cosmogyros · 5 years
Hej, de kie vi estas? :) Ŝajnas al mi ke vi loĝas en Germanio, sed ke vi ne estas denaska parolanto de la germana.
Hi! Gxuste kaj gxuste :) Mi venas de Usono kaj mi denaske parolas nur la anglan. La tutaj aliaj lingvoj, kiujn mi konas, estas ankoraux je pli suba nivelo.
(Pardonu min, se estas eraroj en mia skribo. Mi ne ofte havas okazon uzi Eo.)
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aliceblack12 · 5 years
Get to know me tag! Tag 9 people you wanna get to know better!
I was tagged by @waytoomanyships, we had been mutuals for over a year before I reached out, and now it’s been over 5 months -and two years of being mutuals 😊
1. Top Four Ships: Drarry, Brotzly, Merthur (bizarrely enough I love the ship, but I haven’t seen beyond the second season of the show) and Johnlock.
2. Last Album: I keep two lists of varied artist that I listen to constantly, one is all female mainly gay, and the other one is stuff I love and it’s mixed. If that doesn’t count, then probably Cheap Queen by King Princess or Melodrama by Lorde.
3. Last Movie: Documentary: Miss Americana (2020) by Lana Wilson. Comedy Special: John Mulaney and the sack lunch bunch (2019) by Rhys Thomas. Fiction: A little princess (1995) by Alfonso Cuarón. I keep track of every movie I watch 😆
4. Reading: Fanfics (right now a Merthur one). If not, I recently finished The annotated Pride and Prejudice -which I always re read because I love understanding how things worked socially, since I’m terribly bad at social stuff.
5. What food are you craving right now?: chocolate and ice cream, my favorite kind is chocolate chops and cream or nocciola or Marroc-ice-cream. I miss ice cream so much.
6. Tagging: I’m tagging my friends @giulsomino (tumblr is not letting me tag you!), @ninjaminion and @tulipsandsake. Plus @official-lucifers-child, @raisins-are-okay, @gay-matty-boi, @livingdeadsara, @falloutnoi and @thesparkofafiredemon.
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no-passaran · 5 years
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I was tagged by @protoindoeuropean. Thank you!! ^^
rules: just think about your favorite movies, movies that moved your soul or just those that stayed with you for years (even if they’re bad), choose 10 (or more if you find a way to put more than 10 pics here) and tell me by showing me only the posters
I tag: @lokimymuse @activistpriestess @history-be-written @chiefoftherevolution @falloutnoi @itsahardlifewithoutyou-freddie @unglacierouge @enfant–terrible
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cosmogyros · 5 years
falloutnoi replied to your post “I am wearing possibly the most “feminine” outfit today that I have...”
Vi aspektas ĉarma!
Ahhhh dankon :D
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cosmogyros · 5 years
falloutnoi replied to your post “Hej, de kie vi estas? :) Ŝajnas al mi ke vi loĝas en Germanio, sed ke...”
Vi sufiĉe bone parolas. Se vi ŝatus pli ofte uzi Esperanton mi rekomendus al vi telegramo.org
Dankon! Mi ne konis telegramo.org, sed ĝi ŝajnas interesega.
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