#family office santa barbara
Guiding Legacies: Premier Family Office Services in New York
For those entrusted with significant wealth and the preservation of a lasting legacy, premier family office services become indispensable. In New York's dynamic financial center, where fortunes are forged and safeguarded, these services play a pivotal role in navigating complexities, preserving wealth across generations, and creating a lasting impact. Dive into this blog to discover the distinctive qualities that set New York's premier family office services apart and understand their integral role in guiding enduring legacies.
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pookielious · 2 months
I just found out about Blanche nixon and her death i just thought I'd share the news articles !!
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Below cut is the Transcript
(Picture 2 )
Miss Blanche Nixon, member of a socially prominent and wealthy San Francisco family. ended her life by firing a bullet into her head only a few hours before she was to preside at a cocktail party in her home yesterday.
Miss Nixon, 31, the daughter of Stanhope Wood Nixon and the late Mrs. Doris Ryer Nixon, was found in her bed in a sec- ond floor bedroom of the family home at 944 Chestnut Street.The bullet had penetrated her temple. A pistol was clutched in her right hand, police said.
Police and the coroner's office said the motive was not immediately determined. Miss Nixon's brother, Lewis, said his sister had been under medical treat ment for a depressed mental condition for some time.
Arrangements for the cock- tail party were completed Thursday evening, he said, after which he, his wife, Irene, and his sister retired. Miss Nixon apparently was in good spirits at the time, he said.
About 4:30 a, m., Nixon told police, he and his wife were [CUTOFF]
(Pictures 3 and 4— continuing from cutoff)
awakened by Miss Nixon, who said she could not sleep.
After an early morning snack, all retired again. The only noise heard that might indicate the time of death, police reported, was some time later when Mrs. Nixon said she heard what seemed like a door shutting. She did not note the time.
About 10:30 a. m., Mrs. Nixon went to her sister-in-law's bed- room to take a pet dachshund for a walk.She thought her sistern-law was sleeping, Mrs. Nixon said, and made no effort to disturb her when she opened the door to let the dog out,
A short time later, after re turning from the walk, Mrs. Nixon became concerned when she heard a telephone ringing unanswered in the bedroom.Going to the room, she turned back the covers, Mrs. Nixon said, and found her sister-in- law.
A physician was summoned and pronounced the woman dead. Police listed the death as a suicide after an investigation by Police Inspector Ralph Mc Donald.
Miss Nixon, who made her social debut at the Cotillion Bal! in 1941, had been living in the family residence on Chestnut Street since her mother died June 24. 1948. For the last sev- eral weeks, her brother and sister-in-law have been visiting her from their home in Prince- ton, N.J. Her father resides in New York.
Since her debut, Miss Nixon had traveled abroad consider- ably and spent much of her time at her family's home in Santa Barbara, friends said.
Miss Nixon and her brother had inherited the bulk of her mother's estate, estimated at $1,456,064. The major item in the estate was a half interest in 6.600 acres of Sacramento River delta farm lands, includ- ing most of Ryer Island, near Rio Vista, Solano County.
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
A Jewish University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB) student body president who was left hateful messages declaring “Zionist not allowed” near her office stated emphatically on social media that “we’re not going anywhere.”
Tessa Veksler issued the statement on Monday night following the discovery at the school’s Multicultural Center of over a dozen messages, written on placards, calling her a “neutral ass b—,” as well as saying “resistance is justified,” “you can run but you can’t hide Tessa Veksler,” and “get these Zionists out of office.” In marker, someone else graffitied “Zionist not welcome” on the door, just inches away from a mezuzah.
“I am floored by today’s events. I am deeply upset by the blatant antisemitic messages displayed at UCSB’s Multicultural Center (we see the irony, right?),” Veksler said in an Instagram post. “This is dehumanizing and rooted in antisemitism.”
She continued, “This incident is not an isolated event but rather a culmination of neglecting to adequately address the implications of such speech and actions within our university. UC Santa Barbara must not remain complicit in the targeting, intimidation, and discrimination against its Jewish students. Silence perpetuates discrimination against Jewish students.”
The Algemeiner has asked University of California-Santa Barbara to comment on this story.
Tessa Veksler is a fourth year political science major who was elected in April 2023 as president of UCSB Associated Students (AS), making history by becoming the school’s first ever Shabbat observant student body president. At the time, she told The Algemeiner that becoming president was always a “far-distant” goal of hers. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, from which her family emigrated in the 1990s, compelled her to run.
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Fake It Till You Make It
When they departed Tyler Perry's home, we "heard" they were renting & zooming out of a furnished hotel/apartment.
Thanks to Spare's counseling session, an eagle eyed "Saint Meghan" viewer determined that Harold's doctor- patient conversation was actually staged in a Cottage on the grounds of San Ysidro Ranch in Santa Barbara, CA.
The minimum nightly cost to book a cottage is over $3,000/night. They also staged their let's pretend like we're at home, Megflix mockumentary at this same property. Seems as though it would have been cheaper to film in Atlanta at Tyler Perry Studies.
Harold was correct when he said this set-up would not work for the couples in his family. He intended to take a dig at the BRF's working royals, but he failed to understand that M's job is first & foremost to babysit him.
The REAL ROYALS dont need their spouses to babysit them at the office because unlike Harold, they grew in love with a wife or a husband--- NOT a mother!
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Just imagine the millions of dollars they've thrown away staging zoom calls and "conversations" from this luxury property. No wonder they can't afford security! 💸
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Maybe some Tumblrers are correct in suggesting that they don't actually "sleep" at Casa de Olive Garden. Too much deception.
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Doria is also a terrible actress.
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toomanyrobins2 · 7 months
Christmas in Gotham
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Summary: An orphan all her life, Y/N is simply too old to remain at The Bowery Home any longer. That is where an anonymous patron has swooped in to send her off to college and all he requires…a monthly letter of her academic progress.
Based off the book and musical “Daddy Long Legs”
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
last part // series masterlist // next part
Notes: I'm finally getting around to updating this fic! If you would like to catch up and get more consistent updates to this story and others I would go to by AO3!
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From the Home of the Gordon Family
31st December
Dear Batman,
I meant to write to you before and thank you for your Christmas cheque, but life in the Gordon household is very absorbing, and I don't seem able to find two consecutive minutes to spend at a desk.
I bought a new gown—one that I didn't need, but just wanted. My Christmas present this year is from Batman; my family just sent love.
I've been having the most beautiful vacation visiting Barbara. She lives in a big old-fashioned brick house with white trimmings set back from the street—exactly the kind of house that I used to look at so curiously when I was in the Bowery Home, and wonder what it could be like inside. I never expected to see with my own eyes—but here I am! Everything is so comfortable and restful and homelike; I walk from room to room and drink in the furnishings.
It is the most perfect house for children to be brought up in; with shadowy nooks for hide and seek, and open fireplaces for pop-corn, and an attic to romp in on rainy days and slippery banisters with a comfortable flat knob at the bottom, and a great big sunny kitchen, and a nice, fat, sunny cook who has lived in the family thirteen years and always saves out a piece of dough for the children to bake. Just the sight of such a house makes you want to be a child all over again.
And as for families! I never dreamed they could be so nice. Barbara has a father and mother and grandmother, and the sweetest three-year-old baby sister all over curls, and a medium-sized brother who always forgets to wipe his feet, and a big, good-looking brother named Jimmie, who is a junior at Princeton. 
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Bruce's eyes scanned the words on the paper, his usually stoic expression revealing a flicker of surprise and something akin to dismay. He couldn't deny the unease that settled in his chest at the mention of this mysterious young man. The thought of Y/N, someone he had mentored and grown fond of, showing interest in someone else triggered an unexpected pang of discomfort.
A low groan escaped him as he set the letter down on the desk. The idea of Y/N having an interest in a man didn't sit well with him, stirring emotions he hadn't anticipated. He couldn't quite put his finger on why it bothered him so, but the realization that she might be drawn to someone outside their mentor-mentee relationship brought a sense of unrest.
Leaning back in his chair, Bruce ran a hand through his hair, contemplating how to react to Y/N's letter. He couldn't deny the connection they shared, and the notion of someone else vying for her attention created a subtle tension in the air. 
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We have the jolliest times at the table— everybody laughs and jokes and talks at once, and we don't have to say grace beforehand. It's a relief not having to thank Somebody for every mouthful you eat. (I dare say I'm blasphemous; but you'd be, too, if you'd offered as much obligatory thanks as I have.)
Such a lot of “things we've done—I can't begin to tell you about them. Mr. Gordon is the Commissioner of Gotham and Christmas Eve he had a tree for the officers’ children. It was in the long packing room which was decorated with evergreens and holly. Jimmie Gordon was dressed as Santa Claus and Barbara and I helped him distribute the presents.
Dear me, Batman, but it was a funny sensation! I felt as benevolent as a Trustee of the John Grier home. I kissed one sweet, sticky little boy—but I don't think I patted any of them on the head!
And two days after Christmas, they gave a dance at their own house for ME. It was the first really true ball I ever attended—college doesn't count where we dance with girls. I had a new white evening gown (your Christmas present—many thanks) and long white gloves and white satin slippers. The only drawback to my perfect, utter, absolute happiness was the fact that Mrs. Lippett couldn't see me leading the cotillion with Jimmie Gordon. Tell her about it, please, the next time you visit the B. H.
Also, who should have been invited to this event but Mr. Bruce Wayne himself! Apparently he is friends with the Gordons and I had the opportunity to thank him again in person for the lovely chocolates. He introduced me to his friends and inquired about my education and recommended a book to me. In the most gentlemanly of actions, he sent the book to the Gordon home the next day with a note that I should keep the book and add it to my personal collection. He says that every respectable writer should have a collection of books and I find that I agree with him completely. I find myself dreaming of a day where i can live in a grand home and collect books to my heart’s content.
Yours ever,
Y/N Abbott
PS. Have you ever read Gulliver’s Travel? I wonder what you would think of such a fantastical novel!
PPS. Would you be terribly displeased, Bats, if I didn't turn out to be a Great Author after all, but just a Plain Girl?
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cintasfics · 2 months
Another thorn in Lassiter's side
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pairing: carlton lassiter x oc, juliet o'hara x oc (platonic)
wc: 1.6k
summary: shortly after becoming friends with shawn and gus, marley attends (read: is dragged along to) her first crime scene and her presence gets a mixed reaction from the two detectives on the scene
warnings: mention of drugs, murder, and suicide. lassie is a bit of a dick but it’s part of his charm (don't look at me)
a/n: I love the trope where two characters meet for the first time and one of them is certain they will never be more than friends despite their obvious interest - especially when the audience knows they will eventually end up together - and lassiter is perfect for that in my mind
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The latest case to fall onto the detective’s desks involved the death of a prominent community members son, and while by all appearances it looked like a simple open-shut case of a drug overdose, the victim’s mother was resolute that it wasn’t the case. Her belief was supported when another body, deceased under the same circumstances, turned up a few blocks away.
Given the high status of the victim’s families, Chief Vick wanted to make sure that the case was solved as quickly and as thoroughly as possible, and to do this she called in their resident psychic.
At the time of the call, said psychic was at his agency’s office, accompanied by Gus and their new friend Marley, using the space for their impromptu video game tournament. He was slowly but surely getting the introverted woman out of her shell, taking her shyness as a challenge, determined to expand his and Gus’ small circle.
When the chief told him about the case, he knew it was the perfect opportunity to bring them all closer together and strengthen their bond. What says friendship like solving a murder together?
Marley didn’t quite see it the same way, sure she would be turned away at the first line of police tape, but she couldn’t deny the feeling of excitement growing at the idea.
‘Who is this? This isn’t a field trip destination, no civilians allowed, Spencer. You’re lucky we even let you two in here,’ came Lassiter’s annoyed bark once he noticed the stranger standing with the two ever-present thorns in his side. At least the woman had the decency to look embarrassed as she shot the so-called psychic a look that screamed ‘I told you so.’
Ignoring the weight of his new friends’ eyes as they bore into the side of his head, Shawn carried on in his usual fashion.
‘She’s not a civilian, she’s the newest member of Psych detective agency. Lassie, Juliet, meet Miss Marley Williams,’ his introduction was paired with a flourish of his arms in her direction, as if he was presenting her to an adoring crowd, ‘say hello, Marley.’
Marley threw another quick glare at him for putting her on the spot, before offering the two detectives a nervous smile and pitiful wave, ‘uuh- hi.’
She was mentally kicking herself at her weak greeting, and Lassiter was equally, if not more, unimpressed by it.
‘And what are you, another psychic?’ came his dry inquiry, almost sneering it at her.
‘Oh no, nothing like that,’ she was quick to assure, ‘I’m a nurse down at Santa Barbara general, I’m just here because I, I uhh-,’ feeling intimidated by Lassiter’s piercing stare, and honestly unsure of what exactly she was doing here, she struggled to explain her presence. Her new position in the agency was also a surprise to her, doing nothing to help her explain herself.
‘We were in the middle of her induction and onboarding paperwork when we got the call to come down here, so we thought we’d bring her along, show her what the job really entails. No better way to learn than on the job, right?’
God she could kiss Gus, sending him a grateful look. ‘Nice save.’
‘Marley here is a good conduit for the spirits, the visions and vibes I get when she’s around are stronger than normal,’ Shawn added, his never-wavering dedication to the bit the cherry on top, ‘her experience as a nurse also comes in handy, offering invaluable context to some of the information I receive.’
Lassiter continued to look between the three of them with a raised eyebrow, not buying it for a second.
But Juliet, ever the sugar to Lassiter’s salt, offered her a kind smile and her hand, ‘well it’s nice to meet you Marley, my name’s Juliet O’Hara and I look forward to working with you.’
Though the woman’s smile was warm enough on its own, compared to her partners surly demeanour it was like a ray of sunshine and Marley immediately felt at ease.
‘Just stay out of our way and we’ll get along just fine.’
The brief moment of respite that Juliet had given her crumbled with Lassiter’s words, but thankfully it was the last thing he said before returning to what he was doing before he had noticed her.
‘Don’t worry about him,’ Juliet reassured her, seeing the way her smile fell, ‘he can be a bit..’
Juliet struggled to find the right word to describe her ill-tempered partner, knowing that he wasn’t always the friendliest person in the world, but she didn’t quite know how to describe him to a stranger without giving them a bad impression. Worse than the one he gave himself, anyway.
Gus and Shawn had no such issue, however. Chiming in with their own descriptions to fill in the blanks.
‘You mean grouchy?’
‘Downright rude?’
‘Blunt,’ she cut them off, knowing they could go all day if she let them, ‘he can be a bit blunt, among other things, but I’m sure he’ll warm up to you in no time!’
Free from the man’s harsh gaze and appreciating the woman’s attempt at reassuring her, Marley sent her a grateful smile, ‘thank you, Juliet. I’m sure it’ll be fine, he just took me off guard,’ her attention then turned to her two ‘colleagues’, ‘thanks for the warning by the way, totally helped me adjust to my new ‘role’.’
Gus had the decency to look apologetic, but Shawn simply brushed her sarcasm aside, ‘hey, trial by fire remember? If you can handle Lassie, you can handle anything!’
‘We had total faith in you too, just to be clear,’ came Gus’ fast reassurance.
‘I need to get back to Lassiter, but let me know if you guys find anything,’ Juliet cut in, sending the newcomer a final warm smile before walking away, ‘and welcome aboard, Marley.’
The case was soon wrapped up, with Gus and Marley’s combined knowledge of pharmaceuticals and medicine proving invaluable when determining what exactly led to the deaths of the young men.
Marley had watched Shawn perform his parlour scene moment with great amusement. She had to admit that he sold the ‘psychic’ thing well, and his commitment to the charade was commendable. If she didn’t see his work ‘behind the curtain’, so to speak, she might have bought it herself.
‘Thank you again, Mr Spencer and Mr Guster, as always we appreciate your help.’
Lassiter couldn’t hold back the scoff he let out at the chief’s words. Schooling his face into a neutral expression as she shot him a warning look before continuing.
‘And Miss Williams, I’d also like to thank you especially for your contribution to the case, Mr Spencer told me how you noticed signs of deterioration in Nate Mitchell and were able to prevent his death, which is no small feat.’
Uncomfortable with the attention on her, Marley picked at her nails as she responded, ‘thank you, Chief Vick. I was just doing my job, it’s no biggie.’
It was Shawn’s turn to scoff, ‘no biggie? Marley that kid is still alive because of you! I’d be hitting up his parents for a reward, I’m sure they can afford it, doing what they do.’
‘Shawn!’ came Gus’ chastising hiss. While part of him agreed with his friend, it wasn’t the time or way to say it.
‘While I’m sure you didn’t do it for the possibility of a reward,’ Shawn now on the receiving end of one of Chief Vick’s famous reprimanding looks, ‘Mr Spencer is right, it is a big deal and we’re honoured to have you as part of the team.’
With another shy ‘thank you’ and the assurance that Marley was a welcomed addition to the group, the trio made their exit, planning to stop on the way back to the office for a round of drinks to celebrate her first case.
The debrief done, Lassiter left the chief’s office all but storming over to his desk.
‘It was a good thing Marley came along when she did, huh? You know, I had a good feeling about her when we met at the Lawrence house,’ Juliet had followed after him. She ignored his bad mood, being used to it by now.
‘Yeah, she’s a real charmer. Really sold her little modesty act to the chief too.’
‘What do you mean?’ Juliet was honestly confused by his scorn towards her, she thought the woman was sweet. Plus, it would be nice having another woman around, ‘she seems pretty genuine to me.’
‘That’s how they get you, and if it keeps up like this, we’re going to be outnumbered by these consultants, hell, we already are! It was bad enough with just those two idiots, but now it’s 3v2 with them on top!’
‘It’s not us vs them, Lassiter. We’re all on the same side here.’
He waved his partner off, knowing there was no point in trying to get her to see things his way. A lot could be said about Carlton Lassiter, he knew that, he wasn’t ignorant to what others thought of him (though the delusion did win sometimes). But what couldn’t be said about him was that he was easily fooled by a pretty face.
Sure, the woman might have a good head on her shoulders, more sense than the two idiots she works with at least, and from what he could see she was good at presenting herself professionally yet sympathetically while talking to witnesses and the family of the victims. And maybe her laugh did bring to mind the sound of windchimes blowing serenely in the wind, but what was there to laugh about when investigating the deaths of two young men, even if she did prevent the death of a third.
And so what if he couldn't deny that she was an attractive woman, with sweet brown eyes and a smile to match.
He was a professional. And his relationship with her would remain as such.
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genevievemd · 2 years
A Christmas Elf
Book: Open Heart (Beyond) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure), feat. Elizabeth “Lizzie” Ramsey Word Count: 1295 Rating: G Category: fluff, domestic bliss (family dynamics)  Trope(s): and they were in the office
Summary: Gen surprises Ethan at the hospital with lunch... and their 4 month old daughter dressed as an elf!
Warnings: none
A/N: who’s ready for some holiday fluff, baby?! Featuring everyone’s favorite tiny human, Lizzie. Hopefully this is the first of a few holiday fics but we’ll see how the inspiration goes. 
Submission for @choicesficwriterscreations​ holiday event
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She checks the diaper bag one last time, mentally cataloging every item inside. It’s the first time Genevieve has taken her and Ethan’s now four month old daughter out by herself. Which seems crazy, but with Ethan having been on paternity leave until last week, every time they took Elizabeth out it was together. 
Now she herself had one month left on her maternity leave and it was time to get used to taking their sweet Lizzie out without the assistance of her husband. And since he had left them the car that morning, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. 
“Okay, munchkin, you ready?” Genevieve turns to look at Lizzie, sitting happily and quietly in her car seat. “We’re gonna go surprise Daddy, because he sounded very sad on the phone.” 
They say that nothing compares to watching the love of your life, your husband, become a father – that it makes you fall even more in love – and Gen has come to find that statement true. Ethan had been so scared at first, nervous that he’d screw it up, but since the moment they found out Gen was pregnant he’d been nothing but a doting father. He loved every second of this life he once believed wasn’t in the cards for him. He changed diapers, helped with the midnight feedings, laid on the floor with Lizzie during tummy time, read her books and sang her songs, all with a smile on his face.
Ethan had become a whole new person since Lizzie came into their lives and it had Gen falling more in love everyday. 
Even seeing how sad he was to go back to work – the job he so adored – melted her heart. He was afraid to miss even a second of Lizzie’s life, wanted updates and photos throughout the day. 
Just an hour ago he’d facetimed them between mountains of paperwork, eager to catch a glimpse at his two favorite blondes, and sounding so despondent to not be home with them. Which lead Genevieve to make the decision to take Lizzie out and see her dad. 
She slings the bag over her shoulder, then picks up the car seat, smiling at how cute their daughter looks in her Christmas themed outfit. 
It was a gift from Ethan’s assistant, Barbara, and the perfect thing to lift his spirits. 
Along with the lunch she’d prepared for them. 
“Alright, lets go see Daddy.” 
In no time at all, the two blonde Ramsey’s make it to the hospital. Genevieve parks the car in Ethan’s designated Chief of Medicine spot right out front, and quickly gets herself and Lizzie into the building. They’re bombarded almost immediately by her colleagues, all eager to catch the newest edition to the Edenbrook family. 
“Oh, look at her!” Harper rushes over to the stroller, titling her head to look down at the baby. “She’s gotten so big.” 
“I know. It’s crazy.” 
“So cute in her little Christmas outfit, all ready to see Santa.” 
“More like, ready to go have lunch with Dad.” 
Harper looks up at her then, a smile on her face. “Good, he’s been sulking around here all day. It’s actually quite adorable.” 
“He’s afraid he’s going to miss something exciting,” Genevieve shifts her gaze down to her daughter, voice changing its tune to something overly sweet and cheerful. “But all our little lizard does is cry and sleep and eat and make mommy change her diaper a thousand times a day.” 
“And smile.” Harper beams down at Lizzie, cooing at her. Her fingers tickling Lizzie’s tummy. “She’s got her mama’s smile.” 
“That’s what my husband says.” 
“Well, I’ll let you go. It was great to see you.” 
“You, too.” Gen gives Harper a hug, then quickly makes her way to the elevator. Avoiding as many people as possible. 
They get inside the lift with only one more interruption from a nurse and she presses the bottom for the top floor. A sigh of relief escaping when the elevator dings and they’ve evaded the hoard of nurses and doctors. 
The only people on this floor were administration, Ethan included. 
Gen and Lizzie make it down the hall, and to Chief’s office. Smiling brightly at his assistant, sitting at her own desk just outside the doors.
“Hi, Barbara.” 
“Oh, hello!” The older woman rises from her chair, quickly coming round to look in the stroller. “She’s in her little elf outfit!” 
“Yeah, I thought we’d cheer our Chief up with a little Christmas elf time.” 
“Those bright blue eyes and round cheeks would cheer anyone up.” 
“Is he in?” 
“Yes. Just came back from speaking with Mr. Bloom.” 
“Oh, no.” Gen laughs, knowing just how grumpy Ethan gets after speaking with Leland. “Well, here’s hoping we put him in a better mood.” 
“I’ll hold all his calls until you two leave.” 
“Thank you.” With that, Gen pushes the stroller to the door to Ethan’s office, opening it without bothering to knock. 
She’s always had an open invitation, anyway. 
“Not now. I don’t have time.” Ethan barks, glasses perched low on nose and his eyes focused on the files scattered around the mahogany desk. 
“Not even for us?” Gen closes the door, smiling at how fast his head whips up. Eyes wide in shock. Though he smiles, happy to see his wife and child. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“We came to surprise you with lunch.” She drops the diaper bag onto the coffee table in his office, “I made sandwiches for us and a bottle for Lizzie. You sounded sad on the phone, and I thought we could cheer you up a bit.”
“You didn’t have to do that.” Ethan rises from his desk, tossing his glasses down and walking to the stroller. 
Without hesitation, he takes their daughter out, his smile growing as he settles her in his arms. 
Nothing will ever beat the sight of seeing Ethan holding their daughter. They way he instantly relaxes and his hard exterior softens. 
“Hi, sweetpea.” He utters softly, rocking their daughter slightly.
The rest of the world always seems to fall away for him when Lizzie is in his arms. The stress and anxiety of being Chief of Medicine, the everyday pressures of adult life – none of it fazes him when he’s holding their little girl. 
Just like when it was just the two of them, and they’d hide away from the world in their apartment, snuggled together under mountains of blankets. 
The family they created together was his sanctuary. 
Hers, too. 
“Does your wife get a hello, too.” Gen giggles, stepping closer to her husband. One hand resting on Lizzie’s head and one on Ethan’s bicep. 
“Always.” Ethan leans down, kissing Genevieve sweetly. “Hi, sweetheart.” 
“Hi.” Unable to resist, she kisses him one more time, lingering for just a moment. “Did you see her outfit?” 
“She’s a Christmas elf?” He takes in Lizzie’s aforementioned outfit. The little stripped onesie and tulle skirt, with a matching stripped hat with elf ears and a pompom on top. 
“Yes. Come to give her daddy some holiday joy.”
“Hm,” He looks at Gen then back down at Lizzie, soft smile still on his face. “I don’t know about holiday joy, but this little surprise lunch definitely raised my spirits, Rookie.” 
“Good. God, she’s so cute, it’s ridiculous.” 
“Like her mom.” 
“Smooth, Ramsey.” She kisses his cheek, then guides them to the sofa. 
They sit beside each other, all eyes focused on the little bundle of green and red still nestled happily in her dad’s arms. 
After the months of trying and feeling discouraged,  to the months of waiting for their little girl to arrive, it was moments like this that Genevieve wanted to remember most. The picture perfect instances of them as the family she had always envisioned.
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A/N: Happy Holidays, fam jam.
 Hopefully we can write some more things. Like the mini series and maybe other holiday fics. I’ve just been having major writers block. Like I don’t even really love this what it is what it is. I mean I like it but I feel like it’s not my best. 
Whatevs. We gonna keep going, write the things 
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​
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sercphic · 9 months
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𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎 ; twenty-nine years old, residential real estate agent at river reality group. trigger warning(s): stalking, abuse, ptsd, adoption
『 CIERRA RAMIREZ, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER 』 wait a second! isn’t that ( CATERINA NAVARRO ) who just walked into jack’s bar? rumor around town is that the local is approaching their ( SIXTH ) year in virgin river. in the meantime, you can find the ( TWENTY-NINE ) year old working as a ( REAL ESTATE AGENT ) at ( RIVER REALITY GROUP  ). rumor around town is that ( SHE ) has a reputation for being a little ( BRUSQUE ), but they make up for it by being ( ALTRUISTIC ). 『 mar, 24, she/her 』
001. basics:
full name:  caterina navarro
nicknames:  cat, rina, c
gender:  cisfemale
pronouns:  she/her
sexuality:  biromantic/bisexual
age: twenty-nine
date of birth:  october 29th, 1994
zodiac sign:  scorpio
occupation:  real estate agent for residential but historically started her career in commercial; she has a passion for residential so she can help people find their forever home.
002. appearance:
faceclaim:  cierra ramirez
height:  5'1"
eyes: brown; honey brown when she's super excited and/or in love.
hair:  raven/dark brown
piercings:  ear, belly button
tattoos:  (2) a rose that says "la vie en rose" above her elbow on her left arm & a small lil heart on her left shoulder.
003. personality:
traits:  competitive, protective, zealous, evasive, capricious, loyal & altruistic.
likes:  balsam & cedarwood candles, journaling, and doodling in between clients, mexican football (soccer), speaking spanglish, manicures, morning jogs, virgin river trails, iced caramel macchiatos, the sun creeping in through foggy morning, heels against hardwood floors. guilty pleasures are lifetime movies.
dislikes: sleeping with curtains open, people who nitpick, hangovers, her bmw getting stuck in the icy dirt roads during winter, sore losers, nosey people, and knitting.
phobias: spiders, heights, the ocean & storms.
004. family:
mother:  veronica hernandez-navarro (deceased)
father:  giovanni navarro (living)
siblings: none !
spouse / lover:  none !
children:  none !
pets:  a 1 year old golden retriever named "sunny".
005. faves:
ice cream flavour:  cookie dough
time of the day / night:  twilight
weather:  sunny
season: spring
breakfast food:  crepes
dinner food:  spinach ravioli
colours:  yellow, red, melon, pink
song:  'wings' by birdy
006. biography: tw: stalking, abuse, ptsd, adoption
born and raised in santa barbara, california, caterina navarro was raised by two hard-working middle class parents. giovanni was the main breadwinner with his sole proprietor business of buying abandoned homes with little to no value and flipping/selling them. her mom was a maid who cleaned offices and residential homes in the neighborhood.
caterina began working at the age of twelve, working with both her parents and learning how demanding both of their jobs were. she is proud of her career in real estate which is a reflection of both her parents' humble professions. veronica hernandez (mom) was a very strict, woman of few words and caterina craved her attention and validation. meanwhile, giovanni navarro (dad) adored his little girl and could never see any wrong in anything she did. she also adored him just as much.
giovanni and veronica split when caterina was fourteen as giovanni had an affair and it ruined the already crumbling marriage. this destroyed caterina's world and everything she thought love consisted of. she began hanging with a group of friends who peer pressured her and as a result, she did foolish things for attention. she met her first boyfriend who took advantage of her desire to be seen and validated and things were good for awhile, but as soon as he couldn't control her, things took a turn for the worst. caterina desired freedom and wanted to go out with friends, enjoy her youth, and all the typical things you'd want to enjoy being in your early twenties.
their fights became more frequent and so did his nasty verbiage, which was almost always degrading in some manner. one day she grew tired and reached for her stuff in an attempt to leave their apartment, but he grabbed her and threw her against a wall. he ended up choking her and left marks behind. caterina withdrew herself completely from friends and family until she reached a point of no return, unable to take the abuse anymore, she moved back in with her parents, escaping while her boyfriend was at work. soon after her mom passed and it was just her dad and herself alone in the childhood home.
her ex boyfriend's efforts to get her back were detected by all of those around her, but law enforcement wasn't able to actually nail him. after dodging him and his attempts to reconcile, he became more and more desperate. he went as far as breaking into her home and threatening her father's life. this terrified caterina and they made arrangements to move in with cousins in oregon. after moving, she found herself pregnant with his child, but she couldn't imagine the idea of being on the run with a baby. since caterina got in the habit of moving often to protect herself, she carried the child, but agreed to a no-contact adoption believing this would keep the child protected no matter what. presently, virgin river is the longest place she's lived since growing up in santa barbara. she lives in constant fear for the day her ex might return. she typically has a hard time letting people in because of this.
007. possible connections ( fill in ):
cousin:  open
best friend / ride or die:  open
rival: open
crushing on:  open
fwb / drunk hook up: open
nemesis:  open
coworkers: open
previous client(s):  open
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Coat Tale
It was the Saturday after the lounge Christmas party. Barbara had been feeling so good from the company and wine that evening, that she forgot her best winter coat in her classroom. With two weeks off and a polar vortex in the forecast, Barbara knew she would have to go to Abbott to retrieve it before the weekend was over. As she entered the school and walked by the front desk, she cast a glance into the enigmatic principal’s office. Barbara and Ava spent time together over the summer working over the budget for the grant they received and developed a friendly relationship. At Ava’s behest, they expanded that time to include a biweekly admin meeting to ensure Ava was staying on the right track.  Barbara still found her impossible at times, but she knew a lot of that was bravado. Recognized that Ava set low work expectations because of the high demand of her personal and family obligations.
As she passed the lounge, she thought of the conversation about Tamika’s mother and her clothing line. How she’d felt small when Ava chastised her but when she looked in her eyes only saw the care and a desire for Barbara’s mind not to be so closed. The whole incident had shifted something in Barbara. Ava had been standing in the hallway when Barbara apologized to Tamika’s mom. After the apology, while the kids were still coming into the classroom and getting ready for the day, Ava caught her eye from the doorway and with a bright smile mouthed “Good girl.” Her perfume lingered and Barbara’s stomach clenched with unexpected arousal. She brushed it off as pleasure in an unexpected moment of praise, but that belief was thrown out the window the day Ava substituted for Janine. Though Ava had been frustrated, she had glowed that whole day. And since then, she has been living with her own Ava induced fever. She nearly lost her scruples when Ava entered the library in her Mrs. Clause costume. She mentioned Santa Clause's heart condition because she felt close to a heart attack herself. As she shook herself out of the memory, Barbara retrieved her coat and headed toward the exit, when she saw a flash of neon green.
She looked up and there was the object of her thoughts. Ava Coleman standing with her back to her office window in what appeared to be a neon green yoga crop top and matching leggings. She bent over to retrieve something from the other side of her desk and Barbara felt frozen. 10 seconds or 10 minutes could have passed when she hears “Barb you’re starring.” When she focuses, she finds Ava standing in front of her with a knowing smirk. “What’re you doing here,” Barbara asks softly unable to take her eyes off Ava. “Forgot I had some gifts delivered here and I’m trying to get all of my wrapping done before the weekend is over. Got to help my Granny and sister with their stuff during the week.” Barbara smiled at that; Ava really was one of the sweetest women she’d ever met.
Ava nodded to the coat in her arms “See you came to retrieve the big gun for this ridiculousness on the way. It’s getting to be nipple-cutting weather…” Barbara furrowed her brow at the statement and gave Ava a knowing look. Barb chuckled and said, “I’ll be doing quite a few things downtown with my daughters and wanted to make sure I had all the warmth I can get.” Ava smiled and looked at her with a look she couldn’t recognize. “The temp dropped between my drive from the house here, so you’ll definitely need it now”
Ava moves to take the coat from Barbara’s arm and slowly turns her around. Barbara is enveloped in Ava’s perfume and closes her eyes. Ava very gently helps Barbara into her coat, her fingers softly brushing the nape of her neck as she adjusts the collar. Barbara tries to hide her shudder from the touch but is unsuccessful by the way Ava’s eyes are dancing with mirth when she turns back around. “Thank you, Ava. I hope you have a great holiday break.” she whispers with a tender smile. Ava moves to fix her lapel and takes a step further into Barbara’s personal space, leaving very little room between them. She looks Barbara directly in the eye as she cups her cheek “I hope you have an excellent break as well. And maybe once everything is settled, we can talk about the way your eyes follow me everywhere I go and the way that I’m really into it.” Barbara’s eyes go wide at this and thinks briefly about denying it but Ava is looking at her like she could be the safest space in the world and she wants to run towards that. Ava places a chaste kiss on her lips, rubs her right hand on her cheek, and then is out the door. Barbara touches her lips and is suddenly very much looking forward to the new year.
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Preserving Family Legacies: Manchester Capital Management's Tailored Family Office Services in Manchester, VT
In the idyllic town of Manchester, VT, where family values and heritage intertwine, the need for comprehensive family office services has never been greater. Manchester Capital Management stands as a pillar of expertise and trust, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of families in the area.
As a leading provider of family office services, Manchester Capital Management understands the complexities of managing wealth across generations. From financial planning to estate management, they offer a full suite of services designed to preserve and grow family wealth while fostering unity and harmony among family members.
At Manchester Capital Management, they recognize that every family is unique, with its own set of values, goals, and challenges. That's why they take a personalized approach to family office services, working closely with each client to develop strategies that reflect their individual priorities and aspirations. Whether it's wealth transfer planning, tax optimization, or philanthropic endeavors, Manchester Capital Management provides comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of each family.
Moreover, Manchester Capital Management places a strong emphasis on education and communication within the family. They facilitate meaningful discussions around financial matters, helping family members develop a shared understanding of their wealth management goals and responsibilities. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, Manchester Capital Management helps families build a solid foundation for long-term financial success and prosperity.
With Manchester Capital Management's family office services, clients gain access to a dedicated team of professionals with expertise in wealth management, tax planning, and fiduciary oversight. From coordinating legal and accounting services to managing investments and charitable giving, Manchester Capital Management serves as a trusted advisor and steward of family wealth.
In conclusion, for families in Manchester, VT, seeking comprehensive family office services, Manchester Capital Management offers a wealth of expertise and resources to help navigate the complexities of wealth management with confidence and peace of mind. With a commitment to personalized service, open communication, and integrity, Manchester Capital Management stands as a top family office firm in the USA and trusted partner in safeguarding and growing family legacies for generations to come. Partner with Manchester Capital Management today and embark on a journey towards financial prosperity and harmony.
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thebusinessmagnate · 6 months
Heather Hochrein: Fostering and Encouraging Smart EV Charging Solutions for All at EVmatch
We all know quite well how much of a demand and requirement smart technology has in today’s world. It is a much-needed tool and resource in our daily lives to access different facilities and amenities for several reasons, without which life would come to a standstill. The innovation in smart tech devices that are powered by renewable energy sources like solar, water, hydrothermal, and more, consume energy in more sustainable ways and do not use up our finite natural resources that are massively decreasing and deteriorating. Pairing the practice and use of renewable energy resources with technologically innovative tools and devices reduced global environmental challenges and rise in greenhouse gas emissions among other detriments. 
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In the same way, one such example of sustainable living that plays a part in reducing the overall global environmental challenges is the innovation of Electric Vehicles. Electric Vehicles or EVs as they are shortly called, are accessible, flexible, convenient, efficient, scalable, chargeable, smart, clever, and offer users and drivers with its alternatives in cost-effectiveness. vehicles that are used for sustainable transportation. Reducing fuel’s natural resource supply and usage, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and noise pollution, EVs are an eco-friendly and environmentally conscious power-on-wheels. Electric Vehicles are here to stay and will only evolve to be creative and more sustainable. Where there are EVs, there will be EV Charging Stations. These charging stations are built and established in convenient locations that see a demand for flexible use and a need for recharging vehicles to save energy efficiently. 
Therefore in this article, we will be covering the benefits and advantages that EV Charging Stations provide to people – be they a family, apartment or colony, community, residential homes and spaces, commercial, and for rent. With EVmatch – a company co-founded by CEO Heather Hochrein in Redwood City, California, in The United States of America, that offers their services through sustainable establishing of Smart EV Charging and Sharing platforms with a customer-centric focus on meeting demands, reducing utility costs, and supporting sustainable transportation. 
Heather Hochrein – Co-Founder and CEO at EVmatch:
Heather Hochrein is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at EVmatch. Founded in the year 2016, Heather and her co-founding partner – Shannon Walker built EVmatch from the ground up and launched the business officially in the year 2017. Recognizing the need for Electric Vehicles to replace other fueled vehicles globally, the co-founders of EVmatch offer their services to riders and users of Electric Vehicles through their Smart EV Charging and Sharing platforms by forming a peer-to-peer network platform and an app that is conveniently downloadable and accessible to and for all. 
Vision – “Distributed, equitable, and carbon-free energy economy that connects and elevates all people.”
Having a Bachelor’s Degree in Molecular Environmental Biology from The University of California – Berkeley, and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science and Management at UC Santa Barbara, Heather Hochrein has since then worked in many environmental-based sectors and roles such as – Environmental Education Coordinator and then a Georeferencer at UC Berkely’s Public Service Center, as a Climate Policy Intern in Long-Term Energy Planning at Pacific Gas and Electric Company, as Greenhouse Gas Reporting Analyst at Industrial Ecology Research Services, and finally the co-founder at EVmatch.        
For more interesting insights, visit The Business Magnate. 
About EVmatch:
Founded in the year 2016 and established in the year 2017, EVmatch has its headquarters established in Redwood City, California, in the US. The company brings together people living in an area and locality such as – families, apartments or colonies, communities, residential homes and spaces, commercial, and vocational stays, can access the features and services by downloading, registering, and connecting. Drivers and managers can make use of this smart EV charging facility and platform app to benefit themselves by renting out their charging stations proactively. With a customer-centric focus on meeting demands, reducing utility costs, and supporting sustainable transportation, EVmatch is a match made for us for better, sustainable, and cleaner futures and thus making a strong environmental impact. 
Mission – “To accelerate EV adoption by making charging easy, reliable, and accessible to all.”
EVmatch offers its services at very affordable prices that are almost 40% to 60% less than their competitors’ prices, making it very affordable for consumers to reach out and use the app and facility. The company also fosters and encourages people to choose better sustainable options and smoothly transform to using Electric Vehicles. Searching by Connector Types, Charging Speeds, Availabilities in the Area and Locality, and Price, users of EVs can conveniently and efficiently make use of the user-friendly charging solutions that EVmatch offers. Being provided with a grant by the California Energy Commission – CEC, the company works closely with multi-family properties in Santa Clara, Los Angeles, and San Diego for Installations, Engineering, and Permitting services that are being provided by the company alongside access to additional control features through the installation of Enel X JuiceBox or Wallbox Pulsar Plus.
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/heather-hochrein-fostering-and-encouraging-smart-ev-charging-solutions-for-all-at-evmatch/
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cyarskj1899 · 9 months
Sent from my iPhone
The Most Infamous Karens Of 2023
From Citi Bike Karen to Disneyland Karen, the year was ripe with entitled ass white women.
Candace McDuffie
PublishedTuesday 4:00PM
2023, like every other year, had its fair share of Karens. From Citi Bike Karen to MAGA Karen to Postal Karen, here are the most infamous white women who caused racist spectacles this year.
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Disneyland Karen
This Karen verbally assaulted a mother, Eva Ramirez, in a Disneyland bathroom earlier this month. She screamed “I hate Mexicans” after allegedly hearing Ramirez and her two-year-old son speak Spanish to each other. Yes—we’re disgusted too.
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Postal Karen
In August, a white woman in Kirkwood, Missouri reportedly got herself kicked out of a post office after acting a damn fool and took it out on a Black woman employee. “You’re not equal!” she said before adding “Goddamn f**king step on white people.”
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Portland Karen
Last month, Janee Jewell Plummer allegedly punched a Black security guard multiple times, spit in his face, and called him the N-word after he tried to stop her from stealing. She was charged with two counts of bias crime, two counts of harassment, and a third-degree theft and robbery.
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Santa Barbara Karen
Jeanne Umana, 74, was charged with misdemeanor battery and misdemeanor trespassing in connection to a disturbing September incident. In a TikTok video, Umana is seen approaching Luis Cervantes, who was doing construction at a neighboring home. “I’m American, you’re a Tijuanan” she said to the man.
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Pool Party Karen
On July 4th weekend, a video went viral of a white woman in a Lakewood, Colorado apartment complex harassing a Latino family. Blair Featherman apologized for her racist behavior, in which she told the family “You have a f**king Mexican party in a pool. Trash.”
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Citi Bike Karen
Sarah Jane Comrie, a nurse at Bellevue Hospital, was seen on video crying white women tears and screaming for help claiming that a Black teen was hurting her over a Citi Bike. She also had a friend call 911 because the boy was trying to check out a bike she stated was hers. The moment went viral and even though Comrie got called out she still raised thousands of dollars via GoFundMe.
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Blackface Karen
In a clip obtained by TMZ, a woman identified as Ersilia Campbell interrupted the peaceful shoppers of an Aurora Target while wearing brown makeup on her face. When called out about her blackface, Campbell’s response was: “Yea, well Lester Holt did ‘whiteface’ and nobody said sh*t.” 
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Utah Karen
Kathryn Smith, a Karen hailing from Utah, verbally and physically assaulted a Black mother, Cecillee Cummings, and her nine-year-old son. Earlier this month, Smith was arrested on multiple outstanding warrants including disorderly conduct, property damage, and assault.
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Casino Karen
Over the summer, a white couple verbally attacked a Black man in a casino identified as Devon Leslie Jr. “Stop being a little b**ch you f***ing ni***r.” Leslie caught the entire exchange on camera and posted it on social media.
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MAGA Karen
Earlier this year, Abigail Jo Shry called the federal courthouse and left a racist threat to Judge Tanya Chutkan, the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s criminal case. “You are in our sights, we want to kill you. If Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you,” Shry said on the recording. Investigators quickly found and arrested her.
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Snow Shoveling Karen
Two Black men in Illinois who were minding their business and shoveling snow when they met a disgruntled white lady. She called the police and said they were harassing her even though they offered to shoveled for free. The cops were baffled but ultimately told them to leave her property alone.
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Coca-Cola Karen
Kim Jennings, the manager of a North Carolina apartment complex, was seen on surveillance camera dousing a bottle of Coke on a little Black boy and hitting him in the head with it several times. She was charged with two counts of assault on a child.
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Airplane Karen
Tiffany Gomas went viral over the summer for making a scene while voluntarily de-boarding a plane. The public believed that she was drunk while she shouted: “I don’t give two f**ks but I’m telling you right now, that motherf****r back there is not real!”
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michaelcosio · 9 months
The Suspected Golden State Killer Witnessed Two Men Rape His Sister. It May Have Fueled His Rampage. "Maybe that was the start of Joe going wacko," said a nephew of Joseph DeAngelo, the man suspected of being the prolific killer.
Stephanie K. Baer BuzzFeed News Reporter
Updated on May 14, 2018 at 1:35 pm Posted on May 11, 2018 at 4:31 pm
Decades before he killed at least 12 people and sexually assaulted 51 others in a prolific crime spree that terrorized the state of California, the suspected Golden State Killer watched two men rape his younger sister on an Air Force base in Germany, family members said.
Joseph James DeAngelo, 72, who was identified last month as the serial rapist and killer who terrorized California in the 1970s and 1980s, was playing with his sister Constance in an abandoned warehouse on the base when two airmen walked in and raped her in front of him, Jesse Ryland, one of Constance's sons, told BuzzFeed News this week.
DeAngelo was about 9 or 10 at the time. His sister was 7 years old.
"That's pretty crazy for a kid to see his sister be violated," said Ryland, 35, who learned about the incident from his mother just before she died from cancer last year. "Maybe that was the start of Joe going wacko."
The incident may have sparked a fantasy with rape for DeAngelo, a former police officer and mechanic who served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War, according to an expert who has examined serial killers' backgrounds for the FBI.
Ann Wolbert Burgess, a psychiatric nursing professor at Boston College who studied the personalities of 36 convicted serial killers in the late 1970s and early 1980s with FBI agents in the Behavioral Science Unit, said serial criminals commonly develop a preoccupation with their crime at an early age.
It's possible that DeAngelo, who now faces a total of 12 counts of murder in Santa Barbara, Orange, Ventura, and Sacramento counties, became preoccupied with rape after his sister's sexual assault, Burgess told BuzzFeed News.
"Of course that would be significant and could have set the nucleus of the fantasy," she said. "What probably happened was that it was something that he kept on his mind."
DeAngelo was arrested at his home in Citrus Heights, a Sacramento suburb, on April 24 after investigators linked DNA from the decades-old crime scenes to DeAngelo using an online genealogical database. He has not yet entered a plea and is scheduled to return to court in Sacramento on Monday.
It was not immediately clear if his sister's sexual assault would factor into DeAngelo's criminal trial. A representative from the Sacramento County District Attorney's Office told BuzzFeed News they were reaching out to family to discuss the incident but declined to comment further.
Representatives from district attorney's offices in Santa Barbara and Orange counties declined to comment for this story. The Ventura District Attorney's Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BuzzFeed News.
Paul Holes, a retired cold case investigator for the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office who spent 24 years chasing the Golden State Killer, said he wonders whether witnessing his sister's rape was a traumatic or stimulating event for DeAngelo.
"As more is found out about him and his childhood, we’ll get a better sense on how witnessing something like that would have contributed to him developing into the guy he was," Holes told BuzzFeed News.
His sister's rape was just one notable incident in what was a tough childhood for DeAngelo, his nephew said.
DeAngelo and his three siblings grew up in an abusive household where his father physically assaulted his mother, Kathleen, said Ryland. She also abused at least one of the children.
"She would hit my mom all the time," Ryland said, adding that his mother would at times wear two pairs of pants to lessen the blow. "I'm pretty positive they were all abused like that."
Joseph DeAngelo Sr. served in the US Air Force and the family moved frequently because of his job. Ryland said that after one violent incident on a base in Germany, military police warned Joe Sr. he would be kicked out if he touched his wife again.
A spokesperson for the National Personnel Records Center, which manages military records for veterans who served in the 20th century, said files for Joseph Sr. and Joseph Jr. were not available because another government agency had seized them.
Ryland said when his uncle and his mother told their parents about what had happened in the military base warehouse, they were instructed to never discuss it.
Burgess said that might have been confusing for DeAngelo, and the conflict between his parents also could have affected his psychological state.
Studies have shown that it's common for serial predators to have grown up in abusive environments, Holes said, but there are a lot of people who are exposed to that kind of trauma and don't become violent criminals.
"It's one of those mysteries," Holes added.
The Golden State Killer would often get angry with his victims and was probably "channeling part of his childhood psychology" into his crimes, the investigator said.
Constance's ex-husband, Kenneth Ryland Sr., told BuzzFeed News she never mentioned that she was raped as a child in their 26 years of marriage. He only heard about the incident recently from their son Jesse.
"I'm just trying to get my mind wrapped around it," Kenneth Ryland Sr. said.
The 71-year-old Placerville man married Constance in 1964 after she and DeAngelo's parents divorced. Their mom moved the family to the Sacramento area sometime in the early 1960s, he said.
Joseph DeAngelo Sr. ended up in South Korea, where he retired and had another set of kids, who were given the same names as his first three children: Rebecca, Joseph Jr., and Constance, according to Jesse Ryland and Kenneth Ryland Sr.
After serving in the Navy, Joseph DeAngelo Jr. was a police officer for the Exeter Police Department from 1973 to 1976 and then for the Auburn Police Department, where he worked from 1976 to 1979 until he was fired for shoplifting a can of dog repellent and a hammer from a drugstore.
Kenneth Ryland Sr. said that when he asked DeAngelo why he stole those things, DeAngelo responded, "Because I could."
"Something like that, and I thought that was really weird," Kenneth Ryland Sr. said.
Meanwhile, authorities say DeAngelo was breaking into houses, raping women, and ransacking their homes.
The last crime linked to the Golden State Killer was in 1986, when an 18-year-old woman was raped and killed in Orange County, but authorities have said they don't know if he stopped his attacks.
Growing up, Jesse Ryland said he never suspected his uncle was violent. DeAngelo was nice and seemed like a normal guy, he said. But when Ryland heard his uncle had been identified as the Golden State Killer, it suddenly made a lot of sense.
"Joe was young and saw my mom get raped," he said. "It instantly clicked in my head."
Ryland said although his mother and DeAngelo were close, he didn't see his uncle often when he was growing up and hasn't seen him in about 10 years.
"I almost wish I could go and see him and ask Joe about it if he remembers," Ryland said, though he admitted, "It’s probably not a good time for that."
May 14, 2018 at 1:35 PM
After this story was published, Kenneth Ryland Sr. said his daughter had not told him that her mother, Constance, had been raped. He said he was made aware of the incident by his son Jesse.
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madmadmystic · 9 months
Yesterday my soulmate got sentenced on his 2nd degree murder conviction. He has a determinate sentence of 26 years and then once he serves that his 100 years to life will start. We have a strong case for an appeal. Here's the story: my man hit a fat lick, got this drug dealer for a shit ton of cash and gold and drugs. He didn't mask up and was recorded on the home surveillance system. So a couple days later the guy he robbed and two of his friends pull up on my man and our friend at their hotel room and hold them at gun point. They took one firearm from my man and recovered none of the stolen shit. Well once they decide to leave, my man gets his other gun and gets off a shot at the man that just had him on his knees with a gun to his head. One of the guys leaves on foot and the other two are in their vehicle. The one that didn't get shot drives the one that did to the hospital but leaves him in the parking lot. By the time his gf showed up (over an hour later) and got him inside for medical care it was too late and he died in the hospital.
The guy that left out the window was subpoenaed to testify and originally was refusing to (this guy is already a pc/drop out certified snitch) but after talking to his attorney (offered a deal) he takes the stand and fucking LIES. He claims the "victim" was unarmed, he swore under oath he was given no encouragement for his testimony but was given an absurdly low sentence for outstanding charges.
I'm not saying that my man isn't at fault. Obviously robbing somebody (even a drug dealer) is serious shit. But the instinct to protect yourself and your people and to eliminate any lethal threat is engrained in us. And the prosecution making a deal off of paper is still making a fucking deal. There witness wasn't credible and purjured himself on stand. The cats nickname is "criminal" for fucks sake, honest and credible are not attributes of his character.
You have no idea the shine my man has. He is so fucking glorious. He is intelligent and artistic and magickal. He builds up everyone around him. He's kind and honest and savage.
I feel that Santa Barbara County wrongly convicted him. Because he has prison priors and is native/black they did everything they could to put him away for good. Yes a life was lost but the facts of it should equal a lesser charge. 126 years to life is fucking obscene for defending yourself. California has no self defense law. But a friend of mine was just sentenced to 50 years to life after shooting a man in her home who was being violent and erratic and then her and her boyfriend proceeded to cut up the remains and dispose of them in a golf course pond. But she's a white girl with family money from orange county. Her charges were in Santa Barbara County however.
Tell me how that makes sense.
Maybe this will take off and the media will demand the DA's office admit a deal was made with the witness for his testimony and we can take my love's life back in appeal court.
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casapacifica01 · 10 months
Casa Pacifica
Casa Pacifica offers teen and family services to help youth who struggle with complex mental and behavioral health challenges. Our Camarillo, Santa Barbara, and Santa Maria offices work with more than 2,100 of the most vulnerable youth, aged 9-17, and their families every year.
Teen Short term treatment programs
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1939-wizard-of-oz · 10 months
Vends un Calot de l’ US Air Force ayant appartenu au Colonel Thor M.Smith.
Biblio (voir photos) :
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Né en 1906 dans le Nevada ( Reno)
Marié en 1930 à Mary Clay Benton
Il fut journaliste dans l’entre deux guerres (voir biblio)
En May 1942 commissionned as Captain in the US Army.
Le 5 Nov.1942 promu Major et sert comme officier intelligence service auprès de la 8th Air Force en Angleterre
Nov.1st 1943 promu Lieutenant Colonel
Janv1944 a Mai 1945 (Victory Day) chef et représentant au SHAEF Advance Command Post , auprès du Général en chef des troupes alliées Dwight Einsenhower .
Une photo sur internet le montre le 05 Juin 1944 auprès du Général en chef D.Eisenhower , le jour du débarquement : il faisait partie du staff rapproché de celui ci .
(voir photo 11 et commentaires en anglais ci dessous trouvé sur Internet par une recherche sur son nom : ils étaient 3 frères engagés pour la 2eme Guerre Mondiale dans l’US Army Air Force )
Promu Colonel le 15 Mai 1945 .
Juillet 1945 sert au Quartier Général de l’US Army Air Force and théâtre du Pacifique et de la Chine.
Servira ensuite dans la Réserve de l’US Air Force .
Il décède en 1980 à Santa Barbara (État de Californie)
Pièce historique et émouvante , d’un proche du Général en chef des armées alliées en Angleterre puis en France ayant servi au SHAEF de l’US Army .
Il accompagnera le Général Eisenhower en France et pour sa visite aux camps de concentration libérés en Allemagne.
Il faisait partie des proches et de son état-major.
A ses côtés le 05 Juin 1944 (1 jour avant le D Day) voir photo prise le 05 Juin (voir photo )au matin par une recherche sur Internet alors qu’ils étaient sortis dehors devant le QG du SHAEF avec le staff de Eisenhower pendant les préparatifs du Jour le plus long : on y voit Thor Smith à côté d’Eisenhower côté américain .
L’autre côté est composé d’anglais du SHAEF.
Il semblerait que Thor porte des bottes de para US .
Ce calot de l’US Air Force porte son grade de Colonel (aigle américain) . Il est de taille US 7 1/2., galonné en noir et argent pour son grade d’officier.
Fabricant : Flight Ace (As Volant)
San Antonio (état du Texas/Texas state)
Photo 12 : General Dwight Eisenhower in the center, and Thor Smith is on the right in a photo take June 5, 1944, one day before D-Day. Courtesy of Scott McMurren.
Each year, I turn the volume down in my life just a bit as we approach June 6, D-Day.
This year, it will have been 75 years since the largest seaborne invasion in history took place. Thousands died—and countless others were indelibly changed by the experience.
Here’s a brief story of how my family was affected on this day: The A. M. Smith family of Reno, Nevada, and a tale of three sons on one fateful day.
Alfred “Long Tom” Smith and his wife, Ivan, had four children: three boys and a girl.
« Long Tom » was a miner in Nevada and eventually became state engineer. On D-Day, the couple’s three sons were already commissioned officers in the U.S. Army Air Corps.
Their eldest son, Dale Smith, graduated the U.S. Military Academy in the class of 1934. He was fascinated with airplanes. He was assigned to the Army Air Corps and by 1943, he was a bomb group leader with the 384th Bomb Group (8th AF).
Most of his combat missions were over Germany, but in early June, he led bombing missions over France in support of Operation Overlord.
[Read Maj. Gen. Dale Smith’s biography here]
As commander of the 384th, Dale was a decorated flyer, with 31 combat missions (Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross with three clusters, and the Croix de Guerre with palm).
Dale went on to serve in leadership positions in Okinawa, as head of the 64th Air Divison and later as a strategic adviser to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He retired as a major general in 1964, 20 years after D-Day.
The second son, Thor Smith, was my grandfather. He was a newspaperman in the William Randolph Hearst organization. At the bidding of his brother, he applied for and was granted a commission in the Army Air Corps.
Thor rose quickly through the ranks until he was a press officer for Gen. Eisenhower at SHAEF headquarters in England at the time of the invasion. Thor accompanied Eisenhower to Paris and later to Germany during the liberation of the concentration camps.
After leaving the military with the rank of colonel, Thor returned to the Hearst organization. He was assistant to the publisher at the San Francisco Call-Bulletin.
Gen. “Ike” Eisenhower was Thor’s hero. In fact, my mother tells the story of when Ike was invited over to their house for dinner. She and my grandmother worked all day on dinner. When the doorbell rang, she went to answer…then fainted. They put her to bed and she missed dinner.
While his two brothers were on the scene for the invasion, Drew Smith graduated with the rest of his class at U.S. Military Academy at West Point on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Ike’s son, David, was his classmate.
Drew was anxious to fly and soon was checked out to fly the B-29s in Guam. Tragically, as he took off on June 11, 1946, his plane developed engine trouble. The B-29, fully-loaded wtih fuel, crashed into the ocean, killing all aboard.
As D-Day was a pivotal day in Western Civilization, it also affected families like ours at a very basic level. Mine is just one story—and I am proud to share it.
Scott McMurren is author and publisher at AlaskaTravelGram.com
Do you have a story about D-Day and your family? Share it in the comment section below.
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