#fastcut records
joanofarc · 1 year
lovelost, motifs (2022).
there’s a picture of you i found you’re sitting in the snow (with the woman you loved) i think about the world you saw before me
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bandcampsnoop · 10 months
Soft Science (Sacramento, California) combine indie pop with a shoegazey instrumentation. I can't help but think of Say Sue Me or Stars on Fire. And speaking of Sacramento, there's a bit of Tiger Trap happening here. This is being released by Shelflife, Spinout Nuggets and Fastcut Records.
Our good friend Eric turned me onto another Sacramento band - The Baddest Beams. They don't have a physical release (yet). Kind of reminds me - lyrically at least - of Black Country, New Road.
The Sacramento music scene is just like the heat dome currently hovering over it - hot, hot, hot!
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noloveforned · 1 year
my yo la tengo triple-header drew to a close last night, just in time to get ready for my show tonight on wlur from 8pm to midnight. tune in live or check out last week's show at your convenience!
no love for ned on wlur – march 10th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label the replacements // god damn job // for sale- live at maxwell's, 1986 // rhino the tubs // illusion, part two // dead meat // trouble in mind rizzo // spin this // phoning it in // sympathy for the record industry mhaol // bored of men // attachment styles // tulle qinqs // edgar allan poe // qinqs 7" ep // goodbye boozy yo la tengo // outsmartener // today is the day ep // matador carambolage // fußgängerzone // carambolage // tapete new bloods // oh, deadly nightshade! // the secret life // kill rock stars peter ivers // terminal love // terminal love // warner bros. gina birch // i am rage // i play my bass loud // third man ono // i wonder why // kate cincinnati // american dreams mogwai // take me somewhere nice // rock action // matador mess esque // liminal space // armour your amor 7" // (self-released) zander raymond // park // separate in space // (self-released) lucy 22 and lawrence lui // formosa // formosa digital single // (self-released) sun ra and walt dickerson // space dance // visions // steeplechase malcolm jiyane tree-o // umkhumbi kama // umdali // mushroom hour half hour theo croker featuring ego ella may and jeff parker // somethin' (extended take) // by the way ep // sony masterworks julius brockington // in the back of the churchyard // the united chair // barely breaking even mach-hommy featuring left lane didon and big cheeko // wellness cheques // notorious dump legends, volume two // (self-released) maxo featuring keiyaa // one day at a time // even god has a sense of humor // def jam u.s. girls // just space for light // bless this mess // 4ad free love // all the same to me // inside // lost map kate fagan // come over // i don't wanna be too cool (expanded edition) // captured tracks dot dash // lonesome sound // madman in the rain // the beautiful music the reds, pinks and purples // ghosts again // heaven's dreaming ep // (self-released) screen prints // words can't really say // european jeans // fastcut
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micro961 · 14 days
Picciotto – “Rapporti - Cap. 1 / Christian vs. Picciotto”
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Il nuovo album di Picciotto - In radio dal 12 aprile
Picciotto presenta il suo settimo album, “Rapporti”, un concept di 20 canzoni suddivise in 4 capitoli. Una scelta controcorrente e provocatoria che prova a stimolare domande negli ascoltatori, le stesse sulle quali Christian ha riflettuto nella lunga gestazione del disco. Partendo dal classico scontro tra persona e personaggio (Christian vs. Picciotto) e attraversando temi sociali (Real vs. Fake), musicali (Music vs. Business) e sentimentali (Love vs. Love) i 4 blocchi composti da 5 canzoni ciascuno analizzano gli incontri/scontri da più punti di vista evidenziando una crisi tra le generazioni sempre più scollate dopo il periodo pandemico. Per Picciotto la musica è sempre stato volano di riflessione e sfogo, strumento salvifico che da quasi vent’anni porta sui palchi e tra i banchi di “scuole di frontiera” come educatore. Nell’album il sound è trasversale, accarezza l’old school senza sdegnare la trap, voli pindarici tra ritornelli indie e cassa dritta, rime crude e accenni cantautoriali, un mush up di contaminazioni sonore dove il leit-motiv sono i testi e gli spunti su come oggi ci rapportiamo a noi stessi e agli altri. Ghemon e Serena Brancale tra i featuring di spicco insieme a tutti i giovani talenti de Lo Stato Dell’Arte, label discografica a sfondo sociale creata da Picciotto all’interno di un bene confiscato alla mafia, produzioni affidate a Gheesa (così come mix e master) e collaborazioni con John Lui, Dnvr & Freccia e Dj FastCut. Da Marzo in tour con un live presentato sia in band che col dj a seconda dei contesti.
Christian Paterniti aka Picciotto, palermitano. Dopo 3 dischi e centinaia di concerti con la sua band GenteStranaPosse avvia un percorso come “Picciotto” producendo per l’etichetta Irma Records i dischi “Piazza Connection” (2015), “StoryBorderline” (2016) e “Terapia” (2019). Il suo è un rap di forte denuncia sociale, nasce e si sviluppa nei centri sociali occupati allargandosi e affinandosi negli anni su vari palchi della penisola ed essendo conseguenza naturale del suo impegno sociale. Da quindici anni infatti si occupa di laboratori di “scrittura creativa” incentrati sul rap e di progetti di contrasto alla dispersione scolastica lavorando nelle scuole e in diversi quartieri popolari di Palermo provando a sensibilizzare i minori, ex detenuti e i giovani “drop-out” all’arte della scrittura e della musica come mezzi espressivi di forte riscatto ed emancipazione. Vincitore del premio “Musica contro le mafie” nel 2017 con la canzone “Amarcord 2.0” e premiato a Casa Sanremo durante il Festival dove presenta “Capitale” canzone diventata inno di “Palermo Capitale della Cultura 2018”. Nello stesso anno Picciotto si reca in Libano ad esibirsi come rapper nei campi profughi di Beddawi,Tripoli e Nar Al Bared a dimostrazione ulteriore di quanto la musica supera i confini e le distanze mentali per divenire sempre di più arma di riscatto individuale e collettivo. Successivamente il tour suonato in band lo porta sui palchi di importanti Festival come il Carroponte a Milano, lo Sherwood a Padova e il Newroz a Napoli, aprendo importanti live come quelli di Salmo,Clementino e Manu Chao ed esibendosi anche come unico guest ad apertura del tour di Caparezza. Nel Luglio 2021 riceve il premio “Noise Symphony Indieffusione” alle finali del concorso “ Voci per la libertà” per Amnesty International con la canzone “Bimbi”. Da sempre attento a ciò che succede nella sua città, contribusice alla crescita di tanti talenti musicali attraverso il format Palermo Suona e l’organizzazione del Beat Full Festival e da Settembre 2021 lavora assiduamente alla formazione di un roster di giovani artisti creando l’etichetta “Lo Stato Dell’Arte” della quale è presidente ed editore. Il progetto discografico ha sede in un bene confiscato alla mafia riqualificato da una decina di giovani talenti individuati e prodotti da Picciotto e viene presentato in prima serata su Rai 3 nella trasmissione “Che ci faccio qui” condotta da Domenico Iannacone. Nel Maggio 2022 Picciotto viene premiato dal Sindaco Orlando con la preziosa tessera del mosaico di Palermo per il suo impegno musicale sociale. Il 2024 è l’anno di “Rapporti”, concept album che mischierà Yin e Yang di Picciotto attraverso quattro “capitoli” composti da canzoni che inquadreranno quattro incontri / scontri su vari argomenti affrontati da diversi punti di vista.
Etichetta: Orangle Srl - www.oranglerecords.com Lo Stato Dell' Arte - https://www.instagram.com/lostatodellartepa/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/1WZ9a3U80W0lbwAFxlkFum?si=UMl1DFp9QaCJMSmXL-kMzg Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@LoStatoDellArtePA
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tetorecords · 8 months
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miaou joins together with Four Pens
9月9日(土)に行われる『Kimpomme & Four Pens Japan Tour 2023』の新宿公演のFour Pensのステージに、miaouが1曲だけ参加します。 2021年に配信リリースしたコラボ曲"You Save Me"を一緒に演奏します。
Kimpomme & Four Pens Japan Tour 2023 東京・新宿公演 日時 : 2023年9月9日(土) 開場 18:30 / 開演 19:00 場所 : 真昼の月 夜の太陽 (東京都新宿区大久保2丁目6-16 平安ビル 地下1階) 東新宿駅 東京メトロ(大江戸線、副都心線) 徒歩2分 B1出口 料金 : 前売り 5,000円 / 当日 6,000円 (別途ドリンク代) 配信チケット予約:3,000円 (https://twitcasting.tv/mahiru20101106/shopcart/244914) 出演:Four Pens 四枝筆、Kimpomme (Piano) チケット、お問い合わせ:fastcut records
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belindamay-band · 1 year
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🎸『Sobs Japan Tour 2023』🇸🇬
K.D Japon
開場 17:00 / 開演 17:30
前売り 4,500円 / 当日 5,500円 (別途ドリンク代)
Sobs,えんぷてい, Pale Beach,Belinda May
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starlite-walker · 1 year
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copperpiner · 2 years
Fastcut magix
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#Fastcut magix how to#
#Fastcut magix full#
#Fastcut magix software#
Well, on a certain level there’s always the basic question of “How do you put the shots together?” Like every editor, I have to find ways to choose the right material, and to cut to the right shot at the right time, and be on the right character at the right moment, and make action scenes dynamic and interesting, and come in on schedule, and all that kind of stuff. But those are not primary issues for me any more.
#Fastcut magix how to#
I suppose it is a little like learning how to play a musical instrument: Once you get past the issues of fingering and learning how to read a score, you don’t think about them so consciously. Walter Murch on the problems found in editing. In a sentence or two: A J-cut will have audio from the proceeding video clip enter the next shot before the first shot has finished. The J-cut is an absolute must-use edit for tying scenes together. Sometimes, you may find that your edit feels abrupt, even though it’s practically sound. This could be an edit that joins a beachscape to a car’s interior where two people are having a conversation. Even though a standard cut is appropriate, the juxtaposition from the calm beach to the noisy car interior can feel sharp.
#Fastcut magix full#
Using a J-cut, you could make this edit less intense by moving the audio under clip 1 and have it slowly fade to full volume until it reaches the start of clip 2. This is a J-Cut.Īdditionally, a J-cut (& L-cut) would be used in a conversational scene to tie in audio from the proceeding clip to make the conversation appear natural. If we only cut to the character when they are speaking, the scene may feel mechanical.Īs noted in the diagram, the J-cut takes its name because the audio from clip 2 shifts under clip 1 before clip 1 has finished and creates an J shape. The idea here is to lead your audience into the next shot with the audio. It’s a simple-yet-obvious effect that will make a world of difference when you see and hear it in action. In a sentence or two: An L-cut has audio from the first shot bleed into the second shot. Diagram made with elements from Polina Strelchenko. Fastcut lets you correct the video alignment of your footage in just one click.There’s not a lot to say about the L-cut, and that’s because I’ve explained everything under the J-Cut section. A camera under your skateboard, on the side of your bike or attached to your arm: The world is often upside down for your camera. MAGIX Fastcut can easily prove a great option for those of you who are interested in creating movies from their vacation photos and movies, especially since it does not require advanced technical skills for that. MAGIX Fastcut makes editing and sharing your recordings easier than ever before. Your biggest wave, your quickest run, your highest jump: Share your experiences with the world. Wherever your adventure begins, what matters in the end is what you make of it. Even if you don't have any previous experience, it just takes a minute to create your own unique videos with footage from action cams, smartphones, tablets or other cameras. With MAGIX Fastcut you can automatically cut your video material with dynamic action templates that even match the beat of the music.
#Fastcut magix software#
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worthygreys · 2 years
Magix fastcut
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#Magix fastcut how to#
Look at it or assemble your own special sound assortment with the specific music you need to use in your videos. It’s that simple! Select chronicles, apply format, and Fastcut wraps up.įastcut is 100% adjustable and incorporates soundtracks to use for nothing. We’ll cover extremely significant highlights to kick you off immediately, from bringing in video and utilizing our dynamic formats to sending out.įastcut Plus Edition – The quickest activity cam software Celebrate experience: Turn your stunning encounters into energizing video cuts with music. This early on video gives you all that you have to think about editing your recording with Fastcut. This lets you make your own imaginative montages, and rapidly share your preferred minutes with your locale. With MAGIX Fastcut Plus Edition 2019 you can duplicate the videos and photographs from an extremely wide assortment of cameras and afterward consolidate them into a solitary movie.īegin editing your best clasps completely consequently – to fit the beat of the music. MAGIX Fastcut Plus Edition 2019 has been furnished with an extremely basic, natural and easy to understand interface which will let you effectively consolidate photographs and videos into customized movies and to add the custom soundtracks to them. In such situations MAGIX Fastcut Plus Edition 2019 proves to be useful.
#Magix fastcut how to#
Individuals regularly capture their valuable minutes on photographs and videos and afterward they think that its somewhat hard to share it to their friends and family except if they figure out how to consolidate them in a solitary file. MAGIX Fastcut Plus Edition 2019 is an impressive application which will let you consolidate photographs, videos just as sound tracks into your own movies that can later be shared online inside no time.
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desktonki · 2 years
Download magix fastcut
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#Download magix fastcut install
#Download magix fastcut 64 Bit
#Download magix fastcut manual
#Download magix fastcut windows 10
Share your videos over the Internet vis your smartphone, tablet or TV. Import videos from your camera, action cam or smartphone via USB cable or SD card.Įditing templates (15 to 180 seconds) with music and special effects include everything and are automatically applied to the footage of your choice. Editing and sharing your recordings has never been easier. Get started on your next adventure with regularly updated templates and a whole range of new features. It will automatically edit the video, and also you can easily export the video to social media sites.The ultimate way to present your experiences. MAGIX Fastcut enables you to quickly cut longer video material down into exciting 30 to 180 seconds clips. It is a video editing software specially designed for editing videos taken from GoPro, Speed, and action camera. Its perfect for posting your favorite memories in style online on social media or to share with your family and friends. Use one of the many templates available or create your own. The program precisely edits your video to fit the beat of. You can edit the color, brightness, and contrast.Allows to manipulate video speed easily and also you can play video backward.Automatic effects and image optimization.Can edit templates according to your favorite soundtrack.It has a lot of templates, and you can use these templates of your choice for video editing.įeatures: It will automatically edit the video, and also you can easily export the video to social media sites This software supports the majority of devices such as tablets, smartphones, cameras, and camcorders. Using Magix Fastcut, you can load the video, and then you can edit the video footage. YATENG 3 in 1 M.2 and mSATA SSD Adapter Card for M.2 NVME to PCIE Adapter,M.2, 8 Packs M3 Screw Leveling Spring Leveling Knob Kit Suit for 3D Printer, New 8'' Tablet Touch Screen Digitizer Panel Sensor For LOGICOM E852GP MY8306P, HPE M元50 Gen9 8LFF Hot Plug Drive Cage Kit New 726547-B21, Wireless Bluetooth Audio Transmitter Receiver 3.5mm for. First, upload the video of your choice then choose the template and the length of the video.
#Download magix fastcut install
So, you can decide to install MAGIX Fastcut into your PC or not. App Name: MAGIX Fastcut - Version: latest version - Last File Check.
#Download magix fastcut 64 Bit
The most recent installer that can be downloaded is 4.3 MB in size. Download MAGIX Fastcut for Windows 11 64 bit PC, laptop and tablet devices.
#Download magix fastcut windows 10
MAGIX Fastcut was developed to work on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 and can function on 64-bit systems. At here you can find the best replacement app for MAGIX Fastcut. Our antivirus check shows that this download is malware free. MAGIX Fastcut Alternative - So many alternatives app to MAGIX Fastcut that you must know. Magix fastcut plus edition is available for lifetime purchase at the price of R.4499. Before you download the installer, We recommend you to read the information about this app. Download MAGIX Fastcut from our software library for free. That's all the Magix Fastcut software will do the rest. Magix fastcut is available for a free trial. You can also add a soundtrack if required. It includes 60+ pretty defined templates. This software has a larger video preview pane at the top left corner. It supports automatic image optimization and effective integration. If your video contains any unstable and shaky parts, Magix Fastcut will stable them.
#Download magix fastcut manual
Within the templates, you can switch to manual mode by control over elements. Some of the pre-defined effects are a vignette, old movie, and noise effect. You can save your finished video up-to 4K resolution. After editing, you can also save your video and export to social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and more. Moreover, you can save your videos to Android and iOS devices. This software is supported in a multi-core 64- bit processor with 2Gbhz and 4gb of memory. It also requires a system with an operating system of Windows 7 or more. If you want a video of 4k resolution, then you need a system requirement of 8gb of quad-core.
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joanofarc · 8 months
celine, moscow club (2015).
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theeboyracer · 3 years
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2021, a year in records - May 21st
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micro961 · 6 months
Liricavelli - Come un pianoforte
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Il nuovo singolo del rapper marchigiano
Una passione ardente, un rapporto totalizzante. Una questione di armonia, delle giuste corde e in definitiva di “una dolce magia”. “Come un pianoforte” è il titolo della nuova canzone dell’artista marchigiano Manuel Avellino, in arte Liricavelli. Un racconto accompagnato da una passione ardente, come il pianoforte in fiamme della copertina e il desiderio di un rapporto totalizzante, indissolubile e promesse che si fanno tra innamorati.
«La protagonista della canzone è una tipa tosta, o come recita una frase del brano “caparbia come poche”, però tanto più vera agli occhi dell’innamorato rispetto alle altre ragazze. Il suo dono è di portare armonia. Il cuore come un pianoforte e gli abbracci che lo fanno risuonare». Liricavelli
Liricavelli all’anagrafe Manuel Avellino è un urban artista Marchigiano, nato da famiglia Calabrese, classe 1999. 
All'età di 17 anni registra in studio il suo primo LP sotto lo pseudonimo di Brain Damage dal titolo “Boom Boom Chack” con l'etichetta discografica 40° Gradi Records. Qualche anno dopo la maturazione del disco pubblica il singolo "Il cratere del vuoto a perdere" presente esclusivamente su youtube con la feat. del rapper sardo Hangman. Successivamente la sua carriera prosegue con l'uscita del singolo “Gangsta jappo” prodotto da DJ Fastcut nell'album dal titolo “La prima impronta”. Passa un anno ed esce il suo terzo LP dal titolo “Criminavelli” prodotto da Zeus One e Dj D.lo.Z. Dopo un anno di pausa, Liricavelli pubblica il suo nuovo singolo “Fuori Dal Balco” prodotto da Janax e distribuito da Zero industry e Universal Music Italia, seguito un mese dopo dall'uscita del singolo “Love Me” firmando con la G Records/Believe Music, stessa etichetta con la quale firma il suo successivo singolo dal titolo “Good Bye”. L’autunno del 2023 si apre con la pubblicazione del nuovo singolo dal titolo “Come un pianoforte” singolo distribuito dalla label Bossi Records/Believe Music.
SOCIAL Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liricavelli/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Liricavelli YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liricavelli/featured
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bandcampsnoop · 4 years
Happy 4th of July.  The United States can be counted on to dominate one thing - the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest.  Remember when Joey Chestnut wrested the belt away from Japan’s Takeru Kobayahsi in 2007?  Chestnut has dominated since.
So, with an olive branch extended to Japan, here is Sloppy Joe.  I would have thought a band with the name Sloppy Joe would sound more like The Black Lips than The Smiths.  But Sloppy Joe definitely recall the best work of The Smiths and their followers like Gene and more recently, Northern Portrait.  Japan’s answer to The Smiths means they’re winning my inaugural (probably not repeated) 4th Of July Smith’s Style Pop Contest.  Sloppy Joe devoured it.
“Waiting for the Night Begins” appears to be a new album.  There are reissues available on Bandcamp, but American buyers beware!  Due to our COVID outbreaks many don’t want to have anything to do with our country.  You cannot have this delivered directly by the band’s Bandcamp page (this looks to be released by Fastcut Records.  I did see a seller in Hong Kong (on Discogs) who will send to the U.S.
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belindamay-band · 1 year
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インディー専門店でヒットを記録した『Beautiful Days』に続く、Belinda May待望のニュー・シングル! 2023/5/24発売決定!
名古屋を拠点に活動するシューゲイズ・ドリーム・ポップ・バンド、Belinda May。
2019年にリリースした『Beautiful Days』以来となる待望のニュー・シングルが両A面仕様でリリース!
1stシングル『Beautiful Days』リリース後、コロナ禍によりライブ活動を休止し、楽曲制作へシフト。
2021年にシングル「Lemonade」を配信のみでリリース、フィリピンのAlternatrip主催のオンラインフェス『All Our Friends』にアコースティック・セットで出演、インドネシアのOur Secret World & shiny happy records主催のFacebook Liveにてスタジオ・ライブ配信を行うなど、世界の早耳のインディー・ポップ・ファンからのラブコールも多く、その楽曲の完成度が高く評価されている。
fastcut recordsから2枚目の7インチ・シングルとなる『Our Summer Days / Dreams』は、新ヴォーカリストのharadaを迎えた新体制で録音された英詞曲2曲を収録。
Sarah Records~ペインズ以降のジャングリー・インディー・ポップを彷彿とさせるノスタルジックなアルペジオ・ギターに導かれる名曲「Our Summer Days」。
ソングライターのnakamura (guitar/vocal) のルーツである日本の王道のポップスの甘く切ないメロディを仄かに感じさせ、80年代ネオアコや90年代シューゲイズのノスタルジックな響きと、現在進行形のドリーム・ポップのキラキラとした輝きを融合。
アートワークはアメリカのフォトグラファー、Alicia Bockの青春映画のワンシーンを切り取ったような作品を使用。
For Fans of… The Bilinda Butchers, For Tracy Hyde, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Luby Sparks, No Vacation, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Sobs, Sunnbrella etc…
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
fastcutrecords from Japan just posted messages (mostly in English) for Japanese fans and fastcut records from 洪安妮 Anni Hung,  I Mean Us,  The Fur.,  四枝筆 Four Pens from Taiwan.   =D
Fastcut SoundCloud,  Fastcut Instagram,  Fastcut Official (online record store), Fastcut Twitter
You’ll notice 吳映咨 Sunny Wu from Four Pens is quite good in Japanese; she spent some time there a couple of years ago.  =)
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