#fat fatty fat fat
explode-this · 8 months
Re: last reblog:
The thing that finally flipped the switch, that got me from Bulimia All Day Every Day 24/7/365 NEVER STOP, was realizing that if I was ever going to be well I had to accept one very simple thing:
Being fat is not the end of the world.
This is not easy thing to accept, because we live in a world that says exactly that. Where you can read whole Twitter threads full of self-loathing people who would rather die early of a disease that requires the use of steroids to control than be made fat by their medication. Where doctors might not find your cancer until it’s way too fucking late because they assume any sign of ill-health is because you’re DEATHFAT (that’s what people generally mean when they say “obese,” so I’m just not sugarcoating it—plus I feel so much more metal blithely describing myself as not just fat but DEATHFAT). Where the merest hint of fat body representation in conjunction with positivity brings out a mewling crowd of Concerned Citizens™️ to sniffle and say “well I’m all for body positivity, but some people take it TOO FAR.”
I had to go on a calorie-restricted diet before I had my gallbladder out last April. It became my full-time job, just watching everything like a hawk, being on it for twice the amount of time than is usually prescribed (you know, because DEATHFAT). I was weak, I was tired, I was petrified I was going to be full bulimic again in a matter of weeks. I did in fact purge once because I freaked out about eating a few too many crackers. Getting medical help shouldn’t do that to you, but here we are.
But I didn’t fall back into that behavior. I didn’t start hating myself or exercising too much out of shame. I did begin going to the skating rink with regularity again, but it wasn’t just to burn calories or “earn” my food, the way I used to. It was to have FUN. It was to enjoy the muscle memory and skills I built over years of roller derby instead of letting my skates sit and gather dust. (Derby, I might add, was a time in my life where the combination of so much training and being on ADHD meds for the first time and going all the way back to active bulimia meant a massive weight loss—and well-meaning “friends” telling me that i “looked like a person now!” Team Captain, I love you, but girl—fuck off.)
I understand that there will ALWAYS be people who think they know what I’m eating or doing with my life by looking at me. People I can skate circles around, mind you. People who have never tried my cooking and see how jam-packed it is with vegetables. People who don’t know how many years of other people’s opinions I had to shrug off to wear the cute clothes I enjoy instead of oversized, misshapen garbage garments to hide from the world as to not offend someone else’s delicate sensibilities.
But being fat is not the end of the world.
I don’t worry about the size of my ass. I don’t worry about what my arms look like in tshirts. I don’t try to hide my soft tum-tum or disguise my thighs. I move my body because I love to move my body. I eat vegetables because they’re delicious and frankly I don’t know how to cook meat. I eat a bacon cheeseburger every week after Wednesday skating because it’s delicious.
It takes a very long time to get here. But it’s worth it.
I’d rather be kind, and funny, and smart, and well-read, and crafty, and creative, AND fat, than waste my life doing only some of those things and being cranky and self-obsessed because I’m wasting too much time trying not to be fat.
So if this is the opposite of every message you ever see out there, I want you to know this truth, delivered to you from the bottom of my plump little soul:
Being fat is not the end of the world.
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sheepydraws · 6 months
The secret Dungeon Meshi sauce that's getting people to eat better is that it's so non-judgmental. Senshi and the rest of the gang never talk about what not to eat besides things that taste bad and literal poison. They don't even talk about "health" that much besides the importance of a balanced diet. It's so much easier to eat well when you think of food simply as something your body needs, and that it's often worth the extra effort to make it taste good, especially when you understand how to connect "things your body needs" with "things that taste good"
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starsvation · 11 days
"but being skinny won't solve your problems" being fat IS my problem what are you talking about
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himblob · 1 month
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140lb gain in the same year is crazy. I really can’t control myself anymore. I’ll always get fat again no matter how many times I lose weight… I think I should just give in and just keep getting fatter.
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cutiedonutppl · 18 days
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Is the sexy body due to those cute pyjamas or a lot of body fat?
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carolinequinnbbw · 1 month
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passenger PRINCESS
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fatvalentina · 3 months
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📝So guys I’m Taking applications for me to be your chubby goth gf🌚
Anyone interested???🌚🌚🤭❤️
The best / worthy man from the application will be the one to take out my rose tattoo on my thighs between my 🍑🍑
May the best knight win my heart 🤭😇❤️❤️
👀Btw don’t y’all think my thighs is getting bigger than my belly 🥹👉👈
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tianastummys · 14 days
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dress got me feelin like princess Lelia
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hungrylittlepig · 21 days
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cutiedonutppl · 26 days
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As you may or may not know, for a certain period of time I was very much in charge of my health due to health problems. Then you might have noticed quite a big change in my appearance. I lost a lot of weight at that time. Of course, I didn't share it I always showed my belly when it was full. Today I want to show you how much weight I have managed to lose and what I am currently at. In a month and a half I gained 18 kilos while on holiday. I know this is a huge amount of weight. I don't know how I managed to achieve this. I think I've been caught by the yo-yo effect. I look like a fat pig again, who would most like to just eat.
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forestfresh · 23 days
Having more “wow I’m chunky” moments lately
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greedygirlmarie · 24 days
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rolls on rolls
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carolinequinnbbw · 25 days
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Ooof I need belly rubs
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himblob · 26 days
I couldn’t control myself around food and now look, from a nice lean muscle physique to a fat lardy jiggly belly. There’s no turning back now.
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admireroffatguys01 · 2 months
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tianastummys · 22 days
Tight shirt vs massive tummy: who will win?
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