#and your children Resent you for it. everything you try to do to keep them safe they Hate you for but you Cant Stop bc that wouldnt be Safe
brittlebutch · 8 months
by virtue of the GM having to play every NPC in contrast to every player having their one, it's fascinating the relationship dynamics this sets up in character throughout the narrative
#N posts stuff#specifically thinking about Caramelinda right now; you are a woman who was forced into a marriage after the love of your life died#your daughters Vastly and Openly love your husband more than you#you are Intimately aware of the dangers of the world and the roles that everyone in it is Forced to play and how important those roles Are#and your children Resent you for it. everything you try to do to keep them safe they Hate you for but you Cant Stop bc that wouldnt be Safe#and then your daughter dies; you thought she was safe in her bed and she wasn't. and now she's dead#and the child who brings you this news is still covered in your daughter's blood and accusing YOU of somehow inciting it#and your remaining daughter openly resents you for every move you make bc She thinks it's your fault too#she is still a child and telling you that if you had trusted them (As children) to not act as children do and if you had armed them with#magic that the lost love of your life taught you before she died; then maybe they would have respected you more and maybe they#would have listened to you then. or maybe they would have still ignored you but maybe they could have defended themselves#and maybe your daughter would still be alive. and this guts you. and then your husband looks at you take this wound and says#'can you give us a minute?' and shunts you off into a back room and this is the closure you get on this conversation#this isn't a critique btw it's the Nature of actual play and improv; i wouldn't even call it a Flaw#this isn't some Negative i'm pointing out it's just about the way the narrative reacts to this feature and the dynamics it incites#i love angst and drama and i like to peel characters apart like dissection. fascinating to me. <3
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muffinpink02 · 3 months
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Leah and Lucy have never got on. An event they both attend brings them a little bit closer. Do they start to see things eye to eye? God I hate summary's.
Chapters 1 of 4 part 2 here
Warnings - Smut, all the good stuff
Lucy is a friendly person, she gets on with most people she meets. She’s easy going, she isn’t an in your face kind of person, she keeps herself to herself. She’s respectful to others, and even if she didn’t agree with something, she would still be able to get along with the person in a friendly manner.
But there was one person Lucy didn’t get on with, and her name is Leah Williamson.
Lucy and Leah’s dislike for each other started a couple years back. The hatred started when they first played against each other in Leah’s first over 21’s game.
The girls had never officially met prior to the game. Though Leah had already heard about Lucy, she was becoming a known name within women’s football. Lucy had a couple years on Leah, and if Leah was honest she was a bit nervous to play against her. She had heard how good she was and how hard she was to get past on the pitch.
It had gone half time and the game was getting to Leah. She had barely touched the ball and when she did, the defender was always hot on her heels. Lucys team was up by 3.
7 minutes into the second half and Leah finally had possession of the ball. She was clear, nobody was in her way. She could see the goal keeper trying to work out where she was going to shoot. She could practically taste the goal, until she felt a strong body next to hers. Lucy was able to get the ball back with no issue, she hardly even touched the blonde. Lucy cleared the ball away, and Leah lost it. She didn’t think about what she was doing. She tackled Lucy, hard. She knew the ball was gone. She could have easily stopped herself, but her anger got the better of her. She went in hard with her right foot, against the defender’s shin.
As soon as she heard the brunette cry out she regretted it. Lucy was rolling on the floor, holding her leg, she could see the pain in her face. She knew it was a stupid thing to do. The ref blew her whistle and held up a red card.
She heard the boo’s from the crowd. She then felt someone shove her, it was Jordan Nobbs. “What are you playing at?” She was in Leah’s face now, pure anger in her voice.
Her own teammates got in-between them. The ref came over and told Leah to leave the pitch. It all happened so fast. She could feel the dread in her stomach. She looked again at the brunette. She saw tears in the defenders eyes, the medics were beside her in seconds.
Lucy had to miss two games because of the injury. And she never got an apology from the girl. Leah was suspended for 3 games.
After the game Leah’s manager didn’t hold back. She told her how stupid it was, how it affects the team, even how she could have ruined the other players life with an injury, and everything else to make her feel bad. Even a few of her team mates made a few comments. Lucy had played with these girls in previous teams so they probably had some kind of friendship with her.
Since then they couldn’t stand each other. For Lucy it was the sheer lack of respect Leah had for her. Leah knew she did wrong that day. The shame of what she did turned into embarrassment, that then turned into anger and resentment towards the defender.
Over the years it always got heated on the pitch when they played against each other. There would be a pull of the shirt here, and stepping on an ankle there. It was a known fact that they couldn’t stand each other. Some people joked that they needed to have it out in the boxing ring.
“Yeah the green looks good!” Georgia was on Lucy’s phone screen, the girls decided to FaceTime each other to get the approval of what they were wearing for the charity event.
Lucy and many other players had been invited to a charity event in London. It was a charity to help children get into sports all over the world. A lot of big names were going to be at the event, so she wanted to look good. Thankfully some of the England squad were going, it was always easier at these things when you knew a few faces. She messaged Georgia, Ella, Alessia and Keira to see what they were wearing. And that’s how she came to have Georgias face on her phone.
Lucy stood in her floor length mirror, looking at herself. She knew she could rock a suit, but dahm she looked good in this one. “Yeah I think I’ll go with this one.” She pushed her glasses back up her nose and smiled at herself.
She took a few photos and sent them to the group chat with Georgia, Keira, Alessia and Ella. She got responses quickly.
Ella - Yessss Bronze!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 FITTT
Georgia - 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 DRIP
Keira - Nice!! 👌 ❤️
Alessia - Love it Lucy!!! You look good 😍😍
Lucy was happy to get the approval from her friends. They also sent their outfits photos, to which they all looked good, and Lucy hyped them up just the same.
A few hours later Lucy was in her home gym. The brunette was working out a sweat on her punch bag. Thats when she got a call from her agent. She pulled off one of her gloves straps with her teeth. She answered it, loud speaker on.
“Hey Lucy! Can you talk? Is it a bad time?”
Lucy breathed hard, wiping the sweat from her four head with her arm. “Hi Lisa, no, all good, I’m just working out. What’s up?”
Lisa sounded weird, like she was excited but there was a slight off tone to it. “Oh, great. Well I was just calling to let you know the organisers at the charity event wants you to announce one of the awards.” 
Lucy wasn’t surprised by the request, she was an ambassador for a charity herself.
“Yeah, sounds good. It’s not a long speech is it?”
“No, no. Just a quick award, the usual..”
Lucy could hear there was something else in Lisa voice, she had heard it before when giving Lucy bad news. “What’s wrong Lisa?”
Lisa waited a few seconds before answering. “They want you to present the award with someone.”
Lucy scrunched her face in confusion, why would that be a problem?
“Right, that’s fine? Isn’t that what happens most of the time? Who’s it with?”
Lisa once again fell silent. “….They want you to do the award with Leah Williamson.”
Lucy stopped mid stretch.
“Are you serious? Please tell me you’re joking? Why would they do that?”
Lisa scoffed, “Probably to make it seem like even they can bring two mortal enemies together with the power of charity.” Lucy could hear the sarcasm in Lisa’s voice.
The brunette shut her eyes in frustration and took a deep breath through her nose. “Well I’m just gong to have to do it, I don’t need to talk to the girl.”
Lisa sounded relieved. “Thank god. I’ll tell them you’ll do it. It’ll be fine, you don’t need to be best friends. Anyways, I’ll let you go, I’ll send you more details once I have them.”
Lucy started to fit the boxing glove back to her left hand. “Okay, sounds good. Talk to you later.”
Lisa ended the call. Lucy went back to her boxing bag. At least she’ll have something to focus her anger while boxing now.
2 weeks had passed and tonight was the charity event. Lucy was getting ready in her room. She had gone for light natural make up and was rocking her green suit with a clean white vest top that showed off her abs through the thin fabric and a pair of white Nike air max to finish it off. Her hair in her signature bun.
She was trying not to think about the fact that she was going to have to share the stage with Leah tonight. The last 2 weeks the her teammates had joked about the situation. They even had bets on who would win in a fight, Lucy was more than pissed that 4 of the girls on the team actually picked Leah.
She was interrupted from her thoughts when a text came through.
Alessia - outside x
Lucy had a car picking her up for the event, luckily Alessia lived close by so they were able to go to the event together. Lucy took one more look in her mirror and made her way outside. She was more than relieved to have Alessia with her. She opened the door to see the striker in a beautiful gold dress.
“Hey Luce! Oh my god, you look even better in real life! I love the suit.”
Lucy smiled, she loved it when Alessia hyped her up, it always seemed so genuine.
“Thanks Russo. You look stunning, gold really suits you.”
Alessia smiled at the compliment, she actually seemed shy from the comment. “Thank you Luce. I’m looking forward to tonight, there’s going to be an after party!”
Lucy smiled at her teammate, she loved how enthusiastic she was being, it made her think tonight wasn’t going to be too bad. They chatted all the way to the event, even taking some selfies. They arrived to a sea of photographers, flashing lights everywhere. Lucy would never get used to this part of the job. Photo shoots she could live with, but this was always a whole other world. She was just thankful to have someone with her.
She felt Alessia touch her back. A gentle reminder that she wasn’t alone. They made their way through the sea of flashing lights. They finally caught up with their teammates. They grabbed a sofa area before they could sit at their assigned seats.
Ella was sitting next to Lucy on the sofa, she nudged Lucy with her elbow. Lucy turned to see why Ella was bugging her. She smirked at Lucy and nodded her head to the direction in front of her.
“Eh up, it’s your co-host Bronze. Wow, she looks hot.”
Lucy looked in the direction Ella had nodded to, and she was right. There stood Leah, she was chatting to a TV host Lucy recognised but couldn’t tell you the name of. Lucy screwed up her face at the ‘hot’ comment. “Oi, whose side are you on? You can’t say she’s hot.”
Ella laughed and looked back at the blonde “Na sorry Luce, she does look hot, you have eyes, you can’t say she doesn’t look good.” The other girls had now taken interest in the conversation and looked around to see for themselves.
Keira was first to comment. “Oh yeah, she does look good. I knew she was fit but wow.” Lucy curled up her lip in disbelief. “Erm, sorry did we forget we don’t like her?” A smile crept of her face and the girls and Lucy laughed.
She did take a look at the blonde herself and the girls weren’t wrong, she did look good, Lucy could easily admit that. Leah was wearing a black dress that hugged her at the best bits, a high opening at the top of her thigh, exposing a bit of skin, and gold heels to finish it off. Her hair was down and straight. Lucy couldn’t take her eyes off her.
They were finally able to sit at their assigned seats. All the girls were together, with a few other names on their table. Ella was making small talk about football with Rylan Clarke and Lucy and the others stayed on their phones. They had been to events like this before and they could be a little boring, so no one judged you for having a scroll through your phone.
Lucy had a few glasses of Prosecco to give her some Dutch courage. It’s not like she was shaking in her seat with nerves but it always made it easier having a few bubbles in you, she also wasn’t sure how this was going to go with Leah. They hadn’t even acknowledged each other since they arrived.
Half an hour later a member of staff came to collect Lucy. The girls wished her luck. She was feeling fine, the alcohol was definitely helping, she wasn’t drunk but felt warm and light. She was ushered back stage where she found Leah already waiting. The blonde gave her a tight smile and nod, Lucy returned it. She couldn’t help but notice how good the blonde looked. They had at least 5 minutes before they had to walk on stage. Lucy was listening to the other presenters on stage, trying not to make it anymore awkward than it already was.
“I can’t do it.”
Lucy turned around to a pale looking Leah. She looked like a deer in headlights
“I can’t do this, I’m freaking out. God I knew I should have just said no.” Leah was starting to panic, she could feel her hands shaking.
She bent forward hands on her knees the girl looked liked she was about to be sick. Lucy gingerly stepped forward to Leah, she put her hand out to touch Leah’s back but thought better of it.
Leah wanted the floor to swallow her whole, she couldn’t believe she was having a breakdown in front of Lucy. Of all people.
Lucy wasn’t really sure what to do. She didn’t know Leah, she didn’t have the best relationship with the girl. Now she was having a meltdown, moments before they were meant to be on live television. She would be more than happy to go out alone if she needed to.
Leah stood up she looked like she was about to cry. For some reason seeing Leah close to tears stirred something inside of the brunette. She didn’t like the girl but she didn’t want to see her like this either.
Leah could feel her eyes watering, she was in full panic now.
“Leah it’s okay. You can do this, you’ve had bigger audiences than this, this is nothing for you.” Lucy was sure that would be enough.
Leah puffed out her cheeks, a tear falling from her eye. “God, sorry, I can’t believe I’m crying in front of you.” Lucy couldn’t believe Leah was this nervous. Their history was pushed aside for a moment.
Lucy took Leah by the shoulders. Leah was clearly taken aback by the touch and tensed up under Lucy’s hands. “Hey, look, I know this isn’t the easiest of things, I get it. I hated doing things like this before. But you are Leah fucking Williamson, one of the best football players out there, what do you have to be nervous about?”
Leah wiped her eye and chuckled. “Wow, I did not ever expect to hear those words come out of your mouth.” She could feel Lucy’s strong hands on her bare skin. She was close enough to smell her perfume. It smelt like a perfume Leah had of her own. The touch distracted her for a split second from her worries. She also couldn’t believe Lucy had said she thought she was a good football player.
Lucy smiled, she was happy to see she got the girl to laugh, Lucy once again couldn’t help but notice just how beautiful the girl was up close. She felt her tension leave her shoulders.
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it. Look, if you want I can do all the talking, you can read out the winner? Or you can just come out? I’m easy.” Lucy stepped back, letting go of the blonde.
Leah sniffled and took a deep breath, dabbing the corners of her eyes lightly, trying not to mess up her make up. “Could you maybe do the talking, and we read out the winner together?…If thats okay?” Lucy couldn’t help but notice how weak her voice sounded.
“No, that’s all good with me. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Just breathe through it.” Lucy gave her a small smile.
Leah gave her a genuine smile back. Before any more could be said a young girl from the stage crew came over, with a headset on. “Hey ladies, okay, your cues will be in front of you on the projector with your names. Make sure to smile and no swearing.” She smiled and ushered them over to the side of the stage. She looked to be listening to someone in her ear. “I have Lucy and Leah now, they are clear to go.” Lucy then heard their names being called out on the speakers by a pre recorded voice, the lady smiled and gestured for them to go on stage.
Lucy started to walk, she could hear the audience clapping. She then felt a hand hook around her arm. Lucy looked around to see Leah attached to her. Leah smiled at her almost pleading her not move her arm away, she clearly needed the support.
Leah didn’t realise she had reached out to Lucy. She needed to feel something close to her, she needed something to ground her. Lucy smiled and carried on walking, she pulled Leah closer to her without thinking twice. As soon as Lucy pulled the girl closer, Leah felt like she could breathe again.
Lucy read out all the script, like she said she would, still feeling Leah attached to her arm. They read out the winner together, still noticing how small Leah’s voice was. They congratulated the winner and walked off the stage, Leah walking close by her side.
Another crew member came over, with a headset on his head. “Well done guys, could you follow me please.” They followed the young boy back stage and back down to the floor. Lucy was first to get to her table, and before she could do or say anything, the boy ushered Leah back to her own table. Leah looked like she was about to say something but was quickly rushed by the crew member.
Lucy stood with her back to the table, she watched Leah go to her own table. She turned to see her teammates were staring at her like she had grown two heads.
“What?…is there something on my face?” Panic set in thinking she had done something embarrassing. She slowly sat down, eyes still on her, but no one was talking.
“What’s wrong? What did I do? Did I say the names wrong?”
Ella spoke first. “What was that about?” She nodded her head towards Leah’s table. Ella smiled. “Are you two best friends now?”
Realisation kicked in. Lucy laughed. How was she going to explain this? She wasn’t going to go into detail about Leah’s meltdown, friends or not she wasn’t someone who would talk about someone else behind their back. “She just needed a bit of help. No big deal.” The girls looked at each other, a few smiles and lost looks on their faces.
Georgia laughed. “Well, you looked good together.” The girls all laughed, Lucy laughed with them.
For a split second the comment had Lucy’s mind wonder to what it would be like to be with Leah in more ways than one.
She was interrupted by her thoughts when Keira jumped in. “You did well up there Lucy.” Keira smiled a genuine smile at her and raised her glass. Alessia was pouring Lucy a new glass to drink. The girls all raised their glasses. “To Lucy!” Shouted Ella. They all cheersed and took a drink from their glasses.
“Awww thanks guys.” The girls went into their own conversations. Lucy looked around the room, spotting a few famous faces she recognised, another part of the job she still hadn’t gotten used to. She turned to the right of her, and caught a pair blue eyes watching her. Leah’s blue eyes.
Leah quickly looked away, trying her hardest to act like she hadn’t just been caught in 4k.
Lucy looked back at her drink, smiling to herself as she took a sip of her Prosecco.
Leah kicked herself internally. She had been watching Lucy for a while, and she knew she should have stoped after the first 5 minutes, but she couldn’t help it. When Leah first saw Lucy tonight, she had to pick her mouth up from the ground. Lucy looked really fucking good in her green suit. Leah could see Lucy’s 6 pack through her fitted white t shirt she could have sworn she dribbled. Then seeing her up close backstage didn’t help, she made her more nervous than she already was.
She felt like she could still feel Lucy’s hands on her shoulders, she made her feel so relaxed, just the touch alone calmed her breathing. Don't get her wrong, she knew Lucy didn’t like her or even looked at her in any other way than an enemy. But Leah could still appreciate a good looking woman when she saw one, and she thought that every time she had the pleasure of seeing Lucy. On or off the pitch.
The awards finished and the girls made their way to the after party all in one car. It wasn’t far from the first event. They pulled up to a bar that had a night club underground. They jumped out of the car and were escorted straight in. The DJ was already playing the right kind of music to get you dancing. They were escorted to a reserved table with a few different bottles of drink in ice. They poured what they wanted and made themselves comfy.
More people started drifting in from the charity event and the bar become full. There were a few other girls from different teams on the dance floor. It was mostly athletes at this event as it was a sports charity, so Lucy could spot a few of the other girls out. She also spotted a certain blonde in the middle of the dance floor. Looking a lot more calmer than she did earlier. Ella and Georgia decided they wanted to dance, they made their way to dance floor but not without dragging Lucy down with them.
The girls laughed at Lucy pretending to not want to go, but Lucy didn’t put up a fight, she was the first the start dancing once they got to the dance floor. The other two joined them and all 5 of them were dancing under the strobe lights. After a half hour Lucy made her way to the toilets. She felt the effects of the alcohol hitting her a bit more, after leaving the hot room of bodies.
As she left the toilet stall she was met with Leah’s blue eyes staring back at her in the mirror. She stoped in her tracks for a quick second and made her way to the sink. Leah seemed to be doing something with her make up. She gave a small smile to the girl, and received a tight lipped smile back from Leah, it looked like it hurt her to do it.
Leah nearly dropped her lipgloss when she saw Lucy in the mirror. Lucy was making Leah nervous anytime she was close, she didn’t even have to be talking to her. Just her presence alone was enough.
Lucy wasn’t sure if she should really say anything, it felt more awkward than ever, she preferred it when there was a mutual hatred. The thing is Lucy didn’t hate Leah, she thought she was rude, a bit of a show off but she never hated her. She respected her as a football player, she was being honest when she told Leah she thought she was one of the best. However, if Leah was still going to be cold towards Lucy, even after earlier then she could simply fuck off.
Leah’s brain was in over drive trying to think of something to say. Her mouth became completely dry. She kept glancing at the brunette. Hoping to strike up any conversation.
Lucy gave herself a once over in the mirror before finishing up, and made her way towards the door.
Lucy’s paused in her tracks, hand on the door. Did she just hear that right? She turned to see Leah facing her. Lucy raised her eyebrows. She heard Leah but she wanted her to say it again. “Pardon?”
Leah looked at her shoes, clearly finding it hard to resist an eye roll. Lucy smiled internally. Leah looked back up at the defender and took a big breath. “Thank you for earlier. I’m - I’m not the best with all that stuff. Sorry you had to do it all.”
Lucy was shocked, she didn’t think she was going to get a thank you from the girl. She knew that must have taken a lot for Leah, she wasn’t going to gloat or be a dick about it. She smiled at the blonde in front of her. “That’s okay, I could see it was bothering you, it’s nothing.”
Lucy’s smile was becoming a big weakness for Leah.
Leah looked like she relaxed a little, and looked back at Lucy. “Also, sorry for holding on to you. I don’t really know what happened there.”
Lucy smiled her brilliant toothy smile, almost verging on flirty. “Ah that’s okay, don’t apologise for that, I didn’t mind.”
Leah smiled at Lucy with a shy smile, Lucy once again noticing how naturally beautiful the girl was. An awkward silence fell over them. Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear, looking around the room. Lucy was about to do them both a favour and wish Leah a good night but Leah wanted to keep talking.
“I like your suit by the way. Green really suits you. It goes with your eyes.”
Fuck, fuck. Fuck….why did you say that.
Lucy didn’t expect that, and she must have made that clear on her face. Leah looked like she wanted the floor to swallow her whole. In one way Lucy liked seeing Leah squirm, it wasn’t something you saw often on Leah, it was just fun seeing her little pretty face go into panic mode. She’d seen Leah pull a few of these new faces tonight, and she was secretly loving it.
Lucy smirked, and she made sure it was flirty this time. She looked Leah up and down with just enough tease in her eyes. “Erm, thank you. I didn’t know you were looking at me so hard.”
And for the second time that night Leah was a deer in headlights. “Erm - I - I -, sorry, I just like your suit…and I saw your eyes were green, and - and… yeah, wow.” Leah looked like she was about combust. Lucy couldn’t watch her crumble anymore.
Lucy gave out a low chuckle. “Chill Leah, I’m joking. Thank you. You look really, really nice tonight, that dress is beautiful on you.” Lucy knew what she was doing, and was loving what it was doing to Leah.
Leah gave a small laugh, clearly feeling a little shy, from Lucy’s comment and her own comments. She pushed her hair back once more behind her ear. “Thank you.”
Silence fell over them again, Leah grabbed her bag and pointed towards the door. “I better go, the girls are probably wondering where I am.”
She walked towards the door and Lucy opened it for her. She could smell Leah’s sandalwood perfume, a lot like the one Lucy where’s. Lucy watched as the girl walked past her.
“Oh thanks.” Leah smiled shyly up at Lucy.
Lucy smiled back. “No worries.”
She watched the blonde go past and couldn’t help but have a cheeky look at her arse. She knew Leah had a good arse, but she only ever saw it before in football shorts, the dress was doing wonders.
The night went on. Lucy was with her small squad, all the girls was having a good time, many pictures were taken. Lucy posted a few to her story. She posted a picture of her alone, pouring a drink. Her abs were noticeable even through her white T-shirt. She knew she looked good, she knew her stomach looked good and yeah, she wanted to show it off.
Lucy would be lying if she wasn’t trying to look for a certain blonde in the crowd, but she hadn’t seen her since their toilet encounter. To say Lucy wasn’t a bit confused with the night would be an understatement. To be honest she didn’t hate the change in dynamics, she didn’t really like the rivalry between her and Leah. She hated that the press would even make it a topic to write about.
The night got later and the guest started to leave. The girls also called it a night. They had a car waiting for them outside. The event team had booked rooms for the girls at the hotel back where the charity event was held. It was 2 girls per room and Lucy got the long straw of having her own room.
On the way back to the hotel Lucy scrolled through her insta. She noticed a new name on her notifications. She smiled at her phone, seeing Leah Williamson name pop up. She had liked her latest post.
“Aye up, who’s got you smiling?” Georgia was sat opposite Lucy in their taxi.
Lucy looked up at Georgia, she really was like an annoying little sister sometimes. She closed her screen phone, but Keira had already seen what she was smiling at. Lucy smiled and shock her head. “Nothing, just a funny meme.”
Georgia wouldn’t drop it though. “Oh what a liar! Who is it then?”
“Erm you have a cheek.” Keira jumped in. “Wasn’t you flirting with that netball player all night? Shall we talk about that?”
Georgia smirked, and suddenly the view outside was more interesting than the conversation. All the girls laughed including Georgia.
“Mate, you are so red.” Ella laughed at Georgia. The girls started talking about the night and events that happened, questioning Georgia on her affairs.
Lucy caught eyes with Keira and thanked her with a smile. She loved the girls but they could definitely be relentless sometimes.
They finally arrived at the hotel. The girls got in the lift giggling at something Alessia said. They were all a little drunk, nothing too crazy but the drunk kind, when the most stupid thing is the more hilarious thing.
“Right, this is me. I’ll see you guys in the morning for breakfast.”
Lucy was on the floor below her teammates.
“Noooo, let’s keep this going. Drinks in my room.” Georgia pleaded.
“Night Luce, see you tomorrow.” Keira looked stressed to be sharing a room with Georgia.
“No way, I’m off. Good luck Keira. Night all.”
The doors shut on Georgia’s protest.
Lucy walked the hallway to her room, she turned the corner to see a woman standing with her back to her. As she turned around she was met with those blue eyes again. Once again those blue eyes were in a state of shock.
“Oh my god, what are you doing here?”
Leah couldn’t believe her luck. Katie decided to bring a girl back to their shared hotel room. She saw the sock on the door and nearly lost her shit. She couldn’t complain too hard though, she had done the same thing 2 months ago to Katie and she didn’t complain.
Seeing Lucy in front of her was a bit of a shock. She seemed to bump into the girl a lot tonight. Seeing Lucy made her feel lots of different things, she couldn’t put her finger on just one. But excited was definitely the first word she could think of, but why was she here?
“Going to my room?” Lucy said it with a tone of sarcasm. Lucy wasn’t that shocked to see Leah, most of the hotel was booked for the events guest tonight.
“What are you doing here? Why you standing in the hallway?”
Lucy walked towards her room. Leah was clearly stressed about something, she nodded towards a door down from Lucy’s. It had a sock on the door nob.
Lucy raised her eyebrows. “Oh. I see, who you sharing with?”
Leah put her arms around herself. “McCabe.”
Lucy nodded her head. “I haven’t seen that in a while.”
Leah pulled out her phone. “I’ll just have to book somewhere else. I can’t be asked to get into anything with her.”
The next words out of Lucy’s mouth wasn’t thought through, they came out before she even realised she said it.
“You can stay with me?”
Leah was the one to raise her eye brows this time. She clearly wasn’t expecting that from Lucy. She didn’t want to assume anything either. Lucy doesn’t like her like that, she was just trying to be nice. She probably just felt bad. But she could still feel the butterflies in her stomach.
It felt like a lifetime of silence before Leah replied. Lucy never had so many silent conversations in her life before tonight.
“No, god. I don’t want to put you out. I’ll just wait in reception or something.” Leah put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes, clearly annoyed at the thought of waiting around.
Lucy once again feeling bad for the blonde in front of her tonight, this was becoming a habit.
“No, come on. Why would you do that. I’m sure there’s a pull out sofa in there. You can go to your room when she’s done.”
Leah looked at Lucy. The brunette couldn’t work out the thoughts going through her head. She opened the door with the key card. “Come on, I won’t bite. Unless you like that kind of thing.” She winked at Leah and gave her one of her flirty smiles. She couldn’t help it.
Fuck, Leah nearly lost her legs. Lucy flirting was not something she thought she’d ever be in the presence of. The wink alone made her squirm.
Leah finally laughed. She rolled her eyes and walked toward the now open door. Lucy held it open for her. Lucy was having deja vu once again tonight.
It was a nice room, it had a king size bed and wall length windows that was over looking London. Lucy’s suitcase was in the middle of the room. Lisa would have got that there for her.
Lucy walked towards the windows, she loved the city at night. She turned around to see Leah standing in the middle of the room, looking lost.
Lucy cleared her throat. “So, how was your night?” She sat on the sofa near the window. She didn’t really know what to do with herself. A couple of hours ago Lucy was dreading having to share the stage with Leah, now she was standing in front of her in her hotel room. She seemed to have shared a lot of different moments with Leah tonight.
Leah played her with fingers. “Erm, yeah, bit of a weird one. But, it was good. Yours?”
Lucy chuckled, she had a feeling Leah was referring to all of their encounter’s tonight.
“Yeah, weird is one way of putting it.”
Silence fell over them once more. Lucy didn’t really understand it. Leah was so vocal on the pitch. She had seen her in action plenty of times. Even after matches, in her interviews she was confident and wanted to talk about her thoughts on the game. But the women in front of her seemed, scared.
“Shall we see what the mini bar is offering?”
Leah let out a breath. “Please.”
“Good, something we can agree on. Do you want to sit, get comfy.” She watched the girl take off her leather jacket and sat on the opposite side of the small round table.
She found a few bottles of small spirits and plenty of mixers. Even 4 bottles of small Prosecco. Thank god.
“Okay we have, spice rum, vodka, gin and some Prosecco, what do you fancy?”
Leah was looking out the window. “Oh erm, rums good for me. Thank you.”
“I’ll join you with the rum I think.”
Lucy started making their drinks. Just as she was finishing up, music started playing in her ears. She was confused, she looked over at Leah who had a timid smile on her face.
“Sorry, I connected my phone to the speakers. Do you mind?”
Lucy carried the drinks over to the table. “Oh no, not at all. We’re having our own little party.” She sat down opposite Leah, handing her, her drink. Leah took it, her fingers touching Lucy’s quickly. She thanked her with a small voice.
“So, please tell me this is as awkward for you as it is for me.” It was probably the drink in her system that allowed Lucy to have the word vomit, like she did earlier when she asked Leah to stay the night.
Leah laughed loudly. A genuine belly laugh, Lucy once again noticing the girls beauty was, especially when she laughed or smiled. Lucy smiled, she was glad the girl was laughing and not throwing hands.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m feeling it too.” Leah pushed her hair back behind her ear and took a sip of her drink.
“Look, I know we’re not the best of friends but you can chill. I’m not going to start having a got at you or anything.”
Leah’s a confident person, she’s confident in her football, she’s confident speaking her mind, she’s very confident with flirting and getting what or who she wanted. However Leah wasn’t great at public speaking but, when her agent told her who she’d be presenting with she changed her tune quickly.
For a while Leah has had a crush on the brunette, well since she kind of laid eyes on her. She wasn’t in love with the girl, she had eyes she could appreciate a good looking woman. She also respected Lucy a lot, as a person and footballer. But she never made it obvious, she kept the angry front up as it was much easier than being turned down by Lucy. For some reason Lucy made her nervous and tonight it really showed. She didn’t expect Lucy to be anything but cold towards her as that’s how it had always been. So when the girl was being kind to her back stage it threw her completely off, she couldn’t keep up the coldness towards her, she just nervous instead.
Leah took another sip of her drink, watching Lucy over the rim of her glass. It was the first time Lucy felt like the deer in head lights.
Leah cleared her throat and sat back in her seat a small smile on her face. “Yeah, sorry. I’ve been on a bit of edge today.”
Lucy nodded her head. She could understand, these kind of event days could be a lot. Press, photographers meeting so many people.
“Yeah I get it, you don’t have to explain yourself.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Lucy wasn’t expecting that question.
“Not that I’m complaining, but we’ve never got on. You hate me, but you’ve been nothing but nice to me. I don’t get it.”
“Firstly, I don’t hate you Leah. Yeah we’ve never got on, but that’s because our first introduction to each other wasn’t great.”
Leah winced at that. Lucy wasn’t saying it in a harsh tone but what she was saying was true.
“I don’t know if you even remember but I never got an apology from you and it’s just kind of been tense since then. But I don’t hate you. I really respect you as a footballer and what you do for your club.”
Lucy took a long swig of her drink.
Leah’s shoulders slumped, she looked down at the floor, Lucy could see she felt bad.
“Well, I know it’s been a while since our first game but would you accept my apology now?”
Lucy smiled. “Yeah. Yeah I would.”
Leah smiled an easy smile back. “Lucy, I’m genuinely really sorry for how I acted on that first game. In all honesty I was terrified to play against you. I lost my temper that day and I was childish and stupid. I have regretted everyday since then that I didn’t apologise to you sooner.” She sat forward in her chair and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “I am truly sorry for how I acted that day, and every match we’ve had together since. I really am sorry.” She finished with a deep breath.
Leah took a long swig of her glass, finishing her drink.
Lucy was shocked at the sincereness of Leah, she could tell the girl meant it.
Lucy smiled her famous smile and raised her glass towards Leah.
“To new beginnings.”
The blonde smiled back, more tension looked liked it left her shoulders. She raised her glass.
“To new beginnings.”
They clinked their glasses together.
Lucy took a drink from her glass, looking at Leah over the rim of her glass. Leah looking right back at her. It became quiet again but it didn’t feel awkward. “Hang on, you need another drink.”
“I do. It’s okay I’ll make them. Same again?”
Lucy handed Leah her glass. Fingers touching once again. “Please.”
An hour later and 3 more drinks in. The room was worm. Leah’s music was still playing. It felt like an intimate party between the pair of them. The girls were a lot more comfortable now. Lucy had taken off her suit jacket. Leah had taken off her heels. They were now sitting on the small sofa together. Their knees kept knocking and touching one another but nobody moved to give the other space. Both girls belly laughing over something Lucy said.
“And that’s why I don’t eat pickles anymore.”
Leah wiped a tear from her eye, and put her hand on Lucy’s thigh. “Oh my god. I can’t believe it. That’s so funny.”
For the 100th time that night, Lucy caught herself staring at Leah. She couldn’t believe this time 12 hours ago she was dreading being near the girl, and now she was cracking jokes with her.
“God, I can’t believe I’m actually sitting in Lucy Bronze’s hotel room at 1 in the morning.”
Lucy put her hand to her own chest and faked a gasp. “Sorry? What’s so wrong with being in my hotel room?”
Leah laughed. Her hand still on Lucy’s thigh. “No, not like that. I know a lot of girls that would kill to be me right now.”
Lucy snorted. “Nope, you’ve hurt me Leah. I’ve done nothing but help you today and this is what I get.”
Leah squeezed Lucy’s thigh, laughing. “No. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now. I swear.”
Lucy couldn’t help herself, her flirty smile came out to play. “Oh is that so? So you do want to be in my hotel room at 1 in the morning, are you one of the girls you’re talking about?” Lucy took a sip of her drink laughing in her glass.
“Maybe.” Leah bit her lower lip, before raising her own glass to her mouth, still giggling.
The girls were tipsy at this point, but not drunk. They knew what they were saying was dangerous but not enough to get them in trouble.
Lucy wasn’t going to stop the flirting, she liked this new dynamic between them. Lucy had been checking Leah out all night, and Leah wasn’t innocent either.
“I bet McCabe isn’t even in there. I bet you put that sock there. You just wanted to be in my room.” Lucy laughed.
Leah now faked a fake gasp. “Right, I’ll go then you clearly don’t want me in your room. I’ll see if she’s done.”
Leah went to sit up but Lucy grabbed her by her waist pulling her back down. “No, don’t go.”
She fell half on Lucy’s lap, half on the sofa, face on, half straddling Lucy’s thigh.
Both girls laughter slowed down. Lucy still had her arm around Leah. She slowly looked up, face to face with the blonde. She no longer looked like a deer in headlights but more like a cat that got its milk. The air became thick. They had been playing on the fine line of flirting most of the night and now she had Leah sitting in her lap.
Leah was the first one to lean forward. Lucy kept her eyes on Leah’s blue ones, and slowly lowered her eyes on Leah’s glossed lips. Licking her own subconsciously. The only other time Lucy had been this close to Leah’s face was at a match when things got heated. Now that took a whole other meaning.
Leah looked at Lucy for any kind of sign to stop. Lucy could feel it. She gave Leah the smallest of nods. The blonde closed the gap between their mouths slowly.
Leah’s mouth tasted like vanilla and mint, Lucy instantly loved the flavour. Leah’s lips felt so much softer than Lucy could have imagined, and she had imagined them a lot tonight. She let Leah control the pace of their movements. The younger girl moved back slightly, just inches away from Lucy’s mouth. “Is this okay? Are you drunk?”
“No, I’m fine, are you? Do you want to stop?”
“No, not drunk and I definitely don’t want to stop.
Lucy nodded, and leaned in to Leah’s lips, she was already missing the feeling of them. The blonde girl shifted her body so she could straddle Lucy properly.
Lucy snaked her hands up Leah’s now bare thighs, her dressed had hitched up to her waist, giving Lucy all the access she wanted.
Leah pushed herself forward and placed her hands behind Lucy’s head, pinning her to the sofa. The brunette squeezed Leah’s thighs causing her to gasp. Lucy took the opportunity to push her tongue deep into Leah’s mouth causing the younger girl to moan.
Lucy could feel Leah smiling into the kiss. Lucy had kissed a few girls in her time but there was something about kissing Leah that made her head spin, every move she made was perfect. She felt her tongue caressing her bottom lip, sucking it into her own mouth. Lucy could feel herself getting wet.
Leah had control over their movements with the position she was in. She started to grind her hips into Lucy’s, this time Lucy was the one to gasp. Leah began to kiss down the brunette's neck, Lucy was more than willing to let Leah take her as she pleased. She slowly kissed every inch of Lucy’s neck before she moved to her throat, sucking hard on one spot. Lucy’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, pleasure taking over her.
“Fuck, Leah.”
If Leah’s tongue felt this good on her neck imagine the other places she would feel better at. When Leah was happy with the mark she left on Lucy’s tanned skin she took one long lick, gliding her wet tongue up Lucy’s neck, gliding to her ear. Lucy’s hands squeezed Leah’s thighs again, not being able to control her movements.
Leah was loving the control she had over Lucy, Seeing the older girl melt for her just over her kissing was making her ego grow ten times over. Leah gasped from Lucy’s touch once again, her strong hands close to where she needed her most. She moved her hands from the sofa into Lucy’s dark hair, pulling her head back with a gentle tug. Giving her full access to her mouth.
Lucy easily let Leah control her. The blonde took the opportunity to lick into Lucy’s mouth. Lucy loved the movements Leah was doing with her tongue. Her hips grinded up into the blonde, Leah smiled down devilishly at Lucy.
Leah was dominating the kissing, Lucy’s head was spinning. She started to rub her thumbs dangerously close to Leah’s very wet underwear. Leah released Lucy’s hair and started to grind with more purpose, though she had nothing to grind on. Lucy could tell she was becoming frustrated, she glided her right hand up to Leah’s toned thigh. She felt the fabric of Leah’s underwear, she could tell it was lace straight away. Her personal favourite.
She lowered her hand right where Leah needed her, she could feel the heated damp patch between her legs. Leah let out a moan from the first touch. Lucy studied Leah’s face, she was even more beautiful up close. Leah started to grind on Lucy’s hand, trying to get any friction that she could find.
Lucy didn’t want to waste anymore time, she wanted to feel Leah, she pulled her underwear to the side and glided her fingers through Leah’s soaking wet lips. The younger girl let out a glorious moan, her hips grinding harder. Lucy couldn’t believe how wet Leah was already, it made her head grow 5 times the size. She glided her finger up to Leah’s clit, and gently back down, wanting to explore the girl above. “Someone’s wet.” Lucy’s voice was low and cocky.
Leah whimpered, hearing Lucy talk in her like this was sinful, hearing the teasing in her tone. Feeling Lucy touching every part of her sensitive flesh was driving her mad. Leah didn’t want to lose the control over their rhythm, she wanted to be the one in charge but that was slowly slipping.
“Tell me what you want.” Lucy was kissing Leah’s neck as her fingers kept playing with her velvet lips, slowly circling her clit every few seconds.
“I want you inside, fuck me. Please.”
Lucy’s fingers were soaked with Leah’s own juices. She slid a single finger in with no resistance. Fuck she felt good.
Leah moaned low into Lucy’s ear, the brunette was loving every second of hearing the girls moan. She added a second finger. Leah was tight, she could feel her pussy walls pulling her in. She started to pump, moving with Leah’s hips. It wasn’t the best position but she would make it work. The blonde was panting hard into her neck. Lucy thought Leah was beautiful before, but seeing her like this was something completely different. She looked like a work of art, a work of art getting fucked.
“Do you know how good you look Leah?”
She kept pumping. Leah lifted her head looking down at Lucy. Her muscular arms were on show, watching her flex from each stroke made Leah’s pussy walls flex, and Lucy could feet it.
Lucy snaked her other hand up to Leah’s thigh, moving past her thongs and straight to her swollen clit, making small circle motions. Leah’s mouth gapped open, Lucy couldn't but stare at the girl above in awe.
“Oh my god Lucy, don’t stop. You feel amazing. Don’t stop.”
Lucy didn’t once take her eyes off of Leah, she was mesmerised by the sight. She took a quick bite of Leah’s neck, causing Leah to whimper. “I got you Leah, I won’t stop. You feel so good, you’re so fucking tight.”
Leah loved Lucy’s words, she could feel her own legs shaking. She could feel she was close. She leaned down and kissed Lucy hard. She wanted to feel her lips when she came.
“Kiss me Luce, don’t stop kissing me.”
Lucy didn’t complain. She kissed Leah back just like she asked, she could feel Leah getting close, she didn’t once stop her movements.
Leah was feeling the glorious coil in her stomach. Lucy’s tongue was deep in her mouth, sucking on her tongue. Leah felt like she couldn’t breathe in the best way possible, she was surrounded by Lucy. She started to make short little gasps, her climax was just on the cusp. Leah took control of the kissing and sucked in Lucy’s tongue, causing the girl to moan in her mouth. It pushed her over the ledge she’d been sitting on all day.
Leah moaned loud as she came. Her pussy flexed against Lucy’s fingers, her body shook hard. Her mouth was still attached to Lucy’s lips. Lucy watched Leah like a hawk, making sure to follow every movement to help guide her orgasm.
Leah’s eyes were closed, she leaned her four head against Lucy’s, breathing hard. When she finally opened her eyes, she was met with dark green ones staring back at her. A shy smile crept on Leah’s face. Did that really just happen?
Lucy slowly pulled out of Leah, the blonde groaned from the loss. She sat back, on Lucy’s legs.
But Leah wasn’t done there. She took Lucy’s hand that had been in-between her legs, she saw her two fingers glistening with her juices. She slowly raised Lucy’s hand to her lips, gently kissing them with her swollen kissed lips. Lucy’s breathing quickened, she knew what Leah was going to do and she could feel herself getting wet.
Leah gently licked Lucy’s wet fingers, gliding her tongue, making sure Lucy could see every inch of what her tongue could do. Lucy didn’t blink. She didn’t want to miss a second of this. Watching Leah’s long tongue glide across her skin was magical.
“Fuck…” Lucy breathed out.
Leah slowly sucked in Lucy’s fingers, she was showing off for Lucy, she wanted to be the one in control. She was loving that Lucy looked like she was about to melt on the floor. She looked down at the brunette, she looked so fucking good, her once neat her was now tussled, her white vest top had ridden up just a bit so you could see the bottom of her abs. You could see her muscular stomach through the white vest top as she breathed. Leah was in a trance looking at the brunette.
She released Lucy’s fingers with a loud pop. She slowly climbed off her thighs and stepped back. She unclipped the back of her black dress, it fell to the floor around her feet.
Lucy’s mouth gapped open.
The brunette had seen glimpses of Leah’s stomach when on the pitch. She knew she had a stunning body but she’s always wondered what the rest of her looked like. The thing is Lucy had a little secret. She had crushed on Leah for a little while. It was a weird feeling to crush on your ‘enemy’ she brought out the best and worst parts of Lucy on the pitch, and it had caused Lucy to want to know the girl more. In many different ways. But to have Leah Williamson standing in front of you, in nothing but a pair of laced black thongs and a a see through bra to match, was breathtaking.
Leah sunk to her knees, in-between Lucy’s spread legs. She reached for Lucy’s trousers unbuttoning them, bitting her bottom lip. She tugged at Lucy’s trousers, trying to make a point that she needed them off. Lucy’s brain finally caught up. She stood up to remove her bottoms but Leah got there first. She slowly dragged her suit trousers down to her ankles, her girl boxers following right behind.
Lucy was wet.
Leah was proud.
She had Lucy Bronze, a woman that so many players looked up to. So many players were intimidated by, standing in front of her, soaking wet for her. Her chest swelled. She gently started kissing Lucy’s thighs, she could hear Lucy breathing above her. She guided Lucy to sit back on the sofa, she got herself comfortable in-between Lucy’s legs.
Lucy couldn’t believe the sight in front of her. Leah Williamson, on her knees for her. She was about to burst, she could feel her stomach tensing from anticipation. She had definitely imagined Leah like this a few times.
Leah kissed Lucy’s thighs some more, wanting to tease her just a little bit. She looked up to see Lucy looking flustered. Just what she wanted. Though, she was just as excited as Lucy for this moment, she didn’t want to wait anymore. Leah stroked her tongue right up to the crease at Lucy’s thigh. Lucy’s body jumped at the touch.
Leah leaned forward to Lucy’s lips, she could see her lips were coated in her juices. Leah’s own mouth watered.
Lucy could feel Leah breathing on her. The younger girl took a long, slow lick into Lucy’s cunt. She moaned at the taste. Her new favourite flavour. Lucys head fell back on the sofa. She was painfully turned on, her pussy was throbbing.
Lucy was more wet than Leah realised. Her tongue was met with her honey like juices. She swallowed the mouthful that gathered on her tongue. She couldn’t get over how good she tasted.
Leah lapped her up, wanting to feel every bit of Lucy on her tongue. The brunette was in heaven, it felt like Leah was on every inch of her. Caressing every spot.
Leah leaned back on her heels, Lucy’s juices still attached to her mouth, creating wet string between both Leah’s lips and Lucy’s lower lips. The blonde stuck out her tongue, greedily tasting Lucy’s juices, breaking the wet string attached to her wet mouth.
“You taste so good Luce. I could eat you out all night.”
Lucy could have came from the site alone, she hoped the image would burn in her brain.
Lucy let out a low chuckle, she brought her hands up to the blondes hair, she gently pushed some of her hair behind her ear. Leah couldn’t believe how delicate Lucy was being towards her, even in this position.
“I would gladly have you in-between my legs all night. Leah, you don’t know how good you like right now. On your knees for me. Do you know how beautiful you are?” Lucy’s voice was low and full of lust, but also sounded so loving.
Leah smiled at Lucy. She felt more bare than when she stripped. She kept her eyes on Lucy’s as she went back to her pussy. She traced her tongue into Lucy’s folds, she could feel the brunette getting wetter. Lucy slowly laced her hands into Leah’s hair. Leah moaned at the contact, she wanted to please Lucy so badly. She captured Lucy’s swollen clit into her mouth sucking it gently.
Lucy hissed in pleasure from the action. She wasn’t going to last long but she was shocked that she even got to this far. Her hips started to grind into Leah’s mouth, she gripped tighter onto Leah’s hair.
Leah was more than willing to let Lucy take control to reach her climax. Lucy’s breathing become rough, her hips kept grinding into Leah’s mouth. Her legs began to shake.
“Leah, ….Leah, I’m so close. Don’t stop. Your tongue feels so, so good!” Lucy nearly shouted the last words. She pushed Leah’s face deeper into her pussy, needing her exactly where she wanted her. Leah wasn’t going to stop, she would go all night if she could, well if Lucy would let her. She sucked and licked Lucy’s clit, loving every sound she pulled from the brunette.
“Fuuuck, I’m coming. Don’t stop!”
She came hard onto Leah’s tongue. Her head fell back against the sofa. Eyes closed. Leah continued her movements, she could feel Lucy’s juices flowing into her mouth. She never stopped.
She was still grinding into Leah’s mouth, ridding out her orgasm as much as she could. She could feel Leah’s tongue all over her cunt. She loved how good Leah was making her feel. She stopped her movements and slowly took her hands out of Leah’s hair she looked down at the girl in-between her legs. She had Lucy’s juices dripping down her chin. Her hair was disheveled. She looked beautiful.
Lucy leaned forward, cupping Leah’s chin. She couldn’t help but smile at her.
“That was amazing. You are amazing. Fuck.”
Leah felt herself blush. Lucy’s words did something to her.
“Thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.”
Lucy chuckled. She brought her hand from Leah’s chin into her hair and guided her to her mouth. She kissed Leah deeply, her tongue roaming hers. The kiss made Leah’s pussy throb.
“I’m gonna shower, do you wanna join me?”
Lucy voice was low.
“Yeah. That would be nice. Oh but I haven’t got any clothes to change into.”
Lucy gave Leah a lustful smile. “You won’t need any.”
Leah was definitely dripping now. She got up quickly and dragged Lucy towards the bathroom stripping off her remaining clothes as she did.
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franzkafkagf · 18 days
Imagine you're a fifteen-year-old girl, your father is the second most powerful man in the realm, and your life is not your own. You're fifteen and your father sends you to the king's chambers to keep him company. He says that he wants to marry you now, you're fifteen and you closest friend's father wants to marry you. Your father wanted this for you so you wanted this for you.
You're thrust into the role of queen, and wife, and mother before you even really got to know yourself. So then you had three children before the age of twenty and you don't know how to love them properly. You don't even know how to love yourself properly. Your friend (or is it step-daughter now?) resents you for it and somehow you can't blame her. And you're so lonely and you don't know where to find somebody.
Your husband crumbles before your eyes. He never really cared about you that much, you know. He doesn't even care for your children that much. You feel misunderstood and used and weren't they what you wanted? What did I do wrong?
Your children, your precious children. You love them fiercely, of course you do, but sometimes you don't like them very much. They remind you too much of yourself, of the mistakes you've made, of the person you've become.
Your eldest son, the reason for it all. He's your curse, you know? And your salvation. And he is your son. You tell him he isn't yours, but as you say it your entire being is staring back at you.
Your daughter is a mystery you cannot solve, she slips through your fingers like water sometimes. You reach out to her, try to connect, but you never quite get to touch her.
Your son is maimed before your very eyes. You watch in horror as his father doesn't seem to care. Is anybody else seeing this? No one seems to care. Why isn't anyone doing something?
And your youngest, you barely know him (it's okay, he barely knows you too). Sometimes you wonder if he sees your face when he thinks of the word mother.
You're consumed by fear and resentment, you're practically drowning in it; no one seems to notice. There's blood on your hands, or is there? You question every decision, every action, wondering if it was all for naught.
You lost your youth, your decency, everything that made you you. All in an attempt to save your children; you lost your children, too.
You are Alicent Hightower.
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Hihi I'm new here! I really like your headcanons. Would it be alright if I could ask headcanons for the bachelors and how their romantic relationship with a farmer that already has a kid from a different relationship progress?
Like, one day a kid just randomly shows up at the farmer's doorstep with a social worker and farmer had to explain that their ex couldn't keep the child anymore, and the kid is also super anxious about moving in with them or something.
I'm really sorry- it was a scenario I've seen dabbled into once and I'm just very curious as to what others think of it too aha.
If this ask is not your cup of tea, feel free to disregard it. Have a great day op 🙏✨
Sorry for the delay, dear anon. This headcanon just turned out bigger than I planned 😅 Hope I understood your question correctly. Thank you very much for the ask, and enjoy! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors x Farmer, that already has a kid from a different relationship:
Oh, man. This is all very awkward...
Shane knew about Farmer's ex, the reason for the breakup and the fact that the child was in the care of their ex in Zuzu City.
Farmer visited their child almost every week, calling and writing letters, but Shane himself was not particularly involved, not knowing how to approach the little one.
Naturally, when the kid came to visit the farm, the chicken man would try to make the kid feel comfortable, but considering everything they'd been through, even here it was pretty awkward.
On the plus side, they was the same age as Jas, and the kids had become fast friends in a short time.
Farmer encouraged their spouse's attempts at friendship with their kid, but again, things were still pretty awkward.
When the Farmer's child arrived with a social worker some time later, Shane noticed how much the little one resembled him in his yought - confused, scared, resentful of everyone and tired of everything. Their familiar world where both parents were together was gone forever.
Later, Shane was able to explain how he'd been in a similar situation, how he'd almost lost because of the mistakes he'd made trying to cope with pain.
The kid quickly found common ground with him. Especially after they confessed that they liked chickens!
Shane doesn't claim to be a father, as the kid is pretty mature and understands on their own.
But he will treat them with the same care and responsibility as he does Jas.
They are all kinda weird family, but Shane loves them all and still can't believe how lucky he is.
It's quite a tricky situation, but thanks to his friendliness and personality, Sam is great with kids.
When Farmer finally introduced their kid to Sam, the young guitarist immediately went into cool brother/uncle mode.
The kid was worried, but Sam began to slowly gain their trust by asking about their interest in comics or other hobbies.
It makes him happy that the kid can forget about problem and concerns at least for now, because children should be happy and play while they have their childhood.
Sam knows that Farmer broke up with their ex more or less calmly, without scandal or drama, but he knows, like Farmer, it was still hard for the kid.
He's glad that he and Farmer are trying their best to be in theirs life.
The kid's upset look and the presence of the social worker took Sam by surprise.
While the social worker was talking to Farmer, Sam offered the anxious kid something to eat. Or some space, if they still feel uncomfortable.
After learning the reason for the visit and the fact that the kid will now live on the farm, Sam gently asks his partner how he should handle this. He wants to cheer the kid up, but he also doesn't want to make them more anxious.
Fortunately, Vincent and the kid get along quickly, which pleases both Farmer and Sam. Now, though, they need to keep an eye on the kids, or they'll both get into more trouble.
Jodi and Kent also do everything they can to make Farmer's kid feel comfortable (Jodi now spoils them with tasty baked goods).
Farmer can't help but be joyful with how hard Sam tries for them and their kid and his family to keep everyone happy.
Farmer was telling Alex about their loser ex, who had decided to trade Farmer and their child for a some stranger. What a shameless cheater...
Farmer visited their kid almost every week, but Alex was only able to go with them a few times.
At the sight of their ex, the athlete was so itching to break their nose. But he tried to keep his temper in front of the kid.
The child turns out to be a kind young one, though a bit shy and reserved. Alex thanks Yoba that they are more like the Farmer in looks and personality than the other parent.
Despite the awkward pause at first, the kid seems to like Alex. Of course, he's cool, kind, and gives them ice cream! Alex's trips with Farmer became more frequent and his friendship with Farmer's little kid grew stronger.
Some time later, when a confused Alex let the stranger into the house, he was shocked to find Farmer's kid standing behind him. They looked... so sad.
The social worker announced that the ex had decided to relinquish parental rights and the child had been brought here.
The poor kid was quieter than a mouse, but Alex was as friendly as possible and tried to cheer him up.
In the back of his mind, though, he felt a wild rage, because he could hear that the reason the ex had refused to give up their own child was because their new partner didn't want to babysit them.
Alex knows more than anyone what it's like when one parent is such a dirtbag. But right now he doesn't care about losers, he's got Farmer and their kid.
Getting the kid used to the new environment was very difficult, but Alex helped them get to know the local children.
Evelyn accepted the kid as her own great-grandchild, remembering to feed them delicious baked goods. George was a bit stingy with his emotions, but he also accepted them as his own.
Alex will not leave them in trouble and will help them to cope with all the difficulties. Now the Farmer and their child are his family.
Sebastian feels awkward and doesn't know what to do. Help.
He and the Farmer's child were so similar in personality when they met - silent, shy and withdrawn.
Sebastian realises that Farmer's child is having a hard time with the fact that their parents are divorced. But emo doesn't know how to start a conversation.
So when Farmer left Sebby and their kid alone for half an hour, there was an awkward silence for the first 5 minutes.
The kid was already getting bored. Sebastian decided to give it a try after all.
"Do you like frogs?" Judging by the spark in the kid's eyes, they had already found at least one topic of interest to both of them.
Farmer smiles when they returned to see the two of them chatting about different amphibians.
A few such encounters and Sebastian had become a cool uncle to them.
Sebastian was hurt to hear that Farmer's ex had given up their parental rights, when Farmer's kid had already visited them, with a social worker.
He will leave the kid alone, as they definitely need some time alone and to collect their thoughts.
Yet, Sebby and the Farmer are always there to cheer up the kid.
On a rainy day, he will show the baby the best place to find frogs.
Sebastian is good at supporting both his partner and their baby.
It can be awkward at times, but Sebby loves them all, so it will be okay.
Given Harvey's profession, he's pretty adept at finding common ground with anxious children.
So when Farmer first introduced Harvey to their child from their first marriage, the local Pelican Town doctor already knew how to behave.
He's glad that despite the divorce, Farmer is trying their best to support their kid, as stress can take a big toll on not only their mental health, but their physical health as well.
Even more so, it's not the child's fault that fate has worked out this way and their parents live in completely different places.
Of course, Harvey is not as "cool" as other bachelors, but he manages to interest the child in his model aeroplanes.
Maybe if they like to read, the doctor will give them something interesting to read (something that isn't a medical encyclopedia).
Harvey almost cried when the kid called him uncle and cool adult.
And all was going smoothly until a social worker knocked on the door of the farmhouse.
After explaining that the other parent, Farmer's ex, could no longer financially support the child, they placed the child in their care.
Harvey is worried about them, because all the fear of moving, new surroundings, and separated parents can have a very negative effect on poor kid.
Harvey will try to be there to help them and Farmer.
Maybe insist on therapy for the kid. Still, it could use some professional help.
Fortunately, Harvey knows what to do and he won't let anyone or anything upset Farmer and their kid. Doctor's words!
Elliott still can't believe that Farmer's ex turned out to be such a coward and unworthy person! Cheating on Farmer. when they already had a child together!
Of course, now Farmer is with him, and yes, it's not worth spending all the nerves on the past, but it's just that the writer is outraged to the core.
Also outraged that the ex just abandoned their child like that, saying they "don't have time for them now." Unbelievable!
Poor child... As much as the Farmers tried to comfort their own kud, all of these events took a heavy toll on them. And Elliott decided it was his duty to help the kid and Farmer, the love of his life.
His first attempts, though, end awkwardly, as Elliott doesn't know where to start. And should he start so immediately? Maybe they need some alone time on the contrary?
He decided to pick up a couple of books to help (mostly children's books, and a couple of books about how to communicate with children/teens).
The writer was lucky that the kid loves books!
There was even a moment when the kid felt comfortable around Elliott and asked them to help make their own little book. Elliott is more than happy to help them.
He also won't forget to praise the Farmer, because it was through their efforts and love that their child didn't fall victim to the neglect of the other parent. It's a shame that, coincidentally, the kid didn't arrive sooner.
Elliott will have a bit of a hard time, but he will do a great job in the role of carer for the Farmer and their kid, accepting them as his own child.
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epiphainie · 9 days
i think a very tasty flavor of bucktommy angst would be a situation where there's a big emergency, maybe their apartment building is on fire or the hotel they're staying in is about to explode and it needs to be evacuated immediately. the two of them - immediately in lifesaver mode - quickly get everyone off the premises and barely make it out alive themselves.
then they realize someone is missing (an elderly neighbor who got stuck? a child they met during vacation whom buck bonded with?) and buck being buck wants to run back in and save them but the chances of him making it in and back again is extremely extremely slim and tommy sees this. so he doesn't let him.
like he physically holds buck back as buck tries to move in and buck immediately starts trying to fight him off and tommy does not let him go and they both begin screaming and shouting in each other's faces. it only lasts mere seconds, though, because during their struggle, the building actually goes boom. a loud bang, then the silence of the aftermath sets in.
this, of course, puts a strain on their relationship.
no, worse. this ruins their relationship.
because for months after this - months - they live in this perpetual feeling of grief and malaise and it turns their world upside its own head.
they're talking but not really. nothing more than mumbles of "how was your shift?" and "can you pass me the salt?"
they're touching but not really, a handjob here and there then lights off and their backs to each other.
they're tiptoeing around each other; they never ever tiptoe around each other.
it all is so foreign to them, so alien.
buck, of course, is wracked with guilt. how could he not be? he was right there when someone in danger needed his help, and he couldn't. he was right. there. he feels upset, no, he feels tormented. he's so angry with himself because it's his fault, isn't it, for missing the child the first time? children get stuck in the most unexpected places, after all, so why did he not check the room again? why did he not do a head count?
anger with himself, however, is familiar. guilt? he's experienced plenty of that too. no, the worst is the bitterness he feels. he feels oh so bitter, with resentment set deep in his chest, because how could tommy not let him do his job? how could tommy - who's always been respectful of buck's wishes and who knows just how desperately that child needed saving - dare hold him back and take this choice from him?
tommy, of course, does not regret it. he tells himself that every day because how could he regret keeping buck safe? it wasn't even a choice of buck's life over a kid's, tommy knows this, because there was no choice, not really. there was no way for buck to get the kid and get back to tommy safe and sound. he'd die, within seconds, in his reckless impossible attempt, and tommy knows this, and he. does. not. regret. it.
but it starts to fall on his own deaf ears as days pass and he sees his evan become even more withdrawn, torturing himself over someone who couldn't be saved. and the distance between them becomes wider, the cold snap even more sharper, and they're walking on eggshells around each other as it feels like one wrong move could bring everything down.
turns out, they need to break the eggshells to finally crack the ice. they realize this on a random, particularly cold night. neither can stand it anymore and at one point that icy pressure turns into screams of "why did you have to stop me?!" "you couldn't have helped him!" "you should have still let me do my job!" "it wasn't your job! and i wasn't gonna let you get yourself killed on our damn honeymoon!"
again, a loud bang. then the silence sets in.
then, for the first time in months, they find themselves actually in each other's space, reaching for the other. their chests rise and fall against each other as their arms find a hold on the other's back, shoulders, neck in desperation and they actually cry and talk and apologize and cry some more. it gets better.
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wordslostforever · 1 year
Couples Therapy
Ch. 1 "Work with me"
Pairing: Wanda/fem!reader
Summary: When your marriage with Wanda starts to fall apart, you both decide to have a last chance by going to a professional, for your son's sake, and your own.
Warnings: 16+! Established relationship, Angst, mentions of cheating, mention of Vision, implied sex (not smut), arguments, cursing, gaslighting, mentions of divorce. 
A/N: Honestly, this is the first Wanda fanfiction I’ve ever written, and I hope I did somewhat okay, plus a little warning, I made up everything about couples therapy, apologies in advance.
Also, my first language is not english, so I’m sorry for any grammatical mistake.
Word count: 2.9k
You don't remember the last time everything with Wanda seemed fine, right. 
Little by little, your marriage was becoming untenable with the constant fights and stupid arguments about things that weren't an issue at all, it was as if you didn't know each other, as if your wife didn't know you anymore.
Little by little, the love you once had was vanishing into thin air like smoke in the wind. You tried wearily to pick up those pieces, but they slipped from your hands.
"I never asked you to give up everything for me."
Everything was falling like leaves in autumn, from the ground you tried to grab the dying leaves that changed color.
"I never said you did, Wanda. I gave up everything for you because I wanted to, because I love you. If you brought that up, it's because you resent yourself for it."
So green, so full of life, the leaves turned brown, dry and empty.
"You're unbelievable. I resent myself for what? For making you stay? You're so unbelievable, so damn egocentric and narcissistic" Wanda paused at her words, red eyes crystallized with tears. Her lip quivered as she glared angrily at you, so angry at your straight posture and frown. "I don't even know how I got with you in the first place, you are so full of yourself that I don't know if I fit there with you."
Those eyes looked at you with nothing but resentment, and the love that was hidden in them, faded amidst all those thoughts.
"Jesus Christ!" you said, offended, as you tried to not let out a louder scream. Wanda looked at you indifferently with a raised eyebrow. Your heart was breaking at her gaze, wondering if you would ever see the love you once possessed. "If you want to go and fuck Vision, you should have done it long ago then! Maybe I shouldn't have wasted my time on you either as you seem so fond on thinking that I suck and I'm not worth your fucking time."
"And you brought that again, what the hell is your problem with me and Vision?"
"The problem is that you screwed him all over and I had to forgive you, I had to forgive your crap all the time, but when it comes to me doing something wrong, for once, you're at my neck annoying the crap out of me."
"I can't- You keep making me feel guilty about it, we said- You said you were over it. I'm over it, that's why I stopped apologizing."
"I was never over it, you made me get over it with your shitty apologies and excuses. Fuck! You even made me feel guilty about it." Maybe those were the words that ended what little patience your wife had, maybe your simple words broke what little was left of your marriage. "'Oh, Y/n, We have children together, Tommy and Billy will be broken, we can't do that to them' So full of crap, you're so full of crap."
Tired, it was all too exhausting for you, for her, the words coming out of a part you both didn't know existed.
"Get out." Wanda said ending the conversation, and you laughed indignantly. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at you, firm, letting you know she meant it this time. "Get out! Leave!"
"And there you go running." At that you turned around grabbing your jacket from the couch roughly, and shook your head. "Again. You're unbelievable."
"Screw you, y/n."
With that you walked out of the house, closing the door delicately trying to calm the rage gathering in your chest. Wanda, on the other hand, burst into tears, frustrated tears covering her cheeks. It wasn't until a sound came from the staircase that she wiped the drops from her face with her palm, trying to fake a smile.
"Where's momma y/n, mom?" The little boy looked at Wanda in confusion, one of his hands gently scratching his eyes as a yawn escaped his mouth.
"She had to work, honey, just go to bed. Is Tommy awake too?" Wanda asked softly, watching him nod. Her heart broke at the images of her children listening to the fight. "Go to bed, I'll go with you in a few minutes, okay? I have to turn the lights off."
You didn't know what happened, how it happened. You loved Wanda as much as she loved you, but from one moment to the next, days passed from fight to fight and everything fell apart. Maybe it wasn't so abrupt, maybe you should have seen it coming after everything that happened between you.
One of the things that you loved most in the world was slipping through your fingers and you had no idea how to fix it... You had no idea if you wanted to fix it.
You spent the night out at Natasha's house, your best friend and co-worker. Tired, you couldn't sleep and when it was time to get out of bed it was almost an impossible mission, but you still did it, and with a forced smile you went to work.
You needed the distraction, work until your brain couldn’t remember the reason why your heart felt tight and broken inside your chest.
“No, what do you mean by that?”
“I mean, maybe if you try to listen to her and put yourself in her shoes, there may be a way for you two to stop fighting.” You gave your best friend an inexpressive look, making her roll her eyes in annoyance. You sighed, fixing your gaze on your plate with salad, rethinking the point Natasha brought up.
“That’s all I have done since that day, I have listened to her. The problem is not me, it’s her. She is the one fighting, she is the one that complains about everything I do. At this point, I think she just hates me.” You said with a grimace, meeting Natasha features, who resembled your expression. “What?”
You turned around in your chair as soon as Natasha pointed with her head at the door of the restaurant. Your eyes fixed on the figure of your wife, who looked around trying to find you, making you bite the inside of your cheek with irritation. 
Wanda found your eyes and she walked to you. 
Instinctively your eyes roamed through her body, looking how the red dress she was wearing hugged her curves. 
"Wanda." You said her name as soon as she approached you with dark circles under her eyes, but you didn't change the serious look you were giving her. "What are you doing here?"
"Can we talk?"
You bit your tongue trying to hold back the words of rejection that threatened to come out and nodded. With a regretful look at Natasha, you got up from the table grabbing your jacket.
You and Wanda walked out of the restaurant in silence and all the way to the small park nearby. You sat down on one of the benches with Wanda next to you. Your gaze remained fixed on the scenery and the people passing by, feeling Wanda's gaze on you, however, you didn't look at her, you didn't want to, knowing perfectly well that all the anger you felt would vanish in those green eyes.
"The kids are asking for you," The mention of your children made you turn your gaze to her and lock your eyes together. Wanda let out a shaky sigh before swallowing the ball that formed in her throat. "And I don't know if they are buying the work excuse anymore, Y/n, they are asking if you are leaving the house."
"I'll pick them up today and we'll go out. We can discuss what to tell them about us now."
"So, you're moving out? Are we done forever this time?" Wanda winced in pain in her place, hands shaking. You looked at her with your head tilted, feeling your chest constrict as her eyes moved from yours closing.
"Isn't that what you want?" Your eyes met Wanda's again, and you sighed when she shook her head. "Then, what do you want?"
"I want to keep loving you."
"I want that too, but this, my love," Your gaze softened at her and you gripped her clenched fist gently as you opened it. Wanda looked at you intently, melting at the nickname, and opening her hand letting it intertwine with yours. "this is not working anymore, you know we aren't."
“Do you want to divorce?”
"What choice do we have? All we do is fight, Wanda." You saw a tear come out of Wanda's eye and you wiped it away with your finger, trying not to cry. "We have a beautiful family and wonderful children, but our marriage is so broken. You're not happy anymore and neither am I."
"We can try to be happy, we can make it work, we always do. Why should we stop now?"
"Because maybe it's too late. Maybe we're too far apart."
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do."
"Then let's try one last time." Wanda said, placing her hand on your cheek. You closed your eyes feeling the touch and the warmth her hand transmitted. "I want to be with you, Y/n, I want to fix this."
"I want to be with you too." You moved closer to her, your forehead meeting hers delicately as her thumb brushed your lip. Your hands traveled to her waist squeezing gently as you felt her body tremble at the sadness and despair building up in her.
"Please work with me." You felt the warm air of her breath as Wanda whispered the words above your lips as closed her eyes.
"I always will."
After washing your hands, you looked in the mirror one last time, running one of your hands over the dark circles under your eyes and pinching the top of your nose with irritation. Leaving the bathroom, you walked down a long hallway, if you didn’t know what the place was, you would have assumed it was a hotel, but it wasn’t one.
Couples therapy.
How ridiculous. You knew you were doing it for Wanda more than for yourself, you knew the last thing you wanted to do was talk about your marital problems to a complete stranger who would start judging your every decision. You didn't need this, you didn't, but Wanda did, so once again you decided to put aside what you wanted to do for her.
Wanda seemed excited, you would even say happy to be there when the two of you met in front of the office door. She smiled at you and you forced a smile.
"I left the kids with Pietro and Monica."
"Are they back together?" You asked confused as you opened the door and made way for Wanda to enter, before walking in yourself.
"They never broke up, they just took some time apart." Wanda answered, before greeting the woman sitting on a couch, which happened to be across from a longer couch. "Hello."
"Welcome, you must be Wanda Maximoff. Please, take a seat." Wanda sat down on the couch and patted her side looking at you encouragingly. You sighed defeatedly before sitting down as well.
"She is-" Wanda started, but you cut her off with a polite smile toward the woman who nodded while writing something down in her notebook.
"I'm her wife."
"Y/n Maximoff?"
"Oh no, uhm." You stopped in your place clearing your throat at the situation, you knew the last name issue had been a problem between you and Wanda in the past. "I didn't take her last name, it's just Y/L/N."
"We decided after a couple of talks that we didn't want to change them." Wanda explained and you had to bite your tongue to hold the words that formed in your mouth.
The therapist tilted her head and settled back in her seat, looking intently at your actions making you feel self conscious. Wanda looked at you with narrowed and steady eyes, and you scratched your neck tensely before you heard the therapist's voice.
"Why don't we start now then? Y/n, you were about to say something about what Wanda said, but you held the words" You sighed as the therapist looked at you encouragingly. "You can talk here, this is a space where you two can talk freely, say what you really want."
"It's nothing really, it doesn't matter."
"No, I want to hear it." You looked at Wanda incredulously, irritated at the condescending tone she used.
"You decided that we shouldn't change our last name."
"No, we both did, you agreed."
"Because you made me agree, you barely let me say anything."
"Well, it's not my fault that you can't express your mind."
"You don't let me do it. You always overstep on what I say or turn it into something totally different from what I meant." The look in Wanda's eyes made you sigh tiredly, shaking your head in denial. Your gaze softened as you looked back at her, having no energy to fight. "I wanted your last name."
"Fine, then, let's change it."
"No, it's too late. We have been married for eleven years, it wouldn't make sense now."
Wanda rolled her eyes in irritation before crossing her arms in front of her chest and falling silent, turning her attention back to the therapist who seemed to be listening intently to the conversation. You, on the other hand, clenched your fists in frustration looking back at the therapist.
"I see, maybe we should start with the beginning. What do you think is the problem here? I want both of you to be really honest about this."
You snorted at the question before you felt a soft smack to your side from Wanda scolding you for your behavior. You clenched your jaw for a second, then settled back into place and feigned a smile.
“I don’t know, there are many things that could be or… maybe there’s none and this is useless.”
“Why do you think this is useless, Y/n?”
“Don’t you see it, isn’t that supposed to be your job? Figure out what’s wrong?”
“Don’t be rude.” Wanda scolded you, and you frowned. “She is trying to help.”
“I just don’t want to waste my time on this, you know, I’m not even sure if this will work.”
“We could just try.” Wanda said angrily, scoffing when you shook your head. “Just answer the damn question, Y/n.”
“You answer it then because I can think of a million reasons why everything is wrong.”
“So, there are millions of things that I do wrong?”
“I didn’t even say your name, why do you keep doing that? This is not only about you, it’s about us.”
And so the session continued until the hour was up. The truth is that you were tired, tired of the fights and the useless progress you had made. Wanda assured you that it was only the first session and with that you stayed quiet for the rest of the way home after picking up your kids.
Dinner passed as normal, you and Wanda, Billy and Tommy at the table eating and living like a completely perfect family. That wasn't a problem for you, pretending everything was fine with Wanda in front of your kids, pretending the fights behind closed doors didn't exist. That wasn't the problem. The problem came when you had to go to your room and close the door, at that moment the perfect facade of the perfect marriage fell from your hands.
Again, it was back to the same thing, the meaningless fights, the condescending tones. All that was killing you slowly, so slowly that you thought it didn't exist, but the tiredness would come, the headaches, the pain in your chest that prevented you from breathing. The sadness that invaded your being completely.
“You said you’ll work with me.” Wanda said while she took her clothes off, and you stopped in place, dropping the shirt you were trying to get off. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying, okay? I’m trying.”
“It doesn’t seem like you are.”
“Really, Wanda? Now?” You bit the inside of your cheek looking at her as she pulled the oversized shirt down her body, falling closer to her knees. You took off your pants before shaking your head and taking off your shirt. “I’m tired, just please, don’t start.”
“I’m not trying to pick a fight,” Wanda said once you had your pajamas on, and turned to her. She sat on the edge of the bed, looking at you. “I want us to work.”
You tilted your head towards her as you saw tears falling from her eyes. You approached her gently, kneeling down in front of her as you grabbed the hand that was on her thigh, and giving her a small kiss on the knuckles. Wanda looked up at you, wiping away the tears with her other hand and calmly grabbing your neck, nuzzling you.
That was the first time in months that you saw the love in her eyes, the love that was hidden in between the anger in those fights, the love that you thought no longer existed.
“I love you.'' You released the words naturally, softly, and before standing up, you left a short kiss on her thigh. “I will always love you.”
“I love you too, y/n” Wanda opened her legs to grab you from the waist, pulling you close to her. You smirked when your eyes locked together, watching her eyes darkened slightly and her cheeks take a soft pink color.
Your hands went to her neck after, and a sigh came from your lips when her hands slipped inside your shirt.
You at least had to try, for her and for the love that you had.
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winxanity-ii · 2 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 02 Chapter 02 | glowing defiance⌟
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Your life was a carefully constructed bubble, meticulously crafted by your ever-anxious mother, Mei. Unlike other children your age, you didn't attend daycare or school.
The outside world, with its potential dangers and lurking germs, was deemed too much for your mother's fragile peace of mind.
Instead, your days revolved around a routine as predictable as the sunrise.
Mornings began with a meticulously planned breakfast, followed by lessons conducted by Mei herself. As a former high school teacher, she poured all her energy into your homeschooling, bombarding you with colorful flashcards and meticulously constructed schedules.
While other children learned through messy playdates and scraped knees, your world was confined to the walls of your apartment, safe but undeniably stifling.
Wino remained a distant figure in all this, keeping his interactions with you brief and impersonal. Sometimes, you'd catch him stealing a glance your way—a flicker of something unreadable passing through his gaze before he quickly retreated behind a curtain of newspaper.
Despite, or perhaps because of, your sheltered life, a fierce independence bloomed within you. You devoured the lessons Mei presented, your mind a sponge soaking up knowledge. You craved understanding, a way to make sense of the world beyond the four walls of your home.
One afternoon, as you were diligently building a tower with colorful blocks, the sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on your focused face.
The air was thick with the aroma of baking cookies, courtesy of Mei, who was humming cheerfully in the kitchen.
Suddenly, the gentle hum was replaced by the familiar blaring voice of a cartoon announcer on the television.
You glanced up, the frown furrowing your brow mirroring the one now etched on the face of the overly enthusiastic cartoon hero plastered across the television screen.
The hero, clad in a flamboyant costume that seemed more of a hindrance than a help, was pummeling a villain whose entire power seemed to be an unfortunate case of bad hair.
"And that, my friends," the announcer boomed, his voice dripping with condescension, "is how a proper hero uses their Quirk! Now, let's talk about those unfortunate souls who weren't blessed with such amazing abilities."
A familiar heat pooled in your chest, a simmering resentment fueled by the announcer's patronizing tone.You weren't 'unfortunate'—you were Y/N.
And you wouldn't be belittled like some charity case.
The announcer, completely oblivious to your internal dilemma, continued his spiel. "Being Quirkless doesn't mean you can't contribute to society," he chirped, his voice laced with a saccharine sweetness that made your teeth itch.
You rolled your eyes, grumbling under your breath, "Yeah, contribute by being a glorified dog walker."
You spent the next few moments trying to drown out the annoying voice, focusing on meticulously placing the final block atop your ever-growing castle.
You stacked them with an almost obsessive focus, each piece a silent rebuttal to the announcer's words. But you couldn't drown him out forever.
"And remember, kids," the announcer declared, his voice adopting a sinister edge, "if you're Quirkless, no point in attempting to do the impossible. You're better off understanding your role as a citizen in society. Don't become a burden!"
Slowly, you raised your head; your eyes narrowed to pinpoints as the last line echoed in your head.
Burden? A scowl thundered across your face, erasing any trace of childish amusement. A low growl, more animalistic than human, rumbled from your chest.
Everything went silent around you, the only sound being the frantic drumming of your heart.
Unbeknownst to you, your eyes once again began to glow an unsettling yellow.
A blinding flash of static suddenly erupted from the television, scrambling the image on the screen into a distorted mess. You were so engrossed in glaring at the screen—your mind running miles a minute with internal arguments about how you weren't average and wouldn't be belittled—that you didn't notice your mother rushing in.
The static intensified, morphing into a horrifying, demonic screech that sent shivers down your spine. The air crackled with unseen energy, and the hairs on your arms stood on end.
Suddenly, with a deafening pop, the television went completely black. The room plunged into an eerie silence, broken only by the faint hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen.
You blinked, your heart pounding a frantic rhythm against your ribs.
Slowly, you turned your head to find Mei standing frozen in the doorway, her face etched with a mixture of concern and confusion.
The silence stretched on, thick and heavy. Mei, finally breaking free from her shock, ventured towards the lifeless television.
"Well, I guess that means it's time for an upgrade?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, as much a question to herself as to you.
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Warm bubbles tickled your skin as you leaned back in the tub, tilting your head to allow Mei to lather your hair with shampoo. Her gentle hands worked the suds in, a soft smile lighting her face.
"You're unbelievable, sweetie~ You managed to finish all the multiplication flash cards in record time!" she chirped, her voice tinged with a touch of awe. "Honestly, Y/N, you're learning so fast, I'll have to find some more challenging material soon!"
Her praises usually fill you with a sense of accomplishment, a validation of your efforts. Today, however, it triggered a different thought.
She was right...you weren't like the other children—like the ones in the grainy television shows you occasionally glimpsed at or the ones you saw playing from your window.
They were carefree, giggling as they chased each other down the street, their quirks a vibrant kaleidoscope of color and powers.
Mei continued, blissfully unaware of your internal turmoil. "Maybe we could even tackle some basic science concepts next! Wouldn't that be exciting?"
Exciting wasn't the word you'd use to describe your current mood.
You tilted your head back, allowing Mei to rinse out the soap. As the cool water cascaded down your face, you squeezed your eyes shut, picturing those same children once again.
You weren't like them.
They interacted with ease; their world filled with laughter and adventure.
You, on the other hand, were a mystery, even to yourself. The yellow glow in your eyes, the distorted television, the demonic screech—these weren't normal occurrences.
A shiver ran down your spine, but it wasn't entirely from the cool water rinsing down your face. A chilling realization settled in—the world you inhabited felt small and stifling.
A question, heavy with unspoken fear and a strange, exhilarating thrill, began to form in your mind: What exactly were you?
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***ok, i swear this is the last update. I just couldn't wait ❤️❤️ see you guys soon
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pinkroseblooms · 5 months
Birthday Wishes
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Summary: Uramichi may not like birthdays, but he might like you. 2.5k A/N: Official art from Gaku Kaze; Uramichi Omota/F!Reader, lots of fluff and some humor. TW: Mentions of depression and self esteem issues (kinda a given considering it's Uramichi, but still) Enjoy!
Working on Together with Maman was one of the most thankless, tedious jobs you’ve ever been underpaid to do. While the director got to lord over the staff and the actors got some praise and respect, you were just one of the many unsung heroes behind the scenes. Editing out Uramichi Omota’s regular mental breakdowns and existential crises from the show’s footage was a full time job in and of itself, but you did it every week without fail for the past three years. At this point you could practically do it in your sleep; sometimes Uramichi’s strained, desperate attempts to keep a cheerful expression on his face made regular appearances in your dreams. You suspected the void that was his stare would haunt your mind long after the time came for you to leave Together with Maman .
You did feel a bit guilty at the twinge of resentment you had toward the cast when they got the lion’s share of the glory. After all, they all had their good points: to start, Kumitani was fairly considerate of the staff, particularly those on the lowest rungs of the workplace hierarchy. Speaking of hidden kindness, despite Utano’s complaints, she was a devoted and thoughtful girlfriend. Iketeru’s childish wonder and joy was infectious; he hardly ever complained and was very appreciative. Even Usahara with his bad habit of putting his foot in his mouth, was still committed to a certain level of professionalism and was quick to amend for his mistakes. When everything was said and done, you had a fondness for them all.
Last but not least, there was Uramichi. One works with many different types in the entertainment industry and you were no stranger to washed up, jaded, regularly drinking their weight in booze performers putting on a show off and on camera but Uramichi was the worst.
Needless to say, you were crazy about the man.
Today was Uramichi’s 32nd birthday and though he no doubt would prefer to ignore such a day all together, you couldn’t help yourself. This was the perfect time to do something to show your appreciation for Uramichi and not just as a gymnast oniisan. With any luck, he might not hate it. In fact, you were certain he was going to love what you chose to do.
After making up an excuse to get his attention, Uramichi dutifully trailed after you, grim faced and changed out of his costume. You intercepted him just as Usahara and a somewhat less enthusiastic Kumatani were going to usher their colleague to a bar for a night of begrudging celebration. As unlikely as it was that Uramichi would rather spend any evening doing more work, you thought he seemed a bit relieved to be taken away. 
“Sorry, this won’t take long.”
“It’s fine.” Uramichi assured you in the most unconvincing attempt you ever heard. “Your job is editing, right? What do you need me for?”
“I wanted to get your approval on a few things. I wanted to work in some parts of what you were saying to the kids before.”
“From the segment about labeling?” 
That particular sketch was meant to teach the children about putting their names on their school things. Doing this would help them keep track of their positions, as well as teach them about personal responsibility. It could even be a good chance to allow children to practice their spelling and penmanship. It all went about as well as it could have.
“The bit where you warned the children about adhering to the labels others will try to assign to you and how the pressures of society are designed to slowly crush any trace of individuality that doesn’t help them go with the flow was a bit long winded, but I think we can keep in bits and pieces.”
“You…want to keep it in?”
“I mean, it’s not a bad message.” You type in the passcode to the staff room. “The script is good, but you have a way of talking to kids so they can understand without talking down to them. Not everyone learns at the same pace; it helps when adults can get on a kid’s level. Most are too proud.”
“You,” Uramichi followed you into the room. “Are you saying I lack pride as an adult?”
“What? No.”
As you pull out a seat for Uramichi to use, his face says he doesn’t believe you. Seeing how despondent he is makes you want to call the whole thing off, but then you would have to come up with an excuse as to why you requested his presence in the first place. 
Anyone would be justified in feeling insulted at Uramichi’s knee jerk reaction to assume the worst; it’s hardly charming, but you get it. How much of Uramichi’s attitude is natural or something he uses like a shield is anyone’s guess. 
“I guess it makes sense. It’s not like we know each other that well. Besides, this is our first time speaking one on one and I had to lie to you.” 
Uramichi was glancing around the room; there wasn’t any projector or cameras or a computer. 
“Wait, so you don’t think I have any pride?”
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” You stare in disbelief. “I meant about looking over the footage. Hold on, I need to-”
“So then…was all that other stuff you said just to get me to come here?”
“No, it wasn’t. I’ve already got someone editing that segment anyway.” 
In the corner is an easel, like one of the props they use for presentations in the show. Instead of a whiteboard or a display of cartoon images, there’s a sheet covering up the project you’ve been working on just for today. 
“That’s good.”
“I thought you were going to lecture me about being more professional so you didn’t have such a heavy workload. I’m sure most of your time is taken up erasing the evidence of my family unfriendly fits of despair. My bad.”
“Even hearing you apologize is bumming me out.” You sigh. “Listen, it’s not that much trouble. Besides, it’s really not my place to scold you or the other cast members.”
“Why not? You have to make up for our screw ups. Don’t tell me it can’t be stressful. You look tired just being here.”
“That’s not really something you should say to a woman. Well, anyone really.”
The blank stare widens as Uramichi realizes what he implied, but you cut him off. Things have gotten awkward enough without dragging on this conversation. Besides, you brought him here to cheer him up, if that’s even possible.
“I hope you like this. I made it for your birthday. Well, I put it together. The kids made it.”
You unveil the display with a smile, hoping you had this right and Uramichi wasn’t going to walk out. Or worse, put on his fake smile to spare your feelings. You prefer an honest reaction to your efforts.
“These are all the drawings kids have sent in for the past year. I got the idea to save them up and make a collage.”
The board is covered in crayon doodles, rough sketches, and messy paintings. There’s some postcards and pages ripped from coloring books. Almost all of them are of Uramichi-oniisan in various costumes, mainly his tracksuit: in some he’s frolicking with Kumao-kun or Usao-kun or holding hands with Utano and Iketeru. Some illustrations are of Uramichi surrounded by children or animals or just random scribbles. There’s also a decent amount featuring Kotori-san but you try not to think about that too hard. 
“I thought maybe we could show the board in a show, but I wanted you to see it first. We could keep it safe in the studio, if you don’t have room for it in your place. It’s your birthday present.” 
Uramichi stands up to get a closer look; he doesn’t look appalled and you choose to take this as a good sign. You step to the side, trying not to seem too nervous when he stands by your side; after a minute, Uramichi still hasn’t said anything. Even so, you’re feeling more worried by the second.
“Do you like it?”
“Oh. Good.” You smile, but don’t feel too relieved. “You’re not just saying that, right? It’s okay, you can be honest. Is it too cheesy? Maybe I should have left out the ones with Kotori-san.”
“I hate that demon, but the kid’s probably worked hard to draw it. I don't mind so much. You said this took a year?”
“More or less. Uramichi, whatever you think, you’re appreciated. The kids see you do your best. It’s more than a lot of people bother to do. I figured you wouldn’t want a staff party, but everyone here sees it too. We’re glad to have you as our gymnast oniisan.”
Uramichi was still looking over the pictures. “You work a lot harder than I do.”
“I wouldn’t say that. Our jobs are just different.”
“But no one gives the behind the scenes crew much credit. I’ve never been especially considerate to your job before, but you spent a year making me a present?”
“I only collected the drawings. It only took a couple hours to actually put it together.” You replied. “Is this too much?”
“Yeah. I don’t deserve this.” Uramichi told you bluntly. “I don’t get it. Why did you do this?”
For a long time now, you’ve watched Uramichi drag himself through the day; as much as he professes going through the motions, you know that’s not exactly true. 
“The thing is, I wish I could do more. I want you to have a nice birthday.”
“I don’t like celebrating my birthday. It just reminds me that I’m a year older and I’ve wasted more time. Which is strange, since I don’t even know why I feel that way. I can’t even imagine what else I would be doing if I wasn’t an oniisan, so why do I feel like I’m wasting time at all? I can’t do this forever. I’m already 32, but I don’t have anything planned for when I get too old for Together with Maman. ’’
“You could probably still find work on another show. It doesn’t have to be physical. Unless you want to leave the industry for something else entirely. I bet you could do something with your physical education degree; you’ve had experience with children, then maybe you could work that into whatever you go for next.” 
“That…sounds like a lot to think about.”
You can’t help laughing a little at how defeated Uramichi looks just from the prospect of having to start over. It’s oddly cute, like a sad puppy being told they have to go to the vet.
“It is, but if you do it one step at a time, it won’t be so daunting. That’s why I like birthdays: I see them as a chance to, well,” You scratch your head. “It’s like, yes, I made it another year! It wasn’t easy, but I’m here and that’s enough. It’s something to celebrate.”
“Hey, you should be more careful with how you phrase things.”
“What did I say wrong?”
“You’re going to make me think you have feelings for me or something.” Uramichi chuckles dryly, turning his back on you to head toward the door. “If I was Usahara, I would take this as a proposal. But anyway, thanks. I can’t remember when someone tried so hard. I guess I should return the favor. I’m being emotionally blackmailed into going out tonight: if you want, you can join. Or not. Do you drink?”
“Yes, to both.”
“I wanted to tell you this now, before I start taking classes full time next month. Uramichi, I like you. I do, so,” You clear your throat. “Happy birthday. I hope you’ll still accept the poster. It’s more from the kids than me anyhow. I was going to bake you something, but I wasn’t even sure if you liked cake or-”
“You talk a lot. Hold on, I need a minute.”
Uramichi has his head in his hands; he looks pale and visibly disturbed. It seems like your confession wasn’t appreciated, but you could have guessed as much. Maybe you’re too different or maybe Uramichi just isn’t interested in dating.
You can respect that, no matter how much it hurts you. In hindsight, it would have been better to keep quiet or just wait until your time was done at the studio, but you naively assumed Uramichi might like hearing someone cared. Not everything comes with conditions or ulterior motives; sometimes the pay off is as straightforward as making someone else’s day a little easier to get through. 
“I’m sorry. I should go.” You make your way past him to the door. “I hope you enjoy your night!”
“Wa-wait don’t just leave! You can’t drop a bomb like that and just breeze past like-like-!” Uramichi stumbles to get to you before you rush outside. “You’re serious? Did Usahara put you up to this?”
“Well, are you, like, sure? You didn’t mistake me for someone else?”
“You’re Uramichi Omota?”
“If this makes you uncomfortable, you really don’t have to worry, I never said anything to anyone else.”
“It’s not that. I’m just…processing. Do you really?”
“You know, maybe the next segment we do should be on active listening skills.” You cross your arms. “Uramichi, this isn’t rocket science. If you’re not interested, okay. I’ll live. I don’t mind being single, but I wouldn’t be bothering you with this if I wasn’t serious.”
Uramichi seems calmer, but no less baffled; it’s probably the most emotion you’ve ever seen him emote at once that wasn’t irritation or exhaustion. Surely he has had other girls confess to him before; you heard he was pretty popular in school. You don’t see why he’s having a hard time handling this one. 
“When I was drunk, I said I thought you were cute. I wouldn’t put it past that damn bunny to try to rope you into one of his pranks.”
You grin. “You did? When?”
“Come on, I’m embarrassed enough. I’m too old for this.”
“For what?”
“To act this way.” Uramichi sighs and drags a hand over his face. “I hate it. It’s like I’m back in high school or something. It’s awkward and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Don’t you already feel that way?”
“That doesn’t help.”
“So then?” You shrug your shoulders. “Am I cute enough to date?”
To your surprise, Uramichi’s cheeks flush slightly; you wonder if your own nervousness is showing. Truly, adults pretend as much as kids do. 
“Is that offer for a drink still valid? Unless you don’t want me flirting with you in front of everyone.”
“No way.” Uramichi objects. “I don’t want to deal with that headache. Let’s not say anything until after you’re done working here.”
“Oh, now who’s making big plans for the future?” You can't resist a little more teasing. "I thought looking that far ahead was too much to handle?"
“That was when I didn’t have something to look forward to.”
Uramichi might not have meant it to sound like a line; he said it with the same bland, borderline monotone that he usually spoke with, but you feel butterflies all the same. 
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pointycorgiears · 25 days
It was a very busy day for the island. Mihawk oversaw the unloading of a supply ship, checking off and rechecking items from a list. There was a lot coming off the ship and still more to be loaded on to it for trade. Luckily he had an extra pair of eyes observing everything. Which also came with a pair of wings.
"Talon, do not hover so close to my shoulder. You're making my list blow about," he chided his assistant gently.
"Sorry. Oh, I saw those over there!"
The Seraphim child fluttered away, inspecting the contents of a crate. Talon had become fond of "helping" Mihawk whenever he could, especially with chores around the island. Mihawk felt it had to do with the need to prove himself to the Cross Guild. Talon was part of a pirate crew now, after all.
Mihawk remembered when he was that young, and had the desire to prove himself to someone. To his family. Though, he had been driven to do so for entirely different reasons. Reasons that he hoped Talon would never have to experience.
Talon came fluttering back, and this time remembered to land on his feet to stand next to Mihawk. "I counted everything for that line, Dad. There's ten barrels of beer and ten empty ones to send back."
"Good. Thank you."
"What is beer anyway?"
"It's not anything you would like."
"Why not?"
"You just will not," Mihawk frowned. "Go and see what colors of fabric are on those spools, please."
Mihawk went through the rest of the list and traded receipts with the ship's captain. He instructed the dock workers to transport the remaining supplies to their designated areas. Before turning to leave, he looked over to the fabric spools, where Talon was still lingering. There were two other children with him.
"C'mon kids!" he heard the captain yell, and the two bid a quick farewell to Talon and raced back up the ship's ramp. Mihawk noticed a strange glimmer in Talon's eyes, and he went to go collect him.
"Come, son. Let us go prepare for dinner."
Talon watched the sails drop and and the ship begin to drift from the dock. "Okay," he said with a long sigh.
Talon was noticeably silent throughout their entire meal, even with Buggy's terrible jokes as entertainment. Afterwards, Talon helped Mihawk clean up the dishes, like usual, but remained deep in thought. Once everything was washed and put away, Mihawk tried to coax him with an extra serving of ice cream together.
They sat in the kitchen, away from the others, enjoying their second round of dessert. "Is something on your mind, Talon?" Mihawk asked gently. "You've been quite reserved all afternoon."
"I've just been thinking...do you know where your brothers and sisters are, Dad?"
Mihawk was taken aback. "I...do not." He wanted to explain that while he did technically have siblings, Mihawk no longer considered them family. His biological parents made that choice long ago, when he was abandoned for his 'cursed eyes' and Mihawk had forgotten that they ever existed.
Still, he wasn't sure if Talon was just making an innocent assumption about him or if he was actually recalling something from Mihawk's past. "I don't know where they are, or what happened to them. They left me long ago, and I never saw them again."
He didn't feel the need to elaborate on the anger and resentment his younger self went through.
Talon nodded his head in thought. "I don't know where my brothers and sisters are either. I think I forgot about them, until I met those brothers today. I keep trying to remember where they are now, but I can't."
"Do you think they are currently where you came from?"
"They might be in the doctor's lab, I guess, but, I don't know." There was sudden pained expression on Talon's face. "Do you think they left me too?"
Mihawk reached his hand out to touch Talon's shoulder. "Of course not, child."
"But how do you know!?"
Mihawk squeezed his shoulder. "Because all of the reports I've read and stories I've heard about you and the other Seraphim suggest that you fought valiantly together. Siblings who fight like that together do not just abandon one another. They are probably somewhere that they can't reach you, and must be wondering where you are as well."
That seemed to soothe Talon somewhat, to Mihawk's relief. Talon took a deep sigh and blinked. His shoulders squared up and the flame on his back burned a little brighter. "I am going to find them someday. I want to make sure they are okay. You'll help me, won't you Dad?"
Mihawk smiled. "Of course I will."
Talon smiled back. Then his eyes widened. "Oops! It's melting!"
Talon lowered his flame and hurriedly began to finish the ice cream in his bowl. Mihawk gently picked at his own, staring out the kitchen window at the first starlight, deep in thought.
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bluebugjay · 8 months
so I've had this little not too serious theory in my head that the couple from Wild Blue Yonder and That Unwanted Animal are the same couple just in two separate time lines.
So to me it seems like the wby couple has realised they should break up (Seen that wild blue yonder and said, "Let's end this, too"), that if they don't their relationship will only grow toxic and hold them back. They're both scared of moving on (let's hide under the covers, we don't know what's out there) and being alone in the world again but they know its for the better (Don't you ever wonder what could have been? All those wonders sit in wait for us, we tried ) and plan to use everything they've learnt in this relationship on their next (Every brick you hurled, I'll use to build this world) I like to think they mutually break up in this time line and manage to move on happily.
However in tua it seems like it's telling the story of if the couple didn't break up at that point and allowed their relationship to rot and grew bitter with each other, they let their fear of moving on and the unknown keep them chained down and together so they never got that freedom they do in the wby time line. (You try so loud to love me, I cannot seem to hear.) They're trying to force themselves to continue on as a couple and not communicate how its not really what either of them want (And on the creature scratches, it doesn't know how to get out (let me out!)). To the point they're both stuck in an unhealthy relationship, resenting and possibly hating each other. (Be good to me, I beg of him, Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good, be good, be good. And he replies (oh), "No, no, not I") It's also possibly hinted at that they have a child / children in this time line that otherwise they wouldn't have, and now that they see their relationship is crumbling, regret having (And I make sure the bairns are fed // Hold the hand of the god-child, they said, as he falls from the sky)
More under the cut
They both also reference sex in two completely different ways. Wby seems to reference some kind of last goodbye, break up sex for fun like a celebration of their relationship. (So one last time, love, come and rip my clothes off // Come and rip off my socks like you're blasting the locks off of a bank vault (halt) This time we're done for.) Whereas tua's reference to sex is so much more forced and kind of unsettling because it doesn't seem much fun for either party and almost like they're just performing as a happy couple. ('Cause you, you touch, my skin peels off like paint, but beneath all of our panting, there's this noise I cannot shake // And we fall into each other, the scratching grows so loud // And our screaming joins in unison, I cry out to the Lord.) It's two completely different perspectives of the same thing.
There's also a few parallels in the lyrics such as:
Hide under the covers, We don't know what's out there // There's a second wind coming as we lie here in our bed
Try, please, try for me (Tried my best to get thinner) // And as the belt from your buckle is tightening
And the candle we lit. Well, we'll use it to burn this whole place to the ground // And you, you, you light a candle. And I make sure the bairns are fed
I've got something in my eye (I surrender what was) // "And can't you hear that scratching?" I ask your eyes
We don't know what's out there. Can't you hear that scratching? // Well, can't you hear that scratching? There's something at the door
That last one being the most obvious and telling because it's the same exact wording with probably a similar meaning but completely different presentation. In wby they're wondering what's out there whereas in tua the 'creature' is already at the door and they know it. The 'creature' could be a couple things, it could be a personification of their toxic relationship itself, the fact its seemingly not arrived in wby because they break up before it turns toxic whereas its right at their door in tua because they're living the toxic relationship. It could be yearning for freedom from the relationship, both versions of the couple are hearing it and want it but the wby couple break up and let the 'creature' in before it turns against them compared to the tua couple who leave it locked out until 'the door below, it splinters, and the creature creeps inside.' The creature could be them as a couple trying to escape the relationship (And on the creature scratches, it doesn't know how to get out (let me out!)) because being in the relationship has turned them into each other 'unwanted animals' and the scratching they hear in wby is just a warning of what could come.
Other than that the whole energy of the songs are almost opposites, wby is so full of life and hopeful and light hearted whereas tua is unsettling and concerning and makes a point to add a joke in the lyrics that flies over the other partner's head because all fun and ease has abandoned that version of the relationship. ("Well, hello, my hollow Holofernes" I wink, but you don't get the joke)
I know there's a few different parallels between a couple of their songs so this is probably just one of them and might even be able to be expanded on using more songs but either way I think it's pretty interesting and very cleverly done
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eviebyme · 1 year
Could you please do that venus thing for nct 127 please?
Nct 127 Venus Signs
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Venus in Gemini
Very mature and emotionally sensitive. TY is definitely an empath and is so warm and understanding that he is many people's "comfort person". He exudes a very relaxing aura. No topic is too obscure for him too - he will wholeheartedly listen to your rants or weird dreams, and actually give relevant responses. He’ll even follow up with you later once you’ve already forgotten. Also, TY is so intuitive you may be convince he has a 6th sense. He is very good at reading people because he takes his time to get to know them and to carefully examine their every move. Dating TY is really special. Everything he does for his partner is carefully thought out and meaningful. Also, I can see him as a really great family man. He doesn't shy away from domestic activities and chores and he’s very good with children. TY know how to be responsible and will be an incredible provider.
His intuition may be a double edged sword, as it is not correct 100% of the time. He'll try to predict your moves, which may become annoying, and will be in denial if he’s wrong. Oftentimes, he tries to decipher the motives behind your actions, without asking you, and will come to his own conclusions. Also, he can be very closed off. Since he feels his emotions so deeply, he keeps them to himself. Negative emotions will eventually evolve into resentment, but he can't bring himself to share with his partner. To that point, his partner may consider him hard to read.. When they ask him "how are you" they will always receive a "fine" as an answer - even if he is falling apart on the inside.
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Venus in Cancer
Although he can be a bit reserved, Taeil loves to learn and experience new things. He has an adventurous spirit with a rational head on his shoulders- which is a great combination. Taeil is the type to follow through with his plans and brings things to fruition, rather than letting things fall through the cracks. Also, Taeil strikes me as an old fashioned-traditional type when it comes to romance. He will romance you in a way you thought only existed in the movies. He is not afraid to put himself out there and will let you know exactly how he feels about you from the very beginning. Taeil is especially respectful towards women, and will always hold doors open and guide you across the street (such a gentlemen). Also, he will be your travel buddy. You can pick the place and he’ll accompany you.
Taeil needs a lot of affirmation from his partner. His mind can wander and he will analyze every movement from his partner. If his partner doesn't acknowledge him (ex. introduce him as their partner or become facebook official) he will take it PERSONALLY. However, Taeil doesn’t shy away from hard conversations and will straight up ask you why you didn’t acknowledge him. Even though he is able to talk it out he still will harbor negative feelings from being hurt. He is one to forgive but not forget and will keep a running list of all the times you hurt him.
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Venus in Capricorn
Johnny can't be tamed guys. He is a wild stallion running free unable to be tied down. Well unless someone special comes along. At the moment he is career focused and is as hard working as they come. As a true independent spirit, he tends to do things for himself and hates being limited by the expectation of others. Whatever he wants to do - he does. Wherever he wants to go - he goes. He knows that one day he wants to settle down and have a family, so for now he's getting all of his wild impulses out of his system. As a partner, you will constantly be smiling. He loves to make you laugh and see you happy - and he loves knowing he’s the reason you're happy. Also, he will support and promote all of your passion projects because he want to see you succeed.
Although he is highly independent, he does prefer to be in a relationship or dating. He likes the companionship and, of course, intimacy. However, he is the type to only have it when he wants it. If the other person catches feelings and wants to see him when he is in one of his "i need to do my own thing" moods, he will flake on them. But he will call them out of the blue once he decides he needs some intimacy and has the audacity to be annoyed if he gets any complaints from them. Also, at least right now, work comes first. If a big opportunity were to come his way which would jeopardize his relationship… he’ll probably look for a way out.
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Venus in Scorpio
Deviously charming and captivating, Yuta's love and affection is not for the faint of heart. His outpouring confidence and intensity is what sets him apart from the crowd. Not one to be a follower, Yuta marches to the beat of his own drum and aims to be the most authentic version of himself. Although he may hold himself back when first meeting him, he will be open and honest with you. He will tell you how it is when no one else does. Also, he is willing to explore any topic or experience with you. Nothing is too dark or obscure for him. In fact, the more controversial the better. As a lover he is sensual and attentive. You are literally his whole world and he will be constantly trying to impress you.
Yuta takes brutally honest to a whole new level. He can be tactless when giving his honest opinion. Someone who doesn’t pull any punches can be a good thing, but he’s always ready to give advice - even when you didn’t ask. Also, his interest in the obscure can make him indifferent towards everyday, mundane topics. He claims that more “mainstream” interests are “vanilla” and loses interest quickly. It’s not hard to catch his attention , but it is hard to keep it. Despite this, he is very loyal. Even if he does find you more on the “boring” side, he will stick by you.
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Venus in Pisces
DY has a strong moral compass and a compassionate spirit. Most of his actions are dictated by his inherit ability to decipher right from wrong. He is very polite and chivalrous and prefers to upkeep a stellar reputation. But the best part about DY is that there’s no ulterior motive behind his actions. He really is that nice. Doyoung has empathy for others and is sensitive to the experiences of others. Elders, children, and even pets naturally gravitate to him and anyone can feel comfortable in his presence. Also, he is very affectionate as a partner. DY is not afraid to show how much he cares for you and will be very tender in his affection.
Seeing the world in black and white makes Doyoung a bit uptight. Not one to push the boundaries, he tends to stay in his comfort zone and can become uncomfortable in new situations. Nevertheless, he is good at adapting and once he become more comfortable around the people he’s with, he can loosen up. But the period between him entering an unknown situation and him being comfortable varies. Also, DY is very sensitive. This isn’t necessarily a bad trait, but he tends to hold it in. He is easily hurt by others but still tries to maintain relationships with those who hurt him. DY has difficulty cutting people off, even when he needs to.
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Venus in Aquarius
If there was one word I would use to describe Jaehyun it would be - LAYERED. Our boy has so many layers you’ll never know if you’re actually close or if you’re acquaintances. Upon first meeting him you’ll notice how laid back he is, in fact he may even seem quiet or reserved. But Jaehyun is very whimsical and quirky once you get to know him. You’ll discover he likes bands you would have never guessed someone like him would like or you’ll discover his antique babydoll collection (ok not exactly that but I def think he is a collector). One thing about all of Jaehyuns layers though, is his open mindedness and warmth. He doesn’t discriminate when meeting people, and usually treats everyone the same at first. Additionally, Jaehyun is a hard worker. All these aspects will definitely be apparent in his romantic relationship as he will be dedicated to making his partner feel as secure as possible.
He can be unpredictable. Whether he randomly tries a new perfume or impulsively flies to a beach for the day - he lives life according to his rules. Most of the time you will be the one reaching out to him only to learn that he’s half way across the world for a few weeks. It’s not that he’s keeping things secret - he literally just forgot to tell you. He doesn’t like clinginess but he also fails to understand that letting people close to you, especially your partner, know where you are is important.
*Winwin’s Venus Sign is With Wayv
*Mark and Haechan’s Venus Signs is With Nct Dream
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
People like to believe that yasopp up and left without any warning or talking about it with his wife (like that other show about gay pirates) but how his wife talked about him and how usopp views him he must of left a good impression on both of them. Yasopp most likely spent at least 5 years with his wife and kid before leaving
Okay, I actually agree wholeheartedly. I know it doesn't seem like it with how much I talk shit about Yasopp around here, but I swear I understand why he had to follow his dream and I am very aware that Banchina literally told him to do so. However! However. Even if we do know he loves Usopp and is definitely worried about seeing him because of feeling guilty for what he did (I genuinely felt so bad when he said he wasn't ready to see Usopp. Although two seconds later I literally stared at my screen and said "grow some fucking balls and see your kid". So. Yeah) I still feel some resentment toward him(?
The whole situation is pretty similar to Oden's, if you think about it. Dude wanted to stay with his family in Wano but Toki literally threatened him to go follow his dream first. That's kind of the same thing that happens with Yasopp. I think people see Yasopp as the bad guy mostly because we never see his POV and instead we just see how that affected Usopp and Banchina. Besides, Oden was away for considerably a lot less time. So,,, Not really the same, but the concept is pretty much the same thing.
I don't hate Yasopp. I understand why he left and I'm sure Usopp loves him to death, even if there are bittersweet feelings there. But there are still a lot of things that don't sit right with me? I personally just feel horrible when thinking that he's the main reason Usopp kept lying all the time and if you rewatch Syrup Island now it just hurts more. The fact that he met Luffy and spent time with him, too? It's just, uh, idk, it feels weird. Besides, send a letter or something. Try to call your son, maybe? Perhaps try to have a way of communicating with him before going away for years? I think we can't ignore the fact that one of the reasons why Usopp is so insecure might probably be him. Not to blame him for everything, because of course Usopp has more personality and insecurities that have nothing to do with Yasopp. But you know. It just feels weird.
Now this part is just personal but parents who leave their children make my blood boil with anger and even if I understand why he did it and everything, I will never completely like Yasopp. Not until we see more of him and Usopp, at least.
And also, I still think the crew (leaving what I personally think aside) would not like Yasopp. Especially Sanji, probably. Not because I'm a Sanuso shipper (although it really affects my opinion on this ngl) but because I think Sanji would have a very strong view of what fatherhood is and he refuses to see Usopp getting hurt again. And I think I said this before but Nami and Zoro would not really like Yasopp either, not unless Usopp verbally tells them he's on good terms with his dad.
I just think Usopp and Yasopp's relationship is very complicated. It isn't about Yasopp being a good dad or not (same thing with Uta and Shanks too, honestly. People keep saying that he's a deadbeat when he was just a stupid dad trying to protect his daughter and that decision ended up backfiring). A lot of people have different views on this, and I think we're all right in some way. He loves his son and Usopp loves his dad and they admire each other a lot. But that doesn't fix what's broken, either. I personally am so excited to see them reunite and see how Oda writes it!!!
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celestialscatterbrain · 6 months
Hi!! what do you think of mars in cancer in the 12th house of the composite chart? what is the relationship dynamic like?
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
For cancers mars in the composite chart, I feel like you guys are very private about your problems. With it being placed in the 12H, these reallllllly emphasizes the need to keep issues private. You guys could be the type to pull off that everything’s fine between you two in front of others, acting normal and civil until you are alone and can discuss problems further. I feel like passive aggressiveness can be common here too. I feel like arguments can start off calm, but the moment there’s anything that resembles lack of honesty or avoidance, the crab claws can come out. I feel like you guys might have a high expectation of one another when things are serious, so lying and manipulation tactics are deeply discouraged. I think you guys are really empathetic with one another and super in tune, and can psychologically feel when the other is going to be irritated by something. You can also be very in tune with nurturing each other’s bodies during intimate acts, and with the 12H influence, it’s like you can mentally speak to one another through your eyes alone about your preferences and sensations. If this relationship turns sour, I feel like there’s a large possibility of gaslighting, manipulation, and control. I think it Can get pretty stabby where you guys might say things just with the intention of hurting the other. with mars in 12H synastry, i noticed that there could be many instances where you’re about to have sex but something stops it from happening. This could be the case for the composite as well, but i imagine once it does happen it feels life altering and deep and beautiful. cancer can be territorial and possessive over those they love, so once the sex does happen, I feel like you two may have instantly become protective over one another. You fiercely demand loyalty from one another. Maybe certain abstract feelings that are difficult to adequately verbalize can be better conveyed during acts of intimacy. I don’t think you’d be scared to deep dive into one another once the bond has deepened, and you can come out of your shells together without judgments. I think this has the potential for feelings of unconditional love and willingness to defend each other no matter what if negative aspects aren’t acted on. If you have kids together, I feel like you’ll be extremely protective to them and both not trust anyone to take care of them like you two. I feel like you might be the types to really put lots of efforts into the creative and psychological development of your children. I feel like there’s less of an inclination for drug use and floating off into the cosmos with this particular 12H placement, and you guys can be more grounded than other signs may be in the 12H. I think this is the type of placement that is super ride or die if established and secure. “I will go to jail for you before throwing you under the bus.” You will support one another even if they are DEAD wrong. The passion between you two when you’re alone and in a safe space will feel overwhelming, but in a nice way. Like “let’s take full advantage right now.” I think there’s possibility of experimenting with one being dominant and the other submissive. Daddy/mommy kink? 👀 i feel like you two were probably very shy with one another at first, or felt nervous until you guys got to know each other better. “Cat got my tongue.” Extreme awareness of the others existence and trying to send subliminal messages to each other about your attraction to them. “Who is going to make the first move.” If poorly aspected, I feel like there can be some resentment or weirdness when it comes to showing vulnerability. “I have the vibe you can probably hurt me in the future so i have no confidence in pursuing this even if all seems perfect with you.” Unexplainable suspicion of the other in some contexts. Probably needing a lot of reassurance or reminders that you feel passionately for them. In newer relationships I feel like you might be scared of “annoying them” in a sense. Sensitivity to each other’s reactions. Try not to take the other’s bad moods personally.
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thatmooncake · 7 months
I am on a quest to discover who has the deadliest Moon. So I have some quick questions to ask to determine just how bad he is
Has Moon ever hurt or killed anyone before the virus?
How many people has he hurt or killed after the virus?
Does he have any control when he kills? Is he aware of his actions?
Thank you for your time
A worthy quest if ever there was one
If you’re talking about my Moon in particular, he deals in dreamscapes - lures you into a beautiful dream, hooks you in deep as you chase after your greatest desires, conjures moments from your subconscious you might have never seen before but deep down you realise you always wanted …(for those less passionate about particular things in their own lives, the lure of escapism also does the trick nicely) …and before you know it, there you stay. Still alive, but just barely, your life force draining slowly as you unknowingly become a part of the dreamscape he’ll then use to lure others.
He’s aware and in control of what he’s doing, but it’s complicated in that he essentially thinks he’s giving you sweet dreams, just …permanent. I mean, from his perspective, he’s letting you live the life of your dreams, and he does let you leave - it’s just that the lure of the dreamscape tends to perpetually pull people back into its orbit. And it’s not like he himself doesn’t prefer the lure of a good story over the reality of his own obsolescence as a daycare attendant. Nope, he just lives vicariously through those who dream, and he watches as the dreams flicker and burn out, eventually becoming one with the scenery.
Canon Moon? Hm, I think he has a kill count, if not at least having caused severe injuries to people before. Children or adults - whoever was unfortunate enough to fall in his path first after the virus struck. Don’t think he’s fully in control, I think it’s more like an instinct gone wrong kind of deal where his impulses and directives are screaming at him to put the naughty children to bed so they can rest (like he’s supposed to do) but due to the virus he’s mistakenly labeling everyone and everything as “naughty children” virtually non-discriminately and he won’t rest until he’s fulfilled that need to put them to bed. Whether that means something permanent or not.
Moon’s worldview I think is a little skewed and limited by design. He sees blips of daily events when he’s finally active, and he’s been made redundant in his role, and so he longs to fulfil some sort of purpose. I think the virus causes him no end of stress and pain, isolating him from everybody and everything even more than he ever has been before. The Glamrocks at least hunt together. Moon does no such thing. He’s left to his own devices, and even Sun seems to think the best solution would just be for him to NEVER come out for the longest time (he changes his perspective in Ruin but his attempts to keep Moon away before that can’t have helped their relationship any, I think they both spent the longest time not seeing eye to eye and just badly wanting it to be their turn, to the detriment of their collective wellbeing). Poor guy just wants it to be his turn and really really thinks you should be in bed. Maybe you’d get a shot at talking things through with him if he got stuck in the play tunnels like he tends to do in my game. Just try to avoid the grabby Moon claws. I hear they’re laced with sleepy dust.
(Also got an AU where Moon’s confused pseudo-resentment at being no longer wanted and having had people actually want to delete him and leave only Sun runs kind of deeper than that and he’s trying to keep them both safe from perceived threats while simultaneously feeling like Sun’s shadow and almost living his life vicariously through him until he can’t anymore but that’s quite literally another story for another time)
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tunaababee · 2 months
we will be everything we say - Chapter 3
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masterlist // fic playlist // read on AO3 // overall rating: e // wc this chapter: 3.3k // updates Mondays (aest)
Feyre Archeron has been best friends with Rhysand Sterling ever since she moved onto the same street when they were kids - the two became absolutely joined at the hip, with nothing able to come between them.
As they get older, life gets more complicated and things get harder. Not everything comes as naturally as it once did. People change, things happen, friends... drift.
But after drifting apart, maybe life can push them back together again, in time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a/n: sorry for the delay today, had a big weekend! this is one of my favourite chapters so far. i hope you all like it!! :)
Chapter 3: fifteen and sixteen
High school was already rough as it was for Rhysand. Trying to stay on top of his grades, meeting the expectations his father had for him, attempting to stay on the good side of all his teachers despite all the trouble he managed to constantly get into regardless of his best efforts. All of it was made slightly easier, though, by his friendship with Feyre and how the two of them persevered despite it all. She had never faltered in her loyalty and care since the day in the park that they had met as small children, and Rhys never hesitated to return it all in kind. Azriel and Cassian were practically brothers to him, Amren was wise beyond her years somehow and Mor was… well, Mor. He loved them all so much, but he never quite clicked with all of them the same way he did with Feyre. It was like they could read each other’s minds.
But soon, maintaining that deep and important connection with her was going to be a bit more difficult than he had hoped – his father had told him that they were moving within the fortnight.
It wasn’t anywhere too far away, only a handful of suburbs over in Velaris, but they had been on the same street together for almost as long as Rhys could remember. Living so close to Feyre felt almost as natural as breathing, so the idea of adjusting to an atmosphere without her in close orbit was nerve-wracking to say the least. There wouldn’t be any sense of excitement when he heard his front door unlock, or any quick escapes to the Archeron household anymore. He couldn’t help but resent his father for it.
“Dude, the fuck do you mean you haven’t told her yet?” Cassian spat out in surprise, the two of them keeping pace with each other during gym class. “Feyre will want to know, and it’s not exactly going to be subtle when one day she sees another family moving into your old place.”
“I know, I know. I haven’t been keeping it from her on purpose, I just… Finding the right time is difficult! I don’t want to tell her at a time when it’s gonna stress her out or something.”
“Rhys, you’re moving to the other side of town. It’s gonna stress her out at least a little no matter what.”
Rhys huffed a little at him with a defeated look - he always hated it when Cassian was right about these things, but it was one of the reasons he loved him, too. Underneath that mess of a man-bun and the muscles he was trying so desperately to continue to build was a heart of gold like no other, and it was exactly why he thought of him like a brother. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m just- she’s my best friend, y’know? I love her a lot, and I fucking hate that I’m gonna have to tell her because I know it’ll hurt.”
“Believe me, buddy, everyone knows you love her.” A small wiggle of his eyebrows accompanied his sentence, but Rhys swiftly elbowed him in the side without a second thought. Cassian’s hands launched to where he’d made impact, face contorted in some mild pain and discomfort.
“Fuck off, she’s my best friend.” Rhys chuckled, smiling a little at him.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, man,” Cassian wheezed out, grumbling to himself as the two kept running.
The worries about how he would break the news of his impending move kept swirling in his mind like an inky whirlpool throughout the rest of his classes, distracting him from Feyre who was walking right beside him out of the halls of Prythian High at the end of the day. She had been talking about how she was struggling with her reading for English class – she’d never been a big reader, let alone one for analysing texts – as he looked over at her when they walked through the doors and out into the golden sun beating down relentlessly in the spring afternoon. The light hit her face and it broke him from his worries and launched him directly into a different kind of stupor. The curls of her hair, the stunning steely blue of her eyes, the soft pink of her smiling lips being hit by the sun just right to make it almost look like she was glowing next to him as they walked.
She was perfect.
He elected to adamantly ignore the twist in his heart at the thought – she was his best friend, of course anyone would think their best friend was beautiful. Best friends are meant to be the person to hype you up, anyway. It was perfectly normal, and he shoved the feeling to the side in his head as he wrenched his gaze forward onto the pavement in front of him.
“…So anyways, I’ve never really been one for maximalist work, but Miss Stryga seems to only love works that are so busy and cluttered. I have no idea what I’m going to do for this next – Rhys? Hellooo?” Feyre waved her hand in front of his face with a confused expression. “Earth to Rhysand?”
“Huh? Sorry - sorry, you were saying about Miss Stryga?” Rhys scrambled to catch back up with what she had been saying, only half-listening as he had been waxing poetic to himself.
“I was saying I don’t know what I’m gonna do for this next assignment for her since I prefer more minimalistic abstract. Geez, you’re all over the place today.” She laughed lightly to herself, shaking her head a little bit at him.
“Yeah, my bad… I think I might have overdone it at soccer practice today or something. Just been really tired lately.” He rolled his shoulders back, stretching his neck slightly to emphasize his point. In reality, he had barely been able to give his all at soccer today whatsoever because of everything on his mind, but that was between him and the coach’s extra ten laps he’d been given.
Feyre quirked an eyebrow, her face concerned as she tried to break through the slight walls he was putting up. “You’re not up late at night playing WoW or something again, are you? Because I’ve seen you active on Skype late at night sometimes, and I know you got way deeper into it than you ever meant to.”
“How would you know if I’m up late playing games unless you were up late too, hmm?” He smirked at her with a feline grin, trying to get a slight rise out of her. There was nothing he loved more than their dumb, spirited arguments about everything and nothing at all.
Feyre’s mouth opened and closed a few times listlessly as she tried to come up with an excuse, Rhys nudging his side playfully into hers as they strolled down the pathway beneath green trees and next to gardens in full bloom. “Well, I- I’m not- That’s different, I’ve been trying to get work done!”
“Uh huh. Am I right in assuming that the work you’re doing involves watching Ouran High School Host Club or something in some capacity?”
A sheepish expression crawled up on her face, cheeks slightly pink. “…Maybe. I can’t work without background noise, what can I say?”
“See, now I know that’s a lie, because you’re always going on about how you prefer subs to dubs. While I’ve been busy studying the virtual blade, you’ve been busy being nerdier than I am.”
Feyre’s mouth was agape in mock offence, looking at him with her hands on her chest as if she had been mortally wounded. His eyes were definitely only on her hands, and not slightly lower at all. He was so respectful and focused on their conversation right now, it wasn’t even funny.
“Wow. I don’t think I’m ever going to recover from that. You’ve killed me. I’m going to fall to pieces and rot.”
“You’ll live, darling.” He put a sarcastic, joking emphasis at the end, mussing up her hair slightly with a laugh as she tried to swat his hands away. Feyre practically jumped toward him to try and mess up his own hair the moment he backed off. Unfortunately for Feyre, ever since he’d started high school he’d only grown taller and shown no signs of stopping even now in his sophomore year. By now he was almost a head taller than her, having to look down a little to talk to her. 
A small sigh escaped him as they continued to walk, most of the other kids on their way home having split off in their own directions, leaving the two of them the only ones roaming through the quiet roads on the way back to their street. A small pit of dread formed in his stomach when he recalled that he didn’t have many of these walks left with her - they were one of the favourite parts of his days. He didn’t have to be the soccer team captain or the cocky troublemaker or the perfect son with the perfect looks and the perfect grades. He could just be Rhys. No expectations, no roles to play, no masks to wear.
Just Rhys and just Feyre.
He had to tell her and he was going to hate every fucking second of it.
“...Hey, uh, Feyre, can we talk a sec?”
She stopped a few steps behind him, Rhys stopping to turn to her when he realised she wasn’t following alongside him.
“I thought that’s what we did every day anyways, what the fuck are you talking about?” She looked completely puzzled.
He brought a hand up behind his head, looking down a little awkwardly. Rhys could feel his heart pick up pace.  “I mean, yeah but… Like, serious talk for a second.”
Feyre caught up with him, the two of them continuing to walk together - Rhys could only focus on the expression of pure concern and worry on Feyre’s face. She was too good to him.
“You certainly sound serious. Is everything okay? You know that if your dad is being shitty again, you’re always welcome at mine - it’s pretty much your home, too.” Her hand came to lightly rest on his bicep, her eyes boring into him to try and read his expression. To glean even an ounce of what was going on in his head.
“No, it’s not like that- I mean, sorta? But not in that way. Promise.” Rhys tried to reassure her, not wanting her to think that he’d acquired any more bruises that weren’t from falling on his ass at soccer practice.
“As much as you’re trying to reassure me, it’s not exactly making me less worried.” She squeezed his arm lightly. His chest felt tight.
“Fair play, I guess. Um… Y’know how my dad’s been really busy with his business and everything lately?”
“Well, it’s been going good. Like, really good. But…” The dread gnawing at the pit of his stomach continued to grow and grow, getting heavier by the second.
“Rhys, I am begging you to just be straight with me right now.”
“He’s making us move.”
The two of them had stopped walking, facing each other as Rhys’ tongue began to feel like lead in his mouth. He knew he had to keep going, to explain to her that he wasn’t moving too far away, that they just wouldn’t be on the same street, but the expression on her face in that moment nearly broke him. Fuck. Fuck, this isn’t how he had wanted this to go. Then again, if he had his way, none of this would be happening in the first place. The silence stretched between them, tense and taut and ready to snap like a rubber band.
“I-It’s not as bad as it sounds-”
“Do you know where?” It was obvious she was trying to hold back tears, lip quivering slightly and eyes glassy.
“Just a bit further away, the other side of town - Velaris. I’ll still be in Prythian, just- just not Wildebloom. Only a handful of suburbs over.”
Rhys thought that reassuring her would have helped quell her worries and make her feel relieved, but instead he only saw her grimace deeply before pushing him roughly by the chest.
“You couldn’t have fucking opened with that? I thought you were leaving town or something - fucking hell, Rhys!” Feyre sniffled, wiping at her eyes a little as she tried to collect herself. The fact that he’d made her cry, even without intending to, made his stomach twist into guilt-ridden knots. He tensed for a moment, not wanting to overstep or seem like he was trying to condescend to her, but every bone in his body was screaming at him to comfort her somehow. His hands balled into tense fists for a moment at his sides before he let out a long exhale, willing the tension and compulsion to subside.
“I’m sorry. I just… I hadn’t said anything because I was really hoping that whatever my dad was planning didn’t work out, but then it did, and knowing it in my head was one thing. But telling you? That makes it all so real, and I fucking hate it. I know we’ll still see each other at school and we can still hang out, but it’s… You and I both know it’s not the same.” Rhys couldn’t have stopped himself rambling if he tried, desperately trying to make Feyre understand and make her feel even just a touch more at ease. He hated nothing in this world more than seeing her upset.
She took a deep breath, pausing a moment before jerking her head forward in the direction of the way they had been walking. Rhys quietly followed, falling into step beside her again in the most uncomfortable and tense silence he’d ever experienced. She kept close to him, occasionally sneaking glances at him as they walked in silence, breaking her gaze away from him whenever he caught her looking. Soon enough, they were approaching their little street in the distance - they could already see Rhys’ house from here.
This is not how Rhys wanted to spend one of the few walks he had left with her.
Feyre broke the silence first.
“...When are you leaving?”
“Two weeks.”
“And how long have you known you’re leaving?”
“...Also about two weeks. I’ve been freaking out about how I was going to break it to you the whole time.” Rhys could see her wince a little, dragging her hands down her face with a sigh that weighed on his shoulders heavily. Guilt continued to snake up from his stomach, twisting around his neck now - tight, suffocating, tangible.
“I’m assuming the rest of our friends know, then?” There was a slight venom in her words.
“Not for long. A few days or so, I think?”
She paused for a moment, considering everything. Their pace was slow and meandering, almost at a complete standstill - Rhys didn’t want to go home without knowing that Feyre was alright, that they were going to be alright. Feyre looked up at Rhys, her face still slightly pained, but there was a softness there that wasn’t present a moment ago.
“I know you. I know you would have wanted to find the perfect moment to tell me that you were moving, at a time and place that I would have been able to easily accept it and move on like it was nothing. But you know that there would have never been a perfect time for you to tell me this, right?”
“...Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
“I wish you’d have just told me when you found out, you prick. You’re my best friend. I wanna know these sorts of things, even when they fucking suck.” She put an arm around his waist, pressing herself to his side for a moment with a light squeeze before letting go. He felt his cheeks warm slightly, hoping and praying Feyre wouldn’t notice.
“Sure, but who ever wants to talk about the things that suck? I’d much rather spend my time giving you shit.” Rhys chuckled lightly, the atmosphere distinctly lighter and that horrid weight seeming to lift a little bit as they continued up the street.
“Wooow. Firstly, rude. Secondly, I think we have to focus on your shit now if anything. If you think I’m letting you pack and not helping out, you’re delusional. Good excuse to spend more time before you move, anyway.”
“Just because I’m moving doesn’t mean that we can’t still spend time together, you know,” Rhys insisted as they passed his driveway - he always made sure to walk her to her house, despite the fact that it was only two doors down, and today wasn’t any different. Any excuse he could get to spend time around Feyre he would always take without hesitation. “We can always meet up halfway and have lunch out in town or something. Plus I have my license, so I can come pick you up to whisk you away on adventures.”
Feyre’s laughter was almost like music to his ears, eyes closed and smile wide. She was so stunning and so unaware of it.
“Now I can finally have the cliche teenage experience of sneaking out at night to see a boy, how thrilling.”
The places Rhysand’s mind went to when she said that made chills run down his spine, shifting on his feet as he tried to shake the mental images Feyre had unwittingly conjured. He was so normal about this right now.
“Hey, you just text me and I’ll be there. No sneaking required. Besides, I’m not just a boy, I've been your best friend since we were little kids. I’m sure your dad wouldn’t mind.”
“He barely notices when I’m gone for school or for my job, I think he’s too checked out to mind much of anything.” 
As much as Rhys hated that fact, he tried his best to take it in stride just like Feyre did. She turned to start heading up to her front door, Rhys grabbing her hand for a moment to give a small but reassuring squeeze before she went inside. To tell her that he was sorry but that he appreciated her all the same after all they’d talked about today. But instead of letting go, she gripped tighter for a second, and Rhys felt the world slow down a little bit as he watched Feyre get on her tiptoes. Her expression turned to a smirk before her warm lips met his cheek and he knew his face had turned red at that very moment. Feyre simply grinned wider as if she hadn’t just thrown his world off its axis, walking up to her door with a wave back at him.
“See you tomorrow, Rhys.” She said nonchalantly, heading inside and closing the door behind her.
Rhysand simply stood dumbfounded at the end of the driveway, staring at that white wooden door with his hand pressed to where her lips had met his skin. It felt like live electricity was still dancing along his cheek, jumping between his fingers, spreading down through his veins. He had half a mind to march up to her door, let himself in and crush his body to hers as he kissed her with everything he had.
But instead, Rhys turned and walked two doors down, mouth still agape in surprise. There was no denying to himself anymore that he was so deeply, desperately in love with Feyre Archeron. There wouldn’t be anyone else for him. His friends all already knew it, too. But she was his best friend, and he was moving soon.
So he kept that truth to himself, a secret that he wore on his sleeve like a uniform from that day forward, and unlocked the door to his house before heading inside.
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
i saw your post about Yugi's twins sad love this made me think did he cause all this chaos for tsukasa? Knowing amane will kill him do you think he went crazy because of that why does he tell hanako that he loved his face when he killed him who does hanako react when tsukasa tells him that he secrificed for him
Tsukasa feels rejected by Amane, we don't know exactly why, but apparently it happened when young Amane pushed him saying that he didn't need any of that, but he wanted the health that his younger brother had.
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Tsukasa interpreted that Amane hated him. He decided to sacrifice himself to fulfill his brother's wish, and he didn't mind leaving because he believed that Amane wouldn't miss him, because he hated him.
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All of this happened due to a lack of communication and sincerity. Tsukasa, before leaving, even asks Amane if he loves him, as a last hope and to find out if the "gift" that Tsukasa gave made Amane happy, he was healthy now.
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So, he did all that for his brother. He fulfilled all his wishes, gave toys, books, and life itself. He was sure he had done everything to make Amane happy and he would live to be an adult.
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But, he finds out that it was all for nothing when Kou tells him that Amane killed him and took his own life.
I imagine that Tsukasa must have been very confused at first and was curious to understand why Amane had done that. He was already dead anyway, what would it be like to die again for him?
Amane/Hanako has a lot of difficulty saying what he feels, or rather, he doesn't. The only way Tsukasa found to find out how his brother was feeling was his expressions. That's why he says he liked the expression on his face when Amane killed him, because he was finally sincere, even if in a negative way.
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Here, we see how Tsukasa tries to see Amane's face after saying that he liked the expression on his face when he killed him, and you clearly see that Hanako tries to hide it. The expression on his face is screaming how sorry he is, how bad and guilty he feels for remembering the day he killed Tsukasa.
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And what does Tsukasa say to him when he can finally see his older brother's face?
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He understood what Hanako was feeling, you could understand it too, right?
He understood from the expression on Hanako's face that he felt guilty for killing him, so Tsukasa says that he loves him, because he knows that Amane regrets it.
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Tsukasa likes to show people their most sincere side, he doesn't like to see people holding back or pretending to be something they're not, the same applies to Hanako.
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Tsukasa didn't go crazy, he was just deeply hurt by what Amane did to him.
Have you ever imagined? Put yourself in his shoes. You have a twin who is on the verge of death, you are still a child and you don't know what to do to save your brother, so you try to make him happy with things that you believe he likes. In Tsukasa's case, because he was a child, he believed that Amane wanted toys, because Tsukasa loved toys (like most children).
So you spend a good part of your childhood just trying to please your twin, and finally you actually manage to help him, but to do so you would have to sacrifice yourself. You love him so much that you don't think twice. You do, and hope he was happy that now his twin had everything he wanted….
But one day someone says that your twin will kill you in the future. And take his own life, yes, the one you tried so hard to save.
How would you feel?
Tsukasa laughs after finding out he's going to be murdered, it's not a laugh of "pleasure" or "joy" it's a resentful laugh.
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"hahahaha he's going to kill me??? but I saved him! This time it was you who messed up Amane, you weirdo!"
Laughing to keep from crying.
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The only thing I see in this scene of Tsukasa in the middle of the flames and laughing happily, was a deep resentment. At the same time he discovered the truth, he made a point of sending Nene and Kou back, he no longer wanted to talk or "play" with them, now things were more serious.
Make no mistake about Tsukasa, contrary to what some people think, he has feelings, and baby Tsukasa is the version of him that shows this most often. It turns out that he has a different way of demonstrating it, I imagine that has something to do with that creature.
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So, to answer your question, I think Tsukasa was hurt, and that's why he wanted to understand why his brother did this to him, even after trying so hard. He wanted to know who his real brother was. He came back to understand Amane, and apparently to help Nene understand too.
"We are the same"
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Two naive people who love an idiot who doesn't have the courage to say how he feels, and who does wrong things with "good" intentions. Hanako was going to kill Aoi to save Yashiro, Hanako killed Tsukasa… for what reason? Was there a good intention behind it?
That's the answer Tsukasa was looking for, and he's already found it.
He still loves Amane, doesn't he? Yashiro still loves him, even though he did all that, she still loves him.
The two are the same.
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