#fallout 4 spoilers
greenleaf4stuff · 2 days
I saw lot of posts about Hancock and The Ghoul/Cooper Howard meeting which is a cool scenario to think about for sure, but may I present you this:
Hancock and *Norm* meeting
Those two have a surprising amount of similarities in the character arcs/backstories.
[Spoilers for FO4 and the Fallout TV show up ahead!]
Like. They are both guys who knew that something *wrong* was going on around them; Hancock knew that McDonough’s campaign against the ghouls and how Diamond City exiled them was wrong, and later on he disliked how things were going in Goodneighbor before he became mayor. Norm knew there was something up with the ‚vaulties‘ from Vault 32 and later on knew that Vault 33 wouldn’t send out ppl to get his and Lucy’s father back, and that something was going on with vault 32 (or, actually, all the three vaults).
They both felt as if they were cowards when faced with great danger and injustice; Hancock didn’t oppose McDonough’s actions as much as he (felt he) could have and also felt like a coward when thugs beat up ppl in Goodneighbor. Norm felt like a coward for hiding during the attack of the raiders and didn’t follow Lucy into the wasteland, saying he is ‚too chicken‘ to do so.
And then? As a consequence to these injustices, to their own cowardice, they both decided to say ‚fuck that‘ and do the right thing, even in the face of massive opposition and everything stacked against them. Instead of backing down or being intimidated, they turned around and used their skills to try and make a change.
Hancock tried to help the exiled ghouls, and later on became a ghoul himself, got inspired by the historical John Hancock, found himself a group of people and took out the thugs in Goodneighbor. And then became mayor of the town – not quite turning it around 180 degrees, but still making the town a safe haven for all the ‚misfits‘ of the wasteland; fellow ghouls, assaultrons, ppl who didn’t think they belonged anywhere else. „Everybody ’s welcome“. An anti-thesis to what his brother stood for in Diamond City.
And Norm, he asks uncomfortable questions. He needles people for information. He finds a temporary ally in Chet, who despite his own cowardice promised to protect Norm for Lucy and helps him to get into vault 32. Norm puts clues together, hacks into terminals, reads, asks further questions – even causes some unrest, especially when it comes to dealing with the imprisoned raiders. He has managed to outsmart everyone around him and find out the secret of vault 31, an act that required courage especially considering Norm cannot just up and leave the vaults. Even if he makes it back to vault 33. He had to know that getting caught would have dire consequences one way or another, and still he persisted in his quest.
And (extra warning – heavy spoilers here!) they both can make some very horrible discoveries about their family members. John Hancock – originally John McDonough – can find out that his older brother, who exiled all the ghouls from Diamond City, has gotten replaced with a synth doppelganger. Probably even before he drove that hate campaign against the ghouls, making Hancock question whether he even hated the ‚right‘ person aka whether he had hated his brother for the wrong reasons all these years.
And Norm finds out that Hank Maclean has been alive before the bombs fell, and got thawed out of cryogenic slumber. That his own father lied to him and Lucy, is part of an ‚elite‘ class of people who manage vaults 32 and 33 while keeping their inhabitants in the dark about their true purpose – to be breeding stock in an attempt to create the perfect managers and re-populate America in their vision. The vision of Vault-Tec.
The person they saw as their family might have just been someone they didn’t truly know.
They share a lot of similiarities, and I think they would get on like a house on fire.
This is just headcanons from this point onwards, but I can see Hancock appreciating and valuing Norm’s perception and intelligence, as well as his subtle way of communicating that he knows more than he lets on. And I can see Norm understanding Hancock’s approach to his town and how he leads it, how he makes sure that his people are safe. (Remember, Norm made the suggestion to kill the captive raiders because they killed his fellow vault dwellers and kidnapped his father – his and Hancock’s brand of justice might not be that much different.)
I also think they could have epic verbal spats and very, very witty banter together.
If Norm had Hancock in the vault and voiced his suspicions to him, Hancock would have followed him and helped. No questions asked. He likely would have been pissed on Norm’s behalf too.
And if Norm had been there when Hancock planned to overthrow the mayor in Goodneighbor, Norm might not have taken up arms, but he would have used his skills to take care of turrets, terminals or locked doors/safes. And he wouldn’t be afraid to give Hancock a piece of his mind if he felt the mayor was too far up his own supply of chems.
Tl;dr – I think there are a bunch of parallels when it comes to Hancock and Norm Maclean and therefore them meeting could turn out incredibly interesting. Also I think both characters are really neat.
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stoat-party · 1 month
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ladiemars · 1 month
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posting these face references of my sole survivor and her family from last year since fallout is on the brain again
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Fallout 4 has to be one of the lowkey saddest games ever. You spend all that time searching for your lost son after the tragic death of your spouse, only to find out he’s the dictator of a oppressive regime. Either you can join that regime or destroy it--no option to redeem him at all or use the advanced technology in the regime for good. 
Like life, no one ever wins everything. War never changes.
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aesthetic-shadows · 1 year
Fuck the cancer I could've killed Shaun myself by pulling out some black pepper
no one has used any seasonings in 200 years. That man's piperine tolerance is in the negatives
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jellys-compendium · 9 days
Impeccable memes and major FO4 Spoilers ahead!!👌
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cormorantcolors · 1 year
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sweetsmalldog · 16 days
Replaying Fallout 4 is wild. Like this is my girl Veronica she copes with her grief by using the gun that killed her husband and her best friends are a dog and a synth detective, she is leading a militia to protect the people of irradiated Boston but yeah she did also murder those scavengers for a bunch of robots so they could fly their ship into another building. She’s gonna have a psychotic break when she finds out her son is an old man who has been perpetuating atrocities.
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galaeus · 6 days
finally met Nick Valentine and the beauty of submachine guns 😔
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grymkoena · 11 days
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Fallout 4
[OC: Sharon Markov]
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stoat-party · 6 months
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telethrutime · 1 year
Hey. Hey don’t cry. 23 boxes of Fancy Lad snack cakes okay?
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milliemakesmagic · 5 days
Standing in the Institute, crying, grappling with my morality, and missing the messed up surface while my bf over call consoles me.
Fallout 4 is making me feel things man. 😂
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lycheecatee · 1 year
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Messy drawings from a little while back
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Bonus OC in front of the burning Prydwen
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cormorantcolors · 1 year
Thinking eternally about how in Far Harbor, Nick Valentine always pushes for people to learn the truth. He expresses disapproval with the Sole Survivor when they choose to withhold the truth from Avery and Jules about who they are, but if you follow that logic and convince DiMA to confess to Far Harbor instead of secretly turning people into synths, that’s when he dies.
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fluffomatic · 4 months
*Phases into existence*
so I heard you like FO4 /\(☆ω☆ )
(I'm already aware I'm just trying to be funni)
Okokoko now I know this is a little strange to say but I've been meaning to ask something.
I've noticed that you also partake in liking Nick Valentine, so I have to ask.
What are you're thoughts on his Brother DiMA?
Me personally, I love him just as much as Nick, Poor second gen Synth needs some TLC after what he's been through (Idk if you've played the Far Harbor dlc yet so I won't spoil it for you.)
Anyways your thoughts?
Oh my gosh! I didn't see this ask sorry for the delay! Spoilers for far harbor under cut
I absolutely ADORE DiMA! His and Nick's relationship is so damn good, and I love how you can convince him to give DiMA a chance. I always have Nick as my companion, so I always get their interactions. Love my synth boys!!
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