#feel free to ask qs
samglyph · 1 year
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Of these characters, who would you like to see in my art fight line up?
the top three will be included along with Steller and Pieridae, who because of main character rules are nonnegotiable.
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8pxl · 7 months
hi maybe a dumb question but i’ve gotten into pixel art and want to post it eventually, how do i make it so that the image i create (usually like 100x100) isn’t literally tiny when i post it? i know pngs are more pixel art friendly but that’s it. thx!
it depends on your program of choice but they should all have a built in tool to resize. when resizing you want to make sure you resize by 100%, usually i'll go 600%-800% larger for uploading. Another important thing to note when resizing it, make sure you select the 'nearest neighbor' method, thats what keeps pixels crispy and not blurry when resizing :)
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timetravellingkitty · 8 months
hi!! I just found out about tumblr having an anti-hindutva tag and I shall be making myself comfortable here! just found your account like a few mins ago and if it’s ok, i wanted to ask some questions (you absolutely don't have to answer if you don't like any of them or even if you don't feel like answering :) ) (edit added, this ask got way too long lol. feel free to skip it! also, you're kinda super cool lol)
I'm Indian, currently outside India, and I've only started learning about the shitshow going on in my 'mahaan bharat' since November (specifically since finding out that we are Irahell's biggest weapons buyer). and the more I find out the more shocked and heartbroken I feel...
like this week i learnt about the immigration ban in US against Chinese women that existed a few decades ago, and the ongoing discrimination against Palestinians in Canadian immigration services... and both the times I was so disgusted and there was this subconscious feeling that India should never be like that. but then an hour ago I learnt about the 2019 CAA and wtf!?
another example being that currently we're seeing israhell's continuous bombing of heritage sites of great cultural and religious significance, that also held so many centuries old records and histories... and learning about how they are bulldozing over graveyards and exhuming them...
and then today I learnt about Akhonji Masjid and Gyanvapi Masjid and of course have known about Babri Masjid for a few weeks now...
and only learnt about Kashmir in november...
and I feel like my whole worldview has shifted from a previous foundation, except it's so drastic and I still don't have a new foundation...
I try to talk to members of my family about this but they're the Indian equivalent of the U.S. liberals, and every single time they'll tell me "whatever news you're hearing is propaganda written by Pakistan/China/U.S./Russia. trust me I have Muslim friends and they're very happy. you just don't know the situation cause you're not in India" and like it sometimes make me think maybe I'm the one losing my mind...
I even read some places about free Punjab and that confused the fuck out of me cause I'm Punjabi (who does not live in Punjab) and I don't have any clue what it's about... I asked my fam, but they just gave me a weird look and told me to stay away from anyone that mentions Khalistan😭💀
(this got way longer than I expected, so sorry) but would you have any recommendations for any blogs/articles/books/podcast resources or any personal recommendations for news publications that are reliable (finding God would probably be easier than finding such publications lmao) like I thought Al-Jazeera is super credible, but then read that they're super credible when it comes to Palestine, not when it's global...
like where tf do I go from here lol
hello nonnie! some news sites I'd recommend are newslaundry (they have a youtube channel too), the wire, scroll.in and newsclick. maktoob media is mostly focused on minority rights in india. hindutvawatch.org is about hindu fascist violence committed against minorities. I still think you should stick to al-jazeera at least when it comes to palestine (they have journalists on the ground there, shireen abu akleh was one of them)
this is a good introduction to anyone wanting to learn about hindutva, this and this are about how india is becoming increasingly unsafe for minorites and is undergoing a democratic backsliding. this and this are about the rss link to nazism
hostile homelands by azad essa is about india's historical relationship with israel and the parallels between hindutva and zionism. the brown history podcast has an episode about how india went from the first non-arab state to recognise palestine to its largest buyer of weapons, featuring azad essa (x). you can also read colonising kashmir by hafsa kanjwal about how india came to militarily occupy kashmir. if you want to learn more about kashmir there are the blogs kashmiraction.org and standwithkashmir (which is um. blocked in india. i wonder why)
i have not read khaki shorts and saffron flags yet but this one is about the history of the rss. i also suggest watching the documentaries ram ke naam and jai bhim, comrade which are about the hindutva mobilisation in the 1980s
for me free punjab is very ?? the indian government is beyond evil as they continue to spy on sikhs abroad (and ofc, the 1984 sikh genocide) but i don't think liberation will be achieved through a religious ethnostate. any state formed on the basis of religion will inevitably turn out to be a disaster. i do encourage you to read lost in history: 1984 reconstructed by gunisha kaur, which is about the human rights violations committed against sikhs during this time and why operation bluestar was in fact not about freeing sri harmandir sahib from "terrorists." all i can say is to stand with sikhs unapologetically as our shitass government continues to commit more and more human rights violations against them
in general, i'd tell you to observe the language used by different news outlets and question it (eg. american news referring to israelis below the age of 18 as children but the same courtesy is not extended to palestinians) and check their sources. if it's from whatsapp university don't even bother
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pipsqueakparker · 12 days
ok but what dots did you connect in the oops flashbacks i"'m curious now
so here's my extensive personal analysis/breakdown of oops as it pertains to blitzø, fizz, and their history - i'll preface this by reminding you that i am just some silly little guy on the internet that loves to read into things
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first of all, the sheer fact that fizz knows exactly what to say to get under blitzø's skin speaks to just how close they were because even fifteen years later fizz knows what buttons to press to get a reaction. this isn't a revelation by any means, but just a bit that i wanted to include because as a writer i love the subtle power of one or two lines of dialogue - and i don't think fizz actually expected blitzø to fucking pounce but he probably should have lbh
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additionally, despite saying how much he fucking hates this guy, he is still extremely protective when striker gets his hands on fizz - and okay, i just thought the detail of him pushing fizz's head down so he doesn't get shot was just cute.
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okay, so yes - so far i have simply connected the very basic dots of irrefutable evidence that blitz and fizz were very close friends. but was it more? yes, absolutely. at the very least, we know blitz had feelings for fizz but i fully think that was reciprocated and even acted upon and here's my further evidence:
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I couldn't get a good screenshot, but the letter says 'FIZZ'S EYES ONLY' and it's sealed with a little heart and he has a little flower and he was about to give this to fizz for his birthday. blitz was coming with his little love letter, and it appears he made it all the way there with full intentions of handing that over to him - in front of other people. whatever they had, they at the very least weren't trying to hide it.
(and i'm so soft for the idea that this wasn't the first love letter he'd written to fizz, but i digress)
but in the moment just before...
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CASH LITERALLY HANDS FIZZ A CARD THAT SAYS 'WISH YOU WERE MY SON' - now, Blitz may not know what the card says, but i'm sure cash was never subtle about favorites. especially when his favorites were just whoever made him the most money, and we know fizz made him a nice chunk of change - especially in comparison to blitz, who, in cash's eyes, was probably worth even less than a crumpled up five and a slim-fit condom by this point.
here's where i've connected my dots - it gets long so i'm gonna pre-emptively stick a rea more here
something happened just before blitz got to the tent, he's rolling up, love letter in hand, probably got that goofy fuckin smile on his face because it's fizz's day and he's so excited to see fizz, when someone stops him. it could've been cash, it could've been barbie, it could've been some random fuckin guy on cash's payroll who was assigned the task of breaking blitz's fucking heart, but someone told him something.
there are... many possibilities, but here's what i've convinced myself the truth is - fizz was the fuckin' star, he was the One mostly likely to make it the fuck out, and everyone knew that including blitz - hell, blitz probably thought they could do it together, because he tried to hold on to that dream for himself as long as he possibly could. but someone - maybe fucking everyone, we don't know the general feelings on blitz pre-fire - told blitz that he was holding fizz back. not just once, but many times, spent as much time as they could convincing blitz that he was distracting fizz, that fizz wouldn't make it if blitz kept clinging on. that, ultimately, their relationship was going to be fizz's downfall. (and probably because they knew fizz was really fuckin soft for blitz and didn't think they could push him up any higher so long as he was determined to keep blitz by his side)
and i think he was caught just outside the tent with that letter, and reminded of that "fact".
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so this moment, witnessing this exchange, seeing fizz so fucking happy while he is left feeling like he is somehow ruining the person he loves? ripping away any chance for future success? i think he's already started feeling ashamed of himself here, and this anger is entirely towards himself, not fizz. so...
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yeah, he lashed out and accidentally set the tent on fire and the prophecy fulfills itself. by believing that bullshit, he truly "ruins" the person he loves. and his mom, what a horrible additional fact.
(but i pull this from blitz's reactions when fizz tells him that getting blown up did not ruin his life, and that actually because of what happened, he's ended up in a place so fucking good and with someone that makes him so fucking happy - even when he thought he truly fucked up fizz's life, he didn't ruin it.)
and it of course didn't stop there, because they were both being fed lies after the fire. "they" told blitz that fizz didn't want to see him, and 'they' were probably feeding fizz lies about blitz not caring enough to come, probably started feeding into fizz's whole idea of no one caring about him if he isn't useful or talented - because even blitzo left him once he was too broken and he never thought he'd lose blitzo.
(and my guess is that cash is at least one of the 'they's mentioned, judging from a screen cap from the trailer, when blitz is reliving his memory and we see cash outside of fizz's hospital room - and i would 100% believe that at the very least after the fire, barbie became one of the people pushing blitz away, too. i'm so curious about their relationship before the fire, when did they truly disintegrate?)
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anyway - this 'oooohh' could very well just be the realization of a horrible miscommunication, or it could be the realization of the lies that they were fed to keep them apart. it could be both.
(okay but imagine blitz bringing this all to therapy, god what a field day - as someone that just made up with a childhood best friend after we had a huge falling out in our teenage years, my therapist and i had such a time rehashing and healing some old wounds)
so, yes, from all of THAT it is very safe to assume that blitz and fizz were extremely close friends. at the very least, they were like besties 5eva.
however, i am telling you that these two fucking dated. and here is my supporting evidence:
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okay, this could also just be a TMI bestie thing but something tells me blitz made fizz watch his horse porn shows and there is nothing inherently platonic about that. i'm not saying you can't watch porn with your friends, but i am saying that if you're watching porn with your friend you at least wouldn't say no to fucking that friend. and it is valid to still hold a platonic relationship with that person! but...
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that's... a very fond and familiar look. that's a 'oh, we've been in this position before' and he's not mad about being back in it, that is a face that has been this intimately close with fizzarolli and is probably reliving all of those moments right now.
and yes, this can still be read as blitz just reliving his one-sided crush so let me just add on the final moment that cemented in my mind that they had already moved beyond mutual crushes...
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this is i think one of my favorite moments & you can't convince me that this is the first time blitz has ever said that. i mean look at their FACES. (yes it is a funny one-liner, but look, i'm here for the deep dive baby and i will read into every single detail)
and so here i'll also just give my little thoughts on this moment, because i don't think this is the first time blitz has said something along those lines and i want to believe it's actually a callback to a moment we haven't seen.
like maybe the moment after they've actually confessed their feelings to each other - fizz is probably a nervous fucking wreck, because maybe it was his idea to just tell blitzo how he feels and he blabbers on about it and keeps reassuring blitz that this doesn't have to change anything between them and actually if he wants they can both just forget this EVER HAPPENED because like, fizz would totally be okay with that if blitz doesn't feel the same way -
and as adorable as blitz finds fizz's nervous babbling, he does stop him because god of course he feels the same way, fizz is one of the single most important people in his life, and maybe he can't quite say that but he says something close. he says it how he can, and he's not good with words but he doesn't have to be because fizz gets it and fizz, overcome with relief and also probably just overwhelmed bc oh blitz likes him BACK? he just reaches out and hugs him because what the fuck else are you going to do? and maybe he's babbling again about how he didn't expect blitz to feel the same way, and he's lowkey pouring all of his insecurities out, and blitz hugs him back because he knows it'll calm him down and it does and they're just sitting there in each other's arms.
and blitz being blitz. well. he's gotta shoot his shot, and yes this is a very nice moment but... "would it totally fuck up the moment if we made out right now?"
and it kind of just became his thing when the emotions got too overwhelming of just suggesting they make out, because he doesn't know how to hold emotions unless he is actively letting it out physically. because blitz is bad at the words but good with the sex, and assumedly most other forms of physical intimacy.
so yes,
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pupkou · 1 month
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harriertail · 4 months
how do you keep the great light cast organized, with so many characters? im working on a warriors fic and im having trouble keeping it all straight. i appreciate any advice haha
bullet points
well. TGL has a smaller cast than my other OC stories so it was easier to keep track (+ everyone dies) I bullet point. I firstly make an allegiances (paper or digital) and bold the cats names for ease. then i add description (blue molly, big brown tabby, and add on any details i do - ie long tail, one white paw, scars over eyes) kinda like the wikia. actually the WC wikia is a great way to create character bios tbh. Then i add a short background/relations and just add on 'arcs' or character bits as i go. If they art important they make get their own page/section (OneNote or my physical A4 notebook) with headings etc. i dont really keep a character list + tons of description really. i kinda have to force myself too. for arcs i just do bullet points/flows so i put, as a super rough outline 'pinepaw is apprentice > mother dies, angry, blames woodclan > falls out with sister > bomb goes off >" and then add on more around it I'm not very good at condensing information, I like to write a lot of planning/notes so I don't miss anything. But start small/brief and add on. I find it easier to develop characters as the plot and scenes get planned out and i know what happens which influences what they will do/have done to them, which influences what happens. In my allegiances I also note who dies, is missing, gives birth, becomes a warrior, etc and which chapter that happens. Just keep a notebook
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cupofcrows · 10 months
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been meaning to get these character concepts out for like two years now lol, clerval and carmilla are velvet room attendants residing in goro akechi's velvet room, which takes the form of a court room, more concepts that i will probably take another year to draw content for but live rent free in my head 👍
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vigilskeep · 1 year
i think shadowheart and ur halfling should date they could argue abt which one is the better at their relationship w their god (hint: maybe ...neither? idk i just think itd be funny)
temasin: i mean i totally understand having a conflicted relationship with your god! i had a bit of an tiff with tymora after the whole ‘all my friends died’ bit haha. and you can see how well that’s going by my recent history of luck lmao
shadowheart: i don’t have a conflicted relationship
temasin: oh. you don’t. with... shar?
shadowheart: lady shar. yes.
temasin: .... huh!
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cryptidcaptain · 6 months
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comic main cast doodle sheet ❤️ I swear I will write this at some point I PROMISE-
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jtl07 · 1 year
What do you like best about each of your current favorite ships?
heyheyhey! i was actually pondering my fandom history recently so this is eerily on the same brainwave anon lol
currently on this pseud i'm still very much loving supercorp and avatrice and the thing that hits me with both of them is just the kindness and forgiveness they give each other and learn to give themselves, yknow? it's a very beautiful thing for both ships
for supercorp in particular, there's that element of each of them learning to grow past the horrible things they've done and actively choosing the light, and how they help each other in making that choice everyday. in my head there's this image of being able to set down one's burden, yknow? and as much as i wish they'd done the reveal differently in canon, there's something about them working through what they've both done to each other, as in, the forgiveness they give on a personal level too. i mean, how powerful is that, to be told, "i forgive you and i love you, even now, still"? it's moving in a humbling way, imo
for avatrice — and i feel like this also applies to supercorp but/and i feel it strongly with avatrice due to my personal feelings for the characters, particularly bea — it's how they each allay each other's fears (not by like, overcompensating but just by being fiercely present and truthful), which at its core is the acceptance of who they are, the love of who they are - without strings, without conditions, without shame. it's something like, "you're more than enough; no you're not too much; of course i choose you" along with this current of healing, yknow? it's something sacred in a way, to be able to provide healing, to allow yourself to be healed, to trust in the process of healing
ah idk if that was the kind of response you were looking for anon, i hope it made sense? very much appreciate the ask <3
(also while i'm here, thanks everyone for the kind support, both here on tumblr and on ao3 - it still blows my mind every time i see a like, a kudo, a reblog or a comment - truly, y'all are great)
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rainingincale · 10 months
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daftpatience · 1 year
WHATS YOUR FAVORITE FOUNTAIN PEN!!!!! I just got into them and they make my brain vibrate i spent all my money and bought 3!! a red lamy safari (it was like half off I had to) a jinhao shark pen (impulse buy) and a sailor fude nib! these were all within a day of receiving the first one because I instantly fell in love each time I got a new one. I'd love to know what one you use and if you use any for art? I'm moving to fountain pens to make sketching more fun so I don't have to take out a dip pen for fun ink colors but I haven't been able to find a pen with the same feel as a dip pen for my art so I'd love to know if you have any suggestions for that!! if anything like that even exists idk I'm very very new to this
OUUGH NICE!! i also have lamys and a jinhao shark (theyre so cute... how could i not) but omg i dream to own a sailor one day.
currently my faaaaavourite pen is my TWSBI ECO-T, but mainly because it's inked with pilot iroshizuku tsuki-yo and i'm really loving the colour!! as u can see i definitely am using my pens for art, hehe.
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next to that i always find myself reaching for my lamys (safari and nexx) and kaweco sport. heres my pen case because i wanna share hehee
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(im still waiting for the replacement barrel on that blue lamy)
as for switching from dip to fountain pens - i haven't had much experience with dip pens but i know that fountain pens tend to be made with thicker/stronger nibs and you're probably feeling a bit of that loss of flexibility and control. i'd suggest looking into soft and flex nib pens (though they can be on the more expensive side).
jetpens offers the pilot elabo (soft) and the opus 88 (flexi) but if anyone has more suggestions that are more affordable i (and probably anon!) would love to hear about them!!
ooh update: gouletpens has a whole flex nib category with some more options!!
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033h · 7 months
i’m moving to new york in like 5 months because i got a job offer and just kinda impulsively said yes… any advice for new ppl moving to new york :’) im kinda worried
first off congrats on the job!! That’s so exciting and will probably make things easier in a lot of ways, that was the hardest part of getting an apartment for me and the job market here (like most things) is pretty competitive.
That being said I highly recommend looking into what apartment hunting is like here well in advance. Not just researching neighborhoods (it’s good to check which trains go to where you work, if you’ll be going in) but also dealing with brokers fees and knowing what amenities you need, figuring out if you’ll want roommates, etc, since my experience was basically that you need to be ready to apply on the spot when you tour, especially in the summer. There’s a lot of resources and a whole Reddit page dedicated to renting here that I found pretty helpful. I had a sublet for 2 months so I could have time to find an apartment. Things on there go quickly but listings project can give you a good idea of what’s out there, I think I found my apartment on streeteasy but toured like 15 places altogether.
In terms of other things, you’ll figure out the trains and navigation with time. What I wish I had done differently is doing as much as possible with the initial inertia of when you first get here: reaching out to any connections, dating, buying crazy shit on Facebook marketplace, exploring neighborhoods. It’s totally overwhelming but also highly motivating because you aren’t grounded by anything yet. Once I got settled and more secure I definitely lost most of that energy and I wish I had done a bit more when I had it, I feel like I’m just now trying to explore on my own more months later. Oh and download the got2gonyc bathrooms google map, it will probably save ur life at some point.
Honestly everything else (friends, activities, go to spots) I’m still very much figuring out for myself! It’s a unique city from everywhere else I’ve lived and it’s normal to take a long time to adjust (again I still am). Say yes to any opportunity you can to meet new people and try new things. Read up on the history of where you live and the places you go and be mindful of others around you. I find that New Yorkers are not always “friendly” but tend to be mindful/look out for others and are quite willing to strike up a conversation, at least compared to the PNW where I’m from. In general, people are pretty open to meeting up but it can be hard to really get to know one person. Wishing you all the best with the move and again congrats 💓💓
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gaytkachuk · 7 months
Hey sorry i'm pretty new to tumblr and not part of any fandom ever so I had a dumb question. When you guys are talking about mattdrai and like narratives and stuff these are like fun fiction headcannons right & not what people actually think these guys are like irl? It's kinda all blurry to me and i'm just being nosey sorry!!! Feel free to ignore!!
they are barbies and im makin them kiss!
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rosyjuly · 1 year
hi rosy! i've been wanting to get back into reading actual books instead of fic because i used to read so much and now i kind of don't anymore. and i was wondering if you have any good book recs or books that have stood out to you in the past months/years? i'm pretty much up for anything and you seem like a really good person to ask 🫶
hiya anon! thanks for the question -- i used to be an avid reader basically up to uni, and then stopped reading for pleasure because of my assigned readings. and then when i picked up books in my free time, it was always something related to my studies to #advance my knowledge and at that point it was honestly dreadful. so don't make the same mistake: start whatever genre you like most! is it fantasy? romance? thriller? stick to that genre for the first few books that you'll read!
thinking of the most fun books i read the past years, one of the first books i got lost in once i finally had some free time for my actual hobbies was The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. it was really big around in the late 00-s but i was too young for it back then and then just never got around it (have no idea whether the movie is good), and the two sequels are also incredible. if you haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy, the books were sooooo well written and so much better than the films! i also absolutely loved Neil Gaiman's American Gods and also Nevermore (i actually liked both more than Good Omens). i just finished this week She Who Became The Sun and it was incredible! if you like something more melancholy, Swimming In The Dark was amazing, and if you're looking for something dark, dystopian then i can deffo recommend the Handmaid's Tale, and also the entire Arch of a Scythe series by Neal Shusterman. and if you want to start reading poetry, then my go-to would be Devotions or American Primitive by Mary Oliver :)
also if you're like me -- you might find that your attention span is worse than it used to be when you read a lot, and you'll start worrying whether you'll be able to get lost in books again. the answer is yes! not to sound like a boomer but screens and the tiktokification of the internet is indeed ruining our concentration, but it will totally get better with time. so be patient with yourself, try to get rid of distractions, and enjoy yourself!
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sundial-girl · 10 months
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me walking out of that exam knowing i prob bombed it
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