#featuring me on a 3d pic also
star-scrambled · 2 years
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to 12 year old me who wrote “i’m not worried about illumination doing the mario movie one bit at all anymore oh man oh yeah oh heck mr krabs” on a 3DS painting of the grinch .....we made it.....
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tomiyeee · 11 months
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donnie had. SO. much concept art lol. i really enjoyed the whole design process though. his base design is very difficult to work with because of the battleshell, but it gave me a lot of chances to get creative and i'm happy with the results :)
(also as a disclaimer so i don't get asked about this: i don't have motivation to finish raph or the wish art for donnie, so i'm just posting what i've got)
i didn't annotate these as much since there'd be a lot to write, but i'll write out some of my thought processes and go into some detail about his final design below the cut if you're interested! (it's long. i'm talkative 😔)
1st row - first iteration; much more literal 1:1 translation of his design into a fantasy setting. very steampunk-y. ended up completely scrapping it because, simply put, he looked more like an npc than a playable character. obviously, several features did still carry over throughout the design process :3 also wanted to imagine his attack pattern cuz i thought it'd be fun to incorporate his spider arms.
this was actually the first design of any of them i'd come up with! i've definitely learned a lot about genshin's character design style since then and i think it shows 😂
2nd row - playing around with the idea of a floating battleshell (rather than a backpack-like one in the the show & first version), inspired by nahida's cape. also hard light constructs/attachments. was leaning too into the sci-fi and rectangular motifs with the design, but i liked the idea.
3rd/4rth rows - concepts for his final outfit and shell designs (the colored/more-detailed pics are the more finalized ones). took a lot of inspiration from sumeru this time around. it's a lot sharper, shinier, and less rectangular than his og aesthetic, but i think it's more in-line with genshin's design philosophies.
5th row - not entirely sure why i went through all the trouble of making a 3d model for this. i mostly just thought it'd be fun and good for reference. i was right, but i don't know what to do with it now lol. can't be bothered to be a perfectionist about it though, so don't look too closely at it 😭
6th row - incomplete thumbnails of his burst/wish art. not super sold on that "wing" design in particular, but i do like the idea of his shell splitting and deploying hard light weapons/rocket launchers/etc sort of like in canon.
battleshell/misc notes - i'm thinking his battleshell is controlled using the pink sensor on the back of his coat, possibly in combination with his headset. it floats behind him by default and is sturdy enough to protect his back, but he can also freely fly it around like a drone if he wants. the holes on the side are mainly for the spider arms and the banners(?) and handles(?) with the blue/pink gradient are made of hard light and only appear when the shell is in use.
i imagine like in the series, his tech here isn't necessarily very reliant on his vision/powers; much of it he likely made himself long before he received a vision and he just uses his vision to enhance it.
his burst is a barrage of missiles from his shell that lock onto an enemy and deal a large burst of electro damage in an AOE. not sure if i want his skill to be a deployable or some sort of electro-infusion/boost 🤔 maybe something that involves deploying his shell to boost his damage while leaving him vulnerable, like a glass canon? though i'm not sure he'd be that sort of risk-taker... 😅 dunno! his signature weapon would totally be his tech bo though.
that's about all i can think of. thanks for reading!
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vanessagillings · 1 year
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And unintentionally, two process photo sets in one day!  Here are some process pics for my next gallery show, Cluster, opening at Gallery Nucleus Portland on April 7th featuring a large roster of awesome art on wooden mushrooms.  Working in 3D was a challenge for me, but also a lot of fun!
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remcycl333 · 1 year
i really like when u talk abt ur own experiences when dealing with all this!! could u expand more on how u manifested ur apartment? like what ur daily life looked like, etc. bc im in a similar situation w a mentally exhausting family and im trying to get tf out lol
TW: narcissistic/co-dependent parent
yeah! so my older sister got married and moved out, leaving me alone with a narcissistic parent, so i knew i really wanted to move out and live on my own. but i had negative circumstances. for instance my parent was really co-dependent, which led to them never letting me get my drivers license or a job. even when i was 20-21. plus this was during lockdown so i didn't really have the ability to learn how to drive from other means. plus along with not being able to drive and not having the money to afford living on my own, i knew my parent would never let me move out bc they didn't want to be alone. so i was really depressed because my situation felt very hopeless.
but then i remembered the power of manifestation. i had manifested an sp at this point and other things, such as appearance changes and money here and there, but this was a "big" manifestation. big meaning that so many dominoes had to fall in just the right places, so to speak. for instance i was nervous that i'd wake up in a new apartment and not be able to pay the rent to live there and have to move out. so i was unsure if i should manifest money first, and then manifest the apartment. but what i was imagining as my end was me in my apartment with more than enough money to survive, so i decided not to manifest in steps.
i was triggered a LOT at first, bc like i mentioned i was dealing with a co-dependent narcissistic parent. like sometimes they'd talk about how i'd still be living at home till i was 25+ and the idea made me go absolutely crazy. i went through months of being miserable at the idea, thinking about how all my peers were living on their own and not having to deal with the shit i did. but eventually i just got so fed up and i decided i just needed to go completely in, because i had been putting off really applying for the longest time.
so what i did was make a note in my notes app describing my dream apartment, and i included pics i found on Pinterest of different features i wanted in my apartment. like what i wanted the kitchen and bathroom to look like, the specific vanity i wanted, etc.
then whenever i thought about it, i'd tell myself i was already there and the apartment was mine. similarly to Abdullah slamming the door on Neville and saying "you are in Barbados", any time i wondered how it would happen or think about how it hadn't reflected yet, i'd tell myself "you are in your dream apartment." it was a reminder that i wouldn't be wondering any of those things, or worrying or doubting, if i was already in my dream apartment. and i already was there in my imagination! so there was no room for me to be dwelling on stuff like that.
throughout the day, i liked to retreat to my imagination when i had time and felt upset about my 3D. i'd do so by imagining that my surroundings were different. for instance i had a picture saved of what i wanted my shower to look like (it was always my dream to have a really really nice bathroom bc my shower has always been a safe space for me of sorts lmao) so when i was in the shower, i'd close my eyes and imagine i was in that shower i had saved from Pinterest. i also did this in the kitchen when i was cleaning or cooking, and while i laid in bed at night before falling asleep.
i also never really let people come over to my house when i lived with my parent(s) bc my co-dependent narcissistic parent would always come up with some completely insane and random reason why they didn't like that friend and i'd never hear the end of it. so i'd have inner convos with myself about how i was excited my friend was coming over later and i'd come up with different things we'd be doing. this was another way i liked to fulfill myself in my imagination.
whenever i was interacting with my parent, as i way to dismiss my 3D, i just pretended i was visiting home and that's why i was with them/at their house. it helped me remind myself that being there wasn't permanent.
this manifestation took me a couple of months, as i was triggered a lot. eventually, after fulfilling myself enough and finding solace in my imagination whenever i felt bad, i was triggered less and less by my 3d and circumstances. i also manifested my parent being chiller and blowing up a lot less.
the final thing i was missing was that i was in a neutral state a lot and i thought because i wasn't upset by my 3d that meant i wasn't in the state of lack. i just had this epiphany recently on my twitter, so it took me a while to correct this issue because i didn't even know it was an issue. i had that epiphany well after successfully manifesting my apartment.
the neutral state was me being like "oh my 3d isn't too bad i kinda like chilling in my room unbothered." so i wasn't upset at my 3d, but i was still also acknowledging i didn't have what i wanted. this was fixed when i started imagining my surroundings as my dream apartment, like i mentioned a few paragraphs up.
and then one day, i woke up and my surroundings felt different. i sleep with a sleeping mask on, so when i wake up and open my eyes, it's still pitch black. but i felt the air around me was different, and the sounds around me were different. like the sound of my ceiling fan in my room was different. then i took off my sleeping mask and i was in my new room, in my new apartment!
it was kinda spooky at first im ngl. at first i thought i was dreaming, but i wasn't (i checked). then i just explored the apartment! i was paranoid i was gonna find someone in my apartment or something 😭 but the apt was exactly how i wanted it to look, and i had plenty of money in my bank account to cover rent and bills and food! and i've been living here ever since with virtually 0 problems :)
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Because a hotel cannot, like ever, throw in a free suite for a day in exchange for above suite - the most expensive on offer, currently, mind you - to be featured in an interview. It's called product placement and it's a very common, basic even, commercial gesture.
Because a picture staged as hell on a bicycle means at least savage sex to a dozen middle-aged idiots fawning on an obscure blog. Mind you, I am no architect and my 3D vision sucks, but I still think there is something very strange about these two pics of the same spot, when you put side by side...
...the real Beach House Suite of The Shutters....
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... and the one on BBC's selfie:
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Where is the blue carpet? The undercover Shipper Pterodactyl ate it in a fit of rage, perhaps. What is that golden frame rim that is not featured in the regular pic? Why did they move the table where the couch was, given the dining room's layout? To do what? Ease traffic? Are you fucking with me? Why the completely in your face, totally inorganic mess on that table (motorcycle helmet- check, roses in a box -check)? Why is the perspective so bizarre?
Nothing makes sense. But it's a legit fuckation, because *urv said so.
Maybe the key is here, maybe not, but: there are two Beach House Suites in that hotel. With a slightly different layout:
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The virtual tour only shows the two-bedroom one, that being said. There is no way to compare and the other has no dining room area, in all fairness. Still, it should have a table of sorts, only a smaller one and proportions would be slightly different, too.
Because likes and follows, for even Montana Trash was resurrected for a like on IG, as we speak. It's been preached before, but once again would not hurt: if a like means sex/love, then I am the biggest whore in town and I am aggressively hitting every single day on all my married male friends, on Facebook.
But sure, go ahead and believe the Impetuous Pirate Ukulele Fanfic. What's next? A Tiki-Hide-and-Seek Adventure?
Barely. It seems BBC is back home. How convenient. Look here, not there.
[edited: I am told, with good reason, that the bizarre perspective is due to the pic being a selfie. It's also very true I am no expert at those. Point taken, of course, and gladly so. But the rest, oh, the whole damn rest stays.]
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gamergirl-niffler · 3 months
Dating game that surprised me... A lot!
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Recently I started to play a mobile game called "Love & deep space" and I need to admit it - This game really surprised me.
When my ex-friend showed me this game, all I saw was: dating, pretty 3D, Korean looking men. I told her it's pretty and didn't think much of it because it wasn't out yet.
Few days ago while trying to get up from bed in the morning I suddenly remembered about this game and I decided to check if it's out. It was, so I downloaded it and started playing.
At the very beginning, the game was just a pretty looking game. I need to say that wasn't ready for the kinda limited but nice character creator (no possibility to change chair color & length - only available in photo booth option) and a voice modification option.
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Main character looks pretty!
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I just played through the story and my jaw honestly dropped when my game suddenly flipped to the side for a fighting section of the game
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I was not ready, BUT I quite enjoyed it. Fighting reminds me about Genshin on mobile, dodge, tap, tap, tap, be careful of your health, etc.
Fighting parts aren't THAT hard, but at the same time you need to upgrade your cards and add things to them to make them stronger. Pretty basic stuff.
There are lots of fight related activities that give really nice rewards and drop materials needed to making your team stronger.
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Game has three love interests
Xavier - The sleepy boy
Zayne - The doctor
Rafayel - The artist
Each of them have his place in the story, and each is so much more than he looks like at the very beginning.
I honestly love Rafayel, maybe because he is an artist... he is also a little annoying, but it's also kinda sweet. I have the most memories with him and the highest lvl.
Furthermore, I love how going through the main story isn't the only way to interact with them. The game provides lots of options to spend time with them and learn new stuff about them.
You can go hunt for plushies in a claw machine or play a game that is like tic-tac-toe but with cats and cards, or you can take a photo with them. One of my many favourite things, I mean LOOK:
(in order, I mentioned them before)
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I love it because in this mode you can actually REALLY change your MC's look, which is wonderful! You can change your hair length, color, change make up, outfit and add accessories. Also, you pick poses and background. You also can do pics of your MC, just him or couple pics or mix of everything!
Of course, the main story isn't the only thing, there are also plenty of 'side mini stories' that are unlocked by getting specific memories.
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I am a sucker for ASMRs, especially the ones with my favorite characters. I can spend HOURS listening to those.
This game has something similar! You unlock specific audios by obtaining the right memories.
There are two versions - the first version is more of a story thing so you can listen, but it has "subtitles" that describe what MC says and what is happening. You don't have to, but yeah, it's a bit hard to imagine what's exactly happening sometimes.
But the other version... ooooh the other version. It's made to be JUST listen to! No subtitles or anything, just... listen and enjoy what you hear
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In summary:
I really fall in love with this game. It's so much more than I expected it to be. It offers a lot of rewards and makes it easy to obtain decent cards without throwing your real money away. Sure, it's gacha game, but it's not as annoying as it could be. Sure, you still can spend money for it if you want extra features, but if you look for a game that isn't just about spending your money, it's a good pick.
Animations look nice, cards are pretty, voice acting is good, story is ok I'd say.
As for me, it's a good game! I am recommending it! A lot!
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pforestsims · 1 year
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A few tips on How to tweak The Sims 2 CC kettles / coffeemakers using SimPe
Here's what I've learned so far. CRES structure is the same for most (if not all) TS2 coffee/chocolate makers.
You can adjust position of the entire thing or each part separately via Translation brackets, found in cTransform node tabs.
Coffeemaker node is the first one on the CRES list - edit this to move the entire object, including items mentioned below, that are attached to it (hand slot, kettle, and also shadow).
Carafe_rot is the location of the handheld kettle part.
slot_coffeemaker_target is the hand slot, a point where Sim 'grabs' the handle. Coffee stream fx shows next to it (at fixed distance). If you move the hand slot, coffee fx will also move. Distance between those two limits kettle width (unless you're willing to ignore / remove the coffee stream fx OFC).
Coffeemaker contains 8 mugs of coffee by default, it's easy to edit.
Pics feature this 4t2 kettle, my functional remake is here.
More under the cut:
To make a functional version of the tea kettle I've used compact kettle by Oshima @persimmonthusiast as cloning material. It doesn't have coffee making animations (not needed in this case) so that's a few less things to adjust. It has custom pie menu, but you can easily bring back "make/ drink coffee/ juggle mugs" menu in all languages: clone random TS2 coffemaker, extract Pie Menu Strings resource from it and replace the one inside Tea Kettle clone.
If you'd like to have two recolourable subsets, go ahead and add one. It seems TS2 coffeemakers handle the dreaded Fix integrity quite well.. But it's best you make sure your clone works fine in the game before you start working on it ;)
Handheld kettle part will not align with the base when you extract and combine both in 3D software because - as any handheld TS2 item, it's placed almost in the center of XYZ axis. So even with reference, it might take quite a few in-game checks and corrections to properly align all the parts.
Coordinates that work for one coffemaker, might not work well for another one that's cloned from something else. Numbers on pics below are just an example.
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*the pic above: that's +X to the right, or -X to the left, when looked at from the back of the counter.
You can move the entire coffemaker, or just the kettle (carafe_rot) left or right by adjusting X value, and front / back by adjusting Y value in Translation bracket. Obviously you can just move 3D models instead - takes more time, but some ppl might prefer it.
Have in mind that even if you move the coffemaker node, Sim will approach the coffemaker and hold the mug in the same place as before. Only Sim's hand will be pulled to where the hand slot has been moved.
0x2 carafe_trans is the idle position of the kettle, usually doesn't need adjusting. BUT if changing other coordinates causes your kettle to shift position when animation starts, then you could try to adjust that one as well.
slot_coffeemaker_coffeegrounds_fx is where coffee aggregates in the filter during the coffee bag animation. Unlike coffee stream, you can't hide that one, but it can be moved by adjusting cTransform.
If you're an advanced SimPE user you probably know that SimPe is using different translation system than Milkshape or Blender. Here's a tut about converting coordinates between Milkshape & SimPE.
Amount of coffee mugs per kettle is 8 by default, and that's quite a lot. If you'd like to change that, it's one number in the BHAV. Pic below (thanks @episims ) shows where to find it.
The other pic contains instructions on how to replace the chocolate* / coffee stream with invisible effect. You cannot simply delete it from the text list, it as object might (and usually will) start throwing errors.
*I always use chocolate effect instead of coffee as to me it looks a tiny bit better (less green, I think?)
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thewakingcloak · 3 months
The State of Things Present
this post was available for patrons a week early! please consider supporting me over on patreon!
I kept trying to make this post fancier and better and more engaging, and then I realized I was doing that thing where I make myself too overwhelmed to actually finish and post it. The other thing was I kept gunning for a once-a-week posting, and uh… yeah that's not sustainable. So here we go!
The Ghost of Spacefarer Present appears before you He whispers, very quietly, yet in a voice that resonates: "Time to resurrect the Spacefarer"
Ok so the spacefarer (me??) was very tired, but he's awake now and doing things!
Life status
We moved! My wife and kids and I packed up and headed some miles south of our previous house. It was a risk for sure. We didn't know how things would pan out. We really needed to get away from our old environment, our old town, our old house. We loved that house, and we'd said so to each other many times even as we were halfheartedly searching for a new one. But at some point that house had become too burdened with bad memories and traumas, not to mention that after the pandemic, we had no more real roots there. Everyone had moved away, the communities we were involved with had disbanded or changed. And anyway, my wife would be starting a new teaching job down south.
We were fortunate enough to find a new house we loved, and fortunate enough to be in a position where we could actually make the move. I'm aware this is a privilege, given the economy and the market, and so I can only express my thankfulness and consider it a blessing, especially as we healed through our grief.
I have an improved office now! This is where I work on my day job (software/web dev) and my unday job (Studio Spacefarer). With my genetics stacked against me, but also with my desire to be able to keep up with my kids and be there for my family, I collected a standing desk, a walking pad treadmill thing, and an ergonomic keyboard. I'm walking or at least standing most of the day now, which has made a surprising difference already.
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I was gonna post a wider view of the office, but my 3yo son ran up while I was taking pictures and started "working" (mashing the keypad), so this is automatically the better pic. Them's the rules.
Anyway, in short, we made it, and it hasn't been a smooth ride the entire time, but it has been well worth it. I've been able to get back into gamedev, which has been a huge boon to my mental health too.
Speaking of… (ghostly drumroll)
Game status!
The good stuff. Here's where I'm at presently with Episode III!
The game is completable from start to end (definitely NOT feature complete)
Jumping, swimming, and dashing all work like a charm and are super fun
Three enemy types have been added, including custom A* pathfinding for the sea monster
Two new collection mechanics (one is heart containers, the other will be a small surprise)
Depth sorting and fake-3D, as mentioned previously, which lets me do lots of fun effects
Day/night are now on a new system, and cave darkness is now a thing (I tried to implement this in PD2 but couldn't figure it out)
Palette swapping for night and lighting effects now uses GameMaker's built in layer effects
Much of the game is now decorated
Updated the game's palette to be more pleasing
Better borderless windowed mode, frame toggling, etc. (I'd made a post about a third party plugin I used to do this previously, but not long after that, GameMaker added an official setting to be toggleable at runtime, so I switched to that… much easier lol)
New audio library which has been a MASSIVE boon (Juju's Vinyl)
New flexible debug/inspector mode which allows me to change values on the fly more easily
State machine rewrite using structs instead of data structures--extremely flexible and less  error-prone (in fact the data structures here were the #1 cause of crashes in Episodes I and II)
Save system rewrite, also using structs instead of data structures (thus fixing the #2 cause of crashes in the first two episodes)
Adjusted the way walls get displayed in interiors--will make a post on this later
Lots and lots and lots and lots of bug fixes
Post end status!
I'm not exactly sure how to wrap this up lol, but y'all can be encouraging me, if you have the emotional space to do so! There's still a lot left to do on PD3, and it can be very daunting at times.
Next post up will be looking forward to the future of Studio Spacefarer. I'm very excited about this! Keep an eye out!
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midnightsilver · 6 months
Artist Process Post
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Some process pics and behind the scenes for my Sam and Dean Costume artwork 😄:
My usual style for digital artwork is free-hand painting. I usually either build a reference scene in a 3D modeller or I draw a messy concept sketch from reference photos to get my basic shapes. Next I do a neater sketch on a new layer in Procreate and turn off my old concept sketch layer. After that I draw block colours on a layer underneath my sketch layer, before finally painting the shading and detailed features on a new layer over the top of it all. I use this process because I am a self-taught digital artist coming from a traditional art background. Plus I just really like painting 😄 - laying down colour in freehand brush strokes to build up my picture - it lets me adjust and change my ideas as I go (pre-planning is not my forte! 😅). However a lot of digital art originated in animation and anime styles, so it uses line art and colour fills in closed shapes to produce a much cleaner style. I thought I’d change up my regular process and give that style a go here and I’m really proud of my novice achievements 😄
I still started with a sketch of the boys. I drew the poses and body shapes in blue, using classic superhero poses and musculature. Then on a new layer I added the costume details in red. (I had loads of fun with this stage, it took me back to teenage me who used to draw comic book heroes instead of doing my homework 😂)
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Next I lowered the opacity of my sketch and did some line work on a new layer. The trick here is to try and draw clean smooth lines in a single stroke and to make sure that the lines meet so that shapes are closed. (Later on you select individual closed shapes and fill them with colour, but if you have left gaps in your lines the colour floods out into other areas or fills up the whole page.) My lines aren’t the smoothest (I messy sketch for a reason! I have very shaky hands!!😂) and they also don’t have much nuance to them (lines should vary in thickness to add emphasis and flow to the design) but I was just pleased my work was neat-ish and still looking like my concept! 😄
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The next stage is flat colour. This is a straightforward stage if you have taken time on the line work. I selected the areas that I wanted and used the fill tool to add my chosen colours inside the lines. (I also painted a freehand background to add atmosphere before I started on my shading.)
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The final stages I did were shading and lighting. I drifted back towards my traditional painting style with the shading. Anime styles often use single colour shadows in block shapes, or gradient overlays to add depth, but instead I clipped my shading layer over the top of my flat colour (clipping a layer prevents you from accidentally going outside the edges of the layer below) and hand painted shadows, tone variations and highlights with freehand strokes and a blender brush. The final layer on top of that I used the hard light setting to paint on glows and shine.
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And that’s everything. 😄 All in all this took me about 8 hours but that’s because I’m incredibly slow at line work 😭 (I spent soooo much time erasing and undoing crappy lines) and because freehand painting my shading layer is much slower than using block shape shadows - but I would need a lot more practice at that to make it look good, freehand painting is slower but it let’s me cover more of my errors as I go 😁. So while this art style for this pic is still not as clean or as efficient as typical anime/animation style digital artwork, I’m really pleased with the look of it compared to my usual loose style.
P.s. if you hadn’t noticed, I’m not an expert! This is not a tutorial, this is just an explanation of how I did this this time - and I’m learning more every day. If you wanna learn more about digital drawing from people who know what they are doing you can check out amazing artists like @kirathehyrulian and many others. 🤗
Stay awesome and happy Arting my friends
- Midnight
Art post on its own without the behind the scenes 😄
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Sooo, here, all my attempts drawing him. He is a tough subject ngl, rubbing my nerves with a sandpaper each time i try to get his features right. That's why I occasionally try to involve Artbreeder to help me 'realise what is not clearly visible on his 3d model, because, I also have a purpose, to sculpt him in Blender. I already started that, but I still feel the need to study his face to be the most accurate possible. 5th pic is the redesign of his armor I've made last year. (What an eloquent way to put it I'm a fuckin simp for him but whatever x'D) I'll make a separate post for the artbreeder attempts aswell.
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Please don't apologise for the rant!
It was an interesting read and everything you said made a lot of sense!
I feel really disappointed with the direction jungkook's taking tbh. His album and solo projects were the ones I was looking forward to the most since the second bts announced their hiatus and the fact that they were all going to release solo projects.
But now it's less than a month before his album debut and I'm hardly looking forward to it at all, because none of it seems to be the kind of music I could vibe with (even though his solo songs under the bts label were my favourites lol. I recognise that's a me problem but it does feel like outside of twitter a lot of people feel this way, more so than with the other members' solo works).
That might change once we receive the name of the tracks and the features and stuff, but we'll see.
Also, I think releasing 3D was honestly a bad idea because of the timing. Seven was (and is still) doing REALLY well. Super catchy, most people loved it, and it WAS new and unexpected. but the focus shifted a bit to 3D, except not everyone focused on the main version, and you can tell it's not gonna be as big of a hit.
You also mentioned on another post how the concept photos for golden appear to be very similar to seven and 3D and I can't agree more.
When you do the same thing more than once in a short period of time in a row, the hype becomes a little less because the surprise/anticipation factor is less, y'know?
Idk, I'm aware Jungkook was chilling and enjoying his break (and good for him) but that did mean he got less time to release a lot of content, so the whole idea of trying to release 2 big singles and then an album in 5 months doesn't seem like a good idea.
they could've kept it at one single with a lesser known artist (everything you pointed out about Latto is true)
and then released his album 5 months later with a slightly different vibe. Because now by the time 3D will become more accepted and more known by the general public, his album will release and the focus will be on the title track.
The timing and really everything surrounding 3D was bad all round (except for the alternate version and the performance for that because I agree it was 100 times much better)
Sorry I feel like I'm being far too negative and that frustrates me as well, I just...Jk has so much potential and is such a great singer but some of these decisions I feel won't properly help him in the long run, you know?
And especially knowing the album will likely follow the same formula as well. But he's accomplishing what he said he wanted so I guess that's something.
No, you aren't being too negative! If you are, I am too, and you're being more positive than me! The timing with 3D did suck. If you just think of it as a "gift" for the fans who were waiting for more music, then it didn't suck. From a business perspective, it wasn't the best move. The main issue was really the feature imo (though 3D's sound was never going to make a splash). Had 3D been announced as a solo, there would've been some of that shock/surprise factor and a lot more anticipation since we're all waiting for a real solo release. That would've been something to look forward to and to generate hype. A better MV would've helped too. At least 3D is kinda helping Seven in the charts...? It's gone number 1 on Spotify Global twice ever since 3D came out haha.
I'm really hoping that the album will surprise me! Tbh, boring concept photos are a BTS thing. It probably doesn't just happen to them, but I think Dynamite and Butter were the last eras to have exciting promo pics that had everyone talking about them. The concept/promo pics for Proof, for example, were super boring imo. I didn't even care for Jimin's Face promo pics and I remember a lot of people liking them. I don't think Big Hit is the best when it comes to that.
Let's see what happens, anon!
Thanks for the ask!
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spi-tcart · 1 year
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here is an iron sculpture i made recently from a sand block. i think it’s a pretty standard project for intro 3D design classes. nonetheless, very fun to make, and very fun to see what other people made.
here’s the artist statement i wrote for class: My piece “Origins” is an iron plate, casted from a sand block. It features in one corner a sort of topographical pattern, in another corner many rods shooting up from the base. The center focus is two lipped shapes, with wavy irregular edges. Lots of my art features references to the origins of our creation, or our consciousness. The topographical element represents our interpretations of our surrounding world, and gives the piece a bit of a setting to exist in. The rods spreading out through the piece seem to represent growth, expansion. The coral looking structure in the middle looks perhaps like a mushroom, or some sort of simple multicellular organism, or maybe an algae that provides oxygen for us to breathe. Through the middle of this structure you will find small topographical structures connected by lines. They look to me almost like crop circles, or like a map of a journey from planet to planet, spreading life. This refers to theories that our origins may be extraterrestrial. (i forgot to mention the ribbed thing in the bottom right, which was inspired by baboons)
also, the name is bullshit let me know if you have a better one. sorry i don’t have more detail pics, maybe i’ll get some tomorrow.
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phoenixdaneko · 1 year
Various pics I got from the butterfly pavilion!!!
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here's all the ones from the underwater/aquarium section, featuring a bunch of tiny sea stars, a chocolate chip sea star, some Halloween hermit crabs, some lil crabs I don't remember the name of, a sea cucumber and two sea urchins with 3d printed hats-!!!
Ok, putting all the bug pics under a read more so if they freak you out you don't have to look at em!!!
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Featuring some butterflies, obviously, multiple stick bugs and mantises, and many spiders. Also featuring me holding Rosie the Tarantula and a bumblebee millipede :)
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britts-galaxy-brain · 11 months
I went back and looked at the screenshots on the Google Drive of the accounts, and have made a short list of pics she favorited that are flagged for possibly being CSEM based, or whose artists have been under investigation for CSEM or child sexual abuse, along with a brief description. Please note that unlike the original Sankaku anon who compiled everything, my ability to stomach this is actually kind of limited, so I may have missed something. I'm probably not going to go back to check, because it makes me sick to look at for too long. I also don't have an account these days so unlike the original anon who found this stuff, I can't check to see if it's still up or check artist credit for things so I only listed things whose artists I know definitively.
TRIGGER WARNING: Rape, CSEM, CSA, discussion of actual sexual abuse by adults to minors, BDSM elements, incest, and arguably prostitution of a minor by adults.
By account:
Ebaratara: She has 3D pics and videos from Drax (who also goes by Lasto), who is a photorealistic artist specializing in shota and loli under the age of 10, as well as sholicon (children performing sexual acts on one another). The most instantly identifiable as his were a video of a prepubescent girl performing oral sex on a boy her age and a series of pictures of a prepubescent boy blindfolded and chained up to a bed being groped by a grown man who is touching himself who then strips the boy naked. These are both 3D, as is all his art. Drax was charged with sexually assaulting a minor in 2019. The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum.
She has a video of Spike from MLP being raped and crying. One of the animators, Amri, is currently awaiting trial for violating his native Estonia's Child Protection Act, Section 33, which states it is illegal to have sex with a child, put them into prostitution or make CSEM/own CSEM of a child. The video features Spike crying, shaking his head no, his assailant chuckling, and an unconscious Twilight Sparkle nearby.
She favorited a 3D painting by artist Masked of a young boy giving oral sex to a grown man. This is particularly disturbing because Masked is in prison for having sex with a neighbor's son, who he used to make the CSEM he used as references, though he was able to only get charged for CSEM possession/distribution because the boy's lawyer was not able to prove in a court of law that Masked had made the boy give him oral sex. However, in light of that being the exact sex act his victim repeatedly mentioned, having an image of that sex act in her favorites becomes even more unsettling, as that has an extremely high chance of being based on CSEM of that child. Going off of what was stated by the mods of ShotaWorld - another site I really don't recommend anyone look at - Masked's victim was between 5 and 8 when he was assaulted.
Flagged in yellow, meaning it was being reviewed for being possibly CSEM based, is a video by artist Sandsuna of a seductive tomboyish girl seducing and having sex with a man who appears to be in his 30s. Sandsuna is an artist who makes lolicon and shotacon animations. They have never been formally charged with anything, but their art regularly gets flagged due to how realistic the physics and proportions in the animations are.
Alchorative: I couldn't find the Google Drive for Alchorative, but from what I can tell that was her shoving the old favorites onto another account, so we can assume it was the same. The original Sankaku anon detailed all the artists Lily had marked as favorite artists on there here, so I'll link that: https://www.tumblr.com/opinated-user/699499327392972800/anon-who-found-ebarataras-sankaku-account-here
Of note is that since that post was made, Kaneda has been charged with using her son to make reference material, and has also been charged with allowing a man to have intercural sex with her son in exchange for money, who was 2 at the time that took place. She is awaiting trial in Japan.
SpiritusKhayaamAliana: Drax (Lasto) is in her favorited artists again.
The same Sandsuna video showed up of a seductive loli who gets a grown man to give in and sleep with her. Unflagged but also Sandsuna are pictures of seductive shotas seducing grown men, seductive tomboyish/short haired girls having sex with their brothers/men clearly related to them, and prepubescent boys masturbating.
Art of Genshin Impact character Venti is flagged and in her favorites, and was in the favorites for her ElethynAscentia account, too. It's not CSEM based, it's adult porn pic referenced (the artist provided Sankaku with the references), it just gets flagged regularly for the realistic texturing of the genitalia and semen being paired with a character who is a GNC child.
Highlighted red, meaning slated for deletion/was actually found to be based on CSEM/is highly suspected of being based on CSEM is a 3D, photorealistic pic of a man who has just finished having sex with and pulled out of a toddler.
Also hightlighted red: a 3D video of a young girl in lingerie having sex with a grown man.
Third highlighted red: a video of a grown woman having sex with a child. I can't tell from the thumbnail if the child is a boy or girl or what kind of sex they're having.
Fourth highlighted red: a video of a grown man raping a drugged boy, who is his son. I recognize the thumbnail because this artist has been booted off of Fanbox, Pixiv and ShotaWorld and the fandom for Captain Spirit hates them. Captain Spirit is canonically 8-10 years old. I can't tell if it's the full video, which featured both oral and anal rape, or if it's the shorter one that's purely anal.
Flagged in yellow is art of a boy being gangraped by 9 or 10 men (it's hard to tell from the thumbnail). It's not 3D but the body of the boy is extremely realistic looking.
Fifth flagged in red: a 3D video of a young child in a school uniform having sex on a desk. She looks distraught, possibly crying.
Sixth flagged in red: a 3D image of two girls, one on her back with her legs spread, naked from the waist down, and one, young enough to be in diapers, curled up in the fetal position beside her.
Flagged in yellow: video by Lesdias, an artist who has been cleared of CSEM charges but consistently gets hit with them due to his 3D videos being so realistic. (He uses images of people with dwarfism for his art. Your opinion may vary on if that makes it better considering his art removes adult breasts and features, but at least he is not in fact using CSEM that we know of.) The video is of a prepubescent girl being raped by two grown men.
The Spike rape video is there again.
Flagged in yellow: a 3D picture of a boy from behind, presenting his genitalia in disturbingly clear detail.
Flagged in yellow: a pic that's a closeup of a man anally penetrating a boy he's holding in his lap. The shading, muscle and hair textures are incredibly realistic.
Flagged in yellow: a pic that's a closeup of a young girl's genitalia from behind.
Flagged in yellow: a video of a man forcibly spreading a young girl's anus open. It looks like it hurts; the nails of his fingers are digging into the skin hard enough to begin to bruise, and she has wet herself.
The aforementioned Spike rape video shows up again.
Not flagged, but worth noting are four videos by Anaru, who is under investigation right now for CSEM possession, though she hasn't been charged with anything. Three of the videos are of grown women (one is Elsa) performing oral sex on young boys. The fourth, which triggered the investigation into Anaru, is of a drugged child being anally raped by a grown man, who films himself doing it.
Flagged in red: the infamous 3D Kaneda video she used her two year old son to produce. Judging by the date in the screenshots it might have been from when the one with audio was circulating. Kaneda used her son's crying for the audio, then cut it when people started questioning how realistic it sounded and the fact that you can hear the microphone being moved/background sounds.
If I missed anything I'm sorry but I'm not going back to double check, I'm 100% going to need a very strong drink, this was a miserable experience. But that's it, that's a list of flagged images, flagged videos and artists who we know Lily looked at.
It's kind of funny how every pro-Lily person who comes onto these blogs is firmly of the idea that fiction affects reality, but they support someone who looks at this kind of fiction, made by these kinds of people. And by funny I mean incredibly alarming and I might be sick if I think about it for too long.
I...fucking hell...
To note, Lily has directly and via her Tara Callie account publicly and privately expressed her interest in rape, lolicon, and small children. Lily has written a multi-part series and a short containing graphic scenes involving young children and young teens. Every single one of those accounts have usernames that are unique to Lily (Ebaratara being a combination of her two sockpuppet accounts, Alchorative being the pen name of the Tara Callie account, ElethynAscentia being a combination of the character she stole from Lizzy and one of her most well-known OCs, and SpiritusKhayamAliana being a reference to one of her fanfics and her most recent main OC). The contents of these favorites line up with things Lily has either obsessed over, or has admitted to enjoying.
Lily Orchard is a predator...
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alchemiclee · 11 months
who is the weird little gremlin who lives in this blog?
hellos, i'm Lee!
obligatory "about Lee" pinned post
CURRENT FEATURED POSTS: bailu 3d printed figure fully painted, dan heng IL art, girlfail furina sketches, blade art
note: please do not repost or use my art. thank you!
some links to things I do:
art/photography/cosplay/other creations archive collection blog
life/autism/adhd/lgbtq/health/rambles and rants/etc blog
itty bitty bladie (where I take silly pics of my tiny hsr blade plushie)
get to know me a little:
1993, USA 🌽, they/them, autistic, adhd, nonbinary, aroace - but also lots of gay probably; posts/reblogs a lot of: genshin/star rail/plants&flowers/dreamcatcher
cptsd, always dissociating, currently being evaluated for osdd/did, always in pain, always tired, highly suspecting hEDS, rejecting gender rules, usually no thoughts head empty, brain not found, always lost and confused, dumb and weird (positively), never know what i'm doing or what to do but always trying my best, punny and enjoys silly goofy things and laughing, wants to find or create a comfortable and positive space to exist in and live with my chosen found family,
cats🐈, flowers and plants🌸🪴, videos games🎮, art🎨, music🎶, photography📸, words are hard, but still enjoy writing, goth witchy forest plant gremlin aesthetic, enjoyer of cute and pretty things, nerd, collector of useless information and objects, bad memory, am basically up of several gremlins in one trench coat brain, suspicious of everyone 👀, but still tries to be nice, just wants everyone to be happy and have a good time 🥺,
genshin impact and honkai star rail current special interests, sometimes play other games, occasional anime watcher, currently volunteer at wildlife center and work with snake friends🐍, occasion twitch streamer, doing cosplays, drawing on my tablet, designing stickers, drawing fanart and ocs, 3d printing models to paint, trying to start a small business and run an art shop, want to move to canada with my closest friends, always dreaming about all the things I wish I could do 🥹
that's it for now 🥰
this blog was created to be a happy space away from the stress of life and other social medias where the algorithms are fucked and everything is on fire and bad. i'll revisit old interests and entertain current ones.
tags directory:
my art, my photos, irl pics, my cosplay stuff, when I say words, art reblogs, genshin impact, honkai star rail, fullmetal alchemist, anime stuffs, dreamcatcher, photography reblogs, plants, cats, relatable reblogs, cute stuff, tgcf to be continued.....?
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unearthlore · 2 years
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Bloom 🎵 by Of Mice & Men inspired this!
Reference pics credits:
[ID: A digital drawing featuring a golden skeletal design based on Jules the Spy’s fish-tailed monster form. She has a white fish tail with pink flowers and thin roots growing out from the bottom. Thicker roots keep the tail attached to the skeleton, who is also wearing a translucent fabric dress. The dress has dark green stripes and fin-like designs on it, mimicking Jules’ fishy self. The skeleton is walking to the viewer’s left side. In the gray-white, foggy background are pink and leafless arboreal shapes. Each of these trees appears to have a golden skeleton trapped inside, frozen in their last poses. The whole scene has some dark red petals from an unknown source, carried by a gentle breeze and then falling to the ground. ID end.]
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