Life isn’t fair, kid. You’ll get used to it.”
“Shawn, are you coming to my birthday party?”
“Uh, I don’t think so Denny. Sorry.”
“I uh… got grounded.”
“Oh. … Well, bye.”
“See ya.”
“What do you mean you’re not going to Denny’s party? Your mom bought you that nice new shirt for it.”
“Shawn, be honest.”
“... I’m… studying.”
“I am, okay! I need to get the A pluses.”
“Shawn, when I said ‘adjust your time management’ this isn’t what I meant.”
“What do you mean?”
“Social events are important, Shawn! Not just for fun, but for networking. For example, I went to a retirement party I didn’t feel like going to last year, and I met the Commissioner. Now, we had some friendly conversation, and he said he’d keep me in mind for a detective position the next time it needed to be filled.”
“I thought the Chief picked that.”
“Right, but he can be influenced by other people around him. That’s networking.”
“And… if I go to the party, I can get to know other kids who can do things for me?”
“Yeah! See, you never want to take a networking event out of your plans just for paperwork.”
“But then where do I fit in homework time?”
“Well that’s for you to figure out, Shawn. But come on, I’ll call Denny’s mom and let her know you’re coming after all.”
Shawn sits in the principal’s office, his feet dangling off the end of the chair. Gus sits next to him, hands in his lap.
“I told you not to say anything to him,” Gus whimpers.
Shawn leans his head back, looking up at the ceiling with his good not-swollen eye. “What was I supposed to do, Gus?”
“Let him cheat off you! You were probably only getting a C anyway!”
“I was not!”
“We’re in trouble now!”
“Hey, no-one asked you to jump on him.”
“He hit you!”
Their little fight ends abruptly as Winnie Guster and Henry Spencer both enter at the same time. Winnie speeds over to Gus, checking his face right away. Henry walks at a normal pace, and stands in front of Shawn with his arms crossed.
“The principal says you got in a fight during a test,” Henry says.
Shawn puffs up indignantly. “Tommy was cheating off me!”
“Off you?” Winnie lets slip.
Shawn ignores her. “I told the teacher and he jumped me when I sat back down.”
Henry looks at Gus. Gus looks down and nods.
“Alright,” Henry sighs. “I know you’ve been staying out of trouble on purpose lately, so I believe you. Let me go talk to the principal and see if I can… get this cleared off your record.”
“Yes, but! I want this to be your last fight, Shawn.”
Shawn slumps in his chair. “I didn’t even hit back.”
“Biting counts as retaliation, Shawn.”
“... But I didn’t hit back.”
“Alright, Shawn, moment of truth. Last report card before your interview.”
Shawn nods, practically vibrating with anticipation. Henry opens the envelope slowly, almost teasingly.
“What is it, Dad? How is it?!”
Henry looks up at Shawn from over the paper, and then flips it around.
Shawn is frozen for a moment.
And then jumps!
The full row of A pluses are carefully folded and tucked into Henry’s pocket as Shawn dances around the living room, and then up the stairs shouting the news to his mom. 
Henry will find a plastic slip to save it in later. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shawn swallows and looks up at his dad, his little leg Shaking Unstoppably as they wait for his name to be called. He tugs at the tie around his neck, the collar of the new dress shirt still itchy despite three runs in the wash. “What if they’re not impressed?”
“You kidding?” Henry leans over. “Shawn, look around the room. What do you see?”
Shawn looks up. “Lots of smart kids.”
“Look closer.”
Shawn squints at the three other children in the room. 
One is a young girl around his age, balancing a chemistry textbook on one leg and a model of some chemical compound on the other. She’s mouthing the words as she reads along– she’s nervous too, and isn’t sure she’ll be able to remember her facts.
Another kid is a few years older, running his thumbnail against his braces and shaking more than Shawn is. His prepared demonstration is being crumpled in his sweaty hand, smudging the ink. He can only hope to remember it, or get enough clues from the smudges and rips to figure out the words.
The last kid is a little younger than Shawn, and he just doesn’t look like he wants to be here. He’s half-asleep, and his eyes keep wandering over to the door.
“Lots of smart kids still.”
“Smart kids who aren’t you. I know you noticed the kid with the crumpled paper– you know what you have that he doesn’t?”
“My memory?”
“Your memory. And look, she’d running over her lines over and over there. She won’t have the paper, which is impressive, but she’ll sound robotic. Now sounding natural and confident is always better than sounding overly-practiced. Remember that for when you talk to the press about your cases someday.”
“And that kid doesn’t even want to come here.”
“Exactly. You’ve got every advantage right now, Shawn. That’s a rare situation to be in. Keep on your toes, but don’t let it psych you out.”
Shawn nods.
“Shawn Spencer.”
He jumps to his feet and quickly walks over to the secretary. 
“Well, Shawn, you’re certainly an… interesting, candidate.”
“Um… thank you.” Shawn knows that’s not a compliment.
The interviewer tsks. “Poor grades up until this past year, several notices of erratic to poor behavior…”
“Well, um, that was actually because of… understimulation.” He pulls the word up from a memory of his mom explaining why he wanted to cry when he was bored. “It was too easy and I got bored.”
“Mmm, we’ll see. What have you prepared to show me why you belong here, Shawn?”
Shawn takes a deep breath, and a moment to look over the interviewer.
“Your watch is off by three hours, and your hair is really shiny but not staying in place. So it’s not gel, your hair is just greasy. That and the watch mean you were probably on a place earlier today, and your briefcase has crumbs all over the top so it was a business trip. You probably went to interview some out-of-state kids and had to rush back here.”
The interviewer sits back. “Very impressive reasoning for your age. And good attention to detail. But that’s not–”
Shawn closes his eyes and says “To get to this room the secretary took me down a hallway that had walls the same color as my dad’s cop uniform and a carpet that probably hasn’t been shampooed since last year. The secretary was wearing shoes too small for her, and she almost tripped multiple times because of it. She looked nervous leading me here, and kept checking for landmarks, so I think she’s new and didn’t have the shoes she needed to work here. She probably borrowed them from the lost and found.”
“The hallway had pictures of old principals all along it. The first one is from 1972, then 1974, and it keeps going with two years between principals until 1985 when you had two principals in one year. The first principal’s picture is poorly taken care of, and someone drew a mole on it that never got cleaned off, so he probably did something bad.”
“That’s amazing-”
“While I’ve had my eyes closed you brushed the crumbs off your briefcase and reset your watch.”
“I– yes–”
“And the girl out in the waiting room made a model of sodium chloride but she misplaced one of the molecules on the end.” At least, if he interpreted the picture he saw her staring at right she did. He’s never been wrong with his upside-down reading before, so he’s doing as his dad said. Confidence.
He opens his eyes. The interviewer is gaping at him. Shawn shuffles his feet, feeling something like shame, something like embarrassment, something like resentment.
But he pushes it down. Because he’s doing this for Gus.
“Well.” The interviewer pulls himself together and clears his throat. “You’re certainly one of the most interesting candidates I’ve had today.”
Gus puts his backpack in his locker and hurries to his thankfully-close first class. He sets his books up tidily on the top, arranges his pencils by order of sharpest to dullest, and carefully lines up his two erasers to be perfectly symmetrical on either side of the desk.
And he sighs.
Even as the chalkboard at the front promises him an exciting class of complex multiplication, his mind wanders, and he feels the Lack of Presence more potently than he’s ever felt anything in his life. He can almost hear his best friend giving his usual first day of school speech. “Gus, this is our year. We’re becoming the coolest kids in school, I know it. By the end of the year–”
“We’ll be at the top!”
Gus blinks. “No way.”
Shawn slides into class. The Meitner uniform red polo fits him loosely, and he doesn’t have it tucked in like everyone else does, and he’s wearing obviously fake glasses.
And Gus has never been more confused in his life.
Shawn spots him and lights up. He practically jumps over the desks to get to Gus, plunking into the desk to Gus’s right and haphazardly dumping his school bag onto it.
“Shawn, how did you–!”
“Uh, same way you did.” Shawn leans over and lightly punches Gus’s arm. “No way I was letting you go to nerd school all alone.”
“But– but you’re not–”
“A lame nerd? That’s why I’m undercover.” Shawn touches the fake glasses. “See? I’m your best friend and your bodyguard, Gus. I’m going to help you be the best nerd of the nerds.”
“... How?”
“I can remember everything the teachers say and write on the board.”
“So you can fill in my notes where I might be missing them!”
“You’re taking notes?”
“Of course I am.”
“Do we have to?”
“I think so.”
“... I should’ve brought some paper.”
“Here.” Gus tears a page out and hands it to Shawn. “But you better not get me kicked out.”
“I won’t. Promise. That’s the whole mission Gus. You and I are gonna become kings of the nerds here.”
“... I do like the sound of that.”
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feral-ffa · 1 year
Ever wondered how those instagram foodie account girls stay skinny even though they're eating 5 items from a different trendy restaurant every day?
You had idly wondered that, but most of all you just couldn't believe your luck when you finally sealed the deal with a cute and sweet rising star foodie.
The first time the two of you went out for a content shooting dinner, it was to a nice fusion sit down place. She told you she'd mostly just talk to her tripod. All you had to do was get some close up shots of crispy crusts and cheese pulls and then just not eat till she had all the footage she needed. Easy trade off for a free dinner with a beautiful girl!
When the waiter came around, she rattled off an order of two house cocktails, two apps, and three entrees, before turning to you and asking you to pick your favorite entree too. You obliged, ordering pineapple fried rice.
When the food came out, she started taking pictures and recording, and she was still working on the appetizers when the 4 big entrees came to the table. You did your best suppressing your hunger and helping her get the perfect shot of her sampling each dish. When she was done and told you to dig in, you both started devouring the still-warm food. But you had to state the obvious. "There's no way we can finish all this."
She waved you off. "We'll take the rest in to-go boxes. Not like it's going to waste."
Still, it seemed like a shame to not have the food hot and fresh out of the kitchen. She got full shortly, but you plugged on, finishing the entirety of the lettuce wraps and spring roll appetizers, both desserts she ordered, and the sweet and saucy pork adobo. It felt like you barely put a dent in the other dishes, so you got to go boxes.
As full as you felt leaving, the siren call of leftovers lured you to the fridge twice more that night.
And so it went, your girlfriend taking you to snack joints and restaurants to help film, and you doing your best to clean the plates after. You never truly could though, always bested by her choice of rich cuisines or gimmicky posts ranking every kind of cronut or rice dog a place offered.
Until you all went to a fancy prix fixe place she had fought to get reservations for. You each got five modest portions of perfectly cooked food and you cleaned yours up no problem. She had started to get winded by the meat course and only had half of her dessert.
"Finally a member of the clean plate club, huh?" she teased as she snapped a picture of the receipt.
"Well they give you those small fancy portions," you protested. "Two bites of quail. Two bites of steak. Three raviolis. Tastes good though."
She just laughed and gave you an affectionate pat on the tummy.
You did find yourself having to size up your clothes as the seasons changed, but again, you considered it a reasonable tradeoff for the pampered life you were now living.
"I hope you're ready for this," your girlfriend chided you on the way to the state fair in the summer. She was partnering with them for a series of 'everything I ate at the state fair' videos, which of course was actually going to be everything you ate.
You faithfully videoed her taking the first bite of what felt like a million little snacks, making sure to capture her reaction. Wide eyes at the cheese pull from a mozzarella stick, unimpressed at a dry turkey leg, laughing as she got a good angle to chomp down on tornado fries, smiling in pleasure at cherry topped funnel cake.
Soon as she was satisfied with the footage, she would pass the greasy treat off to you and drag you to the next line. You lost count of all the fair food you hurriedly plowed through that day, the hand dipped corn dogs, berry shortcakes, bbq sandwiches, and fried oreos.
The shoot ended with you finishing off a huge fresh squeezed cold lemonade she had taken one (1) sip of. It was the only thing you had room for, and you felt it filling in the gaps in your already food-stuffed gut. You waddled after her to the petting zoo, where she wanted to treat herself to some baby animal cuddles as a reward for getting all the footage and b-roll she needed before sundown.
Before you sat on the bench outside for a breather, you noticed your stuffed belly peeking out of your shirt. Sure you just ate nearly everything the fair had to offer, but this was a new XXL shirt! You glanced at her inside the pen, scratching a piglet behind the ears.
"The pigs are my favorite."
"Yeah, I bet."
You went ahead and bought new shirts and pants again. As time passed you got better at eating as much of your girlfriend's orders as possible in one sitting. You especially looked forward to when she did collab videos with her friends. They'd reserve a long table and it would be laden with over a dozen meals. You got to try everything, eat as much as you wanted of your favorites, and there would still be leftovers.
One night before going out to film at a sushi restaurant, she warned you, "this is a hand roll place and i booked us the omakase menu, it's $250 for 6 small bites."
You helped her get pics and enjoyed the delicious savory raw seafood, but she caught the downcast look on your face and the hand on your belly after you left.
"Don't tell me you're still hungry?"
"You aren't?"
"No, I actually finished every course. Even the miso soup."
"Well I'm used to cleaning up after you don't finish every course!" You wrapped your arms around her, and pulled her in close to whisper in her ear. "You always pick where we go, can I choose somewhere just this once?"
"Let me guess," she said as she leaned into your soft belly. "You want to stop at mcdonalds?"
So the two of you stopped at the drive thru, chatting and laughing in the car as you worked your way through a big bag of burgers and fries.
You continued to feel grateful for this lifestyle, but you were especially excited when your girlfriend told you she booked a reservation at Pina's Table, a new Italian restaurant that was already getting lots of buzz on the socials.
When you arrived for your reservation, both in nicer clothes for the opening weekend, you were shown to a intimate booth near the back. You felt a little nervous sliding in, as you could just barely fit. But before long you were more focused on the menu. After she ordered her usual sampler spread of two apps, two cocktails and three entrees, the waiter turned to you for your selection, and you decided to be bolder today.
"How about the chicken marsala. And the baked ziti."
Both of your selections looked so good when they arrived, you could barely stop drooling while filming her slicing open a burrata and tasting the spaghetti all'amatriciana. It felt like a million years passed before she gave you the OK to dig in.
You started off sampling a little bit of everything, and it was of course just as good as expected. You were enjoying a mouthful of ziti when the flash from her phone went off. Startled, you looked up. Had she forgotten to get a picture of something?
"Sorry," she blushed, putting her phone back down. "You're enjoying yourself so much, I just wanted to save it to remember."
You laughed. "If that's good, just wait till after I'm done."
You dug into the warm food, savoring the light burrata and tomato salad and the heavier mushroom ravioli and amatriciana. You ate with relish for what seemed like ages until you started to feel the table pushing into your swollen stomach.
Exhausted, you leaned back, against the soft booth, your fullness finally catching up to you. You subtly opened the top button of your pants, letting your belly flow out to bump the table again. There was still so much of each entree left....
You were spared from the eternal dilemma by the chef, a young and energetic guy, coming to the table to drop off a sampling of cannoli and gelato. Your girlfriend jumped up excitedly to shake his hand and take selfies, and passed the phone to you to you could take a couple pictures of them... after you struggled to haul yourself to your feet.
"Thank you so much for helping get the word out," she chef thanked her profusely. "Pina's Table is my baby. I'm thrilled how many people turned out for it."
"Thank you so much for inviting us!" Your girlfriend chirped in reply. "Everything was delicious."
"I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! It's a labor of love." The chef clapped her on the shoulder before turning to you. "And of course your seal approval means just as much too! Seems like you enjoyed, huh?" He gave your belly a playful poke.
"I wouldn't be where I am now without the belly behind the account," your girlfriend agreed, reaching over to give your tummy another squeeze, jostling out a small burp.
The pair of them shared another laugh and selfie before the chef left to go gladhand some other tables.
"Should we get the to-go boxes?" she asked, patting you gently on the butt as you squeezed yourself back into the booth.
"I think I have a little room left."
You pulled the plate of ravioli in front of you and started working on it again as she took a short video of the desserts.
'The belly behind the account,' huh? You could get used to that.
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ink-dreams-ffxiv · 17 days
Prompt 4: Reticent
Dearest Kynuh and Sahxa.
     Raisha and I just returned from a place called Urqopacha in Yak Tol. Specifically, we visited the villages of the Pelupelu. A tribe of merchants, the best way I can describe them is, well, Monaterists with scruples. They believe in fair trade, and not just who can make the most gil. While there, we visited an Alpaca farm, I have enclosed a pair of alpaca dolls for the girls of course, and a couple of ponchos in the colors found around Tural. Lyruh and Nyhxa should be able to grow into them for some time. Raisha and I have decided that Kynuh would love Urqopacha. It’s high in the mountains, with clear skies, and cold enough without being Ishgard cold. It’s not winter there, it is Mate harvest season, so it might be Ishgard cold then, but for a summer visit, Kynuh would be content.
     Raisha and I got to spend some time in the Mate fields, harvesting the leaves. I found reference in your journal, so I am sure you can explain it to Kynuh. The box of Mate is from the last harvest, the leaves we picked still needed to be dried, but, I think you will both enjoy it. I got to help with the harvesting of the Agave Cactus, from which they make the Mescal, that’s the bottle inside the snowcotton bag. I say helped, but the truth is, Raisha and I culled some wild wolves that were keeping the farm hands from tending the Agave, we stuck around while they worked just to help them work in ease. A fair trade was made, so I hope you enjoy, it’s aged 3 years, and the merchant swears it is one of his most premium blends.
     I was allowed to see how they cut up the Agave, how they roasted it over a smoky wood, and I know they use a locally grown pineapple, but, sadly, they were very reticent about letting me learn more of how it is made. I even offered to stay on for a few days extra, to keep away the wolves, or to even help with the harvesting, but, they said it would be an unfair trade, and that I would need to commit to being an apprentice for several years, and only after those years, would they consider answering those questions. It reminded me of some of the discussions between you and Pahpah about his special rums. Needless to say, I am sorry, but, I can’t source a recipe so you could try and make the mescal at home.
     For now, Raisha and I are meeting some others for tacos, while we discuss where to go to next. It might have to be by boat, the storm we sailed through seems to have caused lots of damage, and the pathway has fallen in places. Which reminds me, can you send me the recipe for your sea belly tea? I may know someone who could use your version, mine just wasn’t strong enough.
Our love to the girls and both of you, we miss them deeply, Rehna and Raisha
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Gossip Girl Appreciation Week | Day 2: A Favorite Dynamic
A fic to celebrate the van der Humphrey kids! biological and honorary!
shoutout to @blairwaldcrf for the textfic idea <3
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Transcript below the cut
First Image:
Nate (sender):  attention jeeves
Jenny from the block (Jenny):  what did you just call me
Nate:  Dan and I need you guys to settle a debate
Punkin Butt (Dan):  Oh god
Punkin Butt:  I would like to preemptively apologize
S! 🌼 (Serena):  yesssss I am ready go on
Nate:  Daniel R Humphrey, my betrothed, the love of my life, believes that pineapple, fruit of the gods, the most delicious of the fruits, should not be on pizza 
Second Image:
B! 🐝 (Blair):  …
B! 🐝:  You’re kidding, right?
Nate:  that’s what I’m saying!!!
B! 🐝:  No, Nate, I mean: that is what you’re arguing about?
B! 🐝:  Because obviously, the answer is no. It does not belong. 
Punkin Butt:  AHA!
Jenny from the block:  yeah nate wtf is wrong with you
Third Image:
Jenny from the block:  pineapple alone: yes. 
Jenny from the block: pineapple on pizza: SACRILEGE. 
Jenny from the block:  DISGUSTANG
V! (Vanessa):  some things are sacred. 
V!:  proper pizza topping is one of them
Jenny from the block:  wow trying so hard not to make a joke about “topping”
Punkin Butt:  please don’t
Eric RHODES:  ^^^
Eric RHODES:  and re: the pizza question: sorry, nate. 
Fourth Image:
Eric RHODES:  it just doesn’t taste that good to me
V!:  yeah the sweetness from the tomato sauce combined with the super sweetness of the fruit…it’s just too much
Nate:  no no no V, that’s why you pair it with pepperoni
Punkin Butt:  absolutely not
Nate:  because the spice of the meat offsets the sweetness perfectly
Punkin Butt:  you are sleeping on the couch tonight
Jenny from the block:  harshhhhh
Fifth Image
Jenny from the block:  but fair tbh
Jonathan:  I…I kinda like it actually
Jenny from the block:  JONATHAN NO
S! 🌼:  it’s ok jonathan we still love you
S! 🌼:  natie though…
Nate:  wow. 
Nate:  I am feeling so attacked right now
B! 🐝:  You brought this on yourself, darling. 
Nate:  okay but consider this
Sixth Image:
Nate:  how many of you have actually TRIED it though? Instead of just writing it off as gross
Nate:  because of some preconceived idea of what pizza “should” be. 
Nate:  let go of principle. Open yourselves up to joy. To enjoying deliciousness. 
V!:  Well fuck
V!:  you’ve convinced me.
S! 🌼:  srsly V’s literally scrolling through grubhub now
Punkin Butt:  Oy. 
Seventh Image:
B! 🐝:  Well not here. J and I are making perfectly sensible croque monsieur. 
Jenny from the block:  yeah like true ex-patriots <3
Jonathan:  wbu Dan? Are you convinced?
Punkin Butt:  we’re doing separate orders
Eric RHODES:  now that’s true love.
Jenny from the block:  it’s easy enough when you bag the richest boy in new york
Eighth Image:
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  fuck you
Jenny from the block:  ;)
Nate:  he takes my fortune I take his name. Fair trade. 
S! 🌼:  awwwwwww
B! 🐝:  ugh.
Jenny from the block:  gross
Ninth Image:
Eric RHODES:  aw come on Dan don’t make him sleep on the couch
Nate:  beep beep sorry line busy try again later
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veronicasanders · 2 years
Last Halloween ask! What is your favorite candy? Are you dressing up/doing something this weekend? I'm absolutely certain you're all througly sick of me and my bs, so this ask is just me saying thank you for indulging me and wish you a nice weekend and idk just tell me about anything you wish to talk about 😊
I could never be sick of you, my darling! BS welcome anytime! 😘
(After the jump, I will wax poetic about bittersweet chocolate…)
CHOCOLATE SUPREMACY! Now, I pretty much exclusively eat high-end bittersweet/dark Fair Trade chocolate, although I can slum it with Lindt if I’m desperate but I really don't like giving money to companies unless they're Fair Trade. Bittersweet has always been the pinnacle for me.
As a kid, I was all about trading away the dumb sugary shit like Skittles, War Heads, Starburst, and Blow Pops, for more chocolate. The chocolate candies were ranked into a hierarchy…
TOP TIER, PREMIUM: Anything dark (Not common in Halloween candy but sometimes you could get lucky and get a Hershey’s Special Dark in a mixed bag, a Mounds Bar - for those outside of the US, Mounds is like Bounty but with dark chocolate, or someone cool would be giving away little Doves.) 
2nd Tier: Reese’s PB cups, Almond Joy (Bounty with Almonds), Junior Mints/Andes Mints, Skor Bars, Butterfinger and Kit Kats. 
3rd Tier: M&Ms (which could be bumped up to second tier if they were peanut butter M&Ms), Snickers, Nestle Crunch, Hershey Kisses and other plain chocolate that looked decent
4th Tier: Milky Way, Mars Bars, Twix and anything else heavily featuring caramel and nougat and bullshit that made it too sweet. Also off-brand chocolate like a random pumpkin-shaped thing.
5th Tier (LOSERVILLE): Tootsie Rolls, white chocolate (wouldn’t trade for this, but sometimes I was stuck with it)
Honorable mention: The few non-chocolate candies I would eat were things like Sour Patch Kids, Smarties (not the same as British Smarties, these were just sugar), Lemonheads, Fun Dip, Pixi Stix. This was like, the shit I would eat for energy on the night while I was trick-or-treating and would *sometimes* save/not trade away. Whatever I had of this would be eaten in conjunction with the 5th Tier Loserville "chocolate" and even sometimes the 4th Tier if there was a lot of it.
✨Important notes: ✨
A full-size candy bar, as opposed to “fun sized” ones that people specifically bought for Halloween, would result in said chocolate moving up several tiers. 
In accordance with my “Save the Best for Last” policy, I would consume this candy in reverse-order. Starting with the random shit, then up through the tiers and saving the Top Tier candy for very last. 
The downside to this was that it left the premium stuff vulnerable to thievery (by my parents) for the longest. This problem was mitigated by keeping all the candy in my bedside table, and also giving a Sacrificial Offering to them every week or so as tax in exchange for keeping their mitts off my system. 
Halloween candy generally lasted until well past Valentine’s Day, when the chocolate coffers were replenished, and that in turn lasted until past Easter, which, if I was smart about it, could last until the following Halloween. 
I hope this Dickensian answer was as fun to read as it was to write. (Probably not, lmao.) This weekend, I went to a friend’s house party dressed as Wonder Woman, and tomorrow, I plan to take Dr. Fluffernutter into my morning lecture dressed as a pineapple. (I figure The Lady With a Dog Dressed as a Pineapple is crazy enough and I don’t need an additional costume.) 🍍😜🎃💖🌈
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hag-o-hags · 7 days
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I got a little too stoned to do the crafty thing I wanted to do, so I decided it was time for dinner
and it was just supposed to be a little snacky snack light dinner, but it's me and I'm incapable of putting a spoon of something on a plate and not making a swoosh (a swoosh is cruise control for fancy!)
so it started off as some hummus in a little light salad with rice noodles and these veggies from the fridge ...... evolved. it didn't go off the rails, in fact because this is where the rails go. Straight to Plating Town, which is several stops beyond Flavortown, and unfortunately, in a different fare zone so you usually have to pay more to get there.
and in my head this was evolving into, like. a prix fixe concept meal that would be marketed as an "Asian fusion" menu, but actually as you went through the courses it turns out that it is a spanning exploration of the way Asia as a whole is unified by so many flavors, and as much as Europe doesn't want to admit it they would be nothing without Central Asia and and Eastern Europe and the Middle East/North Africa culinarily.
The unifying theme would be sesame, as the thread that spans the fucking supercontinent, and the courses would be named progressively less subtle things starting with Spice Trade and then to FUCK YEAH GENGHIS KHAN.
of course then I dropped the rice noodles down the sink, which was annoying, but that's why couscous is a thing. so I made my salad with pickled daikon and mint leaves and tons of olive oil, piled that on the hummus and studded it with quelites from the yard (a wild edible in the sesame family!). I laid on my gingery stewed vegetables, feta, garlic flowers, and furikake
I put it all together looking at these yellow camel colors, and a little pops of green and I remembered culinary school, where we had to make a four-course meal for our final project and it took an entire quarter to plan. One of my classmates didn't like that he was asked to consider the season for his menu, and made an entire black and white theme called, like. 'Despair: a study of growth through the restriction of limitation'
(we don't think it was a joke. he was staging for the modernist cuisine people at the time. he's one of the only people still in the industry last I checked, and was interviewed by Marcus Samuelsson. ooo. he still didn't have a sense of humor.)
dropping the rice noodles back then would have been a fucking catastrophe, like. Six other students would drop what they were doing to start boiling more water and running to dry storage (although to be fair it was a lot farther away than my pantry.) but look at me now chef! I can throw this together while too stoned to put beads on a string! I can use a limited color palette and it doesn't look like I'm in crisis!
the last course of my imagined menu would be little bites -- cakes, mochi, lokum -- that idea, but with chocolate. sweet corn. potato. chiles. peanuts. pineapple. little hints of what's waiting on the other side of the ocean. absolutely no cuisine exists in a vacuum.
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adityarana1687-blog · 11 days
Moringa Juice Market Size To Reach $503.1 Million By 2030
The global moringa juice market size is expected to reach USD 503.1 million by 2030, and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 10.7% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.
The moringa juice market has experienced significant growth, driven by rising consumer trends towards natural and organic health products, the adoption of innovative product formats, and increasing consumer awareness about the health benefits of moringa juice. As consumers become more health-conscious and seek natural remedies, moringa juice has emerged as a popular choice due to its rich nutritional profile, which includes essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This has led to a steady increase in product adoption, particularly among fitness enthusiasts, vegans, and those seeking to improve their overall well-being.
Innovation in product offerings has been pivotal in capturing a broader consumer base. Companies are introducing flavored moringa juices, ready-to-drink options, and blends with other superfoods to cater to varying tastes and preferences. These innovative products not only enhance the appeal of moringa juice but also make it more convenient for consumers to incorporate into their daily routines.
Consumer awareness campaigns have been instrumental in educating the public about the numerous benefits of moringa juice. Companies and health organizations leverage social media, blogs, and health forums to spread knowledge about moringa juice's ability to boost energy, improve digestion, support immune function, and enhance skin health. These efforts have successfully demystified moringa juice's benefits, leading to greater acceptance and incorporation into daily diets.
Sustainable and ethical sourcing practices are becoming increasingly important to consumers, and many moringa juice companies are responding by adopting sustainable farming methods and fair trade practices. This not only ensures the long-term availability of high-quality moringa leaves but also appeals to environmentally and socially conscious consumers. Brands such as Organic India and Ancient GreenFields are recognized for their commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing, which resonates well with their target audience.
The growth of e-commerce has significantly enhanced the accessibility of moringa juice products. Online platforms allow consumers to easily purchase moringa juice, compare products, and read reviews, making it easier for them to make informed purchasing decisions. This has been particularly beneficial for smaller brands, enabling them to reach a global audience without the need for significant investment in physical retail spaces.
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Moringa Juice Market Report Highlights
The market has also seen a rise in vegan and vegetarian consumers who prefer moringa juice as a natural source of nutrients. In addition, fitness enthusiasts and athletes are turning to moringa juice for its energy-boosting and recovery-enhancing properties, making it a staple in their diet
Blended moringa juice combines moringa with other fruits or superfoods to enhance flavor and nutritional benefits. This product appeals to consumers looking for a tasty and health-boosting beverage, often incorporating ingredients such as pineapple, ginger, or turmeric to create a more palatable and versatile drink
Organic moringa juice is produced using moringa leaves grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, appealing to health-conscious consumers who prioritize organic and non-GMO products. Brands emphasize their organic certification and sustainable farming practices, attracting eco-conscious buyers willing to pay a premium for organic products
The Asia Pacific moringa juice market is expanding rapidly due to traditional uses of moringa in herbal medicine and the increasing adoption of Western health trends. Countries such as India and the Philippines are significant producers and consumers, with local brands leveraging cultural heritage and sustainable practices to appeal to both domestic and international markets
Companies are increasingly focusing on sustainable farming practices and fair trade to ensure the long-term availability of moringa leaves. This ethical approach appeals to environmentally conscious consumers and adds to the product's overall value proposition 
Moringa Juice Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the globalmoringa juice market on the basis of product, ingredient, distribution channel, and region:
Moringa Juice Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Pure Juice
Blended Juice
Fruit Blend
Vegetable Blend
Moringa Juice Ingredient Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Moringa Juice Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Drugstore and Pharmacies
Convenience Stores
Moringa Juice Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America (CSA)
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
South Africa 
List of Key Players of the Moringa Juice Market
Flavours Avenue
Dynamic Health
Basic Ayurveda Limited
Sri Sri Tattva Europe B.V.
Organic To Your Door
The Berry Company
Bella All Natural
VINUT Beverage
Vedic Juices
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b2bbusiness · 1 month
The Booming Europe Green Fashion Market: A Sustainable Revolution
The fashion industry, long known for its significant environmental impact, is undergoing a remarkable transformation in Europe. As consumers become increasingly aware of the ecological footprint of their clothing choices, the demand for sustainable, eco-friendly fashion is on the rise. This shift has given birth to the thriving Europe Green Fashion Market, where ethical practices, environmental stewardship, and style converge. In this article, we'll explore the key trends, driving forces, and future outlook of the green fashion market in Europe.
The Rise of Sustainable Fashion in Europe
Sustainable fashion, often referred to as eco-fashion or ethical fashion, is no longer a niche market in Europe. It has grown into a mainstream movement that encompasses everything from organic materials and fair trade practices to zero-waste designs and circular fashion. Several factors contribute to this rise:
Consumer Awareness: European consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of their purchases. They are demanding transparency and accountability from brands, pushing the fashion industry towards more sustainable practices.
Regulatory Pressure: European governments and institutions are setting stringent regulations to curb the environmental impact of fashion. The European Green Deal, for instance, aims to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050, driving the fashion industry to adopt greener practices.
Innovation and Technology: The integration of innovative technologies, such as sustainable fibers, 3D printing, and blockchain for supply chain transparency, is propelling the green fashion market forward. These advancements make sustainable fashion more accessible and affordable for both brands and consumers.
Key Trends in the Europe Green Fashion Market
Several key trends are shaping the Europe Green Fashion Market:
Circular Fashion: The concept of circular fashion is gaining momentum, where products are designed for durability, repairability, and recyclability. Brands are embracing circular economy principles by offering take-back programs, recycling initiatives, and upcycling services.
Plant-Based and Recycled Materials: The use of sustainable materials is at the forefront of the green fashion movement. From organic cotton and hemp to recycled polyester and innovative materials like Piñatex (made from pineapple leaves), brands are exploring a wide range of eco-friendly options.
Slow Fashion: In contrast to the fast fashion model, slow fashion promotes quality over quantity. Consumers are encouraged to buy fewer, but higher-quality items that last longer, reducing waste and minimizing their carbon footprint.
Transparency and Ethical Practices: Brands that prioritize transparency in their supply chains and adhere to ethical labor practices are gaining favor with European consumers. Certifications like Fair Trade, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), and B Corp are becoming important markers of trust.
Leading European Brands in Green Fashion
Several European brands are leading the charge in the green fashion market, setting new standards for sustainability and ethics:
Stella McCartney: A pioneer in sustainable luxury fashion, Stella McCartney has been at the forefront of eco-conscious fashion since its inception. The brand is known for its commitment to cruelty-free materials and sustainable practices.
Veja: This French sneaker brand is renowned for its use of organic cotton, wild rubber, and recycled materials. Veja's transparent supply chain and fair trade practices have made it a favorite among eco-conscious consumers.
Patagonia: Though based in the US, Patagonia has a strong presence in Europe and is widely regarded as a leader in environmental activism. The brand's commitment to sustainable production, repairability, and environmental advocacy has earned it a loyal following.
Eileen Fisher: Eileen Fisher is a brand that emphasizes timeless design, quality craftsmanship, and sustainability. The company offers a take-back program, where customers can return used clothing for recycling or resale.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the Europe Green Fashion Market is booming, it is not without its challenges. The cost of sustainable materials, the complexity of ethical supply chains, and the need for consumer education are significant hurdles. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and growth.
Future Outlook
The future of the Europe Green Fashion Market looks promising. As sustainability becomes increasingly ingrained in the fabric of European society, more brands are likely to adopt green practices. The market is expected to continue growing, driven by consumer demand, regulatory support, and technological advancements.
Buy the Full Report for More Insights into the Europe Green Fashion Market Forecast
Download a Free Sample Report
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fashionhubsworld · 2 months
How Can the Fashion Industry Be More Sustainable?
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The fashion industry, known for its creativity and innovation, also has a notorious reputation for its environmental and ethical impacts. As awareness grows, the need for sustainability in fashion becomes more urgent. But how can the fashion industry truly become more sustainable? Let's explore the multifaceted approach required to make this vision a reality.
Understanding Sustainability in Fashion
Definition of Sustainability in the Context of Fashion
Sustainability in fashion means creating and consuming clothing in a way that preserves the environment and promotes social equity. It involves considering the entire lifecycle of a garment, from raw material extraction to production, use, and eventual disposal.
Key Principles of Sustainable Fashion
Environmental Protection: Minimizing harm to the environment through sustainable practices.
Social Responsibility: Ensuring fair labor practices and supporting communities.
Economic Viability: Creating a business model that supports long-term sustainability without sacrificing profitability.
Environmental Impact of the Fashion Industry
Resource Consumption
The fashion industry is a major consumer of natural resources. The production of textiles requires vast amounts of water and energy. For example, producing a single cotton t-shirt can use up to 2,700 liters of water.
Pollution and Waste
Fashion is also a significant contributor to pollution. Textile dyeing and treatment are responsible for about 20% of global industrial water pollution. Additionally, the fast fashion model leads to massive waste, with millions of tons of clothing ending up in landfills every year.
Ethical Issues in Fashion
Labor Practices
Many garments are produced in developing countries where labor laws may be lax. Workers often face poor working conditions, low wages, and exploitation. Promoting fair trade and ethical labor practices is essential for a sustainable industry.
Animal Welfare
The use of animal products in fashion, such as leather, fur, and wool, raises concerns about animal welfare. Sustainable fashion seeks alternatives that do not harm animals.
Sustainable Materials
Organic Cotton
Organic cotton is grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, reducing environmental impact and promoting soil health.
Recycled Fabrics
Recycling fabrics helps reduce waste and resource consumption. Brands are increasingly using recycled polyester, nylon, and other materials to create new garments.
Innovative Materials
New materials like mushroom leather, pineapple fiber (Piñatex), and lab-grown fabrics offer sustainable alternatives to traditional textiles.
Slow Fashion Movement
Definition and Principles
Slow fashion emphasizes quality over quantity, encouraging consumers to buy less and choose well-made, timeless pieces. It contrasts sharply with the fast fashion model, which prioritizes cheap, disposable clothing.
Benefits of Slow Fashion
Slow fashion promotes environmental sustainability, reduces waste, and supports ethical labor practices. It encourages a more mindful approach to consumption.
Circular Fashion Economy
Concept of Circular Economy
A circular economy aims to eliminate waste by keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible. In fashion, this means designing garments for durability, repairability, and recyclability.
Implementing Circular Practices in Fashion
Brands can adopt circular practices by using recyclable materials, designing for longevity, and offering repair and recycling services to consumers.
Eco-Friendly Production Processes
Reducing Water Usage
Innovative techniques like waterless dyeing and closed-loop water systems can significantly reduce the water footprint of textile production.
Non-Toxic Dyes and Finishes
Using natural and non-toxic dyes and finishes minimizes the release of harmful chemicals into the environment.
Energy-Efficient Manufacturing
Adopting energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources can reduce the carbon footprint of garment production.
Sustainable Fashion Brands
Examples of Brands Leading the Way
Patagonia: Known for its commitment to environmental activism and use of recycled materials.
Stella McCartney: Pioneers in using sustainable and cruelty-free materials.
Eileen Fisher: Emphasizes simplicity, quality, and sustainable practices.
Case Studies
Exploring specific case studies of these brands can provide valuable insights into successful sustainable practices.
Consumer Behavior and Sustainability
Importance of Consumer Choices
Consumers play a crucial role in driving sustainability. By choosing sustainable brands and products, they can influence the market towards more ethical practices.
Tips for Sustainable Shopping
Buy less, choose well-made items.
Support brands with transparent, ethical practices.
Opt for second-hand or vintage clothing.
Upcycling and Recycling in Fashion
Techniques and Benefits
Upcycling involves creatively reusing old garments to create new, unique pieces. Recycling breaks down old textiles to produce new fibers.
Successful Upcycling Projects
Highlighting projects like Levi's Water<Less jeans or H&M's garment recycling program can inspire more sustainable choices.
Technological Innovations
Advances in Sustainable Fashion Technology
3D Printing: Reduces waste by creating garments on demand.
Blockchain: Increases transparency and traceability in supply chains.
Smart Fabrics: Developments in biodegradable and renewable materials.
Future Trends
The future of sustainable fashion may see more integration of technology, personalized clothing production, and continued innovation in materials.
Challenges in Achieving Sustainability
Economic Challenges
Transitioning to sustainable practices can be costly, posing a challenge for smaller brands. However, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial investment.
Social and Cultural Barriers
Changing consumer habits and perceptions about fashion is another significant challenge. Education and awareness are key to overcoming these barriers.
Policy and Regulation
Government and International Policies
Governments can support sustainability through regulations and incentives. Policies like the European Union's Circular Economy Action Plan are steps in the right direction.
Role of Regulations in Promoting Sustainability
Effective regulation can ensure that companies adhere to sustainable practices, reducing environmental and social impacts.
The fashion industry has a long way to go to achieve true sustainability, but the path is clear. By adopting sustainable materials, ethical practices, and innovative technologies, and by fostering consumer awareness and government support, the fashion industry can become a force for positive change. It's time for everyone—brands, consumers, and policymakers—to play their part in creating a more sustainable future.
What is sustainable fashion?
Sustainable fashion refers to clothing that is designed, produced, distributed, and consumed in ways that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
How can consumers support sustainable fashion?
Consumers can support sustainable fashion by choosing brands that prioritize sustainability, buying less, opting for second-hand clothing, and supporting ethical labor practices.
What are some common sustainable materials used in fashion?
Common sustainable materials include organic cotton, recycled polyester, hemp, bamboo, and innovative materials like mushroom leather and Piñatex.
How does slow fashion differ from fast fashion?
Slow fashion focuses on quality, timeless designs, and ethical production, encouraging consumers to buy fewer, better-made items. Fast fashion emphasizes quick production and low costs, often at the expense of environmental and ethical standards.
What role do regulations play in promoting sustainability in fashion?
Regulations can ensure that fashion companies adhere to sustainable practices, reducing environmental harm and promoting fair labor conditions. They can also incentivize the development of new, sustainable technologies and practices.
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norbezjones · 3 months
About The Ice Cream Man
VinylMK on Pillowfort had a super cool worldbuilding prompt that really got me thinking a lot.  The prompt is, "What is the equivalent of pineapple on pizza in your world: A notoriously bad food combination that a lot of people still like?"  (you should totally click the link to read the original post!) The answer ended up being longer & more detailed than I expected, so I figured I'd make it into its own post. This takes place in my game Romance The Backrooms.
So basically, I have an original entity in my backrooms universe called The Ice Cream Man, who was designed by https://toyhou.se/ALadCalledSpades . They did the art you see below:
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The Ice Cream Man lives in the backrooms level 89, also known as, "A Taste Of Home", which "takes the form of a 1940's ice cream parlor". The Ice Cream Man serves his ice cream here, which is always the same vanilla flavor.
Well, I say vanilla, but it's not actually that simple. If you're lucky, you'll get a simple vanilla cone, but most of the time, the ice cream that The Ice Cream Man serves tastes like sludge. No one knows why some people get regular ice cream while most people do not, but there are plenty of theories, of course. However, since nobody's ever heard The Ice Cream Man say a word, none of the theories out there can really be confirmed.
Regardless of how the ice cream tastes, if you try to take it out of Level 89, it will immediately melt in your hands. This is where the food combination comes in: basically, some backrooms entities and wanderers have discovered that if you mix your melted ice cream with almond water (a key survival liquid in the backrooms) then your almond water will last longer--you can drink less of it to stay hydrated and sane. Sure, it may not taste very pleasant, but it'll help you survive, and a lot of people see that as a fair trade-off.
Also, to answer the side note question, pineapple pizza is a thing in the backrooms, but it's pretty rare. No doubt you'll see it on Level Fun though.
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lordzannis · 3 months
alternative soda brands that are not owned by PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, or Keurig Dr Pepper associated with Israel or Zionism to replace Monster energy,its for extreme sports, esports, and music/pop culture.
Here are some alternative energy drink brands that are not owned by PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Keurig Dr Pepper, or associated with Israel/Zionism, which could potentially replace Monster Energy drinks for activities like extreme sports, esports, and music/pop culture:
RUNA Clean Energy Drink RUNA is a certified organic, fair trade, and non-GMO energy drink made from the guayusa plant native to the Ecuadorian Amazon. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine from guayusa and no taurine or artificial ingredients.
Yerba Mate Aguante This brand offers energy drinks made from yerba mate, a caffeinated plant-based ingredient from South America. Their drinks are vegan, non-GMO, and free of taurine and artificial sweeteners.
ZWAY Bamboo Energy Drink ZWAY uses bamboo leaf extract as a natural source of antioxidants and caffeine. Their vegan, non-GMO drinks have no taurine, artificial colors/flavors and are packaged in plant-based materials.
MATI Energizing Drinks MATI makes sparkling energy drinks from guayusa and yerba mate with moderate caffeine levels. They are non-GMO, vegan, and free of taurine and artificial ingredients.
Sambazon Amazon Energy Drink Made from Brazilian açaí berries and yerba mate, Sambazon offers plant-based, certified organic energy drinks without taurine, artificial colors/flavors.
Hiball Energy Drinks Hiball uses organic caffeine from coffee beans and no taurine or artificial ingredients in their lightly carbonated energy drinks aimed at an active lifestyle.
While not as mainstream as Monster, these ethical brands provide natural, plant-based alternatives for an energy boost without being tied to companies supporting Israeli apartheid policies based on the search criteria. Many also avoid artificial additives common in conventional energy drinks.
Citations: [1] https://fifthperson.com/3-companies-own-us-soft-drink-market/ [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PM2pOppAzo [3] https://www.reddit.com/r/Soda/comments/113sgnz/oc_reference_chart_for_what_company_owns_which/ [4] https://thegoodshoppingguide.com/ethical-soft-drinks/ [5] https://www.thestreet.com/restaurants/kroger-walmart-rival-kills-popular-coca-cola-soda-alternative
Cycle Soda This Tampa company produces natural craft sodas like Pineapple Cream and Ginger Lemongrass that avoid high-fructose corn syrup, aligning with an active lifestyle.
Jitney Samurai Cream Ale While not technically a soda, this craft beer brand's anime-inspired branding could appeal to gaming and pop culture enthusiasts looking for a unique beverage.
Stubborn Soda The Miami-based craft soda maker offers bold flavors like Black Cherry Tarragon and Lemon Berry Acai in vintage-style bottles. Their edgy branding could resonate with alternative music fans.
Jones Soda Co. This independent Seattle-based brand is known for unique flavors like Fufu Berry and quirky label designs featuring consumer-submitted photos. Their energy drinks like Jones GABA and sugar-free options could appeal to extreme sports enthusiasts.
Ale-8-One This ginger ale from Kentucky has a cult following and quirky branding that could mesh with indie/alternative music scenes.
There are a few alternative snack brands that align with extreme sports, music/pop culture, and are not owned by large corporations or Zionist companies:
Hippeas is an organic chickpea snack brand that recently launched limited-edition Minions-themed snacks, aligning with the popular movie franchise[4]. They have a fun, youthful branding that appeals to pop culture.
Bhu Foods makes sweet energy bites and bars from natural ingredients, avoiding cane sugar and grains. Their branding has an earthy, alternative vibe that could resonate with extreme sports enthusiasts[1].
Lytepop is an electrolyte-infused popcorn brand that has recruited NBA player Trae Young as a spokesperson, appealing to sports fans[1]. However, their "electrolyte-infused" premise is somewhat dubious.
Made in Nature is an organic dried fruit brand that started as a pear farm in Oregon in 1989, giving it an alternative, natural image[1].
Goodfish upcycles wild Alaskan salmon skins into crispy snacks, which could appeal to outdoor enthusiasts with its sustainable, upcycled ingredients[1].
It's important to note that while these brands have alternative positioning, I could not definitively confirm their ownership structures to rule out any Zionist connections. Their branding and product positioning align with the query, but verifying corporate ownership is difficult.
Citations: [1] https://www.insidehook.com/food/healthy-snacking-brands-to-know [2] https://www.theconfettibar.com/designing-happiness/resources/healthy-movie-snacks [3] https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/7-healthy-snack-alternatives-junk-food [4] https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hippeas-launches-limited-edition-minions-themed-snacks-301299948.html [5] https://tcg.co/portfolio/
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handbagsforwomens · 4 months
Eco-Friendly Handbags for Women Sustainable Choices
Eco-Friendly Handbags for Women: Sustainable Choices
In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the Craft Bazaar fashion industry towards sustainability and eco-conscious choices. This trend is not just about what we wear, but also about the accessories we carry, including handbags. Eco-friendly handbags are becoming increasingly popular as more consumers seek out products that are not only stylish but also kind to the planet. Here’s a comprehensive guide on sustainable choices for eco-friendly handbags for women, exploring materials, benefits, and tips for choosing the best options.
Why Choose Eco-Friendly Handbags?
Choosing eco-friendly handbags comes with numerous benefits:
Environmental Impact: Traditional handbag production often involves harmful processes and materials that contribute to pollution and waste. Eco-friendly handbags, on the other hand, are made using sustainable practices and materials that reduce environmental harm.
Ethical Production: Many eco-friendly handbag brands focus on ethical production methods, ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for their workers. This supports better labor practices globally.
Unique Styles: Sustainable handbags often come with unique designs and materials that set them apart from conventional options. They offer a distinctive style that reflects a commitment to sustainability.
Durability: Eco-friendly handbags are typically made to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements. This durability makes them a practical investment.
Sustainable Materials for Eco-Friendly Handbags
When it comes to eco-friendly handbags, the materials used are crucial. Here are some of the most common sustainable materials:
1. Recycled Materials
Recycled materials, such as recycled plastic bottles, fabrics, and metals, are repurposed to create stylish and sustainable handbags. This approach helps reduce waste and the demand for new raw materials.
2. Organic Cotton
Organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals, making it a more sustainable choice compared to conventional cotton. It's also biodegradable and requires less water for production.
3. Cork
Cork is a renewable and biodegradable material harvested from the bark of cork oak trees. It is lightweight, durable, and has a unique texture, making it an excellent choice for eco-friendly handbags.
4. Piñatex
Piñatex is a sustainable leather alternative made from pineapple leaf fibers. This innovative material is both eco-friendly and cruelty-free, offering a versatile and stylish option for handbag designs.
5. Hemp
Hemp is a highly sustainable crop that requires minimal water and no pesticides to grow. Hemp fibers are strong and durable, making them ideal for sturdy handbags that can withstand daily use.
6. Upcycled Materials
Upcycling involves taking waste materials and transforming them into new products. This can include anything from old clothing and fabric scraps to discarded leather and metal parts. Upcycled handbags are unique and help reduce landfill waste.
Features to Look for in Eco-Friendly Handbags
When shopping for eco-friendly handbags, consider these features to ensure you're making a sustainable choice:
1. Sustainable Certification
Look for handbags that come with certifications from recognized organizations, such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Fair Trade, or the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). These certifications indicate that the product meets specific sustainability criteria.
2. Ethical Manufacturing
Choose brands that prioritize ethical manufacturing practices. This includes fair wages, safe working conditions, and transparent supply chains. Brands that are committed to ethical production often provide information about their manufacturing processes on their websites.
3. Longevity and Durability
Invest in handbags that are built to last. High-quality craftsmanship and durable materials ensure that your handbag will withstand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
4. Versatile Design
Opt for designs that are versatile and timeless. A classic, well-designed handbag can be used for various occasions and over multiple seasons, reducing the need for additional purchases.
5. Minimalist Packaging
Eco-friendly brands often use minimal and sustainable packaging. Look for handbags that come with recyclable or biodegradable packaging to further reduce your environmental footprint.
Caring for Your Eco-Friendly Handbag
To maximize the lifespan of your eco-friendly handbag, proper care is essential. Here are some tips:
1. Regular Cleaning
Keep your handbag clean by regularly wiping it down with a damp cloth. For fabric bags, follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, which may include hand washing or spot cleaning.
2. Proper Storage
Store your handbag in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading and damage. Use dust bags or pillowcases to protect your bag from dust and scratches.
3. Avoid Overloading
Avoid overloading your handbag to maintain its shape and prevent strain on the handles and seams. Carry only what you need to reduce wear and tear.
4. Repair and Reuse
If your handbag gets damaged, consider repairing it instead of replacing it. Many brands offer repair services, or you can take it to a local cobbler or tailor. Reusing and repairing extend the life of your handbag and reduce waste.
Supporting Sustainable Brands
By choosing eco-friendly handbags, you support brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. These brands are often committed to making a positive impact on the environment and society. Supporting them encourages the fashion industry to adopt more sustainable practices, leading to a greener future.
Eco-friendly handbags offer a stylish and sustainable alternative to conventional options. By choosing handbags made from recycled, organic, or upcycled materials, you can reduce your environmental impact and support ethical production practices. Look for features such as sustainable certifications, ethical manufacturing, and durable designs to ensure you're making a responsible choice. With proper care, your eco-friendly handbag will not only look great but also serve you well for years to come. Embrace sustainable fashion and make a positive difference with your next handbag purchase.
Eco-Friendly Handbags for Women: Sustainable Choices
In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the fashion industry towards sustainability and eco-conscious choices. This trend is not just about what we wear, but also about the accessories we carry, including handbags. Eco-friendly handbags are becoming increasingly popular as more consumers seek out products that are not only stylish but also kind to the planet. Here’s a comprehensive guide on sustainable choices for eco-friendly handbags for women, exploring materials, benefits, and tips for choosing the best options.
Why Choose Eco-Friendly Handbags?
Choosing eco-friendly handbags comes with numerous benefits:
Environmental Impact: Traditional handbag production often involves harmful processes and materials that contribute to pollution and waste. Eco-friendly handbags, on the other hand, are made using sustainable practices and materials that reduce environmental harm.
Ethical Production: Many eco-friendly handbag brands focus on ethical production methods, ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for their workers. This supports better labor practices globally.
Unique Styles: Sustainable handbags often come with unique designs and materials that set them apart from conventional options. They offer a distinctive style that reflects a commitment to sustainability.
Durability: Eco-friendly handbags are typically made to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements. This durability makes them a practical investment.
Sustainable Materials for Eco-Friendly Handbags
When it comes to eco-friendly handbags, the materials used are crucial. Here are some of the most common sustainable materials:
1. Recycled Materials
Recycled materials, such as recycled plastic bottles, fabrics, and metals, are repurposed to create stylish and sustainable handbags. This approach helps reduce waste and the demand for new raw materials.
2. Organic Cotton
Organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals, making it a more sustainable choice compared to conventional cotton. It's also biodegradable and requires less water for production.
3. Cork
Cork is a renewable and biodegradable material harvested from the bark of cork oak trees. It is lightweight, durable, and has a unique texture, making it an excellent choice for eco-friendly handbags.
4. Piñatex
Piñatex is a sustainable leather alternative made from pineapple leaf fibers. This innovative material is both eco-friendly and cruelty-free, offering a versatile and stylish option for handbag designs.
5. Hemp
Hemp is a highly sustainable crop that requires minimal water and no pesticides to grow. Hemp fibers are strong and durable, making them ideal for sturdy handbags that can withstand daily use.
6. Upcycled Materials
Upcycling involves taking waste materials and transforming them into new products. This can include anything from old clothing and fabric scraps to discarded leather and metal parts. Upcycled handbags are unique and help reduce landfill waste.
Features to Look for in Eco-Friendly Handbags
When shopping for eco-friendly handbags, consider these features to ensure you're making a sustainable choice:
1. Sustainable Certification
Look for handbags that come with certifications from recognized organizations, such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Fair Trade, or the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). These certifications indicate that the product meets specific sustainability criteria.
2. Ethical Manufacturing
Choose brands that prioritize ethical manufacturing practices. This includes fair wages, safe working conditions, and transparent supply chains. Brands that are committed to ethical production often provide information about their manufacturing processes on their websites.
3. Longevity and Durability
Invest in handbags that are built to last. High-quality craftsmanship and durable materials ensure that your handbag will withstand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
4. Versatile Design
Opt for designs that are versatile and timeless. A classic, well-designed handbag can be used for various occasions and over multiple seasons, reducing the need for additional purchases.
5. Minimalist Packaging
Eco-friendly brands often use minimal and sustainable packaging. Look for handbags that come with recyclable or biodegradable packaging to further reduce your environmental footprint.
Caring for Your Eco-Friendly Handbag
To maximize the lifespan of your eco-friendly handbag, proper care is essential. Here are some tips:
1. Regular Cleaning
Keep your handbag clean by regularly wiping it down with a damp cloth. For fabric bags, follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, which may include hand washing or spot cleaning.
2. Proper Storage
Store your handbag in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading and damage. Use dust bags or pillowcases to protect your bag from dust and scratches.
3. Avoid Overloading
Avoid overloading your handbag to maintain its shape and prevent strain on the handles and seams. Carry only what you need to reduce wear and tear.
4. Repair and Reuse
If your handbag gets damaged, consider repairing it instead of replacing it. Many brands offer repair services, or you can take it to a local cobbler or tailor. Reusing and repairing extend the life of your handbag and reduce waste.
Supporting Sustainable Brands
By choosing eco-friendly handbags, you support brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. These brands are often committed to making a positive impact on the environment and society. Supporting them encourages the fashion industry to adopt more sustainable practices, leading to a greener future.
Eco-friendly handbags offer a stylish and sustainable alternative to conventional options. By choosing handbags made from recycled, organic, or upcycled materials, you can reduce your environmental impact and support ethical production practices. Look for features such as sustainable certifications, ethical manufacturing, and durable designs to ensure you're making a responsible choice. With proper care, your eco-friendly handbag will not only look great but also serve you well for years to come. Embrace sustainable fashion and make a positive difference with your next handbag purchase.
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sanadilwar · 5 months
The Thriving World of Fruit Juice Manufacturers: Nourishing Health and Refreshing Taste
Introduction: Fruit juices have been Fruit Juice Manufacturers enjoyed by people around the world for centuries. They are not only delicious and refreshing but also packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In recent years, the demand for fruit juices has surged, leading to the emergence of a thriving industry of fruit juice manufacturers. These manufacturers play a crucial role in producing high-quality juices, ensuring that consumers can enjoy the goodness of fruits in convenient and enticing forms. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of fruit juice manufacturers, their processes, challenges, and contributions to the global beverage market.
The Rise of Fruit Juice Manufacturers: The rise in health consciousness and the growing preference for natural and nutritious beverages have been significant drivers behind the success of fruit juice manufacturers. Consumers are increasingly seeking alternatives to carbonated drinks and artificial beverages, turning to fruit juices as a healthier option. Fruit juice manufacturers have capitalized on this trend by offering a wide range of juices made from various fruits, including oranges, apples, pineapples, berries, and exotic fruits.
Quality and Safety Standards: Fruit juice manufacturers adhere to stringent quality and safety standards to ensure that their products meet regulatory requirements and consumer expectations. From sourcing high-quality fruits to implementing hygienic processing techniques, manufacturers take great care in every step of the production process. They rely on advanced technology and equipment for extracting juice, pasteurization, and bottling, ensuring the preservation of flavor, color, and nutritional value.
Sourcing of Fruits: One of the critical aspects of fruit juice production is the sourcing of fruits. Fruit juice manufacturers often collaborate with local farmers or establish their own fruit orchards to ensure a steady supply of fresh and ripe fruits. This helps maintain control over the quality and consistency of raw materials. Some manufacturers also engage in sustainable farming practices, such as organic farming or fair trade partnerships, to support local communities and promote environmental consciousness.
Processing and Production: Once the fruits are harvested, they undergo a series of processes to transform them into juice. The first step involves washing and sorting the fruits to remove any impurities. Then, depending on the type of fruit, they are either cold-pressed or mechanically extracted to obtain the juice. Cold-pressing is a popular method as it helps retain the natural flavor, aroma, and nutrients of the fruit. The extracted juice is then filtered, pasteurized, and often concentrated to enhance its shelf life.
Packaging and Distribution: Packaging plays a vital role in preserving the freshness and quality of fruit juices. Fruit juice manufacturers utilize a variety of packaging options, including glass bottles, tetra packs, and plastic containers. They carefully select packaging materials that are safe, recyclable, and convenient for consumers. Once packaged, the juices are distributed through various channels, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, online platforms, and foodservice providers, making them easily accessible to consumers worldwide.
Innovation and Diversification: To cater to the evolving tastes and preferences of consumers, fruit juice manufacturers continually innovate and diversify their product offerings. They experiment with unique flavor combinations, introduce functional juices with added health benefits, and create customized blends to suit specific consumer demographics. Manufacturers also engage in extensive research and development to incorporate emerging trends, such as organic and natural ingredients, into their product lines.
Challenges and Opportunities: While fruit juice manufacturers enjoy a prosperous market, they face several challenges as well. Fluctuating raw material costs, changing weather patterns affecting fruit harvests, and increasing competition are some of the key challenges. Additionally, manufacturers need to navigate evolving consumer demands, including the demand for low-sugar options and sustainable packaging. However, these challenges also present opportunities for manufacturers to differentiate themselves, explore new markets, and develop innovative solutions.
Conclusion: Fruit juice manufacturers play a vital role in meeting the demand for natural and healthy beverages. Their commitment to quality, safety, and innovation has helped shape the thriving industry we see today. By sourcing the finest fruits, employing advanced processing techniques, and staying attuned to consumer preferences, fruit juice manufacturers continue to bring delightful and nutritious juices to people's lives. As consumers increasingly prioritize their well-being, the role of fruit juice manufacturers is poised to grow, contributing to a healthier and tastier future of beverage consumption.
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richbornladiesbag · 8 months
Eco-Friendly Ladies Bags A Fashion with no harm to our environment
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The Shift Towards Sustainable Fashion
The fashion industry has been one of the major contributors to environmental issues, such as pollution and waste. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards sustainability. Designers and brands are increasingly focusing on eco-friendly materials and production methods. This shift is not just about reducing the negative impact on the environment but also about creating a positive change.
Why Eco-Friendly Bags?
Ladies’ bags are a staple in the fashion world, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes. By choosing eco-friendly bags, consumers can make a significant contribution to reducing their carbon footprint. These bags are made from sustainable materials, such as organic cotton, recycled plastics, and plant-based leathers. They are designed to be durable, reducing the need for frequent replacements and thereby diminishing waste.
Materials Matter
One of the key aspects of eco-friendly bags is the use of sustainable materials. Some popular choices include:
Recycled Plastic: Bags made from recycled plastic bottles are not only durable but also help in reducing plastic waste.
Organic Cotton: Unlike conventional cotton, organic cotton is grown without harmful chemicals, making it a safer choice for the environment.
Plant-Based Leathers: Innovations like pineapple leather and mushroom leather offer a cruelty-free and sustainable alternative to animal leather.
Design with a Purpose
Eco-friendly bags are not just about the materials; they are also about thoughtful design. Many designers focus on creating timeless pieces rather than following fast fashion trends. This approach encourages consumers to invest in bags that they can use for years, rather than seasons.
Supporting Ethical Practices
By choosing eco-friendly bags, consumers also support fair trade and ethical labor practices. Many eco-friendly brands are committed to transparency in their supply chain, ensuring that their products are not only good for the environment but also for the people involved in making them.
A Style Statement
Gone are the days when eco-friendly meant compromising on style. Today’s eco-friendly bags come in a variety of designs, colors, and styles, catering to different tastes and occasions. From chic totes to elegant clutches, there is an eco-friendly bag for every outfit and event.
Celebrity Influence
Celebrities and influencers have played a significant role in popularizing eco-friendly bags. By choosing sustainable accessories, they set a powerful example for their followers, driving the trend forward.
Accessibility and Affordability
Another positive development is the increasing accessibility and affordability of eco-friendly bags. With more brands entering this space, consumers have a wider range of options that suit different budgets.
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allinonecc · 8 months
Sustainable Fabric: Embracing Eco-Friendly Fashion with Rewardown
In the era of conscious consumerism, the fashion industry is undergoing a transformative shift towards sustainability. One of the key players in this movement is the adoption of sustainable fabric, with brands like Rewardown leading the way. This article delves into the various aspects of sustainable fabric, shedding light on its significance, benefits, and the positive impact it has on our planet.
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Understanding Sustainable Fabric
Sustainable fabric refers to textiles that are produced with minimal environmental impact and adhere to ethical labor practices. In our journey to a greener world, it's essential to comprehend the intricacies of eco-friendly textiles.
Defining Eco-Friendly Textiles In essence, sustainable fabrics prioritize eco-conscious production methods, steering clear of harmful chemicals and excessive water usage. These textiles are often biodegradable, ensuring a minimal ecological footprint.
Types of Sustainable Fabrics
Organic Cotton: Cultivated without synthetic pesticides, organic cotton promotes soil health and biodiversity.
Tencel: Derived from sustainably sourced wood pulp, Tencel fabric boasts a silky texture and is fully biodegradable.
Hemp: Known for its durability, hemp requires minimal water and no pesticides, making it an eco-friendly choice.
Why Choose Sustainable Fabric
The decision to embrace sustainable fabric goes beyond mere fashion preferences; it's a conscientious choice with far-reaching positive impacts.
Environmental Impact Traditional textile production is notorious for its environmental degradation, from water pollution to deforestation. Choosing sustainable fabrics minimizes these harmful effects, contributing to a healthier planet.
Ethical Considerations Sustainable fabrics often come from fair-trade practices, ensuring that the workers involved in the production chain are treated ethically. By opting for sustainable options, consumers support humane working conditions.
Popular Sustainable Fabric Choices
The world of sustainable fabrics is diverse, offering a plethora of options that cater to different preferences and needs.
Organic Cotton A champion in the sustainable fabric arena, organic cotton is free from harmful pesticides, making it gentle on both the environment and the wearer's skin. Its versatility makes it a staple in eco-friendly wardrobes.
Tencel Tencel, also known as lyocell, stands out for its luxurious feel and eco-friendly production process. Made from sustainably sourced wood pulp, Tencel embodies the marriage of comfort and environmental responsibility.
Hemp Hemp's resurgence in popularity can be attributed to its durability and low environmental impact. Requiring minimal water and no pesticides, hemp is a frontrunner in sustainable fashion.
Innovations in Sustainable Textiles
The world of sustainable textiles is not stagnant; it's evolving with innovations that push the boundaries of eco-friendly fashion.
Recycled Polyester Giving new life to plastic waste, recycled polyester transforms discarded bottles into durable and versatile fabrics. This innovation tackles the issue of plastic pollution while offering a sustainable alternative.
Piñatex: Pineapple Fiber A groundbreaking development, Piñatex utilizes pineapple leaf fibers to create a leather-like material. This cruelty-free alternative not only reduces agricultural waste but also provides economic opportunities for pineapple farmers.
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Sustainable Fabric in Fashion
The integration of sustainable fabrics into mainstream fashion is no longer a niche trend; it's a global movement.
Runway to Retail: A Growing Trend Fashion houses and designers are increasingly incorporating sustainable fabrics into their collections, making eco-friendly fashion accessible to a broader audience. The runway is now a platform for showcasing not just style but also environmental responsibility.
Celebrity Endorsements Celebrities are influential voices in shaping fashion trends. With more stars embracing sustainable fashion, it becomes a statement beyond style—a commitment to a sustainable and ethical lifestyle.
Sustainable Fabric Brands
Several brands have taken the lead in championing sustainable fashion, proving that style and sustainability can coexist.
Pioneering the Green Movement Brands like Patagonia, Eileen Fisher, and Rewardown have become pioneers in sustainable fashion. Their commitment to eco-friendly practices sets the standard for the industry, inspiring others to follow suit.
Top Picks for Eco-Friendly Fashionistas For those looking to curate a sustainable wardrobe, brands like Reformation, Everlane, and Veja offer a diverse range of stylish options. From clothing to accessories, these brands prioritize both aesthetics and ethical production.
DIY Sustainable Fashion
Embracing sustainable fashion doesn't always mean purchasing new items. DIY projects allow individuals to repurpose old fabrics and contribute to a circular fashion economy.
Upcycling Old Fabrics Give old clothes a new lease on life by transforming them into something fresh and stylish. Upcycling not only reduces textile waste but also unleashes creativity in fashion enthusiasts.
Simple Sewing Projects Even with basic sewing skills, individuals can create unique, sustainable pieces. From patchwork denim to tote bags, these projects add a personal touch to eco-friendly fashion.
Caring for Sustainable Fabrics
Ensuring the longevity of sustainable fabrics requires proper care and maintenance.
Washing Tips for Longevity To maintain the integrity of sustainable fabrics, opt for cold water washes and air drying. This not only conserves energy but also extends the lifespan of eco-friendly textiles.
Sustainable Fabric Storage Proper storage is crucial for preserving the quality of sustainable fabrics. Avoiding direct sunlight and moisture helps prevent degradation, ensuring that these textiles last for years.
Sustainable Fabric in Everyday Life
Beyond fashion, sustainable fabrics find applications in various aspects of daily life.
Bedding and Linens Experience the comfort of sustainable living by investing in organic cotton or bamboo bedding, including options from Rewardown. These materials offer breathability and a luxurious feel, elevating the bedtime experience.
Sustainable Workout Wear Activewear made from sustainable fabrics combines functionality with eco-consciousness. Whether hitting the gym or practicing yoga, these garments provide comfort without compromising the planet.
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Benefits Beyond Fashion
The impact of embracing sustainable fabric extends beyond personal style—it contributes to a global movement with far-reaching benefits.
Reduced Carbon Footprint By choosing sustainable fabrics, individuals play a role in reducing the fashion industry's carbon footprint. This conscious decision contributes to the fight against climate change.
Impact on Global Economy Supporting sustainable practices in the fashion industry fosters economic growth in ethical and environmentally responsible sectors. Consumers become agents of change, influencing market dynamics towards a more sustainable future.
Challenges in Sustainable Fabric Production
While the shift towards sustainable fabric is commendable, it comes with its set of challenges that the industry must address.
Balancing Demand and Supply As demand for sustainable fabrics rises, ensuring a consistent and sufficient supply becomes crucial. Striking a balance that meets consumer needs without compromising eco-friendly standards remains a challenge.
Cost Implications The production of sustainable fabrics often involves higher costs due to ethical practices and eco-friendly processes. Bridging the gap between affordability and sustainability is an ongoing challenge for the industry.
Future Trends in Sustainable Textiles
The journey towards sustainable textiles is dynamic, with exciting trends shaping the future of eco-friendly fashion.
Technological Advancements Innovations like 3D printing and biofabrication are revolutionizing sustainable textile production. These technologies hold the promise of creating fabrics with minimal environmental impact and maximum efficiency.
Collaborations for Change Partnerships between fashion brands, environmental organizations, and governments are crucial for driving systemic change. Collaborative efforts can lead to the development of sustainable practices that benefit both the industry and the planet.
My Sustainable Fabric Journey
Embarking on a personal journey towards sustainable fashion has been enlightening and rewarding.
Personal Experiences with Eco-Friendly Fashion Switching to sustainable fabrics, including those from Rewardown, has not only enhanced my wardrobe but also deepened my connection to conscious consumerism. Knowing the stories behind each garment adds a meaningful layer to personal style.
Tips for a Greener Wardrobe For those beginning their sustainable fabric journey, start small. Gradually replace conventional pieces with eco-friendly alternatives, including Rewardown's stylish selections. Educate yourself about different fabrics and their origins to make informed choices.
Addressing Common Misconceptions
As sustainable fabric gains popularity, it's essential to dispel common myths surrounding eco-friendly textiles.
Dispelling Myths about Sustainable Fabrics
Sustainable Means Bland: Sustainable fashion is anything but dull. With diverse fabric choices and innovative designs, eco-friendly clothing can be as stylish as conventional options.
Limited Options: The variety of sustainable fabrics, including Rewardown's offerings, continues to expand, offering choices that cater to different tastes and preferences.
Clarifying Eco-Friendly Terminology Understanding terms like organic, recycled, and upcycled is crucial for making informed choices. Each label signifies a specific approach to sustainability, contributing to the overall eco-conscious movement.
Sustainable Fabric and Circular Fashion
Closing the loop on fashion waste is integral to achieving a truly sustainable industry.
Closing the Loop: Recycling and Upcycling Circular fashion emphasizes recycling and upcycling to minimize textile waste. Brands adopting circular practices, such as Rewardown, contribute to a closed-loop system, where old garments find new life.
Circular Fashion Initiatives Supporting brands that prioritize circular fashion initiatives, like Rewardown, ensures that the fashion industry moves towards a zero-waste future. By participating in these initiatives, consumers actively contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy.
FAQs about Sustainable Fabric
Are sustainable fabrics more expensive? Sustainable fabrics may have a slightly higher upfront cost due to ethical production practices, but their longevity often proves cost-effective in the long run.
Can I find trendy and stylish sustainable clothing? Absolutely! Many sustainable brands, including Rewardown, prioritize both style and ethical production, offering trendy options for fashion-conscious individuals.
Do sustainable fabrics require special care? While not overly delicate, sustainable fabrics benefit from gentle care. Cold water washes and avoiding direct sunlight during storage help maintain their quality.
How can I contribute to sustainable fashion on a budget? Start by gradually replacing conventional pieces with sustainable alternatives. Thrift stores and second-hand markets are also excellent sources for affordable eco-friendly fashion.
Are all sustainable fabrics biodegradable? No, not all sustainable fabrics are biodegradable. While many are, some synthetic options like recycled polyester may take longer to break down.
Is sustainable fabric only for clothing? No, sustainable fabrics find applications beyond clothing, including bedding, activewear, and even home furnishings.
Embracing sustainable fabric, including options from Rewardown, is not just a fashion choice; it's a commitment to a greener, more ethical future. From the runway to everyday life, the impact of eco-friendly textiles is profound. As we navigate the evolving landscape of sustainable fashion, let's champion positive change—one eco-conscious garment at a time.
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