#//Almost forgot that tag. ACK
dutybcrne · 2 months
Though the days blurred for him in Snezhnaya, Diluc could always tell when the day his birthday would come. It felt like a curse, the horrid feelings he’d so associated with that day never once failing to take hold of him, like a beast intent to tear out his throat. On day in particular, he would have honestly preferred that instead.
Even after coming back to Mondstadt, the day is something he loathes greatly. But Adelinde and Elzer, and Tunner and the rest of the staff do make it easier on him. There is always something special implicit in the way they go about their day, but never enough to dredge up the worst of the feelings. Just enough for it to seem like an appreciation of his effort and care for them. He’s truly thankful for it.
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arctic-rising · 1 year
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draw a dragon a day 28: dream dragon
current dream dragon is my current fan dragon breeding project: a lavender/eggplant/crimson skydancer that's proving frustratingly elusive.
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the-kr8tor · 9 months
I’m feeling in a really wintery mood today, so may I suggest for fluffy friday TTN hobie x reader as kids playing in the snow during winter break from school?
(Love your hobie x readers btw! Especially ttn!)
AHHH A TTN REQUEST I LOVE U FOR THIS ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you!! I'm glad you like my lil series 💕
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, TTN! Hobie, TTN! Reader, Fluff
TTN! Hobie is based on my series ❤️
It's Fluffy Friday!
You build a fort with snow, walls almost as tall as you, cold biting at your bare hands. Maybe you should've taken your winter gloves with you. It's too late now though as Hobie places his finishing touches on his side of the battlefield. The tip of his tongue poking out from his lips, brows furrowed in concentration. He's bundled up nicely compared to you, missing your gloves.
"Hurry up, Gromit!" Hobie pats the last bit of snow on his fort, hands already forming his first snowball.
"I'm trying!" Briskly trying to complete the fort, it looks wonky on the side. You huff in annoyance.
"Need help?" Hobie asks with a snicker, you glare at him across the snow covered field.
In retaliation, you hastily mold a snowball in your hand, hiding it behind the wall. It's not a perfect shape but it'll do. Aiming for his head, you throw it with a grunt. The snowball flies across, hitting Hobie square in the face.
"Ack!" Snow slides on his skin, wiping it clean off, revealing his mischievous smile, fiery eyes staring at you. "I'm going to destroy you!"
You screech, wide smile on your face as you duck away from Hobie bombarding you with snowballs.
It was a fight to the death, giggles and laughing sounding out in the cold winter air. Hobie gets numerous hits on you whilst you focus on precision, hitting him where it hurts. His fort tumbles down from your pelting, leaving him unprotected.
He gasps out in realization, you laugh triumphantly, arms at the ready to throw your arsenal.
"You cheeky–" Hobie gets cut off by your snowball smacking him on his temple. You laugh like an evil villain. "That's how it is, huh?!" He runs towards you at full speed, snow crunching under his footsteps. Hobie grabs a handful of snow on his way.
Your eyes grow wide, yelping as he grows closer, running for dear life. Unfortunately for you, your opponent has longer legs, he catches up to you in seconds. Feeling ice sliding on your back where Hobie pushed snow inside your thick jumper.
Yelling, you try to take out the ice from your clothes, jumping and wiggling about. Hobie guffaws on the sideline, clutching his stomach in laughter.
Finally getting rid of the snow in your clothes, you tackle Hobie while he's distracted. You two tumble in the snow, bringing your frozen hands to his cheek. He shrieks at the cold making you copy his earlier laugh.
"Why aren't you wearing gloves?!" He howls out, pushing you off.
You fall on the thick snow, giggling as he fists your jacket collar. Sticking your tongue out, you try to rile him up more. "I forgot it"
"Y'know you could get frostbite from that" He tries to scare you.
"Pssh, no, I won't" you roll your eyes.
"Yuh uh, then I have to cut your fingers off just to save your hands!" He takes your hand pretending to chop it off. That does it for you, gasping in fear of losing your fingers, how are you gonna draw without them?
"Noooo!" Sitting up, you rub your hands together in a futile attempt to warm them up.
"That's not gonna work, here" Hobie takes his gloves off, putting it over your frozen hands for you.
Heart warming at the scene, you let Hobie give you his gloves. "Thanks" he lets out a quiet 'sure', "softie" you continue, he flicks your wrist at your quip.
"You want hot chocolate? I have some at home" you ask, eyes twinkling.
"Sure, but no milk for me" Hobie stands up, extending his hand to help you up.
You take his hand without question, clouds puff out of your cold lips as you beam up at him. "Let's go then! I have tiny marshmallows for it"
Hobie follows you with a wobbly smile.
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Reblog banner by @/cafekitsune
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gamerwoo · 1 year
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Part Three)
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Characters: Hyunjin x female reader (ft other skz members)
Genre/warnings: nanny!reader, boy next door/neighbor!hyunjin, generally inexperienced and painfully shy virgin!reader, fluff, humor, there’s a little angst if you count reader panicking lmao, chan does onlyfans lmao, reader almost walks in on something she shouldn’t (but nothing spicy happens), mentions that reader and chan madeout once while they were a little intoxicated and she had a panic attack, reader has anxiety, implied that reader has issues w her mom, reader and co get drunk (if i missed anything lmk!!), minors dni!!!
Word count: 5,890
Summary: You think it’s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think it’s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But that’s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and you’re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
tag list: @hyuneyeon​ @ack-aashi​ @rindomo​ @fridayamirah​ [be added to the taglist by filling out this form!]
permanent tag list (italics are unable to tag): @minluvly​ @awkwardnesshabitat​ @woozarts​ @septicrebel​ @4kwp @thepencilkorner​ @shmooooo​ @bubblelixie​ @byunhoebaek​ @dejavernon​ @ahandfulofkeys​ @slut-for-dabi​ @avyskai​ @pussymode @sunoosult​ @moonlightcandy00​ @missrobyn81​
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Mrs. Park texted you that morning, saying you wouldn’t be needed. Apparently Hajoon was sick and she wanted to stay home with him, which you didn’t mind. It meant you had a free day to yourself, and after what happened with Hyunjin the previous day, you really wanted to see your friends and get their take on everything. As much as you wanted to gush about everything to Chan last night while playing Smash, you found yourself listening to how his day had gone and getting off-track a lot, so you didn’t really have the time or space to say anything. So you got ready to go out for the day and make your way to your old apartment to see your friends. 
Seungmin and Minho might’ve been busy, but you knew Chan was always home. Plus, he let you keep the spare key that Minho illegally copied, so you could get in even if Chan was for some reason not home.
“Yo, _____!” Jeongin waved at you from the front desk as you walked through the lobby.
Your eyebrows knitted together, “I thought you worked nights.”
“Had to switch shifts,” he shrugged. “Where’re you off to today? You’re leaving later than usual.”
“No work today,” you sighed as you strolled up to the desk and rested an elbow on it. “Gonna go visit my friends and hope they’re around.”
“Do they live far?”
“Couple hours away or something like that.”
“Oh, well have a safe trip,” he grinned.
“Thanks!” you chirped and waved goodbye, starting to walk away.
“Oh, hang on!” Jeongin suddenly gasped, making you stop and take the few steps back toward the desk as he fished around for something on the desk by the computers that you couldn’t see. “Before you go… This is for you.”
He held out a folded piece of paper with a knowing smirk, though you didn’t know why.
“Oh,” was all you said, taking the paper with a slightly confused expression.
You continued to stand there as you unfolded the paper, and then you felt butterflies in your stomach as you read the short note, a smile creeping onto your face despite not wanting it to with Jeongin standing right there.
I forgot to give you my number. Text me sometime
P.s. I’m holding you to this too
“Have a good daaaay, _____,” Jeongin sang.
‘He definitely read the note,’ you realized, folding the note and waving to Jeongin again before swiftly leaving the building.
Chan’s car was parked in the usual spot, so you knew he was home. But knocking on the door left you with no answer. Chan was probably asleep since it was before noon. So you let yourself in.
You left your bag by the door as if you still lived there, kicking off your shoes and hanging up your coat in the usual spot you used to. Then you went straight to the bedroom you used to share with Chan, busting open the door and mouth open, ready to yell at him to wake the hell up because you had a situation.
Except there was a new situation in front of you that made you stop dead in your tracks, inhaled breath held, and mouth still open.
Chan stood in front of you, facing the door with his phone on a tripod between him and the door, the screen facing him. He was dressed in a nice white button-up and some black slacks. His shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his toned abs that you’d seen far too many times, and his hands were frozen, in the middle of unbuckling the belt around his slacks.
He stared at you silently, as you did the same to him.
Finally you let out a sigh, “I thought that this would stop happening now that we don’t live together.”
“Well maybe if you’d knock,” he stated, dropping the buckle.
“I knocked on the front door, how did you not hear?”
“I figured you were like, a delivery person or something and you’d just leave it out there!”
“Well I figured you were asleep!”
He groaned and ran a hand through his hair, “You realize I have to do this commission all over now, right?”
“Well, do it later,” you told him. “I need your help.”
Chan’s eyebrows furrowed as he gave you a concerned look, “Help? You doing okay?”
“Love life help,” you confessed with a sigh, knowing that would absolutely pique your friend’s interest.
And it did, as gasp leaving his lips as his eyes went wide, “Really? Aw, _____!”
“No, it’s… I don’t know what it is. Just get changed and I’ll wait in the living room.”
“Why can’t I just wear this?”
“Chan, you’re almost half-naked.”
“Yeah, and? _____, we slept in the same room forever and you’ve definitely seen me wear less,” he scoffed.
You shrugged with a slight nod, “Yeah, touché.”
Curled up on one side of the couch with your back to the arm rest, one knee to your chest with your other leg curled under you, Chan almost mimicked you as he sat on the other side, only one of his legs was stretched out in front of him, almost reaching your leg. He folded his hands on his stomach as he kept his full attention on you.
“So you know Hyunjin?” you asked.
He narrowed his eyes, quirking a brow as he thought, “That’s…the front desk guy?”
You shook your head, “Hot neighbor. Front desk guy is Felix the Austrailian.”
“Right, hot neighbor!” he nodded, wagging a finger at you. “Still think you should go for front desk guy, but I’m just biased.”
You rolled your eyes, “Anyway, he like…hit on me, I think?”
“You think?”
“I mean, like… Okay, so he asked me to help him bleach his hair so I went over, and we watched a movie in between him processing, and then he told me he actually knew how to dye his own hair and he just wanted an excuse to invite me over because he wanted ‘a pretty girl to play with his hair’.”
Chan kept his eyes on you through your entire babbled recap. Honestly, he was surprised that he even kept up with how fast you were talking, but he seemed to understand everything, a smile creeping onto his face.
“Aw, _____! That’s good!” he grinned. But he saw the way you were biting the inside of your cheek despite the small smile on your face, and how you were fiddling with the strings of your hoodie. “What’s wrong?”
You let out a groan as if it were obvious, bursting, “Chan, I’m a virgin!”
“Okay, didn’t realize we were jumping to sex so quickly,” he commented.
“No! He didn’t jump to anything – I mean, I think he almost kissed me but then you called.”
Chan seemed upset with himself, giving you puppy-dog eyes as his jaw dropped slightly, “I cockblocked? I didn’t mean t– Oh, wait, is that a good thing?”
Chan knew how you got when people kissed you. He may or may not have discovered your issue himself when the two of you were kind of drunk during a night at home without Seungmin and Minho where you both admitted to finding the other cute – you still thought Chan was good-looking, but you definitely did not see him as someone you wanted to date. You still weren’t sure who kissed who first, but Chan’s tongue was in your mouth and suddenly, you shut down. Eyes squeezed closed, body tensed, and your breathing was jagged and uneven.
You were having a panic attack. And it happened every single time somebody new kissed you, and it usually took you a few times to actually warm up to them enough to makeout with them comfortably. You still didn’t know why you were like this – maybe it was just the anxiety of knowing you were inexperienced and you feared you were a bad kisser or whatever awful thing that could go wrong – but you were embarrassed every single time it happened nonetheless.
But Chan was now fully aware of your fears. He was there to hold you and promise you that you were okay in between your breathy apologies. You opened up to him about what might have caused you to do that, and told him it happened with your last two – and only two – boyfriends, so you were pretty sure this was just…a thing. 
A thing that you hated so, so much.
You frowned and looked down at your lap, feeling defeated, “I don’t know, dude… I wanted him to kiss me, but I also didn’t want to, y’know, hyperventilate and freak him out. But also, I don’t even know if he only wants to kiss me. Like, what if he’s just looking for a hook-up? Or even if he does want a relationship, how am I supposed to explain that I have no clue what I’m doing in regards to basically anything?”
Chan just shrugged, his lips pressing into a thin line, “You just be honest. If he’s worth your time, he won’t care. No decent person will think less of you, _____; I’ve told you that so many times.”
“I know, but I care!” you shot back.
“You care too much,” he stated.
“I know!”
“Look,” Chan sighed, letting his head tilt to the left and rest against the back of the couch, looking at you softly – if it were anyone else, you’d think it was pity, but because it was Chan, it was more like…a weird sense of understanding; like he could see your point of view, “I know you’ve said your anxiety is manageable, and I do think it is. But when it comes to more…physical relationships, I think that’s when it really stops you. You care too much because you're anxious, and you need to figure out where that stems from and work on it.”
You scoffed, “I think we both know where it stems from.”
“You can’t blame everything on your mom, _____.”
“She made me a people pleaser!” 
“Sweetie, you’re far passed people pleaser,” he chuckled, even though he found no humor in your mental state. “You’re more like a…”
As Chan stopped to think of a word, you let out an annoyed huff, “This isn’t even about any of that. Can we get back to the Hyunjin thing?”
“Right,” Chan cleared his throat as he readjusted himself on the couch to get a bit more comfortable. “Well, my dear, I think… I think you need to just see what his intentions are. Go from there and just explain your boundaries.”
“But it’s embarrassing having to tell people I’m in my 20’s and have only had two one-month-long relationships, and I’ve never done more than makeout with someone,” you whined, looking at Chan with desperation like he could make all your problems go away if you begged him hard enough.
“If he thinks it’s embarrassing, you call me and I’ll bring Minho and Seungmin over to embarrass him,” Chan promised with a laugh. “They don’t hold back.”
You let out a sigh, eyes staring off as you recalled the many times the pair had made a virgin joke to you, “As much as I sometimes wish they would. Even they were shocked when they found out I’m still a virgin!”
He cocked his head to one side, eyebrows creasing together in confusion.
“When we played that drinking game, I had to confess how many people I’ve slept with,” you explained. “I said I was a virgin and both of their jaws dropped.”
Chan’s eyes widened when he recalled the memory, “Oh! Oh, _____, no! They weren’t shocked because of your age, it’s because they didn’t think like… Like someone like you could be a virgin.”
It was your turn to be confused, “Someone like me?”
“Well, you don’t exactly look like an incel, y’know?” he stated, gesturing to you across the couch. “You’re good-looking, _____, and you don’t act like…weird. I mean, you’re weird, but in a likable way. You don’t have the appearance or personality of someone you’d think would still be a virgin. Think, like: sweaty guy who lives in his mom’s basement.”
“Oh…” you figured that made you feel a little bit better that your roommates were never judging you that hard. “Thanks, I guess.”
“Anytime,” he grinned, his eyes crinkling in the outer corners. “So, did you wanna go do something, or what? Maybe get your mind off things for a while.”
“Kinda was hoping we could just play video games or something,” you told him. “When are Seungmin and Minho coming back?”
“Seungmin should be back any minute, and Min’ll be a couple hours,” he said, checking his watch that he really only used for ‘daddy’ commissions for his Onlyfans, so you laughed a little seeing that he still had it on despite being changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt. He looked back up at you and narrowed his eyes. “You shut your mouth.”
“Didn’t even open it,” you replied.
Changbin eyed Hyunjin from across the table, watching as the younger boy kept his eyes on his phone as he nervously curled a strand of blonde hair around his index finger, biting at his bottom lip and bouncing his leg. To his left, his girlfriend, Kit looked over the menu, oblivious to whatever was going on between the two friends – or she didn’t care.
“Are you going to like, be here anytime soon?” Changbin asked.
His voice made Hyunjin jump slightly, looking up with wide eyes, “Huh?”
“You’ve been staring at your phone for like, ten minutes,” Changbin told him. “And judging from your nervous ticks, I don’t think you’re just scrolling social media. Honestly, I haven’t seen you nervous in a long time. What’s up?”
Hyunjin sighed, dropping his phone on the table and running both hands through his hair, “She hasn’t texted me.”
Changbin’s eyebrows dropped as he deadpanned, “This about about apartment girl, isn’t it?”
“Can you stop judging me?”
“A girl?” Kit asked, eyes widened as her interest in the conversation piqued, her menu being lowered to look between her boyfriend and his best friend. “There’s a girl involved? Jinnie, you like a girl?”
“He hardly knows a girl,” Changbin corrected. “Remember, the girl who moved in across from his apartment?”
“Oh,” she nodded, recalling Changbin briefly mentioning the situation to her – well, he ranted about it but she picked out what was important. “She made you blonde. Y’know, Jinnie, I’ve pegged you for a lot of things but never a hopeless romantic.”
At least her stupid joke could make Hyunjin laugh, looking down at the table as he seemed to relax slightly in his seat.
“Did you give her your number?” Changbin asked.
“I left it with one of the guys at the desk – Jeongin, remember him?”
“Maybe he just didn’t see her today.”
“She always works weekdays,” Hyunjin insisted. 
“Maybe she didn’t like your ‘move’ as much as you thought,” Kit chuckled, mostly just trying to tease him a little and lighten the mood a bit more.
If anything, it made him more tense as he said, “No, she did, I know it! I’m so good at reading people, Kitty -- you know! She was blushing and hiding her face and everything. It was honestly really cute…”
Though, it more so sounded like he was trying to convince himself rather than them.
“Maybe she’s busy,” Changbin suggested with a shrug. “If she’s working, that’s probably what it is. I mean, what does she even do?”
Hyunjin scoffed, picking up his phone again and sliding a little bit down against the seat of the booth, “I’m not asking. Then she’ll ask what I do and I’m not getting myself wrapped up in any lies before I can…explain.”
“I mean, if she’s as shy as you said, maybe she’s afraid to text you first,” Kit said as she went back to looking over the menu. “Bet you didn’t think of that one, loverboy.”
Hyunjin looked at her absolutely dumbfounded. He looked like she just casually told him the meaning of life. Honestly, why didn’t he think of that? He obviously knew how shy you were.
While Changbin just smirked at her and gently nudged her side, “Good call, babe.”
“I know everything,” she nodded. “The only way that girl could ever possibly have the courage to text you is if she’s drunk – and that’s still a solid maybe.”
And almost on cue, Hyunjin’s phone buzzed against the table. Kit set her menu down and Changbin glanced at the glowing screen as Hyunjin picked up his phone slowly, eyeing Kit before his eyes flickered down to the screen to see a text from an unknown number.
Two slices of pizza and two rounds of Beerio Kart later, you were considering just spending the night at your old apartment. Despite loving your own space, you missed having people around. You missed the good moments of being drunk and laughing about nothing and everything because they could somehow make anything a joke – including the one time the four of you heard a thud from the apartment above you and Minho suggested that the old man who lived there finally kicked the bucket and instead of calling someone, all of you were laughing until you were crying.
Except Jisung basically lived there now, sleeping on their couch more often than not.
And boy, was explaining the situation to him fun.
“I don’t get why this guy maybe wanting to date her is a big deal,” he had said when you were recapping the situation to Seungmin and Minho.
“She’s nervous because she’s scared he’ll think she’s like, weird or undateable if she’s still a virgin,” Minho deadpanned, eyes still on the screen.
Jisung’s jaw dropped, “You’re still a virgin?!”
Needless to say, you finished your drink first and won the first round.
Now, you were two whole drinks deep, you were feeling pretty tipsy – like, tipsy to the point that you were about to confidently tell Jisung your whole life story for fun – and you were contemplating just not going home at all since you were having so much fun. But you also knew it was the alcohol talking because, god, you loved your bed.
“One more?” Minho asked, setting the controller down on the coffee table.
All five of you crammed onto the couch, with Jisung perched on the back, one foot planted on the right armrest while the other was behind Minho. Chan sat beside him on the back of the couch with you sitting comfortably between his legs, leaning back into the cushions as your legs stretched out in front of you. Minho made damn sure to manspread enough to get his own space, while Seungmin leaned into the left arm of the couch. But Seungmin at least seemed content having to lean into the arm of the couch. It could be worse – he could be sitting by Jisung.
“I don’t think _____ should keep drinking,” Chan spoke up, always the voice of reason. “She’s gotta get home, remember?”
“She can crash with you, it’s fine,” Seungmin told him, waiving the worry away.
“The bed is gone, remember?”
Minho and Seungmin looked up at Chan, then at each other, like they forgot you were really gone.
“You guys had a fourth bed?” Jisung exclaimed.
“Yeah, it’s in the dumpster now,” Minho told him as he got up from his seat. “Why don’t you go sleep in it?”
“What if we make sure _____ gets home safe?” Seungmin asked as Minho went to the kitchen for another beer, and Jisung swung his legs around the back of the couch to go follow him. “Then can we play one more?”
“Yeah, dad,” you leaned forward and turned your head to look up at Chan with pleading eyes, “can we?”
Chan gave you a stern look, “How will we know you made it home? We can’t go on the train with you.”
And that was when you remembered something. Something that made butterflies erupt in your stomach before, but now only brought you drunken delight.
“I have Hyunjin’s number!” you squealed. “I forgot! I can text him and I can see if he’ll pick me up from the train station and–”
“And you can blow him in his car!” Minho teased with fake-enthusiasm, though the shit-eating grin he gave you when you glared at him was very much real.
But then you raised your eyebrows and said, “Unless…”
“You won’t,” Chan stated, but it wasn’t like he was telling you that he didn’t want you to. He was telling you that they all knew you wouldn’t.
“How did you forget to tell us you have his number?” Seungmin wondered, leaning toward you as you fished the note from your pocket and began typing the number into your phone.
“It’s _____ we’re talking about,” Minho scoffed.
“Are you sure you wanna text him right now?” Chan asked warily.
“I’m not that drunk,” you promised. “Only enough to have a little more confidence and courage.”
“You go, bestie,” Jisung chimed in before taking a drink of his beer.
Minho groaned, looking at him in annoyance, “Now you need a new beer to play!”
You drowned out their bickering as you typed Hyunjin’s name into your phone before starting a new message.
?????: hey, it’s _____! sorry i didn’t text you earlier!!
“That’s so dry,” Seungmin commented beside you before adding with a shrug, “I mean, you are a virgin.”
You lifted your head to glare at him, meeting his innocent gaze, “Do you want me to announce that I’m drunk?”
“It would make things more interesting, yeah.”
Before you could quip a reply, your phone buzzed in your hand.
Hyunjin 😳💌: no worries! how was work today?
_____ 😌🥰: i didn’t. i hung out with friends all day
Hyunjin 😳💌: oh, that’s fun!
Hyunjin 😳💌: what did you do?
_____ 😌🥰: beerio kart lmao
Hyunjin 😳💌: im a PRO at beerio kart lmao
Hyunjin 😳💌: did you make it home alright after that or are you staying over there?
_____ 😌🥰: ummmmmm
“He’s also unbearably dry,” Minho commented, disgust in his tone as he watched you text from over your shoulder.
You shoved him away from you, his face landing in the cushions.
_____ 😌🥰: I still have to take the train home
Hyunjin 😳💌: you’re not still drunk, are you?
_____ 😌🥰: i mean…..i’ve been drunker
Hyunjin 😳💌: do you need me to pick you up from the station? will you be able to get on the train okay? i can pick you up wherever you are
Jisung clicked his tongue, “He sounds desperate.”
You turned your head around to give him a confused look, “I hardly even know you.”
Hyunjin 😳💌: sorry if i’m being a lot lol i just want you to get back okay
“Does he even know where you are?” Seungmin asked. “I don’t think he’s that committed to driving all the way here. It’s kinda long.”
“How much do you trust this guy?” Chan wondered, looking a little concerned. “You’d be in a car alone with him for about two hours.”
“That also means even more Beerior Kart than just one more round,” you pointed out, a grin spreading across your face.
“Yeah!” Minho cheered, holding his beer in the air. “We love Hyunjae!”
“Hyunjin,” you corrected.
“Whatever-the-fuck!” he said in the same tone with the same smile plastered on his face.
“I don’t know if I would want you in a car with him for two hours if you’re gonna be even more intoxicated,” Chan admitted, placing a hand on your upper back.
Your phone buzzed again in your hand, but it continued to buzz after the first one. You looked down to see Hyunjin’s name illuminated on your screen.
“He’s calling!” Seungmin gasped with wide eyes.
“Go take it in my room,” Chan told you, helping you to your feet and gesturing to his bedroom door. “I already know these freaks will start moaning in the background and shit.”
“Can you be like, a little more fun, grandpa?” Minho frowned.
You went into Chan’s bedroom and shut the door, feeling nervousness wash over you despite having liquid courage in your system. Maybe that was just the overall anxiety of taking phone calls. Still, you forced yourself to answer.
“Hey, _____,” Hyunjin breathed. “Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Yeah, I’m at my old apartment with my friends,” you explained. “They’re trying to figure out the whole ‘me leaving’ situation.”
“Like I said, I can come get you,” he offered again. “Where are you?”
“It’s almost two hours away,” you chuckled.
“That’s okay. I’d rather you be safe than worry about a long drive.”
“Weeeeeeell…” you began slowly, wondering if you should even admit this to Hyunjin or not but your mouth was talking before your brain could consider anything else, “one of my friends is kinda concerned about me being drunk and alone in someone else’s car for two hours.”
Thankfully, Hyunjin laughed, “Understandably so. I can pick you up from the train station if you need. Do you need money for a ticket?”
“No, I’m okay. I think maybe Chan just wants me to get a taxi from the station or something.”
“I can call one for you and have it there by the time you get there.”
Feeling maybe too bold from the alcohol, you blurted the question that suddenly came to your mind: “Hyunjin, why are you being so nice to me?”
Your boldness seemed to catch him off-guard for a minute considering his silence, but you heard somebody chuckle in the background, along with a feminine-sounding laugh. It made your heart sink a little bit. Was he with another girl?
‘Are you seriously getting jealous already?’
But in your tipsy state, you’d basically forgotten about it when Hyunjin started talking.
“I’d be like this with any of my friends,” he told you. “If you’re drunk, I want to make sure you make it back safely. So if I can’t personally make sure, I’ll call a taxi at the very least.”
“It’s not that I don’t want you to pick me up,” you babbled, unable to control your mouth because about 50% of your brain was just spilling whatever it thought up, “I just want Chan to not worry about me, either.”
He chuckled, “Sweetheart, I get it. I’m not offended.”
Your face was already feeling flushed from the alcohol, but it somehow got hotter hearing him call you that. You were kind of glad you weren’t around him because you didn’t want him to see how big your smile was at the name.
“‘Kay, just making sure,” you told him, still giggling from the way your heart fluttered from the use of ‘sweetheart’. You were probably going to think about that all night.
“Let me know when you leave and I’ll have the taxi ready for you,” he promised. “Let me or your friends know if anything happens, alright?”
“I will.”
“Have a good night, _____.”
“Thanks, Hyunjin!”
The bedroom door creaked open just as you ended the call. You looked up from the phone to see Seungmin’s head poking in, a devilish grin on his face.
“One more?” he asked.
You nodded eagerly, “One more.”
The train ride went smooth despite you having the spins, and you were pretty sure you were almost fully-sober by the time you were in the taxi. But when you got out of the car and went to walk toward your building, you stumbled slightly.
Okay, so maybe you did play more than one more round.
It was almost 2am as you entered the lobby, and you expected to hear Felix’s deep voice greet you. But instead, you heard one that made your heart skip a beat.
“_____,” Hyunjin stood from one of the chairs in the lobby and strolled over to you, a casual smile on his face. “You made it back okay.”
Your eyes were wide as you stared at him, absolutely shocked that he waited up for you and stayed in the lobby to make sure you showed up. Nobody had ever done that for you – well, except for your grandmother when you would spend the nights at her house when you were in high school and she wanted to make sure you made it home safely, and sometimes Chan did.
“Are you still drunk?” he asked, seeming a little concerned as he slightly tilted his head to one side, eyes studying you.
He mostly asked because you were just standing there staring at him and not saying anything. In fact, you were staring at him like he was some famous person that had strolled in and taken you off-guard.
“Maybe a little,” you admitted in a mumble.
“Do you want some help to your room?” he offered.
A yawn escaped your lips as you nodded, and it hit you just how tired you really were. You kept yourself occupied with your phone on the train and in the taxi, yawning a little here and there since you weren’t surrounded by the excitement of your friends anymore. But knowing your bed was only a few floors away now, you were ready to pass out immediately.
“Need a hand, Hyunjin?” the familiar deep voice commented from by the counter.
“I think I’ve got her,” he replied, carefully sliding an arm around your waist and putting your arm around his shoulders, keeping his hand in yours. “Thanks, though, Lix.”
“‘Course! Have a good night, guys. _____, call down if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Felix,” you slurred slightly, glancing over at the counter to give him a lazy smile. “You’re the best.”
He grinned brightly with a wave as Hyunjin helped you to the elevators.
All you could think of was how good he smelled. Would it be weird to try to subtly nuzzle into him or would he notice? Could you even be sneaky like this? 
Being drunk typically gave you some sort of god-complex, but all of a sudden, you were basically back to being your shy, anxious self. 
‘I sobered up at least a little bit,’ you reminded yourself, ‘I’m just not drunk enough. ...I should’ve gotten drunker.’
Had Hyunjin been around you at your peak drunkenness, you probably would’ve been throwing him pickup lines left and right. 
“Was your trip home okay?” he asked as he pressed the button on the elevator with a slender finger.
“Yeah,” you yawned, trying to not let your head drop onto his shoulder. “Pretty boring, honestly.”
“How was hanging out with your friends?” he continued as the elevator doors slid open.
Honestly, you were fine to walk on your own – it might not have been in a perfect straight line, but you knew you wouldn’t fall on your face – but you continued to let Hyunjin think you couldn’t just because it was nice feeling a strong hand on your waist and his warm fingers wrapped around your hand. And also just leaning into him was nice. Everything about Hyunjin thinking you were far too drunk to function was nice.
And then if you did decide to be bold, you could pretend like you didn’t remember it tomorrow. It was a win/win!
“I didn’t win,” you pouted as you entered the elevator and Hyunjin pressed the button for the 8th floor. “I’m not the best at chugging my drinks…or at driving…”
“Remind me to not get into a car with you, then,” he smirked, glancing at you with a teasing look.
You huffed back in his face, “Okay, real-life driving is not using a fucking controller and trying to drift on Rainbow Road.”
“It could be,” he shrugged, “if you try hard enough.”
“I think you’re the drunk one,” you stated, going so far as to reach up and press the tip of your index finger against the button of his nose.
His eyes closed as your finger touched him, and then he blinked a few times before laughing at you. And you stared at him in a way that clearly said ‘why the hell did I do that’, trying to process exactly why in the hell you did do that.
Then you stared straight forward, whispering to yourself but very much out loud, “What the fuck am I doing?”
“So, who’s the drunk one again?” he continued to laugh, and you could feel teasing eyes on you but you couldn’t look at him.
Maybe you wouldn’t look at him ever again after this.
“Oh, now you’re gonna be shy?” he chuckled, releasing your hand to put his fingers under your chin and guide you to look at him.
Doe eyes met his slender ones. You couldn’t tell what kind of emotion he was looking at you with. There were hints of a smirk on his face but there was still softness in his eyes.
‘Oh god, it’s happening.’
Your heart was hammering in your chest, bracing for whatever was going to happen next. If he was going to kiss you while you were drunk in an elevator, you at least hoped you didn’t also get trapped in the small space because that wouldn’t help you at all.
The elevator dinged softly.
His features broke into a sweet smile as he said, “You’re cute.”
As the doors slid open, Hyunjin dropped his hand to hold yours that you now realized was fisting the shoulder of his shirt because of your nerves. He guided you out of the elevator and walked you halfway down the hall to where your doors faced each other.
“Keys?” he asked.
“Ummm,” you hummed as you fished around in your bag with your free hand, your mind still reeling from whatever Hyunjin was doing to you in the elevator.
You finally found your keys with shaky hands, handing them to Hyunjin. He made sure you weren’t going to fall over if he let you go – you wouldn’t have before but now because of him, your knees felt like jelly – before he unlocked your door and pushed it open slightly for you. Then he handed you your keys back with a smile.
“I’m glad you made it home okay,” he told you.
“Thanks for making sure,” you mumbled, still finding it difficult to look him in the eye.
So all you saw was one foot step forward toward you. You didn’t see his hand come up to cup your cheek, or his head lean forward to press plush lips to your hairline, making your eyes squeeze closed as you felt your heart implode, erupting butterflies in your stomach.
“Have a good night, _____,” he murmured softly. Then he gently took your shoulders, turned you toward your door, and lightly pushed you inside because he knew you wouldn’t move your feet on your own. You could hear him chuckling at you as he added, “Don’t forget to drink lots of water.”
And then he closed the door.
And you stood in your kitchen/living area in the dark, feeling somehow more drunk than when you even left Chan’s.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
—𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘖𝘯 𝘔𝘦!
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When his nunuche wanders off at the Christmas fair too much and ignores him, Napoleon comes up with the perfect method of keeping her close.
He also wins himself a kiss out of it.
▍napoleon x mc ▍rating: G ▍tags: fluff; christmas shopping; sharing a scarf; kissing ▍wordcount:  949
▍a/n:  Hehee these napoleon fluff fics simply write themselves now don't they... Hope you enjoy!
Written for mine and @voltage-vixen’s ‘Tis The Season For Love challenge!
PROMPT: Sharing a scarf
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If Napoleon wasn't already all about the magic of Christmas lingering in the icy air of the fair, people buying gifts with a smile and someone in mind, couples walking hand in hand, children singing; he'd be here because of his Nunuche. He has this unique trump card of his, for making any and all locations, scenic or urban or whatever, a thousand times more worth the visit - simply by taking her there. She is like a mirror of the energy of the place; emotions projecting on her face in pure, unadulterated honesty - gentle tears rolling down her cheeks at the opera, laugher ringing in his ears at the cabaret. A mature and tranquil smile to match his own while welcoming the dawn somewhere alone for miles. A giggle of innocence when their hands bump while laying the picnic.
Here at the Christmas fair, keeping her in his gaze proves to be a little difficult. And while a moment ago they were too a part of those cute couples walking hand in hand (that's one hand less freezing in the cold! It's very important!), now there is an unacceptably big gap between them. A gap of a whole stall, or two, or three. When did she managed to get all the way there?!
"Oh! Napoleon! I almost thought I'd lost you here for a moment!"
Napoleon groans, and the gesture is visualized in the form of a white puff of air. "Yeah. I thought the same. Don't wander off on your own like that."
He emphasizes his warning with a quick ruffling of her hair, which successfully binds her attention on him for the grand duration of three seconds, but not her eyes. They're too busy looking at the goods on display. And so Napoleon takes his own eyes off her, busy fixing the scarf which end fell off from where it was swept behind his back. This thing seems to be a bit too long, after all… he should consider going out with a different one next time.
And she's gone.
His brows come together in the middle in a frown, steps coming faster and heavier. And yes, he does call her by her actual name too, in case she forgot about his existence altogether and everything related with it, including his loving nickname for her. He spots her beige coat before any of his calls do the job.
"Come here." He comes with an idea and hurries to put it into action before she can escape again. The excessively lengthy scarf is suddenly coming in handy because Napoleon guesstimates correctly that it can be used by two. Unhooking one part of it from around his neck and looping it once around his puzzled nunuche, they're suddenly connected by the soft red cashmere. Almost like an improvised red string of fate.
"Napoleon!!! W-what is this!! Do you realize how we look from the side-"
"Like two lovers obsessed with each other's company. I know."
If it wasn't for his even tone and matching expression, MC would take it as another one of his teasing remarks. But now he sounds… serious. Somehow mad with her. Huh. She wonders what that's about.
The absurdity of Napoleon having to precisely keep up with her step AND struggle with the height difference at the same time aside, she manages a sincere pout. "I was looking for a present for YOU, you know!"
"And have you asked me what I wanted?"
Ack, she hates it when he answers that quick. "What do you want, Napoleon?"
"A kiss in front of the Christmas tree."
The Christmas fair, strategically situated in close proximity to said tree, would naturally have a path leading there. A path that Napoleon led the way to, without her noticing. And, just like that, they're at the perfect wishes-come-true location, if your wish includes a kiss from a person who's face is already forced close to yours.
MC doesn't need the scarf connecting them to shorten the distance. She'd even love having a stall or two or three worth of distance between them just so she can run all the way here and press her lips on Napoleon's, right now. Just so he could see how deep her intention runs. But it's fine.
His lips are cold, remarkably cold. For a second she wonders if they're going to be stuck like that, glued in an awfully perfect kiss. But they're not, and Napoleon sports a stupidly wide grin in the next second.
And they wouldn't have to worry about these things if they were to kiss again! Suddenly MC's lips are warm, because her cheeks are warm, because her ears are warm, because her heart is warm. But Napoleon is not kissing her anymore. She considers going once more around every single stall and booth from the first to the last, right this instant. Just because.
"Well, Napoleon, have YOU asked me what I wanted for Christmas?"
The staring contest is concluded, but even when running away from it Napoleon always comes out triumphal, somehow. It's very irritating.
"No need. I already got you something, by the way."
A sudden tug by the neck is seeing MC clinging to Napoleon's side, linking arms with him just in order not to stumble and fall with that scarf forbidding any distance to be kept between them. She wants to be annoying and pester with questions just to see if she can soften him into letting away some of it, but she already knows he won't say a thing. Or maybe ask him if he planned sharing the scarf ever since they went out. Suddenly, he is all she can think about.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @atelieredux @cilokgoang let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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iffylogic · 6 months
Last Line
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Ack I almost forgot about this! Thanks for the tag @riinoaheartilly, sorry for the delay 😅
"I heard you, even if it took me years more to listen."
Tagging: @thee-lionheart @barananduen-blog @pinnadraws @sunny-explosions @promised-meadow, if any of you feel like it! I'm stopping at five because I get self-conscious enough tagging people as it is, but if you wanna join in then go for it!
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grymmnox · 2 years
weekly fic recs #6
missed last week but uh. doing it now. this week will be posted later tonight, hopefully
same as usual. & = platonic, / = romantic.
edit: forgot the line break or whatever mb
Over every extinguished past; tucuxi - bungo stray dogs
teen | 16.5k words | chuuya & dazai, chuuya & yosano, chuuya & kunikida, ADA & chuuya, chuuya/dazai
It’s been a little more than a month since everything almost went to shit, since the Armed Detective Agency and Port Mafia faced off against Dostoyevsky, since Yokohama almost lost its fragile, balanced peace.
And it’s also been just about a month since Ranpo emerged from Poe’s book, all pride and glowing accomplishment for solving 500 murders in a week, and just a passing comment about the other guy losing patience and starting punching people.
Chuuya emerges from Poe's book, exhausted, to discover that Dazai has been severely injured. Standing guard in the Agency's infirmary, Yosano, Kunikida, and Chuuya find unexpected common cause in their desire to keep Dazai in one piece despite his best efforts to hide his vulnerabilities from everyone around him.
Even If My Blood Drains, You’ll Still Run Through My Veins; SapphireSunstone - bungo stray dogs
teen | 4.4k words | chuuya/dazai
“Listen, what I’m about to say is insane, but I have amnesia.”
Chuuya immediately tried to slam the door on Dazai’s face.
Recovery; rutu14 - bungo stray dogs
teen | 11.4k words | chuuya/dazai | READ TAGS
Dazai shows up to Chuuya's apartment uninvited to deal with the fallout of using Coruption after the events of Dead Apple. They end up taking care of each other more than anything else.
Liquid Courage; harrowoftheboar - bungo stray dogs
teen | 10.5k words | chuuya/dazai
"You're not allowed to talk to me,” Dazai mutters.
This time, it’s Chuuya’s turn to blink in confusion.
"Whuh?" he blurts out intelligently, expression warring between flustered and pissed off.
Like a stubborn, indignant child, Dazai crosses his arms and turns his nose up.
"You can’t talk to me.”
“And why the hell not?” Chuuya barks, anger winning out only for the sake of preventing him from thinking about the fact that Dazai Osamu just called him pretty.
It doesn’t help, because the next words out of Dazai’s mouth hit him like a punch to the chest.
“I'm married." -- OR: Dazai gets drunk and accidentally reveals his and Chuuya's secret, forgotten, illegal marriage to the entirety of their friends and family.
In Pain and Sickness, You Would Still Be Dear; My_Kind_of_Crazy - bungo stray dogs
general audiences | 2.3k words
“Ack, what a pain.” Dazai rolls away from the sun, grumbling as he notices that the ache in his throat has only gotten worse. He buries his face in his pillow, whining to himself. “I’m bedridden with an illness that won’t even kill me in the end. How unfair.”
Reaching for his phone takes longer than he’d like, his arms heavy and sluggish when he tries to make them move. A series of notifications already fills the screen from various members of the Agency. They’re no different than what he’d expect— demands to know where he is and why he’s slacking off, missed calls that he must have slept through. Dazai sighs, intending to clear the notifications and go back to sleep.
The latest text from Atsushi stills his hand, though.
- Is everything okay?
Dazai's sick. The Armed Detective Agency takes care of him.
the tip of the iceberg (hides the true depth under the water); DeviBlue - bungo stray dogs
teen | 4.7k words | chuuya & dazai, chuuya/dazai, dazai & hirotsu, chuuya & hirotsu
This was not a good idea.
Hirotsu knew this was not a good idea, and he tried telling Mori that multiple times. Yet the boss just smiled and waved him off.
“The boys will be fine, Hirotsu-san. What’s the worst that can happen?”
What’s the worst thing that could happen as Soukoku’s newly assigned handler? Well, to start, Hirotsu was only assuming this position because the teens managed to kill their last handler. And the one before that. And Mori refused to disclose what the boys did to the first one.
Hirotsu becomes Soukoku's new handler and learns how little he truly knows about them and their relationship.
icing is sweeter than blood; soupthatistoohot - bungo stray dogs
teen | 3.2k words | chuuya/dazai, chuuya & dazai, ADA & dazai
Finally entering his dorm, Dazai was prepared to flop down onto his futon and drown his sorrows in whiskey — except there was someone sitting on his futon.
“Ehh? What are you doing here, slug?” he groaned at Chuuya, who wore the smuggest fucking grin of his life.
“What’re you talking about?" he asked, all cocky and boisterous. "It’s your birthday, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
Dazai hates his birthday, which is exactly why Chuuya insists on celebrating it.
Got a ride that’s smoother than a limousine; Xx_Strawberry_Cheescake_xX - bungo stray dogs
general audiences | 3.1k words | chuuya/dazai
Dazai and Chuuya get paired up for another mission.
It was supposed to be a short mission. Around 5 hours at most.
It ended up lasting 10.
Dazai hitches a ride on Chuuya's motorbike and has many regrets.
wordle incident: five dead twenty injured; DraculasDiary - bungo stray dogs
teen | 2.3k words | chuuya & dazai, chuuya/dazai, dazai & ranpo
"Ranpo~!" Dazai chirps to his beloved coworker. Ranpo only raises an eyebrow in turn, though, rattling around a hard candy in his mouth.
"Do you, my silly friend, happen to know the five letter word of the day?"
Ranpo pauses, tilting his head to the side as he digs for another of his candies.
"Zibeb, I think?"
Dazai blinks.
"... How the fuck do you spell that?"
in a garden of memories; aicoconut - bungo stray dogs
teen | 3k words | atsushi & ranpo, atsushi & dazai, dazai & ranpo, dazai & kunikida, atsushi & yosano
“That's where you’re mistaken, Atsushi!” Dazai is the one who speaks this time. He’s flopped over upside down on a desk, hands behind his head. “The target’s presence has been requested by the government. Her information hasn’t been kept discrete, and she is genuinely enjoying herself as a tourist. Her operations are far too public for this to be mafia work.”
“Oh. Couldn’t she be just a tourist then? Without being affiliated with anyone?”
Dazai shakes his head, and Atsushi finds himself wondering how his mentor doesn’t have a headache after staying upside down for so long.
This Is Okay For Now; bluemango0406 - bungo stray dogs
teen | 8.3k words | chuuya/dazai
“Shit, Dazai--” Chuuya snaps, his eyes fleeting down to look at his ex-partner with concern, “You’re fucking burning!”
Now, Dazai’s eyes flutter open, heavy, to meet Chuuya’s gaze and Chuuya hates how his chest constricts unpleasantly when he sees dull, amber eyes that are glossy stare right back at him.
“I know, Chibi,” Dazai murmurs and his voice makes Chuuya internally wince with how raspy it sounds, “I told you I’m dying—I’m essentially burning alive as we speak.”
OR: A fic where Dazai is sick and Chuuya takes care of him
it was just red; eluvion - bungo stray dogs
teen | 4.1k words | ADA & dazai, chuuya & dazai, chuuya/dazai
On being lost, and being found. Or, Dazai, Chuuya, and the Armed Detective Agency in the week of the anniversary of one Oda Sakunosuke’s death.
Complete Fics
We Shall Be Monsters; My_Kind_of_Crazy - bungo stray dogs
teen | 2 chapters | 12.8k words | chuuya/dazai, chuuya & dazai (pre-slash or gen)
Dazai's used to people looking at him with fear. He's the Demon Prodigy of the Port Mafia, unfeeling and inhuman. It would be strange if people didn't find him frightening.
But, recently, he's not the one they're all flinching away from. He's not the one they whisper about. He's not the one they call a monster.
Bit by bit, he pieces the clues together-- and he realizes that there are people in the mafia who don't like Chuuya.
Obviously, he has to do something about this.
darlin’ i’d wait for you, even if you didn’t ask me to.; osachuuzai - bungo stray dogs
teen | 5 chapters | 12.8k words | chuuya/dazai
This is the closest thing he’ll get, although his selfish human heart shrivels at the thought of it. But if he could continue to have Chuuya in his life, and even let himself pretend that Chuuya loved him a smidge more than what was true, to let himself believe that Chuuya wanted him the way he wanted Chuuya, then he would take being left on the sidelines.
And now he was going to watch the person he loved more than anything be given away to some undeserving random who would never know how long Dazai had suffered in silence. They would never know how long Dazai had waited for Chuuya.
And perhaps Dazai would keep waiting.
He knows Chuuya isn’t selfish like he is, he knows Chuuya would never ask him to wait. But god, years down the line Chuuya will be happy with somebody else and Dazai still doesn’t think he’ll be ready to move on.
[ or : dazai is in love with his lifelong best-friend. said best friend is about to receive the initials of his soulmate, and dazai's not quite ready to lose him. ]
Phosphenes in Our Starry Eyes; im_tired_too - bungo stray dogs
teen | 2 chapters | 7k words | chuuya/dazai, dazai & chuuya | READ TAGS
Two different outcomes would always come out of this situation.
1. Chuuya would coax Dazai to put down the razor; he would listen. Chuuya would then treat the man’s wounds.
2. Chuuya would coax Dazai to put down the razor, and it wouldn’t work.
Trigger; amabe - bungo stray dogs
not rated | 2 chapters | 6.6k words | chuuya/dazai, akutagawa/atsushi | READ TAGS
"We don’t need to kill,” Fukuzawa said over the com, ever calm, and Dazai heard it in his earpiece, the surety. Ranpo had a way out. Fukuzawa would have allowed it if there was no other way.
“Osamu. Shoot.” Mori’s voice crackled through and it was silence and screaming all at once—a sound he had not heard in an age. That tone, the initiation. He didn’t even breathe as his muscle twitched and fired. There’d been a head there a moment before. Now he was just looking into a skull, shattered into a million pieces.
The blood dripped down his cheek and it was so familiar, so crushingly familiar, that seeing out of both eyes was dizzying.
A Demon, an Angel, and a Detective Walk Into a Bar; StarlitClouds - bungo stray dogs
general audiences | 5 chapters | 11.6k words | dazai & ranpo & yosano, dazai & ranpo, dazai & yosano, ranpo & yosano
Ranpo’s gaze was piercing as he looked Dazai up and down. Still, no matter how much research Dazai had done and how much he had prepared himself, he couldn’t have predicted what Ranpo said next.
“Demon prodigy, eh?”
It was over. Ranpo knew. What had Dazai been doing, thinking that no one in a detective agency would figure it out? He was going to be kicked out now— no. He was going to be arrested. Of course they would arrest him, they were—
“You know, I hate Mori. Yosano hates Mori. I've already deduced that you hate Mori as well.” For the second time that day, and the only time in Dazai’s lifetime, Ranpo managed to surprise Dazai a second time in the span of only a minute. “Want to help us prank him by moving all the furniture in his office exactly 2 inches to the left?”
He wanted to do that more than anything else in the world.
Or: what happens when Osamu Dazai and Akiko Yosano, the former Demon Prodigy and Angel of Death respectively, as well as Ranpo Edogawa, current Greatest Detective in The World team up together? (Spoiler alert: chaos. Lots and lots of chaos)
The Walk to Home; its_just_me27 - bungo stray dogs
teen | 20 chapters | 95k words | chuuya/dazai, akutagawa/atsushi
All Chuuya has for the day is a rough notebook, a few pens and his phone. He has yet to buy the textbooks. He’ll do that during the weekend, he decides. He rummages through his bag and picks out the notebook. It’s a thin book, really, mostly because Chuuya doesn’t expect himself to make elaborate notes or anything. Maybe he’ll just record the lectures on his phone and listen to them like podcasts before the exams.
“That’s my seat,” he hears a voice that makes him look up.
“Excuse me?”
The other guy clicks his tongue in annoyance. “I said that’s my seat. You’re sitting on my seat.”
“Are the seats permanently assigned or something?”
“Then sit somewhere else.”
The other guy blinks at him. Chuuya is ready for a fight if he has to. It’s not like he hasn’t dealt with bullies in the past. He’s somewhat proud to say that he has, perhaps, made them cry a lot more than the other way around. So, yeah, he’s ready for anything.
Except that the guy only smirks at him.
Incomplete Fics
reconcile; whatagoodegg - my hero academia
teen | 7/? chapters | 83.4k words | midoriya & shigaraki, aizawa & midoriya, class 1-a & midoriya
Midoriya and Shigaraki get hit with a Quirk that basically locks the both of them in an indestructible box and makes them unable to physically harm each other. The only way for them to get out?
They have to reconcile their differences.
Obviously, this is easier said than done.
grim’s notes: honestly might’ve already included this one in a previous reclist? i dunno. it’s a good fic tho
When Realities Collide; LowlyWriter - my hero academia
teen | 6/? chapters | 74.9k words | aizawa & midoriya, midoriya & tsukauchi, midoriya & nedzu, aizawa/hizashi, hizashi & midoriya, bakugou & midoriya, midoriya & todoroki, midoriya & shinsou
(Formerly known as Into the Deku-Verse)
Shota sneers at the teenager across from him. His defense raises like the hairs on the back of his neck as he glares steadily, ready and waiting for whatever will come from this encounter. He narrows his gaze when the teen shifts; just the thought of sharing this rooftop with Japan's most notorious villain makes his skin prickle. “Deku.”
“Y-yes!” the teenager cries out in relief, taking a small step towards Shota, “I’m Deku! I’m so g-glad you—”
“Deku,” Shota growls darkly, flicking out his capture weapon hastily to snag the villain before he can make his move. He's quick to tug it taut, leaving no room for Deku to escape. “You’re under arrest.”
“I-I’m what?! W-wait!”
Hero Course student Izuku comes to the realization that he is definitely not where he's supposed to be.
haghdjafalkbh yeah i did it. ok. ok goodbye (for now) i will be posting this week later tonight hopefully probably.
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dandomroodles · 2 years
Tumblr media
mizuki <3
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sinylene-blog · 5 years
I just realized something. One moment I basically pour my heart out into a poem, then the next I’m posting about how humans are basically just cucumbers with anxiety. If you have ever wanted a perfect description of my personality, that’s it.
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deeranger · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
@oddsocksandstuff tagged me in this, thank you so much, sweetie!  ❤️
 1) How many works do you have on AO3? I’ve got 40 so far (of which 25 are SPN fics). There’s more to come! 
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 486,667, apparently. That tells me each of my fics has an average wordcount of 12,166.675… Seems about right. I was never any good at keeping things short.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Uhh… On AO3 I’ve written for Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, X-men (Cherik) and McFassy (James McAvoy/Michael Fassbender). But I’ve written a lot when I was younger that has never made it online, including NCIS, Pirates of the Caribbean, and lots of weird one-shorts starring everyone from Michael J. Fox to Kevin Sorbo from “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys”. 🤨  
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos? “A Lesson to be Taught” – an SPN Wincest pwp fic where a dominant Dean fucks (and spanks) Sam and they discover that Dean apparently has a daddy!kink. Comes with a photo manipulation too! There be dick.    
“Taking Game” – a semi-dark medieval Cherik (Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr from X-men) AU. Basically, Charles is a poacher hunting on king Erik’s land to his great dismay. And so, he’s captured and gets the choice between losing his life or serving the king for a bit… Dubcon and smut ensues.   “Only Like This” – a little SPN Wincest dub-con fic about hopelessly pining Dean doping Sam just so he can touch and kiss his oblivious little brother. It’s okay. Sam won’t remember when he comes to.   “It’s Only Carnal” – A dark SPN Wincest noncon fic where soulless!Sam needs to blow off some steam. And when it comes to carnal activities his brother isn’t exactly a novice – so why not use Dean’s body to make them both feel good?   “Demonized” – a long and dark af SPN noncon fic written in collaboration with the awesome @palishere. Sam is captured by some nasty demons who use him to lure in his brother. At first it seems the demonic scumbags are just really perverted and have a weakness for sexual torture, but they turn out to have ulterior motives…  
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes, always. I think it can be a bit demotivating for a reader to leave a comment and get zero response – and so, they might not bother to comment on the next fic. At least, that’s how I feel personally. And besides, I really want to let readers know that I appreciate them taking the time and effort to actually tell me what they think.  
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oufff… Seriously? How can I possibly pick just one when 99.8 percent of my fics are not only dark af but have gut-wrenching ambiguous endings as well? I, err… I’m gonna have to think really hard about this one, hold on… *Insert buzzing cicada sound*… Uhh… Well, I guess it might be… “Play or Pay” – a dark female!reader-insert Wincest fic where demon!Dean has you and Sam trapped somewhere underground. Sam ends up being on the receiving end of the demon’s cruelty when he tries to save you. Using Dean’s body the demon ends up raping Sam while the reader tries to escape to get help... There’s a little twist in the end. Loads of dead dove here, including death (not Dean or Sam).     “The Orange Hour” – where undercover inmate!Dean has to rape CO!Sam in order to save both of their lives and get them out of the jail in one piece. It doesn’t go completely as planned. (Comes with an nsfw photo manipulation).  “Demonized” – loads of bottom!Sam torture, full of hurt and absolutely no comfort... It’s just… I dunno, I think I and @palishere had a collective meltdown in the noncon and angst department. Sorrynotsorry.      
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Nope, I’ve never in my life written a crossover. Usually, I’m too laser-focused on 1 obsession at a time. I can’t multitask, okay?   
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, the fandom purity police has visited me on AO3. The usual self-proclaimed know-it-alls vomiting their bullshit all over the comment section about how “problematic” noncon is and how “sick” I must be. I thought about moderating comments for a while, actually – but I just deleted their follow-up comments until they left me alone. 😤
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yes!! Gimme! Usually, I write noncon smut or just good ol’ pwps that feature some sort of dominance. That’s it. That’s my jam. In general, the only smut I don’t write is the cute, fluffy, feel-good, cuddly stuff… My smut’s usually pretty rough and/or some sort of dub/noncon.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. Someone stole “It’s Only Carnal” and posted it as her own on some Portuguese fanfiction site. She even replied to comments, answered questions and talked about how much she loved writing it, etc… Luckily a sweet mutual on Tumblr let me know about it and I reported her for plagiarism. The stolen fic was taken down shortly after and the account deleted. Goddamn thief. 😡  
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes. Honestly, I can’t remember which fic(s). But people have contacted me on AO3 and asked for permission to translate my stuff into Chinese. I have - of course - happily allowed them to. It’s such an awesome compliment to get, I think!  
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, 2. “Demonized” and the fluffy Ficfacers prompt fic “The Masks We Wear” starring Sam and Dean taking their pranks a step too far. Basically, the brothers get angry with each other and they need to talk it out… No smut in this one, can you believe it?!! But that was kinda the prompt we received. The prompt was literally: “Sam and fluff”. Anyways, both fics are co-written with the lovely @palishere. You can find her AO3 here. 😊
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? Wincest!!! Definitely. Gimme all the brotherfucking, please. No contest. And coming in on second place I guess there’s Samifer – never paired consensually, though. I just love Lucifer messing with Sam’s head and torturing him in all kinds of cruel ways.    
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Oh, that’s a mean question… I have a noncon WIP where Sam and Dean are in prison. I wrote a whole story outline, gathered my own little dictionary of prison slang, etc… But I never made it past page 10 or something. Sam was supposed to get jumped by a gang of inmates and then Dean was supposed to helplessly watch from the sideline, offering to trade places if they’d just leave his little brother alone… And after that it’s all about a mix of healing and vengeance… But the story has been lying on the shelf for more than a year and I doubt I’ll ever continue it. Oh, wait! I almost forgot – I have a long Cherik WIP sequel to “To Have and to Hold”! Just checked, its wordcount is 18,729! Holy crap…. What a waste, huh? But I honestly don’t think I’ll ever finish it, because I’m not into Cherik anymore. That ship has kinda sunk for me…. So, now I’m hyperfixating on Supernatural, yeah?     
16) What are your writing strengths? Description, I think. I just love details and setting the mood. I like to think I’m pretty good at writing in English too even though it isn’t my native language… I wish to be better and expand my vocabulary but I’m doing okay nonetheless.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Description, I think. Yes, you read correctly. I often describe things TOO much. Sometimes to the extent where the pacing gets so slowed down that I feel like the scene loses its ‘feel’. I don’t know if it’s just in my head, but that’s my major concern about my writing. That and my signature ambiguous endings, lol.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Love it. It can be difficult to pull off, but if you get it right it can be magical. Just don’t overdo it and make sure that the reader can follow. I don’t think I have any fics online where I do it, but I’m not a complete stranger to it either.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Ack, my poor brain trying to go back to when I was friggin’ 13… You know how many years ago that was?! 25!!! Okay!? *Huffs*…. Anyway, I THINK it might’ve been Keanu Reeves’ character in “Johnny Mnemonic”. Or maybe David James Elliott’s character as Harmon Rabb in the early seasons of “JAG”. I dunno. Either way this question makes me feel really old and I don’t appreciate it. Don’t @ me. 😅   
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? That’s probably a tie between “The Orange Hour” and “It’s Only Carnal”. They’ve both got nice pacing and that’s my biggest challenge, I think. Also, I love the whole Morse code thing in “The Orange Hour”. I don’t even know what happened or how I came up with it, but hey, I can surprise myself if I want to, I guess! And of course there’s the smutty noncon and all of the hurt… So, those two fics are my personal faves. 😏  
I’ll tag @jackandthesoulmates, @pinkoptics, @palishere, @wrenseroticlibrary, @decadent-prince, @negans-lucille-tblr, @juinae and @impala-dreamer and everyone else who feels like doing it! Feel free to ignore, of course. 
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obligatorycoffee · 3 years
Ack I've joined the essay train. More under the cut~
As it stands now, I fit into two categories under the alterhuman umbrella: otherkind and otherhearted. The details get a little wishy-washy with labels around my otherkin identity...draconic, dragonkin, dragonkind, theriomythic, what-have-you, but the general gist is I'm a dragon, and that's that. I'm also domestic cat-hearted, cheetah-hearted, and Andalite-hearted. I enjoy these creatures, but I'm not them.
But, how do I know?
First of all, I suppose it's not possible to ever really know for sure. Our experiences are subjective and open to interpretation, and even those who've contemplated their identities for years can see them change or need reevaluation in the light of new information. Even so, at this point I can say with fair certainty that I'm a dragon, and not a cat, or a cheetah, or an Andalite.
I've loved cats for as long as I can remember, and begged my parents relentlessly for a kitten even before I was in kindergarten. I gained an intense obsession with cheetahs around that time too, and used to run around the house pretending to be one. I drew house cats and cheetahs incessantly on scraps of computer paper, alongside my innumerable dragon sketches. My mom, being allergic to cats, nixed the idea of getting me a cat at first, but a stray tuxedo kitten showed up at her work, and in the absence of an allergic reaction, she caved and brought the kitten home for a trial run as a pet. The cat ended up staying with us for 18 years. Oh how I loved that cat. I'd sit on the floor next to her and eat dry cereal from a bowl while she ate her kibble, I'd follow her around, nap with her, brush her, and dress her up to my heart's desire. I'd meow and hiss, I'd sharpen my fingernails to be more cat-like, and I convinced my parents to buy me tickets to the Cats musical, where I dressed up as my tuxedo cat for the show. I know cat body language exceptionally well, and can usually figure out pretty quickly what a cat wants or how it's feeling, and I've picked up lifelong feline mannerisms from being around cats since my childhood.
But, I'm not a cat.
Cats feel like family, and I'm thrilled to meet new cats, hang out with my cats, or look at cute art of cats. I will probably own cats for as long as I live. But they're little creatures I surround myself with that move and act in a way I've never felt a pull toward at an identity level.
I grew up reading K.A. Applegate's Animorphs series, and instantly fell in love with her blue centaur aliens, the Andalites. They were weird and funny, and had kickass scythe tails to boot. I'd run around on the playground with my friends at recess, and we'd pretend we were Andalites or other characters from the books. As I grew up, I never quite forgot about Andalites, and came to the abrupt realization recently that I'm probably Andalite-hearted. I was falling asleep one night and the realization that I really vibed with Andalites struck me out of nowhere. They feel familiar and interesting, and somehow important to me. I enjoy the fact that they exist, and I get a kick out of their species design, and they're just darn cool. The last time I read an Animorphs book was in middle school, but I've been thinking about Andalites ever since.
But I'm not an Andalite.
Nothing about their species fits with my experiences as nonhuman, and while I get a warm sense of familiarity when I think about them or interact with media involving them, that sense of familiarity doesn't extend to descriptions of their customs or planet. They'd make a darn cool linktype though, now that I think about it.
A handful of years ago, I spent hundreds of hours researching and writing about an odd seabird called a streaked shearwater. It's a member of the tube-nosed seabirds (of which albatrosses are also members), and likes to nest in burrows on hills above the ocean. It's an excellent flyer, and it can travel immense distances with speed and incredible grace. A couple months into my studies, I had a vision of myself as a shearwater, with white wings spread out to the night sky. I don't typically imagine myself as other animals, so when I had this vision, the intensity startled me, and I began to question if this was a theriotype. I'd spent a month or so doing fieldwork in a shearwater colony, and during my time there, I always felt a longing to leap out from the cliffs and fly over the ocean, and greatly enjoyed crawling around in the dirt and leaves to check on the birds incubating eggs in their burrows. Maybe there was more to that enjoyment than I thought.
Yet, when I imagined myself as a shearwater, flying over cliffs out to the ocean, I was not the bird itself; I was present in its body, but numb and unaware of what the bird's body was doing. I wasn't present mentally in its movements or senses. It was almost as if I were tagging along with the animal itself or hitching a ride, so to speak. Upon further exploration of what I imagined feeling like a shearwater should feel like, from a physical standpoint, I found it unnatural and almost horrifying to imagine my feet moulded into the adorably flappy webbed feet of a seabird, or to have a bristle of feathers sticking out as a tail. The bill felt like a deformed mask, the wings wrong, and the squat duck-like body felt ungainly. The thought of soaring on the night wind was enticing, but beyond that, it was uncomfortable and felt like nothing more than a cameo.
But what happens when the cameo shifts do feel right?
On and off for a few years, I'd have envisage shifts or phantom shifts of tufted cat ears overlaying where my human ears are. They were long and tan, and not really of any feline species I'm aware of, but close enough to a lynx that'd I'd probably describe them as such. I could imagine them flattening or perking up, depending on the situation and my mood. They'd come and go, and weren't really triggered by anything as far as I could tell. Their frequency followed a similar pattern to my draconic shifts...some weeks frequent, with some long periods of complete absence. They've since vanished, and I haven't noticed them around for a good couple years now. I can't say I miss them, but honestly, they were kind of fun, and they never felt particularly wrong, unlike my jaunt in a shearwater's body. However, I never felt an attachment to them identity-wise, and despite sticking around for a good few years, I never felt anything more associated with the shifts beyond some cat ears pasted on my human head (worth noting, my draconic shifts and cat ear shifts never overlapped! No cat-eared dragons here). I don't know where they came from and I don't know where they went. I'm not a lynx, and they were simply a cameo.
Perhaps I'm wrong about all these things, and I'm a draconic, feline, Andalite polykin, but exploring how differently I experience my draconity versus feline, cheetah, and Andalite-heartedness, I'm extremely inclined to believe these are a collection of different identities and cameo shifts. My identity isn't pulled toward shearwaters or lynx like it is toward my variety of western dragon or toward the idea of surrounding myself with cats, cheetahs, and Andalites. They all have distinct feelings, as hard as they are to put into words.
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I meant to comment sooner but chapter 7 of SSS just ended me!! Poor Tony having to deal with other people’s assumptions even when they are trying to be helpful! (Or at least think they are!) and Steve being just so sweet, telling him to order what he needed and let him not worry so much!! I love everything about them! I can’t wait to see Tony meet BuckyNat! And I can’t wait for when Steve meets and falls in love with Peter as well!! I honestly cannot wait!!! Love this story!!
Ughhhh i just realized I forgot to go through and answer asks and I was legit like "oh man the number of comments has really dropped on the last few chapters." ACK
Anyway, I feel like people's assumptions when they are trying to be helpful are almost... worst? Like at least when it's mean people assuming shit about you it's very likely that they assume immediately negative things about everyone so you're just another one on their belt. But for someone with *good intentions* to assume the worst about you... idk it just hits different.
For Tony, having the bitchy manager at a super high end jewelry store assume a person in work clothes and still wearing a name tag couldn't afford that watch... I mean that's terrible but still fairly valid as far as retail goes. Part of retail's unofficial training is to straight up profile people that are potentially sketchy or acting sketchy or look like they very clearly dont belong. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, I'm just saying it's DONE and especially in higher end places. Its like the "if you have to ask the price it's because you can't afford it" mentality and especially in this verse where Omegas are generally treated as second class, an Omega who is clearly in the service industry walking into that place without an Alpha there to buy them things... red flags.
But then to go to urgent care for help and to have the first nurse assume he was a bad parent just because he was a single Omega, and then to have the SECOND nurse offer him help for his "addictions" or for his "trouble keeping a job" because that's the only reason she can fathom why he wouldn't have a stable Alpha is just... just a thousand times worse.
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ilyamatic · 4 years
A Spoonful of Sugar
I am back? With more smut? Who am I?
CW: (Magical) Toys, a collar, edging, lingerie, and excessive use of italics
It started with an innocuous statement.
“I would like to see it,” Andrico had said.
Julian removed one of his boots and began his struggle with the other. He had just gotten home from rehearsal at the theater. It was a good night, they had made great progress, but he was tired. He could see himself sleeping for at least six hours for once.
“It won’t be too long now,” he said. “The director thinks we only need another month or so before we can premiere the play-”
“Do I have to wait?”
“To see the play?”
“No, to see you in heels.”
He had said it casually, oh so casually. Julian suddenly found his mouth a little drier than before.
“Well, uh, well I don’t have any here-”
“I can get a pair.”
Julian felt the heat creeping up his neck. “Oh, oh okay.”
The conversation had ended there and they went to bed. Andrico did not bring it back up in the morning or the next day or even the day after that. It soon seemed that seeing Julian in heels was a passing fancy, something pleasant but not worth pursuing. Julian eventually forgot it was even mentioned in time. His days were soon consumed with work, rehearsals, and the eventual play.
So his surprise was genuine when after a fortnight he walked into the bedroom to find his ‘gifts’. There was not only a pair of black pumps, but a matching lingerie set, stockings, and a collar with a tag that read ‘Drico’s baby’ laying on their bed. What was slightly less surprising was the butt plug and the note resting to the side. Andrico would not be Andrico if he didn’t add a little game. Julian walked over to the bed and picked up the note, scanning it quickly. It seemed he was to do nothing but get ready, do some things around the house, and look pretty in his new gifts. He hummed thoughtfully. That seemed simple enough. Had Andrico lost his touch?
It had taken all but an hour for Julian to realize that no, Andrico had not lost his touch. He clawed at the counter, desperately trying to find purchase lest his buckling knees send him crashing to the ground. In hindsight he should have seen this coming. There was no way that it would be simple. Doing some things around the house? Easy. Doing some things around the house with a magical vibrating butt plug inside you that went off at random? Not so much. It was a pleasant surprise at first, a little thrill to break apart the monotony of washing dishes. But as time progressed the bursts got longer and more intense, all leading up to this. Julian panted against the marble surface. He wasn’t going to make it. He was going to die in precum soaked skivvies. No one would come to his funeral if they found out.
“Juju,” Andrico’s concern-tinged voice rang from the living room. “Are you alright?”
Thankfully, thankfully the vibrations stopped and Julian groaned in both loss and relief.
“Never better.”
“What color are we?”
Julian did not hesitate. “Green.”
His voice sounded rough to his own ears but he doubted his lover minded. Andrico preferred to see and hear all the ways that he wrecked him. Collecting himself, Julian made to stand straight. His knees were no longer in danger of giving out but he could little to stop the tremors in his hands as he picked up the other man’s drink. Ah, well. Here’s to hoping he didn’t spill it.
The walk back to the living room was blissfully uneventful. It seemed that Andrico was done tormenting him for the time being. He still made sure to move as quickly as his heels would allow to the armchair lest Andrico change his mind.
“Thank you mon amour,” his lover said as he took the glass.
Andrico took a long sip of his drink, humming satisfaction at the taste. He then turned his eyes back to him. Julian knew that he must of looked a sight. He was flushed down to his chest and his panties left nothing to the imagination. An indulgent look crossed his lover’s face. He leaned back languidly and patted his lap.
“You look tired, love. Come take a seat.”
Julian all but jumped at the chance. Finally. Desire buzzed along his skin as he straddled Andrico and tried to close the space between them. The little cloth that covered him was constricting and Andrico was far too covered. A large, warm hand caressed his thigh.
“Are you having fun Juju?” Andrico asked as he leaned in and peppered kisses along his jaw.
“Please,” Julian begged. “I need more.”
Andrico raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
He felt Andrico’s hand move and the vibrating began again. Julian nearly shouted as he gripped the other man’s shoulders tightly.
“Please,” he begged again. “Please, please, please.”
He could feel his lover smile against his throat. The vibrations intensified and Julian swore he saw stars. His hips began to move at a frantic pace searching for something, anything to ease the desire threatening to consume him.
Andrico seemed nonplussed, kissing and touching him like they had all the time in the world. It was maddening.
“Papi please,”
Andrico’s fingers danced across his chest, tweaking a nipple as he went along. “Hm?”
“I need more Papi,” Julian practically sobbed.
The vibrations intensified further.
“Ack, no! I want more of you!”
“More of me,” Andrico laughed. “But darling I am right here.”
Strong hands rested on his waist as he leaned back and canted his hips fruitlessly.
“No, no I want- I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me!” he pleaded. “I want your hard cock inside me. I need it Papi. Please give it to me! Please, please, please-”
As soon as they started the vibrations stopped. Julian leaned back forward but did not stop the movement of his hips. Andrico’s hand teased the edge of his underwear.
“You beg so pretty mon amour. Do you truly want me so badly?”
His love’s hand moved underneath his underwear, teasing the skin of his hip. He keened.
“Yes! Gods above yes!”
He felt as the wandering hand moved further back to his ass. It squeezed a butt cheek firmly before Julian felt fingers find the end of the plug. Slowly, ever so slowly it was pulled out of him and leaving him acutely aware of the loss. He did not feel empty for long however, as one of the fingers teased his hole. Andrico murmured his approval against his throat.
Julian did not see when Andrico slicked up his fingers but it mattered little as the first sank into him easily. Groaning, he buried his face into the other man’s neck. He felt the impatient buzzing of lust coiling in his gut but did not complain. While he felt that the butt plug had stretched him enough, Andrico would always ensure that he was fully prepared.
The second finger slid in. Julian’s breathing became heavier as they began to scissor.
“Please,” he panted. “Please.”
“You’re almost there my love,” Andrico murmured soothingly. “Just one more okay?”
Julian whined but let Andrico work him open. It felt like an eternity of scissoring and the occasional mind numbing sensation of his prostate being prodded. He almost wept at feeling the stretch of a third finger. Fingers stopped their work at the sound of an almost pained whimper.
“What color are we?”
“Please fuck me Papi. Please.”
“Fuck me isn’t a color,” he teased. "Now, what color are we?"
Julian swallowed thickly. “Green.”
“That’s my good boy.”
Andrico’s fingers began to pump once more. Desperate for friction, his hips began to roll in time. He began to think that maybe, maybe he would reach satisfaction. He was worked up enough to do it. But it was not before long he was left empty again and this time he did not stop a few tears from escaping. Full lips kissed them away, whispering ‘patience’ against his skin. The hand that was resting on his waist snaked between them and slid into Andrico's trousers while the other fumbled behind him, searching. Andrico made a triumphant sound as he pulled out the mystery bottle of oil and poured a generous portion in his hand.
It was not long before his lover pushed his panties to the side as far as he could and pressed the slick head of his cock against him. 
“Patience,” Andrico repeated.
They both moaned as the head breached him. Julian wanted nothing more than to sink down but a firm hand on his hip kept him steady. And so slowly they went, millimeter by millimeter, inch by inch, with him feeling every ridge and bump of a piercing. After an eon Julian was fully seated, each neuron firing in pleasure.  His eyes fluttered shut. 
“Julian, are you o-”
“I am not going to last,” he interrupted.
A thumb rubbed soothing circles on his hip. “That’s okay mon amour. You can come. Take your pleasure.”
Julian needed no further prompting.
He began slow, making sure he adjusted properly to his lover’s length. He reveled in the feeling of Andrico's hands on him and the sweet nothings pressed against his skin. But soon it was not enough. He wanted, no he needed more. Soon his hips began to move urgently, chasing the pleasure so graciously offered. Andrico gripped him tightly. The room was quickly filled with the sounds of moaned out praises and skin slapping skin.
"You are so good," Andrico said breathlessly as he palmed Julian's trapped cock. "You are so good for me."
Julian choked out a sob as he rode him harder.
"You are so good and you are so pretty," Andrico continued. "What did I do to deserve you hm? You are the loveliest man I have every seen.. You wondrous thing."
He felt tears prick his eyes once more. Only Andrico, this mischievous yet darling man would get romantic while getting ridden like a bull. He stifled another sob.
Kisses were pressed against his sternum as a skillful hand worked him through the cloth. The other hand found his jaw and angled his head down, bringing him face to face with his love.
"There you are," Andrico whispered.
Julian found it hard to look at him. Andrico's face was full of naked adoration. Brown eyes drank him in like he hung the moon and crafted the stars. Like he was the only thing that mattered in the entire world. He looked at him like he loved him.
It was all too much.
His voice bounced off the walls as he screamed in release. Everything coalesced into a single point and nothing else mattered but them in that moment. He was drowning, he was flying. Julian hardly registered Andrico following him over the edge shortly after, the sudden rush of warmth his only indication. 
There was a buzzing in Julian's limbs. He slumped bonelessly against a heaving chest, mind blissfully blank. He rested against his lover's chest for time everlasting, listening as the other man steadied his breathing. Andrico chuckled.
"Well, that was something."
Julian nodded in agreement, or at least he thought he did. A kiss was placed lovingly on his forehead. 
"Do you think you can walk?"
If Julian had the presence of mind he would have snorted. He wasn't quite sure if his soul had returned from whatever plane it had run off to.
Andrico, bless him, figured that his love had yet to return to reality and asked no further questions. He simply wrapped his arms around his thighs. 
"Well, luckily I brought the aftercare kit downstairs. Up we go-"
Andrico only stumbled slightly as he lifted them both off the chair.
"Shit Juju, I've been feeding you well, haven't I? You've gotten heavy! Really glad I brought everything downstairs now…"
Julian hummed as he was carried and gently placed on the sofa. Andrico started to shuffle next to him, taking stock of the things he brought with him. 
"Ah shit," he muttered. "Mon amour, I forgot the water.  Do you mind if I-"
A snore startled him out of his monologue. After a quick evaluation of the man on the sofa, Andrico snorted.
"Yeah, you're fine."
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ranposlittle · 4 years
Would it be possible to request a nsfw scenario with a possessive Chuuya or Dazai? (Whichever one is easier for u to write!) Like maybe someone was flirting with their girlfriend and the boys just need to make sure that she’s theirs? And maybe, only if you’re comfortable, could you maybe include some daddy kink and some breeding kink? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Genre: NSFW
Tags: Daddy kink, Breeding kink, Dirty talking, Strong language
A/N: FINALLY! I’m sorry it took me so long to finish your request, anon! I was having a hard time deciding on the settings of the story and I made like five drafts for this so I decided to not write a setting at all and just be like, boom, you’re already in the bedroom haha. This is also my first time writing for a breeding kink and I had to rely on some research, so I hope I did it right ;-; Enjoy! ♡ I wish this’ll make you feel like bathing in holy water after as I did when I wrote this eheh
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Your back slammed against the bedroom door as Chuuya crashed his lips unto yours in a bruising kiss. His toned body pressed hardly against yours, making it harder for you to take air.
“You’re mine,” he growled in your ear as he pinned your arms on your sides and start assaulting your neck with pecks and bites, “mine.”
“Chuuya, I was just–” you were just dancing in the club and having fun with your friend. Your attractive model friend, yes, but it’s really not what it looks like.
“You were just what? Having fun? Just playing around?” Chuya tutted you, “no. I think you were flirting. I think you were grinding your ass against some other man’s junk.” He found a soft spot in between your jaw and neck and sucked on it harshly before asking you. “And you know that daddy doesn’t like that, don’t you, kitten?”
Hearing the petname he has given you, you absentmindedly called back his title as he groped your breasts vigorously. “But, daddy, I wasn't–” your words trailed off once again when Chuuya spun you around and threw you on the bed. The mattress creaked as Chuuya climbed up shortly after you, hovering over your body. In an instant, Chuuya’s hands are under your clothes. His hands massaging harshly your breasts some more. The pads of his fingers graze on your hardened nipples and a big wave of pleasure rushed through you.
Chuuya chuckled softly as he proceed to practically rip off all your clothes. “I gotta hand it to you, kitten. You’ve really got some guts.” You whimper as he palmed your pussy over your panties, the textured fabric creating some delicious friction before pulling it off of you as well. “Doing that in front of me. Heh. I guess you forgot who daddy works for, huh?”
“No, daddy, it’s not— ha!” you cried as Chuuya’s slender finger ran on your wet slit and flicked on your clit. You stared at his clouded eyes, filled with jealousy and lust while he continue to play with your sensitive nub.
“You know what we call that in the Mafia, kitten?” He leaned closer in your ear, the faint smell of wine still lingering on his breath, “a traitor.”
“Ah! Daddy!” You moaned out as his fingers finally plunged inside your throbbing hole and Chuuya didn’t waste his time to rapidly move his finger in and out of you.
“Traitors get all kinds of torture when they get caught, you know,” Chuuya’s fingers dove deeper inside your slick walls and wiggled about, eliciting staggering little moans from you, “but daddy got something special in mind for his kitten.” Chuuya didn’t hesitate to insert another finger inside you, all the while still littering your delicate skin with hickeys. “You’re daddy’s little kitten, aren’t you?”
“Yes, daddy,” you purred and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Good,” Chuuya withdrew his fingers out of you in a flash and fiddled with his belt to hastily undo his pants, “and daddy will make sure that it stays that way.”
“Daddy,” you cooed at him, in hopes that hearing what he likes will soothe his aggressive sucking on your neck, “it’s not really what you think– ack!” You shrieked as Chuuya harshly bit down on you.
“Seems like you still don’t get it, kitten. You’re mine and mine alone. And I really don’t like other people touching my property.” He growled and licked the swollen spot somewhere on your neck. “I’m starting to think that having you walk around with marks all over your body isn’t enough. Maybe I should just fuck you so hard that when I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk, much more to dance with anybody else.”
You gasped as Chuuya languidly bucked his hips, his now exposed erection rubbing on your clit. You squirm underneath him and Chuuya freed your wrists only to firmly grab your hips. “You belong to me, kitten. And you will give me what’s mine.”
Chuuya emphasized his words as he slowly pushed his cock into your tight entrance. You screamed as your exposed muscles stinged on the sudden intrusion, and throb with pleasure at the same time. Chuuya grunted when his pelvis met yours, “such a tight little pussy,” he breathed and moved his hands from your sides to your thighs, pushing every last inch of his cock into you. Your walls wrapped on his size snuggly, as he went back down on his elbows and started placing kisses on your cheek.
“That’s my good kitten,” he said starting to thrusts ever so slightly, “you love your daddy’s cock, don’t you? Does that little friend of yours have this? Is his cock as big as mine?”
“No,” you whispered between quiet moans, “no, daddy.”
Chuuya scoffed, his hips slamming into you harder, “of course not. Only daddy fucks you this good, huh? Only daddy can satisfy this naughty kitten, right?”
You nodded fervently, your arms tightly wrapped around him as he continue to give you deep and hard thrusts. Chuuya leaned closer to your ears, his breath hot and his voice thick as he whispered, “maybe daddy should just pump your tight little pussy full of his cum until it spills out.”
Your whole body throb on hearing Chuuya’s lewd words and your pussy involuntarily clenched on him. Chuuya chuckled amusedly. “Oh, you like that? You’re really such a dirty little kitten, aren’t you?”
You whimper and tried to defend yourself but words fail you as you can’t deny to yourself how aroused it makes you to think about Chuuya’s cum spilling out of you. Just the thought itself is enough to push you to the edge.
Chuuya’s pace increased and your voice wobble as he bounced you back and forth on his cock. With your legs wrapped around his waist, he continued to plow through you. His ragged moans ringing in your ears as your walls swole with every passing moment.
Chuuya grunted as his hips slammed forcefully into you before straightening up and holding the back of your knees to pull you into him. “Mine. You’re all mine,” he muttered through gritted teeth, “every bit of you. Every inch of you is my property. This pussy is mine, isn’t it? Say that it’s mine. Who does this pussy belongs to? Say it,” he growled, his desire getting more apparent as his voice gets rougher and his hips becoming more aggressive with its thrusts.
“Da-daddy! Daddy!” You squealed with teary eyes. His thrusts sending waves upon waves of bliss coursing through your body until your mind is blank and all you can do is moan and cry in pleasure.
“That’s right,” he smirked and your heart skipped a beat seeing such a sexy sight. He thrusts a couple more times before pulling out and ordered you. “Turn around. On all fours.”
You mindlessly followed. Your shaking arms weakly pushing your back off of the mattress and getting in to your hands and knees.
“That’s it,” Chuuya praised as he stroke himself, “just like a good little kitten that you are.”
The bed shifted as he mounted you from behind, grabbing your hips to steadily push his cock back into your core. “Ah! That’s my girl,” he moaned before giving your ass a smack. He leaned forward in your ear, his sweaty chest sticking to your back. “Daddy’s going to use you like the horny bitch you are.”
Your pussy tightened up once more. This is the first time Chuuya called you something this dirty and you feel guilty on how much it turns you on.
“Ah! Daddy~” you purr as Chuuya grabbed a fistful of your hair and held on to it like handlebars while he started to mercilessly pound you.
“You cry like a bitch in heat, too, kitten,” Chuuya remarked, “is that what you are? Your pussy is just aching for daddy’s cock, isn’t it? Hungry to feel daddy’s warm cum spilling inside you?”
“Y-yes… Yes, daddy,” you answered with a strained voice, your eyes shut from the ever growing pleasure building up in your abdomen.
“That’ll be a good way to show everyone who you belong to, don’t you think?” Chuuya placed loving kisses along your shoulder, “I bet when daddy puts his seed deep inside you and your belly starts to grow, no other man will dare take you away from me.”
The image from Chuuya’s words unfolded behind your eyelids and he groaned when your walls squeezed on him once again. The thought of Chuuya claiming your whole being by making such an irreversible change on your body is such a lewd thought and you really can’t help yourself from getting aroused by it.
“Daddy, please,” you begged almost unconsciously as your mind fogs with your lustful needs, “please fill me with your seed. Fill your kitten with your cum.”
Chuuya groaned when his cock twitched inside you as he heard those obscene words came out from your pretty mouth. His hips faltered for a moment, feeling himself on the verge of bursting, before forcefully slamming back inside you and pounding you harder than ever. He groped your breasts beneath you and started massaging them, “I bet these tits are gonna be so plump,” Chuuya rolled your nipples on his fingers- “and your nipples are gonna be so much more sensitive.” He chuckled darkly as he feel your walls contract against his cock with every explicit word he say, letting him know that it’s bringing you to the edge and he’ll gladly take you there. “You like that, don’t you, kitten? You like daddy using you as the sex toy that you are?”
“Ah! Yes! Fuck me, daddy! Fuck me,” you blurted out after Chuuya bit on your earlobe, “I’m all yours.” Chuuya’s cock throbbed as he grew more excited with your submission. He dug his fingertips on your hips, his thrusts getting more sloppy and stuttered, you know he’s close too.
You reached down to your clit and started to work for your own release, Chuuya lowly muttered a curse and threw his head back as he gave in to his primal lust. “Go ahead and come, kitten,” he said, feeling the all too familiar twitching of your pussy when you’re ready, “just let it all out. Daddy will put so much more back inside you, anyway.”
Chuuya putting back the pornographic image back into your head, you cried out as your orgasm went off like fireworks on every fiber of your body. Your vision turned white as your eyes rolled at the back of your head and your pussy throbbed, all the while Chuuya continues to ram you from behind.
“Fuck!” Chuuya exclaimed, unable to hold back from the delightful contraction of your walls. “Ah! I’m close, kitten,” you heard him say as you slowly descend from your climax, “are you ready? Are you ready to take all of daddy’s cum deep inside you?”
You bit your lip as you continue to stimulate your clit and whispered, “Yes. I want it all, daddy. Please.”
Chuuya’s body tensed, getting more aroused with your begging. You squeaked as the lingering tingles on your pussy jolted up when Chuuya hit a certain spot inside you. You feel the erratic movements of his cock in your swollen pussy and your fingers on your clit leading you to another orgasm and you cried out his name.
“That’s it, kitten,” he grumbled, “squeeze daddy’s cock. That pussy is just so greedy for daddy’s cum, huh?” Chuuya let out a growl as his cum started to leak out. “Here it comes, kitten. Daddy’s going to spill it all for you. Take it all for daddy, okay?”
“Daddy! I'm—!” You chocked out when you feel another orgasm exploded inside you while listening to Chuuya’s guttural grunts and moans as he heedlessly fuck you.
“Ah! Fuck! Kitten— agh!” Chuuya cried and lunged his cock deeply towards your cervix as he bottoms out on you. Your second orgasm reached it’s highest peak when you feel Chuuya ejaculated inside you, his warm cum quickly filling you up. You drawled out a long groan as the feeling of coming while being cummed in stirred your sanity.
Your moans was strangled as you wait to recover from the stronger orgasm as Chuuya slammed his cock into you a few more times, spurting the last drops of his cum in you before slowly pulling out. He turned your limp body around with his remaining strength and you both watched as the white fluid slowly flows out of you. Chuuya smirked at you before climbing up to kiss you. He slumped his body against yours, the both of you heaving and breathless.
“Holy shit,” he breathed out, “that’s the hottest sex we ever had. I came so much.”
“Yeah, me too,” you replied. You reached out your trembling hand to his head and caressed his hair.
“We should do it more often,” he said and both of you chuckled.
“He’s gay, you know,” you declared after a moment of silence. Chuuya craned his head, “what do you mean?”
“My friend. He’s gay. One hundred percent. He likes men,” you affirmed, a teasing smile forming on your lips.
Chuuya was dumbfounded at what he heard. His mouth was open as he try to come up with a comeback but there’s nothing. He just grumbled and snuggle his head back at the crook of your neck. You can just imagine his blushing, pouty face as he mumbled, “how was I suppose to know?”
“Next time, let me explain first,” you said proudly.
“Well, maybe next time, don’t grind on other men,” he retorted back.
You bickered back and forth with Chuuya for a good while before one of you got too tired and passed out. You’ll just have to set the discussion about who’s going to wash the sheets some other time.
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transcendence-au · 4 years
r!Pacifica tricks Dipper into running a booth at a TwinCon. He comes across an r!Mabel and an r!Henry who meet at his booth. (Also, brownie points if it’s a Mizcor booth)They both talk about how much they love Alcor and want to date him, and Dipper helps them realize that the traits they’re projecting onto ‘Alcor’ are actually traits they can find in each other. SO WOODZAR HAS BLOSSOMED IN THE PLACE OF MIZCOR
Mod F got really excited about this and ended up writing a thing! (Here it is on AO3 too)
Dipper looked toward the entrance of the convention center, at the large banner proudly proclaiming “WELCOME TO TWINCON 2896″, and slammed his head face-first onto the table.
Damn Aubrey. Damn her to the deepest pits of the Nightmare Realm for making him run a booth at TwinCon. He couldn’t believe he’d let himself get taken in by her evil tricks and wily ways; couldn’t believe he made a bet with her and lost. That was the last time he trusted Pacifica’s soul. And he totally meant it this time! Way more than the last eight times Aubrey had tricked him. He definitely wasn’t going to immediately go back to being friends with her. This was the last straw.
A loud creak announced the opening of the main con doors, and the room was quickly filled with a flurry of excitement. Dipper picked his head off the table with a sigh and prepared himself for a long day of peddling garbage. He considered how he must look – a sad demon sitting under a sign reading “MICOR MEMORABILIA” and surrounded by perverse figurines, body pillows, and graphic novels.
And then his curiosity got the better of him. He conjured a mirror in his hand and immediately noticed his top hat was askew, so he reached up to straighten it out. Perfect. He actually looked pretty good that day if he did say so himself. His hair was fluffy, his suit was pressed, his teeth looked sharp. Nice and presentable. He was so busy making faces in the mirror that he almost forgot he was at a convention, until -
“Excuse me, sir?”
“Ack!” Dipper yelped in surprise, his hat shooting high into the air. Despite this, he didn’t take his eyes off the mirror. “What do you want?”
“I hope I didn’t frighten you! You’ve got some lovely merch here. I was just wondering how much this comic would cost.”
“Check the price tag,” he responded gruffly.
“I- I tried, but it doesn’t look like there is one.”
Groaning, Dipper flicked his eyes away from his own beautiful reflection so he could see exactly what depraved nonsense the voice wanted to purchase, and -
Mizar smiled sweetly back at him.
The mirror shattered in his hand. Oh no. Oh no no no no no. This wasn’t happening. Why was she here? What was going on?
“I’ve heard about this series before,” he suddenly realized Mizar was saying, “but I never had the chance to check it out before. It’s a coffee shop AU, right? It’s so inspiring that fans can take the framework of Twin Souls and make even more beautiful stories based off of it.”
Dipper’s head was too filled with buzzing to really make much sense of what she was saying. All he could think about was how his sister’s soul was apparently a fan of the worst book series in the universe. It didn’t even seem like she was doing it as a gag like Mabel did – the girl in front of him was radiating nothing but enthusiasm and sincerity in her aura.
“Oh, I’ve read that!” another voice piped in. “It’s dope as fuck, although the first volume’s got a bit of a Woodzar focus. But if you can power through that, it’s high key Micor there on out.”
Okay okay okay. He could do something about this. Maybe he’d take Mizar aside and have a talk with her about why being a Twin Souls fan was a sin of the highest calibre. Dipper tore his eyes away from her for a moment to tell the newcomer to go away, but no sooner did he get a good look at them than he felt all the air kicked out of his imaginary lungs.
“Don’t get me wrong, man,” Henry’s soul continued, a sly look on her face. “Woodzar is a fine ship. There’s a lot of good Woodzar fic out there and I don’t fault anyone for writing it. But if we’re gonna be honest with ourselves, it’s pretty obvious that Alcor and Mizar belong together. Their romantic chemistry is off the goddamn charts. Remember when they finally kissed in the first novel? Oh, fuckin’ heart palpitations, man.”
The blood drained from Dipper’s face. What in the world was happening? Why were Mizar and Henry both Twinners? What was the universe punishing him for this time??
“I know, right?” Mizar replied with a giggle. “My name’s Minty, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”
Henry’s soul grinned back. “Halley. Nice to meet you too. I knew coming to this con would be a good idea – it’s the perfect place to find like minded people.”
“What about you?” Minty asked, and it took Dipper a minute – so embroidered was he in querying his omniscience to see exactly what traumatizing thing had happened to Minty and Halley that made them turn out this way – to realize that she was talking to him.
“I, uh, I’m… not a… Micor is bad,” he said finally.
Halley frowned. “What, don’t you love Alcor too? You’re running a booth at TwinCon and your cosplay is on-point! That suit must’ve been expensive, and the wings look almost real!”
Puffs of steam shot out from Dipper’s ears and he flared his wings. “It’s not a cosplay, I just look like this! And I’ll have you know that I would’ve never in a million years gone to a TwinCon if my friend Aubrey hadn’t pretended to be really bad at hula hooping and then made a bet with me that she could beat me in a hula hoop contest and then absolutely kicked my ass into the stratosphere with her nutty good hooping! Graggh!” He slammed his forehead into the table again.
“Awwww,” Minty cooed. “Stage fright is the worst. I know I sure was nervous the first time I went to a con in full cosplay. That was awful nice of your friend to convince you to go anyway!”
Dipper’s head shot up and he stared slack-jawed at the two of them just as Halley nodded. “You’ve got this man, you know? Like I said, your outfit kicks ass. And hey, thanks for opening up to us. That can’t have been easy.”
“B- but I- you WHAT-” Dipper stammered.
Minty squeaked and clapped her hands together. “Yeah! I feel like I’ve made some great friends at this con already.”
“I’m- n- no you’re WILDLY mistaken- this isn’t-”
Both Halley and Minty turned their backs to the increasingly flustered demon and leaned against the stall, looking off into the rest of the hall with pensive expressions. “Friends are nice,” Halley murmured, “but what I wouldn’t give to meet Alcor at this convention. He’s everything I want in a partner. And then I wouldn’t be so lonely anymore.”
Minty put her hand on Halley’s shoulder. “I know what you mean! He’s so confident and protective. Loyal to a fault. If Alcor was here, I’d ask him on a date!”
“What makes you think Alcor wants to date any of you humans?” Dipper grumbled. “Or anyone at all?”
“Don’t be such a pessimist, man!” Halley responded. She patted Dipper on the back, surprising him into coughing out a little cloud of yellow sparkles. “Alcor is real and he’s out there. As long as there’s the smallest spark of hope that he might love me back, I’ll follow him to the ends of the Earth!”
Minty slapped her forehead, startling Dipper out of the silent terror written all over his face. “Oh, duh! He’s cosplaying as Alcor because he’s here to find his Miiiizar! That’s why he’s not interested in Alcor’s love! I connected the dots!”
“No, you haven’t connected anything!” Dipper tried to cut in, terror returning in full force because the situation was spiralling rapidly out of control, but Minty kept going.
“Ah, if only I was Mizar,” she trilled as Dipper watched her soul dance traitorously in her chest. “Then it’d only be a matter of time before Alcor came to ask me out. We’d go to the coffee shop he works at and someone would cover his shift. I’d get a hot chocolate; he, an iced latte.” She sat on the table, sending a set of Mizar action figures toppling over onto Dipper’s lap. “I’d tell him all about how art school’s going and he’d confide in me some dark secrets about how the 2801 moon landing was faked because giant aliens were playing golf with the planets and accidentally knocked the moon into a black hole. And then, finally, he’d give me a dainty kiss on the cheek, and I’d make a little squeaky noise, yknow, and he’d blush and ask me if it was alright for him to do that, and then I’d say I’d rather you kiss me on the lips instead. And then -”
“Okay, I think I’ve heard enough of your fanfiction!” Dipper shouted, cheeks going completely scarlet, claws making deep gashes in the table from how tightly he was gripping it. “I didn’t- I’ve never- No one needed to hear that, it’s- I feel lightheaded.”
“I know what you mean, man,” Halley spoke up, an obvious wobble to her tone. Dipper and Minty looked up to see her staring off into the distance, eyes red and puffy, hands crossed over her heart. “I’m feeling it too. That was so beautiful, Minty, you sure as hell have got a way with words. And yknow, I- I work in a coffee shop, actually. I’d totally take Alcor there. We’d talk and laugh – damn, he’s gotta just have the most heartwarming laugh in the world – and I’d straight up offer right there on the spot to be his Mizar. I wanna protect the world, but I also wanna protect him, I know he’s got a sensitive side, I just know it. I’d chew steel for him.”
No no no no. This had to stop. Mind racing, Dipper struggled to find something they’d said to latch onto. “Hey, uh, Minty!” he interrupted. “You like coffee shops, right? Halley… works in one! You should go there with her. Instead of being here.”
“That’s a great idea!” Minty squealed. “We should all meet up for coffee after the convention!”
“No!” Dipper blurted. “I meant, you two should go. Together. Without me.” All he got in return was blank stares. He ran his hand through his bangs nervously. “Listen, Minty, Alcor doesn’t work at a coffee shop, because no one in the country will hire him. His claws make awful screeching noises on the mugs, and also he’s a demon. But Halley does work at a coffee shop. Maybe… there’s something there?”
Minty and Halley traded glances. “I don’t understand,” the former finally said.
Dipper facepalmed. “Okay. How about… Halley, you want to protect Alcor. That’s ridiculous, he doesn’t need protecting, he has so much magic. But Minty goes to art school, she probably needs someone to, I dunno, support her during tight deadlines. That’s like… mental health protection.”
Minty shrugged. “I guess that sounds nice…”
“And, uh, Minty, you want someone who’s loyal, which sounds to me like what you really need is a dog, not a romantic partner, and I’m not- Alcor is not a dog. Also, again, he’s a demon, he’s only loyal to himself. But if you’re really set on getting that kind of loyalty and trust from a sentient creature, well, Halley’s offered to chew steel for love.”
“Hey man, don’t put words in my mouth, I said I’d chew steel for Alcor,” Halley countered, putting her hands on her hips and staring Dipper down. After a moment, though, she looked back at Minty, who had a starstruck look on her face, and drew back. “I- I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like you Minty. I just don’t want to be alone anymore. How can I trust someone other than Alcor not to get tired of me?”
“Kinda toxic, but also big mood,” Dipper muttered. “Trust isn’t something you can or even should have for people you don’t know. Not just for romance – in any kind of relationship, trust is something you build up through getting to know someone. I should know; there’ve been so many times when I made the mistake of trusting someone – say, not to snuggle body pillows with half naked pictures of me on them – without even knowing them, just because of my preconceived notions about who those people are. Relationships are always a risk, but they’re worth it when they work out. You’ll miss out if you’re too afraid to take that risk.”
He beamed at them, extremely proud of his little speech he’d managed to pull together. Minty and Halley stared back, mouths agape, probably blown away by his emotional maturity.
Then they launched themselves at each other and started furiously making out.
“Oh my stars!” Dipper yelled, recoiling from the mass of flailing limbs. “You literally just met each other! Go get a coffee or something first, holy shit!”
They broke apart, faces red but grinning. “Wow,” Minty breathed.
“Yeah. Wow,” Halley echoed. “Um, would you maybe want to walk around the convention with me? And maybe go get some coffee together afterward? I do work at a coffee shop nearby.”
Minty squealed again and grabbed Halley’s hands. “That sounds wonderful!”
“Yo, dude,” Halley said to Dipper, who was clutching his chest and hyperventilating. “Thanks for the advice. You’ve got some dope emotional maturity. Your friends are lucky to know you.”
Dipper, still trying to calm down, opened his mouth to make some words and only managed to emit a weak gurgle. He settled for giving them a nod.
The two of them started to walk away, but Minty paused and turned back. “Oh wait. We never got your name.”
“I’m Alcor the Dreambender,” Dipper grunted without a second’s pause. “Go away.”
Halley laughed. “Sure you are. You’re really committed to the character, I love it! Maybe we’ll see you around.”
Dipper gave them a strangled half-smile and waved them off, to which they finally made their departure. Finally alone, he collapsed onto the table out of exhaustion. He was relieved that he’d managed to turn Mabel and Henry’s souls away from being Micor shippers, but after a few minutes of lying there the reality of what he’d just done started to sink in.
“Oh stars, I just shipped my sister and her husband,” he moaned. “What is my life. Please, universe, let me get through the rest of the day without anything else happening. Please.”
Naturally, someone immediately started talking to him. “Yo, sleeping guy, wake up.”
“Whatever it is, please just use the credit card swiper and move on,” he responded.
“Dude, what swiper. Help me out.”
With a groan, Dipper picked his head up, and then he froze, his every hair standing on end like a terrified cat.
“This body pillow rocks,” Soos’s soul said, hugging one of the models that had both Alcor and Mizar on it, half naked and blushing. “You gotta hook me up.”
“Ohhhh, I have that pillow! You won’t regret it!” came another voice, and Dipper looked over to see Melody’s soul walking up to the table. “You’ve got good taste. Micor forever, am I right? Bro, there’s some really good smutfic I could recommend you if you’re interested.”
Dipper slid out of his chair and curled up into a ball under the table. “Damn you Aubrey,” he whispered. “I’ll fucking get you back for making me do this.”
(As it turned out, giving Aubrey a dream about being stuck at a convention where everyone was attracted to her did not adequately “get back” at her, and it was a full week before she stopped laughing about it.)
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botan-shirabuki · 4 years
Summer of Smut Writing Challenge: Exposure
Pairing: SLBP Sanada Yukimura x MC (OC)
Theme: Day 2 - Applying Sunscreen
Summary: Smut, but it’s propaganda from the Skin Cancer Foundation and the person who commissioned it thinks Yukimura is a bottom.
Rating: NC-17/Explicit (for heavy petting, handjobs, diet femdom, and dirty talk)
Word Count: 4.3k
Notes: My second entry into @voltage-vixen ‘s writing challenge! Day 2 came and went, but I couldn’t not post this one! I honestly had no shot at making it, but I figured it counts as banging on the beach anyway. shhhhhh I know it’s past midnight
I sincerely thought this would be way shorter, but my writing style had different plans. Either way, I had a BUH-LAST writing this and I hope you enjoy it too!
Again, I wrote this with my own MC Botan. But if your MC vibes with this too then that’s wonderful!
Ao3: here
"Oi, Botan!"
With a start, her eyes opened. The sound of crashing waves accompanying Yukimura's voice.
"Damn, I must have fallen asleep," she mumbled to herself as she sat up on her towel. She had decided to tag along with him for his morning workout on the beach. Apparently, sand was a great surface for resistance training. She didn't care much for that, honestly. Her plan was to workout by getting a decent swim in before the beach got too crowded. Unfortunately, the waves had been too choppy that morning to risk swimming in, so she decided to lay on her towel and catch up on some reading. Somewhere along the way, she fell asleep with her magazine on her chest. Luckily for her, her phone said it was only 9 in the morning, so the sun wasn't at full blast. She slowly sat up, noting how hot her skin felt before she turned to her husband. "How's that sand treating you?"
He was jogging towards her thoroughly drenched in sweat and flushed. Despite his appearance, which would normally be paired with exhaustion, he had a huge satisfied grin on his face. "It's great! I could run so much further. I wish we had some to run in at home." He slowed down once he made it to their towels and briskly sat down on the towel next to her. "I love it here, it's so quiet. I can only imagine what it was like for you growing up here."
"Mmhmm," she nodded along as he started talking; About how much he liked her hometown, about the benefits of sand training, but her attention kept getting drawn to the beads of sweat pooling on and trickling down his skin. He didn't seem to notice her eyes on his glistening collarbone though. However, as much as she loved ogling him, Botan's nurturing instincts took over and she reached for her bag where she had kept a smaller towel and a cold water bottle waiting for him.
"Ah, thanks!" he said when she handed them to him. He put them in his lap and peeled his sweat soaked shirt off before he started to towel down. 
Okay, back to ogling.
Botan found herself heating up even further as she watched him wipe himself down. She couldn't look away from the way his soft skin pulled over taut muscles. As she watched him, she noticed the blurred line near across his back where he had started to turn a light shade of pink. An alarm bell went off in her head, but before she could voice her concern, a light bulb went off too, putting the beginnings of a mischievous smirk at the corner of her mouth.
"Yukimura," she began in a worried tone, "how long has it been since you applied sunscreen?"
He stopped drinking his water so he could think. "Hmm, I put some in when we got out here so...An hour ago?"
"Well, you know," she leaned in towards him, nothing too suggestive, "You're supposed to reapply sunscreen every two hours. And immediately after excessive sweating."
Yukimura blinked at her, "But it's only been an hour."
Botan blinked back, "But the last part."
There was a pause as he thought about it, "Oh...right," he looked down in the sand like he was ashamed. So cute.
Botan laughed a little as she got up on her knees, "And even then, you probably wiped it all off your face just now," she swept aside a damp lock of hair that was clinging to His forehead. Her gentle touch caused him to blush. Now was her chance, "Here, I'll help you put it on."
"W-What? You don't have to do that," he turned his head towards her, but quickly turned away when his eyes accidentally made contact with her backside as she went to dig through her bag.
"No, don't worry about it," she pulled out a large bottle of sunscreen along with a smaller tube. "Your arms are probably all worn out from your workout, it's the least I can do." 
"But....the....well, um, okay," He couldn't really protest at that point because she had already squeezed a coin-sized amount of sunscreen into her hand from the small tube.
She kept a warm smile on her face as she scooted closer to his side, "Here, I'll just start with your face." She applied small dollops of the white cream to his forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. She almost cracked up at the way his eyes darted everywhere and anywhere except down in the hopes of avoiding a glance at her chest. He was lucky she had decided against straddling his lap, honestly. He did close them once she started to rub it into his skin, which made him relax. She gently massaged it in until the purple tint it left was no longer visible. "Oh, almost forgot your neck," she murmured to herself more than anyone. 
"Mm, okay," he responded. His eyes didn't open when she reopened the bottle. This time, she rubbed it between her hands before carefully rubbing it on his chin and neck. He looked so calm and serene then, the sun hitting his face from the east. Once she had finished, she found herself sliding her palms up either side of his neck until she was holding his head by his jaws.
His baby blue eyes opened, curious to why she stopped. "Botan?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to get a good look at you." her voice was so gentle, but her eyes could have eaten him alive.
"Oh..." he started to stammer, but decided to just look away to the side.
Her fingers that had been in his hair pinched together and tugged. "Eyes on me, Yukimura."
Her voice was still just as gentle, but he knew to listen when she spoke like that. He swallowed his nerves and looked right into her dark eyes. He could feel his heart rate climbing steadily again as he did so.
Slowly, Botan lowered her head to his so she could plant a single soft kiss, lips on plush lips. She heard his breath hitch as she pulled away, and she saw that his cheeks were back pink again. His eyes were back on her though, waiting for her next move.
"Lay down on your back, alright?" she murmured, still close enough to his face so that he could hear her.
"Alright..." he nodded, reluctantly leaning back so he could reposition himself accordingly.
After squeezing a generous portion from the larger bottle, Botan began to massage the sunscreen over his broad shoulders and the back of his neck. Luckily for her, this sunscreen took a little more effort to rub all the way in, so she had extra time to enjoy how solid he was. Every once in a while, she would purposefully let her fingertips press into a muscle so she could gauge how tight it was. Each time she did, he would let out a little pleased grunt, which sent an instant jolt of intrigue to her core. This was already going so well.
With the next large blob, she took care of his back, rubbing up and down along the expanse of it, her thumbs meeting in the dip above his spine.
"Ack! Um, I mean..." he jumped when her hands made it to his lower back. She tutted to herself, as she hadn't even dipped below the waistband of his trunks like she wanted to. She went extra slow, liking the way he started to squirm and wriggle beneath her touch.
"How about I get the back of your thighs too? Or would you rather do that yourself?"
"Um, I can get that myself."
"Alright then, can you turn over?"
".......Actually, can you get the back of my thighs?"
Botan had to stop herself from laughing out loud. "I mean, I can but I'll still want you to turn over after that."
She could see the deep flush on the tip of his ear. "Just...you know what, I'll, um...do the rest myself."
Botan feigned being upset, "Aww," she cooed, leaning up against his back, so that her chest pressed against him while she spoke in his ear. "Are you sure you can? I'd hate for you to miss a spot, and I'm nothing if not thorough."
He tensed up beneath her, "Gah! Fine! Just don't put those-- those--" they both knew he couldn't say it, and they both knew he fucking loved how they felt. Which is why when he finally turned over, she wasn't at all surprised to see him straining out of his shorts. Seeing him already hard made her head swell up with a totally healthy combination of pride and lust, but she kept the smile on her face even though Yukimura was back to blushing and looking away from her.
"I'll start with your arms, okay?" she said in her saccharine sweet voice as if she had never been so brazen in the first place.
Yukimura closed his eyes and nodded wordlessly. It looked as if he was desperately trying to focus on quelling his arousal. She decided to spare him just a little by making quick work of his arms. She had plenty of chances to casually grope those whenever she wanted anyways. Although she did enjoy the way his eyebrows furrowed when her thumbs massaged at his biceps.
His legs were a similar situation, at least for his shins. As she worked her way up past his knees, she noticed that his thighs were trembling from how tightly he was clenching them. Surely enough, his thighs were so tight she could barely squeeze them when she ran her hands over them.
"You're going to pull something if you stay this tight, you know," she couldn't help but tease him.
"I-I'll be just fine--!!" he choked on his words when her thumbs rubbed at the comparatively softer skin of his inner thighs right where his trunks ended. The way the bulge in them twitched was absolutely unmistakable.
"Don't even worry about that, I'm almost done," she assured him, but they both knew good and well what the last area she needed to cover was.
Botan took her time squeezing out enough sunscreen for his torso. She watched the way his fists were clenched tight as he attempted to steel himself for her touch. This was exactly what she had been waiting for and she wanted the savor moment. She methodically rubbed her hands together before placing them flat on his stomach. His abs clenched beneath her, sending a rush through both of them. She focused on the way his skin and muscles rippled beneath her hands as she rubbed up and down his abdomen until her mouth was watering. She specifically watched the way he twitched as she followed suit on his sides. She had to swallow when he grunted because of her fingers circling around his Apollo's belt. 
With what remained, she slid her hands up and over his chest. There wasn't much on her hands by then, but she was eager to feel his nipples harden beneath her palms. His heart was racing as she groped and squeezed at his pecs until she ran out of product. She had looked away to get one last squeeze when he spoke up again.
"Botan, I-- Guh!" he choked on his spit and started having a coughing fit.
She was genuinely worried now, "Are you okay?"
"I'm--" cough, cough, "It's--" hack, hack, "Your--"
She quickly had him sit up and passed him his water bottle. Once his coughing settled, she asked him, "What was it you were about to say?"
His eyes were looking to the side so intensely it must have hurt. "Your....your--"
"Look at me."
He listened, but he was now staring at her face so intensely His gaze could have burned a hole in her forehead. "Y-Your, your top is..."
Botan looked down, sure enough, while she was bent over him, she had begun to spill out of her bikini top. "Ah! Thanks." She quickly adjusted herself, looking around to see if they were still alone on the beach. To their left lone lifeguard was posted up far enough away that she could really only tell they were a lifeguard by them being up in the chair and a couple had walked past them to their right but hadn't paid them any attention. 
If there was ever a time to strike, it was now.
"Yukimura," she started once she finished adjusting, "please tell me what you need."
"Huh?!" he looked like a deer in headlights when she straddled his lap. "What are you doing?!" His voice was a scandalized whisper.
She squeezed the sunscreen in her hand and slowly began to spread it across her palms as she spoke, "I can tell there's something bothering you, and I believe we're at our best when we're honest with each other," she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him so he was on his back again. "Don't you agree?"
"I--" Yukimura closed his eyes and hissed through his teeth when she gave his chest a deliberate and forceful squeeze before she started rubbing again. Despite how blatantly aroused he was, his hands clenched at the towel by his sides.
"C'mon, tell me," she encouraged him. She even positioned herself so that she was barely brushing against his erection to coax the words out of him. "I can't help you if I don't know what's going on in your mind."
When his eyes opened again, they were brimming with lust, exactly what she wanted to see. "I need to touch you," he breathed, finally not looking away. "I need to touch you so bad I don't know how long I can take it!"
Botan's hands made it up to his shoulders. As she gripped them, she lowered her face towards his. He closed his eyes in anticipation. Yukimura knew not to touch her until she said so when they got like this. The fact that he stayed true to that rule even when he was as worked up as this made her so very proud. 
"Well you're in luck," she purred once their noses brushed against each other. Her tone instantly changed to an innocent and upbeat one when she sat up and handed him the bottle. "Because it's my turn now!"
"Oh?" After the haze he was in faded a little, he sat up and got onto his knees. "Where do you want me to start?"
She was already on her stomach next to him with her hair swept to the side, "Do me exactly the way I did you."
"O-okay," he took a deep breath as he prepared his hands with sunscreen, "So you want me to start on your back?" His voice was tense with restraint as he waited for further instruction.
"Yes, that would be perfect," she smiled at him, giving him the say so.
His hands on her were clumsy and rough. It was as if he was fighting his awkwardness about touching her, his desire to please her, and his need to take things further all at once in an underground cage match. She could hear his labored breathing and him muttering to himself to stay focused. Unintentionally, she let out a small gasp when he squeezed too hard around her lower back.
"Sorry...I know you're sensitive there," he was truly apologetic and she knew he meant it.
"It's nothing, just keep going."
"It's just..." he began as he started on her calves, "you're just so soft..." he worked his way up her legs until he was halfway up the back of her thighs. Sensing his hesitation, she reached back and swatted at his thigh.
"I'll need you to cover everything." her voice was still sweet, but there was a stern undertone to her words, "I'd be pretty upset if that area in particular got burned."
"Botan..." he paused, but his hands didn't leave her until he finally took more from the bottle. Slowly, his hands slid up until they finally left a trail of white over her butt.
"Mmm, good job," Botan moaned as his hands worked back downwards. "Make sure you rub it in properly too, I don't want a whitecast either."
"Yes, Botan," he sounded like he was in a trance by then. In that same state, he covered her arms and the front of her legs once she turned over. She stopped him once he had his hands on her thighs.
"You know, Yukimura, you've done a pretty good job so far," she held herself up on her elbows, "I ought to reward you for being so diligent."
"What? Now?" he was surprised that she even brought rewards up now. In the morning. In public. He gasped when she reached out to pull at the drawstring on his swim trunks. "Are you sure?"
"I mean, unless you want to walk around with that going on," she directly gestured to his tent, "then we better take care of it while no one else is around."
He looked around to confirm what she said before leaning in as if he was suddenly trying to hide something. "What do you want me to do....?"
Botan grinned at his compliance, "I need you to finish covering me first."
Eager to see what she had in store for him, he started to rub her legs again. She started moaning again when his hands were on the uppermost area of her thighs, which made him squeeze them harder.
"Get on top of me," she tugged at his loosened waistband, "just like I did." She smiled once she felt his weight on her hips. "And get the sunscreen."
He wasn't sure why she specifically told him to get some sunscreen until he noticed her reaching into her bag for yet another small bottle. She squirted a small amount into her right hand before rubbing it across her palm with her fingers. He was about to ask her what it was when she deliberately put it in his pants and it made direct contact with his throbbing erection. He yelped out loud when her fingers cinched tightly around the base.
"Keep rubbing me and I'll keep rubbing you." The way she was able to look so sweet and gentle while she said such things was truly beyond him, but he was close to his limit as far as being teased was concerned, so he quickly put his hands on the soft curves of her stomach.
He let out a choked breath as his hands slid up towards her rib cage, as hers slid slowly up his shaft, her thumb rubbing the underside of the tip once it made it there. Curiously, she mirrored his movement, slowly sliding back down to the base as his hands slid down towards her bikini line. 
"Ahh, Botan..." he caught himself moaning as they continued, "Could you please go faster?"
After humming for a moment, she replied, "I'll give what I get."
And so he kept rubbing the sunscreen into her stomach, his pace slowly picking up and making hers do the same in return. After one particularly embarrassing moan from him, Botan kept her fist around the tip of his dick and started to rub at the slit with her thumb until it oozed precum.
"I love feeling your hands all over me," she moaned, catching his eyes. "But there's one spot you haven't gotten yet, and that's where I want to feel them the most."
"Ahhhh, b-but the same way?" he asked, referring to how she shamelessly groped him.
She nodded, gesturing for him to get one last dose of sunscreen. "You're going to need a lot."
One final generous portion was on his hands when he placed them on her shoulders. His breath caught again when he rubbed across her collarbone because her strokes quickened a considerable amount. Her wrists started to expertly flock in sync with her strokes once his palms found the tops of her breasts beneath the straps of her bikini.
"Botan, I'm close...!" She could already tell because he was getting to be a little loud, but she put her free hand over his to reassure him.
"Do it then. Touch me, and I'll let you cum."
That word alone could have done it to him if she hadn't tightened her grip around the base in anticipation. He took another shaky breath before he let his hands slide into the cups of her top.
"Mmm, yes, perfect," she groaned out once his hands finally grasped at her chest. "Ah, your hands feel perfect, keep rubbing them." 
Yukimura was going through a sensory overload. Her breasts felt amazing. Her soft skin even more slippery beneath the sunscreen. And as he rubbed it in, the way they glistened in the sun reminded him of glaze on fresh donuts. At the same time, her hand stroking him was relentless. She had even used her other hand to pull his head down towards her so she could whisper in his ear.
"You did such a good job." Her ministrations were now focused mainly towards his tip. "Maybe tonight I'll let you have at me until neither of us can take it anymore."
His brain was all but shut off at this point, "Ahhh, yes, please..."
"Ooh, if we weren't here on the beach, I'd let you have me right now. Would you like that?"
"Mmph," his replies had been reduced to nonverbal moans and grunts by then, but the way he groped at her breasts until they were falling out of her top again indicated his positive answer.
"But we couldn't do that here, no," she licked at the shell of his ear, making a shiver run through him, "because if we did, you'd totally give us away when I'd make you scream out like you always do."
"You're so-- ahh! I can't hold it anymore!" he grunted out as her thumb quickly swept up and down the sensitive underside of his dick and her fingers did the same around the head. He came in multiple hot spurts that she felt oozing through her fingers. She kept at it and claimed his mouth in a searing kiss so that his cries of pleasure would be hers to hear alone. Her hand at the back of his neck wove into his still damp hair as she held him close. They stayed like that, kissing and still gently rubbing each other until a certain familiar voice called them back to reality.
"Try playing with his ass next time."
"Wha--?!" Yukimura jumped up off of her in an instant. There stood Saizo, holding a bag and a beach chair, smiling and apparently unbothered by what he had just witnessed. "How long have you been standing there?!"
Saizo merely shrugged, "Who's to say?"
"This isn't what it-- We were--! I need to go clear my head!" Beet red, Yukimura sprinted off until he was deep in the water and dove under a wave head first.
Saizo chuckled to himself as he set his chair up. "Productive morning, huh?"
With a wistful sigh, Botan sat up and adjusted her top accordingly before she wiped her hands off on the discarded sweat towel. "For the most part, yeah. He's still pretty jumpy though."
"Some things never change," Saizo sat beneath their umbrella. When they looked out into the surf, they saw Yukimura was now wading alone, looking out to the sea. Further down to the right, Little Sasuke and his dad were playing catch and more people were beginning to populate the beach.
"I should go check on him," Botan gave Saizo an apologetic smile, though she knew he probably didn't need it. "Will you watch our stuff or me?"
Saizo nodded wordlessly before he began to write in some kind of notebook. With that being all the communication she'd probably get, she made her way out into the water.
"How are you feeling?" she asked once she was standing next to Yukimura amongst the waves.
"I'm alright," he sounded fine, but there was a certain distance in his eyes.
"Was all of that okay for you?" she placed a gentle hand on his back. "If it wasn't, then I totally understand. I probably shouldn't have taken it so--"
He shook his head so hard a few droplets of water got in her mouth making her stop. "No, it was....it was great, actually."
Botan's eyebrows raised in joy, "It was?" 
"Yeah, I think it was something to do with you taking care of me after a workout....and then," the sun was glistening against his pink cheeks, "I you felt so good...and you smelled so good...and everything you said made me not care that we were out here." Even though he was still blushing, he looked towards her with a smile, "You shouldn't worry so much, you know. If I didn't like what you were doing, I would have stopped you like we practiced."
Botan felt like her heart could have burst at the sight of that face. She leaned on his shoulder, linking her hand with his. "You're right. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did."
They stayed like that, swaying along with the calmed down waves before Botan lifted her head to whisper in his ear.
"Besides, you owe me an orgasm now."
Yukimura tensed up at first but smiled back at her, "I guess I do."
She left his side and walked further out into the water. "Luckily for us, we'll need to reapply after we're finished swimming anyway!" she said before diving underneath an incoming wave.
Yukimura followed after her with a grin. They ended up being too tired to stay on the beach for much longer, but that night, he paid her back in full and then some.
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