#feeder asks
tubbybunnysblog · 2 months
I’ve eaten 5000 calories today and I can feel it good night tristate area /reference
As always feel free to leave asks for the weekend
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hedonists-den · 2 months
2, 8, and 15!!
2. As a feeder, it's a tough choice but I like clothes that don't fit anymore better. Because then I get to replace them with more clothes that won't fit soon 😈
8. I am in a relationship with a feedee/gainer! We've been together for 3 months now and considering posting some content together 💜
15. My favorite food to see a fatty stuff themselves with is a tie between sushi and burgers. Burgers feel so decadent, but sushi is something you can so easily gorge yourself on
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jabathegut · 4 months
I cant stop chugging these things🥵
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housecow · 29 days
Without showing your face, could you share a full body photo? Like, I know you’re big, yet somehow, I think my mind’s eye is underselling just how big.
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does this help? me abt 5lbs ago :))
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biggothbelly · 5 months
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New leggings are squeezing the hell out of my bloated gutttt 🐽 I had to free my big belly
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stonerbellybabe · 1 month
The phrase "he has never at my heaviest" is really hot. Like it's not your fault you're so big and fat it's his. He's the one fattening you. You're just complying and eating everything he tells you to.
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Absolutely. It’s not my fault he keeps putting all my favorite treats in front of me. I can’t help it 🥺
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hungrykeaton · 8 months
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She also got some sneaky shots of the aftermath of the 1 pound burger and taco meal under the table while she kept encouraging me to drink more beers. The beers made me pretty hungry again 🥵
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tubbybunnysblog · 3 months
The pigs and cows all around you are sucking down lard like it’s what they’re meant to. They’re growing rapidly at a rate that doctors are alarmed by. The median weight around you is expanding continuously. Yet your fat ass is accumulating mass like an astrological body and the black hole that is your stomach is consuming everything in sight, in a world where obesity is not just prominent but promoted you are a glorious bloated whale among fat simple farm animals. Belly large enough to keep your feet warm when sitting. Said feet loaded with blubbery adipose, ankles swollen with cascading rolls, calves as big as round as sedan tires, thighs as big as big as tree trunks. Your ass that hasn’t left contact with your seat since before this obesity renaissance started is approaching the size of a life raft. Moving up your body to the chaotic system of fat rolls along your sides and back that hide treasures and secrets from an era before you were fed glorious slop from tubes. Connecting from there your back boobs that could fit there own bra (most likely somewhere in the middle of the alphabet) and opposite of those your tits that have grown so fat that any bra would snap under their weight so now they have made your behemoth of a belly their home. Now the two most important parts of your body your arms and mouth. Your arms are at war, your wrists are being occupied by the flab that poses as your forearms, they are encroaching on your hands as we speak, your elbow fat is grinding away at your forearms for flab supremacy. But the worst are your shoulders that must support an onslaught of neck flab and multiple chins. Your face which has become a symbol of gluttony and greed, is now nothing more than chubby cheeks, chins and plump lips covered in grease and slop. No one has caught up to the massive woman in the mirror. Though many have tried and none succeed. You never let anyone get close as soon as someone even thinks they might rival you in size you down another gallon of pure butter and grease and then another and more in a marathon of gluttonous rage. “Why should anyone be as big as me?” And like that no one ever is.
Queen glutton
Omg 🥵
 This is so well written oh my goodness
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jabathegut · 7 months
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2020 vs 2023
178lbs vs 330lbs
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housecow · 4 months
Ever thought about the possibility that you were born for the cow life? Like you were gifted with massive udders, a bottomless appetite, and a propensity for endless growth and greed and gluttony all for the sake of becoming the biggest fattest softest breeding cow who ever lived for your feeder? No worries, no responsibilities, no pesky adult thoughts, just moo? 🐮🐮🐮
i’ve considered it often… why else is it so easy for me get bigger? my first thoughts waking up each morning are about what i’ll eat that day, how i’ll fill myself and how much softer i need to get… my feeder needs to take advantage of this, i was born to be a cow after all!! look at how im built 🥰
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growmydarling · 3 months
talk about STUNNING 😍
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stonerbellybabe · 1 month
Gosh he can literally grab a handful of your belly 😲
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He can and very regularly does ❤️
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tubbybunnysblog · 2 months
y'all are fr the cutest feedism couple on here, wishing y'all even more softness between the two of you!!
Awww thank you so much that means so much!!
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jabathegut · 3 months
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Found some briefs from high school!
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biggothbelly · 9 months
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Can’t wait until my arms and double chin blow up more and my huge hog gut reaches my bed. I love how deep my belly button is getting and how thick my rolls are growing. I love the pig that I’m growing into 🐖 send me asks teasing me for how huge I’m getting maybe it’ll make me growwww
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