#feel free to ask for clarification is something isn't making sense
skaldish · 9 months
Y'all…I'm having a very disturbing realization dawn upon me. I don't really have a way of articulating this clearly yet, but I wanted to bring it up in case other people know about it:
I'm noticing that many people (namely white Americans) seem to act as branded-versions of themselves rather than who they genuinely are. Specifically, what I'm beginning to understand how insanely pernicious it is. I knew it existed because I grew up in it, but didn't realize how uncanny it actually looks when you watch it happen, nor what the implications are that we do this instead of connecting with each other as people.
It seems like any descriptor under the sun can become a brand, so long as it's understood that way more than it's understood as just a descriptor. "Man" is a brand. "Punk" is a brand. "Conservative" is a brand. "Left" is a brand. "Queer" is a brand. "Protestant" is a brand. "Catholic" is a brand. "Anticapitalist" is a brand. "Young professional" is a brand. "Good" is a brand. Words like "BIPOC" are also interpreted within a brand context.
I'm not sure if this is something that has always been there, but I only just noticed? Or if it's on the rise with commercialization? A bit of both? Something else?
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agent-8449 · 6 months
The Negatives: Masterpost
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"Howdy there, to the audience beyond the screen! I'm your host Eris, and this is Late Nights With Disharmonia..."
The Negatives AU was borne, long long ago, by me fucking around with the ancient joke of Soul 2. Mind 2, Heart 2, Whole 2, etcetera. It evolved into something more sophisticated if light-hearted, and now it's psychological horror. Oops!
Firstly; Eris, this Whole, is American. That's the first part of the joke. The second is that he's supposedly everything a normal golden Whole isn't-- loud, confident, in control. The third part is that he's exactly like a normal Whole in those respects anyway. He might have willed away the loop amnesia, but this cold war he's started with himself might be worse.
Total and godlike control of his own Psyche means nothing if he can't stop himself from splitting anyway. His Thirds know what he does, and they're horrible like him too.
Phobos, the Green Heart, is the distillation of what Eris thinks makes him different to other people; acting and ingenuity, sure, but also a casual disregard for their wellbeings and a violent streak. His impulsive, or intrusive, thoughts.
Deimos, an Orange Mind, is what Eris believes the world wants him to be; a pencil-pushing pushover, dull and boring and content with mundanity. Deimos might be calculative, but that's in the literal sense. He's a calculator, with about as much personality.
Nemesis is where it gets interesting. This Teal Soul isn't needed to pretend to be him at all, not really. He's less so Identity, and more... self-hate. Sure, Eris intended for him to be an embodiment of social pressure/"cringe culture", yet all that's done is make his Soul even more viscerally self-aware of the futility of this all. Nemesis was built to hate. To hate what Eris wants to be-- to be critical, never-pleased, and cynical. By god does Nemesis fulfill these criteria. Because-- well-- what is he supposed to do? Not hate this? This insufferable, useless war? These two tumours Linked to his thoughts? The fact that him hating at all is decreed by Eris, and he's playing his role perfectly? So he hates, quietly. The other two overpower him, and Eris uses him again and again and again for the things he himself doesn't want to do.
What a cheery quartet!!!
The delicate balance of Whole and Thirds was disrupted by their additions to the chat. Entirely sick of <making his Thirds> running Youtube content farms, Eris seeks a way to monetize this supernatural happening. Mixed with his total control of his Psyche <due to being his Psyche>, it's a recipe for something finally interesting. Eris is more of a filmmaker than a songwriter, and to create The Perfect Story is his goal. If only it was that easy. Pretending to be nice and helpful in chat, in order to lure somebody over, did not go very well at all. Neither did exploiting the phenomenon of his self-duplication; the fact that sending constructs from his Psyche is literally sending chunks of his Psyche, i.e., him. If they're in the right shape to walk and talk and think like him, well, they do! Eris clones 3 and 4 both met separate grisly demises.
Why? Long story short, they're filled with assumption goop, and if Reality questions that too hard, it becomes real goop. They melt. This is what happened to 3. 4..... got beheaded. By Nemesis. OOPS! Turns out the breaking of the pattern gave the Whole-adoring Heart and Mind enough grievances for Nemesis to convince them to murder him. And thus ended a doomed attempt at coexistence. The following month unsupervised screwed up Eris' life, too, on his return. Punishment only made them hate him more, and now it's all collapsing...
Now, desperation makes men do terrible things.
This is all a very quick summary of the Negatives, of course. Feel free to ask for clarifications! I might even respond in-character... Toodles for now!
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theheirofthesharingan · 10 months
Hcs for shisui and itachi as husbands? (Not together separately)
Sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask. I'm just not very good at imagining these things. :( But I've tried answering these. Thanks for the clarification too, hehe. Answering this from a girl's perspective.
Complete SFW
He loves flowers. Whenever his wife is upset he'll get her her favourite flowers. It's hard to get upset with him but even the best people have tough days. Flowers work every single time. It's okay if he doesn't receive flowers, but he needs to get them for her.
Yes, she does know he loves flowers so she gets them for him too and he is all smiles for a week. He's happy to have a thoughtful wife.
He loves dates too. Before he leaves for a mission, even if it's for a couple of days, he'll take her on a date. When he comes back he does the same.
Every single moment she spends in his absence is bittersweet because he makes her so happy when they're together and when he's not around she has tons of memories to keep her occupied for a while.
Every single day spent with Shisui is like an everlasting honeymoon phase of life. He's an easy person to be with who gives her enough space.
He makes so many jokes, sometimes silly ones, only so that she can laugh and he loves her laugh. It makes him giddy with happiness.
When they grow old and their children are old enough he still goes on dates, far from everyone so that they can spend some time with each other. Old age has dulled neither his feelings for her not the romance.
He remembers all the dates and celebrates it with her - The first time they met, the first time they kissed, the first time they made love, the day they got married, etc., he remembers all of the dates, even if he's super busy with his missions and other work.
Okay, Itachi can be a little bit of a hard person to deal with. He's never had an issue in his life handling people, but he has hard time expressing his feelings. He's a quick learner so he tries his level best to make her happy.
At first, even if it's after 2 years of dating, he'll be a little bit awkward after marriage because all of it is so sudden and the change feels too quick if not outright abrupt.
Still he's a quick learner so he settles in his new life rather quickly. He likes things quiet. He'll bring gifts and flowers when she's not expecting them.
When they're watching a movie together he'll play with her hair, hold her hands, play with her fingers, hold her close because they're married and he doesn't feel awkward anymore. Physical contact is essential for him.
Having been busy in missions he never really got a chance to leant to cook, but he spends most of his free time looking at the recipe of her favorite dishes. Occasionally Sasuke sneaks in too who's happy to help his big brother.
Itachi never minded attention he got from girls and guys but now he makes it clear he's taken. If he has to attend a party or any gathering he isn't going without her.
He has a sort of dry sense of humour but he tries to be funny which makes the things he said even funnier, because you don't know if he's joking or being serious, but when she laughs he realizes he said something silly and he can only blush. He's learned the pattern so he deliberately says silly things and sometimes his wife can't stop laughing.
He loves long, quiet drives at night when it's raining.
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iamthat-iam · 1 year
Hi Bry ("Bry" 🤔 lol you know), I hope you're having a lovely day! Thanks for your patience with me as I always send a thousand questions haha 💀 I wanted to send this one over asks in case anyone else is wondering about it. No worries about getting to this ask if you can't, I know you probably have a bajillion and I am grateful for your time!
I wanted to ask you a question related to something I see ND blogs talking about a lot, related to the ego's desires (don't worry, this is NOT a manifestation related question but rather a clarification question on ego vs Self). I see a lot of ND bloggers talking about how once you drop the ego and realize Self you can then experience anything and everything you want and dream any beautiful dream because you know that you are everything and are absolutely, 100% limitless. But the phrase, "anything and everything you want" is a confusing phrase to me, because Self doesn't have any preference towards the ego's desires and instead feels lovingly neutral and blissful towards everything, including suffering. So then why do people say you can have everything "you want" once you recognize Self in reference to becoming aware of the ego's desires? Even the idea of changing the channel if "you" don't like the show you're watching, that's still the ego wanting to be free of itself and not liking the show. So why would Self ever want to change the channel once it has been realized, or, why would Self want to dream a specific dream if it has no preference towards that dream?
My interpretation of it is that once you realize you are the lovely, limitless Self, manifesting the ego's desires for the ego's enjoyment is just a bonus FOR the ego. You (as self) have the power to give the ego that You used to identify with anything it wants. This is because You absolutely love Your creation (the character You used to be identified as), because Self loves all of Its creations, and it is fun to give the sweet character You've been playing the gift of everything it wants, because it's fun to love it up. Or maybe You as Self want to give the ego a little boost of everything it wants before identifying with it again, because it's all part of the fun game of awareness and getting lost in the play. These are the answers I've come to myself, but I wanted to ask another person to see if they had a different interpretation.
I guess what the question boils down to is this: why would one want to "become aware of a different channel/dream/ego/character" once you realize Self, if Self is lovingly neutral towards it all? Isn't that just re-identification with the ego? Ultimately I know it comes down to love and fun and enjoying the play and I should probably just relax and have fun haha, but this definitely has confused me a little when I see ND bloggers talking about it. Maybe it's just because a lot of us come from LOA and that's where the need to address it comes from. But yeah! Was just curious what you think about this.
Anyway! I hope this makes sense, it's a little hard to put into words but I am hoping it is clear this isn't a manifestation question and more a question of clarification question haha. Thanks for your time and energy and I hope you are doing so, so wonderfully!
Hi "Bunny"! 💙
So it seems that we have similar interpretations. The Self has so much love for it's creations so why not give them all better circumstances to live under?
The Self wanted to experience life in all sorts of ways possible, including the suffering aspect, and it's done it, billions of times. The goal has already been accomplished right?
Now that you are awake and you aren't attached to anything that is going on because it isn't you, the illusion is gone. You no longer think that it's you going through circumstances. The game is pretty much over. You won 😂 At some point you go, "well that was fun. Time for me to do something different."
So it's not exactly changing everything so the ego is satisfied, it's more like, "well... What more is there to do here?" If you DID choose to create a new dream or change the channel. You do it because you can.
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anathemafiction · 1 year
Hello my dearest and most favoritest author friend !( favoritest that's a word right? Well we can make it a word!) I hope that your autumnal weather favors you! Tis most lovely where I reside! Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! Plus it brings spooky season! (Halloween.) As much as I would love to talk about fall and all it's glory I wanted to clear something up.
So on the CoG forums I was discussing with some other forum users about the ROs in the Rose. Someone asked who we could romance in Book 1. I replied with Hadrian and Alessa. I told them they'd be able to flirt with everyone else just not start a romance with anyone else till book 2. I told them that the only people you could romance in book 1 was our dearest and most beloveds Hadrian and Alessa.
Another user chimed in and disagreed with my statement saying that you could start a romance with the other characters in book 1. I countered with that was incorrect. That the other ROs will remember you but you couldn't do anything beyond flirt. I just wanted to clear this up to avoid future confusion. So for me to say that you can only truly romance Hadrian and Alessa in book 1 is that correct? I think I can see the other user's perspective. It may seem like you're sparking something with the flirting with the other ROs because you're. But it's not a "main RO" till book 2 correct?
Hope this makes sense 😅😆 if you need clarification lmk! Tysm!! Enjoy your day!!!
Much love and hugs,
I adore the fall! My favorite season used to be the summer because it meant I was free from school 😄 but lately, the summers have been getting hotter and hotter, and now I almost dread it. So, Autumn is my new darling. I can't wait for October.
As for your question… hum. Technically, it's true that the ones you can officially start a romance with are Hadrian and Alessa, but, in my mind, as the writer, you can definitely start a romance with some others. Lance can have a bunch of scenes depending on your choices, and both Ysabella and Alain will vary greatly depending on how you respond to their advances.
Neia and the Pirate will have completely different reactions to you when you officially meet them in Book Two if you flirted with them — especially Neia since she got so close to you.
Rafael is the only one that I consider almost not started — although there is one choice you can pick that already has… different subtleties. It's the choice to lean really close to his face and call him a bastard as you're saying goodbye.
So, yes, I can see why someone would think you initiated a romance with some of the characters — because you did. You're not locked, of course, there's no relationship to speak of, but there is something.
The person on the forum wasn't wrong, in my opinion. If they felt like they started a romance with a character, then I wouldn't say their feeling isn't valid. 🤔
Thank you for asking to clarify! ♡
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goldentigerfestival · 3 months
Part 4 of the Vesperia differences between JP and the dub!
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
(Other) GTF Favorites.
As a heads up, I had to piece several images here as "one" image to circumvent the image limit because I was not about to make a part five by the time I got toward the end LOL.
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For some reason the dub completely removed Alexei jokingly/sarcastically saying it makes his heart hurt (brings him down in this tl) how Estelle will come to her senses and see what she's done to her friends. As usual, the dub has a very weird habit of adding sentences where they never existed and completely removing sentences for no literally no reason.
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I feel that "set you free" can also have the implication of saving her alive (which the dub heavily seems to lean toward versus wording that really shows Yuri's resolve here, the latter of which fits right in with Flynn and Ioder's acceptance that he may have to kill her), so I included this one to go with the previous case of Flynn mentioning that Yuri's group was going to "save" Estelle. The original is more ambiguous about her possible survival, but the dub leans more into being ambiguous in a way that doesn't lean toward her dying.
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The dub changed this to nothing but literally "aye" so... do with that what you will.
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Another case of them randomly wiping out an entire sentence (the last one).
As with other cases, there are some slight changes I don't feel are worth mentioning and often tend to be just slight changes in word choice that ultimately mean close to the same thing. This is generally the case for most of the spirit gathering arc. The overall tl of this arc is pretty much accurate, just with some odd cases like the above.
I really don't wanna say like, it's because Flynn's not around for a chunk of the plot in arc 3, but uh... let's be honest, it's once again as soon as Flynn gets back into the picture that the tl starts to go haywire again - especially where Yuri is concerned. Like. Literally. As usual.
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In the dub, this was "but Duke isn't". Just putting this one here because I feel like this gives more of a sense how the characters are feeling about it, more than just him not working out in their favor.
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This one was calling Ba'ul "weak" in the dub, but here Yuri is just asking if he's that stubborn about changing his form to a spirit. Putting this here because I feel using "weak" is a lot more harsh and has negative connotations on it compared to a more ignorant "stubborn" before Yuri understands.
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Yuri mentions here that Duke seems to have thought a lot about what he's doing. In the dub, this was "he seems totally obsessed". Not sure what the reason for that change was.
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Raven makes this more of a question in the dub, but here is more of him realizing it and putting the pieces together, so I figured I'd include this one since it's a slight change in a character's perception of something.
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The first line was changed to "could you be any more worthless" (I guess because they thought the "boring" line was weird? idk lol). The second and third line got swapped for some reason, even though it does kind of change the general meaning behind what's being said.
Yuri says first that Sodia gave up, only to tell her she has no right to say it was all for Flynn (thus saying it's because of giving up). At least imo, in the dub it comes across as "you say it's for him but you gave up thus it's an excuse", versus "you have no right to say it's for him".
I'm trying not to say it again, y'all.
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Karol says that Yuri going off alone is a bad habit. The dub changed this to "you keep forgetting us", which I'm kind of confused by because he's not forgetting them and literally told them to get ready to go to Tarqaron. Not really sure why they'd change this line since like yeah, it is a bad habit of his lol.
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Another translation error in the dub, so this one's here for clarification. The dub says Astal "lost control", but Astal by this point is dead (and he never "lost control"). Judith also says in the dub that it made all the monsters gather here, rather than saying they've gone savage. It seems like they misunderstood something thinking Astal losing control brought all the monsters here, but obviously we know that can't be the case because Astal is dead.
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This was changed in the dub to "it's our turn to do Yuri a favor", when he's actually supposed to be teasing him, which Yuri directly replies to.
Still trying not to say it.
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Dub Karol sounds more like he's prepared to go in, but in the original audio, Karol sounds nervous about the hoard they're about to have to get involved with. Raven's line was changed to Flynn looking like he needs help and not that so much that he's cornered, and the original audio has him sounding more urgent about it. Minor changes here, but tonally I think they impact the scene differently (and definitely give more of a "this is really fuckin' dangerous" vibe in the original audio).
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Another slight change and not an important one, but figured I'd include this since it has a slightly different meaning/vibe to it.
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Including this just for Yuri's little laugh when he shows up (I love him! A Yuri Lowell!) and Flynn's shocked response. More tonal in change, but definitely worth a listen and will be linked below with Flynn's laugh!
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This can also be translated as "it's simple/it will be simple", because it's "me and you" doing it. Imo this makes it more clear he's referring to just them (i.e. the upcoming fight) and not the entire group, but Yuri also specifically specifies "you and me", so it's much more clear that he's referring only to them (which I think, also given Yuri's levity in this situation despite the danger, shows how much they've completely come back from and recovered from the Nordopolica/Alexei stuff). Shoutout to Yuri deciding this on the spot and totally not even planning it though.
Again, there are some wording choice changes littered around, but nothing really significant (when I say small things, I mean things like Rita saying it's reckless for just the two of them to deal with this, versus the dub using "are you stupid?!". It basically changes nothing even if it is technically a difference, but I usually skip things like that because these posts would be even longer for changes that don't have a large impact).
As for the Yuri-Flynn-Repede battle, there were some... choice dialogue changes here.
Firstly, Yuri actually tells Flynn to be careful (rare carefulness from him, especially in regard to someone he knows can handle fighting).
Second, Flynn telling him not to worry was removed entirely.
Third, (this one is more difficult for me to completely discern because of the lack of text) Flynn mentions (you too, i.e. you be careful too) if Yuri keeps looking over (at him), that he won't be able to run to save Yuri fast enough (i.e. he'll get into trouble if he keeps staring at him).
Fourth, the dub changed Yuri saying he's just captivated by how handsome/good looking Flynn is (and I shit you not if Judith said that to Yuri people would call it flirting so yes, I am going to tell you that the dub censored men flirting here). The original wording used is "ii otoko", i.e. good/nice looking man, which in translation could come across a bit awkwardly and would be more likely to officially be translated to "handsome"... if they weren't so spooked at the idea of it and had to wipe it for "the great Flynn Scifo" which is not actually what was said. Personally I'd say "nice looking man" has a very specific ring to it versus handsome, but again, obviously that might sound a bit odd in translation without really specific wording (as in, it's possible to be used in a way that doesn't sound awkward but the wording leading up to it would probably have to be changed a little, or some words simply added in to make it flow more native-sounding).
Fifth, Flynn said it's not the time to be making jokes (the dub changed this to just "sh-shut up!").
Sixth, the goofy, playful tone Yuri carries when he says "I am being serious" was changed (very typical of the dub at this point though to remove his playfulness and I'm literally saying that objectively). Similarly, his following line's tone was also changed.
Seventh, "so we're kind of stuck". Yuri says he can't concentrate without talking, then ends (the battle conversation) with a following sentence of "it can't be helped!".
This could be translated in a few ways just to make it more clear what he's referring to (because a plain ol' "it can't be helped" is a bit too vague here), but you could translate that to something like "guess we can't help it", yadda yadda. My guess is that's where "we're kind of stuck" came from, but given the blatant trajectory change of the entire conversation, I'm not surprised I'm left feeling like the meaning of that line is just weird (primarily because he says that and the conversation abruptly ends, so they're not very stuck if Flynn won that one!) Something like "guess we can't help it/that's just how we are" etc imo would have done the job for translating that.
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Flynn just sounds so, so happy and soft and my heart is full. Same dialogue in the dub, but the original audio was (imo much?) more lighthearted and so sweet and soft.
Made a clip of both their laughs because they're adorable and I love them.
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No idea why the dub actually dropped her giving Yuri a whole ass honorific. Yeah, you can't always use JP suffixes in a dubbed game, but you can translate some of them to the closest thing they mean. Sodia here calls him "Yuri-...dono...", so rather than just dropping his last name in her accusatory tone, she calls him by only his first name and attaches a respectful term to his name.
Technically "dono" would mean "lord" or "master" in a non nobility manner, and is more of a formality than if she were to use, say, -san, which would have her referring to him as more of a regular/casual equal (-san is a suffix that often gets lost in translation, whereas dono can actually be roughly translated like it is here from this translator. Someone of her rank would still refer to others even equal to her rank as "sir" in translation, while people who use "dono" may also still use that term for people of their rank. Remember, at this point she's the second in command to the Commandant himself, so that's an awfully high bar for Yuri to have jumped in her eyes). Sodia has realized his actions have been just and honest and that she was very wrong about him, so as an indicator that she's changing her stance on him, she refers to him this way instead.
Basically, coming from someone of her rank, it's a very respectful term and is not used casually/in a casual relationship, much less to someone one dislikes or even hates (which she previously did, so this by itself is a massive step up in her view of him just from her suffix usage alone).
Honestly a huge shame that they didn't even translate this to "sir" in the dub when there was no reason not to. Just using that alone would have indicated a much higher level of respect from her toward him, and unfortunately that open respect is completely lost to dub only players (she only expresses her guilt, whereas in the original, just by using "dono" alone, she's indicated respect and not just guilt. In a way you could even argue that she's approaching him, someone she gives her respect to now, for advice and not just out of guilt alone).
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In the dub this is only "it would have been easier if you'd blame me for this..." Here she's admitting she wants some form of punishment by way of saying she didn't receive it (which she could have from Yuri himself if he told Flynn what she did), but if she can't even have that, she at least would rather be hated. Basically, she's saying she wants to be hated if she can't at least be punished for her crime (and I believe you could also translate this to wishing she could be hated if she wasn't blamed for it, so basically they removed half the statement).
Also, in general, Sodia sounds very distraught.
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Here Yuri admits he does have a grudge against her (you could translate this to something like "it's not like I don't hold a grudge against you"). The dub changed this to "don't think I'm doing this for your own good". Basically the dub is having him say he's making her live with her regret without mentioning that yes, he does in fact have a grudge against her for what she did.
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The translation here is essentially the same (think about it for yourself. The dub just uses "go figure it out yourself").
The important part here comes in the form of how he refers to her. This is something he's done since he survived her stabbing him - not using a neutral form of "you" but instead openly using a rude form (in JP there are several ways of referring to oneself and others, similar to how Flynn alternates between boku and watashi when referring to himself).
In other words, Yuri is openly expressing disdain for her by using "teme". At this point he's been using it for a little while now (he also talks to her this way back in Nor at the inn as well), but since here it's with very other little dialogue and also because she just recently referred to him as "Yuri-dono", I think it's a perfect time to point it out, as they've openly, verbally switched how they treat each other.
Sodia, wracked with guilt and left unresolved, has a newfound respect for Yuri after their interaction at Nor (and presumably everything he's done for Flynn). Yuri, still angry at her for what she did and holding a grudge (a fact lost in the dub that he mentions in this scene as mentioned above, adding to this role reversal), now openly chastises her and expresses his contempt by changing how he refers to her.
Not gonna put a picture here for it, but when Rita asks Witcher where his notes are, she gets super excited and it's just cute and funny.
Also not putting a picture here for this one, but Flynn sounds extremely relaxed/calm/casual in JP when he asks if Yuri is all set/ready to talk. Something worth noting is that even at this point, the dub keeps Flynn sounding very uptight and serious where he otherwise is relaxed, calm or even emotional. I get the feeling the dub kind of missed the mark with Flynn's soft gentle side. I don't know how or why, but it's more absent in the dub where he's otherwise much more soft.
Similarly, not pictured because this isn't about the translation, Flynn trying to convince Yuri to tell everyone what he's done is given in a more angry-upset tone, versus the original's (super!) soft and sad tone. Again, I think they had a different perception of Flynn in mind when it comes to audio (particularly in arc 3 here because the other arcs are... again, their own whole can of worms), because here he's speaking sadly that Yuri won't take credit, whereas in the dub it's more energy-fueled and comes off much harsher. I have a video clip of that scene here. I felt like mentioning it here because overall Flynn can be extremely soft and gentle in tone and it got lost in the dub for whatever the reason was.
Still on that train of thought, while the translation itself is still pretty accurate, Flynn says "I'll just yell at you again" but in JP says that he'll just say unnecessary words. Earlier, in the dub Yuri asks why he's so serious when he doesn't actually mention that he's being serious in the original (because honestly, he wasn't. He was very calm when they set out). In this case it's not really negative (the way Yuri yelling at people in the dub is portrayed negatively on their end), it's just... a change that I can only guess they had the wrong idea about with him? Previously the changes with Flynn were treating him negatively, but here it's more just... a notable but narratively generally neutral tone difference.
Not making a clip just for this unless it's requested, but when Yuri wins the solo fight against Flynn, in the original, Yuri says it with actual shock but awareness/clarity that it actually happened (with a sort of underlying excited vibe to it). In the dub Yuri says it with more of a laugh and disbelief.
As for this point onward, since the subbed playthrough ended before this point, I'll be using another playthrough for images, though I'll be translating them here instead since they won't be pre-translated.
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Sliiightly different vibe here so I figured I'd include it (doesn't really change anything): Here Flynn says "Even with a sword... I lost." The reason I'm including it is because "I can't even win with a sword anymore" makes it sound like Flynn has been losing again and again to Yuri in various ways when it's always been the opposite. Using a sword has always been one of his highest selling points, so to lose in that area comes across more as, even with my best asset I still lost to you.
Yuri's line is more like, "(laughs) Take a good look."
Running out of images I can use for this post here but I really don't want to make another part at this point in the game, but Flynn's following line is more along the lines of "be proud of yourself" (literally "raise your arms (in victory/pride)"), to which Yuri says the same thing in both versions (Flynn's dub line is "you've gotten better"). Including this because "you've gotten better" to me isn't really the same as telling Yuri to be proud of himself for the victory (something he'd never been able to do before). Since the dub came across as much more casual, I figured I'd add this part here too.
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During Flynn and Patty's conversation, Flynn says "it's true there is no end to my worries." In the dub this was, "I have no want for trouble". This was probably a mix up of terms/intended meaning honestly, because Patty was basically saying he has a lot of burdens for being so young. It's not about trouble so much as he just has a lot on his mind and a lot to worry about in his current position.
Flynn proceeds to say he's made up his mind, basically saying he's made up his mind to accept those worries. In the dub, he says he's prepared to face it (the troubles), versus that he's made up his mind in accepting these new worries.
Patty's response is "made up your mind?" In the dub it's just "is that right?"
Flynn continues by saying in the end he'll have to worry a lot (more literally with all his might, so basically he'll be experiencing a whole lot of worries in the future) and that it will be a tough road, but he won't run away anymore.
I'm not sure why the dub used "path full of pain" since that sounds a lot more dramatic than "it will be a tough road". I imagine yeah, there will be pain in the future, but full of pain just sounds a bit... much? The dub also removed "anymore" from "won't run away anymore". Not sure what the idea behind that was.
Patty follows up saying it's admirable but that's no good, which the dub changed to a fish pun.
I'd also like to mention at this point, Flynn has completely dropped his use of "watashi" in favor of "boku" (he uses boku normally, but typically switched to watashi for formality/his status as a knight, which indicates he no longer feels the need to do this around Yuri's friends, and possibly does not feel the same level of distance he used to. At the very least it means he's allowing himself to be more of himself/more familiar and not viewing his position as a knight so formally).
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Here Flynn says "thinking together, worrying together, and then one day realizing the world we dreamed of". Adding this since Flynn in the dub says "if we all work through our troubles together". It's kind of the same thing and kind of not, since in the original Flynn isn't mentioning "troubles" between anyone - simply the idea of everyone doing this together (the rest is basically the same in the dub).
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Another change I'm not sure what it was for, but Ioder never mentions the Entelexeia specifically. He says this (what he's about to say) concerns the empire, guilds and everyone who lives in the world (which would include the Entelexeia by default, but literally everyone else too, which is the point because he's about to tell them about the blastia to start making plans). The dub never mentions about this affecting everyone in the world despite that being the whole reason he wants to talk to everyone about this.
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Yuri calls Duke an "ignorant fool" here, rather than a "stubborn bastard", which I'm including because "ignorant" and "stubborn" aren't the same thing. Yes, Duke is stubborn about it, but in Yuri's eyes he's also being very ignorant of everything they're trying to tell him.
Not grabbing an image for this, but at the end of the game when Yuri is talking to Duke right after the battle, he's completely out of breath before and when he starts talking (the first line). Just a very nice touch!
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In the dub Duke says Eluficer's wish was simply to protect the world and all living things. Here Duke says his wish is to protect the world and all living things with a good heart.
Also don't want to use an image here because of the image limit per post (especially because it's already tight even with me putting what images I can into "one" image as it is), but Yuri says "yeah, let's do it" (including the others), versus "I'm on it" in the dub at Flynn's prompting. Not a big change, but he does treat it as the whole group doing it together, which I find to be a nice touch for his character development.
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Patty actually says "it- it stopped?!" The dub goofed and wrote "it's- it's over?!". The power of the blastia wasn't enough and its power was weakening.
Estelle says "No way, after we've come this far!". The dub changed this for some reason to "but how? There isn't any more!" in response to Rita instead of leaving it as it was.
Judith says "Please!" The dub used "It's gotta work!"
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Flynn says "It's not over yet!" For some reason the dub used "This can't be how it ends!", which... idk, I feel like original Flynn has much more faith in it LOL.
Yuri says "Is it no good...?" Dub Yuri says "Dammit... come on!"
For the most part the rest is the same.
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Adding this in because the old cutscene in the 360 version had to get changed to accommodate where Flynn was. Somewhat different than what we see with the other characters, you can see the power shoot out and push Flynn back as if it was grabbing the blastia itself, and you can see it pulled away from him (with everyone else we just see the blastia head toward the rest!).
Aside from that, Flynn says "you are my pride, dear friend" (the dub changed this to "I am so proud to call you my friend, Yuri Lowell").
The voice acting took me out with the happiness portrayed in Flynn's voice. (For just the Flynn part of the ending, I have a clip of that too, unsurprisingly.)
Personal ending notes:
To sum it up briefly: I personally see a strong inserted bias put into the localization instead of just keeping things the way they were (i.e. changing context/character behavior to fit their bias despite that not being what the original context was, and inserting this into an official release). I say this because there are times when the translation is basically perfect, but there are very specific characters and instances where this suddenly changes, and unfortunately, there's a repetitive pattern that to me reads as intentional. Otherwise, I see no need for that to continuously happen only when select characters are involved.
As for the not so short version, y'all might be wondering why I mention things like it seems like they changed Yuri and berated Flynn so much on purpose. This is because the translation of this game sometimes can be astoundingly spot on. Perfect in some cases, even. There are times when the largest difference is just the wording itself and is simply given flavor, or uses a variety of wording so that sentences don't sound repetitive.
Yet when it comes to those two (individually but also between the two of them), the context quickly devolves into being either completely changed, the tones used are completely changed, and/or there's a slight alteration in the text that ends up giving a very particular notion that was not otherwise there (ex. "like a good knight" was added into Flynn's dialogue in a situation where he's being berated and yelled at, and it completely comes across as putting Flynn down the entire way through the conversation, versus him coming around and taking responsibility and that being accepted. In the original he simply mentions following his orders as a knight. There's no attempt to sound like the narrative itself is trying to insult him or bring him down).
I made these posts precisely because a heavy majority of the changed context involved them, and a lot of it either portrays Flynn in a negative light for the vast majority of the game which was not originally present, or it made Yuri come across as a much darker, scarier, "cool" type, which is a pretty stark contrast to his original personality/behavior.
Other things:
A lot of his lines come out neutral/flat, and that got even worse, like a hundred times worse, in his new DE lines. Yuri is pretty peppy in JP, and as a reference I would say his victory quotes are a big indicator of the personality shift ("cool" guy versus "silly" guy would be a big one for me). Other than that, Yuri is more silly and almost childish, sometimes even pretty pouty, and it shows blatantly right in his voice. He's also extremely not threatening to people who are not his enemy (liiike threatening Ioder with a real weapon with a serious voice).
I think the easiest way to explain this from my own perspective is that I adore JP Yuri completely. Dub Yuri I often find myself wanting to punch in the face for how he treats Flynn, Ioder and the one time, Leblanc. He lacks compassion in the dub where he otherwise does have it (even if it's not him being rude vocally/tonally, the dub dropped a load of emotional nuance in his voice). He's not a rough, overly cool edgy man (I hate people saying Yuri is an edgelord because damn if that ain't the farthest thing from the truth in JP, but it also shows how much they really leaned into that trope in the dub if people actually walked out of the game feeling that way about Yuri). He's a silly, goofy, caring man who is very gentle with people when they need a boost. That doesn't mean he doesn't have his "scary" dark moments, but the dub obviously leaned super far into it - enough that they would change Yuri mentioning punching someone to outright threatening to use a weapon against an unarmed man who is actually being quite polite.
Basically, he has a range of emotions and he has a lot of emotional intelligence. As one example, when he sees Karol down and sad when they first meet, he changes his tone to a combination of how you'd talk to a child with that child-y tone (he does this at the base of Halure's tree when he's asking Karol how to heal the tree), but then sometimes he shifts to actual gentle and soft to let Karol know he's there for him (when he's heading out to the woods to find the eggbear).
Ultimately, my point is that they took a perfectly well rounded character and changed him to, what? Fit their own bias/agenda/whatever? Because I can't look at both Yuris and be like "same person". I've never wanted to punch JP Yuri in the face. Only hugs here. What I'm saying is that I came out of both versions with two very different opinions on Yuri.
Next, Flynn (and Ioder and Leblanc).
Starting with Flynn, I get a very strong mindset of anti government shoved into the dub with these characters (i.e. not just the unnamed bad people in the government and the few named bad ones, but also directed toward the good ones, making it a more black and white approach). The dub makes Yuri out to be aggressive toward Flynn on the spot when they see each other again despite that in the original audio, he's not at all actually upset. He understands why Flynn is upset and that he's stressed out with his current mission. And no, the whole "Flynn swung a sword at him!" doesn't work here. Yuri knows Flynn. Very, very well. He reeeeally was not mad about that... especially if, you know, his tone in JP was anything to go by during and after. Flynn was the more upset one between the two, and Yuri remains calm - again, indicating his emotional intelligence and, most likely as it's not directly said, determining that being worked up about it would only cause Flynn more aggravation/stress. Thus, he doesn't press any buttons and remains calm. It makes his smile to Flynn later at Torim make that much more sense.
The thing is, I get the impression the dub wanted us rooting for Yuri and cheering for him digging into Flynn, when that was literally not the point of their interactions. We're not supposed to always blindly follow Yuri. Sometimes he is right, but sometimes Flynn is right. Like. That's it. That's the game. Not everything is simple or black and white. There's nuance.
That and/or like, someone in the loc team really hated Flynn. Based on everything, I'm... not against believing that at this point. Basically, the dub portrays Flynn in a negative light at most (arguably all) possible opportunities around every turn, even though the context/tone for that did not originally exist, until it couldn't anymore (i.e. he was past his character arc).
Ioder and Leblanc.
Ioder never does anything except keep Yuri in the loop, tell him important information and be genuinely happy to see him. There was never any vitriol between them. The way dub Yuri gives him an attitude just comes out of nowhere. Their relationship is pretty casual, which is pretty meaningful given that Ioder is on track to be on the emperor and Yuri is, plain and simple, a commoner. One who rescued Ioder, yes, but if Ioder was a "typical" noble in this game, he might have just brushed that off as "to be expected", even if Yuri didn't know he was saving a noble at first. Point being, Ioder is nothing but pleasant toward Yuri. Yuri has no reason to be rude, much less threaten him.
At Baction, JP Yuri is understanding that Leblanc needs to grieve and is in disbelief. He doesn't know if Leblanc will try to stop them, but he does offer his condolences with the tone of his voice, i.e. again: emotional intelligence. Something they changed in the dub to be nothing but rudeness and anger. Yuri made a statement to him at that moment, i.e. not to get in their way (mind you, again, he's polite about it given the situation), but not without understanding in his tone, which is a very common aspect of Yuri in his entirety. His wording (in general, not strictly with this specific scene) comes out rough and lacks politeness, but that's made up for in how he speaks to people (either relaxed, casual, gentle, etc).
In other words, the dub pretty much always slaps a point of view bias against these characters and uses Yuri as their proxy for it. Yuri, normally, in the original context, just treats them as human beings with ebb and flow in all of their emotions and situations. Things aren't black and white - humans are complex - and that is not the point of view that I feel we're given by way of dub Yuri. We're given a man who is constantly using anger in his voice toward imperial figures even when it's completely unwarranted, and even when he knows the people in question.
Other Stuff:
Assorted things are different mainly because of the acting, but Raven's goofiness got toned way down and Karol screams much... quieter, I guess you could say. They're both more lively in general though than how they were in the dub, so that's a plus from me too.
Rita is significantly softer with Estelle in JP, and she also is much more noticeably devastated about Raven's "death" and more panicked for Karol at Zopheir. I do love Michelle Ruff's portrayal and don't know that I truly have a preference, but I think a lot of Rita's emotional barrier breaking is truly expressed more in JP.
You know I gotta bring it up: Yuri and Flynn's relationship was kind of a mess in the dub. It gives the impression of Yuri being angry a lot more often than he ever actually is, and gives off the impression that we're supposed to dislike Flynn more than we're supposed to like him. Flynn isn't someone we're supposed to actively dislike, but the portrayal of him as expressed through dub Yuri does not come off as "we're supposed to like or root for this guy", when they're much closer than that in JP.
So yeah. The bulk of this is that Yuri is just not the same person to me between versions. Also, Vesperia has way more content in Japan (drama CDs galore frankly, and Yuri is still insanely popular in Japan and is thus a frequent character alt release in the gacha games and so has tons of voice lines and general story content, there's new merch of him every year because they make merch for the characters that have their voice actors showing up to TalesFes, etc).
There's much more ease in seeing JP Yuri's personality through all of it. I think it may be more difficult for people who don't understand Japanese or any Japanese at all, and that's such a shame to me because all those people get otherwise, without anyone posting about JP Yuri, is this... weird shell of Yuri that I sometimes even hesitate to call a shell because he just feels completely different to me.
Anyway uh I love Yuri (and Flynn) and that was the point of all this, but uh... if you made it this far thank you bunches and I hope people who maybe didn't like Yuri and/or Flynn who only knew the dub will change their perspectives. 🙇‍♀️
#GTF JP Vesperia Stuff#Yuri Lowell#you know... one of the best ways to express Yuri's differences is that I could never imagine dub Yuri's voice#coming out of Yuri's mouth with all the official artwork he gets in JP LOL#he's like. the most feminine nearly dainty motherfucker out of any of the guys (except like. Jay. who he's on par with LOL)#Japan out here putting bows+ribbons in his hair calling him Yuri hime in an anni skit and putting him in a dress in a drama CD and my god#but yeah regardless in the game the differences are... so much. SO so so so much vocal difference ESPECIALLY#there's just. a lot. and I feel like the dub did a MASSIVE disservice to Yuri as a character/as a person#similarly I'd say the same thing happened to Flynn with them doing a MASSIVE disservice to him in the same way#a LOT of Flynn's softness was flattened imo just... not as badly as everything about Yuri#JP Yuri is SUUUPER expressive in his tone and it's such an immersive experience#but also it like breaks my heart seeing how some ppl portray Yuri in the western fandom#esp with Flynn bc it's so so different from the JP fandom. and like again#it's bc the dub has Yuri being REALLY mean and rude to Flynn SO SO often#and he just sounds so bitchy so often when he's not supposed to at all!#there's so much to love abt JP Yuri and he's just... my silly little guy and I love him sm#and honestly my main problem isn't even with the character they made him out to be in the dub so much as#it's the fact that they changed him at all but also that they changed him and flattened him#like... I don't hate the character himself I hate what they did to create him bc it was at the cost of. well. -gestures-#I just think that JP Yuri is a significantly better character and it's a shame I think that at all bc#they shouldn't feel like two different characters at all but they do#I hope if you read this far that you'll give JP Yuri a chance bc he is SO precious and JP Flynn is ALSO SO precious#I wish I wasn't so upset abt what the dub did bc it'd make my life easier LOL#but I love my boys too much so... here we are I guess lol
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welcometololaland · 1 year
Howe do you get the characterisation of the characters you write about soo well? Like legit was reading the ring in (again) and that was a huge take away I got. Like “man, this IS Carlos and TK” same with your firstprince fics. What’s your secret? 👀
Hey, anon. This was super nice and very unexpected, so thank you for making my night <3
Truthfully, I can't articulate this well, so I'm sorry if it seems a bit scattered. A lot of my characterisation comes from me scheming up scenes in the shower, literally zoning out and thinking of dialogue as if the characters are being acted out in front of me. I do have some tips that work for me (and I hope are helpful for you!) which I've put below. Please feel free to let me know if you need further clarification!
Also, if anyone else has any tips, feel free to contribute. I'd love to hear them :)
TIP 1: For Lone Star (or any visual media - TV/movies), I'd spend a LOT of time re-watching the scenes, observing character's mannerisms and trying to replicate that in and amongst the dialogue (you don't even want to KNOW how many times I've watched Tarlos compilations - it's sickening). I think a LOT can be achieved with visual cues - for example, TK loves that sassy hand he whips out every now and again - and I'll try and build those things in with my dialogue. THIS IS ALSO WHERE GIF MAKERS ARE SO AMAZING, because GIFs provide snippets of scenes which allow writers to really hone in on a character's micro expressions. Carlos loves to raise an eyebrow, for example. I think these little details can go a long way.
TIP 2: It helps to build in familiar phrases. I love a canon callback (as long as it fits within the scene) and I think they can be super useful in adding extra authenticity. For example, one I used recently was Alex's "cool to see you're not dead or anything." It's a canon line, which can be easily applied to a different context. It just adds that extra flair, because you KNOW that the character would say that. I would just caution you to use them sparingly, so they pack that extra punch.
TIP 3: Read widely in the fandom! I think it helps to get a really good understanding of how characters behave by developing your own sense of what is in character. If you really vibe with how an author is portraying a character, make note of why you feel that way and try and apply it (obviously without plagiarism) in your own way.
TIP 4: Ask for (gentle and constructive) feedback from people you trust, if you feel comfortable enough to do so. I am FOREVER grateful to some of the people I've met in fandom who have been able to guide me with sensing what is/isn't out of character. It doesn't even need to be a full beta read. It could be quite simply: 'hey, do you think X would do this?'. Don't be afraid to reach out! I am so open to helping people with this and I know a lot of other people are too.
TIP 5: This might be a bit weird, but I do this because I am not an American and I write for a lot of American media - I spend a lot of time trying to visualise how a certain character would say something in their accent. It's taken me a long time to learn certain Americanisms and I'm sure I still get a lot of them wrong, but sometimes I literally close my eyes and try and imagine Ronen saying a line I've written, in his accent.
TIP 6: Keep writing the characters!!! The more you do it, the better you will get. I'm even looking back at some writing I did in early 2022 and trying to fix a bit of my characterisation, which just shows how much it has changed even in 1.5 years!
Best of luck and thank you so much for being so kind. I hope these are helpful!
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haybaysnow · 8 months
Hi, hello, first tumblr post. First writing at all, so any tips or definitely criticisms would be greatly appreciated. This is sort of just to test the waters, because I enjoy writing, but who knows if my writing is enjoyable.
I read here all the time, soo just to mention: Spencer is guest lecturing, so, warning for that kind of relationship. This is a pretty tame chapter (do I even call it a chapter yet? Who knows, I've had too much wine, I swear its only like a 100 words)
I was running late.
It's not exactly a new situation for me. I'm not lazy, nor do I spend five hours getting ready in the morning, I just always have this sense of bad luck, the sound of the alarm never piercing my deep sleep.
 Which is how I ran half an hour late to the most exciting lecture I would ever get to attend, hair in disrepair and calves burning from the run. I felt the eyes of every student in that hall, meekly making my way to a free seat in the back, squeaking out a small, rushed apology to no one in particular.
I pull out my notebook, every move I make feeling awkward and unco-ordinated, before glancing up toward the front, and locking eyes with a man I've dreamed of meeting.
Dr Spencer Reid. Esteemed FBI criminal profiler, the top performer at Caltech while being the youngest. In my pursuit of a career in criminology from a very early age, this man has been the object of my respect, and fascination. 
And now he’s staring at me.
Oh god he’s talking to me
“Is everything alright, Miss…?,” he speaks out across the room, a sort of  curious look on his face as he asks. I can literally feel the sweat on my palms, nervous, as i stumble over my response
“Fine, sorry, um… Car troubles.” I don't even know why I lie, my face flushed, as I realise I don't want to admit the truth. Missing the alarm sounds so trivial, immature. For a moment, it feels like he can see right through me, a concerned expression flashing over his face for a brief moment, before he shakes his head, carrying on with the lecture as before.
I should be listening, and I want to, the field of criminology obviously highly appealing to me, but it's difficult to focus when all I can hear are whispered gossiping and giggling, before  I realise most of the class isn't listening to the poor man talk.
I do my best to write down anything important being taught, but it's not paying off, the words on my page scrambled and unorganised. Which is why, at the end of the lecture as everyone is filing out (still talking amongst themselves like lovesick high-schoolers), I anxiously  make my way to the front of the room, where Dr Reid is already sitting, concentrating on his lecture plan. 
“Dr Reid, I really don't mean to bother you or anything, I'm just…I’ve been excited for this elective ever since it was announced, it was such a great opportunity to experience anything taught by someone who has seen it all, but  i… I couldn't take anything in. Do you, maybe, have any notes, or something I could take with me, for extra clarification?”I know I'm rambling, I can see it in his puzzled expression, my own face growing brighter with embarrassment each time I speak. 
Reassuringly, he smiles, if a little awkward as he offers something i could never turn down
“I could always give you the lesson one on one?”
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If it's okay, I have a few questions about how exactly the copy ability tournament would work!
Would it be copy abilities only? Or would transformations like mouthful mode and the metamortex transformations be allowed? Would the super abilities, ravel abilities, and power combos count? Are the robobot abilities allowed and would the evolved abilities be considered separate from the originals?
No worries if you can't answer all the questions! /gen
These are great questions! ^-^ /gen
Mod will go over each question in the order you asked, short versions first, and place the long version of each answer under the cut!
Short Answers:
'Would it be copy abilities only?' No, since there are over 64 Copy Abilities in total!
'would transformations like mouthful mode and the metamortex transformations be allowed?' Transformations are something mod didn't think about, so there will probably be a poll about that later, hehe >w<
'Would the super abilities, ravel abilities, and power combos count?' Super Abilities and Ravel Abilities? Still deciding on that. Power Combos? Yes, those will be allowed!
'Are the robobot abilities allowed and would the evolved abilities be considered separate from the originals?' Robobot Abilities are still being decided on, but Evolved Abilities will be considered separate. They could be put against other versions of the Ability during the first (few) Round(s). :3
Long Answers:
'Would it be copy abilities only?' Mod originally planned on it being an Only Copy Ability thing, but there are around 68 Copy Abilities total, which is about 4 over the even 64 tournament bracket number. Mod thought about how some Copy Abilities are similar to other Copy Abilities and thought about only using the 'modern' version of the similar Abilities, but that wouldn't be fair, and it would get rid of a lot more Abilities than needed >w<
'would transformations like mouthful mode and the metamortex transformations be allowed?' Mod is still coming up with rules for Transformations as a whole, since they don't function the same way Copy Abilities do, especially since mod wasn't really thinking about them when they had the Copy Ability Tournament in mind. If mod isn't able to decide on whether or not Transformations should be allowed, they'll make a poll and have everyone decide for them :3
'Would the super abilities, ravel abilities, and power combos count?' The Super Abilities and Ravel Abilities are something mod has been debating on, so mod will probably also be making a poll on whether they should be allowed, but mod is definitely going to allow Power Combos into the tournament! They don't function that differently from normal Copy Abilities, so mod thinks it should be fine :3
'Are the robobot abilities allowed and would the evolved abilities be considered separate from the originals?' The Robobot Abilities are something mod still has to decide on since they kinda function like Transformations/Super Abilities (if that makes sense), but mod is allowing Evolved Abilities to be separate from the original Abilities! If push comes to shove, mod can always just pit the Evolved Abilities against the other versions (like pitting Pencil Drill against Twin Drill, or Toy Hammer against Wild Hammer) in the first (few) Round(s) :3
Hopefully these make sense! Mod just woke up so if anything needs more clarification, feel free to ask! ^-^
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
Hi, Quil! I have a question about ACOD: what is the like big content warnings (aka is there sex scenes, graphic depictions of violence, mental health discussed, etc)? So like if you were tagging it as a fic or something, if that makes sense. My book club is looking for a new book, and I want to recommend that one but I wanted to know if there is anything that I should be cautious about
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense!
Hello! Don't worry, you make perfect sense. The series is adult and does have several significant warnings. I probably should've mentioned them sooner given how much I talk of it, so thank you for asking.
The author herself actually has an ao3 style guide here: link.
A few clarifications beyond that: there's sex (most scenes are fade to black style, but two are on-page), including dubious consent, intentionally violating boundaries, intoxication, sexual slavery, and minor/adult (the main character is taken advantage of).
The violence includes: killing, murder, ritualistic sacrifice (including ritualistic suicide), physical/mental/emotional child and domestic abuse, and cannibalism (one character).
There's also grooming (non-sexual), and mentions of incest (both sexual and non-sexual). And potentially more I'm missing.
Given all the shit they go through, mental health does come up in both casual and significant ways.
So while I adore the series, I would be cautious recommending it to a book club. Not that you can't! But you'd need the right group of people. If your book club isn't the place, we could read it together <3
(also, if you or anyone else have further questions or want more clarifications, feel free to ask!)
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stnaf-vn · 2 years
Hi!! I am hoping for clarifications, and I wanted to share my theories & analysis. I'm bad at paraphrasing and getting to the point, so please be patient with me. (I'm so glad asks don't have character limits anymore lol This will be long)
In the very beginning of the demo, a voice colored with an unsaturated purple says "...you better do as I say...", "...I can ruin your life, you know?" The next phrase is has red (threatening?) colored text, "I can make you wish you were never born." The MC wonders who is speaking. The faded purple reappears with "Yeah, that's what I thought. It shouldn't be too much trouble right?" You are then given a choice to open your eyes or not. If you select "Open your eyes?" the MC sees nothing but darkness, but they feel something touch their shoulder in a soothing manner. The unidentified person(?) cuddles the MC, saying "Shh. Go back to sleep, my dear." and the MC falls back to sleep to the sound of humming. If you select "Don't." the result doesn't change. After falling asleep, the MC has a nightmare. The nightmare involves running away from something in a dark, foggy, cold, and empty city. There is a quote on a nearby building wall: "They who walk into the lion's den will surely be swallowed whole." The sidewalk has the word "R U N" on it. There is also an upside-down stop sign that says "Wrong Way". The MC is lost, out of breath, and terrified. Any cry for help echos around them without a response. Eventually, MC begins hearing footsteps. A hooded figure with a bit of blonde hair peaking out approaches from across the road. MC begs the stranger for help from a distance. Glitched thought text appears saying, "Wait, that's not right... Something isn't right... "
The faded purple text reappears, labeled as "Stranger" and glitching as well, "Where do you think you're going?" The stranger laughs and causes the MC to shiver. "You can't get very far without me!!" He(?) yells. "YOU NEED ME!!!!" MC's heartbeat rushes with fear. Glitched red text appears, "You have to hide." "... No..." Then a glitched purple colored text that is more saturated (I think like the color of Friend's regular text) says "Y o u nee d to ru n." You are then given the option to run or hide. Regardless of which you choose, you are met with a flashed cg, like a jumpscare, of the Stranger close to the screen with a hand reached out to grab you. At the sound of an alarm clock, MC shoots up in their bed, covered with sweat and alone.
So, now that everyone reading has the details, let's discuss! Feel free to tell me what you can, and let me know if an answer is too spoiler-y.
First set of questions, did the beginning dark part before the city nightmare actually happen? Was it a memory? Was it a part of the dream? If it did actually happen, was it actually current Friend watching, touching, and talking to a sleeping MC? If it was a memory, could it be something MC heard from Kegan?
It would make sense if Friend was there that night, for two reasons: 1) he is in your apartment when you wake up, 2) his license plate says "ICUzzzBBY" lmao
It confused me a bit how the faded purple text went from threatening manipulation to comforting the MC back to sleep. That detail led me to believe that perhaps it was part of the dream OR the person was attempting to drill these things into MC's subconscious mind OR they were speaking their true thoughts that they are not ready for MC to hear out of fear of scaring them...
Is the red text only used for threatening emphasis or is there more significance?
Was the "Y o u nee d to ru n." actually a different shade of purple? Was it Friend's purple? If so, was it purposeful and significant to the lore? I know Friend wants to protect and be close to MC more than anything else...
Who is faded purple text?
I believe the faded purple text, eventually revealed as "Stranger", belongs to either the Original Friend (who was ultimately retconned for being too mean), or a nightmare version of Friend made from MC's subconscious worries about his strange behaviors. I have watched the original animation you made with Original Friend that started STNAF, and from what I can tell Stranger behaves and speaks very similarly to OG Friend.
The faded purple text could also just be indicating Friend speaking with a more sinister tone.
(Also, it's a little funny to me that he's called "Stranger" and Friend is "Friend", cause the names make it sound like Stranger is a dark version of him in a Markiplier-Darkiplier kind of way.)
Stranger is dressed in all black, with a hoodie and a face mask. Even while mostly disguised, I believe the physical traits that are visible (hair, skin color, eyes, body size) all match up with the person MC knows as Friend. Is there a reason the MC did not recognize the Stranger? I guess it's fair if they were just too panicked, but *looks at the blonde bangs* you would think they would recognize their best friend. If not in the moment, then retroactively.
How did MC know something was not right? Was it just a feeling, something they saw, or did they start to realize they were dreaming? Was the Stranger the "thing" MC was initially running from?
Will the choices made in the beginning (opening eyes, run or hide) have significance for the full game? Does it already have significance in the demo? (Significance as in will it influence the ending or the storyline the player gets, does it affect the MC's personality.)
Why did you want to include this beginning sequence? (Don't get me wrong, I love it! I am genuinely curious.)
Perhaps it was to make the player less trusting of Friend, or to give them a spook and a taste of OG!Friend?
I believe what we see in the city nightmare is a warning and a commentary on having a relationship between MC and Friend. With the quote on the building "They who walk into the lion's den will surely be swallowed whole", Friend is the lion, and walking into the den refers to time spent with him, getting close. Being swallowed whole probably has a few meanings... Friend will get rid any competition for MC's attention, and he will manipulate them until he has them exactly where he wants. Friend wants to be the only person in their life. He wants them to be kept close, and to be the one to take care of all their needs. Under certain conditions he will kidnap MC and completely isolate them. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
The "R U N" on the sidewalk, the Wrong Way sign, and the "Y ou nee d to ru n" are obvious warnings of 'Danger! Quickly go in the opposite direction you are going!'. I think the warnings were applying to Stranger who is about to approach from ahead of them in the nightmare, and also a warning about entering a relationship with Friend. They make me want to always choose the "Run." option.
There was also an Edgar Allan Poe quote at the beginning I forgot to mention before: "I was never insane except for instances in which my heart was touched." The quote was accompanied by the sound of static, and a tape(?) beginning to play (lore or just spooky sound design?). I believe the quote is just fitting for Friend's character. He is willing to do anything for MC, because he loves them.
Additional Comments & Questions:
-I love the art style!!
-I melt when he calls me sweetheart or love 😍
-He's so cute and kind!
-I am very in love, consider me thoroughly wooed. I have considered the potential consequences & outcomes, and tbh I would still be willingly obedient to his every desire.
-Should I be worried about how pale he is? Also, the black eye bags! He needs to sleep more!
-I really want to write something for the contest, but I've had terrible writer's block for months 😭 I have ideas, it's just the actually writing part... I still have time to try! I hope to get inspiration by replaying the demo and listening to music. (Friend: 🎶 I wanna be your boyfriend, I wanna be your boyfriend~ I wanna go on walks with you, I wanna have long talks with you~ You can be my [partner], you can be my [partner]~ I'll compliment you frequently, I wanna treat you decently~ 🎶)
-I love the banter <3 Makes me happy
-I'm scared of driving, so it works out that he is willing to drive me places!
-When he pats MC's knee in the car and then asks if they're comfortable with it?? Then if they give the go ahead he puts his hand on their thigh and strokes it with his thumb... Hhhhhh 🤭
-The intimate scenes are very well written, I'm still blushing...
-I am sending this on anon, because I am an anxious person. If I want send another ask after your response, I need to be identifiable. I would like to be recognized with this emoji combination: 🐻🌻 It's a bear head and a sunflower emoji. Let me know if it's already taken.
I hope you are doing well!!
- 🐻🌻
Words cannot express how much I love theory asks, it's like eating a good meal. Just so satisfying. I've built this world with the intent to have some story with enough wiggle room for theorization. So some things will be left up to your own personal interpretation because I find it more fun that way. I will say that the beginning before the nightmare(?), Friend was actually on the phone with your boss threatening him to give you the morning off. (He only "asked" for the morning off because he assumed you would fight him when it came to taking the WHOLE day off, but he wanted to spend time with you.) Also, thank you so much for noticing the small details I put in there! And I'm so glad you enjoyed the demo! Chapter 1 is currently in the works, and I hope you and others will catch on to the small details once again.
Thank you Sun-bear for this awesome theory ask.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
"Selections from the Correspondence of the Lockridge Family": The Context
The Blackberry Bushes stories are set in a world that's basically an alternate Europe in the 1900s. Similar culture, different nations and political dynamics. "Selections" takes place in 1908.
Lienne is an up-and-coming nation that occupies several territories besides its own. One of these is Noriber, which has been under Liennese rule for centuries. Lienne forbids any expressions of Noriberrian national unity/patriotism. Many citizens are content with Liennese rule, but many others desire independence. This doesn't come up directly in "Selections," but the relationship between Lienne and Noriber is important to bear in mind.
Lienne has been ruled by King Odren VII for the past thirty-four years. He is committed to building his nation into a formidable world power in step with the new century's exciting advances. Lienne's royal family lost a lot of prestige under Odren's father's reign, so it's very important to him that his family now set a flawless example of domestic life, conduct, and accomplishments.
Odren has four children: Ayra (age 23 at the time of this story), Ateva (18), Josiah (12), and Mikaiah (5). Ayra and Ateva are the daughters of his late first wife, and Josiah and Mikaiah are the sons of his beloved second wife, who died in childbirth. Ayra has taken on consort duties since her stepmother's death. Ateva is being angled at various kings and princes as an advantageous political match. Mikaiah is mostly overlooked.
Josiah is the Crown Prince. One of his titles is "the Hope of Lienne," which more or less sums up the weight of expectations placed upon him. He is a prodigy in both academics and music (Lienne considers itself the music capital of this world). He has excelled at the few royal duties that his father has entrusted him with. His public conduct is irreproachable. He is very much his father's favorite.
To keep Josiah company in his studies since he has no siblings near his age, Odren has hired a live-in companion, Tamett Lockridge (13). Tamett has been with the royal family for about five years, shortly after the death of Josiah's mother. He and Josiah tolerate each other but are emphatically not friends. Josiah considers Tamett his intellectual inferior, and Tamett finds Josiah absolutely insufferable. He is correct. Josiah is a self-important jerk.
Tamett's family is from Noriber. His parents, Edvin and Elina Lockridge, are of respectable birth but neither titled nor wealthy. Elina is the sister of Tamett Kassbeck, Duke of Reierwardt. This connection allowed her son Tamett to land the companion job at the palace. The Duke is married to Klariesa, and they have no children. Tamett Lockridge was named for his uncle in the hopes of inheriting from him eventually.
In addition to their son, Edvin and Elina have four daughters: Emenor (14), Lovisa (11), Cille (7), and Zella (4). Tamett is close to all his sisters, and they write to him frequently.
The Lockridges can use all the financial help that they can get, so Tamett's well-paying job is very important to the family's stability.
And that's pretty much all you need to know, I think! If something isn't making sense, do feel free to ask for clarification.
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rin-and-jade · 10 months
I've had knowledge of being a system since like 2021 or something like that and with all my research I concluded I was probably experiencing OSDD1A. However, as I researched deeper and learned others experiences, I've been highly questioning polyfragmentation. I think *I* was a split of a new subsystem from events in 2021.
For example, I have knowledge of previous years of having groups of people in my head. Some were consistent, some weren't, some were fleeting. Except now.. Now it feels like there's mainly me with a lot in the background and nothing makes sense. Yet when I try to do anything in reference to DID my body and brain freeze. Like locked in type freeze.
My therapist believes we are experiencing continuous amnesia, but in my soul that feels so wrong and inconsistent with our experiences.
Life often feels like an old rolling picture film, where it's continually going, but there's almost constant *clicks*.
I want to ask my therapist to take me through the DID and BPD diagnosic processes because it's now becoming such a hindrance I feel l can't move forward because everything is so stuck and I want amswers... but I'm too terrified and remain frozen doing nothing. Accepting my experiences as they are and not living.
Idk what I'm actually asking but my intention with this was to ask something but it's been forgotten.
Uhhh.. I guess.. what is the DID or maybe even BPD diagnostic process even like? Is it even worth it??
If you feel like continuous amnesia isn't the right answer, you always have the right to correct the person and explain why it doesn't match your existing experiences with it. Everyone's not perfect in getting the right answer first try, your therapist might be aware of this and will improve with some feedback. This also applies to me, okay?
Just to be at the same page, i'll once again explain that continuous amnesia means having difficulties in forming those exact memories when events are happening currently, that would be forgotten in the aftermath with no defined minimum length of time. Am i understanding the term as how you did? If so, you might find this input as wrong because you're still capable of recalling the past until present, but have many gaps, if that's what the clicks mean?
I had asked a polyfrag system i am friends with, and it's worth mentioning that they experience huge gaps in memories and understood your 'film' analogy and included the fact that the memories can be scattered to other parts despite having a constant fronter living the moment. Though some can recall the gaps easier than others.
That might answer your uncertainty with the therapist's input and now, the last question of yours; i heard that the diagnosing process could be in a form of series of questions be it on paper or by talking, and from there it will be deduced wether you have it or not by assessing your daily life experiences, the internal and external problems it's creating and how it affects your life and other's by a specialist. What is worth or not worth truly depends on a person's agenda, one example if its to validate a disorder you think you have and get approved by a specialist,, it definitely is worth as it shoos away all the doubts.
Though, diagnosis can wait, because you seemed to be in freeze mode which could be a survival mechanism if things are overwhelming or etc. I hope you can do some searching on the internet to break free from it, if you can't seem to, or have more questions/clarifications please reach out to me on DMs, hope this helps!
- j
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saffigon · 2 years
any tips on how to figure out if you’re aplatonic, aemotional, or others that are similar (like analterous, aqueerplatonic, etc)?
none of the posts we’ve seen explain the base attraction (like emotional) so it’s been kinda hard to figure out
tysm! -sam, angie, & billie
My personal navigation with labels has mostly been: use whatever makes you most comfortable, and test things out to get there. I fully support just testing out a label and seeing if it actually fits.
In terms of actually finding out attraction, I don't know if I have the best advice because I usually found out I don't experience attraction in an allo way after entering relationships, primarily because I'm a tad more lith for most emotional attractions. But some notes: - ask yourself "am i drawn to this person specifically or do i just want this form of relationship?" this works for most attractions but I find my aplatonicism makes a lot of sense when I realize that I want friendships, but I don't necessarily care much about the people in them - because of queerplatonic attraction being primarily wanting to enter a qpr with a specific person, asking yourself if you would like a qpr in general and stepping from there - alterous and general emotional attraction is a bit more tricky; my main note of knowing when I'm experiencing emotional attraction is I feel an inherent draw to that person, even if it's subtle. "I want to be close to this person and know more about them and hear what they have to say because I like their presence" which will not be the same for everyone, but maybe attempting to name those emotions when they come up, which of course can be a lot easier said than done
I'll also just detail some of my emotional attraction experiences because it's usually better than my direct advice:
Like I've kind already detailed, I discovered a lot of my lack of emotional attraction after entering relationships of that nature, primarily due to being more primarily lith and fray. With that said, there's also a few signs I could have associated. I feel strongly for people, though at this point to a rarer extent, but it would only last a few months at maximum before they were out of my mind entirely, or only popped up randomly. I primarily felt myself wanting relationships (including friendships) because I wanted to avoid loneliness or because I wanted to feel like I was "doing well" at social interaction moreso than actually desiring specific people in my life. Or if it was a desire for a specific person, it would typically fade altogether, this being especially true with alterous, queerplatonic, or romantic attraction.
I'm sorry if this isn't the best advice, but I hope yall get something out of it, and feel free to send more asks for clarification on anything /gen
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othefallen · 26 days
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Hello! I'm SAMMIE and I'm 35 years old, a lady weeb who works full-time as a custodian. I love anime, games, and manga and have been roleplaying since the old days of MSN Messenger and SKYPE. Down below are just a few rules when interacting with me and my muse.
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I won't follow anyone under the age of 21. This is for my own comfort. I'm an old gal in fandom years and I would like to interact with people who are a bit older. It's nothing personal.
Please reblog memes from the source and not from me. I just like a clean activity. I'm always open to memes, so don't be afraid to send some in. I'll try to do the same.
I tend to like to roleplay plot-driven threads and slow burns. I tend to like to plot out a lot of the ideas. If this isn't your cup of tea then you may not want to follow. I tend to spam my rp partners with ideas through DMs, again if this isn't appealing, then please don't follow. I get overly excited sometimes and I apologize in advance for it.
There will be dark themes present in my roleplays. It will be tagged accordingly. I don't have any triggers that I know of but I will speak up if I feel uncomfortable with something. I expect my roleplay partners to do the same. Please, just speak up and tell me.
I have dyslexia and ADHD. So sometimes my writing may not make sense at times. I have a very hard time with grammar so I used an extension to help me with it. If you need clarification, please just ask me and I'll fix any mistakes.
There will be NSFW (Smut and spice) on this blog. It will be put under readmores and tagged accordingly. I tend to tag ships and shipart.
I am MUTUALS ONLY. This means we have to be following each other. If you wish not to interact with me any longer, then please block me. Soft blocking doesn't work because I always think tumblr is glitching. Hard blocking makes the message clear. I'm also quite selective about who I follow.
Lastly, please tell me if you have an issue with me or something in the thread. Most times misunderstandings can be fixed with a simple conversation. I know it's not easy but it's better to try to find compromise than just letting ill feelings fester. So please tell me so we can fix any problems that may happen.
I'm going to be mostly iconless for the most part. I'm just lazy and don't want to make icons.
Follows Back from: @sammiethemoogle
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During the age of the Fallen, back before the lost civilization was even dubbed the fallen, it was a thriving people with advanced technology and floating cities among the sky and stars. It was mankind’s unbridled potential to reach the heavens but like many mortals, there was always war. Factions of different cities fought off the finite resources of Aether, to secure, and war over the mothercrystals that donned the land. Those down below thrived it’s the crystal's light and even worshiped it.
Upon one of the floating settlements, the City of Amaurot, technology infused with magicks thrived and formed its society. The people relied on it to live and even the most basic of tasks was done by technology. It was a seeming paradise in the sky, floating without care but even it’s carefree nature wasn’t free from the incoming War of the Magi.
To combat other cities and anything else that might stand in Amaurot’s way, the ruling government, the one known as “Her Highness”, the personification of the city and the people’s will itself, a secret project was formed. It was going to use a mixture of magic, machine and biological humans to form super soldiers known as the GLADIUS or GLADIUS units. Those chosen populace were heavily experimented on, their bodies accumulated for magicks and withstand the summoning of the magitek armor while their minds were conditioned to obey.
These men and women fought on the frontlines keeping the city safe but also often sent on suicide missions to procure resources from other floating cities and from the nations below. Amaurot was the main supporter of stealing and taking charge of the Dzemekys Mothercrystal. The battle to obtain the Mothercrystal was fierce and bloody and didn’t end until a divine being, one the Dzemkyds worshiped appeared and silenced the floating city, causing it to fall from the heavens onto scorched earth.
The super soldiers known as GLADIUS Units are one part biological, one part machine and all parts a fierce enemy. The soldiers were once human, taken at a young age of seven and thrust into various experiments, rigorous training, and harsh conditioning to make them the perfect soldiers. Parents of the chosen children often chose to give up their child with pride knowing their sacrifice would be the benefit of the city. These children were raised with no love or warmth but seen as machines. They were stripped of their names and given assigned numbers. When they become a GLADIUS Unti, their biology is changed, they obtain the same features of darken red hair, which symbolizes the blood and heart of Amaurot, along with glowing green eyes which is a result of being so infused with Aether.
The soldiers have fearsome abilities from wielding magic, super strength and speed, and lastly able to summon magitek armor around their bodies which is capable of flight. They wield various weapons made specifically for each unit. They no longer need to eat as they get nourishment through ambient Aether around them. To many of the people, they are a perfect human being, some showing respect while others see them merely as tools for the battlefield.
The Units were conditioned to love their city and willing to die for it. They were taught to be emotionless and logical as they are the Swords of Amaurot. Their names were stripped from them the day they were given to the city. They go by set of letters and numbers.
V - Vanguard Unit. The Melee
M - Magi Unit. The Spellcaster
S - Scout Unit. The Rogue
A - All Rounder Unit. The Tactician.
Each unit has its own specialty upon the battlefield. The melee units are great for physical combat, they are stronger and faster than other units and thrive on offense. The spellcaster units are those greatly infused with Aether and able to wield spells at a quicken pace, great for turning the tides in battle. The Rogues are used as scouts and securing supplies from enemies, they are agile in combat, able to dodge and hide easily. The Tacticans are often Captains of the units, they are experienced upon the battlefield and experienced in all types of combat. They are the strongest among all units. They make battle formations and plans and commands.
During the Fall of Amaurot, one soldier by the numbers A19526 was specially crafted to protect a very esteemed nobleman and magi. He was the man’s acting bodyguard, paid for by a small fortune by the Magi’s family. The family was one of the richest among the floating city. The magi grew fond of the GLADIUS unit. While the bodyguard showed no emotion, he was able to speak when spoken too. The mage found him to be endearing and even pitied him after a while as the humanity the unit had was shattered, it was suppressed.
A19526’s duty was to protect the mage and he did it diligently. Everywhere the mage went, so did the unit. Most feared this unit as he was an All Rounder, capable of many great feats. Not many dared to cross the mage’s path. So the mage’s life was peaceful until the day the city fell from the sky.
The mage accepted the downfall of his people. They had flown too close to the sun and now the god of the world was punishing them. The fondness over his bodyguard had grown so much over the years that secretly the mage wanted him to live, to become a human man once again. As the city fell and panicked screams echoed through the air; the mage moved to his workshop. He managed to trick his bodyguard into stepping into a special chamber which halted time. The mage froze the GLADIUS unit by placing him in a slumber. The mage weaved many protection spells upon the chamber making sure the magic would last for many years.
Within the chamber, time stood still. A feat not known by many except for the mage’s family. The mage looked on at the sleeping A19526 with fondness as fire engulfed him but sparing the small chamber. The crash flung the chamber deep into the ocean where it sank, forgotten by all, forgotten by the divine and by time.
Fifteen hundred years had passed and the spells the mage crafted were still there but weak. The chamber had arisen upon shallow waters on the shores of Valisthea. Upon hitting the fresh air the spells gave out and A19526 awoke in a panic falling to the sand as his armor vanished leaving his naked form confused and alone. The heat of the sun warmed his pale skin, making his blood colored hair shine, it draped over his hunched over body like a blanket.
There were no sounds nor cities seen in the blue sky, just the sound of waves crashing against the sand. The cold salt water hit the unti’s form. He had seen images of the world below but never been to it. The man was bewildered at the beauty of nature around him but soon realized that Amaurot, the mage he served, everything he once knew was gone.
A19526 is a super soldier made from the era of the Fallen. Due to serving a powerful mage of that era, his life was spared, stuck in a timestop spell in order to preserve him. The mage wanted the man to live in some way. 1500 years had passed and A19526’s pod was unearthed from the sea by various currents and washed ashore upon Valisthea where he awoke to find himself in a very different world.
He is a tall man of 6’5ft and well built. He has long red hair and glowing green eyes. The unit is stoic, unfeeling and logical. He is an All Rounder unit able to wield melee weapons and cast spells. He can also summon magitek armor that engulfs his body. The suit of armor is capable of withstanding large blasts, melee attacks and can even summon a pair of wings for flight. The unti is a pinnacle of Fallen technology, magic and hubris.
He has long forgotten his name and simply goes by A19526, GLADIUS or just unit.
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perpetual-fool · 5 months
Backlash. Feel a bit awful. Trend is about every time I feel a better, my brain dredges up something to feel worse about. Maybe, a problem solved reveals more problems.
I want to know. The pointless evil, why? Say, was watching a piece of fiction, and the characters are racist. Whatever. But then they lie about it, say the other people aren't as strong, useless. We the viewer know that's objectively incorrect, due to the main character's magic power. But there's no basis to that belief. They know it's not true, they know they just hate the other. But then what's the point of the whole facade? why the 'test' for the other to prove their ability? You don't care. You just want them dead, so just fucking kill them already. We know it, they know it, you know it. What's the fucking point of this lie?
The lying is not fiction. extremely common, and to no one's benefit.
But someone deliberately put this in their fiction. They wanted it there. It makes sense to them. They know. Others know. You know what this is, you know why they're doing it. You know why people deliberately misinterpret others, gaslight them about what they said. You know why people refuse to learn. You know why they insist on doing things badly. I know from experience that asking is futile. Maybe I should be convinced at this point that you obviously aren't acting in good faith, but the fact that you are your own victim makes me doubt.
Not that clarification helps, but I mean, you may not know what's going on exactly, but you'd have to know that something is off. Say, someone makes an "all X are Y" argument, you point out that that's absurd, then they "defend" they position saying that clearly some X are Y. Which means they changed what their position was. Which means they were never acting in good faith. Which means you should know that the exchange is a waste of time, or that something's not right with it. (Or there's context I don't know, but I'm fucking sick of people using that as a free pass to say I'm wrong with no justification.)
It's unsettling. There's no reasoning with it, no preparing for it, and it's absolutely everywhere. would probably wind me up into a panic attack if I let it.
Though they are a liar, someone did confirm that the deal is: I am just oh so clever that others' genuine well-intentioned behavior looks like blatant malice. That's one of my more likely guesses. Right up there with a Truman Show or Matrix type of scenario. I've also considered that maybe others really do not have the concept of 'truth'. Say, a primary function of the English language seems to be that it's vague enough for others to retroactively alter what you meant. Well, it's not fair to pin that on the language. The most egregious example, I was told "words mean things!" but the meaning in question having no correlation to the words used. But yeah, if the argument "technically, if I use a different definition for that word, then you're wrong" seems valid to you, then you don't know what truth is.
I dunno. I've explored the "maybe people really are just very stupid" idea before, but the problem is that they're not stupid enough to be as stupid as they are. Or, "I'm not saying X", "oh you mean X" can't be a mistake. So, malice. I had the conlang idea to force stating the context, but it wouldn't make a difference. If you wanted to be honest you could do it in English.
This isn't resolvable until someone stops giving me crooked answers.
S'yeah, it's Cat or it's no one.
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