#farmville game club
oh yeah i have a list of games kingdom hearts characters would probably play. i will not be providing justifications.
sora - the type to be dogshit at farmville but he’s trying. also tamogachi and club penguin.
kairi - “cozy” farm sims, kirby games, and surprisingly dark visual novels like ddlc or needy streamer overload. she runs her stardew valley farm like the fucking navy.
riku - i say this with absolutely no fucking irony whatsoever. he would play kingdom hearts. not in a meta way, in a “if a kingdom hearts like game with the same themes existed in the universe of kingdom hearts riku would be a fan of that game”. he’s also the type to defend ffxv to the death.
roxas - CoolMathGames, specifically Run 3 (the one where the little alien jumps from the different platforms in a little hexagon). also club penguin.
xion - freakishly good at mobile rhythm games. also club penguin.
axel/lea - those hack and slash action games, specifically he’d love devil may cry. says he likes the metal gear solid games but keeps dying at the tutorial level, he has completed metal gear rising front to back though.
terra - not a gamer, too much of a jock. rest in peace terra kingdom hearts birth by sleep you would’ve LOVED wii sports resort.
aqua - facebook gamer, also played the very original dragon quest. she took the shutdown of toontown online personally and plays both rewritten and corporate clash.
ven - owned a virtual boy and a gameboy. played pokémon red version until it broke.
naminé - insists pokemon art academy is a game. scribblenauts number one defender.
demyx - guitar hero.
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l-1-z-a · 1 year
Game pioneer Will Wright wants to make games ‘as personal as our dreams’ [July 10, 2012]
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GamesBeat 2012: In Will Wright's vision of the future, the player is the game.
After more than 30 years of steady evolution, gaming has reached its own version of the Cambrian Explosion, SimCity creator and Stupid Fun Club founder Will Wright argued today during his GamesBeat 2012 keynote speech in San Francisco.
“Lately, it feels as if the industry has exploded in a million directions at once,” Wright said, “and I think that’s very healthy.”
Wright is one of the most legendary names in gaming. He’s the creator of the SimCity and The Sims franchises, two of gaming’s cornerstones.
This explosion includes mobile and social platforms, but Wright believes gaming can go still further. “[Video games] should be as personal to us as our dreams,” Wright said.
To illustrate his point, Wright went on a whirlwind tour across 30 years of technology, beginning with how the military uses wargames to map out war plans and continuing through the evolution of writing, the explosion of personal data, and the ways in which technology alters our personal perceptions.
One trend Wright highlighted was the rise of augmented reality through smartphones and other devices, which he argued is conditioning us to a new worldview that effectively blurs the real with the digital. This new perception opens us to possibilities that might have been invisible before, such as “illuminating” something like a gathering of car collectors around the corner that we otherwise would not have known about.
Gaming technology can be a matchmaking device for the world around me versus very particular things, like what mood I’m in,” Wright said. “I think it could potentially make my life far more interesting.”
Wright also believes in the power of metrics to make experiences more personal, which he highlighted by showing how data from The Sims could be used to uncover roadblocks and other issues, with mechanics being modified to match. Going forward, this data will only get more comprehensive, he said. What Wright described as “little islands of data” are breaking down as we move into the cloud, with the result a growing “wake” of information on social networks. Already, such data influence the design of social games like Farmville, allowing developers to determine what is “sticky” with gamers and what isn’t.
Based on this, Wright believes that the one overriding trend in gaming is personalization. In essence, reality will begin to replace consoles as the platform. “We don’t have these little islands. We are building experiences that are accessible at any time. They will be more like biological experiences.”
The rapid proliferation of sensors such as those in Google Maps and increasingly granular metric analysis will enable such experiences, Wright said. Already, Wright’s Stupid Fun Club has launched a new venture with Warner Digital to explore some of these possibilities, using personal metrics to bring new experiences.
“I believe this is the direction that games are going,” Wright said with confidence. “We want games to be more relevant to the individual. We want them to be more personal to our lives.”
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rusticottage · 2 years
💻 📆 and 🍪 for the asks!! ❤️
💻: To feel nostalgic; what are some old games/websites you spent lots of time on when you were young?
okok, the sims 3 for sure, club penguin and farmville or any farm simulator love farm games, also toy story and bee movie ps2 games
📆: Is there any event or upcoming activity you look forward to? 
I will have this tech event next week which I'm parto of the staff and will be doing a python game workshop, so I am exciteeeed
🍪: Favorite kind of cookie? 
not really into sweet foods, guess I like the traditional chocolate one
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diabloindigo · 1 year
If you woke up as the opposite sex, what would you do?     
 Wear some nice mens’ clothes like a cardigan sweater and a newsboy hat. Enjoy pants with ample size pockets. Go to a cigar bar to smoke and drink whiskey. Pee outside. Hang out with that co-worker who’s stoned off his ass all of the time w/o worrying about gender roles and boundaries (strictly platonic). 
When was the last time someone made you laugh really hard?           
At Trivia Night. 
What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever licked?     
9-Volt battery pulled form my vault lock to test it (it was dead). 
What is something you enjoy doing but you think others won’t like it?                
Watching animation. I tried introducing my friends to Tuca & Bertie, but they weren’t into it. 
What is the first thing you wash when you get in the shower/bath?   Hair
Have you ever had a candle lit dinner?   Yeah, but not in a romantic context or setting. I went to “Local Fancy Restaurant” and ate a rack of lamb by candlelight before seeing Dear Evan Hanson. And there’s the kerosene lamps when I eat at Cracker Barrel. 
 Is anybody staying over this weekend? No
 What is your favorite breed of dog?      
English Springer Spaniels. I’ve raised three of them, and they were the most cuddly and affectionate dogs I’ve ever had. Especially my last one. He was such a good boy. 
 Are you a cat or dog person? 
I go both ways. I’ve never really owned a cat because the people I live with dislike cats. Goose was an exception because he was well behaved but I just fed him and let him hang around the front yard until he disappeared, plus I was dealing with a severely ill parent so it was not a good time to really adopt and convert the cat into an indoor cat. 
What is something you eat everyday? 
I chain drink Liquid Death almost daily. Chicken...yogurt...             
Are you tan right now?          
Uh, kinda. Not a Trump tan, but my forearms are a bit darker than the parts of my body covered in clothing. 
If not, are you going to lay out soon?     
I don’t get tans intentionally. If I get one from hiking or being outside, then yeah, but I don’t lay out in the sun or go to tanning salons. 
Have you bought a new bathing suit this year?     
 At least three. Speedo falsely advertises “fade-resistant.” 
Does summer make you excited?           
Yes because I get nine weeks of vacation, I can sleep a little later, work on writing, read the books that I want to read, and hang out with my friends. 
 What annoys you the most?   
Drivers that slow down traffic because they insist on texting or being on their phones. Bullshit paperwork that nobody reads. 
 Where was the last place you went?     
 Tournament at the local shooting range gun club. 
 What room are you in right now?          
 My den. i was going to re-watch the trippy surreal conclusion of Netfilx’s Beef. I wanted to make a screenshot of when Amy and Danny talk about how they (people) used to have tails and Danny declares that he can feel where his used to be. (It’s a weird scene, but it’s a good one when you see the show for context).  
 Look behind you, what do you see?       Dad’s work station and framed photos of my family. 
 Do you want to be anywhere else right now?       
 Bed. Or a hot springs spa. 
 What’s on your mind right now?          
 I think I need to get to sleep fairly soon here. I still need to finish my lesson for tomorrow. It’ll be an easy week because of state standardized testing on Thursday. The aforementioned trippy scene from Beef. 
Are you a fan of a lot of things on Facebook?        
 I only use it because most of my friends and family use it so that’s how I connect with them. 
Do you think Farmville is stupid? Is it that game where you build a farm and earn coins for expanding your farm? I don’t care for those types of games. 
Do you make your own ChexMix?           No reason to. 
Do you think anybody you can’t have?   
If you mean do I think about people that I can’t have, then yes. I have a few crushes but those thoughts are as prevalent as what I want to order off the menu at Taco Bell (they don’t occupy much space in my mind). 
Do you know how to pop lock and drop it?           i do not.
Do you speak your mind?      
If I’m angry, high, or drunk. 
Why do people answer surveys like they are angry?            
 I don’t think people are necessarily angry, but a lot of context can be lost in text responses. 
Have you ever lived a lie?      
 Once upon a time, I acted like a textbook teacher. Proper and all that. But then I met the aforementioned co-worker (the guy who’s stoned all of the time) and he taught me that I don’t have to act prim and proper, that I can be (within reason) blunt and a little unpolished. And then there was the time we had an active shooter lockdown at school (not a drill, it was a real threat). I was angry/scared and using a lot of foul language about the alleged active shooter while stacking desks against the classroom door and I even took my belt off to use as a makeshift weapon if the alleged assailant came to my room. That class got a good look at my blunt, unpolished side that day. They didn’t seem to have any issues. Recently, Ive stopped making my anxiety a secret and I keep several fidget toys at my desk. During the lockdown, one student was in tears from a panic attack. I gave her all of my stress toys to help calm her down. 
Has somebody ever walked in on you having sex?                
Have you ever cheated on someone before?         N/a
If so, what was the outcome? I’ve dealt with enough of this bullshit when this boy (I will never refer to him as a man even if he was in his late thirties) was cheating on my cousin and co-worker/ friend at the same time. 
Have you ever been in trouble for something you didn’t do?               
 Yes, but I do not want to revisit that memory. 
Can you handle the truth?       
Has a prank ever gone wrong before?   
 Maybe. i don’t remember. 
Do you fool people on April Fool’s day? 
No. Probably because I don’t want the prank to backfire or go too far. 
What kind of car do your parents drive?               
 Mom was driving my old 2000 Pontiac Sunfire before she had a stroke in 2013. Dad had a Nissan Rogue before he lost his ability to drive. 
Are you hungry right now?     
 No. I had a good dinner. Grilled chicken, okra, mashed potatoes. And I ate a finger-sized chunk of sirloin that I cooked for my lunch tomorrow (I had to sample the meat while it was warm and fresh). 
Is there anybody you wish you were spending time with right now?   
 not at the moment.
Are you doing anything other than this survey?     
No. I will finish my lesson when I’m through with this. 
One word to describe yourself.              
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 Can you tell me about your dream last night?      
 i don’t remember it.
What is beside you right now?             
 Couch cushions
What is for dinner tonight?     
I had a grilled chicken plate. Dad had carne asada street tacos. 
Did you eat anything for breakfast?      
 It was a pissy little meal: fruit yogurt squeezy pouch, half a stick of pork bacon jerky (It was coated in too much white gristle globs so I threw the other half out for the foxes and coyotes at the firing range), and a can of Liquid Death water. 
You’re bored right now: What do you do?            
 Watch T.V. or go on social media. 
What is your favorite breakfast cereal? 
Count Chocula. Anything with marshmallow bits. 
Do you regret giving something away? 
My books. That’s why I love my Archive.org account. I favorite all of the copies of the books that I’ve given away over the years since I had to clear space: the R.L. Stine Fear Street books, the Serendipity Books, dozens of 1990s cheesy horror books told from the werewolf’s point of view. 
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?              
Do you think anything is going to go wrong here soon?      
 I’m dealing/caring for a sick/ disabled parent, I had a devastating medical diagnosis a couple years ago, i need surgery this summer...statistically, there’s the probability of declining health, death, or complications. I try not to think about it too much. 
Have you ever cried on your best friend’s shoulder?             
No. i don't want to soak them with my tears. 
If your best friend was crying, what would you do?              
 Comfort them as best as i can. 
What do you do when you want to relax?            
 Merge into the sofa and turn on the T.V. to comfort shows. 
Have you ever fell asleep and class and drooled all over the desk?       
 That’s disgusting (no). 
Have you ever fell off a cliff in your sleep and twitched?      
 I think I kick a lot in my sleep. Poor dog would sleep at the foot but he would be on the floor by morning. 
Do you still watch Disney channel?         
No. Only for The Owl House but now that that’s over..
How many months/days until your next birthday?               
Do you type the numbers or write them out?       it depends on the number and my mood.
What was the last website you visited? 
Amazon.com, LiquidDeath.com
Would you give into peer pressure?       I do now...I go along when my co workers want fast food and I should not be eating a lot of that. And no, the only non-fried, low-sugar option at Sonic is ice water. 
Are you the only person in the room your in right now?       yeah.
Who else lives with you?         
Just me and my Dad. I stick around to help with laundry and taking out the trash, getting his medicines at CVS. 
Do you like your house?         
Yes. It’s a decent size and a few improvements have been made to the yards. It’s safe and cozy. 
What’s on your bed right now?              
 Plaid linens from Target. Fuzzy blankets. Several plush wolves and red pandas. 
Have you ever fell down a flight of stairs?             
Not a flight, but I tripped on a step in a Tokyo hotel after drinking a little too much sake. 
Elevator or steps.     
Steps unless I’m carrying a load like a pack mule. 
What was the last thing you took out of the fridge?          
   A fresh can of cold Liquid Death spring water. 
Have you ever had food poisoning?       Yes.
When was the last time you threw up?
Couple of weeks ago. Ate something that didn't agree with me. 
What would you do if a blind man touched your butt?         
 walk away quickly because i’m not a confrontational person, and it would likely be an accident. (<--- Me too)
What is on your dresser/vanity right now?           
An over-sized mint green ceramic coffee mug holding my wooden combs, metal mesh tray with nail clippers and a spare Apple Watch band, box of paper towels, Febreeze bottle, bottles of vitamins and supplements. Unused gift cards.
Do you straighten your hair everyday?   
I dry it after showering and curl the edges under my jawline. Then I use the wooden combs to keep it neat. And i keep a card-thin metal comb in my phone wallet to clean up my hair throughout the day. 
Don’t you love lazy days?      
Yes, but they are rare. 
Do you hate being lied to or does it matter?        
I don’t give a rat’s ass if someone farts and blames the dog. 
But I hate it when I’m lied to by someone important or if the lie is social engineering to attempt to coerce me into doing something. 
Have you ever been smacked by your parents?     yeah.
Did you ever run away?         no.
If so, where did you go?         i didn’t.
Do you grandparents live close to you? 
They’re all deceased 
What is a good age to die?    
 I’d say a ripe old age, but who’s to say what number is a ripe old age? 
Do you have any pens around you?       I have  a black gel pen in my phone wallet 
What’s on your key ring? 
Door hook, Apple Air Tag, home keys and work keys. And the Car remote. 
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online games
Are you tired of the same old routine? Looking for a little escape from reality? Look no further than online games! These days, there are countless options to choose from - whether you're into strategy, adventure, or just some mindless fun. With friends or solo, these virtual worlds offer endless entertainment and excitement. So sit back, relax, and let's explore the world of online gaming together!
Video Games
Video games are one of the most popular forms of entertainment on the internet. They are a way to relax and get away from the reality of life. There are so many different types of video games, from role playing games to shooters. You can find any type of game you want on the internet. The only limit is your imagination.
There are many different websites that offer free and paid versions of video games. Some websites also offer discounts if you sign up for their newsletter or club. Many online games allow you to play with other people online. This allows you to compete or cooperate together in order to win the game.
There are many different ways to play video games online. You can use a game controller, keyboard and mouse, or a touch screen interface. You can even use voice commands to control your character in some games.
Online games have become one of the most popular pastimes for people of all ages and interests. Whether you’re a gamer who loves to challenge yourself or someone who just wants to relax and take a break, there’s sure to be a game out there that appeals to you. Here are 10 of the best online games available today:
1. FarmVille: This hugely popular game is all about building and tending your own farm. You’ll need to collect resources, build structures, and hire workers in order to succeed.
2. World of Warcraft: This epic MMORPG is probably the most well-known online game out there. You can choose between several different character classes, explore numerous dungeons and races, and battle against other players in epic raids.
3. League of Legends: This MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) is rapidly gaining popularity due to its unique gameplay mechanics and vibrant community atmosphere. Players team up together in order to defeat their opponents, gaining rewards along the way.
4. Minecraft: This block-building game has been a huge hit with kids and adults alike due to its simple but addictive gameplay mechanic and vast world- Mapbuilder allows players to create their own levels/worlds, making https://tokgamestation.com it perfect for creating custom scenarios or just messing around.
5. Candy Crush: Another hugely popular puzzle game, Candy Crush involves matching candies in as few moves as possible while avoiding bombs and other obstacles
Play Station
Sony's Playstation is one of the most popular gaming consoles ever made. It has a large number of games available for download from the Playstation Network, as well as discs that can be purchased at retailers. The Playstation 4 is also one of the newest gaming consoles on the market.
TikTok is a popular app for making and sharing short videos with others on the app. Users can record, edit and share videos with simple filters and effects. Users can also add text and music to their videos. The app has become a popular way to entertain oneself and friends.
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
himbo hours | kth
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Trouble always seems to follow Taehyung. An innocent night of finding new friends to share his alcohol, drugs, and boxy smiles quickly turns into a mess when he accidentally punches you, a poor, unsuspecting clubgoer, right in the face. Whoops!
» pairing: himbo!taehyung x reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | pwp | smut | humor | strangers to lovers
» Part of the Jeju Shore Collaboration
» wc/date: 7k | September 2022
» warnings: tae's pov | accidental punch to the face | alcohol | cocaine | smoking (cigarettes) | tae is truly an idiot | blowjob (choking) | cunnilingus | sex in public (in nature lol) | unprotected vaginal sex | creampie | fingering | sex while high / intoxicated (consensual) | taehyung BUTT-ASS NEKKED
» notes: fuck a meet-cute, we're all about meet-uglies in this house 😌 pls let me know your thoughts about himbo tae's pov! i really love writing the members' pov, so i'd love to know if y'all like it too
» masterlist | ao3 | join my taglist
» what was jai listening to? the jeju shore spotify playlist
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Taehyung was a chill dude, alright? He came to Jeju Shore to have fun with his bros, do some drugs, fuck some pretty girls, and maybe get a tan. Super chill. 
In all honesty, he probably would have preferred to be playing Farmville than standing at the bar with a vodka shot in his hand and a lost puppy look on his face. But sometimes he had an itch he just had to scratch and today that was, uhhhh, getting drunk at the club and nursing his coke addiction, maybe? Seemed about right!��
If only he could find his friends. 
Jimin and Jungkook were nowhere to be found. Tae couldn’t really even remember if the two guys had even gone to the club with him; the pregame at their vacation home was pretty wild. So now he had a shot of vodka he was supposed to give to his soulmate, Jimin, and yet the guy was missing in action. What was Tae supposed to do? His bromance was clearly not as strong as he thought it was! 
Guess it was time to get crossed. 
Taehyung threw the shot back, shivering a little at the slight sting as the vodka went down. He needed to find some new friends, but looking at the crowd of people gyrating to the music made his brain slosh around in his skull. Especially considering he wore neon green shutter shades that prevented him from seeing at least half of what was in view, and virtually no way of seeing far ahead. But, Sexy Chick by David Guetta and Akon was blasting through the club, and that’s all that really mattered.  
Eventually, his eyes landed on a guy dancing near the perimeter of the room. He grinned with large, bright teeth and laughed with his whole body as he vibed to the music. Taehyung made a beeline for him, drawn to the way he oozed happiness and innocence in a club full of debauchery. 
Approaching the guy, Tae waved his hand in his face. 
“Hey, dude! Do you wanna do a bump?!” So much for innocence, right? 
Taehyung was just trying to be nice. When someone had drugs, they were supposed to share. Wasn’t that what the DARE Program was all about? DARE rhymes with share, and sharing is caring, something along those lines… 
Speaking of lines! Taehyung couldn’t understand why the guy he was trying to share with kept sticking out his fist. Every time Taehyung tried to grab him, the guy would just jab his fist into the air. He looked like such a nice guy, so Taheyung was sure he wasn’t trying to cause any trouble. Unlike half the population around here. 
“No, I said, Do. You. Wanna. Do. A. BUMP?!” 
This wasn’t going the way Tae thought it would, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. Fist pumping was pretty fucking epic, wasn’t it? Gave him a rush, like he was punching all his energy into the universe. He was being helpful. The universe needed more good energy, anyway. Everyone was so emo all the time. 
But soon Taehyung realized fist pumping was all fun and games until he felt his knuckles crack against something solid, but soft. A small shriek was just barely audible over the bumping of the club music, and Taehyung watched you double over beside him with your hands pressed against your cheek. 
Oh shit. 
“What the fuck, dude?!” 
Two girls flanked you, one of them stepping forward to jab a manicured finger into Taehyung’s chest while the other checked your injury. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You think you can go around punching people in the fucking face, huh? Who the fuck do you think you are?” 
“I d-d-didn’t m-m-mean to.” 
Taehyung twisted around to have the smiling boy vouch for him, but he was nowhere to be found. Why was everyone in Jeju Shore so aggressive?? Well, maybe it wasn’t that it was Jeju Shore specifically, but more that it was the people Taehyung was spending time with. He’d already almost gotten into a bar fight the day before. In his defense, the scary guy’s girlfriend was flirting with Taehyung, not the other way around. 
At least the two girls didn’t have glass bottles to throw at him, though he figured they could get some if they wanted to. Who knew clubbing was so dangerous? 
Right when the girl looked like she was going to clock Taehyung, you placed a hand on her shoulder. 
“Kimmy, it’s fine.” 
“The fuck it’s not!” 
“I swear, it’s fine.” Your eyes met Taehyung’s for a split second and he felt his breath get caught in his throat. 
You were quite possibly the prettiest person he’d ever seen in his life. Probably the prettiest in the entire world. In the entire universe. Definity in the club and Jeju Shore and, fuck, everywhere. Taehyung had punched the prettiest person in the history of human existence. What was wrong with him?! He could feel his stomach start to twist, and he wiped his now clammy hands onto the thighs of his jeans. He really shouldn’t have worn an all-denim outfit; he was starting to sweat all over. 
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, okay? Can you guys just wait for me at the bar?” 
Kimmy and the other girl nodded, shooting Taehyung dirty glares as they pushed their way through the crowd. He watched you give him another quick glance before you turned and slipped into the crowd, too. His fingers twitched at his sides, grasping for nothing. There was no way he was letting you go. 
“Wait, wait!” 
Taehyung’s voice was drowned out by the heavy bass of some EDM dubstep-type shit vibrating through the air in violent sound waves. He shoved through gyrating bodies and people sucking each other’s faces until he made it to the perimeter of the club to see you turn the corner into the short hallway that led to the bathrooms. 
Taehyung’s shutter shades made him bump into at least three people before some guy snatched them off his face, his nails slightly scratching the apple of Taehyung’s cheek. 
“Bro, fucking take these off, you look like a douchebag.” The guy flung the shades into the crowd and Taehyung nearly got lost in the colors of the psychedelic club lights reflecting off the lime green plastic before it disappeared into the crowd. 
Shit, he needed to focus. 
Taehyung did a little jog towards the bathrooms once he found a clearing in the crowd. Maybe it was nerves or maybe it was his inebriated state, but his stomach continued to flip and his heart was beating a little bit too fast as it clawed its way up his throat. Gathering up his courage, he took a deep breath and pushed through the bathroom doors. Maybe he should have tried to freshen himself up before he ran after you. Taehyung already knew the smell of sweat and vodka had found its home in his clothes and the fluffy waves of his hair. He lifted his hand to touch his head, grimacing to find his bangs were stuck to his forehead with sweat. Quickly catching his reflection in one of the mirrors, Taehyung fluffed around his hair until he looked less… keyed up. 
He almost forgot why he was even trying to look cute until he heard a light cough from one of the stalls. You stepped out with a lit cigarette dangling from your fingers. Taehyung watched you bring the cigarette to your lips, a little bit of your black lipstick smudging onto the butt of it. 
“Hey!” Taehyung shouted a bit too enthusiastically in the tight space. 
You shot him a glare as Taehyung took a step closer. With barely any space separating you, you flicked your cigarette onto the floor. If he was sober he may have considered the possibility that he was overstepping boundaries, but he was simply determined to close the gap between himself and an absolute angel. 
So maybe it was his spidey senses tingling or the fact that he was turnt, but Taehyung had enough sense to do a half skip to the side just as your leg unexpectedly flew forward. The toe of your pink and white checkered Vans smashed right into the meat of his thigh, just barely missing the most precious part of him. He could practically feel his balls retracting into his body out of fear. 
“Ow, hey! Stop it!” Taehyung crossed his arms across his groin in a shield against a possible double attack. “I’m just trying to help!” 
You glowered at Taehyung, eyes scanning his pathetic stance. He was sure you were taking in his blown-out pupils and red-tinged eyes, but hopefully, he could give you a smoldering look and that would woo you. The idea flashed through his head and he immediately executed it without much thought, standing to his full height and giving you his classic smirk. His chin slightly tilted up and he carded his hand through his hair, tongue sweeping the inside of his cheek. 
“Hey,” he tried again, eyebrows raised. 
“If you touch me I swear to god I will fuck your shit up,” you insisted, arms crossed against your chest. “I’ll scream.” 
Taehyung’s eyes grew wide and he dropped all attempts to be sexy. 
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for hurting you,” he said with a deep pout and sad puppy eyes that would have been a bit more convincing if the two of you weren’t standing in the bathroom of a fucking nightclub. 
You brought your hands down to stick them inside your pockets. Taehyung noticed your thong was exposed by your low-rise jeans and the fact that you were wearing a tiny Juicy Couture tank top that showed your midriff. 
God, why did he already feel like he was going to get hard just by looking at you? He really needed to lay off the coke. 
“I’m okay, Rocky” you insisted, waving his concerns away. “Seriously, dude. Don’t worry about it.” 
Taehyung couldn’t possibly let it go, though. 
“I could totally take you to the hospital right now. I have my keys with me and I’m definitely okay to drive. I might look fucked up but my head is completely fucking clear, I swear.” Should he have driven the guys to the club? Absolutely not. Did it really matter? He already had a DUI before and the whole thing wasn’t that bad. “Do you want me to walk in a straight line? I can do it if that would help convin-” 
“I don’t need to go to the hospital, geez. It wasn’t that hard of a hit,” you said with a laugh and a shake of your head. You maneuvered around him to wash your hands in the sink. Catching his eyes through the mirror, you pointed to your spotless cheek as if to emphasize that you were fine. “You’re a weird dude, you know that? Chillax.” 
And with that, you spun on your heel and left. 
Taehyung stood with his mouth hanging open. He needed to chillax? You were the one who tried to kick his balls into his stomach! 
“Whoa, wait a second.” He followed you out of the bathroom and skidded to a halt when you turned around to face him. 
“What now, Rocky?”
“You kicked me!” 
“You punched me! We’re even now,” you countered. You leaned your shoulder against the wall and gave him a smirk. “Although I wouldn’t say no if you wanted to pay me back in another way.” 
Now that was a language Taehyung understood. His pout morphed into a boxy grin and the way he looked your body over was undeniably obvious. 
“I could think of a few things.” 
“Ugh, gross, I meant maybe you could buy me a drink or something.” 
Oof. His beautiful angel was calling him gross. That was a buzzkill if he ever had one. But Taehyung was not the type to let people get him down! He leaned his shoulder against the wall to match your stance, shortening the distance between the two of you. You were close enough for him to feel your breath brush against the base of his neck, and you had to tilt your head up to meet his gaze. 
“Or something?” he mused. 
You chewed on your bottom lip as you contemplated his question and Taehyung tried to ignore the way you being so close to him was making his mouth dry. “Yeah, or something.” 
“Wanna do a bump? Not a fist pump. That’s how we ended up here, fuck. A bump. You know what that means?” He was confused about the little puff of laughter you exhaled at his question, but you were talking again before he could do anything more. 
“Yeah, why not.” 
Taehyung found himself grinning again, and the giggly, bubbly, floaty way he was soaring into action made him feel like he really was on cloud nine. He grabbed your hand and dragged you back into the bathroom. From his pocket, Taehyung retrieved a dime bag of white powder. 
“I like to pack it small. Makes it easier, right?” But when he looked up, you were looking at him, not the bag. He grinned, a quirked eyebrow shortly following. “You okay with the sink?”
There was your damn laugh again, though this time you gave him the courtesy of pointing out what was so funny. Taehyung followed your gaze to see a large neon sign hanging on the wall: PLEASE DON’T DO COKE IN THE BATHROOM. 
“Oops,” he pouted as he meticulously dumped the perfect line up the bathroom sink. The location was more than questionable, but what other surface could they use? Club bathrooms were always disgusting, especially in this part of Jeju Shore. The two of you were drunk enough that cleanliness (or a lack thereof) wasn’t going to deter you. His cute freckled nose breathed in until nothing was left. He shivered, pinching his nostrils for a few seconds before letting you take over. 
Shit, he should have asked to snort it off of you. What the fuck was he, a rookie?! 
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you said with a sniffle, allowing Taehyung to stash his little bag away. 
“Oh, right. I should have introduced myself. Wow. I’m doing this all wrong.” Taehyung smacked himself in the forehead and immediately regretted the decision. “I’m Taehyung.” 
“Hmm, Taehyung’s cuter than Rocky. A cute name for a weird guy.” 
“I’m not cute?” 
“Maybe a little.” 
“Well, I think you’re gorgeous. Like really fucking beautiful. I feel like you’re the most perfect person in the world.” Taehyung reached out to lace his fingers with yours and pulled you forward.  
You leaned in to brush a bit of powder off his nose. “Oh yeah? That’s bold for a guy who just punched me.” 
“I’m serious,” Taehyung breathed. The alcohol and narcotics pumping through his veins were boosting his confidence tenfold, so he didn’t feel nervous when he grabbed you and slid his fingers beneath the thin waistband of your thong at your hips. The feeling of your skin hot beneath his fingertips had him absolutely delirious. “Fuck, I wanna kiss you so bad. It would feel so good.” 
Taking hold of his jean jacket, you yanked Taehyung closer to you. He sucked in his breath when he felt your fingers skate across his chest since he was shirtless underneath. So maybe he was acting a little desperate. And maybe he didn’t care. But Taehyung ducked his head to get closer to you with his eyes fluttering closed and his pink lips parted. 
“No way you’re kissing me in here.” You pulled yourself free from Taehyung’s embrace and the deep pout he wore on his face made you laugh. You hooked your finger through his belt loop with a little tug. “Come on, Rocky. We’re going swimming.” 
Taehyung stumbled behind you as you dragged him out of the nightclub and into the warm summer air twinged with salt from the ocean so close by. He was more than happy to have you lead him across the boardwalk and down to the beach, not even caring that his Tims were filling with sand and the moisture was turning the tips dark brown. 
“Show me how beautiful you think I am.”
You threw the challenge over your shoulder as you ran towards the ocean. Taehyung watched with his tongue practically lolling in his mouth as you tossed your tank top onto the ground. 
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, rushing to follow you. 
By the time he’d reached the edge of the water, you were in nothing but your bra and thong, already in the ocean up to your waist. You swam close to a smattering of rocks in the water, sticking nearby in case you needed something to hold onto. Taehyung quickly ripped off his clothes and tossed them into the sand with yours. Although the water lapping at his ankles as he carefully waded to you would have felt chilly, he felt fine thanks to the alcohol-induced heat spreading through his body. Or maybe the heat was from finally reaching you. 
It was definitely your close proximity that had his heart pounding in his chest, despite the concoction of alcohol and narcotics. You beckoned him closer, but all Taehyung could focus on was the way beads of water shimmered on your skin and how he could see your nipples erect from the cool temperature through your bra. The moonlight glittered like diamonds across the water’s surface and into your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. 
“Are you gonna kiss me or what, Rocky?” 
Taehyung grinned like an idiot at the (unfortunately) fitting nickname you were determined to make stick. He felt like the two of you were close now that you’d given him a nickname. That was a pretty big deal, right? Even if it was a boxing reference. 
“Yes, please,” Taehyung whispered as he repeated his action from earlier, ducking his head down to finally reach your face. 
He playfully bumped his nose against yours and your giggles were just as gentle as the waves rolling in around you. Something about you made him want to take his time. He brushed his lips against yours, offering a small sigh when he felt your tongue glide out to swipe against his bottom lip. Your impatience had you pulling Taehyung even closer. The water made your bodies stick together and Taehyung could feel you spread your legs slightly to rub yourself against his cock. His soaked briefs did nothing to hide how aroused he was; all they acted as was merely a second skin by this point. The same was true for your already flimsy thong.  
“Shit.” He groaned against your lips and tried not to buck his hips forward. It was an increasingly difficult feat once you lifted one leg to hook around Taehyung’s waist. The action opened your thighs a bit more and allowed you to press your core directly against his cock. 
“I told you to kiss me. Don’t you want to?” Your whine had Taehyung’s cock twitching so bad he was using your grinding against his cock to both chase pleasure and calm himself down. Water splashed between your bodies when you pressed yourself fully against his chest. Your hands migrated to the wavy hair at the back of Taehyung’s head. The tug you gave his hair brought his lips crashing into yours. 
The kiss was sloppy and salty and utterly desperate. Your limbs weaved with Taehyung’s like your tongues circled each other, mouths hot and bodies cool. One hand dropped down to grab your thigh, holding the leg you’d crossed over his waist in place. Keeping you steady made it easier for Taehyung to roll his hips into yours. He enjoyed the way you held back moans when the head of his clothed cock pressed against your clit through your thong. Taehyung was never afraid to be vocal. If anything, it seemed to heighten the tension that built up between him and his partner. 
So when you dragged your nails down Taehyung’s abdomen he was perfectly willing to whimper until your hand slipped inside of his briefs. His whimpers morphed into full moans as you squeezed his cock. You effortlessly pumped him until he was biting your lips, your neck, your shoulder - wherever he could to leave marks and release as much pressure as he possibly could. 
It was only when you pulled his briefs down enough to release his cock that Taehyung finally broke free of your spell. 
“Fuck, Y/N, wait,” Taehyung said with a shaky exhale and placed his hand over yours. It took all of his willpower to stop your thumb from circling the slit of his head.  “Let me put you up here.” 
He grabbed your hips and lifted you onto a smooth part of the rock so that you were no longer in the water. He was always telling Jungkook about not fucking people in pools; it was definitely bad for vaginal health. The ocean had to be way worse! Taehyung didn’t really consider himself to be responsible, but he knew how to be a gentleman, he was pretty sure. The whole punching thing was totally an outlier. Really. 
“Are you serious?” You watched Taehyung lift himself out of the water and he was acutely aware of how long your gaze lingered on his body. 
“It’s not good to have sex in the ocean,” he insisted. “Fish shit in there. Plus, pollution. Algae. Whatever else! We’ve only explored, like, twenty percent of the ocean!” 
It seemed like common sense! Yet there you were, laughing at him again. Could he really be that funny? Jungkook and Jimin never thought so. 
“That’s what you’re thinking about? Getting germs in this pussy instead of your dick?” 
The question shut Taehyung up. He wasn’t sure what to say, since… yes, you were correct. That was what he was thinking about, but he assumed it was a good thing. He was being responsible. Yeah, he realized that wasn’t particularly sexy of him, but he’d be damned if he was the one who caused you to get a yeast infection! Or even worse! (He wasn’t sure what would be worse, but there definitely had to be something worse.) 
“I take my partner’s safety very seriously,” he finally responded with a pout and furrowed brows. 
“Hmm…” You smirked at Taehyung as he inched towards you to hover over your body. He didn’t give a fuck if he got any cuts on his palms and knees. “I’m your partner now?” 
“Yes.” He leaned down to lick a smooth stripe up your neck that made you shiver beneath him. 
“Sounds a little possessive.” 
Taehyung sucked dark hickeys onto the tops of your tits while his hands roamed down to spread your legs so he could position himself between them. Possessive wasn’t the way he’d describe his personality, yet he couldn’t help but enjoy the thought of you walking around the next morning with his hickeys covering your chest. Or, even better, the thought of you with his cum still inside of you. Those thoughts alone had Taehyung’s breathing pick up speed, and he sucked your skin even harder. 
“Maybe.” His expression grew soft as looked up to meet your lidded eyes. “Can I have you?” 
With your lip bitten between your teeth, you slowly nodded. 
The boxy grin and crinkled eyes he gave you in response were enough to make anyone give in to him. 
You leaned back and propped yourself on your forearms as Taehyung planted kisses against your wet skin. He ran his tongue along the crease of your thigh where the edge of your thong sat plastered against your body. Ocean water made you taste salty, but Taehyung didn’t mind. If anything, it made his mouth water even more for you. 
He pressed his tongue flat against your clothed pussy and flicked upwards until the tip of his tongue pushed against your clit. Despite your thong being in the way, it was so wet and tight against your lips that Taehyung could see your swollen clit through it by the light of the moon. He sucked and nipped it over the fabric, his dark eyes locked with yours to watch your face scrunch up in pleasure. If he thought you were beautiful before, you were near deadly now. Your lips were puffy from how much he’d bitten them and he could only think about how sweet your tongue might feel circling his cock when he watched it slip out to wet your lips. But the most beautiful part was the way the moonlight’s diamonds continued to dance in your eyes. 
When you bucked into his face, he hooked his arms around your thighs to hold them in place. The position allowed your legs to drape over Taehyung’s broad shoulders and he pulled you closer to his face. 
The way you whimpered and shivered beneath his hot mouth only fueled the fire within him. Every desperate sound that tumbled from your lips sent ripples of electricity straight to his throbbing cock. He pulled at your thong with his teeth and the soaked fabric dragged down your legs with ease until you were kicking them away. 
“Don’t you want to be careful…?” Taehyung asked as you reached behind yourself to unclasp your bra. That article of clothing was also tossed to the side, very close to the edge of the rock. 
Taehyung was pretty sure lingerie was expensive. He’d never bought any before, but he’d seen plenty. The lacey bits, all the straps, the intricate designs, and the little buckles, clips, and clasps. Anything even remotely difficult for him to remove had to be expensive in his opinion. Maybe next time he was in a relationship he would buy some lingerie, so that way he knew. Maybe he could buy some for you. 
“Who cares?” You snapped, too impatient for his stupid questions. You reached down to tangle your fingers in his hair. “If you don’t fuck me with your mouth right now, I swear to god.” You gave his hair a tug and Taehyung moaned, leaning into your pull. 
He’d eat fucking sand if you told him to. Shovel it in with both hands like it was his last meal. 
“Don’t worry,” he murmured against your stomach, each word punctuated by a soft kiss that chased away little beads of water. “I wanna give you whatever you want.” 
You squirmed as he swirled his tongue across your skin lower and lower until he finally traced your lips with the tip of his tongue. Rather than diving in, though, he pulled his face away and brought his wet fingers to you instead. Taehyung ran his finger along your clit. His movements were slow; he wanted to savor the feeling of you attempting to squeeze your legs around his shoulders while he teased you. 
“You like that?” Taehyung flashed you a grin. He was determined to commit your expression to memory: fucked out and concentrated, lips parted in another whine. Desperate despite the fact that you’d been calling the shots. He liked it, you telling him what to do. That didn’t mean he couldn’t tease you a little bit, though. 
“Fuck, yes, don’t be a dick about it,” you challenged with a shudder and a buck of your hips. You tried using your legs to pull yourself against his face, but Taehyung held you down. 
“So needy and impatient,” he murmured. His tongue slipped out to lick at a few beads of water trickling down the inside of your thigh. “Maybe say please first? Everyone in Jeju has terrible manners.” 
You gasped when Taehyung’s teeth bit at the skin he’d just licked. He was sure the sharp pain was welcomed when your hold of his hair tightened. It was interesting. 
“Please, I wanna feel you.” 
At first, Taehyung only somewhat obliged. He brought his mouth down to your pussy, pressing a gentle kiss against your clit that made you tug his hair even harder. Figuring he should probably give you what you so politely asked for, Taehyung licked at your entrance, lapping up your arousal while you got as comfortable as you could - considering you were on a fucking rock. 
“Mmm,” he moaned against your clit. “You taste good.” 
As was the case with your skin, the ocean made you taste salty, but Taehyung was never the type to judge someone’s body. Unlike some douchebags, he was very willing to drown in pussy. He’d suffocate in it. You could have squeezed his head until he exploded and he’d be perfectly okay with that. What you tasted like mattered very little. 
The waves slapping against the rock formed a rhythm that seemed to mimic the way Taehyung licked at you. He pushed your arousal up to your clit, wetting it further by spitting directly onto it. Each long swipe of his tongue had your breathing grow heavier and your heart rate increase. When he wiggled his tongue back and forth over your clit, the moan you granted him had Taehyung vibrating. A hard suck of your clit earned him an even louder one. 
“Fuck, if you’d told me you eat pussy like this I wouldn’t have tried to fight you.” 
Your words came out tough until the last few lifted upwards in a whimper. Taehyung had slipped two fingers inside of you and began passionately thrusting into your front wall as he continued sucking your clit. He was buzzing from the praise, eager to do whatever it took to get more out of you. Each flick and swirl of his tongue grew faster, and Taehyung didn’t mind the mix of spit and arousal that was smeared all over his mouth and chin. 
“Oh my god, Taehyung, just, just like that, please.” 
It was cute that you were using the magic word on your own now. Your legs tried to close around him, but he kept you spread wide open as rocked his face and pumped his fingers into you. His jaw and tongue were starting to get really fucking tired, but there was no way he was going to give up now. Nope. Not when your legs were beginning to shake and your fingers were digging into Taehyung’s hair so hard that it hurt.
“Ohh fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Honestly, he probably could’ve busted a nut just from hearing you say those beautiful, beautiful words. 
You arched your back and bucked your hips against Taehyung’s face. Your walls were convulsing so hard that he struggled to keep pumping his fingers into you as you trembled through your orgasm. All he could really do was suck your clit with the lightest of kitten licks flicking against the tip as he finally allowed your thighs to squeeze his head. The pressure caused Taehyung to suck in a sharp breath, but he let you ride his face until you were panting so loudly all he heard was you, rather than the ocean, in his ears. 
After a moment your legs finally eased off of Taehyung’s shoulders. He waited until your breathing returned to normal before he moved up your body to slot his lips with yours. 
“Was it okay?” The smirk Taehyung wore said that he knew it was, but he asked to be polite. Or to receive the praise he so loved from you. 
“Just okay.” You shot your own smirk back, but you both knew. “Your turn.” 
Taehyung frowned, taking a look around the space you occupied. Although head sounded so fucking good, it wasn’t realistic. 
“It’s okay,” Taehyung pushed, determined to make you change your mind. “I don’t want you to hurt your knees.” Be it bending over to suck his dick or ride him, the rock’s surface was sure to cut your knees, or at least bruise them. 
You crossed your arms over your chest in what Taehyung assumed was about to be a ready stance to be defiant. 
“Fine.” You slowly rested your body back down to a lying position, but you angled your head upwards to stretch out your neck more. “Then fuck my face like this.” 
You stuck your tongue out to open your mouth all the way for him. Assuming the moonlight wasn’t playing tricks on him, he saw a bit of spit drip from the tip. On top of that, both of your hands came up to play with your tits, nimble fingers pinching at your nipples until they grew hard. 
Taehyung just about passed out. 
“You’re nasty.” The statement nearly came out as a moan, but Taehyung did his best to control himself. He leaned on his knees beside your head and brought one of his hands down to cradle your jaw. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes,” you insisted. You lifted your head to wrap your lips around the head of his cock and Taehyung cried out with an instinctual buck of his hips. Alright, he got it. He understood. You were serious, fuck, he was going to listen. 
Keeping one hand on your jaw, Taehyung held the back of your head with the other to make sure his movements didn’t make your head hit the rock’s surface. Then he leaned forward to guide his cock into your mouth. Goosebumps rose along his arms and a shiver snaked its way down his back when he bottomed out. The warmth of your mouth was in stark contrast to the cool ocean air. Not only did it feel heavenly the way you pressed your tongue along the underside of his cock as he gently thrusted into your throat, but it felt comfortable. Like he was made to fit you in the most perfect way. 
“Shit, please tell me if I’m hurting you.” 
It was all Taehyung could manage to sputter out as his grip tightened on your jaw and his thrusts pushed deeper into you. You choked in response, the gagging causing drool to leak from the corners of your mouth, but you kept your hands to your tits and didn’t push him away. When you swallowed around his cock, Taehyung let his head hang low and had to stop his movements to compose himself. 
“I’m so fucking high,” he whimpered, gently starting up again. The hypersensitivity was really doing him in because every time he pulled away to see strings of precum and saliva connect the tip of his cock to your lips his head was reeling. He was tumbling toward an orgasm so quickly that paranoia settled in and he started to panic. 
“Oh fuck, baby, fuck, I gotta, I gotta stop.” Taehyung leaned back, your mouth releasing him with a pop and a smack of your lips. You watched him with hungry eyes that only made it harder for him to relax. 
“Are you going to bust quick? Is this about to be two-second-long sex?” Your words sounded accusatory but you licked your lips as you waited for a response. 
“No, no. I swear I’m not like that!” he pleaded. “I’m just, I just… It was just…” 
“Get over here, dude.” 
Your interruption was welcomed. It gave Taehyung the chance to shut up. Even if you hadn’t said anything, your actions would have left him speechless. His dark eyes watched you open your legs and slide your fingers down to part your lips - a view of everything he needed. 
What the fuck was he fumbling his words for and wasting time?? 
Taehyung leaned into you, slotting himself between your legs and gently easing you down with his hand on the small of your back. 
“You don’t have to be so gentle,” you murmured against his lips as his teeth grazed against them, nipping at them each time he felt you sigh. 
“Fuck.” Taehyung heard you loud and clear. He brought three fingers to your face. When he pulled down on your bottom lip you obediently opened up to let him shove them into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around his fingers and Taehyung closed his eyes, reveling in the feel of your warm mouth once again. Properly coated with your saliva, Taehyung dragged his fingers along your clit until he reached your entrance. You welcomed him easily, his fingers gliding in and out without resistance. 
“Please, Taehyung,” you groaned, impatiently grinding your hips into his hand.
Pulling his hand away, Taehyung finally replaced it with what you’d both been waiting for. He leaned back on his knees and grabbed your hips to lift your body up and pull you towards him. You bit into your hand to avoid releasing a loud moan as he sank into you, likely a bit faster than you would have expected. But you were impatient and you said he didn’t need to be so gentle, so Taehyung was allowing himself to dive in deep. 
“I told you, you’re so perfect,” Taehyung sighed as he bottomed out. He couldn’t begin to explain to you how warm and wanted you made him feel. Sure, it was probably just the alcohol and drugs talking, but at that moment he felt like there was no one else he was meant to be with but you. 
After he gave you a moment to adjust to him, Taehyung rolled his hips into yours. Going slow in the beginning gave him the opportunity to figure out what you liked and where all your pressure points were. With each thrust, he adjusted his angle to find the spot that would make your legs shake. It wasn’t difficult to hit the right angle nor was it difficult to tell that he’d found it. You immediately squealed, the sound muffled by the crash of ocean waves, and clawed at Taehyung’s forearms. 
“Ohh, Taehyung, you feel so good,” you whimpered. “Faster, please please.” 
His fingers dug into your hips to the point that he was sure it was painful as he began pounding into you. All you could do was hold onto his arms, occasionally letting your hands drop down to claw at his thighs when you got tired of holding your arms out. 
Maybe both of you should have been more concerned about fucking someone random, in the middle of the ocean, no less. But there was no condom nor a working brain cell in sight between the two of you. Instead, there was only salty sweat and slippery cum that made your bodies glide together with the most perfect amount of friction that it was you who was on the verge of busting a nut too quick. 
“Oh my god,” you exclaimed, frantically pushing against Taehyung’s thrusts. “I’m so glad you fucking punched me, fuck fuck fuck.” 
You almost threw him off his rhythm, and he had to squeeze you hard to hold you down. In his delirium, Taehyung caught you bringing your fingers to rub your clit. 
“Let me, okay?” 
He pried your hand from your body and leaned down to spit onto your clit. His fingers quickly took up where you left off, rubbing right circles around your soaked clit until you were a moaning mess writhing beneath him. You began squeezing around his cock so tightly that Taehyung had to practice deep, slow breathing to keep it together. He leaned forward to plant his forearms beside your head and bury his face into the crook of your neck as he fucked you through your orgasm. 
Both of you could be happy to know that the sex did, in fact, last longer than two seconds! Taehyung liked to think that it lasted just the right amount of time before he was completely losing his cool, hips sputtering all over the place and his lips locked tightly to your skin. 
“Inside,” you turned your head to whisper in his ear as you wrapped your legs around his waist to hold him in place. “I wanna feel you, come on baby. Be a good boy for me.” 
That alone was enough to send Taehyung over the edge, finishing inside of you just how you told him to, with his arms shaking. Sweat and saltwater plastered his bangs he tried so hard to keep pretty for you onto his head. He lifted himself off of you just in time to watch a bit of his cum trickle out of you. 
“We’re disgusting,” Taehyung announced as he swirled the cum around with his fingers and stuck it back inside of you. When he brushed his thumb against your clit you groaned and quickly snapped your thighs shut. 
“We need a fucking shower.” 
Taehyung stood on wobbly legs and stuck out his hand to help you onto just as wobbly of legs. He pressed his palms into his eyes while you searched for your underwear that had long been devoured by the ocean. “Do your eyes burn? Fuck, mine burn so bad.” 
“Don’t worry, Rocky. I don’t have gonorrhea or anything,” you waved him off with a snort. “It’s just the saltwater.” 
“I didn’t mean that! I wasn’t thinking that!” Taehyung sputtered, also giving up on finding his underwear. He followed you as you hopped back into the water, quite literally concerned that he might drown from the fact that his body hadn’t started working properly yet. It was unrealistic to expect to cuddle after sex on a rock, but a guy could dream, right?? 
In the water, you wrapped your arms around Taehyung’s neck to pull him in for a passionate kiss, your tongue exploring the mess that was his mouth. He tried to snake his arms around your waist, but you quickly spun out of his embrace. 
“First one to the beach gets to keep the other’s clothes?” 
It took a moment for Taehyung’s brain to process what you’d said, just a moment too long. You were splashing and kicking the water as you hightailed it to the shore before Taehyung could even form a coherent sentence. 
“WAIT!!” he shouted, doing his best to wade through the water. How many times was he going to yell that word at you? And was it wrong that he admired your cute ass when you reached down to scoop up his discarded clothes? Maybe the karma was that you ran into the sand while he stood at the shoreline butt-ass naked. 
If you kept his clothes, though, that meant you’d have to see him again to give them back. And Taehyung was perfectly okay with that. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work  
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kenmaiid · 3 years
Gaming Headcanons
The dateables + Luke You can view all of these as romantic (MINUS Luke, he's a baby) OR platonic, doesn't matter!
the demon brothers
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“Did Asmo put you up to this? I am not playing Roblox Survivor with you sorry.” He says, going back to his worktable with a discerning eye. “Hm, maybe try asking for something else a little later.”
Why does he sound like a Skyrim NPC?
Anyways, Solomon does not game I'm sorry...
he's lived long enough as is, so he's tried out quite a few things and he came to the realization fairly quickly that its just not for him.
He usually has more important things to do like making connections with other like-minded individuals, researching information for spells... gathering ingredients and potion crafting-
To say the least it’s the last thing on his mind
but that doesn’t mean he’d turn you down if you were to ask for his company
I personally feel like he wouldn’t be the best at videogames. But consider, he can pick up on games decently well after awhile of explanation BUT, he pretends to be terrible just for the chaos of it
If he's to be persuaded into playing an ‘actual’ game though (his words not mine) he wouldn't mind a round of chess. But not just regular old chess. He wants it to at least be a fun time for you as well; change up the rules, use different colored pieces, maybe make a little bet out of it depending on who wins of course
If you’re terrible at chess then good luck, you're gonna need it! This old geezer has no mercy.
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Simeon is so facebook farmville mom energy it hurts to think about
He is very much the type to slowly and deeply get acclimated to the joys that are farming simulator and sandbox type games.
He has to take care of this nondescript pet? That is now his baby for the next week and he will gladly take the utmost care of them
Eats it up in Candy Crush. Him and Lucifer and unintentionally trying to outdo each others highscores
If you get a controller game in his hands he laughs sheepishly if he loses but ultimately doesn’t mind
There's something that's really endearing about it all though
Sidenote: I think he would play Club Penguin, but only the typing minigames where all the books are. He just happened to see Luke playing it (via Asmo) and he was interested in the fake stories
But I think just like Lucifer he thrives more on things that are a bit simpler like cards or party games. That way everyone can join in the fun.
“You know Leviathan actually showed me this rhythm game once.” He wonders aloud as he taps through his phone. “It was a bit hard to keep up with but I think I have the hang of it now. The songs are really nice as well.” He smiles a bit bashfully at being so close to you. “I can show you if you’d like?”
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“You got games on your phone, MC?” Luke says staring up at you with wide eyes. “How many?”
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Luke is the kind of person to ask you for help when he FIRST starts a game, then you blink and look away for one second and he's suddenly a really high level (with an even higher grasp of whatever in-game universe it is than you will ever know)
Literally will become too immersed if left alone for too long so Simeon has to limit his playtime usually. He is a growing angel after all and gaming tends to make Luke become very tunnel-visioned
Luke mostly only checks a game out if you’re playing it, because he wants to have something the two of you can bond over and talk about as well. He’d feel really left out if youre playing things with everyone but him
He just might not make that clear at first since it’s a bit embarrassing to say.
“But Solomon doesn’t even like Roblox :( I wanna play with MC” Is what he complains to Simeon one day
But if he's not doing that he seems like the type that merely enjoys watching you play over your shoulder and making comments now and then. Nothing as bad as Belphie’s backseating though. His questions are always genuine or helpful. (Very kind younger sibling energy)
I like to imagine that he bugs Simeon to play games on his phone as well. Simeon just hands his phone over like a busy parent would. It’s very ‘kid left to play on parents iPad for a little while’ vibes.
he wouldnt but Let’s hope he doesn’t get the devilish urge to spend Simeon’s money on anything alright
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He's happy to play whatever game you like!
Seriously! Any game. Something just- please play something with him he would love the distraction from all his paperwork
Of course there are quite a few custom and traditional games specific to The Devildom culture, but he's uh, not the best at them. If only from lack of practice.
Probably didn't really have many genuine people around him, if at all to play those games with as a kid. Nor did he have the time with all of his responsibilities. He is The Young Prince after all.  😔
So teaching you them (if you are curious about any) might take some extra time. Ah perhaps the two of you should call up Barbatos for some assistance-
But that aside he's glued to you like a puppy. An extra excitable one to say the least. He’s very happy to spend time with you and see your reactions to almost everything
“Shall we try this one since it’s common between here and the human world? Or perhaps we could even host a couple rounds of hide and seek set across the entire campus? What other human world games are there?”
He might turn it into a largescale event if you dont stop him
This could be the next Hunger Games, seriously, MC please stop him
He promises Barbatos that he will get back to work in no time, a quick break to entertain his most esteemed MC is worth the extra effort later! (He said that a few times now actually, but his butler is kind enough to indulge him for a little while longer. But not that long-)
Physical games aside, something is really funny about imagining him holding a controller in his ginormous hands though
Like Simeon, I feel like he would be interested in rhythm games, but his hands might be too big to play properly on his phone :( noooo
Unfortunately he already doesn’t have as much time to goof off. Barbatos is already lying in wait somewhere nearby so he can tell him to get back to his work
Perhaps he can watch you play a bit longer though? As long as you stay close to him while he works he really will get it done!
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Barbatos has a separate post of his own bcuz I made his first and I love him. <3
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
himbo hours (teaser) | kth
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Trouble always seems to follow Taehyung. An innocent night of finding new friends to share his alcohol, drugs, and boxy smiles quickly turns into a mess when he accidentally punches you, a poor, unsuspecting club goer, right in the face. Whoops!
» pairing: himbo!taehyung x reader
» Part of the Jeju Shore Collaboration
» Other works in this collab: Heartless by @here2bbtstrash & You DTF? by @haliiimede
» genre: BTS | 18+ | pwp | smut | humor | strangers to lovers
» wc/date: 548 for the teaser | release date: september 4, 2022
» warnings: alcohol | cocaine | tae punches reader lol (nothing intense) | overall threats of physical altercations lol | tae is dumb
» notes: i'm so hyped for this collab, and i hope y'all love it as much as me, hali, and m do! himbo!tae has been super fun to write. (protip: read this fic in your best annoying fratty, himbo accent.) pls make sure to read their fics as well to have the complete jeju shore experience~
» masterlist | ao3 | join my taglist
» what was jai listening to? the jeju shore spotify playlist
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Taehyung was a chill dude, alright? He came to Jeju Shore to have fun with his bros, do some drugs, fuck some pretty girls, maybe get a tan. Super chill. 
In all honesty, he probably would have preferred to be playing Farmville than standing at the bar with a vodka shot in hand and a lost puppy look on his face. But sometimes he had an itch he just had to scratch and today that was, uhhhh, getting drunk at the club and nursing his coke addiction, maybe? Seemed about right! 
If only he could find his friends. 
Jimin and Jungkook were nowhere to be found. Tae couldn’t really even remember if the two guys had even gone to the club with him; the pregame at their vacation home was pretty wild. So now he had a shot of vodka he was supposed to give to his soulmate, Jimin, and yet the guy was missing in action. What was Tae supposed to do? His bromance was clearly not as strong as he thought it was! 
Guess it was time to get crossed. 
Taehyung threw the shot back, shivering a little at the slight sting as the vodka went down. He needed to find some new friends, but looking at the crowd of people gyrating to the music made his brain slosh around in his skull. Especially considering he wore neon green shutter shades that prevented him from seeing at least half of what was in view, and virtually no way of seeing far ahead. But, Sexy Chick by David Guetta and Akon was blasting through the club, and that’s all that really mattered.  
Eventually his eyes landed on a guy dancing near the perimeter of the room. He grinned with large, bright teeth and laughed with his whole body as he vibed to the music. Taehyung made a beeline for him, drawn to the way he oozed happiness and innocence in a club full of debauchery. 
Approaching the guy, Tae waved his hand in his face. 
“Hey dude! Do you wanna do a bump?!” So much for innocence, right? 
Taehyung was just trying to be nice. When someone had drugs, they were supposed to share. Wasn’t that what the DARE Program was all about? DARE rhymes with share, and sharing is caring, something along those lines… 
Speaking of lines! Taehyung couldn’t understand why the guy he was trying to share with kept sticking out his fist. Every time Taehyung tried to grab him, the guy would just jab his fist into the air.
“No, I said, Do. You. Wanna. Do. A. BUMP?!” 
This wasn’t going the way Tae thought it would, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. Fist pumping was pretty fucking epic, wasn’t it? Gave him a rush, like he was punching all his energy into the universe. He was being helpful. The universe needed more good energy, anyway. Everyone was so emo all the time. 
But soon Taehyung realized fist pumping was all fun and games until he felt his knuckles crack against something solid, but soft. A small shriek was just barely audible over the bumping of the club music, and Taehyung watched you double over beside him with your hands pressed against your cheek. 
Oh shit. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work  
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pgslot5-blog · 4 years
Play Slots At Slots Tournament
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blackkudos · 4 years
Marvin Gaye
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Marvin Gaye (born Marvin Pentz Gay Jr.; April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984) was an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. He helped to shape the sound of Motown in the 1960s, first as an in-house session player and later as a solo artist with a string of hits, earning him the nicknames "Prince of Motown" and "Prince of Soul".
Gaye's Motown hits include "Ain't That Peculiar", "How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)", and "I Heard It Through the Grapevine", and duet recordings with Mary Wells, Kim Weston, Diana Ross, and Tammi Terrell. During the 1970s, he recorded the albums What's Going On and Let's Get It On and became one of the first artists in Motown, along with Stevie Wonder, to break away from the reins of a production company. His later recordings influenced several contemporary R&B subgenres, such as quiet storm and neo soul. Following a period in Europe as a tax exile in the early 1980s, he released the 1982 hit "Sexual Healing", which won him his first two Grammy Awards, and its parent album Midnight Love. Gaye's last televised appearances were at the 1983 NBA All-Star Game, where he sang "The Star-Spangled Banner"; Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever; and Soul Train, which was his final appearance.
On April 1, 1984, the day before his 45th birthday, Gaye's father, Marvin Gay Sr., fatally shot him at their house in the West Adams district of Los Angeles. Many institutions have posthumously bestowed Gaye with awards and other honors including the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and inductions into the Rhythm and Blues Music Hall of Fame, the Songwriters Hall of Fame, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Early life
Gaye was born Marvin Pentz Gay Jr. on April 2, 1939, at Freedman's Hospital in Washington, D.C., to church minister Marvin Gay Sr., and domestic worker Alberta Gay (née Cooper). His first home was in a public housing project, the Fairfax Apartments (now demolished) at 1617 1st Street SW in the Southwest Waterfront neighborhood. Although one of the city's oldest neighborhoods, with many elegant Federal-style homes, Southwest was primarily a vast slum. Most buildings were small, in extensive disrepair, and lacked both electricity and running water. The alleys were full of one- and two-story shacks, and nearly every dwelling was overcrowded. Gaye and his friends nicknamed the area "Simple City", owing to its being "half-city, half country".
Gaye was the second oldest of the couple's four children. He had two sisters, Jeanne and Zeola, and one brother, Frankie Gaye. He also had two half-brothers: Michael Cooper, his mother's son from a previous relationship, and Antwaun Carey Gay, born as a result of his father's extramarital affairs.
Gaye started singing in church when he was four years old; his father often accompanied him on piano. Gaye and his family were part of a Pentecostal church known as the House of God. The House of God took its teachings from Hebrew Pentecostalism, advocated strict conduct, and adhered to both the Old and New Testaments. Gaye developed a love of singing at an early age and was encouraged to pursue a professional music career after a performance at a school play at 11 singing Mario Lanza's "Be My Love". His home life consisted of "brutal whippings" by his father, who struck him for any shortcoming. The young Gaye described living in his father's house as similar to "...living with a king, a very peculiar, changeable, cruel, and all powerful king." He felt that had his mother not consoled him and encouraged his singing, he would have killed himself. His sister later explained that Gaye was beaten often, from age seven well into his teenage years.
Gaye attended Syphax Elementary School and then Randall Junior High School. Gaye began to take singing much more seriously in junior high, and he joined and became a singing star with the Randall Junior High Glee Club.
In 1953 or 1954, the Gays moved into the East Capitol Dwellings public housing project in D.C.'s Capitol View neighborhood. Their townhouse apartment (Unit 12, 60th Street NE; now demolished) was Marvin's home until 1962.
Gaye briefly attended Spingarn High School before transferring to Cardozo High School. At Cardozo, Gaye joined several doo-wop vocal groups, including the Dippers and the D.C. Tones. Gaye's relationship with his father worsened during his teenage years, as his father would kick him out of the house often. In 1956, 17-year-old Gaye dropped out of high school and enlisted in the United States Air Force as a basic airman. Disappointed in having to perform menial tasks, he faked mental illness and was discharged shortly afterwards. Gaye's sergeant stated that he refused to follow orders. Gaye was issued a "General Discharge" from the service.
Early career
Following his return, Gaye and his good friend Reese Palmer formed the vocal quartet The Marquees. The group performed in the D.C. area and soon began working with Bo Diddley, who assigned the group to Columbia subsidiary OKeh Records after failing to get the group signed to his own label, Chess. The group's sole single, "Wyatt Earp" (co-written by Bo Diddley), failed to chart and the group was soon dropped from the label. Gaye began composing music during this period.
Moonglows co-founder Harvey Fuqua later hired The Marquees as employees. Under Fuqua's direction, the group changed its name to Harvey and the New Moonglows, and relocated to Chicago. The group recorded several sides for Chess in 1959, including the song "Mama Loocie", which was Gaye's first lead vocal recording. The group found work as session singers for established acts such as Chuck Berry, singing on the hits "Back in the U.S.A." and "Almost Grown".
In 1960, the group disbanded. Gaye relocated to Detroit with Fuqua where he signed with Tri-Phi Records as a session musician, playing drums on several Tri-Phi releases. Gaye performed at Motown president Berry Gordy's house during the holiday season in 1960. Impressed by the singer, Gordy sought Fuqua on his contract with Gaye. Fuqua agreed to sell part of his interest in his contract with Gaye. Shortly afterwards, Gaye signed with Motown subsidiary Tamla.
When Gaye signed with Tamla, he pursued a career as a performer of jazz music and standards, having no desire to become an R&B performer. Before the release of his first single, Gaye was teased about his surname, with some jokingly asking, "Is Marvin Gay?" Gaye changed the spelling of his surname by adding an e, in the same way as did Sam Cooke. Author David Ritz wrote that Gaye did this to silence rumors of his sexuality, and to put more distance between himself and his father.
Gaye released his first single, "Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide", in May 1961, with the album The Soulful Moods of Marvin Gaye, following a month later. Gaye's initial recordings failed commercially and he spent most of 1961 performing session work as a drummer for artists such as The Miracles, The Marvelettes and blues artist Jimmy Reed for $5 (US$43 in 2019 dollars) a week. While Gaye took some advice on performing with his eyes open (having been accused of appearing as though he were sleeping), he refused to attend grooming school courses at the John Roberts Powers School for Social Grace in Detroit because of his unwillingness to comply with its orders, something he later regretted.
Initial success
In 1962, Gaye found success as co-writer of the Marvelettes hit, "Beechwood 4-5789". His first solo hit, "Stubborn Kind of Fellow", was later released that September, reaching No. 8 on the R&B chart and No. 46 on the Billboard Hot 100. Gaye reached the top 40 with the dance song, "Hitch Hike", peaking at No. 30 on the Hot 100. "Pride and Joy" became Gaye's first top ten single after its release in 1963.
The three singles and songs from the 1962 sessions were included on Gaye's second album, That Stubborn Kinda Fellow. Starting in October of the year, Gaye performed as part of the Motortown Revue, a series of concert tours headlined at the north and south eastern coasts of the United States as part of the Chitlin' Circuit. A filmed performance of Gaye at the Apollo Theater took place in June 1963. Later that October, Tamla issued the live album, Marvin Gaye Recorded Live on Stage. "Can I Get a Witness" became one of Gaye's early international hits.
In 1964, Gaye recorded a successful duet album with singer Mary Wells titled Together, which reached No. 42 on the pop album chart. The album's two-sided single, including "Once Upon a Time" and 'What's the Matter With You Baby", each reached the top 20. Gaye's next solo hit, "How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)", which Holland-Dozier-Holland wrote for him, reached No. 6 on the Hot 100 and reached the top 50 in the UK. Gaye started getting television exposure around this time, on shows such as American Bandstand. Also in 1964, he appeared in the concert film, The T.A.M.I. Show. Gaye had two number-one R&B singles in 1965 with the Miracles–composed "I'll Be Doggone" and "Ain't That Peculiar". Both songs became million-sellers. After this, Gaye returned to jazz-derived ballads for a tribute album to the recently-deceased Nat "King" Cole.
After scoring a hit duet, "It Takes Two" with Kim Weston, Gaye began working with Tammi Terrell on a series of duets, mostly composed by Ashford & Simpson, including "Ain't No Mountain High Enough", "Your Precious Love", "Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing" and "You're All I Need to Get By".
In October 1967, Terrell collapsed in Gaye's arms during a performance in Farmville, Virginia. Terrell was subsequently rushed to Farmville's Southside Community Hospital, where doctors discovered she had a malignant tumor in her brain. The diagnosis ended Terrell's career as a live performer, though she continued to record music under careful supervision. Despite the presence of hit singles such as "Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing" and "You're All I Need to Get By", Terrell's illness caused problems with recording, and led to multiple operations to remove the tumor. Gaye was reportedly devastated by Terrell's sickness and became disillusioned with the record business.
On October 6, 1968, Gaye sang the national anthem during Game 4 of the 1968 World Series, held at Tiger Stadium, in Detroit, Michigan, between the Detroit Tigers and the St. Louis Cardinals.
In late 1968, Gaye's recording of I Heard It Through the Grapevine became Gaye's first to reach No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. It also reached the top of the charts in other countries, selling over four million copies. However, Gaye felt the success was something he "didn't deserve" and that he "felt like a puppet – Berry's puppet, Anna's puppet...." Gaye followed it up with "Too Busy Thinking About My Baby" and "That's the Way Love Is", which reached the top ten on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1969. That year, his album M.P.G. became his first No. 1 R&B album. Gaye produced and co-wrote two hits for The Originals during this period, including "Baby I'm For Real" and "The Bells".
Tammi Terrell died from brain cancer on March 16, 1970; Gaye attended her funeral and after a period of depression, Gaye sought out a position on a professional football team, the Detroit Lions, where he later befriended Mel Farr and Lem Barney. It was eventually decided that Gaye would not be allowed to try out owing to fears of possible injuries that could have affected his music career.
What's Going On and subsequent success
On June 1, 1970, Gaye returned to Hitsville U.S.A., where he recorded his new composition "What's Going On", inspired by an idea from Renaldo "Obie" Benson of the Four Tops after he witnessed an act of police brutality at an anti-war rally in Berkeley. Upon hearing the song, Berry Gordy refused its release due to his feelings of the song being "too political" for radio. Gaye responded by going on strike from recording until the label released the song. Released in 1971, it reached No. 1 on the R&B charts within a month, staying there for five weeks. It also reached the top spot on Cashbox's pop chart for a week and reached No. 2 on the Hot 100 and the Record World chart, selling over two million copies.
After giving an ultimatum to record a full album to win creative control from Motown, Gaye spent ten days recording the What's Going On album that March. Motown issued the album that May after Gaye remixed portions of the album in Hollywood. The album became Gaye's first million-selling album launching two more top ten singles, "Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)" and "Inner City Blues". One of Motown's first autonomous works, its theme and segue flow brought the concept album format to rhythm and blues. An AllMusic writer later cited it as "...the most important and passionate record to come out of soul music, delivered by one of its finest voices." For the album, Gaye received two Grammy Award nominations and several NAACP Image Awards. The album also topped Rolling Stone's year-end list as its album of the year. Billboard magazine named Gaye Trendsetter of the Year following the album's success.
In 1971, Gaye signed a new deal with Motown worth $1 million (US$6,313,065 in 2019 dollars), making it the most lucrative deal by a black recording artist at the time. Gaye first responded to the new contract with the soundtrack and subsequent score, Trouble Man, released in late 1972. Before the release of Trouble Man, Marvin released a single called "You're the Man." The album of the same name was a follow up to What's Going On, but Motown refused to promote the single. Marvin later alleged that he and Gordy clashed over Marvin's political views, and for that reason, he was forced to shelve the album's release and substitute Trouble Man. However, Universal Music Group announced in 2019 that You're the Man would receive an official release. Around this period, he, Anna and Marvin III finally left Detroit and moved to Los Angeles permanently.
In August 1973, Gaye released the Let's Get It On album. Its title track became Gaye's second No. 1 single on the Hot 100. The album subsequently stayed on the charts for two years and sold over four million copies. The album was later hailed as "a record unparalleled in its sheer sensuality and carnal energy." Other singles from the album included "Come Get to This", which recalled Gaye's early Motown soul sound of the previous decade, while the suggestive "You Sure Love to Ball" reached modest success #14 on r&b charts but received tepid promotion due to the song's sexually explicit content.
Marvin's final duet project, Diana & Marvin, with Diana Ross, garnered international success despite contrasting artistic styles. Much of the material was crafted especially for the duo by Ashford and Simpson. Responding to demand from fans and Motown, Gaye started his first tour in four years at the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum on January 4, 1974. The performance received critical acclaim and resulted in the release of the live album, Marvin Gaye Live! and its single, a live version of Distant Lover, an album track from Let's Get It On.
The tour helped to enhance Gaye's reputation as a live performer. For a time, he was earning $100,000 a night (US$518,421 in 2019 dollars) for performances. Gaye toured throughout 1974 and 1975. A renewed contract with Motown allowed Gaye to build his own custom-made recording studio.
In October 1975, Gaye gave a performance at a UNESCO benefit concert at New York's Radio City Music Hall to support UNESCO's African literacy drive, resulting in him being commended at the United Nations by then-Ambassador to Ghana Shirley Temple Black and Kurt Waldheim. Gaye's next studio album, I Want You, followed in March 1976 with the title track "I Want You" becoming a No. 1 R&B hit. The album would go on to sell over one million copies. That spring, Gaye embarked on his first European tour in a decade, starting off in Belgium. In early 1977, Gaye released the live album, Live at the London Palladium, which sold over two million copies thanks to the success of its studio song, "Got to Give It Up", which became a No. 1 hit.
Last Motown recordings and European exile
In December 1978, Gaye released Here, My Dear, inspired by the fallout from his first marriage to Anna Gordy. Recorded with the intention of remitting a portion of its royalties to her as alimony payments, it performed poorly on the charts. During that period, Gaye's cocaine addiction intensified while he was dealing with several financial issues with the IRS. These issues led him to move to Maui, Hawaii, where he struggled to record a disco album. In 1980, Gaye went on a European tour. By the time the tour stopped, the singer relocated to London when he feared imprisonment for failure to pay back taxes, which had now reached upwards of $4.5 million (US$13,963,449 in 2019 dollars).
Gaye then reworked Love Man from its original disco concept to another personal album invoking religion and the possible end time from a chapter in the Book of Revelation. Titling the album In Our Lifetime?, Gaye worked on the album for much of 1980 in London studios such as Air and Odyssey Studios.
In the fall of that year, someone stole a master tape of a rough draft of the album from one of Gaye's traveling musicians, Frank Blair, taking the master tape to Motown's Hollywood headquarters. Motown remixed the album and released it on January 15, 1981. When Gaye learned of its release, he accused Motown of editing and remixing the album without his consent, allowing the release of an unfinished production (Far Cry), altering the album art of his request and removing the album title's question mark, muting its irony. He also accused the label of rush-releasing the album, comparing his unfinished album to an unfinished Picasso painting. Gaye then vowed not to record any more music for Motown.
On February 14, 1981, under the advice of music promoter Freddy Cousaert, Gaye relocated to Cousaert's apartment in Ostend, Belgium. While there, Gaye shied away from heavy drug use and began exercising and attending a local Ostend church, regaining personal confidence. Following several months of recovery, Gaye sought a comeback onstage, starting the short-lived Heavy Love Affair tour in England and Ostend in June–July 1981. Gaye's personal attorney Curtis Shaw would later describe Gaye's Ostend period as "the best thing that ever happened to Marvin". When word got around that Gaye was planning a musical comeback and an exit from Motown, CBS Urban president Larkin Arnold eventually was able to convince Gaye to sign with CBS. On March 23, 1982, Motown and CBS Records negotiated Gaye's release from Motown. The details of the contract were not revealed due to a possible negative effect on the singer's settlement to creditors from the IRS.
Midnight Love
Assigned to CBS's Columbia subsidiary, Gaye worked on his first post-Motown album titled Midnight Love. The first single, "Sexual Healing" which was written and recorded in Ostend in his apartment, was released on September 30, 1982, and became Gaye's biggest career hit, spending a record ten weeks at No. 1 on the Hot Black Singles chart, becoming the biggest R&B hit of the 1980s according to Billboard stats. The success later translated to the Billboard Hot 100 chart in January 1983 where it peaked at No. 3, while the record reached international success, reaching the top spot in New Zealand and Canada and reaching the top ten on the United Kingdom's OCC singles chart, later selling over two million copies in the U.S. alone, becoming Gaye's most successful single to date. The video for the song was shot at Ostend's Casino-Kursaal.
Sexual Healing won Gaye his first two Grammy Awards including Best Male R&B Vocal Performance, in February 1983, and also won Gaye an American Music Award in the R&B-soul category. People magazine called it "America's hottest musical turn-on since Olivia Newton-John demanded we get Physical." Midnight Love was released to stores a day after the single's release, and was equally successful, peaking at the top ten of the Billboard 200 and becoming Gaye's eighth No. 1 album on the Top Black Albums chart, eventually selling over six million copies worldwide, three million alone in the U.S.
I don't make records for pleasure. I did when I was a younger artist, but I don't today. I record so that I can feed people what they need, what they feel. Hopefully, I record so that I can help someone overcome a bad time.
On February 13, 1983, Gaye sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the NBA All-Star Game at The Forum in Inglewood, California—accompanied by Gordon Banks, who played the studio tape from the stands. The following month, Gaye performed at the Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever special. This and a May appearance on Soul Train (his third appearance on the show) became Gaye's final television performances. Gaye embarked on his final concert tour, titled the Sexual Healing Tour, on April 18, 1983, in San Diego. The tour ended on August 14, 1983 at the Pacific Amphitheatre in Costa Mesa, California but was plagued by cocaine-triggered paranoia and illness. Following the concert's end, he moved into his parents' house in Los Angeles. In early 1984, Midnight Love was nominated for a Grammy in the Best Male R&B Vocal Performance category, his 12th and final nomination.
On the afternoon of April 1, 1984, in the family house in the West Adams district of Los Angeles, Gaye intervened in a fight between his parents and became involved in a physical altercation with his father, Marvin Gay Sr. In Gaye's bedroom minutes later, at 12:38 p.m. (PST), Gay Sr. shot Gaye in the heart and then, at point-blank range, his left shoulder. The first shot proved fatal. Gaye was pronounced dead at 1:01 p.m. (PST) after his body arrived at California Hospital Medical Center, one day short of his 45th birthday.
After Gaye's funeral, his body was cremated at Forest Lawn Memorial Park at the Hollywood Hills; his ashes were scattered into the Pacific Ocean. Initially charged with first-degree murder, Gay Sr.'s charges were dropped to voluntary manslaughter following a diagnosis of a brain tumor. Marvin Gay Sr. was later sentenced to a suspended six-year sentence and probation. He died at a nursing home in 1998.
Personal life
Gaye married Berry Gordy's sister, Anna Gordy, in June 1963. The couple separated in 1973, and Anna filed for divorce in November 1975. The couple were officially divorced in 1977. Gaye later married Janis Hunter in October 1977. The couple separated in 1979, and were officially divorced in February 1981.
Gaye was the father of three children, Marvin III (adopted with Anna; Marvin III was the son of Denise Gordy, Anna's niece), and Nona and Frankie, whom he had with his second wife, Janis. At the time of his death, he was survived by his three children, parents, and five siblings.
Starting off his musicianship as a drummer doing session work during his tenure with Harvey Fuqua, and his early Motown years, Gaye's musicianship evolved to include pianos, keyboards, synthesizers, organs, bells, and finger cymbals. Gaye also utilized percussion instruments, such as box drums, glockenspiels, vibraphones, bongos, congas, and cabasas. This became evident when he was given creative control in his later years with Motown, to produce his own albums. In addition to his talent as a drummer, Gaye also embraced the TR-808, a drum machine that became prominent in the early 80's, making use of its sounds for production of his Midnight Love album. Despite his vast knowledge of instruments, the piano was his primary instrument when performing on stage, with occasional drumming.
As a child, Gaye's main influence was his minister father, something he later acknowledged to biographer David Ritz, and also in interviews, often mentioning that his father's sermons greatly impressed him. His first major musical influences were doo-wop groups such as The Moonglows and The Capris. Gaye's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame page lists the Capris' song, "God Only Knows" as "critical to his musical awakening." Of the Capris' song, Gaye said, "It fell from the heavens and hit me between the eyes. So much soul, so much hurt. I related to the story, to the way that no one except the Lord really can read the heart of lonely kids in love." Gaye's main musical influences were Rudy West of The Five Keys, Clyde McPhatter, Ray Charles and Little Willie John. Gaye considered Frank Sinatra a major influence in what he wanted to be. He also was influenced by the vocal styles of Billy Eckstine and Nat King Cole.
Later on as his Motown career developed, Gaye would seek inspiration in fellow label mates such as David Ruffin of The Temptations and Levi Stubbs of the Four Tops as their grittier voices led to Gaye and his producer seeking a similar sound in recordings such as "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" and "That's the Way Love Is". Later in his life, Gaye reflected on the influence of Ruffin and Stubbs stating, "I had heard something in their voices something my own voice lacked". He further explained, "the Tempts and Tops' music made me remember that when a lot of women listen to music, they want to feel the power of a real man."
Vocal style
Gaye had a four-octave vocal range. From his earlier recordings as member of the Marquees and Harvey and the New Moonglows, and in his first several recordings with Motown, Gaye recorded mainly in the baritone and tenor ranges. He changed his tone to a rasp for his gospel-inspired early hits such as "Stubborn Kind of Fellow" and "Hitch Hike". As writer Eddie Holland explained, "He was the only singer I have ever heard known to take a song of that nature, that was so far removed from his natural voice where he liked singing, and do whatever it took to sell that song."
In songs such as "Pride and Joy", Gaye used three different vocal ranges—singing in his baritone range at the beginning, bringing a lighter tenor in the verses before reaching a gospel mode in the chorus. Holland further stated of Gaye's voice that it was "...one of the sweetest and prettiest voices you ever wanted to hear." And while he noted that ballads and jazz was "his basic soul", he stated Gaye "...had the ability to take a roughhouse, rock and roll, blues, R&B, any kind of song and make it his own", later saying that Gaye was the most versatile vocalist he had ever worked with.
Gaye changed his vocal style in the late 1960s, when he was advised to use a sharper, raspy voice—especially in Norman Whitfield's recordings. Gaye initially disliked the new style, considering it out of his range, but said he was "into being produce-able." After listening to David Ruffin and Levi Stubbs, Gaye said he started to develop what he called his "tough man voice"—saying, "I developed a growl." In the liner notes of his DVD set, Marvin Gaye: The Real Thing in Performance 1964–1981, Rob Bowman said that by the early 1970s, Gaye had developed "three distinct voices: his smooth, sweet tenor; a growling rasp; and an unreal falsetto." Bowman further wrote that the recording of the What's Going On single was "...the first single to utilize all three as Marvin developed a radical approach to constructing his recordings by layering a series of contrapuntal background vocal lines on different tracks, each one conceived and sung in isolation by Marvin himself." Bowman found that Gaye's multi-tracking of his tenor voice and other vocal styles "summon[ed] up what might be termed the ancient art of weaving".
Social commentary and concept albums
Prior to recording the What's Going On album, Gaye recorded a cover of the song, "Abraham, Martin & John", which became a UK hit in 1970. Only a handful of artists of various genres had recorded albums that focused on social commentary, including Curtis Mayfield. Despite some politically conscious material recorded by The Temptations in the late 1960s, Motown artists were often told to not delve into political and social commentary, fearing alienation from pop audiences. Early in his career, Gaye was affected by social events such as the 1965 Watts riots and once asked himself, "with the world exploding around me, how am I supposed to keep singing love songs?" When the singer called Gordy in the Bahamas about wanting to do protest music, Gordy cautioned him, "Marvin, don't be ridiculous. That's taking things too far."
Gaye was inspired by the Black Panther Party and supported the efforts they put forth like giving free meals to poor families door to door. However, he did not support the violent tactics the Panthers used to fight oppression, as Gaye's messages in many of his political songs were nonviolent. The lyrics and music of What's Going On discuss and illustrate issues during the 1960s/1970s such as police brutality, drug abuse, environmental issues, anti-war, and black power issues. Gaye was inspired to make this album because of events such as the Vietnam War, the 1967 race riots in Detroit, and the Kent State shootings.
Once Gaye presented Gordy with the What's Going On album, Gordy feared Gaye was risking the ruination of his image as a sex symbol. Following the album's success, Gaye tried a follow-up album that he would label You're the Man. The title track only produced modest success, however, and Gaye and Motown shelved the album. Later on, several of Gaye's unreleased songs of social commentary, including "The World Is Rated X", would be issued on posthumous compilation albums. What's Going On would later be described by an AllMusic writer as an album that "not only redefined soul music as a creative force but also expanded its impact as an agent for social change". You're the Man was finally released on March 29, 2019, through Motown, Universal Music Enterprises, and Universal Music Group.
The What's Going On album also provided another first in both Motown and R&B music: Gaye and his engineers had composed the album in a song cycle, segueing previous songs into other songs giving the album a more cohesive feel as opposed to R&B albums that traditionally included filler tracks to complete the album. This style of music would influence recordings by artists such as Stevie Wonder and Barry White making the concept album format a part of 1970s R&B music. Concept albums are usually based on either one theme or a series of themes in connection to the original thesis of the album's concept. Let's Get It On repeated the suite-form arrangement of What's Going On, as would Gaye's later albums such as I Want You, Here, My Dear and In Our Lifetime.
Although Marvin Gaye was not politically active outside of his music, he became a public figure for social change and inspired/educated many people through his work.
Marvin Gaye has been called "the number-one purveyor of soul music". In his book Mercy Mercy Me: The Art, Loves and Demons of Marvin Gaye, Michael Eric Dyson described Gaye as someone "...who transcended the boundaries of rhythm and blues as no other performer had done before." Following his death, The New York Times described Gaye as someone who "blended the soul music of the urban scene with the beat of the old-time gospel singer and became an influential force in pop music". Further in the article, Gaye was also credited with combining "the soulful directness of gospel music, the sweetness of soft-soul and pop, and the vocal musicianship of a jazz singer." His recordings for Motown in the 1960s and 1970s shaped that label's signature sound. His work with Motown gave him the titles Prince of Soul and Prince of Motown. Critics stated that Gaye's music "...signified the development of black music from raw rhythm and blues, through sophisticated soul to the political awareness of the 1970s and increased concentration on personal and sexual politics thereafter." As a Motown artist, Gaye was among the first to break from the reins of its production system, paving the way for Stevie Wonder. Gaye's late 1970s and early 1980s recordings influenced contemporary forms of R&B predating the subgenres quiet storm and neo-soul.
Artists from many genres have covered Gaye's music, including James Taylor, Brian McKnight, Kate Bush, Cyndi Lauper, Chico DeBarge, Michael McDonald, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Aaliyah, Christina Aguilera, Phish, A Perfect Circle, The Strokes and Gil Scott-Heron. Other artists such as D'Angelo, Common, Nas, Erick Sermon, and Maxwell interpolated parts of Gaye's clothing from the singer's mid-1970s period. Gaye's clothing style was later appropriated by Eddie Murphy in his role as James "Thunder" Early in Dreamgirls. According to David Ritz, "Since 1983, Marvin's name has been mentioned—in reverential tones—on no less than seven top-ten hit records." Later performers such as Kanye West and Mary J. Blige sampled Gaye's work for their recordings.
Awards and honors
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted him in 1987, declaring that Gaye "...made a huge contribution to soul music in general and the Motown Sound in particular." The page stated that Gaye "...possessed a classic R&B voice that was edged with grit yet tempered with sweetness." The page further states that Gaye "...projected an air of soulful authority driven by fervid conviction and heartbroken vulnerability." A year after his death, then-mayor of D.C., Marion Barry declared April 2 as "Marvin Gaye Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Day" in the city. Since then, a non-profit organization has helped to organize annual Marvin Gaye Day Celebrations in the city of Washington.
A year later, Gaye's mother founded the Marvin P. Gaye Jr. Memorial Foundation in dedication to her son to help those suffering from drug abuse and alcoholism; however she died a day before the memorial was set to open in 1987. Gaye's sister Jeanne once served as the foundation's chairperson. In 1990, Gaye received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 1996, Gaye posthumously received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame listed three Gaye recordings, "I Heard It Through the Grapevine", "What's Going On" and "Sexual Healing", among its list of the 500 Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll. American music magazine Rolling Stone ranked Gaye No. 18 on their list of the "100 Greatest Artists of All Time", sixth on their list of "100 Greatest Singers of All Time" and number 82 on their list of the "100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time". Q magazine ranked Gaye sixth on their list of the "100 Greatest Singers".
Three of Gaye's albums – What's Going On (1971), Let's Get It On (1973), and Here, My Dear (1978) – were ranked by Rolling Stone on their list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. What's Going On remains his largest-ranked album, reaching No. 6 on the Rolling Stone list and topped the NME list of the Top 100 Albums of All Time in 1985 and was later chosen in 2003 for inclusion by the Library of Congress to its National Recording Registry. In addition, four of his songs – "I Heard It Through the Grapevine", "What's Going On", "Let's Get It On" and "Sexual Healing" – made it on the Rolling Stone list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
In 2005, Marvin Gaye was voted into the Michigan Rock and Roll Legends Hall of Fame.
In 2006, Watts Branch Park, a park in Washington that Gaye frequented as a teenager, was renamed Marvin Gaye Park. Three years later, the 5200 block of Foote Street NE in Deanwood, Washington, D.C., was renamed Marvin Gaye Way. In August 2014, Gaye was inducted to the official Rhythm and Blues Music Hall of Fame in its second class. In October 2015, the Songwriters Hall of Fame announced Gaye as a nominee for induction to the Hall's 2016 class after posthumous nominations were included. Gaye was named as a posthumous inductee to that hall on March 2, 2016. Gaye was subsequently inducted to the Songwriters Hall on June 9, 2016. In July 2018, a bill by California politician Karen Bass to rename a post office in South Los Angeles after Gaye was signed into law by President Donald Trump.
In popular culture
His 1983 NBA All-Star performance of the national anthem was used in a Nike commercial featuring the 2008 U.S. Olympic basketball team. Also, on CBS Sports' final NBA telecast to date (before the contract moved to NBC) at the conclusion of Game 5 of the 1990 Finals, they used Gaye's 1983 All-Star Game performance over the closing credits. When VH1 launched on January 1, 1985, Gaye's 1983 rendition of the national anthem was the very first video they aired. In 2010, it was used in the intro to Ken Burns' Tenth Inning documentary on the game of baseball.
"I Heard It Through the Grapevine" was played in a Levi's ad in 1985. The result of the commercial's success led to the original song finding renewed success in Europe after Tamla-Motown re-released it in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands. In 1986, the song was covered by Buddy Miles as part of a California Raisins ad campaign. The song was later used for chewing gum commercials in Finland and to promote a brand of Lucky Strike cigarettes in Germany.
Gaye's music has also been used in numerous film soundtracks including Four Brothers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, both of which featured Gaye's music from his Trouble Man soundtrack. "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" was used in the opening credits of the film, The Big Chill.
In 2007, his song "A Funky Space Reincarnation" was used in the Charlize Theron–starred ad for Dior J'Adore perfume. A documentary about Gaye—What's Going On: The Marvin Gaye Story—was a UK/PBS co-production, directed by Jeremy Marre and was first broadcast in 2006. Two years later, the special re-aired with a different production and newer interviews after it was re-broadcast as an American Masters special. Another documentary, focusing on his 1981 documentary, Transit Ostend, titled Remember Marvin, aired in 2006.
In 2008, Gaye's estate earned $3.5 million (US$4,156,182 in 2019 dollars). As a result, Gaye took 13th place in "Top-Earning Dead Celebrities" in Forbes magazine.
On March 11, 2015, Gaye's family was awarded $7.4 million in damages following a decision by an eight-member jury in Los Angeles that Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams had breached copyright by incorporating part of Gaye's song "Got to Give It Up" into their hit "Blurred Lines". In January 2016, the Gaye family requested a California judge give $2.66 million in attorneys' fees and $777,000 in legal expenses.
Gaye's estate is currently managed by Geffen Management Group and his legacy is protected through Creative Rights Group, both founded by talent manager Jeremy Geffen.
Attempted biopics
There have been several attempts to adapt Gaye's life story into a feature film. In February 2006, it was reported that Jesse L. Martin was to portray Gaye in a biopic titled Sexual Healing, named after Gaye's 1982 song of the same name. The film was to have been directed by Lauren Goodman and produced by James Gandolfini and Alexandra Ryan. The film was to depict the final three years of Gaye's life. Years later, other producers such as Jean-Luc Van Damme, Frederick Bestall and Jimmy De Brabant, came aboard and Goodman was replaced by Julien Temple. Lenny Kravitz was almost slated to playing Gaye. The script was to be written by Matthew Broughton. The film was to have been distributed by Focus Features and released on April 1, 2014, the thirtieth anniversary of Gaye's death. This never came to fruition and it was announced that Focus Features no longer has involvement with the Gaye biopic as of June 2013.
In June 2008, it was announced that F. Gary Gray was going to direct a biopic titled Marvin. The script was to be written by C. Gaby Mitchell and the film was to be produced by David Foster and Duncan McGillivray and co-produced by Ryan Heppe. According to Gray, the film would cover Gaye's entire life, from his emergence at Motown through his defiance of Berry Gordy to record What's Going On and on up to his death.
Cameron Crowe had also been working on a biopic titled My Name Is Marvin. The film was to have been a Sony presentation with Scott Rudin as producer. Both Will Smith and Terrence Howard were considered for the role of Gaye. Crowe later confirmed in August 2011 that he abandoned the project: "We were working on the Marvin Gaye movie which is called My Name is Marvin, but the time just wasn't right for that movie."
Members of Gaye's family, such as his ex-wife Janis and his son Marvin III, have expressed opposition to a biopic.
On December 9, 2015, Roger Friedman spoke of a biopic to be directed by F. Gary Gray that was approved by Berry Gordy and Suzanne de Passe as well as Gaye's family, following the success of Gray's Straight Outta Compton biopic based on the hip-hop act N.W.A.
In July 2016, it was announced that a feature film documentary on Gaye would be released the following year delving into the life of the musician and the making of his 1971 album, What's Going On. The film would be developed by Noah Media Group and Greenlight and is quoted to be "the defining portrait of this visionary artist and his impeccable album" by the film's producers Gabriel Clarke and Torquil Jones. The film will include "unseen footage" of the singer. Gaye's family approved of the documentary. In November 2016, it was announced that actor Jamie Foxx was billed to produce a limited biopic series on the singer's life. The series was approved by Gaye's family, including son Marvin III, who will serve as executive producer, and Berry Gordy, Jr..
On June 18, 2018, it was reported that American rapper Dr. Dre was in talks to produce a biopic about the singer.
Gaye acted in two movies, both having to do with Vietnam veterans. One was in 1969 in the George McCowan-directed film, The Ballad of Andy Crocker which starred Lee Majors. The film was about a war veteran returning to find that his expectations have not been met and he feels betrayed. Gaye had a prominent role in the film as David Owens. The other was in 1971. He had a role in the Lee Frost-directed biker-exploitation film, Chrome and Hot Leather, a film about a group of Vietnam veterans taking on a bike gang. The film starred William Smith and Gaye played the part of Jim, one of the veterans. Gaye did have acting aspirations and had signed with the William Morris Agency but that only lasted a year as Gaye wasn't satisfied with the support he was getting from the agency.
Studio albums
The Soulful Moods of Marvin Gaye (1961)
That Stubborn Kinda Fellow (1963)
When I'm Alone I Cry (1964)
Hello Broadway (1964)
How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You (1965)
A Tribute to the Great Nat "King" Cole (1965)
Moods of Marvin Gaye (1966)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine (1968)
M.P.G. (1969)
That's the Way Love Is (1970)
What's Going On (1971)
Trouble Man (1972)
Let's Get It On (1973)
I Want You (1976)
Here, My Dear (1978)
In Our Lifetime (1981)
Midnight Love (1982)
Collaborative albums
Together (with Mary Wells) (1964)
Take Two (with Kim Weston) (1966)
United (with Tammi Terrell) (1967)
You're All I Need (with Tammi Terrell) (1968)
Easy (with Tammi Terrell) (1969)
Diana & Marvin (with Diana Ross) (1973)
1965: T.A.M.I. Show (documentary)
1969: The Ballad of Andy Crocker (television movie)
1971: Chrome and Hot Leather (television movie)
1973: Save the Children (documentary)
Marvin Gaye: Live in Montreux 1980 (2003)
The Real Thing: In Performance (1964–1981) (2006)
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bitonecore-blog · 5 years
Current Trends in Bitcoin
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Made in 2009, Bitcoin is an advanced money presented as open source programming by a MIT understudy named Satoshi Nakamoto. There is a lot of theory with respect to whether Satoshi is a real individual, or an assortment of people utilizing a pen name. Bitcoin are stamped by a procedure named mining, in which specific PC equipment complete complex mathematic conditions and are remunerated with a square of bitcoins. This procedure takes around 10 minutes and the present square rewards 25 bitcoins. The square prize will be divided to 12.5 bitcoins in 2017 and again roughly like clockwork from that point. By 2140 there will be about 21 million bitcoins in presence.
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Jocelyn & Orlando
Jocelyn Wright wanted to step in front of a speeding bus when she agreed to go out clubbing. Then she recalled some jokes from high school; she’d probably do more damage to the bus, or she’d just bounce off and be fine, after causing a 6.9 on the richter scale. Jocelyn was 64 inches tall and weighed 188 lbs, she’d always been fat and always teased about it. Her high school life had been so humiliating that she never went to college, despite her 3.9 GPA. She feared it would be no different from high school. This caused her to be extremely cynical about people and relationships. After a handful of jobs that allowed her to be the object of ridicule for the public she landed a job in the call center for the water department. She liked it because she was helpful to people and out of the public eye. She liked to stay at home playing video games and watching horror movies on her days off. She liked horror movies because thin attractive people would get slaughtered despite having everything going for them. 
Today, however, was one of the exceptions. Once a month Jocelyn’s younger sister, Evelyn, would invite her to hang out with her and her friends. Evelyn was five years younger and 50 lbs lighter than Jocelyn, but Evelyn had an hourglass figure and a steady boyfriend. Half the time Jocelyn would either feign illness or work to avoid going, but she did that last month. And if she declined twice in a row, Evelyn would grow more persistent inviting her out every weekend. Jocelyn knew her sister’s intentions were coming from a place of love. She feared Jocelyn was locked in a trash filled apartment, drowning her sorrows with vodka and cookies. Jocelyn wasn’t a hoarder or a hikikomori; she’d just learned to reject people who only valued her as an object of mockery and disgust. So six times a year she agreed to hang out with her sister. 
It was Saturday night, Jocelyn had spent the afternoon dying her curly hair blonde, and choosing an outfit. She hated to endure another scyathing critique from Evelyn and her fashion drones on what a woman her size should and should not wear. She selected a purple dress that Evelyn bought her for her birthday last year. It was one of the six days she let herself be dragged out of the house. She let her sister chose clothes for her on her birthday. She added a ¾ sleeve black bolero cardigan to cover her upper arms and not stand out so much. She had to run out to buy a pair of purple moccasins to match the dress she’d never worn before. They cost more than she hoped, but less than she expected. She’d have to wait for her next paycheck to buy Final Fantasy XV. 
Her one bedroom apartment was clean and sparsely furnished, despite most people’s negative expectations. Jocelyn suspected her sister’s friends joked about the place being littered with empty pizza boxes, candy wrappers and books on weight loss and how to meet the ideal man. She hated these stereotypical perceptions but she hated their amazement that it was true even more. Like she had an obligation to be a walking cliché, and it took away from their fun when she wasn’t. 
The met up at Jocelyn’s apartment because it was in a safe neighborhood with ample parking and was near the club “uroboros” they were going to. “Why didn’t I go wine tasting with them last month?” Jocelyn lamented when her doorbell rang. She knew why though. The last two times she went wine tasting with her sister and her boyfriend they attempted set Jocelyn up with a guy Derrick (Evelyn’s boyfriend) knew. The first, Tony, was repelled when he set eyes on Jocelyn and the second, Sonny, was only interested in fucking her. He even said so when they were alone, and expected her to be receptive to it.
Jocelyn stopped playing Farmville to let them in. Jocelyn had styled her hair and gotten dressed an hour earlier to get some game time in before they left. She’d left her make up undone to give the appearance that she was only now getting ready; and to give the fashion drones a chance to use their only noteworthy skill and give her make up tips. Jocelyn felt lipstick and concealer was enough, but is always criticized for being frumpy. 
First was her sister, Evelyn, her straightened hair in a bun. She wore a crimson cocktail dress, a pearl necklace and red high heels. She was followed by her BFF from high school Charmaine Wilmington. Charmaine was tall and thin with enormous boobs that men fawned over. She had dark skin and straightened black hair about her shoulders. She was married to a MMA fighter currently ranked number 17 in his weight class. She wore a green cocktail dress and black gladiator boots. Her nails were painted to glow in the clubs black light. 
Much to Jocelyn’s dismay, Angelica “Angie” Pettis came too. Angie was a size two blonde who felt there was nothing her looks  or her daddy’s money couldn’t get her. She was picky about everything. If it didn’t meet with her approval, it was clearly bad or inferior. She liked to pretend to be self conscious of her body to keep the attention on herself. She was still single because she demanded a man who made at least a million six a year and drive a hundred thousand dollar car. She was the manager at the bank Evelyn worked at and felt she was doing them a favor by attending. She wore a white scorpion heels, a strapless dress and a mink coat. The first thing  she did when she entered was sneer at Jocelyn’s cheap couch and 32 inch TV.
The usual trio was accompanied by a fourth. They introduced her as Aimee Caine, one of their coworkers. She was noticeably pale, with glasses and short brown hair. She wore a modest black skirt, a green blazer and a gold blouse. She also wore bondage boots that seemed out of place on her. She gave a meek hello before going on to examine Jocelyn’s collection of DVDs and video games. 
Jocelyn and Evelyn went to the bathroom to apply make up. Angie stuck her head in to ask if Jocelyn had anything she could snack on. Jocelyn knew she wasn’t actually going to eat anything. It was just an excuse for her and Charmaine to look in her cupboards and refrigerator for the clichéd junk food they expected to find. All they’d find was an unopened pint of orange sherbert and a Hostess Snoball from eight months ago. Makeup applied, they took an uber to the club where they had drinks, Evelyn announced her engagement to Derrick, dancing, more drinks, more dancing and no guys even talked to Jocelyn. 
On the ride back to her apartment, Angie complained that they didn’t put diet coke in her vodka-cokes making her gain weight, Charmaine and Evelyn complained about getting hit on too much, and Aimee silently appeared to have less fun than Jocelyn; despite her numerous claims otherwise. Grateful none of them spent the night, Jocelyn played star ocean until four in the morning before finally going to sleep.
Orlando James wanted to hang himself when he agreed to go clubbing with his friends. They usually only took him to make themselves look better by comparison, or seem less shallow and vain than they really were. Orlando was 67 inches tall and weighed 259 lbs, most of which was in his beer belly. His black hair was thinning on top and greying. He was assistant manager at the same KFC he'd worked at since his senior year of high school. He didn’t mind going out, unless it was to pick up women. He’d had no luck with women, having only kissed a girl once during a drunken game of truth or dare.
He only agreed to go because if he didn’t, it’d only be a matter of time before they lied to him about where they were going just to thrust him into an environment to hit on women. He didn’t mind rejection, he was far too used to it. What he minded was the insults and the belittling that sometimes accompanied the rejections. A polite “no” or simply worded rejection would suffice. But some women had to mock his weight, hurl profanity at him and/or feign offense at being hit on by an ugly loser. Like it lessened their being by him speaking to them.
He’d been fed platitudes like “all you need is confidence.” and “eventually one has to say yes” since high school but life had proven otherwise. Some years ago he simply stopped trying, devoting his life to video games and anime. His friends claimed his cynicism was just a juvenile defense mechanism, but it was an equal and opposite reaction to his reality. Sometimes he wondered what the difference between insanity and perseverance was. 
His friends were from high school, fellow geeks like him. Though most of them changed their images after graduation. They acclimated well, but Orlando remained the same clichéd geek he was in high school. His friends said this was the primary reason he could land a woman. And he should just pretend to be “normal” before geeking out in front of a girl. Orlando countered with if he was that good of an actor he would’ve been in the drama club instead of the chess club. 
It was Saturday night, and Orlando had been playing World Of Warcraft for three hours and 34 minutes when hard knocking on his door reminded him he was suppose to go out tonight. He opened the door and let them in. Duncan Riggs was Orlando’s best friend since middle school, they even worked at KFC together while Duncan went to college. Duncan was tall and lanky with black hair, slicked back. He wore navy blue slacks with matching sports coat and a lavender collared shirt. He worked in the IT department at city hall. He claimed there was never a shortage of hot women to hit on.
Following him was Angelo Flores, who was in chess club with Orlando. He was short and chubby, but had a handsome face. He favored actor Alfred Enoch, but just in the face and hair. He was a sports reporter and envious of their lifestyles. So he dressed, the part and drove a BMW, despite living in an one bedroom apartment just as cheap as Orlando’s. Angelo’s complex was gated and had a nicer paint job. His entire outfit was by Ed Hardy.
Accompanying them was Martin Hatcher, a former KFC employee who lost 75 lbs after joining a local gym and became a personal trainer. He remained friends with Orlando because of their shared love for Call Of Duty. He wore a grey turtleneck and off black slacks. He also wore a silver cross. He had a bald head and a professionally groomed beard. 
They were aghast that Orlando wasn’t ready, but took the opportunity to pick out his outfit. They chose a red, white and blue checkered shirt Orlando had never worn because he thought it was hideous; and a pair of brown slacks he hadn’t worn in four years because he felt they were too small. The four took an uber to a club called “uroboros”.
Orlando tried to talk to three women. The first was a cute brunette who politely said she wasn’t interested. The second was a dark skinned model type who looked offended he dared to talk to her. And the third was a chubby brunette who told him,
“I understand your friends dragged you out and put you up to this, but you should really hit on women in your league.” she paused to look around and added, “Doesn’t look like there are any here though.” 28 minutes later, on his way to the toilet, he saw the third girl with two of her friends. When she saw him she whispered to her friends, pointed and the three shared a big laugh.
An hour before last call, Orlando was sitting at a table nursing a MGD thinking about the anime he could’ve watched if he simply stayed home when his three friends joined him. They were trying to encourage Orlando to not give up when Angelo said,
“Bro, check ‘er out. Blonde, purple dress, at my seven o’clock. Total BBW”
They gave her a quick look and Martin said,
“Yeah, you should like, totally talk to her Orlando.”
“No way.” Orlando replied, “She’s totally out of my league.”
“C’mon,”Duncan urged, “she’s sitting there, by herself, just waiting for some guy to talk to her.”
“Go f’r it bro! Aye, you nuttin to lose.” Angelo's joke was lost on none. Their pleads and encouragement blended together and it was obvious they weren’t going to stop until he agreed, so he did. He stood up and walked towards her.
As he walked, he began to think about the possibilities. She probably was there with her boyfriend who liked to leave his woman alone so pathetic losers like him would hit on her and he could beat the crap out of them. Maybe she was a lesbian or feminist looking to spew verbal venom at any male who felt entitled to her company. She was probably friends with the kind of women who would chastise him for thinking their friend was so desperate a “guy like him” would have a chance. What kind of women were into guys like him any how? None according to his profiles on five different dating sites. No,he could tell by the expression on her face that the last thing on the planet she wanted was to be bothered by a fat loser such as himself. She’d attract some buff stud with a six figure salary and a sports car. All that awaited him at that table was a polite rejection at best, and a drink thrown in his face at worst. He walked past her and out to the smoking area.
On the ride home the trio spent the entire time pointing out the numerous hot women who were there that he should've hit on. Especially the blonde in the purple dress. Orlando listened just enough to hide the facts that he’d heard it all before and couldn’t care less. They didn’t know, they couldn’t understand, they’d never understand. To them if you flip a coin fifty times, it eventually has to land on tails no matter how many times it lands on heads. But to Orlando, if you flip a coin fifty times and it lands on heads fifty times, it means it didn’t land on tails fifty times. And it’s not going to land on tails. All observable evidence will tell it’s not going to land on tails. Scientists would hypothesize there must be something wrong with the coin.
Orlando entered his apartment, grateful none of his friends needed to stay the night. That allowed him to play Star Ocean until four o’clock in the morning before going to sleep.
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
How does one apply for a permit to export trophy republican politician or republican donor body parts out of the country? That should be the quid pro quo for this lion permitting process.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued more than three dozen permits for hunters to bring back lion trophy parts from Zimbabwe and Zambia between 2016-2018, according to copies of the permits obtained by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The documents were obtained by Friends of Animals and reported by Huffington Post on Thursday. Thirty-three hunters received a total of 38 lion trophy permits, according to the animal advocacy nonprofit.
More than half of those hunters donated to Republican lawmakers or have ties to hunting advocacy group Safari Club International, Friends of Animals said.
"The permits show that the current administration, not only has loosened restrictions on lion hunting, but is rewarding supporters," the nonprofit said in a press release.
Last year, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke created an advisory committee called the International Wildlife Conservation Council (IWCC) that is mainly comprised of trophy hunters and members of Safari Club International.
Among the hunters who received a permit was Steven Chancellor, a wealthy Indiana businessman and major GOP donor who raised more than $1 million for Republican candidates at a fundraiser at his home headlined by Donald Trump in 2016, Friends of Animals said. Chancellor—an avid hunter who has registered 482 confirmed kills, including 18 lions, between 1980 and 2008, the Courier & Press reported—is an appointee on Sec. Zinke's International Wildlife Conservation Council. He was allowed to import lion parts from a July 2016 hunt in Zimbabwe, according to the FOIA request.
Another hunter who received permits was Virginia resident Kent Greenawalt, who has donated more than $100,000 to Republican candidates and committees and $5,400 to Trump. He was allowed to bring back lion trophies after a hunt in Zambia in 2017 and another hunt in Zimbabwe in 2016, Friends of Animals revealed.
Friends of Animals (link) tells us that other recipients of these lion trophy import permits are:
The data received by FoA shows that the greatest number of permits issued went to hunters from Texas whose residents received a dozen total. Other big GOP donors who received permits were Thomas Whaley of Marshall, Texas, and Justin Hedgecock of Gallatin Gateway, Montana. Whaley, who has given thousands of dollars to Republican candidates and the Republican National Committee, received two permits for lion hunts. Whaley received the permits for hunts in 2018 and 2017 and he also received a permit to import an elephant trophy from Zimbabwe in 2017. 
Philip Glass, a Texas rancher who is the focus of the film “Trophy” that depicts his $100,000 lion killing safari exploits in Zimbabwe and who donated $800 to Trump, also is among the U.S. hunters who received permits.
Thomas Zulim of Hockley Texas, also a GOP donor, received two permits for lion trophies for hunts in Zimbabwe in 2016 and 2017. The other Texas hunters who obtained permits are Amanda Henson, Fred Rich, Robert Hixon, Daniel Welker, Mark Pease, Jason Webster, Jeffrey Smithers, Oscar Taunton and Cooper Ribman, a teenager who received the Dallas Safari Club 2018 Young Hunter Award. Ribman’s permit was paid for by his Dallas Safari Club sponsor, Trevo Ahlberg, a major GOP donor, who owns a payday loan company and is a big game hunter.
Stephen Crooks of Stanton, Michigan and Lawrence Patrick Rudolph of Paradise Valley, Arizona also received two permits for lion trophies. The others who received permits were Dan Huber of Sulfer Springs, West Virginia; Dan Ongna, of Stevens Point, Wisconsin; William Katen, of Patchogue, New York; Richard Bodkin of Remsendburg, New York; Anthony Turiello of Santa Cruz, California; David Asai of Farmville, Virginia; John Wilson of Parkville, Missouri; Jon Dagel of Florence, South Dakota; Kelly Keithly of Yuma, Arizona; Timothy Haley of Palo Alto, California; Eric Rau of Union, Missouri; Andrew Cook of Honeoye Falls, New York and James Horrocks of Highland, Utah.
More than 85 percent of the hunters receiving permits were represented by attorneys from Conservation Force, a pro-hunting organization whose president, John Jackson, was also appointed to the IWCC. Conservation Force has also sponsored studies used by FWS to support trophy hunting.
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nojusaguilar-blog · 5 years
Pc Games Free Download For Windows 7
Watch yourself struggle, sweat, collapse while you turn your video game console right into a personal trainer. Allow me to share ten ways the newest development by Eye-Toy technology is getting rid of the couch-potato stigma that's commonly mounted on gaming, and developing the hottest new innovation moving the playback quality game industry right this moment. 1. Dubbed Eye-Toy Kinetic, the sport assesses weight as well as your height to devise exercising in your case. Occasionally it will even devise a certain number of calories to lose. It designs a personalized physical training or exercise routine. You'll be able to customize your workouts to really make it suitable for getting you healthy, reducing your weight, or toning your muscles. It feature exercises from four different disciplines, four exercise zones on hand: cardio, combat, toning, and mind & body, such as meditation and yoga. 2. You go for your own pace and monitor your progress on the way. It will also benefit from the PS2's internal clock to help keep yourself on a regimented 12-week workout. It's not a game much as a virtual fitness center and less expensive than a health club membership. 3. You communicate with one of two virtual fitness trainers to keep you motivated. An example may be male, the more gung-ho type together with his loud fitness platitudes, the other is female, the greater reassuring present in. Miss working out and expect to get an earful in one of them.
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4. Farmville technology takes a user to step in the flesh with the screen used in combination with a console. A minicamera underneath the screen to project your image on top of the screen and allow one to capture a full mobility onscreen. It's going to use the EyeToy peripheral to really track your activity and motion. 5. A boxing match places you in the center of your TV screen and pits the virtual you against a Mr. Universe. Another challenging game has you facing off with an likeness of yourself, punching balls coming to you on the watch's screen, while preventing others. Here you are playing the game with real punches that tire a you, jumping with a small mat. You work up a fantastic sweat. 6. Exercise different muscles, muscles that you do not normally use. Staying fit is the name on this game. It's a good cardiovascular workout. You're employed up the light sweat, be in short supply of breath, and sweaty in the brow after punching for nearly 10 mins. 7. The exercise factor has developed into a hot new feature. Manufacturers' biggest concern is getting women more interested in gaming. Now, the very first time, they are going to see it. It's created for all fitness abilities. For example, in a single three-minute exercise you beat back punching bags coming towards you from your four corners in the screen. This can be accomplished through precise punching and kicking or wild flailing; in either case, you lose weight. It's fairly intense since the bags coming to you faster and faster. 8. It could allow players to obtain their body talk with the machine, as an alternative to twiddling a joystick with buttons. The next wave in games is all about bombarding your senses with real sensations. So anticipate throwing away your old plastic joysticks. 9. Eye-Toy isn't only for virtual boxing; it is made in versions offering ping-pong and also dancing in the dance studio or perhaps a Zen garden. 10. Games do not have to be an unhealthy exercise. You can now finally place a computer game to work for you with EyeToy. Appease your dependence on games using your body's requirement of exercise. More info about pc games free download for windows 7 have a look at this popular site
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Is social gaming social?
I have a particularly biased standpoint on this topic. Whilst I do love me some club penguin, wii sport, papa’s freezaria; I do however hate video games. This is probably just me voicing my hatred due to past boyfriends and current boyfriend ignoring me for them but thats not what I'm here to talk about today. 
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‘Social’ gaming is “ is the activity of playing online games with other members of the same online group”. The first thought I have when it comes to social gaming is about all the games we play on Facebook such as Wordswithfriends, draw something or even when we use to play Farmville. Facebook now has a little tab where you can click and play a variety of games with your friends. 
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They are classified as ‘social’ since we play them with someone else. For example me and my boyfriend sometimes get bored and play wordswithfriends (I always win) and the great thing about it is, you get a notification when its your next, tells you who else is playing the game and it gives you a leaderboard of who's winning. But can we call these types of games social? Yes we talk to people whilst playing them but since we’re not with them in person is it still social? I personally believe that since it’s something done online it’s not considered social, however some argue that since you are talking to individuals online it can be classified as social.  Let’s do some research and find out what it actually is categorised as. 
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Some believe that it is social considering you’re playing with your friends and its just another way to interact. However, people can be playing a game together in the exact same room not talking to each other one bit. That is the definition of antisocial. I’m very biased but I do think there is a social aspect to it when it comes too gaming conventions. There is where you meet up and talk to people and finally become s o c i a l. 
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So there you have my very biased opinion. Not sorry about it :)  - Shanae ♡ 
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partysupport-blog · 5 years
The Very Best Hen Night Party
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A hen party is viewed as an occasion by the majority of the brides-to-be. They want to celebrate this kind of event since it marks their yesterday of freedom prior to the lengthy-expected day's their wedding. Therefore, this type of night is devoted to wild partying, crazy outfits and provocative gazes.
Nearly all women struggle to discover the way a perfect hen party ought to be. However, you must realize that effective hen night parties don't depend on one recipe. Each component is essential for that emergence of spectacular results. So, here are the aspects you need to consider if you would like your hen party to become a gig.
First, consider BEST PARTY IN BARCELONA that you'd like to do today to celebrate correctly your yesterday like a single lady. The majority of the women makes reservations in a club or pub and also have the duration of their existence when you purchase special food and fine drinks. Also, the most popular factor to complete for warming up the climate is playing a number of games associated with the occasion. Consuming games, challenges and dares and karaoke are some examples within this sense.
Styles are crucial to have an accomplished hen night party. They revivify your celebration making all of your buddies seem like there is a special role. With regards to selecting a hen party theme you'll certainly be faced with lots of choices. Based on your imagination and creativeness styles can differ from angels, demons, nuns or playboy bunnies to sexy odalisques, nurses or school women. The concept would be to select the outfit which makes you are feeling good and enables you to reveal the good thing individuals.
If you would like your hen party is the best don't forget the accessories. The second will complete your outfit and provides you with that "something" designed to help you become the queen from the night. It's really a shiny tiara, a magic want or group of fairy wings. Such accessories can make the main difference and you will find that incidentally people react. Be ready to face many flashes and take many photos.
Hen parties are only for enjoyment together with your nearest buddies. So, don't take all of the decisions, concerning the plans for that party, by yourself. Allow them to express their perspectives too. Their advice will certainly assist you to organize a hen night that won't be simple to forget.
Taboo is yet another fun party game. Farmville has one individual getting a card having a particular word, the concept is the fact that individuals have to reckon that word however the catch would be that the word cannot be utilised by the person who has got the card and desires others to guess. Farmville could be performed with a big or small group.
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