#favorite lore is Eggpire
sing-me-under · 2 years
So the funny thing about what I post is that I tend to be more vocal about things I have to actually wrap my head around because it’s just me voicing my thought process. I’m shouting into a void and recording it for future reference.
But like… By my very nature as an internet user, I’m a lurker. I tend to just vibe and appreciate things and ignore what I don’t like.
My analyses on the DSMP (especially c!Dream) are me trying to comprehend his character because he’s such a weird character. He’s a type of character that doesn’t really exist in other forms of media? Like, yes his archetype/trope exists, but his very essence is so damn strange in comparison to the other characters. Really, all DSMP characters are strange in a way that’s only possible through live streaming Minecraft, but c!Dream is one that doesn’t translate to even a modicum of his potential in any other medium.
He’s not my favorite character, far from, but he’s such an interesting character to think about.
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hopalongfairywren · 5 months
never seen you talk about it, but I might’ve missed it. so uh any thoughts on c!eret at the red banquet? I miss her dearly
One of my favorite underrated moments, possibly in the whole server, is when c!Eret was about to be executed and calls the eggpire monsters for betraying everyone's trust. c!Ponk responds 'Okay Eret, you wanna talk about trust.' Obviously referencing the final control room, and c!Eret responds that 'he knew better now not to betray people's trust'. And I just find that fascinating because c!Ponk wasn't involved in the final control room. Yes his lemon tree technically kick-started the lore but he really didn't have anything to do with the revolution arc. And we got him making a snarky comment at c!Eret! I really like hearing characters within universe, react to other characters decisions and bring up their pasts especially characters who don't really interact that often, which the red banquet was kind of the end of the Dream SMP server getting together and having characters who weren't necessarily 'important' to that plot point, show up and interact in what felt like a natural way. (barring the prison break) For a story that became so focused on history, and how our choices impact how other people view us, I feel like that just didn't happen as much as it could have. Or should have, in my opinion.
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the-crimson · 1 year
I’ve seen a decent amount of people comparing the vibes of the qsmp to the dsmp and I thought id give my two cents because there is a huge difference between these servers that I haven’t seen mentioned. I’m gonna put it under a cut so if u don’t care for the dsmp or this comparison ignore this post XD
So, the main thing, is that the dsmp was never intended to be a roll play server while the qsmp was 100% a role play server from the start- like that is the entire point lol
Because the dsmp was never intended to be an rp server, it didn’t have the infrastructure to support the collaboration required irl. There are so many horror stories of last minute script changes and people being left out of the loop for key events and its like... the server had had so much time to implement things irl to help with that but they didn’t because only a few people were running the show.
This is the other thing, the main lore and story was mainly driven by like 3 people so all the other ccs lore and plans were left in the dust. People were constantly being rainchecked on important lore events until it was too late and the server/audience had moved on or the lore that was there was belittled and mocked by the more popular ccs. And because these ccs didn’t take it seriously, neither did their massive audience. Most people only cared about lore where they were the center so collaborating was very difficult. It was really messed up and I’m still salty about a lot of it lol
My favorite arc on the dsmp was the eggpire arc because there were no main characters. Everyone involved was on equal footing and you could tell there was a lot of communication and planning irl and that everyone involved was passionate about the story they were telling. However, any time Tommy touched the lore, I would get so pissed because he was such an ass. Like, any lore Tommy touched that did not revolve around him, he ruined and I’m glad people stopped trying to involve him in the eggpire after like 1 or 2 streams lol He is one of the main reasons many fans thought the eggpire arc was a joke. He is just one example of a cc on the dsmp that had terrible rp etiquette, there were many more.
I think the end of the eggpire arc, the red banquet, was a victim of the more influential ccs on the server not wanting it to become the server ending threat it should have been. They wanted it to remain a side story. The lead up to the red banquet was so amazing and the stream itself was also so amazing but it just felt like the beginning of the eggpire’s arc! I was so confused when that was the end of the eggpire because - without changing anything about the red banquet - it opened the door for a truly great conclusion to the dsmp storyline that could have tied of everyone’s character arcs without it dragging on for another 1, 2?, years only for a weak ass finally.
I have an entire 40 chapter fic outlined where the red banquet is the beginning of the end for the server and its a banger - if i ever actually write it T_T
I’m going to briefly explain why the red banquet planted a future arc perfectly: the egg killed a demigod (Foolish) which could have given it enough energy to hatch or at least become close to it. Purpled could have been playing Quackity and BBH to get double payment and told BBH that Quackity was going to attack, that’s why Purpled didn’t chase after the eggpire when they were escaping - then, when Quackity destroyed his UFO, Purpled joins the eggpire to get revenge on Quackity. Everyone at the red banquet who ate the soup could have been infected by the egg and slowly brainwashed over the following days/weeks. Nicki (a member of the anarchist commune) was on the inside and could have been working with Techno, leading to the anarchist commune joining the fight against the egg as a whole. The Red Banquet was a false victory that put the rest of the server at ease while the eggpire was only growing stronger.
It could have been so good!!!! Screams.
But - my theory - is that bbh and the others had to wrap it up because the bigger ccs had “more important lore” that they wanted to do. The eggpire and red banquet arc felt the most close to the qsmp out of any lore on the dsmp which makes total sense as to why Quackity invited bbh since the eggpire was mainly his creation XD
I think Quackity learned a lot from the chaos and disorder of the dsmp behind the scenes and went out his way to ensure his server would not run into the same problems. Not only is there a solid infrastructure of admins and discord channels, he chooses to bring in ccs who are respectful and have good rp etiquette and know how to tell stories. Everyone has been wondering why Jaiden was added, including Jaiden XD, but it makes sense! She is a story teller and those are the types of people Quackity needed.
At the end of the day, the dsmp was never intended to become an rp server and was doomed by that from the start, just like L’manberg. There are plenty of wonderful stories that were told but so many more that were left in the shadows and forgotten due to poor rp etiquette and that will forever be a tragedy.
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demonstars · 6 months
Like the part that was most charming of 2020 dsmp era specifically pogtopia (LOVE POGTOPIA OBJECTIVELY BEST ARC AFTER EGGPIRE/HOGHUNT) was seeing the ccs struggle to find a voice and character in the conflict, and seeing how that translated to their accions in and out of lore! will forever miss that feel of autheticity when someone was just farming and suddenly would get engaged into making something with/for another character and then it became important for the plot yet not strictly lore -- it would allow them to flesh out the character with all their kinks and "real person" trait still and to me it was my favorite part of a stream. i was a techno pov so this was specially clear to me in how he went in and out of the canonization of the voices / his relationships with other characters, because the audience / chat itself had already created a narrative for him that he simply didn't like, and instead of just arguing with his chat over it he overwrote what was inteded by the audience for him and rendered it useless by marking it as chat, canonizing them on his terms. does anyone care
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Howdy! Under my post you offered to talk about Purpled's lore/character and it would be really cool is you did that!
You have unlocked an unskippable cutscene I could literally talk about this for days on end
under the read more cause this is gonna be LONG
okay SO the very basics of Purpleds character is just he’s a really skilled fighter, so he became a mercenary to put those skills to use
ccpurpled said himself that cpurpled just wants money and power
but despite this, he’s not a fan of conflict at all, and prefers to avoid fights and wars whenever possible
a favorite quote of mine, “I’m like Switzerland, I don’t really fight, but when I do fight, I win” (not word for word I forgor)
he greatly prefers to keep to himself, and just gather materials and chill with his dog and mind his own business, because he’s seen what happens to everyone else, and doesn’t want any part of it
Early in the server, before he did a lot of serious lore, he had a decent amount of relatively positive relationships with a couple people, and he didn’t necessarily hang out with them or anything but he trusted them
he mostly just sat around and built stuff, the first big thing he was a part of was the Manberg vs Pogtopia war
-karl recruited him against his will
-he ran around for like 30 minutes just rambling about how he had no idea what was going on ever
-he fought for like 3 minutes before switching sides
-*getting killed by fireworks* “IM ON YOUR SIDE” “YOU WERENT BEFORE”
-was dead silent for like 40 minutes as he just ran around fighting people and no one acknowledged him
-schlatt fucking died “did he just have a heart attack?!?” “He just fucking died!!” And then went silent again
-the whole thing were no one wanted to be president
-it ended up being tubbo
-no one could figure out who the traitor was
-watched wilbur die right after lmanberg blew up
-killed one of the withers and was very proud of himself
-Connor joined the game, left the game, joined the game, stole purpleds pants, and left
-purpled went home, reiterated that he had no idea what the fuck just happened, and ended stream
this is so long already but wait, there’s more!!
not a whole lot important happened after that, he was still living in a cabin of the main path, and his UFO was just kinda vibing (that’s a surprise tool that will help us later)
he kinda chilled on his own, and suddenly the Eggpire is a thing! Purpled has no friends, so he doesn’t care!! (There are vines all over his UFO but he doesn’t live there anymore so he doesn’t do anything about it)
suddenly Ponk wants to talk to him, and now uh oh, BadBoyHalo is in some random ass cave trying to hire Purpled to kidnap Puffy
purpled has nothing better to do, so he takes the job
he doesn’t log on for months, so Quackity puts bombs in his house
suddenly purpled logs on and Quackitys like “I understand this looks bad but I want to hire you”
“what’s this another mercenary job?” God forbid someone hire him to do his job
he accepts, and badda bang badda book now he’s working against the Eggpire
Q, purpled, and Techno are going to take down the red banquet, and then Quackity decides to be an asshole (Purpled and Techno want to go in and help, but Quackity makes them wait and foolish dies, then Quackity goes in and plays the hero)
they beat the shit out of the Eggpire (bad is not happy with purpled)
purpled leads everyone out of bads creepy basement “you’re a hero, purpled” “I try my best”
purpled wants his payment for helping the duck man
Duck man pays him, and then breaks the entire fandom and blows up purpleds ufo right in front of him!
purpled wants to kill him, Quackity tries to convince him not to, tells him that he’s basically nothing now, and purples goes home
fucking dumbass blows up his own house after having 37 mental breakdowns
slime is spying on him and purples wants to strangle him
he goes to las Nevadas, “I just want to make it very clear that I don’t think there will ever be a point in time where I respect you as a person,” and joins LN just like Q wanted!! Surely nothing bad will happen!!
Quackity has an anxiety attack, purpled leads them to the most unnecessary trap ever, he and Q yell at each other, Quackity does a fucky wucky, and now Slimecicle is dead
purpled just fucking walks away like the girlboss he is, and later kidnaps slimes corpse and traps him in a cave
Punz shows up, says some stuff, purples agrees to work for him and dream (this will not go well)
they raid las nevadas!! dream blows some shit up, foolish releases an army of slimes, and purpled yells at Quackity some more
slime reveals he’s not actually a dumbass and shoves purples of off a balcony
and then the server fucking ended so I guess that’s that!
so, long story short, purpled is pretty much just a badass but also cringefail assassin, who does not like people or conflict, and has cared about two things ever (his ufo and his dog, which is thankfully still alive), but is also still just a teenager, and has some shit going on.
he doesn’t care about a lot, but he does have silly little feelings sometimes and the only two times he ever showed that he blew up his own house and the second time he fucking died
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For the Character thing: Eret :3
First impression: Ooo an evil character!!! So so cool I love her “it was never meant to be” line!!
Impression now: Eret my beloved I love you so much you had so much more potential and UWAAAAA
Favorite moment: I have a couple but one that sticks out to me is obviously the betrayal she did and also the red banquet scene with her and foolish
Idea for a story: Eggpire Eret. That is all. I want to see that happen I want to see this woman get feral.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think it’s unpopular but I believe she deserves to be more cunty as a treat— and I wish they would’ve expanded more on the wither cult stuff bc that makes me go unhinged
Favorite relationship: Her and Foolish and her and Fundy before it went to shit— listen I’m a sucker
Favorite headcanon: I love the headcanon that her chat is ferrets and that they follow her around everywhere. It’s a simple but cute headcanon that I love a lot.
I’m a simple woman and I really like Eret’s character, I wish there was more of her and more lore.
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Ffffffine, you won; I've caved and started watching Dream SMP videos. They're really really good and I resent that. I've started with Technoblade's recommended lore-playlist and gotten as far as the conclusion of the fifth of the seven videos, but I can tell already that this is going to turn into watching all of his videos which will turn into watching other-people's. I feel like Techno's perspective is kinda missing a lot of context, like what the frack Dream's deal is. For that matter, I'm seeing the shape of a lot of political power-struggling, but since Techno's an Anarchist (based) and just trying to remove the mechanism for power-struggles, his highlights don't much dwell on what exactly the dynamics of those struggles are.
Yeah ngl I know a lot of the dsmp stuff from lore summary videos by random youtubers, osmosis, and clipvids. So many of the dsmpers don't upload (or didn't at the time upload) VODs and it's not always easy to figure out which are lore streams in the early stuff.
ferreal techno's are my favorites for 99% of what I've seen fwiw. He's a delight. Also honestly they're animations but SAD-ist on youtube has some great videos that actively use audio clips from the streams. Quackity's specifically-lore-VODs are very very good, and a lot of Tommy's are solid, especially the later ones. I've heard good things about the Eggpire arc which is BadBoyHalo-spearheaded and I trust folks's opinions so that's also a good place to look, though it's largely removed from the stories going on with techno and tommy and them. Tales from the SMP are also good and fun but it's time travel and Karl Jacobs having a plot that is very divorced from most of the server, just with dsmp members playing other characters for one-shot stories.
Basically dsmp is a nightmare to get interested in at this point, I'm so sorry.
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transbeeduo · 5 months
haii i love your blog all your posts make my brain buzz the right way. im getting back into the dsmp lore your cbeeduo posts are magical. when did you get into the dsmp? what’s your favourite arc? also have a nice day 🫶🏾
I got into the DSMP from the guy who made C!Wilbur's first video about it, and I'd say my favorite arc is tied between Pogtopia and the Eggpire arc :D
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fitpacs · 6 months
Maybe this is a weird suggest, but I'd love if Eret joined the QSMP. c!Eret was one of my favorites on The Server That Should Not Be Named. Their lore was like solving a mystery, and I think they could really thrive with a server that has ppl who will actually care abt their lore
ooooo that’s actually a good idea!
i joined The Server That Should Not Be Named far too late (as in just before eggpire) so i’m not 100% clued up but from what i do know, eret’s style of lore would suit the qsmp super well as the community loves solving mysteries alongside their streamers!
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sleepy-snaildan · 3 years
me with no morality: hehe complex characters go brr
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the-quiet-void · 3 years
I’ve been catching up with the BearSMP on YouTube (definitely go do it if you haven’t! it’s so cool) and after Niki arrives, every moment she mentions the dsmp I just cry
It really puts into perspective just how fucked that world is for the people living in it like Niki is constantly on guard and keeps trying to isolate herself from others after her time in the dsmp
The Dream SMP has been ravaged and there isn’t a single part of it that isn’t so undeniably sad like
L’Manburg -> Destroyed
Community House -> Blown up constantly
Las Nevadas -> Lonely with lights a little too bright
Kinoko Kingdom -> Quiet and full of secrets
Eret’s Castle -> Huge, silent, and unused
Niki’s Underground Kingdom -> Abandoned and much too cold
The Prison -> Everyone that has spent too much time there goes crazy and is tortured in some way
All of it -> a giant egg spreads it’s red vines and leaves throughout the smp and has caused irreversible damage
There are a bunch of ghosts that existed at some point or another, most characters have heaps of trauma, and the builds get demolished time and time again
Now this doesn’t mean I don’t love the dsmp or the stories in it. In fact, I like the seriousness and angst quite a lot. It’s just easy to see the smp as abandoned when so few people regularly stream on it especially when big lore events like The Red Banquet have all but disappeared
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hopalongfairywren · 10 months
So there was this post floating around talking about how egg arc fans were unfairly blaming inniters and just generally being bitter over the lore, I think I might have even reblogged because well I do agree with the sentiment somewhat, I don't think it's suprising or wrong to be at least a little annoyed given the absolute chokehold The Disc plot side of the fandom had and still has. Like of course people are going to be annoyed when you make every part of the lore about c!Tommy. I have been annoyed when people tag the eggpire in unrelated fancontent. Like, it's dsmp lore, I'm not trying to act like egg arc fans are some uniquely silenced portion of the fandom, but yeah. People did and do butcher other characters (often with female characters, in misogynistic ways) to fit the narrative of their fics. It is hard to find a fic without it being mostly about c!Tommy/Tubbo/Ranboo/ what have you, without filtering through a bunch of tags. It is frustrating to see fans who never watched the egg lore call it 'half-lore' or a side plot. It is annoying to see a storyline that has very little to do with c!Tommy, be made about c!Tommy. In animatics, in fanart, and in that one guy's dsmp netflix recap. And you know, this isn't exclusive to inniters. c!Dream fans too, are guilty of the same kind of 'need a filler character so let me just use c!antfrost or something' tropes, just in different ways. This would be a lot more eloquent if I remembered what that post said, and I hope this doesn't come off as too harsh, but yeah. Making c!Tommy the main character in arcs he comparatively had little to do with, arcs which are already seen as background lore and not important due to a self maintained cycle, and seeing your favorite characters butchered is annoying. Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not true.
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minamotoz · 3 years
society when dsmp fans stop treating lore with higher production value as objectively and automatically better
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Ranking Giant Words On The Dream SMP
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iconic and hilarious. Improves any and all lore tenfold by completely throwing people off their groove. 11/10
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Classy and pretty, literally a logo. Very well done. 10/10
(more under read more)
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my favorite. makes a lot of scenes fucking hilarious cause it’ll be mid-lore and you’ll just see the word “CRY” in the sky like a cue card. Also very very funny to see in the distance as people walk around. 100/10*
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*RIP Cry Sign. Tommy tried to take you out but you took him out with you. Like, twice actually. Even more extra points for that. Forever in our hearts.
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Absolutely fucking massive. Kind of a flex. Dangerously flammable. Wish there was better block contrast though. 6/10
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Pogchamp. Good block choice as well. Fundy’s X3 addition is questionable but acceptable. 8/10.
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Classic. Informative. Clear. Underappreciated. Absolute comedy gold now that Eret and Foolish are building a secret base hidden under it. 8/10
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Delightfully cryptic. Short-lived. Shitty in an endearing way. 7/10
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History, relatively ignored and now are rarely seen. I miss them. still p funny. 9/20
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Bedrock. Major flex. Made in creative mode though so less impressive. Made to annoy Tommy though so winning some points back there. Disappointing that no one visits Logstershire anymore to see it. 6/10.
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Interesting block choice, but being able to see through the sign bugs me slightly. as does the single iron bar at the tip of the arrow. Earns points back for being history though. 5/10
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Good sentiment. Cool poetic themes with it being made of materials from the Eggpire meeting room. Difficult to read all at once though and wording could be misconstrued. 6/10
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modernsuperhero · 3 years
Hey DSMP fans, new and old!
If you're a Dream SMP fan who'd like to know What The Fuck Is Going On at any given moment in the Lore™, then boy howdy do I have the place for you! Introducing the...
DSMP Lore Hoard!
[This link takes you directly to the discord server. If the link doesn’t work, please DM me.]
We have specialists available to answer your questions on ANY specific character or arc within the DSMP, from its initial creation with the Original Eight all the way to whatever the fuck just happened today! This includes major characters, minor characters, fan-favorites and fan-forgottens. With our help, there’s no more need to scour the DSMP Wiki or pour through hours of VODs! 
Click on the read-more for additional details!
We offer regular lore updates for people who miss or can’t watch streams, social media updates INCLUDING private tweets and sub-only messages, lore fact-checking with direct sources such as stream clips or twitter Q+As, and our Lore Hoarders are available to answer any and all questions someone might have - including full lore summaries from the very beginning of the character!
This is useful for the casual fan who just wants to keep up with one or two characters - maybe you’re dedicated to the Eggpire lore, or the missing nuke plot, or maybe you’re just patiently waiting for the fandom to acknowledge Connoreatspants as the main character. 
It’s also useful for the brain-rotted fan - we have open conversations about theories, headcanons, new and old information all the time! You’ll be among your people here. 
Of course, we can’t forget our new fans! Do you not know who Spirit is or why it’s important, or maybe you’re wondering why the Prime Path is considered holy? We’re here to help! No question is too niche, and we welcome all the askers here! ;]
The DSMP Lore Hoard is here for anyone - artists looking for references, fic writers looking for quotes, and theorists looking for clips. And, if you’d like, you can even join our team and become a Lore Hoarder yourself, helping to answer questions and run your own private section dedicated to your chosen character.
We WELCOME lurkers, and have no requirements for our members to be active in the server to remain. 
Feel free to come and check out the official Dream SMP Lore Hoard!
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
My beloved! I do not know if you watched the recent lore stream ( if you haven't please! Watch it before answering my ask! ) I was wondering if you could do something with eret and foolish where instead of foolish dying it's the reader? And the reader is on her last life after she died from badboyhalo? Just some angst ( please I wanna cry out my feelings after this stream omg- and plus your my favorite writer so yea :p)
Have an amazing day! <3
BELOVED! EEEEEEE I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE ERET FOR SOOOOO LOOOOONG YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I'm just going to make it an Eret x Reader because I don't know Foolish's character too well if that's okay?
(ALso, you will make me cry from all these compliments, please ;^;)
I actually am adding onto this because I want to make a hybrid reader for once, hope you don't mind! ^^
My Monarch (C!Eret x GN!Butterfly Hyrbid!Reader)
You giggled softly, your beautiful paper-thin wings flitting behind you as you hopped around Eret's room while he got his newly tailored red cloak chained together, "My goodness, monarch, you're going to waste up all your energy before the party even begins!" He laughed at your reddened cheeks while he put his crown on top of his neatly styled hair, putting his sunglasses on shortly after, "How do I look?"
"Like a true queen!" You chirped, adjusting your outfit in the mirror beside your lover before frowning and taking the glasses away from her, "Ah, ah, nope. If I'm having my wings out of my cloak, you aren't wearing your sunglasses, darling, we've been over this."
The royal huffed and gave a small pout but didn't argue much on the matter, as they did, in fact, practically beg you to keep your wings out for display for the banquet. With a small chuckle, they reached over and picked up your crown that was decorated with rainbows of jewels, placing it on your styled (h/l) (h/c) hair, being mindful of your antennae, "There... There's my monarch."
You blushed slightly at the nickname and gave a small giggle as you took his hand, "Come on, let's get going, Bad will get impatient if we're late." Eret gave a nod with a smile, leading you towards the door and out of his castle.
The two of you were happily chatting with each other as you travelled to the stairway that led underground, happily saying hellos to your 'mama' Puffy, who gave you typical motherly affection, ie: smooshing your cheeks as she gave you a light headbutt while calling you every motherly compliment in the book, and anyone else that was also invited to the Banquet. When you arrived, you took a sharp breath as you saw the room filled with red vines crawling and writhing everywhere, it sickened you... But, this was about Bad apologizing, and you supposed that you could put your discomfort off to the side for just a little bit.
Eret, being the gentleman she was, pulled out your chair for you and gestured for you to sit down, smiling softly as you gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down in the chair. She pushed you in and sat in the chair to your left, Puffy on your right, gently taking your hand once she was tucked into the table.
You were so anxious that you could barely focus on the speech Bad was giving, until your ears and antennae picked up the sound and scent of running lava which successfully shook you out of your thoughts, but before you could mention anything to Eret, you heard a chuckle.
"Now, prepare to die."
There was a chorus of gasps that tore from everyone's mouths as the sound of lava got louder. You lifted your head from staring at the red soup in the bowl in front of you and looked around in horror as you saw lava blocking the exits. You felt Eret tighten their grip on your hand, but by then your heart was already racing in fear and your wings were shifting around nervously.
"Oh my god!"
"We've been walled in!"
"After all that?!"
Bad tossed his empty glass bottle to the side, causing it to shatter on the ground below and get greedily grabbed at by the red vines, "Well uh, that's right."
"Bad, what about turning over this leaf?!" Captain Puffy snapped, slamming her mostly empty bottle of water down on the table as she stood up.
The nine-foot-tall demon seemed to nonchalantly brush off her outburst and shook his head lamely, "No, the leaf is staying the way it is." He sat up properly in his chair and rested his elbows on the warped wooden table to hold his chin in his hands.
"Is... There any way out?" You asked aloud, quickly spinning around, looking for any gap that you could possibly fly through. Eret quickly wrapped his arm around you, his white eyes wide with slight hints of fear that he was used to hiding with his glasses.
"No! There's literally no way out!" Fundy cried out, restlessly shuffling and running around, trying to find anything everyone could use to escape.
HBomb gave a small shriek of pain as he burned his hand on the lava, "It is real lava! It is real lava!" He gasped out as Puffy quickly made him shove his hand into the bowl of beat soup. Bad calmly walked over and gave him a glimmering gold apple with a sickly sweet smile.
"You should try not to die yet, HBomb." He chuckled softly as he returned to his seat once the man eagerly bit into the potion soaked fruit, desperate to get rid of the burning sensation.
Puffy took a few deep breaths and held out her arms, trying to get everyone to stop freaking out completely, "We're fine, we're fine, we're fine! I- I didn't trust you, Bad, I didn't trust you at all. I didn't trust Antfrost. I knew! I knew something was up, it's unfortunate to say I can't trust either one of you... Because... I planned this..."
She eagerly ripped off the red silken table cloth to reveal a chest buried in the table, spilling drinks and soup everywhere for the vines to eagerly writhe towards, "Oh?! What?!" Bad gasped, his mouth parting in shock... Before it fell bad into a devious smile as Puffy gave a cry of confusion, finding the chest completely empty, "Oh? Were you... Looking for this, perchance?"
Bad equipped diamond enchanted armour and held up an enchanted diamond sword that glimmered in the light of the lava, Ant, Ponk... And Hannah... Doing the same, "Sorry Puffy. I had to do it..." Hannah Rose walked over and sat in the empty seat on Bad's left.
"Do... What, Hannah? Why?!" The Ram hybrid whispered in horror.
"I had to tell them." She responded simply, blinking a few times as her eyes went from a forest coloured green to redder than the colour of the egg's vines slithering around your ankles, "The egg..."
Biting back a sob, you looked at Hannah, "You were with them the whole time...?"
Sam stood completely still, looking at the girl sadly, "You... Told them, Hannah?" The warden murmured.
"I had to." She glanced at Bad with a small grin before looking back at her former friends, including you, "It was the only way."
"I'm sorry," Bad started, sounding almost completely genuine, if it wasn't for the crooked smile he was wearing, "I'm sorry Sam, I'm sorry Puffy. But, time to get on to the main event!"
The creeper hybrid held up his hand, pointing one finger to the ceiling to silently tell the Eggpire to hold on for just a moment, "Well... That is, tragic, that you told them about our plans for the armour, but..." You could tell Sam grinned behind his mask as his green eyes gave a few sparks of smugness, "Something, you should know. I had another plan. Because I didn't trust you."
"...What do you mean 'another plan'?" Bad pointed his loaded crossbow at the warden, eyes narrowing into a glare.
"Well," He pulled a remote out of his pocket and scanned it in mock curiosity, "I think, that we all can agree, that this has gone on long enough now. I'm tired of all this fighting. So I say we just blow the egg up. For good, this time, with an amount of TNT that it can't survive... So I hid a trap..."
'Of course... The creeper hybrid is using TNT...' You thought with a small smile, trying to distract yourself from the heartstopping fear overwhelming your body at the moment as Bad stuttered in surprise.
"A trap?! Wait, what do you mean!?" the demon growled as Sam got up and walked slightly closer to the egg, digging his thumb into the button on the remote he held.
"We did something even you couldn't prepare for!" Puffy shouted as TNT began to rain out of a small gap in the ceiling.
Eret, worrying for your safety and how the sounds or smell of gunpowder would affect your hypersensitive senses, pulled you close and she wrapped you in her cloak. You desperately grasped at the fabric of her red dress as she covered your ears in an attempt to make the loud booms easier for your insect senses to handle.
By the time it stopped and Eret let you go, there were shocked gasps and the egg... Had... Turned to crying obsidian? "You guys-" Bad had to take a breath through his maniacal laughter to wipe a tear, "You really thought you could defeat the egg? With TNT? After Quackity tried that, we took proper... Preparations. And we made it so that we wouldn't have to worry about TNT anymore, thank you very much!"
"I think you mean precautions..." You murmured quietly, curling in on yourself and hiding behind Eret slightly when you saw soulless white eyes glare in your directions.
"Shut up, (Y/n)." He huffed, and Eret had to physically stop Puffy from storming over and fighting the man in diamond armour with her bare hands, "Now, would you all please kindly make your way over here... We can begin the summary executions."
Shock flooded through your veins at how eagerly Bad hopped out of his chair them walked over to where the Egg, the crying obsidian fading away, and standing on a platform. There was a chorus of shocked cries and just cries in general as Bad waved his crossbow around, "What about the speeches man?!" Fundy growled, glaring at Bad as he tried to get you all to leave the table.
"Oh, that was all just to lull you into a false sense of security!" He responded with another crooked smile and a 'duh' tone, "You see, the egg needs something, and it's gonna get it from each of you. See, in order for the egg to hatch, it needs energy, and it gets that energy from people dying near it! And that's the role that you guys are gonna fill! We are gonna kill you one by one..."
"You're a monster..." Eret mumbled under their breath, holding your hand tightly, able to feel your racing heart from the pulse in your wrist. This had gone on long enough, sure, destroying everything on the server was one thing, but threatening not only their life, not only their friends' lives, but their lover's life as well! You only had two more before you were gone from this world forever... And by whatever gods were listening, they swore that they were going to protect those final two, even at the risk of their own life.
Bad turned his head, his twisted smile faltering slightly, "What was that, Eret? What did you say?" He leaned closer mockingly, to see if Eret really had the guts to repeat what was just said.
"You're an absolute monster," Eret repeated with a slight growl to his voice this time, taking a step closer to the corrupted man as a threat and also effectively blocking you from Bad's gaze, "How could you? We all trusted you, Bad."
"Trust?!" Ant spoke up for the first time that night, grinning almost like a Cheshire cat, "Okay, Eret... Keep talking. Keep talking about trust."
Sucking a breath through your gritted teeth, you cringed as Ant retorted with a verbal dagger, one he knew would hurt Eret deeply, and hurt her it did, "That was a long time ago!" You snapped immediately, stepping forwards to defend her which definitely caught everyone off guard. You were NOT about to let some egg puppets trash talk your lover, "She's changed!"
"You know what..." Bad hummed, almost comically tapping his finger to his lip before pointing at Eret, "I think, Eret, you would be a perfect person... To sacrifice first!"
Giving a cry of horror, you felt the red vines react to Bad's words and grab you and Eret, successfully yanking you away from each other despite your cries and struggles of protests. The large vines picked Eret up and brought them to the execution platform that Bad was standing on. The entire time, you were trying to run over to grab them, but the vines kept creating a wall and pushing you back, "No! No, no, no!" You screamed desperately, trying to reach out to the crown-wearing lover that was now being held on the platform by the very vines that were holding you back.
"Does anyone have anything?!" Foolish cried, quickly patting his pockets and looking around for anything, anything at all, to use as a weapon.
"I- We have no weapons!"
"No one has anything?! We literally can't do anything about this!"
Bad only chuckled, seeming to find amusement in everyone's distress, "Excellent, excellent, I really appreciate you guys following the directive and not bringing any weapons. That's very courteous of you." He turned towards Eret with his readied crossbow, gleefully ignoring your cries.
"We trusted you!" You yelled, throwing a useless punch at the wall of vines that blocked your way again, everyone roaring at the Eggpire in agreement with your statement.
"Well that was your first mistake," He chided in almost a playful manner, "Did you really think we were just going to stop trying to spread the egg's influence over the server, just because a couple people got mad at the vines? Like, come on. That's been the objective all along. It's been to hatch the egg. The egg wants power, and it's gonna get it."
His finger lightly began tapping at the trigger of his crossbow that had the bolt pointing to your lover's head, which caused a sob to escape past your lips as you finally had enough and finally flew into the air, expertly weaving past the red vines that tried to grab you out of the air. Quickly, you swooped down and reached out for Eret, but you felt something fly past your ear... Then suddenly, the king gave a cry of his own and you felt your flying balance get thrown off, causing you to begin to plummet towards the ground.
The horrified shrieks of your lover, mother figure and your friends rang through your ears as you quickly plummeted towards the earth as a result of gravity, only to be suddenly halted in mid-air which caused your crown to fall to the ground, completely wrapped in vines that clearly didn't care how badly they were bending your wings. You whined in pain at the tight grip, and looked over at your beloved butterfly features, only to give a sob of pain as you saw a large tear had sliced through your right (f/c) wing... "You... You bastard..." You hissed at the demon who came over and reloaded another bolt into his crossbow.
"You know, I think I like your energy more than your lover's." He cupped your chin in an almost loving fashion, causing Eret to immediately lash out and begin barking insults as well as threats. Unfortunately, her violence was ignored as the vines picked her up again, "Your unwavering loyalty, your love, your fierceness despite how fragile you are..."
"Get your hands away from them!" Puffy yelled, she and Foolish going to run to help you, but they were blocked off by the vines in the same way you once were, "For fucks sake Bad! Leave my child alone! They were just defending Eret, you know, their lover?!"
Bad only hummed as the vines lamely tossed Eret to the crowd of people, but thankfully he was caught by Foolish and Sam instead of hitting the ground but his crown hit the ground close to yours, breaking most of the rainbow coloured gems off, "I'm quite aware of their relationship, thank you, Puffy." He stepped back and the vines threw you to the ground on the execution platform, causing you to bounce off the nether bricks harshly before finally rolling into the centre.
Your head was spinning and your sight was blurry, but you still managed to hear the screams of terror from your friends, the begging from Puffy for Bad to leave you alone, and the sobs leaving Eret's throat as they cried out for you, "Monarch... (Y/N)!" They screamed, trying to run to you as well, but unsurprisingly they were held back as well.
It... was funny... You wanted to go to this party so badly... You begged Eret to come to this party, you spent weeks picking out your outfit... You were so excited...
And now here you were... Flightless and beyond concussed...
About to die...
"I love you..." You managed to whisper to Eret before Ant rose his enchanted sword... Then quickly lowering it, piercing through your chest...
"(Y/N)! NO!"
(Y/n) (L/n) was slain by Antfrost. Lives 1/3
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