incorrect-hs-quotes · 8 months
Roxy: stop rping with ghatgpt. you should be rping with a bisexual internet woman u have a relationship that constantly straddles the line between platonic and sexual with. tyou're ruining the ecosystem
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 3 months
Bonus Time!!
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chemical-bunz · 2 years
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Venus: the first star at Dusk
A Twilight Sparkle x Starlight Glimmer fusion :D
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pcstan · 14 days
i have danganronpa fankids but they're like. "this one is byakuya's and makoto's. these two are byakuya's and toko's (they are twins). this one is byakuya's and izuru kamukura's. this one is izuru and junko's. this one is junko's and makoto's. this one is yasuhiro's and makoto's." and EXACTLY TWO OF THEM ARE FLESHED OUT WITH NAMES
That's great too!! Tell me about the ones that are fleshed out and if you want help fleshing out the rest I'm always, always up to help!!
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laikahh · 1 year
theres a fan emoji 💖💕💗 eheee 🪭
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kkolg · 8 months
Does Kimber have some strange habits? (Your nuzi fankind I mean, is Kimber it's name I can't remember)
He’ll chew his tail if he’s bored or thinking about something
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He also hangs from a pole in his room (Uzi put it up) and sleeps there sometimes (not really a habit but I thought I’d mention it anyway)
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hs-transfusion · 7 months
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HEMO: Blue (#004182) TROLLTAG: graveArtisan [GA] SIGN: Scorvir, Sign of the Radiant STRIFE: fankind MODUS: Origami LUNAR SWAY: Derse MYTH. ROLE: Witch of Blood LAND: Land of Thorns and Ivory
GA: This Will Be Over With Much Sooner If You Would Just. Stay. Still.
Kanaya is responsible for what LITTLE FASHION INDUSTRY THERE IS on Alternia, using her HIGHBLOOD STATUS to influence the ARTISTIC DIRECTION OF CLOTHING as best she can. She will happily use her MIND-CONTROL ABILITIES to force subjects to model for her for extended periods of time, as she sees it as nothing more than THE BETTERMENT OF AESTHETICS.
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Kanaya's VISION THREEFOLD allows her to see both in front of her AND BEHIND HER, as all mothers naturally have eyes on the back of their heads. When she isn't busy with a THREAD AND NEEDLE, she enjoys hosting EXTRAVAGANT PARTIES, reading NOVELS OF THE GRIMDARK VARIETY, and has taken a passing interest in PAINTING. Unfortunately, she's terrible at the latter.
Kanaya's ORIGAMI Fetch Modus requires a blank captchalogue card to be FOLDED INTO a rough approximation of an item she wishes to retrieve.
Kanaya's lusus is classified as the SILKEN CAVERNGRUB; a colossal silkworm that BURROWS THROUGH THE GROUND to eat enough minerals to produce COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SILK for her charge. Kanaya has strictly trained her lusus to NEVER DIG UNDER HER OWN HVIE for the sake of not ruining her outside garden.
The Land of THORNS AND IVORY is a dreary place, lined with THICK HEDGE MAZES, POSH MANORS and LIFELIKE STATUES OF DEMENTED BEASTS. These statues have a funny habit of DISAPPEARING when left unattended. The land's denizen HERA appears to be TRAPPED beneath a thick brush of thorny roses, seemingly AWAITING RESCUE.
Kanaya's ancestor is known as LADY SERICULT, a rich socialite that strived to ENTERTAIN like nobody else. She was the BEST HOST THERE IS, period. Rumour has it that those she fancied were lured to her personal quarters, BOUND IN SOFT SILK like a spider-web, and kept as PERSONAL PLAYTHINGS, never to be seen again.
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powderpinkwitch · 3 months
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redesign of my Shadamy fankind Damien plus a dadow sketch hehe
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floofnwool · 3 months
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Hi everyone! Long time since my last update. For those who follow me on other social media it may already be obvious, but I have not touched Tumblr since finishing my doujin because I’ve gradually moved on from fandom content and started focusing on original character.
I enjoyed drawing the ferdithea doujinshi and I found out that I really enjoy making comics, which made me wonder if I could become an author of my very own small series.
I’ve made a few artworks of my new OCs and have been writing plenty of stuff and outlines and whatnot! And if you guys are willing to see it I’d love to share. (As usual, I post most updates on patreon)
Here’s also a sample of comic between two characters: Florien and Irina! Yes, that’s right, in case you were wondering, some of the OCs are Ferdithea fankinds repurposed in a new modern AU regarding… opera! Which is rather fitting with the “happy music ever after” narrative of ferdithea. I’d like to imagine it as a sort of sequel, or heritage of the Ferdithea lore.
Don’t feel forced to stay if you were there for ferdithea. I would understand if you were not willing to be invested in original characters. But if you do decide to stay, I’ll be forever grateful and excited to share!
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sntechsupport · 4 months
H3ll0! I hav3 a qu3sti0n r3v0lving ar0und strif3 sp3cibus! If y0u cant answ3r that is c0mpl3tl3y fin3!
(Translation: hello! I have a question revolving around strife specibus! If you cant answer that is completely fine!)
Im having a hard tim3 figuring 0ut a strif3 sp3cibus typ3 f0r mys3lf (m3 as my Tr0lls0na) im a sylph 0f Rag3 purpl3 bl00d, w0uld y0u Happ3n t0 hav3 any sugg3sti0ns f0r a strif3 sp3cibus?
(Translation: im having a hard time figuring out a strife specibus for myself (me as my trollsona) im a sylph of rage purple blood, would you happen to have any suggestions for a strife specibus?)
(Again if this ask isnt answerable it is completely fine! Please do have a nice day and if you do answer my ask thank you and i appreciate your time! :o3 )
Okay, you know what? I am going to get off the clock and answer this one. This is not a tech support problem and SkaiaNet is not responsible for strife secibi in any matter, but I like weapozination.
There really isn’t a best strife specibus, and they are more or less equally distributed among the Classpects. Relatively speaking, I mean. Not many people use, say, syringekind, but those who do are quite equally assigned to all Classpects.
We don’t really collect ethnical data (we don’t actually care), so I can’t say anything about castes.
However. A good strife specibus should be something you have readily avaiable in a variety and are comfortable handling. It does help if it is practical as a weapon, but some people prefer having fun with the concept over the actual usability. What is a thiny you have often in your hand, you know how to use it, and it could cause bodily injury to your opponent? Do you juggle? Clubskind? Ballkind? Confetti grenades are bombkind.
There are two types of strife specibi classification, you will have to stick to one: form and concept.
Form classification describes weapon by their physical form. Bladekind, hammerkind, bowkind, riflekind, fankind, bookkind, you get the idea.
Concept classification describes weapons by their usage, their purpose. Executionerkind, guardkind, stationerykind, lightlind et cetera.
If you find yourself preferring concept classification, your strife specibus will be more versatile as to its content, but you will be more limited in how you can use it, and vice versa. A bladekind will be excellent at cutting anything, but you’ll never get to blunt weapons. Executioner kind gives you some big swords, guillotine and even poisons, but nothing that would help you peel vegetables.
I can hardly pick a specibus for you, I am highly biased towards mine, but hopefully you will find these pointers helpful while you ponder your choice.
Also don’t overthink it. You can have up to 4 strife specibi, and while they are locked to the concept/form side, 4 is enough to cover anything you might need. Hell, most people do just fine with 2.
Gear out.
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 5 months
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Your name is OPHRYS PHILIA.
It gets lonely, being the PRINCE OF NOTHING.
Here in your underwater hive, SECLUDED FROM THE SURFACE, you have little to call comfort save for your collection of PRIZE ORCHIDS, which you keep in an AIRTIGHT and CLIMATE-CONTROLLED VAULT. Like you, they are FINICKY and SENSITIVE TO CHANGE. Unlike you, they have not been HARANGUED BY A LEGION OF SUITORS whom you must chase off with IMPOSSIBLE AND DEADLY TASKS. Nor do they have a BOTTOMLESS VOID of UNSPEAKABLE SECRETS; that is to say, your castle hangs precariously over a DEEP OCEAN TRENCH.
When not caring for your arrangement of flowers you also participate in FLOWER ARRANGEMENT, another detail-oriented task befitting of ROYALTY. You also practice TEA CEREMONY, but one day you'd like to knock back a sugary beverage in peace.
Your trollTag is tragicallyArranged and 🪻You would rather say nothing at all, but when you do, you say it with a flourish. 🪷
Crayola Color: Orchid Pronouns: she/they/thon Sign: Aquiflor, Sign of the Inflorescent, Derse Sway, Voidbound Lusus: Sea bunny nudibranch Ancestor: The Moonward Ceremony Strife: Fankind Theme Song: Orchid by Black Sabbath
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juliberrylive · 6 months
remind me not to listen to Star Wars music on smart shuffle because you will get jump scared by the saddest tracks known to sw fankind
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dipplinduo · 8 months
I will say that I have Dipplinshipping fankinds in mind but I don't like the thought of my blorbos being pregananant so the children just spawned
im in the midst of planning their designs but I have like a million other stuff to do so ill try to get to them soon lol
(Drayton would teach them how to swear trust me on this)
That would be so adorable and I'd love to see it/hear about it!! Honestly don't think I've seen too much of this kind of family side of things yet
The pregananant line also took me back and made me laugh LOL
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re1k0l4d3b1l3 · 12 days
Maerin fankind
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Yelena Kagarin, Ultimate cosmonaut
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Two others version of her
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i-am-why · 11 months
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ALL OF THE NINE SESSION ALL OF THEM!!!! (barring the trio that got split off but who remembers them, am I right :) )
anyway lets see who these bozos really are. :O
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Drobyl Capsid- Maid of Rage
Sign: Gemicorn
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Color: #B5a504
Quirk:yδur δs lδδk just like bug antennas
Strife Specibus: Cardkind
Drobyl's is like a "big sister" to the other trolls. She has their backs most of the time and is generally more level-headed than other trolls. Drobyl tries to use tarot cards and other "psychic" abilities to make up for her lack of actual psychic powers. She is short tempered and holds deep grudges against others and gets quite vulgar at times.
She also holds an interest in fasion and clothing holding many different clothing designs throughout the session. The one above though is the main one shown.
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Equios Spetro- Page of Heart
Trollhandle: equilibrateTerrene
Sign: Leicorn/Lelo
Lunar Sway: Equirate
Color: #004f53
Strife Specibus: Snpriflekind
The key to everything and nothing at all, he is the only known Equirate dreamer. He is also colorblind to the .
Equios is a huge idiot in the nine session, despite his insane significance to the story and seemingly bombastic Antimateriel rifle he seems to always be the most useless to others getting killed and then revived to equirate while also getting preyed on by Jaulon.
Inexplicably Equios only exists in the alpha timeline, there are no alternate dreambubble versions of him nor can he exist in any alternate timelines. Whenever a split in the timeline appears he disappears from that plane of existence. When Equios is prompted about his alpha timeline “exclusivity” he will go on a long explanation of a bogus “ritual” that requires an insane amount of luck which would “summon” him into the world. Somehow though whenever he explains the ritual Equios will forget details and steps in it eventually creating an entirely new bogus ritual that requires equally insane steps to complete. Oddly enough though, his “ritual of theseus” somehow was prophetic in a way foreshadowing future events in the story. Perhaps if someone was able to have the luck to actually preform these rituals something special may happen in the session.
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Vorrau Vonhoff- Heir of Hope
Trollhandle: gamblingAddict 
Sign: Virnius
Lunar Sway: Derse 
Color: #00A86B
Quirk: Speaks with a very calm and professional demeanour, but can be very FUCKING demanding when need be. 
Strife Specibus: Pencilkind (l ater swapped for wrenchkind)
Fetch Modus: Pokermodus 
Instrument:  Baritone Saxophone
Vorrau as a bit of a douchebag who has a large penchant for gambling.
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Zeliet Pyrope- Rogue of Mind
Trollhandle: celadonGrifter
Text color: #008282
Quirk: 4lw4ys repl4ces the letter 4 with the number 4, 4nd never c4pit4lizes the first letter of 4 sentence.  when she’s being dr4m4tic…. her punctiu4tion comes in groups of 4!!!!
Strife Specibus: Fankind and Fistkind
Fetch Modus: Pottery (Like Roxy’s bottles, she stores the items in pots and breaks them to release the item. She has to make the pots herself)
Zeliet is bombastic and flippant like Vriska with the intelligence and moral compass of Terezi, and both of their senses of drama added together. She's vriska-esque with enough restraint so that nobody else gets hurt. She's a bit reckless with herself and sometimes she will get herself hurt, though. She's usually pretty reasonable but her flair for the dramatic often comes out at the wrong times, like when she's fighting a powerful boss. Her fighting style is heavily inspired by fan dancing, with just as much waving the fans around elegantly as actually attacking. Similar to Terezi's cane, though, Zeliet's fans also serve as a sort of disability aid, so she can stay cool and not overheat.
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Jaulon Visoso- Witch of Blood
Trollhandle: scaloppineSlices
Sign: Scorcer
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Color: #0E4D67
Quirk:speaks a little slippery and a little snakelike but it's fine no one's going to get gulled
Strife Specibus: bladekind (specifically short daggers)
Instrument: Viola
Jaulon is a huge creep, she seeks out those who are struggling and tries to "fix them" to make them stronger and more "prepared" for the world. Her tactics for this mostly was to put them through psychologically destructive events that would . Her main target in the nine session was Equios but due to certain events he died and was sent off into Equirate.
As you can see from the image above jaulon is covered in bandages which are sourced from events prior to the session
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Gargun Soldat- Prince of Breath
Sign: Saguin
Lunar Sway: Derse
Color:  #0021CB
Quirk: ▰▰▰▰▱ Accentuates the ⬤ in sentences s◯ tr⬤lls can truly know h◯w g⬤◯d you are at p⬤◯l
Fetch Modus:Capsulemodus items need to be physically carried in small capsules that are carried
Strife Specibus: Poolkind (anything and everything related to the game pool, even doc scratch’s gun).
Gargun is a bit of a loner piss meister, he tries to make himself appear as an extreme edgelord-coolguy yet completely fails in the act of it. Despite that he attempts to hold a complete hold of justice enacting judgement on those he deems to break his personal sense of it.
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Tanzen Trager- Bard of Void
Trollhandle: gyratingCaper
Sign: Capprittarius
Color: #450a80
Quirk: tend∮ to cωme off a∮ a little bit l∞py
Strife Specibus: Rubberchickenkind, later swapped for Skilletkind and Umbrellakind
Fetch Modus: Wordsearchmodus
Instrument: Hurdy gurdy
Tanzen is the definition of utter absurdity. He picks up a range of odd hobbies, some of which change from week to week, because it humors him. Those who don’t know him consider him to be an utter mystery, but his friends know very well he keeps up his absurd and humorous acts in order to entertain them and himself. The one hobby he maintains religiously is caring for his cluckbeasts. He raises them not to provide food, but mostly to provide him with the companionship he lost after his lusus was killed and eaten by a bear. Some of his other hobbies include making taffy, baking pretzels, pulling pranks, playing video games, interpretive dance, and skateboarding.
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Latime Menado - Knight of Light
Trollhandle: aquaticCrepuscule
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Color: #450159
Quirk: ((very soft spoken)) r-R-r-Raises her v-V-voice and s-S-stutters when exited!!! >Later swapped for a more direct and confident style of speech<
Strife Specibus: Shieldkind
Fetch Modus: Mystmodus (requires the users solve puzzles in order to get their stuff, this will later be swapped for a basic Array modus
Latimé is extremely shy and softspoken, thus the reason her denizen’s task for her was to “Release what has been hidden, so you may use your knowledge to protect those in need”. 
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Neptun Notirt- Sylph of Life
Trollhandle: gleefulTreasure
Sign: Pisci
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Color: #f3b88
Quirk: )₰triking, ℏardℏitting, and HELLA B◎LD(
Strife Specibus: Harpoonkind
Instrument: Ukulele
Lusus: Henodus(a kind of placodont)
Neptun was  unique in many ways. Not only was she a Fushicablood, she was the natural-born heiress to the throne.
Due to Meenah and Feferi’s arrival on the meteors and Feferi’s ascension to the throne, she was “culled” by being hidden away- her hive was inside a large enclosure that resembled the cages post-scratch Feferi used  for her cuttlefish.
She like the other trolls entered the Nine Session using a copy of the prototype Sgrub.
Anyway if you guys want to know more about it (or have knowledge to give) why don't you guys check out the Gamma Collection Document for more. Or even the demo if you are feeling spicy.
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birchbow · 2 years
When u say Travye has bookkind does that mean he literally wacks his opponent with a book?
A startling reminder for me that I presumably have followers on this blog that haven't read/aren't interested in reading the enormous fic Travye appears in lmao. His main combat strife specibus is bonekind! A behemoth jawbone and a huge femur club, specifically. But against a small number of enemies, or especially for one-on-one challenges, he has a big heavy scripture book on a chain with a metal-bound spine that he can flip and swing to attack or defend. Shitty post-work doodling:
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""[Your club] hits the spine of the book with a ring like metal as he brings it up shut and blocks you cold.  He swats your club aside with the weight of it, flips it in his frond and brings it around corner-first, and the fuckin’ thing plows in the side of your thorax like a club, knocks you sideways.
“Fuck!” you say, fair well motherfuckin’ impressed, and get your feet back under you to get your breath.  He’s still holding his book—flips it open, grinning at you now, and flips a page all delicate.  “Thought you used bonekind, brother.”
“Change yourself always like sand in the water, you motherfuckers hand-shaped of surf and whimsy,” he quotes at you, and snaps his book shut.  “Flexibility, brother Makara.  You never struggled with it before.  Think you’ll find most trolls don’t get advanced in age without a few tricks up their sleeves.”
“I’ll show you fuckin’ tricks,” you say, and dive back in with aim to knock his teeth out.
You’ve fought fankind before, and clubkind, and it’s a bit of the two each together, but fuck if he don’t use it well.  Lets you batter and work at him and uses that heavy dark cover as a shield and weapon at the same time, hardly moving off his spot, like a pillar you’re trying to tear down with your bare hands.""
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