#fandot listenalong 2022
mjn-air · 1 year
Today's episode of the Cabin Pressure Listenalong is Yverdon-les-Bains with the wonderful prompt "capsized" and I just got hauled back into time when I believed that - no hang on I gotta screencap this for proof
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hisgalthursday · 1 year
Douglas looked across the cockpit at his Captain and felt the flutter in his chest that was becoming so, so familiar.  They had been dating for a few months now.  Not long enough for the first flushes of love to have dissipated, but long enough for Douglas to know which of Martin’s relationship rules he could break without too much fuss occurring.
He reached across the small space between their seats,  “I love you,” he smiled, giving Martin’s hand a small squeeze.
Martin blushed in his most Martin-y way and Douglas couldn’t resist leaning further and giving his partner a quick kiss on the lips.
“DOUG-las,” Martin complained with a smile.
“Oh Martin,” the first officer rolled his eyes, “it was one little kiss.”
“It’s never one little kiss with you.”
Douglas pretended to be offended, “Hey!  I can show restraint when I need to.”
The first officer was still leaning close and Martin grabbed his tie and pulled him even closer, “It’s not you I’m worried about,” he purred, kissing Douglas more deeply.
When Martin pulled away, Douglas gave a rumbly chuckle, the one that made Martin think of warm honey.  “And you still wonder why I find you so sexy, Mon Capitan?”
“Oh, I know exactly why you find me so sexy,” Martin teased, “It’s because I believe in the terrificness of you.”
Douglas leaned back slightly, his brow furrowed.
“That’s not it you know..”
“Douglas, I was joke…”
“No Martin, listen.  It’s quite the opposite.  I wouldn’t have let this happen between us if I didn’t think it would last.  The risk of losing you isn’t worth it.  But the thing is, you already know all the ways I’m not terrific.  And you still want this.”
Martin smiled softly at his partner, “I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything.  Even flying.”
Douglas smiled, “You don’t have to go that far.”
“Ok,”  Martin grinned, “maybe not more than flying.  But just as much.  I promise.”
“That I’m willing to believe.  After all,  I am Douglas Richardson.”
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daltongraham · 2 years
I went for a fucking walk in the fucking outdoors. Now I'm nauseated and exhausted. But I did it! So there, doctor and other people saying I have to walk
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today we are grounded in Newcastle on December 12th! the prompts:
a missing scene: Playing Trivial Pursuit
a word: games
a question: What’s your favourite Herc moment?
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another trip back in time for part 2/4 of the shipwright & fairbairn drabble cycle. this time, to day 6. prompt: “rain”
Most things pause under a downpour; airports, by necessity, do not.
Occasionally, turbofan engines disrupt the murmur of steady rain, a reminder that Glasgow Airport is no stranger to inclement weather.
It’s fitting conditions for contemplating what has brought him to this waiting room in a low-cost, budget airline’s headquarters. Rain, also, had lashed against windows to a disciplinary hearing where he had sat, avoiding eye contact. Once loved, once hated, now strangers.
An employee steps out in Caledonian blue; Herc tightens his grip on the briefcase that contains his whole career.
“Mr Shipwright? Captain Fairbairn will see you now.”
(entire cycle here)
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sircarolyn · 2 years
fandot advent day 9. pool.
Of course he can swim. There’s nothing Douglas Richardson can’t do. But diving in always gives him that moment where he could swear he’s drowning. It’s the suddenly muffled senses, the rush of water, the blindness and the chest tightness.  Sometimes, when his first daughter had been small and had begged for her daddy to go swimming with her, he’d let that rush swallow him up, held himself underwater until the world had fallen dull and quiet, just like it felt at the bottom of the bottle. 
He can swim. But he doesn’t any more. He’s choosing not to drown.
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fandot listenalong 2022 - December 7th: Ipswich
a question: Who’s your favourite minor character?
Carl/Karl! He’s funny and adorable. I love his interactions with Martin and Douglas. This must be so much nicer than coming home to a string of interchangeable, impersonal standardized greetings.
Oh. Just realised, Theresa might also be classified as a minor character, wouldn’t she? Then it’s her! She’s just so brilliant, witty, being herself despite all the pressure she must have on her, being a princess. I love her.
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essexmermaid · 2 years
“Ice,” drawled Douglas.
“What, where?” asked Martin, flustered.
“Ice,” repeated Douglas calmly.
“Where’s the ice?” yelled Martin in a panic.
“Not where, what!” explained Douglas. “The next word association. You go first.”
Martin slumped in relief. Not a real emergency then, just another of his infuriating First Officer’s word games.
“On the wings,” snapped Captain Martin Crieff, upset at having been misled by Douglas’s stupid word games, and yet still trying to play the game.
“Oh, didn’t mean to alarm you!” offered Douglas ironically, knowing all to well that he had made Martin panic unnecessarily.
“Your turn,” snapped Martin, trying to master his emotions and gain the upper hand in this battle of words.
“Yes, yes,” agreed Douglas in mock friendliness. “Now where were we?”
“Ice!” barked Martin. “Word association. Use of, definition, whatever. Your turn Douglas.”
Having thoroughly rattled Martin to start with, Douglas knew he could easily win this round. But it wasn’t much of a match if he had no real opposition.
“Gin and tonic,” offered Douglas half heartedly. “With a slice.”
“On the runway,” countered Martin quickly, anxious to gain ground.
“Ice bucket,” came the response. “Champagne, for the chilling of.”
““Ice in the engine,” quoted Martin, “May cause damage to, or deterioration in performance of, the engine’s power.””
“Were you quoting from the engine maintenance manual?” asked Douglas, knowing full well that it was Martin’s favourite bedtime reading matter.
“Well,” squirmed Martin, “what if I was?”
“Skating,” he countered.
There was a pause while Martin considered his next move.
“ICE” he said.
“Ice?” questioned Douglas. “That’s no answer! You have to give a use of the word, not repeat the word itself!”
“I.C.E.” spelled out Martin. “In Case of Emergencies. Your emergency contact number on your phone.”
Douglas, distracted, realised he really should update his ICE contact on his own mobile as it still listed his ex-wife who would be none to pleased to be called if Douglas were in some sort of emergency.
“Hmm, yes,” he managed, lost in thought. Who on earth could he put as his emergency contact now he was so very much divorced and alone?
A minute or so passed by.
“Time’s up!” crowed Martin. “I win!”
Douglas rolled his eyes and huffed faintly. If young Martin was so desperate to win then he’d allow him to, just this once, rather than spoil the long flight ahead of them.
“Very well,” Douglas conceded gracefully. “I was just thinking who I ought to list as my emergency contact. After my last divorce,…” he trailed off sadly.
“Mine’s you,” blurted out Martin.
“Eh?” asked Douglas, incoherent for once, not understanding his Captain.
“You’re my ICE,” explained Martin shyly. “There isn’t anyone else who would know what to do. In Case of Emergencies they should call you. If that’s Ok with you?”
Douglas glanced across at Martin, whose cheeks were blushing faintly at this admission. He was surprised and touched that Martin would put such trust in him.
Once again, Martin had surprised Douglas with his honesty and vulnerability. It made Douglas feel wanted and rather warm inside.
“I’d be honoured,” Douglas replied, in all seriousness.
Martin gave him an awkward smile and they continued in silence, Douglas feeling that they had made another profound step towards a true and lasting friendship.
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mjn-air · 1 year
Going through my Uskerty tag, trying to find inspiration for today’s Cabin Pressure Listenalong, thinking about a fitting quote and then it hit me -
Arthur musing about “two guys sitting in a bar, couple of drinks, a box of those black paper napkins that always look really cool - like we’re in a film. I feel like I should have a hat.”
That’s Goncharov he’s thinking about
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mjn-air · 1 year
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mjn-air · 1 year
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get dressed you merry gentlemen for it is December 11th, Molokai day!
a missing scene: Christmas in Hawaii
a word: cracker
a question: What scene makes you laugh the most?
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mjn-air · 2 years
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happy Limerick day, the 10th of December! the prompts:
a missing scene: Carolyn and Arthur creating poetry
a word: sunset
a question: What’s your favourite MJN family moment?
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traveling back in time a bit. part 1 in a series of 4 shipwright & fairbairn advent drabbles. prompt from day 1: “ice.”
i. the end
His body is twisted in spare sheets stiff from disuse. Between gasps for air, he stares upward and wonders why, after all this time, the visions have returned.
On cue, his answer comes in the form of a snore, and he remembers.
Every time, another terrifying worst-case scenario. This time: ice.
They all end the same, in finality: after hers, but before his.
Up on his elbows for a second, squint ahead. Reassure himself that the young first officer he’s grown fond of, against all odds, is really asleep and not—
Back down onto the sofa, back to much-needed sleep.
(crossposted on ao3 with a better explanation)
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welcome to the morning of December 9th, also known as Kuala Lumpur day! the prompts:
a missing scene: Arthur rehearsing his story for Martin
a word: service
a question: What’s your favourite ship?
have fun!
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