#fb propaganda
Character fb
Has travelled from their home to the main setting
Survivor’s guilt
Hits people with their horn
Big fan of the Power Rangers-equivalent in their world
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theabbystabby · 9 months
Watching an antivaxxer have a meltdown in real time is some of the wildest shit I've ever seen.
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seoafin · 1 year
can I just say you're the only reason I feel any sorta way about geto? not gonna lie I used to only feel indifference. didn't like him but didn't necessarily hate him either. but now? after ddao? after all the ripverse content? I'm feelin something alright. don't get me wrong I'm first and foremost a gojo girl but geto be slippin in there now too thanks to you hahaha love your writing!!
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healingheartdogs · 8 months
It is always morally correct to pirate dog training resources from zionists instead of supporting them monetarily.
And by zionists I mean Leslie McDevitt specifically, but all other zionists too.
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humandisastersquad · 2 years
Love going on facebook and seeing countless pictures of people in crowded/indoor spaces without a mask, further destroying my ability to trust anyone ever 🙃🙃🙃
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xannerz · 1 year
i suddenly remembered this while driving LMFAO im just disappointed they didnt at least put turkosaurus rex for at least some consistency in what is a ultimately a dorky-ass shit joke
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rye-in-a-coat · 2 years
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#er que he sonÑado. que me hace muy felizzzzzzzzzzzzzz. que cuando no estÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁsssss. me ha' falta el aire. eres la razÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ
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88 notas. Fecha de publicación: 19 de enero de 2022
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No Context Moomin Reference #1
122 notas. Fecha de publicación: 12 de mayo de 2022
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127 notas. Fecha de publicación: 7 de marzo de 2022
I love how the Neil Cicierega/Lemon Demon and Invander Zim fandoms overlap yet the only mention to eachother in the original media is this.
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271 notas. Fecha de publicación: 8 de enero de 2022
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creekfiend · 2 years
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I saw this on FB today and I wanna try and express something about it. Like, you know the curbcutter effect? Where when curbcuts are put in it benefits everyone (bicyclists, people with baby strollers etc) and not just disabled people?
There is also whatever the opposite of the curbcutter effect is. And this is that.
This isn't just anti-adhd/autism propaganda... this is anti-child propaganda.
Kids have developmentally appropriate ways that they need to move their bodies and express themselves and sitting perfectly still staring straight ahead is not natural or good for ANY CHILD.
Don't get me wrong, I was punished unduly as a kid for being neurodivergent (and other types of kid will ALSO be punished unduly for it... Black kids come to mind) and thus UNABLE to perform this -- but even the kids who ARE able to perform this type of behavior are not SERVED WELL by it. They don't benefit from it.
This is bad for everyone.
The idea that bc some kids may be capable of complying with unfair expectations, those expectations don't hurt them... is a dangerous idea. Compliance isn't thriving. Expectation of compliance isn't fair treatment.
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doe-tho · 11 months
im so fucking concerned with what my dad sees on the internet
he was like semi- pro russia during the beginning of the ukrainian war/invasion, and now today at lunch he was like, leaning pro israel in the palestine genocide/onslaught/conflict - like bro yeah sure the hamas are not good yes but like, the civilians in gaza??????? have no reason to be being butchered????? even if theres a shit terrorist cell doing shit and hiding in/around them?????????????
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mysterygrl20 · 1 year
listen if my mom was still alive, she would be the first in line for the Barbie premiere. we still have some of the collectibles she kept.
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wild-at-mind · 2 years
Not sure we really needed an exploration of why it’s bad to say ‘happy international women’s day’- it’s just a thing people say. *huge shrug*
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falcemartello · 2 months
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Di Ivan Surace
In perfetto stile orwelliano la neolingua ha coniato un nuovo termine per la censura tanto di moda nei secoli passati: standard della community.
Suona bene vero?
Un termine inc(u)l(o)sivo, comunitario, che ci fa sentire tutti membri dello stesso gregge in maniera allegra e positiva, contro un non meglio precisato nemico che non rispetta gli standard.
D’altronde un secolo di studi e applicazioni di public relations alla Bernays ha portato i suoi frutti, soprattutto da parte di chi ha capito come funziona la massa e che quindi, senza troppi scrupoli, utilizza tutti i mezzi che ha a disposizione per manipolarla a suo piacimento censurando, o meglio facendo scomparire, chiunque e qualunque cosa possa mettere In dubbio la propaganda di regime, la narrazione dominante.
Come ultimo esempio in questi giorni abbiamo la questione climatica.
Vi sarete resi conto di come la propaganda su questo argomento sia cresciuta in maniera esponenziale in questi ultimi anni, parallelamente alla cosiddetta transizione green, che porta con se il passaggio al “tutto elettrico” in ogni campo e alla sostituzione con l’IA, di gran parte della gestione sociale, politica economica e sanitaria della popolazione.
Stiamo assistendo alla conversione coatta della società in un grande allevamento intensivo di ultima generazione, in cui ogni singolo capo di bestiame, trasformato in un pezzo di carne senza personalità né anima, viene controllato in maniera totale e continuativa.
Comunque la si pensi, questo è il futuro che immaginano per l'umanità e che si sta progressivamente attuando in maniera totalitaria, a cominciare dai grandi centri urbani, trasmormati in vere e proprie aziende zootecniche per umani.
Ma torniamo alla questione climatica, l’intesificarsi della propaganda su questo argomento serve a giustificare e a far accettare all’opinione pubblica l’entrata in vigore di leggi e restrizioni normalmente inaccettabili in qualsiasi società democratica.
Quindi la questione climatica é il pretesto, lo storytelling, la fiction, su cui si basa la ricerca di consenso da parte del potere, per imporre il cambiamento antropologico necessario, per realizzare i loro piani di controllo totale della popolazione.
Affinché la fiction sia credibile e possa essere sostituita alla realtà, occorre eliminare tutte le eventuali prove, critiche, controversie, che contrastano, anche minimamente, con la narrazione dominante.
È in ossequio a questa logica che negli ultimi mesi su FB, in maniera discreta e disinvolta, con vera tecnica da desaparecidos, sono stati rimossi diverse pagine e profili che facevano informazione sul clima in maniera non allineata al pensiero unico e dove venivano condivisi studi, grafici e informazioni scientifiche di fondazioni come Clintel o di scienziati come Prestininzi, Scafetta, Prodi, Curry, Lindzen, Spencer, ecc.
La pagina 'Klima e scienza', solo per fare un esempio recente, é stata fatta evaporare non appena raggiunti i 10mila iscritti.
Stessa sorte a profili di privati cittadini e di gestori dei profili sopra menzionati, anch’essi fatti sparire da un giorno all’altro con estrema discrezione, al punto che se uno non ci fa caso, neanche se ne rende conto e tutto continua come se niente fosse accaduto.
La situazione é estremamente pericolosa perche da un lato si procede con le epurazioni senza sosta e dall’altro non vi è nessuna presa di coscienza di quanto stia succedendo.
Se e quando la massa si renderà conto di tutto ciò, sarà già troppo tardi.
Al limite avverrà quando l’identità digitale, il portafoglio digitale e tutte le restrizioni ad essi legate, saranno già legge e routine quotidiana e non penso si dovrà attendere molto.
Se non ci sarà un totale cambio di passo da parte della minoranza non allineata nel lottare contro questo regime, tra i più subdoli e raffinati della storia, la fine della società e dell’umanità per come l’abbiamo sempre vissuta percepita e immaginata sarà certa come la morte.
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polish-art-tournament · 2 months
photography round 1 poll 22
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A blacksmith by Maciek Przeklasa (2021?):
propaganda: The badassery of the subject goes a long way. He looks so comfortable, like he just asked an old friend for a light. Also, consider this. Too much light or contrast would blur the heat gradient on the horseshoe and/or the details of the subject's face, but both are so clear. The sparks on the tip of the cigarette give you some dynamics, and the background is atmospheric but subtle. Just a really great portrait.
about the artist: he is on ig and fb, and he appears to be hire-able for weddings
submitted by @slaviclore
The shipyard worker by Wiesław Prażuch, 1988:
[no propaganda has been submitted]
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Even if you're paying for the product, you're still the product
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There’s something oddly comforting about the idea that “if you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product,” namely, the corollary: “If you can afford to pay for a product, you won’t be the product.” But it’s bullshit. Companies don’t make you the product because you don’t pay — they make you the product because you can’t stop them.
The theory behind “if you’re not paying for the product…” is that old economist’s saw: “incentives matter.” Companies that monetize attention are incentivized to manipulate and spy on you, while companies that you pay just want to make you happy.
This is a theory of corporate behavior grounded in economics, not power, a creature of theory and doctrine that never bothers to check in with the real world to see how that theory and doctrine map to actual events. Reality is a lot uglier.
Apple has blanketed the planet with billboards and print and online ads extolling its privacy-forward system design (e.g. “Privacy. That’s Iphone.”). There’s something to this: in 2020, the company made it very easy to opt out of third-party Ios surveillance, and 96% of its users opted out:
That decision cost Facebook $10 billion in a single year, and the losses keep coming. Facebook launched a campaign that accused Apple of privacywashing an anticompetitive maneuver, claiming that Apple didn’t care about its users’ privacy, they just wanted to eliminate competition for Apple’s own ad brokerage:
Facebook’s campaign poses itself as the true champion of its users, accusing Apple of shamming. It’s laughable. Facebook manifestly despises its users and proves that fact every day in a thousand ways, large and small. Facebook’s true objection to Apple’s privacy tools is that they reduced Facebook’s earnings by $10b. Obviously.
But that doesn’t mean that Facebook is wrong about Apple’s cynicism. Apple exercises enormous control over its users. It’s a direct control. Apple blocks you from installing software of your choosing or from using third-party repair services of your choosing. They pour millions into engineering to make this technically challenging, and lead a coalition of large corporations that kill right to repair legislation whenever it is mooted:
Some of Facebook’s critics accuse it of exercising similar control, but via a far more insidious method: they say that Facebook’s voracious surveillance of its users, combined with machine learning, allows Facebook to control its users’ minds, stripping them of their free will and turning them into algorithm-addled zombies who do whatever Facebook directs them to do.
This is an extraordinary claim, given that every previous claim of mind-control turned out to be bullshit, from Mesmer to MK Ultra. The best evidence for these mind-control claims comes from Facebook’s own marketing materials, where the company assures advertisers that they should spend their money on FB’s platform because of its mind-control features.
When FB critics repeat these claims, they’re engaged in “criti-hype,” Lee Vinsel’s useful coinage describing criticism that serves to bolster the target’s own propaganda. If FB are evil geniuses, well, at least they’re still geniuses.
Some Facebookers doubtless believe their own hype, but that doesn’t mean we have to join them in self-delusion. We can criticize Facebook for seeking control over its users, and for using that control to do things that serve its own interests at the expense of its users’ interests.
That’s the true sin of Big Tech: using deception and coercion to control users. Companies that gain this control can be reliably expected to use it in whichever ways they can get away with. They are paperclip-maximizing artificial life-forms bent on devouring the human race, not ethical actors.
Apple’s commitment to privacy is best understood as instrumental. Apple thinks that protecting your privacy will attract your business, and they’re right. I would like to have privacy! But while Apple can increase its revenues by telling you they’ll protect your privacy, they can increase them even more by lying about it.
That’s just what they do. Earlier this month, a small security research firm called Mysk released a video revealing that when you tick the box on your Iphone that promises “disable the sharing of Device Analytics altogether,” your Iphone continues to spy on you, and sends the data it collects to Apple:
The data Iphones gather is extraordinarily fine-grained: “what you tapped on, which apps you search for, what ads you saw, and how long you looked at a given app and how you found it.”
It doesn’t stop there: “The app sent details about you and your device as well, including ID numbers, what kind of phone you’re using, your screen resolution, your keyboard languages, how you’re connected to the internet — notably, the kind of information commonly used for device fingerprinting.”
The researchers had to jailbreak an Iphone in order to find this lie. Apple has gone to extraordinary lengths to make jailbreaking illegal. Apple claims that allowing users to disable the locks on their phones will make them vulnerable to bad actors who will install deceptive, coercive software.
That is true, but it’s also true that these locks make it impossible to determine whether Apple’s software is deceptive and coercive. The walled fortress that keeps you safe from third parties is also a walled prison that leaves you at the mercy of the warlord who owns the fortress.
Once a company attains a certain scale, it becomes too big to jail, and then it monetizes you however it can. If you think the future of technology is battle is between Google’s approach and Apple’s, think again. The real fight is between the freedom to decide how technology works for you, and corporate control over technology.
Apple and Google are like the pigs and the men at the end of Animal Farm: supposed bitter enemies who turn out to be indistinguishable from one another. Google also has “privacy” switches in its preference panels that do nothing:
Indeed, there are so many places in Google’s location privacy settings where you can tick a box that claims to turn off location spying. None of them work. A senior product manager at Google complained to her colleagues that she had turned off three different settings and was still being tracked:
Apple is now the subject of a California class action suit over its deceptive practices, which violate the California Invasion of Privacy Act.
As Gizmodo’s Thomas Germain notes, Apple has a good — if self-serving — reason to spy on its users. It has launched its own ad network, and is selling advertisers the ability to target its customers based on their activities:
Companies will only protect your privacy to the extent that it is more profitable than not doing so. They can increase those profits by advertising privacy promises to potential customers. They can increase them more by secretly breaking those promises, And they can increase them even more by using privacy claims to block their rivals’ spying, so they’re the sole supplier of your nonconsensually collected personal information.
That’s what’s happening with Google’s endless proposals to “increase privacy” in Chrome that block third parties from spying on users, while letting Google continue to invade our privacy:
If we want our privacy, we need both transparency (so third parties can investigate companies’ claims to protect privacy) and regulation (so cheating companies will face consequences when they’re caught by those third parties).
That’s why it’s so exciting that the FTC has announced its intention to treat privacy invasions as antitrust violations:
For so long as corporations can use technology and law to hide their misdeeds and power to avoid consequences for those misdeeds, “voting with your wallet” is as useless as opting out of Ios tracking.
We had advertising-supported media for generations — centuries — without mass surveillance. The problem with advertising isn’t incentives — it’s impunity.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: An Apple 'Privacy. That's iPhone.' ad. The three rear-facing camera lenses have been replaced by the staring, red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.]
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vgtrackbracket · 29 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 3 (Three-Way Poll)
Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit from Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Vs Dark Matter Phase 2 from Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Main Menu from Wii Sports Resort
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Note: The propaganda contains spoilers for Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit:
Immensely cinematic and introducing scientific states of planets in the title? Yup. It’s a Kirby song.
Vs Dark Matter Phase 2:
WARNING THIS PROPOGANDA CONTAINS PSMD SPOILERS!!!! okay. oh my god. ohhhh my god. listen to partners theme. listen to this. this is their battle. it’s time to make things right. it’s time to fix what happened so long ago and what brought you both back thousands of years after the fact. it’s time to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THIS ORB OF EVIL YEAHHHHAGAGDHFJ FB CH!!!
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sauroff · 9 months
I want to bring up something serious here for once, because I joined a new Silmarillion group on FB (I'm old, ok?), and it's a particularly inclusive space BUT, because of that, there is a lot of debates going on. And I wasn't allowed to make this point there because the admins were saturated with risky posts.
I have seen a lot of people say things like "Tolkien wasn't racist/anti semitic because he was against fascism!". And I'm not here to discuss the logic on that, or accuse Tolkien of any of those. I'm here to bring up the fact that Tolkien supported Franco.
I get that to most people (even to me) he is not as well known as Hitler or Mussolini, but still. Tolkien supported him, a fascist and a terrible dictator, because of anti communism and very Catholics views. Franco's opposition burned catholic churches and killed nuns and priests. Now, I don't want to get into detail about the reasons behind that, and how different those actions are viewed depending on your history (For Tolkien, to whom being catholic make him part of a minority, this was very different to what it's for people from actual catholic countries in general and latin Americans in particular, in which the church, as an institution, was always complicit of dictatorships and oppression).
Even Lewis had called Roy Campbell, a poet who fought with Franco, as a sort of catholic fascist. And Tolkien considered that Lewis was just under the influence of red propaganda, believing only the things said against Franco. He couldn't understand Lewis reactions to Campbell's stories about his fight
This is mostly talked about in letter 83 which, I must admit, I haven't read. I have read other people's summaries of it. If anyone knows of some place where I could read it, please reach out and tell me.
My point here is not bashing on Tolkien. I've decided long ago I prefer not to engage too much with his personal history, since my position as a latin american, born so many years after him, raised as a catholic in a catholic country, with a VERY different history around it, makes my personal views very opposed to his in many levels.
My point is to bring awareness on the fact that Tolkien did indeed support one fascist regimen, and this is ignored by most people. I think it's not just that Franco is not as known for some as the other two, it's also that he seems to have a very different weight for those that speak Spanish and those who don't. For starters, this facts it's not included in his English wiki, while it's included on the one in Spanish. For me, that I usually try to read the English sources for English themed things, this meant that I didn't know about this until some days ago, and I learnt it through a meme.
So yeah, I just needed to tell this in case some other people are just as ignorant as me on this. Because the whole "Tolkien was against fascism" is something I have read too many times and never questioned, tbh. But maybe it was just me.
Picture of the Spanish wiki just for attention
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