#fandom felt otherwise ... which is so valid at the same time btw.
dangaer · 7 months
tbh if you think about it, all the dia.bolik lovers characters have a second sin outside of the main fandom reputation and i think that's neat, for example aya.to is definitely greed as well as pride, reiji is ultimately pride as well as envy, shu is lust as well as sloth and laito is wrath as well as lust.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 3 years
I respectfully disagree with your last post (as an author). I’ve been in this fandom for 6 years and noticed it’s a little bit toxic when it comes to certain issues that should be normal and obvious to anyone.
I don’t get the “I choose the people I want to take criticism from” part. Ok, so why posting your work on a public page for independent writers where every subscriber will be able to read it and comment on it? Just send it to the people whose opinion matters to you and have a discussion about your work with them. If you post your work on a public page made specifically for independent writers, you are automatically posting it for everyone on that site. And every person has opinions on things and feels invited to express it if that particular thing is public and comments are open (I’m talking about respectful opinions, not slurs and offending someone).
If it was only for you and the people you actually want to get feedback from then wouldn’t it be easier to create an “élite” group where you read your work and then discuss it together? Because your post sends a very negative and exclusionary message to people that are reading your work for the first time or without knowing you as an author. It really seems like you are saying “dear readers, your opinion doesn’t matter to me so unless it’s positive I don’t want to hear it because this fanfic was written for me and this list of people.” Then don’t post it. But why making people feel excluded or bad because they did something normal just because they didn’t know it wasn’t written “for them” as you said in your post. And constructive criticism is just an opinion too as long as it doesn’t contain vulgarities, you don’t have to listen to it. Other’s opinion shouldn’t change the way you feel about your work but you also shouldn’t make them feel uncomfortable and bad for expressing it in a respectful way on a public page.
I know that authors on AO3 aren’t paid and that’s just for fun, but that’s what every page like AO3 is about: putting your work out there for other people to read with the possibility to express their personal opinion in a respectful way (I mean, you CAN disable the comments). Why making it public and then complaining and making other people feel bad for expressing their opinion on it? It’s not a diary or a personal Instagram profile.
So, first off, thank you for saying you respectfully disagree with me. I appreciate that you’re trying to be polite. 
There are many different ways I can answer this ask, because there’s a lot to discuss here, however, I’m exhausted by this conversation and have tackled it many times before, so I’ll link things when I see fit and get straight to the point.
My question for you is this: What is the purpose of you posting negative  (even though well-worded, polite, and tactful) unsolicited comments on a person’s fanfic? Why do you do it?
That’s not a rhetorical question, I really want you to think about the answer, because, for something to be called “constructive criticism” (which is specifically what we’re discussing here, versus the opposite “destructive” criticism) there has to be a point beyond just the fact that “it’s a public forum” and therefore, you feel entitled to express your opinion, whatever it may be. (That reasoning, btw, is called entitlement. No one said you weren’t allowed to have an opinion, but if you’re saying it to the author with no constructive, bettering purpose behind it, then at worst, your intent is to hurt them, which is just mean, no matter how politely you word it, and at best, you’re saying your opinions and preference take precedent over the author’s own.)
There are three reasons that I assume one can have when posting constructive criticism on work/art:
1. You want to help make them be a better writer, both now and in the future. 
I, and other fellow authors, explain why this doesn’t work here and here, and there are more posts about it like this one, if you need to hear it from voices that are not from the Larry fandom (which I assume you do, since you said this is a little bit toxic here particularly.) 
I encourage you to read all those posts, to get a better explanation in context, but the gist of them is this: for something to be truly constructive (synonym: helpful), the source, the timing, and the tact is key. Let me demonstrate: There is a difference between telling a friend while shopping, “I wouldn’t buy that dress, it’s not the most flattering on you,” and saying, while you’re out at a club, “Oh, that dress isn’t the most flattering on you, I wouldn’t wear it again.” -- Both are honest, worded politely, and both will achieve the same outcome: she will not wear the dress again -- but only one of them will cause undue stress, embarrassment, and self-consciousness (under the guise of being helpful), and that is all due to tact and timing. At the store, she can change into something else, and won’t assume you think she looks awful the entire day while you’re out. At the club, the damage is done, there is nothing she can do to change it, and you’ve just ruined her night.
The same goes for writing. I have seen people gracefully and willingly rewrite their entire first drafts based on astute and even harsh comments on their work, by their betas. I have never seen someone take down a fic and edit it based on a piece of constructive criticism given by a stranger on AO3. What I have seen based on that scenario, is people taking that criticism to heart and reflecting on whether or not they ever want to write again, because when they made themselves vulnerable, some people looked at it as an opportunity to ask for what would cater best to their own tastes, instead of appreciating the work as a true product of the author’s personal feelings and experiences. That results in less writers for the fandom, less content, and a whole lot of undue discouragement which is not something we want (nor is it actually constructive).
2. You want to engage the author in a deeper discussion of their work.
This is in direct answer to this part of your ask:
It really seems like you are saying “dear readers, your opinion doesn’t matter to me so unless it’s positive I don’t want to hear it because this fanfic was written for me and this list of people.”
You feel passionate (both positively and negatively) about my work? That’s lovely. I say, start a discussion with me. Ask me questions. Learn why I made those decisions. A discussion starts with an invitation to have a conversation (two ways, you say something, I say something, rinse repeat). It doesn’t start with “I didn’t like” or “This could have been better if”, and it certainly doesn’t start in a public forum, like the comments on AO3, where the writer runs the risk of looking like a defensive asshole. 
But India, you say, what if I don’t have the means to have a private conversation/the writer doesn’t have tumblr/they’ve long since been inactive in the fandom? The answers are, respectively: leave a polite comment asking if they’re willing to discuss, if they are willing to discuss, leave a polite comment asking how to contact them, and if they’re no longer active, find other friends with which to discuss your feelings in private.
But India, that seems like so much work. It is, flat out. But if you really felt that strongly about something I wrote, you would make that effort to understand it. Otherwise, why not just walk away?
3. You don’t know better.
I found this part of your ask extremely interesting:
“But why making people feel excluded or bad because they did something normal just because they didn’t know it wasn’t written “for them” as you said in your post.”
The reason I found it interesting is because it means that there are people who assume that all work that is public was made for them, to suit their tastes, which is, frankly, a bizarre way to consume art. I do not go into The Louvre, look at the Mona Lisa and say “I don’t see the hype, it’s not something I would hang in my living room.” I look at it and think “What does this piece say about Da Vinci and his life? What has this brought to the world? How has this helped people/art/culture?”
(No, I am in no way comparing my talents to Da Vinci, I am not delusional. But, I don’t think my work deserves any less thought than that of a professional artist, simply because I’m an amateur and it’s on the internet and not in a gallery, and you have the superpower of anonymity.) You asked me what the point was in posting my work publicly if I didn’t want to hear every single person’s personal (negative) take on it, and the answer is this: I post what I write publicly, because I hope it helps someone. I hope my thoughts, feelings, experiences, loneliness validate someone, entertain them, help them through a tough time, bring them comfort. I post because I want to invite people to lose themselves alongside me, heal alongside me, dream alongside me. 
(Notice how I said “someone” and not “everyone”. How I said “someone” and not “an élite group that discusses my work”, because yes, I do hope that my work positively impacts someone outside of my betas, my friend group. Does that mean someone can leave negative comments on my work? Yes. But should they? That’s a different question.)
I know my work won’t be a positive experience for every single person, but my goal was never to be relevant to every single person. So, my question is, if I’m not relevant to you personally -- if my work doesn’t touch you personally, heal you personally, entertain you personally, why not just walk away and find something that does? Who does your negative opinion really help? How is it constructive? What is its purpose? Why do you do it?
I will apologize for this, though: I spoke on behalf of all writers, and maybe I shouldn’t have. Maybe I should have been clear that though many writers feel this way, not all do. There are some, such as, I assume, yourself, who do view negative comments on AO3 as constructive, whether or not they are solicited, and I’m sorry to have spoken on behalf of you. However, I do still stand by this, though: it is much better to be kind than be right, and that definitely goes for comments on fic.
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years
The Senju brothers finding out their little sister is going out with Madara 💥
Lately I’ve been into family drama and such, so when anon requested this I couldn’t say no lol Btw thank you, anon, for this scandalous incredible idea 😘
In this scenario/list/idk we have the Senju brothers finding out their younger sister and Madara are seeing each other. As you might expect, the news provoke different reactions in each of them, but the main point is how she will deal with this situation.
So I’m gonna shut up now and leave you with this:
Fandom: Naruto | Senju Brothers
Warnings: none, just a heated argument and a looong list ahead
Symbols: 💙 | ◻ | ▶▶
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Being Hashirama and Tobirama’s younger sister, of course you and Madara were known to each other, but being more than just a friend to him wasn’t in your plans… until now 😳
You used to admire and respect each other, not only because of the alliance between your clans, but mostly because you both were worthy being praised. Plus Hashirama has always been talkative about his best friend’s qualities, which slowly transformed the way you saw the Uchiha leader, but you only noticed this a few weeks ago
During a meeting/party/whatever at your brother’s house, Madara and you spent more time than usual talking to each other. Turned out that you discovered many things in common beyond the fact that you two were shinobi, including your views on life, politics, etc.
If Hashi noticed something, you couldn’t tell, but it was strange that during all the time you were there together he didn’t come to join you (not that you complained about it)
You and the Uchiha saw each other a few times on the next days, and the feeling of familiarity between you only grew. You weren't sure of how to call it. You were fond of each other, but saying that you were just friends didn’t seem to be enough now
You both agreed that it was too soon to name it as a date or something, so you didn't tell anyone, not even your brothers
You wanted to be sure of your own feelings before making a statement. Were you still friends? Were you really in love? Was it just a crush, a superficial attraction? You wanted to understand what was going on
During this time, Hashirama didn’t make a comment or anything that suggested that he was aware of this situation, so you were a bit surprised when one day, he came to talk to you about it
“So you and Madara are engaging in a secret romance and you dared leaving your big brother out of this, y/n? Where did you learn such behavior?!”
“Don’t you really know?”, you smirked
“Excuse me?!”
“Am I the first person in this family to keep secrets that involve Madara, Hashi?” 😑
Hashirama was your elder brother aka the person who has been taking care of you since your parents left this world, so not only his worries were valid, but he also had the right to know, so yeah, he was a bit disappointed that you didn't tell him first
Now, I think his feelings about this were not as plain as some can imagine. In fact, he had a mixture of contradicting feelings and ended up talking about them more than demanding an explanation from you
On one hand, he was happy because he loves you both, so finding out that his little sis and his soul brother might have started a relationship was exciting 💖
On the other hand, he was worried because you were even younger than Tobirama, while Madara was not only older but more experienced than you and he knew his friend’s flaws better than anyone else
However, Hashi was an understanding person and was willing to listen, so you explained your feelings and your reasons to him, as well as part of your conversations with Madara, pointing out that making things this way was a mutual decision, for the best of you two and the people you knew
He pointed out that despite not calling your meetings a date, you two were already thinking as a couple 😏
You blushed and asked him to keep quiet, at least for a while
He promised you he would not say anything, but not before hugging you tight and crying about how his lil sis was growing up so fast saying how much he was happy for you two 💓
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Prepare yourself to get your ass smacked and burning for an entire week lmao
Okay, so as you can easily imagine, it didn’t take much effort from Tobirama to find out that something was going on between you and Madara
It wasn’t that you two were reckless, it was just that your second brother was not stupid an observing man (and tbh how hard it must be to keep a secret from a smart sensor shinobi, uh?)
Unlike Hashirama, who took some time to connect the dots, he noticed small changes in your routine and behavior since the start
Why have you been so quiet, distracted lately? What has been occupying your mind? You were spending more time alone and/or out, and (yeah, he noticed that) you weve more concerned about your looks and manners than usual. Of course you were up to something 
Besides, you’ve suddenly became too defensive towards Madara and the Uchihas in general. Anything Tobirama said that sounded slightly negative about them was promptly refuted by you. You seemed to have a deeper understanding of their ideologies now, as if you were having long conversations with their leader
So, it was with no surprise that you saw the storm coming ⚡
One day, Tobirama came to your room without warning and just by looking at him you knew he figured it out 
How did he find out? Hashirama and his big mouth, probably. Or did he follow you and saw you two together? Well, he could have simply traced your chakra and once he sensed Madara’s close to you, the riddle was solved. But did it matter now?
His first words: “What is it?”
You don't need an explanation: you little sis + Madara Uchiha problem™ + maintaining your privacy keeping secrets from him
And now you were a brat possessed with the Uchiha evil, and not just with any Uchiha evil but with MADARA’S Uchiha evil 🔥🔥🔥
There was no way for you to have a normal conversation in the current circumstances. You had a heated argument, and I’m sure you’re capable of imagining what it means to have a heated argument with Tobirama
“Tobi, listen to me, I-”
“No YOU listen to me you brat possessed with the Uchiha evil”
Your brother didn’t even let you speak. He stated that not telling anything to your elder brother was not only wrong, but some sort of betrayal, then started remembering serious sh*t from the past when you were so young that you couldn’t even carry a sword the right way and everything you’ve already heard from him countless times before
But now you were done with his incapacity of simply listen, so you just stated that your elder brother Hashirama already knew it and that it was you who asked him to keep it a secret just for a while
“Hashirama is our leader, and if he knows and approves it, that’s enough for me and that should be enough for you too!”
“Hashirama is too soft with you, and this is why you behave like this!”
“Like this how? Living my life without asking for your permission? Is that what you mean?”
“Being unnecessarily connected with a man with whom we need to be careful in our treats, that’s what I mean. Our elder brother purposely ignores the fragile spots of this alliance and you know it, so there’s no excuse for your attitude!”
“Speaking like this about our ally could be considered some sort of betrayal, Tobi. If I was you, I would be careful!”
“Why? Are you going to tell him in your next date?”
“Yes, I’m getting out and having a serious conversation with our brother about this!”
“Tobirama, the war is over! We all have to move on, whether you like it or not! So instead of wasting your time with something that’s none of your business, you should go and live your life as well!”
Yes, you lost your temper, and you only realized it when your brother fell silent and lowered his tone
“You are right, lilttle sister. But let me tell you something. My way to show that I care about you might not resemble Hashirama’s, but my feelings towards you are not less deep than his”
You were heartbroken after he left, yes, but you had to stand your ground. Tobi could be very controlling if he was given space to, so you had to learn to deal with this early in your life. In this point you were better than Hashi, who was too easygoing for his own good, so you felt like you had to be strong on your resistance for both of you, otherwise Tobirama would dominate every aspect of your life without even realizing. You loved him as well, but your decisions didn’t have to always gravitate towards him
Still, you weren’t proud of your words about the war. That was a sensitive matter for Tobi. Despite his silence about it, you sensed he was offended. You knew you went too far 💔
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The conclusion
Later, Hashirama came to mediate the conflict, and he had some words for both of you. When Tobirama and you found ourselves in the same room, you were about to start a new argument, but your eldest brother elevated his chakra and demanded you to be silent, bc now it was his time to speak
“Brother, I understand you are worried about our sister and I am sure she acknowledges your efforts to protect and guide her, but that doesn’t give you the right to interfere in her decisions regarding her own life. She’s right to remind you about our alliance with the Uchiha clan and to say that we need to move on. If moving on means starting a relationship with Madara in her case, things are what they are. It is her life, not yours. And do not think I haven’t talk to her about this. Y/n is no longer a child, Tobirama. She’s aware of the challenges of maintaining such connection with the Uchiha leader”
“Little sister, I understand that our brother’s way to express his worries uses to irritate you. It happened many times when you two were little. But that doesn’t invalidate the honesty of his intentions. He loves you and cares about you as much as I do. Besides, I’ve already talked to you about thoughtless mentions of the war. That was a though period for all of us, which includes your brother. You were not with us at the battlefield, that’s true, but you weren’t immune to the dark consequences of what happened at it. You mourned our siblings with us, but you were too young to understand everything that was involved. That was not Tobirama’s case. He doesn’t talk about it, but he has his reasons for that, and this must be respected”
Hashirama left you two hoping you would be capable of getting along again, which eventually happened, but at its own pace
The next day you found Tobirama working at his desk. He already acknowledged your presence, but that didn’t discourage you. You hugged him from behind and said you were going out to the river, and he could come with you if he wanted to fish. His first response was a groan
“Is there more people coming with us?” = “Is there any possibility of Madara showing up?”
You kissed his bristly hair
“No. Just us. I promise. And when we get back, I’ll cook fish for you”
Your brother’s next groan meant many things at once, “I agree”, “Thank you” and “I apologize” being some of them 😜
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sunshinexlollipops · 5 years
How do u feel about the Mary debacle going down rn? U have had kind of an animosity towards her and you’ve written things against her so I’m guessing you’re not a fan of her, but hey!! I just wanted 2 kno how u felt about these posts saying ppl hate Mary unfairly. And w/ ACW r u going 2 represent that or go a dif direction??? Im super curious and I just wanna know if that’s ok! Also this isn’t meant 2 b hateful/assuming btw!!!
Hey, anon!
It’s okay, I didn’t get that vibe from this anon. I know how I’ve spoken of Mary in the past, and how that can be taken, so it’s alright! That, and I have also been clear about kind of where I stand.
I want to make a disclaimer though: I’m purely expressing my views in this post, and it isn’t meant to cause offense in any way! I’m just a chill person and I don’t have any intentions of zeroing in on anyone for any views on this. I promise I’m not trying to attack anyone or cause drama. I’m just answering you, anon, pure and simple.
And if it does seem that way, I apologize, and assure you that isn’t the case! :,)
If you want to ignore this, just scroll on! Otherwise this starts after the Arthur gif!
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I’ve mentioned that I personally don’t like Mary, or at least, how things were between her and Arthur.
I don’t loathe the woman in a sense that I wanted her character to suffer, nor be redacted from the story.
Mary was put in there for a reason, and it not only gave further insight to Arthur as a character, but it helped his redemption and story in certain aspects. I respect her for that, and for certain things she did as well.
I would say the issue I did have with Mary is that she isn’t innocent, but that’s obvious— it’s mainly the reasons why she ain’t and how they affect Arthur.
While she isn’t beating Arthur nor putting him in a position in which he’s forced to help her, she does kind of corner him and know he cares for her in a way that can benefit her in her time of need.
That isn’t necessarily a bad thing in the sense of it validates crucifying her, but it’s kind of how Mary goes about it in certain ways. And how she also treats Arthur for it.
I don’t want to go into specific moments or quotes because it’s all just a mess— but I do want to say this: Mary wasn’t perfect to Arthur, just as Arthur wasn’t perfect for her.
That’s the point. None of these characters are necessarily good, or bad. But their flaws are put at the forefront of what you see, because this series is all about recognizing your flaws and trying to do better by them. To be a better person.
Arthur was a man that came with too many problems. Not necessarily with himself as a man, but mainly with the life he led.
He was an outlaw, and he couldn’t give that up easily. But he wanted to, for Mary.
The timing was just never in their favor.
As for Mary, she didn’t want to admit or realize how bad her father is. She criticizes Arthur but remains blind to her father, and does pin Arthur for what he is when what he is benefits her when she asks for his help.
Additionally, to make note of this too: someone mentioned to me her father does mistreat her (he had a line in which he wished her dead or something along those lines), and it’s sad to see how Mary is in denial about all of it. Her father is just a piece of shit and it’s sad to see how she just writes it off while holding Arthur accountable.
I think a lot of people hate Mary the way they do because of how her interactions with Arthur are because of that criticism. It does appear like usage, and certain things she does are manipulative.
And do some people hate mary for being with Arthur/breaking up with him (the first or technically the second time)?
Yes. Of course.
Personally, I can understand why they didn’t work out. I don’t fault Mary for leaving entirely. I just find an issue in her jaded and contradictory stance on Arthur and that she sided with her father’s notions on Arthur despite all of his hypocrisy.
Now. It’s all taken with a grain of salt.
Because it’s understandable they didn’t work out.
How could they have?
They were teens/young adults who were more caught up in love than to see the problems lying within their relationship. Feelings outweighed reality, and it came crashing down when they acknowledged the problems that were keeping them on two sides of the same fence.
She did care about Arthur. She wanted to run with him, and she insured his grave after he died. And Arthur loved her still, falling right back for her and in general, using his final journal entry to write about her first, and how he only wanted her to be happy.
They cared about each other, even if they never got to to about it right.
As for Mary writing Arthur as she did after Guarma— it makes sense, for both sides!
It can be frustrating for a player to see Mary deject Arthur as she did to return the ring, but how could she have known he got shipwrecked on Guarma like we did? There was no possible way for her to, and so it just looked like Arthur abandoned her and their plans.
Arthur promised her he’d be back, and when he didn’t keep that promise — even if he meant to and was kept from fulfilling it — she broke it off.
She just believed what he did the first time, and that was choosing the gang over her as he did years ago. He even chose the gang over immediately leaving with her.
Just as she stayed with her dad when they initially broke up.
Because they both chose their families in the end— either by blood, or by love.
They were ill-fated. And I don’t think Mary should be attacked as much as she is and especially for certain things or in certain ways, but the dislike isn’t unwarranted.
And people can like her too, just the same!
Everyone is allowed their own opinion of her character (not saying anyone insinuated otherwise).
There’s a difference between disliking a character for valid reasons, or hating them for minuscule ones. And the same goes for loving them.
We can argue back and forth for ages but honestly, none of us are entirely in the wrong or right on Mary.
Like I said, it’s what you usually see. People either hate Mary with a passion, or love her with just as much depth. The middle ground here is often a vacant one, at least from what I’ve seen shared.
It’s just how it is. But I think we can all agree that how things ended was what neither of them wanted for each other.
Now— as for “Amidst a Clash of Worlds”!
I DO plan on having Mary in my fic, and as for her portrayal, I will keep her character as close to canon as possible (but I will have to go astray at certain points just since this fic does diverge from canon).
I’m not going to write with a slant with her character (aka portray her purposefully in one light), and I plan on doing her justice as I’ve attempted to with everyone else in my fic. Meaning keeping her true to as we have seen in the game and not completely going my own direction entirely.
As for her interactions with Arthur and the reader, you will see the true extent of this.
I don’t want to spoil the plans I have for their plotline entirely, but it won’t all be “fuck Mary” or “fuck you” with Mary being either attacked or an attacker against the reader.
Granted, there will be tension and other aspects involving it, but I promise, if you are worried, that this fic intends to do so much more with Mary’s character than to go forward with nothing but a sole attempt at villainously portraying her.
Whether that is accepted or not does not bother me, but ACW is not a fic in which I plan to be frivolous or superficial over things like how I feel about a character.
I’m not tossing Mary’s character and her relation to Arthur and his story away because of my own views on her or with the fandom’s views (be it good or bad).
I just want it to be organic and believable. Nothing more!
Hope that answered all your questions, anon! Thanks for the ask!
(Also I didn’t mean any offense to anyone over this post no matter their views on Mary! This is a video game after all and at the end of the day, it’s just how we feel over it! If there is a problem you want to resolve just message or DM me! Otherwise scroll on and just enjoy your day, lol.)
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