sharingheaven · 14 days
Exploring Neurodivergence and Spirituality: Matthew's Story, Personal Struggles, and a Journey to Inclusive Faith
Introduction: Uncovering the Intersection of Neurodivergence and Spirituality
Matthew the tax collector, as depicted in The Chosen, offers a fascinating exploration of neurodivergence within a religious context. This portrayal resonates deeply with my personal experiences of addiction, mental health struggles, and a profound spiritual transformation. My journey through religious intolerance in Calvinistic Southern Baptist churches not only exacerbated my struggles with alcoholism and depression but also highlighted the need for a more inclusive understanding of neurodivergence and spirituality. This article explores how Matthew’s neurodivergence parallels my experiences and how a recent spiritual encounter reshaped my approach to faith and healing.
Matthew’s Neurodivergence in The Chosen
A Modern Take on Autism in Ancient Times
In The Chosen, Matthew is portrayed with characteristics commonly associated with autism spectrum disorder. His intense focus on numbers, social awkwardness, and flat emotional affect reflect a neurodivergent perspective. This modern depiction provides valuable insights into how autistic traits might have manifested in Biblical, historical contexts.
Matthew’s role as a tax collector required exceptional numerical skills and meticulous attention to detail, traits often associated with neurodivergent individuals. His social difficulties and emotional detachment mirror challenges faced by many today. This nuanced portrayal offers a fresh perspective on inclusion and acceptance, challenging traditional views within religious communities.
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Personal Reflection: Neurodivergence and Social Isolation
My own neurodivergent traits closely align with Matthew’s depiction. Traits such as intense focus and analytical skills have been assets in my life, but they have also led to social isolation. My deep immersion in research and learning, or my special interests, often made it challenging for others to connect with me, reflecting Matthew’s struggles in The Chosen.
For instance, my difficulty in grasping social nuances and my intense focus on specific interests often left me feeling disconnected from others. This parallels Matthew’s experiences and underscores the need for greater empathy and understanding within both religious and social environments. Have you ever felt like an outsider because of traits others couldn’t understand?
How Religious Intolerance Worsens Mental Health Challenges
The Harmful Effects of Rigid Doctrines
The intolerance I faced within Calvinistic Southern Baptist churches significantly impacted my struggles with alcoholism, addiction, depression, and anxiety. The rigid doctrines, including predestination and the concept of "the elect," created an environment of exclusion and judgment. This atmosphere not only failed to address my mental health challenges but also deepened my sense of inadequacy and isolation.
At one point during my 25 years in the church, I began to question whether I was ever "saved." Around the age of 12, many of my peers claimed to have experienced the Holy Spirit, yet I felt nothing. When I voiced my concerns to my father and the preacher, I was told I was simply "doubting" my faith. This experience left me feeling alienated and forced me to wear a mask of belief I didn't feel. Have you ever felt pressured to fit into a religious mold that didn't feel right to you?
A Personal Story of Judgment and Misunderstanding
One vivid memory from my time in the church occurred when I was volunteering at a nursing home. My flat affect led a deacon to suggest that I might be possessed by demons because he couldn’t see the "joy of the Lord" in me. This harsh judgment reflects the broader issue of religious intolerance and its impact on neurodivergent individuals. How often do neurodivergent traits go misunderstood, leading to unwarranted judgment and exclusion? Experiences like this underline the urgent need for a more compassionate and understanding approach within religious communities.
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From Despair to Spiritual Awakening: A Journey of Healing
Overcoming Addiction and Finding Faith Through Grace
After a long and dark journey, I experienced a profound spiritual encounter during a meditation session that marked a turning point in my life. Despite my earlier skepticism, this experience with Jesus provided a renewed sense of hope and purpose. It challenged the dogmatic beliefs I had been taught, leading me to reconsider my approach to faith and healing. It’s clear to me that had I stayed within the confines of the churches I once knew, I would have never experienced such a transformation.
This encounter with Jesus has been life-changing, offering a new perspective on faith that emphasizes grace, acceptance, and personal connection. Unlike the rigid doctrines of my past, which I deconstructed, this renewed understanding of spirituality focuses on the unique challenges each individual faces. Has there been a moment in your life where your perception of faith was completely transformed?
Matthew’s Journey: Lessons in True Christian Compassion and Inclusion
Matthew’s Story as a Reflection of True Christian Values
Matthew’s journey from a despised tax collector to a respected disciple serves as a powerful reminder of the inclusive and compassionate nature of true Christianity. Jesus’ acceptance of Matthew, despite his marginalized status, highlights the importance of embracing diversity and recognizing the inherent value of every individual, regardless of their traits or circumstances.
The portrayal of Matthew in The Chosen reinforces this message by presenting a neurodivergent perspective that challenges traditional notions of worth and inclusion. It encourages viewers to rethink their perceptions of neurodivergent individuals and embrace a more empathetic and understanding approach to faith. How might our communities change if we approached faith and inclusion with the same compassion Jesus showed?
Conclusion: Embracing Inclusion and Compassion in Faith
The intersection of neurodivergence, religious intolerance, and personal struggle highlights the need for a more inclusive and compassionate approach to spirituality. Matthew’s portrayal in The Chosen provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals within religious contexts, while my personal journey underscores the impact of intolerance on mental health and well-being.
By embracing the true spirit of Christianity—one that values grace, acceptance, and personal connection—we can create faith communities that support and uplift all individuals, regardless of their differences. This renewed understanding of faith offers hope and healing for those who have faced exclusion and judgment, providing a path toward redemption and recovery. How can we, as individuals and communities, work toward creating more inclusive and compassionate spaces for everyone?
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Call to Action
If you’ve experienced similar struggles with neurodivergence, mental health, or religious intolerance, you're not alone. Let’s start a conversation about healing and inclusion by sharing our experiences and insights.
In hope, with Christ,
Sharing Heaven
Bible verses and definitions used in this article can be found below.
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Jesus' Words on Faith, Inclusion, and Compassion: Answering Critics with Biblical Truth
1. Question: What is the greatest commandment?
Answer: "‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." – Matthew 22:37-40
2. Question: Why should we not judge others?
Answer: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." – Matthew 7:1-2
3. Question: How should we treat people who are different from us?
Answer: "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." – Matthew 7:12
4. Question: What did Jesus say about religious leaders who exclude others?
Answer: "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to." – Matthew 23:13
5. Question: How should we treat people who are marginalized or different?
Answer: "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." – Matthew 25:40
6. Question: What should we do when we feel burdened and weighed down?
Answer: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." – Matthew 11:28-29
7. Question: Is it wrong to question tradition or religious doctrine?
Answer: "Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’" – Matthew 15:6-9
8. Question: How does Jesus offer forgiveness and acceptance?
Answer: "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." – Luke 19:10
9. Question: What is Jesus’ view on wealth and power?
Answer: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." – Matthew 19:24
10. Question: Can we find peace and overcome fear through faith in Jesus?
Answer: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." – John 14:27
The Ultimate Promise: A 100% Biblical Guarantee from the Words of Jesus
Every word spoken here is from the mouth of Jesus, the Son of God, who guarantees eternal life to those who believe in Him. His words are the foundation of truth and offer the promise of grace, peace, and inclusion to all who follow Him.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." - Matthew 24:35
Defining Key Terms: Essential Concepts in Neurodivergence, Spirituality, and Faith
Neurodivergence: A term used to describe individuals whose neurological development and functioning are atypical, often including conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. Neurodivergent individuals process information and experience the world differently from neurotypical people.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A developmental disorder that affects communication, behavior, and social interaction. Individuals with ASD may have difficulty with social cues, exhibit repetitive behaviors, and have specific interests or intense focus on certain subjects.
Religious Intolerance: The unwillingness to accept or respect beliefs, practices, or people that differ from one's own religious views. In the article's context, it refers to rigid, dogmatic beliefs that exclude or judge individuals based on their perceived adherence to religious doctrine.
Calvinism: A branch of Protestant theology associated with John Calvin that emphasizes predestination, the belief that God has already chosen who will be saved, and that human free will plays no role in salvation.
Predestination: The religious doctrine that God has already determined the fate of every individual, particularly regarding salvation and eternal life, independent of their actions or decisions.
Dogma: A set of principles or beliefs that are accepted by members of a particular group without question. In religious contexts, it refers to doctrines that are viewed as authoritative and infallible.
Deconstruction (in religious context): The process of critically examining and questioning long-held religious beliefs, doctrines, and traditions, often leading to a reassessment or rejection of previous faith practices.
Spiritual Awakening: A profound realization or experience that leads to a deeper understanding of one’s spirituality or connection to a higher power. It often involves a transformation of beliefs, emotions, and perspectives on life.
Mental Health: A person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how people think, feel, and act, and can be influenced by factors such as stress, trauma, or genetics.
Grace: In Christian theology, grace refers to the unearned and unconditional love and favor of God toward humans. It is often seen as the means by which people receive salvation and forgiveness.
Special Interest (Autism): A term used to describe an intense focus on a particular subject or activity, which is often a defining characteristic of individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
Exclusion: The act of intentionally or unintentionally leaving someone out or marginalizing them. In religious contexts, it can refer to individuals being alienated due to not conforming to specific beliefs or behaviors.
Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person, often regarded as a critical component of building inclusive and supportive communities.
Faith: Trust or belief in a higher power, deity, or set of religious teachings. Faith often involves acceptance of concepts that cannot be seen or proven.
Spirituality: A broad concept that may or may not involve religion, spirituality encompasses a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, often involving a search for meaning, purpose, and peace.
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seattlenewlife · 17 days
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If you're seeking a place to grow spiritually and connect with a supportive community, Seattle New Life is the Church in Bothell you've been looking for. Our church is more than just a place of worship—it's a vibrant, welcoming community where individuals and families come together to build lasting relationships, deepen their faith, and make a positive impact.
At Seattle New Life, we offer dynamic worship services that blend heartfelt contemporary music with powerful teachings rooted in the Bible. Whether you’re new to faith or looking to enrich your spiritual journey, our Church in Bothell provides a warm and inclusive environment where everyone can experience God’s love and presence.
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jacekwojnarowski · 2 months
Embracing Faith in the Digital Age
In today's digital era, our spiritual practices have found a new home online. Digital religious communities and online worship are transforming how we connect with our faith and each other. These platforms break down geographical barriers, allowing us to gather, pray, and grow spiritually from anywhere in the world. They offer accessibility for those unable to attend traditional services and create inclusive spaces for all believers.
While online worship might lack the physical presence of a church, it provides unique opportunities for deeper connections and innovative ways to maintain traditions. From virtual communion services to online prayer meetings, these digital spaces ensure that our faith remains vibrant and relevant.
As we navigate this digital age, let us embrace these new ways to experience the divine, fostering love, compassion, and community in every virtual gathering.
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gossipwithjesus · 3 months
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
Divine Identity: I Am a Child of God Shaina Tranquilino March 27, 2024
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There is a common thread that unites us all - the belief in a higher power, a creator, a divine force that guides and shapes our lives. For many, this belief is deeply rooted in the conviction that we are not merely products of chance, but rather, cherished children of a loving God. In this blog post, we explore the profound significance of the statement, "I am a child of God," and the transformative power it holds in shaping our understanding of self, purpose, and connection.
Understanding Divine Parentage:
The declaration "I am a child of God" is not just a religious affirmation; it's a profound recognition of our inherent worth and purpose. Regardless of one's religious or spiritual background, this statement encapsulates the idea that there is a benevolent force that transcends our understanding, guiding and nurturing us on our journey through life.
In various religious traditions, this concept is central to the understanding of human existence. Christianity, for example, teaches that each individual is created in the image of God, instilling an innate sense of dignity and value. Similarly, in Islam, believers are considered the servants of Allah, emphasizing the importance of humility and devotion.
Finding Identity and Purpose:
Acknowledging our divine parentage fosters a sense of identity and purpose that goes beyond the superficial aspects of our lives. It invites us to look beyond societal roles, material possessions, and external validations, encouraging a deeper exploration of our true selves. When we recognize that we are children of God, we understand that our worth is not contingent upon external achievements but is an intrinsic part of our being.
This understanding provides a profound sense of purpose. Instead of searching for meaning in fleeting experiences, we are called to a higher purpose – one that involves love, compassion, and service to others. The realization that we are children of God inspires a desire to contribute positively to the world, making a meaningful impact on the lives of those around us.
Embracing Unity and Connection:
The belief in our divine parentage also fosters a sense of unity and interconnectedness. If we are all children of the same Creator, then we are all siblings in a global family. This realization encourages empathy, compassion, and a shared responsibility for the well-being of our fellow beings and the planet we call home.
In a world often marked by division and strife, embracing the notion of being children of God serves as a powerful reminder that, despite our differences, we are fundamentally connected. This shared identity encourages dialogue, understanding, and the building of bridges between diverse communities.
"I am a child of God" is not just a statement of faith; it's a declaration that transcends religious boundaries and resonates with the universal human experience. It invites us to explore the depths of our identity, purpose, and interconnectedness. Embracing this divine parentage empowers us to live with a sense of dignity, purpose, and compassion, fostering a world where the recognition of our shared humanity takes precedence over our differences. In this acknowledgment, we find the strength to navigate life's challenges and the inspiration to create a more harmonious and interconnected world.
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otaviogilbert · 11 months
God's Last Message Unveiled: A Revelation from K.O.G. Faith | Must-Watch YouTube Video
Uncover God's Last Message: A Revelation from K.O.G. Faith in this Must-Watch YouTube Video! 🙌 Prepare to be enlightened and inspired as we explore this divine revelation.
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teelenise · 1 year
Unleashing the Magnitude: The Power and Impact of a Black Woman's Praise and Worship
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The history of pain for Black Women in America is deeply rooted in the legacy of slavery and its aftermath. From the moment they were forcibly removed from their indigenous homes and brought to the shores of America as slaves, Black Women have been subjected to unimaginable suffering and trauma. They endured the horrors of the Middle Passage, where they were packed into overcrowded and unsanitary slave ships, often separated from their families and loved ones, and subjected to physical and sexual abuse.
Once enslaved, Black Women were forced to endure grueling labor under inhumane conditions on plantations. They were subjected to backbreaking work in fields and households while being expected to bear children, care for their families, and often serve as wet nurses for their slave owners' children, thus perpetuating the cycle of separation and pain.
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The pain experienced by Black Women reached new heights during the era of legalized slavery. They witnessed the brutal separation of their families as husbands, children, and loved ones were sold off and transported to different plantations. Mothers had to watch helplessly as their children were torn from their arms, with no legal rights or protections to prevent such heart-wrenching separations.
Even after the abolition of slavery, the pain persisted for Black Women. They faced continued discrimination and oppression through Jim Crow laws, racial segregation, and systemic racism. Black Women were denied access to fundamental rights, education, employment opportunities, and healthcare, further perpetuating their suffering and limiting their ability to escape the cycle of poverty and inequality.
The pain experienced by Black Women continued to evolve with the rise of the prison system. The mass incarceration of Black men disproportionately affected Black Women and their families. Many Black Women had to endure the anguish of watching their husbands, sons, and brothers being targeted by biased law enforcement, unfairly arrested and imprisoned, and subjected to dehumanizing conditions within the prison system. This systemic perpetuation of pain and trauma has had a lasting impact on the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of Black Women and their communities.
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Despite the immense pain and trauma endured by Black Women, a remarkable resilience and strength emerges in their praise and worship. In the face of oppression, they have found solace and hope in their faith and spirituality. Praise and worship have become powerful outlets for Black Women to express their pain, find healing, and cultivate a sense of empowerment.
Through their praise, Black Women reclaim their humanity and affirm their worthiness in the eyes of God. They find strength in their spirituality, connecting with a higher power that provides comfort and guidance in the midst of their struggles. Praise and worship also serve as a means of resistance, defying the forces that seek to diminish their value and oppress their spirits.
The significance of praising God through pain for Black Women cannot be underestimated. It is a testament to their resilience, perseverance, and unwavering faith. It is a reminder that despite the pain they have endured, they are still able to find joy, hope, and strength. In their worship, they find a sense of community and solidarity, joining together with other Black Women to uplift and support one another.
Praising God through pain allows Black Women to transcend their circumstances and envision a future filled with justice, equality, and liberation. It is a source of inspiration and motivation to continue the fight against systemic oppression and to create a better world for themselves, their families, and future generations.
In conclusion, the history of pain for Black Women in America is a deeply entrenched and complex narrative. From the horrors of slavery to the enduring legacy of systemic racism and discrimination, Black Women have faced immense suffering and trauma. However, in the midst of this pain, their praise and worship have emerged as a powerful source of resilience, healing, and empowerment. It is through their spirituality and connection that we will remain whole. God is faithfully Awesome !!!
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thedhananjayaparkhe · 1 month
Create an emergency preparedness plan
Title: Shielding Faith: A Blueprint for Resilience Abstract (250 words) In an increasingly volatile world, safeguarding the well-being of minority communities is of paramount importance. As campaigns like “India Out” take root in neighboring countries, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, and other minority groups face escalating risks. This article explores the urgent need for an emergency…
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newprophets · 4 days
Embrace Differences, Foster Unity Lessons from Romans 14
"Romans 14: The Power of Choosing Love Over Judgment"
Introduction: Romans 14 presents a radical approach to handling disagreements within the church: choose love over judgment. Paul’s message emphasizes that our actions should always aim to build others up, not tear them down.
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Understanding Judgment in Romans 14: Paul addresses the issue of judgment among believers, particularly over disputable matters. He reminds us that judging others over personal convictions is not our role; instead, we should focus on our own relationship with God.
Love in Action: Choosing love means considering how our actions affect others. Paul’s teaching encourages believers to prioritize love in every decision, creating an environment of mutual respect and understanding.
Avoiding Stumbling Blocks: Romans 14 calls believers to be mindful of how their behavior might impact others. By avoiding actions that could cause a fellow believer to stumble, we demonstrate Christ’s love in practical ways.
Applying This Principle Today: In modern contexts, Romans 14 teaches us to let go of the need to be right and instead focus on fostering a community of support and encouragement. By choosing love, we create a space where everyone can grow in their faith.
Conclusion: Romans 14 is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of love. When we choose to act in love rather than judgment, we build a church that truly reflects the grace of God.
#LoveOverJudgment #Romans14 #ChooseLove #ChristianGrace #FaithCommunity
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hanksmc · 3 months
Faith pirates Au when hashtag faithcommunity
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jkwoodall-ministries · 10 months
(JK Woodall Ministries)🌅✨ Dive into the serenity of Morning Devotionals with JK Woodall Ministries! 📖🙏 Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of God's Word every morning, and let the divine wisdom guide your day.🔊 Tune in for a spiritual journey that transcends the ordinary. JK Woodall Ministries brings you a blend of inspiration, motivation, and profound teachings to start your day on a positive note.🎧 Connect with us on SoundCloud to experience the uplifting power of Morning Devotionals. 🌄 Let the gentle words and heartfelt messages resonate with your soul, creating a sacred space for reflection and connection with the divine.👉 Click the link below to embark on this spiritual journey: 🙌 Join our community of believers and share the joy of faith! ✝️ #MorningDevotionals #JKWoodallMinistries #GodsWord #SpiritualJourney #FaithCommunity #SoundCloudDevotionals
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seattlenewlife · 21 days
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At New Life Christian Fellowship Church, we welcome you to experience a place of spiritual growth, community, and transformation. Our mission is to help you discover a renewed sense of purpose through faith and connection. Whether you’re seeking peace, support, or deeper understanding, New Life is where your journey begins, with a family that embraces you just as you are. Join us in worship, fellowship, and service as we walk together in the love and grace of Christ.
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wheresthemapinfo · 1 month
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How do you engage with the faith community outside of Sunday mornings? Check out two small group opportunities that are creating spaces to connect in different times and places to meet you wherever you are this season!
#allthegood #smallgroup #faithcommunity #seeyouthere
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PSALM 23 | Repeat Seven Times to Bring Prosperity | The Meditative Christian
PSALM 23 | Repeat Seven Times to Bring Prosperity | The Meditative Christian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V_5JqeNJ_A In this video, we share with you a truly mighty prayer, PSALM 23. We repeat it seven times with a focus on inviting prosperity. PSALM 23, also known as "The Lord is My Shepherd," is a treasured passage in the Bible. This prayer offers comfort, guidance, and reassurance during difficult moments. When we recite it with faith and purpose, we connect with its spiritual strength and welcome prosperity into our lives. ✅ LIKE! 👍 Hit the 👍❤️ button to show your love! ✅ COMMENT! Leave a 💬 comment below to share your thoughts or petitions. ✅ SHARE! Share this video with a friend by ➡️ clicking the share button. ✅ SUBSCRIBE! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@TheMeditativeChristian ✅ TURN ON THE NOTIFICATION BELL! 🔔 To be notified when we upload new videos. In this empowering video, come with us on a journey of prayer and affirmation. Together, we'll recite PSALM 23 seven times, allowing its words to resonate deeply within us. Through this practice, we open ourselves to a wealth of blessings and opportunities. Prosperity is not confined to just finances; it encompasses all aspects of our lives. By making PSALM 23 a part of our daily spiritual routine, we align with divine grace and invite prosperity to flow into every corner of our existence. Whether you're confronting challenges, seeking guidance, or simply desiring abundance, this prayer is for you. Join us on this transformative voyage and witness the incredible influence of PSALM 23 as it ushers prosperity into your life. #Psalm23 #Prosperity #Prayer #Faith #Blessings #Hope #GodsLove #Inspiration #Christianity #FaithJourney #DivineRefuge #BibleVerses #SpiritualBlessings #FaithCommunity #Believe #GodsPromise #Encouragement #bibleverse #godlovesyou #Christ #Christian #meditativechristian #faithjourney #blessed #bless #blessings #blessing #grace #protection #mercy #powerful #prayer 🙏🙌 Title: PSALM 23 | Repeat Seven Times To Bring Prosperity | The Meditative Christian ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉Instagram: https://ift.tt/i0FLwpk 👉TikTok: https://ift.tt/gC2euyI 👉Pinterest: https://ift.tt/r4BmACq ============================= ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉Powerful Prayer to Break all Chains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYCXK7wYefY&t=26s 👉 Prayer for Financial Blessings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRfTdFz88Qg 👉 Discover your Purpose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQa5OKjE_B4 via The Meditative Christian https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8AlRRXj40XFI0U-FUh3Ldg October 13, 2023 at 02:00PM
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bibleversegarden · 5 years
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Happy Weekend, Faith Community! Speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God. (Ephesians 5:19-21)  
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