oddthesungod · 1 year
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w-what if we were both aeormatons..... and we kissed?? 😳👉👈
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coconi · 1 year
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I commissioned this lovely art from @drawsmaddy as a companion piece to my loveletters fic and I'm over the moon about it! 💗🤖
(FRIDA is the one who styled FCG's wires this particular way at Jaquoby's. I will die on this hill.)
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
feeling SO vindicated about fcg getting the first campaign 3 kiss when so many people have overlooked their involvement in romantic dynamics
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bewarethecircles · 1 year
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So many things happened in this episode and I can't deal with Loveletters being split up aaaaaaaa... so instead here's a scene from earlier in the episode where true loves kiss prevented FCG from going murder-mode, exactly as the fanfics predicted.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Could you elaborate on how FCG and FRIDA's date accomplished what people thought Launda and Imogen's convo in 49 accomplished? I've seen a lot of people only engaging with their new relationship as FRIDA being like "I can fix him" even though it's not accurate, especially not after last episode. Thank you for sharing your takes!
The general meta surrounding Laudna and Imogen's conversation was that the two of them had been "stripped of choice" and so this conversation was them giving each other room to make choices. The problems I had with that it's just simply not true that Imogen and Laudna have been more victims of circumstance than anyone else in the party, except possibly Fearne (and even she shares Imogen's experience of parental abandonment, although her parents are far more sympathetic than Liliana). Orym's husband was killed because the Ruby Vanguard was seeing if they could bait Vax. Chetney was bit by a werewolf because he had to travel through the Savalirwood in order to get anywhere from Uthodurn on his own. FCG was literally designed to be a killer and has been grappling with that ever since (more below on that, natch). Ashton was, as a child, dragged into a ritual that likely orphaned him and transformed him (it's unclear if the chronic pain comes from the accident later or because of this or a combination thereof, incidentally). They then were nearly killed by weird magic during a job and were given weird powers by Milo.
Honestly, the thread connecting Imogen and Laudna is not that they've had things happen to them without having options - it's D&D, everyone's got a tragic backstory - it's the years of inaction that have yet to be explored, especially in Laudna's case. What unites them is not that they haven't had choices; it's that they haven't made choices. And in that conversation they still don't make choices - Laudna merely reminds Imogen that she can. It's not a bad conversation! But it's not a decisive one. They don't address any of the negative feelings and they don't even really actively choose each other by becoming closer because it's more of the same. As others have pointed out, really all Imogen and Laudna ask of the other is to be there, and that's completely valid. But it feels like for the relationship to go anywhere, particularly in a romantic direction, they would need to push past that. Romance carries with it the potential for change and conflict. It's a choice they're distinctly not making yet, even though it's clearly an option available to them and has been available to them. The person who has been stopping Imogen from making choices is herself.
Meanwhile: FCG and FRIDA's conversation is very emotionally raw! FRIDA admits they've been angry about being brought back with no input, and FCG admits they've been more confused and lost, and they both genuinely thank each other for being there.
The thing that gets me the most is this: FRIDA is able to ask "I don't mean to be too forward, but, if I was your special person, would you try and kill me?" Laudna meanwhile doesn't even ask "would you side with the people who killed me?" or "I understand this is a difficult situation with your mother but could you not side with the people who killed me?" And, honestly? This is so much more demonstrative of giving someone room to have choices than saying "you have choices" because it also gives the asker a choice. Laudna might give Imogen room to make choices, but in doing so deprives herself of agency and advocacy. FRIDA meanwhile is saying "I want this [ie, I am making choices] and I like you and I trust you can make choices; would you choose to be kind to me?" They bond over how neither of them really chose to be awake again, a thousand years later, but they are and they are choosing to see this as an opportunity. It's this fountain of choices and possibilities opening up before both of them. It's dynamic and moving forward rather than staying in the same place.
That's a huge risk to put yourself out there and be vulnerable to someone maybe saying "no" or even "I'd like to but I can't", but FRIDA makes it, and FCG acknowledges it earlier, that they've had their own barriers up and have struggled to let others in but FRIDA is different.
I think this has been a theme in the CR fandom with respect to shipping; I happen to believe that a relationship is most interesting if this is the person you can be honest with and reveal your uglier feelings to. There is another school of thought that centers around the idea that relationships are more about a submission of one's own agency, or protecting the other person without their knowledge, and I don't find those relationships terribly compelling. FRIDA and FCG really feel like the former in a way that Imogen and Laudna currently do not.
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radama-zard · 7 months
Dungeons & Drabbles - 2023
Day 10 - Risk
(.... Am I literal months late? Yes. Am I still gonna finish all these dang days? Also yes!)
LoveLetters (FCG/FRIDA)
“You… You want to WHAT?”
To say Fresh Cut Grass was shocked would be a severe understatement.
Look. He loved Frida! They were the love of their life! But gosh were they impulsive. Never had they known anyone to just throw themself into ridiculously high stakes situations with joyus, reckless abandon.
“BASE jumping.”
“And- Let me get this straight, make sure we’re on the same page and all… That’s jumpin’ offa places. Like, for fun? Real tall things, like cliffs and bridges?”
FRIDA chuckled, low and soft as they knelt down, laying a metallic hand upon their beloved’s jittering shoulder.
“With a parachute, my dear. I may be reckless, but I am not without sense.”
“That’s still-” He sputtered, core sparklingly a-thrum in what could only be described as a wicked mix of exasperation and stress. “How on this flat earth do ya find somethin’ like that to be fun?! Do ya worry about dyin’? About things goin’ south real fast? What if the parachute doesn't work? If it snags or tears? What if a dick of a bird decides that today is the day and shows it’s true heartless nature by sabotaging it as ya float down? I know birds, FRIDA! They’re always plottin’ shi-”
A soft clinking broke through their rant, molded lips pressing against the edges of their mouth, silencing him near instantly with a kiss that left them a flutter. How could such a simple thing affect them so, squashin’ their stress like nothing else?
How did FRIDA always keep them from dipping over that edge, from falling deep into that dark, fuzzy pit of alien rage?
… And how did they not fear it? Fear anything?
“Life is far too short for such worries,” Was FRIDA’s answer, seemingly reading his troubled mind. “To live in fear of every poor outcome isn’t living at all. It’s simply existence… and with this second chance I have been granted, I wish to well and truly live.”
For a moment, Fresh Cut Grass was silent, their gaze far as they rocked back and forth, swaying upon their wheel in a motion that the short aeormaton found oddly soothing.
When they spoke again, it was with a voice so small, so quiet, that had FRIDA been of flesh, not metal, his words would have been lost to the wind.
“How do ya avoid worryin’ and stressin’? I don't… understand that. I’m always- Life feels like so much, FRIDA…”
“I suppose,” FRIDA paused, fingers falling upon Fresh Cut Grass’ faceplate, their touch ever so tender as they traced the very seams that held their beloved together. “It's because that's what it means to be alive. Life would be empty, dull, without things, without people to worry about. I take joy in that. In life being a never ending symphony of chaos! In having… you, my love. You are worth any and all stress you may cause.”
“... You’re worth it all too, darlin’.”
And they meant that, he well and truly did.
“... Would it put your mind at ease if I were to have Imogen come with me? Just in case?”
“Consider it done.”
An audible sigh rushed through their ancient frame, so heavy in its relief that FRIDA couldn't help but feel a tad guilty for the stress they’d caused. A guilt that was swiftly banished, as Fresh Cut Grass lifted their head, pressing a zap of a kiss to their lips, thrilled by a fluttering pulse of arcane magic that danced between them.
A thrill better than any they’d known before.
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voldecourted · 1 year
throwing my hat into FCG/FRIDA ship name disscusions, I like Fresh Cut Faith as their portmanteau
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criticalbeauregard · 1 year
message in a bottle by taylor swift is actually suchhh a loveletters song guys hear me out
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floweroflaurelin · 5 months
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How do you want to do this?
Goodbye, Faithful Caregiver.
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twinklestarss · 6 months
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mypoorsqheart · 1 year
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In honor of the events of tonight's episode
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oddthesungod · 1 year
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y'all are welcome
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coconi · 1 year
FCG flexes their joints and rolls around excitedly, marveling at the lightness of the new armor and the minimal squeaking of their wheel. FRIDA watches him keenly, gaze drawn to the way his locks dance as he twirls, and twirls, and twirls.
"May I?"
In which FRIDA navigates their growing fondness for FCG and seizes the chance to play a little part in their new design.
I bring you an indulgent little fic that acts as the extended edition of the scene in Jaquoby's workshop. I hope you enjoy it! 🤖💗
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acebender · 6 months
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cybersevenn · 1 year
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Bells Hells text posts bc i don't wanna do my homework
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vethbrenatto · 5 months
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I just feel connected to everybody. Some connections are made with wires. And some are made with blood. And some are made with bone. And some are made with wood. But they all matter. And they, even in this dark, dark cave, they make every day a smiley day.
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