psalmsofpsychosis · 11 months
My notes app VS Darthfett
Vader and Boba's Story is about hunger, hunger so bottomless and alive and consuming, it's pure hunger born out of two people being kept sated and sedated by force.
both of them are so hungry, so hungry, they're hunters by essence, on different scales. their story is: what happens when two people let each other eat through the other?
There are fewer things more enticing than the sight of Boba's blood on Vader's gloves— when the hunter hound recognises the true blood of another.
Boba and Vader's relationship really is about the way only a hunting hound can stop the momentum of another hound's sprint by viciously biting and tugging at his collar. Like, Boba leashes Vader in so fucking easily, and so does Vader.
Darthfett fics do play with the sentiment of "if you love someone let them go" as Vader's central mentality, as the core state he truly comes to learn only by the virtue of his love for Boba Fett.
Boba is very inviting, he wants to be taken, to be killed, he loves a good challenge; he loves the power it takes to kill him and he loves seeing someone who has that. It's alluring to the ones who do hold the power too, the ones he lets close enough, his submission is so eager and true.
The idea of Boba being protective of Vader, of shielding him— it's such a heady thing. you get this ultimate embodiment of power, and a much less powerful but ferocious person being so possessive of them. it's meaningless in the framework of power, but it's not about that; it's about love.
The thing about darthfett is, both these people are very much contained to their suit of armour and what it entails. The suit/armour makes their history and their personhood, the very specific and often subconsciously claustrophobic way in which they exist in the world. Their suit/armour is less an item of clothing and more a narrative defining their psychological, emotional and physical threshold.
so naturally most often darthfett fanfics are about the idea of unbearable physical intimacy and the pure gravity between Vader and Fett's bodies alone, the boundaries they have to cross (and the possibility of crossing it) just to exist with each other bared.
Speaking of which, i adore how Vader's existence feels so contained in every sense of the world, burning viciously while the flames keep curling in. He is neverending ember long after the fires ceased.
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feytouched · 1 year
your moodboards are so so gorgeous 💕💓 my name is Farimah and it means fairy of the moon, if you're still looking for ideas 🍓
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name meaning moodboard: farimah <33
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emiliosandozsequence · 6 months
Happiest of birthdays to you Emilio 💕 you're a wonderful presence on my dash, your taste in literature and poetry and aesthetics is unparalleled and righteous and i'm so glad that i'm able to slurp your posts from my dash every morning with a fucked up pink straw 💖
AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! 💕💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰 honestly most of the time i think my taste sucks, so it's reassuring to know that people don't actually think that and it's just my depression talking 💕💕💕💕 ily so much tho and you're one of my most treasured mutuals farimah 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Farimah / @hamidr_sh / @objktcom
Modern Classic: Portrait & Fine Art Photography by Hamidreza Sheikhmorteza
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namefarsi · 3 years
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اسم فریماه ⭐ از ۱ تا ۱۰ به این اسم دختر زیبا امتیاز دهید ⬇️ توضیحات: Farimah فریماه از جمله نامهای زیبای ایرانی اصیل با ریشه فارسی است که از ترکیب واژه فر معنی شکوه و جلال ساخته شده است، نام های چون فرناز فرزاد خیلی دیگر از اسم های زیبای دختر و پسر از این دسته اسامی هستند. #فریماه ترکیب فری + #ماه است و در دسته نامهای زیبای ایرانی که در ترکیبشان ماه دارند نیز قرار میگرید. ⭐ ⭐ برای فریماه بفرست و خوشحالش کن ❤️ ⭐ ⭐ اگه این اسم #زیبا اسم توعه، این پست رو استوریش کن که همه معنی زیباش رو بدونن 😍 . . . . ____________ #اسمدخترباف #ف #اسمدخترزیبا #اسمدختر #اسم_فارسی #بارداری_و_جنین #لباس_بارداری_شیردهی #سیسمونی_دخترونه #اسمنوشته #اسمزیبا #جشن_بارداری #اسمباف #اسم_ایرانی #farimah #namefarsifarimah #esmeirani #nameparsi #esmejadid (at Fereshteh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUAAoGhsr4r/?utm_medium=tumblr
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madlensims · 3 years
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Farimah Sunglasses
Fancy cat-eye sunglasses. Thick frame and oversized lenses!
DOWNLOAD (Patreon)
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rustedskyprisms · 3 years
hey hello, i'm in absolute love with your music taste, and i was wondering if you would be willing to make a little playlist of your favourite rock tracks that are either from the 70s or have that 70s vibe? no worries if it's too much hassle, i'm just trying to dive deeper into that 70s sound, but i dont exactly know where to begin and you always have very good picks.
Thank you for this :)
It’s 36 songs, and it’s primarily 70s but some of it is earlier/later stuff that to me sounds similar
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whileiamdying · 7 years
Nargess, 1992
An indistinguishable man and woman run frantically through a dimly lit street as they attempt to outrun a police car that is doggedly pursuing them. Separating near a dead-end alley, the unidentified woman – unable to keep pace – hides behind a mound of garbage while the man, Adel (Abolfazl Poorarab), heads for a busy emergency room as the police close in, resuming their chase on foot. While attempting to disguise his appearance in the restroom of the clinic, he spots an opportune cover when a young woman, Nargess (Atefeh Razavi) awkwardly struggles to escort her ailing father into the bathroom. Insinuating himself into their company by lending his assistance, he hands over his incriminating burglary satchel to the unwitting Nargess and subsequently escapes detection from the police dragnet by accompanying the two into a taxicab under the pretense of concern for the old man. Captivated by the demure and beautiful Nargess, Adel is determined to marry her despite his unemployment and disreputable lifestyle, believing that his desire alone to start anew and lead a respectable married life is sufficient to overcome the temptation to revert to his former life of crime. In preparation for the marriage proposal, Adel visits his estranged mother in the hopes of arranging a proper family introduction, only to be summarily rejected and driven away by her. With Adel disowned and unable to find a family advocate to broker the marriage, his accomplice and former lover, a strong-willed and pragmatic older lady thief named Afagh (Farimah Farjami), takes advantage of his desperation and proposes an insidious offer – she will present herself as Adel’s mother and corroborate his eligibility in exchange for the continuation of their affair and criminal partnership after the marriage – a dangerously short sighted solution that Adel capriciously, and tragically, accepts.
Nargess is a haunting, indelible, and understatedly provocative examination of crime, poverty, and marginalization in a culturally ingrained, codified society. A filmmaker whose background in cinema – like that of compatriot Abbas Kiarostami – was from documentary work, Rakhshan Bani-Etemad retains the acuity and relevance of nonfiction filmmaking to create a compelling fictional story that, nevertheless, captures the underlying reality of the ingrained socio-economic disparity endemic in the post-revolution, patriarchal society of contemporary Iran. By illustrating the immature and selfish Adel’s feeble attempt at conformity and a ‘normal’ life by marrying outside of his outcast, criminal circle (a lawless life represented by Afagh) and into a ‘respectable’ – or more appropriately, socially acknowledged – lower class (an impoverished existence represented by the humble Nargess), Bani-Etemad illustrates the deeply rooted, rigid traditionalism that leads to a cycle of exclusion and repression. Narratively, the insidious mutualism between reinforced outmoded customs (resulting from the nation’s return to fundamentalism with the Islamic Revolution) and the social mobility afforded by the more secular pursuit of wealth and power, is reflected in the figuratively incestuous relationship between Adel and Afagh (the mentor who poses as her lover’s mother), in the seemingly endless bureaucracy that Nargess repeatedly faces (her father’s pension, the parole board, the employment bureau), and also in the strange interrelation that develops among the three characters as a result of Adel’s insincerity and indecision. In the end, the titular Nargess is the not the name of the innocent heroine, but the embodiment of an elusive ideal to a marginalized people: a human struggle to find personal balance between cultural values and economic survival.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 month
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It's ✨️wayne manor✨️ time.
Fic tidbit from a spooky little wayleska thing i've been working on.
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dermontag · 3 years
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Montag, 10. Januar 2022 Im Trubel von Vater getrennt Baby vom Kabuler Flughafen zurück bei Familie Bei der chaotischen Evakuierung am Kabuler Flughafen verliert ein Vater im Gedränge seinen zwei Monate alten Sohn. Das Bild, wie das Baby Soldaten übergeben wird, erschüttert Menschen weltweit. Dann verliert sich die Spur des Kleinen. Nun kann seine Familie Sohail wieder in die Arme schließen. Familientragödie mit Happy End: Fünf Monate nach dem chaotischen Evakuierungseinsatz am Flughafen Kabul ist ein Baby wieder mit seiner Familie vereint worden. Der damals zwei Monate alte Sohail Ahmadi war in dem Trubel von seinem Vater getrennt worden, wie sein Großvater Mirsa Mohammed Kasemi berichtete. Anschließend nahm sich eine Kabuler Familie des Jungen an. Erst vor wenigen Tagen konnten Sohails Verwandte den Jungen ausfindig machen. Der kleine Sohail Nach der Machtübernahme der radikalislamischen Taliban im August hatten westliche Regierungen fieberhaft versucht, ihre Staatsangehörigen und afghanische Ortskräfte außer Landes zu bringen. Am Flughafen von Kabul spielten sich chaotische Szenen ab, weil sich Tausende Afghanen in Sicherheit bringen wollten. Sohails Vater Mirsa Ali Ahmadi hatte den Jungen in dem Gedränge am Flughafen einem ausländischen Soldaten übergeben, wurde dann jedoch von ihm getrennt. Was danach geschah, ist unklar. Das Bild berührte Menschen weltweit. (Foto: via REUTERS) Er habe das Baby weinend auf dem Boden gefunden, sagte der Taxifahrer Hamid Safi. Nachdem er vergeblich nach der Familie des Kleinen gesucht hatte, nahm er ihn mit nach Hause. Safi und seine Frau gaben ihm den Namen Mohammed Abed und kümmerten sich um ihn. Auch in den folgenden Monaten blieb ihre Suche nach den Eltern des Babys erfolglos. "Wenn wir seine Familie nicht gefunden hätten, hätten wir ihn wie unser eigenes Kind beschützt und aufgezogen", sagte der 29-Jährige. Vater sucht Sohail drei Tage lang am Flughafen Sohails Vater suchte derweil drei Tage lang am Flughafen verzweifelt nach seinem Sohn und entschloss sich schließlich, mit seiner Frau und den anderen vier Kindern an Bord eines Flugzeugs in die USA zu gehen. Erst vor einigen Tagen gelang es Verwandten, den kleinen Jungen mit Hilfe aus dem Internet und der Polizei ausfindig zu machen. Er wurde schließlich seinem Großvater übergeben. Bei der Übergabe kam es zu herzzerreißenden Abschiedsszenen mit dem Ehepaar Safi und ihren drei Töchtern. "Ich habe mich für ihn verantwortlich gefühlt wie eine Mutter", sagte Safis Frau Farimah. "Er ist nachts oft aufgewacht. Wenn ich jetzt aufwache, ist er nicht mehr da, und dann muss ich weinen." Auch ihr Mann sagte, es sei "sehr schwierig" gewesen, Sohail an seine Familie zu übergeben. Am Sonntag kam es zu einem Wiedersehen, als Sohails Großvater die Familie Safi in sein Haus in Kabul einlud, um Zeit mit dem Jungen zu verbringen. "Sie haben sich fünf Monate lang um ihn gekümmert und sehr an ihm gehangen", sagte er. Jetzt werde der Junge zu seinen Eltern in die USA reisen. "Es war hart für meine Tochter. Sie hat geweint und nichts mehr gegessen", sagte Kasemi und wischte sich einige Tränen beiseite.
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sangevazin · 3 years
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آبنما سنگی فریماه آبنمایی با سبک مدرن و ساده بوده که برای فضا هایی با متراژ پایین بسیار مناسب است. ارتفاع این آبنما ۱۵۰ و عرض ان ۶۰ سانتی متر است. آبنمای زیبای فریماه از سنگ تراورتن و مرمریت طرح چوب ساخته شده است. تمامی آبنما های وزین توسط ریموت کنترل قابلیت تنظیم نور و جریان آب را دارند. ------------------- برای خرید و مشاهده جزئیات بیشتر و همچنین مشاهده قیمت بروز به وب سایت مراجعه نمایید https://sangevazin.com/product/farimah-fountain/ -------------------- راه های تماس: 📱 +989126403622 📞 +9821-22983626 🌎sangevazin.com ------------------- چرا سنگ وزین؟ 🎗ضامن کیفیت 🎗ضامن قیمت 🎗ضمانت تعویض و مرجوعی 🎗تخفیفات ویژه ------------------- #آبنما #آبنما_طبقاتی #آبنما_سنگی #آبنما_خانگی #آبنمای_مدرن #آبنمای_حیاط #آبنمای_لاکچری #آبنما_پیش_ساخته #ابنما_سنگی #ابنما #آبنمای_شیک #fountain #waterfountain #fountaindesign #waterfountains #indoordesign #outdoordesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CRhDxrromtv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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helenlp1 · 4 years
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Today’s #sktchy face: Farimah #drawingfaces #inktober2020 #ballpointpendrawing This is Farimah from Sktchy for day 16 of Inktober. I’ve been sick the past 10 days or so with some kind of bug (not COVID, I’ve had a negative test) so doing anything feels like very hard work.
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namefarsi · 4 years
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فریماه⁠ دوستانتان را زیر تصویر نامشان منشن @ کنید.... ⁦♥️⁩ از یک تا ده به اسم فریماه چند امتیاز میدهید؟......⁠ لیست کامل اسم با حرف ف:⁠ https://www.NameFarsi.com/?p=553⁠ .⁠ Persian girls' name with F⁠ ⁦✔️⁩ اسم دختر شیک زیبای فارسی اسم دخترانه با حرف ف⁠ از ترکیب فر + ی + ماه⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #اسم_دختر #انتخاب_اسم #نامگذاری_فرزند #اسمفارسیدختر #ماه #باشکوه #فریماه⁠ #farimah #farymah #persianname (at Neyavaran, Tehran, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAswvVBAd_c/?igshid=11edys19ii3g3
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korrektheiten · 7 years
Hamidullah M. schächtete Christin mit 16 Messerstichen vor ihren Kindern Chiemsee: Prozessbeginn gegen den Lidl-Schlächter von Prien
Von MAX THOMA | „Wir bekommen Geisteskranke geschenkt“ – und werden von Geisteskranken regiert: Die bekennende Christin Farimah Seadie ist aus Afghanistan geflohen. Aber die, vor denen sie geflohen ist, sind ebenfalls zu Hunderttausenden nach Deutschland „geflüchtet“ und hier „mit großem Bahnhof“ aufgenommen worden.  Das macht nicht sehr viel Sinn und führt zunehmend zu blutrünstigen […] http://dlvr.it/QCjbSJ
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curegbm · 5 years
Berkeley’s "Cell Phone Right to Know" law survives Supreme Court challenge
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
December 9, 2019
In a major victory for consumer rights and public health, the U.S. Supreme Court today rejected a free speech challenge filed by the CTIA--The Wireless Association against the City of Berkeley's "cell phone right to know law" which the Berkeley City Council unanimously adopted in 2015.
Thus, the ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that the law is constitutional enables the city to continue to enforce the law which requires cell phone retailers to notify prospective customers about cell phone manufacturers' safety guidelines to ensure consumer safety. 
In refusing to review the case, the Supreme Court ignored the pleas of six pro-business organizations that submitted amicus briefs in support of the CTIA's position.
For details about the law and a chronology of the court case see bit.ly/berkeleycellordinance.
Following is today's news media coverage on the Supreme Court ruling. For links to all media coverage see http://bit.ly/berkeleymedia. 
Berkeley’s cell-phone health warning survives Supreme Court challenge
Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 9, 2019 
Photo caption: This July 10, 2019, photo shows an Associated Press reporter holding a phone showing the Facebook Messenger app in San Francisco. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a telecommunications industry challenge Monday to Berkeley’s requirement that cell-phone retailers warn customers about the possible radiation dangers of holding the phones close to their bodies.
The city’s ordinance took effect in 2016. It requires dealers to notify their customers that the Federal Communications Commission sets radiation standards for cell phones, and that exposure “may exceed the federal guidelines” if users carry their phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra while they’re connected to a wireless network.
Retailers must display the warning on a poster or in a handout flyer, attributed to the city of Berkeley.
Cell-phone companies argued that the ordinance violated their free-speech rights by requiring them to deliver a message with which they disagreed. They made that argument earlier in a successful challenge to a San Francisco ordinance, the first of its kind in the nation, which would have required retailers to give buyers a fact sheet saying the World Health Organization considered cell phones’ emissions a “possible carcinogen,” and showing human silhouettes absorbing radiation.
But federal courts have allowed enforcement of Berkeley’s more modest measure, which is tied to Federal Communications Commission standards. After ordering a lower court last year to reconsider the challenge, the Supreme Court denied further review of the industry group’s appeal Monday without explanation and let the ordinance remain in effect. None of the justices issued a dissenting opinion.
“People have a right to know the truth at the point of sale so that they can properly protect themselves and their families,” said Ellen Marks, director of the California Brain Tumor Association, which supported the measure. She said her organization will campaign for similar laws by cities and states nationwide.
Cell Phone Warnings
Court blocks S.F. warning on cell phones
Court rules Berkeley may require warnings that cell phone use...
CTIA-The Wireless Association, the industry group that challenged the Berkeley ordinance, said it was disappointed by the court’s action, but noted that the Federal Communications Commission itself declared last week that “no scientific evidence establishes a causal link” between cell-phone use and human illnesses.
After a federal judge and the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco refused to block the ordinance, the Supreme Court told the appeals court in June 2018 to reconsider the case in light of the high court’s ruling that month on antiabortion clinics known as “crisis pregnancy centers.”
In striking down a California law that required the clinics to post notices about the availability of low-cost reproductive care, including abortions, a 5-4 majority of the court said the notices violated the owners’ rights by making them follow a “government-drafted script” about a controversial procedure they opposed.
The appeals court reconsidered the cell-phone case and reaffirmed its previous conclusion. Berkeley’s warning is “literally true,” promotes public health and does not require retailers to post messages that violate their beliefs, the court said in a 2-1 decision in July.
“The FCC’s required disclosure is no more and no less than a safety warning” that the city is relaying to cell-phone customers, Judge William Fletcher said in the majority opinion. Dissenting Judge Michelle Friedland said the warning carries a message, unsupported by evidence, that cell phones are unsafe.
In a filing seeking Supreme Court review, CTIA’s lawyers, led by Theodore Olson, a former U.S. solicitor general, said the appeals court ruling invites cities “to burden businesses with an ever-expanding rucksack of compelled disclosure requirements — not to prevent any consumer deception, but to suit their own political, ideological, and normative views on a countless variety of topics.”
The case is CTIA-The Wireless Association vs. Berkeley, 19-439.
Bob Egelko is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: [email protected] Twitte: @BobEgelko
Justices Won't Review Berkeley Cellphone Radiation Warning
Anne Cullen, Law360, Dec 9, 2019
Law360 (December 9, 2019, 6:05 PM EST) -- The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to take up a wireless industry group's challenge to a Berkeley, California, ordinance that requires cellphone retailers to warn consumers about radiation risks.
Despite vacating a Ninth Circuit's earlier decision upholding the law, the justices opted not to wade into the dispute a second time after the appellate court again backed the California city's disclosure mandate in July.
As is customary, the high court offered no reasons for turning down the case.
Behind the challenge is the CTIA — The Wireless Association, which contends that the ordinance illegally forces businesses to spout misleading information about their products in violation of the First Amendment.
The 2015 law specifically requires cellphone retailers to tell prospective buyers that carrying a cellphone closer to their bodies — for example, in a waistband or pocket rather than a purse or holster — may cause them to be exposed to radio-frequency radiation exceeding Federal Communications Commission guidelines.
The Ninth Circuit originally upheld the mandate in 2017, but the Supreme Court sent the case back down to the appellate court for a rethink, citing the justices' holding last year in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra. In the NIFLA case, the justices ruled in a 5-4 decision that a California law requiring so-called crisis pregnancy centers to disclose their statuses as unlicensed and inform patients of other options, like free or low-cost contraception or abortions, violated the First Amendment.
However, a split Ninth Circuit again backed the Berkeley ordinance on remand from the high court, with the majority rejecting CTIA's claim that the required disclosure was deceptive. The panel found that each line of the warning is factually correct, and the fact that the FCC hasn't found radio-frequency radiation to be dangerous is beside the point. 
The dissenter, U.S. Circuit Judge Michelle Friedland, wrote that while each line might be literally true, consumers will not read them in isolation the way the majority does. Taken as a whole, Judge Friedland said, the unsubstantiated product warnings will give consumers incorrect ideas about cellphone safety. 
CTIA asked the justices to again roll back the mandate in September, arguing that the warning wasn't purely factual, as it said radio-frequency radiation from cellphones has not been proven dangerous to consumers. The risks presented from cellphone radio-frequency radiation is so remote, CTIA said, that any potential harm is outweighed by the bigger risk that Berkeley's disclosure will scare consumers out of buying a product that can benefit them. 
A spokesperson for the organization said in an email Monday that the company is disappointed by the justices' decision to leave the law intact, and encourages consumers to listen to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the scientific community when it comes to radiofrequency exposure. The spokesperson also emphasized that the FCC hasn't found any evidence to support that health is compromised by exposures at or even above the current RF limits.
"Indeed, no scientific evidence establishes a causal link between wireless device use and cancer or other illnesses," the spokesperson said.
Representatives for Berkeley did not respond to a request for comment Monday.
CTIA is represented by Theodore B. Olson, Helgi C. Walker, Jacob T. Spencer, Joshua D. Dick, Alexander N. Harris and Samantha A. Daniels of Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP.
Berkeley is represented by Farimah Brown and Christopher D. Jensen of Berkeley City Attorney's Office, Lawrence Lessig of Harvard Law School, and Amanda Shanor of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
The case is CTIA - The Wireless Association v. City of Berkeley, California et al., case number 19-439, before the U.S. Supreme Court.
--Additional reporting by Matt Bernardini and Hailey Konnath. Editing by Adam LoBelia.
U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to Berkeley cell phone law
Lawrence Hurley, Reuters, Dec 9, 2019
FILE PHOTO: The U.S. Supreme Court building is seen in Washington, U.S., March 26, 2019. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File Photo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a free speech challenge brought by a trade group against a regulation issued by the California city of Berkeley that requires cell phone retailers to tell customers of certain radiation risks.
The justices left in place a July 2019 decision by the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that refused to block the 2015 regulation that industry group CTIA appealed.
CTIA said the regulation violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects free speech rights, because the government, without the necessary justification that supports other types of regulations, is forcing retailers to spread a message they disagree with.
The 2015 regulation requires retailers to provider a notice to customers saying that carrying a cell phone can exceed Federal Communications Commission guidelines for exposure to radio-frequency radiation.
If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines,” the notice says.
CTIA disputed the content of the notice, saying it is misleading because the FCC has concluded that carrying a cell phone is safe.
Reporting by Lawrence Hurley; editing by Grant McCool
SCOTUSblog, Last update: November 20, 2019
CTIA – The Wireless Association v. City of Berkeley, California Pending petition
Docket No.Op. BelowArgumentOpinionVoteAuthorTerm19-4399th Cir.TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Issues: (1) Whether reduced scrutiny of compelled commercial speech under Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel of Supreme Court of Ohio applies beyond the need to prevent consumer deception; and (2) whether, when Zauderer applies, it is sufficient that the compelled speech be (a) factually accurate – even if controversial and, when read as a whole, potentially misleading; and (b) merely reasonably related to any non-“trivial” governmental interest.
DateProceedings and Orders (key to color coding)Sep 30 2019Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 1, 2019)Oct 03 2019Blanket Consent filed by Petitioner, CTIA – The Wireless Association®Oct 04 2019Blanket Consent filed by Respondent, City of Berkeley, California, et al.Oct 30 2019Brief amicus curiae of Pacific Legal Foundation filed.Oct 31 2019Brief amici curiae of Institute for Justice and National Federation of Independent Business filed.Oct 31 2019Brief amicus curiae of Association of National Advertisers, Inc. filed.Nov 01 2019Brief amici curiae of Retail Litigation Center, Inc.,et al. filed.Nov 01 2019Brief amicus curiae of Washington Legal Foundation filed.Nov 01 2019Brief of respondents City of Berkeley, California, et al. in opposition filed.Nov 01 2019Brief amicus curiae of The Cato Institute filed.Nov 19 2019Reply of petitioner CTIA – The Wireless Association® filed.Nov 20 2019DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 12/6/2019.
Related posts on Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
Berkeley Cell Phone "Right to Know" Ordinance
Berkeley Cell Phone "Right to Know" Ordinance: Media Coverage
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
Website:          https://www.saferemr.com
Facebook:        https://www.facebook.com/SaferEMR
Twitter:            @berkeleyprc
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yarraartrangers · 5 years
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Featuring artefacts and artworks from the local community and professional and practising artists such as Farimah Eshraghi, Joanne Pearcy, Paul Sonsie, Vivienne Rogis & Wilani van Wyk-Smit, Stories of Mooroolbark brings together an eclectic collection that represents public places and events where we connect and create community. During the exhibition there will be art workshops and storytelling activities, with the outcomes added to the community artwork installation, providing all participants with an ever-changing creative and cumulative experience throughout. All artists will be invited to have their work included in a publicly accessible archive to help influence, inspire and inform future public artworks and community creations in Mooroolbark.
Proudly Sponsored by Yarra Ranges Council and Mooroolbark Traders and Community Group, with support from the Yarra Ranges Regioinal Museum
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