#fbnw soph
lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
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“and in that moment, he knew: he fucked up”
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since the update for the next part for “Fragile, But Not Weak” is really slow, I decided to make this quick comic of Alice having enough of this idiot maybe Sirius should hire her as an assistant to deal with his bullshit as an apology (T⌓T)
quotes retrieved from here
dedicated to: @christmaswarlock @midnightcradle @pianoperson @plumpblueberry @bumbleberry-jamboree @forenah-gaijin @hereforikemen and the others who have been reading the series and waiting for it alkdfjhaldkfa thank you so much! i promise i’m working on it へ(´д`へ)
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
Part 7 - Her POV
Summary and Notes, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed and Delinquent!Alice
Word count: 2710 words
Tagging: @christmaswarlock @midnightcradle @pianoperson @wishiwasfictionaltoo​ @plumpblueberry @bumbleberry-jamboree @forenah-gaijin @the-cashewpeia and @5-of-spades​ i’m so sorry this was a week late, i got into art a lil too much and i deadass forgot about this AAAAAA as usual, thanks again so much for the lovely comments you left on the previous one (´⌣`ʃƪ)♡
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──── ⊰
I was offered a lovely room, its interiors astonishingly decorated by the single bright, beautiful flower growing amongst the smelly, messy army men. Seth had a big smile on his face as I took in the sight. "Seth! This room is so beautiful!"
"It is, isn't it? I put my all in making it perfect just for you~" He sings as he smiles brightly at me. He places my bags down by the closet and turns back at me. "After all, a woman's safe haven is her room! Its the only place where she'd be comfortable."
He then walked towards me and gently holds my hands. "I know its overwhelming to stay in a place filled with brute men, but I can assure you that you can come to me whenever you need help. I'm the Big Sis of this ruckus of an army, and I'd be more than glad to help you, Alice."
"Big..Sis?" I asked very softly, unsure of what he was talking about.
"Oh, please don't get the wrong idea, I'm a man through and through!"
"I'm sorry for taking it the wrong way." I apologize as I start to look away from him.
"Its alright, Alice." He puts his finger underneath my chin and gently pulls my face upwards. Our eyes were fixated on each other for a moment and I felt like I was being pulled in a trance. "Come on now, I'm pretty sure that you're starved! You need to eat as much as you can~" He starts dragging me out of the room.
When Seth opened the doors to the kitchen, I was astounded by the huge amount of food placed on the long dining table. There was so much food, my stomach started to growl and my mouth drooled . "Come on Alice! Its time to eat!" Godspeed calls me over.
"What's happening? Why is there so much food?" I ask as I walk towards him. He had the biggest grin on his face as Ray holds his shoulder.
"We're having a welcome party for you." Ray answers and gives me a soft smile.
"A party?" My mouth drops open. I blinked several times, Why would they throw a party for me?
"You're officially part of the Black Army now, Alice!" Godspeed puts his arm around me and ruffles my hair with his other hand.
"W-wait wait, hold on, I didn't say anything about taking a side in this war." I remove his hand from my shoulder and grip his wrist tightly. He winces a little and looks at me worriedly.
"You aren't taking any sides, Alice. Don't worry." Sirius's calm voice "Just because you're here doesn't mean you have to fight. We promised to protect you, like family." His smile grows as he says the last word.
Why are you so nice?
"Now, enough with this war talk! You said you were starving, let's eat!" Seth pulls me to a chair beside where Luka sat. Cheers erupted in the dining area and I scanned the faces of these soldiers. They vowed to protect and keep me safe, even if they don't know who I am.
It felt surreal and overwhelming, I'm not dreaming, right? Unbridled emotions swelled in my chest and for the first time, it wasn't from fear nor regret. What good have I done? Do I deserve this kindness?
"What's wrong, Alice?" Luka asks softly.
"Oh! Nothing! I was just.. overwhelmed." I quickly plaster a smile on my face when I turned to look at him. Hunger got the best of me so I didn´t waste another second and indulged the savory and aromatic meals in front of me. "This is so good!" I say through my full mouth, unable to hide my amazement.
"I'm so glad you like it." Luka smiles at me. The fatigue that I was feeling  seemed to dissipate at each bite, recharging my energy and I've never felt so content.
"Woah, you really have such an amazing smile!" Godspeed exclaims out of the blue, making me almost choke on my own breath.
"Excuse me, what?" A chuckle erupts from my throat as I look up at him. He was seated across from me and had a goofy grin on his face. "Where did that come from?"
"Please don't think I lied, it was an honest compliment." He winks. A loud laugh slips from his lips and it was infectious. I stopped myself from laughing, but I couldn't help but grin. How dare he use my card against me. "Did that get ya?" He smirks at me as he wipes off the stray sauce from his upper lip with his thumb.
"Off guard, yes. Romantically, try again next time." It was my turn to wink and smirk at him, then we laughed at each other.
"Alice," Seth calls and I turn to him. "If it's okay, we'd like to know more about you." He has a soft smile on his face as he eats a spoonful.
"Well," I start. "In the Land of Reason, I work at a confectionery because I really like sugary food." I chuckle. "So when I decided to reside here, I wanted to continue my career."
"Other than being the sweet confectionery girl, what else do you do here in Cradle?" Sirius asks.
"Um, well, mess around in disguise?" I shyly answered, feeling my cheeks burn. "B-but I only do so because some soldiers slack off during their patrols!"
"Hey!" The man I'd thrown eggs at two nights ago reacts. I sink further down in the chair, suddenly ashamed of myself. Without my mask, I felt so vulnerable. "We don't slack off!"
"Yeah, I'd love to talk to the lady you were hogging off at the market about your duty." My mouth spits out the words without me thinking. My hands immediately cover my mouth and I glance over at the man, his cheeks flushed and his mouth agape.
"Your reaction to her statement proved that she was telling the truth." Sirius looks over at the man who sat back down to his chair. "We'll talk later."
"I'm sorry." I whispered to no one.
"You're not yourself without your mask, huh?" I hear Godspeed say as he places his elbow by the table and leans his chin on it. He had a smug smile on his face, he watched me as I try to sit properly. I hate how you read through me that quick, dammit.
"I'm too exposed to do anything stupid, my image would be ruined." I pout and reach for a glass of water.
"Have you always been a delinquent?" He asks, his tone serious but a smile still apparent on his face.
"Well, I guess, but not to the extent that I've become a criminal whatsoever." I breathe in. "Me and my friends were characterized as chaotic good, meaning, we have good intentions, but we do it differently and usually in a not so good way." A smile creeps on my face as I remembered the good days when everything was okay. "We do have rules though; we only mess with people, not hurt them. We replace things, not steal them. We usually do these things if we see something that isn’t right, or if we just want to have fun.”
"So you throwing that egg was something that you thought you did for the good?" Ray chuckles.
"Yeah, I'd like to think so. It was a bit rude that someone started shooting me for it." I eye Godspeed, who raises an eyebrow at me.
"Hey, I didn't know why you did it and you insulted my men. It was on instinct!" He exclaims defensively.
"Sure, you gun-shooting maniac." Seth rolls his eyes and Godspeed frowns at him.
"You wanna go?" He rolls his sleeve and clenches his fist.
"That looks like fun." I smile through the fork on my lips and watch them bicker back and forth, resulting in an arm wrestling match in seconds. The soldiers started to cheer and take sides, betting on who would win.
"Winner gets to be with Alice for a day!" Godspeed chips and Seth smiles, his feminine demeanor vanishing.
"If that's the case, you won't last a second!" Seth rolls his sleeve and places his elbow on the table, right in front of him.
"Hey now, I'm not a prize." I stood from my seat. "..but I'd love to see how this would turn out." I walk near them and witness their fight.
"Who's side are you on?" Sirius asks.
"I'd like to say Godspeed, but Seth is the 10 of Spades for a reason." I say as I look up at the taller man. Ray was beside him, cheering on his best buddy.
"That's good thinking, little lady." He pats my head and we watch the two fight, Godspeed's arms were slightly leaning down, but he's fighting as strong as he can. Through gritted teeth, I could see their amusement and willpower.
"Hear that Fenrir? Alice is on my side, give up now!" I could see Seth flex his muscles harder, making Godspeed struggle.
"Not fair! Ahh dammit. Another win for Seth!" Godspeed admits his defeat as Seth pushes his arm down. He immediately skips towards me and holds my hands.
"We're going shopping tomorrow Alice, its coincidentally my day off! It must be fate~" He hugs me and I giggle, memories of my old friends resonate to my heart and it aches with joy. I've missed this feeling.
"That sounds lovely! I can't wait!"
"You seem like you're used to being around men, do you have brothers?" Sirius asks as we walk to the lounge.
"I don't. I have a sister though, but we have a lot of guy friends — most of my friends are, actually." I smile at him and put my arms underneath my chest.
"When did you learn how to fight?" Godspeed asks as he stretches the arm he used to wrestle with Seth. "You kicked those Magic Disciples' asses with your bare hands!"
"My friends taught me how to defend myself, there were a lot of similar encounters back in my world. Minus the magic, though." I plop down the sofa and Luka hands me a strawberry and cream cake slice.
"I hope its as good as your expectations." He smiles sweetly at me and my heart nearly felt like it was gonna burst.
The men of the Black Army weren't a ruckus as Kyle had described them as. They're super sweet and generous, hospitable and very fun to be with. I actually felt at home and it's only been two hours since I got here. Do I really deserve this? Or is something gonna take this feeling away the moment I start to relish in it?
I took a bite from the cake and felt the sweet delicacy, balanced with the strawberry flavors and creamy texture, exactly how I like my cakes. "Luka! This cake is amazing!" I can feel my smile growing wider as I kept on taking another bite, my sweet tooth craving for more of the treat.
"Aww Luka's all red and blushing!" Seth teases him and I see him look away from me with a pout on his face. For a moment, he really did look like the Queen of Hearts. He tries to say something but he stutters, deciding to leave us in the lounge and went to what I assume was the kitchen.
"Is he gonna be okay?" I ask as I place the plate down by the nearby table.
"Yeah, he usually doesn't like being around too many people. He'll come around." Godspeed says confidently, beaming up at me.
After a few more hours of eating, I excused myself to go outside to breathe for a moment.
A gust of cool wind flutters the ends of my dress a little, inviting me to bask in the afternoon light. I pondered on the sweet emotions that grew in my chest, feeling my cheeks hurt from constantly smiling so much. Times like this had been very rare — almost like a luxury — ever since the fire. I wonder if I can make this feel a little longer, Maybe I should take Kyle's advice.
"Need some company, lady?"
On second thought, nevermind.
"Not really, but I don't mind." I look up at Godspeed as he sits beside me on the stairs to the courtyard.
"Did ya drink your medicine?" A small smile grows on his face.
"Oh shoot, I forgot." I gasp and I immediately got up, but I was stopped when he grabs my arm. He shows my pill bottle and a bottle of water. "Aww thanks." I smile at him and reach for it, but as I was gonna grab for it, he pulls them away.
"But first — answer me something." His expression turns serious all of a sudden, startling me. "You're too comfortable around Seth and the others, wouldn't Kyle be mad if he found out?"
Wait, what?
"Ha..?" I could barely even form a proper reaction. What was he talking about?
"You and Kyle are together right? I won't consent you to cheating— " He says this with a straight face and it was almost laughable.
"WAIT ONE SECOND GODSPEED." I almost scream as laughter erupts from my throat. "Me? And Kyle? Together? What made you think of such a thing?" More laughter rose from my chest and I had to sit down to clutch on to my aching stomach.
"Wait what?" It was his turn to be confused now. "You two aren't together?" Something in his tone changed, but I ignored it. I kept laughing until there was no longer any sound coming out of my mouth.
"No! He's my doctor and I'm his patient. That's all there is." I wipe away the tears that leaked from my eyes. "Plus, neither of us are interested in having a love affair whatsoever." I start to calm down and take deep breaths to cool myself down.
"Ah geez, I got really worried about that." He chuckles and he finally gives me my medicine. I check its label to see if it was the correct one, before taking one pill out and tossing it into my mouth. I take a few gulps of water and close the bottle cap.
"That was something I never knew I would hear, you really are an idiot." I giggle as I hand Godspeed my pill bottle.
"Hey!" He pouts at me.
"It was a joke!" I reached my hand out to his head and started messing it terribly.
"Hey stop!" He holds both of my wrists, leaning close to my face with a dissatisfied look and I laughed in response. "What's that for, lady? Geez!" He lets go of one hand and desperately tried to fix his hair in vain.
"For messing with mine, dimwit." I pointed at the stray away locks on my head and stuck my tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes and pulls away, shoving the pill bottle in his inner jacket pocket and a grin was painted on his face. "Thanks for reminding me about that."
"No worries. I did promise to keep you well."
"Why are you guys so nice?" I asked hesitantly. The grin on my face almost felt natural again and I couldn't stop anymore.
"Well if it meant we could see you smile that brightly, we'd spoil you rotten with kindness." He chuckles as he watches the sun slowly start to set. The way his eyes shone against the last orange rays of the sun was just as enchanting as a magic crystal glimmering underneath the moonlight. He almost looked like he was glowing with the sun just by his side, outlining him like he was from a painting. His magenta hair swayed lightly against the wind and he looked amazing. There's no point in hiding how breathtakingly attractive he is — now I can see why the noble women that often visited the confectionery gush so much about him.
"We should head back inside, dinner will be ready soon and if you want the best meals, better be there early!" He then grabs my hand again and pulls me back, a fit of giggles erupting from me.
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
Part 6 - His POV (Other parts here)
// Part five can’t be seen in the tag so click here
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed and Delinquent!Alice
Word Count: 2174 words
Warnings: Mentions injury, and sickness.
Tagging: @christmaswarlock @midnightcradle @pianoperson @plumpblueberry @bumbleberry-jamboree @forenah-gaijin @the-cashewpeia and @5-of-spades thanks so much for waiting! hopefully i’ll be able to update on time now and all of your responses to the comic made me very happy, i love you guys so much it means the world to me (´⌣`ʃƪ)♡
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──── ⊰
The Black Army held an emergency meeting when I reported what happened last night. The officers agreed with Kyle’s recommendation, for Alice’s safety and to help her recover. Seth immediately went on full “Big Sis” mode — or whatever he calls it — and started preparing her room, dragging Luka along to prepare hearty meals for a welcoming party for her.
I just hope she agrees to stay with us.
Last night’s incident raised many questions and the security of Cradle was heightened, more soldiers were sent out to patrol this morning and Sirius made changes to everyone’s schedules to maximize the protocols. Everyone in the headquarters had been talking about the ambush and how the Magic Tower could be aggressive with their scholars.
“What if they only intend to use Alice to study magic?”
“But why would they hurt her if it’s only meant for that?” I overheard the conversations between the soldiers by the Black Bridge as the carriage passed by.
The gazettes today were filled with articles and speculations about the Magic Tower, Ray made his statement just before I left and vowed to protect the demoiselle. We haven’t heard from the Red Army, but we’re positive that they’ll be doing what they can to ensure everyone’s safety since the incident happened in Central, both armies were involved.
The carriage slows to a stop and I stepped out, “Alice?” I knocked at her front door.  
“In a minute,” Kyle answers. “Alice, your prince charming is here.” His muffled tease was followed by a whack and a groan of pain almost immediately. The door swings open and reveals the two of them — their arms linked together as she struggled to stand properly. She looked better than last night, but she still looked pale and her eyes don’t shine like they did when I first met her.
“You look like you’ve seen better days.” I reach out to grab the bags from the doctor.
“I wish I did.” She shrugs, before chuckling. “You’re not here to arrest me, right?”
“I wish I was,” I smirked when her eyes narrowed at me. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” My eyes glanced over to their linked arms, before meeting Kyle’s.
“Her wounds may reopen again if she moves around too much,” He glares at Alice. “Like jumping and running on roofs.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
“You take the fun out of everything.” She lightly punches his arm and pulls away to reach for her pocket hurriedly, pulling out a handkerchief and coughing into it.
"As I was saying."
"If she starts to feel any different, send her to my clinic at Central as soon as possible." Kyle smiles. "Well, I hope I see you two again when its only your check-ups. If I see you injured again, I'll stab you with needles and hold you down with IV drips."
"Gee, thanks Kyle!" She retorts and walks towards me, her knees shaking at every step. I reach my hand out for her and she hesitantly holds it, "I hate being this weak." She mutters softly.
"Nah, you're good." I reassure, smiling down at her as she steps closer. "Is there anything else I need to remember?"
"Well, make sure she takes her medicine after meals, in case she runs out, feel free to drop by my clinic. Oh, and only use my tools and equipment if she ever gets injured — which I hope never happens." He frowns at her. "Please don't do anything stupid there."
"No promises. But I do promise to stay alive until our little night out." She winks at him and I felt my face flinch slightly at their interaction.
"God, just stay alive and well, would you? No deadlines." He ruffled her hair, earning a fit of giggles from her. "Take good care of her, alright buddy?" Kyle smiles at me and I blinked several times before quickly flashing a grin at him.
"Take breaks when you work." Alice's voice was gentle but stern, "I know how hard you've been working for me and I'm grateful for that. But please, take care of yourself as well." As they gazed at each other and I can feel how deeply they cared for one another. The inkling thought crushes the small bud of feelings I just had the other night.
What made you think you had a shot? You just met her, dumbass.
"Now you're no fun." He mocks.
She locks her arm on mine and I slowly walked her to the carriage, holding the door open for her as she steps in. I put her bags inside then felt Kyle tap on my shoulder.
"I know I'm not physically capable but," he looks directly to my eye with a stern look. "I swear to God if anything happens to her, I'll walk straight into your barracks and take her away. I trust you with her, alright?" He smirks. Chuckling, I nodded at his reminder. I got in the carriage as Alice and Kyle wave at each other one last time before I close the door.
"Good God, he sounds like my father." She smiles, but her eyes were clearly filled with sadness.  "Thanks for helping me out, Godspeed." She meets my gaze and I feel myself tense up on my seat.
"No problem, anyone in my spot would've done the same." I smile at her as she relaxes on her seat and I notice the bandages peeking at the ends of her dress.
"If you don't mind me asking, why do you suddenly care about me?" She asks softly, her eyes watching the sight roll by from the windows and her expression was almost unreadable.
"You were hurt, I couldn't just leave you to die there. Even if you were someone from the Red Army, I'd still try to offer or look for help."
"Thats a lie."
"Its a lie — but you get the idea." I explain and a small smile creeps on her face. "How have you been feeling?"
"A little better. I guess I'm just not used to feeling so weak right now." Her fingers rub her thigh very gently over her dress. "Usually after getting treated by Kyle, I'd be back on my feet and ready to run around again." A chuckle leaves past her lips.
She looked better than last night when she passed out. She had more color on her face and her hair was pinned back like when she worked at the confectionery. A few silent moments pass and she finally meets my gaze again. "Did you.. tell them about my sickness?"
"I didn't, I'm in no position to talk about it." A part of me that wished I did, I was too focused on her wound I forgot she could barely move without coughing every few minutes. Her sigh resonates in the carriage and I was surprised to see her look relieved.
"Thank you, please never tell a soul about it." She looks away and pulls a mask from her pocket.
"What's that for?"
"The route seems rough, inhaling too much dust could worsen my coughs." She explains. I nodded and she turns her gaze back to the window, fingertips rubbing gently on her wound.
When we arrived at the headquarters, I picked up her bags and helped her get down from the carriage. She scans around with wide eyes, taking in all of the scenery in front of her.
"Oh my~ is she the infamous Alice?" My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as I heard the sing song voice of Seth. He runs towards us along with Luka, with the brightest smile on his face.
"Infamous?" She looks at me. "Just how bad did you drag my name?"
"Just enough for my dog to start playing in it." I tease and she rolls her eyes.
"Welcome to the Black Army!" Seth holds her hand and softly kisses the back of it. "We'll make sure that you're safe and well in here, and we promise to make sure you that you have fun and will always have a smile on your face!"
"We heard from Fenrir that you work at the confectionery, I'll try my best to live up to your standards for the desserts." Luka softly smiles and Alice giggles.
"Welcome to the Black Army, Alice." Ray walks up to us, along with Sirius.
"Ray, Sirius! Its been a while." She waves at them and Sirius raises his hand in greeting.
"You've met them?" I ask her.
"When I first came to Cradle, they were the ones that greeted me first." She explains and Ray nods once.
"She fell from the sky." He says nonchalantly as he walks beside me as if it was a normal thing to happen.
"She what?" I stare in disbelief.
"I had the same reaction," Sirius smiles and gently pats Alice's head. "Good to know you're doing good.. well, sort of."
"Thank you." She gushes as her hands crept up to the sides of her mask, tugging it off her ears. Seth suddenly started squealing loudly, I bet the whole army had heard it from around the headquarters. His hands cupped around her cheeks and squished them.
"Alice!! I didn't know you would look so lovely underneath that mask!" A faint blush crept on her cheeks and she started to giggle. "My, I could just take you away if I can!"
"Uhm, thanks?" Her smile widens. Seth lets her go and holds a single lock of her hair then twirled it around his fingers.
"Now I understand why a certain someone got so.. interested in you." Seth glances over to me with a smirk, my blood almost boiling right in that instant. Play it cool, play it cool.
I looked over at Luka who had the goofiest smile I'd ever seen and I immediately turned the conversation towards him. "Aww, did Luka fall in love at first sight?" I tease, hoping that Alice wouldn't get suspicious.
"..What?" Luka's cheeks flushed pink and his eyes grow wide. "Wait— no-"
"Ohhhh my, our innocent Luka has finally become a grown man!" Seth pulls Luka and shoves him in front of Alice, who in turn giggled in the cutest way I'd ever seen. Feeling my throat tighten at the change of events, I struggled to fight the urge to pull her away. That laugh is too precious, too beautiful.
I want to be the one that could make her giggle like that.
"Alice, meet Luka Clemence. He's not just the Jack of Spades, but he's also the Black Army's best chef! Don't let his soft innocent demeanor fool you though~ He's super strong and mature as well!" Seth eggs them on, grabbing both of their hands and forces them to hold hands.
"Since when did Seth become a matchmaker?" I roll my eyes as Ray chuckles, completely amused by all that's happening.
"So you're Luka. I've heard a lot about you."  She smiles gently at him and shakes his hand.
"Really?" Luka's face starts to relax as he lets go of her hand.
"From your brother. He never shuts up about you." Her eyes roll a little, but a smile was still plastered on her face.
"You.. hang out with my brother?" Luka frowns almost immediately at the thought of his brother.
"Oh God, no. I've met him a few times because he was a frequent customer. He would often ask me to sit with him in the middle of my shift just to say how the cakes taste like home, and then he would go on and on about you." She shrugs.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." He answers shyly and I could see Seth's smile growing wider at their interaction, then he turned to look at me with a sly grin. This bastard.
"Its alright." She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear and looks at the ground. "You should really try reaching out —"
"I'd rather not." He says immediately which shocks Alice, her eyes shooting upwards to meet Luka's gaze, before laughing out loud. It was infectious, saving us from the sudden change in the air. 
I like how she fits almost immediately with my friends, but there was an annoying pit that grew in my stomach the longer they take her attention — but it was for the best. Kyle mentioned about keeping her company as much as possible, to take her away from the horrid thoughts clouding her judgement. I don't know what it meant, but I'll do it. For her.
"Alright, alright. Why don't we get you settled in here first so you join us for lunch?" I interrupt their excitement. "Then we can talk more about you and all of us."
"Sounds great, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." She finally looks at me with that sweet smile I'd first witnessed at the confectionery.
I want to see you smile like that, for me, always.
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
Part 3 - Her POV (Other parts here)
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed and Delinquent!Alice
Word Count: 2529 words
Warnings: Mentions blood, injury, sickness, and guns.
Tagging: @christmaswarlock!!! You’re on auto-tag now for this, I am forever grateful for you (╥﹏╥)
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──── ⊰
When the confectionery door closed, I see him glance back at me as he realized what I just called him. Shit.
I immediately turned my attention to the other customers, mentally preparing myself for what could happen if he finds out that the delinquent he was just chasing off yesterday was the same woman who had just served him the perfect lunch.
After several minutes, he never came back to arrest me or whatever. I sighed of relief and noticed that people were prepared to leave. As soon as the last customer had left, I closed the shop for the day. Sadly, we were only available for breakfast and lunch today, the owner had some matters to attend to and he usually manages the shop during the afternoon and evening. I looked around me to see if anyone was looking, then grabbed the extra muffin from the display and prepared to leave. I hope he's still around, I wanted to have another round of tag with him.
I quickly went home and changed into what I call "The Uniform." I wore dark tights underneath my dress to cover the exposed skin of my legs and tied up my dark brown knee-high boots. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and fixed the dark cloak and mask on me and took one last glance by the full-length mirror. The sky became a gradient of orange to crimson, giving out its last rays of light.
I snuck around Central Quarter in the shadows, trying to find any sign of that fuschia-haired cutie. The streets were starting to bustle with people, the Friday nightlife was beginning. I'd been walking around for a while now, disappointed that I couldn't find the Ace.
"Dang, that smooth-talkin' Ace has already gone home, huh?" I ask to no one as I sit by the ledge of the roof. I look up to the sky and see the crescent-shaped moon glowing brightly. I reached my hand out to trace familiar constellations, completely unknowing of what was happening below me.
"We must capture Alice, Lord Amon had entrusted us with this order." I stifle a gasp as I overheard several men heavily hooded with their robes converse in the shadows of the alleyway just below me. The glint of the magic crystals hanging around their neck was visible despite being in the dark.
What do they want from me?
They didn't look too nice and I knew for sure that they're not the type of people I should mess with. I quietly snuck out to the direction away from where they trudged to.
I took the long detour home, hoping that my humble abode would be a safe haven. I'd had several close encounters, but thankfully they didn't see me. With the hoods over their eyes, my dark clothing and the shadows, I was confident that they wouldn't spot me.
I stopped by an alleyway behind a pub, loud music jeering from the windows. I could spot a very familiar redhead drinking happily inside, along with a flustered tanned general. I never thought I'd see two Aces and the Red Army's doctor in just several hours.
I smiled at the sight, but I quickly drew in a breath when I hear several men closing in. "Are you certain she went through here?" One of the robed men asked and I tried to sink deeper in the shadows, hoping that they don't spot me.
Their footsteps grew much louder and it was the only sound that I could focus on. It muffled out the happy drunken songs of the pub and my ears rang at every step they took. I held my breath when they stopped in front of me, but their backs were facing me. They were watching the merry lot inside the pub. "The Ace seems to enjoy his time in the Red Army, we should report this to Lord Amon as well." One of them said.
Just who the hell were they?
When they walked away, I quietly exhaled. I peeked out at the corners and made sure they were not around. Once I've set my foot outside the shadows, I bright magic crystal glowed suddenly. Shit, a trap.
I immediately tapped it, to drain it from its energy then sprinted towards the other direction. "You're not going anywhere, Alice." They formed a line at the end of the alleyway and I immediately turned to the other direction and ran, only to meet another group blocking my way.
Their hands glowed red and before they could do anything, I reached my hand out and reflected their attack, throwing them off in different directions. A man yells as he attempts to attack me with his bare hands, but I was quick to crouch and do a strong sweep by his feet, making him fall to the ground. I immediately grabbed him tightly by his cloak as another man was charging towards me. With all the strength that I could muster from my small arms, I pushed both of them to the side, not realizing there were windows. The men's bodies shattered the glass, toppling limp into the pub. All of the heads inside turned to me and I stare back at Zero and Kyle's wide eyes. "Help me, please!" I yell as I hastily bolted away. A man attempted to block me, but I did a quick wall run, locking my arms around the man's neck and pulled him down hard to the ground, strangling him in the process. I sprinted through the main street and into a crowd, constantly apologizing and looking back, to see if there were any more people following me.
I bumped into a Black Army soldier, and just my luck, it was the same man I had tricked last night. "Hey! You're the prick that threw those eggs at me!" He growls and grabs my forearms tightly. "You're under arrest!"
"Aw come on! Now is not the time!" I struggle to free myself from his grip but to no avail. "Are you really going to arrest some petty delinquent instead of saving her from some bunch of suspiciously dangerous people? Is that your duty as a soldier?!" I yell at him and he looked surprised. "If your duty is to protect the freedom of the citizens of Cradle, then let me go and find who those robed men are! Before they hurt anyone else!" I harshly pull my arm down, making him let go of me and I push him off to the side before sprinting away.
I took several sharp turns and had been running in circles before I break out in the open, just at the edge of the busy streets. I began panting heavily as I quickly scanned the people in front of me while walking backward, trying to see if any of the robed men were still after me. I let my shoulders slump a little and try to relax, letting my anxieties slip away.
"Hands up lady, don't move." I jumped at the startling low voice of the Ace of Spades, his gun aimed at me and a triumphant smirk apparent on his face.
"As much as I'd like to play around, I need to go home—" I say as I turn to look at him, but he grips his gun tighter and more confidently.
"I said hands up, I don't need your excuses." He says in a demanding tone, making me instinctively raise both of my hands. "I promised myself I'd get you when I see you." His smirk grows wider and he moves closer.
"You were thinking about me? That's very sweet." I tease and take a small step back. "Look, sweetheart, you're very cute and all but I really need to go home."
"Your sweet talking ain't gonna get me anymore, punk." He chuckles. I amusingly raise an eyebrow at him, feeling my smile growing wider. I guess he enjoyed the chase we had last night just as much as I did.
"So I did get you off guard after I told you that you had pretty eyes?" I continue to tease him, my arm folded underneath my chest as my other arm rested on it. I leaned my head to the palm of my hand and look at him directly in the eye. "I wasn't intending to really, it was an honest compliment."
"Shuddup!" A small pout on his lips was faintly seen underneath the darkness, I could barely make out the faint blush on his cheeks. "Stop using your magic already dammit! I'm supposed to be arresting you for making such a fuss in the Black Territory! Not getting all.." He gulps thickly.
"What makes you think I can use magic? I don't have magic crystals, let alone naturally possess it. I repel magic, Godspeed." I move towards him and the grip on his gun wavers. I pulled it down as I took another step closer and meet his gaze again. "Now, really, I want to keep playing with you, but I'm currently being hunted down by a bunch of magicians who wanted to give me up to some overlord named Amon. I don't know why and who they are, so I really need to go. If you want to help me, as a citizen that you vowed to protect, that'd be pretty dandy." I let go of his gun and turned to face the direction of my home.
Suddenly, a white bright light flashes in front of me and I had to raise my hands to block it out. A firm grip on my wrist startles me and I see that it was one of the robed men and I immediately willed myself to reflect back whatever attack he planned on me. He toppled backward and a gunshot rings from behind me, resulting the man to fall.
"Alright lady, I don't know what you did but I'm pretty sure that you're not that stupid to mess with these guys." He pulls me to him and aims the gun at the robed man as he staggers to stand.
"The Ace of Spades? Is the Black Army protecting Alice now?" He murmurs and his lips drew a frown. "Lord Amon will not be happy about this."
"We aren't, but now that I see you wanting to hurt someone, you just gave us a reason to." Godspeed shoots again and the man topples back again, but several more robed men started to surround us from nowhere, making me hold onto his jacket sleeve. "This is gonna be fun."
"You and I have a similar taste to having fun," I glance at his smirking face as he grabs another gun in his holster. "But I don't think they're the type to have fun though."
"Lady, watcha talkin' about? I'm pretty sure I don't give a damn about what fun is for them." He laughs maniacally and starts to shoot the men running towards us. I see one of them pull out a magic crystal and their hands glowed in sync.
"You hooligans never learn, do you?" I say confidently with a wide smile on my face as I reach out and repel their spell, the magic crystal in his hand turning orange then fading to a color as gray as rocks. Gunshots ring from behind me and I run towards another robed man, skidding a little as I dodge his sword attack, before doing a spin kick on his wrist, making him drop the weapon. Surprisingly, this doesn't stop him. He groans as he pulls his arm back -- a stupid decision really -- giving me some time to run towards him and make a swift jump, before landing my fist on his face. Another man yells from behind me as I was getting up and I immediately do a quick backflip, grabbing the first man's sword then landing onto my feet. I did a quick turn and slashed the sword diagonally as I kneel, cutting his robe in the process. He moves back and I see his gritted teeth.
"Nice job lady! I'm impressed!" Godspeed yells with a big grin on his face.
"Thanks! Your shooting skills are much better than last night!" I tease and he shoots a quick glare.
"Fall back!" One of them orders and their magic crystals glow.
"You guys are such sore losers." I smirk as a bright light starts to swallow them whole, when the light faded, they were gone. I throw the sword to the side and heave, not noticing that I've been coughing really badly.
"Did they hurt you?" I was surprised that he approached me with a serious face.
"No—no. I'm fine." I wave him off, turning to another direction. I could feel the thick liquid spluttering from my mouth as I cough, my face twisting in pain from my chest. I took another mental note to immediately wash my mask. I also thanked myself that I wore a black one, the stain wouldn't be seen in public.
"Did I hit you last night?" He asks and I turn to him, shocked. "There was blood by the Black Bridge." His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes dimmed with worry. It’s amazing how he can express so much with just his eyes.
"No, you didn't." I say simply. "If you did, I wouldn't be—"
"Take this!" A sharp pain smears on my thigh and I drop to my knees, the robed man raises his sword and Godspeed was quick to move and kick him on his chest. I groan out in pain, a wide cut on my thigh seeped out so much blood, it spilled droplets to the ground. Shit shit shit, Kyle can't help me with this tonight. He's too drunk to help me.
I turned to the furious gunshots that came from Godspeed, the robed man falling in pain, then the pitch of his voice rose to the sound of a chipmunk. "What the hell do you guys want from Alice?!" He grabs the man and yelled furiously at his face. "What do you guys want so bad, you don’t hesitate to hurt her?!"
"We had vowed to do as Lord Amon commands us, we will not speak about his plans and ambitions to anyone, much less to the Ace of Spades." He squeaked.
"You could've just said 'Sorry, can't tell,' you know? Your unnecessary formality makes me feel more of an idiot." He punches his face and blood trickled from the man’s nose. He pulls out a magic crystal and disappeared from the scene.
I grew weaker as the seconds passed, but I willed myself to apply pressure on my cut. Godspeed runs to me and carries me in his arms, panic suddenly surging all over me. "Let go!" I try to push him away from me but he only tightens his grip on me.
"You're more stupid than I thought, did you really think I'll just leave you bleeding on the ground like that?"
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
Part 4 - His POV (Other parts here)
// Part three can’t be seen in the tag so click here
// Part five can’t be seen in the tag so click here
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed and Delinquent!Alice
Word Count: 2152 words
Warnings: Mentions blood, injury, and sickness.
Tagging: @christmaswarlock because I am forever grateful for you, and @midnightcradle and @bumbleberry-jamboree I read your tags and it made me feel so soft thank you (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──── ⊰
"Listen here, honey." I grinned down at her as her eyes widen. "Just because you took those bastards down like the badass that you are, it doesn't mean you no longer need help." My face shifted to a stern look, Did she really think I'd let her bleed to her death?  
"Sweetheart," She called and I almost wanted to throw her away, Stop it with the magic already, geez.  "I really appreciate your chivalry, but Kyle is the only one that can help me.. and he's too drunk right now. Let me go home so my wounds can be treated as soon as possible" She struggles in my arms, flailing her hands on my chest.
"There are other doctors around! They can help!" I insisted.
"I can't! I have—" She hesitated and I didn't miss the fear that flickered in her eyes. "I—I have—my body is sensitive to many medications and tools, and Kyle is the only doctor who has special treatments for me!" She continues to struggle and she hits me underneath my chin, making me choke on my own breath and putting her down by accident. She stumbles onto her knees as she heaves heavily, beads of sweat formed on her forehead and I could see the pain and struggle in her eyes. She heads to a different direction and my feet hurriedly follows her, holding her shoulder tightly to stop her from moving any further.
"Alright, alright! Even so, where do you think you're going?" My eyebrows furrowed at her dismissal and she shakes my hand off.
"Home, I got aid there." She coughs and her face contorts at every sputter. A low grumble vibrates from my throat as she staggers away. It only took me a couple of strides to reach her arm and pulled her towards me. Picking her up again, my arms wrapped around her shoulders and the back of her knees tightly. Her mask slides askew on her face at our movement and her eyes narrowed at me. She was about to protest, but I beat her to it.
"I'll bring you home, you can barely stand on your own feet." I say firmly to her, her eyes grew wide in shock. "If I let you be, you'd barely have blood in your body anymore when you get there. You'd be able to tend to yourself sooner if you let me carry you." She looks away with a pained look and points towards North-West.
"Just walk back there to the flower market and follow the path behind it, when you get past several shops, you'll see a tall golden lamp post, the pale orange coloured house with a red roof is my place." She heaves as she coughs again and I quickly take note of her directions, taking a small detour to avoid the bustle of the crowd around the market. All the while, she was struggling to breathe underneath her mask and my throat tightens in sympathy.
"You need to take your mask off, lady. You can barely breathe anymore." I say softly as we made a turn, several buildings and houses stood on both sides in a straight line and promptly spotting the golden lamp post at the end of the path from here, a circular path surrounding it. She hesitantly moves her hand, my eyes drops down to take a glance of her face, only to nearly drop her. I stop dead in my tracks and stare at her.
"I guess we just lost a customer, huh?" She smiles weakly as my jaw drops to the ground. The nice lady I met at the confectionery earlier is the delinquent?! And Alice?! My eyes blinked several times as she chuckles dryly. There was sadness forming in her eyes and I shake my head, pulling myself out of my trance and immediately started walking faster. "Sorry to disappoint you." Her voice was almost a whisper and she didn't sound like the same brave woman who had just taken down some of the disciples of the Magic Tower, nor the sweet lady at the confectionery. She sounded so.. broken.
"What are you talking about? I'm not disappointed in you." I reassure her. However, she avoids my gaze, her eyelids barely open and she softly gulps. "I'm more surprised actually, but for now we should really focus on getting your wounds treated." My eyes snap up to quickly look over the houses surrounding the golden lamp post and quickly spotted the one she's described.
"Key..in cloak..my right." She says in between coughs, her hand quickly covers her mouth and she groans in pain. I gently put her feet down, keeping my arm wrapped around her shoulders tightly. She leans her weight towards me, her head lands on my chest as my hands search for the key on her cloak. Once I’ve found it, I chuck it in the keyhole and burst the door open, immediately guiding her to her sofa. She groans as she sits and my hand reached for the lamp by the table beside us.
"The first aid kit is by the bookshelf." She points to the space beneath the staircase and I rush to it, getting the bag and opening it to get the bandages and ointments. It was almost impossible to miss that they were specific kinds of treatments, written prescription and instructions decorated the bottles' labels.
"Lift your dress up," I say while quickly reading over the labels, trying to find the right one to use.
"You need to work on your choice of words, Godspeed." My head snaps up at her remark and spot her flushed cheeks frowning at me.
"What? I don't get.. oh." I feel my own cheeks warm up and gulped down hard. Nice work, idiot.
"Just hand me the bag and I'll attend to my own wounds. I've done this several times already." She reaches out and grabs the bag and bandages from me and holds the ends of her dress. "There are some cupcakes at the cooler that I made yesterday that didn't get sold, go help yourself with some." She says softly and politely took it as a hint to look away.
I made my way to the cooler as she tends to her wounds. My hand grabs a cupcake, not feeling like eating it all up with what had happened earlier  — seeing her hurt somehow made me feel like I was hurting as well.
Ahh dammit, I should be mad at her for mocking and insulting my men, arresting her was my main goal and yet, my dumbass self is worried to death about her.
My ears caught wind of her struggle and soft whimpers from behind me. Despite only seeing the back of her head and her arms extending as she wraps the gauze, I can only imagine the immense pain she's in. Not only that, but she also has to focus to make sure that she doesn't mess up and that she needs to take extra care of herself. I don't know what sickness she has and the fact that only Kyle knows means it's that serious.
Another low groan snaps me back to reality as she threw her boots and tights to the side. She leans back on her sofa and I walk towards her, handing her a cupcake. She looked back at me with surprise, before looking down at the treat. "Thanks," She smiles to herself and I help her sit properly. "Sorry for the mess." She gestures over the bloody sheets of her sofa and carpet. It was a gruesome sight to see when you'll be eating a cupcake, nevertheless, I didn't mind.
"It's alright, it can't be helped." Standing up, my eyes spotted a rag by her kitchen sink. I walk to it and rinse the towel, then squeezing it tightly to remove the excess water. "Do you have anything that would help remove the blood easier?"
"There are some—cleaning agents, just—just, ugh, just below the sink—" She coughs harshly against her dress sleeve. "Good God, I really need to visit Kyle soon."
"Let's just hope that he isn't too hungover tomorrow morning." As soon as the cleaning agents were mixed with water in a container, I walked over to her side and started cleaning away the blood.
"Wait, wait! I'll do that!" She holds my hand firmly and attempted to snatch the rag from me, but my grip tightens on the cloth. The coldness of her hands made me look up at her again, that's when I noticed that she looked much paler than earlier.
"No, it's fine. You worry too much." A breathy sigh leaves my lips. "You look like a corpse, how would you be able to do any cleaning in your state?" She takes her hand back and she lowers her gaze. "Go eat the cupcake, you've lost a lot of energy tonight. I'll clean up your stuff." I gave her a reassuring smile and continued to clean her sheets and carpet. After a while, she placed down the cupcake. She had only eaten half of it. My mouth opened to scold her and it immediately closes when I saw her slowly drifting to sleep, exhaustion painted clearly all over her face.
I returned the materials once everything was cleaned up back to where they were stored from and washed my hands. My gaze glanced towards the shelves beside me and noticed a whole glass cabinet filled with pill bottles, there were three rows of the same ones. Just how sick are you?
Returning quietly to the living room, I scanned her resting face and an ache swelled in my chest as my eyes moved down at her bandaged leg. The wound was too big, the bandages had reached all the way just above her knees. It seems like her whole left thigh got cut. I gently laid her down from her sitting position on the sofa, wrapping her body with her cloak.
The air in this room was still and tense, it was almost difficult to breathe. How can this poor, sickly woman, be the same woman who jumped across roofs and dodged my bullets? How can she be the same sweet lady that offered me the greatest lunch I'd ever had?
Alice was intriguing—I had seen so much of her, yet I felt more distant to her.
I stood up, realizing that it's already so late in the night and the bustles of the nearby market had become quiet. "Hey.." She calls out so softly, my chest tightened just imagining how weak she's feeling. ".. too dangerous.. out.. stay.. don't... mind.." She reaches her hand out to me and without a second thought, I held it and knelt back down beside her. "As.. thanks for.. helping..me.." She was trying hard to stay awake, just to make sure her gratitude reaches its way to me. It was difficult to say no.
"Thank you, I will." Her kindness tugged a smile on my face while gently tucking her hand back to her side. She smiles a little as her eyes fluttered shut. "Rest up alright? I'll help you get to Kyle tomorrow morning." Shifting in my position and leaning sideways to the sofa, my arm was propped up beside hers. At this angle, I could watch her rest. She looked much more at ease and relief flooded through me.
I soon realized what I'd been feeling and thinking. We just met for God's sake, and I'm already crushing on her! This is wrong! Not only that, she should be arrested! Why am I protecting her? Why am I saving her? Why am I being an idiot?
My mind and soul were at war with each other right then and there and I turned to move my gaze away. My face started to grow much hotter and I gritted my teeth. My hands ran through my hair several times before cascading them down to my face. Peeking over from my shoulder, her calm resting face comes into view again. My heart started to beat loudly against my chest and my eyes could no longer move away. Despite having the coldest fingers I've ever touched, despite her skin nearly as pale as snow, despite her weakened body; she was beautiful.
I remember the way how she had managed to take down the disciples just on her own. Her unbelievable strength and her independence were enticing. She is just absolutely.. stunning. She's so different and I'm finding myself getting pulled into her unknown spell the more I learn who she is. She has me wrapped around her finger, and I like it.
Maybe helping her out and being a complete idiot was the better choice.
ᶦ ᵃᶜᶜᶦᵈᵉⁿᵗᵃˡˡʸ ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵉˢᵗᵉʳᵈᵃʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍᵍᵉᵈ ᶦᵗ ᵠᵘᶦᶜᵏˡʸ ˢᵒ ᶦ ᵖᵃⁿᶦᶜᵏᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵈᵉˡᵉᵗᵉᵈ ᶦᵗ ᶦⁿˢᵗᵉᵃᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵉᵈᶦᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵒᵒᵖˢᶦᵉˢ
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
Part 2 - His POV (Other parts here)
// Part three can’t be seen in the tag so click here
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed and Delinquent!Alice
Word count: 1685 words
Tagging: @ellysilver and @christmaswarlock!!! thank you so much for the support (┳Д┳)
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──── ⊰
“How can a woman do that so swiftly?! She even got rid of the magic cuffs I used on her!” I yelled in frustration but he dismissed me.
“Blanc already told us that Alice has arrived in Cradle and decided to reside here. Why are you so shocked you encountered her?” Ray smugly smiles at me.
“I never thought that she would be a delinquent! Let alone someone who can dodge bullets!” I say exasperatedly as I stood from my chair, gaining attention from some soldiers in the dining area.
“Fenrir, I understand that you’re shocked at such an encounter.” Sirius says gently. “But someone as trivial as her shouldn’t be entertained right now, we have a war coming up soon.”
“Or does this mean that you’ve taken an interest in her?” Seth butts in, singing the words from his lips with a bright smile. My annoyance had reached high levels.
“She flat out told me I had pretty eyes! In the sweetest way too! Then got me pummelling to the ground!” I felt myself get flustered from embarrassment. To think that a small framed woman like her could get me off guard and take me down like that. I also couldn’t get my mind off the way her eyes squinted as she smiled through her mask, but I felt how sincere and sweet it was.
“You’re so lucky Fenrir! You received a compliment from sweet Alice and even got to play around with her! I’m actually jealous!” Seth puts a hand on his cheek as his smile grows wider.
“This isn’t something to be jealous about!” I yell in disbelief and I see Ray and Sirius chuckle, clearly amused at my disbelief. Pricks.
“Your food’s gonna grow cold.” Luka says gently as he looks at my plate, the mushroom cream soup and pasta he served was almost untouched since dinner started. I plop back down, completely giving up whatever the hell I was fighting for. I quietly finished my plate as I thought back to what happened earlier.
“Now that I got a good look on you, you have pretty eyes.”
“Please don’t think I lied, but I really like your eyes, Ace.”
How can two sentences get me so flustered? It had me so shocked that it took me 5 minutes to get up from my feet and realize that I should’ve been chasing her to arrest her.
“I’m crashing in early,” I say as I finish up my plate and bring my dishes to the kitchen sink. I ignored their calls and their teases as I walked up the stairs and jogged towards my room. I quickly got off my uniform and went for a quick shower.
I let the hot water fall all over me as I stared up at the ceiling. Puffs of steam surrounded the room and I took deep steady breaths. Her eyes were all I could see, but I still thought she looked beautiful.
I lightly hit my head on the wall and groan in frustration. I just met her and she’s got me so worked up! Dammit Fenrir, you should’ve come to your senses sooner and arrested her, instead of dawdling like a fool like that! All you saw were her soft blue eyes and her long wavy hair and you already thought she’s beautiful! Just how desperate are you?!
Another low groan erupts from my throat and I run both of my hands down my face, in an attempt to cool down my flushed face. I force her out from my mind and got out from the shower. As soon as I’d finish up, I threw myself over my bed, landing with a soft thud.
I could still remember the faint smell of summer flowers on her hair. It was refreshing and soothing and relaxing and.. it smells like home. I shift to lay on my side and put my hands out, folding it slightly to the way I held my gun earlier as I attempted to shoot her. I realized that it wasn’t as firm as I used to. Surely she’s used some magic to affect me like that.
“When I see you again,” I smirk to myself as I balled my hand to a fist, determination flooding through me. “I will get you. I will not lose to you. I’ll be firmer than I was than earlier.”
The next morning, Sirius had asked me to buy some groceries at Central Quarter. I decided to jog on my way there, to get some exercise along with the stupid boring task he’d given me. I helped with some folks setting up their shops for the day when they needed, especially the ones affected by that mess of a chase yesterday. A few of them would say their thoughts about what a troublemaker she was, just like how the first Alice had arrived.
Once I got to the Black Bridge, I skimmed my hand through the ledge where I had nearly pinned her down, only to notice a small faint stain of blood. I got her?
Somehow I didn’t feel very triumphant, it actually pained me to think that I’d hurt her and she had to endure that pain. I shake off my thoughts as soon as I realized them. “Argh, what the hell are you thinking?!” I clenched my fists and let out a sigh of frustration.
I immediately jogged to the Central Quarter and went to the shops that I needed to go to. I visited a confectionery to have lunch. “Good afternoon! What can I..” The woman by the counter trails off as she meets my gaze. “What can I do for you?” She quickly plasters a smile. I’d heard about women getting flustered around the generals, so I ignored her stuttering.
“I’d like to have some earl grey tea and some cinnamon rolls.” I smile at her.
“Fantastic choice! I’d like to recommend you one of our brand new products if you’re interested.” There was something familiar about the way she smiled, it was lovely to see. “We call it the Ace’s Adrenaline! Its a mocha cake, mixed with just the right amount of creamy strawbery yogurt and sprinkled with oatmeals that is guaranteed to refuel your energy! After working all morning, I personally think that this is a good pick for you right now.” She cheerfully smiles that it was almost infectious.
“You’re right, running around doing groceries and helping people sure gets tiresome.” I place my hands by the counter and slightly lean forward. “The treat sounds fantastic.” I smirk back at her, the way she speaks had gotten me interested in what she was selling, such conviction held a promise. “I’d like to have one slice of Ace’s Adrenaline then.”
“Perfect! It seems befitting to you, is it not?” She winks playfully and cheerfully prepares my order. I sat by a nearby table and watch her work. The bell hanging by the door rings as it opens, showing a white-haired fellow enter.
“Fenrir! What a pleasure to meet you here.” He politely greets me and I salute him with two fingers in return.
“Blanc! Its been a while hasn’t it? How have you been?” I motion him to sit with me but he raises his hand.
“It’s alright, I’ve only come to visit..” He turns to look at the lady by the counter.
“Oh, Blanc! Lovely to see you!” She smiles at him as she makes her way towards me, with my orders on top of the tray she was holding.
“How have you been feeling, love?” Blanc asks her and she nods a little.
“I’ve been feeling a little better.” She answers softly as she places down my food and tea. “Is there something that you want to take home?” She turns to him and he softly shakes his head.
“I only came to check how you were feeling, I still have errands to run and I’ve just eaten lunch before I came here.”
Customers started piling in and she bows to us both. “I’m sorry that I can’t chat long, hope you like the food!” She says hastily as she starts to attend to the other customers.
“You know her?” I ask Blanc as I take a sip of my tea.
“For quite some time now, yes.”
“What’s her name?” I try to sound like I’m just asking it casually, but I’m actually very interested in her.
“She prefers not telling her name due to some personal issues. If you really want to know, you’ll have to ask her yourself. I’m sorry.” He apologizes and I nod to him.
“It’s alright I understand, all the more reason to visit this place.” I smile as I start to eat my food.
“In that case I’ll be on my way, it was nice running into you.” Blanc smiles a little as he hurries out of the shop. I take my time in eating my cinnamon roll and relax. She was interesting, I’ll admit. There’s just something so intriguing about her and I wanted to know her more.
But that’s not necessary. I need to focus more on the war that could happen anytime soon.
I enjoyed my stay at the confectionery, especially the new treat she’d given me. She was right about it refuelling my energy, I felt refreshed and pumped, ready to kick ass if necessary. I neatly placed my dishes and teapot by the table.  I raised my hand as I leant back on my chair, trying to catch the lady’s attention. She meets my gaze and walks over to me, “How was the treat?” She asks as she starts to clean up my table.
“It was fantastic! Definitely a new favorite, I’d come back here for more next time.” I reach down to my pockets and hand her my payment. “If there’s a change, keep it.” I wink at her and she giggles. “I have to go, thank you for the perfect lunch!” I stand and pick up the bags I had and she waves to me as I leave.
“Have a great afternoon, Godspeed!”
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
Part 1 - Her POV (Other parts here)
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed and Delinquent!Alice
Word Count: 1188 words
Warnings: Mentions blood, sickness, and guns.
Tagging: @christmaswarlock!!! Thanks for helping me with this (◕▿◕✿)
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──── ⊰
"Get back here!" A Black Army soldier yells at me as I sprung to my feet and started dashing. This was the fun part. Running away after pulling a trick up against soldiers who were mindlessly patrolling an area — they really need to focus more. I smile through my dark mask and let my feet carry me to different alleyways, constantly bumping and running into people. "Hey stop her!"
"Sorry!" I yell and laugh as I sprint towards a wheel barrow passing by, held by a villager. "This'll be fun." I say to myself and the man sees me.
"Hey hey hey hands off my goods!" He drops his hold and the wheelbarrow lands with a thud -- but I'm not after his goods. I leap towards it in a high jump, my hand placed on top of the cloth that had covered whatever he had on the wheelbarrow, hoisting me up. I landed perfectly on my feet at the other side and sprinted again. I took a quick glance over my shoulder and saw the two soldiers after me bump and mess up the poor man's goods. Oops.
I laugh at them and took a quick sharp turn, towards an alleyway and hastily climb by the pipe that led to the roof. Once I've reached the roofs, I see the soldiers in a panting mess and mock them. This fuelled their rage and they try to climb the roofs as well — just as I wanted this chase to last a little longer. I could easily outrun them, but it's been a while since I've felt this adrenaline and I wanted to cherish it. This would rarely ever happen again. I jump towards the other roofs, hoping to the dear gods that they aren't as good at parkour. I was laughing all the while, making it known to them that I'm enjoying this more than anything.
A piercing gunshot startles me, and I felt sharp wind pass by my shoulder. I see a couple of strands of my hair fall from the air. No fair! Now they're using guns at me? Since when did the Black Army become so violent with petty delinquents like me? "I won't miss on the next shot, Miss!" I hear the Ace of Spades yell at me and I glance towards the direction of his voice. From a balcony a few stories below me, he was smirking widely at me, eyes triumphant and sparkling.
"The fact that you missed makes me think you're not as good as you're known at with your shooting skills!" I mock him and made sure that my eyes glinted with amusement. I see his eyebrows furrowed, a pout growing on his lips. This is great, I get to annoy a general along the way.
"Oh I'll show you!" He aims the gun back at me and I sprint and hide behind a chimney, his bullets chiding off at the edge.
"You missed again!" I sing and hop off to another roof, I could see him start to stand on the edge of the balcony and start to climb the roof. Now this is gonna be fun!
"Shut up punk and get back here!" Its clear that I've easily irritated him. I chuckle loudly and kept sprinting and dodging his bullets flawlessly, silently thanking my sixth sense.
The chase had gotten subtly wild within the Black Territory, a mess was made at every direction I went to and a bullet hole pierced through fragile objects and walls. "Dammit, are you some kind of wizard?!" He yells at me.
"Nah, you just suck, Godspeed!" I didn't mean that, I full well know of his capabilities and how easy he could kill me if he wanted to.
"Oh now you're just being mean!" He bellows and his bullets come at me faster. I swiftly dodge these and run up to alleyways. I could still hear his yells and gunshots nearby and I didn't stop running.
When the gunshots were nowhere to be heard, I moved to hide quickly among the trees and bushes, to catch my breath. A rough painful cough came out of my throat, I felt liquid on my hand and I didn't bother to look anymore and immediately wiped the blood on the end of my black scarf. I took a mental note to wash it immediately when I get home. I took a deep breath and started jogging towards the Black Bridge when I made sure that I had lost track of Godspeed.
I sighed softly as I slowed my pace when I reached the edge. I looked back and started walking backwards, then smiled at my small victory.
"Gotcha ya lil' punk." He pushes me to the stoned edge of the bridge, grabbing my arms and pulling it behind my back. "You're a good runner, but not good enough to escape the Ace of Spades." He chuckles as he spins me around and put the magic cuffs around my wrists.
"I may not be good at running away from the Ace, but at least I'm good at dodging his bullets." I mock him and a low huff escapes his lips. He harshly pulls my forearm and it made me look at him directly at the eyes.
"You're also good at mocking." His eyes were narrowed and I could feel his anger. "I hope you're also good at sitting in jail." I could barely hear what he said, I was too hypnotised by the color of his brilliant pink eyes.
"Now that I got a good look on you, you have pretty eyes." I smile sincerely and his eyes widen and a tint of pink was painted across his cheeks. His grip loosens and I immediately hook my leg on his knee, then raised my arms and wrap it around his neck, pulling his face close and I lift myself off my feet. I land behind him and the pull had choked him slightly, his head hits my shoulder and I lift my arms and back away from him. He coughs as he scrambles on the floor, then looking up at me in shock. I showed him something that I had rarely done, I willed myself to repel the magic from the cuffs, loosening the hold.
"What—" He gasps.
"Please don't think I lied, but I really like your eyes, Godspeed." I wink before I set off running towards the Central Quarter. I made sure to go through alleyways just to make sure I lost him.
I start to remove my mask and hood as I enter my humble abode. Another wave of coughs sputtering from my throat made me heave. I sigh as I approach the cabinets to reach for my medicine then set it by the table. I quietly prepared a dinner for myself, a small reward for being able to run away from the Ace of Spades. I still couldn't get my mind off the intensity of his gaze, how his eyes darkened with annoyance and how wide they grew when he was shocked.
"You got pretty eyes, Godspeed." I smile softly to myself as I play around with the food on my bowl. "I'd like to visit again just to see them."
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
“Fragile, But Not Weak”
(Other parts here)
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed and Delinquent!Alice
Fore-warnings: Profanities, injuries, blood, weapons, illnesses, anxiety, and self-doubt. Warnings in each part will be given.
A new part will be uploaded every Sunday at 23:00 (GMT+8). 
See #FBNW soph tag for easy navigating of parts!
This will be very lengthy, I’d originally planned to write up to 30 parts, but I’ll try to make it much shorter so it doesn’t become too dragging
Contains spoilers in many routes, this will also include some head canons and theories, I promise to credit them at the start if ever!
After arriving in Cradle, Alice, a known delinquent from the Land of Reason, resides in the country in hopes of passing away alone and in peace. Sickly and weak, Alice had frequent visits to Kyle Ash, who was the only doctor able to maintain her illness – and was the only other resident than Blanc Lapin that knew a visitor had arrived in Wonderland. Desperate to leave and forget the horrendous tragedies from the Land of Reason, Alice resides on her own, pretends to be a different person, works in a small confectionery, and avoids forming any deep bonds within Cradle. Although her heart for thrill and excitement are restrained due to her health conditions, she often disguises as a completely different woman as she becomes a headache for soldiers, Red and Black alike. She would pick on dawdling soldiers on patrol, steal small treats and neglect some of her doctor’s prescriptions. She was able to maintain this peaceful life for three months, until she picked on one of the Chosen Thirteen Generals from the Black Army. Though their first encounter was quite similar to how she would pick on other soldiers, they both couldn’t deny how beautiful their eyes glimmered every time they met, and how bright their smiles were when happiness swells. For the first time in months, Alice feels happier, but it doesn’t last long when the disciples from the Magic Tower had finally found out of the visitor’s presence in Cradle. A tiny light in a void filled with darkness sparks hope within her, enough to make her see the best in tomorrow, but she’s chained by her past and she doesn’t know if anyone in Cradle would have the keys to set her free.
Tagging: @christmaswarlock​ thank you so much for looking forward for this! It means a lot to me (⺣◡⺣) ~♡
First part will be uploaded next week (April 14th) I hope you’ll like it! *。(・∀・)゚*。
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
Alice “Eris” Liddell [OC Profile]
Notes: Meet Delinquent Alice!! She’s the first OC I’d ever made but didn’t make it official because she’s literally canon Alice, then I realized she has a tragic past and her personality is somewhat different. I did some research for her possible back story so some of them happened irl in the 19th century. Since she has a series up, I can’t say much about the lore and her background because it’ll spoil the story ;) check out the series here if you haven’t!
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Name: Alice Liddell
Nickname: Eris
Age: 22
Birthday: August 18
Element: Fire
Faction: Neutral → Black Territory
Occupation: Baker, delinquent.
Physical Features: Pale skin and blue eyes. Long wavy brown hair, most times pulled back in a half ponytail, other times in a full ponytail. Has scars on her fingers and bandaged left thigh, often has a band-aid anywhere because of the wounds she often gets. Lean built, slightly muscled arms, and toned legs. 157 cm height (5′2″). Physically strong and very capable of fighting.
Personality: Mischievous but kind-hearted. She always keeps soldiers on their toes just to get their attention back to what they should be doing, but ends up getting chased down most of the time. She is courageous and willing to risk her life to save others. She knows when things aren’t good and tries her best to fix everything she can. Hard-working and perseveres through her hardships. She hates talking about her past the most. Pessimistic but understanding. She hides her sadness behind a mask she only shows to a few. 
History: Born in Tyne and Wear, England. She moved to London to run away from a great incident she wished had never happened. She fell into Cradle with Blanc by accident, then persuades him to let her stay. For three months, no one knew that she was the Alice and hid under a pseudonym as “Eris.”
Lore: She is driven by the passion to save her Wonderland.
Eris is the Greek goddess of Discord.
She bakes to show her gratitude.
She hates being alone because it leaves her with her own mind.
A torn piece of newspaper that had an illustration of a building is found in a notebook she hid away.
Skills: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, fencing, and cooking.
Pet/s: A white ferret named Pele.
Paired with: Fenrir Godspeed
Other relationships and stories:
Luka Clemence - An apprentice. She teaches him what she knows and helps him improve his recipes, but she does this very rarely because she likes his cooking either way. He looks up to her a lot and likes being around her, like an older sister.
Seth Hyde - Best friend. She tells him what she feels as long as he promises to keep it a secret. She trusts him wholeheartedly and he does everything he can to protect her if Fenrir is not around.
Jonah Clemence - A customer and a pest. He visits the confectionery she works in for her cakes and macaroons. She finds it annoying whenever he asks him to sit with him just to compliment how her treats reminded him of his home. She learned too much about Luka even though she hasn't met him because of his brother. She likes to hear them, though, but she's in the middle of working and her boss wouldn't be too happy.
Kyle Ash - Her only doctor and someone she can annoy. When Blanc referred her to him, he did not hesitate to help her. He promised to keep her secrets for her safety. He hates how reckless she is despite her health and how she wants to throw her life away, but its undeniable that she brings a smile to his face whenever she's well.
Blanc Lapin - A trustworthy guardian. He knows everything about her, even her life in the Land of Reason and the secrets she hides away. He worries about her all of the time and she is grateful for him. She often visits and brings him and Oliver treats she's made for their tea parties.
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