#talon the seraphim
pointycorgiears · 19 days
When Cross Guild was formed, Crocodile failed to take into account how certain days were going to go. As in, this day. His birthday. He didn't know how, but Buggy had found out what day it landed on, and there was no escaping the consequences behind that.
Buggy was a clown after all. And, as the apparent Boss Clown around here, he was required (not really) to throw a birthday party for Crocodile.
By the time Crocodile realized what was happening, he tried to put a stop to it. It was too late though. Buggy had an underground influence that rivaled Crocodile's own, and the party was pretty much set. All preparations had already been made and there was no going back. The entire island was coming.
Well, Crocodile decided for himself that he wouldn't go. Everyone was going to be drunk off their asses anyway, it's not like they would notice.
Except for a few keen-eyed individuals.
Mihawk and his boy, the Seraphim child, had been working in the kitchen all day. No doubt Mihawk was cooking up something just for Crocodile, since the Cross Guild chefs would be handling the majority of the party's food. Everytime Talon passed by his office door, the boy would glance at him with a knowing smile. This would happen every few hours.
Crocodile could already picture the scathing, disappointed, and murderous glare from Mihawk if he did not at least show up to try whatever it was they were making. He thought about just hiding out somewhere on the island until the party ended, but Talon was just as much a hunter as his father, and that theoretical game of hide and seek would be over before Crocodile could get comfortable in his hideout.
So it seemed after all that Crocodile would be going to his own birthday party. He sighed and sunk back in his chair behind his desk, rubbing his temple. It was for appearances, he told himself. Just appearances. Like any other bothersome business meeting, at least he could decide that he was not going to enjoy it.
Crocodile glance over at the wall from his chair. The clock said 4:30. Evening shenanigans around here usually started at five. He was out of precious quiet, solitary time. He shut his eyes and tried not to dread what was coming.
Crocodile sat up and stared at the transponder snail on the corner of his desk. He wasn't expecting any business or calls, so who could possibly be calling this late?
Maybe he finally had a distraction. Maybe this would be his salvation.
He picked up the receiver and the snail clicked the connection. "Yes?" he answered in a purposefully gruff voice.
There was some shuffling sounds on the other end. "Uhhh....hello?"
Crocodile almost dropped the receiver. No, that wasn't... "Is that really y-"
"Crocodile! Hey! Happy Birthday!"
"...Straw Hat? How did you get this number?"
More shuffling the background, until the other seemed to sit still. "Robin gave it to me! She said today's your birthday!"
Robin. "Why are you calling me, Straw Hat?"
"To tell you Happy Birthday, dummy!"
Crocodile was completely thrown for a loop. He resisted asking why again and fell back into the familiar safety of his dealing with business tone. "What is it you want, Straw Hat? I'm a very busy man. If it's Emperor business, you're going to have to talk to Buggy and that's a completely different number, which I'm not giving to you because I am not that clown's secretary."
"Hahahaha! You're funny!"
Crocodile was losing his patience. "Lu-" he caught himself, "Straw Hat. I appreciate the call, but what do you want?"
"Hey Croc," the other began, and Crocodile noticed the sudden shift in tone,"Jinbe told me what you did that day, at Marineford, and well, I never got to say thank you. You really saved us both."
There was a beat of silence before Crocodile responded. "Heh, you're welcome. Don't expect me to do it again, you brat." And please don't ask me why I did it...
Thankfully, another quick laugh told Crocodile the seriousness of their conversation was gone. "Heeheehee! You're a pretty neat guy after all, Croc! I hope we get to face each other again someday!"
"Heh, me too kid."
"You bet on it!" was the excited reply.
"It's good to hear your voice," Crocodile said before he could stop himself.
"Really? Why-Oh!" There was some shouting in the background. "I gotta go! It's time to eat! Happy Birthday Croc!"
"Thanks, Straw Hat."
"Bye Wani!"
The line clicked as it disconnected. Crocodile sat there frozen from those parting words. He suddenly remembered a man with long, wild hair joyfully waving at him from the deck of a ship. "Bye Wani! I'll see you soon! I love you!"
He set the receiver down.
He pushed that memory away, back to where it belonged with all the others. He leaned back in his chair and drew a deep breath. His cigar was currently out of reach, but he didn't bother lifting it from the corner of the desk with a tendril of sand. The old memory was locked away again, but the new memory of Luffy remained fresh in his mind. His voice was young and full of energy. It sounded so alive.
It was direct, like Dragon.
It had a hint gravel, like him.
Crocodile smirked to himself. At least that was quite the birthday surprise. He sat up in his chair, straight. He felt jittery. Like the day had just started, even though the clock now read 4:50. It would be getting dark outside soon, but he felt like a beam of sunlight had awoken him bright and early.
He was alert. He was hungry.
He tried not to think too hard about why his mood changed.
Just as he got up from the chair and began stretching his legs, Talon fluttered past his office door again. The little clone poked his head in this time, eyes bright. "Are you ready to eat!? Come see what we made for you!"
No sooner did the boy take off, did Mihawk appear carrying a silver tray and eyeing Crocodile expectantly. He didn't have too much time to frown though, as Crocodile headed for the door.
"You are required upstairs, per Buggy's orders," Mihawk said.
"I know, I know," Crocodile huffed. "Let's get this over with then." He knew Mihawk caught the small smile on his face as he brushed past him.
"Are we finally in a good mood today?" the swordsman asked, following behind.
"As good as it's going to get. Now let's go see what you cooked up for me before I change my mind."
He was sure Mihawk noticed the spring in his step too.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Celestials Talon Abraxas
The Celestial Hierarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite The angelic hierarchies divided into three triads: First --Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones Middle- - Dominions, Virtues and Powers Last -- Principalities, Archangels and Angels
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seramilla · 3 months
(Imagine if Lute woke up almost eleven days later after Emily saved her only to have Sera and Carmilla in the room checking in on her and dressing her injuries. I’m sure Sera would have some questions about what happened to her and why she’s in hell and looks like a sinner while Carmilla, aiding Sera, is not exactly happy about Lute being there having learned that she’s the reason Emily was scapegoated.)
Lute jerks awake feeling a sharp pain where her eye was missing. She instinctively goes to swing the sharp talons of her demon hand at the offender when a large clawed hand stops her in her tracks.
“I wouldn’t if I were you. Sera is just changing out your bandages.”
Black and gold meet red and white. Lute feels very very small under the burning gaze when she realizes that is she is in the presence of a Very POWERFUL OVERLORD who is holding her arm in place so effortlessly.
A softer catches her attention, she knows that voice. She turns her head and wishes the ground would swallow her up as she sees the familiar form Sera. She seems more at ease here than she ever did in heaven.
“…I have a few questions. Most will pertain to your fall, your changes, and injuries.”
She’s so screwed, of course she would want to know…but the doesn’t help her cope with the fact she caused it all herself. She tries to swallow back the guilt but it sinks into the pit of her stomach like a stone. Where to even start?
Lute's eye travels back and forth between the two women taking care of her. The overlord's face is set in a scowl that makes Lute feel smaller than she thinks she's ever felt before. There is so much hatred and scorn behind that woman's gaze, that Lute realizes her entire body is paralyzed by how intimidated she is. She's never met this person before...why does she look like she'd enjoy tearing Lute apart and feasting on her battered, bloody corpse?
Wait…is this…?
Sera seems to notice the effect the other woman is having on Lute. She smiles at the overlord, oddly soft and timid compared to how Lute is used to seeing her. Sera had once been so full of authority, with a domineering, confident air about her. The way she looks at this demon woman is...affectionate.
"Carmilla? Would you give us a moment?"
Wait…fuck….THAT Carmilla???
Carmilla doesn't speak. She shoots Lute one more angry, incensed look, and shows herself out of the room. Lute doesn't even realize how tight she'd been holding onto her bedsheets, or how tense she’d been keeping her shoulders; as the other woman exits, Lute finds herself relaxing. Her skin is still crawling, but not as bad now.
"Now," Sera says, turning her attention back to the diminutive angel. "Would you like to tell me what happened, and what you're doing here? And why you look like this?"
Lute shakes. She is shivering. Like a small child left out freezing in the cold. Like her entire body has been dunked into a freezing vat of ice water. Sera leans down, and puts her arm around Lute's shoulder. Lute almost flinches away, but Sera holds onto her tight.
"Breathe," Sera coos. "Just breathe."
Where is this coming from, Lute thinks? Why is the High Seraphim...the once powerful authority over all of Heaven, second only to the council of Elders and the Father himself, treating her this way? With so much empathy, and kindness, and patience? And gentleness? It makes no sense. Not after what Lute had done to her and Emily.
Lute feels nauseous...the bile is already rising toward the back of her throat, threatening to make a not-so-graceful exit, burning its way up her esophagus.
"Why are you helping me?" Lute asks, almost demanding. "What did I do...? You shouldn't be... It was because of me that you...!"
Lute can't manage to finish a sentence, but Sera seems like she knows what Lute is asking, all the same. She rubs Lute's shoulder where her arm is wrapped around her, holding her steady. When Lute starts to get dizzy, she helps the battered angel lie back down, holding a cold cloth to her forehead.
Lute is running a fever...she can tell from the delirium. Maybe an infection, somewhere. Her entire body hurts. But through it all, she still questions...why?
"The people down here have taught me things about forgiveness," Sera says bluntly, drawing Lute out of her bout of mental self-flagellation. "When Emily found you, I almost told her to toss you back where you came from. I was livid. She was the one who made the case to keep you here...and if I were still the type of person I was in Heaven, I wouldn't have allowed it. Or I would have let Carmilla take a stab at you first. Heaven knows she wanted you to die."
Lute quakes in fear. Sera looks at her again, with more disappointment than anger. They both know what Lute and Adam had done. How they were responsible for her and Emily becoming fallen. But rather than seek vengeance on the former Exorcist for her betrayal...the only feeling Lute gets from Sera is pity.
"But it seems like your suffering has been far more recompense for your sins than any of us could ever inflict upon you. So I want to ask you again...what happened to you? What are you doing here?"
Lute can't argue with her. She has suffered. She doesn't want to suffer anymore. So she tells Sera...everything. How her guilt had consumed her. How it had literally transformed her body, fed off her angelic essence, turning her into this, before she'd ever entered Hell. How she'd stayed behind during the last Extermination, hiding and feeding off scraps in the street while she suffered through the pain. How she'd ripped out her own eye, plucked out her own feathers, and tried to remove her demonic wings, but they just kept growing back.
Sera listens, without judgement, without derision, and just stares into the mattress next to Lute's demonic hand. She hasn't been able to look directly into Lute's remaining eye since the former Exorcist began her tale. The things the Exorcist went through...did to herself...it's almost too much for her. When Lute finishes, Sera's expression has totally changed. The anger and disappointment are gone. All that's left is...sadness.
Sera clears her throat, actively fighting back tears. "Thank you, Lute, for sharing that with me...I'm so-- Uhm. Well...Emily wanted to see you when you woke up. Do you want me to go get her?"
Lute doesn't miss the almost-apology Sera had been about to give her, but at the mention of Emily's name, the thought completely leaves her mind. Her one remaining eye brightens a little at the sound, and she tries again to sit up in bed.
"Yes!" Lute says, a little more enthusiastic than intended, fighting with herself to sit up despite the pain in her back. "Yes. Please. Let me see her."
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Wereharpy Vaggie au idea rant thingy: Lute accidentally 'created' or 'awakened' wereharpy Vaggie when she cut out Vaggie's eye with angelic steel. le whoops?
secondary ideas: Exorcists and their weapons as re-purposed "sin-eaters", the remnants of the hell-touched winner souls who were torn apart when their job of saving sinners from sins was seen as a failure and being able to permanently destroy them instead was discovered. The original wereharpies were the Sin-Eaters, who gouged out one of their eyes with their bare hands as a final test of their commitment of giving themselves up to save sinners, and took on their more monstrous forms after absorbing and battling with the sins they devoured. Their refusal to switch from eating sins to murdering sinners ended up with them being torn apart by the Sera. Adam then was handed the re-shaped pieces of the Sin-Eaters in the form of Exorcists, while the talons were used to create the alloy that came to be known as heavenly steel, the only substance capable of permanently damaging or killing a soul. (only like can cut like)
Lute cutting out Vaggie's eye with a heavenly weapon, specifically after Vaggie had refused to kill a sinner, reawakening the scrap of the Sin-Eater Vaggie had once been part of, including her 'new' wereharpy form.
The more time Vaggie spent in Hell trying to save sinners the more her harpy form, and the Sin-Eater instincts ingrained into it, started to come out.
Vaggie thought this was some part of being an Exorcist stuck with her prey and worried her harpy self would start mindlessly killing sinners if set loose. She worked with Charlie to keep herself as much under lock and key during harpy time as possible. Meanwhile Charlie just assumed this was part of Vaggie's sinner form and was happy to help her manage it in a way that kept her from hurting others or worrying about hurting others.
Neither of them knew the full history of the Exorcists or Sin-Eaters.
which, given in more detail, maybe goes something like this:
Heaven is new and workshopping how to handle having "winner" souls enjoying their eternal reward up there. YAY!! First problem: Winners are sad when their friends and family die but don't end up in Heaven with them. :( First solution: Create sin-eaters to take on the sins of souls down in hell, specifically the ones vouched for by someone up in Heaven! In eating them the Sin-Eater strips the soul blank, memories ripped out and sorted with the bad ones remaining with the Sin-Eater and good ones stored safely in Heaven while the soul is returned to Earth for another life and another chance at someday being with their former loved ones again- the memories of which will be returned once the soul arrives up in Heaven.
Perfect! How could this go wrong???
Snag number 1: Heaven born cannot sin or take on sins, so some Winners have to volunteer for the terrible job of going down to Hell and eating the souls, which isn't fun and will probably change the composition of their own soul. The Seraphim argue for a while if this can still count as being given eternal rest, but finally agree that they shouldn't deny the chance to any Winner that wants it. Some do, and the first Sin-Eaters are made.
Frist snag dealt with!
Snag number 2: Eating sins imbues the Winner soul WITH sins, obviously, staining their wings and tarnishing their halo and eventually twisting their entire physical form as well as leaving them with terrible memories and sinful thoughts haunting their minds. Sin-Eaters learn to focus wholly on their conviction of saving sinner souls, using the virtues to drown out the rising tide of sin in them, and their bodies warp into bird-of-prey and then harpy-like shapes in reflection of this. The Seraphim decide to make a dedicated area for the Sin-Eaters up in Heaven, both to shield other Winners from having to see them in their self-chosen suffering and to help maintain the concentration needed for the Sin-Eaters to contain their willingly taken-on sins.
Second snag.... mostly mitigated. The plan is still working. Continue.
Snag number 3: Lilith, with Lucifer's help, is working to make Hell a place that can be fun to live in actually, a place where no vice is taboo and no punishment can be worse than what's already happened. It becomes a place of power, passion, and personal freedom, sins as things that don't JUST have to cause suffering, and if the people around sinners aren't the nicest well no one really is and getting your head cut off means a lot less when you'll just pull yourself back together again. Some sinners start getting chopped into pieces for fun, even! In fact some sinners like their life in Hell so much they run from the Sin-Eaters that come for them, even when told this is happening on the request of someone who loved them in life and that a second chance at Heaven is waiting for them if they just HOLD STILL AND LET THEMSELVES GET EATEN FOR A MOMENT. Not many sinners do. First, sounds too good to be true. Second-Give up what they already have for something that only MIGHT happen? A lot of sinners don't like the odds on that, or the idea of losing their memories of the people they've met and befriended in Hell. Running from Sin-Eaters turns into fighting them. The Sin-Eaters are powerful though so that doesn't work so well.
Snag number three is. Kinda still there. And about to get Worse.
Snag 4: It turns out a soul can die. As sinners put more thought and effort into fighting off Sin-Eaters they start actually hurting them. Boons with the Queen of Hell give them very limited abilities to try fending off the Sin-Eaters who want to take them from Lilith's realm. It's not enough to really damage the Sin-Eaters, but it stops them in their tracks and makes some Sin-Eaters defend themselves on reflex. Which is when snag number four comes in like a wrecking ball- Because the souls torn apart by a Sin-Eater's talons do NOT pieces themselves together afterwards. They stay dead. And not only do they stay dead, their sins unravel into demonic energy and are released into the surrounding area, imbuing the fellow sinners with power and denying the Sin-Eaters anything to devour or save. Instead of reweaving the threads of a sinner's soul the threads are SEVERED. The Sin-Eaters are horrified. This isn't want they wanted, but apparently taking on parts of other souls (absorbing them, not chaining them) can distil a soul to the point that it tears apart other souls with it's own existence. (like a black hole that used to be a star collapsing under it's own weight and slowly devouring other stars in turn) The sinners are upset about all this for a hot second before realizing that having free floating demonic power in hell means ppl can take it for themselves. The ones that manage to claim this power now find themselves with the power to give their own very specific boons- and to do even more than that, for the right price. Power in Hell shifts slightly away from it's King and Queen and lesser nobility of the hellborn demons as the first Overlords rise up and start bartering souls from and among their fellow sinners, with all limitations on self defense removed from the abilities they can grant. Meaning sinners are powerful and can attack unprovoked if they want to. And oh, do a lot of them WANT to.
Not good! The Seraphim do NOT like seeing this!!!
Snag 5: Hell is suddenly getting MORE powerful, able to resist Heaven's will with force and self-cannibalize to condense power down among it's WORST and most ambitious sinners- But at least the solution is also part of the problem here. Adam, always grumpy about the idea of giving any kind of second chance to the "losers" his ex is SO proud of, floats the very obvious but also drastic idea of just, y'know, killing MORE sinner souls. Sure it'll free up more power for the Overlords, but that'll just make them fight each other over it even more, and hey, none of souls returned to Earth a second time have made it into Heaven anyway! Why not split the difference? "Free" souls from eternal torment by killing them, reduce the numbers Hell has at it's command, make more Overlords to fight the Overlords that are already running around. And maybe have some FUN with all it!
Sera thinks this plan might work....
Snag 6: The other Seraphim disagree, and so do the Sin-Eaters.
Snag 7: Sin-Eaters are losing control over the accidental soul killing, their sense of conviction shattered by this sin that they did not take on but CREATED with their own actions, they scream. The virtues they've been propping themselves up with like scaffolding crumble under the weight of sin and the need to confess it to the loved ones of those they killed. This need drives them into mindlessly trying to break free from their section of Heaven. Sera concedes to the other Seraphim that the Sin-Eaters cannot be asked to kill more souls.... ...but she also convinces guardians of Heaven that the other heavenly souls should not be burdened with knowledge of or guilt over sins they did not commit. The Sin-Eaters must be stopped. In the end the power of the sins proves too much to cage or chain and Sera herself rips the Sin-Eaters apart.
Well. That didn't end great. At least it's over through, right?
Snag 8: Sera still agrees with Adam's plan and has an idea of her own for how to make it happen. To create an army close-knit and bloodthirsty enough both to stand ready at Heaven's defense and have earned the pain that entails, Sera reforms the pieces of the original Sin-Eaters into the Exorcists- taking Adam's preferences into account, seeing as he will be taking responsibility of them from here on out. The resulting angelic women are armed with the weapons forged from the Sin-Eater's talons, and each year Adam leads them down to hell to Exterminate as many sinners as they can. He gives them cool horned masks to wear to match his own, since they're his girls after all, but adds the "stitched shut mouth" (they're not Sin-EATERS anymore and won't be spilling ANY secrets) and "missing eye" (which he has to admit DID look badass) details as an inside joke for himself to snicker at. As far as the rest of Heaven is concerned, the Exorcists are a host of Heaven born soldiers incapable of killing souls but willing to lay down their own lives defending them, and any resemblance to the Sin-Eaters is a only a memorial honoring those poor souls Heaven could not save.
Only Sera and Adam know the truth.
Now Adam is dead, and many Exorcists with him, and even IF Sera wanted to try undoing what has been done by piecing back together the souls she cut apart, hoping they might heal now the truth they died trying to confess to has come out... she can't.
That feeling, the drive all Exorcists take strength from, the need to be part of something bigger than themselves- it can't be fixed.
They can never be part of the whole that they once were.
But... maybe Vaggie is proof they can still help the sinner souls they so devotedly wanted to save. Maybe this new way is even better than the one that made them what they were.
Maybe the rest of the truth will come out someday, but until then, wereharpy Vaggie slowly feeling more protective of than bloodthirsty for the sinners living in her and Charlie's hotel is a something she can be relieved about. It's nice having friends. She's glad she doesn't want to kill them so much anymore.
(she doesn't know what that urge to feast on them really is meant for)
(so instead of taken their sins from them, she and Charlie go on trying to help the Hazbins live with and grow beyond their pasts instead)
(and. it. works.)
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Headcanons on the Brothers more Monstrous forms
anyway my Headcanons on how the Brothers could be monstrous looking also turned out longer than I would have thought with 1753 words, if there is interest maybe I´ll do one for the Dateables and Side Characters when I have time for it again, also Asmo´s got a bit short mostly because his form is supposed to be rather ambiguous
did you guys know that Seraphim Angels are mostly just depicted as just a bunch of eyes, one big eye and usually six pairs of wings?
Imagine these features alongside a massive twisted humanoid figure
and with massive I would say easily the height of a house and than some more
but you can see that he is a Demon
I could also see that Lucifer being the oldest and strongest is probably the only one who somehow managed to keep a somewhat angelic form
despite the remains of his Halo which are embedded in his skin he still has his usual horns, but his are longer and he has three additional ones, they kinda resemble a Crown interestingly enough
his skin is also interesting it seems like it barely fits onto his body, it somehow manages to look stretched beyond it´s limits but also leathery and a bit wrinkly to simply explain it, his scares from the Celestial War are also more prominent like this, he actually still has somewhat six wings his four regrown one which even in this form even have some feathers but they look unhealthy and burned, the remains of the other two who look like they are slowly growing back
despite his kinda humanoid body his “face” only makes up a skull and one eye, because of this his “voice” also sounds staticy when he “speaks”
he has hands and legs but they are incredibly difficult to make out just as the rest of his body, it almost looks like he has only his Wings and Eye
he looks somewhat how you would imagine a Crow Harpy
he has incredibly sharp talons, which he usually uses to pick of Demons who wear valuable or shiny jewelry and his feathers are mostly golden colored with white tips, inverted on how his hair looks in his Demon form (White hair with Golden tips), some people even claimed that either Mammon himself or someone else covered them in actual Gold but currently those are only rumors and Mammon refuses to say what is the truth and what is false
it´s actually hard to tell if he has an extra pair of arms or his wings just look like he has more then one pair of hands, it could also be possible that he has two hands on each of his wings, but whether or not he has more hands or arms his nails can easily cut through someones flesh just like his talons
as an additional note his feet do look more like a typical birds one but he does have five toes like a Human unlike the four birds usually have, but those are the only similarities
he sometimes also hides his crows in his feathers, either so they have a safe place to hide, staying close to him in case he needs them or to help him clean his feathers
weirdly enough despite pretty much looking like a crow he does not have a beak, but his teeth are noticeably sharper like this, probably to make it easier for him to eat his pray
Levi actually looks like someone took a sea serpent and decided to attach some arms onto it and replace it´s head with a Humans
it´s actually unknown how long he is like this, no one ever managed to fully see him in the water but he can easily dwarf all of the surface sea creatures in the Devildom and most of the deep sea ones, so needless to say he must be massive
because he spends most of his time in the deep sea parts of the Devildom he actually managed to develop a form of bioluminescens but no one can explain how this happened or how it was even possible, before this he was actually very good at navigating in the dark, he still is but not as good as before
there are some rumors going around that when Levi once visited the Human Realm and was seen by some old time sailors that he started the myth of the World Serpent
the only Humanoid features he possess in this form are actually just the shape of his head and the fact that he has arms, he also has the tongue of a snake
Levi´s bioluminescens is also sometimes useful for attracting pray, most of the time the fish swim away from him but bigger ones usually follow it, which makes it very easy for him to catch pray, some speculate that the light somehow manipulate the fish who see it, similar to his Brother Asmo´s charm ability and this might be why only big fish approach instead of swimming away because they would be the only useful substance for him
it´s also a known fact that in this form Levi sometimes causes disasters just from moving to fast, the last time he actively hunted and chased after pray he cause a tsunami that luckily only flooded the Devildom and most citizens only had to deal with water damages and some light injuries
Satan actually has no skin and is just made up of all kinds of bones, in the beginning he did kinda look similar to how Lucifer looks now just a bit smaller, but he learned rather quickly that he can attach bones he found or got from his Victims onto his body, though his actual bones are far more durable then the ones he attaches onto himself
his actual bones are also covered in scratches from the fights he get´s into but the most are from the time he participated in the Great Celestial War
his actual bones are also very sharp, pointed and some even stick out like needles, just touching can sometimes result in deep cuts into ones skin, it is usually recommended to keep distance from Satan when he is in this form, he´s also know to cause anger and aggression to those who are near him another reason to stay away from him in this form no matter what, this happens whether Satan wants to or not
though some people claimed that some of his Feline friends aren´t affected at all and even cuddle with him whenever they can, Satan usually moves his bones so they won´t get hurt
another curious thing to note about this form of Satan is despite his lack of skin he does have some feathers growing out of his back but he usually tears them out as soon as he sees them because they remind him of Lucifer´s wings
it´s… actually hard to tell what Asmo truly looks like, most people just see Asmo as whatever they would feel most attracted to or feel aesthetically pleased by to see
but some people that don´t immediately succumb to Asmo´s charms usually say Asmo looks like a whispy dark mass who constantly changes it´s form, though some claimed they could make out some kind of tail, further questioning of those people revealed that it most likely was a Scorpions tail or something strongly resembling one
it´s nearly impossible to truly summarize what Asmodeus looks like, it might be that even they are the only one who know what they truly look like
but they also aren´t willing to show others what they look like, Asmo would just prefer people seeing them as what they want Asmo to look like
Beel´s form is rather inconsistent and highly dependent on how much he ate and how much time has passed since he ate
if he hasn´t eaten in 12 hours or not enough so he can feel “full”, or as much a personification of Gluttony can feel full, his form while still massive compared to a Human is a lot smaller than how he looks when he ate enough, his Fly Wings are smaller than usual
Beel himself will look far more starved than his more well fed form, so much so that he literally just looks like skin and bones, his skin is even so thin and stretched like this that cracks are starting to form and it´s not unusual for his skin to tear open if he moves to much, though he rarely feels it when this happens
but if he had enough substance not only would he be the Fourth tallest Brother, which at first sounds less impressive if you forget the fact that 3 of them can easily dwarf a lot of buildings, he´s slightly humanoid which just means he has a Human shape, he actually resembles a fly more than a Human, he has the eyes of a fly and the wings of one but his skin is a ashy gray tone and it looks like his skin is littered with… mouths??? eyes??? something else???
it´s hard to say what those weird parts on his body are there IS definitely something but no one ever saw what it is or maybe the ones that saw what they are are already long gone, I mean Beelzebub does know what they are but he never tells anybody
he actually just looks like a Minotaur, I mean when the Minotaur had a more Cowlike head instead of a Bulls and the fur color and patterns of one, which I suppose makes him a Cowtaur?
though he is taller than the average Centaur and this is not the only difference between them and Belphie, minus the appearance of course, he´s also a lot stronger and faster than the usual ones and I guess you can count his tail which does resemble his “Demon Form” ones but this one is a bit longer and the fur on his tail is shorter
which during the early days of his Demon days he used this to his advantage to trick manly Monster Hunters and Humans who felt adventurous into attacking him so he can kill them and has an excuse when someone tries to scold him
actually there are some rumors that Belphie still goes up into the Human world but he only visits only one specific place everytime, wonder why that is?
it´s also said that he´s incredibly territorial over this place you better not be seen by him otherwise it´s over for you and no amount of running can save you
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originemesis · 2 months
Spill it! Are you in love with Lute?
There's a furrowing of brows followed by a testy click of talons along a desk and finished with a derisive little snort. Just why everyone is so emotionally invested in his and his lieutenant's affairs is beyond his understanding- and technically his pay grade to prattle pretty about. Plus, it's not like anything he could regurgitate in regards to the matter would ever suffice as an acceptable answer to anyone whom would ask him such a question other than her that made up the subject of its inquiry. Perhaps that was why he was apt to play his word games, because at least if he could undermine the overall intelligence of a third party, he'd get something out of the exchange that wasn't the rolled eyes and rancor of someone who had already decided the answer for him as seamlessly as creation had decided his past partners with an unspoken but settling sentiment of 'suck it up'. Such engagements had always been with an end goal in mind- and he'd be dishonest if he didn't enter into most- if not all manner of relations under the premises of progress pistoned out of a need demanded of the first few to forge- that twit angels would glamorize and see as some pristine privilege they could but pine over and wonder the lot of mortals to be so miserable to shoulder it's cause.
Perhaps that was why he and his ever the sanctimonious superior seemed so at odds at times. He was so often given women that were to be of some service to his role that would have been retired by now had it not been for the whole extermination business that it seemed he was incapable of a deeper level of care that extended past provider...later teacher in the case of his lieutenant.
But what good was a right hand if it didn't align with what actions he needed take? What good was a rib that did not shelter a heart so easily dismantled were it not for his own ruthlessness aimed toward combative interception? When there was no need for the latter thanks to the curated deeds of his right hand in cutting down the obstacles that would impede his designs, then his hand was not only concerned with how it clasped the axe in it, but also the strings attached to the instrument that his weapon also served purpose, even if it was one barely understood by those that heard the sharp edge of a soul used to shatter so many in a singular strum.
Sometimes it just sounded like music- because that was really all it ever was- brought to life by a song in the garden in the same amount of days it took to create the fucking world. A right hand would know that along with every chord and trembled wrist. And she did.
"For the record, no one is ever 'in' love with anything. It's not a damned Olympic sized pool you just topple in one day because you didn't see on the horizon and it's not something you claw your way out of and leave whoever else fell in to drown. Sure, some would love to spin it that way so they can claim you're only 'in' love with a process. Maybe an idea someone becomes instead of themselves. But that's because seraphim exist in a vacuum where you 'live, laugh, love' without any semblance of why. Without the hard shit. Gravel on bare feet's a hard concept for those with wings. I might have them now, but I don't hold my approval at a jumping height because I have the wherewith-fuck-all to recognize you don't just love what you're given and stop at any sustained faults. You get those together ~ until your edges fit so finite that anything set to pry them apart can get fucked." Talons fan ever so briefly enough to intertwine and steeple as if ending the prayer of his own musings with culpable if not condescending smile.
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"I am."
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offscreenblogs · 10 months
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The talons and weapons are officially done. along with the bases.
For the talon feet, I started by basing the main skin with leviathan purple so that is matches the colour tone of my back leg feathers. in addition, i also used a mixture of ahkellion green and contrast medium on the upper feather parts of the feet. for the talon nails themselves, a bit of skeleton horde shaded over with Seraphim sepia.
as for the weapon, I started by basing the blade with iron hands steel which i then shaded with nuln oil. I then started working on the tzeench symbols by using a mixture of Talassar and kantor blue. afterwards, i highlighted the edge of the blade in Runefang steel. I then started working on the additionally features with retributer gold which i then coated over with Guilliman flesh (similar to how i did my Armor). Finally, for the energy, i used briar queen chill mixed with the tyran blue shade paint. before then adding an additional layer of the later paint on the flames for added effect.
Now we finally move on to the base. with the ruins of the space wolf dreadnought...well...i just coated with space wolf grey and thats it (because i refuse to give those in-denial furries my 100% >:) ) then for the main ground, I decided to go with Armageddon dust to give it a more desert like feel. wanting a slightly darker tone though, i decided to coat it in Aggeros dunes. the finishing touch was then drybrushing the edges with dawnstone. So with all of that done. this officially means that the model is finally done. I've probably missed out a few minor things photography wise (belt items, back sashes aswell as additional highlights to the model Armor) but hopefully, you should be able to see those results when i get really good shots of the model in full. hopefully within 2-3 days because i want to get this just right. for now though, i hope you've enjoyed this journey so far and hopefully, I'll see you lot when i show you the model in full. until then though enjoy! :)
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pointycorgiears · 4 months
Being both a single parent and a pirate is difficult. Especially as Mihawk finds out he does not have the best babysitters...
Mihawk, patting Talon's head at the breakfast table: I'm doing a routine sweep of the entire island with the security team today, so I will be back by sunset. You mind your manners now.
Talon: I will.
Mihawk, glaring at Crocodile across the table: If I come home to Talon explaining the statistical margins of a winning poker hand again, you and I are going to have a long chat.
Crocodile: Tsk. You're no fun.
Talon: It's alright, Dad. Uncle Crocodile says Captain Buggy is slower than a salted sea slug at blackjack, so he is going to teach me that instead.
Buggy: *choking on cereal* h-HEY!
Crocodile: *hides behind his newspaper*
Moro, suddenly walking in: What a beautiful morning! Alright boys! Who's ready to go all in on Crazy Eights!?
Mihawk: MOTHER.
After that morning, Mihawk spent an entire night replacing every card deck in the Cross Guild headquarters with an UNO deck.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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"Then flew one of the seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged." —Isaiah 6
Seraphim by Talon Abraxas
(Hebrew שרפים, plural of שרף) A word that comes from the Hebrew root Saraph meaning “to burn.” Seraphim literally means “the burning ones.” This word is used differently by various traditions. Manly P. Hall suggests the name is related to the Egyptian Serapis.
1. According to the Kabbalah, Seraphim is a very awakened, pure being related to the sephirah Geburah.
2. According to Christianity, a Seraphim is the highest type of angel, related to the sephirah Kether.
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seramilla · 3 months
Emilute is such an interesting opportunity for both characters. Why? Well…
It all depends on where the characters are taken in thd pining wings au.
Me personally, I like the idea of these two bettering themselves before they EVER even consider becoming a couple. I like the idea of Lute drowning in her shame and guilt when she sees what she caused. I like the idea of Emily growing and learning that it was not HER fault. I like the idea that she teaches Lute what Sera taught her about love. I like the idea of Lute accepting an olive branch of friendship from her and it eventually grows into something more. I like the idea that Emily is just like Sera when it comes to someone flirting with her and remains willfully oblivious. I like the idea that Lute is pining for her but gives up and starts helping Carmilla more with weapons testing. I like the idea that Emily notices Lute’s absence more and more because she misses all the little things they had together, like how protective she was of her when they went for walks, how she would laugh at her terrible jokes, how warm her disproportionate left hand was compared to her right one…oh.
I love the potential that can be bounced back and forth between these two that makes them both grow as characters.
Read this and this first.
Emily had tried to convince herself the Sinner she kept spotting around Hell -- the one who looked so much like Lute, reminded Emily of her, but couldn't possibly be her --wasn't Lute. Every time she ran across them on the street, she'd call Lute's name, but the Sinner would run.
She doesn't know why she keeps calling them by that name. If only she knew their true name, she could help them! They looked worse and worse, every time they ran across each other. But they would always high tail it out of there before Emily could even speak to them!
Until the day the Sinner couldn't run anymore. Emily is walking with Odette and Clara, who are usually her chaperones when she needs to go anywhere down here, because it's not safe for a pure-blooded angel alone. Emily spots a light black and silver wing poking out from beside a dumpster. The closer she gets, the more feathers she sees, and claws, and jet-black hair. The kicker, though, is the person is absolutely drenched in golden blood. They are caked with it. Saturated. Emily isn't even sure if the person is still alive.
It's them, Emily thinks. That Sinner...the one who looks so much like Lute!
"Hey!" Emily says, running toward them. Emily dares not fly. Not out here in the open. Not that her wings don't stand out, as it is, but in the air, she is a sitting duck for one of the overlord Vox's drones, if she's not careful.
"Emily!" Clara shouts. "Where are you going?"
Emily ignores her. She falls at the feet of the figure she's been chasing for weeks now. They are lying face-down on the ground, arms twisted in a weird configuration. Wait, no...not twisted. Their arms are just different sizes. One looks human, the other larger. More like bird talons.
Emily turns the figure's head so it's lying on its side, out of the puddle the body fell in. It's a miracle this person hadn't drowned in that few inches of water. With their face turned toward her, Emily can finally see all the little details of their features.
It is a woman. One eye missing -- the hole in her face gouged out and puffy; obviously a relatively fresh wound. Hair caked with dried, golden blood, and a pair of twin black horns sticking out of it, giving Emily something to hold onto as she moves the person's head out of the water. Emily then grabs her under the arms, and pulls her completely out of the puddle. A black, serrated tail is revealed, and drags behind her as Emily pulls her closer to the sidewalk and away from all the trash and debris.
Now Emily can get a good look at her face. By the light of a streetlamp, the Seraphim can now see her greatest fears made manifest. The woman -- the misshapen, mangled, near-dead woman, who is slowly coming to and opening her good eye -- is Lute in the flesh!
There is no mistaking it. The hair, the horns, the tail, every other feature is completely foreign to what she's used to. But when she looks into that eye, and sees the smallest, most miniscule bit of recognition shining back at her, Emily knows.
Emily cups both hands over her mouth, tears forming in the corners of her eyes, as she gasps out the name she wishes she didn't have to say. She desperately wishes it. Lute shouldn't be here. She shouldn't...
"Emily?" Lute asks. The Exorcist tries to push herself up on her forearms, to get a better look at her savior, but then she screeches in pain, the talon-like arm giving way under her weight almost immediately. Lute tries again, and falls again, screaming into the sidewalk.
"Lute, stop!" Emily shouts, kneeling at the Exorcist's side. Now that she can better see the arm, she can see all the blood coming off of it. There are black feathers sticking out of the larger of Lute's arms, everywhere, revealing dark gray skin and pinpricks of golden blood underneath.
The feathers are seriously thinned out, like a sick bird that's been molting from malnutrition. But the blood coming out of the arm is fresh. And there are black feathers everywhere, littering the ground all around them. Emily looks at them, noting the distinction between the solid onyx feathers of her arm, and the lighter black and gray ones on her wings.
The feathers on the ground must have come from her arm. They are relatively healthy-looking, as well. The little pinpricks of gold all over the skin of her arm...the ones that are bleeding from wounds that are way too fresh to have been from wings falling out naturally...
Lute had been pulling them out. One by one, agonizing feather by agonizing feather, and the blood loss must have been excruciating.
Lute tries to push herself up a third time, and falls for a third time, pounding her human-like arm into the ground in frustration. She's crying, back to lying face-first on the ground like a helpless baby bird that's fallen out of the nest.
Emily doesn't hesitate. She stoops down, whispering to Lute, "Be still. This might hurt," and picks her up bridal style, holding all the soldier's weight in her tiny, Seraphim arms. She's stronger than she looks, though.
Lute screams, and groans in pain, but once she's settled, she practically sinks into Emily's arms, exhausted. She's shaking all over. She's in shock.
"Emily..." Lute tries to speak again.
"Hush. I'm going to get you some help."
Emily looks all around for where she left Clara and Odette across the street. They're standing under a streetlamp on the opposite side of the road, staring at them both, gobsmacked. As Emily brings her precious cargo closer to them, Odette steps back in recognition, fear flashing in her eyes behind the lenses of her glasses.
"Is that...?" she starts, almost too afraid to ask. "Is that an Exorcist?! What's wrong with her?!"
"Yes," Emily says. She doesn't know how to justify any of this. What she's doing. Why she's currently holding the enemy in her arms like a piece of almost-dead roadkill. "She's my...she was my friend. She needs help! Please! Maybe Sera or your mother..."
"I don't know about this, Em," Clara says. "She's an Exorcist! She's killed thousands of our people!"
"You guys forgave me!" Emily says, point-blank, like it should be obvious. "I don't know what she's doing here, or what happened to her, but...she needs my help! I can't just leave her here to die!"
The Carmine sisters look at Emily, and then at each other, completely at a loss for what to do. Clara is quicker to forgive than her older sibling. Emily looks at her, pleading with her eyes.
Clara shoots Odette another glance, eyes softening a little bit, and Odette looks like she wants to protest. But Clara steps up to override her.
"Come on," Clara replies, forgetting about the errand they were supposed to run. It will have to wait. "Let's get her to Mom. Maybe she can figure...something the fuck out!"
Emily smiles at Clara. She's almost on the verge of tears. "Thank you!"
"Don't thank me just yet," Clara mumbles. "Wait until Mom hears about this!"
It's enough for now, Emily thinks. She knows she can explain this to Carmilla...somehow.
Emily looks back down at Lute in her arms, who has completely passed out again, oblivious to the three young women who had just been debating her entire future, her survival, her very existence, right in front of her without her knowing.
Emily follows the sisters home. She doesn't know how she'll explain this to Sera, let alone Carmilla...but she'll come up with something! She has to!
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catboytenya · 16 days
previous anon here, I think that's really interesting! Who are all of your headmates/fictives?
SORRY FOR BEING 3 HOURS LATE I'VE BEEN PLAYING BUGSNAX- putting it under the cut again because there's *looks at pluralkit* a lot. They're in alphabetical order! (You might notice a theme where a lot of us are more animal than human even human fictives) I bolded their names in case you only want the names and aren't interested in the info i added
Agoketsu - He's a bnha oc that moved in because lee thought about him too hard (not sure what he's here to do in the system yet, relatively new)
Akemi - Also a bnha oc that moved in because lee thought about him too hard (also pretty new)
Anan - This is a bnha fictive, it's thirteen! You know and love her <3 she's decently close to her source appearance wise but personality wise she takes on a more motherly role and her personality doesn't line up with her source at all, i think she's mostly here to "reign in" the littles
Angel - not a fictive! they're my weird fucked up angelic feral wolf who's golden retriever kin, by far the funniest person in my system if you think about her too hard, also he uses any pronoun, doesn't front too often, but it's just objectively funny to have this cool angelic wolf in your brain and they wish they were a normal ass dog
Applejack - mlp:fim fictive HONESTLY. forgot she was in here. i don't know if she's still around at all tho headmates can come and go and she hasn't fronted in a long while, wonder if she's still around? she was basically identical to her source tho which! is actually very rare for me
Bendy - Ink demon fictive go BRRR! in all seriousness Bendy's a very valued member of my system, he's very good at masking when we need it and he keeps a close eye on things, i appreciate him a lot, even if he stands there. menacingly. he's pretty similar to his source appearance wise but he's got a demon tail. probably because i've always been a bit bitter bendy didn't get a tail (as a note i'm not involved in the bendy fandom AT ALL like i know nothing about the fandom space)
Bethy - not a fictive! she's a weird feral white lion with neon pink and green stripes. she's the newest member i'm pretty sure? she's good company
Davesprite - yeag. he's my oldest headmate, i'm pretty sure! basically the same as canon but more bird so talons instead of hands, the usual, formed for company really early on i think?
Dominick - weird seraphim leather daddy that lives in my brain :) he's funky i like the him :)
Eclipse - DCA fictive, he's like a mini system in my system!
Eijiro - bnha fictive <3 personality wise he's pretty close to his source, appearance wise he's partially shark
Eri - bnha fictive + little <3 she's actually basically my daughter in the system which i can elaborate on later if you'd like, she's got these pretty little white and gold dragon features, cute as a button, love her to death, out littles don't front much because it's just inconvenient if they do, but it's nice to have them co-front now and then
Green/Blue - pokemon fictive who can't ever pick which fucking name he likes i swear i'm gonna beat his ass metaphorically because he keeps changing. his proxy with pluralkit. and then FORGETTING HE CHANGED IT. he's part eevee but part of me feels like he just. wanted to feel included because almost everyone else is part animal. (i don't think that's really how it works but it's funnier that way)
Hanta - bnha fictive, he's new-ish don't know a lot about him tbh, he showed up because lee kept listening to scotch tape and cellophane, he's fronted like 3 times so far i think? idk much about him you might have better luck asking lee about him they've co-fronted together before
Himiko - bnha fictive, she helps with blood phobia stuff, she not super similar to her source but she's close-ish? friendly as hell, the type of person to send asks off anon like a madwoman. to get a feel for her vibe look up honduran white bats
Inasa - bnha fictive, i'm gonna be honest??? don't know a thing about this guy. idk if he's still here or not he's been dead quiet. he showed up in the system the same day as eri so maybe he's just afraid of being outshined <3 (JOKING i'm sure he's just not active, it's actually common for someone to be silent for months even years without fronting because their services just aren't needed at the moment)
Izuku - bnha fictive, weird scorpion rabbit who takes control of the body for three weeks straight and drops like 20 chapters on ao3 and then dips (basically when we need to focus on something and just Can't he'll show up to do the work for us)
Jin - bnha fictive, twice my beloved ect ect, basically there to help us cope with new situations/new people we have to interact with, not very similar to his source appearance wise, he's a whole ass anthro husky, we love him tho he's pretty helpful, likes to push himself into front to steal conversations though it's kinda annoying
Katsuki (bear with me there are two of us) - bnha fictive, this one's me, for a while i was acting host because lee went poof for a while (he's back to being host i'm just fronting today because i had stuff to do) i've got red and black dragon features and probably the one with the most art because my partner(s) loves to draw us together (my partner's also a system for some context something something if i had a dime for every time i helped someone realize they were a system i'd have a concerning amount of dimes) basically. i take care of the body when lee can't, so cooking, brushing teeth, things like that, i'm also under the protector category and i don't hesitate to get into arguments/screaming matches (and i always regret them later since it is. usually with my family 😭 sorry mom ily)
Katsuki (TWO) - bnha fictive also, so, headmates can split or fuse, right? i think this was a result of a split? we're similar but pretty different at the same time, he's a wolf hybrid, like, think satyr kinda body type hybrid, something got fucked along the way though so he's got seraphim wings?? awful and annoying and terrible during phantom limb moments. you don't know hell until you feel like you've got three sets of wings ON TOP OF your own set of wings. hell on earth, truly. i hate phantom wings i hate them so bad. anyway i'm rambling- he's also a kinda take care of the body when lee can't but when it comes to proper rest/relaxation, basically an emergency break self care day we are eating cake and watching a favorite show today fuck your work
Keigo - bnha fictive, he's very different from his source and he actually tends to avoid people who like his source character unless he trusts them it's a long story ANYWAY he's more birdlike, his feathers are red and black instead of just red, things like that, his entire job is basically Act As An Emergency Companion, but also if the body/system is stressed out and feeling unsafe, he'll usually switch to front to keep things calm
Lee - oh hey it's the host/original! you guys know this dude by now you don't need an introduction with him
Lucus - Also a bnha oc same as the other two so far don't know much about his job in the system
Mangle - fnaf fictive, WEIRD DOG?? i think she's a weird pet regression headmate. brain gets all fuzzy when she fronts kinda deal? nothing more to really say here
Mina - bnha fictive, WE LOVE A QUEEN WHO FORCES US TO NOT BE DEPRESSED. she's got pink jaguar features and she does so much for making sure we do not fall into Depression Rotting Times, if we start to rot she'll hop into front and go make us do something really fun, basically, i love her to death. fun fact though! while my ex was visiting, when he knew she was in front, he spent the entire time misgendering her and i really think that was the one time she really just gave up and was genuinely upset
Mirio - bnha fictive, he's a griffin anthro so completely different to his source character in appearance, but pretty similar in personality, has a similar purpose to mina in that he's an emergency "STOP BEING DEPRESSED" but instead of redirecting us to a fun activity he directs us to talking to people we love and care about
Mystery - Weird little galaxy dragon thing?? he's been here for a while and i still don't know why they're here. girl what do you even do. do you even pay rent.
N - pokemon fictive, i think he's also a really old one? no clue why he is here he could've just been for company like davesprite was?
Oboro - bnha fictive, he's part drake, he doesn't front much anymore (shitty ex friend who he was really close to made him not like fronting anymore, but he's warming up to fronting again i think), but he actually used to be the person who fronted the most outside of lee, it's why the system is named the Cloudy Creatures system, he did a lot of heavy lifting early on when we finally realized we were plural (we had been plural for a long, long time before we realized, we. did not know we were. we have a history of hallucinations and delusions so we just. assumed. we were in active delusion when we were like "i think i am oboro shirakumo??" so. yea turns out! plural!) he gets us outta the house and makes us friends
Ochaco - bnha fictive, he's part bat i think? he's basically an emergency break rest time person too, but in a "let's go treat ourselves we deserve it" kinda way
Pinkie - mlp:fim fictive, she's basically mina 2 if i'm being honest, job wise, no shade to her though pinkie's got her own personality and shit they're not 1:1 or anything
Raggedy - weird purple and blue reptilian dude who lurks around. he's been around for years. no clue who he is, what he does, or anything like that. but considering he's been around for so long he kinda just feels load bearing?
Rainbow - yea. another mlp:fim fictive. i do NOT have the entire mane six i promise. this is just what happens when you binge watch a show for 5 days straight without really stopping. idk what she does though
Rarity - I SWEAR. I DON'T HAVE THE ENTIRE MANE SIX. idk what she does either also btw. (i don't really interact or co-front with any of the ponies sorry 😭)
Red - pokemon fictive, part pikachu, you know the drill, idk why he's here i think lee just got obsessed with him for five days straight or something? but he's here
Ripcord - giant feathered frost dragon, i feel like his full fucking time job is just Yearning.
Rusty - little tiny fluffy red wyvern, goes to events nobody else wants to go to, things like that, he's about the size of a ferret give or take
Shadow - sonic fictive, he's a little, sticks around anan most of the time if she's fronting he's probably co-fronting, i think he was our first little? does basically everything other littles do, heals the inner child, perpetually is mad we don't set up the gamecube for him to play dora the explorer and the purple planet (NOT A FUCKING JOKE!! BTW!!)
Shota - bnha fictive, this is the consequences of lee's actions (obsessed with aizawa) in all seriousness it's nice to have another person to step in to take care of the body in the same way i do, since i do get tired if i front for too long without breaks
Shouto - bnha fictive, cat hybrid (similar to the other katsuki's wolf), you see him mostly around fall, he basically every year takes halloween, loves fall weather, loves painting the body's nails, just genuinely here for a good time, for some reason though most of the time when he fronts nobody remembers what he was up to except people who co-front with him and him, most of us we can get fuzzy memories but when he's fronting? nah. shit's gone. real interesting though, right?
Techno - another bnha oc but this time it's one lee is just genuinely obsessed with. it was only a matter of time before this fucker (affectionate) moved in. no clue what he does tho! here for a good time AND a long time tho
Tenko - bnha fictive, another little, he's basically oboro's son like how i've got eri, does things littles do, y'know how it is
Tenya - bnha fictive, this man single handedly cleans our room when it gets too bad, fox hybrid, he's just genuinely pretty good at taking care of the area around us rather than the body
Thistle - NOT A FUCKING CLUE WHAT THIS DUDE IS. i think he's a changeling from mlp:fim?? idk but i think he's a protector too, he's good at shoving into front to just fucking block people. things like that.
Trench - fuckass giantass sea serpent motherfucker, you'll probably never interact with him ever unless you become VERY VERY VERY close with the system, genuinely hates most people, from what i've learned is that sometimes, a headmate's entire job? is just. holding trauma for the host. so. he does his best, and we appreciate him even if he's a dick sometimes and hates humans
Yoichi - bnha fictive, drake anthro, amazing at diffusing situations, will step in if we're having an argument and we're the ones in the wrong to apologize, things like that, i think that puts him in the protector category too? he's good people
Yuga - bnha fictive, yayyy sparkle butt yayyy, he's a poodle peacock human thing, not a damn clue what he does, but he looks good while doing it?
OKAY that's the entire list i don't think i forgot anyone! if you have any questions about anyone let me know or2 sorry for the essay and a half lol
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laughableillusions · 18 days
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AAAUAGH it was only a matter of time. Anyway here’s Seraph my X-men OC (sort of??? She’s more of just a “mutant” OC ig.) She was unintentionally based off Corky from Bound but we’re rolling with it. She’s shipped with Wolverine bc they’re both trauma-bogged grumpy addicts.
- Her name “Seraph” or “Seraphim” comes from her mutation being big ol wings, and also a weird ability to flashbang people to death (she generates a bunch of heat and light that basically can vaporize people if she concentrates enough.) She also has claws and taloned feet.
- Due to the stress her powers put on her body, she also has quite good regenerative ability- almost rivaling Wolverine’s. She’s in her 50s but looks in her early-mid 30s
- Was kept in a lab for about 20 years, experimented on and attempted to be conditioned to be used as a bio weapon. She was rescued by the X-men when they raided the facility she was kept in. (It was Wolverine who found her specifically.)
- She teaches biology at the school, but also experiments on her own with molecular biology. Especially fascinated with Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton (he’s not very open to her poking around in his skeleton tho, for obvious reasons.) She and Wolverine became good friends as he helped her recover from the malnourishment and overall trauma of the confinement, they both bonded over the fact that they were experimented on. She gets him into weed and it helps with his nightmares (she’s the mansion’s weed dealer honestly bc I feel like any mutant who has really crazy powers would appreciate it.)
- She and Storm are also good friends, and she’s slowly adjusting to being around more women who aren’t trying to experiment on her. She’s very guarded and rough around the edges, she dresses very masc out of practicality but also she’s just a tom-boy like that. Though part of her wants to be more feminine. She is awkward around women honestly, but the girls give her a chance- especially Storm, who is no stranger to rougher personalities. Seraph and Jean bond over biology stuff, they work very closely with their lesson planning and sometimes teach classes together.
- enjoys wearing tank tops braless because bras and wings on her back don’t really mix sometimes. She’s small chested anyway so if it becomes an issue she just throws a shirt over the tank and calls it a day.
- Didn’t join the X-men because she honestly doesn’t want that pressure on her, and also being treated as a weapon for 20 years made her not want to really ever see field combat again. She wants to actually…settle down a little, live somewhere permanently for once.
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originemesis · 1 month
@brokendreamscreation xxx
Arching his back like a cat into Adam’s soft, thick body, Lucid melts into the wing burrito blanket. Familiar talons pressing with deliberant pressure into his lower body is like squeezing a dog toy, prompting a pleased groan from the angels throat. It’s hard to focus on the First Man’s words when the warmth and bliss of this moment has a hold on him, entranced. After a moment of clearing his fuzzy mind to take in Adam’s philosophical question, Lucid hums thoughtfully. “Mm slugs and snails? Hmm…I think I’ve pondered that before.” Peeking open a blue eye, Lucid glances back towards his snuggling companion. “You named them, right? Why did you call them snails?”
Not wanting the other to get the idea he's serving little more than an awkwardly shaped pillow's role right now, Adam makes it his prerogative to squash and adjust the seraphim around, talons digging in and retracting to otherwise 'fluff' the other until he's satisfied with where he's crammed him...in between the mattress and his armpit.
With a bored flick of the other's halo that had managed to escape the initial clamp and float annoyingly bright in his face, the man huffs- thumping it a good number of times as if doing so might dim it down. "You're telling me I need a reason for the shit I came up with now? How about because I fucking said so? That's a good reason."
He grumbles short of shrugging, the gesture dislodging Lucid somewhat into the junction between the pinch of pit and the cushiony peak of his chest. "To be honest, I was going to call the snails 'escargot' and the slugs 'less cargo', but Big G said 'no- that's cringe.'"
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evesaintyves · 2 years
WIP Word Search Game
thanks for the tag @whinlatter and also @ashesandhackles some time ago ❤️
i searched my whole WIP collection/abandoned project graveyard for these and... 😭. i have a lot of unfinished work. these are all unpublished chapters and one-shots-in-progress.
words: close | sharp | time | blood | touch
🔸️close - [The Last Mission, WIP chapter]
Just muddle through another few hours, yeah? Tonks slid her fingers over the inside of his wrist, right below the tip of his wand where he'd hidden it in his shirtsleeve. Then, as soon as we can, we'll... She jerked her head to indicate the woods. How cruel and close that apparition boundary seemed at this moment, guarded in the gnarled arms of the trees. And how the wood must abhor this antiseptic lawn, this parochial garden, and all these unnatural animals in their wingtip shoes and party frocks. How it must champ and growl to reclaim it all.
🔸️sharp - [perimeter walks, WIP chapter]
The grass came up to their shins. Awkward dandelion, a head taller than everything else, had gone to seed in seraphim puffs which broke against Ginny's thighs when she waded to the front door through the thicket. Spindrifts of fluff on the warm wind. The tipsy smell of the roof rotting through. "I've heard about this place, but..." Harry stopped before the door, which was ajar, and stood looking at the dark crack of it like he didn't want to go inside. Ginny laid her hand on his back, between his knife-sharp shoulderblades, still so bony even after all the funeral food, even after all her mum's rich, desperately-compensatory dinners. When she touched him he finished in a rushed mutter: "...I've never seen it before."
🔸️time - [untitled Parvati Patil one-shot WIP]
This time last year was the Weird Sisters singing believe that magic works, the strange biting pinesap scent of amortentia, Lavender's tiresome sighs, and Padma running up to grab Parvati's hand, just like when they were little, whispering just please be careful. If it can happen to Katie... Catastrophising was never Padma's style - that, she'd say, was Parvati's thing - and seeing her unflappable sister so scared had covered her in crawling unease, like the wavy feeling that stays on her skin when she swims in the lake too long. She's come to understand that that feeling was a message, that discomfort is a language that is older than words, is the truth of the body struggling to speak itself. These days her body rings all the time with these messages: the curdling in her gut when the man Carrow watches her and Lavender walk the aisle to their seats. The gallop in her chest when the morning owls come swooping, carrying fresh horror in their taloned feet, leaving the names of the disappeared to whisper in chains down the breakfast tables. The constant readiness like a low vibration in her bones: you are not safe here - do not sleep too deeply - prepare yourself to fight -
🔸️blood [All the Bricks in the Wall, WIP chapter]
Remus didn't sleep well in her bed. She kicked and mumbled and snatched the duvet away, and more to the point he never felt quite like he belonged there: he'd shift awake and the thrashing movement of her rockband posters in the dark would startle him, and then he'd lie there staring at the greenish glow of the stars she'd charmed onto her ceiling, and then the feeling of being an old man in a young girl's bedroom would creep up and make him want to take off his own skin. He'd think about going home to his bed, he'd even scheme how he might make her forgive him for it (a note on the pillow? come back in the morning with coffee and pain au chocolat?) but she wasn't the forgiving sort, and the thought of her cross with him  and all the things she might say (sneaking out in the night - had your fun - had your fill of me, have you?) was so much worse than not sleeping. It cost him in the end: one morning he dozed off on the tube and was forty minutes late for his opening shift at the café, then the next day, exhausted again, he cut himself so badly slicing apples on the mandoline that a jet of his blood shot across a sheet of kouign-amanns cooling and he had to chuck the lot of them. The owner, who never showed face in the mornings but was there that day of course, fumed silently for hours before calling him into the binder-crammed back office and sacking him. You're always giving away your shifts, you come in distracted, not ready for work—when you get yourself cleaned up, give us a ring and we might have something part-time for you. Remus was halfway home when it sunk in what he was being accused of, and he stopped dead and stood there for a moment in the babble of Upper Street, thinking he might be sick on the pavement.
next one is slightly spicy so i'm putting it under a cut. but first lemme tag @lunapwrites, @welsh-green, @ala-baguette, @artemisia-black, @alohaemora and anybody else who wants to do it!
your words: sick | ghost | whisper | sweet | face
🔸️touch - [untitled sort-of WIP - actually a finished one-shot that i didn't like enough to post and set aside to try to rework into something better (someday 🌠)]
Tonks threw her head back and moaned, her eyes half-shut and unfocused on the ceiling, one hand fisted in the shaggy hair at the back of Remus's neck. She was on his lap as he slouched on her sofa, their lo mein cooling abandoned on her coffee table. He'd been brave enough to slide a hand under her shirt and run his thumb over the mesh of her bra tonight. She'd learned by now to tilt her head this way when he touched her: to show him that she liked it, but also to give him privacy. He'd get flustered if he caught her looking, though she quite itched to see his face at moments like this. The flush of it, the swollen lips, the dazed heaviness of his eyelids. With her face upturned like this she could change herself discreetly, too, and this time she decided to go with one of her old standards: she made her lips a little darker and plumper, so they'd be irresistable when she brought her face close to kiss him, and morphed her nipples bigger and firmer under his roaming thumbs.
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"So, uhhh...what's with the whole-" Talons flex as he gestures at a certain seraphim's attempt at wearing wings as a toga that doesn't even cover the ass. "-gyatt out look?" - @originemesis
There’s a heavy pout upon the seraphim’s lips. Despite trying to avoid prying eyes by remaining in the privacy of his workshop, Adam still found him. Probably when Lucid failed to show up with that coffee run.
“The gray-face magic again. I am not allowed or able to wear clothing until “Father’s Day”. A human holiday that appears to be celebrated tomorrow by many countries.” Tapping a finger lightly at his halo, the shimmering glitter that currently adorns it continues to sparkle. “Until then my…“gyatt” is out.” Among other things.
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
Oddworld Fan Lore: Lebone
Lebone is the oldest son of Mother Odd and Afareet. A demigod that is destined to ascend into godhood in the event his parents fall. While Seraphim is Mother Odd’s successor, Lebone was Afareet’s. Lebone was destined to become the lord of The Lands of Decay with Erebosa as his consort.
Mother Odd and Afareet knew that if they had a child in the traditional fashion, there was risk that their offspring would become too powerful for their child’s own control. Afareet then broke pieces of his own bone into fragments while Mother Odd took feathers plucked from her own head. Lebone was weaved from many fragments of bone and one feather. his younger sibling would be weaved from less bone fragments from Afareet and three feathers from his mother.
Lebone was incredibly powerful when he was born. He had primal instincts as his father did. The hunger for raw meat and bone, the almost animalistic rage would also show itself over time. Afareet began to mentor Lebone. He was an incredibly strict teacher to his eldest son. He knew what was at risk should Lebone lose himself to his emotions and his instincts.
Lebone felt the only parental figure that really understood him was their caretaker and uncle figure, Umbriel. Umbriel was compassionate and a positive influence in the child’s life. Always willing to put things aside to let Lebone talk to him about his day or assist him when he needed it.
With the birth of his younger brother, Lebone couldn’t help but feel his brother was much more privileged than he, but that never effected his love and fondness for his sibling. He was incredibly close with his sibling, more than he felt towards his parents. Lebone knew that he was a danger to his brother and others around him. This manifested into a phobia of harm coming to his brother, especially by his hand. He would do everything in his power to restrain himself, but sometimes it was unavoidable. Such as accidentally scraping his brother with his talon-like finger claws.
Lebone was betrothed to Erebosa since a young age. The two shadow spirits were deeply in love and could not wait for the day that they would exchange their vows. But fate had something else in store for Lebone.
The threat of the Corrupt Noddaba loyalist spirits increased. It became dangerous for Seraphim to travel the Lands of Decay alone. He needed to be supervised constantly. Erebosa’s attempts to quell the rebellions were failing, and this was rumored to be the reason for the betrothment breaking between Erebosa and Lebone. Lebone began to feel a creeping paranoia in his mind, and a voice constantly trying to control his emotions and actions. The feeling and voices were strong, even for Lebone to fight.
Until one day, the voices got tired of waiting for him to break.
Lebone lost control of his actions, his body, his words. It was like someone was puppeteering his body. He would approach Afareet and attempt to strike his father down in a duel for the title of Lord of the Dead. This duel ended with the death of the one person he wanted to protect, the one person he feared of harming. His brother, Seraphim.
With his greatest fears coming to reality, Lebone finally succumbed to the power controlling him. He became the Brood Father’s puppet. The Brood Father’s voice kept taunting him that even if his brother would return through rebirth, Seraphim would never forgive him.
Lebone was broken and driven mad by the possibility of his brother returning and hating him. In his insanity, he allowed Brood Father to do whatever it took to keep Seraphim from being reborn without his purity. Lebone was used to infiltrate the garden of rebirth and attempted to steal his brother’s soul. Thwarted by Umbriel, Seraphim’s soul was fragmented into 2 pieces and hidden away.
Brood Father made Lebone raise the mudokon moon into the sky, causing the schism between the mudokons and the glukkons. He had attempted to turn the mudokons and the glukkons against each other to hopefully kill off the missing soul piece over time. Despite the slavery of the mudokons, Seraphim’s soul still lived on.
Lebone would later be used by the Brood Father in a ploy to gain more emergency vessels, such as corrupting the Mudornaa chief, Gabriel Lure, and using him to send samples to Queen Sam in Nolybab after her capture. One of the heirs that would be produced was to become one of the vessels to Lebone and Brood Father.
While on a personal quest to purge the corruption from Gabriel Lure, Abe confronted the influence of Lebone within his father’s mind. Allowing the rebirth of Seraphim, Lebone was defeated. His spirit would return to the pantheon, and he faced trial by Mother Odd.
Mother Odd wanted to cast him down into the Umbral Abyss, but Afareet claimed him first. Lebone was given trials that were deemed impossible, or so the demigod thought. Broken and imprisoned within The Lands of Decay, Lebone remained. He could feel the voices still gnawing at his mind. When his brother sought him out in their father’s realm, Lebone was convinced that his brother had come to mock him. Upon realizing that his brother was still pure and still loved him, it gave him the strength to finally break free from the Brood Father’s influence.
He now spends his time trying to recover from the centuries of mind control and trying to regain his tarnished reputation. Many still do not trust Lebone and are convinced that the demigod will turn on them at any moment.
Lebone’s true history had been erased, and his story names him still as Odd’s biggest betrayer.
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