#fall sentence starters
thebest-medicine · 2 months
79 ler Wendy, Lee dipper?
Prompt 79 - “You’re not going anywhere.”
A/N: they’re so sweet and goofy! Love Wendy she is such a badass, his crush is understandable lmao. here ya are!!!:
“Wendy! Don’t!”
“Ticklish?! And trying to get away ..from me? No no, you’re not going anywhere.” She declared, gripping the back of Dipper’s shirt collar and dragging him back.
“Nononono- WendyheheHEEHEE! DON’T!” He cried as she started to pinch his sides with her other hand, while the one she’d grabbed him with began to skitter over his neck.
“Awwww man, this is too good!” Wendy jeered excitedly. She let out a little giggle that Dipper would have thought was adorable had he not been too consumed with his own laughter and how badly this tickled.
“Pleasepleasepleaseplease!” Dipper shrieked when Wendy got a hand under his arm. He flailed back and rolled around on the ground as Wendy continued to tickle him.
“Stop-stop! I cahahan’t take it! Plehehehease!” Dipper pleased, his arms flailing about in front of him desperately.
“Oh, aaaaalright.” Wendy sighed. She stopped tickling, instead patting him on the head and then offering a hand to help him up.
As soon as Dipper went to take it, huffing and panting from the tickle attack, Wendy’s hand lurched forward and poked a few times as his tummy. It sent Dipper wobbling back with a squeal.
“HA!” Wendy snorted. “Sorry, sorry. I had to. I’ll stop, I’ll stop.”
Dipper watched her, blushing madly as he stood on his own. “You! You’re! .. you!” Dipper palmed his face, groaning. “Don’t do that again.”
“No promises.” She winked.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further gravity falls drabbles on ao3]
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dreamteammemes · 2 months
Out of context Gravity Falls quotes:
"Give me a hand with this coffin, will ya?"
"Sorry for accusing you of murder last week."
"I'm joking!"
"Right, like I'm gonna fall for that."
"The more you struggle the more awkward this is going to be for everybody."
"I can BUY and SELL you!"
"Aw, come on! BOO!"
"What am I doing?"
"You don't need to take your clothes off."
"Those cannibals are onto something. I taste delicious!"
"Tell my story!"
"Non-specific excuse!"
"Nice to meet you. Also, I think I am dying."
"I've been traumatized!"
"It's funny how dumb you are."
"You had me at shut up."
"I ate a man alive tonight."
"Race you to the bottom of the stairs!"
"Oh no, it's... happening."
"This is for your own good."
"My body is a temple! How dare you!"
"Oh no! I hope someone didn't die!"
"Too little, too late, ___."
"So this is an emergency."
"Who is it?? Have you come to steal my eyes?!"
"You're never gonna see it, ___. Never. Gonna. See it."
"Get this on tape in case I die or whatever."
"This is definitely not an accident!"
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bassettmemes · 6 days
YEAH, I'M A MILF... (MAN, I LOVE FALL!) ↳ a collection of fall prompts.
"don't you just love when the leaves change colors?"
"ew, pumpkin guts! don't touch me with your slimy hands!"
"do you know where i put the nutmeg?"
"cider or hot chocolate? or both?"
"you look so cute in your scarf and hat!"
"if i slip on another wet leaf, i'll scream."
"we could just stay in, you know... can we please stay in?"
"it's just going to get colder. we should enjoy the warmth while we can."
"oh, come on! it's just a haunted house; it'll be fun."
"is this what taylor swift meant by sad girl autumn?"
[🍂] for our muses to rake leaves and jump into the pile together
[🍁] for our muses to go harvest maple
[🍠] for our muses to spend thanksgiving together
[🎃] for our muses to carve jack-o-lanterns together
[🔥] for our muses to sit together at a bonfire
[🥧] for our muses to bake fall treats together
[🧣] sender gives receiver their scarf on a windy day (send 🔀 to reverse)
[🍎] for our muses to go to an apple orchard together
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crownmemes · 6 months
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The Fall of the House of Usher Sentences
(Sentences from The Fall of the House of Usher (2023). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You cannot understand the things I've done unless you understand the life that I was born into."
"Are you watching my house?"
"Why the fuck would anybody think it serves their best interest to become a goddamn informant for the government?"
"There's no such thing as a step back. You go forward. If you hit a brick wall, you don't go back - you go through."
"Nothing worth having is ever easy."
"Things like this - all things, in fact - have consequences."
"I've always liked the bad boys. Got a weakness, I suppose."
"Don't play coy; knowing stuff is your bread and butter."
"Opportunity doesn't give a fuck what you're going through."
"It's amazing how far you can get on denial."
"Do I strike you as someone who can't speak for herself?"
"You strike me as a queen without a crown."
"You're a smart man. You could be anywhere doing anything. Why do you do this?"
"You've got to be smart. You have to realise that you can't trust people."
"No, I'm not okay, but that doesn't mean I need anything from you."
"The world might not be safe, but listen to me and listen carefully; I won't let anything happen to you."
"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
"The question is not yet settled as to whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence."
"Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?"
"You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority."
"You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart."
"You're a monster, you know that?"
"You are the most perfect and beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"Your reputation is warranted. You're beautiful at what you do."
"I know more about hospitals than anybody would ever want to know. I'll never spend a single night in one."
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fullstcp · 5 days
All Falls Down Sentence Starters
( dialogue prompts from the tenth episode of the seventh season of abc's 9-1-1. feel free to edit and change as you see fit )
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"The cardiac arrest was brought on by smoke inhalation."
"How long was it stopped?"
"We won't know the extent of the damage, if any, until they wake up."
"That's not an answer."
"It's not a discussion that we need to have right this minute."
"We need to talk about this."
"I'm here. What can I do?"
"I don't know how to explain this."
"I don't want to break down the door."
"I do not have that information in front of me."
"I will do some digging on my end and then I'll get back to you."
"Sweetheart, it is so good to see you."
"I know that was probably a stupid question."
"It's not like I'm doing great, either."
"We're still a family. That hasn't changed."
"We're always gonna be a family."
"Can't you just please give us a few more minutes?"
"You are not supposed to be here."
"I'm gonna see you again soon, okay?"
"Where were they taken?"
"I'm the only one making my life chaos right now."
"They won't let me in there yet."
"I didn't think you'd want to sit here in a paper dress."
"I haven't spoken to anyone."
"We need to talk about who may have done this."
"Wait, do you have somebody specifically in mind?"
"Can't think of anyone, but I'll let you know if I do."
"They won't tell us anything."
"I take it you've heard."
"Actually, we've heard very little."
"It'll be a while before we know anything more."
"I'm here, baby. I hope you know that."
"I love you and I'm sorry."
"Right now the only thing holding me upright is this rage."
"I'm gonna do that for us."
"I'm here visiting a patient."
"Gosh, you startled me."
"I saw you get out of the taxi just now."
"I tried to ring, but I think your doorbell melted."
"I can't believe we've never met."
"Anyway, I am so sorry this happened to you."
"Can I borrow your car?"
"Looks like you're going somewhere."
"Not sure you're gonna make it."
"Now, look, I don't know what it is you think I've done."
"Somebody set your house on fire?"
"I know what it's like to hide in plain sight, where the pain and the grief is so deep and raw that you can't even bear to touch it."
"Being a living testament to a dead person is a lonely existence."
"If you're so right about me, then I must be right about you."
"Neither one of us are murderers."
"You say you didn't do it? I'm gonna let you prove it."
"It's me they want."
"If I was you, I would not smile."
"There's no way they authorized any of this."
"I don't work for them. I never have."
"I made me a good deal."
"You know it didn't go down like that."
"At first, I was gonna take away someone you love."
"We're alike, you and me."
"Well, go ahead and do whatever the hell it is you're gonna do."
"Is your plan to bore me to death?"
"I could still show some mercy."
"This one, we both walk out of."
"Thank you for saving me."
"I'm sorry I had you wrong."
"Yeah, well, you weren't wrong about everything."
"There's someone who would like to speak with you."
"Welcome back to me."
"You went there without telling me?"
"You'd have talked me out of it."
"Well, I have to admit, I'm a little bit jealous."
"Fathers are humans. Sons don't always handle this news well."
"Don't wait 30 years before you listen. You'll regret it."
"We still have our memories and we have each other."
"You have a picture of me on your phone?"
"Everything that matters is already in this room."
"You're not even gonna look at me?"
"I know you're angry, but you need to listen to me."
"I love you, no matter what."
"I hate it, but I love you."
"Are we celebrating something."
"Uh, we do have a surprise."
"Look, we're not gonna get into who deserves what."
"You climbed out, you rebuilt, and you did better."
"I do believe I've been replaced."
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notstilinski · 1 year
The Fall of the House of Usher Starters !
Taken from the Netflix 2023 series, The Fall of the House of Usher! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers present!
“Listen, I’m sorry… For your loss. For your losses, rather.”
“Have a glass. See what a few years of your worth tastes like.”
“Don’t lecture me on family values. You’re just as shit in that department as I am.”
“The gates are always open but that doesn’t mean you answer the phone?”
“Don’t mention them ever. They don’t exist. Do you understand?”
“They will love you because I love you, and the only thing stronger than love is how fucking scared they are of getting cut out of the will.”
“All good. Right behind you.”
“You guys, we should really get together more often. It’s just a balm for the soul.”
“You know what a resolution is? It’s a deal you make with the future.”
“You’re basically 80% cum, I can fucking smell it on you.”
“Jesus, (Name), when you get going, you get going.”
“The oven mitts come off and the nail polish goes on.”
“It’s better, I promise, in the moment just before than in the moment after.”
“You are consequence, (Name). And tonight, you are consequential.”
“You are a pretty, pretty little thing.”
“Opportunity doesn’t give a fuck what you’re going through.”
“(Name), damn it, everybody knows that edible arrangements are what you send to people you hate.”
“If you start thinking this is reality, you’ll just slip into the abyss.”
“You shouldn’t be here and you don’t have to be here. That’s all I was saying.”
“It’s amazing how far you can get on denial.”
“Christ, no one knows they’re the fall guy until they’re falling.”
“Don’t complain about the drugs.”
“He throws us the food and watches us fight for it. You know that.”
“You’re not who I thought you were.”
“I didn’t want to think it but… you’re all fucking monsters.”
“Don’t have to be smart to be dangerous.”
“You gotta be smart. You have to realize, you can’t trust people. Not you. Not anyone.”
“Don’t stand there and look all hurt, you asshole! You think I don’t know?”
“Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you?”
“Both of us lucky in one way, at least. Got good people at home who love us anyway. Let’s not let them down.”
“I trusted them, so I trusted you.”
“All of the best of (Name) without… without the broken heart.”
“You don’t have to be a tyrant, but if you don’t want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority.”
“I’m sorry. Why the fuck would you do that, sweetheart?”
“No, I’m afraid you’re ringside for my reckoning, old friend.”
“You’re a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart.”
“You’re a monster, you know that?”
“Should’ve died here, honey. It would have made you an honest person.”
“You only ever wanted to be loved by them. You only ever wanted their approval. And it’s still no fucking excuse.”
“If I die, this stops?”
“Outsourcing intimacy.”
“I look at you and I see… you. The poverty of you.”
“We’re a… Virus, I think. People, I mean.”
“It’s a slap on the wrist that comes with a blowjob.”
“I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go.”
“I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses.”
“Because it don’t matter in the end why you did any of it. I don’t fucking care why you did it.”
“We don’t want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. So take all that with you, why don’t you.”
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roleplay-evil · 7 months
Resident Evil: Prelude to the Fall Starters
"You know better than to holster your gun like that, [name]!"
"Sorry about that. Don't cry. You're safe now."
"I promise I will protect you."
"I get it now... You... You're the one behind all this!"
"It's over, [name]! Just what exactly are you here for?!"
"It looks deserted. Think we can call it a day?"
"Everything that's happened here... You're responsible for all of it, aren't you!"
"If you think you can stop me with that toy of yours, then go ahead and try, [name]."
"They've gone too far this time... We can't let this keep on happening!"
"[name]! Head for the car!"
"Looks like a blizzard is headed our way."
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»        headcanon memes inspired by things i like, part 3           inspired by as dusk falls           tw: addiction.
send in a prompt and i’ll answer the corresponding question about my muse!
[ vince ] what is your muse’s relationship with themselves? do they respect themselves? do they sacrifice their own needs for others?
[ jay ] how does your muse feel about their family?
[ zoe ] has your muse experienced a traumatic event? how does that trauma affect them?
[ tyler ] what is your muse’s relationship with happiness? would they describe themselves as a happy person? what gets in the way of their happiness, if anything?
[ dale ] how does your muse deal with anger? are they physically aggressive, or more passive-aggressive?
[ dante ] is there anything in your muse’s life that would cause them to act recklessly and aggressively, even if it means harming those they care for?
[ becky ] is your muse an artist? what sorts of things do they create?
[ michelle ] how does your muse cope with feeling abandoned?
[ jim ] does your muse lie? how often? do they lie to strangers, loved ones, both, or neither?
[ joyce ] what does your muse aspire towards? do they have dreams or goals they’d like to achieve?
[ paul ] does your muse have any addictions? are they in recovery? if so, how is it going?
[ sharon ] does your muse command authority? do other people feel compelled to obey them?
[ bear ] how far would your muse go to save someone they love? would they sacrifice themselves for their loved ones?
[ stranger ] could your muse stomach working a job that harms others?
[ zeus ] does your muse like animals? which ones? do they have a pet?
[ vanessa ] is your muse rebellious? why or why not?
[ ash ] what were your muse’s feelings about and relationships with influential adults in their life?
[ big sam ] is it easy to make your muse feel suspicious of others?
[ bradley ] is there anything about your muse that’s inconsistent or poorly written? what potential does your muse have that hasn’t been fulfilled?
[ bruce ] does your muse fall in love easily? how do they respond to being in love? are they clingy, or more distant?
[ jason ] if your muse has kids, what kind of a parent are they? if they don’t have kids, what kind of a parent might they be?
[ may ] does your muse follow a religion? what is their relationship with religion?
[ todd ] does your muse like wild parties, or are they the type to stay at home?
[ trucker ] would your muse help out a stranger in need? what are their motivations for doing so or not doing so?
[ leland ] what would your muse be like if they were able to follow their dreams? what does the best version of your muse look like?
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puckrph · 1 year
taken from the 2023 album. feel free to change pronouns, etc.
' i'm dying out here. ' ' what would you trade the pain for? ' ' we were a hammer to the statue of david. ' ' we were a painting you could never frame. ' ' you were the sunshine of my lifetime. ' ' this city always hangs a little bit lonely on me, loose like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit. ' ' i'd never go, i just want to be invited. ' ' you've got to give up. ' ' don't fight it. ' ' i'm sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse. ' ' i just about snapped. ' ' don't look back. ' ' every lover's got a little dagger in their hand. ' ' i'm falling in and out of love. ' ' i'm getting that tilted feeling. ' ' nowhere left for us to go but heaven. ' ' summer's falling through our fingers again. ' ' we're taught we've gotta get ahead no matter what it takes, but there's no way off the hamster wheel on this rat race. ' ' i saw you in a bright clear field, hurricane heat in my head. ' ' it's the kind of pain you feel to get good in the end. ' ' give up what you love before it does you in. '
' no matter what they tell you, the future's up for grabs. ' ' is there a word for a bad miracle? ' ' nobody said the road was endless. ' ' nobody said the climb was friendless. ' ' could we please pretend this won't end? ' ' it was an uphill battle, but they didn't know we were gonna use the roads as a ramp to take off. ' ' we could cry a little, or cry a lot. ' ' don't stop dancing. ' ' don't you dare stop. ' ' we'll cry later or cry now. ' ' we could dance our tears away, emancipate ourselves. ' ' but baby, heartbreak feels so good. ' ' heartbreak feels so good. ' ' we said we'd never grow up. ' ' it's open season on blue moods. '
' when you ask how i've been, i know you mean well. ' ' who am i dialing tonight? ' ' that's a bummer. ' ' burn feelings for twenty summers. ' ' i'm just a cherub riding comets through the night sky, screaming at the stars like night lights. ' ' i love my life. ' ' i guess i'm getting older, cause i'm less pissed. ' ' to the end of the world. ' ' you put the "fun" into dysfunction. ' ' hold me like a grudge. ' ' the world is always spinning, and i can't keep up. ' ' i can't do it on my own. ' ' part-time soulmate, full-time problem. ' ' i guess somehow we made it back with a few dreams of ours still intact. ' ' i am a diamond on the inside, just add the pressure. ' ' i know it's inside me, but i've got no map to my own treasure. ' ' i thought i knew better. ' ' i thought it would get better. ' ' i figured somehow by now i would have got it together. ' ' if you put your heart in it, then we'll do more than just get by together. ' ' i'm like a storm on the horizon. '
' take a knife and cut through the darkness. ' ' i make no plans, so none can be broken. ' ' remember us just like this forever. ' ' this can't last. it won't last. ' ' do you laugh about me whenever i leave? or do i just need more therapy? ' ' love is in the air, i just gotta figure out a window to break out. ' ' i'm buried alive inside my dreams. ' ' my mood board is just pictures of you. ' ' i'm not sad anymore. ' ' i didn't take the love when i had the chance. ' ' do i still need more therapy? ' ' we all started off as shiny dimes, but we all got flipped too many times. ' ' we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never gonna change. '
' you and i and a screw top bottle of wine? ' ' i feel so "a star is born." ' ' kiss my cheek. ' ' would you read my eulogy? ' ' i will never ask you for anything, except to dream sweet of me. ' ' when the party ends, will you still love who i am? ' ' scar crossed lovers forever. ' ' i'm checking myself out forever. ' ' i'm saving this all for later. ' ' here, we are untouched forever. ' ' they don't know how much they'll miss, at least until you're gone like this. ' ' save your breath. ' ' half your life, you've been hooked on death. ' ' half my life i've been hooked on death. ' ' twice the dreams, but half the love. ' ' be careful what you bottle up. ' ' the chemistry is a mess, it seems, but i'm still a sunbeam. ' ' i closed my eyes inside of your darkness and found your glow. ' ' shake things up, and see what comes down. '
' i got this doom and gloom in my mind. ' ' i feel alright. ' ' let's sneak in from the cheap seats. ' ' we'll drive until the engine just gives up. ' ' feeling so good right now, so we'll crash and burn somehow. ' ' i know i've made mistakes, but at least they were mine to make. ' ' all of our wildest dreams, they just end up with you and me. ' ' i was drifting from the start, and i ripped myself apart. ' ' i'll be whatever you need me to be. ' ' i'll cut myself down to whatever you need me to be. '
' my parents got divorced when i was five years old. ' ' i saw my father about three times a year after that. ' ' he gives me this big pink seashell, and he says to me "the answers are all inside of this." and i'm all like, "what?" now i realize that the shell's empty. there's no point to any of this. ' ' it's all just a random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes. ' ' so i take pleasure in the detail, you know? a quarter pounder with cheese, those are good. the sky about ten minutes before it started to rain. a moment where your laughter becomes a cackle. '
' here i am. ' ' not sure you should take a chance. ' ' i like playing dumb, letting you figure me out. ' ' i was faded, in my own defense. ' ' drop a bomb on all the things we dreamed about. ' ' smash all the guitars 'til we see all the stars. ' ' we've got to throw this year away like a bad luck charm. ' ' the trumpets bring the angels, but they never came. ' ' no one let them in, 'cause they didn't know my name. ' ' i know i keep my feelings tucked away. ' ' it's just another day spent hoping we don't fall apart. ' ' let's twist the knife again, like we did last summer. ' ' i'm just trying to keep it together, but it gets a little harder when it never gets better. ' ' i'm trying to keep it together. '
' i guess to you now i'm just a face in the crowd. ' ' oh, god. kindly, please, would you kill me now? ' ' late at night in my room, i lie awake, think of you. ' ' last night i dreamt i still knew you. ' ' i carved out a place in this world for two, but it's empty without you. ' ' i've got all this love i've got to keep to myself. ' ' it takes all this effort to make it look effortless. ' ' confront all the pain like a gift under the tree. ' ' i can't be who you need me to be. ' ' i'm so real that i feel fake. ' ' one day, every candle's gotta run out of wax. ' ' one day, no one will remember me when they look back. ' ' i can't stop 'til we catch all your ears, though. i'm somewhere between mike tyson and van gogh. '
' time is luck, and i wish ours overlapped more, or for longer. ' ' the first time i took the mask off, just had another one on underneath. ' ' i'm just melted wax on a birthday cake. ' ' another year fades away. ' ' it's self-sabotage at best. ' ' you know what they say: if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself. ' ' this palace was crystal, but the world was a cruel joke. ' ' what is there between us, if not a little annihilation? '
' i'm pretty sure, as far as humans go, i'm a hard pill to swallow. ' ' i'm not your intended dose. ' ' roll the highlights. ' ' i've got the wrong insides. ' ' i spent ten years in a bit of chemical haze. ' ' i miss the way that i felt. ' ' i passed my old street, the house i grew up in. it breaks your heart. ' ' i felt you at the beginning, but i needed you at the end. ' ' stop me if you've heard this all before too many times after too much alcohol. ' ' you don't know me anymore. '
' that's the way the world used to be before our dreams started bursting at the seams. ' ' we're out here and we're ready. ' ' i don't care if it's pretty. ' ' the view's so pretty from the deck of a sinking ship. ' ' everything is lit except my serotonin and my lightning bolt brain. ' ' i just need someone to hold me. ' ' i just need someone to hold me, even though you don't even know me. ' ' what a time to be alive. ' ' they say i should try meditation, but i don't want to be with my own thoughts. ' ' i just want to be your cherry on top. ' ' when i said "leave me along," this isn't quite what i meant. ' ' what's left? ' ' sometimes you wonder if we're ever looking back. '
' i'm in a winter mood, dreaming of spring. ' ' i've been burning myself down. ' ' i feel like something that's been stretched out, over and over again, until i'm creased and i'm about to break down the middle. ' ' stars are the same as ever. ' ' i don't have the guts to keep it together. ' ' i'm stuck in the permafrost. ' ' life is just a game. ' ' i'm stuck in a lonely loop. ' ' so much for stardust. we thought we had it all. ' ' i need the sound of crowds, or i can't fall asleep at night. ' ' i can't take my thoughts. ' ' another year of possibilities left unwrapped like gifts the day right after christmas passed. ' ' i'm pretty positive my pain isn't cool enough. ' ' ache 'til you make it. ' ' i think i've been going through it, and i've been putting your name to it. ' ' in another life, you were my babe. ' ' in another life, you were the sunshine of my lifetime? ' ' what would i trade the pain for? i'm not sure. ' ' i used to be a real go-getter. ' ' i used to think it'd all get better. '
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lucifersresources · 2 years
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fall out boy // so much (for) stardust meme
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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love from the other side.
it kills me, you know.
i'm dying out here.
what would you trade the pain for?
you were the sunshine of my lifetime.
i'd never go, i just want to be invited.
don't fight it.
sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse.
i just about snapped.
don't look back.
every lover's got a little dagger in their hand.
i'm falling in and out of love.
nowhere left for us to go but heaven.
summer falling through our fingers again.
give up what you love.
give up what you love before it does you in.
heartbreak feels so good.
the future's up for grabs.
is there a word for bad miracle?
the road was endless.
could we please pretend this won't end?
it was an uphill battle.
we could cry a little, cry a lot.
don't stop dancing.
we'll cry later or cry now.
it's heartbreak.
we could dance our tears away.
heartbreak feels so good.
we said we'd never grow up.
it's open season on blue moods.
hold me like a grudge.
i know you mean well.
i love my life.
guess i'm getting older.
you put the 'fun' into dysfunction.
hold me like a grudge.
i can't keep up.
can't do it on my own.
part-time soulmate, full-time problem.
somehow, we made it back.
we made it back with a few dreams of ours still in tact.
i am a diamond on the inside, just add pressure.
i got no map to my own treasure.
guess i'm getting bolder.
i thought i knew better.
i thought it would get better.
i figured somehow by now, i would have got it together.
if you put your heart in it then we'll do more than just get by together.
i'm like a storm on the horizon.
fake out.
cut through the darkness.
remember us just like this forever.
this can't last.
do you laugh about me whenever i leave?
do i just need more therapy?
love is in the air.
buried alive inside my dreams.
i don't care.
my mood board is just pictures of you.
i'm not sad anymore.
we all started out as shiny dimes.
we all got flipped too many times.
we did it for futures that never came.
pasts that we're never gonna change.
heaven, iowa.
i've unspooled on the floor.
would you read my eulogy?
i will never ask you for anything.
dream sweet of me.
tell me when the party ends, will you still love who i am?
will you still love who i am?
scar crossed lovers, forever.
i'm checking myself out forever.
i'm saving this all for later.
here we are untouched forever.
they don't know how much they'll miss at least until you're gone.
half your life you've been hooked on death.
be careful what you bottle up.
the chemistry is a mess.
i'm still a sunbeam.
i closed my eyes inside of your darkness and found your glow.
so good right now.
i got this doom and gloom in my mind.
i feel alright.
i've got love in my heart.
feeling so good right now.
i know i've made mistakes, but at least they were mine to make.
i know i've made mistakes.
all of my wildest dreams, they just end up with you and me.
i ripped myself apart.
i'll be whatever you need me to be.
i am my own muse.
here i am, not sure you should take a chance.
i like playing dumb.
i like playing dumb, letting you figure me out.
i was faded in my own defense.
drop a bomb on all the things we dreamed about.
smash all the guitars till we see all the stars.
got to throw this year away.
they never came.
i keep my feelings so tucked away.
just another day spent hoping we don't fall apart.
let's twist the knife again.
i'm just trying to keep it together.
it gets a little harder when it never gets better.
flu game.
i'm just a face in the crowd.
please would you kill me now?
last night i dreamt i still knew you.
i carved out a place in this world for two, but it's empty without you.
i've got all this love i've got to keep to myself.
all this effort to make it look effortless.
confront all the pain.
i can't be who you need me to be.
one day no one will remember me when they look back.
the kintsugi kid (ten years)
i'm a hard pill to swallow.
i'm not your intended dose.
i spent ten years in a bit of chemical haze.
i miss the way that i felt.
i miss the way that i felt nothing.
i felt you at the beginning, but needed you at the end.
stop me if you have heard this all before.
you don't know me anymore.
what a time to be alive.
that's the way the world, it used to be.
our dreams started bursting at the seams.
we're ready to livestream the apocalypse.
i don't care if it's pretty.
the view's so pretty from the deck of a sinking ship.
everything is lit, except my serotonin.
everything is lit but my lightning bolt brain.
i just need someone to hold me.
you don't even know me.
i'm going neon in the night time.
what a time to be alive.
they say that i should try meditation but i don't want to be with my own thoughts.
i just want to be your cherry on top.
when i said 'leave me alone', this isn't quite what i meant.
i got the quarantine blues.
the vulture's getting too full to fly.
sometimes you wonder if we're ever looking back.
so much (for) stardust.
i'm in a winter mood, dreaming of spring now.
i feel like something that's been stretched out over and over again.
i'm creased and i'm about to break down the middle.
the stars are the same as ever, but i don't have the guts to keep it together.
i don't have the guts to keep it together.
the stars are the same as ever.
life is just a game.
i'm stuck in a lonely loop.
so much for stardust.
we thought we had it all.
i need the sound of crowds or i can't fall asleep at night.
i can't take my thoughts.
another year of possibilities left unwrapped.
i'm pretty positive my pain isn't cool enough.
my pain isn't cool enough.
ache it till you make it.
i think i've been going through it.
i've been going through it and i've been putting your name to it.
in another life you were the sunshine of my lifetime.
i used to be a real go-getter.
i used to think it'd all get better.
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thebest-medicine · 3 months
could you do 16 “Come on, stop it - I’m serious, that really tickles!” with lee!dipper and ler!stan or ford🩷🩷
Prompt 16 - "Come on, stop it - I'm serious, that really tickles!"
A/N: yessssssssss gravity falls!!!!!!!!
“We just need to take a few measurements and I get you a nice anti-magic jumpsuit made! It’ll only take a few days. Come on, hop up!” Ford explained excitedly as he gestured for Dipper to take a step up on the stool in his lab.
“Ok. Great! Thanks Grunkle Ford!” Dipper stepped up, reaching his arms straight out to his sides and waiting.
Wrists and ankles were quick and easy. Dipper startled a bit when Ford touched his leg to measure his inseam. When the tape started at his wrist and then wound up under his armpit, he jumped with a startled giggle. “S-sorry!”
“You alright kid?”
“Fine! Fine.” Dipper assured him. Ford raised an eyebrow but kept up the measuring.
Ford looped the tape around Dipper’s waist and he sucked in a breath, stomach tensing.
“Relax, it needs to be a good fit! don’t suck in!” Ford poked at Dipper’s belly.
A nervous peal of laughter spouted from Dipper’s lips as he teetered backwards, saved by the measuring tape around his middle. “ACK-!”
Ford chuckled, going back to his measuring. A few spots hedged close to being a little ticklish, but Dipper kept it together. Soon, it seemed he had been measured head to toe, and he prepared to step down.
“Oh, shoot.” Ford frowned.
“What is it?”
“I forgot to write the measurements down.. I’ll have to do them again.” Ford shook his head, keeping the little quirk up of his lip out of view of his nephew.
Dipper shrank back a bit, tensing up again as he suddenly prepared to be accidentally tickled a few more times. He held his breath as Ford measured from wrist to underarm. This time, he fumbled the end of it a few times, pressing it into the hollow under his arm, and Dipper squeaked out a laugh despite his efforts not to.
“Ahaha- Grunkle Fohohord! Come on!” Dipper protested. “Yoohohohou’ve got it! Stop it- that really tickles!” He snickered as Ford ‘finished’ his measurement there and jotted it down on the notepad next to them.
“I’m almost done, Dipper!”
“I’m seheheherious! AHH!” Dipper squealed as Ford pinched his hips while wrapping the measuring tape around them. “It tihihickles!”
“I know, kid.” Grunkle Ford winked. “Almost done, almost done!”
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further gravity falls drabbles on ao3]
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evermemes · 2 years
[LYRIC STARTERS] ✧˚ · . so much (for) stardust - fall out boy
WITH REFERENCES TO: alcohol. feel free to change these in any way you seem fit.
" you know I'm dying out here " " what would you trade the pain for? " " you were the sunshine of my lifetime " " I'd never go, I just want to be invited " " I've just about snapped " " don't look back " " nowhere left for us to go but heaven " " we're told we've got to get ahead no matter what it takes " " there's nowhere off the hamster wheel of this rat race " " give up what you love before it does you in " " no matter what they tell you, the future's up for grabs " " is there a word for 'bad miracle'? " " nobody said the road was endless " " nobody said the climb was friendless " " could we please pretend this won't end? " " we could cry a little, cry a lot " " don't stop dancing, don't dare stop " " we could dance our tears away " " heartbreak feels so good " " we said we'd never grow up " " when you ask how I've been, I know you mean well " " who am I dialling tonight? " " that's a bummer " " thaw out my freezer burn feelings for twenty summers " " I'm just a cherub riding comets through the night sky " " I love my life " " I know I'm getting older 'cause I'm getting less pissed " " you put the 'fun' into disfunction " " hold me like a grudge " " the world is always spinning and I can't keep up " " can't do it on my own " " I guess somehow we made it back with a few dreams of ours still intact " " I am a diamond on the inside. just add the pressure " " I thought I knew better " " I thought it would get better " " I figured somehow by now I would have got it together " " I make no plans and none can be broken " " remember us just like this together " " but this can't last - won't last " " do you laugh about me whenever I leave? or do I just need more therapy " " buried alive inside my dreams " " my mood board is just pictures of you " " but I'm not sad anymore " " I didn't take the love when I had the chance " " you and I and a screw top bottle of wine " " kiss my cheek - baby, please, would you read my eulogy? " " I will never ask you for anything, except to dream sweet of me " " tell me: when the party ends, will you still love who I am? " " here we are untouched forever " " half your life you've been hooked on death " " twice the dreams but half the love " " be careful what you bottle up " " I got this doom and gloom in my mind " " I've got love in my heart " " we'll drive until the engine just gives up " " I know I've made mistakes but at least they were mine to make " " all of my wildest dreams, they just end up with you and me " " I'll be whatever you need me to be " " here I am, not sure if you should take a chance " " I like playing dumb letting you figure me out " " got to throw this year away " " I know I keep my feelings so tucked away " " just another day spend hoping we don't fall apart " " let's twist the knife again " " I'm just trying to keep it together but it gets a little harder when it never gets better " " I'm trying to keep it together " " I guess to you now, I'm just a face in the crowd " " last night I dreamed I still knew you " " I've got all this love I've got to keep to myself " " all this effort to make it look effortless " " I can't be who you need me to be " " someday every candle's gotta run out of wax " " someday no one will remember me when they look back " " time is luck and I wish ours overlapped more " " I'm just melted wax on a birthday cake " " another year fades away " " if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself " " what is there between us if not a little annihilation? "
" I'm pretty sure as far as humans go, I'm a tough pill to swallow " " I miss the way it felt " " passed my old street, the house I grew up in " " it breaks your heart, but four of the ramones are dead " " I felt you at the beginning, but I needed you at the end " " stop me if you have heard this all before " " but you don't know me anymore " " that's the way the world used to be before our dreams started bursting at the seams " " the view's so pretty from the deck of a sinking ship " " I just need someone to hold me " " what a time to be alive " " they say that I should try meditation, but I don't want to be with my own thoughts " " when I said 'leave me alone', this isn't quite what I meant " " bad news, what's left? " " I feel like something that's been stretched out over and over again " " I don't have the guts to keep it together " " life is just a game, maybe I'm stuck in a lonely loop " " we thought we had it all " " I need the sound of crowds or I can't fall asleep at night " " can't take my thoughts " " I'm pretty positive my pain isn't cool enough " " ache it 'til you make it " " in another life, you were my babe " " I used to be a real go-getter " " I used to think it'd all get better "
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
Sentence Starters OPEN
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Technically speaking Coffee Shots are always open nowadays, BUUUT, I decided I'm in the mood for some sentence starters, so I figured I'd make an official announcement/reminder!
You know the drill - send me a character/pairing and a sentence starter and I'll write a 300-400 word drabble for it!
My fandom/character list has been updated recently too, so make sure to double check it before submitting! I can't wait to see what you've got! ^^
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halloweeneverlong · 1 year
infinity on high sentence starters
sentence starters taken from songs off of Infinity on High by Fall Out Boy.
- “i found the safest place to keep our old mistakes.”
- “long live the car crash hearts.”
- “ ‘cause that’s just the kind of boy i am.”
- “the only thing i haven’t done yet is die.”
the take over, the break’s over
- “seasons change, hut people don’t.”
- “don’t pretend you ever forgot about me.”
- “we don’t fight fair.”
this ain’t a scene, it’s an arms race
- “i don’t really care which side wins.”
- “i’m not a shoulder to cry on, but i digress.”
- “the lies that i weave are oh so intricate.”
- “you look pretty sinking.”
i’m like a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off
- “i know how the words get you.”
- “we’re the new face of failure.”
- “two out of three ain’t bad.”
hum hallelujah
- “you’re someone who knows someone who knows someone i once knew!”
- “you are the dreamer, we are the dream.”
- “i thought i loved you, it was just how you looked in the light.”
- “a teenage vow in a parking lot, ‘till tonight do us part.”
- “one day we’ll get nostalgic for disaster.”
- “sometimes we take chances, sometimes we take pills.”
- “i knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me.”
- “all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me.”
thnks fr th mmrs
- “let the good times roll.”
- “who does he think he is?”
- “thanks for the memories, even though they weren’t so great.”
- “he tastes like you only sweeter.”
don’t you know who i think i am?
- “they say quitters never win.”
- “i can’t stop feeling sorry for myself.”
- “we’re broken down on memory lane.”
the (after) life of the party
- “cut it loose.”
- “oh, put love on hold.”
- “death’s in a double bed.”
the carpal tunnel of love
- “we’re so miserable and stunning.”
- “slept through the weekend.”
- “we might’ve said goodbyes just a little soon.”
- “take two years and call me when you’re better.”
bang the doldrums
- “i wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm when you passed out.”
- “i couldn’t bring myself to call, except to call it quits.”
- “better off as lovers.”
- “are we all wrong?”
- “this is a love song in my own way.”
fame < infamy
- “i’m addicted to the way i feel when i think of you.”
- “the kid was alright, but it went to his head.”
you’re crashing, but you’re no wave
- “clear your throat and face the world.”
- “baby boy can’t lift his headache head.”
- “isn’t it tragic?”
i’ve got all the ringing in my ears and none in my fingers
- “sorrow is just all the rage.”
- “tell the boys where to find my body.”
- “the truth hurts worse than anything i could bring myself to do to you.”
- “do you remember the way i held your hand?”
- “i sleep in your old shirts and walk through this house in your shoes.”
- “you know, it’s strange.”
- “i’ve already given up on myself twice. third time’s the charm.”
- “i’ve traced your shadows on the wall, and now i kiss them.”
- “things aren’t the same anymore.”
it’s hard to say ‘i do’, when i don’t
- “i speak fast and i’m not going to repeat myself.”
- “you’re appealing to emotions that i simply do not have.”
- “we’re gonna shoot you.”
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rp-meme-central · 11 months
B. Dylan Hollis baking Tiktoks - #9 - sentence starters
1, “It’s been said that there’s a cookie for every occasion, and if that’s the case, then this must be the cookie for when you descend into psychosis.” 
2. “This is not a cookie. This is a wrong way to make oatmeal.” 
3. “I relate to sprinkles because they’re dainty, frivolous, and let’s face it, just a little bit limp-wristed.”
4. “It tastes like summer camp. Like ‘baby bottle pop’ nostalgic.” 
5. “What, you’ve never put cereal in a blender before? Calling yourself a chef?” 
6. “If you’ve never had a prune, good! Best not to engage with the enemy.” 
7. “I tell you, cheese makes everything better. Except car accidents. Trust me, I’ve tried. The police got very mad.” 
8. “I don’t like boxes. People get buried in them.”
9. “If it looks like oil, it must be good.” 
10. “This is pretty good, but you gotta have some strong chompers.”  
11. “Please remove the wrappers. Aluminium has no nutritional value.” 
12. “This has no right being this satisfying.” 
13. “My fingers are stuck.” 
14. “That’s long enough. I want ice cream!” 
15. “Cornmeal bothers me. On the one hand, it’s vegetable dust, and on the other hand, I have... fingers.” 
16. “I’m baking soup.”
17. “I don’t know much about Texas. I’m told things there are large.” 
18. “I can feel my teeth falling out of my face right now.” 
19. “We start with two big packs of jell-o, because one would be too easy and three is a felony.” 
20. “This person has been to a dark place. Seen bad things.” 
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reverieblondie · 1 year
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara X Spider-woman!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut with Plot, Smut and Fluff, Accidental Voyeurism, Masturbation, Praise, Unprotected Penetrative Sex (wrap it before you tap it), Riding, Pining, Dumification, Overstimulation, Aftercare.
Summary: Miguel isn't good when it comes to feelings...especially when it comes to you...
A/N: I just really like the idea of Miguel having a crush on reader and not knowing how to navigate it. This went through so many rewrites so I hope you enjoy. its pretty Fluffy and cheesy, but I'm a hopeless romantic so I enjoyed it.
Word Count: 5,547
“Tsk, why did she have to say that…”
Miguel can't help but feverishly type at his holo screens, with each passing second his irritation spreads.  
It started a couple of months ago when you got recruited, at first it was just a simple attraction but the more you graced him with your presents the more he couldn't resist his growing feelings. 
The problem is for one having a crush is ridiculous. He's not some teenager, he's a grown-ass man, leader of the spider society he can't just go having crushes on the people who work under him. Even if he got over that part of it there is another problem however plaguing his….situation, he can hardly even speak to you. 
Before he was Spider-Man he was quite suave and if he didn't want to converse with someone he could at least manage it. Nowadays, he seems to only be talking in gruff commands, short sentences, or just downright mean. Closing himself off from personal things. He blames the whole masked vigilante thing for his lack of practice in conversing. 
It's not like he hasn’t tried though, he's come close to having normal conversation with you numerous times but when you look at him with those eyes something in him seems to short-circuit and he's a mess of a man before you. Shocking ridiculous…  
Finally, Miguel couldn't take it anymore; he had to get closer to you. The plan was simple: he arranged for you and him to go on a mission together. It was the perfect way to get closer to you, You and him alone, out of the society walls away from prying eyes, he could finally open up to you. 
Unfortunately, the beautiful plan he had so painstakingly rehearsed over and over again in his mind, came to a screeching halt when the day of you walked into his office with Gwen and Hobie in tow. Of course, something was going to derail his plans. It couldn't ever be simple 
Miguel could easily say no to Gwen and Hobie asking to tag along, but those two were clever. They had you ask for them and of course, you did.  Miguel knew that the inclusion of them would wreck his plan but he just couldn't resist you, he would do anything for you…anything…you just had to ask. 
Now with his whole plan derailed he was sulking in an isolated corner of the rooftop building as the rest of you all surveyed the city for anomalies. 
“This is pretty dull…” Hobie comments 
Well no shit, Miguel thinks to himself. This was supposed to be an easy mission so he could get closer to y/n. It wasn't supposed to be stressful, it was supposed to be easy. In his plan, he and y/n were supposed to already be enthralled in conversation. He had of course looked up conversation starters to use, it would have been perfect…  
Miguel can only groan at Hobie, just looking at him makes his blood boil. Needing to calm his sudden irritation, his eyes fall on you. Looking so vigilantly to the city, taking the mission so seriously. He could do this forever, just watching you, he would gladly just be a piece of furniture in your life if you let him. There for you to use when you needed him. He would sit so patiently as he just watched you live. Just basking in the warm radiance of you. 
Miguel can’t help but stare at you, mind racing with thoughts. So when you finally turn he is quick to move his gaze, pretending to not have been staring, tapping again at his watch. 
He thought for sure he had been slick but when he looked up again to gaze at you he saw Hobie with a wide smirk on his face. Almost like Hobie has been reading his mind. Hobie huffs a chuckle to himself before he looks at you then back to Miguel, Then that damn question rang out from his smug mouth. 
“How about some team bonding huh?” All eyes fall on Hobie and before anyone can even respond he's continuing “I’ll ask the first question, what does everyone fancy?” 
Going to voice his protest about how that is not imperative knowledge to know about a teammate Gwen is chiming in “Oh! I love a guy with witty humor, even if it's not particularly funny, if he's clever I will like it.” 
Hobie nods “Very nice gwendy, personally, I have a thing for hands”
This caused a laugh from y/n and Gwen and Miguel just couldn't help the irritated look on his face.
“Miguel how abou-” 
“No” Miguel quickly cuts off the question.  
“Fine, Y/n what about you?” 
Now Miguel didn't care about the teen's answers, but yours, this could be his chance to find out what you like. He was hopeful it would be something similar to him or something that he has. Watching with bated breath, your face contorts into deep thought, and then your answer rings through making his breath still. 
“I like smiles”
A smile…of course, you would say a smile…
You couldn’t say, tall or muscular, or stern, you couldn’t have just pointed to Miguel you had to say smiles…something that he never does
Pulling himself back to the present Miguel stops typing away at his holo screen shutting them off. It had been a couple of days since the mission and he was still agonizing over the revelation. Smiles…Staring ahead towards one of his monitors he studies his face through the reflective surface, his ever stern face showing no sign of emotion. 
Miguel then practices a smile and quickly stops with a frown, sighing irritatedly as his foot begins to tap, what is he doing? Looking forward again, He braces his large hands on his desk then smiles again, this time showing his teeth, large fangs on display from the grin. He keeps the smile placed there and turns his head from left to right smiling a bit wider. He then stops whipping his hands down his face.
This is ridiculous…he should be working not practicing how to smile but, you like smiles…maybe if you thought he had a nice smile…
Miguel feels his face slightly flush and the tips of his ears warm. Looking back to the reflective surface he takes a deep breath to ready himself. Sure this is pathetic, but it's for you, he would do anything for you and if you want a smile he was going to make sure to practice to give you the best smile he could muster. Training, it's just like simple training… 
“Hey, how are you today y/n?” -smiles-
“Oh, are you eating lunch? Can I join you?” -smile- 
“What? You like my fangs? Well thank you y/n” -smile-
“You look gorgeous today.” -smile- 
Miguel breaks the last rehearsed smile and rubs his hands on his face once more, an exasperated sigh leaving him again. 
“this so stupid…that wouldn’t work…”Practicing how to smile for her. Pathetic. 
The sound of his office door opening breaks his pouting. Miguel quickly puts his screens back up making him seem busy with work. Then the sweet sound of your voice rings through his blushed ears, turning, he thinks it can't be true, but there you are. Staring up at him with those shining eyes.
Just give me a chance, you won't regret it; he thinks to himself.  
“Hello Miguel, we caught the anomaly in dimension 0798, Peter had a mayday emergency come up so he asked me to deliver the reports.” 
You type away at your watch screen sending the completed report his way. 
“I also wanted to see if you had anything else for me before I take my leave,”
Miguel opens up the report you sent his way, it's pristine and thorough, you always wrote the best reports…god could you be sexier… 
Scanning over it quickly before putting it away his eyes return to you. Unable to help himself he stares at your beautiful form for a bit too long, face still in that stern look, no smile to greet you. Studying you for a moment wanting to confess his desire for you, wanting to tell you what you make him feel. But the words don't meet his lips, just a curt grunt. 
“Nothing else, you can leave”
Giving a small nod you turn on your heels to leave, As you are walking towards the exit Miguel can't help himself and calls out your name. Whipping around quickly you face him once more with curious eyes. 
Shit, he didn't think that through. Examining you he takes you in again. lovely eyes, glossy lips, those hips…he could stare at you forever. Clearing his throat averting his eyes to calm himself before he speaks. 
“I hope you have a pleasant evening.'' He says not looking at you, then he forces himself to slide his scarlet eyes to you, then quickly balling his clammy hands into first he gives his best shot at a smile. It's more of a smirk and he's worried his fangs might be popping out too much. Sure, he's going to have to practice to do better, but this is what he's got for you now. He feels intense eyes not matching the smile but he keeps it on hoping this is enough for you; he feels like an idiot. 
You look surprised for a minute before your lips widen to that additive smile of yours. God how you make his chest warm from your small actions, do you even know what you do to him? Breath catching in his throat he just watches how the simple act of your smile lightens up his dingy office. 
“You too Miguel, thank you.” Turning back you exit the office, completely oblivious that you have completely melted him.
Watching you leave the smile turns more natural, softening his rigid features slightly. 
“Well, that seemed to go well, practicing is starting to pay off huh?” Layla beams floating around Miguel's head, his face instantly falling back to his ever-iconic frown. 
“Could you just, not?” the voice irritated but the slight flush of his ears gave away how on the inside he's beaming. 
Miguel couldn't help himself, after your brief interaction in his office a few days ago, he just couldn't resist the urge to see you again. But instead of just finding and talking to you (like a normal person) he settled on watching you through the cameras of HQ. 
Yes, Kinda creepy, but when you are near he clams up so this was the alternative. You were training in the strength and conditioning room, sparring with Gwen to improve your combat skills. Miguel appreciated how seriously you were taking your training, sweat and fatigue in your eyes showing how you were instant to push yourself. Movements so graceful chest heaving as you wore out over time. Seeing your sweaty body a familiar rush spreads through him reaching his crotch, you're going to be the death of him… 
Finally, the training wrapped up, Miguel watched as you stretched out your neck rubbing your sore shoulders. The training session wore you out. Always pushing yourself towards improvement, Miguel admired that about you. 
“Si, baby so sore,” Miguel whispers as he watches you. If you gave him the chance he would rub all your soreness from you, he would make it his mission just to make you feel good. 
Getting closer to the screen he thinks of what it would be like to just touch you, to hold you, just once. That's all he needed one touch and this crush would disappear. 
Watching intently he sees that smile, like the one you had given him spread to your lips when Gwen handed you a bottle of water. Eagerly opening the water you press the bottle to your lips and start drinking in haste, the water running down your mouth to your neck. His heart skips a beat and his pants get tighter, of course, one touch wouldn't satisfy him. If he had you he could never let you go, his plight would only worsen. 
Zooming on to your face he studies every curve, every feature. 
“Just one chance, give me one chance…” 
“One chance what?” 
Peter's voice breaks Miguel's daze and causes him to quickly hide the monitor with his hands. It's too late however Peter is right next to him and has heard what Miguel said. Peter's face is confused at first but when he looks at Miguel's eager hands trying to hide something he leans in further, and then a sliver of your face shows through. Realization hits him and an excited smile spreads to his face. Peter watches as Miguel's face slightly flushes and contours to irritation. 
“Miguel, wait, do you-”
“No, ¡Cállate!” 
After a long conversation of Miguel telling Peter to shut up while he guesses his crush correctly, he's boasting about how he figured Miguel was interested in y/n and how he was going to help Miguel out. Miguel was reluctant, but he wanted to get closer to you desperately, so if Peter was going to help to make that happen he would just have to grit and bear it, for you, anything for you. Peter assures Miguel he knows how to help him but he first has to go pick up some supplies…. 
Peter returns to Miguel’s office with a bag. Miguel knew he was about to regret this. 
“So I figured because you have a hard time talking to y/n the best thing to do is rehearse what you are going to say. When I asked out MJ I practiced this whole speech for her, very romantic. She loved it.” As Peter talks he opens the bag to reveal a wig that is very raminist to your hair. Peter flips the wig on his head and faces Miguel. 
Miguel just shakes his head disapprovingly
“No, Absolutely not.” 
“Come on Miguel we are just going to practice what you're going to say” Peter tries to reassure with a smile.  
“Is the wig really necessary?” Miguel groans as he watches Peter flick the hair from his face and adjust the wig. 
Peter holds his hand to his chest in mock offense “It helps me get in character” 
“I'm not doing this” Miguel turns to leave to go back to working on his platform before Peter quickly protests.
“Okay, okay, I'm just trying to help ease the tension, but let's do this, practice what you are going to say.” 
Miguel huffs, he really must be desperate to be getting Peter's help like this. “How do I even approach her?” 
“You could start with a hi, you know like a normal person?” 
Miguel groans “Okay…” Peter turns away from Miguel. Miguel takes a moment to think of his approach before he walks closer to Peter. 
“Hello, Y/n do you have a second to talk?” 
Peter whips around in a perky dementor, “Oh hi Miguel, of course, I have a second just for you” Peter says in a mockingly sweet tone and shoots Miguel a wink that has his skin crawling
“She wouldn't do that” 
“You don't know, plus I'm playing y/n so I am putting my creative twist to it, now continue”  
Miguel rolls his eyes before continuing. 
“I enjoyed reading your last mission report, very thorough as usual” 
Peter groans breaking character “Miguel, that’s boring, don’t talk about work. You're trying to ask her out not give her a promotion” 
Miguel thinks “Well that’s a thought…” 
Peter snaps his fingers “Look you like her you need to get personal share your feelings; share your passion.” 
Miguel scoffs rolling his eyes, sharing his passion. He couldn't get that personal so quickly. Peter can read his distrust and is quick to convince him.
“No, trust me, I landed MJ I know how to talk to women, now try again but with more passion and fire!” 
Peter goes back to where he was standing before. Miguel turns and thinks of Y/n. Passion? Fire? 
His thoughts go back to when he first saw her, he thought she glowed in a breathtaking radiance, and he couldn't remember when he saw someone so beautiful. Then once she started talking she was so positive, but never naive, she just always wanted to bring people up and make them feel better. She was also a hard worker, always picking up the slack for others and always wanting to improve herself, not everyone was like that, they would just be content with how things were but not her. Then there was how she always made a room warmer from just being there, things were just a little bit better when you were around. Miguel saw qualities in her that he wished he had, or that he wished a partner would have. So since he met her, she was stuck in his mind. 
Finally, he thinks he has it,  
“Y/n”  Miguel breathes.
Peter turns around slowly “Why yes…” Before he can finish his words Miguel’s large frame is looming over him, hands quickly squeezing his arms to his sides staring intensely.
“I think you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. You are so warm to me and I would destroy anything or anyone who would ever think of harming you. Just give me the word, give me a chance and I will…for you…anything for you…” 
Peter looks terrified from the intensity of the confession and a coughing nose makes them break the intense eye contact. 
They see Jess and Ben staring at the two of them Jess is the first to speak up
“Should we come back later? Or…” 
Miguel and Peter quickly break apart. 
“Look that wasn't towards me Miguel has a thing for Y/n” 
Right as Peter voices your name Miguel's hands on his throat to strangle him. Jess and Ben all let out a long ‘oh’ as Miguel proceeded to shake Peter by his neck. 
“It’s actually been quite sweet” a voice calls “I mean we all should have guessed considering he stares at her like a love-sick dog.”
This causes Miguel to stop his assault on Peter and look around confused. Dropping down he sees Hobie with that smug look on his face. 
“Your kinda obvious mate.”
Miguel shakes his head, irritation and embarrassment starting to take him over. 
“What are you doing here?” Miguel growls
“Look mate I just came to catch a nap, didn't expect to catch a show instead.” 
Great, Peter knows, Jess knows, Ben knows and now shocking Hobie knows, this can't get any worse. 
“So, when are you going to confess?” Ben asks curiously 
“We were shooting for next week” Peter, now back to life, places his hand on Miguel's shoulder. 
Hobie sucks air between his teeth and this causes everyone to turn to look at him confused. 
“I wouldn’t wait that long if I were you, apparently she has a crush she's going to confess too soon.” 
Miguel's eyes glow red, it just got worse- “She likes someone? Who!” He barks out to get an answer
Hobie holds his hands up in mock surrender “I ain’t got scooby doo mate, just what I heard” 
“Well that could just be a rumor,” Jess says trying to calm Miguel's sudden rage
“It was from a reliable source” Hobie counters with a smirk.
What is he doing, What is he doing? 
Miguel's mind races as he swings through y/n’s dimension. It was just a rumor he tried to assure himself, but that small voice in his mind counters, what if it wasn’t? What if it was true and he missed his chance, no, even if you reject him he needs to tell you how he feels. All his nervousness seems to flow away as he gets closer to your apartment. 
Your apartment in view he takes a deep breath and swings over, gripping the wall with his talons to catch himself. Climbing with a fever he reaches your window which was left open by a crack, the curtains of your room hiding the inside. He didn't even know if you were home, and just going in would be an invasion of your privacy but Miguel can't resist he needs to talk to you tonight!
Slowly opening the window more he first smells it, then your whimpering moan confirms it. Miguel swallows trying to soothe his suddenly dry throat. With slow movements, he carefully opens the window and peaks through the curtains. 
There you are, back arched, hair messy, bouncing on a large dildo. It was the image he had fantasized about and now it's happening right in front of him. Completely hypnotized by the sight and urged by the tightening of his suit's crotch area. He moves his head in more, pushing up on the window to open it slowly wider to lean himself in.
“Ah!~ ah!~” 
Eyes widening Miguel thinks he's dreaming, the throbbing of his cock is killing him and as he moves his hand from the window to palm his sudden ache. But with no warning the window slid shut abruptly, landing hard on his head and making a loud thump. The sudden noise startles you to scream, quickly unsheathing the dildo from your wet pussy and fumbling to cover yourself with the ruined sheets of your bed. 
 “Miguel? What are you doing here?” you ask in a panic.  
Face flushed Miguel crawls through your window landing clumsily on the floor. He's too embarrassed to answer your question. 
“What's wrong with your window?” -smooth, avoid the question. 
“It's broken, it only stays open a crack” you ramble in confusion, then you furrow your eyes back to him “wait, don’t avoid the question, why are you here?” 
Miguel stumbles off of the floor now towering at his full height.  Looking down at you he can't help the desire flooding down to his cock. The sweat makes your skin glow, your hair a disheveled mess from fucking yourself too fast, nude body wrapped in your thin white sheets that as your arousal completely drenches it making it appear slightly see-through on your body. Great, he thought confessing to you would be hard before, but now it seems downright impossible. 
Miguel sees you shuffling uncomfortably so he turns around before he speaks, the tips of his ears red from blushing. 
“I wanted to speak with you.” 
“Uh, You couldn't call?” 
Miguel's shoulders slumped slightly, this was not going well…
“No, it's not a work matter”
“Then what-”
“Personal” Miguel quickly whips around looking at your eyes before turning back around. He starts tapping his foot feeling nervous. 
“You see y/n, I'm not exactly the best when it comes to talking..about…personal things. I usually focus on work, especially since founding the society that honestly takes up my entire life-” Miguel feels himself starting to ramble, great he's talking now but not saying what he needs to. “Well lately there has been something else occupying my mind, and it involves you.” 
Miguel hears you shuffling around and his nerves are threatening to get the better of him. How can he face anomalies, and lead a whole superhuman society but he can't just tell someone he likes them? Taking a deep breath he steadies himself once more. He just needs to do it, confess, come on it's just like ripping off a bandaid.
“Do you remember what Hobie asked us?…” 
Miguel winces and scratches the back of his head, Why is he bringing this up now? Great; This confession is already crap…
“Um…Yeah?” shit, you sound so creeped out. Well, how could you not be right now? Just need to keep going.  
“Well, the thing is, it's you…the thing I like, well you're not a thing. The person I like..is you. But I guess Hobie was talking about characteristics…you have actually a lot of characteristics that I am fond of…like your eyes for one…but it's not just your appearance, shit…¿Qué demonios estoy diciendo? (what the hell am I saying).”
As Miguel rubs his hand on his forehead feeling stupid for doing this, his words are cut off by the sensation of a hand touching the middle of his back gently. The hand rubs up and down slowly, causing a shiver to roll down Miguel's spine. 
“I like you too,” Your voice rings in his ears, the thumping of his heart stilling for a moment as his breath stops. Miguel turns around to face you. You're looking up at him still wrapped up in your sheets, arms wrapping around his waist. That smile that lights up his mind, how your touch warms his body. He's addicted to how you make him feel.  
“I’m not good at this…there was this whole speech I rehearsed..” 
“Yeah, you might need some more practice on your romantic speeches”
Looking down you look like an angel wrapped in your white sheets looking up at him with such tenderness. Not wanting to waste this moment he leads down towards your face. 
“I think I'm more of a man of action, rather than words” 
Feeling your soft hand touch his face he sees how to lift your toes to get closer to his face fanning your breath over his lips. 
“Isn’t the saying? Actions speak louder than words?” 
With that he swiftly lifts you from the back of your thighs, instinctively you wrap your legs around him, and then your arms wrap around his neck while your fingers play with his dark hair. Seating himself down on your bed with you straddling him. Miguel's crimson eyes just keep to your face, taking in how your face changes with every movement he makes.  
Tenderly you place your hands to the sides of his face, leaning in you carefully catch his lips into a kiss. He reveled in how your glossy lips formed to his, his tongue gently pushing through your lips. He has to open his eyes and close them again just to make sure this is real and not one of his daydreams. 
The kiss becomes more heated, you taste better than he could have imagined. Slowly he rubs his gloves hands over you causing your thin sheet to slip off you pooling to the floor.  
Miguel breaks the kiss and looks down at your nude body. A low groan vibrates through his chest as he pushes your body closer to him, then roughly grabs your ass. The sudden touch has you jumping forward with a whimper. Taking the opportunity, he is quick to latch his plush lips to your perked bud. Tongue swirling around the sensitive peak while his talons threaten to pierce the skin of your ass. 
He's lost in the moans of you losing yourself to the pleasure. Tugging and pinching your sensitive skin as he licks the valley of your breast. Getting drunk off your moans he swears he could continue to taste your skin forever but, the feeling of your wet cunt rubbing against his erection tips him off to how needy you are becoming, your rutting into him like you're in heat, and he's quick to make it worse by grinding into you latching onto your breast once more. 
“Miguel, please…” 
That's right, beg…Miguel releases your nipple with a pop. 
“Please what my angel?” he grabs your neck and licks a stripe up to your ear that causes you to shake. 
“I want you, Please.” 
Miguel smiles and deactivates his suit, his strained erection quickly popping forward to slap your puff folds, moans escaping from your lips. Grabbing a hold of his cock he slips it through your folds coating it your slick. Practically coming undo then he feels how your nails scratch his skin, the teasing is making you desperate. Miguel can't help himself; he slaps his cock on your swollen clit just to hear you whimper. 
“Ride it, angel.” 
Grabbing his cock he holds it still as you breathlessly line yourself up to the pebbling tip of his cock. Tight grip on his shoulders you slowly sink yourself down. Inch by inch slowly splitting yourself open on him.  
“It’s ah, big…” 
You're already clenching and you're only halfway down. Miguel is quick to rub soft circles on your hip gently guiding you while cooing praises to your ear.
 “Shh, I know but you're almost there, just relax.” 
Finally, you have pressed him in, the delicious stretch making your head roll over your bare shoulders. Taking a moment to adjust to his size Miguel presses delicate kisses to your chest and collarbone. His hands hold your hips as you adjust to his length.  
“Look at you, you're taking me so well”
Glazed-over eyes meet his praise and your glossy lips stretch to a smile. He thinks he could cum just at the sight, but he knows you need more, and he's not going to disappoint you. Quickly he's lifting your hips up and down fucking you slowly down on him. All you can do is moan and grab his shoulders tighter and his pace builds from slow and tender to more vigorous. 
Subtle grunts of ‘Mine’, and ‘sweet’ escape his lips as he practically uses you as a human fleshlight. To Miguel's surprise though you're pushing his chest to lay his back onto the bed. Once he's down you start bouncing faster on him. 
Bouncing, up and down the squelch of your wet pussy clenching on him, you are mewling in pleasure as your face contours to that of a silent scream. Body glistening from the sweat fucking yourself hard on his cock, back arching as you chase your orgasm. Miguel can help but throw his head back moaning, his mouth hanging open fangs stretched out. He never thought his sweet angel could be so relentless, it has his cock throbbing. 
“That's it, baby, fuck yourself dumb on my cock”
Miguel starts rubbing and flicking your clit that has your eyes pricking with tears. He watches as you pant, your velvet walls clenching down on him as you continue to ride him approaching orgasm. Sweat rolls down your flushed skin and you continue. Taking his hand he gently grabs your chin and makes you look down at him, he wants to etch the fucked out expression to his mind forever. His sweet angel mouth in that perfect ‘o’ and her hooded eyes pool with tears from the intense pleasure. 
Biting his lip he slams his hip up nudging into your cervix that has you throwing your head back screaming, your nails digging into his chest as you finally squirt on his cock.  
“Cumming, I'm cumming miggy~ ah, ah ah!” 
“That’s it, cum on my cock, such a good girl, squirting all over me.”
Fucking you through your orgasm he stops your bouncing and grabs your hips guiding you to rock back a forth on his length. Squirming and wailing in overstimulation he knows that the pain and pleasure are swirling together making your brain split, your cunt gets wetter as it tightens to try and accommodate to the rapture you are feeling.  
“Just hang on for me angel, ah please…”
Thoroughly fucked dumb you're only able to blabber incoherently and nod through half-lidded eyes as Miguel's throbbing cock chases his orgasm. With your blissed-out agreeance, he Grabs the globs of your ass and fucks into your faster. 
“Ah, I'm going to fill you up, you want that? Be filled with cum?” 
You can only release a stream of ‘uh-huh’ as the coil in your stomach starts to tighten again. It's not until you muster a sweet coo of “fill me” that has him rutting harder shooting his hot cum inside you with one final thrust. Whimpering as he fills you, you sit still on his cock till you’ve practically milked him dry. The intense throbbing of his cock and the sudden rush of heat bursting inside you has your coil snapping as you cum on him a second time 
Gently rubbing your sides he coaxes you down slowly to his chest. Curling his arm around you he softly kisses your spent body. Staying like that for awhile, it's you who finally rolls off his chest and disappears out of the room. Miguel hears what sounds like a bath, leaning up he looks up to see your nude body leaning in the doorway smiling at him, it's so infectious that he can't help but smile back. 
Miguel's head is pressed to your chest as you gently massage the conditioner through his scalp. A smile pressed to his lips as he just relaxes with you in the warm bath. His large hand rubs tender circles on your knee as he just listens to your sweet hums as you tenderly wash him. The steam from the bath rises to create the perfect haze in the room, it feels so natural to be doing this,to be with you in such an intimate way. Kisses get pressed to his face as you hug him tightly, the smile on his face only growing wider. 
“Mhmm?” He lazily looks up at you to see your sweet smile. Carefully he brings his hand to brush your hair behind your ear. 
“Nothing, I just really like your smile”
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