#fave teacher fr
jaegerisim · 1 year
my gay english teacher just put in front of a whole ass class of over 30 students of which half are homophobic white males, Heartstopper. He literally said before "today we are gonna binge watch a series on teens and being a superheroes" And then the Heartstopper intro starts playing and istg that was such a power move of him. He also dressed up as a clown for Carnival bc a student said "gays are clowns" and he dressed up in drag for Halloween bc a girl said "drag queens scare me a lot..." He is so slay
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milkymooshi · 6 months
Gonna finally watch season 4 and 5 this week and see how things end. I swear to god if I spend my two days off crying bc of what happens I will eat my window. I’m so nervous for Ed and Oswald’s relationship bc I’m so emotionally invested in them it’s not even funny.
I’ve read some posts that season 4 is like everyone’s divorce arc and idk if I’m emotionally prepared for that. I watched JJBA (Jojo’s bizarre Adventure) in highschool and sobbed so much for a week straight after Stardust Crusaders that I got sent to the counselor’s office for concerning behavior.
Someone tell it’s gonna be ok please 😭😭😭😭
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insomtiny · 3 months
posted a nine inch nails song in my notes on insta and my highschool english/drama teacher liked it and replied to it with "Love NIN!!" ok purr nancy
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quin-ns · 2 years
Assigned Seat (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Word count: 2.8K
Summary: JJ won’t sit in the correct seat because it’s not next to you
Tags: fluff, mutual crushes, lots of flirting, JJ being cute, slightly oblivious reader, getting together, everyone ships, just cute fun fr
A/N: binged obx and this is my first fic for it and of course I had to write for JJ- he’s my fave. also, it’s s2 when school starts but let’s say they know that john b is alive before the first day of class bc I don’t want this to be angsty lol
cross-posted to ao3 • obx masterlist • writing masterlist
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First day back in your first class of the day—Mr. Sunn’s history class—and you were greeted with a seating chart. Usually, you would just sit with your friends, but now you saw that Pope and Kiara weren’t in the same row like they usually would’ve been when you all shared a class. You didn’t even see JJ at all yet. You wondered if he’d show up. It was the one class that you actually had with him, so you hoped he would. Otherwise you wouldn’t see him until lunch break.
You found your seat with ease, but gave Kie a light frown when she turned around and saw you weren’t anywhere close to her or Pope.
About a minute before class was about to start, JJ walked through the door. He spotted you and grinned. He headed for the empty seat beside you and dropped down in it.
“Hey,” JJ greeted. “I was almost late but here I am.”
You laughed a little (mostly because of how proud he sounded). “Yeah, I see that.”
“So, what’s up?” he asked, side eyeing Kie and Pope. “Are we avoiding them for some reason or…?”
“What? No,” you replied quickly. “Appreciate that you were instantly on my side, though,” you said with an amused tone. 
JJ smiled at the comment. “I appreciate the appreciation.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled back nonetheless.
“If you two are done flirting, perhaps Mr. Maybank could move to his correct seat and we can get class started,” Mr. Sunn called out suddenly. You and JJ both were startled, realizing he was talking to you
JJ furrowed his brows. “Correct seat?” he whispered. “What is he talking about?”
“There’s a seating chart,” you muttered back, finally remembering.
“What?” JJ asked a little louder. “That’s lame,” he grumbled. 
“Well, tough,” Mr. Sunn replied, clearly having heard. “And according to my lame seating chart, you’re on the other side of the room.”
“It’s an empty seat,” JJ pointed out. 
“Actually, it’s Mr. Kane’s seat,” Mr. Sunn gestured towards a boy standing near you guys that you embarrassingly enough just now noticed. 
“Well, great, he can have my seat,” JJ suggested with that cheeky smile of his. 
Mr. Sunn looked from JJ to you. “You must be something special, Ms. Y/L/N. I’ve never had someone fight so hard to keep a seat.”
All you could do was laugh awkwardly, very aware of all the eyes on you. You gave JJ a look, asking for him to save you from being the center of attention on the first day. The only way he could was by relenting. 
With a sigh that you would deem dramatic, JJ stood and grabbed his backpack. Mr. Sunn held up the seating chart paper. Everyone watched as he went to the front of the class and glanced at the paper, and then found his actual seat on the opposite side of the room. 
“You can see your girlfriend after class,” Mr. Sunn commented in response to your friend losing the argument.
You weren’t his girlfriend, but neither you or JJ corrected him. You didn’t because frankly, you’d gotten your fill of attention. You weren’t sure why JJ didn’t, though. 
Besides, you weren’t totally against people thinking that. It was still weird having a teacher call you out like that, though.
The kid who had been waiting for JJ to vacate his seat gave you an apologetic look before turning his attention to pulling out a notebook.
You made eye contact with JJ across the classroom and he winked.
“Now that everyone is in their correct seat,” Mr. Sunn announced. “We can get started with class.”
Everyone turned to focus on Mr. Sunn going over the first day syllabus, except for Kie. You caught her looking at you and you met her eyes. She raised her brows as if to ask, “what was that?”
You shrugged, telling her that you didn’t know. It was true, you didn’t. 
After class, no one brought it up so you didn’t say anything about it either. You all went about your day and soon, the whole seat incident left your mind.
The next day you were reminded of it.
You arrived to history with Pope, chatting about the syllabus and what supplies you still needed to get. Kie was already in class. You said hi and then bye and headed to your seat. JJ was the last to show up, cutting it close again. You gave him a small wave, assuming you weren’t going to get to talk to him until after class.
Except, he walked right up to you and sat down next to you. 
You raised your brows at him. “What are you doing?”
“Well, hello to you too,” JJ acknowledged with a light chuckle. 
“He’s gonna tell you to move again,” you predicted. 
JJ shrugged it off. “Like some seating chart is gonna keep me away from my favorite girl,” he retorted in a playful tone. 
You smiled, ready to go along with his flirting. “Favorite, huh?”
He put his elbow on his desk and leaned on his hand. “What, you didn’t know that? I coulda swore I made it obvious.”
You hummed, ready to hit back with a sly comment. Until you were interrupted.
“Is this going to become a daily occurrence?” Mr. Sunn’s voice tore you and JJ away from the gaze you held. You both looked to the front of the class, where he stood watching you two. “I believe you know your correct seat, Mr. Maybank.”
“I forgot, actually,” JJ lied easily. “I’m pretty comfortable here, though.”
Mr. Sunn rolled his eyes and held back any indication that he found the situation as funny as you did. “I can’t have my students revolting,” he decided. He pointed to JJ’s assigned seat, waiting for him to move.
“It’s only 45 minutes, JJ,” you told him. “I think you can survive.”
“Fine, fine,” he told you and Mr. Sunn. He got up and moved to his seat. The boy that sat next to you came out of nowhere and took the seat. 
After class, you met up with your friends. You were about to walk with JJ to the hall where both your next classes were, but Kie decided something different.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” she announced. “Y/N- come with me?”
Except you didn’t really feel like she was asking. 
“Um, sure,” you agreed and headed off with her in the other direction of the boys.
“Why do girls always do that?” JJ wondered, watching as the two of you turned a corner.
“Girls just do that,” Pope explained. “This time they’re going to talk about you, dude. For sure.”
“About me?” JJ furrowed his brows. “What about me?”
“About how you like Y/N and that it’s totally obvious now. To everyone.” 
JJ just shrugged. He thought everyone already knew. The only person he really wanted to know was you, but you never seemed to think he was serious. You always flirted back and that was fun, but maybe he had to up his game.
Oddly, no one brought up the seat incident yet again as a group. Kiara and Pope did observe you and JJ closer, but even if the flirting was a little more obvious, it didn’t go beyond that.
Next day in history, it was a repeat of the previous days.
“I’m starting to think you like me,” you joked to JJ when he sat down beside you.
“It took you this long?” he responded teasingly. You tried to not read into it, not wanting to get your hopes up. Not realizing that he was hoping you would read into it.
Mr. Sunn looked up from his desk when the bell for class to start rang. Immediately, as if in a force of habit, his eyes landed on you and JJ. Once again he would have to start the class period by telling JJ to move.
“You must have amnesia,” Mr. Sunn directed towards JJ. Everyone knew that, he didn’t have to say his name.
You and JJ exchanged a look and a small laugh. You’d gotten over any level of embarrassment that came from people chuckling and eyeing you and JJ. 
“Can’t you just make an exception?” JJ asked. He was bargaining but didn’t have anything to offer.
Kie threw a smirk over her shoulder at you, but you avoided eye contact. 
Yesterday she had spent the “bathroom” trip convincing you that JJ really did like you—as more than just a friend. She knew you liked him, but also knew you were avoiding telling JJ. You didn’t want to mess with your friendship by making what you had always assumed was just friendly banter into something awkward and feeling like an idiot for thinking it was some kind of signal if it wasn’t. 
If she hadn’t sworn to JJ that she wouldn’t tell you how he felt, she would have cleared it up yesterday. But of course you didn’t know that.
Mr. Sunn’s lips pulled into a tight line. You couldn’t tell if he was genuinely annoyed or amused. “If you’re next to her, how can I expect you to pay attention in class?” 
At that, the whole class chuckled. Even you. At least Mr. Sunn had a good sense of humor.
JJ blushed a little at that. You hadn’t seen him flustered like this in… well, it had been a long time. He couldn’t think of a comeback as quickly as he usually did. Too many seconds passed for him to recover, so he had no choice. 
JJ grabbed his backpack. “I’ll see you after class,” he promised. 
“You always do,” you replied just loud enough for him to hear as he stood. He shot you a smile before walking over to his assigned seat.
Class moved slowly, although at least the subject was mildly interesting compared to your other ones this semester.
When the bell rang, you waited for your friends and you all walked out of class together. 
“JJ, are you trying to get in trouble?” Pope asked, almost accusingly.
JJ scoffed out a laugh. “Don’t be dramatic, I’m not gonna get in trouble over a seat.”
“Interesting that you keep going for a seat that’s right next to Y/N,” Kiara mused in a knowing tone.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop,” you told her, but not in a serious way. You and JJ flirted but you didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable by her comments, implying that there was more.
Turns out it was the opposite. You didn’t see the way JJ looked at you. You were focused on the eye roll Kie gave before saying bye and heading to her next class. Pope followed suit, leaving you and JJ to walk to your next classes together.
“Y’know, if Kie wants to think… that,” JJ started, referencing her very obvious implication. “Or if anyone else does… I wouldn’t mind.”
You stared up at him, a bit taken aback. You and JJ had always been close and flirted, and even though you had a crush on him and all your friends were convinced he had a crush on you, neither of you brought it up or confronted it. JJ was taking the first step.
“I wouldn’t mind either,” you admitted, smiling lightly. 
JJ looked surprised, then relieved. “Really?”
You only let out a small laugh, “I’ll see you later,” you told him. You were about to walk to your class further down the hall, but stuck around for a moment longer. “Tomorrow, just sit in your seat,” you suggested. “Mr. Sunn is a chill guy but it’s gonna be a long year if we start off annoying him.”
“We’re not annoying,” JJ faked offense. “But yeah, alright,” he relented. “I guess I’ll just have to stare longing across the class,” he teased.
Your smile grew. “Yeah, I guess so,” you replied smoothly. Then, you walked away towards your class.
“We’re still meeting up with Pope and Kie later, right?” JJ called after you.
“Yeah,” you called back, not looking over your shoulder.
You hung out with your friends later and gone about your day. You and JJ of course flirted, but nothing more than usual. Pope didn’t bring it up again and Kiara just shot you knowing smirks. 
Next day in Mr. Sunn’s class, much to your surprise, when JJ walked into class he gave you a light wave and continued on to his assigned seat. He was following your advice, which was a hard thing to get JJ to do. You looked over and realized he was standing near where his seat was. 
And that someone was already in it.
The guy who was supposed to sit by you was in JJ’s seat. Meaning there was an empty seat right beside you.
JJ looked over his shoulder at you and grinned. He waltzed over, suddenly in a much better mood.
“Is this seat taken?” he asked you cheekily.
You looked past him to see the guy in JJ’s seat. He gave you a shrug and a look that said, “you’re welcome.” You almost laughed. 
“I guess not,” you answered JJ, looking back at him with a smile of your own.
He sat down in the seat, victorious. 
Mr. Sunn walked in when class started and went to the board.
“I see my words mean nothing to you, Mr. Maybank,” Mr. Sunn said, spotting JJ.
A smirk crossed your friend's face. “Actually,” he started, perking up. “My seat was taken.” 
Mr. Sunn looked at JJ's actual seat and sighed. The kid looked a little guilty but didn’t say anything. He looked back at JJ. “Fine, you win,” he decided. Then, he began to write on the board. 
After class, you and JJ parted from Kie and Pope to walk together to your next class. 
“I can’t believe he finally gave in,” you said with a laugh.
“I can be persuasive,” JJ replied smoothly.
You let out another laugh. “That was not persuasive. That was…I don’t know what that was,” you admitted.
“Fine, but I got what I wanted,” JJ revealed. It was no surprise, but there was something underlying in his tone. 
“Hey, I’m not complaining,” you held your hands up in surrender. The two of you stopped outside of your class and faced one another.
A small smile tugged at his lips. “I would hope not.” 
“I’ll see you later,” you told him. “Don’t miss me too much,” you decided to add on. 
“Oh, baby, I always do,” he played along casually. 
Your face felt warm at the nickname, but you didn’t say anything more. When you all hung out later, the interaction played through your mind.
You were too distracted to realize JJ was staring at you all night—or at least that’s what Kie had told you later.
The next day in Mr. Sunn’s class, JJ was there before you. You couldn’t remember the last time he was ever in a class before you. You walked to your seat and he smiled up at you.
“Hi there,” you greeted, sitting down beside JJ. “For once you actually came to class early,” you pointed out. 
“Well, I had a reason to,” JJ replied with a smile. “I wanted to ask you something.”
You chuckled, thinking of a joke. “Do you need an alibi?”
“Ha ha,” he said sarcastically. “I’m serious though.” Your expression turned confused. “Not like, serious serious. Don’t look so worried.”
“Alright, what is it?” 
“After school today would you wanna hang out? Just me and you?” JJ asked with a hint of nervousness.
“We hang out all the time,” you started knowingly. “So if you’re asking…” you mused, suppressing a smile (you were having a hard time with that, though). “Is this you asking me on a date, JJ?” 
“Maybe,” JJ said with a tad of nervousness. “Would you want to?”
“Yeah,” you answered without hesitation. You could’ve held out longer and maybe messed with a little, but you decided against that.
JJ looked pleasantly surprised. “Really?”
In your head, you were beaming with excitement. Out loud you confirmed, “it’s a date.”
“Don’t let me interrupt,” Mr. Sunn called to you and JJ, interrupting. “But since it seems important, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sharing with the class.”
“Well, I’ve got a date later, so that’s pretty great,” JJ practically bragged, not missing a beat. “As for how that goes, I don’t kiss and tell.” 
JJ shot you a wink after that, Kie and Pope looked over their shoulders so fast you thought their heads were gonna spin, and Mr. Sunn actually looked impressed.
“About time,” someone in the class spoke up. It was an unfamiliar voice. When you located the source, you found it was the boy in JJ’s old seat.
And what did you do? Well, all you could do was let out a laugh and share a smile with JJ.
You had a feeling this class was going to be much more fun now—although, maybe not as much fun as your date with JJ.
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
Ok so someone in my asks box asked me for some fic recommendations and I tried to add some gradually but my asks have been so weird recently so I've had to make a new post for them!
First of all ty anonnie you words were really sweet, I hope you stay healthy too!
Also just to preface I will list sfw and nsfw recs so pls if you are a minor, do not explore the nsfw recommendations, these blogs will most likely have a mdni statement so pls respect that and don't go against that :)
Now, enjoy!
Enough for you - @mixtape-racha (poly ot8 angst comfort)
We love an angst comfort fic and this is one of my faves. Take caution reading this one and read the content warnings at the top just in case! But this one is simply amazing and I wish I wrote it the end.
The Field Trip - @dreamescapeswriting (Seungmin X reader)
Seungmin and reader are teachers in this and if you follow me you may have seen me reblog this one before bc I love it and want this, also this blog has so many imagines you will be fed for days
Warm blankets - @jiniret-writings (3 parts, hurt comfort poly ot8 x reader)
I felt so emotionally invested in this story when I read it, like I felt readers pain 😭 gorgeous
jack-in-the-box -@junicai (angst, ninth member reader)
Set in kingdom. We hate mnet. Skz are very protective and reader gets the comfort she deserves in the end, love this sm!
@hyunjinsbelovedamericano - lots of headcanons and reaction type fics on their MASTERLIST, give it a look!!
Simptober 2023 - @skz-streamer
Fluff for days!!! pookie rly worked hard on this one so go and show some love because you've got so much to read here
Skz text aus - @channiesbakery
These are so so funny I cannot cope. Also explore the other fluff posts too bc they're really cute!
More text aus - @diddybok
Same goes for this blog too, explore their other stuff!
@hannahhbahng has some rly cute fluffy reads on their masterlist
@hanjiquokkaaa check out their skz reactions! My pookie slays every time
Skz fluff fics - @wooahaes
So much fluff to pick from! I fall in love every time!
Warm milk and honey - @horanghoe (poly skz x reader)
One of my fav skz comfort fics of all time, it's so so good, recommending again bc I should
In his arms, unexpectedly yours - @cheesemonky (Hyunjin x reader series)
This is a new series which I'm excited to see my pookie write !!!
@astraysimp for dad skz!!!
Nicholas Ross - @dean-a-mean-tae (skz ninth member male oc)
Love their ninth member writings so definitely check it out if you're looking for male!oc who is the ninth!
In my past, I find you and in the future, I still have you - @yangbbokari (Chan x reader)
Heartbreaking, like so angsty but it's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
Princess treatment with SKZ - @j-oneproduces
Each individual member x reader has a drabble and I love it so so much, very accurate imo
@skzoologist read their imagines on their ninth member oc Bae! They also have a fic called unfamiliarity using the same oc :)
I like the view - @mirisss (hybrid ot8 skz X reader)
I rly need to reread this one because I loved what I read so far on it!!!
Rabbit hybrid reader - @authorofdanger (hybrid skz x hybrid reader)
I've linked a masterlist, I'd recommend the fic dominance and then the first few fics which are to do with reader as a rabbit hybrid! slight warning that woojin is mentioned
Red Moon - @lixiepeach (omegaverse series)
this is one of the first skz omegaverse fics I read and it is done so beautifully, as it says in the description of the series, it deals with more adult content than just smut, and the way it is explored is written so well, couldn't recommend highly enough!
Inked Petals and Message Tones - @leviackermanscleaningbuddy (poly smau with real life)
this is an ao3 skz fic which changed my life. I can't explain how much I love this, it had me on an emotional rollercoaster fr fr like it's amazing!
n.h.i.e mini series - @hyungszn (smut ot8 x reader)
damn this one really has me on my toes like the chapters are chefs kiss and it's such a good read!
Bold - @hyunsvngs (American footballer minsung x reader)
Wow wow wee wow. This one made my brain go brrr and evaporate and melt and wow the storyline in it is so so good too. Juno rly has such a good relationship with anonnies and moots and it's so lovely to see. A jupiter stan right here!!
Sanguis Limerence - @jl-micasea-fics (vampire skz x reader)
This is one of the first series I was fully committed to reading on this all and constantly checking. It's insanely amazing, I can't put it into words and now I wanna read it all back again 😭
waiting for us - @kkami-writes (smau poly ot8 X reader)
I'm in love with this!!! Perhaps my fav skz smau like the character development as well is really nice to see and it's an easy read if you find it easier to read it in text messages form
Anger management - @2chopsticks2eyes (minsung x reader)
This is so hot and the way the storyline progresses as well is beautiful
@1-800-shedevil I'm in awe of her and her blog. Gorgeous writer, gorgeous writing. Her posts about body positivity rly are so helpful and her words are so comforting
Sharing = caring - @cbini (ot8 X reader)
This is unbelievably good and if you haven't seen it yet? Do you even Tumblr? Love how ems has such a good relationship with moots and in answering asks too! cbinian for life
Better than revenge - @lixie-phoria (smau Jeongin x reader)
I'm so obsessed with this series so far, putting it here bc there's smut to be added in the future. But I'm in love with it so far wow!!!
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amphitriteswife · 5 months
Do more of ror school au hcs please 🙏🏻 💓 💕 💗
📝✂️Ror/ Snv characters as Students📝✂️
Also am I spotting a fellow Alien stage fan??? @miserable-homo-momo
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☠️He’s a top student. On top of most of his classes, and he’s a senior.
☠️ Mostly hangs out with Qin or his brothers. He doesn’t necessarily have friends but a lot of ppl want to be tho, only he focuses on being a big brother.
☠️ Listens to a lot of music tastes. Like his play list is full of mood swings. It contains: Classic music, Pop Music, HipHop, Heavy metal ect. It kinda depends on what he feels tbh. A few of his faves would be: Tupac, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B and Mozart.
☠️Drives a nice car which made him very popular. He used it to take his brothers everywhere but he ended up sharing it between his brothers and bought a motorbike of his own🤭
☠️ He had a lot of piercings: Ears, lip, Eyebrow…nipple…But he looks good and knows how to pull it off. Like just Imagine it. Gah dayum
☠️ He actually skipped class?? You wouldn’t expect it from him but he did skip class. It’s not often but once in a blue moon. Most of the times it’s cause he wants to hang out with his brothers.
☠️ goes to all the house parties. As good of a student he is, he also likes going out. So most of the time he gets invited to parties or hang outs.
☠️ most ppl thought he was a player but ended up being one of the ppl that married their high school sweetheart. He might have dated some ppl but they weren’t flings but actually legit relationships
☠️ probably the one person that brings snacks or drinks for the class if they have a field trip or just a hot school day y’know. Like just imagine it being a hot sunny day and you still have a lot of lessons to follow and boom, hades brings ice cream for the class?? Life safer fr🙏
☠️ He probably likes History, astronomy and psychology. He kind of has random subject but he just chose what he deems as interesting. He only likes the 🪐⭐️🌠🌌 and not the math in astronomy.
☠️ He cooks on field trips that last more days. Only if its’s necessary tho. Mainly because he’s rich enough to afford going to restaurants or the school handles it.
☠️ he’s the therapist friend fr. Genuinely knows when there’s something wrong and asks, not in public tho. He doesn’t judge but actually listens to you. He also offers comfort if you need it. What a goat
☠️ class president. Even though he didn’t want to be. Most ppl voted for him for the above stated reasons. And because he’s kind of a big brother type.
☠️ man could do anything and he wouldn’t get into trouble. Mostly because all the teachers love him as a student so shawty has a good reputation.
☠️ He’s bad at art yet has very nice cursive handwriting. Probably because he takes extra poetry lessons. Or he practiced it till he was satisfied.
☠️ Is in the chess club with Beelzebub and the birb. They often play and even have participate in Tournaments.
☠️ He’s the type that also chose languages as subjects, so like German, French, Italian, Chinese, Latin and ofc Greek. Probably because his ass has a photographic memory
☠️ doesn’t eat cafeteria food and actually goed off campus to buy food. If some of his lessons are canceled he just goes to restaurants or shopping streets to kill time
☠️ Actually doesn’t rly do his homework. He only does it in classes that check homework or give bonuses for it, otherwise he usually doesn’t do it. Besides he only studies like 2 weeks before the week where all the tests are. Unless he knows he needs more time for a certain subject. Then he catches up
☠️ Went to Spain, Germany and France because he choose those subjects and teased his younger brothers for it. He did buy them a requested item for each of em. Not Zeus cause he requested a Latina babe.
☠️ He has a place in school where he always sits when he aint off campus. So if ya eveer try to find him he’s probably there.
☠️ graduated w honors fr. Mosy of the teacher wrote nice things about them and held wonderful speeches for him since he was a good student. His quote in the year book was sum like ‘👍’.
☠️ He probably went on luxurious vacations and posted the pictures on his insta. He dont do snap or any other form of social media.
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🪷 the student that doesn’t really care about grades but does get good ones.
🪷 He’s usually eats in class. But for some reason the teachers allow it cause he ain’t causing a mess. Or because he’s actually a prince and could buy the school in a second.
🪷 Definitely choose a language as a subject and geography cause man knows a lot about different cultures. My goat
🪷 Definitely a music lover. You can always catch him with one AirPod in his ear. Probably has the latest phone too cause he richy rich.
🪷 Goes to on lot of vacations. Like every break he’s somewhere. Japan, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Canada, Brazil, he goes to many places. Brodie might start doing them travel vlogs atp
🪷 He has lots of Social Media’s. Tiktok, Tenten, insta, snap, Discord??🤨 , Be real ect. His tiktok is just goofy ahh videos while his insta is usually pics of his vacations. Like you know them influencers who have them nice ahh pics? He has that, but he just aint a influencer
🪷 Never takes notes in class. So you might wanne share em w him if you have em. In return he’ll let you munch on his snacks.
🪷 BIG supporter of Cultural day. Like he already sighed a petition and complained that every school should have one. He even offered to host them and buy stuff for it.
🪷 biggest class skipper together with Qin. He’s either off campus buying stuff, at home cause brodie didn’t wanne come or he just bailed mid way with the ‘can i use the restroom?’ Tactic. His ass almost got into trouble w the school cause of the many times he was absent.
🪷 If you have a presentation with him. Yall will score perfectly. Especially if it’s a subject he knows a lot about, brodie will carry you like how Eren carried that stone in Shiganshina (aot reference 🤨)
🪷 Deals candy in school. Like you know how some schools have the policy that their cafeteria doesn’t sell unhealthy stuff? And the stuff is overpriced asf. Yeah he broke that by buying a lot of different candies and letting ppl buy em for €1 no matter what the OG price was. He may or may not have gotten into trouble but man did not care
🪷 LOVESS LOVES LOVES school trips. He always buys snacks for em. He usually researches the place where yall is going so that he can divide the time and go see the whole place instead of just only doing the assignment.
🪷 He is friends w actually almost everyone. Almost. Except Loki. But it’s difficult. Loki HATES him. While Buddha is kinda like 😒. It got so bad that Loki had to switch classes fr. Now one may ask why? Buddha worked together Sigyn that’s why
🪷 house parties, pool parties, after school parties, just any party tbh. If he catches one he is going. And Believe me it makes it so much better. He has the music, the vibe, the photo’s everything. Man is so chill fr
🪷 lowkey good friends w Hades. Mainly because they both chose languages. They usually practice together if they have like a verbal test. They got each other’s back. And yeah Buddha’s a senior cause he skipped some grades
🪷 Ppl expected him to actually be single cause of how care free he is but they were wrong cause man was SMITTEN by Yasodharā. They were literally THE couple.
🪷 Got into a class fight with Loki. Imma leave room for yall to think how that went. Man CLEARED him. But he didn’t hit tho. He didn’t square up. He just dodged and threw chips in his face.
🪷 watched anime, reads manhwa and hd merch. But he the cool ones that keep it lowkey and dont rly act upon it
🪷 Man saved the ppl who graduated w him. He arranged that the ppl in the last year could have a week long vacation to Italy. Mainly to see art or just enjoy being free from school.
🪷 As much as he hated school. He’s the type that goes for a good time. He likes being w his friends or his glorious gf Yasodharā.
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🧿 Laid back student that barely passes but doesn’t really mind.
🧿 member of the party club! He hosts all the dances, plays, school events, parties, gala’s. Anything to do with the sort!
🧿 Also a big fan of house parties. Good music, good vibe, lots of ppl, drinks n a good home? He’s all in.
🧿 He 100% had music, art and religion as a subject. Dancing is included with art and he gives extra lessons to the youngsters. He might even have his own dance club on campus.
🧿 He’s also a fan of p.e. He 100% has a one sided rivalry with Hercules and Ares. But if it’s Ares and Hercules against each other he’s on Hercules’ side.
🧿 He hosted a Gala for the seniors and it was so goated, he even had a department for ppl who didn’t want to dance and put on game consoles on the big ahh boards.
🧿 He and Poseidon were playing Mario Kart and SSBU against each other. Half of the ppl there spectated on how the two were so focused and at each other’s throat. But after that Shiva went back to dancing.
🧿 A lot of ppl think that he’s poly but he’d monogamous and has a girlfriend. Aka Parvati. Who was his partner to homecoming. Which he hosted ofcourse.
🧿 Skips school so much that he once had to have a conversation with the school therapist to make sure there was nothing going on at home. (There isn’t) but he played it off cause he a smooth talker and got away with it.
🧿 He’s besties w Rudra. They’re the duo that everyone knows cause they’ve been going to the same school and usually have most classes together. Even if they don’t like the subject. Like you can see Shiva in some classes they don’t have together cause he just asks the teacher it its cool and most of the time it’s cool. Most.
🧿 They the duo that they meet each other in the halls cause they both got sent out of the classroom. Or they both have detention and never do any work in it there.
🧿 you can usually spot them outside going for a run or at the gym. They also share a playlist for of they go to the gym and its very intense. Or they’re goofing around and end up doing something else.
🧿 He’s also in Hades class as a senior but they aint rly close, no bad blood but they just have their own friends. Though If they were to be paired up they’d make a very good duo.
🧿 Also a big fan of Culture day. But the best part is that Parvati is in a beautiful sari, her make up done, mehendi on her hands and feet, churias on her arms, a veil on her head. Hmm perfect.
🧿 He lowkey beefs with Loki but does it in a goofy way y’know. Like he seems very intimidating cause of his physique and height but he’s lowkey chill and doesn’t bother ppl.
🧿 is lowkey a model together with Poseidon. He posts a lot of pictures on his insta, Indian weddings (they’re the best) pics of himself or if he went somewhere. Some of them are lowkey so aestheticly pleasing.
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Yuh that’s it. Might make a part 3 tho
Tagging: @mizz-sea-nymph @vilereign @tinyy-tea-cup @das-jaim3 @monstertreden @rukia-writes @snowmantita @brokensenseofhumor @itz-hel @nicasdreamer @imperfectbloodmoon @swallowtail-lotus @m3l-moony @riseofamoonycake @bumblebees-knees-threes @praisethesuuun @telvess @salmonpoki @aresarmyblog
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sadie-bug345 · 5 months
gangs favorite classes🫶🥰🫡☝️🤓
i keep taking breaks from tumblr but i’m really tryna get back in the swing of things🙏
ahhhh i haven’t reread the book in a while but he probably mentions classes he likes or he doesn’t like
ik he has like a D in his creative writing class or smth but that’s cause he don’t like the restrictions that come with writing for an assignment
in reality i feel like he is an english guy overall
also gives history ngl
more social studies classes
8/10 hes real for that
elective guy thru and thru
like photography, art, ceramics, graphic design, etc
he might be amazing at these artsy classes
and that’s why he likes them OR
he just loves the chill classroom vibe yk
also he likes the kids in there too
i feel like johnny gets so annoyed with louder socs who mess around in the classes he likes
cause my guy is actually respectful🫶🙏
10/10 so valid honestly, like photo is fr my favorite class and i feel like johnny would totally fw that
language classes
like spanish, french, german, whatever floats your boat
i think he likes the funny atmosphere of everyone kinda messing up whenever they’re put on the spot to speak in class
just cause no one really cares
ALSO DESTROYS during presentations btw
like either he’s genuinely good
or he just keeps messing up and giggles abt it so much that the teacher starts yelling at him abt it
genuinely has a dgaf mindset to school in general which is very admirable
6/10 i hate my spanish 2 class but its ok😭🙏
sports med / sports weights
OR anatomy
like he just enjoys sports so anything that relates to that he finds really interesting
he likes the helping people aspect of sports med
and i’m in sports med as well which is actually so fun ngl
he eats with that
always crushes tests
i think he really studies for tests and actually tries
which allows him to get good grades🤓☝️
but he couldn’t care less abt classes he doesn’t like
7/10 valid
pretends to not give a shit but we know he does when it comes to the gang
bc of this, his fave classes are whatever he has the most friends in
other than that he thinks all classes are terrible and they all feel like years
math guy when he actually understands the concept
but the second things get hard he just gives up
“who needs these hyperbolas anyways man🙄”
lives for lunch and after school cause he just walks around and talks
or fights with other kids but we don’t talk abt that
6/10 im the same way abt math
any class where he can mess with the teacher
like either the teacher is chill and jokes around with him
OR the teacher actually sucks and two just makes them even more mad
lives for class laughter
like soda he enjoys more participation based classes, less the actual content
somehow he always gets sat in the desk right next to the teachers desk so they can keep an eye on him
barely ever gets to sit next to his friends for obvious reasons LMAO
7/10 also valid
obviously auto mechanic if the school offers it
otherwise he gives a science kid
like biology, physics, anatomy, stuff like that
his brain is just the type to get it
so those classes are barely hard for him
which is SO LUCKY
he the type to just go off about some technical concept the class is going over and explain it perfectly to his friend who needs help and then make a your mom joke the next minute
5/10 i hate physics and i hate how he’d be better at it than me
(btw i’m going thru requests rn so dw!!)
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schizoidcel · 11 months
hi…could you write hc’s or a fanfic with zooble x reader who’s a ballerina, it can be about anything really just fluff….I need more zooble 😈
warnings :: Not proofread + Me rambling about my Zooble hc's in the first few points 🌚
To start this off, I headcanon Zooble as a "music freak" .
So I think personally Zooble listens to any type of music!!
Rock, punk, pop, it DOSEN'T MATTER they love it
And ofcourse with music comes dances ...
I feel like Zooble wouldn't be that interested in dances, but they're all in anyway if it's their S/O doing the dancing
When Zooble saw you dance for the first time, they loved it!
Also, their compliments are like, literally the most unqiue ones you've ever gotten.
They praise your flow and elegance, and you can really see how much attention they paid to your movements to be making detailed compliments like that.
It lowkey felt like getting praised from a mentor/teacher LMFAWOO
Whenever you do splits and shit, I feel like they would cringe sometimes.
Not because they actually find it cringe, it just looks VERY painful
Finds it really impressive, though .
Since it would be hard for them to do this in their new body
But they also feel like they could never even attempt doing those in the real world 😭
If you ever asked them to dance or practice with you, they'd look at you with the tamest "wtf" look they ever gave someone
They just don't wanna fall apart. Spare the bestie.
Plus watching you from near is way better in Zoobles opinion
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
How I look after prioritizing every Zooble request I get
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Imma be so fr yall I'd fuck Jax till the shaytan would question whether to ask god to add another sin to the 7 deadly sins or not but Zooble is deffo my fave
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hayatoseyepatch · 21 days
You are literally so fucking amazing, Sam! I’m proud of you for not only reaching 500 followers, but also for being the spectacular, sweet, funny and kind person you are ❤️ I know you put in so much time and care into your writing and that’s evident in the quality you put out bb!
Pronouns: She/Her
Personality: I’m a relatively bubbly person! I love to make others laugh and enjoy laughing myself. I’m supportive of those I love and have been told I have the personality of a Kindergarten teacher from friends because I’m always pumping people up 🥲 I’m a cross between an introvert and an extrovert but lean more extrovert as I can strike up a conversation with anyone and don’t mind being personable/putting myself out there (I just NEED time to recharge my battery). I’m super sensitive to my emotions and the emotions of others around me; I feel best when those I love feel their best and will go through great lengths to make sure they have a smile on their face. If we’re being honest, I’m a chronic people pleaser (working on it!).
Hobbies: Horror Movies, Rock/Metal Concerts, Naps, Good Food, Finding the Joy in Things
Fandoms: Wind Breaker + Demon Slayer
Fave Tropes: “X Fell Hard, But Y Fell Harder” “Stuck in a Confined Space With Each Other” “All-Consuming Love 🤡🤡” Is the last one a trope? I’m saying that it is haha
What’s My Type: I feel like my type has changed so much especially since I’ve experienced so many new life events? But I think it all comes down to: strong personality, hero/justice oriented type, loud, strong (strength-wise). Looks matter to me in characters, sure, but the characters that have stuck with me are the characters with the loudest ideals, personalities and mouths (does this sound like me, Sam? It’s so hard to analyze yourself, you know?) Idk maybe conviction is sexy to me????
Favorites: looooool you know who my faves are but I never get tired of sharing: Haruka Sakura, Kyojuro Rengoku, Obanai Iguro. But I will NOT be upset if you don’t pair me with anyone from this list in fact I welcome whatever feels most right to YOU in matching, Sam 🫶
ICKS: God, yes. Fuck Akaza with my ENTIRE chest. Like I will CRY! I don’t mind anyone else otherwise.
Love you bb! You are KILLING it!
Here we are back on the Eevee makes Sam cry chronicles, thank you so much for your kind words I literally adore you more than anything. Funny thing, I was literally scrolling and did you know you were like my second-ever mutual when I made this blog back in June? I literally lucked out so hard fr and now you’re stuck with me for the rest of your days, funny how that works. Okay, I’m rambling, ilysm bb, onto your match up. You're a mutual who asked for two so that’s what you shall get baby!!
First I match you up with KYOJURO RENGOKU from Demon Slayer!
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⤜♡→ Okay you knew this was coming, I knew this was coming, we all knew this was coming. I can't be here holding a match-up event and not pay tribute to my favorite married couple. You guys are SOULMATES in my eyes, and Rengoku’s too. If you looked up devotion in an encyclopedia there you both are.
⤜♡→ Rengoku had fallen for you from the first moment he saw you smile, from the instance that your melodic laughter met his ears for the very first time. He swore in that moment he would dedicate his life to keeping that smile on your face and your laughter in the air.
⤜♡→ Lets be honest here Rengoku is a gorgeous man, however, what made you fall for him was his conviction. He has such a noble heart and is always willing to help out anyone in need. His heart had its way of calling out to yours and I think you were both hopeless from the start.
⤜♡→ If you are also a demon slayer, I believe it took a while for you both to get together, the nature of the profession puts your lives in danger at every turn. He definitely confessed while you both were on a mission. The two of you were forced to hide from a demon the both of you aiming to gather intel and well making out in a closet kind of just took precedence, oops.
The both of you laid in the grass, breaths coming in uneven as dawn finally broke over the horizon. The fight you had both been engaged in was long and arduous, dark red staining your uniforms, but luckily nothing life-threatening. But the fear of losing you sets a jolt of panic through Rengoku’s heart. Despite the both of you fighting side by side countless times this was the first time he feared for your lives. He was quiet, collecting your form delicately into his strong arms. His face buried in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, taking it in as if it was his lifeline. The realization that this could have been the last time he held you like this, he lets it consume his senses. His heart raced in his chest holding you in a vice-like grip as his vision blurred, he didn’t know what he would ever do if he lost you, and the idea alone had him making up his mind in that instant.
He pulled from you, only enough so he could look into your eyes, the same eyes he found himself lost in every day, the same eyes he wanted to look into with love and adoration for the rest of his life. His hands moved to cup your cheeks, pulling you in to capture your lips with his own. He poured ever last ounce of love he could possibly fit into the embrace. When he finally brought himself to pull from the kiss his eyes were lit with a fiery conviction, the words falling from his mouth as if it were as easy as breathing. As if every word he had ever said never meant as much to him as the ones he was about to speak. “Marry me.”
He sees the shock light on your features from the sudden nature of his words, but they were anything but spontaneous. He had thought countess times about marrying you, having a life with you, starting a family. He takes your hands in his eyes burning into your own. “I love you more than anything in this life. I could have lost you tonight, I cannot live another moment without you as my wife. I will love you until the moment I draw my last breath, I will find you in every lifetime to make you mine again. Please, my love, give me the pleasure of being your husband. Let me spend the rest of my days by your side.” When he was looking at you like that with his words setting your heart ablaze, how could you possibly say no?
Second up I match you with ME just kidding I guess or whtever.. but no its HAYATO SUO from Wind Breaker!
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⤜♡→ Okay, hoe, before you come at me with your pitchfork and say I’m just trying to start with you on my Suo bs again HEAR ME OUT! I really do think you two are more compatible than you think you are. As someone who likes to think she knows you just a wee bit from being up your ass everyday, I have an informed opinion.
⤜♡→ I think Suos care is often overlooked for the whole "mischievous cocky asshole” vibe, but he's so much more than that. We’re talking about the same man who took Nirei under his wing to teach him how to fight so he wouldn’t get hurt. The same man who protects him at every turn even if it leaves himself open. The man who went taint first kick to Endo for talking bad about Sakura. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect those he cares about and would watch the world burn to keep you safe.
⤜♡→ CEO of shit-talking. I just imagine you both curled up in bed with one another, his fingers running up and down the column of your spine as he snorts at the way you were making fun of Tsugeura’s hair. The both of you constantly whispering to each other under your breaths while out and about not even trying to hide when you were talking about someone.
⤜♡→ I feel like you both get into so much mischief. Suo is more than aware of Sakura’s little crush on you and he is more than happy to tease him at every corner. Kissing you in front of him, pulling you into his lap, whispering the nastiest shit in your ear (conveniently forgetting he was in earshot). But he was a very generous man, he repays Sakura for all the teasing by letting him take a taste of you whenever he wants. Just because he’s such a good friend, yk?
⤜♡→ Come on babe, you're gonna look at me and say the sex isn’t on a whole other level? This man CRAVES you constantly. He will treat you like the most precious gem imaginable in the streets and take you home and fuck you like a whore. Aftercare is god tier though.
Suo hums, adjusting the water in the bath for the both of you, just how you like it. Adding in some Epsom salt to soothe your aching muscles from the strain put on them by such an intense session. Once the bath was drawn, he returns to the bedroom, eyes soft as he sees you lying against the sheets. Cupping your cheek as he presses a sweet kiss to your lips. “Come on my love let’s get you a nice warm bath to get you all cleaned up, then we can just lay in bed for the rest of the evening, how does that sound, hm?”
He collects you into his arms, carrying you to the bathroom, gently settling you both into the warm water. Careful not to let the water slosh around and get the floor wet. He pulls you against his chest arms settling around your midsection, holding you to him. His eyes closing in contentment as he enjoys the skin-to-skin contact he is receiving. Resting his nose into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and enjoying this moment with you. “You did so good for me, my sweet baby, now let me take care of you, yeah?” He was always so gentle after, hands soothing over your sore muscles, gently washing you in the bath. Kisses pressed to every inch of your skin as he worships your body. Confessions of love and adoration murmured into your skin.
Once you were thoroughly cleaned and feeling the depths of his affection he would drain the tub, not letting you lift a finger as he dried you off. Rubbing lotion into your skin in a comforting gesture before getting you dressed in your night clothes. After getting ready for bed himself he climbs into the mattress next to you, collecting you into his arms once more. He smiles softly as you snuggle into him, pressing his lips against your forehead as he watches your eyes droop. "Good night my love, you've most certainly earned your rest." Suo may be an actual demon when fucking you, but he would never allow you to question that you are his world. He never thought he was capable of loving someone like this, and he would do everything in his power to keep you by his side.
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mymanyfandomramblings · 3 months
what are your fave finn centric episodes?
just asking for a friend :]
ooh, my favourite eps for Finn, I'll try to do one for each season, plus some honourable mentions...
Ballad--sure he's an idiot but good gravy, he's a charming idiot. The karate in the bathroom, I'll Stand By You (my beloved) and the utter sincerity in You're Having My Baby despite the fact it was a Bad Move. Also, he jumps in to defend Quinn from her parents and stands up for her, which is pretty sweet. Besides, it's the beginning of Furt, which is very important.
My suggestion for Season Two episodes, is always going to The Sue Sylvester Shuffle--best episode of the show fr fr, and has Finn showing some admirable leadership.
Heart--the only season 3 episode where Finn is in focus without putting him through the wringer--we get some excellent Finn/Rachel interactions, plus The Dads. Also that scene during Love Shack where he pops up with the massive grin.
Dynamic Duets--the beginning of Teacher! Finn, and he's so cute in this episode. Besides, he's really good with Ryder and Jake. (also I love the newbies and this is a good ep for them)
Preggers--Finn crying makes me sad, but Cory's acting in this scene is incredible. Also, early Furt, my beloved
Sectionals--THE ACTING! In the confrontation scene. It's truly brilliant. Also the beginning of Finn's leadership skills
Grilled Cheesus--most episodes where I'm hyping Cory's acting, it's usually ones where he's making me cry, but in this case, I'm hyping the utter earnestness he shows in approaching the wildest material. Like, Finn believing that Jesus is in his sandwich is incredibly stupid, but Cory's acting makes me fully believe that this is something that could happen in Finn's reality. Besides, it's hilarious.
Duets--not a great episode for Finn on his own (he's not great with Sam and Kurt), but it's called the best episode for Finchel for a reason. The chemistry, acting and humour is off the charts for both.
The Rocky Horror Glee Show--Finn is my favourite part of this episode.
Silly Love Songs--he's being a tool in this episode, but it's so fun to watch
Born This Way--he's very out of focus here, but he gets I've Gotta Be Me, and the goofy smile on his face before he breaks Rachel's nose is everything
Rumours--always a top-tier episode for everyone, and it has a lot of Finn/Quinn--they're such a toxic couple, but they're fascinating together.
Yes/No--it's hard to watch in the light of Cory's death, but a very good episode for Finn, and the acting is so moving
Nationals--Paradise By The Dashboard Light. Enough Said.
That's all I can think of for now
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
another ask answering post woah
got a few Long asks last night/yesterday so I'm just gonna answer all in a post instead of taking up everyone's dashes or trying to give small answers!!
featuring some skywalkers apart au, rey skywalker-djarin au, timejump au, and random other star war:
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YOU'RE SO RIGHT i hadn't even thought of it like this!!! partly bc I just think of Luke like... not being too unhealthy abt Jedi stuff bc unlike Disney I wouldn't give him a complete personality transplant loll. BUT YEAH!!! Luke being happier and getting that differing perspective would so help him be a better teacher and give everyone less mental health issues!!
also what i'm hearing overall is they can fix ben with:
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@cherrypine6 awww thank you!!! I'm currently not sure, I've got a scene w him written but I really don't know whether I'm keeping it in or not -- guess we're both gonna find out loll!!!
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@mydearestblue LETS GOOOOO high praise thank u <3
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@aberrations-reality OOHHHHHH!!! unfortunately leia's in her normal outfit and it doesn't go down quite like that but OHHHHHHH at the idea,,,
tbh I don't think Palpatine would oppress Naboo culture loads, but I do think he'd put an insane imperial presence there to protect his homeworld even tho it's ultimately doing more harm than good ): ...and higher imperial presence means he's more likely to catch padme w anakin if he ever visits
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@erkhyan I had not!! thank you!! they're eli vanto kinning fr
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thanks for the heads up anon!! i dont think i'll block them bc they seem respectful abt it & tag all their discourse/ don't tag it as characters + i think it's fair anakin maybe one of my faves of all time but ya know, he's a bit of a shit person, i get ppl who don't like him lolll <3 but still thank you for telling me!!! nice to know these things
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sundove88 · 1 year
Linkers Of The Ancient Heroes (Cookie Run Sugar Linkage)
Hello, everyone! Sorry if I didn’t post that much art but I have a new installment for Project Link Up- Cookie Run Sugar Linkage!
And what better way to start than with the linkers of the Ancient Heroes?
Btw, their Linkage Treats are in the brackets- and I’d like to see their Linked Forms!
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Jonah Ramirez (Pure Vanilla Cookie): “No matter what, I’ll find the linkers of your friends no matter what! Even if it means skipping classes and stuff!” (Determined Doctor in Training) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Vanilla Bean Soufflé]
Jonah is a Caucasian-Latino student at medical school, and went there because not because he wants to help heal people, but also because he wants to make a change in the world.
As much as he treasures his friends (They’re older than him), he loves his mentor Priscilla the most, especially since they became instant friends when Jonah began attending the university.
Just like his partner Pure Vanilla Cookie, he’s mostly the medic of the team, and a very good one at that.
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Eliza Regale (Hollyberry Cookie): “Who's my fave granddaughters? Yes, you are! After all, I’ve still got that fighting spirit in me!” (Gramma of The Year) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Festive Berry Cupcake]
Eliza is a talented Black fashion designer and owner of the Fashion House Berrylicious. She can practically make any outfit you wish, but she loves making dresses the most.
She loves her granddaughters Emily and Erika (Princess and Tiger Lily’s Linkers) more than anything, and she lets her husband Ivan (Elderberry’s Linker) as well as her son Matthew (Royalberry’s Linker) and daughter in law Lorelei (Jungleberry’s Linker) to help her with designing clothes.
Just like her partner Hollyberry Cookie, she knows some sweet party tricks like a keg stand and can even break open a wall with just a headbutt.
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Donnelly Hyun (Dark Cacao Cookie): “Andy… I know I’m busy with everything I’m doing… but I swear… I will spend time with you…!” (Wanting Nothing But My Son) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Chocolate Citadel]
Donnelly is a Korean-American father who accepted an overseas work offer too good to be true, and wants desperately to get back to his family in Bakerton (The main setting of CRSL).
He loves his wife Kiera (ChocoPearl’s Linker) and son Andy (Dark Choco’s Linker) more than anything, but is really good at martial arts. However, his coworker Qin (Affogato’s Linker) decided to keep him in Korea… for his own reasons.
Just like his partner Dark Cacao Cookie, he also has a very soft side- especially when he makes ink drawings with just a brush and ink pot.
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Natalia Jameel (Golden Cheese Cookie): “Tell me, is my company going the way I want it? And if so… how can I make it better?” (More Than Just Gold) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Gilded Cheese Fondue]
Natalia is an Arabic woman who is the CEO of Golden Moments Inc., a trade company that has a building 36 stories tall- her office is on the very top floor!
She has a pet Scarlet macaw named Rouge and loves her husband Abdul, but feels like that something is missing from her life; and no matter how much gold surrounds her, she can’t fill that hole.
Just like her partner Golden Cheese Cookie, she loves anything sparkly and has a secret obsession with gemstones- especially amethysts, rubies, topazes, sapphires, emeralds, and pearls… but most of all diamonds.
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Priscilla Magdalene (White Lily Cookie): “Come on me, you can do this. You just have to keep Patricia at bay…!” (Two Sides of The Same Flower) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Lily Flower Cookies]
Priscilla is a Caucasian teacher at the University of Bakerton, and she teaches botany. Plus, her favorite flowers are asiatic lilies; because of their smell and meaning.
However, a month prior to the series, she tried to make life on her own aka Homunculi- but that backfired and she was caught up in a massive explosion, leading her face to be permanently scarred and her to gain a split personality- aka Patricia (Dark Enchantress’ Linker). Despite the efforts of her friends to save her, all 5 of their Linkage Treats were destroyed and she was sent into a coma upon being split from Patricia.
Just like her partner White Lily Cookie, she truly values her friends and family- especially Jonah, who was devastated at the fact he lost his mentor.
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bluenpjm · 1 year
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— to the writers @singguks @socksjini @bluenpjm, our comments and theories (MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)
from @magicshopew: the ending was a HUGE cliff for me !! and this time around i have no clue to who elena is going to point out to be you !! i agree that tzuyu was very extra shady in that library scene .. but i doubt that if, BIG IF, you is indeed her, she would do it all by herself . 
onto the fights because omg i lost my sh*t over the ones we got this chapter - someone protects our baby JK !! he wasnt ready for that throw down kajhjkjshd elena was feral and kaya girl o-o i didnt know you had it in you !! freya and namjoon were juggling like clowns jhdsj it was too funny omg 
jin bestie .. i love you . what to even say !! i was living my best life every time he made an intervention jskhdak 
pairings - sh*t will hit the fan if freya doesnt tell her secret to our homeboy JK let me just say !! their scenes were precious and i was in rage when mingyu showed instead .. kaya girl again .. OMG !! the library scene once again got me »»» and we all know what ship is sailing when it comes to tae ajhdsgkagd 
* additional * was it only me or anyone missed archie as well ? i was waiting for drama boy-ihhh kjashdkjahds 
from @dropsofjoonpiter: ok i actually suck when trying to guess who the culprit is. but i do feel in my gut it's not tzuyu the real you... LISTEN! i know, she's sus, but i feel she is an informant? for the real you. and my best guess is the real you is from that little group that got jungkook tied to the tree! 
i won't even say much about this chapter be the bomb because cmon. it was so well written! the fights seemed real. i could actually picture the whole thing as if i was a student in horus kkkkkk 
my fave this chapter got to be either jimin whining all the time and uhm??? breaking a lamp!!! OR yoongi was pretty badass and funny kkkk not him telling on tae kkkkkkk 
the romance was over the roof period. i don't even have a fave, they all served different things for me and i'm here for it 🤍
from @rcseluv: I AM SHOCKED. that's my take on this chapter. 
like Kook points out I don't even want to know who You is. I just want to know when are they all dating!!!!! 
if I was studying there, I'd be checking my socials every second and I would thrive liking Elena's responses ahahah if I was in their shoes I don't think I would have the courage though! just imagine the whole school knowing stuff about you? yikes! 
and I really think Tzuyu could be You. she is roommates with Freya right? it's really possible. and the way she looked at Namjoon with Kaya!!! that was creepy af. 
Jimin and the teacher got me on nerves as soon as I started reading. I don't like Miss Bellum no matter how much he comes to her rescue... Mingyu was cute but eh... I'd rather ship Freya with Yoongi if Kook isn't her endgame. 
MAZE SCENE got me cryingggg! they are precious together. I'm happy I was right about Kaya's ship ahaha the tea reference... Ugh! perfect together. 
and can we talk about how everyone was running from Tae this chapter? ahahaahah I died. Elena was the only one hanging with him!!! even Freya was like omg my twin is too much ahahahahahaha 
from @investigativelewis: You're hearing from me first but now that I think about it Tzuyu is not YOU. 
What if Miss Bellum is the one?! I bet on her or Bambam. Because picture this: Miss Bellum was with Jimin the whole time apparently (ew.) and we all know Jimin is a lose mouth (well I'm assuming) so I don't know... Maybe I just don't trust the woman. But for Bambam it actually makes sense. He did do that thing with Jk and then when the fight started between Jimin and Archie he was the one inciting the whole thing... And Tzuyu is from his gang, that was written so. 
Apart from that, the writting was ten out of ten. The fights were amazing!!! And I really wish we could get a tv series out of this because I pictured the whole school and it seems DREAMYYYYY! I can't stop myself from imagining cute dates between them... And the girls running away from Horus? Omg. They for sure know all the cool spots there, as confirmed by our queen Kaya. 
I just loved this chapter too much! Made me want to go back to school myself ahaha didn't you feel that? That scene where they are all dozing off and then someone picks up their phone is just a throw back to my days in school. It was really nice! 
from @narimiese: I am so~ lost after this one. Omo. I really thought you would be Archie,, but after this chapter Im not so sure anymore~
But thats not the important part 🤣🤣 What matters is when all the ships will be sailing~ One is! But the other two are rocky,,,, I really liked seeing Kaya and Joon~ They were too cute with each other! I fear for Hobis reaction but he will have to take it as it is I dont care~ 🤣
The tea scene was really really cute. I loved it~ And Freya omo... I was so sad for her after classes,, She seems to connect so well with Jeongguk and he doesnt move! Its frustrating~ 🤣
Elena was not having it,, And I really liked her part with Yoongi~! 
Do you think Archie will let that thing at the games just be..? I was waiting him going after the Wolves 🤔
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cheemken · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons about the Unova league? The Unova games are your favorite iirc, so I'm curious what headcanons you have for the league
Hell yes I fuckin do omf thanks for asking this is exciting my fave League and fave games and fave region the peak of pkmn honestly fr fr hahaha
Anyways hahaha
•the most tight knitted group of friends ever fr, like the Unova League is legit the epitome of found family I'm not taking criticism on this
•Elesa loves the rollercoasters bc it reminds her of the trains in the subway, and since she's both Gym Leader and model, she really can't hang out w Ingo and Emmet that much
-so to fill in the void of missing her bros, she rides the rollercoaster during her free time, and she's just imagining Ingo and Emmet w her having fun too
-ofc, whenever she has the free time, she'd always be there w her bros, and the three of them would be the final bosses of the subway, either going for Triple Battles or Rotation Battles
•Skyla is honestly afraid of the deep sea, whenever she flies around Unova and she passes the seas of Undella or Humilau and such, she won't ever look down, no matter how beautiful she knows the scenery would be
-Elesa got Marlon to help Skyla w that fear of hers. Imagine the three of them at Humilao, Marlon's swimming at the deeper end of the sea, and Skyla's there clinging tight on to Elesa
-ofc, they really don't force her to swim at the deeper end, more like they just make her swim w them at the shallow waters near the shore, and it was nice for her at least bc they care enough abt her to help her
•E4 poly real
-i know when Grimsley went to Alola the other three missed him so much they didn't want to battle challengers without him
-that caused a short hiatus for the league
•Alder and Drayden were childhood friends and were rivals
-Drayden was the type of rival to always strive for the best, he was the one who got a headstart, while Alder took his time on the Gym Challenge
-after beating the E4, since Unova didn't have a Champion back then, the two of them battled for the title, w Alder coming out victorious, and Drayden accepted defeat, congratulating his friend
•while some of the Gym Leaders took a while to forgive N, they also became protective of him, and even taught him a lot of things they know since Ghetsis didn't bother back then
•Roxie is close w the Aspertia kids, they have their own lil friend group too, w Hugh, Nate, and Rosa
-these four are fighting for the title of Unova's best friend group against the Nuvema kids plus Iris and N
-its not really a thing, but Hugh and Hilbert are competitive and they love their friends and are too prideful to ever let anyone sully their own friend group
•Lenora would oftentimes visit Cheren in Aspertia to see how he's doing as Gym Leader, even giving him pointers and such on how to be a better battler and how to balance his work as teacher and as Gym Leader
-but most of the time, she just loves to see how far Cheren has gone, even becoming her own successor as the Normal type Gym Leader of Unova
•Clay has the biggest soft spot for the kids but he will never ever admit it
-they know he'd drop anything in an instant for them, but they only ever do that when they want him to take a break as he is such a workaholic
•while the Striaton triplets were a bit sad their run as Gym Leaders didn't last long, it was still a fun time for them and it was nice that the League and even the people still hold them in high regards
-even young trainers in Striaton would still go to them for battling advice
•Burgh gives free art lessons during his free time, oftentimes Shauntal joins him and gives free writing lessons too
-these two often do collabs/trades, as Shauntal would write stories or poetry about Burgh's works, and Burgh would often paint the sceneries that Shauntal would write in her works
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hadesisqueer · 9 months
They nominated Bea, Chiara, Violeta and Álvaro when two of those nominated should have been Naiara and Cris (and listen, I like Naiara, but that performance was the worst of this gala, she and Cris deserved the nomination more than Álvaro; also, BEA nominated? This is unserious fr). Teachers saved ÁLVARO before Chiara or Bea (unserious again). The others saved Bea. It's Chiara vs Violeta now. The besties. 2 of my 3 fucking faves. The ones with the biggest fandom which is composed of the group the most pissed off sapphics in the world right now—it's almost worse than when Netflix cancelled Warrior Nun—and who have basically decided to start voting whoever pisses people off more (lmao, forget about Juanjo being fave next week, it's Ruslana again all the way, baby). And the ones, myself included, who will stop watching this contest next week because I have never seen anything more unfair. I'll still keep voting to keep whoever stays, and I'll support whoever leaves, but after this week? Yeah fuck this edition, they just lost a huge part of the audience and judging Chenoa and Masi's face, they know it.
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i’m talking abt yarichin bitch club. read more'd bc this is SO fucking long
while lurking on twitter, i came across a thread of ppl discussing the older yaribu members’ views on consent. it was a bit weird, i genuinely thought it was antis having a normal one abt yaribu at first until i realized everyone in the conversation had ybc themed @s and either had antis dni in their bio or 🌈 🍖 in their display name
the general consensus was that all the older members would be willing to intervene/retaliate if someone was being harassed/assaulted except yuri and akemi, and they then proceeded to say akemi is wishy washy because he DID do something when shikatani was being blackmailed by his teacher, but at the same time he went through with gang banging tamura despite his negative reaction to it. the thread took place in 2021 (literally jan 1st lol) and ik a handful of chapters have came out since then, but i find that their observations of akemi still hold up well enough because there hasn’t been much development for him.
i do want to play devil’s advocate tho. since reading yaribu and rereading it at least 4 times since october i gotta say akemi is among my faves. i don’t dislike any of the cast fr but he’s so… interesting that ive found myself enamored with him since i think about him a lot while trying to make sense of his character and where he’s going in the story. he loves itome and cares for him a lot, but not enough to stay monogamous; he says he’s definitely over his ex, but he still keeps the picture they took on their anniversary in his wallet; he’s very perceptive when it comes to those he cares about and he’s not afraid to confront them about whatever is bothering them, but he doesn’t care enough to stop a gang bang when someone isn’t into it. there’s a lot of conflicting things with his words and actions and i love it.
a big point in that conversation is that akemi hasn’t been shown interacting with the 1st years a lot and that he kinda… doesn’t give a shit about them, but i disagree. akemi cares for all of the club members, he’s just very dedicated to the club. i think he also cares for the older members a little more because he’s been around them longer and he’s probably had sex with them all at least once (the only older member we haven’t seen him sleeping with is shikatani, but from his introduction for shikatani it’s likely that they have had sex).
akemi is a pretty polarizing character in the fandom and i find that, especially in today’s fandom climate, characters like him who are ‘wishy washy’ and aren’t an open book tend to be the discourse topic. i’ve seen ppl talk about him like he’s an actual villain and not… a messy character. he’s perceptive and blunt and he cares about his friends, but at the same time he’s very selfish and he does what he wants.
akemi wouldn’t (and hasn’t!) stood by as one of his friends were being harassed. before tamura’s gang bang he even said that he wasn’t serious about it, but because of his taunting and disobedience he went through with it.
anyways, none of the yaribu members are inherently good or evil, akemi and yuri are just characters who are harder to read and therefore are inevitably going to be topics of discourse for their own reasons (rapist!evil!villainous!akemi vs ableist!rapist!yuri). ppl are dumb lmao
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