#fallou 3
dykedvonte · 6 months
Ghouls in mass probably crave a tenderness and kindness they can no longer feel or give out. They are repulsive just in the sense of what they are, dead people who didn't quit die, corpses allowed to walk and think past their atomic burial. They reek. They are falling apart. They have no skin to caress, no lips to purse in disgust or lay upon a partner or friend. They are not allotted the kindness of community we see in the settlements. They band together to share their pain, marked by what they once were and never asked who they could continue to be.
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rafawriter · 2 years
Falling Back Into The Wasteland
With Fallout 3-- https://www.twitch.tv/lessonslearned1
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munchboxart · 25 days
Asking this here since this account has more followers than my alt, but did we ever know how long Bill and Ford know each other from when they first met and to when Ford learned about the betrayal? Asking for scientific purposes smiles
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lyrasky · 1 year
【ダリル・ディクソン】シーズン1第3話ネタバレ詳細あらすじ ダリル父性愛ダダ漏れカタコンブ 感想 解説ウォーキング・デッド Daryl Dixon1-3
【ダリル・ディクソン】シーズン1第3話ネタバレ詳細あらすじ ダリル父性愛ダダ漏れカタコンブ 感想 解説ウォーキング・デッド Daryl Dixon1-3 Lyraのブログへ #thewalkingdead #DarylDixon #TheWalkingDeadDarylDixon #normanreedus #LaïkaBlancFrancard #RomainLevi #ウォーキングデッド #ダリルディクソン #ノーマンリーダス #ClémencePoésy #LouisPuechScigliuzzi #AnneCharrier #AdamNagaitis #EriqEbouaney #France
パリが似合う男、ダリル・ディクソン〜(BGMはコーヒーのCMみたいな曲を…) 美しい愛の街パリ。 この街は、今【ウォーキング・デッド:…
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haircoveredwriter · 1 year
Daryl, Caryl, and the waterlilies
I've had a moment to ponder a lot about episode 3, the many Caryl references we got but there's one that stands out and while a lot of others have brought it up, my mind has it's own ramblings about the scene.
For those who haven't seen the episode yet, I'll summarize quickly. Daryl finds Isabelle staring at a painting of waterlilies in the night club, telling him how she used to go to the museum every weekend to look at them as a form of mental health.
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After staring at the painting for a beat Daryl smiles and says "Kinda reminds me of home." His eyes stay glued to the canvas even after Isabelle faces him momentarily, and only moves when Fallou whistles to call them over. But once again before leaving he turns towards the painting as the camera angle closes in on his captivated gaze.
There are a multitude of things to unravel but Daryl's choice of words is intentional and clear. HOME. He wants to go home. Earlier he commented about the place he grew up, never referring to it as his home so we know he wasn't referring to his childhood & they have never stayed in one place long enough on TWD to take that designation. So what could he be talking about if isn't a physical place?
As many other Carylers have pointed out, there are many moments through out Caryl's TWD history centered around the water/flowers. Going back all the way to season 2 at the Farm during the search for Sophia, Daryl's camp in season 9, and the pond they sat by in the season 11 series finale.
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In this instance as well as to Daryl, home isn't a place. It is a person. She has been the consistent beat through his life and an integral fixture in every situation Daryl has been by/near the water or waterlilies. There is no trying to hide it anymore, no leaving it ambiguous to possibly mean something else to different people.
(Not to mention the way Daryl stared at the painting is mirror in every one of the other previous scenes in how he stared at Carol.)7
I think we're going to get more compounding evidence which will reach a breaking point in the next episode or so where it's stated outloud (for those who need it) clear as day what we all already know; Daryl misses Carol. He loves Carol. He is longing for Carol.
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is-this-plural · 6 months
fallout 4 synths (gen 3/human ones (but i mean nick literally did become plural))
Rating: I Dont Remember The Nick Plural Event But I See Your Vision. Take My Hand. Fallou…….
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bookqueenrules · 11 months
What time is it?  It’s 5x03
As I watched the last season of TWD and the first season of DD it was obvious that they were repeating, inversing, and reversing events/episodes from the early seasons.
Note: In general, "inverse" usually means when all the individual qualities of something are opposite and "reverse" refers to direction or things going from the end/middle toward the beginning.
As an example, Judith getting shot and Daryl carrying her to help was a repeat of 2x01 with Rick and Carl. It’s an inversion of 5x8 Coda with Daryl carrying someone who has been shot INTO a hospital, and she comes out alive. In Coda, he carried Beth who was shot and he believed to be dead OUT of a hospital.
Episode one of DD was much like 1x1 of TWD.  I won’t go into more details as most TDers have seen this.  What I was trying to figure out was is there a numerical pattern?  I couldn’t really find one as the episodes they chose to follow this reverse, inverse, and repeat pattern seemed random.  I did notice that many of the 01 episodes were selected.
However, episodes 5 and 6 of DD made it clear that the pattern has changed.  We are now repeating Season 5, mostly in order, but with some inversions.
Episode 5 was a repeat of 5x1 No Sanctuary. Daryl and Laurent were headed towards a “sanctuary” after being separate from the rest of their group. They used a map to get there. However, instead of finding a sanctuary, they found themselves at a “Terminus” were they were reunited with the rest of the team in a life/death situation.  
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The “outsider” Fallou and his “kids” take Carol's role by attacking unexpectedly so that everyone can escape. At the end of 5x1, there is a post credits scene with Morgan finding a coda on a tree.  Daryl has coda above his head in episode 6 carved into a wooden beam.(thanks to @Bethgreenprevails for catching that) 
Episode 6 is 5x2-Strangers.  In both the “family” arrives at a church after escaping a “Terminus”. They have some family time including a “feast”. In 5x2 they gaze at a carving of The Last Supper which is much like the “supper” Daryl was enjoying at The Nest.  The inversion here is that everyone is happy to be at The Nest, and it seems to be a joyous place which is an inversion of Father Gabriel’s church with the, “You will burn for this for this” carved on the outside.  The Nest is light.  Father Gabriel's church is dark.
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 In case we missed it, they conveniently put Carol in a  Blue Mustang with a license plate containing 502!  Thanks to @frangipanilove for posting about the license plate! Just like in 5x02 Carol sees a vehicle, Daryl’s motorcycle, and takes off tracking where it came from to help find Daryl.  This is a repeat of 5x2 when Daryl  sees the car with a cross on it, and he and Carol take off to find Beth.  In episode 6, Daryl does take off to go home which is the inversion of 502.
So, if this pattern is followed, what does this mean for seeing Beth?
 Next would be 5x03- Four Walls and a Roof 
 So, if the pattern repeats we should see:
-Cordon being tortured by the Genet’s group like Bob was tortured by the Terminus group.
-Some people from Genet’s “Terminus” group following Team France to the Nest.
-More about what really goes on at The Nest much like we discovered what really happened at the church in 5x03
-Disagreement among Team France as to next steps just like the group had in 5x03
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Since Daryl comes back with Noah to get help from the others to rescue Beth and Carol at the end of 5x03, at least ONE character will have seen Beth alive by the end of DD 2x1 (My guess is Carol, Genet, or Cordon, but I’ll post more about later)
Other patterns/coincidences that might point to Beth appearance/mention/knowledge about being alive in 2x01 of DD are:
Episode 2x01 is where Beth is first seen in TWD.
Greg Nicotera said at NYCC that he directed episode 2x1 of DD and two other episodes.
When Beth woke up at Grady the “Get Well Clock” point to the 10 and 2. Reversed, that is 2x01.
2+1= 3 Which is the number of resurrection. 
Of course, next would be 5x4 which was Slabtown where we find out what happened to Beth right after she “disappeared” in Alone.
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kazesauce · 3 months
TWD:DD Rewatch Recap Ep 3
I'm rewatching the first season of TWD: Daryl Dixon to look for anything that stands out now that we know all the characters and how the season ends. The third episode gets into the meat and potatoes of the plot and character interactions. As usual, strap in or scroll on. Ep1 Ep2
Fallou and Quinn
They both lead a small community and are adept at playing whatever angle they can to get what they need. Fallou is a commanding presence that knows when to be forceful and when to be gentle, while Quinn is a self-serving, materialistic scumbag that uses his charisma to manipulate people into doing his bidding. Fallou knows how to navigate the underbelly of Paris, but he isn't part of it like Quinn is. They both save Daryl's bacon at some point, but Quinn's sins are punished with a slightly redemptive death. Fallou's only flaw is believing Losang isn't full of it.
Codron and Genet
Codron cut an intimidating figure walking down the tunnel to go meet Genet, but his face showed a terrified man trying to act tough. Genet was skeptical about hiring him to find Daryl until she saw how passionate he was about avenging his brother's death. She found the easy button to manipulate him, or so she thinks. Genet showed Codron the walker experiments Daryl disrupted and he is disturbed but undeterred. Another tally on the wall of why he ends up turning in the finale.
Daryl and Isabelle
The first half of the episode is Daryl being fed up with Isabelle lying about radios. The one at the abbey was broken, the one in Angers had been dismantled by a lunatic to create an inventively macabre walker orchestra, and the third place actually used homing pigeons instead. After suppressing the urge to throw Isabelle off the roof, Daryl was ready to leave and try to find the way home on his own until Fallou and Isabelle stopped him and said they could still help.
Isabelle took him to her apartment to gather her stash of drugs and stolen goods to barter for a trip home for Daryl, and they talked obliquely about their lives before the outbreak. Isabelle was trying hard to connect with Daryl, but he was staying politely distant. What made him finally soften towards Isabelle was her obvious pain and guilt over abandoning Aimee and seeing her as a walker trapped in overgrown vines.
When Quinn reveals himself to be Laurent's father and starts aggressively manipulating Isabelle, Daryl goes into full blown savior mode and removes her from the situation. Isabelle is livid and they fight in the catacombs. It almost feels like Daryl is fighting with Isabelle while simultaneously reliving his fight with Carol. Isabelle said she could handle it, and Daryl said everybody has something from their past they're trying to run from and she's not really mad at him. This felt like things he wishes he would have said to Carol, to be compassionate toward her desire to run away and to admit that he wasn't really mad at her, he was mad at how his fear of losing her physically and emotionally made him feel. Isabelle, however, informed Daryl she was actually mad at him for dragging her to Paris because all he cares about is his promise (to Carol, we find out in Ep5). She said they weren't the same and admonished him for taking over and trying to save her, that she only asked for his help, not for him to be a hero because she doesn't need one. Daryl just scoffed because he had no response. He thinks protecting people from the hard things is being a good friend, but really he needs to support them through the hard things. In Carol's case, he doesn't understand why she's reluctant to open up to him (Rick's words in Indifference), which leads to him being frustrated and feeling rejected. I hope with all of my soul that Carol finding Daryl in France finally convinces him that she loves him and wants to be in his life forever, and Daryl reacts to seeing her with exuberance and gratefulness that finally convinces her that he will love her forever, no matter what.
Isabelle, Laurent and Daryl
I thought the fable of fortitude about 'the woodsman who wanted to die but had a change of heart when death came so asked for help with his burdens instead' was going to be meaningful, but I have a different take now. Both that fable and Laurent declaring Daryl will not die in Paris are meant to make Daryl and the audience question whether Laurent is special. The fable doesn't apply to Daryl's situation or mental state at all, and confidently proclaiming the titular character will survive is as risky as declaring the sky will be blue tomorrow.
When Laurent is being greeted reverently and given gifts at Fallou's place, Daryl makes a comment about how much pressure Laurent is under and Isabelle responds with “God chooses our burdens.” No, lady, the burden placed on Laurent to be treated like and behave like some kind of savior is entirely earthly. Sonia, the inconsolable widow, allowed Laurent to hug her because she's been told he was special, not because he actually is.
Daryl attempts to sneak away at the end of the episode because he no longer feels wanted or needed, and they aren't doing a good job helping him get home anyway. Isabelle invokes Laurent to try to manipulate Daryl into staying. Daryl is unswayed, but tells her she needs to tell Laurent the whole truth about him and his parentage so he can decide for himself if he wants to continue to play the role of humanity's gift from God. Isabelle's weak response is that Daryl just doesn't understand how special Laurent is. Daryl says Laurent isn't special, he just got lucky and lived, and she just needs Laurent to be special for her own reasons. Isabelle has a weird smile on her face when Laurent hops out of bed screaming that they did this and he hates them both before running away. Turns out Quinn led Codron to the American, so Daryl's attempt to leave is thwarted yet again. He's thrust back into being Isabelle and Laurent's duty-bound protector, but now his desire to help them runs a bit deeper than the deal they made at the abbey.
Carol Connections
There was a tiny woman with short gray hair manning the weapons locker at Fallou's place, so shout out to her.
There were multiple shots of the Carol-like knife during Daryl and Isabelle's escape from her old apartment building and his fight with Codron, including two shots where he dropped the knife and recovered it yet again. Daryl fell through a glass roof like a cartoon character and still managed not to lose the knife. It's so frequent and obvious it has to be symbolic.
The pigeon man, Antoine, was adorable and his line “Maybe he has a girlfriend, we all have someone who waits for us somewhere” was followed by a shot of Daryl bowing his head in sadness in a frying pan reminder of Carol and his promise to her.
Isabelle and Daryl see “The Water Lilies” and Daryl says it reminds him of home, lingering by it even after Fallou called them away. My mind was immediately filled with memories of Daryl and Carol sitting by the pond talking. I can't think of a single non-Caryl scene at a setting that resembled that painting.
Odds and Ends
A French cover of “Strange People” playing while they're walking past Jim Morrison's grave was a great choice.
The Demimonde looks a lot like The Third Rail from Fallout 4. I guess all apocalyptic nightclubs have the same aesthetic.
I had a theory that Codron was Laurent's real father, so Quinn's reveal absolutely blew my socks off. All of Laurent's on-screen family members have light, straight hair, so there's part of me keeping hope alive that Lily had a romp in Marseilles with Stéphane with the dark, curly hair.
Isabelle explained that people joined The Cause because after the outbreak they needed to cling to order. Daryl quipped “or God”, earning a stern glare from Isabelle. Daryl equating The Cause and The Union of Hope feels like foreshadowing that The Union of Hope isn't wholly benevolent.
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reslake · 2 years
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I posted 5,807 times in 2022
That's 1,704 more posts than 2021!
762 posts created (13%)
5,045 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,872 of my posts in 2022
#me - 39 posts
#my rats - 31 posts
#area x - 29 posts
#seven - 24 posts
#dax - 24 posts
#prev tags - 24 posts
#literally - 15 posts
#suggestive - 15 posts
#augh - 14 posts
#me and who - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#if i have to say something risky i have to do it when i know they won't respond immediately so i have time to emotionally process the fallou
My Top Posts in 2022:
oh my god I want a burger
1,256 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhggggggg!
(Dying from lack of attention)
1,625 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
meet the heavy
5,636 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
like ideologically I disagree with capitalism but I do love shopping. I'm a shopper. I take my little coins and I get treats in return.
25,198 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
a car goes full speed off a cliff and explodes at the bottom and when the smoke clears it's actually just perfectly parallel parked
114,937 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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junotalksaboutstuff · 2 years
Blogging’s Not Dead, It Just Smells Weird (or, Blogging’s Relevance in the TikTok Age)
2022: the year every cyberpunk novel told us would be streaked with neon as the disadvantaged get exploited by the ruling class, cities falling to riots and mass protests, new biker gangs driving around causing mayhem on hoverbikes, and evil mega-corporations micro-managing every aspect of our ever-increasingly connected lives. Unfortunately, only three of these four came true.
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pictured: the future we want, but don't deserve
These days, dedicated blogs such as Tumblr, Blogspot and Wordpress have fallen by the wayside; in their place, the dominant social media platforms of the day are platforms with niches: Instagram with its photos and stories and TikTok with its 15-second clips. As Chaffey (2022) reports, these two platforms comprise over 3,500 million users with most of their users being below the age of 25; notably, previous stalwarts like Tumblr are practically gone from these rankings. That brings us to the question: is blogging dead in the Year of Our Algorithm, 2022? Has the proliferation of bite-sized algorithmically pushed short-form content eroded our attention spans so much that long-form blog writing is a thing of the past?
In the words of Rex Orange County himself, I don’t think so.
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Conventional blogs may be less alive than Queen Elizabeth, but in the present day, blogging has evolved into a new stage of development, moulded by the structure of text-based platforms like Twitter. Twitter, with its 140-or-280-character tweet limit combined with its Thread feature that allows for one to chain a series of tweets together, has recreated a version of the blogging experience within the framework of modern Internet structures.
In this way, the little-nugget-of-information format of current social media is integrated into a larger blog-adjacent format; both preserving something like a long-form article while remaining shareable and discussable in the way that Twitter leads its users towards. This coalescence of long and short formats allows discourse on Twitter to gain a level of nuance inherited from blogging days that has been mostly lost (and some might say, unrecoverable) in 15-second clips and Canva-made infographics. This uniqueness places Twitter as a platform on which some semblance of semi-academic discussion to be had; as Lacassin et al. (2020) states, Twitter has facilitated post-disaster awareness both in the short-term and the long-term as a way to proliferate knowledge amongst those who need it.
As a result of this, blogs live on in the form of these threads. All Twitter users alike use their accounts and threads much in the same way that blogs once did. Academics use threads to expand on research:
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People in fandom use threads to gush about their interests:
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And there’s everything else in between:
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Suffice it to say, Twitter has managed to fill the void that Tumblr and other blog sites left behind in today’s media environment, because sometimes, a Story may not be enough to tell a story, or a photo will not be able to show all sides of an event.
Because sometimes, Kevin from The Office is just wrong.
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Chaffey, D 2022, “Global Social Media Statistics Research Summary 2022 [June 2022],” Smart Insights, viewed 2 October, 2022, <https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research/>
Lacassin, R, Devès, M, Hicks, SP, Ampuero, J-P, Bossu, R, Bruhat, L, Wibisono, DF, Fallou, L, Fielding, EJ, Gabriel, A-A, Gurney, J, Krippner, J, Lomax, A, Sudibyo, MM, Pamumpuni, A, Patton, JR, Robinson, H, Tingay, M & Valkaniotis, S 2020, “Rapid collaborative knowledge building via Twitter after significant Geohazard events,” Geoscience Communication, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 129–146.
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theclubhero-blog · 5 months
Porque você deve pegar Fallout 4 agora, antes da atualização de nova geração
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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A indústria de jogos eletrônicos é um terreno fértil para a intersecção entre diferentes formas de mídia, e um exemplo emblemático dessa dinâmica é o recente sucesso de Fallout 4. O jogo, que já era popular por si só, viu um ressurgimento significativo em sua base de jogadores e posição no ranking global do Steam, impulsionado pela estreia de uma série de TV baseada no universo do jogo. Este fenômeno destaca como a cultura pop e o entretenimento transmídia podem revitalizar o interesse e as vendas de um produto de jogo.
Fallout 4, desenvolvido pela Bethesda Game Studios, é um RPG de ação ambientado em um mundo pós-apocalíptico. Desde o seu lançamento em 2015, o jogo tem mantido uma comunidade dedicada, mas foi a adaptação para a televisão que trouxe uma nova onda de jogadores, ansiosos por explorar as terras devastadas que viram na tela. A série de TV, elogiada por sua fidelidade ao material original e sua narrativa envolvente, provou ser um catalisador para o interesse renovado no jogo.
No entanto, a questão do preço é sempre um ponto delicado. Recentemente, a CD Projekt Red, desenvolvedora de The Witcher 3, aumentou o preço do jogo após uma atualização de nova geração, o que levanta a possibilidade de a Bethesda seguir um caminho semelhante com Fallout 4.
Para os jogadores, isso serve como um lembrete da natureza volátil dos preços dos jogos digitais e da importância de aproveitar as promoções quando disponíveis. Afinal, a indústria de jogos é também um negócio, e as empresas estão sempre buscando estratégias para maximizar seus lucros, seja através de atualizações, expansões ou adaptações para outras mídias.
Atualmente Fallou 4 está em terceiro no Steam, e vários outros jogos da franquia estão quebrando recordes, como o próprio Fallout 76 ou New Vegas. Seu sucesso renovado é um testemunho do poder das histórias e do mundo que a Bethesda criou, e como eles continuam a ressoar com o público anos depois. Para os jogadores, resta a dica: fique atento às promoções e não perca a chance de mergulhar ou revisitar este mundo fascinante antes que possíveis mudanças de preço ocorram.
A atualização para a “nova geração de consoles” do Fallou 4 (te contamos todos os detalhes aqui) chegará em 25 de abril disponível gratuitamente para PC, Xbox Series X|S e até PS5. O jogo também está disponível no Game Pass.
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wiwsport · 6 months
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myfatmuses · 2 years
3 and 4
It can definitely very much I'm going to go with a solid choice and say fallou New Vegas.
Not sure if it's bad or if I didn't give it a chance but I remember this one PS2 game that was like a music rhythm game that I just couldn't get into they were musician they were the ones holding the conductor stick to just never click for me.
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netcomsn · 2 years
🇸🇳 Kébémer : Plusieurs morts dans un violent choc entre un minicar et un camion frigorifique
🇸🇳 Kébémer : Plusieurs morts dans un violent choc entre un minicar et un camion frigorifique
Encore des morts sur la route. En effet, trois personnes ont perdu la vie dans un violent accident entre un camion frigorifique et un “mini car” sur la route de Kébémer. Une collision entre un “mini car” et un camion frogorifique a fait 3 morts. Les victimes sont domiciliées au village de Pekh dans le département de Kebemer. Il sagit de Fallou Mbaye âgé de 20 ans, Fatou Mbaye dite Hindou Mbaye…
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wasteland-chaos · 4 years
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God...The hand, what are they?
I may redo this in the future, but yea, some old as art of Dorothy/Dot
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haircoveredwriter · 1 year
Episode 1x04 thoughts
This episode wasn't one of my favorites, not horrible, a decent episode in itself but it felt as though it fell prey to a few of the issues similar ones in s11 of TWD did. I'll get in to those later but first we'll put the usual page break for those who don't want any spoilers.
First the aspects I did enjoy:
After taking a swim in walker-infested waters post his ceiling crash like a drunk Mary Poppins (you're welcome for the reference lol), Daryl strolls through Paris trying to get his bearings and comes to see an older couple inside a house, having tea (perhaps). The woman caresses the side of the man's face across the table which causes Daryl to pause, appearing to be lost in reflection before looking down briefly lost in a memory, only moving on once the nearness of walkers is apparent. Now who is the only person/woman who Daryl has ever stroked the face of/had his face stroked by?? I'll give you 3 guesses but anyone with a brain doesn't need that many and in case you've been living under a rock, please refer to my previous precious gifs post.
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Later we get to see Daryl-of-old while he's beating a prisoner he and Isabelle took in hopes of finding Laurent. Having him go back to his early TWD season story-telling ways was lovely while also mixing it with the depraved Dixon he learnt to be from his upbringing meshed very well. (Basically Daryl wanted to create his own R-rated version of "Babe"). He must have read some anatomy books over the years to know where to cause the most damage without hitting vital organs.
Fallou's group using Molotov cocktails during their assault on Quinn's place is something I've been waiting for someone to do in the ZA! Like, seriously! Who wouldn't be using mini firebombs at this point when supplies are low and it keeps you at a distance from your opponent? It's just good sense imo.
Norman and the show itself did a very good job again pointing out that there is nothing going on shippy-wise between Daryl and Isabelle. (I know many a worried about it but there was nothing there from my standpoint) Daryl looked honestly uncomfortable when Isabelle hugged him, returning it lightly after a beat or two but happy to break away to continue looking at anything else afterwards. We also got Isabelle's own words that she has no romantic feelings for Daryl but simply concern for his wellbeing. When you watch the scene, they have Sylvie asking (a young girl who only now has her first ever crush but knows nothing of love) who is not equipped enough in life to be able to discern anything different.
Daryl's expression looking at the mini Statue of Liberty made me smile as well. Knowing he's getting closer to getting home, no matter what other tasks people throw at him, and getting back to his person would make anyone happy.
Overall the episode sets up the plot for the remaining 2 installments, getting us where we need to be for certain other aspects to take place. (Gonna let that be for the moment until the next ones drop 😉)
What I didn't like:
The pacing seemed quite slow and the story arc pretty much went in a circle, finally reaching an end point which we realistically could have gotten in 10 mins of another ep. Several points of the episode felt contrived just to fill up space before they could move on to a main bullet point in the story. (This was my main issue with a fair number of s11 TWD eps).
Isabelle's lack of any fighting skill is really getting on my nerves. How has she survived this long? The answer is probably by making things up and having others protect her/do her dirty work and other not so nice things so I'll relent. I haven't seen worse stabby abilities since early on in TWD ... again, yes I am not gonna say anything if I can't say anything nice.
Why'd they do pigeon man like that?!😒
Genet is equally as concerned about finding a man who blew a hole in her years-long-prepped boat as she is a kid who gives people hope? Mmmkay.
Regardless of it all I am excited for next week. It's gonna be great. Trust me.
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