muxas-world · 6 months
This is what liberty media wants to take away from you DONT LET THEM
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saila87585 · 2 months
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strigeart · 4 months
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#spectreweek the Spectres in the #consularau version.
Palpatine is dead and order 66 never happened.
Hera Moved to Coruscant with her famyly when her father was elected Senator of Ryloth. She's now a Captain in the Republic's Navy and, of course, the best pilot in the galaxy
#spectre2 #hera synsulla
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Hi, I have a question about the spardatober event. It's just for DMC Character x reader?
In case that it's not, I'd love one of Vergil x Lady that has the dialogue "What are you reading?", Scenario "Exploring a graveyard" and Promp "Big famyli dinner" please.
This combo has a great potential. I love it!
Edit: This is me after finishing it. This has got to be one of the most daring, and interesting things I've written so far.
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The graveyard is properly silent. There's not a proverbial soul around.
Except for a lonely figure of a woman walking among the crooked gravestones. She stopped and looked around, the lapels of her long coat swirling around her with a strong gust of wind. She seemed impatient. The woman made another two steps forward when suddenly jolted in surprise.
"Motherfu- The hell are you doing here?!"
He stood there motionless and propped up against a crypt. His long dark coat made him blend with his surroundings so perfectly that Lady had no chance of seeing him from a distance.
Vergil didn't comment on her outburst, in fact, he didn't even look up from the book he was reading. "Waiting for you, obviously. We were supposed to meet there together remember?"
Lady's brow twitched in agitation at his lack of insight. "Of course I do, that's not what I meant! What are you looming here like a ghost?!"
Vergil finally looked at her, both eyebrows rising in question as if talking to an ignorant child.
"Oh, well, I'm interested in how it continues." Vergil gestured to the book he was holding.
Lady growled in frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose. Not even five minutes into this mission and she's already losing her nerve. She knew this would be a disaster when Dante notified her an hour ago about a 'slight change of plans'. She wasn't too excited about it since just like everybody else in the dmc crew, Lady had no idea how to interact with or act around Vergil. Neither they had any desire to.
"Are we going?" Vergil fixed her with an icy unmoving stare.
"Ugh, yes. Let's go."
"So what's the scoop?" Lady prompted while she and her demonic companion walked amongst the gravestones. The place was as deathly silent as ever, with only gravel and leaves crunching under their shoes to keep them company. The place was creepy enough already, so she'd decided that talking to Vergil was still better than silence.
"There are reports of an unusual phenomena in the graveyard. Particularly in the area of an old mausoleum."
"Such as?"
"The last people to visit this site described strange shadows moving, one elderly woman said when she visited her husband's grave, a black ooze started to pour out of his coffin. Later when the graveyard's keeper checked the grave, there was nothing in there. What do you think could be the cause of that?"
"Senile dementia?"
To her surprise, Vergil let out a small chuckle "Perhaps, or something more sinister."
They have scouted the ash meadow, then the gravestones closer to the gate. These were the latest additions to the graveyard. Further into the graveyard were much older graves, growing into intricately decorated crypts. These were burial sites of the oldest and often prestigious families. Some of their ancestors were still among the living, most long forgotten. So far nothing, Vergil tried to discern some demonic presence but accept the faint whisper in the back of his mind, there was nothing worth mentioning.
Lady sat on one of the stone benches, clearly frustrated.
"I'm starting to think Dante was pulling our leg."
Vergil watched her. He had no idea how to talk to any of Dante's friends. If it were up to him, he'd go to this place alone. If not for the job then for the peace and quiet the place provided. He sat down next to her, more calmly and quietly while fixing his coat.
Lady watched him for a while without saying a word. Her eyes landed on the book in Vergil's hand.
"What was the book you were reading, anyway?"
"Death and Gravestone symbolism, by Delia Prachi."
"Of course."
"It's quite interesting. Did you know that various symbols on the graves reveal information about the deceased?"
"Fascinating," Lady remarked sarcastically.
"For example," Vergil continued, pointedly ignoring her tone, "if there's an eagle on the gravestone, it means that the person was a civil war soldier, ivy represented friendship, and a vacant chair symbolized the death of a child..."
"Hm." Lady made a noncommital hum and checked her phone, it started to get dark soon, and they still hadn't made any progress, not to mention her effort at breaking the awkward silence worked way too perfectly and now Vergil won't shut up about some stupid book.
At that moment, a movement in the corner of her sight caught her attention. She followed it, noticing something akin to a shadow moving across the gravestones.
"Did you see that?"
Vergil followed her line of sight, "I'm afraid not."
As in a trance, Lady lifted from the bench and followed the strange shadow, with Vergil tailing after her. He put a hand on Yamato's hilt, prepared for any danger coming their way.
As they kept walking the graves became more desolate, the tombstones crooked and bent like teeth of some ancient monster. Vergil looked ahead at the stone buildings. They must be entering the crypt area.
It had a fountain in the middle filled with murky water. A dark, foreboding statue of an angel with its wings folded and curved all around it. Its face was covered in cloak as was the rest of its body. It held a metal lantern raised as if it tried to illuminate the path for wayward souls to find their final rest. The angel of death.
The moment Lady a Vergil stepped amongst the crypts, a heavy and suffocating sadness surrounded them like a dark cloak. It made even Vergil stop in his tracks.
Whatever question Lady had, it died on her tongue. A bead of cold sweat ran down her face.
A grief like she never felt before had encompassed her completely. It clogged up her throat and turned her legs into lead. When was the last time she felt this hopeless? This miserable?
Images of a graveyard not unlike this one had entered her mind. A freshly dug grave, a coffin with a young woman inside, and a little girl standing above it. The girl couldn't see for all the tears in her eyes. A man's hand curled around her shoulders like a venomous snake.
You're next.
With a tearful gasp, Lady collapsed on the edge of a fountain. Hunched over, she saw her reflection on the water's surface. She's still that little tear-stricken girl she was years ago.
You've been a bad girl Mary.
It's time for a good spanking.
Lady buried her face in her hands, fighting desperately the pain. She was so overtaken by it she completely forgot about Vergil still standing there. However, he paid her no mind either.
His hand instinctively clutched Yamato, more out of the need for reassurance than immediate danger. He was no stranger to pain. In fact, he had a very intimate knowledge of it. However, such feelings usually stemmed from a certain source, they did not just randomly resurface at the most inconvenient times. Which only cemented his suspicion that there was something unnatural in this place. Despite these revelations, he could not bring himself to do anything. Neither fled or fought. He could just stand there hopelessly, being slowly consumed by waves and waves of misery.
His gaze landed on the endless rows of tombstones. How many wayward souls reside in there? Most of them are eroded by ravages of time, to the point no one can make the name of a person on the tombstone, but that's how it always ends isn't it? We may be mourned by a generation or two, but then we are forgotten, discarded. A mere speck in the sands of time swept away.
How many will mourn his passing, if any? Perhaps they rejoice, that the cursed son of the Sparda family is dead at least. Many wished his death, after all, and what about his family? He brings nothing but misery and pain to them anyway...they're better off without him.
Vergil was so deep in his gloomy thoughts he almost hadn't noticed the swift change in his surroundings. Almost. If his senses weren't so keen after a lifetime of fighting for his life in both this realm and another, he wouldn't notice the black shapes rising from the broken headstones and crypts.
No answer.
"Lady," Vergil called for her again, with more urgency as he saw the shadows moving towards her.
"Mary!" That finally caught her attention. Just as the black wraiths reached out with their inky talons, Lady jumped away from the fountain, grabbing her firearms.
"What are these things?"
"They don't seem hostile."
"No, but I am!"
Before Vergil has a chance to react, Lady blasts several bullets into the shadowy creatures. The bullets pass through them with a slight tremble of air. Vergil lets out silent curse as he jumps out of the way of the shadowy limbs trying to catch him.
It seemed that the shadows only dissipated with the slice of his sword. However, the shadows kept multiplying and not even Vergil's enhanced reflexes could keep up forever.
He learned the hard way why they were avoiding the shadows' touch when one misty limb curled around his throat from behind. A sharp stab of coldness ran down his spine, his heart almost stopped beating, and he couldn't move a muscle.
If it wasn't for a few well-aimed bullets he would probably turn into a husk.
"You okay?" Lady asked him with surprising concern.
Vegil didn't answer, his mind still on the brief encounter with the shadow. He had never been this paralyzed with fear, and he met many dangerous things in his life. This fear was almost unnatural, artificial.
"Don't let these things touch you." He growled through gritted teeth.
"Noted." Lady gave him a sarcastic smirk.
With the ever-increasing number of shadows and no plan on how to defeat them, Lady suggested a temporary retreat. They darted between the graves in hopes of dissuading the shadows, until they ended up hiding behind one of the family-sized gravestones, with twin tombstones serving as a morbid seating of sorts.
"Any plans?" Lady asked, breathing ragged from endless running.
"I may have heard about these creatures." Vergil's gaze locked into the distance, deep in thought.
"And? Vegil if you haven't noticed this isn't a tea party!!"
"I'm trying!" He hissed. He sifted through mental catalog of every demon he encountered in his lifetime, and albeit the number was large, there was a not-so-small memory gap from the times he served as a puppet for his dreadful master.
"These things..." Vergil continued, pushing down memories from days long gone. "...are called Sadness...Vestigial Sadness. They are born from the remaining energy of souls that haven't left this plane in peace."
"So, a ghost?"
"No, Vestigial Sadness is most definitely a demon. However, despite being weak, their incorporeal forms make them quite difficult to get rid of."
"Great, and how do we-"
A shadow passed through the tombstone right between them, prompting them to bolt out of the grave and keep running.
"There's gotta be some recordings on these things." Lady huffed. "Or maybe details about that person on the tombstone."
She almost wished she hadn't said the last part when Vergil pulled out the copy of Death and Gravestone symbolism with the most annoying smirk.
Several moments later they were standing in front of an old, decaying crypt. The decorative ornaments and shapes were long ground by sands of time, but you could still distinguish some shapes and faint outlines of names carved into stone.
"Are you sure this is the place?" Lady turned to Vergil who was still nose deep in the book.
"There's faint outline of broken chain. It says there it symbolizes broken family bonds. It could also mean premature death..."
"Uh, Vergil? We have company." Lady nodded her head towards quickly approaching shadows.
Without missing the beat, Vergil sliced the massive lock that held the crypt open and barged the door open. They shut the doors behind them the moment demons shadowy limbs were hairs width away from their faces.
Vergil watched as Lady pulled out can and sprayed the crypt door.
"What is this?"
"Demon repellent, pioneered by yours truly."
"It smells revoltingly."
"That means it's working."
Their conversation was cut by piercing wail that rattled them to the bone.
"Ugh, yep. It's really working." Lady winced with hands over her ears.
"Let's get into work."
With single flashlight illuminating the crypt and horrifying wails of the demons outside, the place became it's own purgatory. Lady frantically looked at every tomb, without really knowing what she's looking for. Once they reached the end of the crypt, Lady pointed the light at the wall in hopes they'll find some answers there.
"Wait. There's something on the wall." Vergil stepped closer to the wall and removed decades of webs and dust. Then, his fingers followed the path of letters since his eyes could not.
"Fate be changed...look inside...hm...there's something else written but I can't..."
"Here, let me." Lady handed Vergil the flashlight which he obediently held pointed at the sign.
"Pride...mend...mend the bond torn by pride."
"Well I think we found our sources of sadness," Vergil directed the cone of pale light on the two graves placed on each side of the sign on the wall.
As if on cue, another terryfing howl resonated through the stony chamber.
"Vergil, that repellent won't hold forever."
Without further discussion, the two of them turned to their respective coffin.
"These are suprisingly well kept," Lady prompted as she wiped the plaque of her tomb. "Morris Coleman, born 1837, died 1855. That's pretty young."
"This one's Simon Coleman, born the same year, died just as well 1855."
"So, brothers, maybe even twins. They died the same year. What do you think was the cause?"
"Perhaps a war, or an illness."
"Yeah but what about that writing on the wall?"
Vergil frowned. 'Torn by pride...'
"Vergil...what if-"
"Don't say it."
"Something happened between those two?"
Her only answer was silence.
Lady cleared her throat. "Anyway, we have some clues, what now?"
"The signs says look inside."
"Ugh don't tell me we're really gonna open these coffins?!"
"The smell won't be as bad as that of your repellent." Vergil spat.
With much cursing on Lady's part, they pride open the first coffin. They were welcome by decades worth of dank putrid smell. Even with hand covering her mouth, Lady still couldn't hold back few coughs. Meanwhile Vergil explored the coffin until he pulled out a silver signet ring with large emerald.
"Vergil look out!!"
He barely dodged a shadowy claws slicing through the air.
"Seems one of them got in." Vergil quipped as he got in fighting stance, yamato in hand. "Open the other coffin while I get rid off this thing," and without another word he charged at the wraith.
With much disgust and muscle strain, Lady pried open the lid of the coffin. This time, she didn't mind the smell since there were other things on her mind, like demons filling the crypt. She ransacked the bones and remains of clothing until she pulled out a ring similar to the other one, accept this one was golden.
She held out both rings in her hand and inspected them closely.
'Mend the bond torn by pride...'
'Mend the bond torn by pride...'
"Vergil! I think I came up with something, but you'll have to keep the wraiths busy."
Vergil slices the Saddness in two with powerful swing of his sword and turned to her.
"Lead the way."
Once more, Lady found herself running through the rows of tombstones, this time in another direction. Once this is over I'm visiting mum once a year max. She thought to herself. I place flowers on her grave and walk out.
She finally reached her destination. After the experiences in the crypt, the sight of weeping angel of death was almost welcoming. Her boots squelched as she threaded the murky water of the fountain. Lady had to climb into angel's embrace to get good look at the lantern it wielded. To her relief, there were waxy remnants of a candle.
She placed the two rings inside next to the unlit candle and starting fishing in her pockets for lighter. She remembered stealing one from Nico when her smoking inside the van got on her nerves, then forgot to return it.
She heard a painful snarl as Vergil fought his way throguh the respawning hordes of Vestidigal Sadness, he was losing his strenght, which was obvious by the fact the swarmed and curled around him like nightmarish snakes.
Lady pulled out the lighter at last and with trembling fingers started igiting the lighter, which was harder than usual considering her trembling fingers. She heard another hiss of pain coming from the cumulus of shadows and shuddered. One of these things just barely brushed her and it was like meeting with death, she can't imagine what it was like to be practically swimming in them.
'C'mon, c'mon!!'
Strike. Ignition. And finally, flame.
Lady stared into lantern watching the tiny flame flicker and die...
Then, the lantern bursted with eerie blueish light that almost blinded her, almost pulsing with its own heartbeat. The lantern glowed more brigtly by second. So bright, Lady had to hid her face in the stony drapes of the statues cloak.
Since Lady was too blinded by the light from the lantern, she was oblivious to her surroundings. Vergil, however, saw how with every pulse from the lantern the Sadness' disintegrated with mournful wail. Their deathly cold touch, draining his strenght, dissipated and he was once again standing alone in the middle of a graveyard bathed in etereal light.
And above the fountain, as if rising from the long-dead candle, were two whisps of smoke twirling in unison.
Together...at last...
If anyone asked Vergil he would deny the small smile finding its way to his lips.
Vergil and Lady arrived in Devil May Cry sometime after midnight. They haven't spoken for the entire ride home, both still trying to make sense of the last four hours.
When they arrived, Dante was already waiting for them, almost falling asleep from his place behing the desk.
"Y'know if you planned the sleepover on the graveyard I could at least give you some popcorn."
"Shut up," Lady gritted through her clenched teeth.
"Whoa, no need to bitch out at me. Get your ass in the shower before you shoot someone." Not phased by her grumpiness in the least Dante patted Lady on the shoulder as she passed him to head upstairs.
Then he turned to Vergil, smile still plastered on his face even if it faltered at Vergils glare. At that moment, Vergil had chance to study his brother's face in proper. Every wrinkle, every greying hair, the tiredness in his eyes. The image of cruffy, shaggy child who could not keep their shirt fixed flashed through his mind.
It's true they say you get sentimental with age. Vergil mused to himself.
Not giving himself or Dante choice to think about it further, Vergil stepped towards his brother, who defensively jerked back, and wrapped his arms around him.
It's hard to say who was more scared at the moment.
Vergil kept his arms in place, not really knowing where to put them or what to do next, he just boxed Dante, who still stood there frozen in shock, in place. Until Dante slowly, carefully enveloped his arms around hi brother as well. The moment couldn't last more than few seconds, but for the two brothers it felt like hours. When Vergil untangled himself from Dante's arms, he pressed something into Dante's hand and hissed, "Tell someone about this and you're dead." Then walked past him towards the stairs.
Dante, still pretty much schocked, just chuckled.
"Wait, Verge."
Vergil stopped, but did not turn around.
"Nero and uh, Kyrie stopped by for dinner and brought some caseroles. There's still some food left. Say, how about we'll have a midnight snack."
"It's 2 am."
"Then early breakfeast."
Vergil only then realized he haven't eaten since that toast he burned in the morning and conceded. Since Lady was in no state to drive home she joined them in the kitchen. Clacking of cutlery and banging of casserole woke up Nero and Kyrie who desided to spend the night at Dmc.
'How many rooms this place have?' Vergil asked in annoyance as Nero plopped next to him with full plate, trying his hardest to ignore Vergils presence. Vergil looked at his brother for help, but all he got was a thumbs-up. Ugh. It's not as if he has something against his...against Nero, but he can hardly interact with someone outside a swordfight. Combined with the complicated relationship he has with Nero, Vergil avoided interactions with him like plague.
He looked at his plate. Some pasta with creamy sauce and tomatoes. He collected some on his fort and brought it to his mouth.
"This is...good."
"You like it?"
He raised his head at the voice. Nero peered at him from his spot at the bench, hair tousled from sleep.
"Ah, yes. It's very...good." Vergil internally winced. He's so bad at this.
"Kyrie's beef pasta bake is to die for!" Dante grinned at him from his spot behind the table, face full of sauce. "Maybe we'll make a cook out of you yet."
"And bother me anytime you get hungry? i don't think so."
At that, he heard the girl quitly giggle.
Vergil pout another mouthful of pasta in his mouth, deep in thought. He had done things in his life that would be presumtuous to apologize for. Things that he can't take back or fix. People in this room don't have to like him.
He looked at Dante.
But he'll be damned if he left this world with a lifelong grudge being the only thing that follows him to grave for one person that truly cares about him.
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collourcrow99 · 1 year
Heyy its me agean
So do you guys wanne know somtbing that i love and hate at the same time!! Story ideas that i get fron dreams
Yesterday i had a dream that startet as my playing minecraft whit my frends but morfed into a zombie apocolips thing whit me being removed from the picture like i was watching a movie AND NOW I NEED TO MAKE IT REAL
So meet my new OC,s who life in a zombie apocolips world!
Whe got Marlowe he is a simple boy who loves cars and whas homeschoold becous he had a little bit of autisme and his parrents took it to the exstream. Dispite that he stil loved his famylie and coud just go out and be a normal kid. He is 15 years old and born on a friday 13th and loves bragging about it
Then there is Emily she whas neffer the best at anything nore the pritiest and becous of that she got a little bit bulied but noting she coudnt handel. She had a lot of frends and liked doing simple things whit them like going to a movie (also she is spanich). She is 15 years old and also botn on a friday 13 but she hates it
Lats but not least whe got Ellis. Ellis has moved 12 times and her father diforst 3 times (becous al 3 wifes cheatet on him). She is supper unluky but you woudnt notice that if you just lookt at her. She is 15 years old and born of februari 29 (so she has her burtday 1 in 4 years (i told you she whas unluky)
I geas you know who the lead caracter is
Also the reazon whe Emely and Marlowe haf the same burt day on a friday the 13 is fror 1 joke and 1 joke only
Also i almost forgat but whe also hafe Owen he whas part of the footbal team but didnt hafe a big role in it. He LOVES cars (not the movie) and coud already richt one when he whas 13 (but his nebours hatet it) he is 16 years old and doesnt hafe a special burtday
So these are the main caracters who need to surfife in the zombie apocolips
If you guys like the storie i wil maybe make an other blog for them
Agean THIS CAME TO ME IN A DREAM and i lovet it so mutch that i already gafe backstories to the main caracters
Oke thats it byeee
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trishtheegg · 3 months
Todai y waa at the templ of revyval, pa has mi soul!!^_^ zo he can replant it:3
Y hope pa yz okai:( he waz hurt...cant remembr whi he waz hurt
Y hope he yz gettyng better!! Mx niro made a houze for me and th othe eggz!!
Y myzz mi famyli tho:( hurri up pa!!!!
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papirouge · 1 year
yeah, I understand wanting to homeschool and not want the government or school system have a say in their education. In my case though, I'd do the contrary to you: I'd like my kids to go on their younger years through the school system (like from kindergarden to 3rd or 4th grade), and then I'd prefer homeschooling.
The sex education part its something that worries me too. I'm okay with them teaching kids to be able to recognize a sexual assault or when they're being abused. Like for example, there was recently a case in my country where some parents were protesting the school because they claimed that some medical university students abused some kids when they visited some classrooms to educate them on certain sexual themes. Pretty horrible, right? Everyone was understandably pissed, and wanted the principal fired and the uni students facing justice. Until new information came out. Turns out that three little girls that were present in the class that these college students were giving started to recognize that they were being sexually abused by some male family members. So the girls raised their concerns of being abused by their relatives to these students. But eventually, when their moms found about their daughters speaking up, they worried these male family members would be known as sex offenders, and decided to make this story up about these health practitioners being the actual creeps and make a fuss about it in order to protect these male relatives. And the worse thing is that two of these three mothers already knew their daughters were being sexually assaulted by these men from their fammily, they just decided to ignore it in order to protect these males.... truly evil.
So I do understand that some of these things, like learning to recognize a sexual assault, should be taught at school since these types of offenses occur many times at the hands of family members or famyly friends.
Now, I do think that there are many things kids and even teenagers should not be taught, much less by a stranger at school. Like sexuality and gender identity. I remember when it was the pandemic, my at the time 11 year old nephew was having an online class at the kitchen while I was washing the dishes, and I suddenly hear the teacher talking about pansexuality and demisexuality. I remember rolling my eyes so hard, like why teaching them that? I asked my nephew about the class later, and he told me something like "Oh, yeah, its our guidance class were they teach about like school or life and stuff, I don't know, it's a pretty boring class and I dont pay much attention" I think its funny when kids are being kids and couldnt care less about all these 20+ new sexualities or whatever.
The thing I hate the most its all these teachers that somehow think its good to talk about sexual acts that helps not a single kid or teen in anything? At all? The most outrageous and insane ones I hear are from the USA, i dont know whats going on on that messed up country, but the fact that books on school and even teachers themselves are teaching them about like oral sex, or anal sex, dildos, licking buttholes and gross stuff like that?? Why should any kid or teen learn that and much less in a neutral or even positive light? Its so horryfying I dont know how anybody could defend that,
I'd like my baby to be homeschooled at earlier stage because kids can hardly verbalize their abuse. There's been a scandal not too long ago in my country where two 5 years old girls raped a 3 years old boy..... Can you imagine having to find that out? MY BABY WILL STAY AT HOME.
Ideally I'd like to homeschool as long as possible, but a middleschool aged kid can at least articulate if anything wrong happened to them.
Your nephew story is terrying. That's precisely why I refuse to let my baby there. At least your nephew could explain to you what he got told in his course. A child who can barely speak wouldn't, and that's what bothers me.
And sex ed is a tad difference than sexual abuse prevention I think. The latter existed for decades already. Kids get taught songs about their body belonging to themselves and themselves only, what body parts are ok for a stranger to kiss/touch or not, etc. That's entirely different from teaching about sexualities, masturbation or sex positions...
That being said, I agree some families may abuse the overall defensiveness against school sex ed for awful reason (your story of these moms accusing the sex ed teacher or abuse, when the abuser was within the family), but all those problems would go away if they stopped setting the fox among the chickens = talking about sex at school. Stick to the fundamentals: what's a vagina, what's a penis. End of the story. "Sex ed" shouldn't got beyond the realm of biology class. I can hardly be sorry for people talking about sexual orientation to be conflated with sexual predators ; I wouldn't be okay with a stranger talking about such things to me kid and consider them as a predator. IDK why school educator should have a different treatment. Lock them up.
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famyly is better than loving ryan gosling
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fi0nna-e · 1 year
hI hi amigus -sabado 850 kcal-domingo-950-segunda-1200 (eu ainda vou comer hj as 1200kcal mas eu to com minha famyli o dia inteiro ent o motivo do aumento é esse)
2,3 a 2,5
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the-wolf-poet · 1 year
Ænno i graz fa erođ hyþ ģyndaj. Ģyndaj er þimbo aþ olly. Vejn żej esse lód migliođ, bin esse te kom lut. Żi friai i famyli takh ve esse kom lut.
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annaftg · 3 years
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Um pouquinho do trabalho desenvolvido para o @colegiobatista.mineiro Muito satisfeita com o resultado. . . . . . . . . . . . #still #publicidadeepropaganda #publicitario #publicidade #propaganda #fotostill #portrait #retrato #canon #canon_photos #canon6d #photography #retrato #famylitime #cbm #fotografiapublicitaria #children #famyli #escola #colegio #ensinomedio #ensinofundamental #educação #ensino (em Colégio Batista) https://www.instagram.com/p/CULyYXMtC5A/?utm_medium=tumblr
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listopadsergey · 4 years
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Шагаем в ногу к светлоту будущему #photo #russia #vorkuta #komi #son #famyli (at Vorkuta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDtIcdkDoz5/?igshid=4qgnircm5f7u
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producer-music · 7 years
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Repost from @kino_music_producer @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost Заявки принимаются на выступления после ПАСХИ!!! http://sergey-ilyin.desyatina.net/ #singer #shanson #celebrity #concert #russia #pop #popmusic #popsinger #famyli #pr #шоу #шоубизнес #певец #шансон #продюсерскийцентр #концертноеагентство #пиар #выступления #россия #москва #владимир
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Домбай. Мы всей семьёй поднимались на горы 🏔 Домбай. Высота 3200 метров. Красота. Солнце и снег здесь воедино слились на верхушках гор. #домбай2019 #домбай #горы #горыкавказа #кмв #бкх #кавказ #ставрополье #семья #trevel #famyli #familylook #путешествия #путешествие2019 #путешествиясдетьми @adamkids_ @izambaevasvetlana @ilnurmukhametkhanov @condenasttraveller (at Dombay, Karachayevo-Cherkesiya, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1S0hUZAwLD/?igshid=wh7jadwktnq8
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itsamberclark-blog · 7 years
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annaftg · 3 years
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Um pouquinho do trabalho desenvolvido para o @colegiobatista.mineiro Muito satisfeita com o resultado. . . . . . . . . . . . #still #publicidadeepropaganda #publicitario #publicidade #propaganda #fotostill #portrait #retrato #canon #canon_photos #canon6d #photography #retrato #famylitime #cbm #fotografiapublicitaria #children #famyli #escola #colegio #ensinomedio #ensinofundamental #educação #ensino (em Colégio Batista) https://www.instagram.com/p/CULx_HlNm7c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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