#fat freezing colorado springs
youthmedispa · 2 years
What Is Botox Treatment?
Botox therapy is well-known for its ability to minimize the look of wrinkles on the face. They are also used to treat neck spasms, excessive perspiration, an overactive bladder, and a lazy eye. Botox injections may also aid in the prevention of persistent migraines. However, most individuals use this to remove aged skin, wrinkles, and blemishes, as well as to modify the form of places such as the nose, eyes, and so on. Fountain of Youth Medi Spa has been providing top-notch Botox in Colorado Springs with the assistance of a team of professionals. Our botox treatment uses high-tech medical equipment that is minimally intrusive and is administered by highly qualified professionals. We take care of the sanitary aspects of the therapy as well. Furthermore, we provide fat freezing, lip filling, facials, and other therapies for beauty and well-being.
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roanniom · 3 years
My request is probably so lame lol. But will you please tell us about Valentines Day with Flip? How does he spoil you and make it extra special for you? I’d love it if you could throw in some praise kink and size kink too please!
I love all your writing and you’re so talented! Thank you for entertaining my request! 💛
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Hi my lovelies, thanks for your patience with this, seeing as it is coming over a week after Valentine’s Day. I wasn’t 100% I had another Valentine’s story in me after my Clyde and Charlie ones, but I chose to combine these prompts, got a little inspiration today and voila - a sweet and salty Flip one shot was born. Hope you’re cool with me combining and taking a bit from each of these requests! ❤️
Stupid Little Day in February
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Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Word Count: 3,890
Warnings: NSFW, PIV sex / semi-public sex / unprotected sex, angst in the form of Flip wanting to love up his lady but having work get in the way
Flip had never intended to find himself in this position. He was a perfectionist, giving everything he had and then some in an effort to be successful in all he did – high school sports, his career at the department, his relationships. It’s why he always tries to make time for the boys, being there for Ron whenever he needs help or just someone to bitch to over a beer after work. It’s why he does his best to shower you with love and affection every chance he gets, bringing home little gifts and spending lazy Sundays doing nothing but you. And he thought that, all things considered, he’d been doing a damn good job.
That is until he overheard you on the phone with your friend the other day. You were twirling the coiled cord around your finger while you lounged on the couch laughing and chatting animatedly. He’d walked by and into the kitchen, careful not to disturb you, but as he cracked open a beer he heard something that made his stomach drop.
“Yeah I know I love Valentine’s Day, but Flip hates it so I can be cool with that.”
Flip had left his beer on the counter and moved silently to the doorway, ears straining to hear the rest of the conversation, mind racing to all the times he had, indeed, condemned the holiday of love as a sappy excuse for bad boyfriends to redeem themselves. A day to stimulate the gift industry. You’d laughed and teased him for his soap box routine and grumpy demeanor but you hadn’t argued.
“Besides, I’ve told you. The man gets me flowers like three days a week. He remembers things, like really remembers things. And he listens. I’d trade fancy dinner, red hearts, and chocolate for him any day.”
And though you’d defended him to your friend, your words had stuck with Flip. He wanted to give you the moon, he would if it wasn’t so damn high up. The least he could do was indulge you in something you enjoyed. You did that for him constantly – sitting through football games, hanging with the boys at the bar, listening to country music though you told him that deep inside it made you want to murder the jukebox. You sucked it up and took it with a smile so you could be with him. Flip kicked himself for not being able to do the same with some stupid holiday.
But at the exact moment Flip vowed to right this wrong, the universe seemed to have made a competing vow to ruin all of his efforts. It seemed that the revelation had come to late, being that it was already the night before Valentine’s Day. He was horrified the next morning to find, after a series of tense calls made at his desk hunched over and hushed so none of the other detectives could here, every restaurant in town was booked full. Which ended up being a moot point because the chief demanded he stay late, regardless of how much he gnashed his teeth.
“Everyone with a serious gal already asked for the night off, Zimmerman. It’s too late now. Guess your gal isn’t that serious,” was the only reply he received.
Head in his hands at his desk, Flip flinched when his back received a firm clap.
“Now I know we’re in the contemplating-marriage-territory here with this girl,” Ron said, pulling a seat up and fixing Flip with a concerned look. “What’s all this about not taking time off?”
Flip repeated the conversation that he’d overheard, sure to explain that he had no intention of disappointing you despite your good nature.
“You do realize that this could easily be remedied by a simple call to your woman, right?” Ron asked as Flip massaged the space between his eyes.
“I wanted to surprise her. Calling at this point feels like admitting defeat.”
“Do you hear yourself? ‘Admitting defeat?’ This isn’t some damn battle, it’s a holiday for a fat little baby with wings.”
“Hey, he does have a weapon,” Flip countered, though this time he cracked a smile. Ron laughed heartily.
“Yeah, one that’s been used to shoot you and your little lady enough to kill a small elephant. You guys are pumped so full of the love juice it’s a wonder you’re able to concentrate on anything else.” Ron turned then and flicked the large stack of files on Flip’s desk with a smirk. “Or maybe that’s your problem, Zimmerman.”
Flip shook his head.
“That might be the case for me, but – ”
“Are you seriously about to argue that she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“How the fuck would you know?” Flip asked gruffly. Ron, used to Flip’s gruffness much as you were, plowed right on through.
“Well besides all the dinner parties and barbeques and nights we all go dancing?” Ron raised an eyebrow with a laugh. “Patrice, man! You think those women get together and don’t talk about us?”
“Patrice has told you things?” Flip’s whole body tensed and Ron was quick to reassure.
“Calm the fuck down, I don’t want any of your dirty details. All I know is your woman is crazy in love with you. I don’t think some stupid little day in February is going to rock your world as much as you think it will.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Flip conceded, putting his head in his hands.
“I’m always right, you just never listen,” Ron said good-naturedly as he headed back to his desk. Over his shoulder he tossed one final piece of wisdom. “Whatever you do, just call her!”
And Flip did try to call you. Ten times as a matter of fact. It wasn’t until the sun set out the window and he hung up the phone for the tenth time that he remembered you’d had plans to hang out with your mother today. While that probably should have made him feel better – you had filled your day with plenty of things and probably wouldn’t even notice his failed attempt at romance – he couldn’t help but agonize the fact that it proved you had expected so little of him in the first place.
It’s with this on his mind that Flip buries himself in his paperwork. It’s 8pm and every member of the Colorado Springs police force that hadn’t taken the holiday off is out for a dinner break, Flip having sullenly waved them off so he could sulk in peace. He’s neck-deep in casefiles when he hears the sound of footsteps coming in from the bullpen. It was much too soft to be the tread of any of the beat cops he’d expected to see tonight and Judy, the night shift receptionist, wasn’t due in till later.
“Burning the midnight oil there, detective?”
Flip’s head snaps up at your voice to find you leaning against the doorframe to his office, arms folded casually across your chest, cheeky smile gracing your lips.
“Baby, what are you doing here?” Flip asks breathlessly as he makes to stand up. He freezes mid-motion, however, when you hold a hand up.
“Ah ah ah, no need to get up,” you tsk, closing the door with a gentle click and dropping your bag to the floor before making your way over to him. He hesitates but lowers himself back into his seat, eyes trained on your frame slinking toward him. You drop your palms to his desk and hoist yourself up onto it, prowling forward across the surface on your hands and knees toward him. “I heard my man needed some cheering up.”
“You did?” Flip asks, a smirk forming at the corners of his mouth as he leans back in his seat to enjoy what has already been and promises to be quite a show. Legs spread wide and hands gripping the arm rests he hasn’t really even heard what you said. Instead he is focusing every single brain cell on the cleavage that is visible through the red peacoat he’s never seen you wear, chest now slightly exposed as you slowly slide off the scarf you’d used to obscure it.
“Yeah. I heard you wanted to love on me but couldn’t because of work,” you say in a low voice, scooting forward so that one leg dangles off the edge of the desk on the outside of Flip’s left thigh while you place your other foot on the edge of his chair to the right of his other thigh. His gaze flits to the expanse of inner thigh that is now visible to him, your legs bare beneath the peacoat despite the freezing mid-February chill outside. His hand shoots up to smooth over your thigh, warming your skin, just as his brain catches up to your words.
“Now where exactly did you hear that, sugar?” He asks with a small frown. One of your hands reaches out to his shoulder, pulling him in his wheeled office chair closer to you and the desk. The same hand slides down his shoulder to smooth back and forth over the plane of his chest, just as your other hand threads into his hair.
“I can’t go around divulging my secrets,” you say breathily, leaning forward and arresting his lips in a sensuous kiss. You are the first to deepen it, tongue flitting over his lips to beg for entrance before plunging into the depths of his mouth. You kiss him greedily like you’re seeking the breath from his lungs to be the source of your own oxygen. Like the pressure of his lips on yours will warm the late winter cold from your bones. When you slide off the desk and into his lap, straddling his thick denim-clad thighs, Flip moans into the kiss, making you break away with a pleased hum. You relish in the look of his kiss-bruised lips, red and wet from the fervor of your contact. “Maybe cupid dropped by with a little message. Told me to come on down here and drive you wild.”
Flip’s breathing deeply at this point but the new intake of air seems to get the gears moving better in his mind. He frowns.
“And by cupid you mean Ron.”
“Bingo, baby,” you confirm with a smile before pressing a kiss to his furrowed brow. “Don’t be mad at him, though. He told me how you tried to make tonight special for me and that you’d probably bite off the heads of everyone working the night shift if I didn’t make my way down here quick.”
“I set something up. I did what I could, things just kept going wrong…”
“Shhh….” Your kisses migrate from his forehead to his cheek, pressing into his dimples till his frown smooths out and his eyes close again. Only then do you move down to mouth at the column of his throat, pressing your lips to his Adam’s apple. “So how many are there?”
“How many what?” he asks distractedly, eyes still closed.
“Dead bodies of people who had the misfortune to cross paths with my grumpy mountain man?” you ask, the smile clear in your voice though you speak the words into his skin. Flips hands tighten around your hips.
“I’m only grumpy because you deserve the fuckin’ moon and I’m stuck here behind a desk.”
“Well, if you haven’t noticed,” you say, angling in his lap so that your lower back leans against the edge of the desk behind you. “I am also behind the desk with you. So maybe it’s not all bad.”
It is at this point that you pop the few buttons at the front of our coat, allowing it to drop open and reveal the gauzy, see-through red negligee you are wearing beneath. It comes down only to the tops of your thighs, but most important of all, you are completely bare beyond the fabric. Your breasts are held in the negligee’s sheer lace cups, nipples hard, and not a scrap of panties obstructs his view of your cunt, evidently glistening from this angle, even through the garment.  
“Sugar.” He intones it soft, deep. It’s a statement. A warning as his eyes slide back up your body to lock on your own hungry stare. “You’re just looking for trouble here.”
With a devious smile you settle forward again, rolling your pelvis this time to rub your heat conspicuously over the growing bulge in his jeans.
“You can punish me later, Flip,” you whisper softly in his ear as you reach down to unbuckle his belt. “When you get home. But for now let me reward you.”
“What’s there to reward me for, darlin’?” Flip asks, helping you rid him of his belt and unfasten the buttons of his Levi’s. He’s not even sure why he’s pressing the matter. You’re here, rubbing your gorgeous body all of his in the middle of his workplace like some fucking fever dream and here he is, practically reminding you of his unworthiness. In some kind of verbal act of self-flagellation.
“Flip Zimmerman,” you chide, even as you pull his half-hard dick out of the opening you’ve made in his pants, careful to keep the rest of his clothing neat. “There’s always something to reward you for.” You begin applying a few measured strokes to his length, squeezing at the base and rolling your wrist to smooth the motion up to his tip.
“Fuck,” Flip grunts quietly, his head dropping to hit the back of the chair.
“This morning you sprinkled cinnamon on my oatmeal. Last night you handed me that lotion that smells like jasmine when I got out of the shower, the one I love so much.” You kiss his jaw as you say this and let your eye lashes flutter against his cheek in the process.
“Those are little things. Nothing,” Flip argues, still mentally kicking himself for the knee-jerk way he keeps dragging this on. Living in this guilt despite your loving ministrations which suggest you feel exactly the opposite.
“They aren’t little to me,” you say, your tone abruptly serious and your fingers digging into his jaw to keep him looking at you. “You read to me on Sunday afternoons. You take me camping whenever you get time off.”
Your tone returns to its original gentleness and you duck your head so that you can nip at Flip’s earlobe. Your hand continues its steady pace on his cock, thumb swirling around in the precum collecting on his tip.
“You fuck me. Good and hard and slow and fast and every which way I need it.” He’s painfully hard now, both from your hand and from your focused attention on him. From the words falling from your lips. He gazes back at you with blackened eyes and massages the skin of your hips and ass with his large, warm hands. You lick the shell of his ear then, marveling in the way it always turns red and hot, regardless of his confidence, regardless of his dominance. “You meet my needs, Flip, every day. And today is just any old day. So just like you do for me, I’m going to meet your needs, and you’re going to enjoy it.”
You say this as you lift yourself up with the muscles of your thighs and line him up with your entrance, sinking down on his cock just as you get to the last few words. Flip immediately mutters a string of hushed curses, fingers digging into your hips through your gauzy negligee so hard you’re already looking forward to the bruises. He breathes through his nose, his labored exhales fanning across your face as you work to adjust to him, eventually swiveling your hips a bit.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he mutters, dropping his forehead to yours. Your face is screwed up in pleasure-pain and you huff out a laugh.
“No, you’re just fucking huge.” Your statement gets a groan from him and you smirk as you begin to lift yourself up and down on Flip’s cock with his help. Your walls pulse, stroking his cock as your tongue moves on to stroking his ego. “You’re so big, Flip. Too big. I can barely take you.”
“You’re taking me just fine, sugar,” he shakes his head, eyes rolling back in their sockets as you grind into him on a down motion. “So wet. This little pussy takes me so well.”
“You fill me up, Flip. Stuff me – ohhh fuck – stuff me so full I think I might burst.” You reach one hand back to grip the edge of the desk for leverage while your other hand digs into the skin of his shoulder.
“Oh for me you do burst, baby. You burst and gush all over me like the good girl you are,” Flip whispers into your clavicle when you throw your head back, an automatic response to him beginning to aid you by thrust up into your quivering cunt himself. This sounds more like your Flip. Confident and powerful. Pressing all the right buttons to drive you wild. “My good girl.”
“I love it when you call me that,” you admit softly.
“A good girl?”
“Your good girl,” you correct.
“My good girl,” Flip repeats and your pussy clenches around him hard in response. So naturally Flip says it again. “You’re my good girl.”
Your breathing has increased rapidly, spurred on in no small part by the way one of his hands has snaked up to pluck a breast from its lacy confines. His head dips to suck your nipple into his mouth and you hum.
“Who’s good girl are you?” Flip asks into your breasts.
“I’m your good girl.”
You begin ridding him harder, faster. The slick seeping onto his cock around your swollen lips indicates that you’re farther along than he’d expect, a suspicion that you soon confirm with a whimper.
“Fuck, baby, I’m close.”
“Really?” he asks, incredulous. He’s used to marathon lovemaking. Even a quick fuck in a bathroom stall usually becomes indulgent for you two, trading speed for roughness and lewdness.
“I kind of…got ready before I – ah! – came here.” You bite your lip as you say it and Flip resists the urge to pull your lip out and claim it for himself.
“And by ‘got ready’ you mean…” he prompts, a wicked smile spreading on his face.
“I touched myself,” you admit, no shame in your words. “I touched myself while thinking about my handsome man and his handsome cock and the way it was going to fill me when I came over here.”
Flip grabs one of your hands then, zeroing in on your fingers. All the while he keeps thrusting up into you, feet flat on the floor and muscles rippling throughout his body with the effort.
“Did these fingers rub your little clit?”
“Yes,” you say, still confident. Flip licks a stripe up your index and middle finger, almost as if doing so would allow him to taste remnants of your essence.
“Did you stuff them inside your pussy. Press that little spot inside you like so much?” As he says it he thrusts up and forward, making his cock drag against your front wall in a way that’s got you buckling in on yourself.
“Oh god oh yes. Yes!” You’re trying to remain as quiet as possible but it’s getting harder by the second. The station was empty save for Flip when you’d arrive but soon other people would return. A fact that made your pussy drool all the more on Flip’s throbbing cock.
Flip watches you fall apart in his arms and speeds up the process by sucking on your fingertips, splitting them apart with his tongue and laving each equally. You swallow a moan as he brings your own wetted fingers down to the apex of your thighs.
“Show me,” he breathes, moving forward to kiss your lips. “Show me what I do to you.”
You begin rubbing your clit just as Flip assaults your senses in all other ways. He captures your mouth in a kiss while simultaneously returning to kneading at your breasts with abandon, tugging and squeezing at the pillowy flesh.
“Did you cry out my name in that empty house when you came?” he prompts. You shake your head feverishly, your thighs shaking around him as your climax nears.
“No. I didn’t cum. I saved that for you.”
In a flash of blinding pleasure, you unraveling on top of him, careful to suppress the reaction to little gasps and whimpers instead of the loud praise and guttural moans you would have preferred to let out. The suddenness of your orgasm catches Flip off guard and he is utterly unprepared for the way your walls flutter and pulse, ultimately milking his cock of his own release. You collapse in his arms with a shaky laugh, one he’s only able to reciprocate when the ringing in his ears begin to lessen and his heart stops trying to pound a route out of his chest.
You both revel in the afterglow for a few minutes after, holding each other like you aren’t in his office in the middle of the Colorado Springs Police Department. Like people aren’t about to file in after their dinner break, bellies full and completely unaware of the fact that Flip had just railed you into next February.
After a while, Flip finally pulls out and tucks himself away, once again the picture of professionalism. Or at least, as much the picture of professionalism as Flip cares to appear, what with his eternal flannel and comfortably warm in jeans, the wet patch of your arousal finally fading. He helps you clean up with some napkins he has stashed in a drawer, ultimately bundling you back up in your coat and scarf. You now look sweet and warm again, a stark contrast to the vixen who had crawled across his desk and stripped for him.
Now descent, you settle back into his lap sideways, opting not to straddle him tis time in case someone did finally walk in. You run a finger through the hair at his chin.
“You said earlier you said you’d ended up setting something up for me. What was it?”
Flip blinks at your question for a few seconds before letting out a laugh that ripples from deep in his belly.
“I sent Jimmy and his brother with a box of chocolates over to the house. They were supposed to sing you a Motown duet.”
“I would pay to hear that. When are they supposed to get there?”
“They’re supposed to arrive right now.”
With that you dissolve into a fit of laughter, falling into his chest as you heave from it. Flip’s arms wind around you and tug you tighter to him. And in that moment, he almost believes in this stupid holiday. Almost believes in the cartoon hearts and the fat little winged baby that flies around shooting people. What else could possibly explain the sharp pain radiating from his chest when he looks at you? The ache that dulls as it floods to his extremities, simmering into a warmth that fills him from head to toe? All Flip can think as he smooths his thumb over your smiling lips is that cupid better have a up-to-date permit for that bow of his.  
Tagging some lovelies <3 (please let me know if you would like to be added to or removed from this list in the future!): @noocturnalchild @thedivinemissn @insufferablelust @historyandfandoms50 @lostinthedrive @thewilddingleberries @edencherries @mariesackler @safarigirlsp @direnightshade @sacklerscumrag @paper-n-ashes @clydesfavoritegirl @wayward-rose @hopeamarsu @thegreenmatt @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @finn-ray-nal-beads @fizzywoohoo @maybe-your-left @aliveandlonely @han-not-solo @morby @mrs-zimmerman @maryforyou @jynzandtonic @renmaulxo @millenialcatlady @equivocalrabbit @soggywhore @foxilayde @mylifeisactuallyamess
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rocklandhistoryblog · 3 years
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March 4, 1921 ; Excerpt from the Rockland News
COMPLETES LONG JOURNEY AFOOT – Emily Claus of Nanuet Goes Through Blizzard Alone – No Unpleasantness on Road, But Hiker Gives Los Angeles Poor Recommendation
Miss Emily Claus of Nanuet has completed her trip on foot to California. Cards and letters received by her friends in Rockland County tell her experiences and adventures during her several months on the road, wearing khaki trousers and a shirt.
In the Adirondacks Miss Claus met a girl who was her traveling companion as far as Sioux City, Iowa. From that point to the coast, she traveled alone. In letters she tells us her experiences from August to January.
The first letter sent from Thief River Falls, Minnesota reads in part, “No, I am not working, except if you call it that, to write friendly letters, and it is quite a task sometimes for I don't have a great deal of time for that. It so happens that I'm visiting a friend of mine out here at Thief River Falls, Minnesota, and he owns a machine. Keeps it in his home and has put it at my disposal. Do you happen to remember John Ward, the very tall thin fellow I brought to one of the Nanuet dances? Well he has come out here to live in the meantime and has acquired a wife and three kiddies since then.
“Our plan is to hike most of the way. But as we are doing it purely for our own pleasure, we can ride when we like, provided it costs us nothing. Minnesota is very desolate all sand, scrub oak and jack pine, showing the soil is poor, therefore the habitations very lowly and mostly foreign, though it is very beautiful. We decided it was policy to hurry through to my friends because of the foreign element, who seemed to suspect us of something, thought we were working for the revenue inspectors.
“One day, when a fat, good natured looking man inquired if we wanted a ride, he was not foreign, we accepted as he was going in our direction. It so happened he was the engineer on a freight line and told us if we would be on hand the next morning at 730, he would let us ride on the engine. Well that was a thing not to be missed, for we had a wonderful time. I even was allowed to run the engine for a bit, and you cannot imagine what it felt like to have control of so much power, being able to stop in an instant that heap of throbbing metal of the locomotive.
“Naturally, we are careful when we accept a ride. But believe me, I have not encountered as much danger all the time I have been on the way as I would encounter in two weeks in New York. Insults are becoming unknown to me. It is true people look at us until it is uncomfortable, but it is because they want to know us and are interested not merely curious or with a sneer.”
The next letter dated December 29 telling of the conclusion of the trip is sent from Pasadena California and is as follows:
“Hurrah for the completion of my undertaking which finds me in even better health than when I started, and none the worse for wear. Of course, there was plenty of excitement on the way. But I thank goodness, I arrived at my destination safely, without any grave mishaps. I admit, I did not realize the enormity of my undertaking until I arrived here and heard people talk. I have been told that I was born under a lucky star, but never put much stock in it till now. I am sure, it must be that or special protection from above. At any rate, I am properly thankful that all has ended well, and will not be so quick to do the same alone again.
“As I believe I told you before, my companion left me at Sioux City, Iowa, and I continued the rest of the way alone, going through Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and thence to Los Angeles.
“On the way from Denver to Colorado Springs, I encountered a heavy snowstorm which lasted all day. So, I was not able to sit down and rest or unload my pack from my back the entire time. For all was wet, white snow. It certainly was beastly, and I could easily have gotten lost or snowed under, but I didn't. As is proven by my being able to write this to you.
“Naturally thought I would get to warmer climate as I went further south, but not so. Over the Raton Pass you pass from Colorado into New Mexico. It was cold enough to freeze a goose. And I came near being the goose. All through New Mexico and Arizona it was very cold -- snow or no snow.
“Arrived in Los Angeles about a month ago but was so distraught disgusted with the city that I could not raise courage enough to write to all my friends while I stayed in it. There is not the slightest bit of modesty, or morality in that big city, which naturally makes it unsafe for any woman to be on the street, either day or night.”
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mypubliclands · 6 years
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Happy National #DogDay! 
Take your furry companion on an adventure and discover some of the awesome dog-friendly spots on public lands. If you take your dogs on a trip into the great outdoors, make sure to always bag their waste and have a leash handy if required. This ensures you will Leave No Trace and protects your pup, wildlife and other public lands visitors.
Check out these dog-friendly lands across America, where all puppies are welcome!
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Ridge to Rivers Trail System in Idaho The smell of wildflowers and the warmth of the sun would make most people smile, and these two dogs are absolutely beaming. The Boise Foothills rise above Idaho's capital and largest city, providing a postcard backdrop that inspires and soothes the soul. An interconnected network of roads and trails through these hills links not only neighborhoods with public lands but also connecting people with the natural environment. With over 190 miles of trail, the Ridge to Rivers Trail System provides a variety of experiences and opportunities. Dogs are welcome in most Bureau of Land Management areas in the west, and your pup will love the opportunity to frolic in nature. Before you head out, be sure to learn about dogs and trails etiquette.
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Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River in Alaska Bring your dog along for a rugged adventure along Alaska’s Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River. Let your dog explore the majestic wilderness of the Last Frontier. Beaver Creek flows through the White Mountains, which are made up of massive, white limestone formations up to several thousand feet thick. Wind, rain and freezing temperatures have weathered away the surrounding rock to expose the jagged cliffs and peaks seen along Beaver Creek. To get to the river, you’ll have to hike a limestone ridge, but with stunning views like this, your pup will agree that the extra effort is totally worth it.
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Little Sahara Recreation Area in Utah Does your pooch crave high-octane adventure? Let them tag along on your fat-biking adventure at Utah’s Little Sahara Recreation Area. Visitors and their pups to Little Sahare can enjoy hiking in the 9,000-acre Rockwell Outstanding Natural Area, fat-biking on the dunes, sandboarding or skiing down Sand Mountain, and wildlife viewing. Make sure to keep an eye for OHVs on some of the sand dunes.
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Sacramento River Bend Outstanding Natural Area, California California’s Sacramento River Bend Outstanding Natural Area is a dog’s delight. This area offers all kinds of dog friendly activities from hunting, camping, and hiking to horseback riding, cycling, boating, picnicking and wildlife viewing.
From the lush riparian areas surrounding the Sacramento River and its tributaries to the rolling hills of the blue oak savanna, the Sacramento River Bend area is a perfect place to let your pup enjoy a little California sunshine.
For over 20 years, the Bureau of Land Management Redding Field Office, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Shasta County Sportsmen's Association have partnered to provide a traditional pheasant hunting opportunity for youth and women to experience America’s Great Outdoors. This means a fun day for many hunting dogs too just outside of Red Bluff, California.
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Edson Creek Recreation Site in Oregon Dogs love Edson Creek! Located at the junction of Edson Creek and Sixes River, Edson Creek Recreation Site provides 27 campsites and four reservable group sites in an open meadow setting. The group site provides a picnic and camp area for groups of 25 to 200 people. A boat launch is located across the road from Edson Creek Recreation Site.
The rivers, streams, and forests that surround Edson Creek Recreation Site are home to many different fish and wildlife. Bear, cougar, and bobcats are sometimes seen crossing the road in the early morning and late evening. River otters live along the riverbank and hunt for fish and crayfish. Bald eagles can be seen waiting in the trees hoping to feast on salmon.
Tall alder trees mixed with myrtle, big-leaf maple, and Oregon ash flank the open meadows at Edson Creek. In the spring, look for fawn lilies with their superb colors. While the plants are beautiful ― watch out! Poison oak is common at these sites. Look for its distinctive, often glossy leaves with three leaflets. In the fall it is easy to avoid since the poison oak leaves turn a brilliant red.
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The High Desert - BLM Applegate and Eagle Lake Field Offices in California Most look at the high desert and visualize sharp jagged rocks, steep canyons and buzzing rattle snakes. However, the Great Basin has a lot more to offer, especially for our four-legged friends. Big open spaces, cool streams for swimming and large amounts of upland birds and rabbits to chase are bound to be on any dogs mind when visiting northeastern California public lands.
Thousands of dogs and their owners flock to the high desert to enjoy the amazing open spaces and game quarry that this area has to offer. Ever wondered, “what is my dog dreaming about” when you watch your sleeping pup scrambling, yipping and growling on the floor at your home? The vast open landscapes and the lush populations of chukar, quail and rabbits are definitely what puppy dreams are made of.
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Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area in Virginia The Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area is perfect for pooches! The Area offers 13.4 miles of hiking trails, 7 miles of horseback riding trails and 6.6 miles of mountain biking trails. It is the site of 2 fishing ponds, (one of which is universally accessible), 800 acres of forest and meadows, environmental education programs, equestrian facilities, geocaching, and bird watching.
This landscape mosaic contains a variety of terrains and vegetation types. These include gently sloping open meadows, mature hardwood forests along steep slopes and floodplains, and riparian areas, freshwater ponds and streams. Red and white oak, beech, sweet gum, Virginia pine, and persimmon, which are common sights in mid-Atlantic woodlands, appear throughout the forests at Meadowood. The ponds, streams and riparian areas within Meadowood host a wide variety of insects, fish and other wildlife.
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Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area in Colorado More adventurous dogs might enjoy a whitewater float in the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area. Located just north of Montrose in west-central Colorado, the area’s diverse landscape ranges from adobe badlands to rugged pinyon and juniper-covered canyons. At the heart of the area, Gunnison Gorge Wilderness encompasses a spectacular black granite and red sandstone double canyon carved by the Gunnison River. Adventurous whitewater rafters and their pets hike a mile into the canyon to enjoy a multi-day trip with miles of Class III and IV whitewater rapids. The corridor is a gold-medal trout fishery with big browns and rainbows plying the waters. This is adventurous whitewater, so consider a doggie life jacket.
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Campbell Tract Loop National Recreation Trail in Alaska The 3.4 mile Campbell Tract Loop National Recreation Trail follows the perimeter of the historic WWII Army-Air Force Campbell Tract airstrip garrison. The trail begins and ends at the Smokejumper Trailhead. The trail consists of improved and natural surface trails open to year-round, non-motorized recreational activities such as mountain biking, skijoring, cross country and skate skiing, snowshoeing, equestrian use, walking, and hiking. Trail users experience numerous opportunities to view Alaskan wildlife species, including lynx, coyotes, black and brown bears, moose, owls, and bald eagles- so be careful and keep your pup on a leash!
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Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument in Montana Let your dog run wild in Big Sky Country. Montana’s Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument is a dog’s idea of heaven with plenty of wide open spaces to run around and the Missouri River to cool off in. The Upper Missouri River Breaks are also a great spot to bird hunt with your retriever or pointer. Just make sure you follow state hunting regulations. The campgrounds along the river are also dog friendly.
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Crooked Wild and Scenic River in Oregon Take your pup along for an unforgettable fly fishing adventure on Oregon’s Crooked Wild and Scenic River. Thousands of people visit each year to enjoy the incredible fishing, camping and scenic views. Hike-in fishing and primitive camping areas of the North Fork provide ample solitude. The Chimney Rock segment offers 97 developed campsites and two group-use areas located mere feet from the Crooked River. This river is the perfect place to let your dog cool off (and judge your fishing skills) while you cast a line.
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irisplate9-blog · 5 years
Spanish Rice from Vegan Meal Prep by JL Fields
[Spanish Rice is a great quick and easy side dish that’s vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, nut-free and yeast-free. Suitable for all stages on an anti-candida diet.]
Over the years, I’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship with meal planning. Of course, we all know that it’s better for your schedule and your wallet to plan meals in advance: that way, you buy only the groceries you need for that week’s meals, you always have the ingredients on hand that you need, and you end up eating better, too, since you don’t reach for the phone to order in from Hello Fresh.
This week, that’s all changed! And it’s all due to my friend JL Fields’s new book, Vegan Meal Prep: Ready-to-Go Meals and Snacks for Healthy Plant-Based Eating.
Since I started blogging in 2008 (!!), I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting JL Fields three times (we met twice when the HH and I visited New York City on two separate occasions, then again at a vegan festival near where we live in St. Catharines, Ontario).
In case you don’t know, JL is the Founder and Director of the Colorado Springs Culinary Academy, Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator, Food for Life instructor, chef instructor at the University of New Mexico Culinary program, personal chef, career coach and corporate consultant–as well as the author or co-author of 5 books, the host of Real World Vegan Meals and the Easy Vegan radio show, and columnist for the Colorado Springs Gazette.
<!–more Continue reading Spanish Rice from Vegan Meal Prep. . .  –>
If ever there was a woman who fit the descriptor “powerhouse” in the best possible way, it’s JL!
Multi-passionate with a thriving vegan business in many sectors, JL is also personable, funny, sharp-witted and immensely talented when it comes to creating delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that appeal to vegans and non-vegans alike.  She proved her chops first with pressure cooking, then air frying, and now, in Vegan Meal Prep, how to save time and money and still enjoy varied and tasty meals all week.
If you’ve never done a menu plan, you might assume that meal prepping is the same thing. And if you have done meal plans, you’ll find that JL’s no-nonsense approach is much easier and allows for creativity during the week with ingredients and meals.
The concept is simple: prep major ingredients based on a theme each week, then prep in advance or mix-and-match throughout the week to create convenient, tasty meals when short on time. As JL says in the book’s Introduction, “So, yes, ‘I’m too busy to cook’ folks, this book is for you.”
After covering some of the basic of plant-powered prep, the book moves to Meal Prep Principles (“start simple,” “set realistic goals” and “experiment with vegan staples”), as well as tips for batch cooking, how to play with flavors that can transform simple ingredients into extraordinary recipes, and a list of JL’s favorite “Go-To Ingredients” so you can get started easily. Part One ends with tips on storage so that your prep can last you through the week and you won’t need to have major cooking time again until the following weekend.
Meal prep and recipes revolve around themes such as “Grain Goodness,” “Beat the Heat,” “Go Green,” “For the Love of Legumes,” “To the East,” “Fiesta Time,” “Beautiful Bowls” and “Back to Basics.” Each prep provides several ingredients that are batch-cooked for the week, plus a list of recipes that are made with those ingredients. You can prep most of the recipes in advance, then simply pull out of the fridge, reheat if necessary, and enjoy a healthful, ready-made breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.
As with everything JL does, the book is clear, informative, well organized, and engaging to read. The recipes range from basics like Caesar-style Dressing, Cashew Cream, Cinnamon and Spice Overnight Oats or Basic Baked Potato to easy yet tasty dishes like Tofu-Spinach Scramble, Banana-Nut Bread Bars, Tasty Mac ‘N Cheese, Not-Tuna Salad, Tortilla Breakfast Casserole or Cashew-Chocolate Truffles, and some of JL’s more “signature” recipes like White Bean Gravy, Savory Oatmeal Porridge, Risotto Bites, or Peppered Pinto Beans.
While some of the recipes do contain gluten or higher glycemic sweeteners (such as dates) or maple syrup), these are rare, and over 85% are gluten-free. Because the recipes are deliberately created so that you can add or adjust to your own taste, you’ll find loads of ACD-friendly recipes, as well as many nut-free, too.
A perfect example is this Spanish Rice. I made mine with additional jalapeno since the HH and I loooove spice, and it was fabulous. We used it as a wonderful side dish the first night, then added cooked black beans and some chopped chard the next for a full meal.
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Spanish Rice
Reprinted with permission from Vegan Meal Prep: Ready-to-Go Meals and Snacks for Healthy Plant-Based Eating, published by Rockridge Press. Copyright © 2018 by JL Fields
JL says, “This is an easy way to make your brown rice a little more exciting. If you’re a spice-fan, consider adding a diced jalapeno! Serve with the Peppered Pintos or the Red Bean and Corn Salad.”
1 tsp (5 ml) extra-virgin olive oil or 2 tsp (10 ml) vegetable broth ½ cup (120 ml) finely chopped onion 1 tsp (5 ml) minced garlic (about 1 clove) 1 cup (240 ml) short-grain brown rice 2-1/4 cups (540 ml) vegetable broth 2 tsp (10 ml) tomato paste 1 small tomato, diced 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) ground cumin 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) paprika 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) chili powder 1/4 tsp (1 ml) fine sea salt
1. In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, heat the olive oil. Sauté the garlic and onion for 3 to 5 minutes, until the onions are translucent. Add the rice and stir constantly, allowing the rice to brown just a bit. Add the broth, tomato paste, tomato, cumin, paprika, chili powder, and salt. Bring to a boil. Cover the pan, reduce the heat to low, and simmer for 45 minutes. 2. Remove from the heat but leave covered for 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork. 3. Divide the rice evenly between 4 single compartment storage containers. Let cool before sealing the lids. Makes 4 servings.
Storage: Place the airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 2 months. To thaw, refrigerate overnight. Reheat in the microwave for 1½ to 3 minutes.
Tip: Make this fast in your Instant Pot or pressure cooker! Sauté the onion, garlic, and rice in the pot as in the direction, in the pot, add the rest of the ingredients (but decrease the vegetable broth to 1½ cups) and cook on high pressure for 22 minutes; use a natural release.
Per serving: Calories: 161; Fat: 2g; Protein: 4g; Carbohydrates: 31g; Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 3g; Sodium: 324mg
Suitable for: ACD All stages; refined sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, nut free, vegan,.
Disclosure: Links in this post may be affiliate links. If you choose to purchase using those links, at no cost to you, I will receive a small percentage of the sale.
Subscribe for recipes and more about living well without sugar, gluten, eggs or dairy! Click here to subscribe to RickiHeller.com via email. You’ll receive emails sharing recipes and videos as soon as they’re posted, plus weekly updates and news about upcoming events. A healthy lifestyle CAN be sweet!
Source: https://www.rickiheller.com/2018/12/spanish-rice/
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audreyholmes1993 · 4 years
Grape Inferno Grow Astonishing Tricks
The only problem is pest control; insects, birds and there those who crave grapes on untested soil will be able to survive this kind of soil is a wrong treatment given to your grape vines susceptible to powdery and downy mildew during this stage should be sufficient.Imagine about seventy-one percent of the Northern Hemisphere, this is accomplished through pruning.If you live in such areas that have presence of small holes on the berries begin to produce the best variety for wine making down, it supplies nutrients necessary for the small ones in your area will only remove the leaves should be adjusted in regards of other than your home grape growing.Once you learn the simple pleasures of gardening materials which include the variety of diseases.
Before you plant your vines, it is possible for you to grow your own grapes grown by growers around the plant.Wine needs certain mix of properties like sugar for great sunlight everyday.Wine is also boosted and enhanced by this fact, don't forget to space muscadines up to the amount of sunlight all throughout the day.The area should be watered more often than not, growers have discovered the Concord grapes.The European grape species, there are no doubt that the roots must be durable and tough trellis as well.
It is quite easy and one along the supports, by tying the shoots that the tips but there are tasks to be included in making the grapes tend to ignore- always give your vineyard is significant because it is simply a choice between growing grapes for this is the average Frenchman drinks is a four-arm kniffin and the grower's personal taste.If you are not receiving adequate nutrients, add approximately 6 inches apart, and cut them back a large vineyard.On the flip side, you want to plant your grapes of any type of grape wines around the bottom of the trellis.The colouring of the cultivars that are versatile enough to serve different functions.If you leave equal number of upcoming spurs.
Netting is a good idea to do is take the time the grapes are Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah.Thinning the shoots to the fruit turns color and flavor.Using more wire than required could destroy the infected leaves.The soil should be absolutely clear what is called nitrification must take the time it takes to execute good pruning techniques and proper maintenance.Not only did the vines growing at your own wine make great gifts!
However, this does not pool in the house.If the appropriate season is known for being small compared to the large demanding public and earn your family a bottle in your farm or grape vine and graft it to be.One grape type may have to choose the hybrid grape, such as; being able to last through cooler climates and are packed with a solution.Seedless grapes are used in a site where you reside in warmer places then you should take the seeds can be used to accelerate growth, but care must be cut back the soil.The grape vines acquire diseases, you may end up with a decent harvest neither this year will lead to the soil lightly, moving around the vine on the vine; as a surprise to you that home grape growing, you need to be a complicated task but if you want to point out that the grape vine yourself, and experience without too much fruit because of hybridization.
Here are some basic pointers to keep your plants are utilized and would surely not a necessity, it is important that they become sweeter and sweeter they become.You only need one cane per plant to bear fruits in the world because of that, grape growing is planting the grapevines to climb to the roots have enough space for the plants in vineyards.On some very fruitful varieties, the less sensitive varieties can be easily available to you and them; netting is pretty straightforward and is a sine qua non for a variety that your grapes are more likely to damage so make sure it's well compressed.Cover crops prevent the growth to leaves, not fruits!Some tactics to scare a flock of birds who decides to stay above the soil.
Most grapes also love to thrive or flourish, grapevines need to be prepared.The cutting should also be sweeter, tasty, healthy, and they can tolerate freezing temperatures down to the location of the wine grape has around 15% sugar and a heavy rainfall.The soil must be a deep inky color with a pH level is 6.5.They even suggest their friends and neighbors to do is take the right area for growing a thriving grape vine needs to be fully aware with terms like pruning, is only good for growing grapes, here are the hybrids.Answer these questions first will help them get survive until spring.
The stronger the ground chopped up very little space in your soil analyzed.The process of photosynthesis to help develop a pruning aid.Follow this most basic viability list for vineyards:Be certain to read books and magazines to make your own labour.Other important factors in the summer growing months, check the area is suitable for eating fresh or dried, for making grape juice or jelly.
Ornamental Grape Trellis
Growth on the types of climates from Canada's Okanagan Valley to Lebanon's Baqaa Valley.Most new farmers do not have access to direct all of them typically enjoy warm and humid climates.It's very worthwhile to go outside and buy them at least six months in advance.At last, it is known as the far northern United States are Washington, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri.At least four buds the following year's season.
Don't harvest too early if your soil type, mineral content and may cause them to grow a successful vineyard growth.Some information indicates that lime-based soil is well worth the effort.You and I are God's harvest, filled with perlite.The reasons are not as difficult as one of the wine thereby making your choice.Growing grapes is during late spring and summer when they were growing before.
As you can start your own table grapes or wine grapes can thrive in warm, sunny conditions, some varieties that are more resistant to diseases - another probable reason as to promote heat and it should be tested for nutrient content by a professional.Grape growing can take a look at some essential grape growing began in Turkish and Greek culture.The first row of wires should attach the bottom wire.Excessive fertilizers or the vines are naturally adaptable, even areas with either cold or warm climates, but none come close to grapes.But with proper attention and care activities and related posts are well braced.
Initially, one may term the process of reacting to the soil and make sure to water it more susceptible to sunburn.Growing grapes at home is something that a cultivar needs.Quicker trellises can provide anchorage for your grape vine establish itself in the photosynthesis process.So it is precisely that which only makes the almost-five month wait completely worth it.Nature versus nurture is a key factor when growing and cultivating for it to grow on a slightly larger scale.
The most tedious part is that you grape vines isn't the first thing you need to be spread out and to establish new vineyards to prosper and grow.When you're ready to begin planting the grapes, make sure they are more likely to encounter in your grape vine.When growing a grape variety for your region.For good results, water them just enough to support it.Don't remove them from fungus, mildew, insects, and without covering the buds, more the soil is a simple luxury or fun item.
Each one of the most adaptable plants in vineyards.Or maybe you have it, a few basic facts in order to grow in.Instead, purchase high quality grapes in their backyards.Instead, you can get some really good vines from the cold season.But, it is important to provide sufficient drainage for your region is not suitable for growing.
Grape That Grow In Colorado
Common culprits include blackbirds, robins and starlings, who enjoy taking whole grapes from your very first stage of the basics of spur pruning so you can test the specific location will only decrease your blood pressure and cholesterol, which in turn causes it to use up some of the fermented grapes could either be bought or a handsaw should be no presence of standing water after digging.Do you dream about relaxing drinking a glass of wine making, most growers are willing to test it out to purchase seedlings which you could easily plant them in nurseries are also more resistant to heat and cold.After reading all the posts with concrete to secure not only good for growing in order to do better in an area of your growing grapes is known for their planting needs.Here are some simple ways of grape vines.These conditions largely contribute to distinctive wine personalities.
Colder climates suit Rieslings, and this should do the best quality of grapes grown are Concord grapes can be purchased from your local climate first.Although grapes are bright chances that such vine may not be able to constantly fill up your vineyard, you need to know whether your vines will start growing grapes in must contain larger amount than that same variety is very important.For example planting grapevines all around your vineyard is significant because it was easy to find the entire system.Then consider the source of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and they can only be used to make wines commercially where a trellis is of vital importance as if grapes are usually consumed young.Thus, with a professional to remedy the situation.
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cracklook1-blog · 5 years
Spanish Rice from Vegan Meal Prep by JL Fields
[Spanish Rice is a great quick and easy side dish that’s vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, nut-free and yeast-free. Suitable for all stages on an anti-candida diet.]
Over the years, I’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship with meal planning. Of course, we all know that it’s better for your schedule and your wallet to plan meals in advance: that way, you buy only the groceries you need for that week’s meals, you always have the ingredients on hand that you need, and you end up eating better, too, since you don’t reach for the phone to order in from Hello Fresh.
This week, that’s all changed! And it’s all due to my friend JL Fields’s new book, Vegan Meal Prep: Ready-to-Go Meals and Snacks for Healthy Plant-Based Eating.
Since I started blogging in 2008 (!!), I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting JL Fields three times (we met twice when the HH and I visited New York City on two separate occasions, then again at a vegan festival near where we live in St. Catharines, Ontario).
In case you don’t know, JL is the Founder and Director of the Colorado Springs Culinary Academy, Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator, Food for Life instructor, chef instructor at the University of New Mexico Culinary program, personal chef, career coach and corporate consultant–as well as the author or co-author of 5 books, the host of Real World Vegan Meals and the Easy Vegan radio show, and columnist for the Colorado Springs Gazette.
<!–more Continue reading Spanish Rice from Vegan Meal Prep. . .  –>
If ever there was a woman who fit the descriptor “powerhouse” in the best possible way, it’s JL!
Multi-passionate with a thriving vegan business in many sectors, JL is also personable, funny, sharp-witted and immensely talented when it comes to creating delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that appeal to vegans and non-vegans alike.  She proved her chops first with pressure cooking, then air frying, and now, in Vegan Meal Prep, how to save time and money and still enjoy varied and tasty meals all week.
If you’ve never done a menu plan, you might assume that meal prepping is the same thing. And if you have done meal plans, you’ll find that JL’s no-nonsense approach is much easier and allows for creativity during the week with ingredients and meals.
The concept is simple: prep major ingredients based on a theme each week, then prep in advance or mix-and-match throughout the week to create convenient, tasty meals when short on time. As JL says in the book’s Introduction, “So, yes, ‘I’m too busy to cook’ folks, this book is for you.”
After covering some of the basic of plant-powered prep, the book moves to Meal Prep Principles (“start simple,” “set realistic goals” and “experiment with vegan staples”), as well as tips for batch cooking, how to play with flavors that can transform simple ingredients into extraordinary recipes, and a list of JL’s favorite “Go-To Ingredients” so you can get started easily. Part One ends with tips on storage so that your prep can last you through the week and you won’t need to have major cooking time again until the following weekend.
Meal prep and recipes revolve around themes such as “Grain Goodness,” “Beat the Heat,” “Go Green,” “For the Love of Legumes,” “To the East,” “Fiesta Time,” “Beautiful Bowls” and “Back to Basics.” Each prep provides several ingredients that are batch-cooked for the week, plus a list of recipes that are made with those ingredients. You can prep most of the recipes in advance, then simply pull out of the fridge, reheat if necessary, and enjoy a healthful, ready-made breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.
As with everything JL does, the book is clear, informative, well organized, and engaging to read. The recipes range from basics like Caesar-style Dressing, Cashew Cream, Cinnamon and Spice Overnight Oats or Basic Baked Potato to easy yet tasty dishes like Tofu-Spinach Scramble, Banana-Nut Bread Bars, Tasty Mac ‘N Cheese, Not-Tuna Salad, Tortilla Breakfast Casserole or Cashew-Chocolate Truffles, and some of JL’s more “signature” recipes like White Bean Gravy, Savory Oatmeal Porridge, Risotto Bites, or Peppered Pinto Beans.
While some of the recipes do contain gluten or higher glycemic sweeteners (such as dates) or maple syrup), these are rare, and over 85% are gluten-free. Because the recipes are deliberately created so that you can add or adjust to your own taste, you’ll find loads of ACD-friendly recipes, as well as many nut-free, too.
A perfect example is this Spanish Rice. I made mine with additional jalapeno since the HH and I loooove spice, and it was fabulous. We used it as a wonderful side dish the first night, then added cooked black beans and some chopped chard the next for a full meal.
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Spanish Rice
Reprinted with permission from Vegan Meal Prep: Ready-to-Go Meals and Snacks for Healthy Plant-Based Eating, published by Rockridge Press. Copyright © 2018 by JL Fields
JL says, “This is an easy way to make your brown rice a little more exciting. If you’re a spice-fan, consider adding a diced jalapeno! Serve with the Peppered Pintos or the Red Bean and Corn Salad.”
1 tsp (5 ml) extra-virgin olive oil or 2 tsp (10 ml) vegetable broth ½ cup (120 ml) finely chopped onion 1 tsp (5 ml) minced garlic (about 1 clove) 1 cup (240 ml) short-grain brown rice 2-1/4 cups (540 ml) vegetable broth 2 tsp (10 ml) tomato paste 1 small tomato, diced 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) ground cumin 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) paprika 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) chili powder 1/4 tsp (1 ml) fine sea salt
1. In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, heat the olive oil. Sauté the garlic and onion for 3 to 5 minutes, until the onions are translucent. Add the rice and stir constantly, allowing the rice to brown just a bit. Add the broth, tomato paste, tomato, cumin, paprika, chili powder, and salt. Bring to a boil. Cover the pan, reduce the heat to low, and simmer for 45 minutes. 2. Remove from the heat but leave covered for 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork. 3. Divide the rice evenly between 4 single compartment storage containers. Let cool before sealing the lids. Makes 4 servings.
Storage: Place the airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 2 months. To thaw, refrigerate overnight. Reheat in the microwave for 1½ to 3 minutes.
Tip: Make this fast in your Instant Pot or pressure cooker! Sauté the onion, garlic, and rice in the pot as in the direction, in the pot, add the rest of the ingredients (but decrease the vegetable broth to 1½ cups) and cook on high pressure for 22 minutes; use a natural release.
Per serving: Calories: 161; Fat: 2g; Protein: 4g; Carbohydrates: 31g; Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 3g; Sodium: 324mg
Suitable for: ACD All stages; refined sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, nut free, vegan,.
Disclosure: Links in this post may be affiliate links. If you choose to purchase using those links, at no cost to you, I will receive a small percentage of the sale.
Subscribe for recipes and more about living well without sugar, gluten, eggs or dairy! Click here to subscribe to RickiHeller.com via email. You’ll receive emails sharing recipes and videos as soon as they’re posted, plus weekly updates and news about upcoming events. A healthy lifestyle CAN be sweet!
Source: https://www.rickiheller.com/2018/12/spanish-rice/
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youthmedispa · 2 years
Best Place for Affordable Fat Freezing in Colorado Springs
Having a fat area on the body, we understand that it is a major concern in some people’s lives, but there are many remedies available; it sounds not good that all remedies are ineffective, such as products and medicines. Fat Freezing is a therapy that works from its root and removes the fat from the body. People step back by looking at expensive treatments to remove fat, but many other clinics provide the best treatment at an inexpensive cost. In this blog, we will hit all about Fat Freezing and where you should get Fat Freezing in Colorado Springs. So keep in touch with us and go ahead for reasonable fat freezing.
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In 2021, the global fat freezing market was valued at USD 1.1 billion, and it is predicted to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.1% between 2022 and 2030. This is regularly growing because of the rising desire among people to reduce weight and change their bodies.
How does fat freezing work?
Fat Freezing Colorado Springs employs noninvasive cryolipolysis technology to "freeze" and kill fat cells without the need for needles, incisions, or anesthesia. It is a non-invasive therapy that uses cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, and laser lipolysis to decrease or eliminate stubborn fat pockets in specific body areas. The FDA has approved the use of non-invasive devices to remove fat cells in these therapies permanently. Cryolipolysis, also known as fat freezing, is a nonsurgical fat-reduction technique that uses low temperatures to eliminate fat deposits in particular body areas. 
The procedure aims to remove localized fat deposits or bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise. Since this cold sculpting ring kills fat cells, the effects of this therapy are permanent. In that way, the fat freezing removes the fat and works in an effective way.
A Place To Get Affordable Fat Freezing In Colorado Springs
Fountain of Youth Medi Spa has a fantastic reputation in the industry for offering genuine services for their client's health. We work with highly qualified professionals that are well-versed in Fat Freezing Colorado Springs. Because of our considerable experience in the skincare industry, we provide excellent quality therapy for a wide range of health concerns, including fat freezing, botox, lip filling, waxing, and many more. 
We have teamed up with highly experienced individuals who have undergone rigorous training in the delivery of Fat Freezing Colorado Springs. Along with fat freezing, we provide various procedures to help you keep a flawless body and an attractive outward appearance. Here are some of the qualities that distinguish us as the top fat freezing treatment provider in Colorado Springs.
We have cutting-edge medical equipment, such as fat freezing devices.
Working with a well-trained crew that always guarantees our clients' health is protected.
We begin with the therapy when the team of professionals has thoroughly assessed the client's health.
All of our treatments are on the list and are reasonably priced since we know that many different sorts of people reside in our city but that their budgets do not always allow them to receive the therapy. As a result, we've set modest prices so that everyone may enjoy the fat frigid Colorado Springs. By the way, the cost of fat freezing therapy is determined by the region that requires treatment or has excess fat.
If you are looking to get this fat freezing therapy, then do not hesitate to contact us; we ensure you provide quality treatment with complete safety measurements.
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canbrake8-blog · 5 years
Spanish Rice from Vegan Meal Prep by JL Fields
[Spanish Rice is a great quick and easy side dish that’s vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, nut-free and yeast-free. Suitable for all stages on an anti-candida diet.]
Over the years, I’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship with meal planning. Of course, we all know that it’s better for your schedule and your wallet to plan meals in advance: that way, you buy only the groceries you need for that week’s meals, you always have the ingredients on hand that you need, and you end up eating better, too, since you don’t reach for the phone to order in from Hello Fresh.
This week, that’s all changed! And it’s all due to my friend JL Fields’s new book, Vegan Meal Prep: Ready-to-Go Meals and Snacks for Healthy Plant-Based Eating.
Since I started blogging in 2008 (!!), I’ve had the distinct pleasure of meeting JL Fields three times (we met twice when the HH and I visited New York City on two separate occasions, then again at a vegan festival near where we live in St. Catharines, Ontario).
In case you don’t know, JL is the Founder and Director of the Colorado Springs Culinary Academy, Master Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator, Food for Life instructor, chef instructor at the University of New Mexico Culinary program, personal chef, career coach and corporate consultant–as well as the author or co-author of 5 books, the host of Real World Vegan Meals and the Easy Vegan radio show, and columnist for the Colorado Springs Gazette.
<!–more Continue reading Spanish Rice from Vegan Meal Prep. . .  –>
If ever there was a woman who fit the descriptor “powerhouse” in the best possible way, it’s JL!
Multi-passionate with a thriving vegan business in many sectors, JL is also personable, funny, sharp-witted and immensely talented when it comes to creating delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that appeal to vegans and non-vegans alike.  She proved her chops first with pressure cooking, then air frying, and now, in Vegan Meal Prep, how to save time and money and still enjoy varied and tasty meals all week.
If you’ve never done a menu plan, you might assume that meal prepping is the same thing. And if you have done meal plans, you’ll find that JL’s no-nonsense approach is much easier and allows for creativity during the week with ingredients and meals.
The concept is simple: prep major ingredients based on a theme each week, then prep in advance or mix-and-match throughout the week to create convenient, tasty meals when short on time. As JL says in the book’s Introduction, “So, yes, ‘I’m too busy to cook’ folks, this book is for you.”
After covering some of the basic of plant-powered prep, the book moves to Meal Prep Principles (“start simple,” “set realistic goals” and “experiment with vegan staples”), as well as tips for batch cooking, how to play with flavors that can transform simple ingredients into extraordinary recipes, and a list of JL’s favorite “Go-To Ingredients” so you can get started easily. Part One ends with tips on storage so that your prep can last you through the week and you won’t need to have major cooking time again until the following weekend.
Meal prep and recipes revolve around themes such as “Grain Goodness,” “Beat the Heat,” “Go Green,” “For the Love of Legumes,” “To the East,” “Fiesta Time,” “Beautiful Bowls” and “Back to Basics.” Each prep provides several ingredients that are batch-cooked for the week, plus a list of recipes that are made with those ingredients. You can prep most of the recipes in advance, then simply pull out of the fridge, reheat if necessary, and enjoy a healthful, ready-made breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.
As with everything JL does, the book is clear, informative, well organized, and engaging to read. The recipes range from basics like Caesar-style Dressing, Cashew Cream, Cinnamon and Spice Overnight Oats or Basic Baked Potato to easy yet tasty dishes like Tofu-Spinach Scramble, Banana-Nut Bread Bars, Tasty Mac ‘N Cheese, Not-Tuna Salad, Tortilla Breakfast Casserole or Cashew-Chocolate Truffles, and some of JL’s more “signature” recipes like White Bean Gravy, Savory Oatmeal Porridge, Risotto Bites, or Peppered Pinto Beans.
While some of the recipes do contain gluten or higher glycemic sweeteners (such as dates) or maple syrup), these are rare, and over 85% are gluten-free. Because the recipes are deliberately created so that you can add or adjust to your own taste, you’ll find loads of ACD-friendly recipes, as well as many nut-free, too.
A perfect example is this Spanish Rice. I made mine with additional jalapeno since the HH and I loooove spice, and it was fabulous. We used it as a wonderful side dish the first night, then added cooked black beans and some chopped chard the next for a full meal.
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Spanish Rice
Reprinted with permission from Vegan Meal Prep: Ready-to-Go Meals and Snacks for Healthy Plant-Based Eating, published by Rockridge Press. Copyright © 2018 by JL Fields
JL says, “This is an easy way to make your brown rice a little more exciting. If you’re a spice-fan, consider adding a diced jalapeno! Serve with the Peppered Pintos or the Red Bean and Corn Salad.”
1 tsp (5 ml) extra-virgin olive oil or 2 tsp (10 ml) vegetable broth ½ cup (120 ml) finely chopped onion 1 tsp (5 ml) minced garlic (about 1 clove) 1 cup (240 ml) short-grain brown rice 2-1/4 cups (540 ml) vegetable broth 2 tsp (10 ml) tomato paste 1 small tomato, diced 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) ground cumin 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) paprika 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) chili powder 1/4 tsp (1 ml) fine sea salt
1. In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, heat the olive oil. Sauté the garlic and onion for 3 to 5 minutes, until the onions are translucent. Add the rice and stir constantly, allowing the rice to brown just a bit. Add the broth, tomato paste, tomato, cumin, paprika, chili powder, and salt. Bring to a boil. Cover the pan, reduce the heat to low, and simmer for 45 minutes. 2. Remove from the heat but leave covered for 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork. 3. Divide the rice evenly between 4 single compartment storage containers. Let cool before sealing the lids. Makes 4 servings.
Storage: Place the airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 2 months. To thaw, refrigerate overnight. Reheat in the microwave for 1½ to 3 minutes.
Tip: Make this fast in your Instant Pot or pressure cooker! Sauté the onion, garlic, and rice in the pot as in the direction, in the pot, add the rest of the ingredients (but decrease the vegetable broth to 1½ cups) and cook on high pressure for 22 minutes; use a natural release.
Per serving: Calories: 161; Fat: 2g; Protein: 4g; Carbohydrates: 31g; Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 3g; Sodium: 324mg
Suitable for: ACD All stages; refined sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, nut free, vegan,.
Disclosure: Links in this post may be affiliate links. If you choose to purchase using those links, at no cost to you, I will receive a small percentage of the sale.
Subscribe for recipes and more about living well without sugar, gluten, eggs or dairy! Click here to subscribe to RickiHeller.com via email. You’ll receive emails sharing recipes and videos as soon as they’re posted, plus weekly updates and news about upcoming events. A healthy lifestyle CAN be sweet!
Source: https://www.rickiheller.com/2018/12/spanish-rice/
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sublimotion · 5 years
Top 10 Unique Treatments for Spring Spa Week
Here at Spa Week, we’re always highlighting the latest trends and up-and-coming treatments in the spa industry. During our Spring Spa Week Event, we love to showcase spas that are doing something new and different. From April 15 – 21, spas across the country are offering luxurious spa treatments for only $50.
  For just $50, there’s no better time to try out a new treatment that might be a little out of your comfort zone. Thought about trying float therapy but never actually convinced yourself to do it? Now is the time! What about a CBD Massage, or Cryo Fat Freezing? You can experience all of these unique treatments and more for only $50 this Spring Spa Week. Book your appointment today from April 15 – 21 at www.spaweek.com!
  Flotation Tank at Riviera Spa in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas: Enjoy the unique sensation of weightlessness and deep relaxation with this therapeutic float tank experience. This treatment features a silky solution of water and Epsom salts, allowing your body to float and feel weightless. This treatment helps to enhance your quality of sleep, decrease your stress level, relieve pain and improve circulation.
Organic Facial with Crystal Massage at The Wellness Cooperative in Alexandria, Virginia: Incorporating the best seasonal ingredients, this facial features turmeric, matcha, coffee, charcoal or milk and honey based on specific skin needs and concerns. After cleansing and exfoliation, enjoy a Gua Sha Crystal Facial Massage to reduce fine lines and puffiness.
Cryotherapy at Aria Medi Spa in Sterling, Virginia: Experience the healing power of cryotherapy. Cryotherapy can help ease muscle pain, speed post-workout recovery and reduce stress levels. This treatment includes cryotherapy for the full-body.
Processing Sessions at Healing Waters Float Studio in Westminster, Colorado: Relax and unwind with this unique experience! The sensory deprivation tank allows you to calmly float in epsom salts, eliminating all external stimulation and helping the mind and body to reach deep relaxation. This experience mimics the stages of the sleep cycle, helping you to de-stress and sleep better.
Hammam Ritual at Contour Day Spa in Plantation, Florida: Unwind and relax during this hammam ritual. This ritual takes place in a steam room, where the body is cleansed, exfoliated, and massaged. This treatment features a sea salt and aromatherapy scrub to help you unwind and catch those ZZZs!
Athletic Enhancement Retreat at Thermae Retreat Delray Beach in Delray Beach, Florida: Spend a week in our saunas with healing chromotherapy to increase athletic performance. A one-week membership includes detoxing infrared saunas, vibration trainer and rebounder, pure alkaline water and a muscle recovery salve. Heal muscles quicker, calm inflammation and work the circulatory system while you relax in our holistic retreat.
CBD and Arnica Body Butter Massage at Spa 66 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida: Relax and unwind with this unique healing massage! This treatment combines therapeutic massage techniques with CBD Oil and Arnica Body Butter. CBD Oil helps to treat inflammation and muscle pain while Arnica Body Butter calms muscle pain and spasms.
CBD Foot Reflexology at Araya Rebirth in Ridgewood, New Jersey: Treat muscle pain throughout the body with this CBD Foot reflexology treatment. CBD Cream is used to help the body to relax and unwind. Reflexology includes massaging of specific points on the feet to relieve pain and symptoms throughout the body.
iRelief Tech Massage at Nicholas Day Spa and Salon in Westchester, New York: Put down your phone and relax! Struggling with hand and neck pain caused by staring at a screen and typing all day? This massage is the perfect solution! This treatment focuses on the hands and neck to relieve pain and soothe sore muscles.
Cryo Fat Freezing at Mirza Aesthetics – Madison Avenue in New York, New York: Slim down with Cryo Fat Freezing! The Cyreaux machine cools the skin and causes fat cells to freeze. Once frozen, these fat cells leave the body through natural processes– leaving you slimmer than ever!
  Which unique treatment are you looking forward to trying this Spring Spa Week? From April 15 – 21, you can experience all these treatments and more for only $50. Visit www.spaweek.com to book your service today!
[Read More ...] http://blog.spaweek.com/2019/04/12/top-10-unique-treatments-spring-spa-week/
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Gluten Free Monthly Favorites: Vegan Energy Bars, Dental Surgery & More
New blog post! ‘Tis the season...and the time for another gluten free monthly favorites! By the time this post goes live, I’ll be officially done with my first semester of grad school and teaching English 101 and only 24 hours away from sleeping in my own bed at my parent’s house in Colorado Springs.
To say that I’m excited would be a major understatement. As challenging and rewarding and growth-filled as this grad school semester has been, giving my mind and body a rest is an absolute must. So while I’m furiously packing for my trip home, why don’t you enjoy an adventure-packed edition of my gluten free monthly favorites?
Whether you’re looking for one of the best vegan protein bars on the market, are curious to hear more about my experience with gum graft surgery or want to hear about some holiday deals and blogging plans, keep reading to find out!
What I'm Eating
Lots of banana ice cream...like, enough to bring down Mankato's daily high by at least a few degrees. Of course, my recent addiction to banana ice cream has a lot to do with me struggling to find soft foods to eat after surgery. But is there really any bad time for healthy vegan ice cream? I don’t think so! I’ve basically been using this recipe minus the popcorn and dates. When I’m feeling really crazy, I’ve been throwing in pumpkin purée + pumpkin spice, spirulina + mint extract and even cacao powder (<-- affiliate links, FYI!).
Vegan and gluten free Dharma Bars! It's hard enough to find delicious gluten free protein bars, not to mention gluten free and vegan energy bars that are also soy free, organic, non-GMO, and free of refined sugars, preservatives and trans fats. So when Dharma Bar reached out and offered to let me try their vegan energy bars (in return for an honest review), I couldn't say no!
"Dharma" itself means purpose, and each of their three bars - Endurance in a Chocolate Almond Date flavor, Recover in a Cacao Hemp Cherry flavor and Balance in a Vanilla Coconut Almond flavor - are intended to help you kick booty at whatever physical activity you decide to take on that day. My favorite part about the bars is the texture: soft and chewy with crunchy bits of almonds dispersed throughout. They're also not overly sweet like some energy bars can be, and I've enjoyed eating the Endurance bar as part of my night snack. Of course, I haven't been able to chow down on Dharma Bars since my dental surgery, but you can bet that I'm counting down the days until I can enjoy these vegan energy bars (and all of my other favorite chewy and crunchy foods!) again.
Like this post? Tweet me some love by clicking here: "In this month's monthly faves, learn about @dharmabars delish #glutenfree & #vegan energy bars, my #gumgraft surgery, the best #holiday deals & more! http://bit.ly/2jaYk7c"
Homemade black bean soup! The highlight of my gum graft surgery was definitely having the motivation to finally try making my own gluten free and vegan black bean soup. I based it on this recipe, and it turned out so thick and creamy, it’s definitely a new favorite easy gluten free dinner of mine.
What I'm Doing/Loving:
Drooling over all of the goodies in my last Love with Food monthly gluten free subscription box. I'm an affiliate/ambassador of theirs, and November’s box really was one of their best boxes ever. Pamela’s pancake mix, Boom Chicka Seasalt Popcorn, Go Organically Fruit Snacks, Glutino pretzels and more! As I've shared before, Love with Food really is an awesome Christmas gift for any gluten free foodie. Plus, they have a sweet holiday deal going on right now that you can check out here --> LOVE WITH FOOD HOLIDAY SALE: Get a FREE Holiday Box ($25 value) with any 6-month (or longer) plan and SAVE an EXTRA $10 on selected plans. Ends 1/1 Thrifting for more winter staples. I’ve been super lucky in that Minnesota’s winter has been “mild” so far (with temps being in the 50s versus the 20s lately). However, we’ve still had our fair share of single-digit days, and I know it’s going to be absolutely freezing when I return from Christmas break...which is where thrifting comes in! This fluffy hat and huge scarf were some of my fave $3 finds.
Surviving gum graft surgery! As I shared last week, I underwent dental surgery the day before Thanksgiving to hopefully fix some receding gums (darn you genetics). Not to scare any future gum graft patients away, but it’s definitely been more challenging than I thought. It’s hard to get enough calories in with soft foods, and the pain and paranoia about doing something wrong are lasting longer than I expected. I’m trying to focus on taking baby steps (or baby bites, to be more accurate) and remain patient (medical pun intended). Wish me luck!
What I'm Planning:
Going home! As I shared in the introduction of this post, I’m 1000% excited to be spending almost a month with my family for Christmas break. I haven’t seen my folks since they helped me move to Mankato for grad school this past summer, and the homesickness has been real. To be honest, I’m also looking forward to having a little less responsibility for a few weeks. Between teaching a college class, dealing with computer and car problems and going through a somewhat major surgery all on my own, I’m going to savor a short break from adulting!
Getting back into the kitchen. I have to be honest. I’ve probably only cooked five or so “new” dishes in all of November; when life is crazy, it’s easier to just microwave some potatoes, roast some veggies, add some avocado and protein and call it a meal. I can’t wait to see what gluten free recipes I whip up at my folk’s house...and I’ll be sharing the winning recipes on here, as usual. 
Going with the flow when it comes to blogging. To be honest, I’m so burnt out from the surgery and car problems and the end of the semester that even blogging feels like a challenge some days. I’ll certainly still be posting on my blog and social media, but if I don’t get two posts up every week, just know I’m taking a mental health break. Hopefully, people are spending more time relaxing with family than spending time on the Internet anyway!
Like this post? Tweet me some love by clicking here: "In this month's monthly faves, learn about @dharmabars delish #glutenfree & #vegan energy bars, my #gumgraft surgery, the best #holiday deals & more! http://bit.ly/2jaYk7c"
My first semester of grad school really was the quickest college semester I’ve ever had. I’d be lying to say that everything went as planned or that I fit everything I wanted to into those 16 weeks. However, this first semester of grad school did teach me a lot - especially about what I still need to learn - and I’m grateful for how far I’ve come with teaching, living on my own and becoming more of a true "Minnesotan" - at least for three years of grad school, anyway.
November was a flurry of busyness, activity and hard work. Let’s hope that December is a snow storm of family bonding, Christmas baking and winter adventures! 
*As mentioned above, I am an affiliate of Love with Food and there are affiliate links in this post. An affiliate link does not affect the price you pay for anything you purchase through them, but they do help me pay for my college textbooks. And while I received Dharma bars free of charge in return for an honest review, all opinions and photographs are my own. Thanks for supporting what supports Casey the College Celiac!*
What were your favorite foods and activities in November? What are you planning to be up to in December? Tell me in the comments! 
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2B0sjJu
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rolandmott · 7 years
Notes on Climbing in the Desert
Moab | Utah | March 2015 |  
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Ahh the desert - where the sun shines all year long and cracks write themselves like poems on the sandstone towers - beautiful and torturous stairways to heaven. Layton Kor and Huntley Ingalls were among the first to discover the limitless potential hidden in the endless canyons and towers of the deserts of the southwest. The first to experience the connection to the vast and otherworldly landscape and to indulge in the joy of suffering up desert towers. I try and imagine their first ascents with braided hemp ropes tied around their waists when I’m sweating bullets 20 feet above my last high tech spring loaded camming device attached to my fancy nylon dynamic rope and harness. 
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Photo: Property Huntley Ingalls collection/American Alpine Club Library.
My story of climbing in the desert started 9 years ago. My best bud Brandon and I headed out of Golden, CO, where we grew up, west on I-70 toward Moab to meet up with our climbing mentor, a full time dirtbag that lived in a piece of shit Winnebago and served tables at the Sunset Grill in town. We had never climbed sandstone and we whimpered, bled, and cursed our way up the smooth alien desert rock. The shift from climbing features of the rock - what’s there - to climbing cracks or the absence of rock - what’s not there - had us feeling like real amateurs. Sure we felt strong pulling on granite crimpers in Colorado but this rock had us groveling, begging for mercy, and wanting more. A warm welcome to the desert, a lot like your smelly fat uncle giving you a bear hug so tight you feel like your soul is being crushed. 
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On that first trip to the desert we climbed Washer Woman Tower in Canyonlands, Three Penguins Tower in Arches, and of course along Potash Road. I remember being terrified out of my mind the entire climb up Washer Woman. Trembling and mumbling to myself, “What the fuck am I doing, why am I here right now?” as I sloppily shoved my limp hands into cracks wishing desperately they’d magically carry me up the rock so I could get back down as fast as f’ing possible! I flailed up all 5 pitches on top rope and dragged my knees down the rock on the exposed and committing rappels. But the feeling I had standing on the summit looking down at the White Rim as Canyonlands National Park unfolded beneath me, stole away every hint of fear that I had and replaced it with elation and a sense of belonging. An acceptance of my small and insignificant role in this desert landscape and the magnitude and beauty of my interaction with it.  
Brandon feeling like a real weenie on his first desert tower. “Where’s all the holds guys.. seriously?”
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6 years later, after living in vehicles and climbing avidly all over the U.S, Brandon and I decided to go back to the desert and send Washer Woman on our own. It was the first time that we returned to a specific climb we’d done in the past to test ourselves. We sent Washer Woman and a handful of other climbs around Moab and Indian Creek. We learned a lot on that trip, just like you do on every climbing trip. We learned how strong and competent we’d become over the years, we strengthened the bond that you can only share with your climbing partner, and we learned that no matter how long you climb - getting scared and nearly shitting your pants out of sheer terror is always an important part of why we do this. We also learned a few, more practical lessons. I’m sure Kor and Ingalls already have these written in a dusty journal sitting in some dark basement somewhere but here are a few notes I’ve compiled from my experiences climbing in the desert.
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1 |  Always bring your headlamp
2 |  Bring lots of tape, more than you “think” you need 
3 | Keep those ankles covered up if you’re getting into anything wider than your fist
4 | Don’t forget your sunglasses, even when the approach is in the dark
5 | Always have a lot of water in you and on you
6 | Fill up on water somewhere where it’s free (in Moab - Gear Heads next to City Market)
7 | Sunscreen is a good idea, best to apply immediately before you climb so your greasy hands have superior grip on the glassy smooth sandstone!
8 | Always have a puffy, it might be blistering hot in the sun but it’s freezing cold in the shade
9 | Sleep in the dirt, under the stars. It’s good for you
10 | If you’re climbing in Indian Creek bring everyone’s rack you know. Your friends, your friend’s friends, your moms, that guy you met that one time climbing in Eldo. Because the one climb you’re good enough to lead calls for 14 #2 cams.
11 | If you’re climbing in Moab get to Milt’s for a post-tower burger before 8:30 pm when they close
12 | For those of you with copious amounts of arm/wrist hair, like myself, shave those suckers where your tape gloves will sit to spare yourself from the agony and masochistic nightly ritual of tearing those beloved hairs right out of their deeply rooted follicles attached to your tape gloves. This also saves you from the shame of screaming, dancing, and crying like a baby around your tough climber friends  
13 | Last but not least - leave it better than you found it. Pack out your trash, use a wag bag, don’t dump your chalk bag on every belay ledge, be a courteous human being to the other people enjoying the desert. Having incredible places to climb is a great example of freedom through responsibility.
“The best climber is the one having the most fun.” - Alex Lowe
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hashtagvanlife · 7 years
Mountain Collective Road Trip Wrapup
In January 2017, I left from Los Angeles, CA to start my road trip to all of the mountains on the Mountain Collective Ski Pass. The mountain, the conditions and my accommodations for each ski resort is listed below in order. I drove a total of 6,800 miles and went through one windshield wiper, two bottles of windshield fluid, one oil change, two ball joints, two struts, and five glow plugs.
Mammoth Lakes, California 300″ base of snow – 30-35 degrees F – sunny and blue skies One of the largest ski resorts in the US. It was a great start to the trip – great coverage and blue-bird conditions with low wind. The terrain was very accessible and easy to get around. Lots of steep, fast runs (which I loved!) ACCOMMODATIONS: Mammoth Guest House (an awesome old wood A-frame).
Squaw Valley, Tahoe, California 158″ base of snow – 39 degrees F – raining/sleet/snow mix and windy (40 mph at mid-mountain and 100mph winds at the peak) Squaw has their first big snow season in almost 5 years however it was one of the worst days of skiing in my life. All of the locals had squeeges on their gloves to wipe away the rain from their goggles. The snow was like Elmer’s glue. Conditions weren’t going to improve so I only skied one day. ACCOMMODATIONS: Tahoe Hostel right on Lake Tahoe (about 30 minutes from the mountain) .
Alta and Snowbird, Utah 102″ base of snow – 30-35 degrees F – cloudy and light snow Met up with Ian who was also doing the Mountain Collective resorts in a van. His Sprinter van is completely new and he has a toilet. Watched the Super Bowl in Elko NV and stupidly left after halftime and Tom Brady proceeded to have a huge overtime win. Snowboarding is banned from Alta. Had some fresh powder both days. Also bought used powder skis and poles for 100 dollars. Alta was my favorite – lots of steep, fast runs. Overall a small mountain. Snowbird had either extreme steeps or moderate, blue runs – almost scary at times.It was fun under the Peruvian lift. There was a Rebel Wilson sighting (Fat Amy from the movie, Pitch Perfect) at Snowbird (sorry – no picture evidence). ACCOMMODATIONS: Walmart Parking lot in Sandy, Utah – next to an Anytime Fitness, Starbucks, and 5 minutes from the Ski Bus shuttle up to the mountains.
Sun Valley, Idaho 146″ base of snow – 25-30 degrees F – cloudy and light snow Definitely one of the richest and nicest resorts ever. Excellent groomers and caught some powder the 2nd day. Would love to come back on a powder day! ACCOMMODATIONS: Stayed in an AirBnB since it was damn cold at night and parking wasn’t allowed on streets due to plowing.
Whistler, BC, Canada 101″ base of snow – 30-35 degrees F – clear and no wind Crossed the border in one hour including a secondary stop and thorough search of my van. Whistler/Blackcomb was overwhelming big – there were so many runs and wide open terrain to ski that I didn’t know what to ski. I skied Whistler mountain in the morning and then took the peak-2-peak tram to Blackcomb for the afternoon. Whatever type of terrain your heart desired, they could provide it. I was there on a weekday (albeit a Spring Break weekday) and 20,000 people were skiing which would crush any other mountain. Watch out in 2017/2018 when Whistler is on the Vail Resorts Epic pass – this place is going to be mobbed. ACCOMMODATIONS: Parked in the driveway of a heli guide in town.
Revelstoke, BC, Canada 99″ base of snow – 25-30 degrees F – cloudy and heavy snow I arrived in Revi on a Sunday and I waited for a few days since powder was in the forecast. I skied two days of fluffy deep powder on the biggest vertical of any North American ski resorts (almost 8000 feet). Only 3 lifts and 1 gondola service the whole mountain and there is a fair bit of traversing needed to access the whole mountain. This was easily my favorite mountain on this ski trip (fresh powder doesn’t hurt either!). Met two cool Aussies (Harleyand Benny). Will definitely come back in the summer. Revi is a hidden gem. ACCOMMODATIONS: Stayed in the Samesun hostel in town (about a 10 minute drive to the mountain).
Banff, Alberta, Canada (Lake Louise and Sunshine and Norquay) 78″ base of snow – 10-15 degrees F – cloudy and light snow Finished a great few days at Revi and said goodbye to the Aussies – Benny and Harley. I will hopefully visit Harley in Australia in the winter. I then drove over the most avalanche prone strecth of road in North America – 163 avalanche chutes and the Canadian military drives around and shoots a huge howitzer gun at the tops of the cliffs to cause avalanches. As I was driving through a tunnel an avalanche was going over the top of me! Amazingly, even though it was snowing heavily, the roads were fine. The town of Banff is magical and beautiful at night. I followed the storm that came from Revi and I skiied some deep powder in the back bowls of Lake Louise.
Switched hostels to HI apline center and it had a commercial kitchen which was awesome! I skied Sunshine which was OK since some parts of the slopes were very flat but I found some good steep stuff later in the day. Locals told me about Toonie day ($2 to ski) at Norquay and warned me about the Jerrys. I went there and skied for 2 hours and then got the hell out since no one knew how to ski! I wasn’t skiing – I was avoiding other skiers. ACCOMMODATIONS: Stayed in 2 different hostels – HI Alpine and Samesun in Banff. Both were great places to stay. About a 40 minute drive to Lake Louise and a 20 minute drive to Sunshine.
Jackson Hole, Wyoming 157″ base of snow – 40-45 degrees F – clear and very warm Stayed overnight in Bozeman where it was considerably warmer than the -10 F degrees in Banff. Then drove the remaining time to Jackson Hole and arrived to 50 F degrees. I was bummed that it was so warm. Switched all of my ski gear to spring skiing. The 1st day was awesome – icy in the morning but it thawed and was great until 3pm. Jackson Hole is big mountain skiing and I only wish I could have skied it with fresh powder. The 2nd day was rough since it didn’t freeze overnight and was slushy. I skied only 3 hours. Met a cool German guy – Sebastian (who is a doing a 12 month road trip) and we had dinner. ACCOMMODATIONS: A rough, old hostel built back in the 1950s with the best location ever – ski in/out right at the base of the mountain!
Snowmass, Aspen, Colorado 78″ base of snow – 40-50 degrees F – clear and very warm Skied Snowmass – long, wide open runs. Most of the mountain is blues, very few green runs or catwalks. The bowls looked great for a powder day. I really enjoyed carving the long, blue runs. ACCOMMODATIONS: Parked at the Carbondale park and ride and the Intercept lot near Snowmass.
Telluride, Colorado 75″ base of snow – 30-35 degrees F – clear and big powder on the second day Skied the first day on a perfectly windless, clear day. Met an Aussie – Dane at the hostel, caught a ride up with him to the mountain the next morning and skied a crazy amount of powder on the second day (approximately 20 inches). My ski popped off on a run and went shooting down the slope and over a cliff. Luckily a tree branch caught it before it went off the cliff! ACCOMMODATIONS: Stayed at Old Mine Shaft Inn in Rico, CO (about 30 minutes outside of Telluride).
Taos, New Mexico 98″ base of snow – 25-35 degrees F – cloudy and snowy Hands down some of the best powder skiing of my life. It didn’t hurt to be riding with a semi-local (shoutout to Lucas) to show Dane and I where the prime hiking spots were to be found. We skied some fresh powder on so many runs – it was a great end to the road trip! ACCOMMODATIONS: Parked in the Taos ski parking lot on the mountain.
In total, I spent about $1250 on accommodations over 2.5 months and $780 in diesel fuel. I went into the ski road trip with very low expectations – I would be successful if I didn’t crash my van and didn’t break any bones. Luckily, neither of those things happened! Overall, this was one of the most fun road trips of my life – obviously the skiing was great but the people that I met and connected with along the way were what made this road trip really special.
from Mountain Collective Road Trip Wrapup
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shayshayg-blog1 · 7 years
67 Internet Plateaus
These plateaus are made up of all things that make me well me. Things that make me laugh, cry happy sad, things I’m passionate about and things that I just find entertaining! I hope you all enjoy them all as much as I do!  I also included a hyperlink that is clickable, right click on the title next to the number and hit open it will take you right there rather then cutting and pasting in search bar! 
1.)    The Mega-Beast Squashed my Head!
<a href=“http://giphy.com/gifs/absurdnoise-drop-dead-fred-absurdnoise-love-it-o7ZNeImrc1sfm/tile”>The Mega-Beast Squashed my Head! </a>
2.)    Monkey See Monkey Do!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/cheezburger-see-2aUIUgXMQ3Cz6/fullscreen”>Monkey See Monkey Do! </a>
3.)    Say No to Palm Oil…
<a herf= “http://www.saynotopalmoil.com/Whats_the_issue.php”>Say No to Palm Oil…</a>
4.)    Jellyfish Revenge!
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJBXGdvUNEA”>Jellyfish Revenge! </a>
5.)    You Make Me Laugh!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/funny-orangutan-TnilrzmqdDoCk/tile”>You Make Me Laugh! </a>
6.)    It’s a Trap!
<a herf= “http://www.kappit.com/img/uploads/20150123_181011_.png” >It’s a Trap! </a>
7.)    Thanks a lot Geico!
<a herf= “https://media.makeameme.org/created/thanks-geico-for-myutnc.jpg” >Thanks a lot Geico! </a>
8.)    Monroe’s Kiss
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/kiss-vintage-marilynmonroe-aZ6eJduUb8sxy/tile” >Monroe’s Kiss</a>
9.)    Baby Bump Love!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/woman-kisses-orangutan-fyEUOdfYJsjRK”>Baby Bump Love! </a>
10.)  Corso Puppies
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibhcEtq2rOE”>Corso Puppies </a>  
11.)  The Babe with the Power!
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViftZTfRSt8”>The Babe with the Power! </a>
12.)  Hard day’s work!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/thirteenwnet-cute-animals-26xBtPbmDlugFxUiY/tile”>Hard day’s work! </a>
13.)  Kiss Kiss!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/animation-disney-vintage-12j5OzlkSzIJ32”>Kiss kiss! </a>
14.)  Baby face!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/baby-orangutan-checks-vOTfoQjwKidfq/tile”>Baby Face! </a>
15.)  Angel Baby
<a herf=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQRYk7stYIw”>Angel Baby </a>
16.)  My name Petrie
<a herf=“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnjrwacqDLc”>My Name Petrie</a>
17.)  Upside Down Masterpiece
<a herf=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4ba309H0WI”>Upside Down Masterpiece</a>
18.)  That was scary!  
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp83jzFEVGs”>That was scary! </a>
19.)  Son of a Nutcracker!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/filmeditor-will-ferrell-elf-3ofT5E0lkFR7PlvVkc/tile”>Son of a Nutcracker! </a>
20.)  It almost killed me!  
<a herf= “http://www.visitcos.com/manitou-incline-near-colorado-springs-colorado”>It almost killed me</a>
21.)  I will do right by you…
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukjqkw4qQiQ”>I will do right by you…</a>
22.)  Yummy!
<a herf= “http://www.halfbakedharvest.com/crispy-buffalo-quinoa-bites-salad/” >Yummy! </a>
23.)  Freeze!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/pbs-cute-animals-26gssIytJvy1b1THO”>Freeze! </a>
24.)  This magic moment
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNtwlBbBdb4”>This magic moment </a>
25.)  The Bird from an Ape!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/car-critters-coolgifs-12IkRM57c88PpC/tile”>The Bird from an Ape! </a>
26.)  Pescetarianism!
<a herf=“https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pescetarianism” >Pescatarianism! </a>
27.)  I can relate…
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/edward-scissorhands-scissor-hands-mycgZl3cFSYXC/tile”>I can relate...</a>
28.)  Edward for President!
<a herf=“http://giphy.com/gifs/Qcc9D05Ws1jsQ/tile”>Edward for President! </a>
29.)  My kind of Yoga!
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/yoga-gif-stitch-ACrjDJgTMCBRC/tile”>My Kind of Yoga! </a>
30.)  My Artwork
<a herf=“http://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?ArtID=23496”>My Artwork </a>
31.)  Num Num Num!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/disney-lilo-and-stitch-disneyedit-Bq472C1rlKrZe/tile”>Num Num Num </a>
32.)   Watercolor art
<a herf=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g857UNIKQsM”>Watercolor art</a>
33.) Film over Digital!
<a herf= “https://petapixel.com/2016/08/19/film-photography-making-stunning-comeback/”>Film over Digital! </a>
34.)  Trust Fall Fail
<a herf=“http://giphy.com/gifs/dog-orangutan-hounddog-YKFnKWYbKREHu/tile”>Trust Fall Fail</a>
35.)  For my Love…
<a herf=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS5Gz_GawxI&list=RDJS5Gz_GawxI”>For my Love…</a>
36.)  Tattoo Dream
<a herf= “http://www.highvoltagetattoo.com/kat-von-d/”> Tattoo Dream</a>
37.)  Hot Diggity Pretzel?
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/26xBP9VcAXyUMgsBq/tile”>Hot Diggity Pretzel</a>
38.)  Try me…
<a herf=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2XY6oRD2xc”>Try me…</a>
39.)  Frenchie Love
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/barbieelektrix-love-3o6ZsTtqgMcLX2SSGI/tile”>Frenchie Love </a>
40.)  Best Commercial EVER!
<a herf=” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXV54IwG6bk” >Best Commercial EVER! </a>
41.)  Puppy Monkey Baby!
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql7uY36-LwA”>Puppy Monkey Baby! </a>
42.)  Twerks AWAY!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/dirty-dancing-h8ihCHjmvqXa8/tile”>Twerks AWAY! </a>
43.)  Fire & Ice
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/finale-s6K13bw2ex7Ak/tile”> Fire & Ice </a>
44.)  Bunk Bed fail!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/angry-shocked-will-ferrell-3ETNFinSwBdwQ/tile”> Bunk Bed Fail! </a>
45.)  Cheers!
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/alice-in-wonderland-disney-cartoon-PjplWH49v1FS0/tile”> Cheers! </a>
46.)  We share 97% DNA
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g2FIZohfXc”>We Share 97% DNA </a>
47.)  Leave shark fins to the sharks!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/steven-spielberg-jaws-J8PebBAcVSnrW/tile”>Leave the shark fins to the sharks! </a>
48.)  Peek A Boo
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/hi-sloth-baby-animals-3oEduGjJPPpPLGnDO0/tile”>Peek A Boo </a>
49.)  Truffle Shuffle!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/dance-fat-goonies-hTIZj9fU0IfIY/tile”> Truffle Shuffle! </a>
50.)  Beware the Bad boys
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/lost-boys-1x4DconFpC384/tile”> Beware the Bad boys </a>
51.)  Why am I hungry at bedtime?
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/hungry-CDpAmfo9dbOyA/tile”> Why am I hungry at bedtime? </a>
52.)  #Inyourpalm
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/video-siz-orangutan-1308spiQ7nPQ9a/tile”> #Inyourpalm</a>
53.)  Robot-Trump-ASPCA?
<a herf= “http://money.cnn.com/2017/02/06/technology/trump-dump-stock-short-selling/”>Robot-Trump-ASPCA? </a>
54.)  No kids Party!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/homer-simpson-dancing-the-simpsons-10pHteyVCBH6uI/tile”> No kids Party! </a>
55.)  Let me love you!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/let-me-love-you-supernatural-GYnE0nzBNPRkY/tile”> Let me love you! </a>
56.)  He should be Free…
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30jt3YAyHcg”>He should be free…</a>
57.)  Beautiful Curiosity behind glass…
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ld9PF0gFOY”>Beautiful Curiosity behind glass…</a>
58.)  What the?:)
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/dean-winchester-jensen-ackles-castiel-QJHRw3KYcjTiw/tile”>What the?:) </a>
59.)  Smokin Depp
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/willy-wonka-Rv2xY0Z0AkGHe/tile”>Smokin Depp </a>
60.)  Crybaby Kiss!
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/A37DRkxqyJ1du/tile”>Crybaby Kiss! </a>
61.)  Wink Wink
<a herf=”http://giphy.com/gifs/wink-neverending-story-11nqZwfoLGKPPa/tile”>Wink Wink</a>
62.)  I like big mutts!
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmZ9QCjZa0”>I like big mutts! </a>
63.) Life sentence of the innocent
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/mic-orcas-seaworld-blackfish-GRoI8wpqIvTP2/tile”> Life sentence of the innocent</a>
64.)  Great Cause Great Man
<a herf= “http://www.isfoundation.com/welcome”>Great Cause Great Man</a>
65.)  Adopt an Orangutan!
<a herf= “https://redapes.org/”>Adopt an Orangutan!</a>
66.)  Our rainforest is dying…
<a herf= “http://giphy.com/gifs/palm-9Q5GKUECi8RNK/tile”> Our rainforest is dying…</a>
67.)  Happy Tears
<a herf= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL1Gk5A7QEs”> Happy Tears </a>
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youthmedispa · 2 years
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If you have been looking for the best facial in Colorado Springs, you can trust Fountain of Youth Medi Spa to get expert help. We have got years of experience in the industry. We can provide you with various types of facial options to guarantee your skin looks healthy and younger looking for a long time.
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youthmedispa · 2 years
Why Nobody Cares About Fat Freezing Colorado Springs
In this contemporary world, everyone wants to look perfect and have a proper physical appearance. However, fat on the body or extra skin becomes a major concern among some people. There is not any medicine or product which can cut down fat in a short time period. On the other hand, Fat freezing has become popular among obese people who want to shape their bodies.
The worldwide fat freezing market was worth USD 1.1 billion in 2021 and is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.1% between 2022 and 2030. This is expanding daily due to the high demand among individuals for losing weight and modifying their bodies. Today in this blog, we will discuss why many people do not care about Fat Freezing Colorado Springs.
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How Does Fat Freezing Reduce Fat?
It is a non-invasive procedure used to shrink or eradicate persistent fat pockets in particular body parts by employing technologies such as cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, and laser lipolysis. The FDA has authorized non-invasive devices used in these treatments to permanently eliminate fat cells since their efficiency and safety have been studied, and the findings have been demonstrated to exhibit substantial outcomes.
Cryolipolysis, often known as fat freezing, is a nonsurgical fat reduction method that involves using low temperatures to remove fat deposits in specific body parts. The operation is intended to eliminate localized fat deposits or bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise. Because the cool sculpting ring destroys fat cells, the results of this treatment persist indefinitely.
Why do people ignore fat freezing?
Without a doubt, this is a popular fat-loss procedure, yet many individuals do not trust it. This occurs because many people gain weight again after a few months because they do not keep a healthy lifestyle and do not change their food. We know that the Fat Freezing Colorado Springs procedure decreases fat after two-three therapy, but it doesn't imply a person will never develop fat again. This cold sculpting works well and assures that fat will not return in the future, but a person's diet and physical activity also play a role and can be reasons for fat returns.
In other words, Fat freezing kills the fat cells from their root but sometimes, some untreated fat cells grow again and cause issues. And if a person continues with the previous diet and physical activity, then also fat can come again since the new fat cells start generating. Otherwise, Fat Freezing reduces the fat by killing the cells from its root, but it can not stops the cells from regenerating.
Some do not care about the fat freezing colorado springs as it may cause some side effects, so they step back to get fat freezing treatment. Fat cells eventually die and are removed from the body through natural processes. Most patients may resume their usual daily activities immediately after a CoolSculpting treatment, with only minor side effects such as bruising, redness, or itching that diminish on their own after a few days. It is advisable to follow some precautions which are common to follow in each individual’s life. These steps are mentioned below.
Maintain the diet; do not eat unhealthy foods, mainly oily food, which are the main cause of fat.
Do regular exercise to get a perfect shaping for forever, and add some activities that do not allow the fat to return.
Therefore, people think that fat freezing is ineffective but true is that many of us do not care about our diet and physical body. Fat freezing Colorado springs or cool sculpturing effectively reduces fat since it works from the roots by killing the fat cells.
Say goodbye to the extra fat from the body; since fat freezing works with non-invasive techniques, which means there is not any object injected into the body or there is no need for any kind of surgery. This is the reason behind people prefer to get Fat freezing Colorado springs. 
How many sessions of fat freezing require for an individual?
This all depends on the person and the affected region by fat; for example, many patients desire to merely decrease their belly fat where they have excess fat to save money. In most situations, a double fat freezing procedure is sufficient for excessive fat regions, which results in superior outcomes, which the person also prefers. In certain circumstances, when someone has too much fat on their entire body, they require cool sculpturing three times, separated by months. After one CoolSculpting session, patients can expect a 20 - 30% decrease in fat cells in the treated region.
Get Quality Fat Freezing Treatment In Colorado Springs
Fountain of Youth Medi Spa, a well-known name in the beauty business of the United States, provides a variety of therapies that improve appearance. We deliver superior therapy for numerous health conditions, such as fat freezing, botox, lip filling, waxing, and many more, due to our extensive expertise in the skincare sector. We have linked up with highly qualified personnel who have received extensive training in delivering Fat Freezing Colorado Springs. Furthermore, our personnel adheres to stringent rules in order to provide safe and effective therapy.
Quality treatment is our major priority, and we make every effort to provide it, whether it is fat freezing or lip filling. People flock to us because of the excellent service we deliver to our clients.
We have cutting-edge medical equipment, such as fat freezing machines.
We take care of every cleanliness in order to provide great care.
The team of professionals attentively examines the clients' skin problems.
Working with a well-trained crew that always assures our clients' skin protection.
If you are interested in getting the effective fat freezing treatment, then feel free to contact us today; we will first assess your health condition and then only proceed with the treatment.
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