miunju · 2 days
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ssfith · 5 years
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first day of fall..look how cute we look with leaf🍁
*google doodle*
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hc that florida has a pet alligator he calls " señor cuddles " or something innocent like that so when he goes " come here señor cuddles! " everyone is expecting a dog or something to come bounding in, but no. its a fucking alligator.
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kpop-restored-blog · 8 years
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J-Hope | do not remove caption 
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sanianitos · 7 years
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✨ F E S T I V A L N E E D S✨ Another must have for your festival supply ✨ This year the festival of the bands will be on and poppin before sunset....you know what that meansss🌟 There's a sale on at 6 Carlos that we are fully jumping into! All sunglasses at Meiling's Atelier will now be 180TTD🌟✨✨ And when we say all we mean allll! Tinted lenses with flowered embellishments, and our stunning hand painted cat eye, round and modern wayfarer frames and A L L on sale, starting tomorrow!!! #meilinginc is open from 7am - 5pm until Friday! --------------------------------- Because every little detail matters whether big or small, sunnies in any clause 💋 Xoxo A Blissful girl 💋. Hand paint sunglasses @sanianitos #carnivalmagic #carnival2018 #carnival #LoveCarnival #BLISSCarnival2018 #BLISSCarnival #TRIBECarnival #TheLostTribe #TRIBECarnival2018 #FOB2018 #FDOF #FestivalOfTheBands #Hookah #hennatattoo #henna #sherisestewart #designer ™@sherise.s
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lidan4650 · 3 years
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明天3/31是農曆二月十九日 是觀世音菩薩的誕辰 祝福菩薩生日快樂🎂 而在今年3/31的這一天 剛好也是非常重要的天赦日 天赦日是上天特別開恩赦免人們罪責的日子,也是開運很重要的日子 在這一天做懺悔、做祈福都是非常好的 🙏🏻日日懺悔、時時感恩、時時珍惜🙏🏻 常多持誦大悲咒、多持誦觀世音菩薩心咒, 或者持觀世音菩薩聖號 都能與菩薩相應 祈求全家人身體健康、家宅平安 也可以祈求增加個人運勢。 常祈念、持善心,時時都能收到神佛護佑。 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 🙏🏻南無觀世音菩薩🙏🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNC8Eq-Fdof/?igshid=za0s690acmu1
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erikfarina · 4 years
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Adiestramiento canino. Todo perro posee por naturaleza propia una gran riqueza de cualidades psíquicas que, unidas a una conformación idónea, representan una sólida base para el adiestramiento, desde los simples ejercicios de obediencia hasta el adiestramiento especializado. La primera etapa del adiestramiento es aquélla en la que el cachorro aprende a obedecer a su amo. Así, por los hechos, comprende a la perfección que existe un dueño, que éste quiere o no quiere que haga algo, que hay cosas que pueden hacerse o no pueden hacerse y que, debido a ciertos gestos y tono de voz que el perro asocia, puede o no llevar a cabo determinadas acciones. Sin embargo, las pruebas de obediencia constituyen un paso ulterior, aunque de importancia básica, para la utilización del perro en algún trabajo. Estas pruebas, que pueden compararse con el paso de un niño de párvulo a la escuela, consisten en algunos ejercicios fundamentales. Si el perro no los aprende a la perfección, no podrá pasar de curso. Partiendo de la base de que no se adquiere un perro sólo para disfrutar de su compañía, reduciendo sus actividades a la posibilidad de satisfacer sus necesidades fisiológicas durante un paseo más o menos corto, hemos de suponer que, por el contrario, se quiere obtener de él un mínimo de disciplina, evitando con ello que se convierta en un perro torpe y mal educado, con el consiguiente peligro para sí mismo y para los demás...continúa enlace.. https://psicolmascot.blogspot.com/p/adiestramiento_21.html @psicolmascot #psicolmascot #etologo #etólogo #etologíacanina #etólogocanino #etologia #psicologiacanina #psicologocanino #adiestradorcanino #adiestrador #adiestramientocanino #adiestramientopositivo #adiestramientocognitivoemocional #adiestramientoenpositivo #educacióncanina #obedienciacanina https://www.instagram.com/p/CERjS7-FDoF/?igshid=1akd14yb6xtpx
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employeepoolingcom · 5 years
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gastronominho · 5 years
Eisenbahn inaugura bar conceito em Porto Alegre
Eisenbahn inaugura bar conceito em Porto Alegre
Espaço terá cardápio desenvolvido inteiramente com os estilos de Eisenbahn
A marca Eisenbahn inaugura seu primeiro bar conceito nesta quinta-feira, dia 6 de fevereiro, em Porto Alegre. A festa de lançamento do Bar FdoF powered by Eisenbahn acontece a partir das 19 horas, dentro da Fábrica do Futuro, coworking integrado com vários hubs de tecnologia, música e arte.  
O bar é considerado…
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lolzur · 9 years
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fivedaysofdan: Day 5: Favorite Dan video
   ↳ Psycho Thoughts  
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that-ashtonirwin · 10 years
First Day Of Forever - future AU
Ashton's hand was linked in Luke's as they walked down the beach, their feet just about getting wet from the ocean. He silently hoped that Luke couldn't pick up on his sweaty palm that was securely held in his. Ashton had suggested the two of them go on a walk with their dogs saying they should take advantage of the sunset but little did he know he had something special planned. He stuck his other hand into his jean pocket making sure that the ring was still there and he smiled to himself at the moment that was about to come. Ashton looked over at Luke and beamed at the beautiful boy that had been his for eight years, unable to believe how in love with him he still was every single day. Ashton tugged on Luke's hand to get his attention, "hey bub lets to cuddle for the sunset" he told him, bringing him up to sit further up, calling to the dogs so they followed as well. "I've got a bit of a surprise for you bug" he started, holding Luke securely in his arms, the nerves suddenly starting to come out.
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issacryptid · 10 years
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He makes me so happy like you don't understand.
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issacryptid · 10 years
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issacryptid · 10 years
On the second day of FDOF
I fangirled about rock bands...! Hollywood Undead and Breaking Benjamin! Yes, today is mostly gonna be about these two bands since it's like the second day and what not and I couldn't choose between the two. So yeah, Happy Five Days Of Fandom!
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