#featuring her apartment
stormbabylore · 6 months
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I wanted to figure out what Aeryn's favorite foods were, so like an insane person, I stood in front of the market board for an hour reading through all the meal options. And now I'm going to ramble about food lore/headcanons. In excess.
It doesn't take Aeryn long to adapt to infrequent meals and a lifestyle of grazing, when possible, as a result of her adventuring lifestyle. In early ARR, she is too uncomfortable in her own skin to eat in public places, let alone among company, unless forced. (I suspect Mother Miounne would have some concerns about her perceived lack of nourishment and might occasionally do something about it.) As such, she develops a habit of keeping various edible foodstuffs on hand so she can eat on-the-go when hungry - or when reminded by others that she needs to eat.
Things she would keep stocked, both at "home" and while traveling: teas and coffees, various breads, dried fruit, nuts, and cheese - when she can get it.
Despite this preference, however, she will never turn down a free meal when offered. Aeryn doesn't know anything about herself as of game start, and that includes her favorite foods! Everything is new to her, and part of her quiet desperation to "find" herself includes figuring such things out as quickly as possible. As such, she has tried many, many things in her travels, enough to pinpoint she is a fan of meat-based stews, curries, and other predominantly rice-based dishes - typically anything hearty, warming, and (preferably) mildly spicy. She also hasn't yet met a form of popoto she doesn't enjoy. None of these are things she takes the time to make for herself, but she considers it a treat when she is able to indulge in meals like this prepared by others.
(Though she doesn't know it, this preference comes directly from her past life: such dishes as potatoes and stews would have often been prepared in bulk and served aboard the ship.)
She is most weak to (and might overindulge in) the following: sweet breads and pastries, coffee in any form, and tea with milk or cream.
Some of her favorite in-game foods:
Honey Croissant/Almond Cream Croissant
A couple silly food headcanons that have latched onto my brain since I put them in fic: honeyed sweetbread is a popular holiday treat in Gridania; and spiced sweetbreads/pastries are common in parts of Thanalan. (The scent of spice and baking bread is something Aeryn associates very heavily with Vesper Bay.) There are myriad other bread/pastry foods in-game she would like, but these two most closely resemble those I'd already written about.
Espresso con Panna
Any coffee beverage would suffice, but I imagine the first time Aeryn has espresso con panna, she would be delighted by the richness of the bitter/sweet flavor meld.
Chilled Popoto Soup
She's generally not a fan of soup at all. (She would quietly argue it's a beverage, not a meal, and that it's wrong to drink something with chopped up bits of stuff in it.) But the cream-based soup and the mesh of leek and popoto, well pureed, just works for her. I like to think of Thancred as the soup-making scion, and I imagine he would smirk and be pleased as pie to win her over with this particular meal. It becomes one of her favorite comfort meals, and she would like it both hot and cold.
La Noscean Toast
I imagine Baderon suggested this to Aeryn at some point, and she gladly accepted, thinking it would just be simple toast - maybe with some citrus jam from nearby Summerford. When she instead experienced for the first time what amounts to the Eorzean equivalent of French Toast, she was immediately obsessed. She makes a point of having this whenever she can stick around long enough in Limsa, because she finds it doesn't taste right anywhere else but at the Drowning Wench. (Baderon actually makes sure the cooks add orange zest to hers, because he knows how much she loves all things citrus.)
Thavnairian Chai/Masala Chai
Any latte-style tea (including Steppe Tea) is a favorite, but she especially likes the blend of spices in chai and considers it a treat to indulge.
Baguette and/or any leavened bread
It is not abnormal to see a half-eaten baguette poking out of her chocobo's saddlebag when Aeryn is on the go. Likewise, there are various forms of leavened breads available across Eorzea (of note the Crumpet and the Ishgardian Muffin) that I assume she would pack for her journeys and nosh on while traveling.
And a few honorable mentions, if not favorites:
Coffee Biscuit
Aeryn prefers pastries to cookies, but she does still love all things coffee. I headcanon she can't get this one frequently. (Maybe they're only common in one specific area she doesn't visit as frequently.) She would also prefer a stronger coffee flavor in them compared to how they are usually made.
I had never heard of this, but the description sounds AMAZING, and I assume Aeryn would probably love it as it encompasses quite a few of her favorite things.
Walnut Bread
The perfect travel snack, packed with nuts and just a hint of sweetness. Again, my daughter is weak to her sweet carbs.
And just in case all of the above wasn't obsessive enough, I also skimmed through the ingredients list. A few favorite foodstuffs that are labeled as crafting ingredients include:
Cheese. Mostly those of a milder flavor that won't stink up her bag. She will pack wedges of cheese to enjoy with her bread and fruit and thankfully eats through it quickly enough that it doesn't spoil. A specific favorite would be cream cheese, which she would enjoy during brief periods of rest where she can acquire it.
Oranges. I do think Aeryn is more inclined to eating dried fruits, since they travel better and tend to be less messy. That said, I think she fell in love with the various citrus fruits she was first introduced to in La Noscea, and despite being messy, they travel a bit better than some other fruits. She would likely carry oranges with her when possible and would try other citrus along her journeys, like lemons, limes, and persimmons.
Nuts. I mentioned this above, and almonds are the only one I can think of that she might keep on hand and actually snack on. But she would try to ensure she always had some form of crunchy protein on hand.
That's it! That's the food lore. \o/
Thanks for reading!
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vastwinterskies · 1 month
I love talking to people about how they draw character X because everyone has those little key features they use and they articulate them SO fondly.
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sleepynegress · 8 months
Love this interview... I have been semi-checking in on Zawe's journey since before certain stans were feeling some kinda way about her recent familial additions. I do for certain Black actors/creators especially, who seem to be moving in interesting ways in entertainment/film media...
-A remnant from a period when I used to go to screenings and blog about films (and was published a few times in a major national newspaper)... So, I knew of Zawe through the grapevine of her mentorship, i.e. she is the reason why Rege Jean Page of Bridgerton fame got to work in U.S. markets, as she sponsored him. And she is known, as one of those "good eggs" who will be accessible and help/advise especially young actors of color. ...But, I have some other stuff to say. This isn't about proving that she's an amazing human being. It's about a certain brand of misogynoir that some of these people far beneath her in self-knowledge, self-love, and just plain grown-ass-woman-personhood...keep letting fly in what they *think* are compliments, but actually are just trite microaggressions. Saying things like "as long she makes [T-blank H-blank] happy then she's alright" as if he's the centered human and her attachment renders her worthy somehow. Babies, as long as SHE'S happy. Yall. He's marrying up.
WAY UP and the fact that he knows this? Actually elevates him. She's been there.
She tells a story in the above interview that reminds me of Uzo Aduba's anecdote about her name , - of an incident when she was called to an early job (at 6!) and someone there said she wasn't pretty because of her gap and her Ugandan mother took her on past this person and into the room, ANYWAY.
... She learned a specific self-knowledge and self-love, that is necessary in very white western spaces that constantly pressures a narrow sense of worthiness and beauty, especially from Black women, something a lot of these small-minded stans don't even have a notion of seeing beyond. Zawe is biracial, and her features, aside from her skin tone are very African. So while she benefits from colorism, featurism is something I've seen those bigoted stans, pick on as well. She knows those features are what makes her beautiful and knew that, w/o and before her partner saw that too. And people who aren't blind narrow-minded ignoramuses can *also* see that. This is why I assert the fact of featurism needing to be in the conversation of light/dark privilege conversations. Lips, nose, gap, and even the set of her eyes are ethnic beauty markers within quite a few spaces in the Black African diaspora... My mom was an absolute stunner because of her gap.
Even the old school white model Lauren Hutton got there because of her gap. Uzo Aduba, who I have already mentioned has a deeper skintone and has similarly large round striking eyes, gap, and a non-pinched-nose *rightly* played Glinda in NBC's production of The Wiz a few years back, with Dorothy saying she's so beautiful *because* of those features, not despite them as a very narrow white-washed gaze would wrongly assert.
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And while we're here that includes sizes and shapes too. I'm saying your boy is enjoying all that plush. A lot of yall need to read or reread Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Woman, for comprehension.
Anyway... All this to say I know Zawe is and will be fine regardless.
P.S. Maya Angelou *also* had height, and gap and was very much known for her beauty/magnetism as a woman when she was alive. :
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ragsy · 11 months
[gripping the edge of the table] I need to do body horror to more of my OCs
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dribs-and-drabbles · 5 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #113
That's My Candy ep 6:
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Dirty Laundry ep 1:
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Last Twilight ep 12:
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salsflore · 5 months
iiii remembered i used to run like two rp blogs with my buddy (who had two of her own) and oh em gee how i miss her...
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deva-arts · 10 months
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No better way to end your day than to have your eye shanked by your boss' son! without any safe way of receiving medical attention! Then smiling about it to your last remaining family!
...Being a variant in this world is hard.
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evie-writes-sometimes · 9 months
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And if I say they're the same?
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encrucijada · 5 months
you know maybe i should rewatch the queen's gambit and continue my dreamers au for that. and also because i just love the show and wanna watch it again
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munamania · 3 months
professor said she can’t grant a day extension for me to finish editing this stupid project bc my subject (sam actually) had to cancel kinda last min bc it’s policy and she tries to be gracious but we’re at the point in the semester where she wants to emphasize how important broadcasting deadlines are. bitch the funniest part is i don’t want to work in broadcasting like ever and this is class 1 and also i’m a student and can’t control circumstances like that and also i’m not being paid and can’t pay other people to help me it’s just a fucking favor basis. and it’s not that real i don’t need to completely blow my shit over it but i’m just soooooooo. like.
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robotpussy · 1 year
ouuuu somebody said they would like to see greta gerwig work with ayo edebiri and the usual "does greta gerwig even know black ppl exist" replies and tweets were flooding in now I'm seeing all the ppl i follow defend greta gerwig you could never get me to defend that lady over a silly statement 😭 like it is a bit annoying cause 1. shes only made 3 movies and her most recent does have more non white actors than usual (mind u shes only made 3 movies) but is it actually that deep? shes not the only director ppl "pick on" for having majority white casts.....
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cuteniaarts · 3 months
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First posted piece of 2024 featuring Ghazan’s older sister Haya, take 2!!
#a.k.a the og version was bothering me so I completely redrew her eyes and added more shadows to make her facial features more pronounced#gonna just copy over my og tags bc I can’t be bothered to come up with new ones#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#seeds of the red lotus#sotrl haya#god... like on one hand yes. she's an awful person. she abused her brother's kids for 16 years#left lasting mental and emotional scars on them to the point that even years after they last see her they're still recovering#even after all the bruises have healed her voice is still in their heads. fear of her still dictates so many of their actions#someone like her doesn't deserve any amount of sympathy. nor after everything she's done#but on the other... the person who did all that is haya in her 30s and 40s. here she's just 14#she just had her whole world shattered in a matter of weeks. she's left with nothing and no one but an empty house and her 5yo brother#she has no one to turn to. no shoulder to cry on. apart from losing her parents she had to quit school and stop hanging out with her friend#sh ehad to abandon any hobbies she might have had. I imagine she was quite like suiren and midori used to be. curious and intelligent#and very keen on trying new things. she had to leave all that behind to work day and night while earning only barely enough to scrape by on#just enough for them to survive. to keep the house. to be clothed and fed. there was no room for treats or luxuries of any kind#how many dresses did she cut up to use as material for ghazan's clothes? how many nights did she go hungry just so he could eat?#and she can't even cry about it. not while he's around anyway because she's supposed to be strong for him.#I imagine she often cried after putting ghazan to bed. just out of sheer helplessness. from how exhausted she was#she cried herself to sleep every night and pulled herself back together every morning#tied her hair back with her mother's kerchief and went straight to work anywhere that would hire her. working until she could barely stand#all for him. I'm not excusing her actions in any way but I understand why she was overcome with resentment after he left her#running away without as much as a goodbye. after everything she had done for him. spitting in her face would have hurt less#so when he resurfaced over a decade later to dump his bastard children on her it didn't take long for all that resentment to find an outlet#and the rest is history... fuck. thinking about her teenage and ya self always makes me cry. she was so much like suiren it's heartbreaking#well. the only reason suiren is like this now is bc of her. but yk what they say. the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself#anyway. I'm really glad I took the time to redraw this. I'm so much happier with it now. she actually looks like a young girl now#this really hits different considering that I straight up killed her in my latest au... granted she was in her 40s there. but still
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irishbreakfst · 7 months
Isidor and ida straus
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mysticarcanum · 6 months
auuuugh there is only skulduggery pleasant in my brain right now.
#i support women's (valkyrie cain's) wrongs#like. okay. i grew up on this series and it's absolutely fundamental to my psyche#and i dont even care about the quality of the books i will read all of them forever#but also like. valkyrie is my og blorbo. my og Character I Rotate In My Mind#i also had a huge crush on her. and then derek landy made her bisexual thank u derek<3#but like. i just finished reading hell breaks loose. the dead men prequel set in 1703#and. as a connoisseur of Imagining Scenarios#i am particularly fond of constructing time travel scenarios in my brain featuring my Characters of choice#in this case my best friend my chew toy ms valkyrie cain#so i was reading the book slow. spending my spare time imagining scenarios where valkyrie time travels back to enter this narrative#IMAGINE MY SURPRISE#when HALFWAY THROUGH THE BOOK#one of the mysterious masked characters is revealed to be VALKYRIE CAIN TIME TRAVELLED BACK FROM THE FUTURE#my scenarios!!!!! my little scenarios!!!! they happened in the book!!!!!#anyway im so beyond over the moon. that book was so sexy. ive got to reread the series now.#ive got to put valkyrie cain in my mouth and suck on her like a hard candy (NOT SEXUAL!!!!)#i feeel like a dog tearing apart a much beloved chew toy. except the chew toy. is Character#i need to find one of the og series books where valkyrie murders the most people and then i need to eat it#on god i wish these books got more tumblr fame because they fuck like hell. i mean. i love percy jackson as much as the next guy#but i feel like tumblr would eat the sp series up#like. its about a skeleton detective and the world's most violent teenage girl and theyre so platonically obsessed with each other#that theyd both blow the world up in defence of the other.#and also both of them have the magical potential of a nuclear bomb and are trying sososo hard all the time to not just snap#and kill everyone in a ten mile radius. but also they're not good people and they love violence so muc h#god i really did read some extremely violent books as a teen/preteen#at least skulduggery pleasant was aimed at that age group. i was also obsessed with the valhalla trilogy and. dear lord. dear lord
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pzos-amiserableidiot · 7 months
was watching tiktok and a video had the song michael in the bathroom playing and I was vicerally reminded of being in middle and high school and mom always mentioning how much I looked like my dad (his name is michael) and how I slowly was able to start noticing it too and whenever I sang the song it reminded me of him and I felt like we were overlapping too often felt like id never be anyone but a shadow or his mirror and then i began learning i was trans and now the song makes me think of him even more (he’s not a bad dad he tells me he’s proud of me and stuff there’s just two really big moments he unknowingly failed and one long continuous one but he loves me and he’s proud and he supports me and he didn’t mean it and ive learned to make that enough) and the weird flashback I got when I heard that song and overlapping with his face and how if I transitioned I almost fear I’d be his clone and yeah Anywyas banger song
#the moments were that time he told me how he used to want something to be wrong with him and he’d cut himself to try and prove something was#and he showed me his incredibly faint scars and this was after I told them I was depressed and his solution was to tell me he faked it????#and didn’t even see anything wrong or worrying that he’d cut himself or was self destructive or wished something was wrong so he’d have#something to blame for being the way he was and like DAD THATS DEPRESSION but I was too numb and shocked and felt so so so betrayed becuase#it felt mocking at the time like his way of comforting me. his child. was to fucking show me his scars and be like I faked it so I know#it’s real and sorry I don’t understand WTF DAD#Other time was when he gave me his phone to play Pokémon go and I betrayed his trust (he didn’t like anyone going through his phone) and#went looking through and found Grindr and saw some shirtless photos and people messaging before I left#dad had a shirtlesss photo on there. and I had to pretend everything was fine and erase the evidence and give the phone back and help look#for furniture for our new house and never tell mom cause she’s been through so much already (I really shouldn’t have known I wasn’t her#therapist but this is about daddy issues right now not the mommy ones) so anyways I never told him and years later he told me his friends#signed him up for Grindr as a prank and to make friends and that’s why he thinks someone from his work I pranking him by signing him up#for a gay furry dating site and yet I saw him on his bed sometimes messaging people and yeah#oh and the long continous one was not divorcing mom and defending her saying she loves us when she rejected me and my sister for being trans#and being gone for most of my childhood working and never understanding the fucked up dynamic of home that took place and resenting him for#ruining the perfect routine (sharp words scary feelings always wanting to cry)#anyways michael in the bathroom always gives me weird feelings#cause I hate and love my dad and I looked up to him so much and loooking like him would’ve been a dream but sometiems the wrongs he did#come back haunt my thoughts and I want to scratch and tear apart every feature that makes me look like him. I look nothing like my mom so#there’s nothing physical to tear apart (I just act like her sometimes and have to force myself not the throw up and attack myself from the#disgust)
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brittlebutch · 8 months
by virtue of the GM having to play every NPC in contrast to every player having their one, it's fascinating the relationship dynamics this sets up in character throughout the narrative
#N posts stuff#specifically thinking about Caramelinda right now; you are a woman who was forced into a marriage after the love of your life died#your daughters Vastly and Openly love your husband more than you#you are Intimately aware of the dangers of the world and the roles that everyone in it is Forced to play and how important those roles Are#and your children Resent you for it. everything you try to do to keep them safe they Hate you for but you Cant Stop bc that wouldnt be Safe#and then your daughter dies; you thought she was safe in her bed and she wasn't. and now she's dead#and the child who brings you this news is still covered in your daughter's blood and accusing YOU of somehow inciting it#and your remaining daughter openly resents you for every move you make bc She thinks it's your fault too#she is still a child and telling you that if you had trusted them (As children) to not act as children do and if you had armed them with#magic that the lost love of your life taught you before she died; then maybe they would have respected you more and maybe they#would have listened to you then. or maybe they would have still ignored you but maybe they could have defended themselves#and maybe your daughter would still be alive. and this guts you. and then your husband looks at you take this wound and says#'can you give us a minute?' and shunts you off into a back room and this is the closure you get on this conversation#this isn't a critique btw it's the Nature of actual play and improv; i wouldn't even call it a Flaw#this isn't some Negative i'm pointing out it's just about the way the narrative reacts to this feature and the dynamics it incites#i love angst and drama and i like to peel characters apart like dissection. fascinating to me. <3
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