#fat supremacy
vellichorom · 1 year
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sketchy-doge1 · 3 months
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Bein a mom's hard sometimes :P
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
'The feminism leaving my body when Jason Todd-'He mercilessly beat up a guy for running a women's exclusive sex ring as Robin and even pushed him off a roof to plunge to his death later,killed a pedophillic teacher for sexually abusing a female student,respects all three of the women he's been into who're all women of color specifically and literally is a misandrist if we're going off his interactions with other male characters vs his with female ones.D'you read Jason Todd comics or did you just see a masc guy and the gender stereotyping jumped out?
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I intentionally went looking for this art I remember seeing a few years back, just to make sure I didn’t imagine it. And y’all, THIS GUY GETS IT. He just… He gets it. He understands. And his art is good. Fat Glimmer? Sign me up! He also drew the cover for a GlimmAdora fic where Adora leaves Catra after getting sick of her abuse called ‘I Thought I Wanted This”. His art is really good and he’s on tumblr too.
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ooo damn that art is so pretty! and i'm glad people are finally beginning to understand the flaws in spop and actually talking about them (outside of tumblr, i mean).
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Maybe it isnt canon but im staying firm I’m my belief that Ghost is a thick bitch with a tummy. 
He’s massive and muscular for sure, the dude is an absolute lethal weapon but not in a zero percent body fat type of way. He’s definitely got abs. They're just under under a layer of fat paired with thick thighs that leave you with an ache in your hips each time you straddle him. If you ever fall asleep on him you’ll find to your surprise his body isn’t all painfully hard muscle that makes you feel like you're on a pile of rocks. Just wonderfully big and broad all the way around 
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rahuratna · 3 months
The Feast at your Table (Part 1 of 2)
Content: Sexual content (MDNI!), explicit sexual content in next chapter, pining, friends to lovers, food play mentions in this chapter.
Posting some drafts that I've been sitting on for a while. Here goes.
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It was official. You had no idea, whatsoever, how deal with your burgeoning attraction to Taishiro Toyomitsu, known to most as the pro-hero Fat Gum.
It wasn't that Taishiro was unapproachable. Quite the opposite. He was the embodiment of comfort, the patron saint of open door policies. There was nobody, out there on the streets he worked so hard to protect, or here within the doors of his agency, that wouldn't trust him with their lives.
Taishiro was kind, effusive, magnanimous and always determined, the kind of man who'd never fail to cheer you up, who'd be the shoulder you could always lean on.
All of which formed the basis for the reasons you couldn't ever let him know how you felt about him. You didn't know when it had started. And by the time you caught it, it was too late, spreading like a rampant infection through your system, weakening you to each and every one of this kind man's habits, gestures and traits.
It wasn't as if heroes were strangers to public attention or people wanting a piece of them. As pro-hero Fat Gum, Taishiro had his fair share of fan mail, propositions and adoring followers. As an employee of his agency, with a quirk that certainly didn't fall under the category of 'flashy' you'd managed to make yourself quietly indispensable over the past year.
It was also why you wouldn't want to pursue anything actively with the man who was essentially your boss. Taishiro was kind to you, as he was to all members of the agency. He'd buy you takeout, make sure to check in on you even with his busy schedule, and even dragged you out of the office at times to have celebratory meals with the team.
There were times when you felt something, perhaps a figment of your sorry, affection-starved imagination, times when you felt his eyes linger on you a moment too long, when his expression would switch from its usual congeniality to something more tender. But you'd studiously brushed away any thought of hidden feelings. On his part, at least. Why would he even look in your direction, anyway?
You certainly weren't anything special. Ordinary you'd always been and ordinary you'd remain. All you had to do was continue being the silent support, the rope that bound this agency together behind the scenes, the one who was always there with the towels, bandages, extra snacks and comforting words, the one who fielded the phone calls and briskly dealt with paperwork nobody else wanted to handle.
On this particular evening, there had been an emergency alert in downtown Esuha City, and Fat Gum along with two of his interns, Kirishima and Amajiki, had been called in to deal with a potential hostage situation. You remained at the office along with the two other employees of the agency, Rei, who handled marketing and publicity and Fukushima who dealt with tech and communications.
It turned out to be a tense evening, fraught with danger, and the added challenge of crowd control, considering how packed the area where the hostage situation occurred had been. By the time everything had been resolved, it was almost 2 am and the ragged heroes, their various sidekicks and interns included, were slowly making their way back to agencies all over the city. The rest of the team had left, packing up and congratulating each other with tired eyes on a job well done.
You remained, however. You wouldn't be able to rest easy without knowing that Taishiro was back safely and had a ready supply of food should he be low on energy. Time ticked by and the elevator pinged with its customary chime. Standing hurriedly at your desk, you breathed a small sigh of relief when Taishiro's bulky form appeared in the doorway to the office.
He'd obviously expended a lot of his fat today, his tall form still bearing a visible protective layer around the middle, the raw brute strength beneath now more evident in the chest and arms. His uniform hung on him. It was dirty and torn in various places, the signature knee pads scuffed and dented. The golden tufts of his unruly hair were streaked with dust and grease. He looked worn down and weary when he came in, but his expression changed to one of surprise and tenderness when he saw you.
You realize that's it's been a while since you've been alone with him. To take your mind off the potential awkwardness your infatuation could induce, you hurry forward and start to warm up some of the food you'd ordered earlier, calling over your shoulder to him.
"I'm glad you're back in one piece. But you look like you need something to eat. I'll have it ready in - "
A large, solid hand on your shoulder cuts off your stream of words.
"Why didn't you go home with the rest?"
"I - well, I was worried."
"About me?"
He huffs out a small laugh, and coming from him, it's never condescending or mocking.
"You never have to worry 'bout me, sweetheart. This ol' body of mine can take a real beating and come out just fine. But hey, I'd never turn down some snacks. Now what ya got for me?"
The endearment rolls so naturally off his tongue, and for a moment, you wonder what he would do if you grabbed his collar and tugged him down towards you. You flush and turn away from him, suddenly very occupied with the pork buns you've been re-heating.
"There's a lot we - I ordered in earlier, because I thought you'd be low on energy. Why don't you go clean up while I handle all of this?"
He ambled away, yawning and stretching sore muscles slightly with a groan. He headed to the locker rooms that could be accessed through a door in the hall outside the main office. Normally, you wouldn't hear sounds through the partition so clearly, what with the bustle of the office during the day, but the quiet of night allows you to hear the shuffle of clothes being shed, the water turning on and Taishiro humming tunelessly as he gets in.
Those pork buns just might spontaneously combust under the laser-lit stare you're giving them. If you could just focus on getting this food ready ...
In what feels like too short an interval, you hear Taishiro's slipper-clad feet approaching the office once again. You look up and take him in. He is wearing a simple t-shirt and loose cotton pants, of a size more suited to his current form. He lifts one arm up over his head and his shoulder pops, allowing him to utter a distinctly masculine grunt. The shirt hugs his powerful shoulders and stretches over his abdomen in a way that you find very difficult to look away from. Oblivious, Taishiro approaches, warm eyes gleaming at the spread you've set out for him.
"Well now. You've outdone yourself. You know just what I need, dontcha?"
You hope the shaky laugh you utter doesn't give you away, but then the laugh turns to a yawn and you lift your hand to your mouth in surprise, eyes watering. Taishiro chuckles, but he hasn't touched the food yet and his gaze suddenly holds something warmer, something you hope you're not reading too much into. He reaches across the table and pushes a plate towards you.
"You must be tired too."
"Oh, come on. I've only been here in the office all day. It's just late, that's all."
"Late enough that the rest of the team have gone home hours ago. Now eat what's on your plate."
You pause, chewing on an onigiri.
"Don't worry, I'll just... stay over at the office. We do have the sofa here."
He stares at you, the seriousness of his gaze catching you off guard.
"You're telling me you've slept on the couch before?"
"Um ... "
"That's not okay! If I'd known you'd stayed over when we were out on missions, I would've given you the key to my place. It's only a block from here."
The idea of sleeping in Taishiro's bed, surrounded by sheets that smell of him, on the mattress with the dip in the centre that his body would make, almost shuts your mind down. Luckily, you have the wit to respond.
"You don't have to do that! It's only been ... once or twice, anyway - "
"Once or twice too often. Seriously, I ain't gonna let you sleep on that couch again, princess. Just say the word when you're ready to go and I'll take you over."
Arguing is futile. As accommodating as this man is to each and every request, whether from client or friend, he draws a solid, unwavering line when it comes to certain things. And he won't, absolutely won't, have you take the train home at this time. He even offers to sleep here in the office, if that makes you more comfortable, an option you hastily refuse.
Soon enough, you've both finished the food (the bulk of it having been savoured by Taishiro) and your fingers are tapping against your thigh with the anxiety that has now infested your body as you put on your coat and head out into the street with him. Taishiro has always been a walking furnace, the pleasant heat from his tall form distinct whenever he stands close to you. Proximity to him has never been an issue. His bulk, in his fully fat-protected body, is always taking up space in the office, brushing against you every time he moves past.
His confidence and the manner in which he wore his own skin, with pride and certainty, makes him all the more attractive. Taishiro always welcomes other people into his space, into his protective warmth, and you are lucky enough to fall into that category. He obviously found your spluttering reactions hilarious every time he spread his arms and asked you to 'ride the Fat Taxi'.
As you neared his place, a decent-sized apartment with modest furnishings in a high rise not far from the office, you noticed that he'd fallen uncharacteristically silent.
"You don't have to have me over, really. I understand if you just want your space and ...  rest after that mission."
He was looking at you now, but your eyes were fixed on the street ahead.
"Told you before. It's no issue at all. You'll be safe at my place, and that's what counts. Plus, I know you. You don't even want to go near the train station. You don't like the cold. Come on now. I know you want that hot cocoa and good ol' fleece blanket."
He wiggled his fingers in what was obviously supposed to be gesture of entrapment. You'd never seen anything less threatening and a laugh burst from your throat.
"Fine. I do want that fleece blanket."
The elevator ride up to his apartment was a strange reversal of roles. Taishiro was the one who now seemed a little on edge, while you were humming slightly, imagining the hot shower and comforting softness of the blankets that awaited you. It was just him. Just Taishiro. Just the man you'd already spent so much your time with. You could handle this. Nothing to worry about.
He unlocked and held the door open for you, hitching up his pants slightly. The fabric was still loose on him, even after the snacks you'd provided. You entered and immediately sighed at the warmth which greeted you. Taishiro came in, toeing off his shoes in the entryway.
"Make yourself at home. There's towels in that cupboard, middle shelf, if you need them. The bathroom is that way."
It was common knowledge that Taishiro preferred to wash off the grime of his missions at the agency showers instead of his own bathroom. You supposed that it was something to do with the desire of many heroes to create a separation between the peace of home and the slog of hero work. All the same, you couldn't help but admire the relaxing, muted colors and panel work in the bathroom, the tub huge enough to accommodate someone of Taishiro's height and bulk, with space left over.
Locking the door behind you, you unzipped the small carry bag you always packed in case of having to stay overnight at the agency. It contained a simple silk shift and shorts, a change of underwear and some toiletries. Outside, you could hear Taishiro moving around in the lounge and kitchen, pots and pans clanking. He dropped something with a loud clatter and you heard him mumbling softly.
You ran a bath, scrubbed yourself clean and got into the tub, thinking carefully over his behaviour since you had arrived. There was something different than usual. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was nervous. Surely not? How many times had the two of you worked long hours together, spending almost every day enmeshed in each other's company when he was at the office? All the same...
Standing, you dried yourself off and dressed in your sleep clothes. Suddenly feeling a little self conscious at how much the sheer shirt and shorts revealed, you slung your cardigan over them, slowly opening the door and heading out.
The scent of burning came from the kitchen. Worried, you hurried over. Taishiro was very proficient at cooking, so it was surprising for you to see him like this, waving his hands through the smoke that permeated the air, coughing slightly. The blackened remains of what looked like pancakes lay curled and shriveled at the bottom of a pan. Taishiro looked up to meet your concerned gaze and froze, one large hand coming up to sheepishly scratch the back of his head.
"Ahhh ... sorry about this. I was just ... making pancakes and ... yeah. I guess I wasn't watching them closely enough, ya know?"
You stepped slowly towards him, as if approaching a skittish animal. You'd never had this issue with him before.
"Are you okay? Was it ... something that happened on the mission today? You seem out of sorts."
Placing a hand on his arm, all earlier hesitation forgotten in the warmth you felt for this man, you couldn't help how your body gravitated to be closer to him. He had always been the one to surround everyone with his reassuring presence, his natural charisma buoying up your spirits. Surely, this was one thing you could offer him in return.
"Why don't you go sit, Taishiro. I can handle the pancakes."
For once, you were met with silence as Taishiro looked down at your hand. His gaze travelled along your wrist, lingering on the button-down front of your cardigan, held together over the shift beneath. There was a gentle fire burning in that glance that you could in no way explain through platonic means. The warmth of his regard was removed from your person as quickly as it had arrived. You plucked away your hand from his arm and his shoulders sagged a little.
"It ain't that. The mission went well. I just - I'm - "
He raised a hand and swept it back through his hair, tousling the golden strands even further, before turning to you.
"Ah, it doesn't matter. It's 3 am and you ain't even in bed yet. That's a crime."
"Not until you talk to me."
Determination was straightening your posture, allowing you to look him in the eye without any of the usual nerves that plagued you in his presence.
"I - c'mon sweetheart." The word rolled out differently on his tongue, wrapped in the sort of hushed intimacy reserved for lovers. "I can't ... don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything- "
"You could never make me feel uncomfortable."
"Well ... it's just that ... I've never had you over before. Like this, I mean. It's just a little ... you know."
Oh. Oh.
The simple fact that he felt this way, that the implication of being alone with you at his apartment carried the same weight for him as it did for you ...
Something in your expression must have changed because he was hastily waving his hands and attempting some form of what he must have thought of as damage control.
"I mean, it ain't every day that you come over here. And sure, I'm a pro-hero and all, but ... " he paused to chuckle ruefully, "I guess I'm just like the average guy when it comes to having a ... lovely lady like you over. I just ... was wondering if being here was okay for you. I wasn't being pushy or anything, I just wanted you to be safe."
Your voice was soft, some part of the slow, steady creep of passion you kept hidden from him on a daily basis filtering through. You couldn't help yourself.
"Taishiro, I was ... also a little nervous to come over here. Not because I don't trust you. I trust you with my life. You know that. It's more... to do with the same reason you're ... feeling the way you are now."
There. You'd gone and said it. You'd finally let him know some small part of what you felt for him. He was staring at you with his mouth slightly open. Something about how ridiculous this situation was, two grown adults behaving like hormonal teenagers simply because they were under the same roof and feeling attraction to one another, snapped you back to some form of reality.
You covered your mouth and looked down. Taishiro raised an eyebrow.
"Are you giggling?"
"What? I don't giggle."
"Oh yeah you do. When you think nobody's looking."
"So you're watching that closely?"
He glanced down at the pan and prodded at the burnt remains of the pancake. He was also smiling now.
"Ahh ... okay, yeah. Most times. Can't help it."
"I see. Now do you want help with those pancakes or not?"
"On one condition."
"What's that?"
"That thin little sweater you have on ain't gonna do the job in this cold. I got some warmer stuff in my closet. Go choose something and then you can help me."
Seeing that he had finally regained a semblance of his usual hearty confidence, you smiled and did as he asked. You'd never seen the interior of Taishiro's bedroom before. The decor was simple, with plenty of room to accommodate him moving around. The bed looked custom made, reinforced and sturdy, a huge mattress cushioning the top.
Hastily looking away, you approached the built-in closet against the right wall and opened one of the doors. It took you a while to find a suitable sized sweater, and when you did, it was obvious that even the smallest size he had would be very, very large on you. At least you'd be warmer. Shrugging, you slipped off your cardigan and had just taken the sweater from where it hung, when Taishiro entered the bedroom.
"Hey, you want syrup and cinnamon with your pancakes or just - "
He stopped dead, eyes widening slightly at the sight of you. If you'd been alone in your own home, your choice of sleepwear would never have raised any issues. Suddenly, you were very conscious of just how sheer the material was, how you'd forgone a bra in the desire for comfort, how the shorts were little better than underwear, now that you really thought about it.
It wasn't as if your body was anything special to look at, at least, in your view. You considered yourself average in most aspects, definitely on the curvy side. Your work clothes were always modest enough to never draw attention. Taishiro, however, was looking at you as if you'd somehow covered yourself in syrup in lieu of the pancakes. Your breathing accelerated a little, and with the way he was watching the rise and fall of your chest, it would probably be very hard for him to miss it.
He swallowed thickly and turned his head.
"Uh, sorry. Didn't know you were still looking for the ... ah ... "
"The sweater."
"Yeah. That. Found one?"
"I did."
You waved the garment around and he must have seen it in his peripheral vision, because he nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets, as if not quite sure what to do with them.
"Okay. Well, when you're ready, the pancakes are done. Come and get yours."
Hurriedly pulling the sweater over your head, you followed him into the living room. Although you weren't particularly hungry, you wanted to keep him him company while he ate, at the very least. Taishiro was now pouring steaming milk into a mug, before stirring and handing you the cocoa.
"One sugar. Just how ya like it."
You didn't know whether it was the encounter you'd just had with him in the bedroom, but somehow, everything he said now seemed laced with innuendo. It didn't help that his warm, deep voice was huskier than usual, that his honey-brown eyes were helplessly tracing the shape of your legs when he thought you were looking away.
You shifted in your seat as your own growing arousal threatened to unseat your composure. You ate the pancakes he placed in front of you and wondered what it would feel like to cover those thick fingers of his in syrup and slowly take them into your mouth with him watching. Your knees brushed against his under the table and you thought of how easy it would be to straddle him, the plush flesh of his stomach cushioning your abdomen. You took a sip of your cocoa and wondered whether he'd taste as rich. You thought of his skin, the soft growth of barely visible stubble on his jaw, the wide and generous mouth, those heavy, powerful hips and how they might undulate between your trembling thighs.
Taishiro has always been so open, so free with his emotions, and now that same transparency is doing little to hide just how much he wants you when he catches your eye across the table. He takes another bite, as if making an effort to tear his gaze away.
"Are these any good? I kinda rushed them."
"They're wonderful. Your batter is always the best."
If it had been a normal day at the office, your comment would have passed unnoticed. Under these circumstances, though, with this tension growing in the air between you both, Taishiro choked slightly. You felt a rush of embarrassed heat cross the bridge of your nose. He cleared his throat.
"Ahh, err, thanks. It's ... just pretty basic. My batter gets the job done."
He was just making it worse. With a sense of impending horror, you felt your nervous giggle coming on. It slipped out of you in a short, staccato burst and Taishiro looked up, surprised, before his own lips quirked upward in amusement. His belly started to shake slightly with repressed amusement. Seeing that contagious smile of his pushed you over the edge. Your shoulders began to heave and you leaned back in your chair and tried to breathe evenly as Taishiro's chuckles grew louder as well. Before long, you were both helpless with laughter.
Wiping your eyes on a nearby serviette you regard him with fondness. This sweetest of all men. He clears his throat and pushes aside his empty plate.
"You don't look so tired anymore. Did my pancakes liven you up?"
"Kind of. They've fooled my body into thinking it doesn't need sleep."
"Lucky tomorrow is a day off, then. The guys from Trackstar's agency will cover the regular shifts and call us in if anything goes wrong. Feel free to sleep in."
"I can't do that, Taishiro. I don't want to inconvenience you," you remind him, gently.
He looks disappointed for a second, before his beautiful countenance brightens once more.
"Hey, come to think of it, there's a farmer's market I wanted to check out on the city limits. Think you'd want to come along?"
"Oh? I'd love that! I haven't been to a farmer's market in ages."
"Then stay here a bit longer. We can just leave together tomorrow."
You don't miss the slightly pleading note in his voice. It softens you in ways that only he can achieve.
"Okay, sure. That's a good idea."
Face as excited as a child with a new toy at this news, Taishiro stands and collects your plate and his.
"Right, off to bed with you."
You hesitate, and he scratches his chin, as if having anticipated your question.
"I have a guest room, just down the hall. I made up the bed while you were in the bathroom."
"Oh, thanks. I'll... head off to bed then."
"Er, yeah. Have a good sleep!"
Hurriedly turning away from each other, you both head in opposite directions. The guest bedroom is smaller, but no less comfortable. You slowly crawl between the covers and realise that he'd thrown the fleece blanket he'd spoken about over the duvet. You take the warm material between your fingers and stroke it gently. A rush of uncontrolled feelings, of all the desire and affection you have for this man, comes flooding through you.
It is at that moment, of course, that a soft knock on the door interrupts your thoughts. You call for him to enter and he does, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly in pleasure when he sees you tucked away, sitting comfortably under the covers. He places a glass of water on the bedside table.
"Just leaving this here in case you get thirsty. It gets cold up here at night. Wouldn't want you freezing your toes off in the kitchen."
He's about to leave, when you capture his large hand hesitantly in your own. He stills immediately, glancing down to where your fingers wrap around his.
"Thank you, Taishiro. For letting me stay here."
He remains like this for a minute, facing away from you, as if fully aware of just how much his expression would betray him. He raises your hand to his lips, slowly, pressing a soft kiss to the top of it.
"Anytime, sweetheart. You can come over ... whenever you feel like."
He doesn't, however, relinquish his grasp on you. You raise your other hand and trace your fingers with infinite softness over his larger knuckles, the surface scarred from old injuries and trauma. He shivers slightly under the contact and you close your eyes before placing that hand against your cheek.
These same palms that slammed a runaway vehicle to a dead stop last week. The same fists that punched a hole through a cement wall to get to the people trapped in a flooded basement. These same hands that protected from stray bullets, that ruffled the hair of his shy intern, that pushed extra sweets into your lunch box when you weren't looking. You had no adequate words for what he made you feel, for how his very presence tugged at some place deep inside of you, creating a void that could never be appeased until you were close to him.
Taishiro's unsteady breathing was loud in the small room, which had suddenly become unaccountably warmer. Before you could fully process what was happening, your body was being tugged gently, but firmly closer to his, your chin  being tilted up until his warm breath washed over you. You opened your eyes and felt a delicious, heavy heat settle in your abdomen when you saw how he wasn't bothering, in the slightest, to conceal how much he wanted you.
His gaze wandered languidly over your face, scorching where it travelled, and then he was leaning forward, mouth capturing yours, his sudden intake of breath echoed by yours. His kiss was like basking in afternoon sunshine, deliciously warm and comforting, hungry as he always was, eager and slightly clumsy. His hands were now on either side of your waist, just beneath your breasts, thumbs stroking dangerously upward. Your arms were coming up as he deepened the kiss, wrapping around his wide neck, fingers tangling in his soft, soft hair.
Taishiro pulled away, breathing hard, unconsciously licking his lips to retain some of your taste. His grip on your body tightened briefly, asking a tentative question, the answer to which pooled like molten honey down there, where you wanted to feel him most. You nodded wordlessly and your breath was briefly snatched away as he tugged at the duvet and looped one arm beneath your knees, lifting you effortlessly out of the bed. The soft, intimate ache of desire in his voice, what had been lingering under the surface all evening, was now laid bare as he pressed his lips against your ear.
"C'mon angel. I'll get you real warm tonight."
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buniix3 · 3 months
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Simple thing for my favorite sapphics
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cornbread33y2 · 2 months
Syringeon Design
Time to throw my grouchy old man into the mix!! :D
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I took inspo for the stitched-on extra sleeves as well as Syringeon's body from @faceeeeee again because their Syringeon design is just *chef kiss*, i love how expressive his new face looks and the way his body is draw! I especially took inspo for the stitched on extra sleeves because for my GoBB oc, Topsy-Turvy, Syringeon was the one who did their stitches and saved them from nearly dying after their 'accident'. And i think Syringeon just.. knowing how to sew, not just medically, is kinda sweet. Despite this man being a grouchy bastard. (affectionate)
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I was worried that drawing his head would be difficult, but nah, it was all good lol. (Legs were a different story..)
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repost-account-yall · 2 years
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This game would be like 30 min if they jus talked.
/j lol
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saturngalore · 1 year
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fat aphrodite 🐚🌊
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sketchy-doge1 · 10 days
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Sleepy 'ead,,
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rendoesthedoodle · 3 months
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I'M REAL!!! finally have a full fursona ref!!
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ishtea · 21 days
it’s a moral obligation to feed fat tgirls btw~ you need to rub our tummies and play with our tits while you let us eat a burger out of your hand <3
it’s simply the right thing to do. let a fat tgirl hump her chubby dick against your leg while she eats as many yummy snacks as she wants~
you can make out with mommy’s belly button while i eat all the treats and food you give me ^_^
i’ll even touch myself and let you lick the food residue off mommy’s thick cock🩷
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divinesknowdev · 7 months
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Chunky cats…
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vellichorom · 1 year
fat narrator supremacy
fat narrator supremacy
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rahuratna · 3 months
The Feast at your Table (part 2 of 2)
Content: Explicit sexual content (MDNI!!), fluff, humour, idiots in love.
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He had not been joking about keeping you warm. From the moment your back hit the plush mattress in his bedroom, Taishiro was as focused on you as he was on a gourmet five course meal. He crawled over the rumpled blankets towards you, lips finding yours again, a soft groan rumbling from the depths of his chest as your fingernails found purchase on his shoulders.
The sounds he made were calling up an answering primacy in your body's response, and you arched your back, pushing yourself closer to him, eager for more contact. Taishiro was strangely hesitant, though. You drew a little away, taking in his abashed expression.
"Need to be careful. Don't wanna crush you or something."
You let out a small huff of frustration and amusement.
"Taishiro. I'm a woman, not a glass sculpture in your grandmother's figurine collection."
"Yeah? Well my gran collected potted plants, so -"
You really did grab him by the collar and kiss him senseless. Now you were both laughing against each other's lips, his hands furnace-warm as they slipped beneath the shift you wore. You gasped as he went straight for the kill, cupping and caressing your breasts in his slightly roughened palms which were so large that when he squeezed lightly, the knuckles came up and brushed against your chin. You moaned in delight at the contact, soft sighs of pleasure falling from you as he kneaded and rolled. You pressed soft, uncoordinated kisses to his hands whenever they approached your mouth.
The growl he uttered now was low and needy. He brought his head down, planting hot wet kisses, his tongue laving along the curved column of your throat.
"You feel so - even better than I - mmm, darling, c'mere."
His arms were now completely enclosing your waist, and for the first time, your difference in size was crystal clear to you. It wasn't as if you were oblivious, but all the time you'd spent in his presence had somehow dulled your sense of just how large this man was.
Until now, of course.
You were on his lap, the stretch in your inner thigh making itself known as you straddled his broad hips. Reaching up, your fingers entangled themselves in the addictive softness of his hair, tugging his head further down. Your body was all but quivering with eagerness as he slipped the straps of the shift down over your shoulders. Your impatience and desire were growing. You wanted his skin on yours, now and ... oh.
All of those thoughts flew out the window when his hot, wet mouth, so large and all-encompassing, came down around your nipple. His powerful arms were holding your upper body steady, trapping you in place as he suckled and licked with fervour, gently nudging one swollen nipple upwards with his nose before switching his attention to the other. The cool night air sensitised your skin, still wet with his saliva, far beyond anything you'd experienced before.
His sensuous attention to your breasts was driving you wild, your hips bucking against his. You could feel it beneath you, the hardening outline of him against the fabric of his cotton trousers. He released you from the vice that was his embrace, both hands now slipping up, under the shift and pulling it off you entirely. His breath hitched slightly as he took you in, your eyes closed, your neck exposed, the flesh of your breasts still glistening where his mouth had been.
You lowered your gaze to him, and imagined that you must look much the same as him, your lips swollen with rough kisses, your hair tangled and hanging down around your shoulders, your chest heaving. Taishiro had never looked hungrier than when you beheld him then. He was now panting with want, which translated to clumsiness and desperation as his fingers hooked into the silk of the shorts you wore.
Just as impatient as he was, you lifted your hips off him, earning a soft sound of protest as the hot, damp pressure of your arousal was shifted away from his own. You slid back, away from him, feet pushing slightly against his knees as you lifted your hips and slid the shorts away, along with your underwear.
Modesty and propriety be damned. You weren't going to perform an elaborate strip tease, with the way you both wanted each other right now. That kind of teasing could wait until another time, until you were both so satiated with each other that other forms of play could even be considered.
Taishiro obviously approved, because his eyes were now so fixated on your glistening sex that he wasn't even aware of what he was saying any longer.
"Oh goddamn, angel, look at - you're so wet - I - fuck."
That last part was uttered with low, guttural deliberation as his hand slid down the front of his own pants, wrist rotating just above the waistband as he gave himself a firm stroke.
"Taishiro, too many clothes."
Your own voice was breathless. You needed him, needed to feel him on you, inside you. And he was still fully dressed. Sliding your legs forward, you did the first thing your hazy mind guided you to, and slid your feet under his shirt, using them to pull upwards. You didn't really mean to undress him this way, just spur him on, so to speak. He had the bright idea of moving downwards at the same time.
The shirt caught on his broad shoulders, tangling around his arms. He uttered a grunt of frustration and you promptly collapsed laughing.
"Hey, handsome. You shy?"
"When I get outta here - you - "
He finally managed to free himself, with some help (from your hands, this time) and you inhaled deeply as you took in the man before you. The broad expanse of his chest was even better than your wildest imaginings, blonde tufts of hair, darker and shorter over the middle of his chest, running down the front of his wide belly in a tantalising trail, all the way to the top of his pants. An assortment of scars littered his body, some small and pale, others, such as the one that ran down one side of his ribcage, darker and taut-looking, as if he'd been burned. There was that overwhelming sense of size and power, of the muscles that roped and bunched under the plush layers of flesh affected by his quirk.
He let you look, his own gaze clouded with lust, his breathing growing heavier as he registered the scent of your arousal. Then, he leaned forward and placed a soft, chastising bite on your inner thigh for your stunt with his shirt earlier. His hair brushed against your aching clit, making you gasp and jerk. You hadn't realised how sensitive he'd made you.
Taishiro was now reaching behind him, one hand emerging with a pillow in its grasp. He easily lifted the small of your back and eased the pillow underneath. When you felt him shifting his body down, your stomach twisted in anticipation, but you protested softly. You didn't know how much of this you could take.
"Taishiro, please, I'm - "
"I know, baby. I gotta prep you so... you know. You can take me."
The flush that spread down his neck while uttering those words was slightly ridiculous, considering what he was planning on doing to you, but you knew him. You knew he'd take his time, considering the physical difference in his size compared to the average person. Biting your lower lip, you nodded, determined to be patient enough for him to do what he needed to.
Every coherent thought you had deserted your mind when his mouth came down on the swollen lips of your cunt, tentatively tasting. He licked all the way to the peak, then dipped the tip of his tongue into your wet, pulsing opening, probing deeper and deeper, pushing the lips apart with his fingers. Your head was thrown back, rough gasps tearing from your throat as he intensified his attention on you, rubbing his nose against your clit, the sides of his face damp with your arousal.
His hands slid down, grasping the back of your upper thighs, and he lifted, pushing your legs back towards your abdomen, spreading them further apart. Like this, he reached even more of you, and your gasps were now building to soft cries as he laved you with his tongue like a starving man. He pushed the labia further apart now, one thick finger probing gently at your entrance. You took him in easily, squeezing and relaxing around the thick, intruding digit.
He was groaning again, hand moving relentlessly between your legs as he worked the finger in and out. He was watching your reactions, hungrily tracking the way your stiffened nipples rose as if on a wave and caught with breathless ecstasy at the apex when he touched a certain place inside you. Two large fingers were now entering you, and you reminded yourself to relax, to even your breathing, your body adjusting to the stretch. He paused and you smiled down at him, reaching down to stroke his hair, showing him how well you could do for him.
You'd do anything for him.
"Taishi - please, I'm - "
That familiar coil in your lower abdomen was approaching, as if your clit was a white hot point of heat, growing warmer and warmer under the firm pressure of his tongue and fingers. He answered your wordless pleas with greater intensity, pushing you right over the edge into the crashing wave of your first orgasm. You cried out, louder than any you'd uttered before, body arching up under his slower, firm licks as he guided you through on pure instinct. When you came to your senses again, you realised that the soft, sobbing breaths echoing through the bedroom were your own.
Taishiro was murmuring sweet, meaningless words of praise to you, pressing kisses to your inner thighs.
"So good, so sweet, so fucking beautiful. All mine, angel, coming for me like that."
"Yes, yours. Yours. All yours, Taishiro," you somehow manage, voice broken and uneven with the pleasure he's just given you. He gives you time to regain your senses, slowly kissing your calves, your ankles, then making his way up your body, taking care to press a deep, passionate kiss to your lips, letting you taste yourself. It's heady, indulgent, as sensual and focused as his regular appetite for food.
There's something different about your body tonight, something about the way you're responding to him and him only. Normally you'd need more time to recover, for your body to be able to feel that heated thrum of arousal again, but he already has you there, body pressing gently and firmly against yours.
Somewhere, during your period of delirium, he'd removed his pants and boxers. You're both completely naked now, bodies enmeshed on the rumpled blankets. There is something so perfect, so intimate about this, having your nude form touched and caressed, his large hands mapping out every plane of you as if committing it to flesh memory. He is careful, of course, not to press down with his full weight, even though you wrap your arms around his shoulders and sigh at the pleasant friction.
He is, as you expected, larger than average. Much larger. You glance down between your bodies and see his hesitation as you consider the rounded head, an angry flush of arousal around the tip, the thickness of him, the veins standing out along the curve of his length, the slickness that has been rubbed along it from the weeping slit.
"Uh, we don't have to - I mean, I can put it between your thighs if its too much for - "
He never gets to finish that sentence, as you're pulling his head down, crushing his lips to yours, showing him how much you want him.
"Please, Taishiro. Inside. Stretch me. Want to feel you. Make me cum again."
"God, fuck, okay, hold on, I - "
He wrenches himself away from you, subjecting you to a sudden emptiness and you silently chide yourself for immediately craving his body against yours again. He is pulling open a drawer at his bedside, retrieving a condom and a bottle of lube, his fingers clumsy and rushed as he handles them. He slows down enough to manoeuvre the condom out of its wrapper, sheathing himself with care. It stretches to its limit over his thickness, and he eyes you uncertainly while he pours lube into his palm, coating himself with a few pumps into his fist. You hold your arms out, beckoning him in, your face open, showing him just how much you want this. When you enclose him in your embrace, your kisses soft and tender on his eyes, cheeks, lips, he begins to lose himself in you again.
Your heated whispers ignite something inside him, because now his breathing has amped up once more, his body pushing you down more firmly. You're gasping again, as the coarse hairs of his chest scrape deliciously against your nipples, the rounded curve of his belly pushing solidly against yours. His cock is pulsing against your soaking folds, the lube warming from the heat of your body, rubbing back and forth until the head prods forward, slipping into you.
You gasp and clench slightly, and it's his turn to soothe and caress you.
"That's it. Come on - ah - yeah. So good, baby. Taking me just like that. Ah - please - oh God angel, love you, love your sweet pussy, love you, love you - "
His voice is rising steadily as he rocks into you, splitting you open inch by inch on his thick length. The lube and the earlier attention of his tongue and fingers have helped make you slick for him, and you bite your lip as he slides deeper, filling you to the brim. The discomfort and burning stretch are soothed by his careful thrusts and the way he places a hand under the small of your back, lifting gently so that you can take more of him.
At some point, he stops pressing further in, even though he's not completely sheathed, and focuses on building a rhythm between your bodies. The rough heat, the slide of his flesh inside yours, the mingling of your desperate breaths, all combine to create a cocoon of passion around the both of you that births a beautiful, wild, unfolding. You're wetter than you've ever been, the slapping sounds of his body against yours driving you both to cries and moans. He is so big, so hard, so good, and you're telling him so, clinging to his shoulders and back with abandon as he fucks you into the mattress.
In the past, you'd needed some form of clitoral stimulation to make you come from penetrative sex, but with Taishiro, it was completely different. The press of his weight onto your pubic mound, the angle of his thrusts, the heavenly pull and tug against your walls with every steady dig of his cock into you, drove you completely mad with pleasure.
You were aware, as if experiencing some out-of-body sensation, that this was the loudest you'd ever been, your broken cries, incoherent praises and short screams of pleasure echoed by his own deep grunts, pants and pleas. Something exhilarating, terrifying, beautiful was building inside you, something you'd never felt before. Your slightly panicked gaze caught his, reassured by the infinite tenderness and desire there.
"Taishi - I can't - "
"Come for me, angel. That's it, I gotcha. Come all over my cock, baby. Love how I fuck you like this? Oh God, so sweet. Your pussy's so good for me."
The sensation wasn't as sharp this time around, so the power of your orgasm catches you completely off guard. The spasm of your walls around him causes him to still his movements, cursing, moaning filthy praises and adoration in a heated mix. Your entire body arches off the bed, your mouth open in a silent scream, your face twisted with the seemingly endless waves of pure pleasure that throw your muscles into taut lines.
You're aware of him pulling out until just the tip lies inside, of the warm gush of liquid against his abdomen that makes him grunt. He waits until the spasm is over before pressing into you again, panting hard as he leaves himself there. Your chest is heaving in heavy gasps, tears of delight collecting in the corners of your eyes and trickling down your cheeks, and he kisses the moisture away. You're still ferociously sensitive, but not raw enough that he needs to pull out completely. He's close now, the impact of his deep thrusts making up for the slower pace he's taking. He's fucking you like he did his fist earlier, cords of sinew in his neck standing out, and now you can see his face, his blissed out expression, the effect you have on him.
Taishiro comes with a roar, face red and flushed, sweat collecting at the tip of his nose, and you're aware of just how much your lovemaking has heated up the room around you. You wrap your legs around his waist as far as they will go, whispering encouragement to him, telling him how good he's been for you. He groans out, utterly spent, but still holding himself up with shaky arms. You tip him gently to the side, gasping as he slips out, the full tip of the condom trailing down between your trembling thighs.
Taishiro isn't able to form words yet, and neither are you. He reaches for you, drawing you wordlessly into his embrace, kissing your hair and stroking a hand down the expanse of your back as you press your face into his neck. There isn't much need for speech, not when all the feelings you have for each other have been laid bare, all the loving declarations he made in your ear at the height of your passion are still hovering above the bed you share on gossamer wings.
After some time, the need to move and change the bedding drives you both from the comfortable nest of each other's arms. He whispers soft endearments to you as he helps you off the bed, the pleasant ache between your legs making you flinch slightly as you move. He pauses, hand enclosing yours in a firm grip.
"Did I hurt you?"
"No, not at all. I'm just... I may not be able to walk straight for a while, but in a good way."
He looks at you, that infinite warmth you both shared expanding in the space between you, and you're overcome by another fit of laughter as you bury your head against his shoulder. His voice is husky with delight, at the simple ability to have you this close.
"A good kinda feeling, huh?"
"Very good."
"That good?"
"You're a glutton for praise, now?"
"I'm a glutton for everything, especially you."
The kiss he pulls you into (before he cleans you up in the shower, before he traces the shape of your body as you lie on clean sheets) is as sweet as the one you wake up to the following morning. That's when the sun streams in through the windows, painting your skin and his with the glow of your first joining, and you feast yourself on his smile. 
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@g-kleran @dottedsilktie
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