#favorite character which angst i absolutely adore? donnie
lavender--system · 2 years
hello tumblr dot com i just wanted to say before i literally pass out that my new hyperfixation is rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles and it probably wont go away for months so. yup
okay lavs heading out now see ya 🏃🕺
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
4.) When did you become a fan of TMNT?
18.) Who is your favorite villain?
19.) Who is your favorite ally?
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
Sorry there's so many 😅 you don't have to answer them all if you don't want to.
Also, I always love it when I see your posts. Everything you write is so interesting to read and it is always so fun! (with a side of pain for the angst ofc)
Anywizzle, I hope you have a great rest of your day/night :]
Don’t be sorry, I love answering these haha! And thank you, I’m happy that you enjoy my rambles! <3
4.) When did you become a fan of TMNT?
When I was super young, I’m talking like three years old young. I really liked the ‘87 reruns and as a dinosaur kid I liked that the turtles were vaguely dino-like to baby me haha
18.) Who is your favorite villain?
Hmmm I’m not done with the show yet, but it may just be 2012 Shredder. There’s something really insidious but human about him that I enjoy.
19.) Who is your favorite ally?
If she counts as one then Rise April! If she’s in her own category then probably Draxum?
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
Honestly I adore when people put in little details from the show that are ultimately fluff text but add a whole lot of depth and character in subtle ways. (Example being making Donnie affectionately pet Mikey’s head as he did in Bug Busters)
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
Hmmm, I guess exploring the flaws of characters that aren’t just Leo and Splinter and occasionally Donnie? I love my boy Leo, and I really love how his flaws make him so interesting and fun to write about, but at the same time I feel like the others have their own flaws completely wiped away or not given a lot of focus. Mikey especially I feel could use some attention in this regard, so I love seeing whenever he’s allowed to make mistakes too because it adds so much more depth to him.
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
Hard question!! Honestly it depends on the day, but right now it’s actually the super quick sketch I made for the 40th anniversary comic haha! I also miss my Prison!Leo AU and really need to get back to it…
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
It depends I think! Obviously, I love Leo to the moon and back so they’re all Leo dynamics (though I need to do more Donnie and April stuff too because I adore their dynamic as well), but it depends on the tone I’m going for in regard to what’s my favorite.
But if I absolutely had to pick, maybe either Splinter and Leo or Raph and Leo.
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rainyraisin · 2 months
For the Tmnt ask game !
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
I absolutely ADORE Donnie and Raph!!!! Brains and brawn has always been my favourite duo, no matter the iteration. Its always Raph or Donnie who's my favourite (usually Donnie but 2012 Donnie and Raph are tied for me) so like Im always a massive fan of their dynamic 😭💖 I had a Rise fic I was writing that started off with a scene between them (some of yall have prolly seen it bc I posted the WIP in full since I abandoned it, at least for now) and like even though it was a fight I still loved writing them both so much aughhhhh I love how despite how much their personalities clash they love each other at the end of the day and it's always really nice when they have something they can bond over!!!!
I need to draw them more tbf prolly Rise specifically cause that's the brains and brawn duo I'm most attached to. I'm not very good at drawing Rise Raph but there shall be an attempt 🔥🔥🔥 (or maybe ill write smth if I have the motivation, maybe a hurt/comfort fic after the new rise comic bc @meggalice DESTROYED me with her Donnie angst and I need to brain it)
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jenasisity-blog · 7 years
Fanfic/Fandom Questions
Fandom Questions 1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? TMNT
2. What is your latest fandom? Haikyuu!!
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Haikyuu!!
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? Nope, I'm not into certain fandoms any longer, but I don't regret the time I spent in them...
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? TMNT
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Haikyuu!! - IwaOi, DaiSuga, BokuAka, BoKuroo, OiKuro, MatsuHanaIwaOi, and BokuAkaKuroTsuki are my main ships.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
TMNT - Brother x Brother and Donnie x April
Haikyuu!! - only KuroKen, really...I don't hate it, just not really into it all that much? I'll still read fics with the ship, though, if I'm intrigued by/into the plot.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? I watched the anime, and the stage play, and the OVA(s), all that good stuff...though I will admit, I'm kinda annoyed at myself for putting off watching the series for a while, like I did.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? I adore the humor, the friendliness/compassion and acceptance the Haikyuu!! fandom has for pretty much any ship...and I mean ANY SHIP. Like, we've heard of everything. xD
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? Yes, Haikyuu!!, and that sucks, because I want to write for the fandom so badly, but I just can't get the characterization down...when I write a character, it's like they're a completely different person, and I want to fight myself so badly. ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP? I ship IwaOi harder than anything, lol! Like, how can you not? xD I will go down with this ship~
12. Who is your current OT3? I don't have OT3s...I have OT4s! xD MatsuHanaIwaOi and BokuAkaKuroTsuki are my main OT4 ships.
13. Any NoTPs? Oh boy, you have to be careful with this. I don't want to start a war...but, as I said before, I'm pretty good with any ship...just...I don't really see KuroKen as romantic...just platonic, but that doesn't mean that I hate romantic KuroKen either, it's just...not my cup of tea, if you will. :)
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? Ahhh, BoKuroo (I ship them both romantically and platonically) and KuroKen are my big ones! I also like the idea of KuroOi...
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? Hmmm...I mean, @suguru got me falling into KuroShou really fast and hard, like, it should be a crime, really, and that's a ship not really well known, so I suppose that'd qualify??
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? Um, please don't kill me, but I'm not much into KageHina....that's like a major sin, I know, but I like their friendship better, sorry KageHina shippers! ^^;
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? IwaOi, all the way! As I said before, I'm goin' down with this ship!
18. What ship have you written the most about? Since I can't get my characterization down, I don't write for the fandom, but if I ever did, it's most likely be IwaOi or platonic ships.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? As mentioned, not shipping KageHina is almost like a unspoken sin, but I don't really care? About shipping, in general, I mean. Like, everyone is intitled to their own opinions, to what they like and what they don't. Nobody should be degraded or threatened for what they like...and that also goes for what they don't, as well.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Hmmm...not really? If I like something, I usually like it just 'cause I like it, ya know? xD Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? A TMNT One-Shot.
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Hmmm...no, not that I can think of.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Uhhh...I never finished any of my TMNT multi-chapter fics, at least not before I fell headfirst into Haikyuu!! Hell, so yeah...not really proud of any of them? Like, I liked my plot-bunnies, but I never went through with them and finished a actual multi-chapter fic, so....oh, but there was this one-shot that I wrote for an old online friend's birthday, and to also cheer her up and put her fears to rest, so yeah. I guess I'm quite proud of that one. :)
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? As I said before, I only ever wrote in the TMNT fandom, but I'm no longer apart of it, so I wouldn't go back to edit/rewrite anything, but I'm sure all of my works are capable of improvement.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? Hmmm...that would be We're All Just Built To Be Broken.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? Most times I use or get ideas from song names or lyrics, like above, other times I just rhyme the title or just use the work context to come up with a title that compliments the text.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries? Writing summaries, no doubt. I'm usually proud of them by the time I'm done changing/rewriting it a thousand time, but it's far more exhausting and time consuming than coming up with a title.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? I actually had a picture commissioned for another fic I did (never completed), called The Devil Within (another song name), but I honestly would like anything someone made for me out of their own busy time, I have no preferences. :)
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? Nope, lol, I'm actually a Beta for a few awesome souls. xD I think I reread my works for mistakes enough to be my own beta reader, though I wouldn't mind the extra set of eyes! xD
30. What inspires you to write? Music, fanart, other fanfiction, and AUs. Basically everytime I hear a new song/see new art/read another fanfiction/AU, I have some kind of plot-bunny running around my head somewhere. Especially for the Haikyuu!! fandom.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? Just that they're excited for more and that they enjoyed it; if I make my readers happy, I'm happy.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? Ohhhh, yes. I listen to music constantly when I'm writing. The lyrics give me plot-bunnies and I listen to whatever genre I'm writing at the time. If it's angst, I put on some sad, slow music. Fluff and love? Happy, sweet, cute songs.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? I like to write One-Shots, I gave a go at multi-chapter fics, but, as I said before, couldn't finish any of 'em.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? 4,693 words, for the fic The Devil Within. It wasn't ever completed.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? Hmmm, no, I don't. Maybe I should, though, to try to get back into the swing of things...maybe I'll even see what I could do about my characterization skills?
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? Angst. Hands down angst. I love the pain and tears. \( ˆoˆ )/
37. First Person or Third Person - what do you write in and why? Third Person, I always write in Third Person. It's just default, unless I make a conscious effort to write in First.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? Both, though I'm more familiar with writing with established characters.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? I would like to say my writing style...I believe it to be very detailed and well thought out and put together. ~(0^0)~
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? CHARACTERIZATION!!!! My gosh, do I need to work on my characterization...( ̄ー ̄ ) Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: I'm not really readying anything currently, so I'll just post five of my favorite fanfics I bookmarked on AO3. Not in any particular order.
1. Come and get lost with us by boxofwonder
2. A Purpose by Your_Friendly_Neighborhood_Pigeon
3. The Alpha King & I by caelestisxyz
4. Follow Rivers by surveycorpsjean
5. Build A Temple In Me by Authoress
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: This is totally not all of my favorites, and they're not in any particular order.
1. surveycorpsjean
2. Triana
3. Frenchibi
4. codename_bewareofthefangirl
5. Amethystfairy1
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? Yes, a lot of them do, but I'd say the top ones are @ichigomaniac, @codename-bewareofthefangirl, @haikyuulovercompany, @suguru, @here-is-my-happy-place, @craziiwolf, @dothewrite, @sugawaraformytea, @lovely-angst, @franeridart, @nekokat42, @ikipin, @03xlimit, and @kittlekrattle! Wow, that's a lot! As I said, I got more, but those are my main ones. xD
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention? Hmmm, I think evey ship needs the attention it deserves...all ships are treasured to someone.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? Oh, come on, that's impossible to say!
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? None, lol, never look into my TMNT stuff...it's horrid and besides, it's not getting updated anymore.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? AO3, all the way! It's a bigger and better community! ;)
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? Sometimes, either when I have time or feel as if I need to absolutely say something. I always leave Kudos if I enjoyed the work, though. :)
49. Do you care if people leave comments/reblog your fic? Why/Why not? I'd love if people commented on my works, it makes me feel more inspired to finish them if I know there are people out there that enjoyed it and are waiting for the next installment.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? Gosh, how do you not get into fanfiction?
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! I downright adore how people can come in with their own ideas, their own AUs or even build off of other's AUs (with permission, of course), and everyone in the Haikyuu!! fanfic community does not care, as long as you respect their work! I adore that about this fandom. Everyone is left to their own devices and people don't care what you ship, as long as you're respectful. It's nice to be in a fandom that is so loving and accepting.
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Looking for Amazing Long-Term M/M partners!
▶ Greetings to the wonderful roleplay community. I am R Pink or Drowsy and I’m on the look out for really amazing roleplayers, that are in need to fill their rp wants. I am on the look out for amazing and interesting stories where we can do awesome things within a world we create. Please continue reading if I caught your interest. 
A bit About Me
▹ I go by the names: Rex, Pink or Drowsy  ▹ I’m 21+ of age  ▹ I enjoy ooc chit chatting about characters, plots and mostly anything. ▹ I’m in love with really creative ideas, characters and plots. ▹ Is into m/m ships  ▹ I really like older characters. I love it when they are married and we rp their lives together. I’m fine with couples and such too.  ▹ I actually really love dark, gritty, unsettling and just down right messed up roleplays. I also love serious ones, time set ones and much much more. I universal when it comes to plots, so don’t be afraid when coming to explain your plots or just talk about plots with me. Neo-Noir plots are my absolute fave!  ▹ I’m not a big fan of over using the same tropes over and over again IE: Height differences, one character being extremely cute and adorable all the time, some anime tropes etc. (I like them in small doses) 
What I want in a roleplay partner
▹ I want someone who can be super creative,  And I don’t just mean in creating characters, I also mean creating plots, worlds and everything and the kitchen sink. I want to feel that I’m not the only one bringing the heat but they are too.
▹ Someone who isn’t afraid to chit chat ooc style I do find it more fun to actually have small conversations with my partner on the side. So I can know and become friends with them too. I love chit chatting and I would love to know more about the person I’m creating a world with.
▹ Is 18+  Now this has nothing to do with smut, I just find it easier for me to roleplay with people closer to my age. I get that some people who are younger than that act mature for their age, but I don’t care. Give me the age I want, please and thank you. :) (If you don’t mind smut then yesss lets do smut okay!)
▹ Makes great and complex characters, settings and plots.  As said before I want someone who can bring the heat and also isn’t shy with helping out with the plot as well. I also loveeee characters that are complex and are not your typical types of people. I like characters that do drugs, have killed someone, isn’t emotionally attached, all of the things that make Characters look shitty.
▹ Doesn’t mind Dark Themes Now if you don’t like dark themes then totes tell me cause that’s perfectly fine. I myself love violence, angst, betrayal and much much more. Since my characters are not perfect in any type of way, I love to put that within the plot as well.  
▹ Is fine with older characters I really like rping older characters and the older the better.  The youngest I will go with characters is 20. Now I will do a little bit younger, but I love older characters, characters that are ranging from 25-45 is awesome, 45-62 is SUPER GREAT I WILL LOVE YOU AND PROBS REPLY QUICKER TO YOU. If I go any younger I just don’t want to do it anymore.
▹ Your writing doesn’t have to be amazing! I’m fine with short or semi-long replies. I just don’t want one-liners, you can write up to a few sentences and such.
▹ Doesn’t mind doing several different plots  Sometimes I get bored which is fine we all do, and I like to do different plots if the other one isn’t working for us! It’s totes fine 
OC Plots & Fandom stuff 
Key:  ✤ - Wants to go all out crazy and creative with the plot  ✕  - Doesn’t mind if there isn’t any smut or relationships ✦ - Really wants to do this (It’s a craving) ✩ - Can have a lot of smut and gooshy fluff 
OC Plots: 
(Note: Some of these plots are vague while others I actually have more info on them. Just ask away if you want more or not. ) 
▹ Mafia Style
( ✤ ✕ ) Revenge taken Cold: A lot has happened to a certian male and he wants to make sure someone pays for it. His intentions are simple, become the new underboss for the mafia group that did him wrong and there and only there will he take out the boss. Though as he continues to be the underboss, things become more complicated as well as strange with the boss indeed. (Rated R)
( ✩ ✤ ) Out of Luck: Two friends embark on a new life together as they both join the same mob. Though as one of them becomes a favorite the other doesn’t take likely to this one bit. It’s a story of back stabbing and much more. (Rated E-R)
( ✩ ✤ ✦ ) Everyone Wants in: In a small country that is ruled by different supernatural gangs. There is one monster that goes by the name “The Phantom” who will bring them all down and become the ultimate. Though trying to find him will be a handful since no one knows what he looks like. It is up to an single monster to find this being and defeat him. (Rated R)
▹ Fantasy
( ✩ ✤ ✦ ) A sign of change: Within his kingdom a king begins to loose his people to the other side through war and heart lose. Though the person still by his side must watch as the male in front is torn apart while trying to keep his kingdom from falling apart.  (Rated M-R)
▹ Slice Of Life
( ✩ ✕ ) The fashionista/ The Silent Nerd: Getting into a bet with a few of his friends, they decided that the most amazing male on campus must make a nerd into an amazing male as well.  Agreeing to the terms, the job seems simple yet trying to actually do it turns to be a bit more challenge than actually planed. (Inspired by My Fair Lady) (Rated PG-13 for cursing, maybe smut and craziness)
( ✩ ✕ ✤ ) Bully/Angry Nerd: He gets his ass kicked all the time, everyday by the same bully, yet one day when he decides it’s too much. He finally goes over to this bully’s house to find out a bit more than he planed. Now there’s too much on the line and he has to buddy up with the same person who always kicked his ass. Can he do it? (Can be supernatural or sci-fi) (Rated PG-13 - R for mostly anything could happen with this plot. LBH) 
▹ Action/Adventure
( ✤ ✦ ✩) The Lone Magical Boy/The Cop: Magical Boys have protected a Busy city for hundreds of years, yet as the darkness they defeated slowly disappeared so did they. Though in the near future things seemed to be turning for the worst, as the darkness decides to come back at full force making the last magical boy awaken from their slumber and defend the city once more, yet that can’t do it without the help of a single cop and his hidden powers. (Rated R for gore, cursing, fighting, ect.)
( ✤ ✦ ✩) The Drug Addict/ The Wingman: They’ve gotten themselves into a lot of trouble over the years and now it seems that all of it is finally catching up with them. It’s time to right wrongs and do the whole thing called ‘life’ over again. Though can they really fix everything or is this just another pipe dream? (Rated R for crazy and probs offensive shit)
▹ Sci-fi
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Lone Scientist/ Intern: Being the most smartest person in the world comes with one major thing…A sickness for it and everything that lives on it. Taking advice from a friend, a lone scientist opens his lab to those that want quick money and have a place to finish up on any work they have. Though once they come in, they will have to go on a few adventures to places they never knew existed, while being with one utter mess of a Scientist. (Inspired by Rick & Morty/ Doctor Who) (Rated R for Cursing, substance use, maybe gore, ect.)
( ✦ ✩ ✕) Captain / Co-Captain: Assembling a team filled with the best people to go out and free planets from under the rule of the Galactic Stars, a captain destined for greatness, leads a team to such planes. With the help of his best friend who is a Co-Captain on his ship everything becomes a battle for glory, pride and justice. (inspired by Star Trek) (Rated E - R)
( ✦ ✩ ✕) Navigator in Training/ Trainer: After a horrible accident of their empire being taken down, a lone navigator and trainer seek out on an adventure to take revenge on those that planed this. There is heart break and mistakes on the way, but they continue to get through and end up victorious.
▹ Supernatural
( ✤ ✩ ✕) Supernatural Detectives: Two creatures go out and solve crimes within their city, though there is a bigger event that will be coming. (Rated R for maybe gore, ect.)
▹ Mystery
( ✤ ) Gossip Love: After a a student of a jr College vanishes out of thin air and a new student from over seas, seems to take the place of the other. A best friend tries to put together the clues as to what happens. Yet someone is on thier trail and it seems to be the new student. What secret is going on? And what does a popular gossip blog have to do with it?
▹ The Dark Gritty
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Oddly different now: A lone older male finally gets to see his best friend he hasn’t seen in years, yet once they meet again his best friend is a demon with plans to make his life a living hell. (Rated R for gore, ect.)
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Talent Collector: There is one male that wants to have just one talent, yet being around nothing but amazing talentful people...He becomes jealous and desperate. Though one day someone gives him the opportunity he thought he could never have. Now he must go around being someone he isn’t and return home to the true person he took his new identity from. This start to turn stranger as they both fall in love with each other, yet one continues to collect more and more talents becoming filled with greed.  (Rated R for extreme gore, ect.) 
OC Characters (here I have character types I would like to rp, but I can’t think of a plot)
Washed up Actor  Old Jazz Man werewolf  Dream Eater Bratty Rich Man  Bad Boy/ Bad Girl Older Rebel 
Fandom stuff:
Marvel: WinterIron Tony/Bucky
Overwatch:  R76 Mc76 Rein/Gabe McHanzo Boombox Junkrat/Lucio
Preacher:  Donnie/Jesse Cassidy/Vampire OC
Jojo Bizzare Adventure: Jotaro/OC Caesar/Joseph  Josuke/Rohan
Mafia 3: Lincoln/John  Lincoln/Giorgi Vito/Lincoln Vito/Sal
Fandom base but with oc’s:
Gravity falls  Steven Universe  Hero Academy  Preacher KNB Sailor Moon
(If you have your own plots or even fandoms you would like to rp in then please tell me about them. All are welcomed. :) ) 
Contact: Email: [email protected] Kik: rexpinku  Skype: psyche-8bit
When contacting me please tell me a little bit about yourself and what kind of plots you would like to do or have. Thank you! And I can’t wait to chit chat with you! 
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gayroleplayads · 7 years
Looking for Amazing Long Term Partners
▶ Greetings to the wonderful roleplay community. I am R Pink or Drowsy and I’m on the look out for really amazing roleplayers, that are in need to fill their rp wants. I am on the look out for amazing and interesting stories where we can do awesome things within a world we create. Please continue reading if I caught your interest. 
A bit About Me
▹ I go by the names: Rex, Pink or Drowsy  ▹ I’m 21+ of age  ▹ I enjoy ooc chit chatting about characters, plots and mostly anything. ▹ I’m in love with really creative ideas, characters and plots. ▹ Is into m/m ships  ▹ I really like older characters. I love it when they are married and we rp their lives together. I’m fine with couples and such too.  ▹ I actually really love dark, gritty, unsettling and just down right messed up roleplays. I also love serious ones, time set ones and much much more. I universal when it comes to plots, so don’t be afraid when coming to explain your plots or just talk about plots with me. Neo-Noir plots are my absolute fave!  ▹ I’m not a big fan of over using the same tropes over and over again IE: Height differences, one character being extremely cute and adorable all the time, some anime tropes etc. (I like them in small doses) 
What I want in a roleplay partner
▹ I want someone who can be super creative,  And I don’t just mean in creating characters, I also mean creating plots, worlds and everything and the kitchen sink. I want to feel that I’m not the only one bringing the heat but they are too.
▹ Someone who isn’t afraid to chit chat ooc style I do find it more fun to actually have small conversations with my partner on the side. So I can know and become friends with them too. I love chit chatting and I would love to know more about the person I’m creating a world with.
▹ Is 18+  Now this has nothing to do with smut, I just find it easier for me to roleplay with people closer to my age. I get that some people who are younger than that act mature for their age, but I don’t care. Give me the age I want, please and thank you. :) (If you don’t mind smut then yesss lets do smut okay!)
▹ Makes great and complex characters, settings and plots.  As said before I want someone who can bring the heat and also isn’t shy with helping out with the plot as well. I also loveeee characters that are complex and are not your typical types of people. I like characters that do drugs, have killed someone, isn’t emotionally attached, all of the things that make Characters look shitty.
▹ Doesn’t mind Dark Themes Now if you don’t like dark themes then totes tell me cause that’s perfectly fine. I myself love violence, angst, betrayal and much much more. Since my characters are not perfect in any type of way, I love to put that within the plot as well.  
▹ Is fine with older characters I really like rping older characters and the older the better.  The youngest I will go with characters is 20. Now I will do a little bit younger, but I love older characters, characters that are ranging from 25-45 is awesome, 45-62 is SUPER GREAT I WILL LOVE YOU AND PROBS REPLY QUICKER TO YOU. If I go any younger I just don’t want to do it anymore.
▹ Your writing doesn’t have to be amazing! I’m fine with short or semi-long replies. I just don’t want one-liners, you can write up to a few sentences and such.
▹ Doesn’t mind doing several different plots  Sometimes I get bored which is fine we all do, and I like to do different plots if the other one isn’t working for us! It’s totes fine 
OC Plots & Fandom stuff 
Key:  ✤ - Wants to go all out crazy and creative with the plot  ✕  - Doesn’t mind if there isn’t any smut or relationships ✦ - Really wants to do this (It’s a craving) ✩ - Can have a lot of smut and gooshy fluff 
OC Plots: 
(Note: Some of these plots are vague while others I actually have more info on them. Just ask away if you want more or not. ) 
▹ Mafia Style
( ✤ ✕ ) Revenge taken Cold: A lot has happened to a certian male and he wants to make sure someone pays for it. His intentions are simple, become the new underboss for the mafia group that did him wrong and there and only there will he take out the boss. Though as he continues to be the underboss, things become more complicated as well as strange with the boss indeed. (Rated R)
( ✩ ✤ ) Out of Luck: Two friends embark on a new life together as they both join the same mob. Though as one of them becomes a favorite the other doesn’t take likely to this one bit. It’s a story of back stabbing and much more. (Rated E-R)
( ✩ ✤ ✦ ) Everyone Wants in: In a small country that is ruled by different supernatural gangs. There is one monster that goes by the name “The Phantom” who will bring them all down and become the ultimate. Though trying to find him will be a handful since no one knows what he looks like. It is up to an single monster to find this being and defeat him. (Rated R)
▹ Fantasy
( ✩ ✤ ✦ ) A sign of change: Within his kingdom a king begins to loose his people to the other side through war and heart lose. Though the person still by his side must watch as the male in front is torn apart while trying to keep his kingdom from falling apart.  (Rated M-R)
▹ Slice Of Life
( ✩ ✕ ) The fashionista/ The Silent Nerd: Getting into a bet with a few of his friends, they decided that the most amazing male on campus must make a nerd into an amazing male as well.  Agreeing to the terms, the job seems simple yet trying to actually do it turns to be a bit more challenge than actually planed. (Inspired by My Fair Lady) (Rated PG-13 for cursing, maybe smut and craziness)
( ✩ ✕ ✤ ) Bully/Angry Nerd: He gets his ass kicked all the time, everyday by the same bully, yet one day when he decides it’s too much. He finally goes over to this bully’s house to find out a bit more than he planed. Now there’s too much on the line and he has to buddy up with the same person who always kicked his ass. Can he do it? (Can be supernatural or sci-fi) (Rated PG-13 - R for mostly anything could happen with this plot. LBH) 
▹ Action/Adventure
( ✤ ✦ ✩) The Lone Magical Boy/The Cop: Magical Boys have protected a Busy city for hundreds of years, yet as the darkness they defeated slowly disappeared so did they. Though in the near future things seemed to be turning for the worst, as the darkness decides to come back at full force making the last magical boy awaken from their slumber and defend the city once more, yet that can’t do it without the help of a single cop and his hidden powers. (Rated R for gore, cursing, fighting, ect.)
( ✤ ✦ ✩) The Drug Addict/ The Wingman: They’ve gotten themselves into a lot of trouble over the years and now it seems that all of it is finally catching up with them. It’s time to right wrongs and do the whole thing called ‘life’ over again. Though can they really fix everything or is this just another pipe dream? (Rated R for crazy and probs offensive shit)
▹ Sci-fi
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Lone Scientist/ Intern: Being the most smartest person in the world comes with one major thing…A sickness for it and everything that lives on it. Taking advice from a friend, a lone scientist opens his lab to those that want quick money and have a place to finish up on any work they have. Though once they come in, they will have to go on a few adventures to places they never knew existed, while being with one utter mess of a Scientist. (Inspired by Rick & Morty/ Doctor Who) (Rated R for Cursing, substance use, maybe gore, ect.)
( ✦ ✩ ✕) Captain / Co-Captain: Assembling a team filled with the best people to go out and free planets from under the rule of the Galactic Stars, a captain destined for greatness, leads a team to such planes. With the help of his best friend who is a Co-Captain on his ship everything becomes a battle for glory, pride and justice. (inspired by Star Trek) (Rated E - R)
( ✦ ✩ ✕) Navigator in Training/ Trainer: After a horrible accident of their empire being taken down, a lone navigator and trainer seek out on an adventure to take revenge on those that planed this. There is heart break and mistakes on the way, but they continue to get through and end up victorious.
▹ Supernatural
( ✤ ✩ ✕) Supernatural Detectives: Two creatures go out and solve crimes within their city, though there is a bigger event that will be coming. (Rated R for maybe gore, ect.)
▹ Mystery
( ✤ ) Gossip Love: After a a student of a jr College vanishes out of thin air and a new student from over seas, seems to take the place of the other. A best friend tries to put together the clues as to what happens. Yet someone is on thier trail and it seems to be the new student. What secret is going on? And what does a popular gossip blog have to do with it?
▹ The Dark Gritty
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Oddly different now: A lone older male finally gets to see his best friend he hasn’t seen in years, yet once they meet again his best friend is a demon with plans to make his life a living hell. (Rated R for gore, ect.)
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Talent Collector: There is one male that wants to have just one talent, yet being around nothing but amazing talentful people…He becomes jealous and desperate. Though one day someone gives him the opportunity he thought he could never have. Now he must go around being someone he isn’t and return home to the true person he took his new identity from. This start to turn stranger as they both fall in love with each other, yet one continues to collect more and more talents becoming filled with greed.  (Rated R for extreme gore, ect.) 
OC Characters (here I have character types I would like to rp, but I can’t think of a plot)
Washed up Actor  Old Jazz Man werewolf  Dream Eater Bratty Rich Man  Bad Boy/ Bad Girl Older Rebel 
Fandom stuff:
Marvel: WinterIron Tony/Bucky
Overwatch:  R76 Mc76 Rein/Gabe McHanzo Boombox Junkrat/Lucio
Preacher:  Donnie/Jesse Cassidy/Vampire OC
Jojo Bizzare Adventure: Jotaro/OC Caesar/Joseph  Josuke/Rohan
Mafia 3: Lincoln/John  Lincoln/Giorgi Vito/Lincoln Vito/Sal
Fandom base but with oc’s:
Gravity falls  Steven Universe  Hero Academy  Preacher KNB Sailor Moon
(If you have your own plots or even fandoms you would like to rp in then please tell me about them. All are welcomed. :) ) 
Contact: Email: [email protected] Kik: rexpinku  Skype: psyche-8bit
When contacting me please tell me a little bit about yourself and what kind of plots you would like to do or have. Thank you! And I can’t wait to chit chat with you! 
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Looking for amazing long-term m/m partners
▶ Greetings to the wonderful roleplay community. I am R Pink or Drowsy and I’m on the look out for really amazing roleplayers, that are in need to fill their rp wants. I am on the look out for amazing and interesting stories where we can do awesome things within a world we create. Please continue reading if I caught your interest. 
A bit About Me
▹ I go by the names: Rex, Pink or Drowsy  ▹ I’m 21+ of age  ▹ I enjoy ooc chit chatting about characters, plots and mostly anything. ▹ I’m in love with really creative ideas, characters and plots. ▹ Is into m/m ships  ▹ I really like older characters. I love it when they are married and we rp their lives together. I’m fine with couples and such too.  ▹ I actually really love dark, gritty, unsettling and just down right messed up roleplays. I also love serious ones, time set ones and much much more. I universal when it comes to plots, so don’t be afraid when coming to explain your plots or just talk about plots with me. Neo-Noir plots are my absolute fave!  ▹ I’m not a big fan of over using the same tropes over and over again IE: Height differences, one character being extremely cute and adorable all the time, some anime tropes etc. (I like them in small doses) 
What I want in a roleplay partner
▹ I want someone who can be super creative,  And I don’t just mean in creating characters, I also mean creating plots, worlds and everything and the kitchen sink. I want to feel that I’m not the only one bringing the heat but they are too.
▹ Someone who isn’t afraid to chit chat ooc style I do find it more fun to actually have small conversations with my partner on the side. So I can know and become friends with them too. I love chit chatting and I would love to know more about the person I’m creating a world with.
▹ Is 18+  Now this has nothing to do with smut, I just find it easier for me to roleplay with people closer to my age. I get that some people who are younger than that act mature for their age, but I don’t care. Give me the age I want, please and thank you. :) (If you don’t mind smut then yesss lets do smut okay!)
▹ Makes great and complex characters, settings and plots.  As said before I want someone who can bring the heat and also isn’t shy with helping out with the plot as well. I also loveeee characters that are complex and are not your typical types of people. I like characters that do drugs, have killed someone, isn’t emotionally attached, all of the things that make Characters look shitty.
▹ Doesn’t mind Dark Themes Now if you don’t like dark themes then totes tell me cause that’s perfectly fine. I myself love violence, angst, betrayal and much much more. Since my characters are not perfect in any type of way, I love to put that within the plot as well.  
▹ Is fine with older characters I really like rping older characters and the older the better.  The youngest I will go with characters is 20. Now I will do a little bit younger, but I love older characters, characters that are ranging from 25-45 is awesome, 45-62 is SUPER GREAT I WILL LOVE YOU AND PROBS REPLY QUICKER TO YOU. If I go any younger I just don’t want to do it anymore.
▹ Your writing doesn’t have to be amazing! I’m fine with short or semi-long replies. I just don’t want one-liners, you can write up to a few sentences and such.
▹ Doesn’t mind doing several different plots  Sometimes I get bored which is fine we all do, and I like to do different plots if the other one isn’t working for us! It’s totes fine 
OC Plots & Fandom stuff 
Key:  ✤ - Wants to go all out crazy and creative with the plot  ✕  - Doesn’t mind if there isn’t any smut or relationships ✦ - Really wants to do this (It’s a craving) ✩ - Can have a lot of smut and gooshy fluff 
OC Plots: 
(Note: Some of these plots are vague while others I actually have more info on them. Just ask away if you want more or not. ) 
▹ Mafia Style
( ✤ ✕ ) Revenge taken Cold: A lot has happened to a certian male and he wants to make sure someone pays for it. His intentions are simple, become the new underboss for the mafia group that did him wrong and there and only there will he take out the boss. Though as he continues to be the underboss, things become more complicated as well as strange with the boss indeed. (Rated R)
( ✩ ✤ ) Out of Luck: Two friends embark on a new life together as they both join the same mob. Though as one of them becomes a favorite the other doesn’t take likely to this one bit. It’s a story of back stabbing and much more. (Rated E-R)
( ✩ ✤ ✦ ) Everyone Wants in: In a small country that is ruled by different supernatural gangs. There is one monster that goes by the name “The Phantom” who will bring them all down and become the ultimate. Though trying to find him will be a handful since no one knows what he looks like. It is up to an single monster to find this being and defeat him. (Rated R)
▹ Fantasy
( ✩ ✤ ✦ ) A sign of change: Within his kingdom a king begins to loose his people to the other side through war and heart lose. Though the person still by his side must watch as the male in front is torn apart while trying to keep his kingdom from falling apart.  (Rated M-R)
▹ Slice Of Life
( ✩ ✕ ) The fashionista/ The Silent Nerd: Getting into a bet with a few of his friends, they decided that the most amazing male on campus must make a nerd into an amazing male as well.  Agreeing to the terms, the job seems simple yet trying to actually do it turns to be a bit more challenge than actually planed. (Inspired by My Fair Lady) (Rated PG-13 for cursing, maybe smut and craziness)
( ✩ ✕ ✤ ) Bully/Angry Nerd: He gets his ass kicked all the time, everyday by the same bully, yet one day when he decides it’s too much. He finally goes over to this bully’s house to find out a bit more than he planed. Now there’s too much on the line and he has to buddy up with the same person who always kicked his ass. Can he do it? (Can be supernatural or sci-fi) (Rated PG-13 - R for mostly anything could happen with this plot. LBH) 
▹ Action/Adventure
( ✤ ✦ ✩) The Lone Magical Boy/The Cop: Magical Boys have protected a Busy city for hundreds of years, yet as the darkness they defeated slowly disappeared so did they. Though in the near future things seemed to be turning for the worst, as the darkness decides to come back at full force making the last magical boy awaken from their slumber and defend the city once more, yet that can’t do it without the help of a single cop and his hidden powers. (Rated R for gore, cursing, fighting, ect.)
( ✤ ✦ ✩) The Drug Addict/ The Wingman: They’ve gotten themselves into a lot of trouble over the years and now it seems that all of it is finally catching up with them. It’s time to right wrongs and do the whole thing called ‘life’ over again. Though can they really fix everything or is this just another pipe dream? (Rated R for crazy and probs offensive shit)
▹ Sci-fi
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Lone Scientist/ Intern: Being the most smartest person in the world comes with one major thing…A sickness for it and everything that lives on it. Taking advice from a friend, a lone scientist opens his lab to those that want quick money and have a place to finish up on any work they have. Though once they come in, they will have to go on a few adventures to places they never knew existed, while being with one utter mess of a Scientist. (Inspired by Rick & Morty/ Doctor Who) (Rated R for Cursing, substance use, maybe gore, ect.)
( ✦ ✩ ✕) Captain / Co-Captain: Assembling a team filled with the best people to go out and free planets from under the rule of the Galactic Stars, a captain destined for greatness, leads a team to such planes. With the help of his best friend who is a Co-Captain on his ship everything becomes a battle for glory, pride and justice. (inspired by Star Trek) (Rated E - R)
( ✦ ✩ ✕) Navigator in Training/ Trainer: After a horrible accident of their empire being taken down, a lone navigator and trainer seek out on an adventure to take revenge on those that planed this. There is heart break and mistakes on the way, but they continue to get through and end up victorious.
▹ Supernatural
( ✤ ✩ ✕) Supernatural Detectives: Two creatures go out and solve crimes within their city, though there is a bigger event that will be coming. (Rated R for maybe gore, ect.)
▹ Mystery
( ✤ ) Gossip Love: After a a student of a jr College vanishes out of thin air and a new student from over seas, seems to take the place of the other. A best friend tries to put together the clues as to what happens. Yet someone is on thier trail and it seems to be the new student. What secret is going on? And what does a popular gossip blog have to do with it?
▹ The Dark Gritty
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Oddly different now: A lone older male finally gets to see his best friend he hasn’t seen in years, yet once they meet again his best friend is a demon with plans to make his life a living hell. (Rated R for gore, ect.)
( ✤ ✦ ✩) Talent Collector: There is one male that wants to have just one talent, yet being around nothing but amazing talentful people...He becomes jealous and desperate. Though one day someone gives him the opportunity he thought he could never have. Now he must go around being someone he isn’t and return home to the true person he took his new identity from. This start to turn stranger as they both fall in love with each other, yet one continues to collect more and more talents becoming filled with greed.  (Rated R for extreme gore, ect.) 
OC Characters (here I have character types I would like to rp, but I can’t think of a plot)
Washed up Actor  Old Jazz Man werewolf  Dream Eater Bratty Rich Man  Bad Boy/ Bad Girl Older Rebel 
Fandom stuff:
Marvel: WinterIron Tony/Bucky
Overwatch:  R76 Mc76 Rein/Gabe McHanzo Boombox Junkrat/Lucio
Preacher:  Donnie/Jesse Cassidy/Vampire OC
Jojo Bizzare Adventure: Jotaro/OC Caesar/Joseph  Josuke/Rohan
Mafia 3: Lincoln/John  Lincoln/Giorgi Vito/Lincoln Vito/Sal
Fandom base but with oc’s:
Gravity falls  Steven Universe  Hero Academy  Preacher KNB Sailor Moon
(If you have your own plots or even fandoms you would like to rp in then please tell me about them. All are welcomed. :) ) 
Contact: Email: [email protected] Kik: rexpinku  Skype: psyche-8bit
When contacting me please tell me a little bit about yourself and what kind of plots you would like to do or have. Thank you! And I can’t wait to chit chat with you! 
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