#farscape trivia
radiofreemultiverse · 3 months
A radiation wave hit and trivia got shot through a wormhole. Now it’s lost in some distant part of the universe on a show, a live show, full of strange alien life forms. Help us. Play our game of #Farscape trivia!
Grand Trivia is a weekly show hosted by Fluval (Grand Triviamaster of The Grand Aquarium Empire) and his sycophantic intern Intern Kristie. Each week they do offbeat trivia around a specific theme and lowly third-dimensional beings compete to prove they know their stuff.
Produced by Radio Free Multiverse.
Radio Free Multiverse brings you art, comedy, and trivia from outside of time and space. Join us LIVE every Wednesday at 8 pm PT / 11 pm ET at twitch.tv/radiofreemultiverse!
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Learn more about the show and our myriad other projects at radiofreemultiverse.com
The Grand Aquarium Anthem is by Isaiah Thomas. Check out his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@IndecisionTelevision
Fluval’s theme is by Riley Soloner. You can follow him at https://instagram.com/rileysoloner.
“rfm100” was remixed by thingsfromthevoid
“HeyListen” was remixed by Daydream_Vagabond
Fluval’s theme was remixed by thingsfromthevoid. Watch him live on Saturday at 7pm PT / 10 pm ET at https://www.twitch.tv/sensitiveartisttypes
Social Media: Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/RadioFreeMultiverse Instagram ► http://instagram.com/radiofreemultiverse YouTube ► https://youtube.com/@RadioFreeMultiverse
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janhooks · 11 months
farscape podcasts I've listened to ranked
Frellcast: had a shaky start but grew into something beautiful much like farscape itself. The hosts are very passionate about the show and episodes are regularly 2+ hours long. They're not afraid to go on a rant when the show sucks. Very cathartic listening experience during season 4 because they feel the same way about season 4 aeryn that I do
So Farscape: pretty good listen, hosts have a fun energy and sometimes I learn behind the scenes trivia I didn't know. They're pretty sanguine in general and even like the terrible episodes like a prefect murder which leads to me being like come on guys being a little more discerning
Muppets sex and trauma: pretty boring, I think the hosts are coworkers rather than longtime friends like the other two podcasts which contributes to a pretty listless energy
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blairsanne · 2 years
DFP Actors August: Rebecca Gibney
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NZ actors tend to end up in a lot of the same shows over the years it seems. I have a lot of fun spotting familiar faces, so I thought this would be a fun and silly little project, seeing which actors have repeatedly been in things that Deano was also in (not necessarily alongside). Just a bit of trivia. Enjoy!
Farscape (2003/2001)
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Dean plays Zukash in S4E20 & S4E21. Rebecca plays Rinic Sarova in S3E7.
If you hadn't guessed, this is a space show. I don't remember much of it, but I know I caught bits of it back when it was on TV and I got a free keychain for it once at an anime convention of all places.
Wanted (2017/2016-2018)
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Deano plays Will Johnson (sadly no relation to Anders Johnson as far as we know), someone the main characters get tangled up with in season two.
Rebecca plays one of the main characters, Lola, who is on the run from criminals and the police after witnessing a crime (and, well, it gets a lot more complicated from there).
Great series, I definitely need to finish watching it.
Under the Vines (2021-2022)
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Rebecca plays one of the main characters, Daisy, who inherits a vineyard. Dean plays her actor bestie, Griffin. They're so cute together!! ♥
I really loved all the characters on this show and can't wait for season two (no release date known when I prepped this post, but apparently 2022)!
That's what I have for these two - did I miss anything?
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leolaroot · 1 year
NEELIX I need to tell you. I'm at trivia rn on a team with my masters supervisor... and she just said to one of the other teammates "so I've started watching farscape...." and I was like OMG. person irl just mentioned the neelix show!!!!!
NO FREAKING WAY........ THATS INSANE. farscape has become real..
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gayspock · 2 years
ok .... farscape momence
okay so randdommm thoughts dump time
FIRSTLY: there's some odd moments, huh, where its like. its never HORRIFIC but the "gore" for lack of a better term really pushes whatever the rating is on this show, LOL.... like the hand melting scene in last ep? & crichtons head freaking exploding in outer space in this ep? yeessshhh....
also also also. i see that this ep im on rn (dream a little dream) isnt a zhaan ep but as an aside. its sooo strange bc i love zhaan as a character but SIGHHHH. i noticed that zhaan-focussed eps, thus far, fall sooo flat and thats such a freaking shame!! i feel like they sorta dont know how to deal with her as the focus and they go too hard in the wrong direction. but anyways
and also they do make some odd decisions with her otherwise, even still. not ones im wholly against but... i feel like they sometimes dont pull them off well. and i say that bc usually its, like, with her - whereas with everyone else, i feel like they consistently nail and get right, even if the episode is weaker. its odd. maybe im just misreading her sometimes, or what. but again its a shame bc i rlly like her. and they do do GOOD stuff with her too, ofc- i love the subtleties they pull off with her sometimes- but sometimes im like man what like...
although that being said ido like that this ep did take the time to kinda. explore exactly what she went through in that interim period between s1 and s2 and i DO think, saving it for now, rather than doing it right at the beginning was the right choice. her being imprisoned and put to execution makes her state a lot more understandable. though i willsay- kinda obvious how like.... they were SCRAPING for a way to put this in here lol. its kind of weird to frame it with the nightmare thing but eh its functional and her talk with crichton is nice enough
ALSO i actually reallylove chiana and rygels dynamic and i DID enjoy seeing them in this ep, and i did enjoy bits of this ep BUT theresother aspects.... MY BRAIN is failingtonight so im struggling to put it into words. like a lot of this, like quite a few s2 eps, didnt quite work out for me...
i think courtroom episodes in scifi shows can be cool when theyre done right and cleverly, and really do explore themes of morality, but i cant really say that of this episode. i think chiana and rygel do make a good team but a lot of it is a bit weird and not in the fun goofy farscape weird but like just kinda like... pulled out your ass, weird? like the stick thing and stuff. i think they should have pushed some parts a lot more than they did, and focussed on the wrong bits elsewhere- but even then, i still dont know, bc...
i feel like this episode sort of lost its point in general bc im skimming through trivia on it and it looks like this script was kinda moved about a bit and that shows and thats a shame bc i think. like when this STARTED i assumed it would be a zhaan ep and i think that it really... should have been? like-
DONT GET ME WRONG like i said it was fun and i liked the rygel and chiana dynamic. i think: a) rygel and chiana are alone and have to work together without the team; b) rygel and chiana have to play lawyers and cant use their usual skillet... is a solid story BUT wlike i dont know like. i feel like if youre going to flashback like this and have zhaan introduce and conclude the episode it would have worked better as an exploration of her, and for it to be her narrative rather than that. and then i think that would work better if we focussed more on the injustices of the planet rather than, like, courtroom drama bc they also lost sight of those, too, ro at least they werent rlly developed fully either . i think those two themes would have been stronger to go into for this setup and rygel and chiana antics tabled for another time
anwyays its funny i said so much here bc it didnt feel like that much. i also totally blanked out on last ep too i feel like that... AGAIN. THERES SOMETHING WITH S2 WHERE ITS LIKE- i cant tell if the end of s1 just raised such a bar for me, but the mediocre reallyyyy feels mediocre . I DONT MEAN ITS LIKE BAD BAD and im for sure still excited and continuing with the show BUT YKNOW. i get it man all showshave a bit like this LOL
and again theres still good stuff in there. well i mean last ep. EH. I DONTKNOW. IT FELT LIKE IT DRAGGED FOR SO LONG AND I JUST DIDN CARE...HELP...SORRY. I DONT EVEN REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS. but maybe thats just because im crazzy fucking out of it rn
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
The post about the creation/migration to AO3 and early user IDs made me decide to finally checkout fandom IDs, because the first user IDs were more about site development when I tend to think of them as BNFs and early adopters. Can you tell me why /works?fandom_id=27 is the only working one in the 1-30 range and what some other low ID fandoms are? Also, trivia curiosity, in the early days, were any smaller fandoms added sooner because of developers being interested in them, not because of size?
I had totally forgotten that fandom ID was a thing.
I assume that a bunch of test fandoms got created and then deleted as the coders were building the initial archive.
It's also likely that some of the low numbers were not in whatever standard form we developed later. There weren't any wrangling guidelines at this point. If fic authors saw a later common tag and switched the tag on their actual fic, the old (low ID #) one may have ended up deleted.
Did the coders seed popular fandom tags?
It sounds like you're assuming that must have happened, but pre-making tags isn't really an AO3 thing most of the time. (There's little point both because we were experimenting with giving people freedom and seeing what they did and because AO3 is designed to only show fandoms that have content. A tag with 0 works won't appear in the index.)
I'm sure they made a few tags just to test, but most of the early fandom tags were very likely made by people uploading fic. So if a tester was into a small fandom, there would be a tag for that, same as if they were into a big fandom.
I remember that pretty early on (but after that kind of very initial development), we were asked to import old works just so there would be something in the archive to use for testing. I imported my first fic, which was cranky responsefic inspired by someone's wrong and stupid take on Saitou from Rurouni Kenshin.
Poking around, my guess is that the low-numbered fandoms are actually just the fandoms of actual works the developers/first testers were importing.
31 = Dead Poets Society
37 = Boondock Saints
These are absolutely not juggernauts of the day. They are, however, the sorts of smaller fandoms the early adopters are often fond of. (I'm guessing Dead Poets Society is watersword's fault. She's #12, so I'm thinking she was coding or testing at the time.)
46 = LOTRiPS
56 = Gravitation
65 = Avatar
70 = SGA
83 = Narnia
86 = David Cook RPF
90 = American Idol RPF
91 = HP
Oh, here's a case in point: 91 isn't the ID of the main common HP tag in use today. It's the ID of the tag that's literally just 'HP'. That's how the tag IDs work: they're for that exact tag, not whatever it is synned to.
114 = Grey's Anatomy
121 = American Idol
129 = Farscape
162 = SGA (a different tag for it)
164 = The Dead Zone
169 = My Chemical Romance
(LOL. That tracks.)
183 = HP again
187 = Smallville
196 = CSI
203 = Torchwood
206 = House
250 = Firefly
259 = POTC
266 = Hellsing
272 = House again
273 = The Sentinel
287 = Final Fantasy XII
288 = Song of the Lioness
298 = Copenhagen
We apparently don't get to RK until ID# 2737. I guess I was lazy about uploading.
Here's a Wayback Machine copy from Oct 6, 2008. It says:
95 users to date
182 fandoms to date
1145 works to date
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girlbossk · 2 years
love that amazon prime gives me random trivia about the things i’m watching. wish other streaming services did this. apparently farscape was originally supposed to be called “space chase”
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ettadunham · 3 years
the wildest farscape trivia i read so far is that they actually thickened out claudia black’s eyebrows for the first season, like girl, call me e.t. because i have the natural alien eyebrow requirements apparently
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 years
Can you recommend me any English shows? I feel like I've seen all of them and I just want new stuff.
OK, so I’m going to recommend more obscure or less well known shows, ones that are easily missed or overlooked. Hopefully there are new things on the list--
Farscape-- An American astronaut is sucked into a wormhole and zapped to the far side of the universe. He ends up a passenger on an escaped prison ship and a fugitive from the authoritarian, militaristic Peacekeeper Regime. His only goal is to find a way back to Earth- if he can survive long enough to chart the way. Do not go into this expecting it to be great. It’s low-budget Australian-American Sci-fi from 1999-2003. It’s fantastic if you go into it with low expectations though. 
-- Farscape opening credits (it gives you an idea of the show) -- 
Stargate SG-1-- (Not obscure, but people don’t talk about it enough). A Stargate is an alien device that uses star positions to “dial” (like a rotary phone) distant planets. The Earth gate was used by American marines to explore one such planet, where they ended up in a battle for their lives against a race of aliens whose leader once posed as the god Ra to enslave Ancient Egyptians. He was defeated, but now his kind know Earth is rising once again, and this time it’s in a position to rip apart their stranglehold on the galaxy. The only thing that stands between Earth and the Goa’uld are a series of teams that are basically worthless, and the one team that will change it all: Stargate SG-1. **There is a movie called “Stargate” that covers the battle with Ra. That is the ORIGINAL. The shows are spin-offs of the movie but you DO NOT NEED to see the movie to follow**
(and fun trivia: the last few seasons of Stargate added the 2 lead actors from “Farscape”, but as wholly new Stargate-Universe-Only characters).
-- Stargate SG-1 Trailer -- 
Stargate Atlantis-- (Jason Momoa was in this one!) Turns out the Earth Stargate doesn’t just connect to THIS galaxy, it is the only gate in the Milky Way capable of reaching the Pegasus Galaxy. More importantly- the mythical lost city of the Gate Builders- Atlantis. The trip will be one way, thanks to the extraordinary power requirements to make a connection. An entire new command- and entire new teams- are sent to Pegasus to make contact with the Gate Builder civilization and bring humanity millennia into the future with their knowledge and technology. Except at the other end of that one-way mission is a dead city, slowly flooding as its shields lose power to hold back the ocean that has buried it. When total failure is imminent- and death assured- the city releases from the ocean floor and rises to the surface. But the Ancient City was abandoned for a reason. And waking the city will wake a new and horrifying enemy (Jason Momoa appears in Season 2 as the Wraith-Runner Ronan Dex). **Stargate Atlantis is mostly self-contained. Later seasons get complex with crossover episodes, but for the most part you don’t have to worry about seeing SG-1 to understand SGA**
-- Stargate Atlantis Trailer -- 
Harper’s Island-- (Not Sci-fi this time!) 8 years ago the peaceful Northwest community of Harper’s Island was rocked by a series of horrific murders. The killer was hunted down and killed, but not before Abby Mills’ mother joined the list of John Wakefield’s victims. Abby swore she would never return- but now she’s been drawn back for the wedding of her best friend. They are determined not to let the darkness of the past haunt the present- but one by one people begin to vanish. The bodies begin to pile up. And one thing becomes abundantly clear: John Wakefield is alive, he’s been waiting for Abby to return, and an enemy may walk among them. **Even the actors in the show didn’t know if they would live or die as they filmed the show, or which one of them might be the murderer**
-- Harper’s Island Trailer: One By One -- 
Galavant-- (this entire series can be binged in about 2.5-3 hours, it wasn’t long) Way back in days of old there was a legend told about a hero known as Galavant. Well, that was then, this is now. Galavant did everything a hero was supposed to do- he was successful, had a hot girlfriend, and thought he was set for his Happily Ever After. Right up until the evil and jealous King Richard laid eyes on Galavant’s sweet Madalena and fell in love with her. King Richard kidnaps Madalena and is poised to force her to marry him when Galavant bursts in to save the day--- only for Madalena to tell him she’s actually cool with the whole thing. Hey, she’ll live in a castle and be rich, who wouldn’t want that?! Destroyed by his love’s betrayal, Galavant eats and drinks himself into oblivion for a year. At this point he is approached by Princess Isabelle- whose kingdom has been invaded and her family imprisoned by none other than King Richard and his Evil Queen Madalena- who’s taken a sharp turn bitch-ward since leaving Galavant. It’s time for Galavant to do some situps, sack up, and be a hero once again. **This is a comedy musical, with the songs written by Alan Menkin, the man behind the music in Disney films including Pocahontas, Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. 
-- Galavant Opening Song --
Chernobyl-- (Not obscure but people don’t talk nearly enough about how hauntingly beautiful this mini-series was) In 1986, while the city of Pripyat slept, something horrifying happened at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. A safety test went awry, Reactor 4 exploded, and thus began the worst nuclear disaster in history- one which in many ways is still unfolding to this day. This miniseries celebrates the heroes who helped contain the tragedy at Chernobyl. The firefighters who stood at the edge of an exposed nuclear reactor to stop the fires belching irradiated ash into the atmosphere. The doctors and nurses whose hands were burned simply by touching the firefighters as their bodies began to liquify. The miners who dug cooling shafts beneath a nuclear reactor in meltdown to stop molten rock from reaching the Kiev water supply. The military and scientific leaders who worked together to contain the disaster and hold accountable those who caused such horrific devastation. Haunting is the only way to describe this mini series.
-- Chernobyl trailer --
Those are the ones that came to mind. IDK, I just thought of shows that we’ve talked about at work that people aren’t immediately familiar with. I’m probably leaving some fantastic ones off the list...
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shadoedseptmbr · 3 years
QUICKLY for the fandom meme
Fun with words!  Thanks!
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
I had a Hawke paired with Anders, Kieran.  And I just couldn’t ...enjoy it.  
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
John Crichton - Farscape
Sam Carter - Stargate
Scully - X-Files
Kira Nerys - ST: DS9
Remus Lupin - HP
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Hm.  No?  I have, though, very carefully curated what I *see* of several fandoms, including my Bioware Favorites.  I don’t really care for controversy on my dash, here.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
ugh, I’m really a very “ship as thou wilt” sort of person.  I don’t love Solas/Lavellan, though.  
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Well, YOU are a wonderfully welcoming sort of person.  You’re a wonderful writer and extremely delightful. And considering that we dabble in the same genre/ships I can’t believe I never came across you before!  <3
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Sera (who I am neutral on, don’t actively dislike) has a fascinating background and is the type of character you don’t often come across in fiction (abrasive yet compelling, young but complex).  And she has *amazing* room decoration skills!
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
I forgot to say Supernatural!  So there you go. I have seen so much Supernatural on my dash, I could probably win a trivia night! :D
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radiofreemultiverse · 3 years
Grand Trivia: Studio Cat Loves Farscape!
This week on Grand Trivia, Fluval and Intern Kristie do a deep dive into Pepsi lore and so much more.
Radio Free Multiverse brings you comedy from The Grand Aquarium Empire Network (the premiere multidimensional entertainment network.) Join us live every Friday at 9 pm PT / 12 am ET at http://radiofreemultiverse.com! Time is complicated, so who knows what you’ll find on the air!
The Aquarium Anthem is by Isiah Thomas. Check out his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxHoxed3FvREnUM5lteDgbg
Fluval’s theme is by Riley Soloner. Check Googy Morning! with Riley Soloner Saturdays at 11 am ET / 8 am PT at http://planetscum.live
Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadioFreeMultiverse Twitter: https://twitter.com/RFMultiverse Instagram: http://instagram.com/radiofreemultiverse Twitch: http://twitch.tv/radiofreemultiverse
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benbrowder · 4 years
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Snurched from Auntie Nora on FB/Twitter:
Farscape Trivia: Eat Me
Filming this creeped Tammy McIntosh (Jool) so much that “the sound guy said I was so frightened that he couldn’t hear my footsteps....all he could hear was my heartbeat. I really enjoyed that fear factor and revealing the lack of hope.”
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blairsanne · 2 years
Deano Filmography Project
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I have a spreadsheet.
My plan is to make gifs/stills of each thing I can find on Dean O'Gorman's filmography. This post is to document my progress and tell you how to find things on the blog. I will update it over time. Updated: January 27, 2023
Still seeking:
1998 The Chosen
1999 Duggan
1999 Fearless
2000 Little Samurai
2004 Piggy
2009 Sabotage
If you know where I can find any of the above, please dm me!
Actors August (Trivia) Masterlist
1998 When Love Comes: posts tagged as when love comes (1998)
1998 Big Sky: posts tagged as big sky (queued)
2000 Little Samurai: (just the tiny snippet I found) posts tagged as little samurai (2000)
2007 Moonlight: posts tagged as moonlight (2007)
2015 Auckward Love: posts tagged as auckward love (2015)
In progress:
1996 Return to Treasure Island: posts tagged as return to treasure island (1996) and jim hawkins
1998 Young Hercules (Movie and TV series): Sideblog @just-here-for-iolaus
2004 Serial Killers: posts tagged as serial killers (2004) (3/7)
2009 The Cult: posts tagged as the cult (2009)
2011-2013 The Almighty Johnsons: Sideblog @jprgirl
2017 Wanted: posts tagged as will johnson
2017 Pork Pie: posts tagged as pork pie (2017)
2018 The Brokenwood Mysteries: posts tagged as the brokenwood mysteries
2019 The Bad Seed: Posts tagged as the bad seed
2021-2023 Under the Vines: posts tagged as under the vines
Not yet started:
1990 The Rogue Stallion
1990 Raider of the South Seas
1995 Bonjour Timothy
1996 Shortland Street
1996 Siren
1997 Doom Runners
1995-1998 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
1998 The Legend of William Tell
1996-2000 Xena: Warrior Princess
2001 Lawless: Beyond Justice
2001 Snakeskin
2001 All Saints
2002 Toy Love
2003 Farscape
2003 MDA (TV Series)
2004-2005 McLeod's Daughters
2007-2008 Animalia (probably won't bother with this)
2008 The Legend of Bloody Mary
2009 Legend of the Seeker
2009 Go Girls
2010 Nights in the Gardens of Spain (Kawa)
2011 Tangiwai
2012 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (may not bother)
2013 The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (may not bother)
2014 The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies (may not bother)
2015 Trumbo
2016 Hillary
2016-2017 Westside
2020 One Lane Bridge
2019-2020 Golden Boy
2021 Vegas
??? - A random beef jerky ad that was brought to my attention
If you are looking for anything, I'm always happy to help! Just shoot me a dm and I'll get you sorted.
Also if there's something on here you're particularly interested in gifs/stills from, let me know and I'll move it to the top of my queue. Otherwise I'll just be doing them in a random order haha.
You may also be interested in joining the Dean O'Gorman fan discord server, DeanO Simp Circle! We have a lot of fun sharing Deano content and chatting!
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leolaroot · 1 year
they call me the farscape trivia guy because of the information I've collected in my long life
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Yo, fun facts from one of the Farscape producers/writers-
A couple of my Farscape-related tweets were liked by Richard Manning, who was a producer and writer for the show so I decided to ask him a question about a certain aspect of the show. and he answered it and then I got some fun trivia, like Zhaan was originally going to be a male delvian named Zenn. And also the last scene from Peacekeeper Wars with John and Aeryn and their baby on Moya’s terrace was what David Kemper and Rockne s Obannon pictured as the last shot of the sceries before it had even begun production. And that’s interesting considering the show got canceled before they got to do that... but thanks to the fans who played a huge role in being able to have the miniseries, that vision got realized.
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baylardo · 3 years
The cross I bear is being able to pinpoint specific lines or sequences from every Farscape episode, sometimes having whole scenes of dialogue memorized, my friends can vouch like watching Farscape with me is insane
Please watch Farscape with me I’m full of trivia and can explain pop culture references
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