#fb verse
ashxbabes · 1 month
continued from here x
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ash was practically seething as he angrily filed the folders alphabetically. he had no idea how or why in his uncle percy’s right mind made him think that it was a good idea to invite his mother, to work of all places! he knew james would mention something, instead of lashing out, ash found it comforting. he took a deep breath before managing a small smile as he looked towards him. “thanks, i know you do….its why you’re my favorite person…” he murmured the last part quietly.
ash stopped what he was doing and moved to wrap his arms around james, needing something to take his mind after what just happened. “i didn’t think i would see her again…i didn’t want to see her again.”
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lethalties · 3 months
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“    you    can’t    just    tell    me    you’d    never    been    fucked    and    expect    me    to    just    go    back    to    fucking    math    work    [    !    ]    ”
open to f
plot : my muse is failing ( in college ) and yours is tutoring them, and s*x happened to come up !
similarly this starter if preferred
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randomnameless · 10 months
How would you feel if IS decided to release a Forging Bonds where Claude and Hilda acknowledged Cyril's situation prior to Rhea saving him, Hilda specifically apologizes to him for what her family put him through, and Claude specifies that one of his first actions upon becoming leader of the Alliance was to outlaw any and all indetured servants throughout the country and free all the ones that already existed, along with giving them support structures to help them get readjusted to normal life?
On the one hand, it'd be pretty much the only choice IS has at this point if they were to ever adress the slavery problem in Almyra, and the writing team for Heroes has clearly shown itself to be more than willing to go against stances taken by the Fódlan games, such as having Lissa call out Edelgard on how stupid her stance towards crests is, so it wouldn't be entirely out of the realm of possibility; on the other hand, they did go out of their way to conveniently skip over the part of Cyril's backstory where he was a slave when he was added to Heroes, implying they really don't want to touch that subject either, and it'd be really lame if such a major issue with one of the three major countries in Fódlan was only ever addressed and resolved in the gacha game.
Have you seen/lived through Book 7 of FEH?
All jokes aside, I think that even in the case FEH suddenly bring backs writers from the fridge, that would teeter to close to "uwu challenging a House Leader" and we know, with the bonkers A!Ingrid FB's event, that this is something they will never do.
Claude (and Hilda) having to grow from their FE16/Nopes selves?
Nah, can't do.
In a way, I think the Nabateans (and Billy?) were able to be "tooled"/"more developed" in FEH because, as ridiculous as it is, they're not the main selling points of Fodlan.
Lissa and Supreme Leader's FB was really odd, because FEH dared to go in that direction (ditto with Mila and Hegemon!gard) - so maybe they could... or, as seen in Engage with Supreme Forehead, they will try to erase everything that made her controversial or a character to begin with, to focus on "uwu rivals uwu school friends uwu".
So, if Supreme Leader's situation is that "difficult", I can't see them give the same amounts of fuck to Claude -
And, as you pointed out, given how Cyril's BG was "modified" to make sure House Goneril isn't mentionned or whatever happened in Almyra, I don't they will ever care - even if there used to be a time (or is it still going on?) where Supreme Leader's MYH blurbs, just like Dimitri's and Rhea's were periodically edited/modified by IS (especially the JP versions, for reasons we all know :p ) so, who knows, maybe one day, Cyril's MYH blurb will also be modified?
As for the idea in general -
In the paralogue, Hilda sorts of feels sorry for Cyril's time as a "servant" in House Goneril, which is like, the minimal kindness-reaction she can give, but there are no other mentions of that situation in this paralogue.
Hell, later on, when Hilda goes to Holst after the battle, she checks on his health, and recovers Freikugel - no mention of "plz tell people not to pick almyran children or at least don't give them so much work to do because they're having a hard time".
And while I liked the idea, in FE16, of Hilda being a sort of kind and caring character, who still has a lot of prejudices against Almyrans - she is lazy and doesn't want to do her chores because she's afraid she will mess up, and yet, she can be lazy because her House is the only one mentionned in Fodlan that has "servants" who aren't fed everyday who do "hard work" - because while Tellius went ham on the people who are prejudiced against other races, sometimes racism means someone can be the kindest and nicest person you ever know... except not to some other group of people (iirc we get this with Lyn's grandpa, who didn't approve of his daughter marrying Hasan, a Sacean, and yet, through his few lines and appearance, we see how he is a kind (albeit feeble) old man - who finally managed to get over his prejudice on his "deathbed", only for him to recover and spend time with his granddaughter at the end of Lyn's story).
Of course FE16 couldn't give this character arc to Hilda - which is kind of a shame, bcs tfw an ultra minor NPC from FE7 can grow but not a playable character in FE16 - but as an idea and concept, it could have been nice.
Instead, both Hilda and Claude are in a kind of limbo regarding this issue, because their games want to push the CoS scarecrow, thus the source of "everything wrong in Fodlan" and so, human vice, human greed and human failings aren't explored in their routes.
FWIW, I don't think any major state and its issues are explored in the Fodlan games, save for, maybe, Faerghus thanks to Nopes - and the Fodlan games aren't really concerned with tackling racism, even if I still give them a spot above Tellius, since Tellius has "biological reasons for anti miscegenation", but even if the games don't pretend to make a huge point of being "anti racism", imo this issue is best presented in the Elibe games.
TBH, I'd prefer a FB where Cyril interacts with the Nabateans and/or calls them his true family, maybe to someone like Medeus and or Xane or even later Jahn when he will be released? who wonder why he is hanging out with Dragons when he is only a human, Cyril replying that human or not human, Rhea showed him kindness and saved his life when no one else cared, so she is his mother and savior, period.
End of FB ends up with the Rheas overhearing him and each taking a turn to hug him which embarasses him to oblivion, with Seiros the Warrior not participating because she doesn't know that human yet, but if there is that kind of human in Future Fodlan, then even if Adrestia will fall, her fight wasn't for nothing.
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 years
A live-action ‘SPIDER-MAN NOIR’ series is in the works at Amazon.
(Source: https://t.co/3YU0axQ89Q)
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Source: MCU Prime TV
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theexodvs · 5 months
Three extra verses to Layla, dedicated to my old flame
I don’t know what I was doing I didn’t need you to be complete I know now that I ruined your life If only we did never meet
Layla, my love for you is dead Layla, it’s better left unsaid Layla, I never needed you to ease my mind
I spent some time by myself And other men I thought were wise I knew then I was already whole My “need” for you was built on lies
Layla, my love for you is dead Layla, it’s better left unsaid Layla, I never needed you to ease my mind
Now I’ve met another lover Who to my love reciprocates What befalls you is none of my concern Because we never were soul mates
Layla, my love for you is dead Layla, it’s better left unsaid Layla, I never needed you to ease my mind
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hcllcoffin · 2 years
@thatsecondsalemboy gets a starter
The Munson Family had been known as one of the most powerful families and well known for their own dark magic and superior thoughts on their pure blood legacy.
Edward Munson was sorted into Slytherin like his family before. But he was far from what a Munson was supposed to be. He grew up away from all of that when his parents were arrested for murdering a muggle family on the belief that they were ruining their boy. 
Wayne Munson was not known due to being a Squib, but he happily took the small Edward in and raised him for a few years before his letter arrived and he began to learn magic studies. And since then, he had hung out with other houses, treated anyone fairly, and lived by his own standards. 
What had been catching his eye was the overly posh boy that looked like he’d apologize for breathing wrong. And well, like usual, Eddie approached the lost sheep and smiled down at him. “Hello, little lost sheep. How are you doing?” 
Eddie was not subtle when approaching others. Wearing pins on his robe from muggle and magic bands he was into. 
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@kitxkatrp p l o t
The blonde had gotten confirmation from the boys that this was what they wanted. That they did not see themselves safe in the long run and were looking to get all three out. She was glad they seemed to agree on this, as she was worried that there was a chance that they wouldn't.
But then came the problem Yuki had mentioned prior, his mother.
Tohru's grandfather seemed to be losing his memory a bit at a time, but the reassurance of a comfortable place to live made it so that they were able to get the rights to her easily, they just needed to say the word. Kyo's guardian was quick to agree as well, only wanting him to stay there because of the other kids. He didn't exactly trust Shigure from the get-go, either-
Really shows his place in the family.
Yuki's mother instantly showed that she was going to put up a fight, which was expected. She already went about looking for any and all loopholes, laws, and truths within the family she could find. Most people agreed under the condition it was anonymous. She was able to make that work.
There was one more piece to the puzzle she wanted, though.
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She was sure he hadn't heard yet, so her coming to him about it was sure to be a surprise. Everyone that's aware of the situation has been keeping quiet. After all, the last thing that was needed was for troublesome rumors to spread about such a large family.
She came to the shop, purse in hand which was filled with a number of papers. Dianne happily waved to Mine as soon as she entered, a soft smile on her face. "Good afternoon, Mine."
The blonde did her usual with the girl, speaking of several orders of hers and even placing another. But then she smiled, putting a finger up to her lips. "Is Ayame here? I need to speak to him about something important."
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miisart · 2 years
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fire bound verse my precious flop--
for weus palette challenge
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not-so-superheroine · 9 months
um, my friend just reacted to a facebook post with my tumblrstake friends, lol.
wojack prophet below ⬇️
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ashxbabes · 1 month
continued from here x
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ash laughed, trying to keep his grip steady. auror training seemed to do him some good. no longer was he the little boy that was fresh out of school, with cherub cheeks and doll-lashed eyes, ash was certain becoming his own man now. “sorry, don’t worry i won’t drop you.”
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MARK 12:31
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sunriseverse · 1 year
i fulfil the very important fandom niche of “writing concepts for whom the audience is two and a tumbleweed”. i do this for free for ever because i love it <3
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“Did someone die?”
Someone was trying to reach out to her A member of her shared genetics, clearly And she didn't respond
No, not at that moment (she hadn't the time—BUSY)
She would check on the missed call Finding a message that she needed to call her To which she responded "Why?"
Before asking if someone died
She knew there was a recent death Said passing had been announced 1.5 weeks ago Still, she wondered
What on earth the missed calls were about
Especially from this relative They're not close and reconnection would happen On her terms and her terms alone
(and she hasn't any interest in reconnection)
Certainly, they probably weren't important Not enough to pull her from indifference (and she's quite indifferent)
If they were reaching out, it had better be important Otherwise, she'd be more annoyed (and not respond)
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suziesfaith · 5 months
i am now closer to God that i’ve ever been sooo i’ve decided to post a few tips how to heal your relationship with Christ:)
1. read the Bible. even one verse is enough. look up „Bible verses for [mood/situation]” on pinterest, pray for wisdom and then read it!
2. engage in christian community. find christian friends - there are groups on fb, creators on tiktok, discord servers etc etc. ofc you can also look for irl friends! i am going to a biblical academy organised by my church today<3
3. pray. God already knows, so don’t avoid talking about difficult topics! if you have a trouble praying, i’d recommend analysing with Jesus what you’re grateful for, what you’re sorry for and what you ask for. that’s the core of my prayer.
4. watch a christian series or a movie (The Chosen my beloved!)
… more tips coming soon ┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
What do you think about how Helena doesn’t do anything for the team she’s on in both the book and the show? It seems like the rest of the characters have the responsibility and does something to benefit the side they’re on
yeah, it's not great. they had the chance to do something really interesting with helaena and expand (at least a little) on her book version, but she somehow ended up with even less than in FB. in the books, at the very least, she was present during some political talks and she expressed a desire for restraint in the face of bloodshed that aegon heeded (alongside her mother, true, she wasn't the only voice advocating for that). but what does show!helaena do? she sits in rooms all day and embroiders. they really are so averse to giving her an activity, any activity for that matter.
rhaena, for example, is currently perhaps the least developed of the tb children, but we know how she longs for a dragon to either hatch or to claim. she goes to the vale. she has at least the sliver of an objective: keeping jeyne arryn as an ally. meanwhile helaena is not even recognised as a dragonrider, even though she also claimed dreamfyre when she was nigh a child. dreamfyre is never even referred to as helaena's dragon, let alone visually depicted next to her. thank god we have a scene with dreamfyre and aemond, though! and this was such an easy thing to do, they could have made her a horse girl (dragon girl) and had her at the dragonpit tending to all the stray, riderless dragons.
i have always said that they could have leaned into that little tidbit about her being beloved by the smallfolk and showed her getting involved in charity works or sponsoring events or infrastructure projects, something that would work towards her maintaining a good image in the city. it's not like these are things autistic-coded people are incapable of doing!
it's so frustrating bc they gave her the gift of prophecy only for it to have no bite and no stakes. she utters vague, weird metaphors to her interlocutors and they look spooked or confused for a couple of moments. cassandra motif, yes, but what are they actually doing with this trope other than the most basic, descriptive, straightforward depiction of it? i understand that ewan has hinted that aemond will investigate (?) this gift of hers, but will this end up being just another instance in which helaena's arc is subsumed by someone else's?
when does she do anything for herself? when is she an initiator of anything? they turned her into this passive observer that exists so that alicent could feel bad about her life choices, aegon could act awkwards towards and aemond could covet. what's her opinion about the war? about rhaenyra? about becoming queen? it's so infantilizing. it's like their image of an autistic person is someone who sits alone in a room all day and waits for things to happen to them.
in a way it is weird because it's not like she lacks character traits, she just doesn't do anything with them
not even getting into the b&c debacle and how little impact the most traumatizing concept in asoiaf-verse ended up having on her. but, you know what? even so, with this decision to minimize this torturous event, what exactly is the pay-off here? why are they still writing her in such a static way? her arc is going nowhere, because she never seemed to have one in the first place.
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