#farron asks
petitfarron · 4 months
♥ - family headcanon
tell us about ur kids farron
Or tell us about something else!
Okay, it's time for me to finish all these asks. I don't know why I've been struggling with writing lately, but I want to talk about Farron, and so I will force myself!
I can't remember if I've explained to the Tumblr Void (or if Sjofn's mentioned it), but Farron is a dad to twins!
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They are a boy named Sverre and a girl named Kara. They're currently 15 years old and are back on the First in Fanow with their mother Selra.
Up until recently, Farron didn't even know he had two kids. When he left Fanow, Selra had still been pregnant, and so he technically had never met his kids.
That was until ~Dusk came along~.
He made a trip to the First (since he's the only one who could) and, being the sweetheart he is, he popped by Fanow to track down Selra to see how Farron's child was doing. At Farron's request. He'd always felt terrible about leaving his child behind, and it drove him into a depression but it was essentially leave or die for him back then.
What a choice.
That sad stuff aside, Dusk ended up making contact with the little family, and he left the First with a letter from Farron's kids and a lovely sketch of them. The amount that Farron cried, to see them, to know there was two, and to know they didn't resent him for leaving...
Their relationship is still very new and awkward to navigate with Dusk having to be their in between connection, but they're all very happy to have that connection and become a proper family, even if they have to do it from a long distance for now.
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akimojo · 6 months
I cosplayed her Summoner's Garb! I always thought giving her White Mage outfit was odd because her kit screamed more "Black Mage" to me personally, especially contrasting Noel's clear "Paladin" kit.
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I fully agree actually
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 8 days
Still wrestling with gpose and face bones and blaaaah
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I have not done much posing with Estinien and Dusk and boy does it feel like a different skill set than Farron and Dusk, just because of the massive height difference between Estinien and Farron alone.
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the-thistle-king · 2 months
Me thinking bout my OCs: HeeeEehooheh
Me writinf things down: this is the stupidest sh*t ever conceived by man and im going to kill myself
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜
5 things, eh? Alright
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Lightning is my everything. Nothing will ever be what she is to me. Literally been obsessed with this bitch since 2013. From the very first intro scene where she kicks everyone's ass, I was a goner. I love her. Her voice, her outfits, her hair, her personality, her connection with her sister, her whole ass story, everything. She is my everything.
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I adore Riku. I hated his guts in the first game until the end, then it was all downhill for him. Toss in Sora with him and it's perfect (yes, I am a ride or die Soriku shipper)
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Love the bird boy. He deserves nothing but the best. Also love all his songs, his story, and the complexity of him. He is just perfect.
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Firstly, I have to agree with my friend, Celia. There is just something about young characters with white hair, and Logan is one of them (Riku too, but it different here). I love Logan, amazing character, fabulous voice actor, and easily one of my favorite romances in the game. Also, there is just something about how he says "Darling" that makes me squeal like a damn school girl. It might be the accent.
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Absolute precious best boi!! Unsuur is just the biggest sweetie in the whole ass game. My precious rock obsessed boi. He must be protected at all costs, and give all the special rocks. Also has the best lines in the entire game.
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givelightningherharem · 6 months
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Sephlight for anon!! Drawing this made me miss them sm,,,their flavor,,,
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madmanwonder · 4 months
Sequel to this
Crossover AU
Can you confirm or deny James's thoughts that the reason that you wanted Hope to be under you is NSFW?
"Define NSFW?" Lightning asked, a rare grin on her face as she look down at her student who was a series of push-up with her on his back, relishing the corruptive feeling of asserting her will on the cute feminine boy.
James who was in his office felt a shuddered and ting of sympathy toward Mr.Estheim for unknown but certain reason.
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george228732 · 10 months
The ‘thats why yo mama dead’ meme but with Farron and Fylass
Fylass: That's why yo mama dead. *bang* dead as hell
Farron: Silent birb sob noises
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jenniferbrincho · 1 year
There is a strange Venn diagram with Heron, Farron, and A'den and I can't quite shake it out yet but I think it's mostly
Center: Inhuman, long hair
Heron and Farron: Glowing eyes, notable facial scarring
A'den and Farron: Handsome in their own ways while being mildly unsettling
A'den: Tail
Farron: pupper
Heron: Terrifying / EATS PEOPLE
so yeah!! if there's others you can think of for the Zany Circles, tell me! Or enjoy either way. This knowledge is now also yours uwu
Oh my gosh, you are so right! I took the liberty of adding a few more things (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, haha)
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redolentgrove · 1 year
[@ask-north - Wisteria @ Loki] Wisteria gleefully approached Loki with North not far behind her, She however quickly began to stare in awe at the taur just as she did the first time they met. The tiny ghost didn't look like she did before, but she acted all the same. "Your dress is sooo pretty!!" She suddenly shouted before lowering her voice in embarrassment, "Oh… Uhm. Do you remember me?" She asked, The ghost sounded a bit sad and worried but her happiness quickly returned.
"Wait!! Did you come here to have fun too!? Oh! Oh! Did you bring any friends? Can I meet them? I brought my friend too! See? See?" She proudly gestured to North. "We didn't have any pretty dresses though…" She trailed off, before giving Loki a nervous smile. "… Can I still meet them even if I don't have a pretty dress too?"
Loki had been enjoying a small glass of sparkling wine, when Wisteria appeared in front of her. The not-ghost's voice seemed so familiar as she spoke all excitedly. She couldn't quite place it right away, but after looking into the child's eyes for a moment… she nodded. It was immediately clear; this was the same ghost that had adopted her as a mother. Once again, the eyes didn't lie; even disguised as a human, Wisteria's identity couldn't escape Loki's keep senses. And that attitude… the sheer excitement and awe were undeniable.
"Ah…" she mused, striding up to Wisteria and ruffling the hair on her head. "How could a mom ever forget her little girl? You know… I don't even think you told me your name when you 'adopted' me, did you? Did I even tell you mine? I'm Jolokia. Jolokia Capsicum Aniseed… or just Loki works, too!" She chuckled softly at that, turning her head to spot North when the younger 'ghost' pointed her out. "I see! It's good that you have a friend here to keep you company. Don't worry; you don't need a giant dress like mine to meet my friends and family."
Just then, Bijoux padded alongside her mother, headtilting at the pair of humans. She looked over at Wisteria specifically, noticing the more ghostly features on her body. The Cinccino-taur waved shyly at both her and North, letting out a soft squeak in greetings.
"Hello, little ones," she offered, despite being only slightly taller than North herself. The normal-type's tail swayed in rhythm, and she looked over at Loki. "I hope Mom hasn't given you any trouble."
"Speak of the family," Loki mused, gently patting Bijoux on her left shoulder. "This sweet bundle of fluff is my daughter, Bijoux Kylar Aniseed."
"Mom, sheesh, really? Whipping out the middle names in front of strangers?"
"Hey, we're at a nice event. It's okay to be a little more formal in introductions." The hybrid smirked and nodded toward the Cinccino-taur curtly. "And besides, one of these 'strangers' sees me as a mother figure. She's not always a human, either; she's, last I checked, a Misdreavus on most days. Though this other human, I can't recall meeting the last time I saw this ghost-but-not-currently…"
"Ugh, seriously, Mom, can you not go anywhere anymore without becoming someone's Mom or Aunt? The family tree already has enough tangled webs with me being like, half-sister to someone who has thirty-something generations of descendants…"
"To be fair," Loki quipped, "she asked me if I was like a mom from like the instant she saw me. I can't say no to such sweet, awestruck eyes! You know how weak I am to that! But anyway, Bijoux... shouldn't you be testing your harp to make sure it's ready for your performance? It's got to be coming up soon..."
( @ask-north )
((Mod Notes: Due to general burnout and a cramped RL work schedule, current asks in the inbox for the Gala event will be answered, but in a somewhat abbreviated style like this. A final post with Bijoux's musical act will be put up toward the final days, but our active participation in the Gala has come to a close. Apologies to all who hoped to see more of Loki and company, but I don't feel it's fair to everyone to not be able to give everything my fullest attention at an event like this. And certainly not so with anyone who has our asks in their inbox and might have wanted a more fleshed-out interaction...))
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therealmofamorus · 4 months
Original Male Crossover Stud AU
What if Hope has to choose between Lightning and Namine and Female Adam?
SMB Meme
Hope looked at the three ladies with a small blush on his young feminine-looking face.
“I would smash…Ms.Farron.”
Lightning quirked up an eyebrow in interest.
“M-Marry Namine.”
Namine cheeks blush prettily and averted her gaze to the floor.
“And I would bred Eve.”
The cow (in denial) faunus look at the human with calm but furious look on her mask-covered face as she folded her arms underneath her annoyingly huge breasts.
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petitfarron · 7 months
#7: What gift would they be most delighted to receive from a suitor or lover?
This kind of goes with the previous ask about flowers and how that'd make him so, so happy but! Let's deviate from that path a bit and go with a "gift" Dusk has already given him!
The best thing Farron has ever received from Dusk (so far) that made him want to faint on the spot...
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The Babies!
Seriously when Dusk got back home from his trip to the First with these two, Farron about lost his mind. He loves them to death.
They aren't really a "gift," though. But whatever, it counts!
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fyresaber · 4 months
so lightning met gala mother of time herself. the theme of the “inevitable doom of aristocracy” and of the culling of crystal roses to futilely delay its coming as pictured in ballard’s short story most obviously resembles the inevitable doom of chaos overtaking the world that caius so prides himself in, as well as that of yeul and her flower being uprooted with every move noel and serah make as they alter the course of time to circumvent an inevitable end to their planet, an undertaking that proves fruitless and martyrs the last flower, serah herself.
henceforth lightning’s most obvious answer to the challenge is her Crystal, which stands resplendent amongst the decay, before melting off her skin and baring her to the world’s cruelties again.
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though it may seem an obvious choice, lightning’s midnight mauve is also a contender as it represents the fall of yusnaan’s class dystopia under her thumb as well as the damnation of god, her master. won amongst blood and carnage, it was most definitely burned at the trim amidst her conflagration of flame and snow’s torrent of ice soon after.
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the entire premise of lightning returns in fact hinges on the theme of inevitable demise as a population counts down its final 13 days while lightning plucks souls and fruits flowers, offering them to her lord to unlock another day and prolong the end.
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another option i like for light is the aya brea distressed and ruined version of her xiii costume which depicts the decay of her first garment. her ‘dust and shadow’ garb also fits the bill.
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 4 months
How often does your character name things (whether items, pets, plans, etc) and what is their process for naming? Do they base names on inanimate objects, gods or notable figures, or simply on what 'feels' right? Have they ever given someone or something a cheesy nickname? What names have they come up with (if any)?
Dusk honestly tries to avoid naming things if he can help it, because he knows he's not very creative with them. He is a man who panicked and blurted out the first spear name that came to mind when asked to name his chocobo, Pike, and has only ever referred to his duck friend as 'Duck.' Duck's a bit of a special case, though ... Dusk doesn't think of Duck as 'his' or as a pet. Let's just say he very much understood Deryk when he said he hadn't named the baby opo-opo because it felt insulting to do so.
Dusk technically bases names on inanimate objects, as in addition to Pike, he has a draught chocobo named Lance. He helped name the orphanage's baby chocobo and picked Ranseur. He realized around then that three makes it a firm pattern, and now people will expect spear-based names for all his chocobos from now on. He doesn't mind, there's a lot of spear names out there!
He and Farron named the amaro babies as a team, and you can tell because a lot of thought got put into them, plus they got a little sappy with it. They both wanted to give them fey names to honor where they came from, so Dusk got a list of terms from Urianger and they got to work. Eo means 'star' and Sul means 'flower,' both things that hold symbolic meaning to Dusk and Farron, and the babies both got 'Lad' as their second name, as it means traveler and ... well, they are!
Dusk is not one for nicknames, generally speaking, or even pet names, but he has called Farron both 'sweet pea' and 'pumpkin.' Sweet pea is because it's a flower that makes Dusk think of Farron, and pumpkin was because Farron made a rabbit-looking jack-o-lantern for All Saints and Dusk thought it was super cute. He hardly ever uses them out loud, and Farron has turned into a flustered mess each time.
Thank you for the ask!
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a moodboard on Lightning Farron of Final Fantasy 13 x Cloud Strife of FF7, please. With the theme of soldiers in love and trying to overcome the scars of their pasts.  Cloud from the FF7 remake and Lightning from the first FF13 game.
Requested by: @frie-ice
-Mod rapunzel
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confusedpandabear · 8 months
Something new this time. Lightis was a crackship that was near and dear to my heart back in the day when there was little info about ffxv: noctis-x-lightning(.)tumblr(.)com/post/189060003734/flat-color-commission-done-for-ultrabryceroni-of
Didn't know this was a thing and now it's my everything.
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