#faux manga profile
nourstattoo · 1 year
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Adaptation majeure et vaccinée à ma sauce ecchi hentai de Nezuko ♡ Je fais pas de loli, ni de trucs chelous, mais prendre un perso pour en faire une version adulte et waifu / husbando, quelque soit la sexualité du projet, ça je sais faire 😏 Les dégénérés du web qui lancent des faux débats pour rien en permanence, encore plus pour des persos IMAGINAIRES, sortez dehors, faites du sport, aérez vous ! 😂 🔥 Prise de rdv par insta : consulte la story 𝕽𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖟-𝖛𝖔𝖚𝖘 épinglée sur mon profil ! ✌🏻🐻✨ ⭐️ Apprends à tatouer avec moi ou check mes fringues pour otakus : clique sur le lien de mon profil ♡ 🏴‍☠️ PRO TEAM ✨ 💉 @wjxcartridge ⚫️ @allegoryink ☀️ @minimalethic.tattoosupply 💧 @hustlebutterdeluxe ⚔️ @cavabarber ⬇️ SAUCE 😋🤤 📱@mangas.io (lis tes mangas sur ton smartphone !) 🎁 @japantoysmarket : tes figurines manga à prix imbattable ! -10% sur ta première commande avec le code NOURSTATTOO . . . . #mangatattoo #mangatattoos #animetattoo #otakutattoo #nourstattoo #tatoueurs #tatoueur #tatoueurmanga #manga #otaku #anime #mangablackwork #nantestattoo #nantes #carquefou #hustlebutterdeluxe #yckth #wjxcartridges #wjxtattoo #AllegoryInk #Blaklist #AllegoryBlak #nezuko #demonslayer #demonslayertattoo #nezukoedit #nezukotattoo #kimetsunoyaibatattoo #kimetsunoyaiba (à Nours Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoohWxBtdMS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rose-wine-selfships · 4 years
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Kanji: 栗主帝納 阿美礼
Romaji: Kurisutiina Abira
Also known as: Counselor-san (Atsushi)
The ADAs Sweetheart (general)
The Golden Siren (BEAST Novel)
Personal information
Birthday: August 9 (Leo)
Age: 21 (first appearance)
25 (currently)
Gender: Demi-female
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 73 kg
Blood Type: AB
Likes: Drawing, music, cooking, belly dancing, helping others
Dislikes: Insects, her past, lying, her loved ones fighting,
Professional Information
Status: Alive
Ability: Corazón de Oro/Heart of Gold
Occupation: Counselor
House worker (formerly)
Affiliation: Armed Detective Agency
The Guild (formerly)
Manga Debut: Chapter 5
Anime Debut: Episode 2
Christina has fair skin, long curly dark brown hair, and a short height with a voluptuous build. She wears dark red half moon glasses to cover her freckles upon her nose as well as her eyes. She wears a minimal amount of makeup given she has a fair portion of natural beauty, so she feels no need to hide her best features. She wears pink eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner, and a dark pink lipstick. Her outfit mainly consists of a beige sweater with an pink undershirt, short white gloves, and purple knee length skirt. She wears a pink scarf, ruby stud earrings, a pink headband with a flower on top, and light pink kitten heels with bows and puffy lace on the back.
When she partially uses her ability, her arms transfigure to shiny gold limbs sharpened into two long spiky blades. In full transformation, she has a golden android appearance, dark golden eyes, a cold metal body, and molten lava-like hair that’s extremely hot to the touch.
Kind, cheerful, and one of the most sociable people in the Armed Detective Agency, Christina is happy to welcome people from different backgrounds and adventure with it. Though she is affable and sweet, she can at times, be a little overdramatic and sensitive over things that shouldn’t really matter. She can also be aggressive and stubborn when people push her patience beyond her limit. However, her heart is always in the right place. Born with a literal heart of gold, it always helps her give her best advice and charity to people who need it the most. Hence why she is nicknamed,”The ADA’s Sweetheart”.
She also has self doubt, anxiety, and has a tendency to be too blunt at times. When people do call her out on it, Christina always does her best to try and improve her flaws. She’s very open to constructive criticism and requires it for her job. She is very expressive and open with her emotions, however, she is extremely private when it comes to her past. She will refuse to open up because she is so ashamed of it. Despite her warm personality, she can become easily shy in certain situations.
She gets easily flustered and awkward when forced to lie, gets genuinely complimented, or has a crush on someone. Also, as much as she loves people, she will get mildly claustrophobic around dense crowds and gets panic attacks in the middle of it. Her anxiety is usually triggered from heated arguments, small enclosed spaces, or extreme trauma. She loves anything related to the arts, cooking, music, and cats.
Ability: Corazón de Oro/ Heart of Gold
Christina’s ability allows her shapeshift into various precious metals, mainly gold, making various armor and weapon constructs out of her own body. Her full metal body can also absorb and reflect weaponized blows and conduct electricity under extreme weather conditions, such as violent thunderstorms.
Weapon Constructs- Christina has the ability to change and create her limbs (arms and legs) into tools, objects, weapons, armor, and barriers of varying permanence. She can create any item she imagines and have it put to use immediately.
Currency generation- The ability to generate monetary currency of any kind. She can create any form of currency into existence, ranging from coins, metals, jewels, and notes from any country in the world. This easily makes her the richest ability user in the world, but it comes with a terrible price. It must come out of her body by cutting her veins open. For example, if Christina is to make a few bronze coins, she must make a small (uncomfortable) cut in her palm to generate those coins. If she is to generate a large sum of money, she must bleed it out profusely to make the amount before fainting of blood loss. Making her ability an almost,”Blood money” creation.
Gold Mimicry-She can transform her physical body entirely out of gold. Her full form is highly identical to her original form, aside from being naturally made out of gold; which it still contains her vital organs and can be somewhat vulnerable to attack. Her gold form is malleable, ductile, resistant to corrosion and most other chemical reactions.
Fire hair-Christina has the power to have hair with flaming/volcanic properties. She can control whether she wants her hair to move or not. It’s extremely hot to the touch (and can also be a useful place to roast marshmallows).
Electric Conductivity- She has the ability to conduct electricity. Her ability can conduct electricity through her body, created or not, making her completely immune to electric attacks, no matter the voltage. Christina can also discharge electricity through conductive media (metal, water, etc.).
Weaknesses: Wind and water.
While Christina can resist most forms of corrosion, her form can be extremely susceptible to these elements if left for too long. Her insides will rust and get metal poisoning if she’s left untreated for long periods of time.
Full golden form: Original image can be found here
She is the reason why Fitzgerald rose to power in The Guild. After finding out what Christina’s ability could do, he manipulated her into staying in the organization for years when she was at an extremely low point in her teenage years. Kidnapped against her will and having little contact with her family provided the perfect opportunity to drain her almost of her life essence in his pursuit of wealth. She escaped The Guild at age 19, and laid low for a while before applying for the Armed Detective Agency and worked there for 2 years.
She believes her greatest weakness is giving in to what people think of her and not really speaking up for her wants and needs.
Christina is a Chicana, and is of Mexican-American descent.
She was diagnosed as neurodivergent from an early age, having both Atypical Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder as a little girl.
When she is anxious she will play with her hands or toy with a nearby object to stim. It is a method people with autism use to calm themselves down.
In her early years Christina actually skipped a school grade because of her great intelligence and hard work ethic.
According to her, she is an incredible researcher, and absolutely loves looking up information for hours if she’s interested in the subject enough. In less than an hour, she can recite every single facet of a topic without hesitation.
Her motto is,”Whatever you go through, I’ll stand by you”.
Her ideal type is a shy and kind person.
Her favorite spot in Yokohama is the pier overlook. She loves to come there to relax and look at the sunset.
She enjoys tapping in to her inner feminine and sensual side by belly dancing.
She mainly spends her free time visiting Café Uzumaki and singing opera on open mic nights. Christina claims she is very proud of her strong soprano voice.
She is an avid fan of cats big and small. But her favorite cat is a tiger, and is quite fond of the Toyger cat breed because it looks like a mini tiger to her.
She is NOT a morning person, and will become almost “zombie-like” until she gets her coffee order ahead of time.
Thank you for looking at this!~🌹🍷✨
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keyofjetwolf · 7 years
Jet Wolf Summarizes Act 38
The manga and I kind of hate each other. This is unfortunate, but still, I’m determined to come out of this with something. Rather than spend energy on a liveblog that’s increasingly negative, I’m reading each manga act (mostly) silently, and then writing up summaries at the end. I won’t pull my punches. There’s going to be criticism and snark about the manga, either wholesale or in details. If that isn’t a thing you feel like reading, please skip this post!
I’ve been desperate for the end of the Infinity arc, having been certain for the past five issues that this one MUST be it, only to be both disappointed and astonished that we were somehow dragging this shit out even more. But one day I had to be right, and this was it! In this issue, we finally see the end of the Infinity arc!
I don’t know how I managed to have enough hope still alive within me, but clearly it was there, because this was so fucking disappointing I heard myself screaming in my own head as the storylines flipped. It’s almost entirely just scrawled drawings of things that are GWOOO or ~glow~, I’m not kidding, there’s no “reading” to be done here, it’s just flipping through about twenty pages of doodles of indistinct things with a sound effect attached.
There’s a bit of angst, but make an educated guess who it’s about. YUP EVERYONE IS FACING THE DEATH OF THEIR WORLD AND EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE THEY KNEW AND ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS USAGI. In a rare moment, I actually excuse this for Mamoru, because what the fuck else does he have going for him really. But it’s NOT just Mamoru.
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And just in case you’re thinking that Haruka’s talking about maybe Michiru or even the earth here, the manga goes out of its way to unambiguous that for you.
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This is DEFINITELY the most interesting path to choose.
Anyway Saturn’s doing something, playing Pokemon maybe, I don’t know. Usagi pops back out again like a pinball who just went to super secret ball lock level for a little while, and she’s got ANOTHER power up apparently.
Then ...
Stuff. I really can’t tell. Saturn’s going to destroy everything but NQS will rebuild it? Only she doesn’t do that, but still all the dead citizens of Tokyo get revived for the 34uthu2420801tslj98th time. And Pluto’s in this too, and she closes the Time Door, and that saves everything? I mean like if all we needed to do was close a fucking door, I could’ve done that months ago. Usagi still keeps turning into Serenity though, and then crystals start appearing, only they don’t appear to have any notable purpose, and I’m not sure they’re actually there, because nobody fucking comments on them and in like four pages we’re done with the fucking arc and
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But first Hotaru’s a baby again, and Michiru’s like “Finally, someone I can have more lines than.” Then she gives Chibs her mirror. NO REALLY.
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WHAT THE FUCK YOU COULD’VE BOUGHT A MIRROR AT RITE-AID FOR A BUCK TWENTY-FIVE. Still, I guess Michiru’s basically like “This did absolutely nothing for me in any capacity, so you may as well receive an inflated sense of self-worth from this meaningless faux emotional gesture”, which is about right.
Then the Outers fuck off, and I only regret I cannot do the same.
NEXT DAY: Everyone runs to their apartments. NEXT DAY, mind you, so everyone went to have a good night’s sleep first. They see three helicopters taking off.
Three. Helicopters.
Clearly, they’ve learned much about keeping a low profile.
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Only it’s also SuperS.
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Ah fuck me, it’s SuperS.
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Pegasus appears to both Usagi and Chibs, which at least eliminates a season of “Who are you talking to? OH WELL NONE OF MY BUSINESS.” Mamoru also sees him, and I can only hope Pegasus also said to him “Please help me, young maiden”.
But all this suddenly appearing talking horse business distracts them. Oh no, surprise total eclipse!
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Remember kids, this coming eclipse in two weeks on the 21st, always use protective eyewear or you’ll cause irreparable damage to your corneas and probably go blind like these three idiots should be! Sailor Moon Says!
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libertedepenser · 7 years
Parait-il que les “weeb” sont des attardés.
Contexte : Une jeune étudiante, n’ayant encore jamais mis les pieds au Japon, critique violemment les “weebs” en les traitant d’attardés, décriant un manque de discernement de leur part au sujet de la culture japonaise (”les mangas ne sont pas la réalité”), et affirmant que les “fans de manga étrangers dérangent les Japonais”.
Ce que j’ai à dire :
Plusieurs choses. Tout d’abord, on ne généralise pas une catégorie de personnes, encore moins pour les traiter d’attardés. De ce que je peux constater, les “weeb”, comme ils sont péjorativement désignés, sont généralement des jeunes, des adolescents. Pour certains, l’univers des mangas/animes/jeux vidéos est un petit jardin secret, parfois juste le résultat de curiosité, une attirance pour quelque chose qui paraît exotique. Et c’est aussi avant une communauté. Quand on est adolescent, plus que pendant n’importe quelle autre période de notre vie, on a un BESOIN d’appartenir à une communauté, de se sentir accepté de ses pairs. D’ailleurs, ces jeunes ne cherchent pas particulièrement à s’étaler, ce sont plutôt les personnes extérieures qui leur tombent dessus. On a parfois même l’impression qu’elles vont les chercher pour leur taper dessus exprès. Personnellement, je ne suis jamais tombée sur un blog, profil, groupe (ou ce que vous voulez) de weeaboo. Quand bien même je tomberais dessus, et constaterais les bêtises qui peuvent y être racontées... Ils ne sont pas plus bêtes que d’autres. Ils sont dans leur monde, et ils ne font de mal à personne.
Cette jeune étudiante leur reproche de ne pas s’intéresser aux autres aspects de la culture japonaise, affirme qu’ils se prendront une claque s'ils visitent un jour le Japon. Très justement, d’autres internautes ont répondu que c’était à eux de faire leur propre expérience et qu’en aucun cas nous ne devrions les juger. Je suis d’accord. Par ailleurs, lorsque l’on a des étoiles dans les yeux, même en voyageant au Japon, s’il s’agit simplement de vacances, il est très facile de faire abstraction des aspects négatifs, je dirais même de refuser de les voir. Finalement, c’est tant mieux, non ? Il y a une fâcheuse tendance à vouloir que tout le monde vive avec la réalité bien en face, et particulièrement en France, on n’a plus le droit de rêver. C’est beau de rêver. Laissons-nous garder une part d’innocence et de naïveté. 
Le dernier point que je voulais aborder est le côté “étrangers fans de mangas” étant mal perçus. On connait très bien le terme japonais de otaku, qui désigne une personne fanatique de quelque chose (et non pas nécessairement de manga). De manière générale, les otaku de manga japonais ne sont pas bien acceptés par la société. Il est ainsi donc faux de préciser “fans étrangers de manga mal vus“. Non, fans de manga tout court. De plus, elle affirme que ça dérange les Japonais qu’on leur parle de manga. Ah bon ? Peut-être est-ce parce que je ne suis pas une grande amatrice de manga, et que je n’en parle donc presque jamais, mais je n’ai jamais eu ce ressenti. Sans être des otaku, les Japonais ont tous été exposés, ont vu, lu des manga/animes pendant leur jeunesse. Un peu comme nous avons tous lu des BD style Tintin, Astérix, Schtroumpf, Picsou..., vu des dessins animés comme Razmoket, Bus Magique, Jumanji ou tout ce qui passe à la TV les samedis et dimanches matins. C’est pareil. Donc non, je ne pense pas que ça dérange les Japonais qu’on leur parle de manga. Peut-être n’ont-ils pas envie d’avoir des conversations durant des heures sur le sujet, mais dans ce cas on appelle ça “avoir des centres d’intérêt différents” et ça ne s’applique pas qu’aux fans de mangas !
Pour finir, je tiens à préciser que cette jeune femme a elle-même dit avoir eu une période où elle était fan de manga et ne se qualifiait pas pour autant de “fan du Japon”, et qu’elle avait approfondi sa connaissance de la culture japonaise. Quelle belle marque de condescendance, bravo. Sous-entendu, elle a eu l’intelligence de chercher plus loin, ELLE, et les “attardés de weeb”, non.
De toute façon, le Japon doit bien être le seul pays au monde pour lequel les gens arrivent à se dire “fan”. “Fan du Japon”. Une expression pourtant dénuée de sens à mon humble avis.
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nourstattoo · 2 years
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👊🏻 LES FILLES AUSSI FONT DES MANCHETTES D’OTAKU SA MÈRE ! 💥 Et c’est pas de la manchette de tapette ! Full Nanatsu No Taizai en cours ! Plus que trois petites séances (j’suis rapide comme l’éclair) et ce bras sera complet ! 🙏🏻🐻☀️ 💬 D’après toi on lui fait quoi la prochaine fois ? Le ou la gagnante remporte un bubble tea 🧋(c’est faux) 🔥 Prise de rdv par insta (voir story 𝕽𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖟-𝖛𝖔𝖚𝖘 sur mon profil). Mes livres, fringues dans la story 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖘 ou en lien sur mon profil ! 🙏🏻🐻☀️ 🏴‍☠️ PRO TEAM ✨ 💉 @wjxcartridge 💧 @hustlebutterdeluxe ⚔️ @cavabarber ⬇️ SAUCE 😋🤤 👊🏻 @japanim.nantes 🇯🇵 @kazefrance 🔞 NihoNiba x @taifucomics ☯️ @meianfr 📱@mangas.io (lis tes mangas sur ton smartphone !) . . . . #mangatattoo #mangatattoos #animetattoo #otakutattoo #nourstattoo #tatoueurs #tatoueur #tatoueurmanga #manga #otaku #anime #mangablackwork #nantestattoo #nantes #carquefou #hustlebutterdeluxe #yckth #wjxcartridges #wjxtattoo #nanatzunotaizai #nanatsunotaizaitattoo #meliodas #merlin #ban (à Nours Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgFB5H8DiDz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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