lexitoons · 6 months
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Shiivalon is a Holy Majesty, one of the 8 gods created to fight against the Destruction god's army thousands of years ago. Each Majesty was the master of an element, with Shiivalon being ice. The elements are Light, Dark, Fire, Ice, Wind, Electricity, Water, and Earth. The destroyers use Chaos energy unlike the Creationists, which can manifest as various abilities and powers. After the first major clash of the two sides, the Majesties had children with the people of Halgaria to increase the amount of element users in the world to fight against the destroyers, who had scattered after the battle. They are the progenitor gods of the elements.
Shiivalon is a goat faunim with goat ears and horns, and I tried to loosely base his outfit off of old Scandinavian clothing. He has a lame right arm - he can move it a little bit, but unable to really use it much, so he covers it as a part of his outfit.
All the Majesties have a double letter in their names.
Shiivalon is the cynic of the group. He's not afraid of calling people out on their bullshit - especially Flayrren, the fire majesty. He doesn't get along with the fire goddess because she's quite brash. He's just tired of everything. He likes to keep things tidy and stay organized, and takes a lot of naps.
His name and design are subject to change, this is actually an old sketch from late 2020. His weapon is definitely going to change, I need to make it fancier haha.
Halgaria Folder: www.deviantart.com/lexitoons/g…
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ainews · 3 months
Mimes who are fauns, also known as faunimes, lead a unique and fascinating lifestyle that is often misunderstood by others. These mythical creatures combine the grace and elegance of mimes with the wild and playful nature of fauns, creating a truly enchanting existence. One important aspect of their culture that may seem strange to outsiders is their use of spotlights in their marriage rituals.
Spotlights hold significant symbolism for faunimes when it comes to marriage. These creatures are highly attuned to nature and its elements, and they see spotlights as a representation of the sun’s rays. Just as the sun brings warmth and life to the earth, spotlights are seen as a source of light and love in a marriage. They are also a reminder of the unity and balance between the faun and mime halves of their identity.
During a faunime marriage ceremony, spotlights are used in various ways to symbolize different aspects of their union. The couple stands under a spotlight as they exchange vows, signifying that they are the center of each other's world. This also represents their dedication to shine light on their love and radiate it out to the world around them.
In traditional faunime culture, spotlights are also used to represent fertility and new beginnings. During the ceremony, the couple dances together under spotlights, signifying the cycle of life and the creation of a new family. This dance is not only a celebration of their love, but also a way to honor their faun and mime heritage.
Spotlights also play a crucial role in the wedding reception. Faunime couples often have an outdoor celebration, and spotlights are strategically placed around the venue to create a magical and ethereal atmosphere. The soft glow of the lights adds to the romantic ambiance and sets the stage for the newlyweds' first dance as a married couple.
But why spotlights specifically? For faunimes, it goes beyond just the symbolic meaning. Spotlights also have a practical purpose in their marriage rituals. As creatures of the forest, faunimes have sensitive eyes and are easily blinded by harsh lights. Spotlights, with their diffused brightness, provide the perfect lighting for their ceremonies and festivities without causing any discomfort.
To outsiders, the use of spotlights in faunime marriages may seem unusual. But for these creatures, they hold deep meaning and are an integral part of their identity and culture. They serve as a reminder of the harmony between the natural and mystical aspects of their existence and the eternal bond between a faun and a mime in love.
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hybbat · 7 years
Why can't I live in a world with faunime...
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lexitoons · 6 months
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Soulin, commonly referred to as Lin, is prince of the Flayyr Kingdom, the most prestigious and powerful fire kingdom in Halgaria. It's a land far east from the Dojo. They are prominent political figures at the Roundtable of Nations and the greatest rivals of the Dark Houses - of which Ijii used to be associated with. Lin was sent off to hone his fire abilities at the Halgarian Dojo where Crystal, Ijii, and Haley train as well. 
The king and queen of Flayyr wanted their son to be trained by the best dojo in the world led by the Master, a renowned warrior with vast wisdom, to fight off the increasing Destroyer threat encroaching onto their land. Lin is also of age to marry, and was sent off to hopefully meet a worthy bride for the kingdom. He's not too pleased about that, as he just wants to focus on learning to protect his people.
Due to his status, crowds of fangirls will constantly bother him, many asking to be his bride. He has trouble saying no and telling them to leave, so he gets held up for a while when this happens, very inconvenient.
Lin's hair piece on the left side of his head indicates to others that he's looking to marry. A prince/princess from Flayrr will keep a piece of their hair tied up like that until they are married. He's not allowed to go into public without tying a piece of his hair like that, his parents ordered him.
Lin is calm, suave, polite, occasionally savage when it comes to roasting, and a little awkward sometimes with his friends. Very tall. 23 - 24 years old. Fox Faunim - human with fox attributes. He often slightly hides behind fans when speaking to others who aren't close to him. When not in use, he keeps them in his large sleeves to pull out at any time - in fact, the keeps all sorts of stuff in there to prepare for any situation.
He's the healer/mage of the initial group. Slow and defensively frail, but utilizes various magical abilities and power ups his allies. He can also use explosive paper bombs, that he keeps in his sleeves until needed. He lights them on fire and sends them towards the enemy. They explode after a little bit, or when he wills it through his fire.
Halgaria Folder: www.deviantart.com/lexitoons/g…
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lexitoons · 6 months
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Haley is a rabbit faunim and electric user who studies/trains at the Halgarian Dojo alongside the rest of the heroes. A former full time comedian and adult performer, she joined the dojo to attain her goal of stardom.
Her goal in life is to find the fabled Rumble Scythe of Akkerae, (the progenitor god of Electricity). The scythe was lost hundreds of years ago, and if she finds and learns to wield it in battle, she will definitely become famous. She will achieve her dream! So she taught herself to use scythes as her weapon of choice. She becomes Crystal’s roommate and acts as a sisterly figure.
Haley is very flirty, sassy, and socially POWERFUL. Do NOT piss her off if you want your reputation to survive. She used to be an adult entertainer and comedian full time, but now does a few gigs occasionally due to her studies at the Dojo.
She wears a rounded newsboy hat that always covers her right eye, along with her hair.
- Only when she is excited or shocked the hat/hair will lift up and you’ll see her right eye. - There are holes cut out on the top of the hat where her rabbit ears poke out. - She has human ears as well*, and those are the functioning ones - she can move her rabbit ears but she can’t hear out of them. (this is up to change, I may remove the human ears in future design sheets but you can draw them if you want or not.) - Short bunny tail. - She also wears tall boots, her overall outfit is tame enough for everyday clothing - only because she was scolded by the Dojo Master - her outfit before officially joining the school was "too much."
Haley gives nicknames to everybody: Calls people Sugar/Honey a lot in general.
She’s not actually “famous/well-known” from her entertainer days, but has a couple fans. It was a really small place. It was the only semi-permanent gig she could get. Y’know when you’re starting out as a musician and all you can get is like an arcade or a senior center? It’s that kind of energy. She longs for bigger stardom.
Very busy and social, always going out.
She constantly skips class and forgets to do homework. Daydreams and sleeps a lot in class. Would walk in late with a medium-sized Dunks (coffee). In contrast to her appearance, her penmanship is utter dogshit. She’s very self-conscious about it…don’t bring it up or you’ll be sorry. Crystal helps her because that’s what besties do.
She doesn’t think she’ll be any good when fighting but wrecks everything when she’s pissed.
Having lost her parents at a young age, her older brother became her guardian - their age difference is so significant some people thought he was her father.
Her brother, Lucien, is a world renowned scientist of Halgaria - the Roundtable of Nations often call him in for his research on Destroyer technology. When Haley was around 18 she told her brother her dream of finding the scythe, and he was against it. Haley mentioned that she wanted to find it so she could become strong, and get revenge for their parents. It still didn't convince him, it was too dangerous.
Eventually he finally caved and let her pursue this dream of hers on one condition: He thought it was a good idea to be trained at the most prestigious dojo in all of Halgaria, the same dojo responsible for creating the main force of fighters who fight against the most powerful of Destroyers. If Haley wanted to become strong to find the scythe, this is the way to do it.
Before sending her off, her brother developed a scythe similar to the real Rumble Scythe, made from mysterious metals the Destroyer's created in their factories. He's been studying their weapons for years, so he believes weapons made from their metals are safe to use after various experiments. It conducts Electricity significantly more than standard metals. The scythe is also able to shape-shift into different forms, giving her options when she fights. She can fly around on the scythe using electro-magnetism.
She will get extreme separation anxiety if she's caught in a fight without her scythe. When she wields it, Haley feels strong and invulnerable. High confidence. It's able to shrink down to a size where she can attach it to her belt, but sometimes she'll leave it in her room to go shopping or do other casual things - where she wouldn't expect a fight.
She's a complete and utter mess and I love her so much. Halgaria Folder: www.deviantart.com/lexitoons/g…
Bottom art illustrated by PapaTeaRam
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lexitoons · 7 months
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Side character from Halgaria.
Affiliation: Creationist, Wind User, Freelancer Gender: He/they (interchangeable, fine with either) Species: Human Age: 19 Height: ~5ft/152cm
"Banished from the capital monastery for his temper and drug use, Shura travels the world making a living as one of the fabled "wind artists." Unlike other artists, wind users are able to create particular markings and strokes seen nowhere else. Due to the elusive nature of their people, art from wind artists are incredibly valuable and sought after. Despite being homeless, Shura makes more than enough to get by - he could absolutely buy land and settle down if he wanted to, but he would rather enjoy the thrill of travel and painting new scenery. Loves a good nap."
"Normally very chill and laidback, but if he loses his temper he erupts with catastrophic, unbridled energy. Unable to control himself, he will leave behind large craters in his wake. People who stumble upon them believe only a Destroyer could do such damage. Other than the capital incident, no one has seen him lose his temper. Locals will be on the hunt for the "crater maker" while unknowingly inviting him into their villages."
"He wears traditional wind monk clothing with a few additions of his own. The faux tail feathers attached to the back are there for those who lack them. Bird faunim with their own feathers are not required to use the attachment. All monks wear this clothing to honor the legacy of Meariis the Wind Majesty, the progenitor goddess of the wind element. Her body remains at the capital as a self mummified statue to be worshipped."
Shura is a side character Crystal and the others will team up with down the line. They have a tamed Mudillo named Daisy who they travel with after the banishment. She carries their art supplies and other valuables. He always has a tired, bored look in his eyes. Originally he was an eagle faunim, but I needed more human characters to balance the cast out. 
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lexitoons · 7 months
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One of the main characters from Halgaria - Spirit Pursuit, a personal project/story of mine. Crystal, also known as Kris, is a charismatic martial arts novice who utilizes the element of Light, which allows the user to create barriers around themselves, toughen their exterior, manipulate bodily attributes, and much more. She is the last remaining Light user in Halgaria, and the unprecedented descendent of the goddess of Light - who disappeared long ago. Her discovery kickstarts a timeline of events that will determine the fate of the world. Her smile and positive aura is enough to disarm the cruelest of foes. She is known as a "Faunim," a race of human-like beings with animalistic features. The type of animal and amount of body parts vary. She is a fictional species of animal called a Longtails, sort of a mix between a wolf and a lion. Humans exist alongside Faunim and Pobbles as Creationist Races (those who support the god of Creation, unlike the Destroyers) She sets out to train with the rest of the heroes to put an end to the Majesty War, and to regain Creationist control of the world. Awakened with a hazy memory, she fights alongside her friends to vanquish her ancestor's enemies, who have continued to ravage the world for generations. The story follows her journey of self discovery and uncovering secrets of the Destroyers, hoping to put an end to their tyranny. Together with her friends Ijii: the vagabond swordsman, Soulin: prince of the Flayyr kingdom, and Haley: the seductive superstar, they form The Pack, a powerful team of fighters tasked at quelling the presence of Destroyers in their disheveled world. Ijii is her main personal trainer, enforced by the Halgarian dojo master despite his protests. He is quite suspicious of her when they first meet, and often overdoes it with her exercises. At first she despises him, but they eventually become friends, even though Ijii hates to admit it. He's not good with feelings.  Although she can be decently fast, she's more of a defensive, strong, tank-like character - meant for taking the most hits and aggro.
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lexitoons · 6 months
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Sketched some Pobbles, one of the races of Halgaria. They were left unfinished during creation, leaving them without physical arms. To survive, their spirits forcefully erupted from their bodies, and can shape-shift them to a certain degree. Typically associated with the Creationists (those who fight for the god of Creation), alongside Humans and Faunim, some Destroyer civilizations capture and utilize them for their specific skills - so they can be associated with either side of the war. Pobble soldiers use saw or drill shields to push their targets, using a weapon of choice in the other hand to finish the job. They can stretch their arms forward a good amount, which are impervious to physical attacks, making them more useful in battle than one may think. The unfortunate truth is that they aren't respected as much as other "human-like" races. They are usually sent out on the front lines by force due to their usefulness, and as a result many of them die. Many people fight for their equality to end this practice. As mentioned before, they can also fly as long as they hold their breathe. Their villages are usually built high off the ground to avoid dealing with monsters. From an early age they are taught to fly so they can navigate their homes. Halgaria Folder: www.deviantart.com/lexitoons/g…
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