#If anyone wants to add on feel free
Howdy! Under my post you offered to talk about Purpled's lore/character and it would be really cool is you did that!
You have unlocked an unskippable cutscene I could literally talk about this for days on end
under the read more cause this is gonna be LONG
okay SO the very basics of Purpleds character is just he’s a really skilled fighter, so he became a mercenary to put those skills to use
ccpurpled said himself that cpurpled just wants money and power
but despite this, he’s not a fan of conflict at all, and prefers to avoid fights and wars whenever possible
a favorite quote of mine, “I’m like Switzerland, I don’t really fight, but when I do fight, I win” (not word for word I forgor)
he greatly prefers to keep to himself, and just gather materials and chill with his dog and mind his own business, because he’s seen what happens to everyone else, and doesn’t want any part of it
Early in the server, before he did a lot of serious lore, he had a decent amount of relatively positive relationships with a couple people, and he didn’t necessarily hang out with them or anything but he trusted them
he mostly just sat around and built stuff, the first big thing he was a part of was the Manberg vs Pogtopia war
-karl recruited him against his will
-he ran around for like 30 minutes just rambling about how he had no idea what was going on ever
-he fought for like 3 minutes before switching sides
-*getting killed by fireworks* “IM ON YOUR SIDE” “YOU WERENT BEFORE”
-was dead silent for like 40 minutes as he just ran around fighting people and no one acknowledged him
-schlatt fucking died “did he just have a heart attack?!?” “He just fucking died!!” And then went silent again
-the whole thing were no one wanted to be president
-it ended up being tubbo
-no one could figure out who the traitor was
-watched wilbur die right after lmanberg blew up
-killed one of the withers and was very proud of himself
-Connor joined the game, left the game, joined the game, stole purpleds pants, and left
-purpled went home, reiterated that he had no idea what the fuck just happened, and ended stream
this is so long already but wait, there’s more!!
not a whole lot important happened after that, he was still living in a cabin of the main path, and his UFO was just kinda vibing (that’s a surprise tool that will help us later)
he kinda chilled on his own, and suddenly the Eggpire is a thing! Purpled has no friends, so he doesn’t care!! (There are vines all over his UFO but he doesn’t live there anymore so he doesn’t do anything about it)
suddenly Ponk wants to talk to him, and now uh oh, BadBoyHalo is in some random ass cave trying to hire Purpled to kidnap Puffy
purpled has nothing better to do, so he takes the job
he doesn’t log on for months, so Quackity puts bombs in his house
suddenly purpled logs on and Quackitys like “I understand this looks bad but I want to hire you”
“what’s this another mercenary job?” God forbid someone hire him to do his job
he accepts, and badda bang badda book now he’s working against the Eggpire
Q, purpled, and Techno are going to take down the red banquet, and then Quackity decides to be an asshole (Purpled and Techno want to go in and help, but Quackity makes them wait and foolish dies, then Quackity goes in and plays the hero)
they beat the shit out of the Eggpire (bad is not happy with purpled)
purpled leads everyone out of bads creepy basement “you’re a hero, purpled” “I try my best”
purpled wants his payment for helping the duck man
Duck man pays him, and then breaks the entire fandom and blows up purpleds ufo right in front of him!
purpled wants to kill him, Quackity tries to convince him not to, tells him that he’s basically nothing now, and purples goes home
fucking dumbass blows up his own house after having 37 mental breakdowns
slime is spying on him and purples wants to strangle him
he goes to las Nevadas, “I just want to make it very clear that I don’t think there will ever be a point in time where I respect you as a person,” and joins LN just like Q wanted!! Surely nothing bad will happen!!
Quackity has an anxiety attack, purpled leads them to the most unnecessary trap ever, he and Q yell at each other, Quackity does a fucky wucky, and now Slimecicle is dead
purpled just fucking walks away like the girlboss he is, and later kidnaps slimes corpse and traps him in a cave
Punz shows up, says some stuff, purples agrees to work for him and dream (this will not go well)
they raid las nevadas!! dream blows some shit up, foolish releases an army of slimes, and purpled yells at Quackity some more
slime reveals he’s not actually a dumbass and shoves purples of off a balcony
and then the server fucking ended so I guess that’s that!
so, long story short, purpled is pretty much just a badass but also cringefail assassin, who does not like people or conflict, and has cared about two things ever (his ufo and his dog, which is thankfully still alive), but is also still just a teenager, and has some shit going on.
he doesn’t care about a lot, but he does have silly little feelings sometimes and the only two times he ever showed that he blew up his own house and the second time he fucking died
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I quit watching commercial hardcore porn a few years ago, concerned about the ethical issues. I also wanted to see if it would improve my sexual health (I’ve had ED in the past, despite being fairly young). I’m having a much harder time quitting self-produced amateur stuff on reddit, since it doesn’t feel as gross and exploitative. I’m also starting to develop some guilt over having a male libido at all, which really sucks :( TBH, not sure where I’m going with this, but I needed to say it.
(This is going to be a long one. And with some religious talk sprinkled in, as I am Christian and find a lot of my reasoning and strength to fight in God)
First of all, congratulations on recognizing the damages of pornography! A lot of us men are waking up to the damages it causes, but even still a lot of us are in the dark; whether willingly or unknowingly. Second of all, sorry for not getting to this sooner. I hope that you're reading this (If you do, please send another anon ask, I'd like to know).
Regarding amateur stuff. I understand what you're going through. I think a lot of us try to find some way of getting off while not contributing to the industry. For me it was cartoons and drawings, and is still something that I struggle with. I'd share two insights with you. One, you don't know for certain it's amateur the same way you don't know for certain the "professional" stuff is fully consensual. There's production studios set up to seem like amateur stuff when in fact it's no different from the stuff you're trying to avoid, and the only way you might be able to know for certain is if you were in the room when it happened. Two, just because it might not be gross and exploitative doesn't mean it's not denigrating. That's one of the root problems of porn; it takes a beautiful child of God and turns them into titilating body parts to get you off. No care about who they are or having a relationship, just get your pleasure off or move on to the next set of images. And as a freebie, here's a third insight. If you can't find where the sin harms someone else, the one being harmed is you. You mentioned erectile disfunction, being able to fight that is a good reason in of itself. That's not to say you should be guilty about having a male libido. The libido is a healthy and an important part of our reproductive system. Porn hijacks it and corrupts it for its own use. That's not the libido's fault.
In your subsequent anon message, you mention the need for motivation. I think you know the right track and I'm proud of you for it. If you're looking for motivations and resources to quit, I can't recommend Fight the New Drug or Covenant Eyes enough. Both are companies dedicated to combating porn. FTND is a secular group, while Covenant Eyes is Christian based. Both offer free articles and resources to learn about the costs, hear accounts of victims and fellow fighters, and suggestions on how to quit yourself. Covenant Eyes also offers a paid service that blocks a lot of the bigger porn sites and watches for other material (all run through a VPN to keep things secure). It can be shared via email with an accountability partner (they don't have to pay). FTND offers a similar service for free, but I don't have experience with that. Accountability software is not airtight, but it's a good tool in your arsenal.
A few final thoughts.
1. This is going to be a tough and long struggle. Some studies have found that pornography can be as addicting as crack cocaine. And unlike crack, you don't have to go into an alley and slip a shady figure a hundred bucks for a few grams; you just have to type into the search bar. Chances are you're going to be struggling with this in some form for the rest of your life on earth, just like a recovering druggie or alcoholic. It sucks, but the end result is going to be better. Being able to look upon others as more than the sum and sexiness of their parts but as living breathing individuals is superior to anything porn can offer.
2. As a followup to 1, you are going to stumble. You're going to get complacent, or have a bad day and feel you deserve a break. And when you're finally done, there's a good chance you're going to feel dirty and disgusted with yourself. Be ready to hold yourself accountable, but be ready to forgive yourself as well. Holding it all in is just going to send you into a spiral of hate and self loathing. Repent, be washed clean, and move forward.
3. Neuroplasticity. It's the concept of your brain creating ruts as you repeat similar processes and actions, especially if powerful hormones are released at the time (like those at climax). It's what causes porn to be so addicting, but is also your way out. In avoiding pornography, you create new ruts in your mind. Getting out of the rut your in will be hard at first, but the more you do it the easier it gets over time. Find something you can do when you feel yourself getting into an old rut. It could be a different activity away from the tempting situation, or some mantra to run through and remind yourself what to do (I can recommend some bible verses if you're interested, as well as oddly Bioshock's "A man chooses a slave obeys". That one helped me early on before I got verses to memorize, and I still use it from time to time).
4. Get accountability. The first thing our enemy wants us to do is to go at this fight alone. There's a reason alcoholics anonymous exists. Get someone you can trust to hold you accountable. If you're religious, sit down with your pastor, priest, rabbi, whoever it is. Chances are they will have resources to help you and could be your accountability partner, or failing that know someone who could. And don't isolate yourself from others. Get good relationships with other men and women, especially platonic ones.
5. Cold Turkey. Don't hold anything back, In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that if our eye or hand causes us to sin, we're to gouge and cut them off. I'm not saying to blind and emasculate yourself, but what he was getting at is the steps we should take to fight our sin. If Reddit is a weak point for you and you can't stop yourself from going to subreddits where you can see pornography, you might need to cut Reddit out of your life; or at least off of devices and locations you find yourself tempted. I've deleted Tumblr off my phone multiple times for the same reason; It was a weak point at that time and needed to go. If you hold something back, the problems will not be resolved. It's like continuing to view amateur stuff; you're not eliminating the problem, just using a different flavor of it.
That's about all I got right now, but if you'd like to continue this train of thought I'd be happy to. It's important to talk about our struggles, especially in a world that says guys should be stoic and not complain. It's also important to bring to light the damages that porn has on everyone involved. What you described in the second anon post as a sob story is similar to what I went through, as well as millions of others. It's not a sob story, it's a desire to change and frustration at facing a powerful enemy. I hope that I was able to do this justice after starting on this at 10 PM and working for about 2 hours. In any event, I will be praying for us both tonight, anon. May we both have a good night and day tomorrow free from pornography.
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lass-us-slay · 2 months
So I read a prompt about how Wonder Woman found Danny in a trash can (don’t remember which one) and I was bored.
So I took that lil info and made it into an AU.
So basically, Danny get yeeted into this unknown universe and has no where to live. And no where to live means no money. No money means no food. No food means Danny can’t keep his human half sustained.
So what does he do?
Decides to not change into a human and live in a trash can.
Yes you heard that right, live in a trash can.
Because he’s a ghost, he doesn’t have to worry about the germs and stuff. But that doesn’t mean he lives in just any trash can! He lives in a clean one ☝️
AND he also decorated it with his name so other people know it’s his!
And so Danny has been here for a while now and realizes
Holy shit there’s hero’s here- you know what, why doesn’t he have hero’s back home?!
And being minorly annoyed jealous (but he’s never admitting that)he thought:
Well since there’s hero’s here already, guess I’m not needed.
Good. I’m tired af
And so Danny caries on his life, being content with his trash can and scaring whoever comes into his alley. It’s fun. Sure he sometimes needs to ugh overshadow people to feed his human side, but other than that.
It’s going great.
But Danny doesn’t realize that with Amity gone (or smth, you choose) which was his haunt, he slowly makes the trash can into his new haunt.
And slowly but surely, Danny’s beloved haunt trash can starts to become other worldly kinda.
Yk because of the ectoplasm.
So now Danny’s lovely trash can haunt has more space inside and- Hey Danny can actually sleep in it better!! And he got some company too!
In the form of blob ghosts.
Two actually.
They keep his trash can clean and help purifying some corrupted ectoplasm that he finds. Because for some reason this universe’s ectoplasm seems half way artificial and tastes a bit weird. Which is where the blob ghosts help out in.
Everything was great.
Danny was loving the trash can life style.
He has two blob ghosts friends. Which he named Sam and Tucker, and yea they couldn’t talk but that was fine.
He wasn’t lonely, he wasn’t. He had two very much talking friends like Sam and Tucker.
However one day two weirdly dressed people- oh they were hero��s.
Well anyway they found him, one woman stripper and one furry guy.
But it was on accident! He was just peaking out of his beloved haunt trash can, and they spotted him.
He stared, they stared back.
Then the woman stripper asked him questions, even when he said:
“Don’t mind me, have a nice day!”
But they just kept bother him and giving him weird looks and glances.
Which- rude.
Didn’t they see his mark on his haunt trash can? Obviously it means it’s his home, so they shouldn’t be bothering him still. He’s safe as can be.
It’s not like he’s looking at them in suspicion and weirdness, I mean look at them! What kinda cheep knock off vampire fury mix and American stripper style clothing are those!
They should mind their own business!
Just a silly lil drawing of this lmao, don’t mind me.
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1pcii · 9 months
if Zoro asked Luffy 'would you still love me if I was a worm?' Luffy would be vibrating out of his skin with excitement detailing how he would take care of Zoro and build him a special little enclosure and make him little swords out of sticks so he can still achieve his dream of being the world's greatest swordsworm and feed him worm sized portions of meat and booze everyday and carry him around everywhere so they can still do everything together.
he also delightfully rambles about how he could be a worm also and they'd go on worm adventures together and make friends with all sorts of other bugs and how much fun they'd have.
edit: there's fanart for this scenario now! show it lots of love it's absolutely adorable!!!
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miriaocs · 5 months
GET TO KNOW YOUR TWST OCs (and their relationships)
(Or how I make up excuses to blabber about my OC lol. Most of the "who" questions are aimed at the twst cast, but feel free to include other twst OCs as well!)
Name: What does your twst OC's name mean? Why does Rook/Floyd call them [insert nickname]?
Inspiration: Is your twst OC inspired by any villains? Concepts? Anything Disney-related?
Age/Birthday: How old is your twst OC? When is their birthday? Whose birthday (among the cast) is closest to your twst OC's? Does the horoscope lie or do they get along well?
Dorm: Which dorm is your twst OC in? Why? Which qualities they have make them suitable for said dorm? Do they have a roommate and how is their relationship?
Class: Who is your twst OC's classmate(s)? How would you describe their relationship? Did they have different classmates in previous year and did they get along?
Height: How tall is your twst OC? Are they conscious about their height? Are they close to someone with similar leg length?
Hair/Eye color: What are your twst OC's hair and eye colors? Who got the closest/opposite palette to them?
Homeland: Where is your twst OC from? Do they know anyone from the same hometown prior to NRC?
Club: Which club does your twst OC join and why? Is there anything memorable about the club fair day/their first day at the club? Which clubmate is their favorite?
Subject: What is your twst OC's best subject? Worst? Do they study with another whom excels at the same subject? Do they ask anyone for help with the subject they are bad at?
Hobby: What are your twst OC's hobbies? Who among the cast will they possibly ask to join in their pastime?
Pet peeves: What are your twst OC's pet peeves and which one in the cast accidentally (or not) commit the "crimes"? How will your twst OC deal with that person?
Food: What is your twst OC's favorite and least favorite food? Why (optional)? Is there anyone they can share their favorite food? Is there anyone they can count on to take over the food they dislike?
Talent: What is your twst OC's talent(s) and who can properly appreciate that?
Unique Magic/Signature spell: What is your twst OC's UM (if applicable)? What can they do? What is the incantation? Is there any weaknesses/loopholes and who can exploit those?
Quote: Give me something your twst OC will say. Either something they always say or something iconic they said. Something that helps solve the problems or something that is a catalyst to even more issues.
(Ok I'm kinda running out of ideas here) Personality: Give me 3 adjectives to describe your twst OC. Or an essay. Whichever works. Whose personality among the cast is closest to your twst OC and do they get along?
Backstory: Tell me anything about your twst OC's backstory. Their childhood, their parents, their siblings etc. Does their backstory affect how they are as a character now and how they interact with the cast?
Pick only one: Let your twst OC pick only one and explain the reasons: only one favorite from each dorm, only one favorite housewarden/vice housewarden, only one favorite first/second/third year etc.
(For my beloved yume shippers) Partner: Who do you ship your twst OC with? Are they in a relationship? If yes, how did it start/end? If no, why?
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mossy-aro · 19 days
ultimately i think my insistence on aro positivity honestly is as much a political stance as a personal one.
when i say aro positivity is crucial and that i dislike doomer-ist posts that express sentiments like 'I hate being aro so much I wish I was dead instead’ it's not because I don’t think there can and should be a space for negativity and acknowledging self-hate, or the many ways being aromantic can really suck sometimes. i find that to be very important!
that being said. there is smth here about how self-hate posts are sometimes just arophobia that we inflict on ourselves. and when we put that out into the ether it (intentionally or not) can become arophobia that we inflict on other members of the community. i think there absolutely needs to be a place for negativity and the expression of anger and frustration and self loathing even - these are all good things to talk about because these are things that we experience. that being said, it can also be genuinely upsetting and triggering to people to have what is essentially arophobia shown to them and then have that be validated by other aspec people. your personal thoughts can affect your wider community on a level you may not anticipate. and i understand it i truly do! it took me so long to be able to recover from accepting being aroace - it threw my entire world off kilter and made me question everything about my place in the world.
but my insistence on aro joy and positivity is because ultimately i do believe that building is at the core essence of it all. that ultimately discussions and the purpose of community should be about construction, not destruction. and this is both a personal and a political stance. talking about how much you hate yourself and cultivating online discussions/spaces where negativity about aspec identity is the main and only theme is destructive - if that’s where we let the conversation end. these thoughts can and should be used as a vehicle to look for a path forward!
joy and positivity create a space where the focus can become on forging a path forward, on construction, on community building instead of tearing ourselves and others down with negative thoughts. it’s not productive or healthy when it stops at a place of negativity - it becomes actively destructive to the essence of community.
and i do think that this is especially poignant considering the fact that being any kind of queer, but especially aromantic (and/or asexual) means forging a path for yourself and making your own happiness where there is no obvious way forward. our communities exist mostly online (right now, anyway), there is little recognition of our existence in the real world, the effects of amatonormativity are both pervasive and actively dehumanising, and there are legal, economic and social structures in place actively making our lives more difficult. yes that all sucks! it’s good to acknowledge that. we need to in order to change it. but more importantly, that’s not the end. we are still here and our happiness, our future is for us to determine. even if we can’t change the laws or society, loving yourself and understanding aromanticism as a political identity (as well as personal), as a radical worldview, and as a protest against amatonormativity is essential for both community and personal well being. the personal is political.
tldr. i guess my point is that as a community, we should focus on building, improving, and nurturing ourselves and each other (construction) as opposed to destruction. we should recognise aromanticism and asexuality as political identities as well as personal ones and rely on community and self-love in the absence of anything else as a form of protest and political power. destruction (the recognition of everything that is wrong) is essential as a starting point - but where do we go from there? we rebuild.
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vagueconfusion · 2 months
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dirtbagdefender · 2 months
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little story snippet under the cut.
"hey," steve greets him with a grin, moving aside to let him in the house like he has dozens of times. within seconds, he clues into the weird tension in the air as billy stays standing on the porch, feet planted. his smile melts away as he looks over billy's face, looking for anything that might give him insight as to why he's so tense. the only one he comes up with is that billy won't look him in the eye, his gaze focused somewhere on steve's cheek. it makes his mouth go dry instantly.
billy's got a fresh cig out and lit, a single thin finger of smoke drifting off of it. steve hates that it makes him look more dangerous. more cool. more addictive.
"what's up?" he asks, his focus narrowing. like nothing else matters, he watches billy tilt to look at the ground, pulling a thick lungful from the cigarette before coming back up to look at him - finally - in the eye.
"max told me something interesting tonight and i just needed to hear it from the horse's mouth." he starts and steve's insides all flop over at the same time, like the world has tilted.
he loses the air in his lungs, staring.
billy's talking and it feels like steve's gonna puke, but he can't look away from him. billy's eyes are dark in the night, almost as dark as his own. they remind him of a shark's, especially when billy finally grins, the tips of his teeth looking sharp as words float out with the smoke.
"so, you date me." he drawls the words out, like they've got all night to talk about this. like billy's belly isn't twisting exactly like steve's right now. "you tell me you love me." a pause and steve has to remind himself to breathe at the lightheadedness that threatens to topple him over. "and then you lie to me about it?" steve doesn't know when his eyes dipped to billy's heart like he could see he heartache for himself, as if it's not printed clear as day on billy's face.
maybe looking at a broken heart would be easier than looking at the heartbreak on his boyfriend's face.
"i didn't lie to you." he doesn't know why he says it quite like that. but it rings true. it wasn't billy he lied to. he finally moves his eyes back up to billy's, hoping he can read the truth that's at the core of him.
he can see the extra eyeliner billy had put on, covering the red that rims his eyes.
billy's an easy crier, and steve watches in horror as his eyes fill with tears, making them glisten. he's got pretty eyes, with naturally long lashes that makes steve's heart twist every time billy looks at him, and the extra wetness only makes them shine prettier, showcasing just how dark they are. he watches as billy's face scrunches up, cheeks flushing up with the tears as his voice cracks, his words barely coming out.
"yes, you—"
steve can't let him continue this line of thinking. he wants to reach for him, but he doesn't know if he could take billy flinching away from him right now, so he opts for standing firm. tall. steady. "you know i didn't." he says, billy's chin wavering in his face. he can't be the reason for billy crying. he would never forgive himself.
steve's told exactly two people that he's been in love with them. one was nancy wheeler when they had been in their sophomore year, and now, billy hargrove.
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5mary5 · 7 months
I have this little headcanon cause i was reading the comic of obey me and we as mc have been given the neutral name zephyr in the very early chapters since we are a sheep and all and they want to make it inclusive since the name itself is gender neutral but I was thinking that let's say one day the curse is solved and sheep!mc gets their body back but the characters continue calling mc zephyr, what if one day someone (probably a side or secondary character) brings up the fact that "hey you know what? Your face doesn't really scream zephyr" and mc is like "yeah that's because that is not my actual given name, my actual name is ________" and the characters are like "😱😱😱" I mean they did know that this wasn't their real name since they gave it to them cause they can't just call them human and all but it's still shocking to hear it coming out of their own mouth, they would also probably coo when mc tells them their birth name because it means they learn more about their favorite person, well I mean they would coo at everything mc does regardless so-
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minart-was-taken · 4 days
[SPOILERS for HSR 2.5]
Heads up to artists drawing Blind Jiaoqiu content!
The canon explanation for why he went blind is due to poison and not any physical trauma, so there's not really a reason for him to have bandaged eyes or a blindfold. Please take care when representing disabled people and avoid going right for the stereotypes.👍
@rot-to-the-core collected some useful resources here that should help with getting things right.
Not hating one anyone specific, just hoping to help spread awarness 👍👍
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cowlovely · 2 years
okay! so. i’ve seen many people online say multiple times that the deleted scene of arthur giving merlin his mother’s sigil—
(you know, this one👇)
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is essentially a medieval proposal, and that that’s probably the reason why the scene was cut. i’ve never really thought that much of it, but coming across the comment again earlier today, it made me wonder if it was actually historically accurate at all.
the short answer is no, but the long answer is a little bit more complex.
i spent about an hour or so combing through articles and other online resources, and couldn’t find a single source vouching for sigils/seals being used as a way to propose. i did, however, find these two pieces of information:
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which make it clear that sigils/seals and signet rings reflect the same meaning and purpose, and that inheriting one signifies family ties and marks you above common men. signet rings were sometimes used as engagement rings (in fact, the ring arthur gives gwen in the series is a signet ring with his father’s sigil), but engagement rings were more commonly ornate gold bands set with precious stones like sapphires or rubies.
but! regardless of the fact that it isn’t technically a medieval way of proposing, i think you can still regard it as such, given the fact that it is essentially marking merlin as arthur’s family (his mother’s side no less!), and that arthur proposed to gwen in nearly the same fashion with the signet ring. i rest my case ✌️
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puppyeared · 1 year
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fake ep idea + doodles
#i was thinking abt how funny it would be if there was a shiftythrifting blog equivalent in lmk. and half the stuff on there is#submitted by wukong. so i thought a yard sale ep would be funny lol#basically the hoard becomes problem one way or another and wukong figures the best way to get rid of his junk is thru ebay#somehow ends up selling world ending artifacts to random megapolis citizens so mk mei and redson have to scramble to find em#purposely meant to mirror the weekly shenanigans s1-2 style eps that are really goofy (dumpling ep noodles ep etc)#but it gets darker and darker because MK is not fucking ok after that whole thing with the scroll and some unchecked identity crisis#for me id want him to kind of. freak tf out because they have to find MULTIPLE chaos inducing items that could end the world while trying t#be sillygoofy and funny about it. so hes trying to mask his panic with “ohhh guys its just like the good ol days ^_^ remember that ^_^”#ESPECIALLY after that whole thing with the ink scroll. also mei doesnt buy any of it and is worried for him the whole time#as for the B plot it could be monkey king also trying to be very relaxed abt selling 4000 years worth of stuff and tang getting all huffy#like “these are priceless artifacts that could help us learn so much about the past!! wtf man!!!”#and maybe it reveals smth like wukong not wanting to hold on anymore bc his past weighs him down. and theyre all reminders#i think azure mentioned that wukong is sentimental (idk if that was genuine or lying to mk) so that could be touched on to#so basically. the theme would be some sort of conversation abt nostalgia. i think. im not a writer so its very fuzzy in my head#if anyone wants to add on or include their own spin on it feel free. also included undercut redson as a treat somewhere in there#myart#lego monkie kid#monkie kid#lmk red son#lmk mei#lmk MK#lmk xiaotian#lmk xiaojiao#lmk sun wukong#lmk swk#doodles#lmk tang#lmk pigsy#lmk traffic light trio#yard sale ep
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mipexch · 4 months
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first tattoo :)
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sunlitlemonade · 7 months
so. uh. surprising thing about jason, who might be one of the most inconsistently written characters ever, is the fact that one trait about him has remained constant throughout different eras, reboots and even an elseworld. no, it's not his thighs tho that would be a very good guess.
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it's his suicidal ideation. yeah.
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[here's me screaming about the fact that he feels like a phantom that has outlived its purpose of haunting in detail if you're interested]
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solarpunkani · 9 months
Solarpunk Community Playlists
So we've got the community playlist for Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, right? It's nice and big, but I wanted to make more community playlists with specific vibes in mind! I've already added a bunch of songs to each, but the goal is to let everyone contribute to them and enjoy them!
Solarpunk and Chill is for lofi/chill beats! The aim is to have it be mostly lofi, or generally just good music to chill to while studying or working on projects!
Solarpunk Sunny Beats is for songs that are pretty upbeat and just feel solarpunk to us--whether its the subject matter of the song, or just the way the instruments sound! It's meant to be the middle ground between the lofi playlist and the next.
Solarpunks Fight for Our Future! is for songs that are punk/punky/rebellious-feeling! The kind of playlist you would bump to on the way to a protest, or do some action--what's the soundtrack that plays in your head if you were to guerrilla garden or do other rebellious acts? Add it here!
I hope you enjoy! I can't wait to listen to everyone's contributions!
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tombware · 1 year
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my take on astarion's new outfit!!
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