rhodeswarriors · 3 years
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"Wait, so is Madam Whislash, and Doctor Kramer dating..?" Astesia to Blem!
“ Frankly speaking... “
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“ ... I’ve the littlest idea what’s going on... “
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fakepriest · 4 years
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you have forced his hand
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tiredstudents · 4 years
@fateswept​ said: "Intern Daniel." The vanguard walks over, with her expression aloof as usual, but her tone isn't. "Doctor requested you to have more field experience. So I will be assisting you today." Siege hands over a single paper, written on details on where to go, and what Daniel has to do. "If you can't do it, tell me."
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“It’s just “Daniel.” The Intern spoke as he stood up from his desk, the voice having stopped him from his work. It was strange that the Doctor would ask someone like him to go on a mission, he was not a full Operator yet, hell he didn’t even have a codename yet. However Daniel was not too surprised seeing as field experience has been a thing for him for some time after Kal’sit picked him to be her new student and intern. 
Upon turning around, the young man would blush a little bit, of course he was expecting to be accompanied by an Operator...but Siege? Now that was surprising, to say that Daniel was getting butterflies in his stomach was an understatement. Siege was amazing, beautiful and somehow, despite being aloof, could inspire people to follow her. 
“J-Just let me pack my t-things umm...can you please read out where we are going and what the mission is?” 
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theuniversalwoman · 4 years
@fateswept​ wondered “ Merlin vc: how are you still surviving after 4 pots of coffee? “
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“If you spread them out through enough time and have the body of a servant it’s not too hard! Though honestly I just kept drinking without thinking about it. I guess you could say I was really invested in my work.”
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dimensionaljumper · 4 years
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@fateswept​ said: Qrow from Rwby.
Send me a faceclaim and I’ll make an OC to fit them
Name: Maverick
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race:  Unknown, looks Human. 
Maverick is a travelings Swordsman, he goes where the wind takes him and very rarely speaks about his past. Normally he does good when he can before leaving without a trace. Some question whether or not he is even human at all. 
His past, as mentioned before, is largely unknown, but what few things he has given to certain people, are that he let his family down and they ended up paying for it. As well as the fact that he was once human but now isn’t. He is thus most likely cursed.
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“Heh...well well well..” Maverick grips the hilt of his blade, the Bandits he was facing stopped and turned to face the man. Because of this, the woman they were threatening seemed to flee. 
“What do ya want punk?” The leader asked as he stepped foreward. “Mind your own business.” Maverick just shakes his head and pulls out his sliver sword, before taking a stance. “Sorry. not happening.” 
Immediately one of the bandits blindly ran towards him, only to get sliced clean in two. The other bandits drew their swords and attacked as well, the clang of metal could be heard as sword brushed against sword. But Maverick had experience and these bandits did not, and so they lay dead on the floor. 
The Leader backed away, he seemed unharmed. “Scam.” The Swordsman said and the Bandi turned and fled. With that Mavrick would give a polite nod to the woman he saved and after finding out she was ok....he vanished like the wind.
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lybian-glass · 4 years
Enkidu squishes Djeeta's cheeks!
unprompted asks (always welcomed!)
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Aaah! She wasn’t expecting that but seeing one of her servants - she missed him a lot - is the cause of her squished cheeks, Djeeta couldn’t help but smile. She threw herself at him for a hug and didn’t want to let him go. “I’m back, dear~.” Of course, she was joking but hopefully, he didn’t think too much of it. 
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falconordered · 4 years
"Ah, welcome back Sir Silverash." Siege greets him, before handing him an new sour lollipop, "Came here to check up on the Doctor?"
[ unprompted ask; always accepting]
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「Ah, Siege.」 With a nod, he was glad to see a familiar face now that he has returned. Taking the lollipop from her, he took no time to taste it. He didn’t mind the sourness at all but let it sit in his mouth as he answered「Yes but I’m no hurry. I hope you’ve been well.」
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gallowking · 4 years
fateswept replied to your post: Glances away from the maid outfit conversation. 
“OHHH SANSONNNN!” - Merlin winks, “What? You don’t like the talk of maid outfits~?”
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Nope, nope. He’s walking away from this situation before it even starts. 
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nyrsdyner · 4 years
fateswept replied to your post “    “What in god’s name is going on?”
"Clearly, me milf hunting." - Merlin winks
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    “I feel bad for whomever your prey ends up being.” Uses reflect.
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everemore · 4 years
@fateswept​ replied to your post :  "I am telling everyone you are horny on main." - Merlin
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“Only for my king and my knight of course~ Now how would you like your coffin? I’ll make sure there are plenty of flowers.”
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xxyumeno · 4 years
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         Excuse you at a very specific bartender he shall not name. He is a simple man with simple needs! Unless you're going to be filling in for that, shhh~
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katatede · 5 years
fateswept replied to your post: “Where do all these cows keep coming from.”
“Well, where do all these insects keep coming?” Raikou smiles.
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“You have no right to speak to me, wench.”
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fatefulones · 5 years
fateswept replied to your post: “Oh for…HOW DID SHE GET IN HERE?!”
Vitch vc: Oh my Master-san, are you gonna squeal from pleasure like that? heehee~
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“I am not your master Alter Ego, is your master not the Alien God? Get the fuck out before I kill you.” More like have his servants do that but ...she gets what he means.
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malvidia · 5 years
@fateswept​ replied to your post “VERY IMPORTANT.                  ❝   stickers,   STICKERS  ,  yer’...”
"Please. Don't do me any favors! I can make a booklet of stickers." Merlin says
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              ❝   no way   !   a master never goes back on his word, so make yer' request,   MERLIN   !   no matter how simple or complicated, then i'll take the book   !   ❞   that is to say, he has, many times, gone back on his word. sadly, alex is quite the   HYPOCRITE.
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forthegrail · 4 years
starter for Merlin( @fateswept​ )
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“Come in! Come in Merlin! I hope you’re ready to try some of the best cheesecake I've ever come up with~!  Percival cheerfully ordered forcefully pulling the caster into the empty cafeteria dimly lit by the secondary lights before anyone else had seen them together. Locking the door behind them for security the knight knew this night was going to end wonderfully. “I know it’s against the rules for other servants then the cooking staff to be in here after hours but I had to make an exception for you.” 
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somnim-archived · 4 years
fateswept replied to your post:
wow i can’t wait for enkidu to slap gilbert
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