#fat cap sprays
raygirlramblings · 1 year
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There’s an amazing graffiti artist I follow on Insta called Fat Cap Sprays who does art pieces in London, and the minute they posted this piece I knew I HAD to go and find it. All I had was a general location in an area notable for street art, and a screenshot from the artists Insta showing some background buildings.
Yet it didn’t take me long to find best bean and it was AMAZING :D. Figured you good peeps might like to see some pics I took ;). I can highly recommend this artist as their videos on Insta are so relaxing to watch.
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leakestreetbeat · 2 years
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fat cap sprays
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soggypotatoes · 1 year
back from the ER... bit scary, they had to stitch the wound up, there was fat in it.. Ive never cut that deep before, never thought I would.. like this is bad, I can't be doing this, I didn't think it'd get this far.. maybe I should start taking self harm seriously...? 😅
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
the prowl - single dad! Price x teacher! stripper! Reader (fem) taglist
[5] guys your age
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“You doing okay?” 
No matter how hard you try, you cannot get the smooth vermilion lipstick to form correctly. It’s blurry. Refuses to crisply line the ridge of your lips. Lopsided and fuzzy, you feel more like The Joker than a stripper. It’s been five minutes, and you haven’t stopped quietly cursing at yourself as you try again and again to force it to comply — there are only so many times you can repeat the same thing before the brink of insanity begins to loom in the distance. 
“I can’t get this lipstick to work with me,” you mumble. You snatch a tissue off the counter — this is your fifth one — before wiping at the corner of your mouth. After this, you’ll have to fix your foundation, too. You wouldn’t be surprised if you were missing a layer or two near the corner of your mouth. 
Chuckling, Chrys slides into the seat next to you, vibrant xanthic outfit dazzling beneath the harsh lights that line the mirrors with fat bulbs. She’s covered her skin with a glitter spray, and with her darker complexion, the sparkling reminds you of radiant stars twinkling in the sky. 
“I’m not talking about that,” she clarifies, head tilting to the side and into your field of view. “I’m talking about you.” 
Crumpling the tissue and tossing it onto the counter with the others, you turn your full attention to Chrys. She leans against the counter, hand pressed against her cheek to prop her head up as she examines you with warm eyes. You suddenly feel less opaque than ever — glass skin, bones, and organs, she can see right through you. It’s like you’ve never had a properly formed body to begin with.
“What about me?” you ask, capping your lipstick and setting it to the side. You’ll deal with that little demon later. 
“Dunno. Been worried about you since last week when you nearly bolted out of here Friday. Now, you’re shaking worse than a wet dog,” she says, eyes flickering to your jittery fingers. 
Your laugh comes out breathy and caught in your throat as you swipe your thumb across the palm of your hand. A decent layer of sweat covers your skin and you try not to grimace. Usually, you’re better at hiding your emotions than this. Teachers often time have to mask disappointment or laughter, but this is different. 
“Yeah, uhm, I guess my mind is a little occupied,” you admit. 
“Work getting to you?” she asks. “I mean your actual job, not whatever the hell this gig is. Can’t imagine having to keep up your energy to work with kids and then come here and deal with rowdy men.” 
“It’s got… something to do with work, yeah,” you nod. 
Instead of questioning you further, Chrys stares. It’s white hot, boiling the truth inside of you until it sears the pit of your stomach, and you find you can no longer hold your breath. 
“I… might have given one of my student’s dad a private session last week,” you finally reveal in a whisper. 
Glossy lips curve in on themselves as Chrys hums, head nodding as she attempts to hide whatever emotion or surprise lurking beneath her facade. “Did he recognize you?” 
“See, that’s what I’m not sure of,” you sigh. “When I entered the room, I recognized him instantly. Chrys, I can’t lie, he’s an extremely attractive man, but I wanted to run. But I was worried that if I did, he would get confused or figure out who I was, so I sort of rolled with it anyway and… and fuck.” 
“So, you gave him a dance?” she prompts you to continue as you rub at the corners of your eyes. 
“No, he had me sit with him to talk.”
“Oh. Oh, that’s worse.” 
You groan, spine curving forward until your forehead comes in contact with the cold counter. It offers little reprieve for your hyperactive brain and it’s never ending thoughts, but sweat still builds on the palm of your hands. At this rate, you might as well go home before you hurt yourself dancing — too much moisture to grip the pole properly would send you crashing in a heartbeat.
“That’s not all,” you continue. “He bought me flowers on Monday.”
“To your teaching job?” Chrys clarifies. 
You nod as best as you can before you turn so your cheek is pressed against the counter. “Had his daughter bring it in and everything. Had a note too, thanking me for helping her out when she had fallen on the playground but it seemed… I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m overthinking it or not. If this got out I could lose my job, but I can’t quit working here… I can’t live off of what the school pays me. It’s just not enough, not with the cost of living.” 
“Hey,” Chrys shushes. Her hand reaches for the exposed skin on your back where she rubs loving and soothing circles along your spine. It’s a tenderness you’d never expect to receive at The Florist’s. It calms the storm swirling in your brain, electrifying your nerves, if only for a moment. “I’m sure if he knew you would’ve found out by now. Besides, even if he did, he would have to admit where he was at in order to get you in trouble. Depending on what he does, he might not want to out himself to the school either.” 
“Unless he does it anonymously,” you retort. 
“Even then, it’s some random, faceless person’s word against yours. I’d like to think the school would have a bit more faith in you than that.” 
You take a deep breath, chest shuttering with the movement as you push yourself away from the counter. Unrelenting nervosity still grips you by the throat as that tempest builds in your mind, but you know Chrys’s words bear weight. John Price is a good man — at least, you think he is. Hopefully he wouldn’t be so willing to destroy your career, especially after thanking you with an expensive bouquet and kind card. 
“Yeah… you’re right. I just… I can’t get him out of my head. Even before he came here, I’ve had this stupid little crush on him. Like I said, he’s very attractive. But ever since then he’s just… constantly on my mind. This isn’t healthy and it’s so frustrating because I’m constantly going back and forth between some weird attraction or worrying I’ll be jobless because of him and-”
You’re spiraling. Body contorting and falling into some deep pit you’ll never crawl out of, and before you can gush further, Chrys cuts you off with a simple raise of her hand. Your mouth seals tight, tacky lipstick sticking to itself as you roll your lips out with a sigh. 
“Sounds to me like you’re living at work and visiting home,” she says with a chuckle. “You need something to do outside of work life. Something to take care of yourself, or at least take your mind off of whatever sticky mess you’ve found yourself in.” 
Defeated, you shrug. “Like what?” 
“Well, dunno about you but I prefer spa days. If not that, then Tinder,” she says flippantly. 
“Tinder?” you repeat incredulously. 
She smirks, lips curling up like a playful cat. “Going on a date would be one way to get this guy out of your head, yeah?” 
Both of you turn your heads, snapping to the edge of the room where a technician waves his hand through the door in signal. Chrys turns back to you where she gives you a quick smile and a reassuring squeeze before standing to her feet. 
“Just think about it, yeah?” she requests before sauntering out of the room. 
You watch her leave with hips that sway in time with the clack of her heels and you groan. There’s no time for you to explain or dwell on your failed dating life. Men your age are avidulous and oftentimes dishonest in the best of scenarios. Most of the girls you had gone to university with were lucky enough to have a ring on their finger before graduation. Married, double income, and lovely homes — it’s something you can only dream of now. 
John isn’t your age. 
That thought hits you with such effusive force you nearly lose your breath. It’s… naughty. A perverted thought that shouldn’t creep into the depths of your mind, and yet it does. It grows long, swirling roots where it soaks the nutrients of the grey matter of your brain. It takes place with relentless force and refuses to let go. Judging by his looks and the air that surrounds him, he’s mid to late thirties minimum, perhaps even early forties. And you? Some new, not even tenured school teacher? 
Shaking your head, you bring yourself to your feet, chair scratching and squeaking against the tile floor as you back away from the mirror. No, you shouldn’t be thinking about that — you can’t think about that. About him. About whatever twisted delusion you’re fabricating and torturing yourself with. 
Your locker swings open with a squeak and your hands dive into the bag shoved in the back. It doesn’t take you long to fish out your phone, and it’s even shorter before you have your app downloader open. 
Downloading Tinder: 7%
If this is one of the steps you have to take to forget all about John Price, then so be it.
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scientia-rex · 8 months
Best Things I Have Bought
I'm not sure how successful I will be in remembering all of it, but I'll try. These have all been game-changers for me, in a variety of ways. If teen me had had access to all of these, I would have been a vastly happier person.
This one is long, so I'll put in a cut.
-outlet timers. Not having to go around and manually turn off lamps at bedtime? Amazing. I bought these but you can and should get some that have a grounded outlet with three prongs so you can attach good extension cords to them.
-famotidine. aka Pepcid, it's the safest option I currently know of for managing acid reflux. I get nauseated when I get acid reflux, so this is a necessity for me.
-T-Gel shampoo. The only one that keeps my husband's insane dandruff under control. Coal tar shampoos smell peculiar, but are totally worth it if they work. For my hair, I like anti-dandruff conditioner--I apply it to my scalp and my other conditioners to the length of my hair. After bleaching my hair, I use Olaplex 3 to prevent more severe damage; the difference is very noticeable.
-white vinegar for a laundry rinse. I get horrendous contact dermatitis and adding this in the "fabric softener" cup in my washer keeps things from making my skin burn.
-on a similar note, all Oxy laundry booster. Doesn't make my skin burn but does make stains and smells noticeably better than detergent alone.
-Aquaphor. If you have eczema, nothing helps like Aquaphor, unless it's hydrocortisone ointment (the same white petrolatum base as Aquaphor but with hydrocortisone) or a prescribed steroid.
-Bissell Stomp 'N' Go pads. I have stomped. The stain goes.
-Prune puree. A packet a day keeps the chronic constipation at bay. Less volume to consume than prune juice and, in my opinion, slightly more palatable.
-Chinotto is a bitters-based beverage that I discovered by accident really helps my chronic nausea. I've tried other brands, and San Pellegrino is definitely my favorite. Tastes weird at first, but when heavy-duty ginger ale doesn't ease it, Chinotto can. And when that doesn't work, I have Zofran (ondansetron) my doctor prescribed me for the nausea I get with migraines, and that's an effective anti-nausea agent for more than just migraines.
-"You Just Need to Lose Weight (And 19 Others Myths About Fat People)" by Aubrey Gordon.
-rolling laundry cart. Doesn't have to be this one but if you CAN roll your laundry to and fro from the machines, do it.
-"Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft. If you Google, you can usually find a free pdf floating around.
-"The Vagina Bible," by Dr. Jen Gunter.
-satin scrunchies. Wet Brush. Terry cloth lined shower cap. AOA terry cloth hair turban (way, way better than similar ones from drugstore).
-stretchy work pants.
-bra liners. For large-chested people who tend to get sweaty underboob, this is a life-saver.
-Goo Gone.
-Dr. Scholls medicated foot powder and the Earth Therapeutics tea tree oil foot spray. The foot powder works for super long days and the spray for lighter days.
-Reflective heat pad. I use this on my car seat in the winter and I am so happy for that every single chilly morning. I've repurchased it... once or twice? now.
-Retin-A. I used to use Differin, which is adapalene, the most potent retinoid available over the counter, but the switch to prescription-only Retin-A has been very noticeable. Decreased wrinkles, clearer skin. More inclined to flake and burn but it's worth it for me.
-Red LED therapy. Near-infrared stimulates collagen production in the skin. The only other thing that really does that is retinoids. I bought the Omnilux mask, which is certainly high-end, but HotandFlashy (a YouTube content creator) did a great comparison of different masks available by specs and this was the best at the time. The difference is noticeable within days. I've tried other, lower-powered masks, but what made me make the jump to high-end was that I got the Dennis Gross red LED eye mask for crows' feet off eBay and I was like "holy shit, this is better." And Omnilux is better still. It makes sense, since they were the OG of the models that have been in dermatology clinics for a couple of decades now.
-AOA foundation has been at least as good at my TooFaced foundation, and it's like 1-2 bucks instead of 40. There are light, medium, and deep shades, each on different pages; I'm linking to light because that's what I use. The lightest shade works for me, and I'm basically translucent.
-AOA VitaGlow tinted moisturizer is absolutely my go-to for lighter coverage days.
-AOA PawPaw blending sponges. Best out there and also the cheapest.
-(do not buy any of the AOA eyeshadows. Total waste of time, zero pigment. I've tried repeatedly and they're just garbage. The highlights are generally fine though.)
-Direct acid foot peels. The calluses come off. Just don't do it when you have ANY open wound on the feet, because it's acid and will sting like hell.
-blendercleanser solid cleanser for blending sponges and brushes. Actually a) gets them clean and b) rinses out.
-PureWine wine wands. I let these puppies sit for three minutes in a glass and suddenly I can drink red wine without migraines or hangovers. Fucking miraculous.
-Dustbuster. Holy shit it's amazing for ADHD peeps. Small thing bugging you? Can't get yourself to bust out the "real" vacuum? USE THIS.
-Crocs. Don't @ me. I wear a black pair around the house and for garden chores and they make my feet happy. Salonpas patches and/or BenGay for a topical when you're sore--topicals are great pain relief.
-Vibrating neck pillow. Don't need it right now? Wait until your next head cold. Vibration clears sinuses.
-PooPourri. I love not having to smell poop. This, and similar products, work pretty well by trapping scent particles in the oil layer instead of letting them evaporate into the air.
-Electric snow thrower. I can't manage a large, heavy snow blower and I don't want to deal with a gas engine. This little guy helped me clear my large driveway in 3-4 hours instead of 12.
-The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan.
-Handheld home IPL for hair removal. I ordered this exact one and I like it. You can get these on eBay or Amazon for cheaper sometimes; just make sure you PROTECT YOUR EYES during flashes. Targets pigment in the hair bulb so lighter skin and darker hair work better, and deeper skin tones may burn.
-Lanolin chapstick. Makes all other chapsticks I've used look like garbage.
-Steam eye masks. ShopMissA sells these and you can find them on a lot sites; shouldn't cost more than about a dollar per mask. I ended up buying an electric eye mask because I wanted to treat my dry eye and that just felt more environmentally responsible, but I love falling asleep with these on and I can't do that with my plug-in mask.
I think this is where I'll leave it--I've gone back quite a ways in my shopping history across multiple sites and thought about my daily routines--but if any of these problems torture you, these are my suggestions.
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kishavo · 7 months
plagued by memories tonight so I’m going to spit them up and hopefully that brings me relief.
I was an EMT for about 5 years and I think these things are tattooed on my bones. trigger warning under the cut for…upsetting healthcare-related experiences? and the f-slur
I remember bringing a wheelchair-bound elderly man up to his shoebox apartment in the inner city, 12 floors up a derelict building in a tiny, shaky elevator, and being hit with the stink of smoke as soon as I opened the door - cigarette butts stubbed out on every surface, ashtrays overflowing, carpet that started out as brown matted down to black. I offered to help him into bed but he refused. he took off his vietnam veteran baseball cap and picked up a stale pack of cigarettes and told me to go
I remember the man who had been attacked by his neighbors’ dogs, two Rottweilers. his legs were mangled; huge scoops of flesh just gone. he was kind. he asked me how my day was going.
I remember the dead woman in the ER who I was told to bag up and bring down to the morgue. she looked familiar. I remember putting a tag on her thumb but I don’t remember her name. I remember making small talk with the ER tech who was helping me on the elevator ride down to the basement. that sounds like the start of a joke, doesn’t it? a girl, a man, and a dead body get in an elevator. if you think of a punchline let me know
I remember the frequent-flyer patient with a chronic mystery skin infection that caused his legs to leak so much fluid that we had to wrap them in plastic bags or else the gurney would get flooded and it would soak into his pants and spill over the edge onto the floor of the ambulance. the first time I got his call I thought we’d been sent to a haunted house. it was an old victorian in downtown, made of rotting wood and peeling paint. The knob in the front door had been ripped out so I bent down and looked through. There was no answer when I knocked so I yelled ‘hello’ through the hole until eventually someone came down the stairs and silently let us in. Our patient’s apartment was one room, it was dark, it smelled, the bed was as dirty as the floor, beer cans and cigarettes everywhere. There was a tiny, square, box TV playing static. There were spoiled diapers kicked under his desk. He lived alone and apparently had no family. I and every EMT who had ever been sent there reported the situation to social services but nothing was ever done.
there was the woman coming down from a meth binge who kept asking me if I was going to eat her brains. we dropped her off at a psych facility and a few days later I was back with another patient. I saw her again, sober now. when she saw me she averted her eyes and retreated into her room
there was another woman in the middle of a severe psychotic episode who, within 5 minutes of meeting me, looked me dead in the eye and said, “You’re a fat fucking faggot and I want you to die.” She had pissed on all her personal belongings and the back of the ambulance stank so bad of stale human urine that I had to kick the fan on and spray air freshener into my face mask. She spent most of the call insulting and trying to spit on me and my partner. My partner snapped at her but I just ate it. Later, when we were outside cleaning the gurney and waiting for the next call, a stray cat slipped out from behind a nearby dumpster and curled around my boots. he booped my knuckles and mewled when I pet him and the night was good again
I remember being in and out of psych facilities so often and feeling like a fucking imposter because I was burning out, depressed out of my mind and regularly experiencing suicidal ideation. I wondered when I would call 911 and end up there myself. I wondered if it would be my coworkers who would pick me up. the thought of it scared me enough that I never made the call, even when I should have. I started getting high instead
I remember the middle-aged woman having a panic attack. that was at my on-location job, at my city’s arena, where all the concerts and games were held. it was a slow night and too many of us responded. this woman was hyperventilating, the bass from the concert was everywhere, and a crowd of strangers was closing in on her. I got there first, so by default it became my call, which always made me nervous. I sat her down, I kneeled in front of her, she grabbed my hands reflexively and I let her grip on. I coached her breathing. I waved my coworkers back to give her space. I convinced her that everyone there just wanted to help her and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. it worked. I was soothing, and sure, and strong. it worked.
when it was over she held my shoulder and thanked me. patients don’t usually thank us. when it was over I went to the bathroom and cried. I handled it so well because I had been talking my mom down from her panic attacks for years.
I talked about that call in group therapy the week after. I thought I was going to be proud, that it would be a positive share, but I cried again.
when people ask about what it's like being an EMT, I don’t think they want to hear any of this, they only want the cool stories. they want to hear about the lights and the sirens and to thank you for your service but please, please, don’t. There’s a quote by Anaïs Nin: “I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise.”
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: Water Damage
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Water Damage plays a thick and noisy variety of drone, favoring looooooong compositions that the band refers to as “Reels”; on Water Damage’s most recent LP, 2 Songs, you get two reels, subtitled “FUCK THIS” and “FUCK THAT” (band’s caps). All those verbal antics feel appealingly playful, but the music is deadly serious stuff — not surprising, given the players involved. Members of this septet also play in Austin-associated bands like USA/Mexico, Marriage and Spray Paint. As the band’s moniker suggests, the music is patient, persistent and often insidious. Here's some music the band has been listening to.
Travis Austin
Surface of the Earth — Surface of the Earth (1994/95, Reissued 2022 Thin Wrist Recordings)
New to me when it was reissued and the record I’ve played most since then. It feels as huge to me as it does microscopic — prehistoric as it does post-apocalyptic.
Jon Hassell — Aka/Darbari/Java: Magic Realism (1983, E.G. Records)
Start to finish, I don’t know of anything else that sounds like this — the hazy atmosphere and way the rhythms tumble. From the liner notes: “a ‘coffee-colored’ classical music for the future.” And the cover is by the same artist who did the cover for Bitches Brew.
Mike Kanin
Archie Shepp — Blasé (1969, BYG/Actuel)
I heard this one for the first time just this past year. I can’t believe I’ve missed it. By turns raw and beautiful, honest and evocative, what’s here transcends genre while highlighting Black experience and struggle. Incredible work.
George Dishner
Clipse — Hell Hath No Fury (2006, Star Trak / Re Up Gang Records)
The most engaging rap record in history as far as I’m concerned. Pusha, Malice, and the Neptunes peaked. Sonically HHNF is minimal and alien sounding, almost nonmusical at times. Lyrically, it’s bleak throughout and incredibly funny at times (some of the best punchlines ever recorded). At 12 songs and 48 minutes with only a few guests and skits, there is no fat whatsoever.
Remarc — Sound Murderer (2003, Planet Mu)
I’m always looking for cheap electronic records at every record store. Mid 1990s Jungle scores are the best. It’s a pretty narrow subgenre but one of my favorites. Remarc checks all my Jungle boxes — chaotic, lo-fi, dubby, rough. It’s devoid of any pretentious jazziness or techy soullessness. His formula is pretty basic — supreme mastery of The Amen and sick ragga Bass shit. This is a comp of some of his best stuff of the era when Jungle was at its best.
Nate Cross
Omertà — Collection Particulière (2022, Standard In-Fi, Zamzamrec)
Not to point out the obvious, but France is a huge influence for Water Damage. I’ve obsessively kept up with everything they’ve done and all their various related projects and their label Standard In-Fi. This is Omertà’s second LP; the group features members of France, Tanz Mein Herz, Societe Etrange and more. The album is a vibe, I can listen to it over and over. Really interesting to hear these folks do something more ‘song oriented’ instead of the normal long-form style in their other groups. Also, you can never go wrong with two bass players.
Bumblebee Unlimited — Sting Like a Bee (1979, RCA Victor)
Always been a huge disco nerd and Patrick Adams was a genius. This one-off LP and group was about as close to perfect as you can get and is a sort of bridge between disco and house music. So much glorious repetition on this album, and the bass lines are minimal brilliance. The chipmunk-esque vocals are ridiculous, but still work so well (similar to another 1979 disco gem — Bryan Adam’s “Let Me Take You Dancing”).
Jeff Piwonka
John Coltrane — Olé Coltrane (1961, Atlantic)
This is one of the first jazz albums I heard that had two bassists on it, Reggie Workman and Art Davis, Davis being a little lesser known I think and a really really amazing bassist. This whole album is great but the first side, 18 minutes of everyone going in and out, and there is space for the bassists to get weird with arco and pizzicato playing. I’ve known this album for a long time, but it’s been played a lot lately because both my 4-year-old and 16-month-old grab this record from the shelf all the time. It’s really strange actually, I put it in a different spot each time and they still grab this record very frequently, it’s a French pressing and Reggie Workman’s name is spelled “Reggie Wokrman” and Eric Dolphy is “George Lane.”
Greg Piwonka
Lungfish — Artificial Horizon (1998, Dischord)
Love this record, and the repetition is something that I often thought about as we were still figuring out Water Damage ideas. I feel like some of the newer songs that we are working on sound like extended Lungfish songs. Much of that has to do with the influence of this band on my drumming. There is a part toward the end of this interview where Daniel Higgs talks about experiencing repetition as a listener, and how there isn’t really a thing such as a repeated passage in time — that it’s unique every time… the listener is creating the pattern. That idea is foundational to me in relation to what we do as a band. Every time we play, I get lost and question how the pattern is even working.
Palace — West Palm Beach/Gulf Shores (1994, Drag City/Palace)
These two songs back-to-back are high on the list of my favorite things ever recorded. The mood here reminds me of all the rundown beach towns around the Gulf. The playing is great, it sounds like they just went in the studio and made it with very little effort. Many other recordings have that same vibe, Neil Young’s Zuma, Songs: Ohia’s Didn’t It Rain, John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme… this list could get long. I guess a technical term for that vibe is magic. I had not listened to this for a few years and returned to it recently and instantly loved it again.
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023, Day Ten: Free Day
Sitting on the railing of the ship, Monroe stares into the grey water. Waves lap at the wooden hull of the ship, and wind howls about the rigging - the only sounds audible to the Viera.
Belowdecks, she knows, the Scions and the crew of the ship are sleeping. Somewhere, she is sure one of the sailors is awake - the crew would be a fool to have nobody on watch, especially on a stormy night like tonight - but she cannot see or hear them, wherever they are. 
The sail is fat with wind as she gazes into the choppy water - her brow furrowed as her thoughts turn inwards.
So distracted by her inner thoughts, she fails to notice as the water starts to churn unnaturally - the ship becoming becalmed as a vast whorl forms. The hair on her arms stands on end, as if harbinger to a levinstrike - but none comes.
It isn’t until a figure begins to rise from the twisting waters that she snaps from her reverie - and she instantly springs to her feet. Her mind still on her past, her hands fly to her waist - reaching for the daggers she long ago cast aside. When her hands close on empty cloth, she swears virulently, staring at the clearly deific figure rising from the waves.
Vast, a captain’s coat over its shoulders, the figure resembles nothing so much as a blue-skinned Viera. A tricorne hat rests atop a wild mane of hair - resembling the spray of water from a wave impacting a shore. A strong, broad figure is visible beneath the coat, as azure-toned lips turn downwards into a scowl upon seeing her.
God-slayer that she is, Monroe pulls her bow from her back, nocking an arrow - drawing it back to attack the water-formed giant. As the string comes taut under her fingers, the figure laughs - mocking and low.
“Sea-daughter, you know better,” it speaks, bypassing her ears to permeate directly into her mind. Confused, she shakes her head to try to clear the phantom sensations - the taste of salt on her lips, the sun on her upturned face, the sea calling to her-
“Your weapons will not harm me, Sea-daughter. Lower them. Now.”
Gripping her bow tighter, Monroe grits her teeth. Warrior of Light. God-slayer. This figure was clearly akin to the Primals it is her job to shoot, to fight, to slay. So why could she not bring herself to fire?
Clearing her throat, she forces herself to speak - her voice rough and low. “Why do you call me that?” she asks, the first question that comes to her tongue.
A vast hand wraps around the lower half of her body, turning into froth-capped waters as it does - pulling her from the deck as irresistibly as a riptide. “I call you Sea-daughter because that is what you are. Your own kin left you on my shores, and so I claimed you, and claim you, and will claim you. You are Sea-daughter, and I hold your past in my bosom.”
“My… Past? What do you mean?”
Even as Monroe asks the question, trying not to notice that she is being held a dozen fulms or more above the water, a wind fills her ears, carrying a voice. A voice she recognises - her own, raised in song, so young and pure.
“Our ship lies at anchor, she's ready to dock
I wish her safe landing, without any shock”
As the wind fades, the hand holding her resolves into solidity once more - leaving her sat upon the vast palm of the deity, rather than held in water. The ghost of a smile crosses the giant figure’s face, even as Monroe stares in shock.
“What… Do you want?” “Want? I want for nothing, nothing, nothing, Sea-daughter. There is nothing ‘pon wind and wave that is not mine, to claim as I will. But you want. What do you want, Sea-daughter?”
Falling silent, Monroe stares helplessly up at the vast face. Racking her mind, she has no idea what the entity wants her to say. 
“I… Don’t know what I want.”
A frown, a pout, The figure seems crestfallen, as it replaces her on the railing of the Misery.
“A shame. But I am unending, fathomless. When you have your answer, you will know what to do. You will always return to me, Sea-daughter.”
Before the Viera can form an answer, the entity dissolves with a booming crash, soaking the deck with salty spray - and leaving her sputtering brine from her mouth. The wind picks up again with a howl, the storm continuing on, but whatever was making her skin tingle is gone - leaving her confused and adrift.
Today's FFXIVWrite stars Monroe, from @avalon821! I hope you enjoy!
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cthulhubert · 1 year
A brief tale of adventures in repair and stupid coincidences
So last weekend our dishwasher stopped cleaning stuff well, especially stuff on the top rack. It was also making a really obnoxious groaning/buzzing noise when run. We were contemplating the miserable cost of having to replace the whole thing, but we've also taken it apart and put it back together before, so why not at least give it a try.
And I won't deny that there's a deep satisfaction to feeling handy.
So we dismantle it. As I said, done before, but this time I'm really pulling the thing's guts out, the full sump motor assembly. Side note: the bits of stuff stuck in the drain pipe were beyond nasty. There was a lot of other gross stuff crammed into various recesses and encrusting screens, but that was the stuff that really smelled, I assume it was bits of rancid fat.
Well, the housings are fine, the impeller's fine, the motor shaft spins freely, without noise, and there's no play in it. I'd read once that buzzing from a motor could be a capacitor problem, so we take the fat 23.5μF thing off, and take it to an appliance repair shop, they obviously have a tester and tell us it's just fine. (Note to self, get a multi-meter that isn't from the bargain bin.)
Side note 2, small vicissitudes of life: taking the washing machine out meant disconnecting the hot water supply and the drain hose, which go to the hot water line and drain for the sink. A: turns out, if we take out the T-junction for the hot water line, the line to the faucet is no longer long enough. B: we happened to have a cap for the T-junction to the drain. But putting the mess back together we broke one of the nuts, and it leaked copiously. Cue a day of not being able to use the kitchen sink before we could make it to the hardware store for a replacement drain nut and a cap for the hot water t-junction. (We also got a flexible supply line for the dishwasher, because getting around the rigid copper line was the most frustrating part of working on the thing.)
So we're left with the decision making math. A new sump motor assembly is, shockingly, "only" 160$. (Also incredible is that they still make and sell this same assembly from our 20 year old dishwasher. I guess in some industries if it ain't broke they don't fix it.) A new dishwasher of comparable performance is around 600$. Obviously if the new assembly works, that's a huge savings. If it doesn't though, it's a fair amount of money almost literally down the drain.
We decide to reassemble the dishwasher and see if we've cleaned something or jogged something back into place and it will work better now. I'm halfway done and notice an extra part, a flat washer. In a device that mixes water and electricity, washers are exactly the sort of thing I wanna make sure are right. Nothing else jumped out at me so I hit up the web to figure out where it goes (shout out to Parts Select for hosting diagrams and copious pictures!). As I do so, something catches my eye.
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(Can you spot the difference?)
The mangler (aka chopper assembly) covers the intake from the sump (where dirty water and food particles accumulate) to the main spray pump. Thus, if the mangler is no longer mangling, that screen is going to be clogged (and it was, with a mat of weird fibrous stuff). And if the intake is clogged, the pump is going to have a much harder job. I can only imagine I threw out the broken blades with the little pile of gunk and hard bits that had accumulated there under the plastic shield (there looked to be bits of pasta and beans in there).
A new mangler is 14$ and two day shipping. And I might've spent 160$ on a new sump+motor assembly (which includes a mangler) if I hadn't noticed. And while it's obvious and glaring now, I can't say for sure I would've spotted it if I hadn't gone looking for a spare washer's home. (Which was the spray arm assembly, by the way.)
I'll update this if it doesn't work, but otherwise, you must imagine cthulhubert happy (with their clean dishes).
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xandriagreat · 5 months
Ballister | Chapter 4
Prologue | Last Chapter | Next Chapter
Notice/warnings: food/eating, fear, shouting/yelling, CAPs, blaming, Todd being Todd
After Nimona and the teen boy (along with the many different animals) escape from the Institute and disappeared into the shadows, the knights and guards survey and check everything that has been destroyed in the Institute from the jail break.
Gloreth and some knights were surveying the Hall of Heroes.
None of them could believe what they all saw.
“Look at this place!” a knight said in disbelief. “A thousand years of history, destroyed!”
The mood of disbelief changed for a moment as Todd shouted, “Hey Mansley!”
“What?” a knight named Mansley asked.
Then Todd pointed at the broken statues and shouted “Your uncle’s head fell on my grandma’s butt!”
Everyone, except for Gloreth, started to laugh at that.
“Oh that’s hilarious.” a knight said with a laugh.
“Nice.” Mansley said, pointing at Todd.
Then the mood changed back into disbelief as another knight said, “But this is so sad though…”
Gloreth is still in shock by Nimona's escape and feeling the pressure. She could hear the other knights talking among themselves about Nimona and her.
Then the knights stopped talking as The Director and the new ruler, King Stevenson, walked in and looked at the damage hall with wide eyes.
“Let me get this straight.” The Director said as she walked with the new king. “The murderer of the Queen escaped with the help of a boy, an ostrich, and... a whale.” 
King Stevenson looked up to see a whale-shaped hole in the ceilings above.
Then one of the knights from the floors above peek over the side of the hole and called out, “It destroyed our showers!”
King Stevenson took in a breath and sighed, rubbing his forehead. “How in the world did this happen?” he asked out loud.
“It’s Goldenloin’s fault!” Todd said, pointing at Gloreth as he stomped to her.
The other knights shouted in agreement. 
Gloreth glared at him as she realized that all eyes were on her. “Me?! Why’s it my fault!?” she asked angrily at him.
Todd got to her face and said, “You knew her better than anyone! Why didn't you tell us Nimona was working with whales?!”
“I tried to stop her! But the boy who was with her sprayed me with fire extinguisher foam and then threw the can at me, making me stumble back!” Gloreth explained angrily, shoving him away. “Also, I didn’t know if she was alive or not until I saw her! So, it’s not my fault!”
Todd stumbled back a bit and glared at her. “Likely story! But that doesn’t explain the kid, whale, ostrich, big fat unicorn, and every animal that helped her out!” he said in a narcissistic tone.
“I don’t know how the kid or any of the animals got in! None of us do!” Gloreth said angrily. “Also, to correct you, it was a rhinoceros, not a fat unicorn.”
Todd growled.
“Fight! Fight! FIGHT!” some knights chanted at the two.
But before a fight could start, King Stevenson stepped up and shouted, “That's enough!”
All the knights immediately snap to attention and look at King Stevenson and The Director, who cleared her throat.
“There is a villain on the loose in our Kingdom. And look at you, acting like common children.” The Director said calmly, looking at everyone as she rallied them back to focus and remind them who they are. “Remember your training. Remember who you are. We are born to protect this kingdom.”
All knights bowed their heads as they remembered who they were.
“I was born.” Todd said to himself before raising his head. 
All of the knights lifted up their heads to look at The Director and King Stevenson.
“We need a new Captain of the Guards. Since Captain Theodore Grambelle got hurt by the attack.” The Director said to King Stevenson quietly. 
But Gloreth and Todd heard what she said.
"Alright, Director." King Stevenson said, nodding to her and then looked at the knights.
Then Todd walked up to The Director and King Stevenson.
“Your majesty, Director. Let me take the lead.” Todd said to them. “There’s only two things I want right now and I have one of them right now.”
“And that is?” King Stevenson asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“A- to have a really big sword. Check.” Todd said, taking out his sword and lighting it up. “And three - to treat Nimona like the Queen-killing monster she is.”
The other knights chime in agreeing with Todd while The Director and King Stevenson look at him, unimpressed.
Gloreth doesn't like where this is going at all as Todd continued, “I’ll hunt her down. I’ll make it hurt. I’ll make sure-”
“I’ll do it.” Gloreth interrupted, stepping forward.
Everyone looked at her.
“You’re right Todd. I know her better than everyone.” Gloreth said to Todd.
Todd looked at her confused before realization hit him.
“So, that means,” Gloreth said, sounding serious as she looked at The Director and King, “if anyone can find Nim… find Nimona, before someone else gets hurt, it’s me.” 
The Director and King Stevenson looked at the two knights before at each other and nodded in agreement.
“This is the greatest threat we've faced in generations.” The Director said to all of the knights. Then both The Director and King Stevenson smiled as they looked at Gloreth. “Thankfully, we have the descendant of Ambrosius to lead us.” The Director continued, pointing her hand at Gloreth.
“WHAT?!” Todd screeched but The Director and King Stevenson ignored him.
Gloreth took in a breath, feeling the responsibility of Captain of the Guard now on her shoulders.
She looked at the knights. 
“Knights of the Realm! We need to search every street, every shadow. Find Nimona and bring her to me.” Gloreth said, giving out her first order to find Nimona.
◇15 hours later◇
Nimona groaned as she woke up, gaining consciousness again.
She looked around when she almost fully woke up.
She was back in the abandoned mansion, her lair.
Nimona was lying on the couch with a blanket over her. She wasn't in her armor anymore but she was wearing her regular clothes; black pants and a dark pink tank top. Her hair was down.
She looks to the side to see her purple hair tie on the coffee table. A mug of tea was also on the coffee table.
Nimona noticed that her burnt arm felt stronger and she could smell lavender on her.
Nimona hummed and rested back, about to go back to sleep. But then her eyes widened with confusion as she thought, ‘Wait- how did I get back here? Who brought me back here and made me tea? Why does my arm feel stronger than before? And why do I smell lavender?’
The 'who' question was soon answered as she heard loud clanging sounds coming from the kitchen.
Nimona slowly sat up to see the kitchen door open and out came Ballister, who was listening to music on his headphones and doing small step dances in his step. 
He was holding a plate of something.
Nimona tried to see what was on the plate as Ballister noticed that she was up. 
“Oh! Hi boss!” Ballister said happily, taking his headphones off and putting them away in his satchel, which was hanging on the back of a chair. 
“Hey…” Nimona said, sounding confused as Ballister walked over to her with the plate. “How long was I out for?”
“You were out for 15 hours.” Ballister answered when he got to her.
“Hm… I feel like I’ve been out for 15 years, having a weird dream within it.” Nimona said, grabbing her purple hair tie and tying her hair back into her normal little ponytail.
“I see.” Ballister said, nodding. “I suggest that you drink the tea, it’ll help you feel better.” Then Ballister shows her the plate of food, which was a sometype of tacos, and asks, “Also, want breakfast tacos?”
Nimona looked at the plate and carefully took it from Ballister, nodding as if to say ‘thank you’. Then she set it on the table so she could grab the mug from the table and drink it.
It tasted good.
Nimona set the mug down when she finished drinking, looked at the teen, and asked, “Wait, wait… Last thing I remember we were in a supply closet... How in the world did I get here?”
“Oh, I carried you after we escaped.” Ballister answered, sitting down on the couch armrest. 
Nimona tried to remember what happened but all that she could think of was the fever dream. “It feels all so foggy.” she breathed, rubbing her forehead.
“Oh? Well… you thanked me and said you’d be forever in my debt and that we’d always be best friends.” Ballister said, taking out a polaroid photo and showing it to her.
The polaroid photo was of Ballister and Nimona. Ballister was smiling at the camera while Nimona was unconscious.
Nimona looks at the photo and Ballister, confused. Then she looked around the lair.
The lair was cleaned up a bit and looked a bit more lively.
There were fairy lights hung up, lighting the place up a bit. 
“What did you do while I was out? Also, why do I smell lavender?” Nimona asked, standing up and stretching.
“Oh I put a healing lotion on your arm to help it heal a bit and not be too dry. It’s the reason you smell lavender.” Ballister explained. Then he jumped up from his seat, changing the subject as he added, “Oh yeah, I spruced up the lair!”
Nimona looked at the teen as she picked up the plate of tacos while Ballister got on the revolving chair, rolling around while showing what he did.
“As you can see, I put up fairy lights, so we don’t have to walk in the dark and get hurt. Clean up the place a bit but not too much where people would think that there is someone here. I also cleaned some of the rooms that were upstairs.” Ballister explained, pointing at the fairy lights and some parts that have been cleaned before pointing upstairs. Then he rolled to the weapon shelf and weapon wall as he continued, “I arranged all the weapons and poisons here in order, from somewhat safe to dangerous to deadliness.” 
Nimona walked where Ballister rolled as she looked at everything and nodded, picking up a taco and ate it.
“I also try to fix and clean the painting that I accidently hit with the dagger.” Ballister said, rolling to a table where the painting was now placed. He picked it up to show her.
The now cleaned painting showed a big family of fourteen. There were different ages of the family; a elderly couple, eight grown ups, three teens, and one kid. Most of the family members in the painting were redheads while some were blonde and brunette. Everyone was smiling, except for an 8 year old redhead girl, whose face was scratched out.
Nimona felt her blood boil when seeing the painting. But instead of shouting, she took in a breath and calmed down, smiling at Ballister. 
Ballister smiled back then he gasped excitedly and said, “Oh, and I did another thing!”
Ballister quickly rolled over to the wall covered with evidence and clues of the attack.
Nimona followed the teen and looked at the wall as she set her taco back on the plate.
Ballister jumped out of the revolving chair and turned on an overhead light, showing the wall with new photos, papers, and drawings.
“What did you do?!” Nimona gasped in shock when seeing the new things added to the wall.
“I updated it.” Ballister answered, pointing at the different things on the wall. “As you can see, I added new photos of some other people, mostly people from the Institute and people who were part of your crime family’s past. I also wrote and drew up some plans, along with some backup plans, you know, for revenge, torment, and good old general mayhem. The plans are all different for each of them, including for the punchable face guy! That dude is going to have a lot of punches!”
Nimona nodded slowly while she progressed, picking up her taco again and eating it again.
She’s impressed but also upset.
Ballister took the other taco from the plate and started to eat it while Nimona finished eating her taco as she looked at the drawings, noticing the ones that Ballister showed her earlier.
The one that caught her eye was the rhinoceros impaling several guards with the horn.
Then Nimona’s ‘dream’ rushes back to Nimona as she realizes that her dream wasn’t a dream.
It was real.
“Rhinoceros...” Nimona breathed, her eyes wide of realization and slowly turned around to look at Ballister.
Ballister looked at Nimona as he put his taco back on the plate, noticing that she’s staring at him in shock and fear. 
“You look freaked.” the teen said, his happy smile fading to a frown. Then the frown look became a glare look as the teen growled, “You promised you’d hold it together and not freak out.”
Ballister’s calm and in control self slowly turned almost aggressive and out of control, like a pot of water beginning to boil.
“You’re not human…” Nimona breaths, slowly backing away from Ballister. She reached to grab her sword from its scabbard but realized that it was not there with her.
Ballister noticed that she tried to reach for something. “Are you looking for something?” the teen growled again, slowly walking to her.
“My sword...” Nimona said, stilling back up.
“It’s in the knights' custody. Remember?” Ballister growled, taking another step to her.
Nimona backed up to a wall as she stuttered, “You’re a… Mmm…”
“A what? Marsupial? Mariachi? Meatball?” Ballister asked with a snap.
Nimona swallowed the fear lump in her throat and answered in a growl, “You’re a monster!”
“DO NOT CALL ME THAT!” Ballister shouted at her, his teeth quickly becoming sharp. 
Nimona closed her eyes tightly, expecting to be attacked and eaten.
But that didn’t happen.
Nimona opened her eyes to see Ballister sitting in the revolving chair, his back to her as he sadly finished eating his taco.
Ballister was back in his calm and in control self.
The burnt knight looked at the teen as Ballister looked over his shoulder to look at Nimona. “Do not call me that… please…” the teen said in a quiet sad voice, his teeth back to normal.
“I’m sorry, Ballister. I didn’t mean that.” Nimona said, trying to get everything back under control and not get worse. “I just don’t understand what’s going on and I want to know. Like… what are you?”
Ballister got up and turned around to look at Nimona. “I’m Ballister.” he answered, bowing to Nimona. 
“That’s not really an answer.” Ninona said, slowly walk over to Ballister. “People don’t just turn into things.”
“I do. Because I’m not people, I’m a shapeshifter.” Ballister said, his eyes narrowed at Ninona as if to watch her carefully.
Nimona slowly nodded as she slowly started to understand but still confused. “Okay then… but now I have a million questions.” she said as she got about arms length to him.
Ballister still narrowed his eyes at her and then put up one finger. “You get one.”
Nimona thought about which question she wanted answered as she set the plate down on a nearby table.
“Why are you helping me?” Nimona asked finally, looking at the teen. “Since we’re different from each other, why help me?”
Ballister sighed and looked down. 
“Because I’m bored…” Ballister answered, looking sad. “Also everybody hates you too and won’t listen or help… But I’m willing to listen and help.”
Nimona felt sadness as she took this information in.
She sighed as she looked at the evidence wall again, looking at the photos.
‘Who could have done it?’ she thought as she looked at Gloreth’s photo the longest before looking at another photo. Then her eyes looked at a photo of her two friends, Ocean Sealine and Meredith Blitzmeyer.
Ocean Sealine had blue curly hair, dark skin with pale patches all over, and goggles over brown eyes. Meredith Blitzmeyer was a tall Romani woman, with warm brown skin, long gray hair tied back in a ponytail, and rounded gold frame glasses over her gorgeous blue eyes. Both of them were wearing their own lab coats and they were smiling at the camera.
Nimona’s eyes narrowed at the photo. “Ocean and Meredith must know something.” she said, pointing at the photo. “They’re the people that I gave the responsibility of watching and preparing the gift for the queen…”
Ballister looked at Nimona and then at the photo with wide, a bit excited, eyes.
“You want those two scientists?” he asked, a bit happy and curious. 
The burned knight looked at the teen and nodded.
“Then let's go get them.” Ballister said, smiling as he pointed at her and himself. “You and me.”
Nimona gave him a ‘are you sure’ look as she said, “Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to get in trouble or hurt because of me.”
“I’ll be fine! I promise.” Ballister reassured her, smiling at her as he offered his metal hand to her.
Nimona stared at him for a moment and asked, “What do you want out of this after we clear my name?” 
“When we clear your name, then I am your official sidekick forever and ever!” Ballister said, still smiling and still offering his hand to her to shake. “No take backsies. Deal?”
Nimona thought for a moment before nodding with a smile. “Deal.” she said, taking his hand into her hand and shaking it. 
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barbarapicci · 7 months
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Streetart: "Mona-Lisa" by Fat Cap Sprays + SRJP @ London, UK
More pics at: https://barbarapicci.com/2024/02/13/streetart-fat-cap-sprays-srjp-london-uk/
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j4xotto · 9 months
Melbourne, 2014.
The first time Jax kissed Ash, he was deadly sober.
Well, mostly sober. He remembered his skin was sticky-sweet with champagne, most of the spray having dribbled down his chin, pornographic in a way he was sure would be giffed on Tumblr and later reblogged by a hundred horny, queer Formula One fans. Everything he ever did was put under a microscope, but in that moment, he was too euphoric to care. Let me celebrate tonight, he thought. Let me throw myself into the arms of my teammate, roar with the crowd. Today, he was on the podium, he was first fucking place.
Bodies pressed in on him from every side, clapping his back and clutching onto his race suit. Pure adrenaline coarsed through him, his heart still jackhammering with the thrum of the engine. Amongst the throng of people, Jax was vaguely aware of the team principal ruffling his hair, his eyes clapping on his Mum, beaming with pride. His Dad was crying, fat tears of pride spilling down his cheeks, his baby niece propped up on his shoulders. Little Paige, who Jax remembered holding in the delivery room, wearing a bright smile for him, a number four painted in glitter on her cheek. Jax wished he could say it didn’t all pale in comparison to seeing Ash.
Because when Ash hurtled toward him in the crowd, God, his heart clenched in his chest. It felt as though he was moving in slow motion to get to him, the end goal to be eveloped in his arms. Pride beamed out from Ash’s features, eyes glittering from beneath his dark brow. Those full, pretty lips Jax had fantasised about kissing one too many times were pulled into a bright smile. And then suddenly, Ash’s arms were around him, pulling him into a hug so tight the rest of the world fell away.
“I’m so fuckin’ proud of you, Jaxxy.” he breathed, the words hot against Jax’s ear, his honeycoated Boston accent curling around the praise. It made Jax's stomach twist every time.
For just a second, Jax can live in this daydream. That Ash is his, and that he's allowed to want him. That he’s allowed to celebrate his win with the man he loves, in front of his team, at his home race. Breathing in in the slick smell of sweat against Ash’s skin, Jax knocked his Haas cap clean off his head. It fell to the ground, forgotten and probably crushed, as Jax pushed his fingers into Ash’s dark locks.
He forgot himself. In hindsight, he can admit that. When Ash pulled back, bright and blazing and beautiful, Jax moved to press his lips to the other man’s cheek.
Cameras everywhere flashed as Jax missed by half an inch, catching Ash full on the mouth. A closed mouth press of lips that leaves his trainer startled, Ash whipping his head back with wide eyes, no regard for Jax’s hurt feelings as he plastered a scowl on his face. What should’ve been the best day of his life took a sudden, steep drop off the edge of a cliff.
When Jax disentangled from his friend, his Ash, the first thing he saw was Kelly. Her blonde hair had been swept off her shoulders and fastened in a tight top knot, a precaution against the stuffy Melbourne heat. She'd pressed herself against Jax in a bright hug and a flurry of nerves moments before he stepped in the car, looking so proud she might burst. Now, when Jax's eyes met hers, they found her blue eyes brimming with rage and unshed tears. From where she was standing, Jax was sure it looked pretty bad. After all, wasn't he supposed to be her friend?
Sorry, Kelly, he remembered thinking, but I did love him first.
In the the end, Jax found himself on the doorstep to his family home. A week spent in Sydney, crying bitterly in the arms of his Mum. Jax was all too certain that his racing career was over, a sting not even Mila Otto could soothe. This horrible, hyper-masculine sport he loved so fiercely had turned its back on him for the final time. The photo was splashed over every major news outlet, and Jax was called every hateful name under the sun by every sports commentator, journalist and motor sports fan. The few times Jax dared to log into Twitter, there’s a few sweet girls with the Australian flag in their display name who tweet him a string of hearts, a reminder that he is loved and even supported. Each night involves Jax trying and failing to read a few thinkpieces on the importance of queer athletes in male dominated sports, but they just hurt his head.
There was talk about dropping him from Haas. The consolation is a stern telling off for his behaviour and a string of press conferences. Jax sitting shoulder to shoulder with other drivers as he made jokes, denied everything, no homo’d his way through it all.
If you were to ask about Jax Otto's racing season in 2014, most people would tell you about his wins. How he was consistently at pole position, how he finished P1, P2, P3 most races. How the crowd would light up with him, chanting his name as he stepped out of the car, bright, vibrant and alive.
If you were to google Jax Otto now, the picture of him kissing another man isn't even the first thing that comes up.
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potokguy · 11 months
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I haven't dressed up for Halloween since I was 8 years old, so I'm going to take this costume choice very seriously. Propaganda under the cut:
Spock Pros: He is an easily recognizable character and will be fun to dress up as. The blue science shirts are not difficult to acquire online, and most of them are of decent quality. The pants and boots I pretty much already have. The Starfleet communicators would be a nice addition to the whole look and it could end up being a very successful Halloween costume.
Spock Cons: The hair might be an issue. I'm set on accuracy, and unfortunately none of the Spock wigs or bowl cut caps within my budget look right for what I'm going for. Of course, I could just walk around as Spock with curly brown hair, but I do want to look like I made an effort.
Monk Pros: He's literally me. Obsessed with cleanliness and order, delightful despite his various flaws and oddities, he even lies awake at night trying not to think at all, and we even have the same curly brown hair! His usual style of dress is very sophisticated, consisting on mostly neutral tones and colors. The outfit wouldn't be very difficult to put together and pull off. It's still a step up from my usual getup... I would not be a cigarette butt on the ground that's been stomped on, I would be a fat cigar that's been puffed on only a couple of times.
Monk Cons: He's not as recognizable of a character as Spock is, and that pains me to say because he is just as far out. I might be able to carry around a bottle of Lysol or some disinfectant spray and wear a surgical mask, but the truth is, I could just be walking around looking like this:
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squishmelo · 2 years
That time (yesterday) that I got shit on.
Once I got my license I decided that I had to increase my will to live, and part of doing that was going to visit the shelter (masked) and just pet some cats. Wild that you can just like literally, be a body in a room with an animal and you’re helping it. Amazing.
The last time I went I met this old guy named Juno who has a giant fat head and a loud purr and I loved him, and I’m like great, I’ll go back and meet Juno. Well, someone else was paying attention to him (YES!!! GET THAT HOME BAYBEEE) - so I pet another cat, and while I’m there there’s just the most horrendous racket of barks - much worse than normal. It’s. So. Loud.
I go up to the front and say “hey, so..I hear a lot of dogs. How can I help?” I have seen on facebook, and she also tells me - they’ve got not one, but TWO batches of dogs taken from a hoarding situation just two days ago, and there’s so many animals that some are 2 or 3 to a cage. (They’re all small to medium dogs capping at about 20lbs each, so they fit fine dw) - and they have no idea how to interact with humans. They don’t have toys or know what a leash is let alone how to walk on one, some are horrified of humans and some are just unsure, etc etc. So she says, volunteer wise, if I could just like spend some time and maybe take a dog outside, it would be super helpful. BUT be aware that they can’t walk on a leash so I might have to pick them up and carry them out - and they’re very stinky. Okay cool, fine, I can do this. I fill a pocket up with treats small enough for little dogs and a denta stick they can chew, and head out with the instructions to find any small dog that’s black or brown.
I find two of them, and one is absolutely terrified of me. Poor thing is fear barking, lunging, etc, absolutely protecting itself+its space. The other is excitedly dancing on the cage to see me so I say ok, cool, let’s take you out. At this point I realize that there’s no collars on them, so I have to create a slip lead - only the dog isn’t excited about me approaching its head with an odd object and unfamiliar hands - so there’s a whole jumble and I end up picking up the (smelly) pup to take outside, and swinging the cage door shut behind me.
This is where I fucked up.
The cage door did not properly latch.
So as I’m walking out, the fear puppy follows me. Out into a hallway that connects to the cleaning room, the laundry room, and the outside. Meaning it is a flurry of activity and full of people for once, bc of the hoarding situation. The dog…poor baby. Ends up next to a laundry basket, sees the people, corners, and begins to urinate and deficate right there. ToT
I feel so bad, I manage the loop situation with my dog, a girl offers to hold it, and once the animal is, I assumed, done using the restroom, I offer it a treat (obviously denied) - and hoist it up to go back into its kennel where it feels safe. I leave it with a treat or two, apologize, make sure that the cage is locked, and begin to return to my dog.
At which point I hear a voice say “Oh, that is unfortunate…” I look down and my shoe - brand new, worn because of that good good arch support - has been shat on. I’m talking at least half a cup plus of primo shit, loose enough that there is no picking it off, but thick enough that luckily, it doesn’t escape over the shoelace area. Cool. Someone tells me there’s paper towels (What are they going to help???) so I grab them and then notice the hose. Perfect, I’ll just spray these off outside at the mouth of the doorway, onto the gravel parking lot. I take off my shoe, set down the paper towel roll, and begin spraying. There is very quickly a puddle forming of shit, mud, dirt, and soapy water - as a man next to me uses it to wash his hands. As he’s washing them - the paper towel roll makes its move. It falls over and then begins to bounce, popping and rolling out across the shit mud, before I can catch it. I try hopping after it on one foot, since my left is only in a sock - but I can’t make it fast enough, and it’s wasting precious paper towels by the millisecond. So I give up and hustle out, stepping in le shit water in my sock, to grab it.  *Facepalm*. Finally, my shoe is clean, the paper towel roll has been saved, I put my sock back into my soaking wet shoe and feel an inch of water squelch up around my foot. Amazing.
I don’t know where to throw out the paper towels I used to try to soak up some of the water in the shoe, and I’m awkward ass fuck so I ask someone “Do you have a rubbish bin?”
Which, we’re in AMERICA, so they look at me like I’m a fucking dumbass, before finally finding one for me, so I can throw them out. There’s another embarrassing moment with the hose when I thought soap guy had turned it off, but of course he hadn’t, so as I’m rolling it back up, its still gushing water into the hallway and I have to apologize profusely as someone gets out the squeegee mop and tells me they’ll deal with it. ToT
Finally- FINALLY - I manage to get my dog back from very nice girl who watched this all unfold, and try to get the dog out of the hallway, except OF COURSE it doesn’t know how to walk on a leash, which I’ve forgotten about, so there’s a lot of bribery and cooing and getting my fingers nibbled. We finally make it out about 20ft into the yard and the dog is pawing and clamoring around me, putting poo mud pawprints all over my ass and thighs - amazing - and trying to mouth me. At one point it gets so excited as I try to pet it that it actually jumps up and grabs my mask, yanking it down with their momentum and off of my face. We spend some time together and I get absolutely slobbered on by this stinky pup who definitely has never had dental care in its life and also has some sort of upper respiritory infection and is leaking discharge from its left nostril.
Eventually She seems like she wants to go back  so I carry her ass in, get her back in her kennel/cage/home with one very empty scared friend, and start to head out. Only of course I have to walk very slowly because the floors are concrete and my left foot is sliding widely with every step and I can be a fall risk, to put it mildly.
I get up to the front and go to tell them about our snot nosed pal, and have to stand and wait, covered in dirty paw prints, water squelching in my shoe, for the person at the front desk to finish a call so I can explain that they need medical attention.
And then I get in my car with my shit shoes and dirt legs and snot hands, and drive home to throw everything in the washer and scrub myself in the shower. And thats the story of how I felt like a jackass at an animal shelter !
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(A couple pics of Juno, another shelter cat named Cardamom, and our possible pooper pup)
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teakoodrawz · 2 years
[ 💛 || boys night in hell - FL au ]
[ Mark placed down their small mattress, blankets and pillows on the floor. Others brings snacks and drinks and small deadly harmful traditional mini games. ]
[ they're allowed to have a great slack tonight. Tho it would be cool if Mark and Cap'n ever invited Sunny and K_K to try this out and hang with them. Of course not yet. They all can't stay longer. Maybe another time. ]
[ usually the three don't have casual clothes other than their formal ones. But they wouldn't mind. Mark had his maroon coat off while Sweet and Cap'n removed their suit and only their black polos and pants. ]
[ they all get a well deserved break and to actually have their real fun together. it would be more fun if they wanted to do actual crimes outside the mansion like setting a building on fire or something like that but they already done that before. So maybe they wanna do a classic boys night this evening ]
" I'm not gonna spray it on the wall! What if someone saw and knew it was us and will tell the boss?! " [ Cap'n looked at the two. Smiling at him and giggling. They're all at the corner side of the mansion. Mostly like a dumpster place ]
" Cap. Cmon.. I'm the one who even sprayed this fucker and no one even knew i did this every now and then. " [ Mark pointed a sprayed art of poorly drawn Witch riding a unicorn with a machine gun at a very corner of the wall. yeh it's pretty cursed and some even tried to scrap and clean it off ]
" cmon Cap! I know you wanna do it! " [ Sweet encouraged him. Cap'n shook its head. Still denying it ]
" alright fine let me do it. " [ Sweet showed up their hand and Cap'n gave the spray paint bottle ]
[ They both moved aside. Sweet shook the spray bottle and started painting ]
[ the three started chuckling. As Sweet sprayed a very fat deer with like those autistic eyes. Smashing a car ]
[ the three couldn't handle holding back their laughters ]
[ They heard and saw a backdoor opening. The three immediately run and flew away. a swatchling saw a dropped rolling spray paint bottle and looked at the drawing and threw away the trash bag in frustrations ] " AGAIN?!?!? "
_ _ _ _ _
[ the two landed back to their rooms. They couldn't stop laughing how they saw the swatchling all pissed off and how Sweet sprayed a fat deer on a wall. Well.. Cap'n should've done that if he did wanted to at least try the fun ]
" HOLY SHIT!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! WE SHOULD AT LEAST DO THAT MORE OFTEN!! " [ Mark screamed out of joy and mischievous even Sweet ]
" SHSHSHHSHS!!! Someone could hear us and find out we did it!!! " [ Cap'n shook the two to calm down ]
[ the two devil speakers slowing down their laughs. And taking their breaths ]
" alright alright... we should be a little careful for this.. " [ Sweet dusting off their attire. and stood up. stretching ] " alright. What should we do next? "
[ Mark shrugged. Right now all he think about is what to eat. he looked at the other direction looking at the snacks and drinks placed on the floor near their blankets and pillows ]
" how bout you guys watch me mix and drink "
_ _ _ _ _
[ Mark had been flipping pages to pages of any spells to show for his partners then his eyes suddenly targerted on something interesting ]
" Heightswap? " [ Mark narrowed his eyes. And then looked at his partners. It looks like a spell to change height of someone either taller or shorter ]
[ Sweet looked back at Mark. Confused ] " what? "
" stand up. Sweetheart. I wanna try something. "
[ Sweet shook its head. ] " no way. You're not gonna try another test spell like the last time you accidentally turned me into fairy or something. "
[ Mark smiled genuinely ] " nah. This one is easy and different. Cap help me out. " " HUH?! Cap- NO!! "
[ Cap'n suddenly grabbed Sweet by the scruff and forced them to stand up and let go. Mark then gestures his hand sign and using his magic while Sweet with a panic in its eye ]
[ then a poof ]
[ the two cough and fanning away the fog. Blinking their eyes open to check what happened to Sweet ]
" . . . "
" . . . "
" . . . "
[ they looked down at the floor. Seeing Sweet. Miraculously short. Like the size of mini Cakes ]
" PFFT- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! " [ Mark and Cap'n burst out of laughter ]
[ Sweet looking up so angry ]
" AHAHAHAH WHY ARE YOU SO SMALL?!?! " [ Cap'n and Mark bent down. while Sweet looking up like its about to break a tear from the insults ]
" TURN ME BACK THE WAY I AM OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL FUCKING BREAK UP WITH YOU!! " [ Sweet yelled up and stomping and stepping on Mark's foot angrily ]
[ Mark held Sweet up like a cat ] " alright alright. Can we at least give this a moment to appreciate of how cute and small you are~? Then I'll actually turn you back to your normal size. "
[ Sweet huffed and crossed their arms ] " fine. Just a few minutes. "
_ _ _ _ _
[ they're waiting by the door. taking a small peek. Waiting. A small flying flapping books on the loose. flying around the hall ]
[ Mark kept doing magic of flying books and leaving it all by the hall. Pretending all these books were alive on its own from the library ]
[ the same Swatchling from earlier saw the flying books above. Dropped down its broom ] " ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! "
[ all these books are different genres are so much harder to place it all back at different shelves to shelves ]
[ the three had been giggling. As the Swatchling walking away trying to find a butterfly net thing to catch the flying books one by one ]
[ but then. Mark suddenly mumbled an incantation and gesturing his hands. Turning the flying books into like angry rapid dogs and started chasing the swatchling. They screamed and ran ]
[ the three mischievous devils had been laughing and laughing ]
_ _ _ _ _
[ the two had been lying down in the floor staring at the ceiling. Silent. Thinking ]
" do you think that boss will be pissed if it actually knew this mess we're making? Like... all improper mannered? " [ Cap'n mumbled above. mostly. What else to think of? Of course they all work for him. ]
[ Mark shook his head. an arm around his forehead and other hand to his chest ] " what's the worse thing he could possibly do? all people make a mess. And it's normal. Why did he even gave us a whole day off and let us have fun anyway? "
" well.. We're literally living at this mansion.. Isn't it like.. Excessive.? "
[ Mark shrugged. They'll clean off the mess in the next day. What's more important is that they all had fun ]
[ Mark had been through worse times. he can handle things now. Their boss had been out to a differ location from a meeting with the other higher role demons only for few days. It leave mark and the others to do their usual things to do ]
" why did he picked you as a best higher role demon again? " [ Cap looked at Mark. all blanked like...doesn't remember why. doesn't even remember how he even got to this mansion nor his old life before. it's like. he already existed in this place and nothing else ]
" he probably sees something in me he hadn't told me about. maybe that's why it picked me as a higher manager. " [ Mark replied. Mark is like. In the in-between role nature. Either high or low. He doesn't even look like an absolute darker sinner ]
" have you wrote a new song yet? " [ Sweet questioned. Cap'n shrugged ] " no. Couldn't think of anything of it. "
[ Mark started humming a harmony. Sounds like... very..calming.. the other two listened and letting that soft voice give in through their mind ]
[ not until it was bothered by their pal crow, Shin. Accidentally slammed at the window. thought it was an entrance ]
[ the three sat up and saw Shin fell down and flew back up to the actual entrance of the balcony. And landed on Sweet's shoulders ]
" heya. What's up? " [ Sweet asked. While the other. Whiskers. Mark's pet pal. Enters and sat down purring into Mark's lap. Rubbing and petting it ]
[ the trio had it all night. they sprayed. they played. they ate. they pulled some pranks at the mansion. and they talked about the above ]
[ maybe they had it all at one night. now maybe it's time for them to rest ]
[ Cap'n leaned against to Mark's arms. Tired. Mark caressed him and smiled. Sweet fixing the pillows and blankets and mattress behind them and placed Cap'n down gently to rest ]
[ Mark took out a small tube with bright glowing liquids. pulls up the cap and starts drinking it and puts the tube aside ]
[ the others yawned. They all lied down next to each other. While whiskers sleeping on the actual large bed and Shin at its perch stand ]
[ all the mess sat aside. They'll clean all the mess in the next day. All they wanted to do was... to actually have fun. Together.. ]
[ Mark held Cap'n closely to his arms. And Sweet pulling the blanket up. Saying their goodnights and their kisses. And fell asleep ]
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Healthy Hair Tips You Need to Know
Maintaining healthy hair requires more than just occasional trims and the right shampoo. It involves a holistic approach that encompasses diet, lifestyle, and proper hair care practices. Whether you’re looking to enhance your current routine or address specific hair concerns, these tips will help you achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy hair.
1. Follow a Balanced Diet
What you eat significantly impacts the health of your hair. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports hair growth and overall vitality:
- Protein: Hair is primarily made of protein, so ensure you get enough protein from sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and legumes.
- Iron: Iron helps carry oxygen to hair follicles. Include iron-rich foods like spinach, lentils, and lean meats in your diet.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fats promote a healthy scalp. Incorporate foods like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), walnuts, and flaxseeds.
- Vitamins: Vitamins A and C support sebum production and collagen formation, respectively. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and citrus fruits are excellent sources.
- Biotin: This B vitamin is known for its role in hair health. You can find biotin in eggs, nuts, and avocados.
2. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy hair. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your scalp hydrated and supports hair growth. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day and consider incorporating hydrating foods like cucumbers and watermelon into your diet.
3. Avoid Over-Washing
Washing your hair too frequently can strip it of natural oils, leading to dryness and brittleness. For most people, washing hair 2-3 times a week is sufficient. Use a mild, sulfate-free shampoo to avoid irritating the scalp and stripping away essential oils.
4. Choose the Right Products
Select hair care products based on your hair type and needs:
- Shampoo: Use a shampoo that matches your hair type (e.g., volumizing for fine hair, moisturizing for dry hair).
- Conditioner: Apply conditioner from mid-length to ends to maintain moisture and reduce tangling.
- Leave-In Treatments: Consider using leave-in conditioners or serums for added hydration and protection.
5. Minimize Heat Styling
Excessive use of heat styling tools can damage hair and lead to dryness and split ends. To minimize heat damage:
- Use Heat Protectants: Always apply a heat protectant spray before using styling tools.
- Lower Heat Settings: Use the lowest effective temperature on your styling tools.
- Limit Usage: Try to limit heat styling to a few times a week and embrace air-drying when possible.
6. Trim Regularly
Regular trims help prevent split ends and keep your hair looking healthy. Aim for a trim every 6-8 weeks to maintain hair health and manageability.
7. Avoid Tight Hairstyles
Tight hairstyles, like ponytails and braids, can cause stress on the hair shaft and lead to breakage or traction alopecia. Opt for looser hairstyles and use soft hair ties to reduce stress on your hair.
8. Protect Hair from Environmental Damage
Environmental factors can affect hair health. Protect your hair from:
- Sun Exposure: Wear a hat or use UV-protectant hair products when spending extended time in the sun.
- Chlorine and Saltwater: Rinse hair with fresh water before swimming and use a swim cap to minimize exposure to chlorine and saltwater.
- Harsh Weather: In cold or windy conditions, cover your hair to prevent dryness and breakage.
9. Be Gentle When Drying
Avoid rough towel-drying, which can cause breakage. Instead:
- Pat Dry: Gently pat your hair with a towel to absorb excess water.
- Use a Microfiber Towel: Consider using a microfiber towel or an old t-shirt, which is gentler on hair than a traditional towel.
- Avoid Brushing Wet Hair: Use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to detangle wet hair to minimize breakage.
10. Practice Scalp Care
A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair. To maintain scalp health:
- Massage Regularly: Gently massaging your scalp can improve blood circulation and promote hair growth.
- Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Minimize the use of products with harsh chemicals that can irritate the scalp.
- Exfoliate Occasionally: Use a gentle scalp scrub or exfoliating treatment to remove buildup and promote a healthy scalp environment.
Achieving and maintaining healthy hair involves a combination of proper care, nutrition, and lifestyle habits. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can support your hair’s health and enhance its natural beauty. Remember that individual hair needs can vary, so it’s important to tailor your hair care routine to your specific hair type and concerns. With consistent effort and attention, you’ll be on your way to enjoying vibrant, healthy hair.
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