#fangs fogarty reader insert
supercap2319 · 1 year
Julien an d Archie fight over your penis and you just want to get off. Fangs jumps in.
Y/N felt like he was going to die. He desperately needed to get off, and Archie and Julian weren't helping his situation at all. They were making it worse. What started out as an innocent locker room shower turned into a war over Y/N's body, specifically his cock.
Both ginger boys were arguing over who got Y/N's penis first. The grasped his cock and tugged and stroked him off as he gasped and whimpers.
"You need to back off, Andrews. This dick belongs to me." Julian said.
"Stick a needle in your eye, Blossom. I had eyes on Y/N's cock long before you did."
Just when Y/N thought it was hopeless, Fangs Fogarty came into the shower and when he Y/N panting with desire and Archie and Julian fighting over his cock, he smirked. "Hey, Y/N? Need a little bit of help getting off?"
"Yes, please?"
Fangs moved towards him as Archie and Julian got in front of Y/N. "Back off, Fogarty!"
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statticscribbles · 11 months
For this ask game
Number 3 with Sweet Pea x Fangs x Toni x Reader, please?
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who is banned from the kitchen?
Toni refuses to help, you're not sure why. Sweet Pea and Fangs never push it, they never scold her or whine and complain when the second they mention starting dinner she curls on the couch and gives them a thumbs up.
You manage to at least corner her in the kitchen and you understand why as you see the panic set in, as her arms go stiff and she lets you lead her around to the bar stools you all share.
"Sorry I didn't realize." You shuffle awkwardly as Toni starts talking about her parents, and how cooking usually meant some part of her getting bruised or burned when she could reach the stove properly since she was ten years old.
Fangs always cleans up, you've given up trying to force him to sit down. You know where that leads, to him getting so frustrated he snaps and scolds you as if you're his sick mother, how if you wont sit still for the cooking the least he can do is clean up. Every one of you had gone quiet after the first time he'd snapped. Sweet Pea had tried to make the joke about leaving more fo a mess, and Fangs had just nodded along before crawling into the cuddle pile you all had made after dinner was done.
Sweet Pea is banned from the kitchen, not because he's a disaster, but because he puts any other meal that you, Toni or Fangs make to shame. You're not sure where he learned to cook so well, and he makes a little joke of it, answering differently everytime. Fangs and Toni have a running tally of how many times he reuses the same answer; you all have one for the most ridiculous answer; which so far is that Hot Dog the second taught him how to grill as he went to culinary school.
Send me a number and I'll write something!
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ilymusic27 · 1 year
Dear Sweet pea
A/N this is not proof read and first time
Word count : 201
Dear sweet pea,
I thought what we had was love but when i see you talking to her laughing, smiling. All I can think about is what we could have been or what we were a story together. I see she makes you happy 
I just wish we had a better ending to our story. Sometimes I get in my head when i watch the shows we binge watch on your couch in your trailer and think about how you would kiss me on my temple and cuddle into my side when it was a hard day at school.
Fangs and toni stopped coming by to see if i’m still okay which is understandable because it has been 3 months since the last time you kissed me, looked at me, hugged me, talked to me.
School just started up again as you know, but every time i see you in the halls it feels like there is a ghost so in love with a boy that doesn't even know she exists but the boy and his posse doesn't care or are willing to spare a glance.
I love you and you loved me and people change grow but I didn't
—--Love Y/N <33
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Requested: @wayward-river​ lynz write me 15 and 38 with my bb boi Fangs 🥰😘 “I refuse to have a 👶 on Christmas” 38. “One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted”
A/N: this is short but I decided to make you a moodboard too <3
Warnings: None
Word Count: about 1190
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Let's be honest you never had a normal Christmas, something always went wrong. So much so that you never expected Christmas to go the way you wanted it to, that stopped years ago when you realized you were just cursed during the Christmas season. This year you knew once you got through the holidays that everything would be alright, your baby would come and though you knew there would be some hard times your baby girl would finally be here. You wanted Christmas to be normal. To wake up and open presents with Fangs and than go to his grandmothers and pig out on the amazing meal you were absolutely craving. It started two days before Christmas cramps you couldn’t explain, you thought something was wrong but the doctor assured you everything was alright and it was probably just the baby moving around too much. Christmas night Fangs sat talking to the baby girl that would soon be out of your belly, rubbing his hand along your stomach as you nodded off in and out of sleep. But you felt your baby girl kick to her daddy's voice. He always had such an effect on her.
“Baby, you okay?”
“Yeah, she’s just kicking” He leaned down pressing his lips gently to the skin your daughter kicking right in the spot
“baby girl you need to calm down so mama can get some sleep, okay, I can’t wait till your out and we get to hang out baby. Okay I love you, let mama get some rest and we can talk in the morning”
You fell asleep that night, everything as normal as it could be. Waking up was just the same, you actually slept in a little late, til 10:15 when usually your baby would be kicking at 7am. Fangs came in with breakfast made.
“Merry Christmas mama, merry Christmas baby girl”
“Thanks for the breakfast Fangsy”
“No problem, figured you finally get to sleep in mine as well take advantage, and when you are done we can go down and open some gifts” You smiled up at him as his lips pressed against your own and then to your forehead and down to your stomach. You finished your breakfast and carefully got up waddling over to the stairs as Fangs helped you down. Even being pregnant for 9 months did not make you used to the belly that you dawned, making your already clumsiness considerably worse.
Sitting down on the couch Fangs handed you your first gift. A necklace that had your baby's sonogram on it. It was funny considering you got him something quite similar which he opened soon after. You had got him a keychain that was cut out along the lines of your baby's heartbeat. You remember the first time he heard it, his eyes lit up in a way you could never explain unless you saw it again. It was like the love was pouring out of him. The both of you were enamored with each other and this pregnancy after trying for years this was your baby girl finally close to being born, a few more weeks and she would be here and you both couldn’t be happier.
While in your own head you didn’t even realize the wet spot that had been made underneath of you.
“Sorry Fangsy was just thinkin”
“No... baby, the couch.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god, fuck, fuck, oh my god Fangs” He grabbed your arms standing you up.
“Does it hurt? Do you feel bad?” you just stared at the couch. “Baby c’mon you gotta talk to me. You need to look at me.”
“I refuse to have a baby on Christmas”
“Well baby, the baby kinda decides that…”
“Not funny Fangs”
“Look, mama,  everything is going to be alright okay. We have the bag packed we are going to breathe, and we are going to drive to the hospital okay” you nodded your head. “I want you to stay right here I’m gonna grab you a change of pants, and the hospital bag and we’ll go okay. Before you could say anything he ran up the stairs, coming back down and helping you change before grabbing you and walking outside. You looked over at Fangs trailing your eyes down to the sidewalk to pay attention to the ice when you realized he had no pants on.
“Uhm fangs…”
“What’s wrong baby!”
“You, you forgot your pants…” Fangs stood next to you dawned in boxers.
“Shit, okay. I’ll get you in the car and then go grab a pair” You couldn’t stop laughing, that was until you felt one of the worst pains of your life. You reached over beeping the horn until you saw Fangs stumbling out of the house one pant leg on as he was running to the car.
“What! What’s Wrong!”
“Put your damn pants on and let’s go have a baby, Fogarty”
“Wooo, now drive, this kinda hurts you know”
He peeled out of the driveway, and on the main road as you made your way to the hospital. You got put into a maternity room hooked up to a bunch of machines, and you were ready to push. You grabbed Fang’s hand as another contraction coursed through you.
“One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted!”
“It’s your fault, Fogarty, you just had to fuckin knock me up when you did, I mean I love you, and I love her but fuck” You loved the man holding your hand, Fangs was your number one, well maybe your number two now with this little baby taking up first place. You loved him and this baby with all your heart, but you just wanted a normal Christmas. One with your families, that was relaxing and calm like most people had, but of course, that is not what happened, and no You wouldn’t trade it for the world because your baby girl was finally here but you wished she had come either sooner or later, not on Christmas morning.
After breastfeeding the baby you were super tired, you nodded off as Fangs was holding the baby. When you woke you were met with a small Christmas tree in the corner, presents all around, lights and garland strung across the ceiling, and your family sitting around you.
“What..?” he handed the baby to you with a little red Santa had on her head.
“Well… I know we can’t have the “normal” Christmas like you wanted, but I think normal is vastly overrated and having this little peanut here with us is way better than any normal Christmas, but I know you wanted that, and I know we can't have Christmas at home like we planned but I hope this makes up for it”
“You brought Christmas to me…”
“I hope you like it”
“I love it, and I love you, and our little baby girl, thank you Fangsy. Best present ever”
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
Cutie Pie | Sweet Pea
Hey Lovelies! Still updating from my Wattpad! Today’s feature: Sweet Pea! On another note; I think I’m going to open my requests for Thanksgiving! What do y’all think? All my love!!
Description: Y/n, Southside sweetheart, thinks Sweet Pea despises her. He really, really, does not.
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Female!Reader
Warnings: Hints at smut but not really
Word count: 3k
Tags: Fluff, angst
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Toni groans and throws another top on the growing pile of shirts that she has deemed unwearable. You had seen nothing wrong with it, a flowing pink blouse with cream polka dots. To her, however, it was too girly. You had scoffed at that. There's nothing wrong with femininity, she of all people should understand that. Maybe if she had wanted something that screams masculinity she should have raided Sweet Pea's closet instead of yours.
The Serpents seem to think there is something wrong with being girly though, looking down on anyone who dares wear anything pink or flowery and definitely anyone who wears both at the same time. You roll your eyes at that every time. You, a teenage Serpent yourself, are perhaps the most "girly" person to have ever set foot on Southside grounds. You take pride in that, wearing your Serpent jacket over all the ballerina skirts and pretty pink bralettes that your flowery heart desires. Yes, you get glares all the time but the switchblade in the pocket of your cherry blossom backpack just begs them to start something they can't finish.
"Y/n, baby, I love you but your closet is a nightmare! Do you have nothing remotely black? Or skimpy! C'mon, you want to impress Sweet Pea don't you?" Toni's voice is teasing and your cheeks flame in embarrassment and a tinge of anger.
"I would never dress to impress," you make air quotes with your fingers and pretend to gag, hiding the unavoidable lust in your voice before you say his name, "Sweet Pea! He's a jackass who's high on some masculinity crap! I can't do that."
She smirks at you from the mirror she's applying her bright red lipstick in, "you can very much do that and I know you want to. You're telling me that you don't lay awake at night and imagine his hands, his very large hands, doing unspeakable things to you? You may be the cutest little thing we've got on the Southside but you, baby girl, want him bad. Trust me, I know. I'm your best friend."
"Yeah, well, you're wrong and even if I did want, well, all that," you blush at the thought and swallow hard, pushing down at the buzz in the pit of your stomach, "he hates me so it would never happen. Theoretically, of course!"
"Uh huh, sure," is all your pink haired best friend says before turning back to your baby blue, vintage vanity to curl her pink locks.
You cross your arms over you aqua t-shirt, feigning annoyance, "and just what is that supposed to mean, missy?"
"Just that we both know you're turned on from just hearing Sweets' name. And he doesn't hate you, I roll with the guys remember," she catches your wide, doe eyes in the mirror and shakes her head lightly, laughing softly at your blown pupils, "he wants you. Bad."
You scoff again, leaning down to tie up your white tennis shoes, "he does not. He thinks I'm weak; that I'm going to bring down the pack.”
"He feels like he needs to protect you. There is a difference," Toni stands, twirling in front of your mirror to approve her outfit for tonight.
Some of the Serpent teens are gathering at the quarry, much like they do most weekends, to hang out. Today is special, though, because it's the last weekend before summer ends and you're all forced to go back to an educational prison. You're heart races knowing that Sweet Pea will, in fact, be there tonight. He's a jerk, at least he seems like one. Every time you’ve spoken to him it's been to tell him to let you handle your own problems. Granted most of your problems have involved ghoulies trying to make you their lunch because of your cute aura and quiet voice but he's never given you an opportunity to prove yourself. No one has.
Your voice is soft, like usual, but a tad annoyed, "I don't need protection. Why does everyone assume that I do?"
"Because you're so cute we could just eat you up!" Toni leans over to pinch your cheeks and you try not to giggle because that would only prove her point, "also, that isn't what you're wearing, is it?"
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" You peek around her and scrutinize your outfit.
An aquamarine t-shirt that stops right before a pair of fashionably baggy, cuffed jean shorts. The same pair of pink pearl earrings that you always wear are in your ears and the white tennis shoes you just laced are on your feet. Your worn Serpent jacket hangs proudly off your shoulders, the bright red patches bold against the black leather. The cherry blossom backpack is settled on your bed, ready to be grabbed and filled with your reusable water bottle, rose perfume, matching cherry blossom wallet, and switchblade, of course. All in all, it’s the perfect outfit.
You glance up to see Toni just smiling lightly at you, "Nothing, you're right. It's perfect."
                                               *     *     *     *     *    
Like usual, you and Toni take her bike to the quarry. You don't have your own bike so you ride behind her, your arms around her waist, her sugary scent blowing at you in full force, and your head thrown back, hollering into the wind. The two of you have been best friends for as long as you can remember. Nobody would have ever seen it coming. You were always playing in princess dresses and she was the pirate storming the tea party in search of cookies that were dubbed gold. You're polar opposites yet she's, perhaps, the only one who really knows how alike you are.
You arrive at the quarry laughing and cheering like maniacs, nothing out of the norm. You swing your legs over the side of her bike, hopping off gracefully and smoothing back your wind blown hair. It's dusk, the sun having just set, and there are mason jar lights sitting on the picnic tables and fairy lights strung through the trees. For such a rowdy gang, there is soft indie music floating through the air; the final touch to, dare you say, a romantic atmosphere. You couldn't be more proud.
A familiar arm is slung over your shoulders, pulling you into a playful side hug.
"Fogarty! I haven't seen you all summer," you swing yourself into a real hug, latching your arms around his neck and squeezing as he pulls you off your toes, "where have you been, Fangsy?"
He chuckles and sets you back on your feet, ruffling your hair and grabbing one of your hands to twirl you around, "hey cupcake, it's good to see you too. I've been here and there, sorry I wasn't around."
You giggle and shake your head, pulling him to sit at the practically full picnic table that Toni claimed. The table cheers when they see you, pulling you in for hugs and playing with your hair. You hear a couple voices tell you that you look cute and others telling you to come sit with them. You slide your backpack off, placing it under the table when you find an empty spot. Before you can take your seat, however, a pair of muscled arms circles your waist, pulling you onto their lap and stealing your seat for themselves.
A leather and pine scent envelopes you as the table breaks out in hooting laughter, "Sweet Pea this is my seat. As in singular. Mine."
All he does is tighten his arms deliciously around your hips, pressing down slightly on your lower stomach and making you very much aware of the intimacy of your position. You look to Toni for help but all she does is wink, turning her head to join one of the many side conversations taking place. You sit in silence for a while, as stiff as a board in Sweet Pea's lap. You aren't uncomfortable so much as nervous. You can't lie, you've been practically in love with Sweets for as long as you can remember but, until now, he has barely shown you any form of affection besides ‘saving’ your sorry butt on numerous occasions.
"Relax, baby," he mumbles into your neck for only you to hear, "it's just me."
You want to yell at him for calling you baby, you really do, but it sounds so perfect coming from his lips and his mouth on your neck is too pleasurable to push away. Instead, going against everything you stand for, you sink into his broad chest, leaning your head under his chin and pulling one of his hands into both of yours.
"Much better," his chest rumbles softly under your back.
"Pea we're supposed to hate each other, remember?" You toy with his fingers, noting their size and remembering your conversation with Toni from earlier today.
She wasn't wrong, thoughts of his hands, among other parts of him, keep you awake at night. You can feel the heat creeping up your neck.
He leans down, skimming his lips over your earlobe while he answers, "Since when? I never got that memo."
His hand moves from your hip to the waistband of your shorts, his fingers dipping in and resting on the skin under your naval. You bite back an unexpected moan at his lips and searing fingertips, leaning further into his chest and shifting your hips backward to fully press yourself against him. You let go of his hand in exchange for digging your fingernails into the picnic table. His hands are hidden, given him all the encouragement he needs to slide his now free hand up your bare thigh, drawing circles with his thumb on the inside of it.
"Sweets," your voice is raw, "what are you doing?"
"Showing you just how much I don't hate you."
His lips inconspicuously move to your neck, claiming the skin under your jaw as his own in the darkness. His hand draws further up your thigh, under the denim of your shorts and stopping at the apex of your thigh.
"Let me show you that I very much do not hate you, baby," he murmurs into your ear, the hand in the waistband of your shorts skimming over your skin in mesmerising patterns.
"Not here," you force the words pass you lips, melting into his touch.
"Then let's go," he practically pleads into your ear and it's all you can do not to wrap your legs around him right here and right now, nodding desperately as he scoops you into his arms and stands up.
You giggle loudly and, for the first time tonight, you're able to see his face. He's smiling down at you, a soft look in his molten chocolate eyes. His stare soon turns heated and he licks his lips, drawing your eyes to his mouth. Your arms tighten around his neck, pulling you flush against his chest. You turn to look at the table in time to see Toni nudge Fangs and point to the two of you, smirking at you when she catches your eye.
"Well guys," Sweet Pea addresses the table as he walks stealthily backwards, "it's been fun but we're going to head out now."
Before anyone can protest you lean up and whisper run in his ear. Before you know it he's sprinting to his motorcycle, the table of hollering Serpents shouting words of advice at your back. One that rings louder in the night is your best friend's voice screaming to "use protection". You blush and bury your head into Sweets' shoulder.
He sets you down on his bike when he reaches it, placing his hands on your hips and staring into your eyes through the darkness. The tension between you is tangible. You can hear every inhale he takes, imagining his bare chest moving over your own. In the blink of an eye you reach up and hook your arms around his neck, pulling his lips to yours. Sparks dance up your spine and his hands find your hips. Fire burns everywhere he touches you.
You break the kiss quickly, "crap Pea, my backpack! I left it under the table!"
His eyes are still closed and he finds you lips once more, pressing another kiss to you lips, "okay baby, wait here, I'll go grab it."
"No, it's okay I ca-"
"Baby, just let me go get it," he stares into your eyes, pleading with you to let him go retrieve your backpack.
You watch him run back towards the others. You don't realise how dark it is until your all alone and the woods around the quarry become more prominent. Every noise you hear sets you on edge. You swear you keep hearing twigs snap but it's only your imagination, right? It has to be. That or Sweet Pea is pulling a prank on you. Maybe you should have just gone to get your bag with him.
You hear another twig snap and tense up. You ball your hands into fists, readying for anything. You can fight, that puts you somewhat at ease. Toni is the only one who knows that, spare a few older Serpent women who aren't in Riverdale anymore, because they had been the ones to rough you up during your gauntlet. Yes you, the softest girl on the Southside, refused to do the dance. There were no rules prohibiting you from the gauntlet so you opted for it instead. Needless to say, you can take a hit.
"You little skank!" A voice sounds from behind you, causing you to whirl around.
In front of you stands a tall redhead with hair to her elbows. Her serpent jacket clings to her slim form, accentuating her curves in a way that makes you jealous. She wears a paint of off brand skinny jeans and a black t-shirt that's a little too tight. Her eyes are bright green and furious, glaring bloody murder at you. You have no clue who she is.
"Uhm, excuse me?" You glance behind you just to make sure she isn't talking to some else.
"You heard me, slut. Who the hell do you think you are? Sitting on my man's lap?"
The ‘slut’ thing doesn't bother you and neither does the ‘who the hell’. She doesn't know you so you refuse to take her meaningless words to heart. However, the part where she claims Sweet Pea has you seeing red.
"Amazing. Everything that you've just said is wrong." You smile innocently at her, curling your hands into fists once more behind your back.
"I'm sorry? What did you just say to me?" She takes a step towards you, her chucks cracking another stick.
"Oh, sorry, let me explain. My name is y/n, not slut,” you counter her step with one of your own, “that's who I am. Oh, and he's not your man. If he is than why is he pulling me onto his lap instead of you?” you scrunch your eyebrows and look her up and down, “Oh, wait, who are you again?"
Your sugary sweet smile turns sinister in the blink of an eye; the same amount of time it takes her to charge at you. The words ‘cat fight’ ring in your ears as you dodge a poorly thrown left hook. You use the opportunity to land a blow to her exposed stomach. She coughs quietly and you step back to give her room, trying to be as kind as you can to someone who's wrongly accusing you of being a harlot. You're caught off guard though when she lunges for you, knocking you to the ground and pinning your legs under her.
Rookie mistake number two. She goes to swing again but before she can you grab her shoulders and roll, ending in a straddled position with her arms secured over her head. You smirk triumphantly down at the red head under you.
You plan to keep her there until Sweet Pea gets back but she decides to, rather stupidly, open her mouth, "I bet this is a familiar position for you, huh?"
It's not red that you see this time but blackness. All you remember is calling her a bitch and the next thing you know your hands are bruised and you're being pulled, legs kicking in protest, off the red head who now has a busted eye and a bloody nose. You're screaming at whoever has you in their grasp to let you go another round with the nameless girl. A mass of teen Serpents surrounds you, cheering loudly for you. 
"Baby, as hot as that was, I'm not putting you down," a familiar voice whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You look back at the bloodied girl on the ground. She makes eye contact with you from around Fangs who's trying to help her stand up. You don't know where the reckless idea comes from but, to be fair, you aren't really thinking straight right now. Perhaps that's why you follow through with the plan you have just hastily concocted in your head.
You toss the red head a cute smile and mumble delicately to the tall raven haired boy, "hey, Sweets?"
"Yeah y/n?"
You glance up at him, still in his arms, and pull his lips to yours. You kiss him slowly, drawing it out for as long as you can before you have to breath again. You keep your lips millimetres from his, pressing them against his softly a few more times. When you look back to the ground, the girl is nowhere in sight and the rest of the Serpents have migrated back to the picnic tables. Your cherry blossom back pack is settled at Sweet Pea's feet.
"So," you giggle at his dazed expression, "do you still feel like you need to protect me?"
"Yes," your face falls and you almost push yourself from his arms.
"But, to be fair, I always will. That's just me. You looked amazing fighting though. Absolutely fucking beautiful."
"Okay," you kiss his jaw softly, "I think I can handle that. Now can we please get out of here?"
"Fuck yes!"
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wayward-river · 4 years
My Sunshine
AN: Have this after being MIA so long sorry again, I promise I’m working on things, this has just been sitting in my drafts and I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere else, this can be a stand alone or go with Revenge. This has no pairing, it is a past Fangs x Reader. 
All mistakes are my own, I do not own GIF that was used. 
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Digging through your bag you pulled out the thin blanket, shaking it out and then laying it down on the ground. Settling down you pulled your bag to you pulling out the bottle of whiskey that you had borrowed from the Wyrm. You took a pull from the bottle letting it burn as it slid down your throat. 
“Well baby, it’s been about a year now since you’ve been gone.” You sniffled as your hand ran over the engraving on the tombstone in front of you. Fangs Fogarty. Forever in our hearts. Loving son, brother, and friend. 
You shivered pulling his hoodie closer to you as the wind whistled around you. “I can’t say I’m doing any better. Sweets keeps telling me you wouldn’t want me to visit you so much, that I should move on...but the thing is I can’t do it. I don’t think I’ll ever fully move on from you my love. You took a piece of me.” You sniffled. Your voice cracking as the next sentence left you sobbing. “W..w-why did you go, why did you leave me here? You promised, you promised.” You sobbed as you wrapped your arms around the solid stone in front of you gripping onto it praying to anything to bring him back to you. 
A hand on your shoulder had you jumping. “Go away.” 
“I don’t want to go away.”
You stilled at the voice that spoke. Slowly you let go of the stone you were gripping onto turning your head; you locked eyes with none other than Fangs. An audible gasp left your lips as you scrambled to get up, you flung yourself into his arms. His hold on you tight as you sobbed. 
He gently rubbed your back as you began to regain your composure. “What are you doing here?”
His hand moved up to the back of your head as his fingers carded through your hair, god did you miss that. “I came for you sunshine, I couldn’t bear to watch you in so much pain day after day. Baby, you’ve got to let me go.” 
“I can’t, I won’t, don’t...don’t ask me to do that please love don’t.” 
Fangs quietly hummed while he maneuvered you both to sit on the blanket. “Baby it’s only hurting you.” 
“Why did you go? Huh? Why did you leave me all alone?”
“I didn’t want to leave you, I fought like hell to get back to you, but it was dangerous and I couldn’t let SP take the hit. He’s your big brother, what would you have done then..hmm?”
“I would have had you.”
“You don’t mean that. I’m just some boy you loved.”
You turned around staring into the chocolate brown orbs. “Don’t you dare say that. You ARE my love, my forever love, not just some boy, I wanted to marry you and start a family and grow old, but that was ripped from me. My happiness went with you, the reason for my sunshine is no longer here.” 
Fangs cupped your cheek. “I love you forever and always, I’ll meet you again, a very very long time from now, but please find happiness again be the sunshine in someone's life that can give you those dreams, I’m sorry I couldn’t.” 
You sniffled as you wiped your eyes. “Fangs..”
Fangs cut you off his lips pressing against your forehead, before pulling away. “Please try for me.” 
A light shaking had you puzzled, you watched Fangs slowly disappear as you opened your eyes, the sky now dark, your arms were still around the gravestone. You pulled yourself away sniffling, you looked up to see who was shaking you. “No..No no! Fangs!!! Fangs!”
Finally your eyes met..“Reggie?” 
He scratched the back of his neck. “Hey, sorry I didn’t think I could leave you here like this.” 
“What are you doing here?”
He moved his head nodding towards where Moose stood with a bouquet of flowers. “I sometimes come with him, makes it easier to have someone with you.” 
You nodded in understanding, when Sweet Pea would accompany you it never quite ended up like it did tonight. 
“Can I walk you home?”
You looked around, it was completely dark out. Sweet Pea would be pissed if you showed up this late alone, he had asked you to drive to begin with or let him take you but you declined.
You took a deep breath. “Yeah, that’s fine Reggie. Thank you.” 
You grabbed the blanket folding it up as you placed it along with the bottle in the bag. 
“I’ll just be at the entrance.” 
You nodded, as you looked back to Fangs, your hand tracing his name once more.  “I love you forever and always.”
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jasmine2042003 · 4 years
Sweet Pea x Reader - Serpents and Flames - pt 1
Welcome to my newest story! This is a Riverdale Sweet Pea x reader story. WARNING: This could get dark BUT I never end a story in a sad way! Enjoy! Xxx
Jughead pov
The metal detector started beeping as I walked through, “It’s the pins on my hat,” I said sighing, the guard telling me to take it off and go again, which I did with little resistance. “Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third.” I heard, looking up at a camera flash and the voice, I saw a girl about my age with pink hair, tan skin and wearing a leather jacket. I looked at her in confusion, “Uh, it’s Jughead actually.” I told her, she smiled and introduced herself as Toni Topaz.
We walked through the halls of Southside High, which seemed to be decorated with graffiti, garbage and what looked to be a shrine. I stopped in front of it, causing Toni to stop as well. “What’s that?” I asked, there was a picture of a family, a burly man with sleeve tattoos, a woman with a delicate smile and a little girl with a big grin on her face and cheery (e/c) eyes. Toni looked at me in confusion, “That’s the (l/n) family,” She told me, as if it was obvious.
I nodded, “Well, what happened, why is this like, a shrine?” I asked and her confusion turned to shock. “You really don’t know?” She asked me, I shook my head and Toni sighed, “I thought your dad would have told you about them.” I shook my head again and asked her to explain. We walked over to the shrine, there were snakes decorating what used to be a water fountain, there were flowers, both dead and alive and what seemed to be letters surrounding the family photo.
“The (l/n)’s were Serpent Royalty,” She started with a small frown, “They had been in the gang for generations, almost since the beginning. All of them married Serpents, their children became Serpents, then their children became Serpents. Until one night, a little over five years ago.” We looked at the photograph once again, “(f/n) and (m/n) were murdered in their own home,” She told me, causing me to look up in shock, “We don’t know who did it, but whoever they were didn’t leave (y/n) a chance.” 
“(y/n)?” I asked, Toni nodded and pointed at the small girl in the center of the picture. She had (h/l), (h/c) hair, sparkling (e/c) eyes and (s/t) skin, she had her arms wrapped around her father’s waist, her mother had a hand on her head and they looked happy. “She was twelve when it happened, she had just been initiated but the killer set the house of fire, with her still in it.” I looked at Toni, fear and utter disbelief written across my face. 
“The Sheriff wrote it off as some crazy junkie and the family just living in the wrong house. But the Serpents have a different theory.” I motioned for her to continue, “(y/n) was supposed to become Serpent Queen, she had already been initiated and was going to take over when she was eighteen, the Serpents think someone wanted to destroy that chance and take over themselves.” I had no clue this had happened. Why didn’t anyone report it? Why didn’t dad tell me?
“Because your dad was (f/n)’s right hand, everyone thought he did it,” I was about to protest when she raised a hand and cut me off, “But even he and (y/n) were close, FP loved her like his own. We still don’t know what happened and nobody actually found (y/n)’s body, so people think she escaped or just died somewhere else. Today was actually her initiation day. She would be about our age by now.” She told me, wistfully stroking a finger over the photo of the young family.
“Anyway,” She said, walking through the halls and leading me to a different area of the school that seemed to be the cafeteria. “Here in the cafetorium,” She started, beginning to point at different tables, “Ghoulies sit over there,” There was a group of teenagers wearing studded jackets, “Rival gang, drug dealers, street racers, rumours of cannibalism.” I guess she saw the look on my face because she told me not to ask. 
“And we sit over there. With the Serpents.” She told me, walking over to a table of teens wearing the Serpent jacket, a leather jacket with a snake emblem on the back. I stopped walking, “You’re a Southside Serpent?” I asked, she looked at me like it was obvious, “Why do you think I volunteered to give you the tour?” She asked, so she only offered to help me around because I was FP’s son. 
I told her that I was going to sit on my own, “I’m confused,” She told me, “Aren’t you like, a Serpent by blood? The son of FP Jones?” She asked me, I told her that I self-identified as a loner. “I’m just going to put my head down and try and get through this, okay?” I told her, she moved closer to me and spoke a little quieter, “Hey, you wanna get through this, you should hang with the Serpents. If the Ghoulies get a whiff that you’re alone, they’ll make you their bitch faster than you can say American History X.” She told me, before walking off to the Serpent table.
I spent the rest of the day trying to keep my head down, aside from speaking up in English class. Me and Toni were in the Red and Black’s office, when the door opened, revealing a group of Serpents. The guy at the front of the group, Sweet Pea, walked up, he had dark hair and eyes and was pretty tall, he was kind of intimidating. “Topaz. Let’s bounce.” He said, “Jones, wanna come with? We’re going to the quarry.”
I refused, telling him I don’t have my beach bod yet. He scowled and looked rather offended, “What? You’ll ask for help from the Serpents, but you won’t hang with us? Don’t come crawling to us, hat in hand, when some Ghoulie decides to earn his stripes by taking out FP Jones’ kid.” He told me. I looked up at him in defiance.
“Duly noted. Thank you, Sweet Pea. I appreciate what you and the Serpents have done for me and my dad. I do. But I’m done. Okay? No more favours coming your way.” I told him, squaring up as he started walking up to me. Toni stopped him with a hand pressing against his chest. “Hey, hey! He made up his mind, okay? Take the hint, Sweet Pea. He’s just not that into you.” Sweet Pea backed down and looked at Toni.
“We can’t go to the quarry anyway, remember?” He looked down at her, first in confusion, but then it melted into realisation. I looked at them questioningly, “Today is (y/n)’s memorial,” Toni told me, earning a gentle slap on the shoulder from Sweet Pea, “What? He’s FP’s kid, he should know.” Sweet Pea just rolled his eyes and turned and left. Toni left soon after and they headed to who knows where. (y/n) (l/n), who are you?
3rd pov
Sweet Pea, Toni Topaz and Fangs Fogarty walked into the bustling but melancholy atmosphere of the Whyte Wrym, ready for the young Serpent’s memorial service. Drinks were being served by Hog Eye at the bar, everyone crowding around to see him and watch the bartender give a speech. 
“Five years ago, (y/n) (l/n) was initiated and became a fully fledged Serpent, she received her tattoo but was unable to receive her jacket. Her time with the Serpents was too short lived, she was a bright young girl and would have become a wonderful leader if she was given the chance. I remember when she would come into the Wrym with her mom and dad, her smile lit up the room and her laugh was constant.” The older Serpents who remembered (y/n) smiled and nodded in agreement to the bartender’s speech.
Nobody paid any attention to the teenage girl with a neck tattoo entering the bar. “Please join me in raising a glass to the (l/n)’s and (y/n), in hope that they finally saw peace where the are now.” Hog Eye finished, raising his glass and being followed by everyone else, including the Young Serpent Trio. Everyone looked to Tall Boy, the temporary leader of the Serpents, who held a leather jacket with the Serpent patch. 
It obviously didn’t belong to a child, every year since the original jacket was made, it has been sized up to match how big (y/n) would be. They hung the jacket above the bar, where it always was. “Allow me to say, that was beautiful.” Someone said from the back of the room, causing everyone to turn and look towards the door. There was a teenage girl, who looked oddly familiar.
(h/l), (h/c) hair. (e/c) eyes. A gentle smile. And a snake with two heads, tattooed onto her neck. Hog Eye walked over to the girl, looking into her eyes, “I could have sworn...” He started, his voice fading away, “You look just like her.” He muttered. She smiled and nodded, “I am her, Uncle Hog Eye.” She told him, causing the man to stumble back in shock, shaking his head. She raised her hands gently, trying to calm him.
“I know it’s odd, but please believe me, I’ll do a DNA test if you want me to,” She said chuckling. The older Serpents’ eyes lit up at the laugh, it was just like it used to be. Nobody noticed the current leader’s eyes widening, but not in happiness, in complete and utter shock, he turned and swiftly left the bar. 
Barking was heard from outside the bar, the door being opened as the previously tethered Hot Dog ran in and jumped on the stranger. Giggling rang out as the shaggy dog slobbered all over the girl he’d knocked to the floor, “Hi Hot Dog, it’s good to see you buddy!” Everyone looked at the girl, some in confusion, others in nostalgia. One of the older Serpents spoke up, “If Hot Dog knows her, we have to give her the chance.” Hog Eye nodded and helped the girl up, leading her to a back room.
(y/n) pov
I had missed Hog Eye, Hot Dog, FP, everyone. I knew they would be hesitant, I mean, I’ve been presumed dead for five years. Hog Eye led me into a back room behind the bar, there were crates of alcohol around the room and he offered me a seat on one. “What should I call you stranger?” He asked me, I knew he would do something like this, trying to trip me up. I smiled and told him, “Why not call me (n/n),” I told him, using the nickname he called me as a child.
He looked at me shocked, his eyes welling up in tears, “It really is you.” He whispered, I smiled and walked over, hugging around his waist, my head lying on his shoulder. Uncle Hog Eye had always been the strong silent type so this was odd. “What happened?” He asked me, sitting down on the crate with me. I sighed.
“I woke up in the middle of the night, it was blisteringly hot and there was fire everywhere,” I told him quietly, “I didn’t hear anything before that, I didn’t see who did it,” Liar. “I managed to climb out of the window, I burned myself up a little though,” I stood up and lifted my shirt to reveal my ribs and stomach on my left side, the same side of my tattoo. Hog Eye’s eyes widened and he trailed his fingers along the burn scars that ran up my body. If my nickname wasn’t evidence enough, I think this was. 
“I climbed into the tree next to the house, fell and fractured my leg. I knew I couldn’t stay and risk the jackass coming back and finishing the job, I was scared Uncle Hog Eye.” I told him, feeling his arm around my shoulder, gently squeezing me. “I limped halfway to Greendale before I blacked out. Luckily for me, there was a doctor driving home, Gareth Smith, he managed to get me to hospital and I made a full recovery, he is now my guardian.” I told him.
“Well, why come back?” He asked, causing me to give him a hurt look, “Not that you’re not welcome, of course you are (n/n), but it seemed like you had a good life.” I smiled and sighed. I did have a good life, but it wasn’t the right one. I explained my thoughts aloud.
“I was living a good life, sure. But it wasn’t the one I was born for, I knew it was time to come home.” I told him, “And I don’t care if the killer of my parents is still here, I am the rightful heir of the Serpents and I intend to take back my throne.” I told him, my eyes going cold at the memory of the bastard that ruined my life. I know exactly who did it and they will pay.
I picked up the phone, waiting for the man behind the glass to do the same. He looked at me confused as he did so, but FP picked up the phone nonetheless. “Do I know you?” He asked me, I smiled and showed him my neck, I knew that when I was younger, I was the only one who had their tattoo on their neck.
“(y/n)?” He whispered, I smiled and nodded, “You have the same smile, but you should be...” His voice faded and I gave a wry grin, “Dead.” I told him, causing him to flinch. I nodded, “Its fine,” I explained to him my story, including who I knew it was. He looked at me shocked. “Tall Boy?” He asked, I nodded, “Are you sure?” He asked quietly.
I nodded again, “Positive, I saw him with a can of gasoline, running from my house, I might have been twelve, but I wasn’t stupid.” He nodded solemnly. “Don’t do anything when you’re out, I can help you get out, but promise me, you won’t do or mention anything.” 
We had made an agreement, “I’ll see you at home FP.” I told him. The plans have been made.
Thank you for reading part one of my new series, I hope you enjoyed it!
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stattic-writes · 4 years
Two For One Pt. 2
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xxghostnappaxx · 5 years
If I Were to Write
I haven't written fics in a long time. If I were to get back into writing, what would you like to see?
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I’m Not Her (W.C. 1,232)
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Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Sweet Pea / Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: “You’re in love with her, tell me I’m wrong,” you challenge.
Read on Ao3 here!   Or click Keep Reading below!
     "You are so unbelievable," you huff as you storm into the trailer. Tossing your jacket onto the sofa, you stomp your way into the bedroom.
    Sweet Pea is right on your heels, slamming the front door and making his way down the narrow hallway to lean against the door frame. He rolls his eyes and cockily tips his head.
    "As much as your sass is hot, you're starting to irritate daddy. Now either you cut this shit out and tell me what the hell crawled up your ass tonight or you knock this of to instead knock the headboard against the wall instead." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively but you only glare at your boots as you unlace them and kick them off.
    "Is sex the only thing you ever think about, is that the only thing this relationship is based on. Is that all I am to you? Because I actually like you. That's why for the past two weeks I've planned a nice date night for you and I. I made the reservations, called off work, and bought this brand new outfit for you only to ignore me the minute you spot Archie with Josie!"
    Pea nods in mock consideration, before a smug smile cracks across his face. One you'd really love to smack away.
    "Oh, I get it. You're jealous!"
    You lean over to wail one of your boots at his smug face but, of course, the big oaf ducks before impact. Merely chooses instead to move to approach you and then pull your struggling form against his chest, a chuckle vibrating against your cheek.
    "Isn't that just adorable. Greens definitely your color, baby. But you're being more sensitive than usual, are you PMS-ing or something?"
    You grit your teeth and shove him as hard as you can, managing to put at least 2 feet between the two of you. You take pride in the shocked face Sweet Pea makes at your outburst.
    "You think this is a fucking joke? You  humiliated me."
    Sweet Pea recovers with an annoyed look and eye roll.
    " Jesus God, y/n, chill out. It's not a big fucking deal. You're so fucking irritating anymore."
    You've hit your limit. Instead of saying anything else to him, you decide to take your leave instead. Sweet Pea can't deny the sudden wave of panic as you push past him into the cramped living room. The one he first kissed you in, the one that held the multiple candles you would buy on a whim, the one you both decorated for Christmas with a tree and gifts. He can swear that the smile on your face while you decorated was brighter than any of those lights. He doesn't know why, but in those few seconds it took for you to walk out the door, he's taken back to every memory he's shared with you. His bedroom where you took care of him in when he'd over drink or when he caught the flu. The bed you made love in, well you referred to it as 'making love' but he crudely referred to it as fucking. He remembers how your face fell at that, and it felt like he couldn't breathe. He made his way to where you were pulling on your coat.
    "What are you doing?"
    "I'm leaving," and with those few words Pea's heart clenched.
    "So that's it? It's over?" 'Of course it is you idiot. You betrayed her, you hurt her. Coward.'
    He can't help but to flinch when you turn to him with a face void of any emotion, although your eyes were glassy, he didn't know which sight hurt more.
    "Don't act so surprised. You and I both knew this was coming, it's what you wanted after all, right? That's why you wanted to keep me a secret from people, why you kept on flirting with people, ditching me to listen in on her practices. Why you wouldn't even take me to prom, all because she was with someone other than you. While you were stuck with me, the girl who gave everything she had to you like an idiot." A few traitorous tears escape from the corners of your eyes and he moves to get near you, only stopping as your body goes rigid and you compose yourself once again.
    "I'm done being that idiot, your idiot, Pea. I know now that all I ever was to you was an easy lay, a cook, a maid, a cover-up, an excuse to show up everywhere she was. I was your dirty little secret, your second choice to the amazing Josie McCoy. I thought that I could change your mind, make you see how happy I could make you... even at the expense of my own. I thought if I tried hard enough that I could be enough for you, like she is. But I know now that I'm not her. And that is why I'm not enough for you. But I do know that the smartest thing Josie ever did, was turn away from your bullshit... something I wish I could've done from the beginning." Tears now course steadily down your cheeks, but a weight has lifted off your shoulders with each word. While to Sweet Pea, the words felt like a bullet to his heart.
    'No,' he thought, 'you're my everything. I was so stupid. I'm so sorry. I don't want her, you are enough.'
    "You're in love with her."
    Pea stands there with his mouth opening and closing like a fish, his mind going a million miles an hour with all the things he desperately wants to tell you. 'No. NO. Don't think that baby, you are my light. My love. My happiness. I was just so scared of you, of how much you changed me, changed me into someone so much better than a serpent asshole. I fell for you so hard, so quick, it was easier to push you away than to endure the way you make my heart race the minute I set my eyes on you.' Words he couldn't bring his mouth to say.
    "Tell me I'm wrong," you nearly begged. Oblivious to the war raging inside the boy in front of you, holding your breath in anticipation that for once, he would choose you.
    You nod your head, accepting his silence as his answer. You put your hand on the doorknob and suddenly Pea remembers his functioning vocal cords, but all rational words all pleas and professions of love escape him in his last ditch effort to get you to not leave.
    "Wh-where are you going?"
    "I'm going home."
    "But, but you are home."
    You don't answer, instead pulling the door open and palming your keys. And in that last moment, before you step out of the trailer, out of his life and this single sided relationship, you turn to meet his dark eyes one last time. You don't see the man you fell in love with, not the man who would cook you breakfast in bed, the man you gave your first time to, the man you dumbly hoped to marry one day. No, he wasn't any of those anymore. He was your first heartbreak, a lesson to be learned.
    "Not anymore."
    And with that slamming of the door, the boy fell to his knees in grief while you, like all the memories, were gone.
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bubblegummbutts · 5 years
Polar Opposites
Requested: No (Send in requests! Requests are almost always open!)
Warnings: None, really. General fluffiness all around :D
Pairing(s): Sweet Pea x Male Reader
Summary: No one expected Sweet Pea to date a guy, but even if they did, they would have never guessed he'd go after someone as opposite from him as you.
When Sweet Pea started dating one of the sweetest, if not the sweetest guy in town, everyone was confused. You two were polar opposites. Sweet Pea was a giant hot-headed gang member who couldn't care less for anyone other than himself and his other Serpents, and you were a small, soft guy who wore oversized sweaters, had almost perfect grades, and loved taking care of stray cats whenever you could.
At first, they actually thought that your entire relationship was a lie, a big prank set up by Fangs and Sweet Pea who somehow got an innocent boy in on it. But then they saw you and Sweet Pea together.
Sweet Pea had told them that he was dating someone about a week before they actually saw you. He hadn't even formally introduced the group to you when they saw you, so when they caught you two together, they made sure to hide.
They saw you both when Sweet Pea pulled up to Riverdale High on his motorcycle with you clearly pressed up against his back. And as soon as you both got off, his hands were on you.
They could hear you giggling as Pea buried his face in your neck. They could see your hands cup his cheeks and bring his lips to yours, you smiling into the kiss. They knew the love between the both was genuine as soon as you both pulled away with grins on your faces.
Their assumptions were only confirmed even more so when Sweet Pea actually introduced you to them.
Sweet Pea had informed the Serpents that he was bringing you in with him after school, so they would know not to freak out when an outsider came in, or, definitely more in this case, freak out the outsider.
As soon as Sweet Pea entered with you on his arm, the whole place went silent, all eyes trained on the new guy who stole Sweet Pea's heart.
Your boyfriend brought you in front of the people he hung out with the most: Fangs, Toni, Jughead, and Cheryl. Fangs's eyes immediately went to your intertwined fingers, a small smirk taking over his features.
"Guys, this is my boyfriend, y/n." Sweet Pea turned to you. "Y/n, this is my family."
His smile is soft and contagious, and you can't help but smiling back. You turn your gaze back to Sweet Pea's friends and you give a warm smile, waving with your sweater-covered right hand.
Your voice is smaller than you wanted, and as soon as you spoke, you wanted to shrink. But the assuring squeeze Sweet Pea gave your hand made you puff your chest out slightly in hopes of giving off a vibe of confidence.
The group in front of you was silent. All they did was stare at you silently. It was unnerving to say the least. Fangs glanced at Toni, and they seemed to share a silent conversation.
You slowly moved behind Sweet Pea a bit, your free hand moving to his back. Your heart was pounding in your ears. To say you were nervous would be the biggest understatement you would ever have the displeasure of hearing. You moved behind Sweet Pea even more at the thought.
"Sweets," you whispered, your hand on his back fisting his jacket tightly to the point of your knuckles turning white.
"Oh my god!" Cheryl exclaimed, leaving Toni's grasp on her waist to move towards Sweet Pea.
"He is so adorable!" She grins up at your Sweets who gives an amused smile in return.
Your eyebrows furrow. 'Adorable? She thinks I'm adorable?' You thought to yourself. You slowly made your way back to Sweet Pea's side, pressing yourself against him. Everyone was smiling now.
Fangs was the first to get up. He stretched an open hand to you quickly, which you flinched back from initially. After a second, you slowly put your hand in his, the sleeves of your sweater slightly obstructing your hand from touching his completely.
"I'm Fangs, Sweet Pea's best friend, basically. Nice to meet the guy who he talks about all the goddamn time," he says with a chuckle, a side glance being thrown at Sweets. "Not gonna lie, you're not what I was expecting as a partner of his, but I'm definitely pleasantly surprised."
You smiled, muttering a quiet thank you. The others in front of you made their introductions, you getting more confident as time passed. Your giant of a boyfriend stayed beside you through it all, making sure you weren't too uncomfortable with all the touching and new people.
As soon as all the introductions were over, everything was much more lively in the Serpents' Den. With time, you knew you would grow to love the people and the atmosphere there. You didn't know how you knew, you just did. Even if you didn't, you'd still have Sweet Pea with you through it all.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"Y/N, where did you get that painfully square jacket from?" Toni asked as he walked into the room. Fangs looks up and sees the colors of blue and gold and he immediately knows who's jacket that is. He gets up and smiled at him. "You know, Toni, I think Y/N's got blue balls for Andrews."
"Andrews is a square, Fangs. Y/N doesn't dig squares." Toni said. "Don't tell me you gave that preppy pretty boy your leather jacket? You've got soft, Y/N."
Y/N rolled his eyes. "Cut the gas, Topaz. Archie's cool. He gave me his letterman's jacket. So, I gave him my leather jacket. It ain't like I got money for some fancy ring or necklace to give em."
"He's fallen hard for the square." Fangs noted. "How sweet."
"You both are cruisin' for a bruisin'. Archie's not like other preppies. He's cool, dig?"
"We dig." Toni smiles.
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Almost Vampire Pt 2
Summary: Almost Vampire Pt 2; Fangs/Reader; Reader tries to deny vampires/fangs’ connection
Fangs hover the entire time the doctor is pulling out the glass shards from your hand. He doesn’t say anything about how you’d been talking about vampires the entire time; just carefully makes sure you don’t have any pain medication allergies or have any other injuries; you’re told to rest; you might have a mild concussion which might be causing the memory issues; as the nurse refers to your ramblings.
”Vampires aren’t real.” You snap as Fangs tries to carefully explain some part of their species' lore to you.
“They are Y/N if you would listen to us about what happened with the Ghoulies..”
“You said they do drugs right? And make them? Who’s to say they weren’t doing something to the air when they attacked!”
“It wasn’t drugs; they’re… well they’re a little more messed up than us..”
“Oh so there’s different vampire types?” You scoff and motion for Fangs and Sweet Pea to leave; they both hesitate but do; at least until one of them knocks on the door.
“Fuck off! If you’re really vampires then you have to be invited in; stay out!” You shout a hand clamping over your mouth; it’s far colder than Fang’s hands and you half expect the fingers to snap off from frostbite.
“We don’t need a welcome invitation; a denial works just as well.” “You’re one…”
“Of the ghoulies; perceptive little bitch aren’t you; what do the Serpents want with a human; you’re not anything special..” A hand covers your mouth while the other seems to tear out your stitches before you register the pain.
“Nothing useful about your blood either.”
“It was drugs. This is all drugs, this isn’t real it’s a nightmare.”
“Mhm, nice thought, but no; come on. Serpent’s wanted you for a reason…”
“Vampires aren't real.”
“This again Lance; you can’t keep bringing back such mouthy… oh this is that human the Serpents were fawning over. Her blood any good?”
“Nothing more than any of the other blood bags in this town; it’s at least clean from Jangle.”
“What do they want with her?”
“Fang said I was his bloodmate! That means he’s looking for me! His eyes changed when he drank my blood!!!” You panic a little while still not believing it. You hope that confessing it will either reveal everyone in on the prank or buy you more time until someone notices you’re missing from the hospital.
“Oh, a bloodmate; and he’s fed off of you? What a rare treat.” “What do you mean?” The man laughs and nods back to Lance.
“Bloodmates can feel each other’s pain; and as a human; you're much much easier to hurt; the bonus is if you die; well Fangs, he gets real weak. Really sick; but it’s not like a normal human sickness; vampires don’t get sick really; we decay.”
“Like this.” Lance leans forward and you can see his face change; you realize what was off about them before; they’re rotting.
You don’t even get the chance to react and be disgusted before Fangs is pulling you away and assuring you not to look. You don’t and from the sounds that Sweet Pea and Jughead are causing whatever is going to be left of the Ghoulies won’t be much to look at.
“Do you believe in vampires now?” You chew your lip and almost debate saying no just to hear them freak out. You keep quiet, nodding.
“Okay good.”
“Wait, I have questions…”
“Fangs can answer them; call us if you need.”
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yzngserpent · 6 years
Sweet Pea x Male! Reader
Prompt: sometimes I just feel like writing some filthy shit, and I thought it would be cool to write something where sweet pea isn’t always the bad boy he puts on.
Title: be my daddy?
Warnings: smut • daddy kink • soft SP
haha don’t flag my disgusting mind tumblr im warning you...
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The clock on the living room wall ticked loudly in your ears as you tried to fall asleep. you’d been out at a house party only an hour ago but had left early due to being tired. your boyfriend of only a few weeks Sweet Pea, had been roped into staying by Fangs, which you were fine with, but you were now paying the price as your phone dinged for the 100th time since you had gotten home.
r u awaaake
baaaabyy 😥
you unlocked your phone with a small smirk and typed in your reply.
yes sweets what is it?
just as you tapped send, a loud bang sounded on your trailer door, making you jump up in fright.
it was Fangs.
worry started to swirl in the pit of your stomach as you stood up to answer the door. was sweet pea ok? as you turned the door knob and peered outside, you were met with not only Fangs, but sweets as well who was hanging off of him with a sad look on his face.
“where’s my (Y/N)?”
he whined, and Fangs smirked at you with a playful roll of his eyes.
sweet pea was clearly drunk.
“hi baby”
you cooed in a cocky tone, his eyes lighting up at the site of you.
he leaped into your arms, making you grunt from the impact. the smell of cheap liquor and sweet pea’s scent filled your nose as you let him cuddle into you while you lead him inside.
you gave Fangs a small wave before you shut the door and placed your boyfriend gently on the couch.
“I think I’ll get you some water”
you said, getting up.
“No, stay!”
he whined, pulling you back down.
you laughed quietly, swooning over how cute he was being. for a guy who puts up a bad ass front for everyone else, it made you feel sheepish how different he acted with you.
“I wanna ask you something, but you can’t laugh or think I’m a weirdo, do you promise?”
sweets urged, his eyes staring intently into yours. oh god, what is it? you nodded anyway, facing him.
his cheeks burned bright red before he even began to speak, and you started to feel anxious as he kept stumbling over his words, not forming a coherent sentence.
“sweets what-“
“be my daddy?”
he finally blurted out, causing your jaw to gape open. what did he just ask?
sweet pea stared at you with expectant eyes, his bottom lip caught sexily between his teeth as you let the words sink in. be my daddy.
“ahh! sorry that was fucking stupid!”
pea yelled out as he shot up from the sofa and paced towards the kitchen. you watched him walk away, your eyes undressing him as your cock twitched in your jeans and excitement bubbled in your chest. you thought it might be a wild dream, but you didn’t care, you were going to fuck the bad ass out of him.
you shouted, moving to catch up with him. you grabbed his hips, pushed him firmly up against the fridge, then stared intensely into his dark eyes.
“be a good boy and talk to me, tell daddy what you want”
you half growled, half moaned.
the thought of him whimpering beneath you and calling you daddy sparked a new sense of arousal in you that you hadn’t felt before, and you felt yourself slowly losing your mind.
sweets gasped, then moaned a little, his hands grabbing at your flannel shirt.
“I want you to fuck me so hard daddy, I want you to dominate me”
he whimpered, his hot breath fanning against your face.
you couldn’t help it, you groaned out loud, your hands tightening around his hips.
“anything for my boy”
his lips crashed onto yours, moving feverishly against you and you pushed your tongue into his mouth, asserting your dominance. a few of the fridge magnets tumbled to the ground as you lifted him up by the back of his thighs and carried him towards the bedroom.
lust clouded his mind as he melted into you, the kiss never breaking until you threw him onto the bed and ripped his shirt off his body.
“I want you right nooow”
he damanded, removing his bottom half of clothing quickly by himself. you ripped your own clothes off next, breaking the buckle on your belt in the process.
“I’ll bark the orders around here boy”
you growled.
sweet pea spread his legs for you as you crawled up his body and pressed your hard cock against his. he gasped and grabbed at your shoulders.
“say sorry to daddy”
Sweet Pea bit his bottom lip as you growled him, excitement racing through his veins. but he didn’t reply quick enough. you wrapped your hand around his neck and squeezed, your jaw clenching.
“say it. now.”
“I’m sorry!”
he moaned.
“sorry what?”
“sorry daddy!”
you smirked, leaning down to brush your lips against his.
“good boy”
you whispered.
Sweet Pea let out another moan as you skilfully licked his bottom lip. he began to fall apart beneath you as you left open mouthed kisses down his neck, teasing him by slightly rocking your hips into him.
“daddy please”
his whimpers drove you crazy but you continued to tease him, sucking and biting his neck while trailing your fingertips along his thighs. sweet pea’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he bucked his hips up, hoping to feel you.
“beg for it baby”
you whispered, biting down against his already marked skin.
sweets ran his hands up the back of your neck and gripped tightly onto your hair, making your cock harden even more.
“please what?”
you growled again, biting down on his neck. he whined and rocked his hips up, gripping onto your (hair color) hair even tighter.
“please daddy... touch me! fuck me! I want you so bad, d-daddy please!”
his desperate whines made you groan out loud, he was so unbelievably sexy when he did that, something you thought you would never see. but it was all you needed.
you spat violently into your hand, lubed yourself up, then pressed the tip of your cock against his entrance, making him gasp. his legs were now over your shoulders and your hands were placed next to his head as you pushed deeper into him.
“ow!” he cried out.
you could see the pain on his face, but it only turned you on even more. he stared into your eyes helplessly and reached for you.
you grabbed his hands and pushed them back down, firmly holding them in place.
“no, no. this is what you begged for baby”
goosebumps raised all over his skin as your hot breath tickled his ear, making his cock throb with need.
you gave him little time to adjust before you began to rock your hips against him, building a steady rythm. his pain very quickly turned into pleasure, and he cried out, a malicious moan erupting from his sweet red lips.
pleasure quickly took over all of your senses, and you were both moaning and swearing against each other.
“oh fu-!”
you quickly slammed your hand over his mouth as you heard the front door open and close. your father, FP Jones had returned home from work.
you listened and waited until he shut his bedroom door, then looked at Sweet Pea with a very cheeky look in your eyes.
“quiet now baby”
you whispered.
you then began to thrust again, deeper, then harder then faster, making sweets fully submit beneath you.
“ooh daddy...”
he moaned, making you put your hand over his mouth again. he moaned into it, and tugged at your hair again, making you muffle your own groans against his sweaty shoulder.
everything about him felt so good and you shamefully didn’t know how much longer you could last. sweet pea watched you with glazed over eyes, his fingers now digging into the skin on your back.
you could feel his hot breath against the palm of your hand and he moaned again, throaty and full of need, almost pushing you over the edge.
“fuck you’re so good baby, such a good boy”
you whispered into his ear, making him whimper in pleasure. he clawed your hand away from his mouth, then seductively began to suck on your fingers, driving you crazy.
“daddy I’m so close”
sweet pea dropped your hand, gripped onto your shoulders and threw his head back with a loud, filthy moan.
you grabbed sweet pea by the hips then skilfully flipped the two of you over so he was now straddling you.
“ride it out baby, fucking ride it out”
you pressed your hand to his mouth again, muffling his whimpers as you thrusted in time with his bounces, your free hand wrapping around his pre cum dripping cock.
it only took you three strokes before his body began to shake and his cum spurted out all over your bare torso. his nails broke the skin on your biceps, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and filthy muffled moans escaped his lips one after the other as your cock and hand made him explode.
the site of him cumming and the feeling of him clenching around you sent you into your own orgasm, and the way he watched you with glazed over eyes made your climax all the more better as you released inside of him.
his dark and thick black hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, and as you removed your hand from his swollen mouth, his forehead fell against yours and you both sat there in silence, slowly coming back down to earth.
• • •
“hey there brother”
smirked Jughead.
you replied, moving your gaze from your phone screen to the front of the classroom.
Jughead had called a serpent meeting in school, and you and Fangs were the first ones there. the others arrived a few minutes late, including sweets.
when he saw you he smiled and made his way over to the desk you were sitting on. you greeted him with a quick kiss on the lips then he sat down on the desk chair beside you.
“looks like you two had fun last night”
it was Toni who spoke up first.
Sweet Pea’s cheeks flushed a crimson red and he looked at you with cheeky eyes. his neck was covered in small bite marks and fresh hickeys, not easy to hide.
everyone looked at the two of you, their faces wary but snickering. sweet pea looked away from you and adverted his gaze towards Toni.
“that’s none of your business Topaz”
he said.
she put her hands up in fake surrender, then Fangs kicked off next.
“oh come on sweet pea, (Y/N), give us some details!”
Fangs then moved over to his best friend and playfully grabbed his shoulders, giving him a little shake. the two of them playfully fought until Jughead spoke up again.
“I’m not sure (Y/N) is the right name for my brother anymore...”
your eyes darted to your brother, a warning look in your eyes. your heart sped up in nervousness, and Sweet pea pushed Fangs away, his eyes moving to look at you.
“oh? well what is the right name?”
Toni smirked, looking from Jughead to you.
“That’s enough!”
you shouted as you launched at him.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Open Your Eyes - Chap 4 (Birth)
Requested: Anon Hello! Can I request a fangsxreader where she’s jughead sister and dating Fangs and instead of Fangs the reader is the one who gets shot and fangs is like super worried and thinking that reader could die? I love loveloveeee your blog so much thanks.
A/N: here is the long-awaited chap 4, I wrote this one a different way and I was going to put it into chapters but I figured I mine as well give it to you all at once. I hope you guys love it as much as I do. 
Warnings: None that I can think of except cursing and talks of pregnancy and birth.
Word Count: almost 6000
Taglist: @chipster-21
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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First Trimester
Coming home wasn’t bad you moved in with Fangs full time since you had planned to before the accident anyway. He was the sweetest to you, constantly helping. You couldn’t walk alone for a bit. It was tough for the first two weeks you couldn’t stand for longer than 10 minutes at a time due to the pain. The Serpents were being beyond helpful with everything, meals were constantly being brought to your trailer and everyone was spending time with you especially Toni and Sweet Pea. Healing was going pretty well but honestly, the worst part was the nausea. At first, you didn’t have much morning sickness but the second week home you felt like it was all you were doing. Yeah, most people get morning sickness but for you, it was so much worse. The gunshot wound you had was still healing and it was situated right below your bra line. Every time that you would lean over to throw up a massive pain would rip through your entire body. But you didn’t wanna bother Fangs with it and he was quite the heavy sleeper so you didn’t have to. That was until you got up by yourself one morning to go throw up and you bent over to quickly causing one of your stitches to tear, eliciting a loud scream from you. Fangs ran in basically ripping the bathroom door off its hinges before seeing you curled on the floor in a white shirt with a small blood spot forming.
“Baby, baby oh my god what happened”
“I… I don’t know Fangs”
“Baby let me see” He lifted your shirt slowly.
“Okay baby you tore a stitch, it’s gonna be fine okay. I’m gonna carry you to the car and we are going to go to the hospital, okay?”
“I don’t wanna go back Fangs I just got home”
“I know babe, but gotta make sure bub is good okay”
“Fangs what if…”
“No everything's fine just need to fix you up a bit”
“Okay” You tried standing up we're having trouble standing
“C'mere” He helped you stand and walk out to the truck keeping a  towel pressed to your stitches as he drove. “Baby we’re here let’s go in” after going into the doctor told you that you had torn a stitch throwing up. He was going to get you a prescription for anti-nausea meds so the likelihood of you tearing another one would be slim.
“You know babe I told you I didn’t wanna come back here unless it was for the baby”
“Yell well it was, they tore my stitch asshole”
“Already calling our baby an asshole are we?”
“Leave me be Fogarty”
“I just wanna go home and sleep”
“We can babe we can just pick the prescription up from the desk on the way out”
After you scare nothing else was really going on. Your stitches and wound healed flawlessly, your baby was healthy, and you and Fangs were happy as can be. You started having food cravings makings Fangs get up at two in the morning to get you the weirdest combinations but he really didn’t give a damn because he knew it was to make you and the baby happy. You had been spending a lot of time with friends and the other serpents trying to understand what it would be like to mom but everyone was always telling you you’d know when it happened. You would just ‘get it’ whatever that meant. Luckily Pea could keep your mind off of it his goofy self always scheming up some sort of trouble. He was coming over to watch movies with you and Fangs and he was bringing over some pizza. Do you waited so hungry you actually guaranteed Fangs that you would eat your pet pig if Pea didn’t hurry up. He knew you’d never hurt your sweet girl but thought it was funny that you were getting so hungry even though you ate less than an hour beforehand.
“He better hurry the fuck up Fogarty”
“I can’t control him”
“Ugh I'm dying!” and luckily he knocked on the door right then. You got up instantly grabbing the pizza from his hands.
“What I don’t get a hug or hello, or even a thanks for bringing you food”
“M’hungry you took too long jackass. But thank you” you ran up giving him a quick hug before sitting back down in front of the pizza. You saw him take fries out of a bag and then watched as he pulled out a wrapped sandwich.
“Pea if that is a cheesesteak I beg of you not to open it”
“I got a big one figured it’s your fav so we could all share”
“Don’t. Open. It!” But he did, and as soon as the smell hit your nose you were getting up almost tripping before Fangs caught you and ran with you to the bathroom door holding your hair back, Pea coming up behind you.
“What the fuck happened”
“She can’t eat them anymore, makes her sick”
“She just ate one like two weeks ago!”
“Makes her sick now, guess the baby doesn't like it. We went to the pizza shop on main like last weekend and as soon as she smelled one she was in the toilet throwing up we only figured it out cause we ordered one to go cause we figured she just got sick from nausea and when we got home and I opened it she threw up again”
“That’s weird as shit”
“Tell me about it! I’m sorry Pea but could you close it up maybe eat it later”
“Course Y/N”
“Thanks, Pea”
“No problem gotta make sure the little one is happy”
Second Trimester
Your first trimester went along relatively smoothly, yeah for sure you had nausea. Your baby made your life hell with the foods you used to love to eat and now hated, but overall it was pretty easy. Fangs was by your side through all of it and the Serpents for sure helped out a lot.
At the beginning of your second trimester, your baby bump was prominent. You remember the first time fangs saw it like it was yesterday. You were doing stuff around the trailer lazy as can be all day and had thrown on one of his shirts that you always wore. It was tighter than usual but honestly, you really didn’t care that much, you just wanted to be comfortable and you always were in his clothes. When he came home from work you were standing over the stove cooking dinner. He came in through the front door and saw you standing there sideways, and just dropped everything that he was holding. You looked over to him in shock not even hearing him come through the door.
“Babe, you okay?”
“I’m more than okay, oh my god Y/N”
“What?” “Your belly”
“You haven’t looked in the mirror today, have you? No...”
“But Fangs the food”
“Turn it off, please”
“Fine” he led you to the bedroom and stood you in front of the mirror slowly lifting the shirt over your belly you had just not paid any attention to recently.
“It looks like you started showing overnight”
“That’s impossible”
“Is it?”
“I don’t know to be honest”
“But I know how it will get bigger”
“How’s that?”
“The food on the stove cause I'm starving and I bet you are too”
“I’m always hungry Fogarty, your baby loves food”
“Just like daddy”
“Oh god now I'm gonna call you daddy”
“Baby you always call me daddy”
“Be good your baby is in here”
“Yeah how do you think it got there”
“You are so bad! Go finish the food”
“Okay princess you pick a movie okay?”
The middle of the second trimester was going smoothly expect you felt kinda gross, you started having a bit of hip pain and you actually kicked Fangs in the balls while sleeping. The doctor wasn’t kidding when she said you'd have leg spasms. You felt so bad after because he shot up in bed in shock and you had no idea you even did it until he yelled out what the fuck was that for and you woke up. Luckily it only happened once though.
The middle is where the bad parts started. You really just wanted to stay home and be left alone and do nothing but Fangs was not letting that happen at all.
“Baby I don’t wanna do anything!”
“Why not”
“Cause I don’t look good I look fat, I can barely see my feet, and I haven't been able to see my vagina or shave my legs in months I am a fucking hairy beast, now leave me the fuck alone”
“I’m not leaving you alone baby, this baby is partially my fault so it is only right that I tame the hairy beast”
“I’m gonna kill you”
“What I think your hair is cute”
“Fangs! Go! Away!”
“I’m! Not! Leaving! You!, Just let me help you!”
“Help me what?”
“I already ran the bath just go get in and I’ll be in, in a sec”
“Fine” You walked in a sat in the warm tub, it felt so nice on your hip and muscles and an instant relaxation hit your body instantly. He walked in shorts on and shirtless as he sat on the edge of the tub carefully grabbing your leg and situating it on the edge of the tub next to him at an angle.
“Fangs what are you doing?”
“Shaving your legs”
“You’re what!”
“Shaving your legs then you can’t be mad for being a hair beast”
“So I am hairy!”
“No, no I just know you wanna be shaven so I figured why not help since you can’t reach”
“It’s so gross though”
“Baby I’m about to watch you push out a baby in a few weeks I highly doubt this is that gross”
“Thank you”
“No need to thank me, baby, like I said I will always be here to help”
“Can you get in the bath with me after”
“Of course”
Towards the end, you were anxiously awaiting your baby shower. You didn’t want to have one but all the Serpents insisted that you needed to considering they have all been there throughout your pregnancy. Fangs sent you on a trip with Toni for a week or two, wanting you to have perfect relaxation before you got into the final run of the pregnancy. You were finally back and were going to meet him at the Wyrm. You walked in expecting nothing only to be surprised by all the Serpents and a bunch of rainbow balloons. You waved everyone hello as Toni handed you a mock mimosa.
“Thanks, T”
“No problem, you happy”
“I guess I just… why is everyone making this big of a fuss about me?”
“Because this is the first serpent baby we’ve had in like 5 years everyone is super excited, not many of these people have a huge family you know that”
“Yeah I guess, do you know where Fangs is?”
“He said he was coming later” You felt a tap on your shoulder to see Fangs behind you.
“Your back”
“I missed you so fucking much Fogarty never send me on a trip again unless you come”
“I’m sorry I just wanted you to have a good time”
“I did but I missed the fuck out of you, guess what?” “Hm?”
“I was playing videos of us cause I missed you, and the baby moved a little when you talked in the video”
“Maybe tonight I can sing to her”
“I’d like that a lot”
“Hey do you think we should announce the gender”
“Mhm, I have an idea” You remembered seeing the board when you had walked in. The board with tallies on whether it was a boy or girl. So you pulled fangs with you and walked up to the board handing him chalk. As you both led your hands to the board everyone was watching as fangs circled girl and you crossed out boy. You never heard the Whyte Wyrm be so loud before. And as soon is it died down Toni was screaming “Gift Time”. In your opinion, it may have been the best part. Most of the Serpents have their own trade or skill. Some were sewers, some builders, some seamstresses, painters, finishers, chefs, etc. It was nice getting gifts that had just a bit of every one of them. But then came Pea as he came up a giant box wrapped in recycled newspapers. You appreciated the reuse of the paper.
“So I know it won’t work yet but I saw it and I had to buy it”
“Ok…” You opened the box to see a tiny toy motorcycle for your bay to ride. “Pea…”.
“You don’t like it… I know it was crazy I’m sorry I just thought maybe you would and if you're mad I can return it…”
“Stop, I love it”
“You do!”
“You do!” that is all you heard from everyone.
“Of course I do. Motorcycles are a big part of every one of us. This baby is going to grow up seeing them everywhere, so why not let her ride a little toy one. My baby is gonna be a badass and we all know it”
“I’m glad you said that” He handed you a smaller box that when you opened it was filled with a rubber throwing star.
“What is my baby is gonna be a ninja!? No Pea this is where I draw the line”
“Thought so, I’ll just give them to Fogarty to practice his aim”
“Hey! I have perfect aim, hence the bun in the oven”
“Ew Fogarty”
“You have one more gift baby” “I do? I don’t see any more”
“It’s not here if you wanna stay we can but your gift is at home”
“Oh okay, I mean it is late and I am kinda tired can we go?” “Yeah of course” You thanked everyone for coming and said goodbye. Fangs then helped you into his truck as he began the drive home. But he was taking a different way than normal.
“Fangs where are you going”
“Do you trust me?”
“Then close your eyes for me and you can’t open them until I tell you”
“Uhm okay but you know if you wanted to kill me you should've done it before the bun”
“Your insane now close your eyes baby”
“Okay” So you sat with your eyes closed and slowly felt the rock come to a stop as you heard Fang’s door open and close and then heard yours open.
“Can I open my eyes”
“Not yet” He grabbed your hand leading you out of the truck before you came to a stop. “Okay, now”
“You opened your eyes to see a beautiful single story trailer like home. It was bigger than the RV trailer you were currently in.
“Fangs what…” You looked up to see a Welcome Home banner.
“Welcome home baby”
“What do you mean welcome home…”
“Well FP called, said this trailer was available it has three bedrooms since its super long oh and a living room and kitchen… clearly haha. So I sent you with Toni and Me, Pea and a bunch of the Serpents fixed it up during the week you were gone. I figure we would need more space you know with the baby coming and maybe if we eventually have another baby or a dog or something. I know it’s not a house or anything and I wish I could do more but…” You stepped up to him a hand landing on his cheek.
“Stop it. Don’t you ever and I mean ever apologize that you can’t do enough for us. Everything you do is incredible Fangs. You do so much more than I could even think to ask, and I love you so much for it. I would live in a cardboard box if it meant being with you. The fact that you did this for us I can’t even put into words how much I love you Fangs”
“I love you so much baby” Tears were flowing as he dragged you into the trailer. The trailer looked brand new.
“Fangs this is…”
“Do you not like it, we can change the color if…”
“No Fangs, this is beautiful”
“Oh thank god, do you wanna see the nursery”
“Mhm,” He led you to a room down the hallway after showing you your master in and of itself was freaking beautiful. Nicer than any room you ever had in your life. You could tell how careful he was at matching the colors, how well he listened to the things you liked. He opened the door to the nursery to reveal a perfectly sized room. It was beautiful, there was a chair for you to sit, the walls were paneled with tea, black and white paint as well as brown wood. And then you looked to the center to see a very unique crib, it was round something you had never seen. But what hit you the most was the fact and that you and fangs hadn’t really talked much about the nursery in the past few months. But the fact that he remembered the one time you had said you wouldn’t wanna make your baby girls room pink if you ever had a girl hit a nerve in you. The fact that he remembered that one small detail made your heart swell.
“Fangs… I love it”
“Oh thank god I’m so glad I didn’t know and everyone was telling me to do pink but I know you said you wouldn’t wanna force pink or blue on a child wanting them to grow up how they wanted and so I told everyone you’d love it this way and im so glad you do”
“I love it so much it’s honestly perfect and I love this crib it’s so unique”
“Yeah, I uh couldn’t find one to fit in here that I liked and I didn't want it anchored on a wall cause the room looked smaller, anyway Lynae came in”
“Pea’s aunt?”
“Mhm, anyway she came in cause she wanted to see the teal to get Andi to make the pillows for the chair and saw that I still needed one and told me not to buy one. A few days later, this was on the porch with a note saying she made it and everything. I already thanked her don’t worry. But yeah I never would have thought a round crib”
“It’s beautiful”
“Oh and toni picked up some of the decorations, and Pea apparently helped pick out the fabrics for the curtains and stuff”
“No way”
“Yeah?” “Are you happy?”
“Of course I am why?”
“I just… I know it’s all so fast ya know. Like you get shot found out were having a baby and then we move in together and then I get us this bigger trailer and… I don’t know I just wanna make sure your happy”
“We practically lived together anyway Fangs, and regardless no matter where we are I always wanna be with you, because where I am doesn’t matter because when I am with you I’m happy”
“I love the both of you so fucking much”
Third Trimester
The third trimester was going along quite smoothly in a way it was the easiest part of your pregnancy even though you felt like every time you walked you were carrying a bag of bricks. But Fangs was helping out with everything and being the sweetest as possible so you couldn’t really complain.
The beginning of your third trimester went along quite well. The first time Fangs really felt and saw the baby move. It was incredible. You were at the Wyrm most of the day before coming home to go to bed. You hadn’t eaten much for some reason you were super nauseous during the day so as you were laying in bed Fang’s hand on your belly he felt your stomach move a little.
“Is mama hungry?”
“You hungry baby”
“Not really.. Stomach still hurts a… OW”
“Holy shit!” he was watching your stomach, completely saw the foot that had just kicked you. “I saw it Y/N, I saw her foot!”
“Yeah and I felt it jesus christ it’s like shes a god damn kick boxer”
“Oh, baby are you okay?” “Yeah, yeah I’m good” He laid his head next to your belly before slowly singing a song to your almost grown bean. She was moving slightly at the sound of his voice and eventually stilled. To you, it was almost as if she had fallen asleep.
At the middle of your third trimester, you had decided to go to the mall by yourself. You needed to pick up a birthday gift for Toni. However, it didn’t go to plan because as you were walking through the mall you heard a baby cry, and then after you were walking towards the store you kept seeing people looking at your breasts. You felt very uncomfortable so you went to the bathroom to see if there was something on your shirt and of course something you didn’t expect to happen did. Your breasts leaked because of the baby you heard crying like motherly instinct or some bullshit you didn’t care. You were upset and pissed off. You had Fangs drop you off at the mall saying you needed alone time so you called him to pick you up and he did instantly.
“Baby are you ok…”
“No Fangs I’m not do you see my shirt!, Just bring me home!”
“I brought you one of mine you can slip on if you want”
“Thanks” He eventually pulled up to your home as you waddled your way inside you saw Pea sitting on the couch. “Ugh!” You ran to your bedroom laying flat back against the bed and stared up at the ceiling.
“Baby cmon talk to me, what happened?”
“No Fangs it’s embarrassing”
“Baby I've been with you for a while through thick and thin I don’t think anything you do could be that embarrassing to me”
“My boobs leaked okay”
“What do you mean”
“I don’t know Fangs I just got Toni’s gift and I was gonna walk around and shop some more but then I heard a baby cry and all these people started looking at me so I went into the bathroom and my fuckingshirt had wet spots on it. I think I leaked” He walked over instantly placing his hands onto your cheeks.
“Baby that isn’t embarrassing at all that is your body telling you that you are ready for this abby. Your body saying that you are ready to protect your own child and provide them with what they need”
“But baby It was so embarrassing”
“Yeah well I don’t think those people should have been staring it is a natural thing that happens, how bout I go put a few extra shirts in the car and one in your backpack that way if it happens again you’ll have clothes”
“That would be good thankyou baby”
You waddled out to the living room to see Pea sitting on the couch. “Hey pea”
“Hey Y/N you okay”
“Yeah Fangs made it better I was having a moment”
“Ahh hormones”
“We don’t have to talk about this Pea”
“No it’s okay I wantto how has everything been since…”
“Oh my god the fight yeah my hormones were raging that night, but that guy deserved it who the fuck parks behind someones truck so they can’t get out and then he hit your bike! I don’t know why Fangs was so mad”
“Y/N I get where your coming from like you had every right to be pissed Iget that however, you are very pregnant. You’re what 28 weeks…”
“Okay 30 weeks and you literally punched a guy in the face!”
“Yeah and I knocked his ass out cold”
“You did which I’m impressed but… if you didn’t and he came at you, you could’ve been hurt he was just trying to be protective”
“I know”
“You guys talking about me”
“Hey babe”
“Always Fogarty, I’m the only one she complains to”
“Good to know”
“I’ll be right back guys gotta Pee” You got up waddling to the bathroom but before you shut the door you heard Pea
“Hahaha look at her waddle”
“You do realize she can kill you and get away with it, right?”
“Okay your not wrong”
“Sweet Pea! I heard that! Don’t forget what I did to the guy at the Wyrm!”
“Couldn’t dream of it now go pee before you pee yourself”
“Okay, that was one time!”
“Yeah on my carpet!”
However,  the end of the third trimester came and you were miserable. It felt like your back was breaking your hips were tearing out of your body and you for some reason had headaches almost all the time. You were more than ready to get this baby out of you. You were at the Wyrm, knowing that in a month you most likely wouldn't be for a little while considering you’d have a newborn. You were hanging out with everyone and it was going pretty smooth. Fangs was talking to Pea and you to Toni.
“So how has everything been”
“Good it’s just getting tougher ya know like I feel like I should be used to it but walking is a chore, and the cravings ughh all I want is mac n cheese all the time. But oh my god the other day I had Fangs give me Pasta literally I didn’t want it cooked like he cooked it but then it wasn’t appetizing I literally just wanted to eat hard pasta”
“That’s weird”
“Tell me about it, but I mean it’s been good I’m just ready for her to come out” Your jaw clenches as you felt a cramp run through your lower stomach.
“Fangs is going to be running around like a chicken with his head cut off when that happens” You laughed slightly before instinctively grabbing onto your stomach with a wince on your face. “Babe you okay”
“Yeah I’m fine T just like a tightness right here” You grabbed her hand placing it onto your lower belly “it’s fine though I’m… fuck that hurts” “Are you in labor”
“I… it’s too early, I don’t know get Fangs!” He ran up quickly Pea following and everyone looking as he grabbed your hand “Fang’s I don’t know what’s going on it’s like a cramp”
“Oh my god, your having contractions we need to go the hospital now, fuck fuck the baby is coming to early oh my god we need to go come on get up baby…”
“Fangs chill”
“Pea Your telling me to chill when my girl is in LABOR. L. A. B. O. R. I need to get her to a…”
“Just stop, Y/N how bad are they, are they consistent”
“Just feels kinda crampy, not unbearable not to bad, and not consistent at all”
“It’s braxton hicks”
“It’s what now?”
“Braxton hicks, it’s like the bodies way of getting you ready it’s like false labor pains but they are more crampy then like a real pain” “How do you…” “Pea… how do you know this”
“I looked it up Fogarty, I mean Y/N your my best friend aside from this doofus I figured I should know some stuff cause if he’s not with you I am”
‘Okay well can you tell me how to stop them Pea cause they're real uncomfortable”
“Yeah, T can you grab her some warm tea or somethin”
“Yeah of course be right back”
“There isn’t really a cure for them but if the tea doesn’t work on the ride home Fangs can run you warm bath okay?”
“Thanks, Pea”
“No problem”
Now it was time to give birth you were so ready. You had one of the Serpents coming over who was a trained doula for years she had helped the Serpents give birth since everyone hated hospitals so much, Fangs, Toni and Pea were going to be with you and everything was on track, until it wasn’t. You water didn’t break on your due date. 10 days past his due date. 5 days ago you thought labor was starting but it didn’t. You woke up at 3 your water broke you felt the wetness of the bed and you thought it was go time, you were ready for it to be go time. You woke up Fangs the pains were not too bad to start it it was painful but not unbearable. He called everyone to the house. Fangs, Toni, Pea, and Vani your doula. The pain got worse. You were going through what was called back labor. Your baby girl wasn’t facing the right way which meant her spine was along your spine and it caused major pain, pain that you couldn’t even begin to describe. Fangs was holding your hand the whole time. It wasn’t like what they told you to be prepared for. You were prepared for stomach pain, and stomach cramps but no your back was spazzing and the pain was radiating through your entire spine. It was ungodly, worse than the pains of being shot in all honesty.
“I wish I could take some of the pain princess”
“I know Fangs, but ya can’t so it is what it is babe” He looked sad, one thing Fangs always hated was seeing you in pain. “sorry, that was rude” 
“It’s okay you get a free pass”
It was 7 ½ of back labour and you had no relief. It wasn’t like what they told you at all. Usually you would have a contraction and then be able to rest, but since you were in back labor you had no period of rest. Your back and body was in so much pain that it was getting so hard to focus on anything. Fangs eventually led you to the bath since a hot compress was relieving your back slightly he thought the water would help. See the plan was that Fangs was going to stay out of the water just incase something had to happen. But after he heard your screams of pain, the almost grunting he couldn’t just stand next to you. He had to be with you, touching you helping you. Between kisses and the whispers of “I love you’s” and “your doing so good mama”, you were feeling a slight bit of relief in the bath with him the hot water running along your back. See you should have been giving birth by now, your body was shaking which is usually to tell you your getting close but after another 40 mins, you were not. So your doula was saying it was time to go to the hospital.
“I don’t wanna go Fangs” You started sobbing, a gentle cry a mix of the pain and the sadness of not being able to do this the way you wanted. It was a cry that that broke Fangs’s heart. He wanted to be able to hold his daughter, wanted to be able to see her and wanted to be a father to her more than anything, but even with all that he never realised how much pain it would cause you.
“Hey it’s gonna be okay, we are all here, we are all gonna stay with you okay, we are just gonna go and your gonna push our little girl out there okay”
“Okay” You both got dressed. The car ride was like torture so much so you amde Fangs pull over after every bump. You got there and everything was fine you were sitting in the bed and the doctor checked you. The pains making you wanna scream, but then everything took a turn. Your doctor informed you that you were only 3cm dilated, after 24 hours of labor you should have been much further along. Since you water had been broken for 24 hours your doctor informed you about the clock ticking down. Your baby needs to come out before infection set in. You wanted to do it naturally and you were deathly afraid of needles, but you had to. For your baby to be safe you were started on pitocin and needed to get an epidural, but yous started freaking out.
“Fangs I can’t”
“You have to”
“Y/N I know, you’ve been afraid of needles since we were kids but you gotta do it okay? This baby needs you to it, and we are all right here we won’t let them make us leave you are in charge here”
“Baby look at me. I know how scared you are but I’m gonna hold your hand the whole time okay, and we gotta get our girl out okay”
“Okay, I can do this” Luckily after the epidural the pain subsided enough for you to rest for just a bit, Fangs next to the bed rubbing his hand along your side.
But then the doctor came in to check you again after 35 hours of labour you were only 3.8 cm dilated meaning that something drastic needed to happen. But you knew she wasn’t progressing you almost felt it, you knew she wasn’t gonna come out and you were starting to not feel good at all you needed her out and you knew she needed to come out. And then the worst thing you heard, you needed to have a c-section. You knew the risks it’s why you chose home birth in the first place. You didn’t want all the medicine you thought you were strong enough to do it on your own.
“I wanted to do it Fangs”
“I know baby, but this isn’t your fault you know that, she’s just being difficult like her mama. And I'm not leaving you okay? They are bringing me scrubs right now I am going to be right there with you okay?”
“Nothing will make me leave you in there okay”
You got wheeled in and numbed You couldn’t see anything due to the cover but then you saw it. Your daughter being lifted up. You saw her she was born out o you and after a few seconds, they placed her onto your chest. She was finally here, and you felt the biggest since of relief, as one of Fang’s hands laid on your cheek and the other on her head. And you heard the quiet sobs coming from him almost louder than your own. You handed her to him as he held her close to your face and they finished stitching you up.
“She’s here baby you did it”
“We did it Fangs” You saw the tears welling in his as he looked at his newborn daughter and you, his girl who was so strong through it all. “baby are you crying”
“Of course I’m crying”
“I love you”
“I love you too, I love both of you so damn much”
40 hours total was your birth story. 40 hours of waiting for your baby girl and she was finally here. Finally ready to be in a family of love and care, and you were so ready to bring her to meet her amazing, dysfunctional family.
Yes having a baby was the highlight of your day, but the highlight the next morning was when you woke up.
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miffy-melly · 5 years
Dating Fangs Fogarty would include...
A/N > so literally pulled this outta my ass... just now! So their are probably sum grammar errors throughout this sorry! Now I really want sum food and to watch movies with sumone.
Pairing > Fangs fogarty x plus size reader
Warnings > Nope
Pairing > Riverdale
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PDA, hes absolutely obsessed with kissing, holding hands, hugs, honestly hes all over you sweetheart.
Study sessions; eventually end up as make out sessions.
Hanging out at the white Wyrm (Its called the white wyrm rignt??? havent watched riverdale in a hot minute!)
Total cuddle fest when you guys do movie nights!
Simple dates such as going to pops or cruising around.
Sharing a milkshake and sum fries. Damn I'm makin myself hungry.
Hanging out with the gang ya know.
Hecka protective. I mean who wouldn't be, you adorable bean!
Gets all flustered when you kiss him outta the blue.
Surprise tickle attacks, always be on guard.
Likes to fart under the blankets then put the blanket over your head. What a savage.
Loves to bake/cook with you! Until it turns into a food fight. He always starts it first tho.
Loves to hug you from behind mainly to surprise you.
Loves to receive and give nose and neck kisses!
Likes to leave love bites on you that are very noticeable.
Smug little shit laughs when you get all flustered when people point out the hickies he left on you.
Gets full of himself when people tell him how lucky he is to have sumone like you.
He seems like a boob guy... totally a boob guy loves ya boobs. Small, medium big doesnt matter! He loves them!
Loves your plump figure/shape, total sucker for your figure/shape.
Enjoys sneakin into your bedroom late at night to cuddle. Especially if hes had a rough day.
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