feedfancier · 8 months
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Call Me a Cat and I'll Eat'cha [LOOP]
Check out - https://youtube.com/shorts/6PL72xqk-Fo for a early access to the loop, as well as a 4K video.
Meow fans, I've animated that Betelgeusian slacker about to eat you.
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toyhou-se-drama · 5 months
I was friends with Redlasunshowers029 back in 2014, when we were both kids. And honestly, from being in the same spaces that she was in, I can see why she turned out the way she did.
She was absolutely being groomed. Vore is a fetish, although she personally never saw it as sexual. That doesn’t mean other people don’t see it as sexual. For example, FeedFancier is a popular furry vore FETISH animator, and he uploaded a video of Redla’s sona eating the viewer. Redla stated she was around my age, and I was 13 when this was released.
https://www.deviantart.com/feedfancier/art/Redla-Vore-POV-431189177 (link to the animation)
This absolutely does not excuse her own actions, but people forget that grooming is not exclusive to minors, it happens to adults all the time, and continues from childhood. I genuinely believe people are convincing her that vore is acceptable because she’s so convinced that it’s not a bad thing.
I have more beef with FeedFancier than her, though. I truly think she’s a victim who isn’t aware that she’s perpetuating the cycle
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csmingy · 6 months
Does anyone else find it hella creepy that FeedFancier is a furry vore fetish animator, and he made an animation of Redlasunshowers sona when she was 13-14 years old? No wonder she still posts vore art where kids can see it, she was having fetish art made of her characters as a minor. Also, feedfancier is a Zionist creep.
please provide a link and/or different proof for this! but that’s awful to hear 🍋
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benjaminthewolf · 1 year
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) Lol (Good Ending)
So I hear that this guy's a sexyman. Welp, Wally simps, including @luci-voracious-blog who I wrote this for, come get your juice!
Also, I know a lot of people will recognize where this story takes inspiration from, so I'll just say it right here that I swear to fucking Vishnu this story is SFW. I do not intend anything other than SFW vibes from this story.
(Update: Luci and I decided in private it would still be best to mark this as mature.)
(Also the inspiration is from Feedfancier's Belly Love Journey animation.)
     “How are you feeling now, little one?” Wally Darling calmly speaks as he softly caresses you in his hands. “I’m sure far better than you were back in that storm.”
     Almost as if on cue, the bellowing crack of a lightning strike and the subsequent shaking of thunder ravaging against the outside of the home positively cut through the moment, causing Wally to instinctively bring you closer towards his chest for immediate comfort. Soon, however, there is no more outside noise aside from the constant baraging of rainfall, at which point Wally decides to speak up once more.
     “Well, that wasn’t very pleasant, now was it?” he rhetorically asks with a chuckle whilst continuing to hold your tiny form extremely close to his being.
     You, however, for the moment, are just simply in no position to give an answer of any sort to that question, even if one wasn’t really needed in the first place. Wally gives a bit of a nervous gaze of concern down at your being as you suddenly begin to softly sniffle. His grip around your body slowly loosens as you vainly attempt to conceal yourself in his jacket, positively burying yourself into his chest.
     Wally doesn’t exactly wish to bother you too much, considering the traumatizing horrors you must have gone through in the storm. He is rather aware that whatever mental processes are going on inside your mind right now, it would probably be better to just allow them to do their thing to heal you instead of interrupting them to speak.
     Thus, Wally simply observes your minute body silently, eventually deciding to re-tighten his hold ever so slightly after realizing just how comforting being against his giant body seems to be for you. It then seems as if his assumptions become validated the moment that your breathing is steadied with a heave, and a bittersweet smile slowly forms across your face.
     Wally’s assumption is only partially correct, however. Yes, the feeling of having someone so confoundedly larger than you gently nestling your miniscule form against its immensity and caring for all of it so deeply was something you had basically never experienced at this point…however…there just…almost seemed to be something somehow even more wonderful lurking somewhere even more deep. Perhaps…tucked away between several layers of flesh and skin. It almost made you want to melt into it, and be a part of its workings and warmth now and forever.
     Releasing a shudder of comfort, you are gently able to nuzzle your face upon the living puppet’s chest, listening intently to each thump emulating from his heart, and slowly breathing deeply to its beat. 
     “Oh…you poor little thing. All you really needed was affection, is that right?” Wally comments whilst bending his head down to reach to your form. “Well I promise you right here right now…” he tenderly murmurs down to your being. “....that I am always here for you if you need…”
     Wally gently plants a kiss on your head before repeating the final portion for emphasis. “...I am always here if you need…-”
     And then, just like that, everything stopped. 
     It obviously wasn’t as if Wally had intended for it to happen, but because his lips had been around the top of your head whilst he had been taking in air in order to speak, it just happened to be that the pressure that resulted from the upwards motion was also just enough to bring you in, too, causing Wally to instantly jolt into an upright sitting position, whilst his currently extremely stunned, faltering, overburdened mind jittered around inside of its skull tirelessly in order to attempt to figure out what was happening. 
     It would also just happen to be, then, that within that short window of time, you were still somewhat under control of yourself and your actions. Resulting from this, had you just decided to act simply a singular second before, then it most likely would have been that the singular thought that currently screeched within your meager mind practically begging you to call out to be released would have won out in the end. However, in reality, that just simply did not happen.
    Currently, you were just barely able to lift your head within the tightened, lowered confines that was the warm, slimy maw of Wally Darling, without scraping your head up against the roof’s rough ridges. Within a second that seemed instantaneous, however, not only did the maw unexpectedly rise in order to give you significant space to move about, but there also appeared to be a brilliant, yellowish light shining towards the back of the maw, near the gullet, illuminating the pinkish space all around, and beckoning dearly for you.
     Wally was still unable to think, and to you, in that moment, there seemed to be simply no reason to. Shuffling slowly on your knees across the slippery, compressible surface, you cautiously inched your way closer and closer towards the light, nearing into the gullet’s deep drop with each shift.
     Just above your head by this stage lay the uvula, swaying subtly and gently across its domain over the fall. Just like you, it possessed an inscrutable lack of any fear. Unlike you, however, the uvula was destined to remain watchful and stationary, locked upon the top of the soft palate, where it would observe your form lodging itself into the gullet. The gullet of a sentient puppet, who, due to the strange and uncomfortable sensation, was given no choice by his body but to comply, swallowing gently yet fully as a result.
     You are able to slip past the byway, the place where either one entered the tube of the trachea, or, as you had done now, entered the tube of the esophagus; connected in turn with the gurgling organ of the stomach. Yes, indeed, in any regular circumstance, that would indeed be the next destination. However, as you squelched deeper and deeper with each subsequent push of the muscle walls, it somehow became an understanding inside you that the stomach was not where you were headed. You were not entirely sure where exactly the alternate exit was to be for you, however. That was, however, until one final push left a valve in plain sight. The moment the valve opened up was the moment you understood all.
     Speechlessly floating up onto the powerful, thumping organ which for so long had been assumed to be the seat of all human emotions, you quiveringly nestled yourself up onto the heart of a person who, despite being a puppet in technicality, was no less a person than you. You would have loved to just stay there. To stay there and take it all in. To stay there against the deep pounding. To stay there and melt deep inside. That was all you wanted, and also all you had. The unapologetic and by all measures, cruel, faceless concept of fate, however, possessed a significantly different idea.
     It was only a more powerful thump. That was all that it was. Yet that single thump was indeed all which was needed, to send you from your grasp upon the seat of love. You weren’t entirely sure into which valve, ventricle, or otherwise bodily causeway you were being forced into, now. Yet, the next thing you knew, you were squelching into the growling stomach.
     “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!” Wally repeated to himself incessantly as he started shuddering, locked in mortal terror. “OH, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OH LORD THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS JUST CANNOT BE HAPPENING!”
      Alongside the cries and anguish, there also was just a little air released out, which came, naturally, within the form of a deep belch. Wally could indeed perceive only the worst from this sign, still utterly unable to know the truth of his body.
     Due to the manner in which the puppet was known to always speak, the pleadings were still far too soft for you to be able to sense them above the stomach's glorping, low ambiance. You, meanwhile, though still very safe and situated within the body of said Wally Darling, surrounded now in full by the goopy, churning, cushiony walls of the his stomach, were considerably saddened for the moment, mainly of course, due to the fact you had been forcefully thrusted away from his heart.
     And yet, once again, seemingly out of utter nowhere, the light stone again, shimmering above the deep liquids present within. It seemed as though a clear reminder to you of the true reason you were here. Not daring to question what came next, you simply ventured along, wading in with a step to the pool. Your legs begin treading lightly as you slowly lose physical contact with the ground. The light was now clearer as ever, and now was your chance to reach up. 
     “...hey…are you okay in there?” a suddenly crisp and clear call of Wally Darling finally resonated within from outside.
     And then, just like that, the light became snuffed out. 
     You, now left with nothing else you are able to do besides wade your way back to safe territory, and answer the question in the affirmative, are unsure within the word’s entirety just exactly what was happening within this moment. This being, aside from the physical, of course. Yet nothing within your living body told you that something was wrong, and yet you simply decided to go along with it, giving a tranquil and soft, subtle smile, before nuzzling yourself against the walls.
     “Well then…umm…as long as you’re comfortable I suppose!” Wally ends up saying whilst still taking everything in. “Oh good God I’m happy you’re okay…you see I thought for a minute back there I actually…I….umm…yeah let’s not talk about it anymore. I know you’re safe. That’s all that matters to me.”
     Subsequently giving Wally’s stomach wall a light pat in order to let him know that you were just fine, you proceeded to soak in the organ’s warmth, whilst finally settling for your stay. The journey you’d taken was long, and yet here, it had still, in the end, been destined to conclude in this organ. Taking a prolonged deep breath, you knew this was it. You now needed only to close both your eyes, before finally, slipping away.
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Nightmare Of An Irish Snack
A vore story for @luci-voracious-blog with another inspiration source which I am sure many will recognize.
(Twilight's nightmare by Feedfancier)
     Your position within the space around you, as well as the nature of the space itself, was instantaneously jolted into a form far different than you had been experiencing up until that point. Your body jostling around aimlessly in the air before finally succumbing to gravity left you exceedingly dizzy and disoriented, causing you to murmur some rather displeased gibberish and cough a few times as you disgruntledly peeled your face off the floor. Only for the rest of your being to instinctively and immediately, jolt itself the rest of the way up, causing you to frantically scramble back up onto your two feet, holding your arms behind you as you did in order to catch yourself just in case you stumbled.
     Towering above, yet still before, your miniscule, frail, tiny body, hunching over your petrified form with nothing more than a twisted, demented, toothy grin on his face, taking up the bulk of the unidentified, enigmatic blackened space you currently occupied, there he was. In all of his deranged, unhinged, utterly derailed, yet most importantly of all, one hundred percent, pure, undistilled Irishness, there could be absolutely no mistake. This was Aran Ryan, in all of his blood curdling glory.
     Aran proceeds to grow his horrific grin wider as he silently stares you down, presenting effortlessly onto your gaze his two, glistening, sharpened, arrays of whitened teeth, the cause of its unrelenting shine being revealed soon after, as trailing down the corners of his mouth like slimy waterfalls, were two trickling lines of saliva.
     “Ya know…” Aran finally speaks up in a controlled, yet powerful tone, whilst extending a hand out to snatch you right off of the ground. “Back in me home country of  Ireland, we made Tinies one of our most beloved national foods!
     With your brain now lurching itself into fight, flight, or freeze mode, you subconsciously ended up choosing freeze.
     Thus, it became rather trivial for Aran to grab you and lift you up to eye-level. Chuckling out an irregular, erratic flow of maniacal laughter, Aran Ryan finally moves you just a little ways away from his face, before finally unveiling his maw.
     Before you even had a single chance to screech out or give a yelp, Aran had uncurled his fingers around your body just slightly before giving his wrist a slight flick and sending you hurtling straight into his gaping, slimy, pinkish maw as a result.
     Landing with a splattering flop down onto the middle of the tongue, Aran immediately snaps his jaws shut in order to prevent any possibility of escape. This causes a rattling echo to reverberate around the sealed chamber, whilst simultaneously snapping  your frozen, stiff, dissociated being back into the midst of your present, grievous reality. 
     Aran proceeds to lift up his tongue, causing you to unexpectedly scrape your head upon the rough ridges along his hard palette. Even more saliva becomes released from his salivary glands as he folds in the sides of his tongue, squeezing tightly upon your now decidedly hyper-aware being. Gently swishing your panicking form between his mostly air-filled, bulging cheeks, Aran finally steepens the downwards slope of his tongue, before releasing his hold which was previously being held by the muscle’s raised sides. Now, sliding head-first towards the gaping, blackened gullet of the giant, maniacal Irishman, your eyes are soon prompted by your brain to divert slightly upwards, within your flailing state of unchecked panic, causing you to promptly comprehend, out of pure necessity for survival, just what you needed to do.
     Aran Ryan on the outside was only slightly confused when he realized he wasn’t feeling you being lodged inside of his gullet. Only for him to instantly realize afterwards just why, exactly, this was the case.
     Gripping onto the great, floppy uvula for dear life, Aran immediately lets out a nonsensical half suppressed scream, half annoyed gripe, causing the uvula to become jostled about above the widened esophageal sphincter as a result, swaying gently and lightly as you squeezed yourself into its form.
     Swallowing hard with rising spite, the sucking force caused by the gulp forces the uvula to stretch downwards just slightly, as your legs begin to slip from their hold around the rounded end. 
     Aran instantly swallows again, so you wouldn’t be able to reorient yourself from the first swallow, and manage to hold out for any longer. Your legs are soon forcibly launched off the bulbous sack of flesh, and lodged inside of the upper esophageal sphincter, as your hands instinctively tighten as you let out a yelp of pure terror. 
     Swallowing again, and therefore squelching all of your lower body and the vast majority of your upper body into his esophagus as such, Aran simply ignores the rather uncomfortable stretching sensation being imparted upon his squishy uvula as he swallows for the last and final time, your body unable to hold on any longer as the uvula becomes slingshotted back into its natural position, and you become squeezed into Aran’s esophagus, destined to land inside his stomach.
     “Heh! Well, down the hatch with ya!” Aran proceeds to cruelly tease as the constricting, cushiony walls of the esophagus rhythmically squelch you on down towards the Irishman’s guts. Aran proceeds to flop down onto the floor as he places a hand over his midsection in excited, compounding anticipation for the plunge. 
     Aran was suddenly able to feel something rising back up in his throat, which would indeed have been a cause for panic, had said “something” not turned out to be simply a bunch of swallowed air, most of which had been gulped down in the process of getting you off of his uvula. Releasing all of said air with a rather deep, echoing belch, Aran gives a slight smirk, before a gurgle resonates from his middle.
     You on the inside had finally reached the lower esophageal sphincter at this point, and with the rather empty chamber below growling out its lamentations of such emptiness, your body squeezed through, with relative effortlessness, the tight, natural valve, before splash-landing into the acids.
     “Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Now that sure hit the spot!” Aran once again teases from the outside whilst giving a contented rub over his stomach. This was swiftly followed up by yet another belch, that which you were still able to hear from the inside despite the constant groaning and rumbling reverberating about the churning, goopy chamber around you. Aran allows his tongue to hazily loll out of his mouth, as the Irishman finally settled in to let his body take care of the rest.
     Back on the inside, now that the organ had indeed been delivered a meal, Aran Ryan’s stomach proceeds to treat you as such, squeezing in its thick, heated, cushiony walls as the acid levels rise to aid in digestion. Now utterly frozen once more, and ultimately trapped within the merciless belly of the formerly ravenous Irish beast, your body is physically unable to resist as the acids splash and swirl all around you, seemingly trying to drag you down into its goopy, gurgling, deadly depths. The color begins draining from your eyes as you feel your body slipping deeper into the sloshy gut, now merely nothing but a satisfying, yet ultimately insignificant snack to the inane, infamous Irishman known only as Aran Ryan.
     Aggressively lurching up and forwards, your body gives an utterly animalistic, searing, petrified screech as you eyes flicker open with searing alertness…only to be instantly graced not by the churning, glorping stomach walls of Aran Ryan, but instead, by the welcome, soothing, private comfort that was your very bedroom.
     Taking a few good seconds to simply sit there and let everything settle in as you processed it, your now positively relieved and stress-alleviated body finally heaves out a sigh. Just a nightmare. That’s all it was. Nothing more. Nothing you needed to worry about. You were safe, that was a fact. Now, all you needed to do was go back to sleep, and prepare yourself for the day ahead. With that, you flop your body down onto your pillow…only to land instead upon something goopy, squishy, wet, and shifting. Your eyes are jolted open once more, and just like that, it was real, all again.
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Meet Rondo! I made him back in May 2017. When I first created him, his name was "FeedFancier Junior" (which I changed because that name copied someone else's name).
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mrinflationvideotv · 3 years
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Today on the Inflationvideotv channel we are going to give an in-depth analysis of one of the FeedFancier Animations animations that has created nightmares for Bronys and Pegasisters, although at the same time it is a real disgust. The title of the video is called Twilight's Nightmare, it is an animation that makes an impossible thing in the world to eat a person in one bite. Before starting it should be noted that it is impossible to eat a person in one bite and not only because it is cannibalism. Also, your mouth can't fit something that big because your mouth can get stuck. But thanks to FeedFancier Animations we are going to see not only what happens if they eat you alive but we are also going to see the digestive tract of a pony. Although this time Nightmare Moon will be the beast and Twilight Sparkle the mouthful. The journey begins inside the mouth, you were lucky not to be ground by the teeth since the teeth have the power to grind any solid food of the tiny size. Also, saliva is largely pure water. Uh, oh, I swallow it, give me a minute to analyze the inside of a horse. Here it is, the esophagus slowly pushes anything tiny into the stomach. And from there, if you are inside a stomach, things may get quite ugly. Gastric juice can be compared to battery acid, if we talk about the damage it can cause. It can range from one to three on the pH scale, which means it is extremely acidic. This is because the main component of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid, a highly corrosive substance. We can house it inside us, thanks to a mucous membrane that lines our stomach. But what if we covered all our skin with it? Well, at first, it will cause mild irritation. Luckily, the epidermis, a layer of your skin, should protect you before you start to feel a lot of pain. That means that the longer you stay in the gas juice, the acid will slowly eat your skin. with second and third degree burns your death will be slow and painful. Luckily, our experiment is over, although it has one key factor: size. You can change the size but only in cartoons, because there is no mammal as big as swallowing a person or a pony. Unless it counts being inside a whale.
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feedfancier · 4 months
Big Red Mama Snack (AVAILABLE NOW)
Available in 4K Resolution * https://www.patreon.com/posts/big-red-mama-4k-103433599 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFwgj17dDXo
Xale is in hell, being endlessly snacked upon by the Queen of Darkness. Some punishment.
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The Snow Queen Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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csmingy · 5 months
I’m around the same age as Redla, but I don’t know her birthday. She would have been 12-14 at the time of this upload. FeedFancier was already an adult
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benjaminthewolf · 1 year
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) Lol (Bad Ending)
So I hear that this guy's a sexyman. Welp, Wally simps, including @luci-voracious-blog who I wrote this for, come get your juice!
Also, I know a lot of people will recognize where this story takes inspiration from, so I'll just say it right here that I swear to fucking Vishnu this story is SFW. I do not intend anything other than SFW vibes from this story.
(Update: Luci and I decided in private it would still be best to mark this as mature.)
(Also the inspiration is from Feedfancier's Belly Love Journey animation.)
     “How are you feeling now, little one?” Wally Darling calmly speaks as he softly caresses you in his hands. “I’m sure far better than you were back in that storm.”
     Almost as if on cue, the bellowing crack of a lightning strike and the subsequent shaking of thunder ravaging against the outside of the home positively cut through the moment, causing Wally to instinctively bring you closer towards his chest for immediate comfort. Soon, however, there is no more outside noise aside from the constant baraging of rainfall, at which point Wally decides to speak up once more.
     “Well, that wasn’t very pleasant, now was it?” he rhetorically asks with a chuckle whilst continuing to hold your tiny form extremely close to his being.
     You, however, for the moment, are just simply in no position to give an answer of any sort to that question, even if one wasn’t really needed in the first place. Wally gives a bit of a nervous gaze of concern down at your being as you suddenly begin to softly sniffle. His grip around your body slowly loosens as you vainly attempt to conceal yourself in his jacket, positively burying yourself into his chest.
     Wally doesn’t exactly wish to bother you too much, considering the traumatizing horrors you must have gone through in the storm. He is rather aware that whatever mental processes are going on inside your mind right now, it would probably be better to just allow them to do their thing to heal you instead of interrupting them to speak.
     Thus, Wally simply observes your minute body silently, eventually deciding to re-tighten his hold ever so slightly after realizing just how comforting being against his giant body seems to be for you. It then seems as if his assumptions become validated the moment that your breathing is steadied with a heave, and a bittersweet smile slowly forms across your face.
     Wally’s assumption is only partially correct, however. Yes, the feeling of having someone so confoundedly larger than you gently nestling your miniscule form against its immensity and caring for all of it so deeply was something you had basically never experienced at this point…however…there just…almost seemed to be something somehow even more wonderful lurking somewhere even more deep. Perhaps…tucked away between several layers of flesh and skin. It almost made you want to melt into it, and be a part of its workings and warmth now and forever.
     Releasing a shudder of comfort, you are gently able to nuzzle your face upon the living puppet’s chest, listening intently to each thump emulating from his heart, and slowly breathing deeply to its beat. 
     “Oh…you poor little thing. All you really needed was affection, is that right?” Wally comments whilst bending his head down to reach to your form. “Well I promise you right here right now…” he tenderly murmurs down to your being. “....that I am always here for you if you need…”
     Wally gently plants a kiss on your head before repeating the final portion for emphasis. “...I am always here if you need…-”
     And then, just like that, everything stopped. 
     It obviously wasn’t as if Wally had intended for it to happen, but because his lips had been around the top of your head whilst he had been taking in air in order to speak, it just happened to be that the pressure that resulted from the upwards motion was also just enough to bring you in, too, causing Wally to instantly jolt into an upright sitting position, whilst his currently extremely stunned, faltering, overburdened mind jittered around inside of its skull tirelessly in order to attempt to figure out what was happening. 
     It would also just happen to be, then, that within that short window of time, you were still somewhat under control of yourself and your actions. Resulting from this, had you just decided to act simply a singular second before, then it most likely would have been that the singular thought that currently screeched within your meager mind practically begging you to call out to be released would have won out in the end. However, in reality, that just simply did not happen.
    Currently, you were just barely able to lift your head within the tightened, lowered confines that was the warm, slimy maw of Wally Darling, without scraping your head up against the roof’s rough ridges. Within a second that seemed instantaneous, however, not only did the maw unexpectedly rise in order to give you significant space to move about, but there also appeared to be a brilliant, yellowish light shining towards the back of the maw, near the gullet, illuminating the pinkish space all around, and beckoning dearly for you.
     Wally was still unable to think, and to you, in that moment, there seemed to be simply no reason to. Shuffling slowly on your knees across the slippery, compressible surface, you cautiously inched your way closer and closer towards the light, nearing into the gullet’s deep drop with each shift.
     Just above your head by this stage lay the uvula, swaying subtly and gently across its domain over the fall. Just like you, it possessed an inscrutable lack of any fear. Unlike you, however, the uvula was destined to remain watchful and stationary, locked upon the top of the soft palate, where it would observe your form lodging itself into the gullet. The gullet of a sentient puppet, who, due to the strange and uncomfortable sensation, was given no choice by his body but to comply, swallowing gently yet fully as a result.
     You are able to slip past the byway, the place where either one entered the tube of the trachea, or, as you had done now, entered the tube of the esophagus; connected in turn with the gurgling organ of the stomach. Yes, indeed, in any regular circumstance, that would indeed be the next destination. However, as you squelched deeper and deeper with each subsequent push of the muscle walls, it somehow became an understanding inside you that the stomach was not where you were headed. You were not entirely sure where exactly the alternate exit was to be for you, however. That was, however, until one final push left a valve in plain sight. The moment the valve opened up was the moment you understood all.
     Speechlessly floating up onto the powerful, thumping organ which for so long had been assumed to be the seat of all human emotions, you quiveringly nestled yourself up onto the heart of a person who, despite being a puppet in technicality, was no less a person than you. You would have loved to just stay there. To stay there and take it all in. To stay there against the deep pounding. To stay there and melt deep inside. That was all you wanted, and also all you had. The unapologetic and by all measures, cruel, faceless concept of fate, however, possessed a significantly different idea.
     It was only a more powerful thump. That was all that it was. Yet that single thump was indeed all which was needed, to send you from your grasp upon the seat of love. You weren’t entirely sure into which valve, ventricle, or otherwise bodily causeway you were being forced into, now. Yet, the next thing you knew, you were squelching into the growling stomach.
     “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!” Wally repeated to himself incessantly as he started shuddering, locked in mortal terror. “OH, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OH LORD THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS JUST CANNOT BE HAPPENING!”
     Alongside the cries and anguish, there also was just a little air released out, which came, naturally, within the form of a deep belch. Wally could indeed perceive only the worst from this sign, still utterly unable to know the truth of his body.
     Due to the manner in which the puppet was known to always speak, the pleadings were still far too soft for you to be able to sense them above the stomach's glorping, low ambiance. You, meanwhile, though still very safe and situated within the body of said Wally Darling, surrounded now in full by the goopy, churning, cushiony walls of the his stomach, were considerably saddened for the moment, mainly of course, due to the fact you had been forcefully thrusted away from his heart.
     And yet, once again, seemingly out of utter nowhere, the light stone again, shimmering above the deep liquids present within. It seemed as though a clear reminder to you of the true reason you were here. Not daring to question what came next, you simply ventured along, wading in with a step to the pool. Your legs begin treading lightly as you slowly lose physical contact with the ground. The light was now clearer as ever, and now was your chance to reach up. 
     The ambient rumbling alongside the tight squelching, however, reducing the land down to null, swiftly pulls you on down towards the depths, seemingly dragging you physically away from the warmth and the safety of the light. You are only able to take one remaining gasp for your life, reaching upwards in vain one last time, only to see the gooey mush that your body is swiftly churning into swiftly dripping down towards the pool, before finally, slipping away.
     “No…” Wally whimpers in utter despair. “...wh-wha-just-...” he continuously struggles to speak. 
     “Just what on mother Earth have I done?”
     Wally had been doomed to utter ignorance of the beautiful nuances happening inside his very being throughout the entirety of the process. It seemed here, as well, that in lacking a way of tracking tears, Wally was incapable of noticing your form. Your form as it lay in the tear. Your form as it merged with the light. Your form as it was within Wally’s.
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Puzzling On The Inside
Holly crap the amount of anatomical research I had to put into this one...
Another trade story for @luci-voracious-blog
Once again a lot of you will recognize what this is based off of lol. (It's Feedfancier's Cutie Cruise) In fact I should go back and give credit in my other stories as well... ****
     You never, ever could’ve imagined yourself, even just as soon as two months ago, to be legitimately sitting across from the famed and beloved Professor Layton, sharing a Gressenheller University cafeteria blueberry-flavored smoothie as you gazed longingly into each other’s eyes; all due to the simple fact, of course, that you were on a romantic date. And yet, as the archeology professor’s iconic dotted black eyes stared calmly and affectionately back at yours, the reality of the situation couldn’t be avoided. You had managed to make it this far, in terms of developing a healthy relationship, and as the two of you gracefully leaned in for a kiss upon each other’s pursed lips, the only desire you possessed, pounding along the four chambers of your heart, was to continue to do so into the future.
     Steadily closing your eyes as your lips touch against Professor Layton’s, it seemed right then and there that your entire reality had disappeared around you simultaneously, and the only thing left in this universe after its crumbling was now exclusively you, and your beloved partner known as Layton. 
     At least, that’s how it seemed. 
     Your ears almost instantly perk up as you are suddenly able to hear someone chuckling. But this wasn’t Layton chuckling, or even anyone you knew or recognized by voice in any sense at all. No. You weren’t even required to open your eyes in order to get a sense of who or what this new speaker was as their echoing footsteps plodded forwards, as it seemed that their image had become instantaneously zapped into your mind by some force upon them taking in a breath to speak again.
     “Y’know…even though I’m mainly a vore writer, Wattpad doesn’t allow people to add vore scenarios onto ‘Character X Reader stories.” the small, white, white wolf speaker, possessing light blue wings and a floating halo, as well as a trans flag bandanna around their neck with a circular symbol upon it you didn’t recognize, spoke out in a powerful yet controlled, giggling manner.
     “...oh…that’s….great?” you, having absolutely no clue what Wattpad was, awkwardly responded soon after.
     “...but as all my readers obviously know…I don’t post on Wattpad…now do I?”
     “.................no?”     “Heh. Yeah. Luci just wanted me to add in that little exchange as a Toy Story reference.”
     And then, just like that, the universe re-constructed itself all around you. 
     “But with one single, little twist.”
     You found yourself unable to scream or even speak as your body began to rapidly shrink before your eyes. Layton’s eyes, however, remained firmly closed as his lips still fervently touched against yours. The resulting sucking force from the continual, blissfully ignorant, professor’s kissing only ended up pulling you closer and closer unto his puckered up lips. Eventually, then, once you had shrunken down to just about the size of a raisin, you became sucked in all the way through the tiny hole present between the lips. And it was only after all that that Layton finally realized something was wrong. But by then, it was already too late.
     Giving your disoriented head a little shake before lifting it up and heaving a sigh, you did, of course, possess a very good idea as to just where you had now ended up; but it wasn’t until you opened your eyes and gazed around for a little while were those assumptions finally confirmed.
     You naturally let out a little half-gasp half-exclamation of your sudden confusion and slight worry now that you knew you were lying within Layton’s maw, and down upon his squishy tongue, more specifically. All this before, however, reality once again flooded its way over your being seconds later.
     Professor Layton heaves a slight sigh, resulting in his soft palette rising up along with the air. Able to gaze straight upon his floppy uvula as a result whilst the force of the sigh makes it wobble just a bit, you are instantly overcome with a strange sense of deep comfort, as Layton on the outside is only able to wonder just where you had gone after the kiss.
     Eventually, upon being unable to see you anywhere within his near vicinity, or just anywhere around the spacious cafeteria in general, Layton is only able to conclude, in that moment, that you had, for whatever reason, left him alone. His heart momentarily superseding his capabilities as an apt problem solver, and thus leaving him incapable of noticing the slight pressure upon his smooth tongue, Layton eventually moves in to take a sip from one of the straws in the smoothie with slight tears welling up in his eyes. You on the inside, upon suddenly sensing a slight change in temperature, swiftly swivel your head around in order to see what, exactly, was going on. Only to be met with Layton’s straw pumping blue smoothie deep up into his slick, pinkish maw, and at a rate too fast for you to take action before the stream at last swept you away.
     Whisked away past the tip of the tongue, it would only take a couple seconds before the smoothie flood brought you all the way through the volume of the maw, past both the cheeks and hard palate, until at last you were right below the dangling uvula. Without a single flash of conscious thought upon the matter, as though merely commanded by instinct, you raise up both arms towards the flesh sack, and fervently clutch both your hands onto its large, rounded bit on the bottom. Gripping with increasing fervor as Layton lurches just a bit forwards from the sudden bodily shock, your efforts are ultimately unable to save you from the flood, as the archeology professor immediately sucks even more of the torrential blue liquid into his maw. The uvula stretches downwards just a little as you desperately attempt to keep your grip, only for the deluge of blueberry flavored sugary drink to forcefully wash you down towards the gaping form of the upper esophageal sphincter as Layton on the outside swallows hard.
     The resulting trip down his squishy throat resembled an experience closer to that of riding down a water park tube slide than being rhythmically squelched down through the peristaltic motions of the throat muscles. Regardless of all that though, the end result was still the same.
     The lower esophageal sphincter, as it was currently gaping wide open due to letting in all the liquid smoothie, naturally passed you through to the stomach, causing you to do a bit of a half-somersault into the air as you fell, before ultimately taking the plunge deep into the bubbling acid pool.
     You swifty rise up above the waterline and take in a great breath of fresh air, before your eyes open up and dart downwards towards the churning liquids below. Seeing no cruel burning of your skin taking place, this being accompanied by a lack of any pain, you then realized as a result that the acids in here weren’t actually harmful to you. Giving an excessively drawn out sigh whilst suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you sarcastically wonder to yourself just how this possibly could be the case.
     Nonetheless, it obviously wasn’t like you were mad that you were safe, and so after taking a minute to get over the reason why you were here in the first place, you eventually brush it away with a head shake, before treading your way over to the nearest region of stomach wall, reasoning that you might as well get comfortable while you were here. Squishing yourself up against the slightly shifting, pillowy walls, you gently nuzzle your head into its squishy, slimy, smooth lining and prepare to settle down for a while, as you now appreciate your dear Layton where you had never ever been able to until now. Before immediately realizing seconds later that the acids were quite hastily dragging you away from said walls, causing you to swiftly tumble back down into its depths once again. Upon resurfacing for a second time, you are able to discern as a result just where all the liquids were dragging you. 
     Squelching cleanly through the pylorus, you are forced to take in one more breath of fresh air before entering into the duodenum of the small intestine, where the liquids fill the volume of the squishy, glorping tubes, thus leaving you unable to breathe. You are just barely able to accomplish this in time before the tiny, finger-like protrusions of the villi lining the walls of the small intestine enter your sight. Gently waving about in the waters they were doused in, the villi calmly absorbed the nutrients present within the homogenous chime that entered into the small intestine, in order to send said nutrients into the bloodstream to be delivered throughout Layton’s body. You, realizing that you were not suddenly gaining the urge to breathe like you normally would underwater, merely close your eyes once again, and remind yourself that you should be grateful that you were staying alive before opening them up once again and thus also realizing that the liquids weren’t stinging your eyes like they normally would and that you were able to see through the digested chime perfectly fine. Acknowledging this, too, with a slight nod before you enter into the jejunum, you are therefore able to settle down for the moment and simply enjoy the free ride throughout the small intestine you were getting for the moment.
     Eventually, however, you start to notice that you were drifting a little ways towards the small intestine’s villi-lined walls, and before you could really start swimming away, you swiftly became absorbed right into one of those villi, diffusing through the wall of the epithelium, and into the blood capillary of the villi as a result. Following along with the blood flow and entering into the venule where you were then transferred into a jejunal vein and then the hepatic portal vein, the blood flow and pressure steadily drag you along towards the liver, finally entering you into the central vein of one of the lobules of the filtering organ. You then go on to flow into one of the sinusoids along with all the venous blood, as well as the nutrients and toxins it carries. Staring with fixed eyes in pure awe upon the kupffer cells lining the sinusoids as they filtered out the toxins in the blood into the hepatocytes, where they would eventually be broken down, you continue to flow along with the filtered blood, entering into a hepatic vein before at last, the inferior vena cava lead you upwards and towards Layton’s heart.
     Upon being cleanly pumped into the archaeologist's right atrium, something almost instantly tipped you off as not right. It would then only take a single second of mental processing before the realization that you were no longer following the flow of the deoxygenated blood into the right ventricle towards the lungs, struck you through with a sharp jolt. Swishing your head around within the fluids in order to glance backwards over your shoulder, you are immediately graced with the form of the endocardium, the very first layer of the heart wall. Proceeding to magically diffuse, via the same mechanism responsible for bringing you here in the first place, of course, through the myocardium, them through the epicardium, the pericardial cavity, the parietal layer, and finally, the fibrous pericardium, you have at last found yourself lying on the outside of the heart.
      A sharp, panicked gasping sound suddenly graces your ears from the outside, as Layton, now downtroddenly plodding his way through the university hallways, collapses onto the floor in great pain from something suddenly lying on his heart. And it was right then and there, after all of that bodily traveling that, reality finally set in. 
     Here you were at long last, on top of your beloved Layton’s throbbing heart. You had traveled your way all throughout his gastrointestinal tract in order to get here, from his mouth into his small intestine. You had gotten absorbed into the professor’s portal vein, and ventured through his liver as a result. And now, at the end of it all, here you were, lying calmly upon the fibrous pericardium, the very top layer of his heart.
     Layton, by this point on the outside, is no longer feeling any pain. Instead, he has simply stopped to examine the strange pressure upon the top of the right side of his pounding, warm, embraced heart. And then, whether by his naturally apt problem-solving capabilities, or by intervention of some sort or another, the professor understood everything. Layton calmly rubs his hands against his chest whilst you gently squish yourself into and nuzzle the top of his heart, something which he is naturally able to feel from outside. Promptly growing a quivering smile and tearing up with overwhelming affection from this as he tightly wrapped his arms around each other, Layton is therefore able to bring them both as close as was possible to you upon his beating heart. Layton and you thus communally engage within the deep love you possessed for the other, whilst the historically presumed seat of all his emotions, and thus his deep love for you upon it, rhythmically pounded beneath. 
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scarfofsilver · 7 years
streaming with feedfancier, drawing some flow
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Traced your way into a D.Va's morning glass by FeedFancier
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tentaclesorguk · 8 years
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Weird cat and mouse games from feedfancier
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feedfancier · 8 months
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Gutsy Hotel [COM]
Yeah, a hotel for demon rehabilitation is a dumb idea, but who'd have thunk about a hell princess stomach for churning demons into something better?
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