#fauve pan
ginevrastilinski-ocs · 3 months
EAH OCs Finally!
After my fancast (so so proud of it!), finally here to introduce my Ever After High ocs! Gonna tag @manyfandomocs my boy bc it's totally his fault. 🥺💚
Albert "Albie" White - future White King; while the White Queen and his sister Chessie escaped Wonderland, he was left behind and trapped in his world Goes to Wonderland High; Chase Redford ship FC: Archie Renaux
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Raya Genie - the future Genie In The Lamp; a Rebel because they don't want to live most of their life trapped in a lamp Her roommate is Meeshell Mermaid; TBD ship FC: Nora Dari
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Mayura Peacock - future Peacock Princess; absolutely Royal baby; has so many different names in different languages so simply goes by Peacock lol Her roommate is Farrah Goodfairy; TBD ship FC: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Fauve Pan - future Peter Pan; refused to pick a side until Poppy came out with the "Roybel" thing and she simply loved it lol Her roommate and ship is Wisteria Darling (and they were roommates lmao) FC: Madelyn Cline
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Wisteria Darling - future Wendy Darling; former Royal, becomes a Rebel because she wants to have her happy ending with her love and not grow up and marrying someone else like her mother Her roommate and ship is Fauve Pan (and they were roommates!) FC: Bailee Madison
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Eileen Hook - future Captain Hook; Royal bc she can't wait to have her own ship, crew and generally being a pirate (well, she would prefer not give up her hand, but is ready to do it if she needs to) Her roommate is Melody Piper; Cerise Hood ship FC: Melissa Barrera
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Clarion Nutcracker - future Nutcracker; Rebel just out of spite bc she actually likes her future, but wants to be a nightmare for Milton that bitch; absolutely not named after Clara idk what you're talking about Her roommate is Duchess Swan; TBD ship FC: Sadie Soverall
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Janice Grimm - future Milton Grimm aka keeper of the stories; acts like she stands for her father's rules, actually wants just to burn down the Storybook Of Legends bc she doesn't want to curse and lock up her baby brother for years and years duh (also, she wants her friends to be free to choose their own stories and not be their parents); Her roommate is Darling Charming; TBD ship FC: Kaylee Bryant
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Wallace Grimm - future Giles Grimm; he's sure to be adopted so he doesn't actually worry too much about his destiny since he thinks he can break the rules by being not related by blood; also, everyone else at first think he doesn't have a destiny bc they don't know about Giles existence; follows mostly Royal subjects so... technically a royal? But after Poppy he's way more a Roybel His roommate is Sparrow Hood; Hunter & Ashlynn ship FC: Hunter Doohan
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Damita Danish - future Princess On The Pea; Royal baby; mainly lives on vibes; only thing that I know for sure that she has so many troubles with sleeping and she hates that Her roommate is Rosabella Beauty; TBD ship FC: Millie Bobby Brown (might get recasted ngl)
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Devon Gale - future Dorothy Gale; 100% Royal since he can't wait to visit Oz (but he understands why some of his friends want to have a different destiny) His roommate is Alistair Wonderland; TBD ship FC: Joshua Bassett
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radiokathryn-if · 8 months
What are the RO's sexualities? :)
all ROs are a form of bi/pan. some are specifically MC-mancers. preferences do not lock out other!gender!MCs, they're just preferences.
Nate──Pansexual, Polyamorous
Eva──Bisexual with a preference for women, Polyamorous
Mica──Bisexual, Monogamous
Detective Han──Demisexual, Monogamous
José──Bisexual with a preference for non binary people, Monogamous
Ji Han──Omnisexual, Polyamorous
Fauve──Omnisexual, Polyamorous
Jackson──Bisexual, Monogamous
???──Pansexual, Polyamorous
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blossom--of--snow · 7 months
Happy birthday, @glittermermaid18!
When Darcy proposed a long weekend in the Hamptons with Fauve, Maggy almost missed the caution in his tone, like tip toeing around shards of glass. “She is too small,” she said, not looking up from the work she brought home.
“We aren’t, and she won’t be out of our sight for a second.” When Maggy didn’t respond, Darcy moseyed around his partner’s desk and sat on the edge. Maggy felt his gaze on her, imploring her to look at him, but she refused, so she didn’t see the look he sent heavenward, as he often did when he wished Teddy would help him from where he hoped she rested.
“She can’t be denied things because you’re afraid, Maggy.”
Darcy had stepped right on a shard. With rage hot in her tears, Maggy glared up at him. “Until you know the gaping emptiness I feel when I open my eyes every morning, until you carry the guilt I live with, you have no right—”
“I don’t,” Darcy admitted, his voice and his touch soft as he wiped her tears away. “But I love you, so I’m risking your anger so that you don’t do something you’ll hate yourself for later.” With a frustrated sigh, Maggy leaned into Darcy’s touch, and he knelt before her. “Let me take you away. Let Fauve explore someplace new and horse around in the ocean with me. You’ll have a good laugh watching her pummel me with her pool toys in the name of piracy.”
Finally, Maggy smiled. “It’s your own fault for reading her Peter Pan.”
Letting his hand fall to Maggy’s knees, Darcy scoffed. “How was I supposed to know she wouldn’t latch on to one of the lost boys? Or Peter for that matter?”
Maggy tutted at him. “In the film, the pirates had catchier tunes.”
Darcy arched an eyebrow. “And who took her to see that?”
Smiling at the memory of Fauve in her lap at the pictures, Maggy held out a hand. “Coconspirators?”
Instead of shaking Maggy’s hand, Darcy kissed the back of it. “Always.”
Maggy knew Darcy had been right the second Fauve saw the ocean. Fauve, who always had something to say, gaped at the expanse of the water that stretched on to the furthest horizon. Even so, Maggy eyed the tide warily, watching it lap at the shore, hungry for more of what was left of her family.
Fauve squirmed in her hold. “Magali, you’re hugging me too tight.”
Darcy’s hands massaged her shoulders. It’s alright, she felt him say. I’m right here. We’re both right here.
“I’m sorry, darling.” Maggy had insisted on carrying the four-year-old all the way down to the stretch of private beach, and now knelt down with Fauve so that she wouldn’t have to let go when her granddaughter’s feet first touched the sand.
Fauve gasped and giggled at the grainy feeling of the sand tickling her toes.
“What do you think, Fauve?” Darcy squatted down on Fauve’s other side, his smile brighter than the sun glistening on the water.
“It’s so big,” Fauve gasped.
So vast, Maggy thought, full of riptides and undercurrents and—
“Take me in, Darcy!”
“Wait!” The urgency in her tone must have scared Fauve, for her eyes were wide when she looked up at her grandmother. “I’m sorry, my darling,” she said, trying to smile. “I just don’t want you to go in without your little bubble.”
As Maggy rummaged through her bag for the floatation device, Fauve tugged on her arm. “Darcy can hold me! I want to go in!”
Luckily, Maggy wrenched the buoy out of the bag before Fauve’s impatience could mount into a tantrum, or worse, defiance. “Ah, here we are! Come here.” Fauve slipped her arms through the straps of the device, situated on her back, but Maggy’s hands shook as she tried to fasten the straps around Fauve’s stomach.
Darcy crawled next to her and took each of her trembling hands in his. “I’ll finish up here,” he said, the levity in his tone for Fauve’s benefit and the kiss on Maggy’s cheek for hers. “Why don’t you lay out the towels, Maggy? I’ll come up and set up the umbrella for you after I introduce Fauve to the sea. We can take it from here, can’t we, Captain?”
“We can, Smee!”
Forcing herself not to kiss Fauve goodbye, Maggy rose as Darcy tore his shirt over his head and hoisted Fauve over his shoulder. Even wound up by anxiety, Maggy couldn’t help but smile at her granddaughter’s peals of laughter as Darcy hoisted her onto his shoulders, and let her eyes linger over the muscles in Darcy’s back as he jogged toward the surf. She managed to pretend to focus on laying out their towels, but as soon as she heard a splash, her head snapped up. Darcy sat with Fauve on the sandbar, holding his hands up in front of his face as Fauve stood, unleashing an aquatic assault.
For the first time all morning, Maggy laughed.
Throughout the day, Maggy pretended to pay attention to her book, while studiously watching Fauve, but eventually it became about watching Darcy with Fauve. He’d loved Fauve from the day Maggy brought her home, and as Fauve grew, so did his involvement in her life. Fauve would not suffer the consequences of the lack of a father figure in her life, not like her mother had.
And that, even though Fauve and Darcy’s relationship delighted Maggy to no end, darkened Maggy’s thoughts as she watched them—the idea that Teddy might be alive if Maggy had only said yes to Darcy the first time he asked her to marry him. In Fauve’s giggles, Maggy could hear Teddy’s, and she found herself wiping tears from her eyes as Fauve ran toward her, tottering on the uneven sand.
“Magali, will you come build a sandcastle with us?”
The thought of going near the water made Maggy want to scream, but there was nothing she wouldn’t do for Fauve. “First, let me put some more lotion on your pink little cheeks.”
“I like pink.”
Maggy produced the sunscreen from her bag of tricks with a barely suppressed giggle. “You won’t like it later. Viens ici, ma cherie.” She squeezed a couple of dabs on her thumbs and rubbed them into Fauve’s cheeks. This close to Maggy, Fauve could reach out and touch her grandmother’s wet cheek.
“Are you sad, Magali?”
Maggy kissed one of Fauve’s hands, covered in sand. “I was, but you’re here now, and we’re going to build a castle.”
“I should have moved the umbrella when you came to build the sandcastle with us.” Darcy massaged after-sun lotion into Maggy’s skin as they lay in bed together that afternoon. She lay on her stomach, topless, with her pink skin exposed to Darcy’s capable hands. “I’m sorry, cupcake.”
“It’s not so bad,” Maggy said, trying not to wince. “You get me topless in the middle of the day, and I get a massage.”
Darcy hummed and fanned out his fingers to skim the sides of her breasts. “I win on both fronts.” Maggy’s low laughter gave way to an easy silence, and Darcy almost thought Maggy had fallen asleep until she spoke again.
“Thank you for taking such good care of Fauve today.”
His work done, Darcy lowered himself onto his stomach next to Maggy, pressing a kiss to her forehead, warm from the sun. “It was fun.”
“Even when you were swallowing saltwater?”
“I’m sure I deserved it.” A heavy silence descended then, both of them thinking of Teddy, the reason for Maggy’s anxiety about Fauve, but Darcy broke it. “You don’t have to thank me, you know. It’s never…a chore, taking care of you and Fauve however I can.”
However I’ll let you, Maggy thought bitterly. “I know I don’t,” she said, “but you don’t have to take care of us. In fact, I’ve spent the better part of our relationship fighting you on that front.” And it might have cost Teddy her life. “But you persist in showing us you love us when most men would run for the hills.”
With Maggy’s back covered with lotion, Darcy dismounted and lay on his stomach beside his lover. “I’m not running anywhere without you.”
Maggy propped herself up on her elbows and kissed his tanned shoulder. If only life had not been so unkind to that naïve child she’d once been. That child would have married Jason Darcy the first time he asked. This is enough, she convinced herself again. He knows this is all I can give, and it’s enough. But as Darcy kissed her gently as he had a thousand times, Maggy found herself yearning for more than she was ready to give. If he’d asked her right then to marry him, she would have said yes.
But a little knock at their door popped the bubble Maggy allowed herself to float away on.
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iamjustsonow · 2 years
Ce qu'il reste des lieux
Jour 6
Je pourrais dessiner de mémoire la maison de mère-grand et son jardin, le poulailler et le potager. Le poèle, la poupée, immense, de fête foraine assise sur le lit, les fleurs du poirier dans les bouteilles en verre, le clou pour accrocher les lapins, le buisson de groseilles à maquereaux, la lessiveuse où on prenait le bain au soleil, les couleurs des fleurs. Celle de grand-mère aussi, le verger, le tonneau à chou, la chambre mystère, le grenier caverne d'Ali Baba, les photos figées portraits des aïeux sur les murs, la cuisine et la chaise où debout je l'aidais à faire les tartes, les floucs, les boulettes de riz. Les parfums de cancoillotte, de prune, de spaetzles, de saucisses et de jambons qui sèchent dans la cave.
La colline de mon enfance, défi à vélo pour mes petites jambes, ma mère disparaissait quand j'arrivais en haut, cachée par les hautes herbes. Frayeur d'un instant de ne pas la retrouver au virage suivant, toute petite dans sa robe à fleurs, la main en visière pour mieux me suivre.
La plage du Touquet, les embruns, l'immensité, la froideur de l'eau, les algues, la vitesse de mon char à voile, le ciel qui se confond avec la mer, mon épuisette et mon panier à crabes. Le bar de Stella plage, le picon bière et le mini golf. Ce bleu délavé dans les dunes. Et l'acreté grasse des barraques à frites.
New York et le vertige, le bruit des rues, des gens, la musique qui dégueule des énormes postes sur les épaules, les lumières partout, le spectacle à Broadway, les taxis jaunes, les street food mustard and ketchup, la foule bigarrée et pressée, ce ciel qu'on cherche en se tordant le cou, les ascenseurs qui n'en finissent pas de monter, les policiers à cheval. La démesure.
La costa Brava, les churros, le pan con tomato, le sable brûlant de l'après-midi et la mer d'huile au petit matin. La course de catamaran, le sel sur ma peau brunie, le sexe dans les criques. Les nuits fauves, le rhum coca, le petit village dans la montagne et le bain de minuit.
Granville et la chambre blanche. Le port, la vieille ville, le marché. La plage et le casino de Saint pair sur mer. Le silence et le vent d'octobre, la chaleur douce du mois d'avril. La solitude, le secret et le désir.
Nantes, l'île aux machines. Un éléphant géant de métal qui marche et crache de l'eau. Des spritz et un anniversaire, un parc, des sculptures, une manifestation, des rires, des merveilleux et du champagne. Des graffitis, des maisons colorées, des succulentes.
Il y en a tant des lieux.
Ce qu'il reste des lieux, c'est la vie.
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9 people you'd like to know better
Currently watching: Special - Season 2
Currently reading: Peter Pan (J.M. Barrie)
Current obsession: None (looking for a new one :( ) Thank you @lalunaelepleiadi for the tag!
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rhyming-fellowship · 3 years
Jatp Dogs
This is not who the characters would be. This is the dog they would own! Also, obviously, most of them would just go to the SPCA and adopt a mutt, but that's not what this is about.
Julie Molina - Basset Fauve
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She just thinks it's cute and so do I.
Luke Patterson - Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retreiver
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Luke wants a medium size dog that's fairly active and friendly, but not a Golden Retriever.
Reggie Peters - Flat Coated Retriever
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Called Peter Pan dogs because they're happy and playful forever, Reggie wants a dog that loves to play.
Alex Mercer - Border Collie
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Dogs are too much responsibility for Alex, but if he's gonna get one it's gonna be fucking smart.
Willie - Australian Shepard
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Like Reggie, he wants a playful dog, but also smart and loyal. Plus he thinks the blue eyes are dope.
Flynn - Boston Terrier
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Flynn is a girl on the go and she needs a dog that she can bring on a plane, a train, and that can happily live in her penthouse apartment.
Carrie- Saluki
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Carrie's dog needs to be as fabulous as she is. Carrie wants you to feel like her dog is judging you. Because it is.
Bobby - Boxer
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Bobby likes Boxers, Trevor could be convinced to get one, but will probably just be stuck walking Carrie's Saluki while she's at rehearsal.
Caleb - Giant Schnauzer
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They're fancy enough that they don't ruin his vibe, but also good at guarding. Plus, he'd never have a dog that's more high maintenance than him. Ernesto ends up taking care of it.
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7xwc · 3 years
oK french music! strong emphasis on lyrics anything by stromae, angèle, charlotte cardin, eddy de pretto, clara luciani, claire laffut, fauve et vendredi sur mer! super amazing just mUsic like more beat heavy you can find with polo et pan, bleu toucan, la femme, l'impératrice, paradis (!!!!) and bon entendeur! basically all my faves!
u like angèle :') can i be more in love with ya geez <33
bestie this is amazing, im gonna save the names and listen to it all in a minute. thank uuuuuu so much <333
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schismic-sind · 3 years
I was tagged by my number one tumblr fangirl
relationship status: yiiikes *to be read in Morgan Freeman’s voice*
favorite color: Midnight blue/Indigo - Fauve/Peru/Sandybrown/Wheat - Ghostwhite
three favorite foods: 
- The India Club in Berlin: Best freakin Indian ever. By the end of the meal I leaned into the back of my chair, full from all the glorious delights, and uttered these words: “I wish for this to be the last lingering taste in my mouth as I move into the next realm”
- Mongolian Grill: We used to go there as kids, and it’s one of those places like hibachi where they cook in front of you, plus we used to “make our own” omelets with the chef by throwing eggs across the kitchen aiming at their pans.. it was as wildly entertaining as it was delicious 
Fogo de Chao: I mean come on, it’s a buffet a volonté of the highest quality meats being served directly into your plate from the arms of nomade meat-stick men
the last thing I googled: The psychology of Vulnerability
time: 10:25 pm
dream trip: Road trip around america with a stop at:
- NASA Johson as well as the Kennedy space center 
- New York and go to the World Science Festival
- Baltimore: visit the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research + go to a Ravens home game
- go on a DMT trip
- a FREAKIN WATERFALL BRUH, also go swin in a meteor creator
- Visit Peru/Ecuador
- Maybe go play volleyball on that famous Brazilian beach
- Visit California for real this time
- Meet Matthew Mcconaughey, Oprah, Tony Robbins, Craig Ferguson, Craig Robinson, Chris hadfield, Dr Shefali, Brian Greene, Martin Seligman, Ekhart Tolle, Chris Pratt, an NFL Head Coach, Kati Morton, one of my favorite Mangakas or one of my favorite musical artists
- Go back to Vegas, but as an adult
currently craving (can be anything): A rum and coke by the ocean, with a lil’ breeze and some friends
last song: Playlist - Le Motif
last movie: Going in style with older Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine, it was good but nothing special
Currently watching: rewatching The Good Place with my mother and it’s aweeesome
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mariamalattabi55 · 4 years
Henri Matisse
Henri Emile Benoit Matisse, was born on the 31st of December 1869 and died on the 3rd of November 1954. He was a French artist, Known for both his use of colour and his fluid and original draughtsmanship. He was a draughtsman, printmaker, and sculptor, but is known primarily as a painter. Matisse is commonly regarded, along with Pablo Picasso, as one of the artists who best helped to define the revolutionary developments in the visual arts throughout the opening decades of the twentieth century, responsible for significant developments in the painting and sculpture.
The intense colorise of the works he painted between 1900 and 1905 brought him notoriety as one of the Fauves (wild beast). Many of his finest works were created in the decade of so after 1906, when he developed a rigorous style that emphasised flattened forms and decorative pattern. In 1917, he relocated to a suburb of Nice on the French Riviera, and the more relaxed style of his work during the 1920s gained him critical acclaim as an up holder of the classical tradition in French painting. After 1930, he adopted a bolder simplification of form.
When ill health struck him in his final years it prevented him from painting, he created an important body of work in the medium of cut paper collage. 
His mastery of the expressive language of colour and drawing, displayed in a body of work panning over a half-century, won him recognition as a leading figure in modern art.
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Which one fell first, Fauve or Wisteria?
Fauve and Wisteria yes my babies!
Fauve is very wild about this because she didn't understand it at first. She was all like "wait, why I'm feeling like this? Oh yeah it must be friendship!!" (darling pls). Wisteria is way more self-conscious but she's afraid to ruin everything. However! Wisteria probably fell first
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georgetheblob-art · 5 years
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*clanging pots and pans gently* hey!!! vengeance gifts for my fwends @kaiju-vibin and @fauveshumankaiju!!!
we gots Vibin’s excellent take on the stronk shrimp Ebirah and Fauve flavor Mothzilla!! thank you to both of you for being so kind to me and for making such wonderful things all the time ❣❣❣❣
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cinemavariety · 5 years
2019 Oscar Nominees
Best Picture “Black Panther” “BlacKkKlansman” “Bohemian Rhapsody” “The Favourite” “Green Book” “Roma” “A Star Is Born” “Vice”
Best Director Spike Lee (“BlacKkKlansman”) Pawel Pawlikowski (“Cold War”) Yorgos Lanthimos (“The Favourite”) Alfonso Cuaron (“Roma”) Adam McKay (“Vice”)
Best Actor Christian Bale (“Vice”) Rami Malek (“Bohemian Rhapsody” Bradley Cooper (“A Star Is Born”) Willem Dafoe (“At Eternity’s Gate”) Viggo Mortensen (“Green Book”)
Best Actress Yalitza Aparicio (“Roma”) Glenn Close (“The Wife”) Olivia Colman (“The Favourite”) Lady Gaga (“A Star Is Born”) Melissa McCarthy (“Can You Ever Forgive Me?”)
Supporting Actor Mahershala Ali (“Green Book”) Richard E. Grant (“Can You Ever Forgive Me?”) Sam Elliott (“A Star Is Born”) Sam Rockwell (“Vice”) Adam Driver (“BlacKkKlansman”)
Supporting Actress Regina King (“If Beale Street Could Talk”) Amy Adams (“Vice”) Marina De Tavira (“Roma”) Rachel Weisz (“The Favourite”) Emma Stone (“The Favourite”)
Adapted Screenplay “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” “BlacKkKlansman” “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” “If Beale Street Could Talk” “A Star Is Born”
Best Original Screenplay “The Favourite” “First Reformed” “Green Book” “Roma” “Vice”
Animated Feature “Incredibles 2” “Isle of Dogs” “Mirai” “Ralph Breaks the Internet” “Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Foreign Language Film “Capernaum” (Lebanon) “Cold War” (Poland) “Never Look Away” (Germany) “Roma” (Mexico) “Shoplifters” (Japan)
Best Documentary “Free Solo” “Hale County This Morning This Evening” “Minding the Gap” “Of Fathers and Sons” “RBG”
Best Cinematography “Cold War” “The Favourite” “Never Look Away” “Roma” “A Star Is Born”
Best Costume Design “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” “Black Panther” “Mary Poppins Returns” “The Favourite” “Mary Queen of Scots”
Film Editing “BlacKkklansman” “Bohemian Rhapsody” “The Favourite” “Green Book” “Vice”
Makeup and Hairstyling “Border” “Mary Queen of Scots” “Vice”
Original Score “Black Panther” “BlacKkKlansman” “If Beale Street Could Talk” “Isle of Dogs” “Mary Poppins Returns”
Original Song “All the Stars” (“Black Panther”) “I’ll Fight” (“RBG”) “The Place Where Lost Things Go” (“Mary Poppins Returns”) “Shallow” (“A Star Is Born”) “When a Cowboy Trades His Spurs for Wings” (“The Ballad of Buster Scruggs”
Production Design “Black Panther” “The Favourite” “First Man” “Mary Poppins Returns” “Roma”
Sound Editing “Black Panther” “Bohemian Rhapsody” “First Man” “A Quiet Place” “Roma”
Sound Mixing “Black Panther” “A Star Is Born” “Bohemian Rhapsody” “Roma” “First Man”
Visual Effects “Avengers: Infinity War” “Christopher Robin” “First Man” “Ready Player One” “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
Documentary (Short Subject) “Black Sheep” “End Game” “Lifeboat” “A Night at the Garden” “Period. End of Sentence.”
Short Film (Animated) “Animal Behaviour” “Bao” “Late Afternoon” “One Small Step” “Weekends”
Short Film (Live Action) “Detainment” “Skin” “Marguerite” “Fauve” “Mother”
Okay, time for me to rant. I honestly believe 2018 was one of the best years for cinema in as long as I can remember. That being said, this years nominees is seriously disappointing - one of the worst list of nominations I have ever seen in the history of the Academy.
- First of all, why is Vice getting so many nominations? I have yet to see it, so I will reserve my full judgment. However, the film was panned by almost every critic so I am a little confused as to why it is being so recognized.
- Toni Colette deserved the nomination for her powerhouse performance in Hereditary. I don’t care if it is a horror film. She literally out-performed every single actress who was nominated this year by a long shot.
- Black Panther being nominated for Best Picture is the biggest joke I have ever heard. Just like last year with Get Out, it seems that the Academy is just trying to appease to POC and SJWs. The film itself is just mediocre in general, since when are super hero films deserving of a Best Picture nom?
- If Beale Street Could Talk is much more deserving of a Best Picture nom compared to anything else on the list. It was a step up in quality compared to Moonlight and I am really surprised that it was almost completely snubbed this year.
- Johann Johanson’s score for Mandy was unbelievable, and the Academy should have paid tribute to the genius composer’s memory by giving it the nomination that it so very deserved.
- Lastly, Annihilation should have been included for the best visual effects category. That film had some beautiful CGI that blew my mind.
That all being said, fuck the Academy. I could care less about this popularity contest.
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ordinairementvrai · 5 years
Remerciement Artistique
Ce soir, j’ai envie de parler d’Art, sous toutes ses formes.
De ces œuvres qui m’ont marqué, qui m’ont fait évoluer, qui ont changé ma vision des choses. De ces œuvres qui désormais, font parties de moi.
Dans un ordre aléatoire, et de manière purement objective.
Gatsby le Magnifique, par F.S.Fitzgerald: Comment en une grosse centaine de page, l’écrivain a réussi à travers l’histoire l’histoire de l’Amérique, tout en contant l’une des plus belles histoires d’amour. Un amour qui pousse un homme à tout donner, à conditionner sa vie dans le but de La mériter. L’histoire d’un homme organisant les plus grandes fêtes dans le simple but qu’un jour, Elle y vienne.
The Killing Joke, par Alan Moore: l’histoire du Joker. Comment un seul homme peut sombrer dans la folie, à l’aide d’une simple pichenette. Comment la folie peut être un échappatoire, comment elle peut être la seule issue de secours.
Ne tirez pas sur l’oiseau Moqueur, par Harper Lee: Comment l’éthique d’un Homme peut lui permettre de braver monts et marées. Une leçon sur le courage, et l’intégrité.
Le Petit Prince, d’Antoine de St Exupéry. Parce qu’il y a en tout le monde un petit prince qui n’attend qu’une chose, qu’on le laisse imaginer un boa ayant avalé un éléphant dans le dessin d’un simple chapeau. Parce que face à un monde rationnel, l’imagination innocente est la douceur permettant de tout supporter.
Neverland de Marc Forster: la genèse de Peter Pan, comment un écrivain un peu perdu peut trouver dans l’innocence d’enfant et dans l’amour de leur mère un nouveau sens à sa vie.
Évidemment par Lompal: la lassitude, l’insatisfaction, l’incapacité de se contenter, malgré la réussite, malgré l’admiration.
Will Hunting de Gus Van Sant: le pouvoir qu’un homme peut avoir sur la vie d’un autre, s’il n’est motivé que par altruisme. Et la capacité de tous de s’extirper de nos vies.
Assassination Classroom de Yuseï Matsui: comment un professeur peut avec la simple volonté d’aider ses élèves, en donnant tout, en sacrifiant tout, les pousser à grandir, à devenir meilleur. J’en ai voulu devenir professeur.
L’œuvre d’Orelsan: parce que quand un type écouté par des millions de personnes te raconte ses problèmes, problèmes que tu as toi aussi vécu, et bien cela te montre que tu n’es pas seul.
L’histoire de Spider-Man en général: Un grand pouvoir implique de grandes responsabilités. Comment un binoclard timide peut devenir un héros, par la simple abnégation de lui même.
La saga du sorceleur, par Andrzej Sapkowski: dans un monde où tout est gris, parfois franchement noir et peu de fois blanc, il faut parfois se retrouver à pisser seul contre le vent. Et que tout le monde peut être humain, et que les plus humains ne sont pas forcément ceux auxquels l’on pense.
Californication, de Tom Kapinos: l’amour du rock, l’amour de l’écriture, et au final, rien de tout ça compte si l’on est pas avec ceux qu’on aime.
Cock Music/Smart Music, par Fauve: le pouvoir des mots, des mots bancals, des mots d’amour, des mots perdus, des mots contre la nuit. Parce qu’un mot sur une idée foireuse, c’est un peu comme un baiser, t’as jamais remarqué?
L’œuvre de Damien Saez: l’amour est le premier moteur, est la première cause de l’art. Et par de simple mot il est capable de me faire tomber amoureux.
L’œuvre de Beigbeder: parce que sa perpétuelle introspection m’a montré que je n’étais pas le seul à être ainsi, et que mettre des mots sur cette introspection pouvait être bénéfique. Et l’art de la phrase qui frappe, qui choque.
L’œuvre de Columbine: je ne saurais dire pourquoi. Mais de trop nombreuses phrases ont trouvé écho en moi.
Sur le sol, Lomepal: Sa détresse m’a fait écho, elle m’a parlé, il a mis un mot sur cette détresse.
Suits de Aaron Korsh: parce que l’on a rien sans rien, et qu’il faut être capable de tout donner pour arriver au sommet.
Lucifer de Tom Kapinos: l’incertitude face au destin, la peur de ne pas être libre, la peur de n’être qu’une part d’un grand plan, d’un grand schéma.
Sur la route par Jack Kerouac: Parce qu’il existe toujours un échappatoire, au loin, sur la route, et que la fureur de vivre peut vous emmène n’importe où.
Les frères Scott, de Mark Schawhn: l’amour de la littérature, l’amour de l’écriture, l’amour du rock aussi. Et la tolérance.
L’écriture ou la vie, Georges Semprun: Le fardeau de l’écriture, du prix à payer pour écrire. Ce n’est pas un acte anodin de mettre des mots sur nos maux.
True Détective, par Nic Pizzolato: parce que qu’importe le nihilisme, le pessimisme, il y’a toujours une rédemption possible.
Qui es tu Alaska, par John Green. L’œuvre de toute ma vie. Qui m’a donné envie d’écrire, parce que pour la première fois, quelqu’un avait écrit tout ce que j’avais en moi, et pour la première fois, je me suis senti moins seul. Et pour la première fois, j’ai voulu faire ressentir cela à quelqu’un d’autre.
Je dois en oublier, j’en suis persuadé. Mais merci, merci à vous tous. Vous avez contribué à faire de moi qui je suis, vous m’avez fait grandir, si j’en suis là, c’est grâce à vous.
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Partie de Chasse
L'air était froid, mais pas glacial. Le vent léger faisait a peine osciller les branches basse des rares et épais buissons, et ne faisait rien pour dissiper la brume laiteuse et opaque qui embaumait la plaine.
Je marchais au travers, foulant du pied le sol dur et gelé, la bruyère figée dans la gangue de glace cristalline déposée par la rosée matinale.
Le soleil se dessinait comme un pale cercle plus clair et lumineux accroché assez bas au dessus de l'horizon plus sombre et dénudé de la toundra verglacée.
L'atmosphère matinale mordante faisait porter loin les sons, malgré l'étreinte du brouillard qui en atténuait un peu l'éclat, et en distordait l'origine et le sens.
Le brame puissant des Mégacéros et le claquement sourd et sec de leurs immenses bois retentissait comme un coup de tonnerre, presque aussi distinct que si l'humidité cotonneuse n'en eu pas étouffé l'éclat.
Mais par dessus tout dominait un son, brouhaha indistinct et puissant, roulement continu d'un vrombissement omniprésent nt et assourdissant, duquel émergeait de loin en loin un barrissement aussi violent et soudain qu'un coup de cor ; la horde des Mammouths.
Colosses de la steppe, leurs pieds énormes, comparables aux chênes les plus épais et solides, faisaient trembler le sol, dans une totale absence de rythme et de coordination.
Le son issu de la vibration, rappelait a toutes les autres choses vivantes l'approche imminente d'un séisme, et s'il ne s'en suivait pas l'exode habituel des espèces plus petite, la tension était tout de même palpable a leur approche, dans les cris stressés des bêtes les plus menues, et l'espacement manifeste des rugissements des grands prédateurs, du loup au smilodon.
Force de la nature, la horde avançait, fracturant sous ses pas les couches enfouies de sédiments gelées dans de grands craquements, abattants les rares arbres et arbrisseaux qui parsemaient le paysage morne et infiniment égal qu'elle parcourait.
J'inspirais a grands traits l'air glacial et humide.
Il était encore relativement tôt, même si le soleil ne monterait pas beaucoup plus dans le ciel, et la brume se dissiperait bien assez vite.
Le spectacle irréel de montagnes mouvantes que déployait la troupe d'immenses animaux au travers des voiles du brouillard travaillait l'esprit, et me faisait questionner mes sens.
Mais dans l'air matinal, une autre chose que l'humidité portait, rendant la chose presque aussi réelle et physique qu'un coup au visage, était l'odeur.
Écœurante, entêtante, pugnace, la fragrance fauve et bestiale de la horde était aussi impossible à ignorer que le gigantesque vacarme qu'elle produisait.
Puissamment animale, sueur, sols et selles mêlées à la laine épaisse qui en formait le poil, elle englobait tout comme une aura écrasante de par sa présence, extension quasi physique du corps de la troupe.
L'adrénaline montait.
Sensation électrisante et glaçante, feu brûlant de froid s'écoulant dans les veines, chauffant les muscles, faisant l'estomac de bois, étendant les sens.
L'action allait venir, et ma tension, la tension des miens, notre groupe, partie de chasse, tribu, notre horde, s'additionnait à celle flottant déjà dans l'air.
Notre odeur, âcre et métallique, se noie dans celle des titans qui évoluaient dans leur monstrueuse procession devant nous.
Sous le vent, l'odeur s'éloigne des mastodontes, s'éloigne de nous, s'éloigne de ce qui sera bientôt un lieu et un temps de violence.
Nous serrons nos armes, frêles épieux de bois durcis au feu, coiffées de têtes de pierre aiguës.
Le signal, émit d'un instant à l'autre, au moindre signe de faiblesse dans la paroi uniforme de fourrures épaisses, est suspendu au dessus de nos tête, menaçant et tentant, foudre divine bénissant et maudissant nos efforts et nos espoirs.
Soudain, il retentit, s'abattant comme une hache sur un tronc.
Deux mots ; droit devant.
La distance est grande, plusieurs douzaines de foulées.
Mais la proie est là, seule, isolée.
Un mammouth, mâle, jeune.
Moitié plus petit que le plus grand, des dizaines de fois plus massifs que le plus fort d'entre nous.
Nous nous élançons comme un seul corps, franchissant l'espace en un interminable et éphémère instant, fauves humains, prédateurs sophistiqués, mais encore primaux, indomptés, sauvages.
A mi course, je tend mon bras, loin derrière ma tête, et lance une sagaie qui pendait à ma ceinture.
Mes sœurs et mes frères font de mêmes.
Une pluie d'armes aux pointes acérées et mortelles s'élance, pour finalement s'abattre sur le cuir épais de l'animal redevenues de simples morceaux de petits bois mal taillés.
Peu pénètrent l'armure naturelle de la bête, qui barrit avec force, ses jeunes yeux s'assombrissant d'une colère plus ancienne et féroce que leur âge ne le suggère, et s'élancent vers nous avec une mortelle détermination.
Fatale erreur pour lui, malgré la formidable terreur qui saisit mon cœur.
L'animal cours à sa mort, et nos lourdes lances s'enfoncent là ou les sagaies ont échouées, l'élan du colosse des plaines le faisant percuter notre lâche filet d'hommes et de femmes hérissé de pointes.
Ses défenses et sa trompe envoient au loin deux des nôtres, qui s'écrasent comme de lourds ballots de fourrures, bruissement à la fois mous et dur, heurt de la chair épaisse et molle sur le sol dur et glacé, bris des os au claquement comparable aux branches mortes qui se cassent.
L'odeur naturelle et musquée de l'animal est désormais dissimulée par la note plus acide et cuivrée de son sang.
Saigné par des douzaines de plaies infligées en un instant, son corps se vide déjà de sa vie, même si elle ne s'échappera jamais assez vite a notre goût.
Je cours, ahanant, embrochant la bête de mon lourd épieu de frêne.
Le choc se répercute sur mes bras, la chair claque bruyamment, ma mâchoire se referme sèchement, et je me mord la langue à sang.
Le goût me rappelle que je suis vivant.
Autour de moi, chacune, chacun, fait de même.
L'animal rue, frappe, piétine.
Mais nous sommes partout et nulle part.
Vif, impitoyables, poignardant et lacérant.
Le combat, trop long et trop court à la fois, dure l'espace quelques douzaines de battements de cœur.
La brume autour de nous s'éclaircit à peine, la relative chaleur du soleil commençant seulement à en écarter les pans.
La bête s'effondre, épuisée et morte, s'abattant sur le sol avec la violence d'un événement géologique, avalanche ou éruption volcanique.
Des barrissements attristés, poignants et terrifiants pour l'âme humaine, s'élèvent instantanément.
Ils succèdent à ceux qui, courroucés, s'élevaient depuis le début de la confrontation, sans pour autant s'approcher.
La horde, à la fois lointaine et bien trop proche, nous observe, indécise.
C'est le moment de vérité.
Si une femelle la rallie de son cri, nous serons piétinés et tués, avec une brutalité sans commune mesure avec ce que le reste de la nature à a offrir.
Mais cette dernière est tout aussi clémente qu'elle peu se montrer cruelle.
Agissant sur une impulsion, je saute sur la carcasse, agitant mon épieu, et hurle contre la faible brise, cassant ma voix dans un rugissement que j'espère aussi impressionnant qu'un grand fauve, même si au fond de moi je sent la petitesse de mon corps, la faiblesse de mes poumons, et l'insignifiance de mon être face à cet océan de destruction potentielle qui s'ébat avec fureur a un jet de sagaie de moi.
Le pari fou cependant, paie.
La troupe, effrayée, s'éloigne avec ce qui demeure une nonchalance et une grâce olympienne, plus incommodée qu'attristée au final, par la perte d'un de ses membres les plus frêles et faillibles.
Pour nous c'est une victoire.
Pour des mois, nous serons armés, nourris, et abrités, nos tentes de peaux et d'os renouvelées pour plusieurs saisons encore, autorisées a s'élever une fois de plus aux côtés de nos foyers, lors de nos longues transhumances dans les plaines interglaciaires.
J'essuie la sueur qui perle sur l'épais bourrelet osseux délimitant mon front, et exhale un long soupir de soulagement.
En même temps que nous entamons le travail de dépeçage et de découpe de la carcasse, nos guérisseuses et hommes médecines s'attellent au chevet des chasseurs tombés.
Leurs os épais ne cassent pas facilement, mais les côtes cèdent pour moins que le reste, et la chute a été rude.
On prépare cataplasmes et concoctions, qu'on applique et administre, alors que le soleil passe le zénith, et que la pleine réchauffée mais toujours gelées, éponge le lac de sang formé par nos efforts autour de la carcasse.
En sueur, puant la charogne et la fatigue, j'achève ma besogne en même temps que les autres, et alors qu'un vent plus fort se lève et finit de dissiper la brume, je porte a mes lèvres la griffe d'ours pendant à mon cou, murmurant un remerciement à mes ancêtres, que le vent se charge d'emporter.
C'est la fin d'un jour, d'une chasse, dans un monde encore jeune et brut.
C’est le récit romancé d’un rêve que j’ai fait: je n’étais pas un Neandertal dans mon rêve, mais c’est la seule distinction majeure 
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—  Las relaciones literatura-cine arrastran un pasado turbulento. Y cuando se trata de la adaptación cinematográfica de una obra infantil, las fricciones y los desencuentros se acentúan aún más, como consecuencia, entre otros factores, de la vulnerabilidad e indefensión de este sector de la audiencia. En estos casos, el texto original es, a menudo, devorado por la industria cinematográfica, en la que habitualmente priman factores comerciales en detrimento de aspectos artísticos. La versión cinematográfica resultante puede llegar a convertirse en una ofensa para la dignidad de un escritor, para su producción literaria y, más específicamente, para el mensaje que pretende transmitir con su obra. En este trabajo se analizan dos adaptaciones cinematográficas basadas en dos obras literarias diferentes pero con un referente común, con objetivos y resultados diametralmente opuestos. La intención fundamental es arrojar luz sobre el proceso de adaptación y sobre los límites del mismo, en el caso de que ello fuera posible.
  Pero como en todo cuento histórico siempre hay un héroe en el que nos tendremos que encarnar para hacer frente a tropas de guerreros comandados por "Lords", a los que deberemos de derrotar y hacernos con su territorio para poder reclutar soldados, así nuestra dicha será más fácil y podremos completar nuestro objetivo de devolver el trono a Ricardo Corazón de León. 
Los lores a los que deberemos vencer son: Wilfred de Ivanhoe, Edmont the Grim, Geoffrey Longsword, Reginald Front de Boeuf, William Marshall, Marc de Rampaygne y Phillip Malvoisin. Estos deberán ser derrotados previamente antes del asalto al castillo final para poder derrotar a nuestro principal enemigo: el Príncipe John.
—  Como se muestra arriba, la versión ilustrada de Gustave Doré es muy conocida por captar el suave tono satírico de la historia.
—  Una película animada titulada El gato con botas fue lanzada directamente a video en 1999 por Plaza Entertainment.
—  El gato con botas apareció como un personaje en la película Shrek 2 (con la voz de Antonio Banderas). Aparentemente, se consideró al gato la elección obvia para asesinar a Shrek, que es un ogro, porque ya había matado a uno famoso antes. Sin embargo, no intenta ningún enrevesado truco esta vez, sino que hace un ataque frontal abierto contra Shrek, aunque su táctica de hacer que el enemigo baje sus defensas adoptando un aspecto inocente de gatito desolado es también extremadamente efectiva. Además es español en lugar de francés: «El gato con botas» en lugar de «Le chat botté». Esto, seguramente se deba al hecho de que tanto en la versión de habla inglesa como en la española, el personaje estaba pensado para ser doblado por Antonio Banderas. En el cómic Xanadu, el principal héroe masculino, Tabbe Le Fauve, es un gato a imagen del gato con botas con una fuerte influencia del típico personaje espadachín interpretado por Errol Flynn.
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bandstolookup · 3 years
* Far East Movement (Polydor UK)
* Mylène Farmer (Polydor France)
* Fat Boys (Tin Pan Apple/Polydor)
* The Fatback Band
* brian ritchie
* The Fauves (Polydor Australia)
* Feist (Polydor France & UK)
* Fergie (Polydor UK)
* Findlay (Polydor UK)
* Fish (Polydor UK)
* Fishmans
* The Flaws
* Flint
* Flyleaf (Polydor UK)
* The Fratellis (Polydor UK)
* Friend & Lover (Verve Forecast/Polydor)
* Focus (Polydor UK)
* Frl. Menke
G Edit
* • G-Unit (Polydor UK)
* The Game (rapper, Polydor UK)
* Gemma Fox
* Gloria Gaynor
* Rory Gallagher
* Calvin Goldspink
* Joey Gregorash
* girls
* redd tape
* blu detiger
* mikado
* parquet courts
* ignant benches
* total brutal
* vase cameo
* djo
* white room
* sweet
* the unicorns
* the horrors
* the alan parsons project
* kate bush
* ace frehley
* viagra boys
* greenskeepers
* the midnight
* nikki flores
* danger mouse
* sparklehorse
* julian casablanca
* fear of pop
* jason hill
* brian karscig
* gina x performance
* vulfpeck
* caroline rose
* whitmer thomas
* daoi freyr
* jonathan richman & the modern lovers
* the virgins
* the modern lovers
* the big moon
* the rentals
* toro y moi
* supergrass
* benny sings
* the darkness
* ian dury & the blockheads
* ian dury
* the blockheads
* joe jackson
* the rezillos
* gerard way
* plastic bertrand
* jarvis cocker
* big data
* spoon
* crash richard
* musical youth
* kimbra
* ben kweller
* vile blue shades
* grandmaster flash
* tom jones
* glenn danzig
* oliver
* the nerves
* tom tom club
* jane wiedlin
* rico
* will butler
* pilot
* tenpole tudor
* viola beach
* romeo void
* little joy
* the undertones
* sweet
* nick gilder
* street joy
* madness
* new edition
* Grandmaster Melle Mel
* Grandmaster Melle Mel and the furious five
* adam ant
* the jive bombers
* deerfield drive
* johnny thunders
* elastica
* hamilton leithauser + rostam
* wayne newton
* hot hot heat
* Clinton Gregory (Polydor Nashville)
* Gwen Guthrie
* Girls Aloud (Fascination/Polydor)
* Girls' Generation (Polydor France)
* Golden Earring
* Skylar Grey (Polydor UK)
* Greyson Chance (Polydor UK)
* Guillemots
* level 7
* Gun
* Guns N' Roses (Polydor UK)
H Edit
* • Becky Hill
* HAIM (Polydor UK)
* Isaac Hayes
* Helmet (Polydor UK)
* Jimi Hendrix
* Hear'Say
* The Hill
* Molly Hocking
* Susumu Hirasawa (Polydor K.K.)
* Hollywood Undead (Polydor UK)
* Jake Holmes
* Samuel Hui (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Hundred Reasons
I Edit
* • Julio Iglesias
* Yosui Inoue (Polydor Japan)
* 1994!
* obscure sorrows project
* big whims
* reason
J Edit
* • Janet Jackson (Polydor UK)
* La Toya Jackson
* Millie Jackson
* undead messengers
* Jagged Edge (Polydor UK)
* The Jam
* Japanese Voyeurs
* millie landers and the shutup
* Jagjit Singh
* Jax Jones
* Jean Michel Jarre (Dreyfus/Polydor)
* Joe Jonas (Polydor UK)
* Joe Junior (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Madeline Juno
* The Jolt
* Jon and Vangelis
* Juanes (UK) (Universal Music Latin)
* Julia Michaels (UK)
julia nunez
* • K'Naan (Polydor UK)
* Ronan Keating
* Toby Keith (Polydor Nashville)
* The Kelly Family
* Michael Patrick "Paddy" Kelly
* Kingdom Come
* Kitaro
* Klaxons
* Kristian Leontiou
* Kaiser Chiefs
* Kelis (Polydor UK)
* Kenny Bee (Polydor Hong Kong)
* King Crimson (E.G./Polydor)
L Edit
* • L.A. Guns
* Lake (Germany)
* Lady Gaga (Polydor UK)
* Lawson (Polydor UK)
* Lale Andersen
* Lana Del Rey (Polydor UK)
* Lara Fabian
* Larissa Mondrus (Polydor Germany)
* Denny Laine
* James Last
* Led Zeppelin
* range life
* Lee Mead (Fascination/Polydor)
* Lena (Polydor Germany)[1]
* John Lennon
* Leslie Cheung (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Level 42 (Polydor UK)
* Liam Bailey
* Lighthouse Family
* Lilian Harvey
* i found you
* Limp Bizkit (Polydor UK)
* Little Angels
* LMFAO (Polydor UK)
* Lolly
* La Roux (Polydor UK)
* LuvBug
M Edit
* • Mabel
* The Maccabees
* Madonna (Polydor UK)
* Maestro Fresh Wes
* Sidney Magal
* Magnum
* Tim Maia
* The Main Ingredient
* Mandrill
* Man Parrish
* Manfred Mann's Earth Band
* Marilyn Manson (Polydor UK)
* Benny Mardones
* Maroon 5 (Polydor UK)
* Melissa Mars
* Masterboy
* Lutricia McNeal
* Medal
* Maximum Balloon (Polydor UK)
* Meiko (Polydor UK)
* M.I.A.
* George Michael (Ægean/Polydor UK)
* Mindless Behavior (Polydor UK)
* Minor Detail
* Missouri
* Modestep
* The Moffatts (Polydor Nashville)
* Monaco
* James Morrison
* Moxy (Polydor of Canada)
* Elliott Murphy
* Keith O'Conner Murphy (with Keith Murphy & The Daze)
* The Moody Blues (Threshold/Polydor)
* Tim Moore
* Samantha Mumba
* Mungo Jerry
* Music for Pleasure
* The Music
* Mýa (Polydor UK)
N Edit
* • The Naked & Famous
* Nana Mouskouri
* Natalia Kills (Polydor UK)
* Nelly Furtado (Polydor UK)
* Nelson (Polydor UK, distribution of DGC/Geffen-era releases)
* N.E.R.D. (Polydor UK)
* The New Seekers
* rufus thomas
* Nicola Roberts
* Nicole Scherzinger (Polydor UK)
* Paul Nicholas
* little junior parker
* Nine Inch Nails (Polydor UK)
* Nino Bravo
* Nirvana (Polydor UK)
* No Angels
* No Doubt (Polydor UK)
* N-Dubz (left 2008)
* Nerina Pallot
a killer's confession
* • OneRepublic (Polydor UK)
* Yoko Ono
* Orianthi (Polydor UK)
* The Osmonds
* Donny Osmond (Kolob/Polydor; transferred from MGM)
* Marie Osmond (Kolob/Polydor; transferred from MGM)
* Donny & Marie Osmond (Kolob/Polydor; transferred from MGM)
* Oskar Joost
* Os Mutantes (Polydor Brazil)
* Otto Reutter
P Edit
* • Papa Roach (Polydor UK)
* Alex Parks
* Paul Godwin
* Peaches & Herb
* Les Penning
* Peter Alexander
* Peter Marsh
* Physical Graffiti
* The Pierces
* Cole Porter
* Powderfinger
* The Pretty Reckless (Polydor UK)
* Priscilla Chan (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Protocol
* Puddle of Mudd (Polydor UK)
* Pussycat Dolls (Polydor UK)
* P-Model
Q Edit
* • Queens of the Stone Age (Polydor UK)
* Quicksand
* Freddy Quinn (Polydor Germany)
R Edit
* • Rainbow
* Ramz
* Raye (Polydor UK)
* Don Ray
* RD (Ruff Diamondz)
* Reparata
* Return to Forever
* Rev Theory (Polydor UK)
* Ricky Hui (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Rise Against (Polydor UK)
* Rivers Cuomo (Polydor UK)
* Robot Boy
* Romance
* The Rolling Stones
* Rufus Wainwright (Polydor UK)
* Ruti Olajugbagbe
reckless serenade
the redemption center
* • Saga
* Sam Fender
* Samuel Hui (Sam Hui) (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Saraya
* The Saturdays (Fascination/Polydor)
* The Savage Rose
* Scars on Broadway (Polydor UK)
* Scissor Sisters
* S Club 7
* S Club 8
* Rudi Schuricke
* Sea Stories (Polydor Australia)
* Selena Gomez (Polydor UK)
* Semi Precious Weapons (Polydor UK)
* Sensations Fix
* Shakatak
* Sham 69
* Rocky Sharpe and the Replays
* Neil Sedaka (Polydor UK, Polydor Canada)
* Shed Seven
* Shocking Blue
* sagat
* Shoes (U.S.-band)
* Shystie
* Siouxsie and the Banshees (original recording label)
* Sky Ferreira (Polydor UK)
* Slade
* Smiley Culture (Polydor UK)
* Snow Patrol
* Sonic Youth (Polydor UK)
* Soraya
* Soundgarden (Polydor UK)
* Spitz (Polydor Japan)
* Spyro Gyra
* Ringo Starr (Polydor UK)
* Cat Stevens (a.k.a. Yusuf Islam)
* Rachel Stevens
* Gwen Stefani (Polydor UK)
* Street Drum Corps (Polydor UK)
* Christina Stürmer
* The Style Council
* Sugababes (the original line-up)
* Swedish House Mafia
* The Sweet
* Sweet Connection
T Edit
* • Take That (Polydor UK)
* Talk Talk (Verve/Polydor UK)
* James Taylor Quartet
* Teddy Robin (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Tee-Set
* Ten Wheel Drive
* Teresa Teng
* Tesla (Polydor UK, distribution of Geffen-era releases)
* Theo Lingen
* Therapy? (Polydor UK)
* Tom Jones
* Timbaland (Polydor UK)
* Toots Thielemans
* A Thousand Points of Night
* The Tigers (Polydor Japan)
* Tonic
* Tony Scott
* Tove Lo (Polydor UK)
* Traffic
* Tired Pony
* Truth Hurts (Polydor UK)
* Turbo B
* Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs
* TV on the Radio (Polydor UK)
U Edit
* • U2
* U.K.
V Edit
* • Dave Van Ronk
* Vanessa White (Polydor UK)
* Vangelis
* Van Halen (Polydor UK)
* Van Morrison
* The Velvet Underground
* Miklós Vig
* Visage
* Vivian Chow (Polydor Hong Kong)
W Edit
* • The Waitresses
* Wale (Polydor UK)
* Albertina Walker (Polydor Gospel Series)
* The Wallflowers (Polydor UK)
* Walk This Way (band)
* Waterfront
* Marti Webb
* Weezer (Polydor UK)
* Tony Joe White
* White Lies (Polydor UK)
* The Who (original recording label)
* The Wild Magnolias
* Ulla Wiesner (Germany)
* will.i.am (Polydor UK)
* Tony Williams
* Wolfmother
* World Trade
* Patrick Wolf
* Link Wray
* Chely Wright (Polydor Nashville)
* Warning (Polydor France)
X Edit
* • X-Clan
* X Japan
* avion roe
* Xutos & Pontapés
* XavionXavion]]
* Years & Years
* Yelawolf (Polydor UK)
* Yngwie Malmsteen
* Yuksek
Z Edit
* • Zucchero
* ZZebra
the osmonds
peter marsh
* AC/DC (outside Australia)
* Airrace
* Allman Brothers Band (Capricorn/Atco)
* Andy Williams
* Steve Arrington
* Back Street Crawler
* Barrabás
* The Beatles (US)
* Bad Company
* Badger
* Ginger Baker (including Ginger Baker's Air Force and Baker Gurvitz Army) (US/Canada)
* Jeff Beck
* bad seed rising
* Chuck Berry
* Mr Acker Bilk (US/Canada)
* Black Oak Arkansas
* Blackfoot
* Blind Faith (US/Canada)
* Blue Mountain Eagle
* Blue Magic
* Blues Image
* Sonny Bono (as "Sonny")
* Brooklyn Brothers
* buffalo tom
* Jack Bruce (US/Canada)
* Buffalo Springfield
* Cactus
* The Capitols
* Jim Carroll
* Change
* Cher
* Corina
* Eric Clapton (US/Canada)
* The Coasters
* Cold Grits
* Natalie Cole (Modern/Atco)
* Arthur Conley
* Cream (US/Canada)
* Cross Country
* Bobby Darin
* Spencer Davis Group (US/Canada)
* Delaney & Bonnie and Friends
* Diesel
* The D.O.C. (Ruthless/Atco)
* Dr. John
* Dream Theater
* Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity
* Jonathan Edwards (Capricorn/Atco)
* Eight Seconds
* Electric Boys
* Enuff Z'Nuff
* Envy
* John Entwistle
* Bent Fabric and his Piano
* Scott Fagan
* Gary Farr
* Fat Mattress
* Fatback
* The Fireballs
* Tricia Leigh Fisher
* Flies on Fire
* Focus (US/Canada)
* The Fourmost
* Peter Gabriel (US/Canada)
* Art Garfunkel
* Genesis (US/Canada)
* Gregory Gray
* R. B. Greaves
* Tim Hardin
* Gordon Haskell
* Donny Hathaway
* Hawkwind
* Horslips (US)
* Humble Pie
* Steve Hunter
* Jorgen Ingmann
* INXS (US/Canada)
* Iron Butterfly
* Deon Jackson (Carla)
* James Gang
* J. J. Fad (Ruthless/Atco)
* Robbin Julien[13]
* Scarlett Johansson
* Juicy Lucy
* Michael Kamen
* Ben E. King
* King Curtis
* Last Words
* Bettye LaVette
* Lime (Critique/Atco)
* Lindisfarne (US/Canada)
* Loudness
* Lulu
* Manowar
* Penny McLean
* goldfinger
* Michel'le (Ruthless/Atco)
* Gary Moore (Mirage/Atco) (US)
* New York Dolls
* New York Rock & Roll Ensemble
* Stevie Nicks (Modern/Atco) (US/Canada)
* Nina & Frederik (US/Canada)
* Gary Numan (US/Canada)
* Outlaw Blood
* Pantera
* Pat & The Satellites
* The Persuaders
* Pleasure Bombs
* ross cirri
* The Raindogs
* unwill
* Otis Redding
* Ann Richards
* Bob Rivers (Critique/Atco)
* The Robins
* black rhythms
* The Rose Garden
* Rebel Heels (Atco Aus)
* Rowan & Martin
* Roxy Music (US/Canada)
* Shadows Of Knight (Dunwich/Atco)
* Shannon (Mirage/Atco)
* The Sherbs
* Kym Sims
* Slave
* P. F. Sloan
* Sonny & Cher
* Southside Johnny & the Jukes (Mirage/Atco)
* Keith Sweat
* Sweet Sensation
* The System (Mirage/Atco)
* Taffy
* Tangier
* Livingston Taylor (Capricorn/Atco)
* Nino Tempo & April Stevens
* Nolan Thomas (Mirage/Atco)
* Pete Townshend (US/Canada)
* The Troggs
* Vandenberg
* Vanilla Fudge
* Dee Dee Warwick
* Yes
* Yomo & Maulkie (Ruthless/Atco)
* junji
* good call
* friendless
* elephant jake
* the flat stanleys
* cheekface
* remi wolf
* kxllswxtch
* pouya
* snot
* your smith
* the hails
* the moose
* bad hop
* love fuzz
* state of alert
* caught a ghost
* stereophonics
* the pharcyde
* petit biscuit
* shallou
* tremantis
* thrillsville
* goalkeeper
* Tasmin Archer
* The Ark
* Atomic Kitten
* The Avant Gardener
* Kevin Ayers
* robbie robertson
* justin robinson
* Ard Adz
* Avicii (deceased)
* Ayushita Nugraha (Virgin Jogjakarta)
B Edit
* • Joan Baez
* Balaam and the Angel
* Bandolero
* Tony Banks (outside US/Canada)
* Bastille
* BBB (Virgin/Mercury Jogjakarta)
* Victoria Beckham
* David Bedford
* Beenie Man
* frederick fennell
* the dallas winds
* Benjamin Biolay
* Thom Bishop
* Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
* Peter Blegvad
* Blind Guardian
* Blossoms
* atomic rooster
* Blue
* Blue Man Group
* The Blue Nile
* Body Count
* Boxer
* David Bowie (US only)
* Boy George (More Protein/Virgin)
* Brother Cane
* Melanie Brown
* Bruce Boniface
* Bubba Sparxxx
* Emma Bunton
C Edit
* • Cabaret Voltaire
* Camper Van Beethoven
* Can
* Captain Beefheart
* Melanie C
* Chris Cagle (Virgin Nashville)
* Franco Califano
* Mariah Carey (Former)
* Belinda Carlisle (outside US & Canada until 1991, then worldwide in 1993)
* Cellophane
* The Chemical Brothers
* Che'Nelle
* Neneh Cherry
* China Crisis
* Chvrches
* Anne Clark
* Gilby Clarke
* College Boyz
* Phil Collins (UK and Ireland)
* Comateens
* The Constellations
* Nikka Costa
* Kevin Coyne
* Cracker
* The Cult
* Culture Club
* T.C. Curtis
* emmylou harris
* Curve
* Ivor Cutler
* Cutting Crew
* Holger Czukay
* Mark Curry
D Edit
* • Dave Gahan (US only)
* Deaf Pedestrians
* Déjà
* Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
* Daft Punk (Former)
* Étienne Daho
* Roger Daltrey (10/Virgin) (outside US/Canada)
* ghost mice
* Danny Wilson
* Clay Davidson (Virgin Nashville)
* D'Angelo
* Deadmau5
* Depeche Mode (Mute/Virgin) (US/France)
* Devo (UK/Europe only)
* susanne vega
* Howard Devoto
* Divinyls
* Thomas Dolby (outside US/Canada)
* Does It Offend You, Yeah?
* dc Talk (ForeFront/Virgin)
* Hilary Duff (4ever Hilary Duff only in Italy) (Former)
* Stephen Tin Tin Duffy
* The Dukes of Stratosphear
* Dwele
E Edit
* • Eden xo (former)
* The Edge
* yung craka
* Efua
* Electronic
* Eloy (Electrola)
* Emily and the Strangers
* Endgames
* Enigma
* Eurythmics* (outside US/Australasia)
* Evanescence
* Everything but the Girl (except US & Canada)
* Every Little Thing (Japan)
* The Exies
* Ella Eyre
* Emeli Sandé[1] (outside US)
F Edit
* • Ricky Fanté
* Perry Farrell
* Fat Joe
* Faust
* Bryan Ferry
* elitist
* envy on the coast
* glass cloud
* A Fine Frenzy
* Fingerprintz
* Fivespeed
* Florence + The Machine
* Tim Finn
* The Flying Lizards
* The Flying Pickets
* Julia Fordham
* Fountains of Wayne
* John Foxx
* a foreign affair
* Fra Lippo Lippi
* Peter Frampton
* Frazier Chorus
G Edit
* • Peter Gabriel (outside US & Canada)
* Gang Starr
* General Public
* Genesis (outside US & Canada)
* Max A. George
* The Geraldine Fibbers
* Gillan
* Ian Gillan
* the flys
* The Golden Palominos (Germany only)
* Goldfrapp
* Goldrush
* Gong
* The Good, the Bad & the Queen
* Gorillaz (US only)
* Gorki
* Gravity Kills (Europe & Japan only)
* Loren Gray
* Great and Lady Soul
* Green River Ordinance
* Grizfolk
* David Guetta
* Guru
jack johnson
kelly bell band
* • Steve Hackett (outside US)
* Geri Halliwell
* Françoise Hardy
* Ben Harper
* Lalah Hathaway
* Hawkwind (Charisma; UK only)
* Heaven 17
* Håkan Hellström
* Henry Cow
* Steve Hillage
* Holly and the Italians
* Robert Holmes
* The Human League
I Edit
* • Iggy Pop
* James Iha
* Ima Robot
* Immature
* Inner City
* The Instigators
* Interview
* Mark Isham
* It Bites
J Edit
* • Janet Jackson
* The Japanese Popstars
* Joe Jackson
* Japan
* Jamie Scott
* Jamie T
* Jesus Loves You
* Jin
* Johnny Hates Jazz
* Juliet
K Edit
* • Kavana
* Kelis
* Mark Kelso
* Jerry Kilgore (Virgin Nashville)
* Killing Joke
* King Crimson
* King Swamp
* Frankie Knuckles
* The Kooks
* Korn
* k-os
* Lenny Kravitz
L Edit
* • Shona Laing
* The Last Goodnight
* Latin Alliance
* Ava Leigh
* Julian Lennon (except US & Canada)
* LCD Soundsystem
* Les Rita Mitsouko
* Le Toya
* Lewis Capaldi
* Lil' Eazy-E
* Linton Kwesi Johnson
* Courtney Love
* Cheryl Lynn
* courtney barnett
* Loren Gray
M Edit
* • Kirsty MacColl
* Rita MacNeil (Virgin Canada)
* Madness (outside the US & Canada)
* Madrugada
* Magazine
* Cheb Mami
* Manfred Mann's Earth Band
* Mano Negra
* Manowar
* Lene Marlin
* Laura Marling
* Kaitlyn Martin
* Zeeteah Massiah
* Massive Attack
* Matia Bazar
* MC Skat Kat
* Malcolm McLaren
* Martha and the Muffins (Dinidisc/Virgin Canada)
* Holle Thee Maxwell
* Meat Loaf (outside US & Canada 1992–99; US & Canada 2007–10)
* Roy D. Mercer (Virgin Nashville)
* Miami Horror
* George Michael (outside US & Canada until 1999)
* Mick Karn
* Mickey 3D
* Mighty Diamonds
* Mike Jay
* Mike + The Mechanics (outside the US and Canada)
* Microdisney
* The Monochrome Set
* Gary Moore
* Moose (US only)
* Motion
* The Motors
* Bob Mould
* The Music
* My Favorite Highway
N Edit
* • Jimmy Nail
* Nazareth (Mooncrest/Charisma; UK only)
* N*E*R*D
* Tom Newman
* Newsboys
* Now That's What I Call Music! (compilation series)
* Michael Nyman
O Edit
* • Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder
* Liam O'Connor
* Mary Margaret O'Hara
* Mike Oldfield
* Lisa Ono (1997–2006)
* Oomph!
* Roy Orbison
* Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
* Stacie Orrico
* The Other Ones
* Outside Edge
P Edit
* • The Pale Fountains
* Palladium
* Paris Angels
* Hope Partlow
* Penetration
* call me malcolm
* Amanda Perez
* Anthony Phillips
* Sam Phillips
* Billie Piper
* serj tankian
* Placebo
* Pekka Pohjola
* Porcelain Black
* Tristan Prettyman
* Pretty Poison
* Professor Green
* Maxi Priest
* Public Image Ltd.
* Purple Ribbon All-Stars
* Pure Moods
professor of rap
* • The Railway Children
* Rain Tree Crow
* Rascalz
* Reamonn
* The Records
* Axelle Red
* The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
* Julie Reeves (Virgin Nashville)
* Priscilla Renea (Capitol/Virgin joining)
* Richard Ashcroft
* Keith Richards
* Juliet Richardson
* Rip Rig + Panic
* Rise Against
* River Road (Virgin Nashville)
* The Rolling Stones
* Christy Carlson Romano
* Roxx Gang
* Roxy Music (E.G./Virgin)
* Röyksopp
* The Rutles
* vulfprvk
* The Ruts
* Ruth Lorenzo
* Robbie Williams
* sumatics
S Edit
* • Saosin
* Sacred Spirit
* Ryuichi Sakamoto
* Sandra
* Samurai Trash
* Savage Progress
* Saving Abel
* Boz Scaggs
* Scarlett and Black
* Jon Secada
* The Sex Pistols
* Shaggy (Former)
* Shapeshifters
* Sharissa
* Feargal Sharkey
* the lonely people
* dean martin
* the gerogerigegege
* SheSays
* SHINee (Japan)
* Shonen Knife (North America/France)
* Shooting Star
* Sick Puppies
* Simple Minds
* kittie
* tom odell
* clyde andy
* clear thought
* Six
* Skunk Anansie
* Slapp Happy
* Sneaker Pimps
* Snow
* six going on seven
* Something Happens
* Soul II Soul
* Source Direct
* goings
* Stacie Orrico
* Stardust
* The Starting Line
* Jermaine Stewart
* Joss Stone
* The Stone Roses
* Syd Straw
* Suicidal Tendencies
* Swedish House Mafia (former)
* Switched
* David Sylvian and Robert Fripp
* Supernatural Kings
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