#feel free to ask for my disc!
deletreatualma · 4 days
Muse: Willow || Open to any
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"It's nice... y'know getting to spend the day doing nothing with you"
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bravevolunteer · 7 months
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@trapton asked: [ forehead ] - for william to kiss michael on the forehead :3 // an old meme from the crevices of my inbox
THE CLOCK ON THE WALL POINTS TO FOUR, moonlight just barely making its way through the windows, far later than either of them should be awake. His father home in the middle of the night through the creaking front door— caught up in work, or a bar, or whatever excuse he gave this time. Michael wasn't listening. He was sat on the couch, in stark contrast to the way he usually locks himself in his room ( or makes a break for it the moment he hears the car pull into the driveway ), eyes glazed over and locked on the late-night reruns filling the living room with light and static... clearly not paying them any attention. He barely even moved when his father walked inside. Without a razor-sharp edge to his voice, without the guard he has learned to put up on nights like these, just... numb.
Staving off nightmares: with caffeine and snacks and searing his goddamn retinas rewinding a terrible show... the couch helps, too. He can't explain it. Why he seems to shake awake in visceral terror more often in the confines of his room ( the ONE place that is his ) than out in the house. If he were younger, naive, Evan's age when he had his night terrors... maybe he'd believe it was his father's nearby presence. It takes far more for Michael to cave to those claims now.
Michael only tears his gaze from the television when his father approaches. He tenses, instinctually, though they have not fought like they used to in awhile. Ever since the nightmares... or hallucinations, he's not sure anymore, started. Repeatedly, he has to bite his tongue to keep from asking why: Michael still has thorns, still reacts as if anticipating a threat, he deserves the resentment and anger... why won't his father just snap at him already?
Twisted of a comfort as it is, he would know what to do with that. Michael doesn't know what to do with what his father really does.
Careful hand approaches his face ( where he has felt a rough grip to his jaw and a backhand's sting ), guides him closer ( the antithesis to shoving and slamming ), and... a kiss is pressed to the top of his head ( where he has held all that's been thrown at him: disappointment, murderer, monster ). The gesture is so gentle, with an awful tenderness that threatens to shatter him more than any cruelty could. Michael inhales shakily, starting to break through that numb feeling, his walls crumbling along with it:
It's been months of this. An endless back and forth of grappling with his father's sudden effort: rejecting it and craving it all at once, when is he just going to GIVE IN?
Michael's eyes burn with a furious intensity, his vision blurs, limbs grow slack, and he leans just slightly forwards to rest against that which he pretends believes is a pillar of safety.
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brutalmasks · 3 months
what if... what if bunny mask and your muse were so close that they had an arm linked around each other, but were so caught up in laughing at something together that they almost tripped over their own feet together because they weren't paying attention + were playfully pushing each other by the shoulder and stuff, which was due to the sheer amount of joy they were feeling 🤭
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wayward-aeon · 10 months
my mental health is in the gutter right now. not sure when i'll be active again. might be a couple days might be months we'll see
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demidritch · 10 months
standing hi i just want to apologize for my long absence im just trying to finish up my semester </3 once that is done though i will be more active afterwards, i'm just so Swamped right now w/ everything
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minophus · 8 months
hi do you mind if we use ur art as pfps?
not at all:) But make sure to CREDIT me!
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markets · 2 years
what the
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herethereverywhere · 1 year
mutuals please know i love you soso much and the reason i never speak to you if we share a server or something is because i scare
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climbing-starrs · 2 years
How do you feel about dms or talking via discord?
i don't mind dms at all! just, yaknow, don't send me stuff like 'hey can we be friends????' and the like without any context (i appreciate it, i do! i just. don't know how to answer those 💀)
i love receiving dms and talking to people a LOT, i just want people to know im very socially awkward HFKKSKS and i tend to rely on tone tags at times, otherwise they're totally cool 👍
discord is fine too, i just prefer not to post my discord on my main for privacy reasons. if you want my discord, though, feel free to ask me in dms! im a LOT more active there than tumblr
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felixiecit · 2 years
Off to the dentist, getting a root canal yuck... Have posts queued but i will most likely be resting all day. 
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morisenatha · 2 months
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[ leaves xiv therith to drown while i work on replies ]
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bravevolunteer · 3 months
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@trapton asked: [cover] ID au // associated word starters
[cover]  your  muse  covers  my  muse  up  with  a  blanket.
WHILE MICHAEL HAS BEEN USED TO SLEEP DEPRIVATION for some time now, never has it been as intense as it is now: days on end with only minutes of rest if lucky, waking countless times through the night if he does manage to sleep, dragging himself through waking hours fatigued and lethargic, low concentration and high irritability. It's all he is. Every hour awake is spent paranoid, staving off hallucinations and crafted illusions alike— none of the usual numbing works anymore. Sometimes... sometimes it lets up, always around his father... always during moments of assurance that feel so entirely fragile every time they're bestowed upon him ( what does one do with a gentle hand when it has been nothing but rough for so long? ).
In fact, he didn't have nearly as many hallucinations for about a week... only when the man orchestrating the nightmare was largely absent to handle business protocol for a new location did they return at full force.
It doesn't just chip away at his mental state. Turns out his immune system is entirely fucked, too. The busy few days for the company come to an end, and Michael is sick, unable to stop himself from shivering no matter how much he tries to hide it. He stares at the ground from his seat on the couch, held still to minimize the way his head spins. Far-gone enough to feel halfway unconscious... the rest of him still violently averse to the idea of sleep.
Warmth and its temporary comfort settles over him as his father places the blanket, Michael pulling it closer immediately ( again contrary to all the wariness he held for so long ). "It's a fever," He explains, mumbled— admitting it so quickly. "I already checked."
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hoonvrs · 8 months
okaysss i’m logging out in few hours😣
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xysible · 10 months
🌱 for the ask game!
you are my:
( 🌱 ) mutual
( 🌱 ) friend
(  ) close friend
you intimidate me:
(  ) yes
( 🌱 ) no
do i want to talk more:
( 🌱 ) yes
(  ) no
have i ever had a crush on you:
(  ) yes
( 🌱 ) no
best feature:
(  ) @
( 🌱 ) layout (you keep changing them but they're really pretty,,,)
( 🌱 ) posts
( ) you’re very funny
( 🌱 ) you’re adorable (/p)
(  ) i freaked out when you followed me
(  ) i feel like i annoy you
( 🌱 ) i love seeing your posts on my dashboard
(  ) you’re so pretty
(  )  i love you a lot
(  ) you’re so relatable
(  ) i’m grateful for you
(  ) i wish i could meet you one day
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rcjoice · 1 year
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now that all my drafts are done, like this to plot mayhaps? wanna get some good (or bad) things rolling for ashton
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genderqueerdykes · 8 days
new items added to our Ko-fi shop!
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hello, i'm equinox. i'm a multiply disabled mixed black trans lesbian. i deal with schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, hypermobile ehlers danlos, degenerative disc disease, 2 unhealed injuries, and gastrointestinal issues. i am currently applying for disability, i got off the phone with disability determination earlier today. i have multiple appointments with GI specialists coming up very soon. i need help with income in the mean time. i currently have no other income aside from this. i am in need of transportation to appointments, i also need to get to my pharmacy to get my meds, groceries, cleaning and hygiene supplies, and more.
i'm currently saving up money for a procedure being done at the end of the month. i am having a colonoscopy and they are having me purchase gatorade and mirilax, instead of prescribing me something that's more effective. i also need to save for rent, which is $178/month in my place due to my low income.
feel free to ask any questions about these pieces or ask if customs are an option- they very well can be!
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