#fantasy au tbt.
analyticallyminded · 3 months
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your honor i love her
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forgottnseccnd · 6 months
(arranged marriage): our muses are thrown together into an arranged marriage.
Ozura had resigned himself to his fate. Being given away as a chip to be cashed in by his family. They were always reminding him of his uselessness and his hideous appearance. No one else in their domain had silvery, near white hair or eyes that glowed the color of ice. And not many people had the abilities he possessed. His family had become frightened of him. Keeping him locked away, abused him, keeping him in poor health even if unintentionally.
Now? Now he was to be made a gift for the prince. A "bride" of sorts to bring his family honor and prestige since he also had a somewhat unique mutation that would allow him to bear an heir for the royal family if desired. It was the only exception that would allow the two to be even considered compatible for marriage.
Looking out the window of the carriage he watched the castle come into view. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass of the window. His face was thin, almost gaunt from the lack of nutrition given to him. He looked almost like a wraith or ghost. There was a faint hope that the prince wouldn't look upon him with disgust when they met but he knew how everyone reacted to him. He was sure Prince Aurelius would be the same as all the others...
Ozura pulled up the hood of his cloak, allowing the shrouded veil to fall over his face, obscuring it from view. The only hint of strangeness now was the cyan glow behind the fabric. As the carriage neared the castle, his uneasiness grew. Why did this feel like a death sentence rather than a simple political marriage?
When the carriage finally rolled to a stop, he took a deep breath. He was about to meet the man he was to marry. One who might very well treat him like everyone else did. He chewed his bottom lip as the door opened. His eyes were watering with tears as he exited the carriage. His new prison awaited him...
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(arranged marriage): our muses are thrown together into an arranged marriage.
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Aurelius despised this notion of a political marriage. What was the point of it? It was only going to benefit the other party, anyway-- though, he had to be convinced it was all necessary. For the benefit of the Empire, they said, based on information they had about the groom. But what was it?
He had been completely anxious as he stood at the doors. Serfs all rushed about like frantic bees, some carefully fixing up his attire or adjusting his star-like mask, hoping to freshen up the mage-prince in question that would be put through this arranged marriage. They were going to finally meet the groom! So, it was needed that Aurelius was at his best-- fix this here... ah, that there... his right-hand and artificer shifted nervously, feeling just about as anxious as Aurelius.
" Um... my lord... " Nirisch spoke awkwardly, with light blue eyes peering up at him and a thin lips pursing with worry. He bowed deeply as other serfs rushed to swing the doors open. " Are you ready? "
Aurelius said nothing at first.
" No. " The prince mumbled.
" ... n-neither am I... "
Finally, the doors swung open-- and Aurelius had expected to be met with a man ready to take advantage of everything, or maybe a dainty woman that looked like she didn't want to be there, but... he didn't expect an odd in-between.
A young man looking ready to be at a funeral for the death of his freedom was what Aurelius was met with-- in seconds, he saw those teary eyes, the faint cyan glow... and the prince faltered completely. He would have tried to be stern, intense, were it anyone else-- but this sight just... saddened him. Nirisch kept his head bowed low, glancing to Aurelius once in a while to try to gauge his reaction, though now Aurelius's voice came forth. Hoarse, yet so gentle in comparison to what might've been expected.
" ... an honor to meet you. Are you Ozura? "
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bloodxhound · 11 months
he's holding a wiggling fish in his hand and there's an unspoken demand lingering in his eyes as he stares down the hunter by the fireplace.
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        He returns the stare, unrelenting, mien darkened with disapproval. As it appears, not only has his quarry decided to abuse his newborn privilege of unsupervised mobility ( when before he spent his evenings and nights in the embrace of tight-fitting rope, under unceasing observation ), but moreover has he deemed it fit to challenge the hunter on the services he's been providing. Ingrate.   “Put it back,”   he growls, preparing tonight’s spoils.   “We’re havin’ meat.”   With a side of root vegetables. Like yesterday. And the day before that. It’s been filling their bellies for weeks, night after night, keeping their bodies strong and their senses keen. No more can be asked of one’s food when traversing the unluxurious wilds.   “Release the fish already. It's suffocatin'. We take from nature what we need, not what we want. Or did these ducks die for fuck all?”
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drgnbld · 1 year
@bornbreathless &. cont. from here.
" you don't have to keep stealing her, you know, it's quite evident she likes you and all you'd have to do is ask me for her. " the wisps of smoke are fairly noticeable floating from her sleeves but instead of getting angry over it, Lance finds it incredibly charming. Funny, almost, given Alexi was the youngest of his elder dragon's clutch and was so terribly bad at hiding within something which gave her cover.
Of course the prince knew why Char never asked but feigning innocence over this was all part of their act... which was hardly innocent in itself either. Pretending as if they were normal childhood friends, not lovers, for his own grandfather's wishes.
So he looks on at her with his head tilted, arms folded over his broad chest. " hand her over before I call for the guards. "
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sansloii · 10 months
Shared Royal AU stuff with friends last night but now i will repeat it because bbrrrr--
Roderick: Dragon King of Exulan
Evan: Dragon Prince of Exulan ( still Roderick's nephew )
Mikah: Evan's baby sitter Evan's personal assassin. Also secretly a disgraced noble.
Penny: Former Princess who supposedly died.. Probably the head of a Peaceful Enclave now. 100% cursed still.
Wynn: Prince of a sizeable kingdom.
Dakota: Queen of a nation and she totally didn't usurp the throne. Totally not
Joseph: attached to @soulsxng's Lerato at the hip so he is probably working for the Ahnian crown
Andris: Very very very fucking tempted to make him a King in the Fae realm or something similar. With a capital Very and I like mess.
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lightsiided · 15 days
i offer my help, and this is how you thank me? / fantasy au 😚
* defensive prompts | accepting
     his HELP! rage takes her over at once; rey can feel her face flush deeply with it. she is amazed by his nerve -- his audacity. as she takes a calming breath she has to remind herself it is surely high treason to harm the crown prince, even if every last bit of her body aches to throttle him.
"if this is your idea of helping," she says, voice so thin there's no mistaking how on the very edge of screaming she is, "i would prefer you DON'T." rey's eyes narrow with distaste. while she studies him, she can't help but notice how arrogance oozes from his every pore.
rey doesn't doubt he believes he is helping. probably, thor thinks every last person in the kingdom should be grateful he even DEIGNS to breathe the same air as them. he takes no considerations of all the ways he has harmed her -- he only pats himself on the back for the alleged improvements he MUST feel he's made to her station.
and, sure -- kitchen duty is a step up from working in the laundry, maybe. it would be for anyone else, at least, but rey is woefully untalented with a bowl and a spoon. the laundry was UNCOMPLICATED, even if the basement washrooms were lonely and isolating, dark and depressing.
probably, anyone else would be grateful for the change. the kitchen is always bustling, the work fast-paced. some people might enjoy that, but rey's already burned herself three times, and without magic to ease the sting or speed her work along it has been grueling. that thor expects her to thank him, somehow, when he's brought her nothing but ANNOYANCE -- and that's being charitable -- doesn't help her already foul mood.
at least when she was alone in the washrooms she could use magic here and there. it was never anything too grand -- just little tricks to make her day even the slightest bit easier. sometimes, those tricks made all the difference between an average day and abject MISERY.
thor's seen to it that there's no more of that, now. looking upon his handsome face, rey can't help but to loathe him. his life is so EASY. it always has been. it always will be. of course he is arrogant.
her hands ball into fists at her side. she can practically feel her thin patience bending. "i'm not going to thank you," rey snaps. "all you've done is find NEW and CREATIVE ways to make my life worse at every possible turn. the BEST thing you could do for me is forget i even exist and pretend not to notice me again."
eyes blazing, rey can't help but to mockingly tack on, "your highness," sweeping into a deep curtsy with a loud HUFF.
his help. RIDICULOUS!
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bylertruther · 1 year
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cambius · 9 months
▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ @13fcked 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 ﹕ ❛ you’re looking at me but you’re not seeing me. do you know how that feels ? just see me. please. ❜ from adrien.
adrien’s question strikes her unexpectedly , like lightning. it stuns her for a moment , because she does know how that feels. empathy stirs within in the demon uncomfortably , because she wants to remain apathetic to the emotions he is displaying. she doesn’t know what to do with them. but she does know that being looked at and not actually being seen feels helpless. so many men have looked upon nepharia with a sadistic hunger while she pleaded and begged , but she was never heard. she was never seen as anything more than something to be used and discarded.
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and maybe now that is why her eyes soften , and she slowly closes the space between the two of them. a rare moment of mortal empathy illuminating the darkness of the abyss in her blackened soul , as she raises her arms to cup his beautiful face within her hands. pale eyes find his gaze , a thumb lovingly smoothing over his cheek , ❛ i see you , ❜ she tells him , brows knitting together slightly. little does he know , she is desperate for the same reassurance , ❛ do you see me ? ❜
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haresvoid · 1 year
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I need to add her to the blog but I still think she is very pretty
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bloodxhound · 11 months
bites his finger.
        Captive creatures make for poor patients; they lash out, no matter how benign the intentions of their captor are. He’s used to it, anticipates it even. Resistance—the beaks and jaws aiming for his throat, the terrible rake of claws and talons on unprotected skin. Some of his scars were attained during such occasions. Today, cloaked by the shadows of ancient trees and comforted by the warmth and light of a campfire that will keep at bay the soon approaching darkness, he learns some beasts make even poorer study subjects.
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          “Argh—!”   The pain is sharp, surprising ( and if only because he thought his current catch to be more docile than to reprimand his curiosity ). He withdraws his gloveless hand at once.   “Vile beast,”   he growls, inspecting his index finger for damage. It’s reddened, spotting dents of pointy teeth, though not deep enough to be drawing blood. A frown darkens his mien as he shakes off the pain.   “The hell was that for? I’m tryin’ t’do you a favor.”   Instead of wrestling him into submission—like he would do with others of his ilk—he figures it for the best to reason with him.   “Let me study you.”
          Behind him, on a mossy, rotten tree stump, rests the big, leather-bound book he can at times be seen leafing through at campfire during night.   “I’ve never met somethin’ like you. A male harpy. Even my mentor has nothin’ in his notes about your kind.”   He picks up the book for emphasis; it feels as heavy in his hands as the promise he’s made—to continue Orvyn’s legacy, to study the beast population and keep them stable, so they may yet live in relative harmony with their animal brethren and humankind. A lofty undertaking.   “C’mon, open your mouth for me.”   His gaze alights with insistence.   “I just want a little look.”
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rarestones-aa · 2 years
fantasy au -- heir to hoenn.
steven stone is the sole offspring of joseph stone, the crowned ruler of the kingdom of hoenn. as such, he is the sole prince and heir to the throne. the royal family itself is very small -- just the king and the prince ( the queen passed some time ago due to illness ) -- but the staff in the royal palace makes up for it. there are a number of different members of staff -- cooks, maids, stablemen, tailors, and, of course, members of the court.
while his father, the king, typically handles the more essential and demanding components of the kingdom ( i.e. disputes in the villages, finances ), steven himself attends to more of the social matters. in particular, he does most of the work putting together balls, garden parties, and so on. as such, he is a more publicly known face than the king to other kingdoms.
he possesses a steed named meta, so named for the steely silver color of its coat. it is trained very well and quite gifted in all manner of tasks that may be required of a steed. thus, it is steven’s number one companion.
steven is trained in various manners of combat -- hand-to-hand, shortsword, longsword, bow and arrow, to name a few. though he does not appear physically imposing, he is quite skilled in combat and trains with palace staff several times a week.
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detonizing · 2 years
@roguesenses: from here!
[ ☘ ] non-verbal prompts
Fact: Izuku Midoriya’s head was not harder than a rock.
During their collision, which was the last thing he could remember, the rock claimed perfect victory by rendering its opponent unconscious. As to how Izuku managed to get in that situation with the usual peaceful rock...well. Lesson number one, do not ambush a dragon-raised human boy with magic. Lesson number two, if dragon boy said fuck off and want to fly away because he was still mad at you, perhaps let the guy do so. Do not attempt to hold onto the guy with your non-magical arms and get dragged off of the ground, then lose your grip and bonk your noggin on a rock.
Actually, some people in the villages may believe this order of lessons was wrong, and the real first lesson should be do not attempt to befriend dragon-raised human boys with magic in the first place.
“You are still here!” The one with a bump on his head was beaming, as if along with the concussion, the rock had gifted him something greater. Which in a way, it did. He tried to get up again, even though Katsuki was specifically trying to prevent that very thing just a second ago. “On that day, I was just going to meet you as always, and the reason for my delay was because there was this elderly grandmother by the side of the road, who was kicked by her ill-tempered donkey and needed help.” He blurted, speaking at incredible speed in case their time together would be cut short again. “I didn’t think anyone was following me. I don’t know how they did.” Izuku frowned, trying to think of more details, but his head was really pounding. “I would never try to hurt you or your family. Ever.”
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He wanted to tell Deku to shut up. That he doesn’t want to hear any excuses. But the poet was already speaking too fast, his words spilling over each other in what was an obvious rush to get them all out before interrupted. The words painted a pretty picture. They threatened to soothe against something deep in Katsuki’s chest that has been aching for the past four years — but he couldn’t allow it to. He couldn’t trust the words this poet was speaking. He couldn’t, because if there was one thing he new about humans ( that he had learned before being taken in by dragons, back when he was still in his human village. this fact, that had stuck with him when almost all other knowledge had faded in time ) was that humans were not to be trusted. ( he had thought deku was an exception. this boy who ventured clumsily into the forest everyday, despite having no magic to protect him. that this boy who looked at dragons with brightness in his eyes, instead of fear. or anger. or greed. he thought maybe deku could be given trust. thought maybe deku could be accepted as safe )
But he was proven wrong, and his family had almost paid the price. It wasn’t a mistake he could afford ever again, but that doesn’t mean he had to keep staying away from Deku completely. It was obvious from their many days of chase that the human wasn’t going to give up in his pursuit, and with the idiot injured Katsiki didn’t exactly want to leave him lying here to die, either. “ Take me to the village. ” he settles on. After all, Katsuki was also human. There was nothing that said he couldn’t step foot in a human village. Surely navigating among humans couldn’t be too difficult. “ The human village has those doctors you mentioned, right? ” The concept of doctors were a peculiar thing. It made sense for there to be someone specialized in healing, he supposes. But he was used to the whole community coming together to heal their injured.
He stood, clearly not allowing room for any other course of action. He also chose not to respond to Deku’s seemingly apologetic words, not willing to accept ( nor deny ) the apology yet. He can’t believe ( yet ) in the promise Deku was so obviously wanting to make. About protecting. About loyalty. About keeping his family safe. They were pretty words. But he refuses to believe them when there was even a slight chance his family could end up in danger again. So for now he’ll keep an eye on Deku. If this turns into another trap, he’ll deal with the poet then. But at least this way his family wouldn’t be caught up in it.
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“ Let’s go. ” He demands impatiently, before looking down at the human still on the ground. “ Or are you unable to move? ” He doesn’t bother to wait for a response before he’s picking the other up and over his shoulder, perhaps a bit more abruptly than someone with a head injury should be moved. But Katsuki wanted to get to the village now that he decided to, and the human was still babbling on the ground like an idiot. “ Point in the right direction. I’ll take you to the human doctor since you are too slow. ”
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tr0p1cal · 1 month
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(not) on the same page
the start series master
synopsis: you never expected leaving your journal at your favorite cafe would lead to sharing your deepest thoughts with an unknown person. And you really never expected that person to be your life long enemy who you happen to be madly in love with and don’t hate in the slightest, on contrary to what you made people believe.
pairing: yang jeongin (i.n) x reader
featuring: stray kids, ‘02s (jay, jake, sunghoon) of enhypen, possibly others but not important roles
genre: enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, lowkey idiots to lovers, shared journal, coffee shop au, college au, crack, fluff, angst when needed
warnings: sexual themes and language, cussing, mentions and consumption of alcohol, smoking, more added if needed
note: this is strictly a work of fiction and not meant to portray a realistic version of the idols in any way. It is simply fantasy and meant purely for entertainment.
any and all feedback is always very welcome! i love to hear your thoughts <3
start: 24/9/6
end: tbt
status: ongoing
schedule: friday and/or whenever I feel like it :P
🖍️= written portion within the part
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teaser / aesthetic
one - left a note
two -
three -
four -
five -
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thecalendork · 2 years
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#TBT to the second version of my MHA Fantasy AU print. Although I like this version a lot more and it features a wider array of characters it never went quite as viral as the first one hahaha 😅
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tiredassmage · 2 months
dot's oc masterpost vol. 2
the embarrassment that the old one i linked is actually way more out of date than i thought it was is (hopefully) spurring me to action. if you're actually reading this, i succeeded! hooray, lol!
since i'm a blorbo enthusiast who is often making more or making more developments to the ones that exist, this is a highly simplified version that will hopefully be easier to keep up-to-date. it may not necessarily be wholly exhaustive of everyone i'll post about, but i'll try to keep the most active offenders (affectionate) on here.
TYR DECKARD. imperial agent. tagged: ch: tyr
ALUCREN ELLERY. imperial agent. tagged: ch: alucren
LENSAN RYALDAR. bounty hunter. tagged: ch: lensan
SAVOSTA. sith warrior. tagged: ch: savosta
RHYST DELAVAST. jedi knight. tagged: ch: rhyst
LEO ASHOLD. smuggler. tagged: ch: leo ashold
FENDREL ROCLEYRN. trooper. tagged: ch: fendrel rocleyrn
NIKIHLUS DARKMOUNT. imperial agent. tagged: ch: nikihlus
TYR. (trooper au). (smuggler/smuggler companion au). (bounty hunter au).
ASTOR CAULFIELD. midlander hyur. healer. tagged: ch: astor caulfield
SHAY DELACROIX. wildwood elezen. tank/dps. tagged: ch: shay delacroix
BAS SILVERBLADE. veena viera. dps. tagged: ch: bas silverblade
TYR DECKARD. midlander hyur. dps. tagged: vs: ouroboros | xiv!tyr
RHYST HARTWOOD. seeker mi'qote. tank. tagged: vs: long way down to the bottom of the river | xiv!rhyst
SARANTUYA UYAGIR. xaela au ra. healer. tagged: tbt
AMBROSE. wild magic sorcerer. tagged: vs: the self is not so weightless / nor whole and unbroken | bg!ambrose
ALUCREN. the dark urge. tagged: vs: is that... blood? no. nevermind | bg!alucren
LEO. college of valor bard. tagged: vs: the only thing the foolish need are a suitcase and a trunk | bg!leo
RHYST. oath of ancients paladin. tagged: vs: of wings that burn and men who fall | bg!rhyst
RHIANNON. light domain cleric of kelemvor. tagged: vs: she lives her life like a bird in flight | bg!rhiannon
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cambius · 9 months
▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ @13fcked 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 ﹕ ❛ stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you. ❜
a wicked smirk touches the demon’s lips , satisfaction held within her gaze as pale eyes drink him in. adrien’s jealousy and his anger , particularly centered around what nepharia does for ‘ work ’ , can be exhausting ( especially when he kills her prey ). honestly , what did he expect with the way he met her ? he’s lucky he still has a heartbeat. she has to admit , though— — getting adrien hot and bothered when he’s trying to be angry is fun for her. it feels good. she feels powerful , being able to influence his volatile emotions so easily. nepharia steps her seduction up a notch , once she finally feels as though she’s starting to have him where she wants him. his budding desire is already tantalizing , and she craves more. she craves to fuck him until he stops breathing. but  in lieu of that , she will settle for the lust he offers.
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❛ awe , now why would i want to stop doing that ? ❜ her voice is light , airy , sweet , as her fingers begin to unbutton the top of his shirt. she keeps her intense gaze fixed on his face , actually appreciating the beauty he holds. adrien has been her favorite one so far. her favorite toy. he may not be the most obedient , but he’s certainly one of the prettiest. one of the deadliest. one of the most exciting. ❛ especially when i want you to kiss me— — ❜ a pause after she finishes unbuttoning his shirt , opening the fabric to let her hands immediately roam the newly exposed flesh. she drops her lips to his chest , placing wet kisses along his skin , between her words , ❛ — — really … fucking … bad. ❜
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