ivygorgon · 6 months
An open letter to the U.S. Congress
Pass President Biden’s budget!
890 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
At a time when working families are having trouble affording everything from healthcare to education to housing to food, we need a budget that lowers costs for millions of households―paid for by making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share.
President Biden’s FY2025 budget would expand the Child Tax Credit, expand Affordable Care Act subsidies to help millions of people afford healthcare in states that haven’t expanded Medicaid, invest in free pre-K for 2 million kids, implement a national paid family and medical leave program, provide free community college, expand Social Security’s modest benefits, and more.
It would also reduce the national debt by nearly $3 trillion.
He does this by raising the corporate tax rate, implementing a 25% tax on the wealth gains of billionaires and ultra-millionaires, ending tax breaks for excessive CEO pay, closing loopholes that encourage corporations to ship jobs and profits offshore, and much more.
I urge Congress to pass President Biden’s FY2025 budget to invest in working people and our future. By wide margins, the American people think that the wealthy and large profitable corporations should pay more of their fair share in taxes. So endorsing the president’s budget is not only good policy, it’s good politics. Thanks!
▶ Created on March 15 by Jess Craven
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
I cannot imagine writing a rude comment to a fanfiction writer, I mean at all obviously, but also to critique the ending of a story that still has 3 whole chapters left.
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vvorldwideweb · 1 year
ok i feel like i need to elaborate cuz im home now also i’m still kind of processing what even happened lol but anyways i went back up to maine today bc i lost my nana’s ring in the ocean and someone FOUND IT w a metal detector crazy.., anyways i went & got the ring and i’m walking down a main rd/boardwalk-y kinda thing so theres lots of people and i turn the corner and theres a man sitting on a sleeping bag with w a small dog next to him and this woman yelling at him calling him names and the guy said like fuck you or something so she SPIT on him and i was like okay no more and got in between them and said ‘you need to leave him alone keep walking’ and she was like ‘no you need to shut your fucking mouth’ and i said excuse me? and she said it again and ‘or else’ so i said or else what and she fucking shoved me backwards like wtf so i start Screaming at her like red in the face spit flyin out my mouth n she throws her hands in the air and deadass yells “i have tourette’s!” and runs out of the crowd down the street…,, like what………. the fuck.
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fairsharesnetwork · 2 years
Fatherland FairShares Network
Fatherland Investment promotes and raises Capital for Good Projects as an opportunity to empower people within our community. The FairShares Network brings together people from diverse backgrounds who are usually members of the Fatherland Club. Fatherland launched it to flourish our members to become a vibrant, courageous, and proud community for Africans and African Descendants worldwide.
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toxictac · 7 months
Been watching restropective on all the street fighters (by thorgi's arcade, highly recomend the channel), im in like part 3 of 4 (i dont know belive the restropective is complete but might be wrong)
But like holy shit capcom really is a mess
I do not envy any one whose favorite franchise is from capcom from the days of arcades
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pointycorgiears · 3 months
White Tiger
There's a white tiger plush toy that sits on Mihawk's headboard over his bed.
He's had it for over thirty years.
He was always the tough kid at Moro's dojo. He was always the one demonstrating or correcting for the less skilled students. He did not have toys. His old family never let him have any. So he thought he did not have time to play. He was above such childish things. Or so he loudly proclaimed to his peers.
He pretended not to be distracted by the cute and fluffy white tiger sitting in a toy cart at the market one day.
He acted like he was paying attention to his master as she had him read through their grocery list while they picked out items from the fruit seller, instead of glancing back to the tiger across the street every few seconds. Moro then hurried him on to the next vendor and he had to silently bid farewell to the toy.
He did not notice when Moro told him to go buy a sack of flour from down the alley while she discreetly went and purchased the tiger toy and stuffed it in her bag.
After another long and hard training session the next day, Mihawk lay exhausted in his bed. He felt something soft placed on his arm, and opened his eyes to a face full of stripes and string whiskers, and Moro smiling at him gently from his bedroom door.
He was always the tough kid, but that white tiger was cuddled and loved from that first night all the way into his early adult years.
Now here it sat on his headboard on Karai Bari, evacuated with the rest of Mihawk's most treasured things from Kuraigana. It had seen its fairshare of hardships throughout the years, but nothing serious enough that Perona couldn't patch up once she discovered the toy (she got caught snooping in his room). As a result, it looked almost exactly like it did on the day Mihawk first saw it.
The first time Talon saw it, Mihawk felt the sensation of looking in a mirror of time that was showing him his younger self. There was the starry sparkle of longing in the Seraphim's wide eyes. Mihawk allowed him to hold it, to play with it but only if Talon promised to exercise the utmost care while handling the old, delicate thing.
Talon played with the plush every night before bedtime, always careful, always with fondness in his eyes. It was obvious the child was keeping his promise. So Mihawk finally relented and one night, after a grueling training session, he asked Talon if he would want to keep the white tiger as his own.
"It's yours," Mihawk told him. "You can have it now."
There was a pondering look on Talon's face as the boy held the tiger in his hands. What he then said in response to the offering completely caught Mihawk off guard.
"No, it's okay, Dad. He's important to you."
Talon then set the tiger back in its resting spot on the headboard, and hugged Mihawk goodnight before going to his own room.
Mihawk stared at the tiger sitting above him for a long time before falling asleep.
A week went by with Mihawk occasionally offering Talon custody of the tiger toy between breaks or meals. Each time, the boy declined. He was still allowed to play with it at night before bed, but he always selflessly put it back in its place. Mihawk was beginning to accept that maybe there were just some aspects that were different between him and his little clone.
Until a merchant ship arrived one day to deliver supplies. Its next stop after Karai Bari was going to be an island with a large fishing village where many families and children made their home. So as Mihawk and Talon inspected the goods from the ship, a crate of toys happened to catch the Seraphim's eye.
Mihawk was busy checking off Cross Guild's supply list when Talon came running up to him, excitedly tugging on his coat.
"Dad! Look!"
Talon was holding up a lion plush to show him. It had golden fur with a fiery red mane, and stringy whiskers. The child's eyes were absolutely beaming, and for the second time, Mihawk felt he was looking in a mirror.
The lion was purchased on the side with some spare berry Mihawk had in his pocket. From that moment on, it did not leave Talon's side for the entirety of the day. It even sat at the dinnertable, where Buggy pretended to feed it vegetables, much to its distaste, and commented how it must be a cousin of Richie's. Talon laughed and giggled, and the smile on his face brought a warm happiness to Mihawk's heart.
He made Talon promise to care for the lion as much as he did the tiger, so that "one day, you may be able to give it to your own children."
"I will, Dad," Talon answered as they sat on Mihawk's bed, and he crossed his heart. Something he recently learned from Buggy. "Look! Now Stripes has a friend!"
Mihawk still planned on passing his own toy to the child someday, when it was time. For now though, he would enjoy playing a game of Lions and Tigers before bed every night.
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pharawee · 1 month
btw just to contribute to the rumor mill since you're discussing it in my tags, i saw someone saying it felt as if one31 were holding "spare me your mercy" hostage so director wo had to finish century of love first for daouoffroad who are the rising branded pairing among one31 roster of artists (especially since they're the only? pairing left after jamfilm announced them taking a break to do other lakorns) 😭 he seems excited about smym judging from the way he's posting stills from every filming queue and praises about how all the actors' (even supporting ones) performance are stellar (┬┬﹏┬┬) like yea i'm still excited about smym but it sucks that rookie actors like daouoffroad might face even more pressure than experienced lakorn actors (though i do know tor/jj themselves had had their own fairshare of time working under similar kind of pressure with their p'yong 😅)
Hi Claire! 💜
Venting in your tags about it was a bit :/ of me and in hindsight I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to guilt-trip you or ruin your fun with the show. Century of Love was amazing quality and I'm sure Spare Me Your Mercy will be stellar too. 🙏
But yeah, that's what I heard too and it does make sense. What doesn't make sense is for the director - a professional and someone to look up to and rely upon - to throw a tantrum and bully his cast about it. It's not Daou and Offroad's fault that he was given the carrot and stick treatment by the higher-ups. As a fellow creative he should know that not every job is a passion project but we still have to give it our best.
Ugh. I'm so tired of the whole asshole director/producer thing. I wish we (the industry and the audience) would stop excusing bad behaviour as long as the finished product is good and/or successful.
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charbles · 3 months
i feel really bad when people ask me to draw shipping stuff because that's not usually something i do. it's hard for me!
it kinda sucks that shipping stuff is expected from artists a lot of the time, maybe thats just me! shipping in fandoms has ALWAYS been a thing. It's certainly a lot less toxic than it was in 2012, but it's still toxic, just in completely different ways.
dont get me wrong, i have my fairshare of ship stuff! i just dont like sharing it publically. It's not something in my comfort zone
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race-week · 1 year
Hi, I was reading multiple post from you related with technical term and it's fairshare of drivers controversies. I want to ask about old F1 era mind games, I know one example is the brocedes downfall but it is still relatively new era. In your post What happened with Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel, you mention mind games as well. So maybe you have more details on that particular behavior. Thanks.
I don’t think they’ve seen them as much in recent years because there hasn’t been that sort of competition that was slight bit of mind games between Hamilton and Verstappen in 2021, but it was mostly with how they were to the media
Mind games sometimes referred to a psychological warfare is just how does one driver get in the head of the other driver and the reason why this has such a big impact is so much of racing is dependent on concentration, but also the drivers mindset going into a race or qualifying session and if one little thing throws them off it can screw up the whole weekend 
Like you’ve got things like Michael Schumacher, staying in the bathroom for ages before a qualifying session to stop Nico Rosberg from getting to use the toilet before qualifying and in the end he had to pee in a bin or a plant or something. It seems in significant, but if someone’s got a particular routinely like to do before qualifying for the race and then something interrupt that it can throw them off. Schumacher apparently also never acknowledged or mentioned Rosberg at all - like in engineering meetings, driver briefings etc (can’t think of a driver who this would work better on tbh). Schumacher would also walk around shirtless
Another one is Nigel Mansell and Ricardo Patrese. This was down to wait and I remember Riccardo Patrese was very fit and had a whole diet and exercise regime. Mansell kind of ate what he wanted to, but before the start of the season, he practically starved himself so that he was lighter than Patrese 
It’s just how can you get into your teammates or competitors head in the best way and drive them fucking insane usually works better with teammates because they’re more likely to know what makes the other one tick and have direct comparisons on data and that sort of thing
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batter-sempai · 1 year
I've seen my fairshare of vtuber graduations but I don't think I've ever felt more broken up by one as I have by Mysta's from NijiEN. He's one of the first male vtubers I watched and has always been entertaining. I'm going to miss him a lot.
I wish him happiness wherever he goes next. But it really does hurt seeing him leave.
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textiletattoos · 2 years
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my newest design 🌅 daylight 🌅 is now available on my website
I wanted to make an illustration as warm and gooey as the lyrics of this lovesong - I hope you like it! as always, everything is vegan, biodegradable, Fairshare and organic 🌱
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ivygorgon · 5 months
An open letter to the U.S. Congress
Expand Social Security by Taxing the Rich!
1,122 so far! Help us get to 2,000 signers!
If nothing is done to strengthen Social Security’s finances, starting in 2034, Social Security will only be able to pay roughly 80% of benefits owed. Thankfully, there’s a fiscally responsible easy solution to this future shortfall that doesn’t impoverish seniors or their families: Make the wealthy pay their fair share! Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced the Social Security Expansion Act of 2023, which would increase benefits by $2,400, extend the lifespan of the Trust Fund by 75 years and do much more to solidify this bedrock of working-class prosperity. And, it’s completely paid for by scrapping the payroll tax cap on incomes over $250,000―meaning that millionaires and billionaires would finally start paying more of their fair share. In the House, Rep. John Larson has previously introduced the Social Security 2100 Act: A Sacred Trust, which would affect just the top 0.4% of wage earners. It would fulfill the promise of our Social Security system by improving benefits for millions of seniors living in poverty and extending the lifespan of the Trust Fund―once again, paid for by making the wealthy pay more of their fair share. Instead of Republican proposals to raise the retirement age or directly cut benefits, Congress needs to scrap the Social Security payroll tax cap on the wealthy. That means that while working people won’t pay a dime more in Social Security contributions, millionaires and billionaires will finally be paying their fair share all year long. Good!
▶ Created on January 11 by Jess Craven
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prisiidon · 3 months
Pri!! Are you doing art fight?
probably not sorry!! I was considering it though! ive done my fairshare of oc art for Zora May already haha (two left still!). thanks for wondering!! QvQ a few have asked aaaa 🧡
If i was i'd defs be team Seafoam and only draw zoras (predictable lol).
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evcryopeneye · 3 months
@spec-b asked: "You don't have to check to see if I'm judging you. I'm not."
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It felt judgmental…though then again, a lot of things did to her. Call it being oversensitive, but it wasn’t like she hadn’t met her fairshare of judgemental people in her life. Her knee jerk reaction was to dismiss his comment with a loud “pfft,” a wave of her hand and a small roll of her eyes. “Judge me all you want, I'm hilarious.” 
That was the thing, people judged all the time. She knew people judged her, Cloud wouldn’t be first nor the last. People looked at her and they saw what they wanted to, and sometimes, Yuffie was happy enough to let that happen. Occasionally, it bothered her, there were fleeting thoughts about how she kinda wished someone could see through it, that it didn’t feel like she was hauling some kind of secret world around with her, but wishes were for children. While Yuffie acted childish, she was grown enough to know that wishes were just fancy thoughts. Reality wasn’t that kind. 
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“I’m sorry that my deep sense of humour and wit is seriously lost on you. Like that’s just so sad.” The statement might have been a little over dramatic, but it was by design. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have.
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fairsharesnetwork · 2 years
Fatherland FairShares Network - The African Creative Global Enterprise
Fatherland FairShares Network brings together people from diverse backgrounds who are united by a belief in the financial and social imperative of investments. You will connect with leading entrepreneurs, investors, development experts, and many others.
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kmze · 4 months
while it's a fact that julie co-created the show with kevin,it's also a fact that SHE worked damn hard on that show for 8 long years unlike kevin who took off after 2 years.one may or may not like some storylines on that show,even I don't.But acting like everything beyond the first couple of seasons is invalid & nothing beyond what you pick & choose matters while you enjoyed the privilege of being on cw show for nearly a decade is peak entitlement and sexist AF.idc if this comes off as rude but some "actor(s)" and their inflated ego should face the mirror before opening their damn mouth.
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AMEN! I am so tired of hearing this from fans and the actors like JFC everyone is still talking about this show and attending these cons because of everything that was built beyond those first two years STFU! And it's very telling that yeah as soon as it was a female showrunner the show is garbage and it's always the white male actors who feed into that the most. I feel this happens with TO too because people act like Narducci was the second coming meanwhile Julie gave him that job! I mean look Julie is not perfect and she's made her fairshare of mistakes, namely anything to do with Kat/Bonnie or POC in general, but acting like the first two seasons were devoid of problematic aspects is ludicrous. How come no one comes for KW over Caroline and Andie being used as human bloodbags by Damon, since Kevin was the one writing all of Damon's scenes?
This is why I don't pay attention to the cons and honestly don't understand their appeal, why would I want to pay for actors from a show I love to sit in front of me and just mock that show? Why would I care about the opinion of someone who has admittingly never watched the full show and doesn't remember any of the plots or at least acts like it to be funny. You know what pisses them off? The fact that ship questions are the only things they still get asked because that's the only thing people care about when it comes to them or their characters and it hurts their feelings. That's all it is, plus some men (usually straight men) hate when women enjoy things and always want to make them feel bad about it, namely anything that involves women loving a romantic ship be it in a movie, a book, a show or any form of media.
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