#fenrir godspeed x alice
sunnyikemen · 2 years
In His Stride
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Pairing: IkeRev Fenrir x Alice
Summary: Love has the power to do many things, to change many things. From the outside, that’s what others would assume from this love - it changed them. But through the window, surrounded by the colours they had painted their walls, Alice knew that change wasn’t the right word. He had always had it, that way of loving, he just hadn’t known it until now. Alice reminisces in a few of the moments that prove that.
Word count: ~3000
Warnings: None! Except for children, lol.
Notes: This is a gift for the lovely @toloveawarlord as part of the gift exchange I co-hosted with my gal @ikemenlibrary !! I hope you enjoy, I had so much fun writing this for you :))
Alice’s eyelids drooped lazily as she peered through her lashes, their bedroom bathed in honey and laced with gold. The house felt a silence that became so rare in recent years, though the noise was never unwelcome. It was the noise that gave the walls its colour, laughter and joy hand painting them with hues of home and love. Love was the foundation of this house.
Layed next to her was her best friend, marked by the matching gold bands that embraced their ring fingers. And in between them was the newest member of their little family, barely a few weeks old, but already adding his own colour to their walls.
Fenrir perched on one elbow, head resting in his palm as he dangled his fingers above their son’s face, air huffing out of his nose whenever tiny hands would reach up to meet his, whenever he reflected his smile.
Alice remained quiet, letting the pleasant feeling in her chest sit, letting the tranquillity in her mind settle. She simply loved to watch him like this, completely in his element. The full extent of his pure heart being poured out in front of him, only to be instantly filled back to the brim. Fenrir loved, and he loved honestly and completely.
As her eyes finally fell shut, Alice let her mind wander back to all the times Fenrir’s love had surprised her. Not that it actually surprised her anymore, not when she had already felt so much of it. But it still always warmed her soul to witness all the times his love had contradicted his character. For a man who lived so fiercely, he loved so gently.
Even though she knew it wasn’t a contradiction at all, and those who gift themselves the chance to really know him know this too. Laced into his eccentricity was a deep joy for loving. He cared for those around him so enthusiastically, sometimes aggressively, but it was in a rare moment of tenderness and softness, Fenrir revealed himself to be the gentlest soul of them all.
This became the most evident with the arrival of their firstborn, who was growing into Fenrir’s shoes at a rate he obviously was not comfortable with. But he took it in his stride, and Alice reminisced in a few of the moments he strode so confidently, his little girl’s hand in his.
*** (more under the cut!)
One Friday Evening
Alice stretched out her back after letting the last of her words ink the paper in front of her. The tightness in her muscles slowly subsided as the relief of finishing up her work washed over her. She let the bliss sit with her for a moment, before finally giving in to the urge that had been chewing away at her since she had first sat down all those hours ago - the urge to be with her family.
She descended down the stairs, thick socks meeting wood without even the implication of a sound. Clearly not enough to give away her presence as she approached the kitchen door that was open just a sliver. The gap wasn’t wide enough for her to be spotted as she approached, but enough for her to catch a glimpse of her daughter’s teary face that was being held in her husband’s hands as he was crouched down to her level, his eyebrows knitting together as he studied her expression.
Alice fought every instinct to run in and scoop her child into her arms, as the instinct to hang back triumphed.
“You just have to be more careful, sweetheart. The broken glass can really hurt you.”
It was only then that Alice noticed the shards scattered across the floor a metre or so behind them. Their little girl had a tendency to get a little too excited to properly perceive her surroundings. Not that either her nor Fenrir had any plan to extinguish this enthusiasm, but it didn’t spare them from worry, either.
“I’m sorry,” their daughter squeaked out, which pierced straight through Alice’s chest and left her particularly troubled.
But the way Fenrir pulled her into his chest and quietly shushed her was a balm for Alice’s soul. He let her cry, smoothing her hair as he comforted her.
“It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean to. I was just worried. I don’t want you getting hurt, okay? It’s just a cup, it’s not the end of the world.”
Alice leant her weight against the door when Fenrir stood up with their daughter in his arms, gently rocking side to side. She had stopped crying now, but Fenrir gave her a few extra moments before speaking again.
“Did the loud noise scare you?”
Alice could just about see the little nod of her head against Fenrir’s shoulder before he planted a kiss on the top of her head, the swaying never ceasing.
“Things breaking can be scary, huh? It’s a good thing you’re so brave. You get that from me, you know.”
That was the first time Alice had seen her daughter smile since she came downstairs, and the mischief that painted her features told her that everything was okay.
“Nuh uh! Mummy’s way braver than you. I’m just like her.”
Fenrir’s feigned gasp of disbelief had Alice holding in her laughter, much preferring to spectate the scene than giving herself away.
“How dare you, little miss. What about all the times I’ve bravely scared the monsters away in your room?”
“What about all the time you’ve had to call mummy in to scare the ghosts away in your room?”
Alice let the back and forth carry on organically as she watched on, the corner’s of her lips tugging up as fondness filled her entire being. She could see plenty of herself in her daughter, but most of the time, she was all Fenrir. With such unfettered joy for life and a soul that had an energy she would never be able to describe within the limitations of language. All she knew was that it was absolutely delightful.
One Monday Morning
“Good morning, Sirius. Have you…sorry, have you seen my husband? I’ve got his…I’m sorry Sirius but what happened to you?”
The rose that crept into his cheeks did very little to mask the garish blue that coated his eyelids and the messy black line across his waterline. It was not the sight Alice was expecting to see when she arrived at the headquarters. He only chuckled coyly, “Well, that would be-”
The little girl came barrelling round the corner straight into her mother’s arms, letting out a squeal as she was lifted into the air. Putting two and two together, Alice blew raspberries into her chubby cheeks, which was promptly followed by a string of giggles.
“Hello, trouble. So, what did you do to poor Uncle Sirius?”
Sirius merely laughed, letting himself give in to the silliness. He gave the girl a squidge of her cheeks, unrelenting as she squirmed in her mother’s embrace, though her grin never faltered. “To be fair, I came away pretty unscathed in comparison.”
Alice raised an eyebrow, “In comparison to…?”
It was then that her daughter had successfully wiggled out of her grasp and started to pull at the hem of her skirt, “Come on, Mummy! You have to see my work!”
“Your work-” Alice’s query was cut short as she rounded the corner, revealing both her husband and his best friend. Two unfortunate victims of the same fate.
Though she had to admit, Ray had some beautiful eyelashes; that beauty being accentuated by the many, many layers of mascara that obviously coated them. The blush, too, was very clearly not organic, though she suspected there was a mixture of that too. At least his hair looked the same, save for the few pink hair clips that failed to hold his fringe back.
However, Alice’s jaw dropped when her eyes finally moved over to Fenrir, who had received the full treatment from their daughter. She wasn’t sure how she had managed the green tips of his hair, which also currently stuck up in two pigtails atop his head. To be honest, Alice couldn’t fault her daughter for the immaculate attention to detail, clearly giving her father her undivided attention. He had the whole deal. Her favourite part had to be the pink lipstick that was a splitting match to his hair, and there was at least an attempt of blending the green and magenta eyeshadow, complemented by glittery blue eyeliner. The earring she recognised as her own, too.
It took all of Alice’s concentration and power to keep a straight face as she greeted the King of Spades. She was successful, but only for a short while.
“Good morning, Ray.”
“Do not.”
“I like the-”
“Do not.”
It was only a matter of seconds until Fenrir was on his feet, bounding towards Alice as he always did when she came to visit him at work. As if nothing was different about today, as if lipstick wasn’t currently printing onto his teeth as he grinned at her.
“Hi, beautiful! What brings you here?”
“Hello, gorgeous, I have your lunch.”
His face lit up as he took the bag from her, still no explanation. “I knew I forgot something, thanks!”
“You’re welcome,” she watched a little longer, waiting for him to address the obvious, but it never came. “Fen, care to explain..?”
“Hm? Oh!” he crouched down so their daughter could crawl onto his shoulders before standing back up to his normal height, “Well, a lot of the soldiers are sick at the moment, so we gave everyone today off, but this little miss got bored without any action to watch so…”
His words trailed off, but Alice’s smile only grew. He always let her do the silliest things to him, and always does it with a smile on his face and encouragement coating his words. He lets her have fun.
“Well, you look very pretty.”
Fenrir heard the genuity in her statement, always picking up on the subtleties of her speech. It was rarely what she said, but the feeling he knew she was trying to convey. She was always successful.
“Is that so? Well you’re prettier,” he said, planting a quick peck on her lips, which was promptly followed by a gag from their daughter.
“You guys are gross.”
“Oh, you think this is gross? What about this?” Before Alice could object, her face was being littered with quick kisses, each one ending with a loud smack. She let him do it, as much for the amusement of her daughter’s disgust as the genuine warmth that her husband’s affection filled her with.
She half expected the King and Queen to cringe, awkwardly shuffling away as Fenrir continued to be blissfully unselfaware, but she caught the small smiles on their faces and the endearment in their eyes. Alice often caught them like this, looking on with genuine fondness in their expression. As if they were family. Which wasn’t far from the truth. In fact, Alice would say it was the truth itself.
She gave them both a look. I’m sorry about all this.
They returned it with another. Don’t be. It’s nice.
As she watched them, she didn’t fight the sentimentality and gratitude that began to prick her eyes. For all the times they’d watched their daughter so she and Fenrir could spend an evening together, and for all the times they’d allowed Fenrir to bring her into work on quieter days like today. For the time they immediately accepted the title ‘uncle’ when it naturally left her daughter’s lips, and every time after. For constantly, unconditionally, and without question nor request, looking out for their child and their whole family through anything and everything. Letting her be young, and letting them be loved.
One Saturday afternoon
It was in rare moments that Alice saw doubt on Fenrir’s face. One who was always so open and daring didn’t often express hesitation or uncertainty. Alice was sure she should have been surprised at this reaction to her daughter’s request, but in truth, she wasn’t. That was the inevitability of knowing and loving someone so deeply.
“I don’t know about that one, sweetie,” Fenrir finally responded, the fear of disappointing his child dripping in his voice.
“Oh, pretty please? You look so cool when you’re fighting, and you have so many of them! Just one look? Please?”
Their daughter stood steadfast next to Fenrir’s gun cabinet, particularly entranced by the one that stood proudly on the top shelf, and Alice could practically see the panic and conflict rushing through Fenrir’s head. He wanted to fulfil her wishes, he really did. But he was afraid.
Alice placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before running her hand down his arm to intertwine her fingers with his. He turned his head towards her, letting it rest against hers as her chin sat in the crook of his neck, rubbing circles against his hand, “I know she’s young, but she’s just curious, my darling. Share this with her?”
Fenrir let it sit with him for a moment. He knew she was right, but he couldn’t stop the multitude of possibilities and outcomes racing through his head. What if she were to develop an unhealthy attitude towards the guns? What if she became dangerous to others, or worse, to herself? What if she would want to grow up to be like him and join the Black Army, putting her life at risk everyday? What if, taking something so deadly out of the cabinet and placing it into her tiny hands, would mean that she’s no longer his little girl anymore?
But with another squeeze of Alice’s hand in his, and her unwavering presence behind him, he was reminded that all of these were simply hypotheses and they’d always remain just that. That was his job, after all, as her parent. To make sure all the worst ‘what ifs’ were never more than a niggling anxiety, and if his wife’s constant trust and words of reassurance were anything to go by, he was pretty damn good at this job.
So he took his keys from his belt and opened the cabinet, as Alice sat their daughter on her lap. He joined them on the sofa, letting her curious eyes wander over the machine.
“I need you to remember that this isn’t a toy, okay? We don’t play with these, but we can have a look if I’m here. Does that sound okay?”
She nodded vehemently, but clearly taking in her father’s words, “Mhm! They’re only for daddy’s work. Very dangerous!”
Fenrir chuckled, “Correct, but I don’t want you to be scared of them, either. If you’re ever curious about them, you can always ask me. I know they’re very cool, I like them a lot. I’d be curious too.”
Alice remained silent as Fenrir showed the girl the different parts and how they all connect. She watched as their daughter kept complete focus and wonder as she absorbed her father’s words. He let her touch, examine, and even let her hold it for a short while. He taught her the right etiquette and safety measures when handling it, which she took straight to heart.
Alice could see the concern slowly free his features, pride and excitement beginning to fill the gaps. He’d always yearned to share this part of him with one of his own, but he just didn’t know it until now.
Alice smiled as her faith in him was once again affirmed by his actions. She had never doubted him and his ability to raise their children, and she was proven time and time again that she will never be given a reason to.
Even if he sometimes doubted himself, ultimately, she knew that they were always going to be just fine.
Alice was brought back into the quiet of their bedroom when she heard a light knock on the door. Her eyes crept open and fell on Fenrir’s, who was also looking back at her with a growing smile. He called out. “Come in.”
And at that, their daughter bashfully slid through the door, her expression still droopy from sleep and her hands clutching her favourite rabbit toy. She rubbed her eyes, shyly looking up at her parents as Fenrir moved to a sitting position. He opened his arms for her, “Hello, sweetie. Aren’t you meant to be in bed?”
She approached him and grabbed his shirt, her eyes never leaving the middle of the bed.
Fenrir and Alice shared a look before he spoke out to her again, “Did you wanna see your little brother?” He chuckled when she nodded sleepily, picking her up with ease, “Come on then.”
He placed her next to her brother, and she wasted no time settling in beside him. “Hi, mummy,” she whispers.
“Hi, baby,” Alice replied with a gentle laugh, “Would you like to give him a kiss goodnight?”
She studied him again and did just that, planting the softest of kisses against his temple. When he didn’t stir, she laid down next to him, her eyes shutting almost the second her head met the pillow.
They knew they probably shouldn’t, but Alice and Fenrir allowed it. Just this once won’t do any harm. They’d let her join the little sanctuary they had created that quiet evening. It wouldn’t feel right without her, anyway.
“Get some rest, beautiful,” Fenrir whispered to Alice, his hands reaching over to hold hers and embracing his children in the process, “I’ll take care of this.”
She didn’t fight his offer, giving him a smile and letting her eyelids shut once again, until Fenrir was the only one left awake.
Not that he felt alone, he doubted that was possible anymore. Not when he had his whole world in his arms, in the golden bath of their bed, under the steady roof of their home.
Fenrir never thought he liked the quiet, but there he found a love so potent he didn’t remember a time without it. One that he hadn’t believed before, hadn’t even seen before. But now he stitched it into his clothes, slept with it next to his head, and laced it into his every action and thought. The proof, solid and declaring, that that love was true, and that it was his.
Thank you for reading!! And I hope you liked it, Bekah💛
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xxsycamore · 9 months
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One Hot Love
╰┈➤ 📸 Because we're not ready to let go of summer just yet.
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Fenrir Godspeed x Main Character + Fenrir/Alice/Ray/Sirius/Luka/Seth • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Polyamory; they're all dating; but focus is on fen/alice; Beach Sex; Road Trips; modern elements; i gave them cars and car radios basically; Skinny Dipping; Water Sex; Vaginal Sex; getting caught; Outdoor Sex; Banter; Black Army polycule • wordcount: 1,780 • masterlist
a/n: That was me paying homage to the passing summer WHAT HAPPENED, WHY COUDN'T I POST THIS ANY SOONER? Anyway, One Hot Love by Makoto Matsushita was THE summer song for me this year, and at one point it aligned with my ikerev nostalgia so here we are... always wanted to write a black army polycule <3
"Man, that song is stuck in my head now. Putting the only CD we could find on repeat was no doubt better than going the whole drive without any music on, but…"
"What are you talking about, you could have listened to Seth's melodic voice instead~!" Alice gawks, a hand over her heart in a display of affection that seems to be aimed at riling Fenrir up. Though, knowing how the 10 of Spades has her head over heels for him, Fenrir won't be surprised if that's her genuine reaction to listening to the man's monologues for four hours straight. And despite that they all love Seth, Fenrir is sure that in this aspect Alice is alone.
They came here with the rest of the officers and the King to check out what was reported to be a group of disciples from the Magic Tower disrupting the peace around the coast. Ray insisted on checking it out personally and the others kind of tagged along and from there it turned into a (work) road trip.
"Uhuh. Either way, boss looked like he's seconds away from taking the gun from my holster and aiming it at the car radio."
"He wasn't even the one driving, though… Was he too sleepy or something? We did get here only after it got dark yesterday but I thought it wasn't past his bedtime…"
"Pfft, sounds like him! But no. I know what got him so worked up but I won't tell ya~"
"Feeeeen! C'mon!"
Stopping in her tracks for a second, Alice lets out a deep sigh when the Ace just keeps taking long strides across the sandy path, refusing to satiate her curiosity. Letting out a loud "Hmph!" that falls on deaf ears due to the sea breeze surrounding them, Alice dashes forward to join Fenrir's side again, and keeps the pace until he's the one walking behind her instead.
A harsh and sudden gust of wind blows by, and Alice all but feels her uniform skirt flying upwards.
"Ohh, so you're wearing the pink ones! Nice!"
Putting her hands protectively on her rear as if they aren't the only two people on this beach to begin with, and as if Fenrir didn't just see everything there is to see, Alice throws him the best mean look she can muster before slowing her step so they're side by side again.
"Sorry for teasing ya. I promise I won't cheat if you want to play guess the panty color with the others tonight."
"It's really not about that!!" The focus of Alice's bewilderment quickly shifts from his ridiculous logic to the way he stops her right there and then for a kiss, full on the lips and tasting like the minty ice cream they shared awhile ago. She finds herself savoring his sweet lips, feeling the sun's warmth engulf them fully now that they stopped in their tracks.
"Ya know, I could really go for a swim right now."
Seems like he's not the only one feeling hot now.
"Just like that? Isn't the water cold…"
"One way to find out." Fenrir grins boyishly, the same smile she once fell for, and then kept falling for every day since then. Before she can even blink, Fenrir is already pulling his hoodie over his head and walking in the direction of the shore. Following the rush of wildness, Alice is no different as she gives into the moment, stripping down to her underwear. At least she diligently folds her clothes before putting them down on top of one of the nearby rocks, even if it means Fenrir would beat her at getting to the water first.
"Woohoo! Alice, come here! The water is perfect!"
Losing no more time to join Fenrir, Alice gives up on her cautious approach and lets the waves splash against her as she runs towards them, even when they make her squeal.
"Liar! It certainly is at least a little bit cold…"
"I gotcha."
Before she can complain more, Fenrir enfolds Alice in his toned arms from behind, acting like a big blanket.
"Fen… you're not wearing any underwear…"
"Yeah? Are you?"
Alice shivers as he runs one hand down to check, but the touch is more than welcomed, to her own surprise. She turns around in his arms and places hers around his neck, looking at his deep magenta eyes.
"Remember what you promised me a few months ago? About the next time we go to the beach together?"
"That I'm gonna finally have my way with you in the water like I always fantasized about? Why are you smirking at me like that now?"
Being called out on it, Alice's grin only transforms into a series of chuckles that she tries to hide against Fenrir's broad chest, hoping that he'd get the idea already.
"Alice, mind if I check once more if ya still wearing those pink panties? Just to make sure."
Receiving her affirmation in the form of her arms tightening their hold around his shoulders, Fenrir's calloused fingers find their way down the curve of her ass and between her legs. They slip under the thin material, crawling inside to find her dripping sex.
"Still making sure, hold on."
His touch ghosts over her folds, his other hand joining on her front to stroke her clit inside her panties.
"What were ya asking about my promise to you?"
"Do you…think us coming here today counts? Ahh-"
Rubbing on her aroused nub with no remorse as if determined to make her explode on his fingers in mere seconds, Fenrir uses the proximity to the fullest as he nibs Alice's earlobe playfully.
"Do ya want it to count, Alice?"
It's a silly question, with how far they've already gotten. When they're together, it's always hard to say who started things first. The firm erection pressing flush against Alice's belly tells her they're not leaving the water without one last unforgettable summer memory.
"Make it count. I want you so bad."
"Hah! You finally said it." Fenrir chuckles, leaving a trail of wet kisses across her nape all the way to her lips, capturing them with his.
It serves as a distraction as he picks her up, making her instinctively wrap her legs around his torso.
"Hold on tight, Alice. I'm not stopping 'till you're seeing stars."
Running her fingers through the unruly locks at the base of his neck, Alice groans as she feels him guide the tip in, letting gravity do the rest as she sinks down on his girthy length with delight.
"Gods- Why haven't we done this before-"
"That's what I was asking! Ahhh- Fuck, Alice. I want you everywhere, all the time, what are you doing to me?"
Alice's hearty laughter is interrupted by the erratic moans ripped out of her throat by Fenrir's deep thrusts, and she knows perfectly how he feels.
"You can have all of me, Fen! I want you so bad! Ahhh-"
Moving her body up and down on his length at a rapid pace, Fenrir kisses every part of Alice he can put his lips on, her sun-kissed shoulders, her arms sprinkled with small seawater drops that are salty on his tongue, her nape with the sweet strawberry scent of her shampoo mixing with the sea breeze.
Alice sinks her nails into his shoulder blades, knowing how much he loves it when she does that, and lets herself go; the orgasm rushes through her body like a lightning strike, pleasure spreading hotly from deep inside her and making her whole body glow in ecstasy. She opens her eyes while throwing her head back, and takes in the endless blue sky above.
Fenrir keeps thrusting into her, making water splash around them as he whispers how close he is, how good she feels around him - and then he brings her down on him hard one last time, keeping her flush to him before filling her with his warmth.
With the cease of movement, they can finally enjoy the kisses they can't hold back from giving each other, the rustling of the sea drowning the little moans of afterglow that escape their thirsty lips. Suddenly feeling giddy again, Fenrir holds her up a little more and makes a little spin in the water, enjoying the girly squeal she lets out. It's only when she is turned to face the shore that she notices.
"Oh my god, that's Sirius and the guys!!"
"Huh?" Fenrir looks over his shoulder and indeed, he can see the figures of one man with his arms crossed on his chest and another three standing not far behind him. "Should we wave at them?"
"Hell no! C'mon, let's go!"
"We already ate without you, by the way."
"What?! Noooo! I'm never going patrolling with Fenrir again!"
While Alice laments the loss of her lunch, Seth is already there to squeeze himself between her and Fenrir the very second Alice lets go of Fenrir's hand.
"But Alice!~ Your knight in shining armor is here to save you from the brute, and he even packed you leftovers! I'm not letting my Alice die from hunger like that. Oh my, your face is so hot! Why haven't you put sunscreen on?"
"There he goes again…" Fenrir frowns, resorting to joining Ray's side instead, the latter patting his shoulder sympathetically. Returning the gesture by bringing his arm around Ray's shoulders in turn, Fenrir notices the label sticking out of Rey's uniform shirt.
"Oh? What do we have here?"
Upon tucking it back for him, Fenrir sees something curious and pulls a little more on the fabric, leaving a confused Ray as the group stops in their tracks.
"Hey Boss, since when are your initials S.O.?"
Seth is the first to grin knowingly, chiming in. "And aren't your sleeves a little too long?"
Luka inspects the truth of those remarks, blinking in question. "A mishap with the laundry?"
Seth trades his dear Alice's presence for that of Luka's, just so he can lean down and whisper something in his ear, shielding it with his hand while looking directly at Ray.
"That's- Hey. You two better keep your mouths shut, or- And Fenrir, we haven't finished with you yet. We talked about this."
"What? Fucking on the clock? Like hell we're the only ones doing that. Besides,"
Fenrir arrives at Alice's side again, wrapping an arm around her waist for emphasis."…That's what summer's for. Having fun."
Alice blushes, attempting to make things better even if she's just as guilty.
"Fen, it's hardly summer anymore. But… I think you can blame our love for that.
"That's one hot love, then!"
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
Summer of Smut 3.0 Content Creation Masterlist
Here’s the Masterlist from the Summer of Smut 3.0 Content Creation Challenge! The featured content includes an assortment of creations of summer smuttiness, and includes works from the following fandoms:
>Attack on Titan >BTS >Cybird    >Ikemen Prince    >Ikemen Revolution    >Ikemen Sengoku    >Ikemen Vampire > Heart no Kuni no Alice >Jujutsu Kaisen >MCU >Monsta >Obey Me >Supernatural >Tears of Themis >The Walking Dead >T.O.P. >Tokyo Revengers >True Blood >Voltage     >Court of Darkness     >Masquerade Kiss
  A 🎨 next to a creation indicates it is artwork.
*Please be advised that all content created for this challenge contains NSFW content and read any works at your own risk.
Day 1: Playing dirty in a water fight | Summertime strip tease
Playing Dirty in a Water Fight: Hoseok x f!Reader    @helvonasche
Ikemen Prince
Naughty in the Sun: Luke Randolph x f!OC (Julie) @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Revolution
Doctor’s Orders: Kyle Ash x f!Alice  @xxsycamore
An Unfair Fight: Ray Blackwell x Fenrir Godspeed x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Summertime Strip Tease: Seth Hyde x gn!Alilce  @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
Hen Party: Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader @aquagirl1978
Lakeshore: Hideyoshi Toyotomi x f!OC (Ava)   @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
In Every Lose There’s a Punishment:  Arthur Conan Doyle x f!OC (Mitsuki)  @maeko-kun 🎨
Obey Me Picture Perfect Vacation:  Mammon x f!Reader @chaosangel767
Tears of Themis
Turning the Tables: Marius von Hagen x f!Rosa  @voltage-vixen
Tokyo Revengers 
Hot For You:  Aika Oshiro x f!OC (Ran Haitani)  @toloveawarlord
Day 2: Blow jobs with a cooled tongue | Blow jobs on the beach
Blow Job on the Beach: Jimin x f!Reader   @helvonasche
Ikemen Prince
Garden Tea Party: Licht Klein x f!Reader @chaosangel767
I Caught Wind:  Nokto Klein x m!OC (Adam Kain) @naresnani
Ikemen Revolution
Blow Jobs on the Beach: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Icy Kisses: Dalim x f!Alice @thekitteninlove
Ikemen Sengoku
Beach Day: Motonari x f!MC  @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
Cooling Off: Comte de Saint-Germain x f!OC (Mitsuki)  @maeko-kun
Fruity Fun: Jean d’Arc x f!OC (Julia) (queen)
Good Hondje: Theodorus van Gogh x f!Reader @chaosangel767
Tokyo Revengers
Out of View:  Chifuyu Matsuno x f!Reader @toloveawarlord
Day 3: Beach bar flirting ends in a one-night stand | Sexy summer fling
Attack on Titan
Beach Bar Flirting Ends in a One-Night Stand: Levi Ackerman x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Ikemen Prince
Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap:  Nokto Klein x Silvio Ricci x m!OC (Adam Kain) @naresnani
Ikemen Revolution
Beach Bar Flirting Ends With One Night Stand: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
Summer Lovin’: Shigen Takeda x f!OC (Ava) @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
 A Night to Remember: Issac Newton x f!Reader @chaosangel767
Day 4: Nighttime skinny dipping | Forgetting a bathing suit
Nighttime Skinny Dipping: Jeon Jungkook xf!Reader  @helvonasche
Ikemen Prince
Secrets of Love: Jin Grandet x f!OC (July) @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Revolution
Dangers of the Forest: Dalim x f!Alice  @chaosangel767
Nighttime Skinny Dipping: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
Adventures in the Dark:   Motonari x f!MC  @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
What a View: Jean d’Arc x f!Reader @chaosangel767
Day 5: Quickies in the shade | A shaded affair
Ikemen Prince
Forbidden Fruit: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Liaisons of Love: Luke Randolph x f!OC (Julie) @queengiuliettafirstlady
Quickies in the Shade: Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Ikemen Revolution
Quickies in the Shade: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Shaded Affairs: Zero x f!Alice  @xxsycamore
Stolen Away: Seth Hyde x m!Reader @chaosangel767
Ikemen Sengoku
The Things We Do in the Shadows: Mitsuhide Akechi x f!MC  @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
Love Hideaway: Jean d’Arc x f!OC (Julia)  @queengiuliettafirstlady
Jujutsu Kaisen
Summertime Fun Under the Sun: Mei Mei x f!Reader  @devillexi
Shaded Affair: Loki Laufesyon x f!Reader   @helvonasche
Day 6: Sharing a cold drink | Sharing a popsicle
Ikemen Revolution
A Cherry Treat: Edgar Bright x f!OC (Roselina)  @chaosangel767
Sharing a Popsicle: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice x Sirius Oswald @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
Summer Time Treat: Masamune Date x f!MC  @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
I Like Your Taste: Leonardo Da Vince x f!Reader  @violettduchess
Lemonade: Napoleon Bonaparte x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
The Walking Dead
Sharing a Cold Drink: Daryl Dixon x f!Reader   @helvonasche
Day 7: Hand jobs in the car at the outdoor movie theater | Cockwarming in the car at the outdoor movie theater
Ikemen Revolution
Movie Distractions: Fenrir Godspeed x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Hand Jobs at the Outdoor Movie Theater: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
What Was The Movie Again?: Nobunaga Oda x f!MC  @writingwhimsey
Hand Jobs in the Car at the Outdoor Movie Theater:  Dean Winchester x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Day 8: Sneaking a hand into the bikini | Bonded by the bikini top
Sneaking a Hand Into the Bikini: Kim Taehyung x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Ikemen Revolution
Sky Full of Stars: Luka Clemence x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Sneaking a Hand into the Bikini: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Tugging My Strings: Luka Clemence x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Ikemen Sengoku
Boating Fun:  Motonari x f!MC  @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
Two of Us Alone:  Comte de Saint-Germain x f!OC (Mitsuki) 🎨 @maeko-kun
Obey Me
Under Your Skin: Diavolo x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Day 9: Sleek in sunscreen | Tracing along the tan lines
Ikemen Prince
My Love to Give: Yves Kloss x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Ikemen Revolution
Tracing Along Tan Lines: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice x Sirius Oswald @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
SPF Hideyoshi: Hideyoshi Toyotomi  @writingwhimsey
Ikemen Vampire
Forever Entwined: Leonardo Da Vinci x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Sleek in Sunscreen: Wonho x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Day 10: Bodies pressed tightly together in the hammock | Sex under the sun dress
Ikemen Prince
Crash Into Me: Chevalier Michel x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Dangerous Euphoria: Gilbert von Osbidian x f!Emma @chaosangel767
Naughty in the Garden: Luke Randolph x f!OC (Julie) @queengiuliettafirstlady
Tell Me A Story: Rio Ortiz x f!Emma  @chaosangel767
Ikemen Revolution
Sex Under the Sun Dress: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Vampire
A Garden Tryst: Comte de Saint-Germain x f!MC @writingwhimsey
Have You Ever?: Arthur Conan Doyle x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Tangled Up Together:  Jean d’Arc x f!Reader  @writingwhimsey
With You Tonight : Vlad x f!OC (Mitsuki) @maeko-kun🎨
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sex Under the Sun Dress: Gojo Satoru  @helvonasche
Day 11: Sneaking out of a pool party | Conjoined under the water
Ikemen Prince
Naughty in the Water: Luke Randolph x f!OC (Julie)  @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Revolution
Cojoined Under the Water: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice x Sirius Oswald  @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Vampire
The Continuation: Leonardo da Vince x f!OC (Mitsuki) 🎨 @maeko-kun
Sneaking Out of a Pool Party: Seunghyun x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Court of Darkness
A Midnight Swim: Roy Indivia x f!Reader @chaosangel767
Day 12: A summer getaway sexathon | Cumming on a cross-country car trip
Ikemen Revolution
Cumming in the Carriage: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice x Sirius Oswald @badass-at-fandoming
One Last Time: Lancelot Kingsley x f!Reader x Ray Blackwell @chaosangel767
 Ikemen Vampire
Love Getaway: Napoleon Bonaparte x f!OC (Elaine)  @queengiuliettafirstlady
Unstoppable Desires:  Leonardo da Vince x f!OC (Mitsuki) @maeko-kun🎨
Heart no Kuni no Alice
Lost on the Road With My Knight: Ace x f!MC  @thekitteninlove
Jujutsu Kaisen
Summer Getaway Sexathon: Ryomen Sukuna x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Obey Me
Vacation Plans: Solomon x f!Reader @chaosangel767
Masquerade Kiss
Chillin’ With a Villain:  Yuzuru Shiba x f!MC  @magicalmagehimiko
Day 13: Hot skin + cold substances | The MC/LI’s body as a sponge
Ikemen Prince
Sweeter than Honey: Luke Randolph x f!OC (Julie)  @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Revolution
Hot Skin + Cold Substances: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Vampire
As the Moon Rises: Jean d’Arc x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
True Blood
Hot Skin + Cold Substances: Eric Northman x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Obey Me
A Way to Cool Off: Lucifer x f!Reader @chaosangel767
Day 14: Welcoming the sunrise on the shore | Stranded on an isolated island together
Ikemen Prince
An Isolated Picnic: Luke Randolph x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Sun on the Horizon: Leon Dompteur x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Ikemen Revolution
Welcoming the Sunrise on the Shore:  Seth Hyde x gn!Alice x Sirius Oswald @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Vampire
Sun of Love: Jean d’Arc x f!OC (Julia)  @queengiuliettafirstlady
Welcoming the Sunrise on the Shore: Son Hyunwoo x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Day 15: Free Prompt
Ikemen Revolution
Free Prompt-Epilogue:  Seth Hyde x gn!Alice x Sirius Oswald x Harr Silver @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
The Sun and The Moon: Hideyoshi Toyotomi x f!MC x Mitsuhide Akechi @writingwhimsey
Free Prompt: ? x f!Reader  @helvonasche
Court of Darkness
Lipstick Obsessed: Roy Invidia x f!MC (Carla)  @chirp-a-chirp
Teasing Treasure: Fenn Luxure x f!Reader x Dia Akedia  @chaosangel767
63 notes · View notes
ikemenlibrary · 2 years
Revenge Best Served Wet (Ikémen Revolution)
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed x Alice (MC) x Ray Blackwell Word count: 5.2k Warnings: NSFW content (threesome, dirty talk, unprotected sex) - you must be 18+ to follow my blog but if you somehow managed to slip by, please do not interact with this post. 
Author’s note: @xxsycamore​ Mo! I was so happy to receive the assignment to write this for you for the Ikémen Revolution gift exchange that @sunnyikemen​ and I were hosting together! This was such a fun piece to write and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Your ideas you sent it really inspired me and this helped reinvigorate my love for Fenray x Alice uwu ~ I wanted to combine your love of summer with the prompts you gave me and came up with this. Thank you for always being so lovely; I always enjoy our conversations and I love hearing from you! 
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Autumn was quickly approaching Cradle and although the trees were beginning to droop and the flowers were retreating into the ground for the cold winter season, it was still exceptionally hot going into October. Warm enough that most of the army members still wore shorts and tees when off the clock and Alice wore a slightly hemmed skirt - with Seth’s help, of course - and a less constricting top to the dress.
While everyone was relishing the last few long lasting days of summer, they were still expecting the Black Army to complete their daily training and that meant no slacking off until the boss said so.
Sirius Oswald, Queen of the Black Army, well-known hardass with a golden heart was not one to go easy on his troops. He was always one step ahead of the game, always knew what to do to keep the troops morale boosted high. On this last warm day of the season, there was no difference, he knew exactly how to have them train whilst also relishing in lovely weather mother nature had left them with.
He was walking up and down the troops' orderly lines, handing each member a water gun with the most serious face one could muster when reaching into a cold bucket of water to hand the next person a brightly colored plastic gun. Sirius hadn’t said anything to any of the members, only the King had any clue what he had planned.
When handing off a gun to the last army member and all of the leaders, a soft smile fell on his lips as his eyes met with Alice and he held out one of the last two guns as an offering. “What do you say, little lady? Wanna join in training today?”
Alice laughed as she heard Fenrir whoop behind her, only to be cut off by Ray’s elbow connecting with his stomach. She nodded, accepting the water gun and Sirius ruffled her hair, not succeeding because of the pony tail she was sporting, and then he grabbed the last gun.
“Alright everyone,” he started, his commanding voice capturing the attention of everyone, their curious gazes following the Queen as he paced the courtyard. “For today’s training, we’ll be using these instead of sparring with our real weapons. I know a lot of you don’t use guns in combat but the reality is that they’re becoming more and more popular. So you have to learn to dodge the bullets, as well as use them.” A murmur rumbled through a few army members. “If your sword breaks in combat, or you get unarmed by an enemy and all there is left is a pistol, I want every one of you to know how to take aim and shoot.”
Ray cut in next. “In today’s exercise, everyone will be splitting into two teams. If you get shot by someone on the other team more than three times, you’re out. And we will know you’re out. You’re not in your dark uniforms, your clothes will show where you’re shot.”
Fenrir sidled up to Alice, his strong arm brushing against her shoulder and her nose was immediately filled with the scent of sunscreen. “Hey, wanna be on a team with me? I’ll protect ya.”
She smiled at him gratefully, the sweaty water gun caused her hand to be freezing cold as she reached up to place her wet hand on his bare shoulder, his freckles peeking out underneath the tank top he was wearing. “Sure thing! Thanks, Fen.”
Fenrir shied away from her chilled hand, his face twisting as he tried to stay quiet as Ray and Sirius continued to speak to the army. “You wound me,” Fenrir staggered back dramatically, his hand laid on his heart. “Here I am trying to be nice and you do this to me.” With a chuckle to show he was joking, he came back over to Alice, his hand purposefully brushing against her own fingertips as he leaned down, his breath stirring some baby hairs around her ear as he spoke. “I missed ya in my bed last night. How was Ray?”
Alice was grateful for the blaring sun, that way anyone seeing her embarrassed flush would assume it was from the heat. “I missed you too, Fen. It was really nice, but it felt weird without you.”
Fenrir wasn’t sure when it started, but once Alice decided to stay with Ray and the Black Army, Fenrir’s feelings for the woman deepened. He saw how well she treated Ray and at first it was admiration he felt, and then one day it was like a switch flipped when she smiled at him brightly from across the room.
Fenrir had always loved Ray; they were friends first, and on occasional nights when one was feeling lonely, he’d end up in the other’s bed. It was never spoken about, nor was it something that made either of them feel awkward. If anything, it made them closer than before. When Alice came along, he didn’t resent her. He was glad she made his best buddy as happy as she did, and that’s all he could ask for.
One night, the three of them were up late, it was unusual for Ray to stay up past 10pm but they were all in the garden and passing around a fancy bottle of champagne that Fenrir had snatched from a party his parents were hosting. The rest of the army was still there; they’d probably spend the night at the Godspeed residence and that was okay with Fenrir: he was able to spend time with the two people he was in love with without the interruption of anything or anyone else.
And then all of a sudden, he drunkenly blurted out that he loved them both. It was a word vomit, a cacophony of feelings and thoughts and desires, and once he started he couldn’t stop. Fenrir was messily confessing his feelings to both of them, his best friend and his best friend’s girl right there when all three were drunk. He was confessing and talking and not shutting up, not until Ray leaned over and kissed him to quiet him.
From there, the three of them spent time exploring their relationship together. Sometimes they all slept in Ray’s bed, other times, Fenrir slept alone, but most of the time, Alice found herself in Fenrir’s bed. It wasn’t that she didn’t like sleeping with Ray, she honestly missed him when she hadn’t spent a night with him in a while, but he fell asleep so early normally and when she and Fenrir were still trying to find their groove together, she’d find herself in his bed, sometimes chatting, sometimes more, until one of them fell asleep.
The rest of the Black Army had no clue on the extent of the throuple’s relationship. They knew Alice and Ray were together, and they knew that Fenrir was very close to the both of them. But the three decided to keep how close they all were to themselves. Sure, the army leaders wouldn’t judge them, but being a throuple in a relationship eyes of the public they just didn’t want anything getting out that could tarnish the reputation that the army has worked so hard to build up. They were the opposite of embarrassed, they just didn’t want to draw unwanted attention.
So now here they were standing, Alice’s arm brushing against Fenrir’s with every breath she took and Ray’s eyes watching the pair as he was splitting up the teams for the water gun fight. Sirius was one team captain, and Ray the other; Alice noticed Sirius made note not to look in her direction while picking members for his team. Whether it’s because he knew she’d be a hindrance to his team, or because she was Ray’s partner, she wasn’t sure, but either way, she was grateful when Ray called Fenrir and herself over to his side of the courtyard.
Alice happily took her spot next to Ray and she smiled as he took hold of her hand, his eyes lingering on Fenrir for a moment before his emerald ones fell onto Alice once more. “You ready?”
“Yep! Fen said he’d protect me.” She held up her water gun and playfully pointed it at Ray. “Better watch your back!”
He raised an eyebrow at her, his own water gun pointed at her chest. “You better watch your front,” he countered, before whipping around, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he saw Fenrir standing there, one hand on his hip, the other one spinning his bright purple gun on his finger.
“Our princess said to watch ya back, your highness,” The smirk on Fenrir’s face was charming and she could tell Ray was struggling to form a rebuttal.
Ray turned to look at Alice, but she just shrugged. “I told you he said he’d protect me.” He shook his head, going over to ruffle Fenrir’s hair affectionately as he leaned in to whisper something in his ear that Alice couldn’t quite make out.
On the other side of the courtyard, Sirius was yelling for both sides to prepare, and as he did so, both Ray and Fenrir protectively stood in front of Alice before the battle began. It started off slowly, a few sprays and shrieks from the members up front as cold water came in contact with their skin, but everyone was learning to jump away in time with the sporadic shooting.
Alice watched as Fenrir took a deep breath, and then before she could react, he yelled. “CHARGE!”
All of a sudden, water was flying everywhere. Both sides were making their way towards the middle and Sirius’ team was slowly making their way through everyone up front. Alice made sure to stay behind her boyfriends, occasionally peeking out behind them to spray someone who was getting a little too close to comfort on either side of them.
“Hey Alice~” Seth sidled up to the woman, sporting a ponytail very similar to her own. “Lucky you, having your boyfriend and his bestie protecting you!”
Alice ducked just in time, dodging one of the army soldiers 'bullets’, and Fenrir shot the man, not even looking in her direction as the soldier walked away. “Yeah I’d say so,” she remarked, letting her guard down for a moment as she shared a laugh with Seth. Fenrir and Ray were so in their element, dodging sprays of water and precisely shooting the enemies, it was thrilling to watch. It almost made Alice jealous how in sync they were. “Hey, Seth-”
Alice turned to her best friend, going to comment on how the movements between the two men in front of her almost seemed rehearsed, but she gasped as Seth shot her straight in the chest. “Sorry, Alice, but you have to remember who your enemy is~!”
Her finger on her own trigger pulled, yet nothing came out and she realized with a startled gasp that she was out of water and an enemy was standing right in front of her. Neither Fenrir nor Ray seemed to realize what was going on and no matter how many times she discreetly tugged on the back of Ray’s shirt, he didn’t seem to understand what she was doing.
Sirius popped up right next to Seth and Alice realized that the men coming at Fenrir and Ray from the front was a tactic planned by the two militants. Alice’s grasp on the sweaty weapon in her hand caused it to slip from her hands and right as she yelled, Sirius and Seth both shot her again.
“Fenrir, Ray! Behind you!” Ray turned around just in time to see Seth slip away, Sirius already long gone. And then his emerald gaze dropped to his girlfriend’s chest, noticing the way her colored bra shone through the three wet spots.
“Leave the battlefield and cover up!” Ray shot at two more people, grimacing at the weakened stream. It was clear to Alice that both sides would need a break and to reconvene after filling up with more water so while she was out, she was still able to be helpful by dragging Sirius’s big bucket over to the hose so she could fill it up and help the army members reload when they took a break. Sure enough, before too long, both sides called a retreat for twenty minutes so everyone could fill up their guns and hydrate themselves.
During that time, Ray called a strategy team with the other 7 army members who were still ‘uninjured’ on his side.
“Alright men,” Ray started. “We’ve figured out that they're using the other soldiers led by Luka to distract from Sirius and Seth sneaking up on us from behind. I think we need to-”
“Screw whatever you’re gonna say.” Fenrir interjected, looking over at Alice who was sitting on the sidelines, kicking her feet on the grass. “They got Alice, I want revenge.”
Ray rolled his eyes, pushing his sweaty hair off of his forehead. “As I was saying,” he continued on, forming a plan with his army members and making sure everyone else knew their plan of attack.
As both armies started to line up once again, Fenrir leaned over to the King standing next to him. “I wasn’t kidding. I want revenge.”
“We will avenge her death when we win fair and square.” Ray responded, not spurred on by Fenrir’s excitement for once. “Besides, I’m too good to get revenge.”
Fenrir huffed, sliding his finger up and down the inner side of Ray’s arm, marveling at the goosebumps that showed up on his skin despite the heat. “Well, lucky for me, I’m not. Give me your gun.” His hand that was tracing on Ray’s skin reached down to snatch his partner’s gun, leaving Ray weaponless as Fenrir tactfully dodged everyone's oncoming attacks and made his way through the troop to find the two leaders who eliminated his girlfriend.
His eyes caught sight of the familiar silvery gray blue hue of Seth’s hair and he raised both guns at the other man, freezing in shock as he felt a pelt of cold water on his back, another on his shoulder, and then as he turned around to face the offending officer, Luka looked at him with determination blooming in his eyes. The last spray of water hit Fenrir’s face, and the man dropped his guns as Luka smiled softly. “Nice try,”
Fenrir muttered under his breath as he brushed his shoulder against Luka’s on his way off the makeshift battlefield, smiling as Alice held out a waiting towel for him when he went to sit down next to her. “You know, your dedication to getting revenge for me was kind of sexy,” she remarked softly and Fenrir felt warm at her words.
“Aw shucks, that was nothin’. But if you’re grateful, you can give me a reward for it.” He playfully leaned against her shoulder, not wanting to do anything to tip off the other people near them.
“I was already planning on sucking your dick later,” she said lowly. “But I suppose you can get something more than  that,”
“I want time with both of ya,” Fenrir said, and both of them watched Ray, watching his muscles ripple as he lifted his shirt off, laughing at something one of the men next to him said. He had sweat dripping down his body and Alice could almost taste it on her tongue as she imagined running a tongue over his abs, slowly making her way down his body.
“I’m sure we can make that happen,” she promised, biting her lip and looking over her shoulder. “You know… it’s probably pretty empty inside. We could sneak in and take some time to ourselves, knowing Ray, he’ll come looking for us afterwards.”
“He wouldn’t even have to search for us if we were waiting for him in his room, princess.”
She blinked, a slow smile forming on her face. “I like the way you think,”
Fenrir stood up, extending a hand to Alice as he winked. “We should go get some extra towels for everyone while we’re waiting.”
She quickly caught on, her hand falling into his so naturally that he almost let out a sigh of bliss just from that. “Oh, good idea! Let’s head inside and go check out the linen closet, I’m sure we can find something there.”
Alice and Fenrir quickly made it into the headquarters and once he was sure no one was around, he twined their fingers together in a more intimate way than what they had done outside. Before, that was friendly - but if anyone saw them touching like this, they would know their feelings ran way deeper than friendship.
Taking one look around, Fenrir pushed open Ray’s bedroom door and the familiar scent that wrapped around him was so comforting in that moment that it took all he had in him not to melt into Ray’s bed and wrap the sheets around him, less than decent thoughts littering his brain as he rid himself of clothing. But Alice’s warm hands on the hem of his shirt brought him back to reality and with a wink and a smile, Fenrir’s hands joined her own.
“Couldn’t even wait ‘til we closed the door, huh?” He asked, one arm reaching out to slam the door as his other hand helped her push his shirt up over his head.
“Shut up,” Alice mumbled, her hand falling to his neck and pulling Fenrir in for a kiss. “Not my fault you were being dumb and sexy out there.”
Fenrir bit back his retort, instead his tongue traced her lips, the taste of her intoxicating. One of his hands rested on the small of her back, pulling her closer, while the other one was nimbly working the buttons of her shirt. She sighed out as he peeled the wet shirt away, laughing as Fenrir huffed as he tried to one handedly unhook her bra.
The pair both jumped as the door opened, Fenrir protectively took a step in front of Alice as she scrambled to cover her exposed skin. As Ray poked his head in, Fenrir let out a sigh of relief and Alice dropped her shirt back to the floor.
“Oh good, I didn’t miss out on much,” Ray said, quickly ridding himself of his shirt and leaning in to press a kiss to each of their lips. “I saw you both sneak off and figured I needed to see what my two troublemakers were up to.”
“We’re just here, getting up to no good.” Alice replied, her hand reaching out to trace the sweaty planes of Ray’s abs.
“I can see that, princess.” Ray responded, his usually bright eyes darkened with lust. “Wanna show me what you two were up to?”
His hands casually fell to the small of each of their backs, gently and quietly urging them to continue where they left off. Fenrir smiled, his hands falling to Alice’s hips as he pulled her in to press another kiss to her lips.
Alice’s skirt was hanging loosely on her hips and while the pair got back into their groove, Ray unzipped the flowy material, watching as it fell off her body in a pool of fabric by her feet, only left in her undergarments and white knee high socks.
A moan left her lips as Fenrir nibbled on her lower lip and Ray stepped behind her, his hands reaching up to cup her covered breasts as he leaned in to suckle on her neck, the taste of sweat and sunshine dancing on his tongue as she involuntarily pressed back into him.
One of Fenrir’s hands snaked up, messing with the clasp on her bra once more and before he could lose his patience, Ray’s hand joined him, holding one side as Fenrir finagled the other, sighing in relief as the elastic gave way and peeled away from her body. Fenrir traced his way down her body, his lips and tongue tracing the other side of her neck that Ray wasn’t nibbling on and making his way down to her pert breast.
As Fenrir’s mouth enclosed over her left nipple, Ray stopped his attack on her neck for a moment as he watched his boyfriend pleasure his girlfriend. Alice’s breath came out in soft gasps, and Ray’s mouth brushed the shell of her ear as he leaned down to whisper, “feel good?”
“Yes,” she moaned out and Ray watched as Fenrir’s teeth bit down gently on her other nipple. “So good.”
Ray’s hand snaked down into the front of her underwear, and he moaned out as he felt the wetness that had pooled in between her legs. Alice, who had been doing a good job at holding herself up despite the ministrations on her body, felt her knees buckle and Fenrir’s arms wrapped around her hips, detaching his lips from her body as he picked her up and unceremoniously threw her on the bed before Ray could protest.
“Ouch!” She cried out, pulling a book out from the sheets and throwing it to the floor. “Hey, be careful with my babies.” Ray protested, walking over to Fenrir and unbuttoning the other man’s pants, trying not to laugh as underwear as pink as his boyfriends hair came into view.
“I know you’re talking about your books and not me,” Alice said, pushing herself up with her arms and resting on her forearms, her slightly spread legs adorned with knee high socks taunting Ray to fall into her warmth.
As he peeled off his own shorts, Ray watched as Fenrir made his way up the bed, crawling over Alice and attaching his lips on her neck once more. Ray took place at the foot of the bed, gently peeling off her wet panties and kissing her socked calf as his hands ran up her bare skin of her upper thighs, lifting her legs over his shoulders as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, relishing in the way that she wriggled in his grip. Glancing up at Fenrir and Alice, he watched as Fenrir’s fingers pinched at her nipples while their tongues melded together.
Ray leaned in, licking a stripe up her sex, the taste of her wetness falling onto his tongue and making him press his hardon into the side of the bed for some sort of pressure. She moaned as she felt his tongue flick through her folds once, twice, and three times before his fingers joined in, two of them pushing into her gummy walls, his tongue flicking at her clit as her hips moved in time with his fingers.
He looked up, catching a gaze of Fenrir laying on his side, her head turned towards him as she sucked his hardened length into her mouth. One of Fenrir’s hands was in her hair as the other one rubbed her bare skin anywhere he could reach comfortably. As Ray continued his pace, his other hand reached out to hold her moving hips down, able to make harder, faster, more precise movements. From above, he could hear her muffled moans and Fenrir’s praise.
“You’re so pretty, princess.” Fenrir cooed, his hand pushing her bangs back from her eyes. “You’re doin’ so well takin’ the both of us.” Alice made a sound that was almost like a coo and as Fenrir was talking, Ray felt her pussy clench around his two fingers, signifying to him an impending orgasm. Instead of lightly flicking at her clit with his tongue, Ray leaned in even further to suck it into his mouth, his lips tightening on the hardened bud as his fingers continued their faster pace.
“Gonna cum for us, sweetheart?” Fenrir asked, his hips pushing into Alice’s mouth as his own pleasure started taking over, his hands once again groping at her chest. Ray stayed quiet; he didn’t want to let go of the pressure he was putting on her clit until she had cum on his fingers, hard. And it didn’t take much more. One final pinch to her nipple from Fenrir sent her over the edge, Alice’s legs shaking and her body writhing against the two army members.
As she was coming down, Ray’s fingers were still moving in and out of her gushing pussy, his lips releasing from her clit as he kissed up her stomach, stopping to playfully lick at her breasts, before leaning in and kissing her forehead. “So perfect,” he whispered, her half lidded smile making the butterflies in Ray’s stomach stir.
Alice was stroking lazily at Fenrir’s cock, catching her breath as Ray leaned in to kiss the other male, Fenrir’s tongue eagerly licking into his mouth to taste the remnants of Alice’s orgasm. Ray was all too willing to accept his tongue and he gasped out as he felt Alice’s other hand dip into his underwear and pull his cock out, her hands working on both of the men in tandem as they shared a sweet kiss.
Without saying anything, Alice raised herself to her knees and bent down to suck Fenrir’s dick into her mouth once again, this time with reignited vigor -  using her hands to work the portion she couldn’t fit in her mouth as her head bobbed up and down. Ray pulled away from the kiss, watching as her butt moved in time with her head and he stroked his cock lightly as he positioned himself behind her,
His fingers rubbed a stripe up and down her folds, testing to make sure she wasn’t too sensitive from her first orgasm to take her, but her hips wiggled, inviting Ray in and one of his hands held her hip as the other positioned his cock at her entrance, before pushing in gently, the both of them moaning out in tandem as he bottomed out. As Alice adjusted to his length, she continued working on Fenrir’s dick, and when she was ready for Ray to move, she pushed back against him.
All three of them knew how this worked; they all wanted to be connected as one so as they were figuring out how things worked in the bedroom, a lot of silent communication started happening. Fenrir wanted something, he lightly gripped their hair in his fist. Ray, he asked with his eyes. Alice, she pressed herself against whoever. They worked, and all three loved it.
Ray’s hips snapped against Alice's, starting to pick up the pace as he heard Fenrir’s orgasm. No matter how many times he was told to be quiet, or even had something in his mouth (whether it be a garment of clothing, Alice’s pussy, or Ray’s dick), he was always a tad too loud. This time was no different, as he came in their girlfriend’s mouth, a loud moan broke free from his lips, red from clamping down on them with his teeth to try and quiet himself. His hips thrusted up into Alice’s mouth and his hands held her head down to him, his length hitting the back of her throat as she choked on the seed spilling down her throat.
Alice came up, gasping for air and once she caught her breath, Ray pulled out of her, flipping her onto her back and throwing her legs over his shoulders as he pressed himself into her, leaning down to kiss her once before speaking lowly. “You looked so pretty choking on Fen’s cock. You liked that, didn’t you?”
She moaned out, nodding her head yes as Ray swallowed her moan with another kiss. Fenrir was lying to the side, catching his breath as he moved his hand down Alice’s body, rubbing at her clit in time with Ray’s deep thrusts. “You both look gorgeous,” Fenrir whispered.
“So you can be quiet now, Fenrir?” She asked through broken moans. Fenrir pressed down on her clit in retaliation and Ray felt his release building as her walls tightened around him.
“Quiet, princess. Else I’m sure I can find somethin’ to quiet you with.” Spotting her discarded panties on the bed, Fenrir’s eyes twinkled. “Maybe your soaking wet panties? Were they wet from the squirt gun or from your insatiable need to be fucke-”
Fenrir didn’t even finish his sentence, cutting off as her hand gripped his thigh tightly, her fingers digging in as her second orgasm hit her like a truck. As she creamed on his cock, Ray picked up his pace, thrusting roughly into her to chase after his own orgasm. Fenrir sat up, his carmine pink eyes focussed on Ray as he silently urged the King to come. As he reached the peak, Ray fell into Alice’s waiting arms, twitching inside of her as he let himself fall apart in the comfort of softly spoken words and forehead kisses.
“You did so good,” Alice whispered, pushing his sweaty hair away from his eyes and Fenrir nodded along with her statement.
“I love watchin’ ya both. You look so good together.”
Ray shook his head in protest, pulling Fenrir into the sweaty pile. “No, we look good together.”
“That was really cheesy,” Alice pointed out, poking Ray’s nose.
“Deal with it, princess.” He responded, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to her mouth.
All three of them laid silently for a moment before they started to hear the rest of the army members filtering in, all of the muddled conversations they could hear were the men talking about wanting a shower.
“I could go for a shower,” Fenrir noted, moving to get up from the bed. “And we probably need to clean the sheets.”
“Now you’re thinking sensibly,” Alice teased. “Where was this rationality when you went marching into the enemy lines by yourself?”
“If I recall correctly, you said I looked sexy.”
Alice rolled her eyes, looking to Ray. “I also said he looked dumb, but he isn’t mentioning that part.”
“Are you surprised?” Ray disentangled himself from Alice, standing up and picking her up bridal style, his heart swelling in his chest as she let out a scream-giggle.
“Stop talkin’ about me like I’m not here!” Fenrir whined, following behind the other two to the bathroom fit for a King and turning on the water. Ray set down Alice and she went over to press a tender kiss to Fenrir’s muscled back.
“In all seriousness, you both were ridiculously sexy out there.” She stuck her hand in the tub, the cool shower water cascading down her arm. “It looked rehearsed.”
Ray and Fenrir shared a glance and they both laughed awkwardly. “That’s because it was rehearsed. We’ve been doing stuff like this since we were in school.” Ray explained and Alice laughed at both of them.
“Alright you two, in we go. We’ve been missing long enough that someone is probably looking for one of you.”
“But I’d much rather stay with you both,” Ray said, pressing his forehead to Alice’s as the water fell down over each of their heads, Fenrir working the soap into his tired muscles.
“Don’t worry my loves, we have all night tonight to be together.” Alice said, both of them sending soft smiles. “As long as Ray doesn’t fall asleep early, that is.”
“If he does, it’s because we tired him out.” Fenrir teased, pinching Ray’s butt.
The three of them kept up all of their playful banter as they quickly washed themselves off and got presentable once more. Alice and Ray left the bedroom first, Fenrir slipping out later when the hallway was clear.
The rest of the night was spent sending sweet glances across the dinner table, small lingering touches, and a whole lot of words silently said.
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spopsys-archive · 1 year
<3 | ikemen revolution
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<3 | Ray Blackwell
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | Fenrir Godspeed
| MC getting a dramatic haircut
Headcanon | Sirius, Fenrir, Jonah, and Oliver | No TW
- — — — <3
<3 | Luka Clemence
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | Sirius Oswald
| MC getting a dramatic haircut
Headcanon | Sirius, Fenrir, Jonah, and Oliver | No TW
- — — — <3
<3 | Seth Hyde
| More than anyone else
Comfort fic | Mentions of insecurity, loneliness
- — — — <3
<3 | Lancelot Kingsley
| Lost
Comfort fic | No TW
| MC who is a trained knight
Headcanon | Lancelot, Mitsunari, Hideyoshi and Napoleon (separate) | TW mentions of fighting
| Lancelot/ Jonalot comfort headcanon
Headcanon | Lancelot centric but Jonah x Lancelot | Platonic MC and Lancelot | TW mentions of self hatred
- — — — <3
<3 | Jonah Clemence
| MC getting a dramatic haircut
Headcanon | Sirius, Fenrir, Jonah, and Oliver | No TW
| Lancelot/ Jonalot comfort headcanon
Headcanon | Lancelot centric but Jonah x Lancelot | Platonic MC and Lancelot | TW mentions of self hatred
- — — — <3
<3 | Edgar Bright
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | Zero
| Simplistic/ non-materialistic MC who doesn’t care about money
Headcanon | Oliver, Comte, Jean, Masamune and Zero (separate) | TW insecurity
- — — — <3
<3 | Kyle Ash
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | Blanc Lapin
| Perfect
Fluff fic | No TW
| One in the same
Fluff fic | TW mortality mentions, death mentions, illness mentions, injury mentions and some very minor angst relating to it
- — — — <3
<3 | Oliver Knight
| MC getting a dramatic haircut
Headcanon | Sirius, Fenrir, Jonah, and Oliver | No TW
| Simplistic/ non-materialistic MC who doesn’t care about money
Headcanon | Oliver, Comte, Jean, Masamune and Zero (separate) | TW insecurity
- — — — <3
<3 | Loki Genetta
| A few more minutes
Fluff fic | No TW
| The serenity of normalcy
Fluff fic | Harr x MC x Loki | TW Food mention, mention of choking on food
- — — — <3
<3 | Harr Silver
| The serenity of normalcy
Fluff fic | Harr x MC x Loki | TW Food mention, mention of choking on food
- — — — <3
<3 | Mousse Atlas
| Whoever you are
Angst fic | TW angst, pain, memory loss alluded to be as a result of repression/trauma, vague allusions to loss
- — — — <3
<3 | Dean Tweedle
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | Dalim Tweedle
None yet
- — — — <3
<3 | Alice (MC)
| MC who's very uncomfortable around men
Headcanon | Mai and Alice (separate) | TW
- — — — <3
<3 | All
| Rating Ikerev characters based on clothing
| Chaotic war-freak teen MC
Headcanon | TW war/ fighting mentions
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somekidnamedkai · 3 years
Wrapping Is Hard
Fenrir Godspeed x Alice
Day 3 of 25 Days of Christmas Fluff
Word count: 870
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Alice had finished wrapping all of her gifts when she decided to visit her boyfriend, Fenrir. She knocked softly on the door and opened it a slight amount before it was quickly shut. “You can’t look in here!” Fenrir spoke nervously to her through the door.
Confused and worried something bad was happening, Alice tried to open the door. “Fenrir, are you ok?” She asked him as she jiggled the doorknob to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. Did he lock the door? Alice knocked softly again, “Hey..” A couple of minutes passed by before she heard anything.
The door unlocked and Fenrir opened it, “Hey! What brings you here?” He asked her, a wondrous grin on his face. The same grin that Alice fell in love with. He opened the door some more, enough for her to walk in.
“I wanted to spend some time with you,” Alice replied to him. She had a small smile on her face that grew when she saw Fenrir. He was one of the best people in her life. Alice walked in as the Ace of Spades closed the door behind her. “But if you’re busy I can go,” Alice said, assuming by his reaction when she first knocked.
Fenrir looked at Alice for a second before realizing what she meant, “oh! No no, you’re fine I wasn’t doing anything, I was just- Shu Shu!” He called his dog. Shu Shu was scratching the closet door, close to opening it. He quickly grabbed him and carried him over to the bed. “You can’t open that door.”
“What’s in the closet?” Alice asked, curiously as Fenrir's face turned red.
“What closet?”
Alice looked at Fenrir, an unimpressed look upon her face. “What’s going on with you?” She asked him as she leaned against the wall.
“I’m trying to wrap presents..” Fenrir said shyly. Alice had never seen him so insecure and shy about something, and she found it cute. She walked over to the closet and went to open it but Fenrir jumped up and went in front of the door before Alice could reach it. “No no no no, you can’t do that,” Fenrir said, rushing his words, “you can’t see their gifts.”
A soft chuckle escaped from Alice as she looked at Fenrir, looking into his eyes. “How come?” She asked him. She kind of enjoyed seeing Fenrir flustered like that, but she wasn’t about to say that.
A minute of silence went by before Fenrir spoke again, “I can’t wrap that well.” He admitted, mumbling it softly. Alice wasn’t sure what made him so shy about that, but seeing her boyfriend like that made her burst out laughing. Fenrir looked at her shocked, “Hey! Don’t laugh!” He said pretending to be mad but then he started to laugh along with her.
“That’s all?” Alice asked as her laughter died down. “Fenrir, I can show you how to wrap presents if you’d like,” she offered him. Fenrir smiled and nodded. He gave her a small kiss on her forehead before getting a couple of presents out of the closet. “Is my present there?” Alice asked, curiously.
“No. I hid yours somewhere else, it’s not even in my room,” he told her as he gently poked her nose. As he set the half-wrapped presents on the ground Alice saw what he meant when he said he couldn’t wrap. Some of the paper was folded in the wrong places, some were crumpled, and one had been just thrown on.
“Oh, you were right,” Alice said with a small chuckle. “Don’t worry, I can help,” she said as she sat down, pulling Fenrir down next to her.
Grabbing a present, which looked like some flower seeds, Alice grabbed some wrapping paper and put it underneath them. “So first. You have to size the paper down and cut off the excess,” Alice explained, showing him as she talked. Fenrir nodded along, watching closely, although he was paying more attention to Alice's focused face than the actual wrapping.
Fenrir didn’t realize it, but he was so focused on Alice and watching her, that he didn’t notice she finished wrapping the seeds. “There,” her gentle and sweet voice rang out, “now you try.”
Letting out a soft, and nervous, laugh, Fenrir grabbed what he got Luka, some new cookbooks. “Alright. Here I go,” he said hesitantly. He got the wrapping paper and began to fold it onto the cookbooks. Thinking he got it, he held up proudly, and as he did the books fell to the floor, making Alice burst out in laughter. “You know what? This is dumb. Alice, how about you wrap the presents while I will be your amazing boyfriend and cheer you on?” He asked her with a grin.
“Alright, but I expect a payment,” Alice told her boyfriend as he gave her a nod. A smirk appeared on the girl's face before she continued to talk, “I want a bunch of kisses,” she told him.
After a minute of Fenrir pretending to think, he scooted a little closer to his girlfriend and leaned in, “I’m pretty sure I can do that for you,” he told Alice as he closed the distance between them.
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gypsophiaa · 5 years
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“Looks like you got the attention of the two idiots in Cradle.”
click for better quality!
i saw the responses about the two previous chapters of “Fragile, But Not Weak” and it inspired me to do this lol totally not self-indulgent
don’t repost! reblogs appreciated (・ωー)~☆
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
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“and in that moment, he knew: he fucked up”
click for better quality!
since the update for the next part for “Fragile, But Not Weak” is really slow, I decided to make this quick comic of Alice having enough of this idiot maybe Sirius should hire her as an assistant to deal with his bullshit as an apology (T⌓T)
quotes retrieved from here
dedicated to: @christmaswarlock @midnightcradle @pianoperson @plumpblueberry @bumbleberry-jamboree @forenah-gaijin @hereforikemen and the others who have been reading the series and waiting for it alkdfjhaldkfa thank you so much! i promise i’m working on it へ(´д`へ)
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Kinktober Day 18: Commanding the King
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Prompt: Day18 - Strip Tease/ Lap dance 
Pairing: Ray x Alice x Fenrir 
Warning: lap dance, lingerie, light bondage, dry humping,  
WC: 1146
Tagging @toloveawarlord @thewitchofbooks​
There was a rumor going around the Black Army that Ray and his Alice would occasionally ask Fenrir to join their nightime activities. The looks exchanged between the three were never conclusive though.  Tonight however,  the King  and his lover were exchanging looks  all night that were not being missed by anyone. It starts shortly before Dinner when Alice gets back from a trip to Central Quarter, bags in her hands as she hides one from her lover when he enter the room. She pulls him to the bed to distract him, giggling at the cross look he sends her. She just kisses him and makes him promise to be done at a decent time tonight. 
When dinner rolled around she was all smiles and innocent looks. Ray would flash her pointed looks and grab her thighs under the table and her overly sweet face would stay in place. She was struggling not to flinch though, his hands run along her thighs, teasing her core. Everyone else at the table pretended to be oblivious, keeping the conversation flowing. 
After dessert is served Alice disappears heading into her room with her surprise, changing into the new lingerie set. The set is a deep navy blue with black lace, ther is a blue garter and stockings that have blak bows along the top. She hums as she pulls her dress and a dark blue cloak over the outfit and grabs the wine slipping out of her room and into Ray’s room. She lays on the bed and pulls out a book, waiting for him to return. Belle curls up next to her as she hits one of the lamps. 
Ray is determined to keep his promise to her, not sure what his Alice has planned. He rips through his duties after dinner before bidding everyone a good night. Entering his room Alice is standing in the bathroom doorway
“Sit on the bed and you’ll get your surprise,” She smiles at him, releasing her hair so it cascades down her back. 
“Commanding the King of Spade huh?” He raises his eyebrow but follows her command, sitting together on the edge of the bed. Alice hums and sits on the King’s lap, smacking his hands away. 
“No touching or I’ll tie them,” Her eyes sparkle, and Ray raises his eyebrows at her, but leans back, putting his hands behind him. 
“I’ll indulge you for now” He promises and Alice smiles, stealing another kiss from him before standing up and pouring them both some wine. Ray takes a small sip of the wine and watches as she hums, removing her cloak. The cloak hits the floor with a thud and Alice very gently starts unlacing her dress, slowly revealing the new lingerie set. Ray’s throat goes dry as he sees the set, immediately shifting to grab her and pull her in his lap. Alice giggles and pushes him on his back, straddling him in the lingerie. She starts undressing him while he grinds her against his length, guiding her rolling hips. A smirk appears on her face as she suddenly grabs his tie as the door flies open. 
“Hey Ray - “ The voice belongs to Fenrir as he enters the room before going red, not quite ready to see Alice straddling the King. Alice casts her gaze on Fenrir and slowly smiles, her eyes were alluring, and full of lust.
“Hey Fenrir, can you do me a favor?” Fenrir nods slowly, entranced by Alice's figure. He turns, shutting and locking the door behind him. “Can you help me tie down Ray? He broke the rules.” Alice smirks down at her lover and Ray glares at Fenrir. 
“Don’t you dare Fenrir -” Rays starts, but Alice cuts him off with a kiss, pulling him back up  with his tie so Fenrir can tie his hands and Fenrir comes over to the bed, grabbing Ray’s hands and ties them behind his back. Alice breaks the kiss and locks lips with Fenrir. 
“Thank you Fen,” Alice purrs, a hair away from his lips. Ray growls, bucking his hips against Alice's to regain her attention. " I think the King may need to calm down. Fenrir, sit down and no touching." She issues the same command and he nods, taking off his jacket and sitting next to Ray. 
"Sorry buddy, what can I say, she's a siren" He shoots Ray a sympathetic look as Alice straddles his lap, moving against his length. A low moan leaves Fenrir's throat as Alice moves across his hips, resisting the urge not to touch her. Heat flushes his face and his magenta eyes are filled with lust as he locks lips with her again. Alice breaks the kiss and pulls Fenrir's shirt off, nails running down his chest. 
"Fuck Alice-" Fenrir whispers as Alice smiles at him, grinding harder against his length. Fenrir clenches the sheets in his fists, throwing his head back in bliss. Only a few more rolls of her hips and Fenrir releases a low moan, cumming in his pants and grabbing Alice around the waist to kiss her. Alice lets him kiss her and suck a mark into her shoulder before she gets off Fenrir and turns to Ray. He is still glaring, his emerald eyes dark and jealous. 
"Hey baby" she straddles his lap and kisses his lips, dominating him. Ray groans as she massages her tongue against him before breaking the kiss. Alice slowly starts stripping the King, peeling away the layers as she grinds against him. Rolling her hips and keeping her hands busy, Ray groans. He is trying to loosen the ties that holds his hands in place. Alice smiles at him, slipping down his lap so she is on her knees before him and using her mouth to unzip his pants. Ray groans as she releases him from his pants, pulling both his pants and underwear down. She stands back up, slowly removing her bra and letting it fall down her chest revealing her perky nipples, already at attention. The King grunts, still working on his hand ties. 
"Alice,  come here" He commands and she shakes her head, smirking at  the officers and teasing the edge of her panties. Fenrir and Ray exchange a look and when Alice turns around to display ass, Fenrir unties Ray’s hands. Alice saunters over to the two officers, but lets out a yelp when Ray grabs her and pins her to the bed under him. 
“Ray, how  - ” She starts but Ray smacks her ass, a moan leaving her lips. 
“You have been so naughty Kitten, thinking you can tease a King like this and having my ace turn against me. You are going to have quit the punishment.” Ray growls and Alice whines at the threat, a small smile of excitement gracing her face. She knows she is going to have a long night ahead of her.
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The Wolf’s Den - NSFW
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Pairing: Seth x MC x Fenrir
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: Threesome, voyeurism?, blowjobs, cunilingus, 
Prompt: “I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this.” & “How do you feel about adding another person to the mix?” 
WC: 1209
Requested by: Anonymous
Written by: @chaosangel767
Minors DNI 
It was a mistake coming to Seth’s room tonight, he’s warned me in the past about coming to his room late at night, but I really needed to ask him something. Something. I try to think of why I came to Seth’s room to begin with, but desire clouds my mind and all rational thoughts have left the longer his fingers are on me. Why am I on the dresser?
“So my dear Alice, what brought you to the wolf’s den?” Seth asks as if reading my mind. I shake my head, holding tighter to the edge of the dresser  I was sitting on. I bite back a cry as Seth pulls his fingers away from my hot skin, halting his teasing touch. 
“Remember why you came to my room and I’ll think about indulging you” Seth challenges as he runs his fingers along my thigh and sprinkles my neck and collarbone in kisses and light bites. I try to push past the pleasure and remember why I came in here. Finally it hits me. 
“I came here to ask you to a lunch date tomorrow, I need a dress for Fenrir’s party and there is a new café I wanted to try out.” I finally manage to get out, looking up to meet Seth’s lust filled eyes. I feel his fingers slowly start teasing their way back up my thigh as he starts to fulfill his promise. 
“Oh I see, well in that case, I suppose I can go with you tomorrow” Seth slowly drags my nightdress up my thighs, until he can see my panties, before leaning close to whisper in my ear “Is there another reason you came to my room? Hmmm naughty Alice? You could have waited till breakfast to ask me to lunch.” Seth's breath tickled my ear, his voice getting huskier and huskier. 
“I didn’t want you to make plans and not be able to come. I wanted you all to myself” I admit, feeling slightly emboldened by the position we are in. Seth’s smile widens and he yanks my panties down and off my body before settling himself between my thighs. 
“Well Alice, this is a good way to make sure you have me all to yourself” He starts to run his fingers close to my core and I whimper, bucking my hips up to meet his fingers. 
“Seth” I manage to moan and he looks up at me smugly, before he starts relentlessly rubbing circles causing me to adjust my grip and throw my head back. I see Seth’s grin widening as he continues to assault my clit and slowly he starts pressing into me with his fingers and he captures my nipple in his mouth, sucking firmly. 
“Seth, don’t stop” I beg him, pushing up into him and I hear him let out a dark chuckle.
“Alice, you naughty girl. You are enjoying this aren’t you?” He continues to relentlessly tease me, causing me to moan out louder than I mean to. “I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this. Especially with how loud you are being.” Seth whispers in my ear and I bring my hand up to my mouth to muffle my moans, but Seth grabs my wrist and covers my mouth with his own, muffling my cries. 
“ Hey Seth” My worst fear comes walking in the room in the form of the Ace of Spades. I just see Fenrir’s face turn bright red. 
“Oh uhhh” Fenrir turns to leave but Seth stops him. I see a look pass between the two of them. I try to cover a little bit, but Seth keeps my legs spread, not letting me hide.
“Seth, are you sure?” Fenrir asks and Seth looks at me with a lustful stare. 
“Alice, my little fox, How do you feel about adding another person to the mix?” I feel lust pool in my core at Seth’s words and I let out a shiver, my face is burning and I meet Fenrir’s desire filled eyes. 
“O-o-okay” I  agree and I see Fenrir turn to the door and lock it while Seth scoops me up and throws me to the bed and pins me under him. Keeping my wrists pinned above me, Seth moves so that he is above me and pulls me up in his lap while Fenrir makes a show of discarding his shirt and sauntering over to the bed, his pants hanging low. I involuntarily lick my lips and spread my legs as Fenrir climbs on top of me. 
"You are amazing" Fenrir whispers in my ear, licking my lobe and working his way down my neck. I whimper and turn my head to give him the easiest access, feeling Seth's hands reach around me and cup my breasts, thumb rubbing over my nipples. I arch my back into Fenrir’s body, pushing my breasts up into Seth's hands. 
Fenrir slowly starts kissing down my body, trailing his fingers gently down my sides. I feel Seth move his hands and feel something poke my face. 
"Open Alice" Seth's voice is deep and dripping with lust. Turning my head I see Seth holding his cock inches from my face. I open my mouth, relaxing my jaw and take Seth as far back as I can, letting out a moan as he reaches the back of my throat, Fenrir’s fingers finding my clit at the same time. I shut my eyes and let out a hum of pleasure when Seth laces his fingers through my hair, tugging it and fucking my face .
“You are so good” Seth praises and I feel a Fenrir stop and pull away and I protest. A light bite to my thigh reprimands me and a few moments later I feel his tongue start rubbing around my clit. I moan again around Seth’s dick, and he tightens his grip on my hair. I can feel that he is close and I focus on pleasuring him with my tongue and letting him speed up in my mouth.
“Alice” He groans before letting himself go, I take everything he offers and gently lick him clean before swallowing, finally meeting his caramel eyes. “Such a good girl” He praises giving me a kiss and moving back down my body. 
“Fenrir, please” I moan, looking down to the Ace between my legs. He looks up meeting my eyes and sucks hard on my clit, causing another moan to fall from my lips. Seth moves to muffle me as Fenrir speeds up his ministrations and thrusts two fingers into me, pumping into me. I roll my hips as my pleasure builds and with a few naughty promises from Seth and some good licks from Fenrir, I fall over the edge, my vision going white. 
“Fenrir, holy fuck” I swear coming down from my high. I look up to see Seth removing his shirt and Fenrir taking off his pants. 
“I hope you aren’t too tired Alice, we aren’t done with you yet.” Seth brings my dress over my head and I give them a lustful smile. 
“I am all yours” I agree, letting the two officers have my body for the rest of the night.
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akeshuu · 4 years
Ikerev HC
Fenrir going to the Land of Reason with MC to meet her friends
Also MC is from our time period, because a) I forgot whether she was from the 18th or 19th century and had no internet to check it and b) I’m a lazy dumbass and couldn’t stay historically accurate regarding scenery, inventions, etc. anyway.
Alice had spent long hours talking about her friends and family back home in the Land of Reason. Fenrir knew that she loved him and her new home in Cradle, but it was also obvious how much she missed some aspects of her old life. Especially her friends.
Alice was happy most of the time, but he had caught glimpses of the shadow in her eyes whenever something reminded her of her old friends, the regret that sometimes found its way into her heart for leaving without a single goodbye.
A few months had passed and those moments had begun occurring more and more
So, of course, Fenrir decided to take matters into his own hands. He spoke with Ray and arranged for them both to be free for the next month.
When he told her that he was sending her to the Land of Reason, at first Alice was confused. Last time he had done that, it was to protect her from danger. But why this time?
“We’re going together,” he assured her. “I know you left without saying goodbye and you miss everyone from your old life. So we’re going to spend a month with your family and friends so you can assure them that you’re doing alright and see them once more. Sounds good?” When Alice just nods, overwhelmed with happiness at the thought, Fenrir smiles and embraces her.
Alice didn’t regret her decision to stay in Cradle, even for a second. But for some reason she had thought that once she had made a choice, it was final. If she decided to live in this magic Wonderland, she had to abandon her home forever.
But there was Fenrir, the love of her life, who had seen right into her heart and found a way to erase her worries and gift her with even more happiness than she thought possible.
Thus they found themselves in the garden at the next full moon, with quite more luggage than necessary. It was mostly Seth’s fault, though. At first MC had taken only a small bag with necessities, since most of her things were still in her old apartment. They only needed to get Fenrir’s stuff. But seeing how little she had planned to take for an entire month, Seth switched to panicked-big-sis mode and packed an entire suitcase in the span of mere minutes. However, he did remind her to get her friends and family gifts from Cradle, so she was grateful.
“I should be the one asking. Prepared to fall into the rabbit hole into an entirely new world with no magic, where you aren’t allowed to shoot guns?”
“I’m ready for the fight of my life!”
The Land of Reason sure wasn’t as epic as he made it sound, but it was reassurance enough.
Although he hadn’t really expected the fall. Why hadn’t he expected it? Alice warned him beforehand. But boy, that didn’t make sense. She had fallen into Cradle from the sky. So why were they falling out Cradle as well? Shouldn’t they be, I don’t know, flying towards the sky or something?
Magic is weird.
It was late when they found themselves in the park, so they headed towards her old apartment for the night.
On their way, Fenrir was taking everything in and always asking questions. He knew her world was different, but it was another thing to see it for himself. “These weird rectangles all people seem to be holding. Are those the smartphones you mentioned?” “Was this fast thing the car you once told me about? It does indeed seem more comfortable than a carriage.” “Those screens are lighten up and are moving! How the hell does this work without magic crystals?”
“…I don’t actually know. I’ve always been bad at this stuff.” (same, Alice, same. Let me fall into Cradle and forget that science is a thing)
You decide to meet your friends first, because you know it’ll be easier to explain them the whole situation. (and because I only wanna write their meeting with her gang, which was meant to be a shameless self-insert with my friend group, but I got tired writing it)
After they wake up the next day, Alice texts her old friends she hadn’t used a phone in months, what is this? in their group chat, that has hundreds of missed messages, many of which aimed at her or regarding her disappearance. She ignored those for now, still feeling that ping of guilt, and asked to meet them all at their usual spot, which was a little playground with some benches, surrounded by grass. It was where they had played as kids and later on kept as a hangout spot, since barely any people went there anymore. Right after he message was sent, her friends freaked out and texted her back, mostly in all caps, asking where she had been. Alice didn’t respond for less than ten seconds, but her phone was already ringing.
“WHAT HAPPENED, GIRL? WHERE WERE YOU? IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?” It was a bit overwhelming, but it was nice hearing her friend’s voice.
“Hey, Rhia, I promise I’m fine. I’ll explain everything later”.
Fenrir placed a soothing hand on her knee and offered a smile. He knows how much she hates making people worry and could practically feel the anxiety pouring out of her in that moment.
An hour later, they were walking towards the place. They’re still a few minutes early, but MC knew her friends well enough to guess that they’ve all talked to each other previously and decided to go early so they were all together when she arrived. Fenrir held her hand during the whole way and didn’t say a word. She had a lot on her mind and he gives her the space she needs to sort those thought out.
As she thought, the others were already waiting for them when they arrived. Two girls and one boy. Fenrir had heard about them already. They lived in the same neighborhood and had always been together. Many people had joined and left their group, but in the end, they were the four that always stayed, always chose each other before anyone else.
Until Alice had left them to live in Cradle without saying anything. From what he had heart, Fenrir was sure that they would acknowledge her happiness and understand and respect her decision. She didn’t seem that confident, though.
“We thought you had been kidnapped! Murdered even! And now you come with a boy? Did you abandon us for some stupid boyfriend?”, one of the girls, probably Rhia, from what he knew, screamed at her.
“I was actually kidnapped at one point,” argued Alice. Probably not the best way to start the conversation.
All her friends froze, not knowing whether it was one of her usual jokes or something real. Fenrir spoke up, hoping to break at least some of the tension. “Hi, I’m Fenrir. Indeed her boyfriend, but definitely not the one who kidnapped her.” And then softly, only so Alice could hear him “Do you want me to leave you alone for this?” She shook her head and so he stayed.
She started her story. She told them about meeting Blanc and falling down the rabbit hole, discovering that the fantasy land from “Alice in Wonderland” was real, albeit a bit different than the book. She told them how she was stuck there for a month, but then didn’t want to leave when she had to. Told them of the world and the armies and all her adventures there.
“Thanks for listening to everything. I don’t know if you can believe me, but I promise that-“
“Of course we believe you”, the boy, Kian, said. “We made a promise when we were kids, remember? If something supernatural happens to one of us, the others have to hear them out and believe them. Or at least believe that they believe themselves.” The last part wasn’t that reassuring, but the fact that they all remembered that silly children’s promise was all she needed. (here comes the self-insert. It’s a promise I have with my friends, because we’re all obsessed with magic and stuff and honestly, it’s the best thing)
“I do believe you” her other friend said, a girl with green hair. That must be Lena. “And I respect those little mind tricks. Letting us know how much you enjoy the world, adventures and new friends, but skipping out on all details on your boyfriend so we don’t assume you’re just ditching us for some boy”
Fenrir tensed at that. He had never thought about it that way, but her friends hadn’t been there when they had fallen in love. Of course they would assume the worst. He himself wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told him he would find another person to be his partner in crime. There had never been someone equally as important to him as Ray, until he met Alice. She was their Ray, but they had lost her for a while and didn’t know why.
“I know you’re all mad that I disappeared, but I also know that you’re worried because you care. Because of that, I wanted to assure you that I’ve got it all figured out. I’ve got an amazing home, awesome friends, a job that makes me happy and all in a world that feels more like home than anything here ever has. So you don’t need to worry about me. I’m doing it for myself, not for him. However, I do love Fenrir. I’m pretty sure I always will.”
That was enough for them to accept it. They all offered her a smile and Fenrir could almost see the tension falling off her shoulders. Keeping Cradle a secret seemed to be more of a burden to her than even he had noticed. Now, she glowed with newly discovered freedom and Fenrir could feel his heart responding to it with a wave of warmth.
Her friends had accepted Cradle and, seeing the loving looks they gave each other, their relationship as well. However, there was still much they had to know about Fenrir. And so, they took turns asking… Or rather, testing him. Luckily, he was cool with it, amused even and Alice seemed to share his feelings.
“Weapon of choice?” “Guns” *sparkling eyes* “Swords are more badass” *angry mode activated*
“Did you know that Alice loved ghost stories so much, she had a notebook where she wrote down all her favorite ones, but doodled silly ghosties around them, because they were “too scary otherwise?”, this was supposed to be a way to embarrass Alice, but eventually lead to teasing Fenrir. “Well, I might’ve skipped that part for his sake?” “What? Too embarrassed to let him know you’re scared of your own interests?” “More like, I think that even the silly ghost doodles would’ve scared the shit out of him”
“Will you protect Alice at all cost?” “I’ll always be there if she needs me, but honestly, I’m not sure she needs it. She’s so badass, even our king is scared of her at this point” *flashback to that one time Alice took all his books out of his room and used them to close off the entrance to the place where all the cats meet. No one knew how she had managed to bring that a good hundred books into the city without anyone noticing. Whoever had helped her kept silent to this day*
“Do you accept that Alice is allowed to speak and be as friendly as she wishes with whomever she wishes and you, even as her boyfriend, have no say in it?”
Alice responded before Fenrir can: “One, he knows I’m not his property and can have my own friends. Two, I’m pretty much the only girl in the whole Black Army, so if that was an issue, we would’ve had a fight ages ago. And three, even if he gets jealous sometimes, he has no right to control my friendships in anyway without being a hypocrite, because I know he and his best friend were making out in high school.”
“Wait, who told you about that?” *baby was confused, he hadn’t told her yet*
“A girl never tells her secrets” *actually, it was just a pure guess*
Yeah, her friends loved him at the end of the day. There was no need to worry this much.
Now Alice could return to Cradle without all the guilt. And who knows, perhaps they could come visit every now and then.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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featuring works written after July 1st, 2021. You can find my old (misc) masterlist here. Browse my Ikerev fics by tag here: ⚔️ #ikemen-revolution
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••• ━━━━━Ray Blackwell
The kids are asleep (Ray x Sirius) [smut] Tags: Power Dynamics; Power Play; Making Out; Biting; Choking; Mutual Masturbation
Obtaining the full picture (Ray x Lancelot) [smut] Tags: Facials; Blow Jobs; Masturbation; guided masturbation; Mutual Masturbation; Power Play; Come Marking
Kitten licks [smut] Tags: Pet Play; Master/Pet; Kitten play; Kitten pet play; Collars; Butt Plugs; Tail butt plug; Vaginal Sex; Doggy Style; “Good girl” praise; Praise Kink; Punishment
Naughty or Nice? (threesome with Lancelot) [smut] Tags:  Poly relationship; Threesome - F/M/M; Alcohol; Making Out; Banter; Nipple Play; Not Wearing Underwear; Vaginal Sex
Change of Plans [smut] Tags: Masturbation; pillow humping; Scents & Smells; Slight Scent Kink; Cunnilingus; Face-Sitting; Clothed Sex
Overtime [smut] Tags: Workplace Sex; Workplace Relationship; Office Sex; Boss/Employee Relationship; Desk Sex; Cunnilingus; Light Bondage; Tie Kink; CEO!Ray Blackwell; Modern Era; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Some Plot; Porn With Plot
Celebrations Started Early Are The Best Celebrations (poly threesome with Sirius) [smut] Tags: Polyamory; Modern AU; Banter; Fluff; Humor; almost everyone else makes an appearance; Dressing Room Sex; Non-Explicit Sex; Public Sex; Language of Flowers; Alcohol 
The Day That Almost Went Dark [bittersweet] characters: Ray; Fenrir; Alice; original male characters - the missing army officers Tags: Spoilers for Ray’s route and backstory; Trauma; What-If; Everybody Lives; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Injury; Injury Recovery; Prosthesis; Scars; Bittersweet 
••• ━━━━━Lancelot Kingsley
Might as well sit back and enjoy [smut] Tags: Based on an event; Cock Warming; Exhibitionism; Semi-Public Sex
Obtaining the full picture (Ray x Lancelot) [smut] Tags: Facials; Blow Jobs; Masturbation; guided masturbation; Mutual Masturbation; Power Play; Come Marking
Naughty or Nice? (threesome with Ray) [smut] Tags:  Poly relationship; Threesome - F/M/M; Alcohol; Making Out; Banter; Nipple Play; Not Wearing Underwear; Vaginal Sex
Spring Spell [fluff] Tags: Pre-Relationship; Lancelot uses magic
Overflowing Love [smut] Tags: Making Up; Make up sex; Overstimulation; Lancelot is merciless; In the most loving way; Multiple Orgasms; Like many of them; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Riding; Gentle Sex; But also; Rough Sex; Dates; Valentine’s Day Fluff; Fluff; Humor; Angry Sex
••• ━━━━━Sirius Oswald
But the feeling is just so right [smut] Tags: Public Sex; Car Sex; Cock Warming; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Established Relationship
The kids are asleep (Ray x Sirius) [smut] Tags: Power Dynamics; Power Play; Making Out; Biting; Choking; Mutual Masturbation
Celebrations Started Early Are The Best Celebrations (poly threesome with Ray) [smut] Tags:Polyamory; Modern AU; Banter; Fluff; Humor; almost everyone else makes an appearance; Dressing Room Sex; Non-Explicit Sex; Public Sex; Language of Flowers; Alcohol
••• ━━━━━Jonah Clemence
••• ━━━━━Fenrir Godspeed
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event - Give them: 🧸 - An animal plushie that reminds you of them
Car washing could be so fun sometimes [smut] Tags: Humor; Secret Relationship; Risky sex; Public Sex; Vaginal Sex; Light Bondage
Partners in crime [smut] Tags: FWB (Friends With Benefits); Food Play; Food Kink; Whipped Cream; Licking; Fondling; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Kitchen Sex; Creampie
Lucky Procrastination [fluff] Tags: Gardening; Sirius’s garden; Fenrir is punished for a magic bullet accident; Humor; Kissing
Yours Forever, A. [fluff] Tags: Slightly suggestive!; Birthday party; Presents; Kissing; Very Wholesome 
Forever Yours, F. [smut] Tags: conclusion of Yours Forever, A. - Can be read alone) ; Birthday Sex; Fluff and Smut; Riding; Lap sex; Creampie; Clothed sex 
••• ━━━━━Edgar Bright
Games we play [smut] Tags: Strip poker, Masturbation, unestablished relationship
Conflict of interest [smut] Tags:  One Night Stands; Hate Sex; Love/Hate; Denial of Feelings; Floor Sex; Vaginal Sex; Riding; Squirting; Creampie
Christmas playtime [smut] Tags:  Sex Toys; Light Bondage;  Exhibitionism; Object Penetration
••• ━━━━━Luka Clemence
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 💃- Pull them in for a dance when noone else is around
Blame it on the eggnog [smut] Tags:  Minor Fenrir/Ray;  Holiday Dinners; Humor; Drunkenness; Drunken Shenanigans; Under the Table Touching; getting caught; Exhibitionism; Quickies; Vaginal Sex; Drunk Sex
Sweets Are Best Shared In Private [smut] Tags: Fluff; Humor; Baking dates; Kissing; Blushing; Scents and Smells; Sharing Clothes; Mild smut; Vaginal Sex; Creampie
Someplace closer to you [fluff] Tags: Birthday surprises; Fluff; Picnics; Autumn themes; Cuddles and Kisses
••• ━━━━━Kyle Ash
Lust-bonded [smut] Tags: Public sеx, Modern AU, Medical Kink, Breast fucking, Facials
Stay a little longer [smut] Tags:  Voyeurism; Accidental Voyeurism; Masturbation; Quickies; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Morning Sex
Doctor's Orders [smut] Tags: Strip Tease; Playing Doctor; Hot Weather; Cunnilingus; Squirting; Female Ejaculation; Dirty Talk; a lot of dirty talk; I know Kyle has it in himself
••• ━━━━━Seth Hyde
Ineffectively Cooled [smut] Tags: Public sex, clothed sex, quickies
••• ━━━━━Zero
Shaded affairs [smut] Tags: Public Sex; Outdoor Sex; Undercover Missions; Crimes & Criminals; Quickies; Fake/Pretend Relationship (previously); now it’s Established Relationship; veeeery slight objectification (which is just Alice discovering she likes the thought of being used - but Zero doesn’t actually use her!!);(not so) Rough Sex; Sexual Roleplay; Zero pretends to be a bad boy; Swearing; petnames; Dirty Talk; Clothed Sex; Spanking; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex; Kissing; Creampie
••• ━━━━━Harr Silver
Sharing is caring (and bad for my heart) [smut] Tags:  Oral Fixation; Oral Sex; Cunnilingus; Nipple Play; Masturbation; Blow Jobs; Breathplay; Choking; Facials; Kink Negotiation
••• ━━━━━Loki Genetta
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event - Give them: 🫂- A warm hug
••• ━━━━━Oliver Knight
Can't be saved for when we're back home [smut] Tags:  Public Sex; Alcohol; Dirty Talk; Tipsy Oliver; Choking; Biting; Vaginal Sex; Married Characters
••• ━━━━━Blanc Lapin
Spring Showers And Their Budding Consequences [fluff] Tags: Fluff; Rain; Tea Parties; Kissing; Magic
Like Rabbits [smut] Tags: Gender Neutral Reader; Dom!Reader; Sub!Blanc; Blanc Tops; Spanking, Degradation, Master/Pet, Creampie, Multiple Orgasms, Crying (Dacryphilia), Orgasm Control; Praise kink; Pet play; Sexual Roleplay; Bunnyplay; Oral sex; Hair Pulling; Overstimulation; Object insertion (implied)
••• ━━━━━Mousse Atlas
Love is exploration [smut] Tags: Virginity; Loss of Virginity; First Times; Outdoor Sex; Gentle Sex; Vaginal Sex; Sexual Tension; Making Out; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Established Relationship; Fluff and Smut
••• ━━━━━Dean Tweedle
••• ━━━━━Dalim Tweedle
••• ━━━━━Levie Castell
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 🥺 - Ask them how much they love you
All the little reasons [smut] Tags:  Found Family; Light Angst; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Fluff and Angst; Emotional Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Spooning; Cuddling & Snuggling
••• ━━━━━Others/All characters
Luka Clemence, The Third Prince [crack, crossover] Tags: characters that appear: Luka, all the rhodolitian princes + Sariel (ikepri), mentions of Comte de Saint Germain and Leonardo Da Vinci (ikevamp); crackfic; crossover; they talk about boobs and legs at some point
The Day That Almost Went Dark [bittersweet] characters: Ray; Fenrir; Alice; original male characters - the missing army officers Tags: Spoilers for Ray’s route and backstory; Trauma; What-If; Everybody Lives; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Injury; Injury Recovery; Prosthesis; Scars; Bittersweet 
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the-cashewpeia · 4 years
Under The Transparent Umbrella (Fenrir x Alice)
Title: Under The Transparent Umbrella
Pairing: Fenrir x Alice/MC
Genre: Fluff
Words count: 442
Warning: -
Note: I know it's already late but anyway happy birthday to our Ace of Spades!
Tagging @ikerev-appreciation
She did not know how many hours had passed, while she was waiting for the pouring rain to stop.
All she wanted to do that day was to enjoy her me-time in the Central Quarter, window-shopping some interesting products, treating herself to a plate of colorful and delicious cake, and savoring the warmth of the sunlight. But it seemed like the sky did not approve her plans and trapped her under the nearby shop's canopy.
The paper bag full of bread for the Black Army now no longer warm, as the rain stole it's temperature by some degrees. She clutched it closer to her figure, hoping to keep herself from the coldness even a little bit.
How she wanted to curse herself for being ignorant to Sirius' advice that morning, before she went for the trip, "don't forget to bring your umbrella, Little Lady."
Well, she thought that the sky would go along with her, at least only for that day.
While she was being accompanied by the pitter-patter sound on the canopy, the bucketing rain gradually lessened. The girl stretched her arm, feeling the sensation of raindrops tickling her delicate palm. A smile bloomed on her lips, as an idea of going home popped on her mind.
"Hey! Ya aren't planning to catch a cold, right?"
It had not been three steps away from the canopy she was sheltering before, as a cheerful voice interrupted her walk. She quickly turned on her heels, eyes gleaming like stars painted on the night sky when she recognized the owner of that familiar voice.
Her cheer replied by a beam of smile of his, as he took long steps to approach her. He shielded her form with an umbrella first, before joining her under the shade.
"How did you know that I was here?" They were walking side by side by now, shoulders touching to seek each other's warmth.
"It's a secret." The fuschia-haired man was grinning and a chuckle escaped his lips.
She faked a pout, before attacking his waist with tickles. As laughter was replaced by his grin, he tried to avenge and aiming at the same target, but she was already sprinting down the road.
"Catch me if you can!"
"Is that a challenge?"
A burst of laughter and splashing of water filled their trip back home. The drops of the drizzle and the need to shelter themselves were soon forgotten, as the sun was already shining bright in their hearts.
For the first time on that day, she was thankful that the rain was pouring down. Or else she would not be enjoying the day with him like this.
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ikemenlibrary · 2 years
ikémen revolution gift exchange masterlist
Thank you so much everyone for being part of the exchange!! It’s been an absolute pleasure once again to see everyone’s incredible pieces and to chat to you, thank you for all your hard work!! It’s been such a blast💛 -Sunny
I loved every moment of this exchange! thank you everyone for participating and putting up with my silly antics throughout. until next time xx -Bryn
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Revenge Best Served Wet | Fenrir Godspeed x Alice (MC) x Ray Blackwell | by @ikemenlibrary for xxsycamore
Celebrations Started Early are the Best Celebrations | Sirius Oswald x Alice (MC) x Ray Blackwell | by @xxsycamore for kashimalin-fanfiction
A Dream, Or Three | Luka Clemence x Alice (MC) x Edgar Bright | by @kashimalin-fanfiction for chaosangel767
The Haunting of the Pastry Ghost | Edgar Bright x Alice (MC) | by @chaosangel767 for readerinsertfanfiction
Indecisive | Lancelot Kingsley, Jonah Clemence, Luka Clemence x Alice (MC) | by @readerinsertfanfiction for aquagirl1978
An Afternoon Alone | Harr Silver x Reader (Alice) | by @aquagirl1978 for tacogawa
The Kiss (artwork) | Dalim Tweedle x Sunny (OC) | by @tacogawa for sunnyikemen
In His Stride | Fenrir Godspeed x Alice | by @sunnyikemen for toloveawarlord
Not-So-Needed Marriage Proposals | Fenrir Godspeed x Alice | by @toloveawarlord for kokorokai
The Seven of Hearts’s Assistant (artwork) | Kyle Ash x Brenna (OC) | by @kokorokai​ for ikemenlibrary
Old Dogs, New Tricks | Lancelot Kingsley, Sirius Oswald, Harr Silver, Loki Genetta | by @ikeromantic​ for daegupaksu
Chutney’s New Uncles (artwork) | Lancelot Kingsley, Sirius Oswald, Harr Silver, Ray Blackwell, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence, Seth Hyde | by @daegupaksu​ for ikeromantic
For Edgar’s Eyes Only | Edgar x Alice (MC) | by @ikeromantic​ for aminiatureworld
First Bloom | Sirius Oswald, Seth Hyde, Alice (MC) | by @aminiatureworld​ for ikeromantic 
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impracticaldemon · 6 years
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When fandoms cross: Fenrir (voiced by Natsu seiyuu/VA Tetsuya Kakihara) x Alice ...but looks a lot like Natsu and Lucy (AU)
BTW:  Fenrir does get all fired up! :)
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
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Event Masterlists
'Tis the Season for Smut 2.0
500 Follower Celebration (not complete)
Be My Valentine
Kinktober 2022 (not complete)
Ikemen Sengoku
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New Residents at the Mansion (IkeVamp Meets IkeSen)
Suitors Reaction to Being Called Cute (Masamune, Mitsuhide, Shingen, Motonari, Kicho)
Suitors Caring for a Sick MC (Masamune, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Yukimura, Motonari, Kicho)
Hideyoshi Tomotoyi
Harvest Moon
Kanetsugu Naoe
Cosmic Love
Kenshin Uesugi
In Time (NSFW)
A Heated Mess (NSFW)
A Warm Winter Day
Butterfly Kisses
Mitsuhide Akechi
Sweet Dreams (NSFW)
Moments Like This (NSFW)
Hen Party (NSFW)
Devotion (NSFW)
Blue Christmas
Motonari Mouri
Of Past Regrets
Dark and Stormy
Shingen Takeda
Midnight Kiss
Radiant (NSFW)
Let's Dance
Yoshimoto Imagawa
True Colors (NSFW)
Yukimura Sanada
Remember Me (NSFW)
Ikemen Revolution
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A Trip to Wonderland (IkeRev x IkePri)
Army reacts to Boba Drinking Alice
Blanc Lapin
The Yule Ball
Edgar Bright
Wicked Game (NSFW)
Fenrir Godspeed
Deck the Halls
Harr Silver
An Afternoon Alone
Happy Together
Jonah Clemence
Sweet Distraction, Sweeter Punishment (NSFW)
Sweet on Your Lips
Kiss Me
Lancelot Kingsley
Touch Me (NSFW)
Moonlight Waltz
Luka Clemence
I Need You (NSFW)
Sky Full of Stars (NSFW)
Lips Like Sugar
Ray Blackwell
He Loves Me (NSFW)
Sirius Oswald
Hunger (NSFW)
Ikemen Vampire
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(needed their own separate link as Tumblr won't let you put more than 100 links in a single post)
Chats / Headcanons / Fanfiction
Ikemen Prince
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(needed their own separate links as Tumblr won't let you put more than 100 links in a single post)
Chats and Headcanons - 2022
Chats and Headcanons - 2023/2024
Fanfiction - Domestic Faction
Fanfiction - Foreign Affairs Faction (plus Cyran)
Fanfiction - Act Two/Act Three Suitors
Ikemen Villains
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Ikemen Genjiden
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Hot and Bothered (NSFW)
You Belong to Me (NSFW)
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