#familial tag: diluc
pierswife · 1 year
Thinkin about little ways my F/Os would comfort me and help keep me grounded after a really really bad panic attack and it's helping a lot, admittedly.
Linhardt would like... sit down beside me and hold my hand while rubbing small circles into my hand with his thumb. He'd also speak super softly to me and tell me all sorts of different facts about anything and everything to keep me focused on him.
Lyon would do something similar, but it would be an arm around me while he hums a familiar tune to both of us. He'd rock us back and forth gently until I feel ready to try and sleep.
Diluc would let me hide. And what I mean is whoever he finds me, he asks me if I want to keep "hiding", whether it be under my blankets or in his coat. Regardless, he'd wrap his coat around my shoulders (or lay it on top of me) and promise to sit next to me while I sleep to protect me, like how a big brother should.
Flavio would just hold me tight, especially in the moment when I'm the messiest. He would hold me as tight as he could until I was ready to let go and he wouldn't care if I cried super hard to the point I could barely talk or got tears all over his shoulder. He knows that I just want to feel safe and need someone there, so to him he thinks one of the best ways to help me calm down is to just let me cling to him as much as I need to.
I'd include Trand but idk if he'd be sure what to do besides asking if I wanna get some fresh air and go for a walk to help get the energy out somewhere.
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cloudstuffs · 1 year
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just look over your shoulder
i’ll be there,
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kaeyachi · 1 year
Diluc had his father's hair.
His father's nose.
His father's laugh.
Diluc had the brains that could combat Crepus in chess matches and a heart of gold that would occasionally shine thru.
Diluc was so much like Crepus.
It must be awful for Diluc to keep seeing that.
Kaeya, however... Kaeya can't help but feel a bit jealous anyway.
When Kaeya looks in the mirror, he gripes at the fact that he doesn't have anything that could remind him of Crepus at all. All he had was blue hair instead of red, eyes with stars that are telling of a cursed civilization, and bony hands that get cold quickly.
Kaeya was nimble and quick, with words that could be like flowers for one instance and poison in the next.
All Alberich and no Ragnvindr.
He doesn't hate his birth father, but some days, he can't help but wish he was a bit more like man who took such good care of him instead.
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averaillisa · 2 years
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a little break between adventures 
(not ship / do not tag as ship) 
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lucishell · 10 months
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beanmaster-pika · 1 year
A sizeable chunk of the fanbase (especially those who read the webtoon) seeing Collei in 3.0: aw thank goodness she’s doing well and even has two dads who are in love :)
Hoyoverse half a year later, writing Cyno and Tighnari into an event that in-game half of Mondstadt considers a lovers’ festival: shit shit shit shit shit we have to no-homo this
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changewingwentz · 2 years
Downloaded that make fake tweets app since 2020 just in case I have the slightest motivation of making another edit,……. and this is my first time actually using it LMFAOOOO😭😶‍🌫️
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Here’s the full pic
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abyssal-wonders · 2 years
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I want them to be happy again :')
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dutybcrne · 1 month
Though the days blurred for him in Snezhnaya, Diluc could always tell when the day his birthday would come. It felt like a curse, the horrid feelings he’d so associated with that day never once failing to take hold of him, like a beast intent to tear out his throat. On day in particular, he would have honestly preferred that instead.
Even after coming back to Mondstadt, the day is something he loathes greatly. But Adelinde and Elzer, and Tunner and the rest of the staff do make it easier on him. There is always something special implicit in the way they go about their day, but never enough to dredge up the worst of the feelings. Just enough for it to seem like an appreciation of his effort and care for them. He’s truly thankful for it.
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wyvernne · 2 years
with cloves adorned
(klee and diluc familial fic teaser)
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Going on a walk with a child isn’t exactly the most relaxing pastime. Not that Diluc usually indulges in walks, regardless. He has more pressing matters to attend to, and he’d rather spend the few precious moments he has between work doing more stimulating activities. Chess, poetry, violin. Things that a child of Klee’s age finds absolutely, mind-numbingly boring.
Klee had let herself into his office that morning. As she has every morning for the past three weeks. But this time, she was bouncing on her toes, seemingly with anticipation.
And then she had informed him that she was going on “a super secret adventure.”
The adventure being a walk.
“Klee, don’t run,” Diluc chides.
She half trips over a pebble immediately after he scolds her, but only giggles and continues her steady jog. “Klee is on a mission!”
Elzer was the one who put the idea in her head. Physical activity is good for children. It’s an excellent way for her to expel all that pent up energy.
Diluc is a fool for listening. And he’s a fool for thinking that maybe Klee would forget about the notion and leave him to his work.
“Klee,” Diluc says sternly. She’s getting too close to the edge of the water. “Come here.”
Klee’s bounding steps slow to a crawl, and she gives Diluc a pitiful look. Maybe it works on Jean or Albedo, but not Diluc. Definitely not. Still, he feels guilty for a moment.
“Grumpy,” she mutters under her breath. Diluc bites his tongue. He had heard Kaeya goading her on too many times before. He finds it funny when Klee calls Diluc these names. Funny enough that he spent an entire month trying to convince Klee that Diluc’s name was written “G-r-u-m-p-y.”
He finally reaches her side. Klee huffs, kicking at the ground.
“Let’s walk side-by-side. That way if—“ Diluc tries not to dwell on how painfully stupid the next part sounds in his head. “If there are bad guys, we can help each other.” No, it sounds just as stupid said aloud. Adelinde was the one who encouraged that kind of talk in the first place, insisting it would help Klee understand him. Diluc just feels like a fool.
Klee beams. “Yeah! And Klee has bombs to protect you.”
“No bombs,” Diluc reminds.
She huffs again. “Okay…”
It’s definitely not an agreement. He can hear them clinking in her bag with every step, despite his efforts to confiscate them. She just seems to keep procuring the damn things. Diluc’s vineyards have taken the brunt of Klee’s playtimes with her ‘toys,’ too.
“Klee,” Diluc says again, more firmly this time. “No bombs.”
“No bombs right now,” Klee replies, heaving her bag up higher on her shoulders.
Diluc sighs. This back and forth could go on all day if he let it.
Klee begins humming to herself, to some unknown tune in her head. It takes Diluc a moment to realize that he’s matched his pace to hers and they’ve fallen in stride, her skips just barely keeping up with his slow steps.
He loses himself in the tune. Agreeing to take Klee into the manor was a mistake, certainly. Diluc is not equipped to care for a child, much less a child with the destructive power of an entire military battalion.
He has no right to play a hand in the rearing of a child, no matter how temporary the arrangement. Klee doesn’t even seem to particularly like him. She adores the others. Goes on and on about how Kaeya is her favorite person. She fawns over Jean and Lisa, rambles about how much she loves Albedo.
Diluc doesn’t fit into that pretty picture of family Klee has created. He bites the inside of his cheek.
A gentle pressure on his fingers snaps him out of his thoughts.
He looks down, surprised, to see Klee holding onto his hand. She hasn’t ceased her humming, her eyes still trained on the path before her.
It’s almost as if she’s grabbed Diluc’s fingers subconsciously.
He swallows.
He should keep drawing this line between them. Diluc has gotten in too deep with dangerous affairs. And if his enemies catch wind that he’s grown a soft spot for a child, there’s no telling what they might try and do to Klee in order to get to him.
Just once won’t hurt.
Diluc closes his fingers around Klee’s hand, relishes in the gentle warmth of her grasp. Just this once.
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pierswife · 1 year
@thrill-of-the-hunt ily <3 /p
7.) Here’s one (1) gush pass for a platonic or familial f/o!
*slaps Diluc on the back* This guy can fit so much big brother energy! Like when I think of a cool older brother who would be there for me no matter what and is only a shout away when I need him, I think of Diluc. He's basically like a calming presence to me when I get super panicked. And even then, he isn't just all frowns and being super serious, he's so chill and a lil goofy too! And the people he loves? He loves with his whole heart and I think that's pretty neat.
I even have an AU where Diluc is the reason Jeanne gets her vision (and it's actually a pretty sweet story)!
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k-chips · 6 months
Anyway, if you ship Kaeluc I automatically assume you fetishize homosexuality. Because there is no fucking way you see two men that are described as siblings in every possible way and grew up together and STILL you want the to fuck and can't resist to see them as lovers just because they're two men and you MUST ship gay couples or you'll feel sick.
That's fetish and you're fucking disgusting
"iT iS nOt cAnOn!!1!1!" It is, y'all just want to justify your weirdness and want to feel less gross for shipping incest.
No, it's not a translation mistake, the fact that Diluc's father took Kaeya in and they grew up together it is like that in every languages, you can't make a "translation mistake" of a whole fucking backstory, that's not how "translation mistakes" work.
Bro, y'all think a super rich company like Hoyoverse wouldn't have already fixed a "translation mistake"??? Lmao
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
rip to the ragbros animatic ill never make following along these lyrics (vinte e nove - legião urbana, translation by yours truly)
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i have an entire vision and i HAVE HAD an entire vision for OVER A YEAR NOW and i wish i could physically transport that mental image into your head so you'd understand me
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phyneire · 2 years
Was neat to find out that Jean and Diluc have kept close even after he left the knights. Naturally there was a rift when he first returned to Mondstadt as she had tried to dissuade him from leaving in the first place but other than that they've never not been on alright terms.
I kind of gathered she was running in his inner circle from the mondstadt archon quest considering she was there on 'personal matters' not as the acting grand master.
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my sister has just informed me that we both have daddy issues and it do make sense. it do make sense
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what-aboutno · 10 months
Diluc fell first but Childe fell harder. In this essay I will-
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