#fe3h anniversary in 2 months I think
timethehobo · 4 months
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Been thinking of Hanneman again and had to scribble. I miss him.
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grinserabe · 3 months
(I'm gonna start doing this from now on uwu)
FE3H 5th Anniversary Countdown Questionnaire
In celebration of FE3H's 5th Anniversary being this month (July) on the 26th, here is a countdown questionnaire for each day until 26th!
When did you hear of FE3H?
When they announced it!
2. What got you interested in FE3H?
I have been a fan of FE for years, so I was already excited before I knew anything about it. When I saw the trailer I had mixed feelings about it, but I still wanted to play it
3. Which was your first House?
Golden Deer. Claude looked the most interesting to me, and he's still my fav of the lords (though not by much). He didn't seem like your typical FE lord, and I was right
4. What is your favourite House and why?
The Black Eagles, because it has Hubert, Edelgard, Linhardt, Petra and Dorothea. I also do like their aesthetic and dynamic. There's something New Wave-y about them
5. What is your favourite story and why?
Crimson Flower for sure, though I like Verdant Wind and Azure Moon too!
I just like how unique CF is. And despite its flaws, I think the ending is the most satisfying for me. Also, the more we see of Hubert, the better
6. Who is your favourite character and why?
Hubert. Because he has not one boring moment. Even when playing Verdant Wind (so my first route) I couldn't wait to look what he has to say during Explore. He just never misses
I love how he talks, his voice acting (both actors did a great job), his sense of humour, his design, and his sadistic streak. I like that it isn't always clear what he's actually thinking, I love what he has to say about nobility and knights, and I appreciate how strategic you have to be with him as a unit
7. Who is a character you think deserves more love and why?
Cyril. I get that he isn't the easiest character to love, but I like his wit, how direct he is, and I'm just a sucker for characters who seem loyal to an unhealthy degree (yes, I love Dedue as well)
Also, he's just a kid, and it's annoying that other characters are more easily forgiven for the same flaws
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cynical-gamer-media · 3 months
Day 5 of the FE3H 5th Anniversary Countdown Questionnaire:
5) What is your favourite story and why?
CF/Crimson Flower.
It has the tightest pacing by far, all the Black Eagles feel like they belong with Edelgard and share her vision; Rhea is by far at her most interesting self in any storyline; the levels and gameplay reflect Edelgard as a character greatly (i.e. canon to spare Seteth & Flayn), the three countries at war feel better involved (something that, admittedly, FE3H struggles with), and TWSitD actually felt like a threat/people you did not wish to mess with.
I know some wished TWSitD were dealt with but I disagree: the story made it clear that to beat the Church Edelgard had to use/side with them, and the ending makes it clear they were to be dealt with in the shadows.
I wished there were at least 2 chapters dealing with Brigid (i.e. some jingoist nobles trying to stir trouble with Brigid and Adrestia, or even TWSitD causing a stir) after Leicester Alliance. I still think it makes sense that CF is the shortest, as Adrestia is the most powerful nation, but two more chapters to make it 20 would have been great.
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elluia · 9 months
My 2023 fanfic recs & recap [5/5]
This is a multi-part series, with a countdown to the New Year!
The best of Ike x Soren fanfics
The best of Fire Emblem fanfics (Genealogy, Three Houses, Engage, Heroes)
The best of misc. series (Omori, Long Live The Queen, Stardew Valley)
The Spicy™ best-of (bonk)
My 2023 works recap (Fódlan and Tellius) YOU ARE HERE
All of my fanfics are part of the Fire Emblem series, and posted on AO3. This post is my own recap and self rec.
Moonlit Oath (FE3H) – ONGOING 📖 (posted 4 chapters; 43,256 words)
A long… very long, slow-burn story of Ferdinand promoted to protagonist and going through hell for it, I guess? Contains a lot of romance, intrigue, epic battles, and month-long waits between 10K+ updates 💀
His Sweat and Blood (FE3H) – COMPLETED 📘 (posted 2 chapters: 13,018 words)
Cyril’s backstory. From war orphan to prisoner of war, he’s just trying to survive.
He’s a favourite of mine, and I’ll give him the love he deserves. Also a big emphasis on the lovely family he found at the Monastery.
Final Farewell (FE3H) – COMPLETED 📘 (posted 3 chapters; 16,451 words)
Mercedes’s backstory. To gain her freedom from House Bartels, she sacrificed Emile’s.
Heavy period drama vibes, with her mom being my MVP among the parents of Fódlan. The story also shows a less idealised Mercie in her youth.
The Strong Survive (PoR) – COMPLETED 📘 (one-shot; 6,061 words)
Ashnard challenges Soren to a duel on the final battle for Crimea’s liberation. Writing Ashnard’s PoV was very fun.
A Cutting Truth (PoR) – COMPLETED 📘 (one-shot; 5,233 words)
Knife Sage Soren, taken seriously. Heavy angst as expected, with a hopeful ending.
(❁´◡`❁) As writers, we need to celebrate our victories over every blank page, bad vibe, schedule slip… I feel drained, but I will celebrate my writing victories of 2023.
I started a lot of projects for Whumptober 2022, and I managed to finish them (with very elaborate backstories) before they hit their one-year anniversary 🥳
I had fun making some memes for Moonlit Oath, because I’ve been writing this fic since 2020 and I love these characters too much by now.
I finally wrote my first Tellius fanfics because Soren got to shine in Heroes and Engage 🏆 My favourite character… I’ve finally done it 🥺
84,019 words posted in total 🤯 Much more in WIPs. I managed to write all of that despite being sick for a grand total of 3 months, I think. This year fucking sucked for so many reasons 💀 I might burn-out if I try that again next year though…
Thank you for reading these fic recs and this recap! See you next year?
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teachhealth · 3 years
Random Saturday thoughts:
If I keep dropping stuff off at Goodwill like this, they’re going to start recognizing me. But I hate all this clutter we have stuffed into closets. 
Having a toddler apparently means you’ll buy a $50 trash can because the lid locks. 
I think I want some of those ear cuffs that make it look like you have more piercings than you do. Because they’re cute but I don’t want to deal with permanent holes. 
Who told my 1 year old he could be the size of a freakin’ 2 year old? This time last year, he was still in his 0-3 month onesies (at 2 1/2 months old) and this year he’s in 2T. Where did he get this tall gene??
He’s soooo close to walking, and I was really looking forward to putting him in gymnastics when that happened, but the Covid numbers here are just awful so now I’m hesitant. Maybe once he’s vaccine eligible or the numbers are back down again. We’ve been staying home again and it’s exhausting.
My goal for 2021 was to read 20 books and it’s September and I’m at 17. I’ve been listening to audiobooks and playing FE3H at night the last week or so and so I blew through a couple of trashy romances pretty quick after a bunch of heavy nonfictions in a row. 
Our 3 year anniversary is in about a month (5 years together in December) and my birthday is a couple weeks after that. 
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